Scooby Doo and the Robots (2011)

MAN 1:
Who are these guys?
COLD STEEL: All your valuables
in the sacks, ladies and gents...
...and nobody gets hurt.
MAN 2:
Not so fast, partner.
Nice of your Uncle Karl to buy us
train tickets for this trip, Freddy.
"Cyber Gulch, where we make your
wildest Wild West fantasies come true."
Oh, boy. Stacks and stacks of
chuck-wagon flapjacks, here we come.
Flapjacks. Yummy.
"Thanks to modern technology
and the latest in robotics...
...we will re-create a living wild
and woolly Western weekend."
This is gonna be the most
exciting weekend I planned...
...since Fantasy Elvis camp.
- By far.
It had me all shook up, man. Yeah.
Look, Scoob, tofu burgers.
- Are we there?
- I don't think so.
I wonder what happened.
BANDIT: All your valuables in the sacks,
ladies and gents...
...and nobody gets hurt.
Like, no bad guy's gonna rob
my pickle peanut-butter sandwich.
No bad guy's gonna rob anything.
Nothing to worry about, folks.
Everything is all right now.
Except for this.
"Your first Cyber Gulch authentic
experience in your weekend package:
A genuine simulated train robbery."
Freddy, they're just robots.
Oops. Heh. My bad. Heh.
Sorry, fellas.
Greetings, folks. Right this way.
Welcome to Cyber Gulch and the
Western weekend you will never forget.
Incredible. This one is so lifelike.
Ow. Stop that, please.
I happen to be a real person.
They should wear labels.
In fact, I am the only human citizen
of Cyber Gulch...
...that you will encounter this weekend.
Everyone else will be my inventions.
I call them manimatrons.
Best get yourselves onboard now.
Next stop, Cyber Gulch Hotel.
They are programmed to re-create the
most rip-roaring Wild West adventures.
That's their lingo for "sweet."
Why do I suddenly feel saddle-sore?
You have free run of everywhere
in Cyber Gulch.
Oh, except for one place, that is.
You must never ever go
beyond Black Rock.
- Like, why?
- No human...
...has ever come back from there alive.
Good enough for me.
Yeah, me too.
Now, keep calm there, buckaroos.
It's just a rattler.
Zoinks! Just a rattler?
Well, there's nothing to fear as long as
the horse don't run off, of course.
Hey, like,
I left my stomach back there.
I might be needing that.
I can't stop him.
The mangy cayuse is out of control!
- Golly.
- Jeepers.
Well, howdy, folks.
I'm the sheriff of Cyber Gulch.
John Lawman's the handle.
Thank you for saving us, sheriff.
All in a day's work, ma'am.
In fact, I do that rescue
every day at 4.
Whoa! This place is gonna be
rip-roaring rooting-tooting.
Well, you better believe it, pilgrim.
And you can always count on me
to scrape you folks out of any danger.
Any danger.
Any danger.
Any danger.
Any danger, any danger, any danger.
Then I sure hope we're never
in any real danger.
Here we are, buckaroos.
Welcome to our home on the range.
Look, Scoob.
Nice hotel.
Cowboys didn't sleep in hotels.
They slept on their horse.
They weren't even cowboys.
They were horsemen.
Hi. Are you real or a robot?
Real, of course.
Can you believe it?
Robots in the West.
They didn't even have
electric lights until 1902.
Leora Lasswell,
professional Western authenticator.
And I am here to tell you that nothing
Western around here is authentic.
But it's all in fun for our fantasies.
Well, my fantasy is to find one thing
in this place that actually happened.
Otherwise, it's just another
Western myth and should be shut down.
You think they actually had
little ponies on their boots?
They'd have been laughed
right out of the saloon.
If they had saloons.
I wonder if there are any other
fun guests at this hotel?
Hello, Velma.
Gibby Norton?
What are you doing here?
I came for a little excitement.
Looks like I hit the jackpot.
- Don't bet on it.
- Ha-ha-ha.
Always so clever.
Well, save a hoedown for me.
- They didn't have hoedowns.
You only say that when
there's something suspicious going on.
Whenever Gibby Norton's around,
there's something suspicious going on.
