Scooby-doo! Curse Of The Lake Monster (2010)

Come on.
Split up.
- Hey, come on, Scoob.
- I'm right behind you, Shaggy.
Change of plans.
Stay out.
Time to unmask the person
behind this mystery.
- It's you?
- What?
Like, it can't be.
Remember, people, just because
this is the last day of class...
...doesn't mean
this test doesn't count.
- Hot dog.
- Hot dog.
Let's dance.
Uh, guys, what are you doing?
I know you're excited
the school year's over...
...but our seasonal employment
Already? Like, I didn't even have time
to get a tan.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
Well, it sure is lucky
that Daphne's uncle... opening his new country club
this summer, hey, V?
Indeed. Without these summer jobs,
we'd never able to pay back...
...Old Man Frickert
for the damage we did to his barn.
Say cheese.
- What is he--?
- Oh, Scoob's got a new hobby.
- What happened to gardening?
- It didn't work out.
Everything he planted,
he'd just dig right up.
Daphne said we should hit the road
right after school.
Any sign of her or Fred?
- Like, huh?
- Jinkies.
Well? I for one think we deserve
an explanation.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
There's always been an undeniable
chemistry between you two, but--
When did the transformative reaction
finally occur?
I guess it started that night
at Old Man Frickert's.
Yeah. Remember, Velma?
We followed the trail of the vengeful
scarecrow up into the hayloft.
This is impossible.
We'll never find anything in here.
Yes, if I wasn't so pun averse...
...I might even say it's like looking
for a needle in a haystack.
Didn't scare you, did I?
Are you okay?
I am now.
- Like, run!
- What is it, Shaggy?
- This one's gonna be a real barn burner.
- Shaggy.
Look out!
And thus,
we're stuck paying for a new barn.
Again, just for the record...
...nowhere on those bales of hay
did it say flammable.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, that was also the night...
...that Fred and I realized
we were just meant to be.
It's a lovely story.
But I do feel obligated
to raise one concern.
Whenever there's a shift
in a relationship...
...between two individuals
within a group... inevitably has repercussions
on the group as a whole.
Oh, Velma, don't worry about that.
We're all way too mature
to let that happen.
- Right, Scoob?
- I know I am.
Punch buggy white.
Ouch. Oh, good one, Scoob.
But it's a shame you didn't notice
the punch buggy green.
- All right.
- You know what? That is it. I've had it.
You know, I will turn this van around.
- Do I have to come back there?
- Scooby-Doo...
...get your tail out of my face.
Fred, where are those
directions I sent you to print out?
Don't worry, we're not lost.
Hm. This sure doesn't look
like my uncle's country club.
Oh. Hey, look. It's the S.S. Daphne.
Ha, ha.
Oh, look. Try stopping there, sweetie.
Whatever you say, dear.
Oh, how quaint.
Anybody home?
Like, yikes. Maybe we ought to just find
our own way... your uncle's country club.
Country club?
You're going to the country club?
Yes, we have summer jobs there.
No, you must turn back.
You must leave while you still can.
- Leave? Why would we wanna leave?
- They were fools to build there.
I tried to warn them...
...but they thought
I was just some crazy hag.
You? Heh. No.
But mark my words,
the lake monster will return.
The lake monster will return.
- Did you get directions?
- Uh....
- Not exactly.
- Oh, yes, we did.
Make a U-turn
and head straight back to Coolsville.
There's a monster at the lake, guys.
A monster.
- A monster?
- Mm-hm.
Would you be referring
to the lake monster of Erie Pointe?
You know, I didn't catch his name.
- All I heard was "monster."
- No, look.
It says here for hundreds of years
there have been sightings...
...of hideous creatures
said to live at the bottom of the lake.
I get it, it's one of those things
like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster.
Oh, no, it's worse than we thought.
No, Shaggy, I think what Fred means
is that it's just a legend.
You know, lots of small towns
make them up. They're good for tourism.
Oh. Oh, sure, you know,
come for the scenery...
...stay for the certain death.
Come on, guys. Let's just get going
or we're gonna be late.
Uh, Fred?
- We still don't know how to get there.
- Mm-hm.
Actually, yes, we do.
- No.
- Yes.
Pretty swank, Daph.
Yeah, looks like my uncle
really outdid himself this time.
Thanks, Shaggy.
- Is that my favorite niece?
- Uncle Thorny.
Thank you again, uncle.
I don't know what we would've done
without these summer jobs.
Yeah. And, again, just for the record...'s a well-known fact
that scarecrows are afraid of fire--
Gang, I'd like you to meet
Thorton Blake IV.
Fifth, actually.
Uncle Thorny, this is the gang.
This is Shaggy.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Fred.
- Oh.
- Velma.
- Pleasure.
- And--
- Scooby-Doo.
