Scooby-Doo! And WWE: Curse of the Speed Demon (2016)

Start your engine
Turn the key
The starting line's
the place to be
'Cause the gang's all here
To solve the mystery
All the good people
better keep the pace
Pedal to the metal
till you win the race
There's nothing less
Only victory
So, let's go!
And shift to overdrive
Let's roll
The toughest will survive
Let's go!
And shift to overdrive
Let's roll!
The toughest will survive
You wanna be strong
then you put up a fight
Either way, the dealer
keeps you up all night
Or you spin your wheels
till you're all right
So, let's go!
And shift to overdrive
Let's roll!
The toughest will survive
Let's go!
And shift to overdrive
Let's roll!
The toughest will survive
ANNOUNCER: Your favorite
WWE Superstars...
Cutting-edge technology...
Who will survive
WWE's Muscle Moto X
Off Road Challenge?
(LAUGHING) This is awesome!
(CHUCKLING) Yeah, so awesome!
Welcome back, folks.
I'm Michael Cole
and today, we bring you,
live, the final broadcast
of qualifying
for the WWE Muscle Moto X.
Today's time-trial
will determine
the starting order tomorrow
for this extreme road race
and its $1 million prize.
Scoob, can you do something
about the reception?
I think so.
MICHAEL: Back at
the starting line,
we've got Too Awesome
rounding out another leg
of the time-trial.
I forgot we were right here!
MICHAEL: Close behind
is the Celtic Cruiser
fighting to take the lead.
ALL: Ole!
A good run by Los Matadores
in the Pamplona Especial.
They'll be near the front
for the first leg
of this three-day race.
We're in last place, Rusev.
They think you drive
like a pierogi vendor.
But they are in for a surprise
when superior power
of Moscow Express
conquers these
pathetic Superstars.
Rusev crush competition!
Yes, and all it will take
is Russian ingenuity.
MICHAEL: Going to the pits
in the Celtic Cruiser.
Sheamus, the Celtic Warrior,
does not seem pleased
with the brothers
Goldust and Stardust
at present.
Will you get inside?
You're making us look
dead ridiculous!
We must purify our auras
in the light
of the setting star.
Its cosmic illumination
reveals the path
to our destiny.
MICHAEL: The Too Awesome
is pummeling this time-trial
course with power and style
that can only come
from a pair of WWE champions.
Just look at 'em,
-tackling these
jumps and turns.
Just like they take down
their competition in the ring.
These two Superstars
are on fire today!
(GRUNTING) Careful, sweetie.
Precious cargo.
Oh, of course, Miz.
I'd never wanna
injure my teammate
and new best friend.
Good girl.
Wait, was that sarcasm?
Despite all the rumored
friction between Paige
and her teammate, The Miz,
their car, the Too Awesome,
could be a real contender.
BOY: One D.C. Pretzel, please.
I should be studying
about ancient Sumerian traps,
but these high-tech
racecars, oh!
They're just so interesting.
-(SHOUTING) And loud, too!
MAN: Uh, let's see.
I would like Skinny Man's
Dead Meat On a Bun, please.
Our most popular item.
Excellent choice.
(CHUCKLES) Hey, Scoob.
One more DM on a B, ASAP.
You guys are a hit! Good job.
More like, great job!
Mr. McMahon said
we can have all
the food we can eat!
And we get the best seats in
the house to watch the race!
MICHAEL: Ladies and gentlemen.
A surprise guest
has just arrived
at the broadcast booth.
The Chairman and CEO
of WWE himself,
Mr. McMahon.
What gave you the idea
for this extraordinary event?
Actually, Michael,
my talented
daughter Stephanie,
thought up Muscle Moto X.
She carries forward
the grand family tradition
of new and exciting
sports entertainment.
It's three days, three races
and 300 times the action
of any off-road race
you have ever seen.
Who's your favorite to win?
Perhaps The Authority,
with your daughter, Stephanie,
and her husband, Triple H?
With all the work she has
back at WWE,
Stephanie's got
no time for racing.
a Muscle Moto X
instant replay.
For current
first-place qualifier,
the Company Car,
driven by The Authority,
Triple H and
Stephanie McMahon.
It's all about the game
and how you play it
All about control
and if you can take it
All about your debt
and if you can pay it
It's all about pain
and who's gonna make it
BOTH: Yeah!
We're just that good!
No one can challenge
The Authority,
and no one can
challenge a McMahon.
Um, I thought you said
she wasn't competing.
This interview is over.
Like, here you go.
Our Super Duper Scooby Dooby
Sub Sandwiches
on the house!
Or on the truck. (CHUCKLES)
Like, Scoob, we gotta go.
The Undertaker's up next.
Are you fans
of The Phenom, too?
Like, Phenom-enal fans!
MICHAEL: The Too Awesome
crosses the finish line,
currently in
the second-place position.
Too Awesome, indeed.
Boy, these D.C. Pretzels
are great!
Wonder what the "D.C."
stands for.
Delicious and Crunchy!
It stands for Deadman's Curve.
See, it's part of the race.
These pretzels copy the road
right down
to where it crumbled away.
Deadman's Curve? (WHIMPERING)
Like, how can something
so tasty be so scary?
Yeah. Scary-licious.
Did you know,
the Legendmobile
has a 7.0-liter engine
that puts out 600 horsepower
and can do 0 to 60
in four seconds?
I'm becoming a gearhead.
This could cut
into my trap studies.
Oh, Fred.
-Like, I know that music!
BOTH: It's, it's, it's
the legend!
It's the legend!
Now approaching
the starting line
in the Legendmobile,
WWE legends
Dusty Rhodes
and the Undertaker.
-Whoo! Dusty Rhodes!
I thought you guys
were Undertaker fans.
We are. When he's on TV.
-But in real life...
-He's scary!
Boom! Fans at trackside
are exploding
at the arrival
of these two WWE legends.
This is Kofi Kingston,
reporting from the field.
Back to you, Michael.
And, you're out.
