Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders (2001)

- What happened?
- I got a blast from something.
Hey! You're right!
It's over 120 on the meter!
I don't hear it anymore.
- What's going on?
- We just got a reading.
A loud one.
You're kidding.
Whatever it was, it's gone now.
I know you both want
to work another shift here...
...but I need to get some rest, too.
Well, we earned our pay
from Uncle Sam today.
Yeah, who knows?
We might have actually reached
someone out there.
Maybe they're already here!
Rock on, Scoob!
Would you guys mind keeping it down?
We're trying to get some sleep back here.
Like, we were gonna wake you up
anyway, Velma.
There's a town coming up
and we need to stop for some chow.
But we just had dinner two hours ago.
Yeah, but all this driving
is making me hungry.
Besides, that's like 14 hours in dog time.
This dust storm's really picking up.
Like, I can't see a thing!
What's with this road?
And what's with that sound?
Is everyone all right?
I'm okay.
What was that thing?
I don't know, but it sure was big.
Was it some kind of jet?
Not like any jet I've ever seen.
Did you see how fast it was?
Looks like the radiator's finished.
Now what?
That looks like a town.
Can't be more than a mile away.
You want us to walk
across the desert at night?
Well, I'm not going to carry you.
But there's snakes and stuff out there!
Yeah! Rattlesnakes.
I got an idea! How about if Scoob and I
stay to guard the Mystery Machine?
Yeah! Right!
That's a very brave thing to do, Scooby.
Thank you.
You're welcome!
All right, let's go.
We'll be back with some help.
And bring back some food, too!
I know where Velma
keeps the stash, Scoob!
Oh, boy!
Like, it's the last one!
- Let go!
- No! Mine!
No, it's mine!
C'mon, buddy. We'll split it 50-50.
A jackalope!
I thought those things were fake.
Me, too!
Put that down!
Come back here, you little horned thief!
Man, he's gone.
What's with that glow?
I don't know.
There's something creepy behind us,
isn't there?
Yeah. Real creepy!
Yeah, that's creepy all right.
Now what?
Aliens are after us!
Yeah! Aliens!
Aliens? I don't see anything.
It's true! They were green...
...and slimy and had big bug eyes!
They were eight feet tall and glowing...
...and had long creepy fingers...
Are those glazed?
So, what about these aliens?
No big deal, darlin'.
Lots of people have seen them.
Yeah, that's why
we all don't go out much after dark.
Have you seen them, too?
No, just the strange lights
and the funny sounds at night.
But he was taken aboard.
I told you they're real!
Them aliens are here
to take over the world!
That there's Lester. He's a little tetched.
Lester, I told you to keep it down
or you'll have to leave!
He thinks they experimented on him.
About a month ago, some local cattle
vanished overnight without a trace.
Yeah. A lot of folks moved out of town.
You like to eat, no?
Excuse me, but we understand
that you've had some contact with aliens.
That's right, young lady.
Took me aboard their ship, they did!
Sit 'er down.
The aliens look just like your friends said.
I was out one night...
... by Scorpion Ridge.
There was this loud humming sound.
And a bright light came up
from behind me.
And the light got brighter! And brighter!
Then I blacked out.
I woke up strapped to a cold metal table
inside a spaceship.
These aliens were looking down at me.
They stuck a bunch of wires to my head.
They told me not to worry
'cause they just wanted to ask me...
... some questions.
What kind of questions?
Like, who I was and what I'd seen
that night, but then...
And then what?
I don't remember much after that.
I woke up the next morning
outside my house.
Has anyone else in town
had this experience?
Don't know. If they had, they ain't tellin'.
That's creepy.
So you young ones better watch out...
...or they'll take you
aboard their spaceship, too.
Sorry, Dottie, it was an accident.
What a mess.
Don't worry, Scooby will take care of it.
Gotta be quicker
on the draw there, Scooby.
Serge, I finally met someone
who likes your cooking.
Very funny.