Nice to meet you, Uncle Thorny.
Well, I'm sure glad to have you all
on board this summer.
Grab your stuff, get settled,
and park that thing in the back.
Oh. You're gonna need
to get a good night's sleep.
Your shifts start at 6 a.m. sharp.
There's a 6 a.m.?
And that one. It's my makeup.
- Shaggy, need a hand?
- No, thanks, Fred. I got it.
It just takes a little elbow grease.
Shaggy, are you all right?
Like, I am now.
Yes, Velma?
I don't know how much longer
I can hold you.
- Hey, Scoob?
- Huh?
- Can I talk to you man-to-man?
- Uh....
Sort of.
I think I might have just had
a hayloft moment with Velma.
Do you think it's possible that--?
I don't know,
that she and I are meant to be?
Yeah. Thanks for the support, pal.
I'll remember this come flea season.
Getting much better distance
on those woods, sir.
Hey, Fred,
can I talk to you man-to-man?
Sort of.
Well, you and Daphne,
is that something you recommend?
What do you mean?
Well, you know, going from having... know, a girl friend
to a girlfriend.
Heh, heh. I don't know if I'd really
call Daphne my girlfriend, Shags.
You know, it's more casual than that.
We're just, um....
- We're hanging out.
- Hanging out?
No, Fred is totally my boyfriend.
I always thought football players
liked to, well...
- the field.
- Pfft.
Me too. I never thought Fred would
be the relationship type, but he totally is.
I'm just not the relationship type.
I'm a football player,
we like to, uh, play the field.
Anyhow, it's summer, Shaggy.
Oh, yeah, summer. Totally.
Because who'd want a girlfriend
during daylight-savings time?
Good guess, but what I'm saying... summer's a time you just wanna
have fun. Not get so serious.
Daphne's cool,
she feels the same way.
It's totally getting serious.
Fred's cool, he feels the same way.
Well, it certainly sounds
like you two are perfectly in sync.
- Exactly.
- Exactly.
Hey, Scoob.
- How was the first dog day of summer?
- Relaxing.
Glad to hear it, boy.
Now, come on, let's go get some--
Oh, hello, Velma.
- How was your day?
- Fine, I guess.
Oh, really? Like, mine was fine too.
It's crazy
how much we have in common, huh?
Oh, boy.
So, guys, my uncle invited us
to the opening night reception.
- What do you say?
- Awesome.
- How about a dip in the pool first?
- Sounds great.
Oh, like, that sounds like a real rager.
What do you think, V?
Perhaps I'll rendezvous
with everyone later.
Since we arrived, I've been eager
to survey the indigenous flora and fauna.
Oh, hey. Wait up.
So you say there's both flora and fauna
out there, huh?
When was the last time you heard
those two things in the same sentence?
Shaggy, did you know
Lake Erie is the warmest...
...and most biologically productive
of the Great Lakes?
Not to mention
the eleventh largest lake in the world.
Oh, wow.
I could listen to you talk like that
for hours.
Are you really interested
in this stuff, Shaggy?
I've never known you to be,
well, intellectually curious.
Oh, I'm curious
about a lot of things, Velma.
Like people and relationships...
...and relationships between people.
Hey, Shaggy,
you're gonna love this factoid.
Lake Erie has been gradually rising
over the last few hundred years.
That means beneath
all of these rock formations...
...there are miles
of underwater caves.
- Get out of town.
- No, really.
You can tell
by the variegated sedimentary striations.
Oh, would you look at that.
I've never seen irrigated rudimentary
claymations like that before.
Hey, Velma, yesterday at the van....
Look at this, Shaggy.
I think it might actually
be a moonstone.
They're very rare.
You know,
the Native Americans believed...
...they held this mystical connection
with the moon, thereby the name.
Look at how it glows.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
It sure is.
Almost as beautiful as your eyes.
- Oh, Shaggy.
- Oh, Velma.
Oh, Shaggy, I think I'm gonna be sick.
- What? Oh, Velma, are you all right?
- I'm fine.
I just feel really nauseous
all of a sudden.
Like, you better sit down.
- Here, let me help.
- No, it's okay.
I'm just gonna go back to the room
and lie down for a little while.
Oh, okay.
I think she likes me.
Oy vay.
Well, I'll catch you out there
on the links, huh?
Senator. I'm so glad
you could make it.
Oh, how could I ever say no
to my biggest contributor?
- How about a photograph?
- Yes.
- Good thing I dressed up, hey, Scoob?
- Yeah.
Hey, Shagg, Scoob. Where's Velma?
Oh. Uh, heh.
Uh, she got sick all of a sudden.
But it was totally natural causes...
...and not revulsion
at the very thought of me.
- Hey, Scoob, check out the buffet.
- Ooh.
