Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword (2009)

- Kenji. Kenji.
- Aah!
I'm paying you to clean the floors,
not stare off into space.
I am sorry, Takagawa san,
but I got distracted.
Sadly, that is why no one comes
to the museum anymore.
Too many distractions. No discipline.
No respect for the old ways.
Come with me. I will show you.
But I saw...
Behold, the Black Samurai.
The Black Samurai.
Never heard of him.
The most fearsome warlord
in the history of Japan.
Do you see what I am getting at,
Yes, Takagawa san.
You want me to mop in here.
No, that this exhibit
could save the museum.
What is happening?
I live.
Kenji, do something.
The ghost of the Black Samurai
has returned.
Welcome to Shibuya Station.
Now arriving on Track 5.
Wow, we made it, gang.
Shibuya Station.
The most popular meeting place
in all of Tokyo.
And I can see why.
Everyone in Japan is already here.
But, like, wouldn't you know it?
We're all out of Scooby Snacks.
Scooby Snacks. Scooby Snacks.
Way to go, Scoob.
A Scooby Snack vending machine.
Like, it's the wave of the future.
Hey, I've got a text message
from Miyumi.
She says,
"Meet me at the statue of Hachiko. "
Any idea what this Hachiko person
looks like?
Let's see. Hachiko. Hachiko.
Hachiko. Take a picture.
Like, check it out, Scoob.
Hachiko's not a person, he's a pooch.
Here it is.
Hachiko used to greet his master every
day when he came home on the train.
One day his master died...
...and Hachiko
spent the rest of his life...
...waiting at the station
for his master to return.
Wow, sounds like
he was one cool canine.
Heh, heh. Hey, Scoob. Like, maybe
they'll put up a statue of you some day.
Me? Oh, boy.
Ta-da. Bow-wow. Ruff.
Look at Scooby. What a ham.
- It's going to take more than that.
- Huh?
If you want to have a statue
of your own in Japan... must first become a legend.
Just like Hachiko.
Today, in honor of his great loyalty...
...his statue serves as a special place
for faithful friends to meet.
Uh, I'm sorry, but have we met?
Huh! You must be Miyumi.
And you are Miss Daphne Blake.
I have heard all about you
and the Scooby gang.
What do you know, Scoob?
Looks like our reputation precedes us.
Like, I hope that's a good thing.
Heh-heh-heh. Of course it is.
Can I tell you a secret?
I sometimes wish I could be a member
of the Scooby gang too.
Like, tell you what.
Next time there's a gruesome ghost
up in our grill, you've got first dibs.
Hey, don't worry, guys.
We're not here to solve any mysteries
this time.
We're here to watch Daphne compete
in the big martial-arts competition.
I'm so honored
to be invited to the tournament.
And so should you be.
Miss Mirimoto runs the most exclusive
martial-arts academy in all the world.
Only the most exemplary students
are accepted by her.
But first,
you must survive the tournament.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say "survive"?
Ha, ha. I meant "win. "
First, you must win the tournament.
Wow, what a sweet ride.
All it needs
is a groovy green paint job.
Uh, not quite, Freddy.
I can think of one more thing it needs.
Like, how about a pilot?
- Huh?
- Don't worry. We're perfectly safe.
The hover jet is the world's first
fully functioning robotic plane.
That's amazing.
I've studied mechanical engineering...
...but I've never heard
of anything this advanced.
Here in Japan,
technology is taking over everything...
...while many of the old traditions
are fading away.
Please, Miss Mirimoto,
you must believe me.
The ghost of the Black Samurai
has returned.
Soon, he will come
for the Destiny Scroll.
A very entertaining story,
Mr. Takagawa.
I am sure that it will bring
many new visitors to see your exhibit.
Now, as you can see,
our grand tournament is about to begin.
We would be most pleased
to have you join us.
Sojo, please show our honored guest
to his seat.
You must listen.
The scroll...
...must be protected.
I can assure you, Mr. Takagawa...
...ghost or no ghost...
...the Destiny Scroll
will be quite safe behind these walls.
If you say so.
Sojo. Release him.
You must forgive poor Sojo.
He does only as he is told.
His loyalty to me is unquestioned.
The plane.
The plane.
Ah, the last of our guests to arrive.
Have them report
to the staging ground immediately.
We shall have a demonstration.
Wow, what a beautiful airport.
It's not an airport, Freddy.
This is a traditional Japanese garden.
Can't you just feel the peace
and tranquility?
Oh, yeah.
Scoob, old buddy, like, from here on out,
no matter what happens...
