Scooby-Doo! Pirates Ahoy! (2006)

- Dr. Garcia?
- Oh, please, call me Rupert.
Just wanted to let you know
we're about to enter...
The Bermuda Triangle.
I can tell by the stars.
Better than any compass.
This place gives me the creeps.
Vanishing ships, sea monsters,
aliens: All legends.
Don't let them spook you. Anyway...
...we'll be out here
a few more nights...
...and then my star map
will finally be complete.
Whatever you say, doc.
We'll all be home safe and sound
before you know it.
Captain, you better take
a look at this.
Fog, dead ahead.
Who's there?
What the heck?
Mayday, mayday. We're under attack.
Here it be, captain.
Perfect. But now, where is he?
Maybe with the rest of the crew.
Board all hands below in the bilge
and we'll sort them out later.
It can't be. Ghost pirates?
Like, man, no more mysteries.
Finally, a trip where there
are no monsters...
...ghosts, aliens, mummies
or haunted tikis.
Nothing but R, R and R:
Rest, relaxation
and round-the-clock eats.
In other words, a cruise.
- Just sun, fun and...
- A buffet?
Fred, it sure was nice of your parents to
invite us all on a cruise for your birthday.
So, Freddy, how old
are you going to be?
Forty-four, 45...
Pier 45. This is it.
No mysteries for a whole week.
Midnight buffets
and 24 hours of lounging.
That's what I call living large.
Extra large.
What's going on, guys?
I don't know.
Something spooked Scooby.
- A little scary dude.
- Yeah.
But there's no one
around here like that...
...unless you think Hawaiian shirts,
black socks and sandals are scary.
They are. Very, very scary.
Buddy, you need this vacation
more than I realized.
I hope you packed your sea legs.
And a new set of eyeballs.
- Pop!
- Freddy!
Hey, say...
...slide one by,
hands to the sky.
Well, thumbs up, thumbs down,
thumbs around, lost and found.
- Love you, Pop.
- Love you, too, through the woods.
Freddy, my baby.
Oh, it's my handsome baby boy.
Have you ever seen
such a good-looking boy?
Give me some sugar.
Mom, not in front of the gang.
Hon, leave the boy alone.
Oh, yeah, but he's just so sweet
and delicious.
Sure is great to see you again,
Mr. And Mrs. Jones.
Yeah, you, too, dear.
My, my, haven't you blossomed.
I hope you girls are taking good care
of my special little guy.
- Mom.
- And Velma... look smart as ever...
...but you have to let me show you
my new Suzi Jay cosmetics.
They'll bring a little color to your face.
You'll never get a beau
unless you add a little glow.
- Thank you?
- You betcha. Oh, and Norville...'re growing like a weed.
But you're much too thin, dear.
Are you eating enough?
Twenty-four square meals a day.
And that's still not enough.
Oh, yeah? Then you need to try
my 10-pound pound cake.
It will put some meat on your bones.
- I have one in here somewhere.
- Mom.
- I'll take it from here, hon.
- Shake, boy.
Just shake, no lick.
Okay, thanks.
Like, he only shakes
when he's scared.
So, Mr. Jones, where exactly
is this cruise headed?
Oh, yeah, that's a surprise.
I've got the perfect birthday plan.
Like father, like son.
Ahoy there, mateys.
Welcome aboard
the Poseidon 's Paradise...
...the tiptop tidiest ship
to travel the ocean blue.
Hi, I'm Sunny St. Cloud,
cruise director extraordinaire.
Well, aren't you the perky one?
We're the Jones party.
And Jones, Jo...
Perfect timing.
This way, Jones party.
There's no time to waste.
We're just about to weigh anchor.
Now that's ship talk.
You landlubbers will be speaking
like old sea dogs in no time.
Like, we've got our old sea dog
right here.
Yeah, good, that's ni...
That's funny...
...but let's get this cruise launched
and have some fun. What do you say?
Aye, aye.
You're a natural, huh?
Okey-dokey, everyone listen up.
As you can see, the Poseidon 's Paradise
has every amenity...
...for your seafaring pleasure.
We have shuffleboard tournaments
at 9, swimming at 10...
...racquetball at 11, rhythmic gymnastics
at 12, field hockey at 1...
...conga line dance at 2, senior disco
at 3, karaoke at 4, and my favorite:
Wiffleball at 5.
What have we here?
Dear, Freddy, are you okay?