Now, if you don't mind,
one from my best side.
One more.
This will be good in my scrapbook.
Like, who ordered the pea soup?
Sorry, everyone.
I'm sure it's just a little minor glitch
with one of our generators.
I'll just--
What the heck is that?
- Fred?
- I don't know either, Daph.
Lake monster.
Excuse me, I don't recall
having seen your name on the guest list.
That thing can't be real, can it?
I don't know, but I'm not
getting close enough to find out.
No, please.
Please, everyone...
...I'm sure there's a logical explanation
as to what's going on.
We'll just tidy up the tent...
...and, you know,
we'll just continue the party.
Everyone-- Oh, senator, senator.
- Give me the keys, I'll get it myself.
- Just go without him.
My goodness.
Why do I have the feeling
I missed something rather significant?
It was the lake monster.
The lake monster of Erie Pointe.
It was horrifying, terrifying,
scariest thing I've ever seen in my life.
On a more personal note,
how are you feeling, Velma?
- Did you just say the lake monster?
- Yeah.
You can't be serious.
Oh, my guests sure seemed to think
it was serious.
Look at this, not even day one...
...and half of them
have canceled their memberships.
If somebody doesn't figure out
what's going on here quickly...'s gonna be a very short summer
for all of us.
Guys, we have to do something.
We can't afford to lose these jobs.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
- You guys thinking what I'm thinking?
- No.
- Come on.
- Guys, please, don't--
Here we go again.
Uncle Thorny.
We just wanna let you know
not to worry.
Not only did you hire summer help... also hired the best supernatural
detectives in the tristate area.
- I did?
- That's right.
And I know just where to start too.
With Elmer Uggins,
the person who's taken...
...the only known photo
of the lake monster.
Heh. Would you look at that.
Our first suspect just happens to be
the keeper of a creepy old lighthouse.
You know, just once...
...I wish we found a mystery
that started in a cheery futon showroom.
Futons offer far more support
than traditional mattresses.
Well, looks like the light's on
but nobody's home.
Isn't this the part when we normally
split up and search for clues?
I'll go with Velma. Ha.
Come on. It'll be fun.
Okay. Come on, Daph.
Oh, Velma, what is that sweet fragrance
you're wearing?
Bug and tick repellent.
Well, it certainly isn't repelling me.
It sure is a lovely night, huh?
I've always enjoyed
strolling beneath a full moon.
Werewolves notwithstanding,
of course.
I too enjoy walking
by the light of the silvery moon.
Heh, heh, heh.
Yeah, that's a good one.
Wait, where's the funny?
- Oh. "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"?
- Yeah.
It's just an old vaudevillian ditty.
But I must confess,
I do have a soft spot for it.
Like, wait, I think I do know that one.
- By the light
- Not the dark, but the light
- Of the silvery moon
- Not the sun, but the moon
- I wanna spoon
- Not broom, but spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
By the light of the silvery
- Moon
- Moon
Act one, scene new
Act two
Me, you
Let's go
New tune
- By the light
- Not the dark, but the light
- Of the silvery moon
- Not the sun, but the moon
- I wanna spoon
- Not broom, but spoon
- To my honey I'll croon
- Croon! Five, six
- By the moon
- By the moon, by the moon
- Keep it shining in June
- Keep it shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
By the silvery moon
Hey, Fred, you don't think Shaggy
could have a crush on Velma, do you?
Not unless she turned into
a steaming bowl of chili cheese fries.
- Why?
- I don't know, it's just...
...he's been acting really goofy lately.
Even for Shaggy.
And he's been following Velma around
like a puppy dog.
Actually, that would explain
why he's been asking me...
...all those questions about dating.
But I guess he didn't take my advice.
Advice? Wait, Fred, what advice?
Um, Velma, that wasn't what I thought
it was, was it?
I don't know.
Did you surmise that it was a heretofore
unclassified amphibious humanoid?
No. I thought it was a lake monster!
Exactly what advice
did you give Shaggy about dating?
Oh, you know, just that it's summertime
and we're not really--
Come on.
Go, go, go!
It's the lake monster! Save me.
Ow! My ankle.
Mr. Uggins, I presume?
Call me Elmer.
Hi, kids.
So you've never actually seen
the monster?
I was just using the legend
to make a quick buck.
Made some postcards...
...sold them to the local tourist traps.
- Mm?
- No.
- No.
- Thanks.
Hey, what can I say?
You know, lighthouse keeping
ain't exactly a growth industry.
Ahem. Anyway...
...when I heard about all the hoopla
down at the country club tonight...
...I figured it might be a good time
to dust off old green-eyes over there...
...and take some new shots.
But listen, kids...
...if this thing's really back,
you best leave now while you still can.
Come on, you don't really believe
the monster's real, do you?
