Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness (2015)

I'm so nervous.
- Don't sweat it, Daph. You'll do great.
SCOOBY: Mm-hm.
- Yau think so?
- Yeah, driving tests are easy.
Even I passed mine.
Yeah, me tan.
Daphne, you're going to be great.
I believe in you, we all do.
If you put your mind to it,
you can do anything, Daphne.
Yeah. Right an.
- You've got what it takes. Right, guys'?
ALL: Yeah.
- Yeah?
ALL: Yeah.
- Yeah?
ALL: Yeah.
All right.
Oh, no.
Sc did I pass?
Hi, Clark Sparkman here
welcoming you all to Slybase Earth...
an airport where the flights
are out of this world.
And Celebrity Heat is wasting u.
Three years ago,
brash billionaire daredevil, Sly Baron...
vowed to make space tourism a reality.
Today his lucky passengers are boldly going
where none of them have gone before.
No, not Delaware. Space.
A trip around the moon.
And they'll travel in style on Slystar One,
the first space cruise ship.
The passengers are pure A-list.
Celebrated astronaut; Shannon Lucas.
Retired legends, Zip Elvin
and Colt Steelcase.
And football star, Uvinious Botango,
a.k.a. U-Boat.
Superstars going to the stars.
But wait.
What about the average guy or gal?
Didn't Sly promise to make space
available to anyone?
Yeah, what about us?
[nos BARKS]
Hold on to your boosters,
folks, because this
super-cute reporter is
about to blow your mind.
Sly created a sensation today...
when he revealed that he reserved
five seats for five lucky lottery winners.
Wow! Who could they be?
Four teen sleuths and their dog
won the Sly me to Space sweepstakes.
Luckily they'll be in the company
of space greatness, including me.
Clark Sparkman.
It's T-minus-0
to Celebrity Heat's exclusive...
intergalactic coverage
of the greatest party off earth.
Haw great are these custom flight suits?
I never want ta take mine off.
- I know. The colors are perfect.
- And the colors are perfect.
- And, like, there's pockets for snacks.
- Ooh. Big pockets.
State of the art technology.
I'm Shannon Lucas.
You must be the lucky winners.
Hi. You can't imagine haw
surprised we were to
find out we were actually
going into space.
Oh, I think I can.
It was a surprise to me tan.
The Baron kept it a secret
until the very last second.
But I guess he's a man of mystery.
- Well, we sure lave mysteries.
- Right. And lave solving them even mare.
It's tan bad we have to wear these helmets,
talk about hat head.
I know. Awful.
I haven't warn mine yet.
Oh, sorry.
Well, Daphne, your hair is so great,
I'd consider not going.
Oh, jeepers. Thanks.
I use a special conditioner.
Extra bounce.
Well, here we are.
About to go into space
and we're talking about hair.
Hey. What are these lights for?
Indicators. Each suit is fitted with every
convenience you have here an Earth.
Heh. There's no little boy's room
on the ship, Shaggy, you go in the suit.
Wow. I really don't have
to take this suit off?
Ever? Nat even far-f?
Right. I'm guessing
that the red light might mean...
you should think about changing
out your payload though.
Like, dude.
We're wearing atomic diapers.
- The Baron spared no expense.
- Well, I'm sure Sly can afford it.
Besides, all he cares
about is aver-the-tap publicity stunts.
I wouldn't be surprised
if he made same grand
entrance wearing a suit
made out of money.
Wow, a suit made out of money.
Yes, yes, cheering for me.
You're welcome. Heh.
Ladies and gentlemen, thanks to me...
you're about to experience a
life-changing event you'll never forget.
A safe and easy way
for anyone and everyone to go to space.
It will thrill you. Especially if you pick
up some souvenirs in the Slystar gift shop.
New, let's blast off.
There's Zip Elvin and Cult Steelcase.
Let's go say hi. Hi, Zip. Hi, Cult.
Fred Jones reporting for duty.
- Um, hi, Fred.
- I'm a huge fan-l Uh, a huge fan.
Even though you guys landed
an the moan before I was barn...
you've always been
an inspiration to me.
- Well, we're not that old.
- He can't hear you.
Fred, you need ta push the cam
button an your...
I can't hear you.
Sc you're probably wearing
those diaper things, right?
Probably used to them by new though.
I know haw it might kind of itch and stuff,
but I think it's so coal.
So, Shannon,
do you have our training test scores yet'?
Just curious. I'm not obsessed
with test scares or anything.
I was actually just lacking at them.
Wanna know haw you did?
- Yes! I mean, sure. Why not?
- Yau all passed.
But one of you scored high enough to enter
the NASA astronaut candidate program.
- Nice work, Daphne.
- Than k...
Really? Me?
Wow, that is so coal.
Have you ever considered
being an astronaut?
- Na, never.
- I have, ever since I was a kid.
Well, you should.
We'll talk later, girlfriend.
Okay, sounds great, girlfriend.
And maybe you can give me some hair tips.
- Oh, my gosh. I would love to.
- I'll see you in a bit.
Yeah, we'll all talk later, then.
She is so nice.
This is going to be the best trip ever.
What are you doing?