Excellent. This may be
my best production yet.
Even better
than Tornado Divers,
or Tsunami Surfing.
I'm just happy to be a part
of the action, Mr. Qualls.
Oh, you're gonna be right
in the thick of it, Kofi.
Just wait and see.
You're talking to the guy
who pitched holding
the Olympics in a hurricane!
The American Dream
and the unstoppable force.
Let's bury the competition.
And they're off!
What acceleration!
They've passed
the first marker
two-tenths of a second faster
than the Company Car.
There's a good reason why
the Undertaker and Rhodes
are the favorites.
Let me tell you what.
We gonna make it
to the pay window.
-MICHAEL: Oh, my!
-Did you see that?
-Ladies and gentlemen,
there's been an explosion
on the track.
And out of nowhere,
a new car has appeared.
The new car
is chasing the Legendmobile!
What the devil?
The devil it is.
This just got
a lot more interesting.
Our sky drone cameras
are picking up
the driver, Michael.
-That's no Superstar.
-Then who is it?
Like, not anyone I wanna know.
(WHIMPERING) Me, neither.
MICHAEL: Security's
been called.
This monstrous vehicle
must be stopped before it...
No! It just rammed
into the Legendmobile!
Stranger, you just dug
your own grave.
Yes! The Undertaker
is fighting back!
This demonic driver
picked a fight
with the wrong...
Wait a minute!
Is that a...
A scorpion tail?
My goodness!
The demonic racer
has wrecked the Legendmobile.
Team Legend
may be seriously hurt!
(STAMMERING) I'm seeing
some movement inside
the twisted wreckage.
Yes! Team Legend is okay!
The curse of Inferno
is upon you!
End this race or suffer!
Doesn't seem
neighborly at all.
MICHAEL: Looks like
Dusty is gonna teach
this monster a lesson.
We gonna get funky
like a monkey.
MICHAEL: Vintage Dusty Rhodes!
-The American Dream
is off his feet!
Oh, no!
Run, creature.
But you can't hide.
In the end, no man or beast
escapes the Undertaker.
Eh, I just threw out
my back, man.
Don't worry about it.
I know, Dusty,
but the doc says
you need to take it
easy for a while.
I still ain't letting go
of my dream.
Buy them grandkids that ranch.
So they can learn
them three R's...
Riding, roping and ranching.
You'll get better, Pop.
I've seen it.
We'll carry your dream
across the finish line.
I know you will, boys.
I know.
KOFI: So, Undertaker.
Does this mean,
that you'll withdraw
from the Muscle Moto X?
The Undertaker
never backs down.
When I find that
gutless demon driver,
I will deliver him
back to the darkness
from whence he came.
And he will
Paige, Miz.
Can I get your reactions
to today's chilling events?
Another monster attack?
-We're all pulling for Dusty
and we hope he makes
a complete recovery.
To all my worried fans,
the money-maker was spared.
The Miz is still in the game
and the Muscle Moto X
can now continue.
You can all thank me later.
We'll thank you when you
dry up and blow away.
Like, let's get out of here
while the getting is good.
Like, before that
scary demon comes back.
Yeah. Good idea.
Whoa! Not so fast.
We need to get
to the bottom of this.
The bottom of this
might be way, way down!
Like, in the underworld down!
Shaggy, you can't run away.
Yeah, what about
the food truck?
Oh, thanks for reminding me.
Grab the food, Scoob.
BOTH: Mr. McMahon.
We're just, like, um,
taking your food for a walk.
I'm glad I found you all.
I have a feeling
we haven't seen the last
of that demon driver,
and now, they're talking
about a curse on this race.
I'd feel a lot better if
Mystery Incorporated
were on the case.
Will ya help me?
Don't say it.
Please don't say it.
You can count on us,
Mr. McMahon.
He said it.
it looks like we've got
another mystery on our hands.
This is where
the Demon Rig disappeared.
Even the tire tracks.
They just stop.
Check this out.
According to this article,
the demon has appeared before.
In the 1930s,
there used to be races
on Marauder's Mountain
in homemade hot rods.
During one event,
an unknown racer
appeared out of nowhere
to challenge them all.
He was ruthless.
RACER: This mountain is mine!
VELMA: But as he
reached the top,
he realized too late
that Deadman's Curve
had washed away.
VELMA: They say
you can still see
the racer to this day,
cursed to forever
haunt any attempts
to race on the mountain.
Why can't there ever be, like,
a comforting legend?
Hmm, what's this?
This smells like rotten eggs.
Ugh, horrible.
Ugh! Ew!
-Really, Fred?
Sulfur, also called brimstone.
A demonic substance,
if there ever was one.
Also a natural chemical
used in many smoke effects.
True, but boring.
Walter Qualls is my name.
I'm the producer
of the Muscle Moto X.
Like, don't you produce
Angry Shark Racers,
where contestants
swim past angry sharks
wearing steak-covered
All seven seasons.
You seem to like the idea
of the supernatural.
What's not to like?
I got WWE Superstars,
a million-dollar prize,
and now a demon's curse.
It's a producer's jackpot!
A 40 share.
So, could you take it easy
and not snoop so hard?
Let's keep this mystery alive.
Sorry. The only time we stop
is when the mystery is solved.
Or we run away.
I don't think Mr. McMahon
would appreciate you trying
to hinder this case.
Me? Hinder? No.
I'm just saying,
demons are hot!
Zombies would be even better.
Ooh, maybe the demon
is part zombie.
Why don't you go down
to the pit hanger
and ask the Superstars
what they saw
of this zombie demon?
No one said zombie.
No one didn't say zombie.
ALL: Wow!
DAPHNE: Superstars
and super cars!
FRED: They're
checking out the engines
for tomorrow's race.
Oh, man. I'd like
to check out a few myself.
I think we should split up
and ask if anyone saw
anything unusual.
You mean, like,
besides a demon racer?
The world is filled
with surprises.
-(CHUCKLES) Like, no kidding.
You know, Scoob.