It's probably some prankster
with a better costume.
Maybe it is and maybe it ain't.
But one thing's for sure...
...the legend is a truly terrible tale.
It all goes back
to the very beginnings of town.
When the first settlers arrived
in these parts...
...they was confronted
by an old woman...
...who was said to live
in a cave by the lake.
Grubwort was her name.
Wanda Grubwort.
She claimed all the land around the lake
belonged to her...
...and told the settlers that
if they didn't turn back...
...they would pay the price.
But them early pioneers was not about
to be turned away so easily... they settled in
and forgot all about her warning.
But Wanda Grubwort did not forget.
And one day,
she fulfilled her dark oath.
Using her magical staff...
...she cast a spell
upon an innocent creature of the lake...
...transforming it into a hideous beast.
Once Grubwort
had her monstrous slave...
...she loosed it upon the villagers.
And then? What happened next?
Well, it's said the settlers
eventually overcame Grubwort...
...tried her for witchery
and burned her at the stake.
Like I said... best leave now
while you still can.
I'm sorry, Mr. Uggins,
but we just don't give up that easy.
He obviously wasn't
in my sophomore geometry class.
Mr. Shaggy...
It's like the angels are singing it.
- Mister--
- Hey, Shagg. What you doing?
Oh! Um-- Nothing.
Doctor says I need more linen
in my diet.
Okay. So, have you seen Fred?
He's out on the--
Out on the green,
putting with some girls.
Now, just remember to follow through.
Follow through.
- Thanks.
- Okay, guys, I'm out of here.
- Okay, I'll see you guys later.
- Bye.
- Bye, Fred.
- Bye now.
Hey, Daph.
- What's up, Shags?
- Hey, Fred.
Hey, um...
...can I ask your advice
about something?
Well, I....
See, I have this friend, okay?
His name's, um, Scruffy. Yeah, Scruffy.
They call him that...
...because he has a goatee.
No, that would be too obvious.
Anyway, so this friend of mine,
who doesn't have a goatee or a dog...
...definitely doesn't have
a dog either...
...he has this crush on this girl
he sometimes solves mysteries with.
No, no. That's a dead giveaway.
- Let me start over. So--
- Shaggy.
It's okay. We know you like Velma.
Oh. Oh, what?
Oh, I don't know
what you guys are talking about.
I definitely do not like-- Velma.
You are not gonna believe what I found
in the security footage. Come on.
After you watch this,
I think you'll all be saying "jinkies."
Hey, the security camera
caught the attack.
Yep. And they caught
something else too.
Looks like we have two pranksters
on our hands.
- Told you.
- Freeze it.
If you zoom in right here,
we can see who's inside that cloak.
Oh, look, it's coming into focus.
What happened?
Like, that spooky figure
must be using some sort of magic... prevent us from seeing its face.
I'm afraid the explanation is slightly
less supernatural than that, Shaggy.
I accidentally knocked over my green tea
and short-circuited the hard drive.
- Oh.
- That's okay, Velma.
You know, I'm sure we'll find
another piece of critical evidence.
- Right, guys?
- Yeah, for sure.
- It's groovy.
- Don't worry.
I know this is highly
uncharacteristic behavior.
I'm really sorry, guys.
I'll tender my resignation from the group
if you wish.
- What?
- What?
- Velma.
- Come on.
Like, hold on, V.
Don't beat yourself up about this.
You just pulled a Shaggy, that's all.
I do it all the time.
Thanks, Shaggy,
but there's really no excuse.
Maybe reading a little Sylvia Plath
will buoy my spirits.
Hey, I....
I still think you're wonderful.
Shaggy, that was so nice.
That's exactly how you should be
if you're really serious about Velma.
Oh. Oh, what?
Oh, what do you mean?
I do not--
All right, I admit it.
I like Velma.
I'm my friend. I'm Scruffy.
But what am I gonna do?
You know, I don't know
what I'm supposed to say to her.
Let me help you out, Shags.
You gotta be confident, smooth.
- Girls like guys--
- Don't listen to him.
He has no idea what girls like.
See, what girls like is to feel special.
To feel like they're the only one
on a guy's mind.
Yeah, I know that.
But listen, what you wanna do--
Well, if you know that,
then why don't you try it sometime?
What's with you?
Why are you acting weird?
- How exactly am I act--?
- Like, you know what?
Forget I even asked.
I'll just figure this out for myself.
Besides, if I ever get Velma to like me,
I want it to be real...
...not some loosey-goosey thing
like you guys have.
Fred, did you say something
to Shaggy...
...about us having
a "loosey-goosey" relationship?
What? Oh, no, no.
I just told him how we're casual.
You know, how it's summer
and we're just hanging out.
I mean,
that is what we're doing, right?
Yes, Fred.