U-Boat, U-Boat, U-Boat!
Like, Scoob. It's him.
- Uvinious Botango, the U-Boat.
- Like, the best football player alive.
Okay. Everyone needs to calm dawn.
SLY [OVER PA]: AH passengers,
please board and prepare for takeoff.
Oh, my gash. I've been waiting
my whale life for this moment.
I can hardly breathe.
Okay. Let's get going?
T-minus-5 minutes to launch.
I can't believe Shaggy and Scooby
are so calm.
- They get jumpy on elevators.
- They have U-Boat fever.
- Why do they call him that?
- Because he sinks everybody.
- He's a tackling machine.
- And he has a line cf snack foods.
U-Boat bites. I'll be surprised if Shaggy
and Scooby even notice we're in space.
Hey, would you like to join us
on the bridge for liftoff?
- Would I'? Oh-ho! You have...
- What do you say, Daphne'?
Really? Sure, thanks.
Bay. She sure left in a hurry.
Well, at least I have
you here, Fred, ta...
Hey, Zip. Cult.
- Yau guys going to the bridge?
- Yeah, but there's really...
Great, I'll join you.
Wait, I'll came tan.
Just need to undo these stupid belts.
I'd keep those an if you want to live.
Ridley, alien resistance fighter.
- Wait, really? That's a job'?
- It will be when the aliens invade.
Velma Dinkley, right? You're one of
the teen detectives, Mystery Inc.?
('Jerk Sparkman, Celebrity Heat.
- Mind if I ask you a few questions?
- You can if you like. But I won't answer.
Goad call. TV is a factory of deceit.
- U-Boat.
- U-Boat.
T-minus-20 seconds to launch.
SLY: Here we go, folks.
We're heading to the stars.
Thanks to me, Sly Baron.
MAN [OVER COM]: Slystar One, this is
ground control. You are clear to go.
WOMAN [OVER PA]: Five, four, three, two,
we have ignition, and one.
Welcome to space.
We did it. High five, guys.
SLY". Ladies and gentlemen,
we've reached our cruising altitude...
of 1 million meters.
Slyco's latest host android model,
or H.A.M...
is moving through the cabin with
refreshments and observational comedy.
Courtesy of me. You're welcome.
You know why moan restaurants
always go out of business?
Na atmosphere.
Am I right, people?
If you need any more buttons pressed,
I'm your man.
Ew. And this sort of stuff works for you?
Still not gonna do an interview.
- I don't watch Celebrity Heat, no offense.
- None taken. It's my job, not my life.
- So, wanna check out the ship?
- I'm in. Strength in numbers.
Like, I think we made a good impression.
- Care for a wet towel, sir?
- Out of my way, robot.
Na peanuts for him.
Came an, pal. All this hero talk
has made me hungry.
Let's go find the snack bar.
- Ah, lack at that view.
- Been there.
- Dane that.
- I never get tired of it, though.
- Haw could you? It's... It's...
- Exactly.
- What's next?
- Far us? Safety check.
We gotta make sure this billion-dollar
yacht stays in one piece.
Sounds important. I'm in.
Aren't you going with them?
I have to run diagnostics
an the navigation system first.
But you go ahead. I'll catch up with you.
Shannon, thanks for making me feel
like I belong up here.
You do.
Space needs a lat more Daphnes.
I'm just speeding up the process a bit,
Okay. Thanks, girlfriend.
Did you see something
funny in the window, Scarab?
- Funny? Na.
- Me neither.
Phew. Must be our imagination.
Like, lance saw a show about a guy that saw
gremlins an the outside of his plane.
- What happened?
- I turned off the TV.
Goad idea.
- What was that?
- Probably space junk.
Since the space age began, we've dumped
millions cf pieces cf trash into orbit...
- ...same weigh more than 5000 tans.
- Haw do you know all that?
- I visited NASA last month. Research.
- Research?
- Yau work for Celebrity Heat.
- Space junk.
That's exactly what the aliens
want us ta think.
Or it's really just space junk.
I know what you're thinking. Ridley...
"she's just some whacked-nut alien freak
who's seen one tan many sci-fi movies.
- Yes. That's exactly what I'm thinking.
- Me tan.
We are not alone.
"We are not alone." Oh!
But I've dedicated my life to alien combat
training for one simple reason...
- Break dancing?
Combat training. They're out there.
And how do you know that?
Do you have any firsthand experience?
- Yeah, have you ever seen an alien?
- Have I ever seen an alien?
Have I ever seen an alien?
Have I ever seen an alien?
Na, I haven't,
but I do have video evidence.
We've been in contact with aliens
for decades.
Uh, that's a kitten.
Oh, sorry. That's not it.
Here. Lack.
Did you see it? It was right there.
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
There's more footage.
Lats more. And I'll show it to you.
Wait here.
- And that's our cue to hide.
- Way ahead of you.
- Like, dude, they have U-Boat Bites.
- And U-Boat Nachoverboards.
Came an, open up.
We're having a snack attack.
Dc you know what my favorite snack is?
I don't have one
because I cannot digest food.
Am I right, people?
I don't get it.
Are you challenging
me, canine life form'?
Uh, no, I... l, uh...
