Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon (2012)

So I'm telling you,
you should read comic books.
It's modern American literature.
There's this guy who has this crazy dog,
or whatnot...
...that can do all kinds of crazy stuff
with all his robot parts.
Like, he can open cans, stop trains,
and reach through fences to pick flowers...
Oh, all that's a bunch of hoolarky.
Stay focused on your work.
We're supposed to be guarding
this convention, not reading the...
Somebody there?
Yo, friend, the convention starts
tomorrow. You ain't supposed to be in here.
Careful, Jimmy.
Tommy? What?
I'm telling you, Scooby-Doo, buddy, old pal,
like, the Blue Falcon is the greatest. Ho, ho.
And don't forget Dynomutt, Dog Wonder.
Okay, gang,
when Scooby, who we're using as bait...
...leads the manic Minotaur
of Manesly Manor into the trap... girls pull the levers
while Shaggy and I pull the ropes.
All set?
All except for the fact
that your bait is busy reading comics.
- Who's it?
- What's it?
Come on, Scooby.
We need the Minotaur to chase you.
Uh-uh. I don't wanna be the bait again.
Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?
Uh-uh. No way.
- Would you do it for two Scooby Snacks?
- Nope.
Would you do it
if Velma called you Dog Wonder?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Come on, Velma.
You wanna solve this mystery,
or don't you?
All right.
Dog Wonder, please be the bait.
What was that? I couldn't hear you.
Please, Dog Wonder. Go do yourjob.
I'm Scooby-Doo, Dog Wonder.
Dog Wonder, Wonder, Wonder.
I'm Scooby-Doo, Dog Wonder.
Wonder, Wonder, Wonder.
Wait for it.
And now.
- Huh?
- It's okay, Scooby-Doo. You're safe now.
It is my greatest honor and privilege... award you fine young adults
an honorary appreciation degree...
...for capturing the manic Minotaur
of Manesly Manor.
Shaggy, enough with the comics.
Pay attention. We're getting an award.
Blue Falcon.
And Dynomutt.
Yeah, do you guys think
you could unmask me now?
I've been hanging up here all night.
This net really chafes
in all the wrong places.
Sorry there, Mr. Bad Guy.
It takes a lot to plan these kind
of award ceremonies, apparently.
Let's see who's really behind
all the computer thefts.
Horten McGuggenhiem.
Yeah, yeah, like, big surprise.
The geek with the glasses
was stealing all the computers.
Can we wrap this up now?
I suppose you all wanna know
why I did it.
Well, it all started back in my childhoo...
Nope. No, we're good.
Don't need to know why.
Like, take him away, officers.
Thanks for coming. Bye-bye.
- What's the big rush, Shaggy?
- We got things to do.
- And places to go.
- Let me guess.
Does this have something to do with you
being a comic-book geek and a TV addict?
I mean, like, no. But we are going
to the Comic ConApalooza.
Hoo, hoo.
Held every July.
In the heart of beautiful
downtown San De Pedro in California.
So exciting.
- Hoo-hoo-hoo. Hurry.
- Fred, grab the wheel...
...and let's, like, hit the road.
We can't be late, dude.
Well, my trusty hound... appears that our art show
has been a resounding success.
It's the Falcon Flash.
Ladies and gentlemen,
something unexpected has come up.
I'm afraid the art show is over.
Not a moment to lose, Dog Wonder.
Quick, to the Falcon's Lair.
You got it, BF.
Here we go.
Dynomutt, to the Falconcar.
Blue Falcon.
And Dog Wonder.
The Blue Falcon is just so cool.
Played to perfection
by the one and only...
...Owen Garrison.
And Dynomutt is so amazing.
And our costumes are, like, groovy.
High four.
Wow, you two, I've never seen you so
excited over something that wasn't edible.
Oh, it's edible.
Yeah. We made the costumes
out of string cheese and food coloring.
We'll be the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt...
...for Mega Mondo Pop! Comic
ConApalooza costume contest.
And when it's over...
We eat the costumes.
- It's like two-for-one fun.
- It's something.
We are gonna win that costume contest,
buddy, old pal.
I'm Dynomutt, Dog Wonder.
I don't know, guys.
That old Blue Falcon TV show
was pretty campy.
But I gotta say,
I'm really looking forward... the screening of the new, updated,
darker, edgier Blue Falcon movie...
...featuring mega movie star,
Brad Adams.
He's cute
in a dark, brooding kind of way.
But you know what's even cuter?
Littlest Fuzzies.
They're only the cutest collectibles
in the whole wide world.
And I have an almost complete collection.
I've printed a checklist
of all the various Fuzzies I own... I'll know exactly which ones to buy at
the Mega Mondo Pop! Comic ConApalooza.
Costume competitions, movie premieres,
obnoxiously cute collectibles. Ugh.