That is exactly what we're doing.
I'm just so glad
that we're on the same page.
Well, she's not the president
of the drama club for nothing.
I like you, Velma Dinkley.
So, what do you say?
- Will you go on a date with me?
- Sorry, not my type.
Like, come on, Scoob.
Forget Velma.
Time for a midnight snack.
- A what?
- A midnight snack.
You know, a couple of sandwiches,
a rack of ribs, pepperoni?
- What?
- Oh, just follow me. Whew.
Just my luck.
I've got a talking dog
and I can't understand a word he says.
Mm, mm, mm.
Sandwich, look out.
Is that Eau de' Dinkley I detect?
Shaggy? Hey, what about
my midnight snack?
Nice shot.
Where is she?
Oh, Velma, is that you?
Oh, hi, Fred.
Is something wrong?
- Help, help!
- Come on.
- Shaggy.
- Aah!
- What's wrong?
- Oh.
Oh, you know, nothing.
I just thought I'd work
on my blood-curdling scream.
What the heck do you think is wrong?
It's the lake monster.
That's it, time to unmask this prankster
once and for all.
Come on, help me with this mask.
Fred, I don't think this thing
is a mask.
Ew! Gross.
Keep moving.
This thing keeps getting
the jump on us.
It can't jump in two directions.
Come on, split up.
Like, why did he have to pick me?
In gym class,
I'm always the last one picked.
Huh. Heh.
Oh, zoinks.
I'll save you, Shaggy.
Like, thanks, buddy.
I thought that giant mutant frog
was gonna make me croak.
Oh, boy, I wish I could enjoy that one.
Oh, heh. Oh. You did it, boy.
Oh, what a friend.
What a pal.
What a sand trap.
Oh, boy, Scoob.
I owe you one, buddy.
If it wasn't for you, I would--
Hey, would you look at that?
- It's one of those moonstones.
- Yeah.
Velma loves these things almost
as much I love deep-fried--
Well, anything. Huh.
Huh? Hmph.
Velma, Velma, Velma. Pfft.
Hey, come on,
I think the coast is clear.
This doesn't make sense.
There's no such thing as a lake monster.
Tell that to the thing
that just threw up an aquarium.
So now do you wanna tell me
who those guys were?
Not now, Fred.
Oh, that was worse than my date
with Herbie Zimmer.
Totally, I-- Wait, you went on a date
with Herbie Zi--?
What are you doing?
You're supposed to be searching.
With all the bedlam
you've raised tonight...
...we'll have to stop early.
Return to the lake.
I'll summon you
when it's safe to resume our search.
- That was close.
- Yeah.
Hey. Not bad.
Uncle Thorny.
That thing came back.
Oh, you think?
Canceled memberships
and now all this damage.
I hate to say it, I may have no choice
but to shut this place down...
...and go back to my life
as an international playboy.
Hey, guys.
Shaggy, you're okay.
Well, yeah, I am,
but has anyone seen Velma?
Before the monster attacked,
she was out here, I know it.
Oh, no.
Oh, you don't think the lake monster
got to her, do you?
I've seen monster movies,
I know how this works.
Shaggy, Shaggy. Calm down, okay?
- We're gonna find her.
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Where are you?
- Velma!
- Velma!
Hey, guys, I found her.
- Oh, no. She's dead.
- Oh!
Oh, she looks so peaceful.
Oh, I can't look.
Uh.... Guys?
- What's going on?
- Oh, it's a miracle.
What happened to you
last night, Velma?
I don't know.
I couldn't sleep,
so I went for a walk by the lake.
But then that fog rolled in and....
Well, I must have gotten lost.
I sat down to wait until it lifted...
...and I must have fallen asleep.
Don't you ever do that to us again,
you hear?
You had us all worried so--
What are those?
- They kind of look like warts.
- Warts?
Oh, no.
I'm sure it's just some kind
of urushiol-induced dermatitis.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Anyway, what's going on?
You missed another attack.
Come on, we'll get you cleaned up...
- ...and we'll fill you in.
- Another attack?
Anybody else hungry? I know I am.
So you think the monster's real
and someone's using it... dig up something
on the grounds?
Yeah. Problem is, we don't have
a single clue about who's using it.
Yes, we do. The mysterious figure
had a streak of purple paint on its cloak.
- So?
- So remember the boat that we passed...
...on the way up here?
Shaggy called it the S.S. Daphne.
It was being painted
the exact same color.
I'd be willing to bet that whoever's
behind this has been on that boat.
All right, gang,
we know what we have to do.
After our shifts tonight, we'll head
to the docks and we'll check it out.
I'm not going
until I do what I've been trying to do...
...since we first got here.
Um, Velma, I learned something today.
Life is like a chocolate souffl.
And if you wait too long to dig in,
it could just collapse on you.