...I'm just gonna go with the flow.
Go with the flow.
All must wear uniform.
Gulp! Like, my go-with-the-flow
just got up and went.
No, Sojo. Bad, Sojo.
Not them. Her.
All must wear uniform.
- Hyah!
- Aah!
Sorry, Sojo,
but I handle my own wardrobe.
Ha-ha-ha. Check it out, Scoob.
Like, it's a carnival of karate.
Ooh! Uh-huh.
The competition this year is fierce.
That's Kerry Kilpatrick,
the Irish national champion.
He's a two-fisted demolition dynamo.
MIYUMl: Sapphire Sonja.
The only thing deadlier than her kick
is her beauty.
MIYUMl: And that's Japan's own
Mad Dog Masimoto.
A favorite to win this year.
Once he's off his leash,
you're really in the doghouse.
Gee whiz.
Like, talk about a creep
with a canine complex.
Most honored participants...
...welcome to Mirimoto Academy's
Tournament of Champions.
The finest martial artists
in all the world...
...have gathered here today
for one single purpose:
To prove that they are the best.
By this time tomorrow...
...most of you will be sent home
in humiliating defeat.
But there is one among you...
...who has already displayed
the heart of a champion.
Miss Daphne Blake?
Um, over here.
Can this be?
The tournament has not yet begun...
...and already you have defeated
the mighty Sojo.
I didn't mean to. It's just that... Eh...
This is most impressive.
Perhaps you would honor us...
...with a demonstration
of your superior skill.
As in right now?
Your opponent will always attack
when you least expect it.
Like, meow.
Talk about a kung-fu catfight, ha.
Uh-huh. Meow.
My hair band. I can't see.
Hey, that was a dirty trick.
The first rule of Mirimoto Academy:
If you want to win... must be willing to do
that which others are not willing to do.
Most impressive, Miss Blake.
You lack proper training...
...but I see in you much potential.
The tournament begins tomorrow
at sunrise...
...but tonight,
a feast has been prepared in your honor.
Hear that, Scoob?
Like, a feast in our honor.
Oh, boy.
Finally, something worth fighting for.
Boy, the service here is great...
...but, uh, our waitress
sure could use a suntan.
She's not a waitress, Freddy.
She's a geisha girl.
Geisha, the ancient Japanese tradition
celebrating exquisite beauty.
Speaking of beauty,
check out the buffet table.
Oh, ho, ho!
It's like there's a party in my stomach
and everything's invited.
Ha-ha-ha. Like, you must be
a black belt in kung food.
Forget the karate chop.
Like, check out my karate chomp.
Huh! Ninjas!
Wow, real-life ninjas. How cool.
I don't think these guys
are part of the act.
Watch out.
If it's a fight you be looking for...
...then you've found the bloke
to oblige you.
Out of my way.
Let Sapphire Sonja
show you how to kick it.
We're surrounded.
Who's that?
- Gulp! Who cares?
- Not me.
Let's get out of here.
Like, I almost forgot.
We're afraid of heights.
Shaggy, look.
At long last...
...the Destiny Scroll is mine.
Stop, thief.
- Huh?
You will not be allowed to escape.
You are too late.
We shall let steel decide.
The Black Samurai will live again...
So it is true.
The ghost of the Black Samurai
has returned.
Gulp! Ghost?
It just doesn't add up.
The artwork in this collection
must be worth a fortune.
So why go through all that trouble
just to steal one scroll?
Well, gang,
it looks like we've landed...
...smack dab
in the middle of another mystery.
It is no mystery.
The legend of the Black Samurai
has been told for centuries.
May I present Mr. Takagawa...
...most honored curator from
the Tokyo Museum of Cultural History.
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Takagawa.
You'll have to excuse us.
We don't really know much
about Japanese folklore.
But ghosts are kind of our specialty.
Speak for yourself.
My specialty is a triple-decker
Scooby Snack-and-ice-cream...
...with-chocolate-sauce sandwich.
Ha, ha. Mine too.
Yum, yum, yum.
The legend began
hundreds of years ago...
...when fierce warriors
known as the samurai...
...served the warlords of Japan
with absolute loyalty.
The most fearsome of all...
...were the ronin,
the samurai who had lost his master.
Set adrift,
like a wave on the open sea.
One ronin sought out
the master swordmaker Masamune.
The legendary master agreed
to forge the samurai...
...a sword of great mystical power...
...but it would take an entire year
to complete the work.
The master's evil-minded apprentice,
...offered to forge him another sword,
but in only half the time.