Well, uh, partners, let's get trotting
to our Wild West fantasies.
You mean it gets better than this?
Whoa! Hey!
Whoa! Ahh!
Came from Alabama
With a banjo on my knee
And I'm goin' to California
My true love for to see
Oh, Susanna, don't you cry for me
'Cause I'm goin' to California
With a banjo on my knee
Oh, Susanna, don't you cry for me
'Cause I'm goin' to California
With a banjo on my knee
Oh, Susanna, don't you...
Giddyup, little doggies.
They said that Chuck Wagon Chuck
was flipping flapjacks down the road.
I hope they meant this road.
Yeah. Me too.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
They never said "yeehaw."
This madness has to stop. Huh?
Jeepers, what's going on?
Looks like some galoot didn't pay
this here month's electric bill.
These cowpokes don't seem
to take to water.
Yep, it's suddenly a ghost town
around these here parts...
...if robots can have ghosts.
We need to find that scientist,
Dr. Fleg...
...who seems to have
conveniently disappeared.
Well, partners, looks like we've got
another mystery on our cow hands.
What's that? I think I see a light
coming from up the street.
Let's check it out.
- Do you smell flapjacks, Scoob?
- Uh-uh.
And if anyone knows
how to smell flapjacks, it's us.
- Uh-huh.
- So either Chuck Wagon Chuck...
...has chucked his wagon...
...or we're lost.
A robot graveyard.
We're very, very lost.
Darn. Not that. Sorry.
Definitely not that. Darn.
- Gibby Norton?
- Hello, Velma.
What the heck is going on here?
This is the control room
for all of Cyber Gulch. Cool, huh?
I was fooling with this
and all the lights went out.
Why were you fooling around?
The scientific mind is ever curious.
I got everything going but the lights.
Here they come again.
- Dang.
- Gibby, stop it.
Eh? Wha...?
Now, where was it that scientist said
we should never ever go?
Oh, yeah, that's it.
SHAGGY: The only thing worse
than seeing crashed robots... seeing live crashed robots.
Who knows what harm
you've done, Gibby?
We've gotta shut down
this control panel.
It's no use. I tried everything.
There's no way to stop it.
Amazing. Whoever did that
is a scientific genius.
Thank you.
Now, Gibby, tell us what
you were trying to do here.
That's for me to know
and you to find out. Bye, Velma.
Look at this. It's really weird.
That's Dr. Fleg,
the scientist who runs this place.
VELMA: He seems to be working
on a way to replicate himself.
Creepy. Is he mad?
He looks pretty happy in the drawing.
What are you kids doing in my lab?
On second thought, I'll go with mad.
We were just trying to find out
why the lights all went out.
Well, you don't belong in here.
Before we leave, as paying guests
at this not-so-inexpensive resort...
...I think you owe us
some sort of explanation.
I don't owe you anything.
But I suppose it's only right...
...that you be warned.
- Warned?
Some of my manimatrons,
a robot called Cold Steel...
...and his band of desperadoes,
have gotten out of my control.
They've turned unthinkably evil.
I'll have to close down Cyber Gulch.
You can't do that. Hey, we'll help you
find out what's going on.
I thought I deactivated them...
...but suddenly they're up
and running again.
Hungry for fresh energy drained
out of living humans.
Shaggy and Scooby.
We've got to find them right now.
- All the robot cowboys seem to be gone.
- Well, maybe they're just on a break.
Shaggy and Scooby
are in that jailhouse.
- Our heroes.
- What happened?
Scary, creepy cowboy robots
stuck us in here.
Like, at sunrise something horrible
is gonna happen to our brains.
Not if we can help it.
I'll look around for a cake
with a file inside.
Better yet...
...tweezers and a stale taffy bar.
- And you're out.
- You should patent those things.
That's them. The mechanical maniacs.
Hold it. Stop what you're doing. Now!
They're your robots.
Please stop them!
They're not responding.
They can no longer be controlled.
My creations are rebelling.
No. No.
You can't turn on your own creator.
You can't have my brain.
You can't have my brain!
What are they going to do?
Anything they want.
Well, hang on there, pilgrims.