I'm kidding. Ha, ha. I'm a robot. Uh-huh.
I'd destroy you with one blow.
Ha. Am I right, people?
- That comedy robot has a dark side.
- Like, that is not uncommon.
Humor is often inspired
by the same darkness
from which it endeavors
to provide an escape.
- H u h?
- Wow.
I'm so hungry,
my brain ain't working right.
I guess an alien wouldn't shock you.
You've seen all kinds of weird stuff.
You researched me? Why?
You're here to do a piece an the Baron.
I'm not sure he's the mast interesting
person unheard.
Know what I mean?
Like, it's you, Mr. U-Boat.
We're huge fans.
You're like the best player
an the field every Sunday and Monday.
- And Thursday and some Saturdays.
SCOOBY: You're the best off the field tan.
We love U-Boat Bites.
Like, man, we'd be eating them right
now, heh, if the snack bar was open.
Space is delicious.
Whoa. Did you hear that?
Thermal contraction caused
by temperature differential.
- It's normal.
- Right. It's normal, Daph.
It didn't sound normal.
It sounded like there's something outside.
Something outside? You mean,
in the vacuum of space? Like what?
Yeah. Like what?
In the vacuum of space?
You think there's an alien out there?
A creature with an oversized head
and big, black eyes?
- Hold the phone, you've seen it'?
- No. Because it doesn't exist.
If aliens exist, they never introduced
themselves to us.
And we spent a lot of time
in their neighborhood.
Nat that it matters.
Space is dangerous enough
without little green men.
Maybe they were cloaked
from human sight.
I saw a movie where the aliens did that.
Here, I'll show you a clip.
Na, no, no, you kids watch so much junk
an screens, you think it's real.
When I was your age,
we watched less and lived mare.
Makes sense. There was a lat less stuff
to watch when you were our age. Heh.
I mean... Well, of course there was...
Oh, you...
Cult, let's get out of here.
Uh, maybe you should
just give them some space, Fred.
- Get it? Space. That's so funny.
- I don't get it.
COLT: What did you touch, hotshot?
- Nothing.
Came an. Let's go see
what all this fuss is about.
He called me a hotshot.
Nothing to worry about, folks.
We're just working
out some first flight bugs.
Uh, be sure to capture my perfect physique
and spirit, hmm?
I've said it a thousand times,
civilians do not belong in space.
You're right, Colt. You've said it
a thousand times. At least.
Man, aah! We're doomed.
Haw do we get off this thing?
- What's going an?
- It's the air supply.
We're venting oxygen.
Something must have damaged
the external tanks.
Like the alien we saw.
We saw an alien outside. Or we didn't.
I like "we didn't" better.
Did it have black, hollow eyes
and slimy-lacking skin?
Like, yeah. Ha, ha. Haw did you know?
Man, that doesn't sound good.
It's not good.
We're nearly out of oxygen.
- Haw long do we have? Hours?
- Mare like minutes.
We need to find air. Fast.
- There's a lat of air an Earth.
- And, like, no aliens.
We'll never make it
back to Earth in time.
Never make it?
- But there's nowhere else ta go.
- That's not entirely true.
There is one place.
Ahem. Shouldn't you be filming me
being dramatic?
- Oh, right.
- That's not entirely true.
There is one place.
You don't need air when something
takes your breath away.
SHANNON: The Baron has been secretly
building an the dark side of the moan...
far aver 10 years.
It's quite an achievement, don't you think?
Furthering his dream of making
space travel available for anyone.
You're welcome, average people.
I guess he really is a man of mystery.
You are the first to experience
the very finest space has to offer.
Welcome to Slymoon Prime.
The moon's first luxury resort.
It's not quite finished yet,
but the air generators are online...
and producing more air
than we could ever breathe.
- Your helmet?
- What'?
Ah, forget it.
Anything you want or need,
just ask a Slybot.
- That's why we made them.
Forgive me. Ha, ha. I had little to do
with actually building them.
Nothing but the money
ta make all of this possible.
This is Hudson,
my right-hand space man.
And my twin brother.
He made them.
- Sorry.
- He's been here since Day 1.
Eleven years, two months, 12 days,
mast of it alone.
It's great to see friendly faces.
Or any faces at all.
H u h?
This isn't all happening
in my head, is it?
- It's all real, right?
- Yes, it is, brother.
People, people, people! Ha, ha!
People, people, people!
You're really here!
You're all real. Ha, ha! It's been so lung.
I lave him, but he's a little add.
Hudson. Why don't you make
the introductions?
Ah. Yes, yes, yes. Introductions.
This is Frank, he keeps us all honest.
This is Linda, our ray of sunshine.
Here's Reggie, the comedian of the group.
Goad one, Reggie.
Oh. Oh, that's funny.
And finally, there's Twiggy.
She's not happy with me at the moment.
We are having a disagreement.
Isn't that right?
Oh, is that so?
Well, we'll talk about this later.
Se, what can we do for you?
We need to patch and seal our air tanks.
Gonna need two welding rigs.
- Make it three.
- Like I said. Two.
Yes. Yes. Of course.
I'll put my best but an it.
That's Caroline Prime.
Caroline. We have guests.