So, Lester, do you have any proof
that you were abducted?
Yes, I got pictures.
Could we see them?
Well, come on in.
Have you told the media
about your experience?
Yes. A number of times.
But they think I'm some kind of nut!
Be careful with that!
Is this the kind of spaceship you went on?
Yes! Something like that.
But you said you had pictures.
You bet I do! Lots of pictures!
I'm a landscape artist.
They're very nice, Lester.
Well, thank you. I been tryin'
to show people the danger out there...
...but no one is believin' me.
This looks like the ship we saw earlier!
- We don't even know we saw a ship.
- Well, we know we saw something.
What are these?
SALF dishes. The government put 'em up
about a year ago.
What are they for?
SALF means "Search for Alien Life Forms."
They send and monitor messages
to and from space...
...hoping to find intelligent life.
Ever since they built them dishes,
aliens started to show up.
And I know why!
- Why?
- To take over the world!
I think Lester's been out painting
in the sun too long.
Maybe, but there may be a connection
between those dishes and the aliens.
I think we should investigate.
I got more pictures in the back room.
You want to see 'em?
No, thanks. Is there a hotel in this town?
There ain't no hotel.
But you're welcome
to stay here for the night.
You're very kind, but...
You ladies can sleep in the back room.
Used to be the kids'...
...'til they moved out.
And you, young fella...
...can sleep on the couch.
What about us?
Don't worry. I've got a place for you, too.
But quit touching my stuff!
It's pretty groovy up here.
Yes, it's nice, ain't it?
You boys get a good night's rest.
Thanks, Les.
Sorry, Scoob.
Turn out that nightlight, Scoob.
- Shaggy!
- Not now, Scoob.
I gladly accept the position of food critic
for your magazine.
Let us go!
We taste terrible!
We are all stringy.
Yeah! Stringy.
Do not fear us, Earth creatures.
It's too late for that!
Come on, guys! Don't you need
to phone home or something?
Cooperate and you will not be harmed.
You will be released after questioning
and physical examination.
Sorry. But our health plans
don't cover physicals.
A little help here, Scoob!
Hey, man, are you all right?
Where are we?
You're out in the middle of nowhere, man.
Like, what are you guys doing out here?
Hi. You okay?
Yeah. Thanks.
You didn't see any...
Any what?
Never mind. Must have been
a nightmare or something.
- Right, Scoob?
- Right?
Want some water?
Thanks. What are you doing out here?
I'm a freelance photographer.
Amber and I are shooting
some desert wildlife for a magazine.
Cool. Hey, we saw a jackalope last night.
A what?
You know, it's like a rabbit with antlers.
You're funny.
Aliens, too!
You understand him?
Clear as crystal, and that's my name, too.
I'm Crystal.
- What's your name?
- Norville.
But everyone calls me Shaggy.
And that's Scooby-Doo.
Groovy names.
"Groovy?" Crystal, you're talkin' my lingo.
So, can you show us
where you saw the jackalopes and aliens?
I think so,
but we've got to find our friends first.
- You guys want a lift?
- Sure.
Scoob, old buddy, I don't know about you...
...but I think I just found my dream girl.
Me, too!
- Come on!
- We're coming!
You've got a groovy set of wheels, Crystal.
You sure have a lot of stuff.
Tell me about it.
It's all my photography gear.
What's this?
Sorry. Those are Amber's dog biscuits.
Mind if I take one?
Sure. Scooby will love...
It's for you?
You're a riot!
You think your friends are here already?
We can't think of anywhere else they'd be.
They could've at least waited for us.
You know how those two get
when they're hungry.
- They're not here.
- Good mornin', y'all.
How'd you sleep last night, dumplin'?
Did you dream about me?
Did I dream about...
If you were in that dream,
it'd be a nightmare.
No one's talkin' to you, Serge.
Where do you suppose those two went?
I think I know.
Who's that?
Some kind of nature photographer who
has been hanging around since last week.
- Where have you guys been?