We already got one
mystery on our hands.
We don't need two more.
Let's skedaddle.
And fast.
-Okay, let's go.
A talking dog?
those dudes are
like a bad toaster.
They pop up
when you least expect it.
UNDERTAKER: Well, I'll be...
You're the two
that vanquished
the Ghost Bear.
Scared, excited, same time.
Brain confused.
Skinny Man
and Dead Meat, right?
Like, yeah.
But you can call us
Shaggy and Scooby.
In fact, you can call us
anything you like.
But please don't call us
to our final rest,
Mr. Undertaker-Phenom-Deadman,
The bell tolls only
for the demon.
And you can
just call me Taker.
You learn anything
about that creature,
you let me know.
Scooby, Scooby, Scooby!
-Hmm? Ah!
Looks like you've
got another fan
besides me.
We have no idea
why a demon driver
or anyone would
want to stop the race.
Maybe it's someone
who's desperate
to get the prize money.
That would not be us,
mi querida senorita.
We are in it for the honor
of the Matadors.
(SNIFFS) What is that
interesting scent you
assault my nostrils with?
(CHUCKLES) Sulfur.
Looks like I've got a mystery
on my hands. (CHUCKLES)
Hey, Triple H.
Fred, Daphne.
Do you know my wife,
Just by reputation.
Daughter of Mr. McMahon
and a champion in the ring
and the business world.
Also known as
the Billion Dollar Princess.
Really? That's great.
I like your friends, Hunter.
And I love those
classic Takemotos.
Thanks. Fashion
for the girl of action.
Daddy bought them.
A generous father.
Looks like we have
that in common, too.
We're actually
helping your dad
on this demon case.
What do you know
about the demon?
Only that he'd better not get
on Hunter's bad side.
If he knows
what's good for him.
Stephanie, I thought
we decided you weren't
going to compete
because you had
too much work to do.
And I told you
I can think up Muscle Moto X,
plan it and win it.
No, Stephanie.
You're doing too much,
and that's not safe.
-You're out.
-But I'm Hunter's
racing partner.
Scooby, Scooby, Scooby,
Scooby, Scooby!
I'm sure I can find
someone else.
You can't be serious.
Ladies and gentlemen,
dinner is now being served.
I think I'm suddenly
allergic to dogs.
Don't worry, honey.
He can't take me out
of the race that easily.
SHAGGY: Like, Scooby-Doo,
do you know what you could buy
with a million dollars?
A pepperoni pizza
every day for every meal
for the rest of your life!
Extra, extra-large.
the show goes on
without a hitch, huh?
Why, of course it does.
It figures.
Y'all better watch yourself.
It's more than that demon
that got old Dusty.
It's the curse.
You can wrestle one,
but the other's
the devil's work.
Don't expect this guy to care,
no matter how
dangerous it gets.
Hmm, Mr. Rhodes
sure seems to have
an ax to grind.
He wanted the prize money
for his family.
I understand the feeling.
'Cause I guess I'm out, too.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Let's not be hasty!
I'm sure there's
something we can do.
He's good for five points
in the ratings.
We need him.
You know who'd make
great teammates
for Undertaker?
Skinny Man and Dead Meat.
-That's brilliant!
Teaming Undertaker
with a teenager and a dog
makes him an underdog.
And people love underdogs.
And dogs! It's a win-win.
Yeah. A win-win.
You can thank me later.
Skinny Man and Dead Meat.
How would you like to race
in Muscle Moto X with...
The Undertaker
as your partner?
(STAMMERING) Partners?
With the Undertaker?
I'm so scared and happy.
-Uh-huh. "Scappy."
-But what if the demon
comes back?
Like a nightmare.
There can only be
one nightmare in this race,
and that's me.
Rest assured,
if the demon appears again,
I'll make sure
it's his last ride.
Let's join forces
and win this race.
What do you say?
One nightmare
canceling the other
is, like, a dream come true.
Here's to Team Taker.
Team Taker. (CHUCKLES)
Ah, come on.
$300 for one darn textbook?
What's up, Earl?
(SIGHS) My kids are going
to college, but I'm the one
who's getting an education.
Everyone, this is Big Earl.
He customized all the cars,
including the Legendmobile.
So where's my little beast?
I warn you, Undertaker.
She ain't pretty.
It caught fire
before we dug her out.
Gas line must've tore.
About all that's left
is your steering wheel here.
And, lo, the Legendmobile
sheds its mortal coil.
(SIGHS) Like, I guess,
we can't race after all.
You know, I could
give you a hand, Big Earl.
I've discovered
I like wrenching,
as, uh, we car guys say.
Mmm, okay.
You wanna help, that's great.
But I'm a mechanic,
not a miracle worker.
How are we gonna
make something
that runs outta this?
I have an idea.
Go get some rest
and I promise we'll have
something by morning.
You guys work your magic.
If you build it,
I will drive it.
Hey, what's all this powder?
Uh, who knows?
Washing day for my coveralls
don't come round
but twice a year.
it's not brimstone.
I think it's talcum powder.
Oh, yeah.
It's from replacing an
airbag in one of the cars.
Do that a lot.
They have powder
in 'em to keep 'em
from getting bunched up.
Like, man, if any race
needs airbags, it's this one.
Come on, Hunter, it's late.
And we still need to get
our pre-race manicures.
You're welcome to join us.
After all, beautiful nails
lead to a happier life.
I know, right?
-Yes, really.
Come on, kid.
Let's see what you got.
Oh, boy!
MICHAEL: Welcome,
WWE fans all across the world
to the first leg
of the Muscle Moto X
Off Road Challenge.
Moments from now,
your favorite WWE Superstars
will charge forward
into the fearsome
Deadwood Forest.
Our sky drone cameras are
ready to cover all the action.
Each Superstar team
starts in the order
of their time-trial finish,
and the team that wins today
-gets a 30-second
head start in leg two...
...bringing them
that much closer
to the $1 million prize.
And this just in.
A last-minute change
in the line-up.