I'm glad the convention
is supposed to be haunted... a horrible, mean, cruel monster-man.
Yup. See?
These two guards said
a crazy freak attacked them in the dark.
- Smells like a mystery.
- No.
It smells like a whole lot of Velma trying to
ruin the most important weekend of my life.
But that's not happening.
Nope. No way.
You can use the laptop
after the convention. Hoo, hoo.
Well, it looks like the world can rest easy
once again, Dynomutt.
That's right, BF.
And remember, kids...'s the hero inside of you
that saves the day.
Like, welcome to the Mega
Mondo Pop! Comic ConApalooza.
The greatest collection of comic books,
TV shows, movies, everything.
Jinkies. The mystery's started already.
It's the Crab Car.
I love it. I love it.
I can see the only mystery around here
is why I'm even at this Mondo geek-a-thon.
That's right, folks.
This is the new and improved Blue Falcon,
starring Brad Adams.
And a very new
and very dangerous Dynomutt.
Like, Scooby, old buddy,
these guys are good.
This costume competition
is gonna be kind of stiff.
I know.
Like, you listen to me, Scooby-Doo.
You may not have
the best Dynomutt costume...
No? may look and smell a little cheesy...
It does?
...but you have the heart
of a Dog Wonder...
...and it's what's on the inside
that's most important.
Yeah, the heart of a Dog Wonder.
We'd like to enter the costume contest,
Yeah, he's the Blue Falcon
and I'm Dynomutt the Dog Wonder.
Like, zoinks.
Hey, Shaggy. Hey, Scooby.
See you liked my Zorak mask.
Special collectible,
complete with automated voice box.
I didn't. I hate bugs.
They go... and... and...
We got it, Scooby-Doo.
You don't like bugs.
Gang, this is Hank Prince.
He owns my favorite comic-book store.
I hang out there all the time.
Even if Hank is a little creepy.
Shaggy. Hey, Shaggy.
Isn't this, like, the coolest?
Yeah, Austin.
This place is, like, blowing my mind.
What little there is of it.
Shaggy, do me a favor.
Can you and your groovy dog
watch my nephew here for a bit?
I can't leave my booth
and he wants to walk the convention.
Nada problemo, Hank.
- Hey, what should we do first?
- I wanna see the Blue Falcon.
The big, mega-spectacular,
dark-and-brooding movie one?
Yeah, me too.
I'm heading over there right now.
Come on, gang.
Not that one.
The original Blue Falcon.
Owen Garrison has a booth.
Owen Garrison? Here? Where?
Right over there.
Owen Garrison, the original Blue Falcon.
And Dynomutt.
Like, it's a dreamy dream come true.
If you guys don't mind, I think I'll go look
for clues to this mystery about the...
Uh-uh, shh. Like, what did I say about
ruining my fun? What did I say? What?
That's a good Velma. Good Velma.
I'll come with you, Vel.
As long as you promise we can stop at the
Littlest Fuzzies booth I saw on the way in.
Hey, I'll take one.
- Me too.
- Yeah, me too. Like, me too.
We are your biggest fans.
My biggest fans?
Fans? I have no more fans.
We are your fans.
Too late. Too late.
It's over. Over, I say.
Ever since they announced
that Blue Falcon movie's coming out...
...the studio's done everything in its power
to downplay the old TV show.
They even removed the reruns
from the air...
...and they won't release my episodes
on DVD or Green-ray.
Don't you see? No reruns, no residuals.
Soon, no one will even remember
there was an original Blue Falcon.
But I'll make them remember.
I'll make them all remember.
Hi there, kids. Want an autograph?
- Uh, no thanks.
- What?
Don't mind him, Mr. Garrison.
We still want your autograph.
But, like, we'll come back later
when you're feeling better.
Just walk away from the crazy man,
and smile.
I didn't know collecting toys
was such hard work.
They're not toys, Velma Dinkley.
They're Littlest Fuzzies.
This is very serious business.
If you say so, Daphne Blake.
But, you know, this whole
Mega Mondo Pop! Comic ConApalooza...
...confuses the heck out of me.
In fact, comic books
and superheroes baffle me.
They don't make logical sense.
You wouldn't get powers
from a radioactive spider bite...
...and wearing glasses wouldn't trick
anyone into not recognizing you.
See? You'd have to be a complete idiot
not to know it was me.
Daphne, quick, there's something going on
at the Blue Falcon booth.
And bring your new friend.
Really? Oy.
Fans of Mega Mondo Pop!
Comic ConApalooza, welcome.
My name is Jennifer Severin.
You may know me as the writer,
producer and director...
...of the Transmollyfier movies
Revenge First Strike,
Revenge Second Strike...
...Revenge of the Revenge Seekers...