- And who was that girl?
Her name's Crystal.
She's wonderful.
And is her golden retriever
"wonderful," too, Scooby?
Okay, what's it gonna be?
- How about you, hon?
- Nothing for me.
Me, either.
Are you guys serious?
I think they're seriously in L-O-V-E!
Just bring us
four Ranch Breakfasts, Dottie.
You got it.
I said, where did you meet them?
- Who?
- Crystal and her dog.
They found us.
Out in the middle of the desert.
What were you doing out there?
Oh, yeah!
I think Scooby and I were abducted
by aliens last night.
Unless Scoob and I had the same dream.
It was horrible.
Tastes better than it looks, hon.
We woke up to a bunch of aliens
on a spaceship.
Did they experiment on you?
We don't remember.
I wonder why
those kids are sticking around town.
Relax, Serge. They're just passing through.
You're so suspicious.
I don't know, guys. Are you sure
you didn't see a mirage or something?
Freddy, we all saw the spaceship.
We don't know what that was.
It could have been a new kind of jet.
Well, we didn't just imagine
what happened to us.
Right, Scoob?
Right, Shaggy!
They didn't hurt you guys, did they?
I don't think so...
...then later we meet Crystal and Amber.
Alien mind control.
It's mind control, all right. But not "alien."
See you at lunch, handsome.
Quit scaring the customers!
Shut it, Serge!
You have a nice day now!
See you later, Lester.
- Where's Scoob and Shag?
- They're still in the restroom.
- Still?
- Here they come.
This is a new look.
Yeah, you look different.
I've never seen you with your hair combed
or your shirt tucked in.
We just thought we'd freshen up a bit.
Right, pal?
That's right!
You look very refreshed, Scooby.
Come on, let's find a service station
and get our van fixed.
What's that smell?
Just some cologne they had
in the restroom.
What do you need?
Hi. I was wondering if you had time
to fix our van.
- It's stuck out in...
- I'm busy.
Maybe if you could...
I already saw your van
out by Scorpion Ridge.
Your radiator's shot.
- Yeah.
- What were you doing out there, anyway?
We got lost in a dust...
I'll tow it in and work on it when I can.
Great. Thanks.
That was pleasant.
Yeah. He's a real Prince Charming.
- Hey, there.
- Hello.
You folks own that green van
outside of town?
Boy, everyone seems to know
about our car troubles.
It's a pretty small town. Besides, you can
see that paint job from miles away.
I guess you're right.
You work on those SALF dishes?
Yes. The name's Max.
I work at the station.
We're monitoring the cosmos
I'm Fred, and this is Daphne, Velma,
Shaggy and Scooby.
- Nice to meet you all.
- Your work sounds interesting.
Actually, it's pretty boring.
Most of the time we just listen to static.
Ever make any contact?
Not yet, but we're hoping!
Do you ever give tours?
No one's ever asked,
but I'd be happy to show you around.
We never get visitors. Let me pick up
some oil here and I'll drive you over.
- Need any help?
- Sure, thanks.
That's a lot of oil there, Max.
Yeah, the radio dishes take up a lot.
I got oil on my shirt!
Here, Shaggy!
Oh, brother.
- You guys ready to show us the jackalope?
- Sure thing, Crystal!
Scoob and I are gonna hang
with them for a while.
Catch you guys later.
They say there's someone out there
for everyone.
Even Shaggy and Scooby.
Well, this is about where Scoob
and I first saw the big jackalope.
Now it's "the big jackalope."
Scooby Dooby Doo!
You are one funny cat, Shaggy.
Where did you say
you saw this giant jackalope?
Over there.
You're going in there?
Come on, Shaggy.
I want a shot of that jackalope.
But that's where we saw the aliens.
Yeah! Aliens!
The big aliens?
As a matter of fact, they were.
I don't think we should...
Come on, old buddy. The girls need us.
All right!
We collect signals
from dozens of stars a week.
