Scooby-Doo! Legend Of The Phantosaur (2011)

How long has he been screaming like this?
Almost three hours.
Without taking a breath?
It's unbelievable.
- Do you think it's a world record?
- Oh, definitely.
I'm just wondering if it's a violation
of the laws of physics.
- Is that a dog?
- Broadly speaking, yes.
You can't have a dog in the ER.
It's okay,
he's a certified medical rescue dog.
- You made this in Photoshop, didn't you?
- No.
She did.
Please don't throw him out, doctor.
Scooby is Shaggy's best friend.
As long as he doesn't make a mess...
- or break anything.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks, doc.
Can you help Shaggy, doctor?
Hey! Stop screaming!
- Why didn't that work when we tried it?
- Eh, people listen to doctors.
Now, tell me what happened.
It was just a normal evening.
We were investigating an old mansion
haunted by phantom Naval officers.
Velma, Daphne and I
will look around upstairs.
Shaggy, you and Scooby
check out the cellar.
- Like, why do we have to...?
- Great.
We'll meet up back here.
Ghosts are lighter than air, right, Scoob?
So they wouldn't be down here.
They'd, like, rise up to the attic, right?
Right. Like balloons?
Shaggy, are balloons filled with ghosts?
Oh, man. I have no idea.
Wait a second.
It's Blair and Culhane.
Hey, do you guys hear something?
Once we'd scared everyone off, we could've
bought this place for next to nothing.
Anyway, that was the plan.
And we would've gotten away with it too,
if it weren't for...
Could you get him to hold it down?
I'm trying to confess here.
So that's a normal evening for you, is it?
- Yeah.
- Sure.
- Pretty much.
- I see.
Well, let's get some x-rays.
It seems Shaggy is suffering from acute
threat avoidance hypertrophy disorder.
Sorry, was that in English?
It's a very rare form of overreaction
to fear stimuli.
It affects fewer than one in 10 million.
Like, wow, I'm special. Ha, ha.
This means you'Il have to give up anything
even remotely frightening.
So no more ghost-hunting, crime-busting,
or mystery-solving shenanigans.
- No more shenanigans.
- None.
Shaggy, as your doctor,
I forbid you to get in the Mystery Machine.
But that means
the end of the Scooby-Doo gang.
So is there a cafeteria here or what?
Cafeteria food is yummy,
yummy, yummy.
This is so, like, boring.
What are we supposed to do
if we're not solving mysteries?
Hey, Shaky Joe,
what do you do in your spare time?
I knit.
- It's a scarf.
- Hmm.
Hey, here's something we could do.
There's a crafts fair in McKimson Park.
Are you crazy?
You know I'm terrified of papier-mch.
- Well, we could go bowling.
- No way.
Do you have any idea how many people
are killed by bowling pins every year?
I'm guessing approximately none.
I have to avoid all things that are scary
because of my cute trophy disorder thingy.
Shaggy, Shaggy, Shaggy!
Um, Joe, what was Scooby-Doo
just drinking?
Looks like coffee.
Gee, I wonder how that happened.
Hey, ev... Oof!
Fred, Fred, Fred!
What's the matter, Fred?
I'm failing science.
Mr. Fleischer didn't like my project.
What? It illustrates all three of
Newton's laws of motion.
Fred, maybe not every science project
needs to be a booby trap.
Scooby-Doo. Scooby-Doo!
If I don't come up with
an extra-credit project, I won't graduate.
You guys got any ideas?
Like, how about the anti-gravity effects
of caffeine?
I know. My Uncle Ted invested
in this new spa resort in La Serena.
Here's a brochure.
And there's a paleontological dig
going on in town.
Uncle Ted could get us a room in the spa
and you could volunteer to help on the dig.
The best thing about this
is Shaggy can go.
It'll be totally relaxing and not scary.
"La Serena, the least haunted town
in America." Ha, ha. Like, wow.
It's officially certified by the
U.S. Bureau of Supernatural Forces.
We should go.
Come on, Shaggy, it'll be just like old
times, only without all the screaming.
Yeah, I don't know, Fred.
It says La Serena has three different
all-you-can-eat restaurants.
- Like, when do we leave?
- Yeah.
You will soon be approaching
your destination.
I thought you disconnected the GPS,
It was a long drive
and I needed directions.
On the way here,
it took us to five chili joints...
an all-night bowling alley
and a meteor crater.
And don't forget the tattoo parlor, huh?