...Seekers of Revenge
Against the Revenge Seekers...
...and Big Robots Blow Things Up
to Get the Ultimate Revenge.
When the studio asked me
to put the Blue Falcon on the big screen...
...I only had one question.
Instead of a story,
can I just blow things up?
And they said yes.
So I give you, without further ado...
...the star of The Blue Falcon Reborn:
Dynomutt's Revenge...
...Brad Adams.
Greetings, everyone.
As I've said in the press many times...
...Blue Falcon has been very important
to me...
...and it was an honor
to bring him to life on the screen.
And I want to announce
that we will be screening...
...the entire Blue Falcon movie
on the last day of the convention.
Don't miss it.
He's not so great.
Over here.
That guy up there is a fraud.
A fraud, I tell you.
I, and I alone, am the Blue Falcon.
- Autograph?
- Aah!
- Autograph? Anyone?
Take it. Take my autograph. Take it.
Who's that guy?
Poor Mr. Garrison.
People, who wants to see the trailer... Blue Falcon Reborn:
Dynomutt's Revenge?
Get that old fossil out of here, now.
- Come on, Owen. You're making a scene.
- Aah!
Okay, hold it right there.
James Becker, head of security.
I just wanna make sure
there's no trouble.
- I won't...
- No trouble, Mr. Becker.
I'm Jack Rabble.
I share the booth with Owen here.
I'll just take him back. No trouble.
Looks like those criminals
finally got the message.
That's right, BF.
Crime always pays the ultimate price.
Who's that?
That's supposed to be
the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt.
Like, that BF isn't even wearing a cape.
Greetings, humans.
I am Mr. Hyde.
I was once like you,
but now I am so much more.
Let me show you.
Like, that looks like Mr. Hyde,
Blue Falcon's worst enemy.
That shot's not in the trailer.
It is I, Mr. Hyde.
And I am here in the flesh.
It's me, Severin.
Something weird is happening.
No, good weird.
This doesn't look right to me.
Right. What are the chances
of this being part of the show?
Like, somewhere between slim, none,
and let's get the heck out of here.
Please pay attention
and watch very closely...
...because I am here to teach you...
...the meaning of fear.
Fly, my children.
Destroy everything you see.
Look out!
Look out, Scoob.
In here.
Like, good thinking, Scoob.
- Aah!
- Aah! Run!
That was close.
Too close for the Blue Falcon booth.
Those poor people will be crushed.
Over there, the towers.
Quick, you two take the one on the right.
Nice save.
But it won't spare you next time.
Return, my lovelies.
Return to your master.
Everybody, stay calm.
I have my security guards in there right now
searching for that freaky perp.
Like, ow!
You two, over here, now.
I'm not gonna stand by
while you wreck the place... the name of some crazy PR stunt
for your movie.
Mr. Becker,
how dare you accuse us of this?
Our fans are our most treasured asset.
We would never do anything
to endanger them.
No publicity is worth that.
Excuse me, Mr. Becker...
...but we're the Mystery Incorporated gang
and we'd love to look into this for you.
It's what we do.
We solve mysteries.
- And run away a lot.
- And eat.
So, what do you say, Mr. Becker?
Can we help?
You kids were pretty impressive in there
with how you reacted to that emergency.
Lives were saved.
But I can't let you get involved.
Besides, I'm shutting
the whole convention down.
I can't be responsible
for anyone getting hurt.
It's just too dangerous.
Don't you worry, folks.
As mayor of San De Pedro...
...I would never let anything shut down
the Mega Mondo Pop! Comic ConApalooza.
You listen to me, Becker. This convention
is the biggest money maker we have.
But I can't ensure the safety of the people
with a maniac on the loose.
If you need the help, why not take
these nice youngsters up on their offer?
They've behaved so admirably already.
And they're free.
Because I believe in young heroes.
Ha, ha.
All right, you can help.
Gang, looks like we have another mystery
on our hands.
All right, V.
What do we know about the monster?
Don't look at me, Freddy.
Comics aren't my thing.
Out of my area of expertise.
Ask Geek-o-man
and his faithful sidekick, Hungry-mutt.
She talking to us?
I think so.
- Do you two know anything about this?
- Uh-huh. A lot.
That's right, Scooby-Doo.
This Mr. Hyde character...
...he's Blue Falcon and Dynomutt's
archnemesis in the old TV show.
Willie the Weasel
was a small-time crook and inventor.
He, like, created an experimental gas
that transformed him into a nightmare.
Bringing out his terrible evil self.
As Mr. Hyde,
he's a creature of pure chaos...
...trying to turn the world
into a dark twisted place.
If you two know so much about Mr. Hyde,
you should take the lead on this mystery.
- Uh-uh.
- Yeah. Like, are you kidding? No way.