That's no way to treat stranger folks.
Come on. Time to get
the heck out of Gulch.
Hyah! Hyah!
Who do you think is behind
those malicious marauders?
It could still be the scientist.
He's just nuts enough.
How about
that cow-hugging historian?
Or sneaky little Gibby Norton.
I'd love it to be him.
Those low-down polecats
are on our trail.
Zoinks! Do you think these horses know
the way to Alaska?
They'd be rode too hard.
We'll catch the train to Sedona...
...get help from real live people
and come back to solve this mystery.
Like, at least those robot rough-guys
didn't follow us into the river.
Hmm. I believe I'm close to solving
the mystery of Cyber Gulch.
FRED: Be very quiet. The rocks up there
don't look too steady.
We haven't seen those demented droid
desperadoes in over an hour.
Do you think we've left them behind?
I hope, I hope, I hope.
Me too, me too, me too.
They're definitely not behind.
Thanks, Scoob.
Like, that's what I call a rock concert.
Fred, quick. Plan? Run? What?
Wow, Freddy.
Yeah. Learned that at the Elvis camp.
Course, the King did it
while holding a guitar.
Sheriff Lawman. How did you find us?
Been tailing Cold Steel and his men.
Finally paid off.
Well, you can relax, sheriff.
We vamoosed those psychotic cyborgs.
Sorry, folks. Y'all have to come with me
back to Cyber Gulch.
- Like, why?
- It's my sworn duty to protect the town.
You came there
and destroyed the peace.
And now you're wanted dead or alive.
Well, in that case, I vote for alive.
What do you have against us?
Well, little missy...
...since you were caught
at the ranch-house laboratory...'s gotta be you folks
who reactivated those vicious varmints.
That's a crime in Cyber Gulch.
But we didn't. You have to believe us.
We're innocent.
Frontier justice will decide that.
Out here it's short and swift.
Oh, stop that. It's a Western clich.
And so is kangaroo-court justice.
Release them at once.
No can do, ma'am.
They need to be locked up.
They caused a lot of trouble hereabouts.
- But we didn't.
- Don't worry, Velma.
I'll wait for you till you get out.
Eat water, sheriff.
- Dr. Fleg is a robot?
- Apparently so.
It became obvious that water
shorts the cybernetic circuits.
So if Fleg's not human,
then who built the robots?
Sheriff Lawman didn't spark.
He's very human.
It's true. I created Dr. Fleg
and every manimatron in town.
And you didn't do it just so people
could have a vacation weekend.
I reckon not, little missy.
Years ago I was a skinny kid,
Myron Scrum...
... the class computer nerd
that everyone always picked on.
Well, I had to do something about it.
So one day my inventions allowed
that I could create Cyber Gulch Resort...
... and spend the rest of my life
saving people every day...
...being the town hero.
Well, who created those bad guys?
I'm afraid I did that too.
Made Cold Steel and his men
tough and challenging... make my rescues necessary.
I guess I did too good a job.
They got out of control.
I shut them down after the last attack
on some tourists.
And they never
would have been reactivated...
...if you kids hadn't been meddling
around my ranch-house lab.
- I wasn't meddling there.
- Me neither.
- Were you meddling?
- Not me.
- Not me.
- For once, none of us were meddling.
Well, somebody was.
So you were in that lab trying to find
the secrets of the animatronics here.
A Gibbyland theme park?
He was trying to impress Velma.
Gibby, I wouldn't be impressed
even if you came up with a robotic me.
- Aha!
- Don't get any ideas.
Well, buckaroos...
...sorry your fantasies got a little
bushwhacked because of mine.
Good luck with Cyber Gulch, sheriff.
Or as we cowpokes say, "Happy trails."
Yes. The world can always use
one more hero.
Well, I'm much obliged to you kids.
In fact, I'd like to leave Scooby here...
...with a little something
I whipped together.
B- doo! B-doo!
B- doo! B-doo!
Aww. It's so cute.
[English - US - SDH]
ANNOUNCER [OVER PA]: A legendary
Driver Champ Truman...
...heads down Gainesville's back straight
at over 220 miles an hour.
You're a surgeon
with a screwdriver, Steve.