It's all channeled through here
where the data is recorded.
It's the biggest collection of static
in the US!
Steve thinks it's boring work.
And he's right!
But if there's even a tiny chance
of making contact with alien intelligence...'ll be worth a truckload of boredom.
The locals seem to think
aliens are being attracted by your dishes.
That's ridiculous. They forget
to lock their corrals at night...
...and try to blame aliens
for their missing livestock.
The government even sent an investigation
team to look into this "alien presence."
Yeah, they're the ones
who put up that fence at Scorpion Ridge.
What are they doing in there?
Who knows? Wasting government money.
Unlike us?
So, what brings you to town?
Car trouble.
We got lost and banged up our van.
That's too bad.
But Buck is a good mechanic.
He'll have you out of here in no time.
Where's your other friend and his dog?
On a date.
This place is so beautiful.
I'll say.
Yeah. Beautiful.
Thanks for bringing us. Even though
we didn't see any jackalopes.
Sure, Crystal.
I was wondering...
...if you had a boyfriend.
As a matter of fact, I don't.
Oh, good, 'cause I thought that maybe...
What are you doing here?
Just taking some wildlife photos.
You can't do that!
What kind of fancy camera is this?
- It's digital.
- You aren't supposed to be in here.
This area is
under government investigation.
Okay! Let's go!
Why? What's going on?
We're looking into alien abductions.
That's a good reason to leave.
- We should put you all under arrest.
- But we're going to give you a break.
Next time, we aren't going to be so nice.
Now, move out!
And take your dogs with you!
Dogs? Where?
Come on, let's go.
- Bunch of hippies.
- I wish we really could bust them.
- Hang on.
- What?
- What are you doing?
- I want to go back.
What for?
Shaggy, I have a confession to make.
You got a boyfriend?
No, nothing like that.
I'm not really a nature photographer.
- You're not?
- No.
I'm really a government agent.
I was sent by the government
to investigate alien sightings in this area.
I knew this was too good to be true.
We need your help.
I hope this doesn't change anything
between us.
Amber is a government-trained canine,
Scooby. Is that all right?
Then you guys will help us?
You guys are the coolest!
Thanks for showing us around, Max.
No problem.
It was nice to meet people who think
we're doing something worthwhile.
- It's Lester.
- We'll catch a ride with him.
Okay. Well, it was nice meeting you all.
Same here, thanks.
Bye-bye. Thanks.
What are you kids up to?
Just taking in the sights.
Can you give us a lift to Scorpion Ridge?
Why, sure. Hop in.
I was headed in that direction
to do some painting anyway.
They sure were nice back there.
I don't know if I could do a job like that,
day in and day out.
- Maybe they can't either.
- What are you talking about?
Did you notice that
they all had dried mud on their shoes?
Come to think of it, yeah.
Yeah. So?
Where would there be mud around here?
Especially if you work in that clean facility
all day and night.
Good point.
And all that motor oil
Max said was for the SALF dishes...
It's the wrong kind for hydraulics.
That's right.
Do you think they're up to something?
I'd bet my teeth on it!
Looks like they're headed
for Scorpion Ridge.
I wonder what they're looking for.
You'd better call it in.
- What are we supposed to be looking for?
- Don't really know. Clues, I guess.
Where did you and Scooby
first see the aliens?
Over there.
That's where the jackalope went in
and we saw a glow inside.
A glow?
I guess that's a clue?
I don't see any glow.
- Maybe you can't see it during the day.
- I thought I heard something.
Over here.
Kind of like being
on a buckin' bronco, eh, girls?
- Yeah!
- Kind of.
How you doing back there, young fella?
Just great.
Couldn't be better.
Isn't that the mechanic we saw earlier?
Mr. Sunshine?
Have you had a chance
to look at our van yet?
No. I'll get to it this afternoon.
Okay. We'd sure appreciate it. Thank you.
- I think he was much nicer this time.
- What is he doing out here?
I don't know, but he sure is suspicious.