Like, I will never forget
the tattoo parlor.
When I flex, it looks like it's chewing.
Ha, ha.
Didn't the doctor forbid Shaggy
to get into this van?
He told him not to get
into the Mystery Machine.
- That's why I repainted.
- The Mustard Machine?
Hope you kids enjoyed the ride...
because I don't think I'll ever get the
smell of Scooby-Doo out of my upholstery.
That's right, I said...
I think I'm gonna, like, like this place.
Aha! Ha, ha.
If it isn't Frank, Danny,
Veronica and Slappy.
- It isn't.
- And you must be Scooby-Doo.
I've heard so much about you.
Are you sure he's a Great Dane?
He seems more like some kind
of wolfhound.
I'm the dog.
You can say that again, Scabby.
Come in, come in.
I'm so happy you're here.
This is a great place you got here,
Mr. Hubley.
Oh, no need to be so formal, Spanky.
Call me Mr. Hubley.
- Er, um, uh, Shag... Spank... Shaggy...
- Yes, we'll be open to the public next week.
I would have made it bigger, but I couldn't
get the locals to sell their land.
Oh, that's too bad.
Yeah, but what are you gonna do,
dress up as a ghost and scare them off?
Uh... Oh, no.
Ah. Still in perfect sync, eh, Scoob?
Yeah, ha, ha. Perfect sync.
Like, you got anything to eat
around here, Mr. Hubley?
Sorry, Saggy. There's an outdoor barbecue
tonight in the town square.
That's near the dig site.
We can have dinner, then check out the dig.
Okay, but don't come back too late.
I'm making tofu-chip cookies.
Oh, boy.
You guys go to the dig without us.
We need a moment to...
Or explode.
When are we gonna learn not to overeat,
We even made up that little song.
Stop, stop, stop
When the buttons pop
But we didn't stop
No, we didn't.
I swear, Scooby-Doo,
I am never gonna eat again.
Never again.
I didn't know the dig was so far away.
We've been out here for, like, minutes.
- I'm starving.
- Good thing we saved a biscuit for later.
- You wanna split it, buddy?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Uh-oh. We got a runner, Scoob.
Catch that biscuit, Scooby-Doo.
Shaggy, Shaggy, look. A dinosaur.
Rhino? You saw a rhinoceros?
- No, dinosaur.
- Dinosaur? Ha, ha.
Is that your dinosaur, Scooby-Doo?
- Uh-uh. Bigger.
- Bigger?
- Bigger.
- Bigger?
Uh, no, not bigger. I'm just joking.
Ha, ha.
Joking? That's not funny, Scoob.
That's not funny at all.
Thanks for giving us a tour
of your dig, Professor Svankmajer.
Don't thank me.
I'm just glad to have the help.
Not enough kids are going
into the sciences these days.
They all want to be game designers.
Even Winsor here.
What? Just because I took a couple
computer animation classes doesn't mean...
Oh, I'm just giving you
a hard time. Winsor's my best student.
He sure is.
I couldn't help but notice you're working
on the left second metacarpal bone...
of a juvenile dilophosaurus.
I think actually you'll find
it's the right third metacarpal.
I think not. That's the dorsal surface.
What a fool I've been.
How could I have missed
those extensor tendon grooves?
Clearly, mine are the superior glasses.
Oh, my gosh.
Did you get those at Spec Masters?
They had the exact same ones
at Der Glasslehaus for like twice as much.
Der Glasslehaus is such a rip-off.
Not as bad as Focus-Pocus.
Tell me about it.
Looks like I've lost Winsor for a while.
Do not get him started on opticians.
So, Fred, maybe you could work
on this metacarpal.
Guys, this place is so cool.
Check out the bone that Scoob found.
- Yeah.
- Don't move.
Put the bone down
and back away slowly.
The femur of a Massospondylus.
This could be a major find.
Winsor. Massospondylus.
- Carinatus?
- Possibly harriesi.
Rock on.
Shaggy, Scooby, I'd like to thank you for
a significant contribution to paleontology.
The study of pale things?
Like, sitting in hot tubs, eating barbecue
and helping science?
This is the greatest trip ever.
And it's 1 O0 percent non-scary.
I don't even remember
what it's like to be... Scared!
Now I remember.
Ghost dinosaur!
It somewhat resembles
an Appalachiosaurus...
only glowing and not extinct.
Come on.
Faster. Faster.
No reptiles mess with my friends.