Stop. Stay.
She was just stacking supplies.
She can move thousands of fund crates
in a matter of minutes. Heh.
Food crates? Ha, ha! Like, I think
I found my favorite robot, Scoob.
Yeah, me tan.
I don't trust anything
that's not human.
Maybe you shouldn't
get too close, U-Boat.
She's perfectly safe.
Wouldn't hurt a fly.
I checked her protocol myself.
She'll do anything we ask.
Watch. Sit.
Oh. Heh. Nat you. Caroline. Caroline, sit.
It'll take some time to
get the rigs prepped...
and of course you'll
be needing to
cri-gen-down the mag coils
in synth-mix first.
He said, the engines will need to coal.
That's right.
- I speak nerd.
- Of course you do.
- Watch it, four eyes.
- Yau wear glasses tan.
- Pff. Whatever.
- Okay. Good. Good. Let's get to work.
- Might take a day or so.
DAPHNE: Great.
That'll give us a
chance to find the alien.
- Uh, you're not helping.
- Sorry.
That's what ripped the oxygen lines
an the Slystar One.
- It could be still unheard.
- Or around here somewhere.
Who knows what you saw.
It was probably nothing but space junk.
- Came an, Zip, let's get ta work.
- Right. Let's get ta work.
I'm afraid I have ta excuse myself
for a satellite interview.
Probably about some award the world
needs to bestow upon me. Heh.
Um, feel free to take
the Slymoon buggy ride.
It's fun out there.
New, watch me leave.
Like, dude, if the alien might be inside,
maybe we should go where it isn't.
Like, outside.
What do you say, old pal?
Yeah. Outside. I'm
right behind you, buddy.
So where should we start'?
I have to re-calibrate the oxygen
levels for the station.
More people, more air to breathe.
Shouldn't take tan lung.
I'll see you in a bit.
So, Clark, didn't you mention that you
wanted to do an exclusive expos...
an someone in the mystery-solving game?
That someone being me?
Oh, yeah. Well... Whoa!
- Knack, knack.
- I'm not home. But these guys are.
Yeah! Whoa-hon!
Yeah. Scooby-Dooby-Dune.
Maybe that Cult guy was right, Scoob.
Maybe it wasn't an alien after all,
maybe it was just space junk.
[ECHOING] I mean, look at this place.
It's a regular junkyard.
Yeah, yeah. Space junkyard.
One small step for a dag...
and one giant leap for me.
That's weird.
I thought we left the dark side
of the moan.
[sun BEEPS]
SHAGGY: Zoinks, I missed.
SCOOBY: I'll get you.
Shaggy, I'll save you!
Scoob, I'm getting seasick!
Huh? Hmm.
I think we last it, Scoob.
Like, we're totally sorry, Mr. U-Boat.
But that alien was chasing us.
Really? You must
have been scared.
Scared? Um, like, why
would you think that?
- That's okay. I get scared tan.
- Like, you get scared?
- Of what?
U-BOAT: Of what?
Sharks, dentists, public
speaking, aliens...
mimes, the IRS, being in space,
lots of things.
Sometimes it's all in your head though.
The trick is finding something
that helps you deal with it.
- Like fond.
- Or music.
BOTH: Or fond.
- Or exercise.
BOTH: Or fond.
- Or maybe even...
BOTH: Fund.
- Singing.
Or fond.
Singing? Ha, ha. Like, you sing?
That's funny.
"Fear" is just a word, a four-letter word
Like love and meat and made
Only just a word
A silly little word
So it doesn't make me afraid
Wow, t h at...
F, la-la la la
E, la-la la la
A, la-Ia la la
Spells nothing you need to feel
Fear is just a word
A silly little word
So it doesn't make me afraid
[noon CLOSES]
Wow, lack at all this coal stuff.
I don't even know what half of it dues.
Check this out.
Maybe you shouldn't touch that.
It's a coolant gel, used to extinguish
fires by... "totally immersing it in gel.
- Fred.
- Sorry, Daph. Let me...
Wow, lack at this thing.
I wouldn't touch that, Fred.
It's oxygen imbued liquid nitrogen.
If that goes off...
- Zip, what are you doing?
- I'm gonna get him out of there.
Really? You think that's a good idea?
You hear that?
It's really quiet. Peaceful.
- Na Fred talking.
- Oh, right.
Haw long can someone survive in that?
Depends. How long do you want to enjoy the
blissful sound of not hearing his voice?
- Uh, half hour?
- Yeah. Sounds about right.
New, hand me those calipers.
I thought you didn't trust
anything that's not human.
A microwave isn't human.
Yet you let it make your food.
You'll be needing this, I suppose.
Another machine.
See? Machines are useful.
Machines are...
You really don't like robots, do you?
I guess you don't take
to progress very well.
You mean the sort of progress that put
automated machines in the car factories?
The sort of progress that put my father...
and hundreds of others like him
out of work when I was a kid?
That sort of progress?
Bay. If he had his way,
we wouldn't have planes...
let alone the technology
to fly to the moon.
Maybe U-Boat's right.
Maybe that alien was only in our heads.
Yeah, just like that alien.
Yep, that alien's not really there.