I don't trust him. He's a little tetched.
I know I heard something.
A rattler!
I hate this place! Come on.
That was a close one.
Far out! Do that again, Scooby!
I'm telling you, we make a great team.
I hear that.
Okay, that's enough, Scoob.
Quit trying to scare...
Come back!
The snake is harmless!
Watch out for them MPs around here.
They're meaner than a bull with toothache.
Thanks for the warning.
And the ride!
- No problem.
- 'Bye.
Did you notice the green paint
on Lester's hands?
Well, he is a painter, Freddy.
Why did you want him to drop us off here?
I think those SALF scientists
were near water.
Because they had dried mud
on their shoes, right?
Right, and the only place I think
that would have mud is the gorge.
There might be a river at the bottom.
What are we waiting for? Let's go.
- I think I see something ahead.
- Like, the exit, I hope.
That's the glow we saw last night.
Right before the aliens!
Come on, guys. Quit fooling around!
- Wait for us!
- Yeah! Wait!
I don't see any water.
So much for my theory!
Looks like the river's been dry for years.
Are those tracks?
Yeah, sure looks like it.
These rocks are wet!
Where did these piles come from?
Let's see.
Looks like some kind of mine.
This looks familiar.
Looks like you were right, Velma.
There's definitely something going on here.
- What is it, Velma?
- I think it's...
Scoob, old buddy,
I think we've hit the jackpot!
We're rich!
We can buy our own food court!
Yeah! Scooby Snax, too!
Scooby Snax? Hey buddy,
with this much gold, we can buy...
...a Scooby Snax Factory!
Yeah! Yeah!
...I hate to break the news to you but...
Man. It looks like someone else
was here first!
Looks like it.
There goes our Scooby Snax Factory.
So, who do you think owns all this gold?
Aliens? What would aliens want
with gold?
Ask them, Shaggy.
- You monsters!
- You won't get away with this!
Silence, earthlings!
You should not have interfered.
You can give up
the hokey alien charade now, Steve.
You figured it out?
Wasn't hard.
It doesn't matter now.
Why would scientists like you do this?
Are you kidding? Do you have any idea
how much gold is down here?
You three give scientists a bad name.
You should be doing your jobs
instead of looking for gold.
I was doing my job
when I stumbled onto this mine.
What do you mean?
One day I was looking for a site
to place a fourth SALF dish...
... at the east end of Scorpion Ridge...
... when I stumbled on an opening
to a small cave.
We went back later with some equipment
and explored the cave.
I'm sure you can guess what we found.
The mother of all mother lodes!
And best of all,
no one knew about it but the three of us.
But I still don't see
how you could have dug all this out.
We didn't.
This was a mine in the 1800s.
It was abandoned when the miners thought
it was all played out.
If they'd have dug ten more feet...
...they would have discovered all this gold.
Their loss is our gain.
We found that these caverns run
from Scorpion Ridge to the SALF Station.
But since all this property belongs
to the government...
We decided to mine it for ourselves
and not report it.
We hired two friends to help us
fence off the area as government property.
The fake MPs?
They guard the area
while we mine the caves in shifts.
And you keep your easy jobs
at the SALF Station.
You're pretty smart, Velma.
Too bad you've made your last deduction.
Are you all right, Scooby?
I don't know why worms like this stuff.
That was one mean slide!
I'll say. Where are we anyway?
So what's with the alien costumes?
Something to scare the locals
so they don't come snooping around.
It also explains the mysterious sounds
of our drilling and blasting.
But the townspeople said
they saw spaceships.
We bought this chopper
with some of the gold money.
And we dressed it up to look like a UFO.
It's amazing what a few lights
and a Hollywood sound effects CD can do.
How do you like our spaceship interior?
Everyone falls for it.
Especially your friends.
It's a sweet setup.
We even make money off the cattle
we steal at night to spook the local yokels.
See? I knew it was all a fake!
It doesn't help you now.
Let's get out of here.