The Undertaker teams with
Skinny Man and Dead Meat.
It's team Taker
in the Scoobanator.
(SLEEPILY) You'll love
the new modifications.
We bored it, rocked it,
and then we... (SNORING)
Dropped it hot!
Huh, I'm on no sleep.
I appreciate
the effort and all,
but isn't this a food truck?
Yeah. It's like having
a drive-thru window
drive with you.
Remember, Undertaker...
-Come on, Fred. Let's go.
Oh, yeah.
If you want more speed,
be sure to press the...
Hey, wait! Press the what?
Okay, folks.
They're all lined up.
Powerful, high-tech engines
are humming.
Pulses are pounding,
excitement is building,
tensions are rising.
With $1 million up for grabs,
these WWE Superstars
will pull no punches
to win it all.
Who will taste victory?
Who will suffer defeat?
It's anyone's game, folks.
And they're off!
Move, beast! Ugh!
This racing roach-coach
is more like a dead weight.
Yeah. Look on the bright side.
Oh, man!
These are great seats
to watch you race.
Go, Undertaker!
MICHAEL: Looks like
Team Taker's sandwich
can't cut the mustard,
but the rest
of our competitors
are rocking it off-road
and into the Deadwood Forest.
Let's get a closer look.
It's your eye in the sky,
the man who can fly,
Kofi Kingston,
reporting to you
from above the action.
Looks like The Authority is
wasting no time in showing
the others who's boss...
...and the Moscow Express is
the first competitor to take
battle damage in today's race.
But don't count
Team Russia out yet.
Rusev fix.
Da! I will drive.
KOFI: Each competitor is
equipped with magnetic boots
and tools to make repairs
on the go.
Magnetic boots?
This race just keeps
getting more exciting.
KOFI: Los Matadores are
bringing the Pamplona Especial
alongside the Celtic Cruiser.
They may be planning something
especial themselves.
-Whoa, whoa!
KOFI: El Torito's small,
but he's showing both
heart and horns today.
KOFI: Torito may
not be steering,
but I bet his distraction
drove Sheamus crazy.
Argh. Now you've
got me Irish up.
Argh. Why don't you
two fellas just get lost?
Keep it together, Sheamus.
Just keep it together.
MICHAEL: The Authority
holds the lead,
but it's still early.
-Anything can happen.
The Company Car's leading!
Whoo! Go, Stephanie!
You know Shaggy and Scooby
are also in this race.
I can have more
than one favorite.
By definition, no.
MICHAEL: These supercars
are demolishing
this off-road course.
KOFI: Except for
The Scoobanator.
MICHAEL: Each of these amazing
vehicles has been designed
to withstand any obstacle.
KOFI: Except for
The Scoobanator, Michael.
This rig is 10 pounds
of bolts in
a five-pound bucket.
This race is cursed.
MICHAEL: Team Taker
won't be counted out,
but they're struggling
to build momentum.
KOFI: Looks like The Authority
is losing momentum.
I'd take the lead
if I were driving,
-but I'm awesome.
The crazy Russians
hit us again.
I'd dodge them
if I were driving,
but I'm awesome.
You know what you need?
MICHAEL: The Too Awesome
and Moscow Express docking
for second,
while the Company Car
dominates the game!
Oh, no. The Demon Rig
has returned.
KOFI: I'm goin'
in close, Michael.
MICHAEL: Careful, Kofi.
You're at the most dangerous
part of the course.
The old Deadwood Bridge.
This race is doomed.
All those who oppose
Inferno will perish!
KOFI: Inferno's got
some serious heat.
He's tryin' to burn down
the whole race.
Go! Go! Go!
Look at 'em go, folks!
Facing the fire of
a supernatural specter.
That's why they call
them Superstars.
What bravery!
(SOBBING) I'm too
young to fry!
Great driving, Hunter.
KOFI: Triple H is leading
the charge past Inferno.
MICHAEL: Now the demon
is after the Company Car.
How's he driving, Kofi?
I don't know, but it doesn't
look good for Team Authority.
I'm trying to get in
closer to them.
Whoa! Whoa!
My drones don't seem
to want to be anywhere
near that demon.
Nor do your jammers.
The curse of the demon
must be interfering with
the signal, too.
The horror. The horror!
Oh, no!
Not the scorpion tail again!
(GASPS) Poor Stephanie!
She just had her hair
done this morning.
You'd think her father
would be watching this.
He hasn't even been on any
of the production cams.
-Fred, pay attention.
Push the red button
on the dash!
Zoinks! Fire.
Don't worry.
The Undertaker
does not fear the flame.
But we do!
By thunder and lightning!
That's what Fred
was trying to say.
We got boosters!
MICHAEL: Oh, my!
Deadwood Bridge
is shattering apart!
Team Taker
is in real trouble here.
-Man, way to go, guys!
-Yay! Scooby-Doo!
I cannot believe
what I'm seeing.
Only the Undertaker
could fly a sandwich
out of the jaws of oblivion.
There's that
yellow-bellied demon.
Where did he go?
MICHAEL: Unbelievable!
But where did Inferno go?
Company Car's through!
Here comes
the Pamplona Especial.
No sign of the Demon Rig.
Wait. It's... It's...
The Scoobanator!
MICHAEL: And the first leg
of Muscle Moto X finishes
with The Authority
in first place,
Team Taker in second
and Los Matadores in third.
MICHAEL: Join us again
tomorrow for the next round
of the Muscle Moto X.
Hopefully, no more
spooky stuff happens.
Where did you fellas go?
It's not where we went
that matters...
It's where we come from.
Huh, burrito, burrito!
(CHUCKLES) Burrito, burrito!
MICHAEL: You have to be
pleased with your performance,
especially with the appearance
of this Demon Rig.
Are you concerned
the race may be cursed?
Mark my words, Michael.
No demon or devil
or any other ghoul will
interfere with my race.
We'll take him out and then
we will take the championship.
Just like we took
the 30-second head start
for today's win.
LANA: Second to last place!