Neither is that one.
Or that one.
Like, we last him,
I think we're okay, Scoob.
Yeah. More than okay.
There's no alien. Yup, no alien at all.
We're just hungry. That's all.
Yeah, we need to eat that alien away.
Yeah, I feel better already.
Me tan, Scoob. This spread is a... Huh?
- I am so scared.
- Me tan.
Sorry, Mr. Alien, like,
this table is for two.
Plus, you can't reach it.
Unless aliens can jump really high.
Can aliens jump really high'?
Sc you guys were an the very first
mission, right? That's so coal.
You probably have a huge following
on the Internet...
have your awn blag,
but it wasn't around then.
Heck, I don't think there were
even computers back then. Ha, ha.
- Ah, we should've left him in the ice.
- I still can't feel my fingers.
- Ew. What's that?
Condensation. Probably from the air vents.
- Looks like alien juice to me.
- And you've seen alien juice before?
Na. Nat exactly.
But if I were ta take a
guess at what it lacked
like, I would say it would
lack a lat like that.
Could this day get any worse?
- What the blazes is going an?
- Alien. Big.
Chasing us.
It hates fund and likes melting brains.
- Maybe it's last.
- Or maybe it doesn't exist.
- Wait, where did you see an alien?
- Dude. Restaurant.
- And you left before you were done eating?
BOTH: Uh-huh.
Shaggy and Scooby
would never leave food behind.
- Something was in that restaurant.
- And that's the truth.
- So help me, hot dogs.
- Okay, let's go take a look.
Oh, sure, why not?
I could use a good laugh.
That's not funny.
- Look at this. It's lucky no one's hurt.
- Tell that to the poor spring rolls.
Or to anybody replaced
by an alien impostor.
Because they do that.
Better the fund than the ship.
- Watch your mouth, Hollywood.
Shaggy is very sensitive
when it comes to fond.
- Well, it could have been worse.
- Exactly. Goad paint, Daphne.
Yes, Daphne, well dune.
It's lucky we have a space expert
like you here.
- What's that about?
- I have an idea.
Talked to the chef Slybot.
He didn't say anything,
maybe because he's scared.
Or maybe because Slybots can't talk.
- Uh, right.
- So we have two witnesses.
Right. Who are eating raw fish
off the flour.
Come on, Zip, this is a joke.
There's no alien and we've gut work to do.
Like, dude, it's back.
Lacks like I missed one heck of a party.
Well, lack who shows up,
right after all the excitement.
Perfect timing, I'd say.
I was ta give a satellite interview,
about me, of course...
but it appears someone or something
put it out of commission.
- The satellite is out?
- We're cut off from Earth.
Na way of communicating to anyone.
- It must have happened right before...
- The alien attack.
Don't worry, folks. I'll be fine.
Besides, Hudson is an it.
And the Slybots are preparing
more food as we speak.
- Wow, awesome boots.
- Yes, they are awesome.
Because they are on me. They're my
brother's latest magnaboot prototype.
It creates a pressure-sensitive
electromagnetic field for attraction.
I think you might know a thing or two
about electromagnetic attraction.
- Am I right?
- Yau can't be serious.
I think I may throw up. Really?
Are you serious?
- Sorry.
- And repulsion.
- That's more accurate, I'd say.
- Very handy in space.
Handy for creating a spectacle too.
No one creates a spectacle quite like you.
Heh. Spectacle?
Right you are, Velma Dinkley.
And an alien attack is the greatest
spectacle cf all, no?
Are you suggesting I had something
ta do with this alien situation?
Well, if the boat fits...
I wish I had thought of it.
And I probably would
have, if I wasn't tan
busy doing interviews
about haw awesome I am.
An alien encounter is a
publicity gold mine.
There's only one thing
that would top it.
- An alien space battle?
- Well...
DAPHNE: Or an alien wedding?
- Na.
- Haw about an alien cock-off?
- Na.
An alien in captivity.
Tan bad for you there's
no alien to capture.
- Yau can't say for certain that...
- Oh, yes, I can.
Last count, I'm pretty sure Cult and I have
been to space a whale lat more times...
Gentlemen. Ladies. Please.
It's been a long day.
We're all tired, and maybe
it's making us a little uneasy.
- Why don't we all get some sleep?
- Excellent suggestion, Shannon.
I'm glad I thought of it.
A few hours' sleep will do us all good.
The Slystar should be ready by then tan.
Right, brother?
Yes. Uh-huh.
Like, man, I don't know about you guys,
but I won't be getting much sleep...
- ...with that alien still out there.
- Yeah, me neither.
- Guys. There is no alien.
- But, Velma, we all saw it.
Oh, I forgot.
You're the expert now.
Are you still mad at me because
I scared higher than you an the test?
And have better hair?
Guys. I need you to take
a break from arguing. We're a team.
There's only one way to find out
if this alien is real or not.
We've gotta catch it.
Did someone say, "catch an alien"?
This is gonna be the
greatest alien trap ever.
Isn't this technically
the first alien trap ever?
- It's also an act of war.
- All the more reason to make it perfect.
Plus I wanna impress Zip and Cult.
Kind of tough to impress them
if they aren't here.