You got this heap of metal running
quicker than a bunny stealing carrots.
Uh, Champ, I'm not gonna let anyone
outrace you tomorrow.
That trophy is...
You know what, Champ?
I think this is gonna be your final lap.
Need a lift?
- Sandwich?
- Scoob, I'm driving a racecar.
There's no possible way I can eat a...
Like, maybe just a bite.
Are you okay, Shaggy?
Car's driving like a dream.
DAPHNE: How's it going, Velma?
- Quiet.
Great. Now I have to start
my safe-driver checklist all over.
Hands position, check.
Mirrors, check.
Breathe. Check.
Velma, you're doing great.
Tell me again why
I have to drive instead of Fred?
I have to practice
for this weekend's race.
Tomorrow's Gainesville 500
is the biggest race I've ever qualified for.
And reset.
Let's get to work, guys.
I want every inch of this racecar
checked, cleaned...
...filled, lubed, bolted,
tightened and polished.
- Let's go.
- Scoob and I will get the tool chest.
DAPHNE: Careful, Shaggy, it's...
- Heavy.
You're a crew chief?
You got everything there
but blow dryers, girly-girl.
Mike Fury's my name,
and you watch yourself around here.
I'm crew chief for the Ricky Burdick.
- Who?
- Who?
Ah, you'll learn his name when you
see it on top of the leader board.
Nobody's beating my driver.
That guy's a couple quarts short
of an oil change.
How's the car, Fred?
Fantastic, Daph.
- It's as smooth as...
Or should I say, goodbye?
Daphne, your voice sounds
kind of funny.
Do you have a cold, or...? Oh, gee.
Jinkies! What is that thing?
It's either a monster truck
or a truck monster.
And, like, I don't know
which is worse.
Step on it, Fred!
Come on, gang.
Let's get that scurrying skeleton.
Where did he go?
Well, if it ain't my good buddy Fred.
It's Burr Batson.
We raced against him in Mexico
at the Enduro Slam 5000.
Any chance you own a skeleton suit?
Nice try, little lady...
...but Burr Batson has nothing to do with
the truck that's been haunting this track.
- Haunting?
- Oh, yeah.
That ghost driver's
been smashing up cars pretty bad...
...knocking the best drivers
out of the race.
Heck, old Champ Truman retired
after what happened to him.
But don't worry, Fred.
That skeleton driver's
not going after the amateurs.
Jeepers. Maybe it's too dangerous
for you to race this weekend, Freddy.
Like, yeah. The only race we should do
is race the heck out of here.
- Uh-huh.
- Hang on, guys.
I've been training for months.
That trophy is mine.
Well, then that means
we have a mystery to solve.
Oh, great. Not only do we have
to deal with a spooky skeleton...
...but this one's got a driver's license.
DAPHNE: So where's our hotel?
- We're staying here, at the track.
Because there's a hotel here
I just can't see yet? Please?
FRED: The Mystery Machine
now sleeps five...
...thanks to a few modifications I made.
Check it out. Our new bedrooms.
Whoops, wrong button. Hello, bedrooms!
I meant to label these things, really.
Could be a wiring problem.
See? Bedrooms for five...
...and everything goes back
into place at the push of a button.
- Hmm. I wonder what that did.
- Let's not find out.
Hi, kids. Are you big racing fans?
- Sure are. I'm Jimmy.
- I'm Cindy.
We have our own car in the race.
Well, our daddy does.
And he taught me everything he knows.
You'll all see.
I'm gonna be the best racer ever.
Well, not for a few years there.
At least if you wanna be able
to touch the pedals.
Is that your dad over there, Jimmy?
- Yeah. That's him.
- Hello?
He seems focused.
Very focused.
What is that sound?
Freddy, do something.
Watch this.
You missed, mister!
And, yes, there is
such a thing as too thin!
Way to go, Fred.
But, uh, how do we get down?
Hmm, didn't think of that.
So, what do you think that speedy
skeleton was doing here in the RV park?
If someone is trying to scare off
the competition for tomorrow's race...
...anyone at the track
could be a suspect.
Gang, I think it's time we...
Split up and look for clues.