Mr. Hyde is the monster that taught us
how to be scared of monsters.
Regardless, I say our first lead would be
the movie producer, Jennifer Severin.
She was acting a little too innocent,
if you ask me.
Good call, Velma.
She's having a party tonight.
Let's check it out.
Hands off, you venal villains.
I tell you, I don't need an invitation
to a Blue Falcon party.
I am the Blue Falcon! Ugh.
Come on, old-timer.
No. Let me go.
That's twice now.
I think that Garrison guy
is acting pretty darn suspicious.
Ha! Like, no way, Fred.
He can't be the bad guy.
He's the Blue Falcon.
Was the Blue Falcon.
Motive enough right there.
We're working for the mayor
and Mr. Becker.
Split up and see what we can find out.
- Anything you can tell us about Mr. Hyde?
- Who's that?
The freaky freak
that attacked the convention?
The Blue Falcon's archnemesis?
Oh, I never studied the older Blue Falcon.
In fact, I've never even watched the show.
Instead, I bring to the Blue Falcon
a clean slate...
...seeing him as a divided soul
in an endless debate...
...over the choices he's had to make
in a very real and dangerous world.
What does that even mean?
That the Blue Falcon is an enigma... a life trapped within
the impossibility of certainty.
- Makes you think.
- You take that back.
I don't have the slightest idea
what you just said...
...but you'd better take it back, like, now.
Come on, Shaggy.
Let's go see how the girls are doing.
I don't have any idea
who this Mr. Hyde person might be...
...but I think you should be questioning
Owen Garrison.
It's no secret that he's threatened me
and the studio.
He's quite insane, you know.
Yeah, yo, the projects in turnaround
and Steven's interested.
He loves the script, man.
- Good.
- Oh, it's better than good.
It's got cyborgs, dinosaurs and penguins.
Come on, everybody loves penguins.
A $90-million opening weekend.
Yeah, a monster.
Monster? Where?
Oh, good grief. They're not showing
that awful trailer again?
Like, where did that horrible actor guy go?
Brad Adams.
And where's Jennifer Severin?
Maybe security got them out.
No time to worry about that. Look.
Since my brutal bats were such a hit
at the convention...
...I thought you pathetic people might enjoy
my Hideous Hyde Hound.
Attack, my beauty.
Teach them the true meaning of fear.
Scooby-Doo, run!
Hey. He-he-he.
Wait, where's Scooby-Doo?
He was right behind us.
Scooby-Doo, get out of there!
Hey. Hey.
Okay. That was a little strange.
Did you see all those extra security guards
on the way in?
Mr. Becker is clearly expecting
another Mr. Hyde attack.
And why are we here?
Because we're expecting it too, Shaggy.
The best way to solve any mystery
is to be right in the middle of it.
So, what's on the mystery-solving agenda
for today, Freddy?
There's something I'd like to check out.
Come on, gang.
Like, hold on a second, Frederick Jones.
You're not thinking
what I think you're thinking.
You think Owen Garrison
might be the bad guy.
Like, you think he's Mr. Hyde.
Shame on you, Frederick Jones.
You have to admit,
he is acting very suspicious.
I don't have to admit anything, ever.
Oh, brother, here we go.
Mr. Rabble, like, help me out here.
They think Mr. Garrison is behind
this whole Mr. Hyde craziness.
Owen? Not in a million years.
Please, don't think badly of Owen.
He gets excitable sometimes,
but he would never hurt a fly.
- There's no way he could be...
- Hold the phone.
Jack Rabble? You're Jack Rabble?
I knew your name sounded familiar.
You were the guy who used to build
those wicked amazing robots... compete on that game show,
Combat Bots.
Thanks. It's nice to be recognized.
These days,
I make my money signing autographs.
The same with Garrison. In fact,
we've been sharing a booth for years.
Not exactly glamorous,
but someday we'll be back in the limelight.
Say, would you two like to buy...
...a limited-edition
Jack Rabble Flame-o-Bot figure?
It has custom robo-damage action.
Um, nope.
But does that remote-controlled
flying spy bot work?
You bet it does.
I'll take it.
Come on, gang. I think it's time
we checked in with Mr. Becker.
Go on ahead.
Like, Scooby and I have a little work to do.
We do?
I mean, we do.
Wanna share a doughnut?
Like, this is serious, Scooby-Doo.
You know how important it is to you
to represent Dynomutt properly?
Well, it's the same with me
and Owen Garrison.
He's the original Blue Falcon.
When I think of watching those shows
as a kid and what they meant to me...
...I can't imagine a world without Owen's
brave, heroic, honest Blue Falcon.
And to think the others wanna
investigate him in all this...
...oh, man, it's just, like, too much.
That's a good Shaggy.
Come on, let's get to work.
We've been over and over these.
There's nothing.