The samurai returned...
...and upon drawing the blade...
...felt a surge of uncontrollable dark power.
The evil spirit of the apprentice
had passed into the blade itself.
It was a sword of hatred.
A sword of darkness.
A Sword of Doom.
And in that moment was born
the Black Samurai.
the master's blade was complete.
He named it the Sword of Fate...
...and entrusted its mystical power
to a fearsome green dragon.
Heaven and earth trembled
as the two great swords clashed.
Until, using his sacred magic...
...the Green Dragon
defeated the Black Samurai...
...imprisoning him forever
within the Sword of Doom.
Centuries passed,
and the story faded into legend.
Wow, Mr. Takagawa,
that's some story.
Like, story nothing.
That sounds more like a nightmare.
But what does all of this
have to do with the Destiny Scroll?
The Destiny Scroll
holds the only clue... the secret location
of the Sword of Doom... the form of an ancient riddle.
If the ghost can solve
the riddle of the scroll...
...he will reclaim the Sword of Doom...
...and free his evil spirit.
If only we'd gotten a good look
at that scroll...
...maybe we could have solved
the riddle first.
Yeah, like, too bad the scroll is gone.
Aw, too bad.
Guess that's the end of this mystery.
No, my friends,
the mystery has only begun.
Huh! The Destiny Scroll.
So the other scroll was a fake.
Ha, ha. Psyche.
Yes, but the Black Samurai
will soon realize the deception...
...and return.
I will translate the inscription.
"The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.
The paper dragon shows the way. "
The journey of a thousand miles...
Begins with a single step?
The paper dragon shows the way.
I've got it.
Like, check it out, Scoob.
An origami octopus. Beat that.
Look. Snowflakes.
That's it. The paper dragon
must be a reference to origami...
...the Japanese art of folding paper.
Velma's right.
Okay, guys, give us an origami dragon
but this time use the scroll.
Just a little tuck here, a fold there.
This goes under, that goes over.
The words have been rearranged.
Yes. It now reads:
"The journey begins
with a thousand steps. "
The journey begins
with a thousand steps?
How is that any different?
Hang on, gang.
I think I've got something.
The Temple of a Thousand Steps.
An ancient ruin located on a remote
jungle island in the South Pacific Ocean.
Yes. I've got it too.
The island temple is devoted to...
...the Green Dragon.
The Sword of Doom
must be hidden in the temple.
Then we've gotta find a way
to get to that island.
- Sojo, ready the hover jet.
- Hai.
Miyumi will accompany you
on your journey as my representative.
Huh! Thank you, sensei.
Mr. Takagawa, you will go along
as the team's translation expert.
I will serve with distinction.
A tropical-island vacation
in the sunny South Pacific?
Like, now you're speaking
our language.
We should be getting close.
I've uploaded the coordinates
into the navigation system...
...using my laptop's
wireless interface.
It's very exciting for me
to join you on this mystery.
I'm usually not allowed
to venture so far from Miss Mirimoto.
She seems like a really great sensei.
She is...
...but she demands absolute loyalty,
like that of a samurai.
Someone who still cares
for the old ways.
Yeah, like, the good old days...
...when people chased each other around
with big swords.
Pardon my saying so,
but that puts the mental in sentimental.
Here we go, gang.
I can't see anything.
It's like the whole world
just disappeared.
Zoinks! Like, so much
for our sunny South Pacific vacation.
The island should be right
in front of us.
Look, gang. There it is.
The Temple of a Thousand Steps.
Nine hundred and ninety-seven.
Nine hundred and ninety-eight.
Nine hundred and ninety-nine.
One thousand.
Phew! We made it, Scoob.
Like, in your face,
Temple of a Thousand Steps.
Thousand Steps.
Scooby-Dooby... I'm pooped.
We made it, gang.
And check out that
stone carving above the temple door.
The Green Dragon.
Check out the size of that disco ball.
That's no disco ball, Shaggy.
It's a Japanese lantern.
Hey, maybe that's got something to do
with the next clue.
Or maybe we should just say we tried
and, like, call it a day.
- Shaggy, you did it.
- I did?
I mean, I did.
Like, what did I do, Scoob?
I don't know.
It looks like some kind of treasure map.
Showing the whole island.
Is that the Sword of Doom?
Huh! Yes, it must be.
But it's on the other side of the island.
I will translate the inscription.
"The secret falls
from the mouth of the dragon. "
Another dragon riddle?
Uh, speaking of riddles..., does this mean
there's a cafeteria on this island?