Gotcha. We'll see you after the monster
attacks us. Come on, Scoob.
How did he know
I was gonna say that?
Well, if we have to look
for that ferocious four-wheeler... sense doing it
on an empty stomach.
Oh, Shaggy.
SHAGGY: "Please eat"? Scooby-Doo,
now, that's my kind of clue.
So much free food,
we need help carrying all this.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Car.
- Fred's car.
Hey. What's this?
Just a hunch, but I'll bet it's the car
Jimmy and Cindy's dad races.
Quick thinking, Fred.
But, you know, there was
something odd about their dad.
I'll save you!
Freddy, stop!
It's just a crash-test dummy.
Oh. Heh. I knew that.
A crash-test dummy?
What's it doing here?
Phew. That was a close one. Scoob
and I nearly became a tasty truck kebab.
Yeah. Truck kebab.
Hold on there, Shaggy.
I don't think the monster
was after the two of you.
Vroom, vroom. Vroom.
Trying out new drivers, huh?
They can't be worse than you.
Oh, go torque something.
Hey there, Jimmy. Uh, can I get you
some phone books to sit on?
Oh, man.
Careful, kids. You're sitting
in one powerful piece of machinery.
Hey, we know all about cars.
Well, because of our dad.
You'll find out during the race.
Come on, Cindy.
ANNOUNCER: Drivers to your cars.
The race is about to begin.
Wish me luck, gang. It's time to ride.
Hey, Fred.
The gas pedal's the one on the right.
Not that it'll do you any good.
The green flag is out.
Racing is underway
at the Gainesville 500.
Here comes Fred.
Okay, Fred's about to roll in.
Guys, we need to do this
in under 10 seconds.
Hey, girlie, you gonna use
a curling iron on the lug nuts?
Curling-iron jokes should not be made
by men with ridiculous hairstyles.
Never mind.
Ding-dang it! Whatever it takes,
Fred ain't gonna beat my Ricky.
Hmm. That guy sure would do anything
to help his driver win.
And Burr Batson takes the lead!
Fred, you have to get out of there!
Okay, Daph.
I'm coming into the pit area.
That's what you think.
Uh, Daphne? You didn't happen to install
an autopilot when I wasn't looking?
Oh, no!
Fred's lost control of his car.
He'll lose control of his stomach when
he sees what I've got planned for him.
Wanna know the best way
to shave weight off a car, Fred?
A crash diet.
VELMA: Fred's out of control.
We have to save him.
We have to head out on the track.
Like, how do we get out there?
Hey, that's our car!
Oops, we're in the wrong car.
We'll get out right now.
Floor it.
Jinkies, this car is fast.
Okay, um, safe-driver checklist.
Um, hands at 10 and 2. Check.
Uh, mirrors. Check.
Breathe. I'll breathe later.
Sorry. Pardon me. Look out. Oh!
We've got to catch up to him.
Like, there he is.
We've gotta get you out of there.
I've got a plan.
Shaggy and Scooby will stretch
between the two cars.
I'll then walk across them
to your car in safety.
Sounds good. Ready, guys?
Shaggy and Scooby aren't here.
At the sound of the tone,
please leave a message.
- Beep.
- I've got Scooby Snacks.
Come on, Scoob. We have to help
our best friend, Scooby Snacks.
I mean, Fred.
Steady, steady.
Freddy, go back!
Hey, I can steer again.
Hang on, guys.
- How did you regain control?
- I don't know.
Like, maybe it was this thing
that I just broke off.
Well, gang, I think I have this mystery
just about wrapped up.
And for once, I'm going to set the trap,
with Fred as the bait.
Ooh. This sounds clever.
And much safer for me and Scoob.
We need you back in the race, Fred.
Thanks to that monster truck, Jimmy
and Cindy's dad has taken the lead.
I'm ready to go.
I can get this car running again.
I think.
Well, Daphne, this car looks amazing.
You fixed it. But how?
Never underestimate the power
of Team Scooby.
Fred's headed back into the lead.
Any second now, we should see...
Perfect. It's all part of my plan.
Come and get me, Mr. Bones.
Okay, now we just need one more thing
for my trap. Come on.