- What's the matter with Shaggy?
- He's broken.
I think it's gone.
Well, gang, it looks like
we have a mystery on our hands.
In that case,
can we scrape that paint off the van?
I'm getting sick of riding around
in the Mustard Machine.
I think he's coming out of it.
I told you the aromatherapy would work.
Here, let me try a little juniper.
Scooby, don't you think of anything
other than food?
Ooh. Meat-berry medley.
Like, what happened?
I'm sorry I doubted you.
Aw, that's okay.
It's all right, Shabby.
You're in a safe place.
It would seem that you have all experienced
a visitation by the Phantosaur.
The Phantosaur?
Long ago, La Serena was home to
Native Americans known as the Tolkepaya.
According to local legend...
when the Europeans first began to come into
this area looking for gold and silver...
they encountered
the Tolkepaya Indians.
The Tolkepaya were hunter-gatherers
and farmers...
living off the bounty of the land...
and as such, were no match
for the weapons of the invaders.
The lndians were forced to retreat...
into the natural cave system
below La Serena...
where a Tolkepaya shaman came up with
a plan to protect his people's village.
He would call forth the most powerful
animal spirit of the land...
to fight the invaders.
They say he was expecting a mountain lion,
or possibly a bear.
Instead, he got something
much more ancient:
The Phantosaur.
But the beast was too powerful
to be controlled...
and drove out the very people
he had been summoned to protect.
They say it still roams the land,
thirsting for human blood.
Anyway, that's the story.
It's in this book.
"Preposterous Legends
of the American Southwest."
There's a chapter on the Three-Headed
Sky Trout of Santa Fe in here too.
Come on, Shaggy. Snap out of it.
Stanky, I promise you, you have no reason
to be afraid of this Phantosaur.
- Really?
- Really. Ha.
You should be much more afraid
of the millions of rat snakes...
that live in the caves and mine tunnels.
- You're making it worse, Mr. Hubley.
- Don't panic.
I think I have just the thing
that will help Snaggy.
My friends, I give you
the very newest of the new age.
Psycho-Luminescent Reprogramming, PLR.
With this equipment, I can put anyone
in a trance-like, highly suggestible state.
- Like hypnosis?
- No, it's more like hypnosis.
But not the boring,
old-fashioned kind of hypnosis...
where I swing a gold watch
in front of your face.
Oh, no. This is completely different.
Huh. Well, I guess it's not completely
different. Still, it's pretty cool, huh?
Okay, scoot. In a few minutes,
I'll have cured...
Snacky's acute threat avoidance
hypertrophy disorder once and for all.
You are feeling very light. Very light.
Uh... Wait.
Uh, no, heavy. Very heavy.
So heavy.
You are very relaxed and...
Uh, whatever, that kind of stuff.
Anyway, you're going to become
very, very brave.
Confident. Fearless.
Heroic. Powerful. Unstoppable.
You'll be all this
whenever you hear the keyword "bad."
The same keyword
will return you to normal.
Now, when I snap my fingers,
you will awaken and remember nothing.
What happened? I remember nothing.
How's it coming?
Fine, um, I think.
Snappy should lose all sense of fear
whenever he hears the keyword.
Like, that's great. What's the keyword?
I have no idea.
Man, this always happens.
My equipment is so powerful,
I wind up reprogramming myself.
Total memory erasal.
But we can't get rid of his fear
if we don't know what the keyword is.
Well, true. This is bad.
But not that bad.
We'll just have to guess
what the word is.
- Uh, abracadabra?
- Nope.
- Open sesame?
- Nope.
- All-you-can-eat buffet?
- Nope. But, yes, please.
Try Faith's place down on Park Street.
She makes a darn fine vegan
Yankee pot roast.
Then Scooby and I
are gonna split and refuel.
Hypnotherapy makes me hungry.
We're heading back to the dig
to look for clues.
Don't get your scarf caught in anything.
It's an ascot.
That PLR thing is a hologram projector.
Think Hubley could've projected
the Phantosaur?
He did say he wished
he could buy more land for the spa.
What do you think, Velma?
I think Winsor's eyes are the color
of sea-foam by moonlight.
Somebody's going to be zero help tonight.
Go easy on her, Daph.
Haven't you ever had a crush on anyone?
Me? No. Why would you ask?
Ha, ha. Of course not.
- Well, it's just I...
- Why is everyone walking so slow?
Whoa, guys, didn't you read the sign?