- Did you get hurt, sweetums?
- Ma.
Where does it hurt, hon?
Mom, I'm okay, really.
Jeepers, what is that stuff?
Some kind of goo.
And it's shaped like a footprint.
I guess you could say that.
It is so alien.
Please, don't say we have a mystery
on our hands.
Please don't say we have a mystery
on our hands.
Please, please, please, please.
Well, gang, it looks like we have a...
Mystery or not, there's no time now.
Chop, chop. It's time
for the big bon voyage.
Now, wasn't that fun?
Moving on with our schedule.
Next up is unpacking.
- What happened?
- Scooby was right. I saw him too.
Who, Shaggy?
A little creepy dude
with big, scary eyes.
Yeah, he was the guy
that Scooby saw on the pier.
But there's no one creepy
around here, Shaggy.
Except maybe that guy.
Creepy guy number four: Check.
Okay, here are your cabins.
Your bags should already be inside.
But what about the creepy guy?
No, no time for him now.
No time for creeps.
I can get on board for that.
Me too.
Good news.
Captain Crothers wants to meet you.
Oh, dear, and me without my pearls.
And, captain, this is the Jones party.
Thanks, hon.
Welcome aboard.
Gee, captain.
Your ship, she's a beauty.
Can I take the wheel?
Captain Crothers, maybe you could
solve a little mystery for us.
What's our destination?
Mystery. A good choice of words,
young lady.
We are bound for one of
the most mysterious places on earth.
The home of vanishing vessels,
strange, eerie lights.
Maybe even a sea serpent or two.
We are headed to...
...the Bermuda Triangle.
- Bermuda?
- Triangle?
Oh, sorry.
The Bermuda Triangle.
Oh, please.
The legend of the Bermuda Triangle
is just that: A legend.
Trust me, after this cruise, you'll
believe in the power of the Triangle.
Oh, no, not again.
Where did Captain Crothers go?
Oh, no, whatever will we do?
- Well, gang...
- It looks like we have...
...a mystery on our hands.
It's an alien.
Do you think the alien has something
to do with the captain's disappearance?
Well, gang, it's trap-setting time.
You didn't think of that one,
now, did you?
And you know
what that means, Scoob?
Live bait.
Okay, you know what to do.
Go to the dining room, get something
to eat and forget the whole thing?
I didn't think that would work.
Well, Scoob, seen any aliens yet?
- Nope.
- Well, then, maybe we're in the clear.
Impressive, son. Your trap worked.
Oh, yeah, we're so proud.
But stand up straight, hon.
Well, I think I have this mystery
all figured out.
- Really? That was quick.
- Yeah.
- Captain Crothers!
- But why?
Well, it wouldn't be much
of a Bermuda Triangle mystery cruise...
...without an alien abduction,
now, would it?
Mystery cruise?
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
Yeah, we know how much
you kids love mysteries.
And what better way
to celebrate Fred's birthday?
Oh, wow.
Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Pop.
We'll get them yet, sir.
Don't you worry.
We've got mysteries aplenty.
Well, I don't know what we're
gonna do now.
You've totally blown my schedule.
And we've gone through a week's worth
of mysteries in two days.
Hear that, Scoob? From here on in,
it's smooth sailing.
So much for the big mystery cruise.
Sorry, mysteries are kind of our thing.
You guys are so smart,
where's my missing watch?
Let's see... were probably excited about
the cruise and unpacked in a hurry.
I bet it fell out of your suitcase.
It's probably...
Under your bed.
Honey, you'll never believe
where I found your watch.
Under your bed.
What good is a mystery cruise
if you don't get to solve any mysteries?
Sorry, everybody, we didn't mean
to ruin the cruise for you.
There's still
the Ping-Pong championship...
...or maybe
the potholder-weaving seminar?
The Popsicle-stick sculpture class?
Anyone for checkers?
Very impressive, kids.
I doubt there's a mystery
you can't solve.
Like, there's one thing
I don't understand.
What's that, Shaggy?
What's with the weird castaway
out there?
Man overboard.
Are you okay, sailor?
I don't know.
- What happened?
- I'm not really sure.
I mean, I'm an astrocartographer,
see, and I was making a star map...
...and all of a sudden
my ship was attacked.
Attacked? Oh, goodness gracious.
By whom?
I don't believe it myself, but by:
Ghost pirates.
Whoa, hold on now,
before everyone panics, let's get Mr...
- What's your name?