- Fred's remote control?
- Yes.
But if I cross the blue wire
with the red one... becomes a remote blocker.
Like, hey. It stopped.
They stopped. But why?
Just as I suspected.
It was all controlled by remote.
And whoever is behind it...
...would need a powerful antenna
to broadcast that signal.
There he is.
Fred, meet us at the tower.
Yes, it's me. I did it. I did it all.
- Except for the stuff my sister did.
- But why?
I wanted to show everyone I'm the best
racecar driver in the whole world...
...but they wouldn't let me in the race
because I was too young.
I put together this giant RC racer...
...and made up the story about
my dad being a driver.
It was me in control the whole time.
But, like, what about
that monster truck?
JIMMY: Cindy was controlling the truck
to get rid of my competition.
And we would've
gotten away with it too...
...if it wasn't for you
meddling grownups.
- And, uh, meddling dog.
- Yeah. Meddling dog.
And the race isn't over yet, folks.
Team Scooby Snax
is back on the track.
And Fred Jones
takes the checkered flag... at the Gainesville 500!
Fred did it. He won!
Let's celebrate back at the
Mystery Machine with a barbecue.
No need. We've got it covered.
Right, Scoob?
[English - US - SDH]
Time to go, gang. It's getting dark.
- Hey, let's have that last clam, Scooby.
- Coming up. Scooby-Doo!
Good shot. I've heard of bird dogs
and rabbit dogs...
...but you're the first clam dog
I ever heard of.
Clam dog?
Shaggy, you know Scooby
doesn't like clams.
I like them. They're fun to dig
and even more fun to eat.
Don't you wish Funland was open?
The root-beer floats, the chocolate
custard, the rides. Man, that's living.
DAPHNE: Yes, but right now it looks
a little spooky...
...even haunted.
- Haunted?
Don't be silly, Daphne.
Hey, look at that.
But that's impossible.
That place won't be open for weeks.
Well, this calls for a little investigation.
It's hard to believe.
Everything's running,
but nobody's here.
Man, it's a dream come true.
Let's check out that lunch
counter over there, Scooby.
A little service, please?
For openers, I'd like a malt and a hot dog
with all the trimmings.
Me too.
Who did that?
Hey, I used to be pretty good at this.
- Should I give it a whirl?
- Go ahead.
- Who's to know?
- Okay. Batter up.
Good throw, Freddy.
Well, I've still got the old touch.
Let's go find Shaggy and Scooby.
Gee, Freddy, shouldn't we stack
those bottles back up?
You're right, Daphne.
Look. The bottles are all stacked up again.
And what's that on the counter?
FRED: It's a prize for knocking down
the bottles.
Our backs were only turned for a minute.
Freddy, this is really weird.
Well, somehow I got this prize,
so the least I can do is pay my two bits.
What a cute kewpie doll.
Oh, no.
The cash register rang up 25 cents.
FRED: I'm beginning to wonder
if this place is haunted.
Scooby, do you think we stand a chance
of getting some cotton candy too?
- Yeah.
- Hold it. I just saw somebody.
There he goes again.
Man, he's faster than a speeding bullet.
Come on, Scooby. Pick up the scent.
- No scent.
- No scent? He has to have a scent.
Why, he'd have to be a ghost
not to leave a scent.
- Did I say "ghost"?
- Uh-huh. Uh-oh.
- What's the matter with you?
SCOOBY: I'm pointing.
You're pointing?
Oh. I see him.
That was no ghost.
He looks more like a man from Mars.
Wow. Look what that last hot dog
did to me.
Look at me.
I knew I was sharp...
...but this pointed head is too much.
Whoa. A giant mouse.
SHAGGY: That's no giant mouse.
It's only a little mouse.
Oh. Scooby-Doo, where are you?
- Yow.
- Wow.
There he is.
What do you say?
Let's go find the others.
Scooby-Doo. I'm with you.
I don't see Scooby or Shaggy anywhere.
There's someone going along
behind that fence.
It's no one we know. But whoever it is,
I'd like to ask him a few questions.
He's taking a ride on the Ferris wheel.
It stopped.
That man is trapped up on top.