Sometimes there are clues
where you least expect them.
Like right in front of you.
We found clues.
Namely, like, in the form
of some pretty obvious suspects.
Your friends here were saying
that Owen Garrison...
...was the most obvious suspect.
Au contraire, mon frre...
...which is, like, Italian for,
"Let me lay it on you. "
Observe what we observed
with our little friend here.
Firstly, Jennifer Severin...
...writer, producer and director
of the new Blue Falcon movie...
...she has everything to gain by this.
I know. I know, right?
This whole Mr. Hyde thing
is working like gangbusters for us.
Every media outlet is talking
about the movie now.
We might have a strong opening after all.
And if we do,
the studio will have me to thank.
And then there's Brad Adams... actor stifled by a role
he doesn't want.
This whole Mr. Hyde thing is a blessing.
If it continues to draw attention away from
me, I can bow out of this stupid franchise.
I'm an actor. An actor.
I should be doing serious cinema,
not this lowbrow crud.
I don't even cry once.
Last but not least, Hank Prince.
His nephew mentioned
that Hank keeps sneaking off...
...and acting very secretive
and suspicious.
Like, he made three suspicious phone calls
in just the short time we spied on him.
One right before the first attack.
We checked the phone records.
Wow, you guys, that's kind of disturbing.
Impressive, but disturbing.
Why don't you all wait outside?
There's something I wanna ask Mr. Becker.
Really nice work there, you two.
You opened up this mystery
to all sorts of suspects.
High four.
I have to say, I kind of like it when
there's only one real suspect like Owen.
Lxnay, Daph. Ahem.
I asked Mr. Becker to give us
special all-access badges.
Badges that'll let us into the green room,
for all the important guests.
- Where they have...
- Catering?
Well, yeah. I guess they do have catering.
Big tables full of food.
Food of all kinds.
Velma, did you just intentionally get rid
of Shaggy and Scooby?
In a word, yes.
The prime suspect in all this
is still Owen Garrison.
We really need to question him.
I get it. Kind of hard to grill their hero
and accuse him of being Mr. Hyde...
...with those two around.
Well, terrific.
I mean, while you two do that,
I'll go look for clues...
...over by the Littlest Fuzzies booth.
See if this special badge
will get me a professional discount.
Hey, get away from that table.
- Those are mine. Mine. Mine.
- Hey.
- Don't make me hurt you. I mean it. Let go!
- Aah!
Take my identity, will you?
I'll make you all pay, yes.
- Excuse us, Mr. Garrison.
- We were wondering if we could ask...
...a few questions about Mr. Hyde, Severin,
and the new Blue Falcon movie.
That Hollywood huckster, Severin,
and her boy toy Adams?
Don't mention their names to me.
I spent years trying to get
one of the movie studios interested... a Blue Falcon feature film,
but no one would even give me a meeting.
Then Severin buys the rights
to the character...
...and slaps me with an injunction...
...forbidding me from ever wearing
the costume in public.
And they're trying to make everyone forget
that my show even existed.
Doing these lousy trade shows
in the Blue Falcon costume... the only income I have.
Oh, but don't you worry.
They'll get what's coming to them.
Mark my words.
Mark my words, they will pay!
Well, that sure was borderline
I'd say it was way south of the border
and deep in the heart of Guiltytown.
Scoob, old buddy, old pal...
...some people want super-strength
or super-speed...
...but not me, no, sir.
Me? I just want a super-appetite.
And you know what that means,
super starving sidekick?
Super-powered tag-team eating attack.
All I'm saying is be ready.
I want cameras rolling
for the next Mr. Hyde attack.
And I want it all on film.
It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.
The food's gone!
All of it.
You did this.
Like, run, Scooby-Doo.
Get back here.
- Come on, Scoob.
- Shaggy.
Like, it's locked.
I'm scared, Shaggy.
Like, me too, pal.
Come on, let's find another way out.
You won't believe it.
I found a Sparklelight Bear
and a Bubblefun Hippo.
I am on a Littlest Fuzzie roll. Aah!
Aah! Is that a Blue Falcon
Littlest Fuzzie? It is.
I've never seen one in person.
They're so incredibly rare.
All this Mr. Hyde mayhem
may have everyone on edge...
...but it's sure been good for business.
Old Blue Falcon stuff
is selling like hotcakes.
I've been able to raise
my already-raised prices even higher.
You'd think since my uncle's doing so well
he'd give me a raise, but nothing.
I'm working this booth harder than ever...
...especially with Uncle Hank disappearing
to run errands all the time.
Daphne, put the credit card down
and walk away from the Littlest Fuzzie.
There's something you need to see.
This is episode one
of the old Blue Falcon show.
Look familiar?
That's exactly what happened
the night before the convention.
And look at episode two.