You should wear
pink, frilly dresses
so the people know you're
not the Russian champion,
but a little bunny-man
masquerading as
the Russian champion.
Nyet! Nyet! Lies!
Rusev not take you to
the outlet mall this weekend.
Undertaker, your team
took second place today,
using a modified food truck.
That's truly amazing.
Dark forces
lashed out against us.
The flames of Inferno
tried to swallow us whole,
but the bell tolls
not for Team Taker,
it tolls for the demon.
Oh, are those
McMahon's Mania Meatballs?
I see you're lacking
an A-List talent to train
your camera on, Kofi.
Lucky for you, I'm here.
And yes, I am disappointed
in my team.
Paige was beyond terrible.
I'd give her a grade
of poor-minus.
You're blaming me?
You did nothing.
First, I was performing
like a champion,
B, I was gracing this event
with my style and credibility,
and thirdly,
I tried mentoring you,
but you didn't listen to any
of my excellent advice.
Hmm. You make several
fascinating points.
Then let me show you
my appreciation.
-I wanted thirdsies.
-Rusev crush!
Bad move!
Like, maybe we should
order take-out.
What in the name
of Gorgeous George
is going on here?
SHEAMUS: Brogue Kicks
for everybody.
I'm gonna lose my deposit.
I will not be partner
with girly man Rusev.
Me. Me next! I need attention.
Paige has no respect
for my greatness.
I won't race with her.
I want new partner, too.
That goes triple for me,
'cause I can't be paired with
a man who uses more
hair product than I do.
Uh, before you do
anything rash,
here are the spot ratings
for the first race.
And controversy like this
will mean they'll
only get bigger!
Lana and Paige are now
in Too Awesome.
Miz joins the Moscow Express
with Rusev.
Really? He smells
like borscht.
Well, if you don't like
the sound of getting
a new partner,
perhaps you'll like the sound
of me saying, "You're fired!"
Sorry, boss.
Won't happen again.
Let's go, you two.
Can we go someplace,
like, less fighty?
And more foody?
(SCOFFS) Who's "Too Awesome"
now? Not you.
Kidding about the borscht!
Grammy Gram makes
it every leap year.
(WHISPERS) Does anyone else
want to trade partners?
Anyone at all?
And so, one turns
against the other.
Brothers against sisters.
Divisions in the ranks.
Trust me, boys,
the curse of the demon
is only starting.
I thought tonight we could
go over some clues,
that is, if Fred ever
emerges from his coma.
I didn't take your doll.
Huh? Oh. What?
Actually, Stephanie wanted
to talk to me this evening
about employment opportunities
with the WWE.
-To do what?
-Wrestle-wear designer.
She thinks I have
a natural gift for spandex.
Far be it from me to interfere
with the baroness'
big business plans.
Mmm, I don't know why
you're so judgmental
about Stephanie.
She's really sweet.
She even said
nice things about you.
Like what?
Well, she thought
you'd make a great Superstar.
She said you're just the type
fans love to see get slammed.
It was a compliment.
Are you ready, Daphne?
(SIGHS) You don't know
how ready.
-Shaggy. Donut me.
-One donut coming up.
(CHUCKLES) Zoinks.
Is it Inferno?
Worse. We are out of snacks.
Like, I can't sleep on
a partially empty stomach.
-Can you?
BOTH: The Scoobanator!
Dude. Check it out.
Enchiladas with tuna fish,
yogurt and chocolate sauce.
And fried onions.
Good thing I made two.
-Did you just clank?
-Not me.
Inferno! (WHIMPERS)
You will pay
for your meddling.
Like, how about we leave now
and pay later?
Who's awesome? I'm awesome.
Who's awesome? I'm awesome.
Who's awesome? I'm awesome.
Strangely enough,
I've been monster-mauled
on a midnight jog before.
But this time,
I'm doing the mauling.
BOTH: Ooh. Cool!
The demon.
-The Miz has him!
-Go, Miz!
None can defeat Inferno.
Your fate will soon be sealed.
Gone again.
He overpowered my awesome
Figure Four Leglock?
Oh, no. Could it be that
the curse of Inferno
is making you lose
your awesome?
(GASPS) I...
I can lose my awesome?
Like we lost our appetites.
What I'd like to know is
what Inferno was doing
here in the first place.
The only damage I could find
was that the Company Car's
oil line was cut.
Without oil, the engine
would have seized up
for sure during the race.
What about the other cars?
They all checked out okay.
Great work, guys.
You stopped the demon
before it could sabotage
the other cars.
-We did?
-We did?
BOTH: Oh, we did.
Look! Here's more
of that talcum powder.
I can tell you
where that came from.
Our airbags.
I checked them out
this afternoon,
right after the race.
Gotta protect
my precious cargo.
He left a track.
Ew! Someone needs a pedicure.
Stephanie, I wish
you'd reconsider this.
There's a good chance
Inferno might attack tomorrow.
Well, I hope he does,
because tomorrow, I'm driving.
Welcome to Race Two
of the Muscle Moto X
Off Road Challenge.
We're calling it
the Spire Lake Sprint.
The Authority won
the first race, so they get
a 30-second head start.
STEPHANIE: So long, suckers!
While we're waiting,
let's go to Kofi Kingston.
Lana's with Paige
in Too Awesome.
While the Miz joins Rusev
in the Moscow Express.
I love our girl power team-up.
Yeah. I can feel
your enthusiasm.
I can't wait to see
how these new teams turn out.
And there they go!
-Hmm, that's strange.
Mr. McMahon is leaving.
You'd think he'd stay
to watch what happens.
MICHAEL: To overcome
yesterday's last-place finish,
Sheamus, Goldust and Stardust
will have to work together.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How we wonder where you are.
How about you two mad weirdos
get out of my head
and into our competitors'...
Dead creepy the way
those two fellas do that.
MICHAEL: The road to victory
is a bumpy ride,
but it looks like
our Superstars are
running out of road.
Where are they going?
They're headed
toward that cliff.