I'll get him down. I wanna talk to him.
I'll have to crank the wheel down by hand.
We can't leave him up there.
VELMA: You've turned it all
the way around, but he's gone.
He couldn't have climbed down
without us seeing.
Look. The lights are going off
all over the park.
Well, this is the first time
I ever wanted to leave Funland.
Scooby and I saw him.
Strictly a weirdo from outer space.
- We saw him too.
- Look. I wonder whose house that is.
FRED: It could be the caretaker.
Let's go see.
We should tell him about
these mysterious happenings.
I hope he's a nice, sweet old caretaker.
And believe me, Mr. Jenkins,
all the rides were running.
JENKINS: I don't see how.
- Well, she was sure running wide-open.
- Lights, music, everything.
- That's impossible.
We're the caretakers here. My brother
and I would've seen the lights.
- Sarah's right.
- Well, we saw a very strange character...
...running around out there.
- He was, like, weirdo.
- Weirdo-like.
- Fiddlesticks.
Besides us, there's no one else
on this island.
- Maybe the moonlight was playing tricks.
- But, man, I tell you...
Let it go.
Sorry to have bothered you, sir.
Let's go, gang.
Well, how did you like that for
double talk?
We can't go home now.
We know we didn't imagine...
...all those kooky things that happened.
- Count me out.
I'm not looking for any creep
with a frozen face.
Shaggy, sometimes I think you'd rather
eat pizza pie than solve a mystery.
- Let's vote on it. Mystery or pizza pie?
- Pizza pie.
Cut it out, you two.
Come on, let's get back to the beach.
- Okay. We'll keep a watch from here.
VELMA: It's sure dark.
What do they call this, a stakeout?
I'd rather have a steak-in.
Like, a sirloin steak in me, that is.
Me too. Yeah.
- Oh, stop it. Stop it. I can't stand it.
- Be quiet, you two.
We've been here an hour,
and no sign of life.
We'll give it 10 minutes more. Uh-oh.
Is that music I hear?
DAPHNE: Look. The lights are going on.
VELMA: Here we go again.
No doubt this time.
Let's get over there, quick.
Something's haywire.
What's wrong with the merry-go-round?
It's running backwards.
Look at that cotton-candy machine.
It's running wild.
And the hot-dog stand. I can't stand it.
- Hey.
- What's the matter, Scooby?
I like to eat too, you know.
Look. There's that strange guy again.
DAPHNE: What a time for a sideshow.
FRED: Come on, everybody. After him.
Look what he's doing.
What's wrong with him?
Help. Shaggy, he's got me.
Yow! Let go! Let go!
He got me. He got me. Help!
No, he didn't. There he goes now
into the Tunnel of Love.
So we have to go into the tunnel
after him.
I want to go, like, home.
Row faster. We can catch him.
SHAGGY: There's something
in that tunnel. It's him.
FRED: He's swimming right at us.
- I thought we wanted to catch him.
Like a torpedo, he's gonna ram us.
Don't panic. I'll save you.
Thanks, Shaggy,
but why don't we just walk out?
Oh, yeah. Good idea.
That's no ordinary man.
He's going to be hard to track down.
He'd better look out I don't catch him.
I'll make him pay
for what he did to my hair.
- Let's go back.
- We can't go back, Scooby.
Freddy said to look on this side
of the park.
It's okay just to look for the torpedo man,
as long as we don't find him.
- What's that?
- Huh?
Oh, that.
That's a real fun game, Scooby.
Come on. I'll show you how it works.
Now, you take this hammer,
and you hit that button.
The ball goes up to the top
and rings the bell.
Now watch the old master.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Now I got it.
- Hey, what you doing?
- My turn.
Your turn? With your tail?
Let me out of the way.
Hey, that was great. You gotta have
the strongest tail in the world.
Uh-oh. It's him.
He wins. Let's go, man.
He's gaining on us.
Head for the roller coaster.
Yipes. He's climbing up the cars
after us. Let's go, Scooby.
Here we go.
Yow. We're trapped.
Look. There's Shaggy and Scooby
in the front seat of that car.
And that strange man is after them.
DAPHNE: There's an empty car
going up the other track.