We came to see if you're all right.
Yeah. We didn't want anything
to happen to you.
That we wouldn't do ourselves.
Stand back! We're warning you!
Don't hurt us.
What are you going to do?
We know stuff.
Get out of the way!
- What happened?
- I don't know!
You frightened them off! It was great!
- Like, we did?
- We did?
You guys are real tigers
when you want to be.
I guess so!
They knew better than to mess
with Scooby-Doo and the Shagman!
Yeah, cool!
- That sounded like the girls!
- Yeah!
Let's go!
Nothing personal.
You just know too much.
Yeah, that's always our problem.
Aliens! We saw aliens!
What are you guys talking about?
We're the aliens, you idiots.
There! There they are!
Yeah, I see. You two have been breathing
the fumes from the equipment too long!
Go get them!
It must have been a trick. Come on!
Stand aside, ladies. This is man's work.
Yeah, man's work.
But Shaggy...
I see you came back
for another painful lesson.
Now we're going to give you
a real reason to scream.
I don't believe it!
Real aliens!
- Let's get out of here!
- Hang on!
If we captured those aliens,
it would be worth more than all this gold.
- You know, I think you're right.
- Come on!
Get away from us!
Go help the guys.
I've got it under control.
Those aliens are Crystal and Amber!
What are you talking about?
Look at them!
Those are the girls!
Those two clowns can't help you.
- Careful with that!
- I'm trying to help you, idiot!
Scooby Dooby Doo!
Look out!
Excuse me!
Come on!
Let's get out of here!
Not so fast, Stevie-boy!
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
I don't get it? You're aliens?
I have another confession.
I know, you're not a government agent.
Actually we are, but not from Earth.
We were sent by our world
to investigate signals from your planet.
Transmitted from the SALF Station.
- You can talk?
- Yes, quite well.
Dig that, Scoob! A talking dog!
Imagine that.
We first homed in
on your television signals sent years ago.
Sure. That's why you're disguised
the way you are.
The television broadcasts
you picked up were sent back in the '60s!
We thought all earthlings dressed this way.
Why mess with a classic look?
Here's our ride.
I hope you can forgive us for deceiving you.
Yeah, like, we understand.
You really are a groovy guy, Shaggy.
I hope you will always think of me as...
...a friend.
Of course, Crystal. I just wished that...
Well, you know.
I'm looking for someone, too,
but they say long-distance relationships...
...never work out.
Goodbye, Scooby. I'll never forget you.
Me, too, Amber.
Thanks, everyone.
We had a great adventure...
...and made new friends.
We would've gotten away with it, too.
If it wasn't...
Quiet you!
Well, that's it for now. We'll be in contact.
- Well done. Thank you.
- No problem.
So, there were never any aliens?
There were! We saw them!
They were big and...
Give it a rest already!
No one's ever going to believe us.
- Yeah. We don't have any proof.
- I've got pictures.
You do?
Yes. I'll show you.
They're back at my place.
- Now they'll believe us!
- Yeah.
- Maybe we can get a book deal!
- Our luck's changing!
I know our luck's changing.
Okay, you're all set. The radiator patch
will hold 'til you get to the city.
That'll be $30.
Great, thanks.
By the way, what were you doing
out there in the desert yesterday?
It's just a little hobby of mine.
I collect pressed flowers.
- They're very pretty!
- Really nice!
I'm keeping it quiet 'cause
when people think you're soft...
...they walk all over you.
Good idea! Absolutely! You're right!
He is a sweetheart.
I hope the guys aren't taking it too hard.
When I said there's someone out there
for everyone, I didn't mean "out there."
Ready, guys?
You guys okay?
We're just completely destroyed, that's all.
Yeah, destroyed.
I know, but you'll get over it.
But it's gonna take a long, long time.
Oh, guys! You missed one.
- Hey! It's mine!
- No, mine!
Well, that didn't take long!
- Hey! Let go!
- No! Mine!
Let go of my hand!