Oh, my. You can lead
these horses to water,
but you can't make them sink.
Because these Superstars
can drive on water.
When we named it
the Muscle Moto X
Off Road Challenge,
we weren't kidding, folks.
Like, good thing
these come with floaties.
MICHAEL: Look at 'em
hit the drink,
like steel leviathans
thirsty for victory.
KOFI: That's right, Michael.
And while The Authority held
the advantage on land,
Team Taker is closing the gap
on the water.
The Spire Lake Sprint
could be a real game-changer
for these Superstars.
-Mas rapido.
-Go for it, Torito!
I had my doubts about
this partnership, Rusev,
but look at us.
We're doing great!
You driving and me
being awesome.
Little man talk too much.
Step on it! Cut your turns
closer and pass.
Hey! Are you holding back
so Rusev can win?
Ha! Yes!
For the glory
of Mother Russia,
I will make sure
Rusev is champion.
You two-faced... (GASPS)
Oh, my!
He's back, folks.
The demon from the deep.
And now our Superstars
are in hot water!
KOFI: You said it, Michael.
Inferno set the last race
on fire.
No doubt he'll bring
this water race to a boil.
MICHAEL: This Demon Rig
is unstoppable!
KOFI: It's after
the Celtic Cruiser.
(LAUGHS) The Demon Rig.
Bit of nice machinery there.
Got nothing on
the Celtic Cruiser, though.
-MICHAEL: What power!
The Celtic Cruiser flung
like a flaccid flapjack.
Argh! I swear,
by me sainted mother,
one way or another,
I'm gonna beat that Inferno.
KOFI: It'll take more
than that to knock down
the Celtic Warrior.
But what about
the Too Awesome?
And the Pamplona Especial?
Such power.
With demon vehicle,
victory would be assured.
Could you please stop
admiring the thing that's
smashing us to pieces?
I save you!
No, no, no.
What are you doing?
You're going the wrong way.
MICHAEL: Rusev just sacrificed
his third-place position.
KOFI: Which saved Lana
and Paige from certain doom.
Now that's a Superstar.
MICHAEL: Oh, no. Inferno
is gaining on the leaders now.
The demon is after
the Company Car.
Keep driving, Steph.
It's time for me to do
what's best for business.
You wanna play games?
I am The Game.
Triple H has a score
to settle, Michael.
He leaves Stephanie
to face his demon, literally.
MICHAEL: The King of Kings
versus the demon of the derby.
It's a fight in the fast lane.
The stakes have never
been higher.
And it looks like Triple H
is done for.
Great Gobbledy Gooker!
MICHAEL: He's safe!
Triple H was in trouble,
but Stephanie
came back for him.
-Go, Authority!
Nice driving, Steph!
So, she can turn a wheel.
Big deal.
MICHAEL: It's not
over yet, folks.
The clash of
the titans continues.
But this Demon Rig
is undefeated.
There's no way The Authority
can withstand
these brutal attacks.
We may be witnessing
the end of the Muscle Moto X!
Team Taker out of nowhere!
Forget about me?
Big mistake.
Like, is this
part of the race?
It is now.
MICHAEL: I never thought
I'd be so happy to see
a sandwich truck
and a vintage Undertaker
surprise return on the side.
What an emotional
KOFI: Things just took
a turn for the worst, Michael.
The demon just rammed
Team Taker out of the race.
But that was just
the appetizer.
He's about to unleash
the main course.
The Scoobanator's been hit.
MICHAEL: The sun
may be shining,
but the day could
not be darker for
these Superstars.
Uh-oh. Not good.
Oh, no!
Just when I thought
things couldn't get
worse for Team Taker.
Everyone, in the back!
Hang on, Michael.
I'm gonna see
if I can help.
Whoa! I can't steer!
Oh, good.
The camera still works.
MICHAEL: Keep us posted, Kofi.
Meanwhile, our
sky drone cameras
are still following the race.
The water course
has reached its end.
It's time for the surf
to return to the turf.
Our waterlogged
racecars once again
put rubber to the road.
Coming into the home stretch,
we've got the Company Car
and Pamplona Especial
wrestling for
the lead position.
The foal and the boss
are neck-and-neck.
And as they approach
the finish line,
the Company Car's
in first place by a headlight.
It wins the big head start
for the all-important
final race tomorrow.
KOFI: That's not
the big story, Michael.
Team Taker's going down.
And I mean, way down.
There's gotta be something
in here that can help us.
At least we're surrounded
by all the things we love,
Gosh. Yeah.
It's not over yet.
KOFI: Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Team Taker
goes over the falls!
Oh, the humanity!
Kofi, do you see anything?
Anything at all?
I don't know, Michael.
I don't think anyone could...
Wait. Wait!
They made it!
The Undertaker saves
Skinny Man and Dead Meat.
Salvation by sausage wings,
This Inferno
is getting more dangerous,
and we're still not any closer
to figuring out
who he really is.
-There's still Mr. McMahon.
-And Big Earl.
Big Earl? But he's so nice.
He needs money.
Maybe he's getting
paid to do two jobs.
Despite this criminal demon,
we've come
too far to quit now.
So the race is on!
Tomorrow, we award
a million dollars, and any
of you can still win!
Yippee! Woo-hoo!
Bring it on!
Yeah. Anyone with a car.
Sorry, Undertaker.
It's just...
I was racing for all my little
creatures of the night.
The little Undertaker fans
all across the world.
I was gonna use my share
of the prize money
to create the Undertaker's
Comedy Theater
and Puppet Jubilee.
I like puppets.
As the winners
in the last race,
The Authority gets another
30-second head start in
the final race.
Let's have a big hand for us!
No reason to be
sore losers. Losers.
Nobody's lost yet,
but this whole thing
smells like a stinkin' angle
that seems to favor
just one team.
Hey! We're victims,
just like you.
We won today
because we're that darn good.
And we're that darn disgusted.
Twice the demon shows up
and twice you win
a head start.
Coincidence? Don't think so.