So anyway,
what I'm trying to say is...
...Velma Dinkley,
will you go on a date with me?
- Heh. A date?
- Yeah.
Are you serious?
I've never been more serious
about anything in my entire life.
Except maybe dinosaurs,
but that was a long time ago.
Shaggy, that's very sweet of you...
...but we're right in the middle
of an investigation.
Well, like,
I think Fred and Daphne can handle it.
They probably wanna spend some
quality time together anyway, right?
- No, not really.
- I'm good.
I don't know, Shaggy.
Like-- Like, yeah, that's--
I mean, that's fine.
If I were you, I probably
wouldn't wanna go on a date...
...with a goofy guy
like me either so....
Hold on.
Shaggy, you know what?
I will go on a date with you tonight.
Oh, really?
- You mean it?
- Sure.
Why not?
Pick you up around 7.
Seven o'clock.
- Ouch.
- I'm okay.
Oh, curse this mop top.
I can't do anything with it.
Okay, Scoob, how do I look?
Ah. Handsome as a devil.
What about me?
Oh. Um....
Like, as dapper as a Dalmatian...
- ...but where are you headed, buddy?
- With you. Where else?
Oh, um, heh. Um....
You know, buddy...
...I'm gonna have to fly solo
on this one tonight.
- Solo?
- Yeah, you know, like...'re just gonna have to do
your own thing, you know what I mean?
My own thing? But, Shaggy--
Thanks for understanding, Scoob.
I'll see you later, pal.
Goodbye, Shaggy.
Who's the best puppy
in the whole wide world?
No. No more rolling over.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
Good. So...
...who were they?
Who were who?
Oh, ho.
Are you still wondering about those boys
I was playing tennis with?
They were nobody, Fred.
Just some caddies I met.
You're not jealous, are you?
Jealous? No, no.
I'm not jealous. No way.
I don't get jealous.
Yeah, right.
- Good evening, Norville.
- Heh.
Aren't you gonna say anything?
I like corn dogs.
- Thanks, Shaggy.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Oh. Ahem.
Well, it looks like we got
the whole place to ourselves.
Yes, unfortunately, that only emphasizes
the urgency of our investigation.
- Sure we shouldn't check with Fred--?
- Oh, come on, V.
Like, just try to put those frontal lobes
on the back burner tonight, okay?
Okay, Shaggy.
I must admit, I do have a hard time
letting myself relax.
Especially recently.
Ever since we've been here,
I just haven't felt Iike myself.
Well, whoever you are, I like it.
Thanks, Shaggy.
Oh. Um....
Now, come on,
I want this night to be perfect.
My glasses.
Here, let me help you up.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry, I--
I don't know what came over me.
Oh, here. Here you go.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Oh, boy.
Here, let me get you some water.
Garon, water, please.
Oh, whoops.
I seem to have dropped my fork.
Here, help me find it, waiter.
Scooby-Doo, what are you doing?
Waiting tables. Fresh ground pepper?
Scooby, get out of here, buddy.
You're gonna ruin everything.
Okay, but would you do it
for a Scooby snack?
I can't be bought. Hmph.
Now, you listen, Scoob...
...I'm the master and I command you
to go back to your room...
...and quit being such a bad dog.
Puppy loving....
Bad dog? Huh.
I'll show you a bad dog.
No, Shaggy, don't.
The waiter will bring--
Would you care to hear our specials?
Scooby-Doo? Is that you?
I didn't invite him.
He just showed up
and tried to sabotage everything and--
- And--
- Is that what I think it is?
Oh, uh, heh.
Yeah, that was supposed to be
a surprise.
I found it in a sand trap last night.
It's one of those moonstones, right?
I was gonna give it to you when I walked
you back to your room tonight, but....
It's beautiful.
Excuse me, I have to go now.
Wait, what? Well, Velma--
This is all your fault, Scooby-Doo.
You ruined everything.
No, I didn't.
There it is, the purple boat.
She. There she is.
A boat is a she, like a girl.
But not one who goes around
playing tennis...
...with every boy boat in the harbor.
That cloaked figure
was definitely here.
All hands on deck.
Fred, look.
- Ladies first.
- Mm-mm.
Looks like a bunch of old newspapers.
I'll say.
Hey, these are about that witch
from Uggins' story, Wanda Grubwort.
- Evil staff?
- Yeah, remember? Didn't Elmer say... ancient staff was the source
of her black magic?
Hey, look at this one.
That must be what the monster's doing,
looking for the source of her powers.
The problem is we still don't know
who's controlling it.
Wait a second, maybe we do.
Wanda Grubwort had children. She could
still have descendants living in town.
Maybe one got angry...
...when your uncle built on their land
and decided to get revenge.
What was that?
It's locked. Hello!