Austin, what happens in episode three?
- What does Mr. Hyde do?
- That's the one where he unleashes...
...his Hideous Hyde Hound of Basket Town
on Big City.
Hideous Hyde Hound. You don't say.
Yup. And then I think Mr. Hyde's
next appearance is in episode 22.
In it, Mr. Hyde floods Big City
with green ooze...
...and it transforms the townspeople
into monsters like him.
It's titled
Blue Falcon Versus the Psycho-ooze.
I own over 17 turtlenecks
of the exact same color... I definitely know a pattern
when I see one.
We gotta tell Mr. Becker.
Let's move out, gang.
Like, zoinks.
- Mr. Becker?
- Aah!
I already gave you kids
the all-access passes.
Why are you back here exactly?
Because, Mr. Becker, this is very serious.
Quite frankly, kids,
I don't have time to worry about...
...some stupid slime
that turns people into monsters.
I still gotta catch the clowns
who ate all the press food.
Scooby, this must be Mr. Hyde's lair.
He's got all kinds of floor plans
of the convention, and street maps.
But why?
Like, I have no idea, Scooby-Doo.
And why is this one marked
"alternate emergency route"?
That's the psycho-ooze, remember?
Episode 22.
It turns people into monsters.
What? Spies.
We're trapped.
To those foolish enough to spy on me...
...taste the oozing chaos of fear.
Like, don't let it hit you, Scoob.
I don't wanna be turned into a monster.
Please, Mr. Becker,
you have to listen to us.
The threat is real.
Too real. Look, it's Shaggy and Scooby.
And Mr. Hyde.
Come on.
Scooby, that way. The big balloon.
Like, we gotta get to higher ground,
buddy, old pal.
Hey, ugly.
You leave those two alone.
Fools. You cannot stop me.
You cannot escape me.
You shall watch as all of the
town is turned into hideous monsters.
It's the end, Scoob.
They're all gonna be monsterized.
Over there.
City hall.
You can hide from view...
...but you cannot hide from Mr. Hyde.
Go, my lovelies. Seek them out.
Like, he's gone batty.
And now for the finishing touch.
It's a psycho tsunami.
Open up!
Ooze alert!
Hurry, Scoob!
We're not fast enough. Quick, jump.
Like, whatever happens,
don't let it touch you, Scooby-Doo.
Shaggy, it's rising.
Have no doubt, my friends...
...we will get to the bottom
of this Mr. Hyde nonsense.
Until then, I assure you,
everything is under complete control.
Hey, this is Becker, Mr. Mayor.
Hyde was just sighted
flying over city hall.
You may be under attack.
Well, now, I wasn't expecting that.
Maybe we can climb our way out of this.
And maybe not.
- Scooby!
- Shaggy, I've been oozed.
Me too. I swallowed some.
It tastes like...
Sorry to have to cut this short, folks...
...but something's come up
and I have to go to, uh...
To the bathroom.
City hall under attack?
What next?
No, Scooby. No.
You've turned into a hideous monster.
In the name of ham on rye!
My friend, you shall be avenged!
It's just... It's too, too horrible.
I'm sorry, Scooby-Doo.
I'm so sorry that you are so incredibly
hideous looking.
- Shaggy, I'm right behind you.
- Huh?
Like, you're all right.
- We're not monsters.
- Uh-huh.
Of course, you're not monsters.
You're nitwits.
But the psycho-ooze?
You Mystery Incorporated nimrods
are fired.
In a quirky twist of the Mr. Hyde story... hall was flooded
with a strange ooze...
...that later turned out to be
a harmless pistachio-flavored foam.
It's just terrible what happened.
And if this had taken place at the
Mega Mondo Pop! Comic ConApalooza... would've ruined everything.
That's why,
due to the increased danger levels...
...not to mention
the increased demand for tickets...
...the Blue Falcon movie screening
will not be held at the convention center.
It will be screened in the San De Pedro
baseball stadium across the street.
On the lighter side of this story,
check out the two so-called investigators...
...who actually thought
they were turning into monsters.
We found this security footage posted
on ScoopTube. Com.
No, Scooby. No. You've turned...
Everyone is laughing at us.
It's only ScoopTube.
I mean, how many people really saw it?
Forty-two million hits so far.
And it's gotten 3 million LOLs,
...and one "BRB. Gotta clean litter box.
Mom is going crazy. "
We're the laughingstock
of the whole world.
Hello? Mr. Rabble?
I didn't know who else to call.
Have you kids seen Owen?
No, Mr. Rabble. Not since before
Mr. Hyde's last attack. Why?
Oh, it's probably nothing.
Owen's probably fine. He does this.
Goes off on his own and all.
Probably on a rant someplace.
Don't worry.
Okay. That was weird.
Come on, Shaggy.