The cosmic tea leaves
have soured.
Never more.
Never more.
Fine. Hunter and I
will beat you without
the head start.
See you at the races, suckers.
(SCOFFS) Haters.
I hope you guys are close
to solving this thing.
Uh, we do have
one question, Mr. McMahon.
Just where do you go
during the races?
What... Now I'm a suspect?
I do have a few things to do,
like running the entire WWE.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to leave.
And I'm fully aware this may
seem suspicious, but it's not.
Right. Not suspicious at all.
Don't take it too hard,
I know what other people think
when you have a successful
Sometimes it's not great.
My father would never
hand us a win.
He works us hard
because we're family,
and I have to work even harder
than anyone to impress him.
My dad is a wealthy
businessman, too,
but I don't think
I could ever work for him.
(SCOFFS) There's a difference
between millions and billions,
Uh, what?
Daphne, I'm sorry.
It's just this race,
it's so frustrating.
So basically she said,
"My dad is richer than
your dad"?
Well, she said
she was sorry after.
These Superstar Divas
have been known
to turn on each other.
You better be prepared,
Before this is over,
Miss Bossy McRustlepants
might unfriend you.
That's fine, she's not
my best friend, you are.
Good. Because if we're gonna
solve this mystery,
there's no one I'd rather
solve it with than you.
Like, with the
Scoobanator gone,
we can finally
kick back and relax.
No more racing for us.
-Lock the doors!
Oh, que padre!
Look what we did.
Isn't it great?
We're back in the game.
MICHAEL: If you thought
yesterday's water race
was over-the-top,
you haven't seen anything yet.
Today, we finish
where we started,
heading up the dangerous
Marauder's Mountain
to the infamous
Deadman's Curve
before parachuting back
to our original starting line.
This is the final leg
of the Muscle Moto X
Off Road Challenge!
With The Authority forfeiting
their 30-second lead,
the million dollar prize
is truly up for grabs.
Oh, my!
Like, we're all going?
That's right.
We're gonna win this race
and deliver that demon
back to the dark side.
We discovered
a big clue, Shaggy.
Remember how Kofi's drones
weirded out when he got close
to the Demon Rig?
I can't steer!
It happened
in the first race, too.
Those drones are set
to specific frequencies.
They get disrupted
if a different signal
crosses with it.
So it makes sense that
someone, at least some
of the time,
is driving the Demon Rig
by remote control.
This time, when Inferno shows,
we're gonna override his
signal and stop him cold.
Buckle your belts, kids.
The Speed Demon's smackdown
is about to begin.
MICHAEL: And they're off!
The question
on everyone's mind,
will Team Taker's
new Mystery Machine
help them win
Marauder's Mountain?
The answer will be hammered
out of our Superstars
by the most brutal
and dangerous course
of them all.
I hope you did
the laundry, folks,
because you're gonna
need a clean pair of pants
at the end this one.
You know,
I'm beginning
to like you lads.
KOFI: Despite surrendering
their head start,
The Authority
is still in front.
It's a new day,
but it might be the same old
outcome in today's race.
Michael, he's back!
Inferno was waiting
for the Superstars to pass,
cutting them off
from any retreat.
This is Inferno's mountain!
I will cast you off
like all the other fools
before you.
-MICHAEL: Inferno's
chilling warning
resonates like
a thunder strike
to the Superstars invading
his home ground.
KOFI: Oh, once again,
the Celtic Cruiser
is the first to fall
to the demon
and the Mystery Machine
is next.
(WHIMPERING) He's behind us!
Use your doohickey, Fred!
KOFI: Team Taker
smashed into the wall!
Our parachute's gone!
It wouldn't be a good idea
to go up Deadman's Curve
without it.
MICHAEL: The Demon Rig
is carving up this race
like a Thanksgiving turkey.
The Pamplona
mashed like a potato.
The Moscow Express,
ladled with pain gravy.
Slow down.
Do you understand
what a race is?
Perfectly. Rusev.
Take the demon vehicle now!
Where are you going?
KOFI: Wait a minute,
what's Rusev up to?
KOFI: No way!
He's attacking the Demon Rig
with his bare hands?
I am loyal.
To Mother Russia. Ha!
KOFI: And now, Lana is leaving
the Too Awesome?
MICHAEL: What is
Team Russia up to?
I claim demon car
for glory of Russia.
MICHAEL: What an
agonizing backfire.
Ha, that was awesome!
The money-maker's at risk!
Repeat, the
money-maker's at risk!
Get in, you big baby!
I can deal with the Russians,
but I've had enough
of that creep.
Finally, something
we agree on.
How about we forget
the race and...
Squash us a demon!
Text the others.
Maybe they'd like
to join the fun.
-The Miz.
They're all going
after the demon.
MICHAEL: As the race
climbs toward the peak,
our Superstars are uniting
against Inferno.
This is my house!
-Mess with the bull...
-And you get the horns!
MICHAEL: I've never
seen anything like it, folks!
It's like tag-teaming
on wheels.
It's a numbers game.
It's adding up
against Inferno,
and Inferno is feeling
that frustration right now.
El Torito out of nowhere!
-El Torito out of nowhere!
Somebody get a towel
because El Torito
just turned this race
into a slobberknocker,
Lucha Libre style.
ALL: Ole!
Time to cut down
that sneaky snake.
-The Celtic sword, boys.
Grab the wheel!
KOFI: Amazing! Sheamus just
severed the scorpion tail!
a Celtic warrior!
Victory! (GRUNTING)
What a counter!
The strength of Inferno
is too much for Sheamus
and the demon just
slithered his way
out of the reach
of our Superstars.
KOFI: But he's not done yet.
Once again, he's focused
on the lead position.
MICHAEL: For the first time
in this race,
Team Taker is really
building momentum,
no doubt fueled
by the Undertaker's drive
to take down Inferno.
Aren't we close enough?
Let's find out.
It's working!
Time for a new plan.
Is it, like, go somewhere
and hide?