Help. Help.
Anyone out there? Let us out.
Help. Help.
Is anyone out there? Oh, great.
If we don't get this open,
we'll be stuck here all night.
That might be the least
of our worries.
- Hello!
- Is anyone out there?
- Help, help!
- We need to get out.
- Help, anybody.
- Anyone!
- Help, anybody!
- Help, get us out!
Help, help, anybody!
- Help, help.
- We're stuck, it's filling.
Fred, you need to do something.
We're gonna drown.
I have an idea. Why don't we call
those guys you were playing tennis with?
- I knew it, you are jealous.
- Yeah, maybe I am.
- Good, that was the point.
- You were just lying to make me jealous?
Yes, I'm trying to pay you back
for playing golf with those floozies.
Flooz--? Oh, that was different.
How? How was that any different?
I don't know, they were-- It just was.
All right, you know what, Fred?
If I'm gonna die,
I don't want to die dating a jerk.
Yeah, well, if I'm gonna die,
I don't want to die dating a sneaky...
...manipulative, game-playing....
You see that? I saved us.
That's Iovely,
but we're still broken up.
Like, what happened to you guys?
What happened?
We broke up, that's what happened.
Yeah, best decision I ever made too.
Did you just say best decision
you ever made?
That's funny,
because I broke up with you.
What? You did not.
- Guys?
- I did so.
That's a real bummer and all,
but I kind of meant, why are you wet?
Oh, that.
Well, let's just say we almost got in
over our heads.
But we figured out
that Wanda Grubwort's descendant...
...might be trying to reconstruct
her magical staff.
Hey, how'd it go with Velma?
Yeah. Ask my waiter.
Grubek, Grubel, Guzzak.
No Grubwort.
Huh. Would you look at that.
What a crazy coincidence.
What's that, Shags?
Oh. Remember that creepy general store
we stopped at on the way in?
It was called Trowburgs.
Well, if you spell Trowburg backwards
you get Grubwort.
What are the odds, huh?
Excuse me,
you are on my side of the room.
There. Shaggy, Scooby,
go around back.
- I'm not going with him.
- I'm not going with him.
- You think I want to go with you?
- Seriously--
- I'm not going with Shaggy.
- Enough.
- Guys, let's just go.
- Go.
- Surprise.
- Oh, no.
Come on.
Hey, wait for me.
In here.
This way.
The other way.
- Come on.
- No, please.
- Now can we split up?
- Ugh.
- Hey, come on, Scoob.
- I'm right behind you, Shaggy.
Change of plans.
And stay out.
Time to unmask
the person behind this mystery.
- It's you?
- What?
Like, it can't be.
Oh, you fools. I'm not Velma.
I don't want to hurt you, Velma.
Oh, but I do want to hurt you,
pretty boy.
Sorry, Velma.
Velma. What's going on?
Why are you doing this?
Our date wasn't that bad, was it?
Why? To make them pay,
to make them all pay.
Now, that I've rebuilt my staff,
no one can stop me.
Well, there's another mystery solved,
huh, gang?
I got it.
What in the world is going on?
Why is Velma doing this?
Oh, no.
You don't think my passions
drove her mad, do you?
I'm sure there's something bigger
than that going on.
I'll say.
Your friend has been possessed by
the spirit of the witch Wanda Grubwort.
Oh, great, my first love
and she's turned into an evil witch.
Join the club.
Yeah. Hee, hee, hee.
It was that staff.
She must have found the pieces...
...that have been buried
all these many years.
Like, by any chance...
...did moonstones
play any part in this?
As soon as your friend touched one
of those rocks...
...the spirit of my evil ancestor
took hold of her...
...and compelled her to find the rest.
- For you, old lady.
- Oh.
So it's been Velma the entire time?
Like, zoinks.
It's been right under our noses.
The evil spirit must have first taken
hold of her...
...when we found that stone
by the lake.
And those creepy warts, it was like
she was actually turning into a witch.
Being burned at the stake...
...would make me pretty freaked out
at the sight of fire too.
And I bet she intentionally shorted out
the security console...
...because she knew
we'd see her face.
I can't believe we missed it.
I guess we were all too wrapped up
in our own little dramas... catch the really big one going on.
So now that she has her powers back,
what's Wanda Grubwort going to do?
I fear that what she seeks
is the revenge...
...that has eluded her all these years.
Who cares about what she wants.
We gotta save Velma. Do you have
any idea where she would have gone?
Oh, probably to the caves
where she lived.
The caves?
But what about the irrigated
rudimentary claymations?
The what?
The entrances to the caves,
they're all underwater.
How would we get in?
You're in luck. I rent scuba gear.
I'll give you a good deal too.
You've been a faithful servant.
And now I think you deserve
some playmates.
She's making more of those things.