"Don't take more than you can eat."
We read it. What's the problem?
Well, you can't possibly eat all...
Never mind.
- Seconds, Scoob?
- You bet.
So do I file for bankruptcy now or...?
Give me eat.
Huh. Fred, Velma.
What does this look like to you?
Dinosaur tracks and snake tracks?
Really big snake tracks?
Could this have something to do
with the snakes Mr. Hubley mentioned?
Maybe. I think it's time
we check out those mine tunnels.
- Hey, you need help?
- No.
Like, those guys aren't
gonna get out of control, are they?
I think they'll be okay as long as
no one does anything to aggravate them.
- Come on.
- No.
Like that, for instance.
Here's the plan.
On the count of three,
you invent a time machine.
One, two...
And there goes the bladder.
So maybe giant snakes
are coming up from the caverns...
and clustering together
into the shape of a dinosaur.
- Um...
- I know it sounds weird...
but is it any weirder
than a ghost dinosaur?
I think I heard something from in there.
Let's check it out.
Stop. Do not move.
- Hi, Winsor.
- Hello, Velma.
Cough drops.
you were going to say something?
Uh, yes.
Uh, you have really pretty nostrils.
To all of us? You said, "Stop," remember?
Sounded kind of important?
What? Oh. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Sorry.
Stop, don't go in there,
because it's full of snakes.
- I'd say that's important.
- Yep.
It's fine in the upper levels.
The, uh, snakes don't come up this high.
Snakes stay low.
But in the lower caverns,
it's very dangerous.
So we never go down there.
Stay out here.
Can I show you some more parts
of the dig we don't go into?
I like your nostrils too.
Hmm. They never go down there, huh?
You guys coming?
Little buddy, this is gonna be bad.
This can go two ways, punk.
One, you walk away.
Two, I walk on your face.
Your choice.
Say hi to your friends, punk.
- Is your lacrosse trophy all right, mam?
- Yeah. Yeah, it's good.
Then my work here is done.
Good call.
Man, stop for an ice cream
and you miss all the fun.
- You just beat up my whole gang?
- Nope.
Seems like I missed one.
I like you, stranger.
How about you and me settle this
with a friendly little motorcycle race?
Tonight at midnight.
We'll start at Dead Man's Peak...
race down Dead Man's Trail...
come around Dead Man's Curve...
and end in the parking lot
on Dead Man's Avenue.
Uh, ahem, unless you're scared.
- Please be scared. Please be scared.
- I'll see you at midnight.
Oh, I might have to borrow a bike.
You ain't got a ride?
I've never been on a motorcycle
in my entire life.
Ha. Man, you are one crazy beatnik.
I promise I won't kill you too bad.
Who? What? Aah!
Dead Man's Peak. Dead Man's Trail.
Dead Man's Curve.
Did you say Dead Man's Avenue?
Yeah, it sort of merges with the curve.
What have I done?
- So...
- Yeah.
- Uh, so...
- Yeah.
Anyway, uh, I was maybe wondering
if you'd wanna, like, I don't know, uh...
- go have dinner with me sometime...
- Yes.
- Or like that kind of thing maybe?
- Yes.
On our own for the clue search then.
We got another geo report today.
Ninety-eight percent sure
there's silver down in that old mine.
Too bad the land isn't for sale.
Yes, too bad.
- But maybe we'll get lucky.
- Right.
Maybe this "mysterious" Phantosaur
will scare people so much...
- they'll decide to sell us their land.
- There it is.
Don't wanna leave evidence lying around.
- I think we may have this one wrapped up.
- Not quite.
- You still haven't caught anyone in a net.
- True.
The side of the van was marked
Thaumatrope Mining Company.
If only there was some way we could
learn more about Thaumatrope Mining.
Oh, yeah. Thanks.
They closed down the mine when
Svankmajer found the dinosaur bones.
Those mining company guys
have gotta be behind the Phantosaur.
What do you think, Velma?
- Italian.
- What?
Or maybe French. I don't know.
What are you talking about?
What kind of restaurant
to go to with Winsor.
Is there anything else to talk about?
In the world? Answer, no.
- Well, Italian's good for a first date.
- Or possibly sushi.
It's a good date food.
You know, small pieces
that don't interrupt conversation too much.
But I won't eat the salmon eggs. Ew.
As soon as
Shaggy and Scooby get back...
we'll investigate this mining company
for clues.