No. We must get out of here.
Like, why?
Hurry, before they catch us.
Okay, everybody just stay calm...
...and let me do all the talking.
Hello there. Heh.
We're from America.
Like, how do we get ourselves
into these things?
Droo-ga-ga. Droo-ga-ga.
It must be their name
for the Green Dragon.
They are going to offer us
as a sacrifice.
And I think we're going to be married
to that icky tribal chief.
Not if I can help it.
Miyumi, if you can reach my bag...
...I've got a plan to save all our skins.
Boy, you guys really know
how to cook...
...hmm, but there's something
still missing.
Mmm. Hey, now that's more like it.
Here, taste.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Come on in, the water's fine.
Like, now we're cooking.
Right, Scoob?
I mean, mmm! Yummy.
Okay, that should do it.
Now, just cover and simmer
for one hour.
Ha, ha. That's the problem
with gourmet cooking nowadays.
Like, everyone's a critic.
Huh! Droo-ga-ga!
Huh! You did it, Velma.
Lucky for us
the plane's robotic navigator... still connected
to my wireless interface.
The villagers must think
the hover jet is the Green Dragon.
So, like, what are we dragging
our feet for?
Come on.
Look, how magnificent.
The secret falls
from the mouth of the dragon.
The riddle is pointing to the waterfall.
So, like, what do we do next?
We go in for a closer look.
Like, I was afraid
you were gonna say that.
Check it out.
Come on, Scoob.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
Yeah, see?
Like, they're only statues.
Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh!
Would you come with us
for a Scooby Snack?
Would you do it
for two Scooby Snacks?
How about 10 Scooby Snacks?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wow, look at this place.
We've found it at last.
The Sword of Doom.
So, like, what are we waiting for?
Let's grab the sword
and blow this pop stand.
I don't know, guys.
Something doesn't feel right
about this.
But Miss Mirimoto is expecting us
to bring the sword back to Japan.
If you want to win... must be willing to do that
which others are not willing to do.
Zoinks! That did it.
Run for it!
Huh? Yikes!
Foolish mortals.
Return the sword to me
and I shall destroy you quickly.
Return the sword and be destroyed?
Like, I'd hate to hear
option number two.
My glasses.
Oh, I can't see a thing
without my glasses.
That's funny,
I can't see a thing with your glasses.
It's all very simple.
Sojo has been behind
these samurai shenanigans all along.
He stole the Black Samurai's armor
from the museum.
And he used this high-tech mini jetpack
to fly around like a real live ghost.
Sojo's master plan was to bring
the legend of the Black Samurai to life...
...and scare everyone away
from the tournament.
That way he could steal
the Destiny Scroll...
...then search for the Sword of Doom
on his own.
Once we set out
to solve the mystery...
...his only hope was to steal
the sword from us.
Like, talk about a sneaky samurai.
Yeah, sneaky.
And he would have gotten away
with it too...
...if it weren't for you meddling kids.
- Zoinks!
- Yikes!
- Jeepers!
- Jinkies!
Dang, I still don't have a catch phrase.
We must protect the sword.
Huh! They're robots.
Ninja robots!
Double cool!
Uh, sorry, I...
I geeked out there for a sec.
So, like, the ninjas
were your own robots?
Huh? I don't get it.
The tournament was just an excuse... gather the greatest martial artists
from around the world.
Using computer analysis...
...their various fighting styles
were digitized...
...into my ninja robots.
After that, all I needed
was to find someone...
...who could solve
the riddle of the Destiny Scroll.
And who better than the world's
greatest teenage detectives?
Come on, Miyumi.
We can fight them together.
Huh! You're one of them.
I'm sorry,
but I must remain loyal to my sensei.
Tomorrow night,
when the moon is full...
...I will resurrect the Black Samurai
from the Sword of Doom.
Once I have freed his spirit,
he will call me master.
This is madness.
Once the Black Samurai
has returned...
...I will order him
to lead my robot ninjas...
...against the ignorant forces
of this modern age.
Then the ancient world
of the samurai...
...and the new world of technology...
...shall exist in perfect harmony.
- Oh.
- Hmm, it could work.
- Miyumi, did you know about this?
- No.
My only instructions
were to earn your trust... becoming your friend.
The first rule of Mirimoto Academy.
If you want to win... must be willing to do that
which others are not willing to do.
But if you do things
that a winner wouldn't do...
...that automatically
makes you a loser.
- Zoinks!
- Uh-oh!
Like, all aboard
the Samurai Sword Express.