We still have a mystery to solve.
You can't hide in here forever.
You have to be seen sometime.
Not without this paper bag on my head.
Like, it's never coming off.
It's kind of peaceful under here.
Ha, ha.
Still working out some of the kinks.
Where'd Scooby go?
Listen to me, Scooby-Doo.
You've got the heart of a Dog Wonder,
and that's what's important.
I don't think so.
I'm no hero. I'm ajoke.
I will be Dynomutt no more.
Okay, gang, first thing we've gotta do
is find Mr. Hyde's secret room...
...that Shaggy and Scooby
were talking about.
Hold it right there, you kids.
I have strict orders from the mayor...
...not to let you into the convention
for any reason.
- But, Mr. Becker...
- No buts.
You made him look like a fool
and that makes me look like a fool.
You're out. Banned.
Boy, it really stinks being shut out
of a mystery like this.
We have to get back inside.
I still have five Littlest Fuzzies on hold
in there.
I mean, we need to solve this mystery.
Hey, guys, could you do me a favor?
I can't find my uncle. Could you tell him
I'm sneaking into the tech rehearsal...
...for the premiere
of the Blue Falcon movie?
Sorry, Austin,
but we've been banned from going inside.
Banned? Like, no way.
I bet I could fix that. Come on.
Why do I have to be the Rock Ape?
Just go with it, Vel.
I think we look great.
They're with me.
Now we need to find
Mr. Hyde's secret lair.
We gotta figure out
what he's gonna do next.
That's easy.
If he's going by the episodes... his next appearance,
Mr. Hyde transforms into a huge monster...
...and destroys the city.
Oh, no.
Okay, I'm heading to the stadium now.
Come on, gang.
W need to search Mr. Hyde's lair.
Thanks for helping, Mr. Rabble.
But it looks like Becker and his men
were already here.
I'm getting out of this costume.
Me too.
I'm totally burning up in this thing.
Hold the phone.
Looks like Mr. Hyde hacked into
the convention center's security.
Wow, he could see everything.
And control the alarms.
I'm sad and hungry.
Really, really hungry.
Yeah. Moping all day
sure builds up an appetite.
Maybe we should get something to eat,
but not be happy about it.
Not happy.
Look, it's the baseball stadium.
Why would Mr. Hyde have
a camera there?
Ladies and gentlemen, stay in line.
The gates will be open soon.
Testing. One, two, three. Testing. Okay.
Can we put up the video screen?
I'll start by presenting our star,
Brad Adams...
...who will then introduce
the new Blue Falcon movie.
- Roll the film.
- Yeah.
I think maybe Mr. Hyde
had this all planned.
Yeah, by creating chaos...
...he made the convention center
too dangerous.
And got the screening moved
to the baseball stadium.
But why?
That's right, Dog Wonder.
I didn't even know
a body could explode like that.
With enough dynamite, BF...
- ... anything can explode.
- Hey, who's that?
- Who's back there?
- Ha-ha-ha. True.
There. Look.
Come on.
All this chaos is starting to make sense.
This show is over.
No one will see this film.
No one. So says Mr. Hyde.
Like, maybe while everyone's
watching the movie...
...we can get some hot dogs
without anyone seeing us.
Like, the crowd's leaving
before the movie's even started.
More food for us.
Scooby-Doo, old pal,
I love the way you think.
Uh, maybe this was a bad idea.
Oh, no. Look, it's Austin.
Like, where's a hero when you need him?
Remember, Scooby, it's the hero
inside of you that saves the day.
Yeah. I can do this.
Who are you supposed to be?
Captain Necktie?
Mr. Hyde...
...face me if you dare.
This show is over.
No one will see this film.
No one. So says Mr. Hyde. Ha-ha-ha.
Ha! This is going right on the Internet.
ScoopTube fame, here I come. Ha-ha-ha.
It's paper bags for the rest of our lives.
Where are Shaggy and Scooby?
They saved me.
While that crazy giant Mr. Hyde
was kicking their butts, I got away.
They're okay, Austin. Don't worry.
But we need to stop
that monstrosity now.
Come on, gang. I've got an idea.
We got a serious situation
at the baseball stadium.
Alert the local authorities.
We need to clear the area and fast.
This show is over.
No one will see this film.
No one. So says Mr. Hyde.
Hey, you.
Why don't you sit down and be quiet?
Some of us still wanna see the movie.
This show is over.
No one will see this film.
No one. So says Mr. Hyde.
Now let's see who this Mr. Hyde really is.
Owen Garrison.
So it was him.
Sometimes, the most obvious bad guy
is the actual bad guy.
Arrest that man.
What? Where am I?
How did I get into this robot
and this Mr. Hyde costume?
It's a mess down here.
Set up a roadblock on Stadium Street.