Don't wanna go down
Dead Man's Avenue.
The... what?
Like, Mr. Hubley's thing worked
and I wasn't scared.
And then I fought some guys
and saved the lacrosse trophy...
and a big scary man challenged me
to a motorcycle race.
A motorcycle race?
Well, that's not so terrible.
- Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?
- No idea.
- It's terrible.
- It's okay, Shaggy.
I can teach you.
I've been riding since I was 5.
Isn't it illegal for a 5-year-old
to ride a motorcycle?
Yeah, but how was I supposed to know?
I was only 5.
This one or this one?
Man, she's got it bad for Winsor.
- Winsor?
- Yeah.
- This could be bad for our investigation.
- Investigation?
Or maybe it's our investigation that's
bad for her relationship with Winsor.
- Relationship?
- Unless it's a bad match.
If they have a bad date,
then maybe it's a bad idea...
to worry about
how bad the investigation is going.
Or how bad we wanna solve
this mystery.
Match? Date? Idea? Going? Mystery?
Can you really teach me to ride?
Sure, I'll give you a crash course.
Like, that's what I'm afraid of.
- Uh, afternoon?
- No.
- Alphabet?
- No.
Ambulance? Apple? Attitude? Avocado?
I don't wanna race motorcycles.
- I can't decide what to start with.
- Neither can I.
I like everything except for salmon eggs.
- Ew.
- Ugh.
Wow, you are like my clone,
except you're a girl and you're cute.
You too.
I mean, the cute part and the clone part.
That was really brave of you,
saving Svankmajer from the Phantosaur.
So you think that Phantosaur was...?
Phantosaur, Phantosaur.
Is that all you ever wanna talk about?
Can we just please change the subject?
Good, very good.
You can go a little heavier on the
throttle. You don't wanna stall.
- Let's get moving, okay?
- Do we have to?
Relax, you'Il be fine.
Now just ease forward a little.
And give it a little more gas.
Okay, a little less!
I think you should have started
with how to work the brakes.
Oh, boy! Hoo-hoo!
Carry on with your date.
- Can I have your keys?
- What?
Just for a minute. Your key ring.
Help me pull.
All right, great practice run.
Now let's just try it one more time.
What? I'm trying to be encouraging.
- Hey, beatnik.
- Aah!
Nice reflexes you got there, buddy.
And excellent balance.
Uh, ha, ha, Mr. Texas, sir,
do we really have to do this race thingy?
Oh, it's just a little old bike race.
How bad could it be?
Then let's do it already.
Three, two, one. Gun it!
- Look.
- Hey.
You didn't think you were gonna get out
of the race that easy, did you?
- Yes!
- On three?
- Sure.
- Ha. Three.
What the heck?
- Oh, no.
- He's playing chicken with the Phantosaur?
Phantosaur thinks he's a tough guy, huh?
Phantosaur thinks he's so bad?
I'm coming, Shaggy.
- Scooby.
- Shaggy.
Come on.
Look, the marks from those cables.
They're just like the snake tracks
we saw at the dig.
And I'll bet
I know where those cables lead.
I have a plan.
Does it involve a net?
- Awesome.
- Can we help?
It's the mining company guys.
So these Phantosaurs
are animatronic dinosaurs...
from the real live dinosaurs exhibit
your company sponsored.
Yeah, that's right. We hauled
two of them out here a few days ago.
Then we set a power cable,
so we could operate them from the van.
Power cables?
That's what caused those snake tracks
we saw outside the mine.
All we had to do was add a few
decorations and glow paint...
to make it look like that
Indian legend had come alive.
It turned out pretty good, huh?
Deitch here went to art school.
But why go to all this trouble?
We just found a new vein
of silver near the mines.
But those scientists were digging.
We couldn't touch it.
So you created the Phantosaurs
to scare them away.
- Yeah. Hey, it could have worked.
- It would have.
And we would've gotten away with it
if it hadn't been for you meddling kids.
Well, looks like another mystery
is solved.
- Usually it takes longer.
- Yeah.
Nothing like a little motorcycle race
to work up an appetite, eh, Scoob?
- Yeah, you were awesome.
- Thanks, buddy.
By the way, how did I win the race?
- I don't know.
- Me neither.
Stop, stop!
- It's Mr. Hubley.
- He's freaking out about something.
Thank goodness you're back.
Something terrible has happened.
Last night, somebody broke in
and took my PLR equipment.