Shaggy and Scooby got away.
But you will not be so fortunate.
Miyumi, Sojo, come.
I hope you will enjoy your new role... part of the museum's
permanent collection.
Way to go, Scoob.
I think we lost them.
Gulp! Speaking of losing,
like, we're losing altitude.
Welcome to Green Dragon Sushi.
You sit.
Eat sushi. Good for you, eh?
Like, you got anything back there
without a head on it?
You like miso soup?
Miso soup? Sounds perfect. Ha, ha.
Like, me so hungry.
Yeah. Me so hungry too.
Ah! Like, that really hit the spot.
Yum, yum.
I am Matsuhiro.
Hey, check it out, Scoob.
Like, it's our old friend,
the Green Dragon.
Ah! So you know the legend.
You could say that.
Do you know what I like most
about legends?
New chapters are being written
all the time.
You never know
what is going to happen next.
Gulp! Like, Sword of Doom,
don't fail us now.
Eh? The Sword of Doom?
But how?
Like, we'll tell you later.
Right now, we've got a serious case
of the robot ninjas.
Robot ninjas?
Now we will have some fun.
No! The Sword of Doom.
They are gone.
Gee whiz, for a sushi chef...'re no cold fish
with a samurai sword.
That is because I am samurai.
Give it up, Freddy.
Those doors must be 3 feet thick.
We gotta get out of here somehow.
I'll chop away all night if I have to.
We do not have all night.
I should not have been so critical
of this modern age.
If only I had one more chance...
...I would fight to save this world
like a modern-day samurai.
You've freed us, Kenji. You're a hero.
Takagawa san?
Why did you lock yourself
in the vault?
There is no time to explain.
There will be more than one samurai
brought back to life.
How could we let those rotten robots
take the Sword of Doom?
What are we gonna do now?
I don't know.
Look there.
The great mountain, Fuji san.
Sacred training ground
for generations of samurai.
But, like, we don't know anything
about being samurai warriors.
Do not be afraid.
A samurai must overcome his fear.
When fear is gone...
...the mind will be empty.
Ha, ha. Like, an empty mind?
Well, why didn't you just say so?
Now, that's something
I've got already.
Uh-huh. Me too.
The samurai never hesitates.
He acts, he fights, he wins.
Without fear, without anger,
without mind.
And without lunch breaks.
Like, I'm ready to trade in
this samurai sword for a shish kebab.
Oh, shish kebab.
Yum, yum.
That's it, Scoob. We did it.
Well done, tomodachi.
You are ready to begin.
Gulp! Begin?
The last chapter has ended.
The next is yet to be written.
These are the four gates:
Earth, Air...
...Fire and Water.
Passing through each,
you will be purified.
You have already found
the Gate of Earth.
All you must do now is pass through.
Ha, ha. Like, that was easy.
The journey has begun.
There can be no going back now.
Okay. Like, where to next?
The legend tells of two swords...
...the Sword of Doom
and the Sword of Fate.
Pass beyond the four gates
to the lair of the Green Dragon.
Wake him from his ancient slumber...
...and seize the Sword of Fate.
Gulp! Like, any chance you'd throw in
a couple of Scooby Snacks for the road?
Like, Scoob, old buddy...
...remind me again
how we got talked into this.
I don't remember.
There it is.
That must be the Gate of Air.
Like, last one there
is a rotten samurai.
Ha, ha. We made it.
Gulp! Like, whatever you do, Scoob,
don't look down.
Phew! Like, that was a close one.
Like, check us out, Scoob.
We're hanging 10.
Gulp! Ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit,
that is.
There it is, Scoob. The Gate of Fire.
The Gate of Water.
We made it, Scoob.
This must be the Green Dragon's
groovy grotto.
Like, not bad for a mystical dragon
who probably doesn't even exist.
Who dares enter my sacred grove?
Be ye samurai?
You bet. Like, I'm Shogun Shaggy...
...and this is my faithful companion,
Samurai Scooby-Doo.
Gulp! Hello.
O Great Green One,
we come bearing rotten news.
The Sword of Doom is back
and the Black Samurai is on the attack.
Ages ago,
the Sword of Doom was hidden away...
...protected by guardians of stone,
high atop a secret mountain...
...on a savage island surrounded
by an impenetrable fog.
Yeah, funny story about that.
But, like, that's all ancient history.
Tonight, the modern world is in danger...
...and we need your help.
There is no place left
in the world for dragons.
What are you?
A big green dragon
afraid of a little sword fight?