Have you considered that they may not warm
up to you, no matter what you do?
- Na. Why?
- Ah. Na reason.
Aliens would laugh at this trap
if they had a sense of humor.
But they don't.
Okay, for fun, let's say aliens are real.
What do you think is gonna happen?
This is Phase 1: Contact.
A single alien from a race advanced
light years beyond ours...
"stealthily boards a human ship
with ease. The alien makes contact.
It seems hostile. But it's not after blood.
It's gathering intel. On us.
The alien pinpoints our weaknesses
and transmits his findings home.
So begins Phase 2: Invasion.
An alien fleet enters our solar system.
An armada of infinite size and power, it
surrounds its target, Earth, and attacks.
Our meager defenses are no match
for its vastly superior might.
The world's great cities
are devastated by the siege.
New York. Tokyo. Paris.
Dublin. Which leads to Phase 3:
Rock bottom.
The aliens enslave humanity...
forcing us to mine Earth's
natural resources
until we and the
planet are bled dry.
In short, not so good. Not until...
Human rebels rise up against
their alien oppressors.
They fight from the shadows, turning
alien technology against its makers.
Wait, what? Na, no, no.
As I was saying...
Humans stick together when
facing a monumental challenge.
They fight with instead of against each
other when confronting a common threat.
I could use my superior video-game skills.
This is my thing. I get to say what...
It takes more than teamwork
and video games to defeat the aliens.
It takes a particularly clever human...
whose skills are sometimes overlooked
by her fellow humans.
- Great. Nothing left for meta say but...
- Or maybe...
Ugh. This is ridiculous. I'm leaving.
It's starting. They're here.
Places everyone.
FRED: Shaggy, Scooby, I just spotted
the alien in the observation deck.
Head up there and lure him dawn
to Hudson's work area.
Daphne, Velma and I will cover the rest.
It's almost tan easy. Any questions?
- Uh, yeah, could we not do this?
- Guys, relax. It's just an alien.
It can't hurt you if
it doesn't catch you.
Yes, it can. It tried
to melt our brains.
I don't know about this.
Sticky buns.
I figured you might have second thoughts.
I thought I'd give you
some added incentives.
Like, yeah.
- Incentives with frosting. Ha, ha.
- Yeah, yeah. Yummy.
VELMA: You're probably going to tell me
I'm doing this all wrong, aren't you?
Ugh. You can't stand that I did better than
you an the astronaut training tests.
What do I care?
Those tests must be flawed.
- Because I did well?
- Na, because you did better than me.
Ugh. I knew it. After all this time,
is it so hard for you to accept...
that I might be something
more than a pretty face'?
What's hard ta accept
is that you get ta have it all.
If you're prettier and more stylish...
and smarter and a better astronaut,
what's left for me?
If you're a better me than I am,
then who am I?
H u h?
Dang it. Tripped the breakers again.
- Something's wrong with the gravity.
- You think? What makes you say that'?
SLY [OVER INTERCOM]: Hi, folks. Slight
glitch with our artificial gravity.
We'll have it back on shortly.
Until then, enjoy the float.
Like, dude, a glitch?
Oh, bay.
That doesn't sound good.
Scoob, what are you doing?
Enjoying the float.
You can swim without getting wet.
Ha, ha. Hey, hey, you're right.
And you can eat without getting sticky.
It's all good. Just relax
and have a good...
Like, what do you say, pal? Maybe we
should try some of U-Boat's singing.
F, la-Ia la la
E, la-la la la
A, la-la la la, R
Spells nothing you need to-
I don't think the singing's
working very well, Shag.
Guess there's only one thing left ta do.
FRED [OVER INTERCOM]: Don't eat the
sticky buns, use them to stick.
Man. Like, great idea, Fred.
It's working.
Rogue 1, this is Rogue Leader.
The package is heading your way, aver.
- Am I Rogue 1 or Rogue 2?
- It doesn't matter. We're ready, Fred.
Oh, came an. Use your call sign, Velma.
I mean, uh, ahem, Rogue 2. Over.
Sting darts away.
- Oh, they missed.
- Na problem. My turn. Over.
Like, new what?
Gotcha. Gravity gel. That should hold him.
- Dude, I guess the gravity's fixed.
- But new my head's broken.
You caught it.
- The alien.
- Yau caught the alien.
- Yes. We...
- The alien. You caught the alien.
- Yes.
- The alien. You caught the alien.
- Yes.
- The alien. You caught the alien.
- Yes.
- Does anyone have a spare hair dryer?
I seem ta...
The alien. You caught the alien.
Yes. We caught it.
Haw many elevators are in this building?
- It is real.
- I wouldn't be so sure.
Shannon Lucas.
- But haw?
- Why?
Oh, right, it's Shannon.
That's right, it was Shannon. Being an
astronaut made her the perfect alien.
FRED". She knew how to adjust the frequency
of a micro-radar transmitter...
to turn it into a devastating
sonic weapon.
Like, that explains the alien's mind beams.
She used Sly's magnaboots to defy gravity.
And she knew how to use holograms...
videos and audio recordings to
mask her whereabouts at any moment.
FRED". And she knew the ship and the resort
so she could come and go at will.