Zoinks, the whole PLR thingy
is, like, gonesville.
Yeah, and it was stolen too.
Whoever ripped that out
must be pretty strong.
Look, Fred. Claw marks.
Got a set of footprints here.
Dromaeosaurus theopod
of the Mongolian species.
A velociraptor.
And more than one, judging from this mess.
What would velociraptors want
with holographic equipment?
- They're still here. We should...
- Shh! Lights off.
Nobody make a sound.
- Aah!
- Yikes!
I think we lost them.
- Phew.
- Where are they going?
Where are you going?
They're heading for town.
Quick, in the van.
Scooby, Shazzy. No, they were so young.
If there's one thing I can't stand,
it's ghost dinosaurs.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
Come on, let's play.
Giant phantom
dinosaur attacking town center.
All personnel, please respond.
Look out, Fred.
Like, it's the real Phantosaur.
- Quick, take some photos.
- On it.
Thanks, Tex.
Well, gang, it looks as if this mystery
has been officially reopened.
Let's get those photos to Svankmajer.
The smaller ones are raptors.
But the large one,
either that's what attacked my camp or...
What do you mean?
That terrible creature
must have done this.
- Where's Winsor?
- I sent everyone home after I saw this.
I'm getting out of here and if you have
any sense, you will do the same.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to finish packing.
I can't believe Winsor would go
without saying goodbye.
He didn't. Look.
Scientists are really lousy liars, huh?
Well, I guess we'll be leaving town now.
Yep, here we go.
We're not really leaving, are we?
Of course not. We're gonna pick up
a couple of things and then come back.
I have a plan.
Why couldn't we pick up a couple,
say, crossbows or flamethrowers?
Trust me, this is all the
protection we're gonna need.
- Wait, why are we sneaking?
- Shh.
But we want them to notice us.
Like, please don't do that.
Hello, Mr. Phantosaur.
Just like I said,
it's those graduate students.
Game over, man. We're caught.
Gee, you think?
Fire extinguishers.
The beam's coming from there.
You can't get away.
A paint stripper. It blows superheated air.
They used this for the Phantosaur's
fire breath. Look.
That's even cooler than the hologram.
- But shouldn't we be following those guys?
- Right.
Give it up! There's nowhere to run!
A complete allosaurus.
Perfectly preserved inside a single
huge quartz crystal.
It shouldn't be possible.
I can't even begin to imagine the process
by which this happened.
But here it is.
And here it's been for millions of years.
Can you imagine
how I felt the day we came upon this?
It was the most beautiful thing
I'd ever seen.
The most beautiful thing
anyone had ever seen.
Like, that's some collectable.
It was my life's dream made real.
I have never wanted anything so much.
I'm quite sure I never will again.
I had to make it mine.
And I would've gotten away with it too,
if it hadn't been for you meddling kids.
Professor Svankmajer...
Don't you mean,
"We would have gotten away with it"?
Winsor? No.
Sorry, Velma.
I put crime before science.
I know, it was wrong.
I'm almost glad you stopped us.
How could you both be so selfish?
- A find like this belongs to the world.
- Yes.
Although technically, it belongs to the town
of La Serena since this is under public land.
My plan had been to scare people away long
enough to dig it out and transport it away.
This thing is most likely the source
of the Phantosaur legend.
The Tolkepaya probably found it
centuries ago and told tales about it.
So it seemed strangely appropriate...
to use the Phantosaur myth
to drive people off.
Of course, I saw through the mining
company's fake Phantosaur right away.
And so did I,
but I knew I could do something better.
I'd seen Mr. Hubley's
hologram projector...
and I'd taken some
computer animation classes.
The raptor costumes were borrowed...
from the real live dinosaurs exhibit.
I got paint strippers
from a friend in construction.
We planted them around town
to create the Phantosaur's fire breath.
Our plan was to use the Phantosaur
to frighten the townspeople away.
With the town empty, we could
remove the allosaur crystal unseen.
The problem was that the crystal
lay directly beneath the town.
Like, how did you plan on getting
this huge crystal above ground?
Explosives. This cave system honeycombs
underneath the whole town.
So we set charges
with fuses throughout.
When the town was empty,
we could blow the charges...
and remove the crystal at night.
I can't believe
I've turned into a common criminal.
Me too.
Ha. Common criminals?
Like, no way, man.
You guys are super villains.
Evil scientists with holograms
and heat lamps.
- Did you leave the paint stripper on?