Attention, Car 47,
traffic is blocked on Stadium Street.
Use the alternative emergency route.
I'm innocent, I tell you. I am innocent.
Hold on now.
Owen might be a deranged,
cranky old man...
...out of touch with what the public wants
these days, but he's a fellow actor.
He could never have endangered
all these people.
That's right. You must have knocked me out
and put me in that robot.
You and that horrible
producer-slash-director of yours.
Like I said, he's a deranged, cranky old man
who's out of touch, and he probably did it.
Take him away, officers.
Something sure feels fishy about all this.
Zoinks! Mr. Hyde's here.
Shaggy, we have to stop him.
Let's ride, Dog Wonder.
Pull over.
Yeah. Like, pull over, please.
I don't think I can keep this up
for much longer.
Get off, you stupid dog.
Hideous Hyde Hound, destroy him.
Low bridge.
Get out of the way. I can't see.
Move. No. No!
You, dog.
You are going to pay with your life.
Hideous Hyde Hound, attack.
Climb aboard, Dog Wonder.
Don't mind if I do, BF.
Dog Wonder.
And Blue Falcon.
This is not good.
Not so fast, you creepy crook.
Stick around, Mr. Hyde.
You did it, Scooby-Doo.
You're a hero. A real hero.
- Good job, Dog Wonder.
- Aww.
Austin, you're all right.
I was incredibly worried.
Where have you been?
I'm sorry I've been so secretive lately.
It's just that I was courting
this wonderful woman.
Her name's Nora Spinkleton.
But I know and love her
as Princess Garogflotach...
...of the Kloxnicht Nebula.
I love you too, sweetness.
No, Hank, in Kloxnichtian.
Oh, right.
Thank you, Mystery Incorporated.
Thank you for saving my nephew.
How can I ever repay you?
Well, there is a certain limited-edition...
...Blue Falcon Littlest Fuzzie
I wouldn't mind taking off your hands.
But first,
let's see who Mr. Hyde really, really is.
Jack Rabble?
- It all makes sense now.
- It does?
Don't be so thick, you flatfoot.
It's simple really. It all started years ago
when I was permanently disqualified...
...from Combat Bots because my robots
were deemed too dangerous.
One of them actually destroyed
the studio.
So I was banned.
Deprived of the one thing I loved...
...making robots
who destroy other robots.
I was forced to eke out a pathetic living
doing these conventions.
Times got so tough, I started sharing a
booth with Owen Garrison to save money.
After years and years and years
of hearing Garrison complain...
...about not being able
to revive Blue Falcon...
...and then about Severin
giving the part to Adams...
...I finally came up with
this brilliant plan.
Using my knowledge of robots
and special effects...
...I created Mr. Hyde.
And a bunch of remote-control bats
and a remote-control monster dog.
I rigged robotic legs
to give me super jumping abilities...
...and fitted them out with smoke machines
to disguise my comings and goings.
I used knockout gas on Owen,
and put him in the giant robot...
...which was remote-controlled
by yours truly... a master stroke of genius.
So Mr. Garrison really was asleep
in there.
But all this?
All this was just for a simple robbery?
Nothing simple about it, hair-boy.
I needed to divert traffic... that armored car would go down
an empty side street where I could attack it.
That baby held the proceeds from all
the entrance fees for the convention.
It was over 5 million bucks.
Hey, you kids.
I demand to know what's going on.
And who to thank for stopping Mr. Hyde.
Your heroes are right here, Mr. Mayor.
Owen Garrison, the original Blue Falcon...
...and his faithful canine companion.
I always knew you had it in you.
Glad I hired you and your friends.
See? I believe in young heroes.
Take some pictures, boys.
It's not fair. I was so close.
So close to all that money.
And I would have gotten away
with it too...
...if it weren't for you meddling kids.
You know how I'm always wanting
better dramatic parts?
Well, this whole thing has taught me
a valuable lesson... what storytelling is truly all about.
Maybe storytelling should be more
than explosions...
...special effects and publicity.
Maybe it should be about
how Owen looks so good in that costume.
I think I've got an idea for the sequel.
I'm standing in front of the premiere
of the Blue Falcon sequel...
...Blue Falcon 2:
The Return Begins Again.
It's just about finished,
and I, for one, can't wait... hear the reactions
of those lucky viewers inside.
You may have me outnumbered...
...but I'm taking almost all of you
with me.
Take that, evildoers.
Looks like we got here just in time,
eh, Dog Wonder?
Sure did, BF.
The original Blue Falcon.
It can't be. Unless...
That means you... You're...
That's right.
I'm your father.
And that means that Dynomutt
is actually...
Like, old buddy, you are a real hero...
...and a real movie star.
Take a bow.
- Scooby-Dooby-Doo.
- Scooby-Dooby-Doo.