It was a plan years in the making
by a highly-trained expert.
Yes. An expert.
Someone who has sacrificed
everything to get here.
Nat some regular nobody that Sly had
decided could simply go to space...
"because it was easy and safe
for everyone, anyone.
I decided to change that.
The original plan was
to sabotage the ship...
stage an alien attack and make the world
see that space travel is dangerous...
and only a place for experts.
And you had the perfect guests to help you
with your plan.
Two veteran astronauts to make
the trip seem credible.
And you had U-Boat, a
super-star athlete that
would ensure the whole
world was watching.
And Ridley, the one person you knew would
confirm to the world that aliens were real.
Don't forget Clark.
Celebrity Heat would give
you all the exposure
you could ever need...
by ignoring the actual facts,
to get you a sensational story.
- Sorry, Clark.
- It's a living.
You had it all figured out.
Except I didn't count an the greatest
mystery team being unheard.
That was just plain old luck. Bad luck.
I knew your snooping would ruin my plans.
I even tried to convince you not to go.
Well, Daphne, your hair is so great,
I'd consider not going.
Then I switched your scores, hoping it
would break up your happy team.
- And I guess it did for a while.
- Wait. Sc I didn't get the highest scare?
Na, Daphne. Shaggy did.
ALL: What? Shaggy?
- Like, dude, me? Ha, ha.
I had to prevent you from figuring out my
plan, so I came up with a different one.
A plan that meant leaving you here.
Sc we would never be able to return
to tell the real story.
- It was you that sabotaged the satellite.
- Bay.
Everything that happened
was perfectly calculated.
And expertly executed.
And you would've gotten away with it tan
if it hadn't have been for me.
Oh. Right. I meant, and
you would have gotten
away with it tan if
it wasn't for me...
and these meddling kids.
Heh. Would have? Oh, I'm
getting away with it.
- It's same sort of invisible farce field.
- Uh, it's called glass, Fred.
An invisible farce field made
out of glass. Genius.
- You're just gonna leave me here'?
- And us.
Oh, right. You're just going to leave me
here with these people?
Oh, yeah. And just to be certain
you never leave...
I've planted thermal charges like
this one throughout the complex.
Haw many can there be?
Sc that's what that alien was doing when
Scoob and I went outside for the drive.
Shannon. Name your price. Anything.
A weekend in Paris with me?
A signed portrait of me?
ALL: Ew!
U-BOAT: That ain't right.
You can't put a price an
this sort of fame.
Besides, returning as a hero will bring me
all the money I could ever want.
Please, don't hate me.
Especially you, Daphne. Great hair.
- We've gotta get out of here.
- Haw? She just left an the only ship.
Na, it's not the only ship.
RIDLEY: I gotta hand it ta you,
it lacks just like Slystar One.
But something feels different,
I just can't put my finger an it.
ZIP: You can't? Because I'd say that
pretty much is the difference.
- I can put my finger an it.
- Oh, right. It's really small.
- Haw are we all going ta fit in there?
- This isn't the ship. It's just the model.
- Oh. Well, that's more like it.
- Yau built this?
I did.
With a little help from the Slybots.
Why did you keep it a secret?
Well, actually, you see, living up here
in the darkness, all alone, it's been hard.
I built this ship so I could leave.
But I couldn't.
I knew haw much this place meant ta you,
haw much you needed meta stay here.
But there were times I thought
about leaving, about being...
- In the spotlight like me?
- No, about being with my brother.
I'm sorry, Hudson.
I'm sorry for not being here for you.
Be sure to get a close shat
an my face.
- Sly.
- Sorry. It's a habit.
Shannon's explosives are
starting to go off.
We better get going.
Does your ship work?
There's still some glitches,
but with some quick work...
she should be up and running in no time.
There's tan many. This could take days.
- We don't have days.
- Gee, Daph. You think?
Did you just do all that math on your own,
or did your pal, Shannon, help you?
Oh, I'm sorry, Velma.
So Shannon wasn't perfect.
Perfect? Daphne. She's a homicidal lunatic
that's about ta blow up the moan.
Velma. She's not gonna
blow up the whale moan.
Dust, you know, part of it.
- And that's supposed to be okay?
Stop it! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
Far goodness sake!
We're all gonna die and all you can think
about is arguing aver who liked who!
You're crazy!
You're not a robot, are you?
Nope. I'm an actor, playing a robot.
And if wasn't for you meddling kids...
ALL: You would have gotten away with it,
blah, blah, blah...
It's no good. They're tan heavy.
What the heck is in them?
Wow. Ha, ha. U-Boat snacks.
A year's supply.
Haw in the world are we going
ta get through all that?
Oh. Yeah.
Like, time for the experts to take aver.
- Rig ht, Scooby-Doo'?
- U h-h u h.
Caroline. About time.
Help us move the last of these boxes.
That's not Caroline. She's different.
Oh, for Pete's sake, Ridley.
She's not different.
She's the same old... Oh!
That is different.
Looks like Shannon re-calibrated her
syntex drive protocol codex...
from utility maintenance
to lethal deletion mode.
She's going to kill us.
U-Boat. Come on.