I'll slow it down,
and maybe they'll jump into it.
Jump, Shaggy!
- They made it.
- Scooby-Doo.
Nice jump, you guys.
SHAGGY: Thanks, gang.
But don't ever let us do that again.
I think that character's train
is coming in.
Everybody hide behind those crates.
But it's empty. How could he get out?
Look. He's up there.
What's he gonna do?
He's diving off.
- Come on. He could be hurt.
- Let's go, Scooby.
He's not here.
FRED: He crashed through the tent there.
VELMA: That's where he hit the crate.
- It defies all the known laws of physics.
- I wish you could have seen his eyes.
- Like two taillights on a hot rod.
- Yeah. Hot rod.
Hot rod. That's it.
The answer is, that this guy
can move so fast...
...we need something fast to catch him.
We're gonna soup up
this electric car to catch him?
Right. We'll increase the flow of power
from the battery.
This might jazz it up.
No, Shaggy.
You turned it on at the motor.
Now Velma can't stop it.
My glasses. I lost them.
There's no brakes, Scooby,
and I can't see without my glasses.
But it's a nice, wide street.
Oh, don't fret, Scooby.
- Hey, that's him.
- Oh, I see the traffic cop, silly.
Right turn, isn't it?
Go, Velma.
Hey, Scooby,
are we in the right lane now?
Right lane? Yipe.
Train coming.
Train coming?
I told you I can't stop.
The train will just have to
look out for itself.
Here they come.
Look out for the cotton candy, Velma.
- I think we've stalled.
- Wow, at least you're safe. What luck.
What do you mean, luck? We didn't have
a bit of trouble. Ask Scooby.
- Well, that does it.
- But this guy is sure strong and fast.
So we've had to build the prize trap
of all time to catch him.
And this crate is it. Now here's the plan.
Someone will lure the stranger
into this trap.
SHAGGY: But our man will be trapped in
the crate with that weirdo.
No. Look up there. We'll pull our man
out of the trap in the basket.
Shaggy'll lock the door,
and Velma and I will pull up the basket.
And all Scooby has to do
is lure the stranger into the trap.
- Anybody got a Scooby Snack?
- No snacks. Not me.
It's not fair. I'll go with Scooby.
- We can use the dodgem car.
- No car. I'll go. I'll go.
Set the trap! Set the trap!
Set the trap. Get ready, everyone.
Here they come.
We got him.
VELMA: Scooby's safe.
- We got him trapped. We got him.
What was that?
Uh-oh. Like, you won't believe it.
He went through the back of the trap...
...then through a wooden crate...
...and out the back through a brick wall.
What a man. He's not human.
You are absolutely right.
He's not human. He's a robot.
- It's Mr. Jenkins, the caretaker.
- What did you say, sir?
He's Charlie,
the world's most perfect robot.
I programmed him to operate
everything in Funland.
- But why?
- I wanted to make enough robots... run the whole park.
- What happened?
Your robot's been tearing up the place.
Somehow he got out of control.
But we can stop him
if you kids will help me.
Here we go again.
How does this equipment work?
It's quite simple.
Once we find Charlie...
...the powerful electric magnet
will pull his metal body to it.
Slow down.
Charlie's close by. Look at that needle.
Turn on the big magnet.
It's on.
Aim it over at that shack.
I saw something move.
Don't fight it, Charlie.
What happened?
This cable has been cut.
DAPHNE: Charlie's crashed.
JENKINS: I was afraid of that.
The electromagnet
has fouled up his circuits.
Hey, Scooby's up to something.
Somebody's behind that fence.
Come out of there.
Sarah. What are you doing here?
It was me that caused Charlie
to go out of control.
I don't think robots should work
where children come to have fun.
She's right. Charlie is nice,
but kids need humans.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I never thought about that.
I just wanted a perfect robot.
But never mind.
I'll rebuild him and call him
Charlie the Second.
Well, kids, Charlie's repaired,
and I think he's better than ever.
That's great, Mr. Jenkins.
We came back today
to see if you had him fixed up.
- Hey, where's Scooby?
- Well, would you look at that?
He's getting his ears scratched.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
[English - US - SDH]