Uh, that could work!
As my official teammates,
it's time for you two
to get up here
and drive this course like
you've never driven before.
Good. Because we haven't!
KOFI: Undertaker just
left the Mystery Machine.
Oh, boy, Inferno's
in trouble now.
your day of reckoning
is upon you
and the Undertaker will have
no mercy on your soul.
I'll show you, fool.
MICHAEL: The Undertaker
squaring off with the demon
of Marauder's Mountain.
This is getting good.
MICHAEL: The Phenom attacks
first, the demon counters,
Taker reverses,
and as they lock up,
it's clear that these two
supernatural forces
are evenly matched.
We're in
for a wild ride, folks.
Stay on Inferno,
I've got another plan.
Like, how many
plans are there?
Just get us to
Deadman's Curve.
It's our only chance.
That sounds like
a horrible plan!
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Shaggy, Scooby,
you can do this, remember?
You ate dozens of these
Deadman's Curve pretzels.
They're an exact
copy of the route.
She's right. Like,
we know every turn.
We do?
Like the back of our bellies.
Scooby-Doo, we can do this!
Oh, yeah. Right, right,
-left, left.
MICHAEL: The heavens
above tremble
as these two Goliaths
battle it out.
With neither one showing
any sign of backing down
as they approach
the pinnacle of this race,
-Deadman's Curve.
KOFI: Here we go, Michael.
The company car
takes the leap first
followed closely
by the Demon Rig.
KOFI: Hold on, everybody.
Whoo! Parachutes have popped.
Are you sure about this?
Trust me. Don't stop!
KOFI: Incredible!
The Mystery Machine
has tethered itself
to the Demon Rig.
This is some plan, Fred.
FRED: Cool, huh?
-Your end is near, demon.
Prepare to be punished.
This race is in the bag.
KOFI: The combined
weight of two vehicles
is causing the Demon Rig
to fall faster.
KOFI: And the Company Car
falls to second place.
MICHAEL: And despite
this death-defying
parachute plunge,
Inferno and Undertaker
continue their epic match.
Nowhere to run, demon.
Nowhere to hide.
You are mine.
KOFI: Inferno just jumped
to the Mystery Machine
to escape the Undertaker.
Go, guys, go!
You won't escape the
Undertaker that easy, demon.
other Superstars
return to Terra firma,
we're back to a road race
for the home stretch
of the Muscle Moto X.
You will both pay!
Ah! Oh! Ow!
MICHAEL: With no
competition in sight,
the Mystery Machine
finishes first.
I will not stop!
But, like, we will.
MICHAEL: The demon is down,
pummeled by pretzels!
And the Undertaker
takes second place,
piloting the Demon Rig!
Undertaker! Undertaker!
yourselves, folks.
The Undertaker's about
to deliver judgment.
That was the Last Ride.
It's over.
This is awesome!
That one was for Dusty.
It's not over!
And now you will
-BOTH: Ooh!
Tombstone Piledriver!
Now, it's over.
MICHAEL: Vintage Undertaker!
What a way to finish
the Muscle Moto X!
Now let's see
who this really is.
ALL: Triple H?
We suspected
it had to be a Superstar
when the demon broke out
of The Miz's wrestling hold.
But Triple H wasn't the
mastermind behind all this,
was he, Stephanie?
Oh, no.
You know what, Dad?
I told you to fire them,
but you never listen.
This is so heavy.
But we saw them both
in the car during the races.
You thought you did,
but you saw this.
VELMA: An inflatable
airbag dummy.
-Then who was driving?
-Stephanie was.
With remote
motion-control gear.
That way, she could drive
while sitting
in the passenger seat.
Meanwhile, Triple H
could be Inferno
and use the same
motion-control system
to drive the Demon Rig.
VELMA: But it wasn't always
Stephanie in the company car.
At the lake, it was Triple H.
That way Stephanie
could be the demon
in case anyone
suspected her husband.
Sorry about this, honey.
Make it real, Steph.
What about the night
their oil line got cut?
Why would they sabotage
their own car?
Triple H wasn't intending to.
What he was doing
was changing the airbags
from the Triple H dummy
to the Stephanie dummy.
That's why there was talcum
powder on the ground.
But Shaggy and
Scooby saw him...
-(WHIMPERING) he cut the oil line
to cover his activities.
My plan would've worked, too,
if it weren't for you
meddling kids and your...
Your speedster dog!
Don't forget Taker.
Thank you, Scooby-Doo.
The only mystery left is,
where did you go every time
Inferno showed up?
Well, uh, to tell
you the truth,
I was practicing.
I planned to sing
the national anthem
at the closing
ceremony tonight.
But what I want to know is,
why, Stephanie? Why?
To win.
And to make Muscle
Moto X a huge success.
Dad, I wanted to show you
that I could do it all.
But I've always known that.
The only reason I didn't want
you in the race is that
I didn't want you to get hurt.
Well, I'm afraid this time,
you're gonna have to pay
for your mistakes, kiddo.
This must be kind of tough
on you, Mr. McMahon.
I'm not worried.
They'll learn their lesson.
And my lawyers will have
this whole thing sorted out
in 24 hours.
They're that darn good.
O'er the land
Of the free
And the home
Of the brave
Nailed it.
I heard you got plans for
your winnings, Undertaker.
Thanks to my teammates,
Skinny Man and Dead Meat
and their pals,
my little creatures
of the night will
now experience
the magical art of puppetry.
And what are you guys
doing with your share
of the winnings?
Fair's fair.
It's going to Dusty Rhodes.
And his American dream.
Don't know how
to thank you boys.
I've been so down,
I couldn't even sleep.
Just spent the nights
The good news is,
it rehabbed my back
and now I feel great.
Rusev and I have gift.
Like, don't you
want to crush us?
In race, yes.
But is important to be good
sport after competition.
-Rusev hug!
Next year, we add sharks.
Today, the bell tolls
to honor the triumph
of Team Taker
and all the WWE Superstars.
-Victory is ours.