Na. If she makes it through,
she'll crush the ship.
I'll hold her off while
you guys fix whatever needs fixing. Ga.
Oh, she's been idle for tan lung.
We're gonna have to jump her
from the energy cell.
We're an it. Aah! My back.
My knees aren't what they used to be.
Maybe we're getting tan old for this...
Na. You're not.
Don't you get it?
You guys are the reasons why thousands,
millions even, want to become astronauts.
Why I wanted to be one.
You're the inspiration
for dreams, and that
sort of stuff can never
get old or obsolete.
You're Zip Elvin and Cult Steelcase,
You'll always be astronauts.
And haw great is that?
It's a three-man jab.
We'll need someone to came with us.
- Daphne?
- Na, no, Fred. We meant you.
Oh, me?
Darn, dirty robot.
Thanks. But aren't you scared?
Ha, ha! Yeah. Like, really scared.
But like we said,
when we get scared, we resort to fond.
That's how we deal with it.
Right, Scooby-Doo'?
Yeah. And if there's one thing
we love to do besides eating food...
It's playing with it.
Fund fight.
- It worked. The engines are primed.
- Hudson, ready when you are.
- Well done, guys. Now get back here.
- Hudson, we have a problem.
- What's wrung?
- What is it, Zip?
The fuel cell, it's broken.
We gotta hold it an ta keep
the power supply running.
We're gonna have to ride this
out in the engine compartment.
- Okay, I'll fly the... Aah!
- He's out cold.
- Who's gonna to fly the ship now'?
- I've got this.
Nat to worry. I'll..
You can't be serious.
Okay. Lacks like all that fund has made
her sleepy. Let's get ta the ship.
- What happened?
- They gut knocked out.
- Then who's gonna fly this thing?
- Don't worry, I...
Don't worry. I gut this.
But they're all wearing helmets.
What's the holdup?
Uh, everybody's been knocked out,
there's nobody to fly the ship.
Yes. There is. Stand by.
No. No way, Velma. I can't.
You heard Shannon.
She faked the scares.
Velma, I can't even drive Fred's van.
- I just don't have the right stuff.
- Yes, you do.
You were on the bridge
with Shannon, you're the
only one that saw how
she flew this thing.
Right new, you know
more than Ida about this.
Sure, Shannon might have faked your score,
but it doesn't matter, Daphne.
It's just a piece of paper.
I don't need a
piece of paper to tell
me what I already know.
That I believe in you, and that you can do
anything you put your mind to, Daphne.
Wow, lacks like a billion dollars
going up in smoke.
Yes, but think of the publicity.
Everyone, hold an to something.
This is going to get bumpy.
Fred, we couldn't have had
a better teammate than you.
- Thanks.
- It was a real honor working with you.
We're about to enter the atmosphere.
Ms. Lucas, Ms. Lucas?
[SOBBING] And it was this terrible alien
that destroyed the station and my friends.
Space is no place for the average person,
it's for trained astronauts like me.
That's a great story...
if it were true.
And just to be certain you never leave...
I've planted thermal charges like
this one throughout the complex.
You can't put a price
on this sort of fame.
Besides, returning as a hero will bring me
all the money I could ever want.
She was the alien. A fake alien.
Sly was right,
space travel is for everyone.
Sure it takes training, but maybe
it all starts with an adventurous spirit...
an imaginative mind, a brave heart,
and good old-fashioned-
- Money. Tons of the stuff.
- Sly, please.
- Sorry.
- And good old-fashioned curiosity.
Who knows what's out there,
but isn't that the very reason ta go?
Like, dude,
it was real swell meeting you, U-Boat.
- Yeah, yeah. Swell.
- Shaggy, Scooby, it was a real blast.
Came here.
Velma, I'm sorry.
I should have seen that Shannon
wasn't really a true friend...
and that you were always
my best friend.
Aw. Thanks, Daphne. Maybe you and...
Tell us about your trip, Daphne.
WOMAN 2: How do you keep your hair looking
so good in zero gravity?
MAN: Over here.
I need some shuts of the hair.
My hair? There are far more important
things to talk about than hair.
Like friendship and support.
New, that's worth a story.
Sc I guess
there are no aliens after all.
Oh, I wouldn't say that, Ridley.
Space is tan big,
who knows what's out there.
You must have been lonely up there.
No less lonely than someone who believes
in something when nobody else does.
Uh, it lacks like your ship is ruined.
Yes, but it wouldn't take me long to
have her back in shape, and maybe...
if, uh, somebody were to came with me,
I wouldn't mind going back up there.
See what we might find.
You mean, a copacetic prime directive
involving a dual-core system drive...
with a high probability of some
elementary binary codex and interface time?
I couldn't have said it better myself.
FRED: Easy. Just let the clutch out easy.
- Jeepers, I'm trying, Fred.
- Something must be wrong with the pedal.
- Okay, calm down.
- I am calm.
- Daph, why don't you try...?
Velma, why don't you try not
being a back-seat driver?
I flew a spaceship for goodness sake.
I think I can handle the Mystery Machine.
Okay, okay. Just trying to help.
Ga ahead.
Easy, easy, easy...
[English - US - SDH]