You don't look like samurai.
- Tell him, Shaggy.
- Gulp!
Like, the truth is...
That's better.
Like, wow. Ha, ha.
Check it out, Scoob.
We're rolling old-school, samurai-style.
Yeah, old-school.
For centuries,
I have guarded the Sword of Fate...
...awaiting the day when its service
would again be needed.
That day has finally come.
The legend must end
where it all began.
Like, up, up and away we go.
Sojo, come.
It is time.
The Destiny Scroll
still holds one last secret.
"Standing on the bridge of his defeat...
...hold the Sword of Doom
to the rising full moon.
The spell will be broken...
...and the spirit of the Black Samurai...
...shall be set free. "
Sojo, walk to the bridge.
Sojo walk to bridge.
Miyumi, do not fail me this night.
Your loyalty shall be rewarded
in the coming new world.
Yes, sensei.
Okay, gang, get ready.
I can't believe Miyumi's
really going through with this.
Ohh! With friends like her,
who needs enemies?
Miyumi, sword.
Huh? Huh?
The treacherous little fool. Ugh!
Yahoo! Way to go, Miyumi.
I knew you were one of us.
- Oops!
- Now, Velma.
Hit it, Kenji.
Magnetic pulse away.
The magnetic pulse is
knocking out their electrical systems.
It worked.
Hmm. Maybe it worked
a little too well.
Ungrateful child.
I was blinded by my loyalty to you,
but now I can see clearly.
How dare you disobey me?
Huh! The sword!
The Black Samurai lives again.
No, samurai.
I am the master here.
Bow before me...
...and I will give you the world.
Foolish one.
It is you who shall call me master.
Bow before me, mortals.
Unh! Whoa!
KENJl: Unh!
Unh! Whoa!
All shall serve me...
Shaggy, look.
At last, freedom is mine.
Oh, no. Like, we're too late.
Fear not.
Shogun Shaggy, Samurai Scooby... must carry on the fight.
Unsheathe the Sword of Fate... that my spirit
may enter the blade.
I shall be with you always...
...guiding the sword from within.
Guys, look.
Huh! It's Shaggy and Scooby.
Ow! My neck.
Like, right on time, late as usual.
Who dares challenge
the Black Samurai?
Zoinks! Like, here we go, Scoob.
Remember what they taught us
in samurai school.
Uh... Uh, I forgot.
The Sword of Fate?
Like, you think that's impossible...
...try flying into Tokyo
on a green dragon sometime.
Fools. You are no match for me.
A samurai must overcome his fear.
When fear is gone,
the mind will be empty.
Like, did you hear that, Scoob?
Yeah, I did.
It's that sushi sword master,
He's in my head.
No, I'm not. I'm over here.
The samurai acts without anger.
He fights without mind.
Don't think, Scoob. Just let it go.
Like, no mind.
Oh, yeah.
The Sword of Doom
shall be your destroyer.
Ha, ha. Like, that psychotic samurai
forgot one thing.
When it comes to no mind,
we've got everybody beat.
Like, our minds are always empty.
Scooby, Shaggy, that was amazing.
Like, it's just a little old man.
Thank you...
...most honored friends.
You have released my spirit...
...from the evil power
of that cursed sword...
...and saved your world.
I shall be eternally grateful.
You are indeed samurai...
...and your legend shall be told...
He disappeared.
Well, you gotta hand it to him.
He went out in real samurai-style.
The last chapter of the legend
has finally been written... you.
Welcome to...
...the new Tokyo Museum
of Cultural History...
...and the grand opening
of our most legendary exhibit...
...the ghost of the Black Samurai.
And so,
it is with great honor that I present...
...for loyal service to his friends,
to Japan and to all the world...
...this statue... honor of Scooby-Doo.
Droo-ga-ga. Droo-ga-ga.
Scoob, you really did get
your own statue.
Ha, ha. And, like,
they even got your good side.
Ha, ha. Congratulations, Scooby.
Now Japan will remember you forever.
Are you sure
you won't come with us, Miyumi?
There's bound to be other mysteries
that need solving.
And there's always room for one more
in the Mystery Machine.
Yeah, like, you could sit
in the back with me and Scooby.
Yeah, sit with me.
You're all very sweet...
...but solving mysteries
is what you do best.
Now I need to figure out
what it is that I do best.
Then maybe someday...
...I will have what it takes
to become a legend too.
Just like you, Scooby.
Heh, heh. Oh, brother.
This could take a while.
We may just have to leave Scooby here
and take the statue home.