Rise, my slithering slaves.
Rise and serve your new master.
Finally, we'll make them pay.
Make them rue the day
they set foot on our land.
Those things are gonna attack
everyone in town.
- We have to do something.
- What can we do?
Hey, Fred, I know this is usually
your department, but do you mind--?
- If you've got a plan, Shaggy, go for it.
- Okay.
Velma Dacey Dinkley,
you stop that this instant.
I told you,
Velma doesn't live here anymore.
That was your big idea, Shags?
Creatures, change of plans.
Get them.
Hold still.
Thank you. Aah!
Velma, I know you're still in there.
I know you can hear me.
Okay, like, maybe you can't.
This is like biology class...
...except this time
the frogs are gonna dissect us.
Like, come on, V.
You gotta listen to me.
You're stronger than this thing
inside of you.
You're stronger
and you're smarter and you're cuter.
- I am?
- That's right, V.
I think everything about you is cute.
Like the way...
...your pleated skirt ruffles
when you run from ghosts.
How-- And even--
Even how you lose your glasses
at the most inopportune moments.
Yeah. Yeah, as a matter of fact,
that might be the cutest thing of all.
- Help me.
- Yeah.
Yeah, listen, V.
You gotta fight this old witch.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Shaggy, I'll try. I'll try.
No, you won't.
Well, at least now I can finally say
I've been picked up by a girl.
See you, froggies.
Run, run.
That ought to hold them for a while.
Come on.
Knock me down all you want,
Wanda Grubwort...
...but I'm not gonna let a couple of
stupid moonstones take my friend away.
Oh, wait, moon. Oh, that's it.
By the light of the silvery moon
What is it? What are you--?
By the light
Not the dark but the light
Of the silvery moon
Not the sun, but the moon
I want to spoon
No, you're mine.
- To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Croon love's tune
- Oh, by the light of the silvery
- Light of the silvery
- Moon
- Oh!
It's a dead end.
I'm sorry, Daph.
I really was a jerk.
I'm sorry too, Fred.
I never should've tried
to make you jealous.
Get out of me, Wanda Grubwort.
Nothing can stop me now. Come.
Not so fast.
What? No.
Say goodbye, wicked witch.
No, no. Revenge was in my grasp.
And I would have gotten away
with it...
...if it wasn't for you meddling kids
and your rotten dog.
Oh, no. No.
Shaggy did it. Come on.
Is it over?
I think so, V.
Those things you said to me.
Did you really mean all of that?
Of course I did.
I've been trying to say it
ever since we got here.
Just kiss her already.
Oh, well, I--
Shaggy, just kiss me already.
Well, um....
That was, uh....
You know,
I don't know too much about chemistry.
I do, Shaggy.
And, well, there just wasn't any.
Yeah, I....
You know, maybe we're just better off
being friends.
You know what? Maybe we all are.
Well, kids, with the creature
gone, we have a ton of new applications.
Maybe more than we can handle.
- And it's all thanks to you guys.
- Aw.
Oh, that reminds me.
- What?
- Something to show my appreciation.
- Ten thousand dollars?
- Uncle Thorny.
- Oh.
- Aw.
By the way, I took the liberty to set up
an appointment with my attorney...
...for you to discuss incorporating.
Thought that might help
with your future liability issues.
- Yeah.
- Oh, man.
- Shall we go play around?
- This is gonna be amazing, guys.
- So insane.
- Hey, you guys, I've got it.
We can be Mystery Incorporated.
- I love it.
- I can totally dig that.
Hey, Scooby, get a picture.
Everybody say, "Mystery Inc."
Mystery Inc.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Guys, group hug.
- Okay.
- Okay, all right.
- Okay, Shaggy.
- Shaggy.
- Shaggy.
- Okay....
All right. We'll celebrate.
All right. Bye, guys.
Not the hair, man. Not the hair.
Don't worry, Scoob.
No matter what happens,
I'll always be here for you.
Oh, Shaggy.
When danger used to come around
I would fall right to the ground
It's true
But now that I can see your face
Well, I can stand up to anything
And how I cherish the times
When the sun shines on the two of us
But I don't mind going through
The bad times
Just as long as they're with you
Well, I can be scared with you
I can be alone with you
As long as I have your hand
To hold onto
I can be scared with you
I can be scared with you
Oh, I can be scared
As long as I'm with you
I can do anything
I can do anything
As long as I'm with you
I can be scared with you
I can be alone with you
I can be scared with you
As long as I'm with you
My name is Shaggy
I like to eat
Main man Scooby
But he got four feet
Me and my homeys solve mysteries
Through cartoons, movies
And tons of DVDs
As old school goes, we're genuine
We've been kicking it since 1969
But Mystery Inc. is far from through
Because there's always more adventures
Starring me Scooby-Doo