- No, of course not.
He definitely turned it off.
I know because I turned it back on.
Then we'd better hurry up and get out.
The fuses have been lit
by the paint stripper.
When the charges blow,
these tunnels will collapse.
- Too late.
- We're trapped.
- We'll have to go the other way.
- Down?
There's another exit that way.
Yeah, and about 8 million snakes.
The cave snakes are real?
Yeah, and the bats.
I don't lie about everything.
The only way any of us are getting
out of here is if we all work together.
He's right.
I know the lower caverns are bad,
but there's no other choice.
There's a time for talk
and there's a time for action.
Follow me.
Uh, choice? Other? But? Action?
Snakes. Oh, oh, oh! Do not like.
The snakes stay down there.
We just have to find a way to get across.
Shaggy, what are you doing?
Saving your butt, Jones. Get used to it.
Come on, guys.
I guess we have no choice. Let's go.
The stalactites are sinking.
We've gotta hurry.
Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!
Ooh! I can't get across now.
Hold on, Velma!
We'll get you out of there!
Now's your chance, Velma. Hurry.
Quick. Grab my hand.
That was too close.
Okay, yes, I did try to get you
to drop the investigation.
But I really do like you.
I believe you, Winsor.
But maybe you could have told me the truth
back when we weren't about to die.
- Up there.
- Where's the light coming from?
It's moonlight. That's the other exit.
All right, anyone who has a belt,
strip it off.
I'm gonna use them
to swing across to there.
From there, I can jump to there.
Then I can climb up and out...
find some rope, lower it down
and haul you bums out. Done.
What was that?
I think another section of caverns collapsed.
This whole area is becoming unstable.
Shaggy, you'd better hurry.
I was born hurried.
Is that part of the brave thing where you say
weird stuff that sounds like movie lines?
Yes. Yes, it is, big guy.
Alrighty, then.
Not bad.
Like, oh, no. I'm me again.
- Bad.
- What?
That's the keyword. Bad.
- Rad?
- No, bad.
- Sad?
- Dad?
- Bad, bad, bad.
- Cad.
- Tad?
- Pad?
- Chad?
- Amistad?
Shaggy, you okay there?
I can't do it.
I'm supposed to jump to that ledge?
Maybe when I was brave,
but now, no way.
If you don't do it, we're all gonna die.
No pressure.
Look how far it is, Fred.
I'm not gonna make it!
We don't have much time.
Shaggy, you can do it.
You made a bigger jump than that
a few minutes ago.
That's when I was the other guy.
You know, the brave one.
I don't know much about hypnosis, Shaggy,
but I know one thing.
It cannot make you do things
you couldn't do without it.
All that stuff you did when you were brave,
that was you.
It's inside you.
You just have to let it out.
Like, give me a movie line.
- What?
- Okay. Um...
I need one of those movie line thingies
to say before I jump.
Uh, okay.
Uh, how about,
"When you say, 'Jump, ' I say, 'How high?"'
Fred, that doesn't make any sense.
Does it matter?
All right.
When you say, "Jump,"
I say, "How high?"
- Gotcha.
- Ha, ha. Tex.
They told me you got trapped in those
caves and this was the only other exit.
Well, I figured if anyone could find
their way out, it'd be you.
We been camped out here all night.
I made beans, if you want some.
Hey, you guys have any rope?
- That the last one?
- Uh-huh.
Everybody, run!
Well, now, that's right pretty.
Like, it sure is, Tex.
Hey. Maybe we can go out again?
You know, when you get out of jail.
Consider it a date.
- Ow.
- Sorry.
Ha, ha. Thanks.
Mr. Fleischer says that since I helped save the
greatest paleontological find in history...
he'll bump my grade up to a C-minus.
Man, what do you have to do for an A?
Like, come on, guys. There's just one more
thing we have to take care of.
No longer will you turn
into a fearless hero.
No, you will just be your usual self...
Shaggy Rogers.
When I snap my fingers, you will awaken.
Zoinks, did it, like, work?
Oh, my.
Like, zoinks, I'm Shaggy.
But, like, how can you be Shaggy
if, like, I'm Shaggy?
Uh, I don't know. Like, I'm just Shaggy.
Ha! Zoinks, I don't think so.
Like, wait, which one of us
is, like, the real Shaggy?
Like, I'm pretty sure it's you.
If I had hands, I'd take this off my head.
If I had
hands, I'd take this off my head.
I don't have hands.