- Rupert Garcia.
We need to get Mr. Garcia
down to the ship's doctor.
You don't understand.
This whole ship and everyone
on it is in terrible, terrible danger.
Now, now. Mr. And Mrs. Jones...
...would you take Mr. Garcia
below to the ship's doctor?
- You betcha.
- The poor soul is delusional.
Dear, come on, let us help you.
There you go.
But really...
...they were ghost pirates.
Look for the eerie lights in the fog...
...and their green, glowing eyes...
...and that terrifying laugh.
It still echoes in my ears!
Oh, how horrible. That poor man.
Don't worry, Miss St. Cloud.
We'll keep the "pirate puzzler"
for the other guests to solve.
An "ascot biographer."
That's a good one.
What are you...?
Ahoy below.
Now what?
It's another alien.
That's no alien.
It's Biff Wellington,
the eccentric billionaire.
Billionaire, yes.
But my dear, eccentric
is in the eye of the beholder.
Captain, permission to board
your venerable vessel?
- Permission granted.
- I can't thank you enough, captain.
Remind me to name
a building after you.
- Oh, nice jetpack. Can I try it?
- No.
Excuse me for asking,
Mr. Wellington...
...but what are you doing out here?
I am setting a new record for the first
round-the-world jetpack flight.
But as I was saying,
it seems that I've run out of gas.
I've heard of jet-setting,
but this is ridiculous.
You say ridiculous,
I say tomato.
Like adventurers of yore, I travel the air,
high above the earth and sea.
Just me and the elements
battling for supremacy.
Will I conquer the challenges of nature
or will she do me in?
But I have records to break,
you know?
About that fuel, captain...
Okay. Why don't you follow me.
I have to say, the eccentric billionaire
with a jetpack is a nice touch, Sunny.
- What do you mean?
- Don't worry...
...we promised we wouldn't
get involved.
We're not getting involved
in a mystery?
Pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You're awake.
Time to move, people.
Only 15 minutes before the costume
party, dinner and mystery show.
Oh, and please try not to spoil it.
- Dinner?
- Dinner?
Yep, and remember
you must have an original costume.
No copycats.
Is this original enough?
Oh, no. The Jeffersons
are gonna be leprechauns.
Well, how about this?
No, the Sheldons
got that one covered.
Nope, the Diazes.
This could take all night. Let's go.
The Chois. The Murphys. The Smiths.
Wait. Come on, I know just
the costume for you.
Don't ask. It was either this
or a horse costume...
...but neither one of us
wanted to be the horse's patoot.
Pop, are you wearing
Rupert's old clothes?
Can't get any more authentic...
...with a castaway costume than this,
now, can you?
Oh, gosh, isn't he adorable?
I'd rescue you anytime, hon.
Right back at you,
my little, pinchable passion fruit.
You're looking better, Rupert.
Yes, thanks to Skip, I feel like
myself before the ghost...
Okay, okay. Enough of that
silly pirate talk.
We've got to get some food
into you, young man.
You're right. I am starved.
Like, I second that.
Me too.
Everyone looks terrific, and more
importantly, you're right on schedule.
Dinner is being served
and then it's time for the show.
Dinner is all the show we need.
Right, buddy?
You said it.
A rescued castaway and a visit
from a famous billionaire.
The Bermuda Triangle
is full of surprises, isn't it?
His castaway performance
is very convincing.
Performance? What do you mean?
Oh, Sunny, you are good.
Like, this is what I call a cruise.
Not even a spooky mystery
or a kooky costume...
...can spoil an all-we-can-eat buffet.
What do you say
we eat all we can eat, Scoob?
Forks down, everyone.
I have a few quick announcements
before we move on... tonight's fabulous
shipboard entertainment.
Open-air aerobics with Bambi
will be starting tomorrow... 6:20 instead of 6: 15
on the Aloha deck.
Let's get physical.
Let's see. Oh, yes.
For all you bingo lovers, we'll be
holding our Triangle tournament... 3:00 on the promenade deck.
Be sure and buy your cards
before the game.
You get it? B-4? In bingo.
Okay, never mind.
It's time for the show.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...from over the seas and lands beyond
our consciousness comes Mr. Mysterio.
He knows all and sees all.
But be careful, lest he take control
of your very mind.
Wait a second.
I don't need a mind reader... tell me that the creepy little guy
in the black cape is right behind us.
Will you assist me... a journey to the depths
and edges of your conscious mind?
No, thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's show these
two chickens some encouragement.
Oh, you'll have to do better than that.
Shaggy, Scooby.
Shaggy, Scooby.
Shaggy, Scooby, Shaggy, Scooby.
Shaggy, Scooby...
Come on, guys, you know
they won't stop until you go up there.
Let's just get this over with.
Are you ready to witness
the amazing power of hypnosis?
I'd rather witness
the amazing power...
...of the double-cheese pizza
back at my table.
Oh, no. Not again.
What did you say?
- Daphne?
- What's going on?
Oh, gee, Skip,
you're missing the best part here.
They're coming. I know it.
These special effects are incredible.
How did they do that?
You don't get it, do you?
Really, son. The charade
has gone too far.
You're scaring everyone.
You should be scared.
You are getting very relaxed.
You are getting very sleepy.
Your limbs feel very heavy.
What the...?
Get the captain.
I command you: Bark like a dog.
Like, the whole ship
is going to the dogs.
I command you to dance.
Like, all we know
is the Funky Chicken.
When I say the magic word,
you will be released from your trance.
You will not remember
any of what has occurred.
Do you understand?
Yes, Mr. Mysterio.
Three, two, one.
What happened?
Now what?
Blackout? I didn't schedule a blackout.
Oh, this is gonna
throw everything off.
I know I'm not gonna like the answer
but I'll ask anyway: What was that?
Ghost pirates.
Told you I wouldn't like it. Zoinks.
Yeah, zoinks.
Who dares sail
into the Bermuda Triangle?
Ye have crossed paths
with Captain Skunkbeard the pirate.
And now ye shall pay the price.
Oh, cheese and crackers.
We have to get out of here
before it's too late.
Fred, we should listen to the man.
I know ye be here,
you scurvy coward.
Ye escaped me once
but not a second time will ye hide...
...from the fury
of Captain Skunkbeard.
Let me go. Let... Let me go, I tell...
Watch my knee.
Mom, Pop.
Don't worry. I'll save you!
All right. Now it's parental.
No stinking ghost pirates can mess with
the Jones family and get away with it.
Don't worry, Freddy,
we'll help you save your parents.
You mean, face horrible, scary,
green-eyed, glowing, ghost pirates?
Do we at least get a Scooby Snack?
Oh, you're right, Scoob.
Maybe just one snack?
We did miss dinner.
Where is everybody?
Like, they vanished.
Just like my crew.
And now my parents are gone.
You know, I bet if we find Fred's
parents, we'll find the others too.
Then let's go squash some buckles.
- What did he say?
- It's Fred-speak.
For "Let's get them."
Okay, Mr. "Apple-stenographer,"
which way?
You don't have to be
an astrocartographer... see that they went thataway.
- Full steam ahead.
- Aye, aye, captain.
You sure you know how
to drive this thing?
Sure. It's just like
the Mystery Machine.
Only bigger and more "floaty."
Yeah, I got it now. We're cruising.
Check it out, Scoob.
Like, I'm king of the world.
Me too.
Creepy fog, dead ahead.
Freddy, so, what's our plan?
Well, I'm gonna ram them.
Avast, ye mateys. Our captain speaks.
Tonight, me hearties,
we are on the verge of greatness.
When the tide is nigh, we will unleash
the powers of The Heavens' Light.
We will open the portals
to times past.
We will once again
travel the seas of yore.
- What is he talking about?
- We will regain our lost treasures.
And reign supreme over the seas.
You people are crazy.
Where's my wife?
There is only one person
who holds the key to our destiny.
Oh, no. This can't be good.
This scurvy dog can lead us
to the location of The Heavens' Light.
If we can only get him
to spill the fish.
- I keep telling you...
- Belay that jabbering, you bilge rat.
Buckoes, what should we
do to the lily-livered landlubber...
...who stands in my...
In our way to greatness?
- Keelhaul him.
- Tar and feather him.
- Let him go.
- Yeah.
- Make him walk the plank.
- Aye. Now, there's an idea.
Matey, who be ye that brings forth
such a brilliant and "piratey" suggestion?
It be I, captain. Sea Salt Sally.
I demand to know
what you've done with my wife.
Shut your trap, you scurvy dog,
before I shuts it for ye.
Oh, Scooby-Doo, where are you?
Ship ahoy.
In chase at a timely clip, sir.
It's Freddy.
Handsomely now, men,
to your battle stations.
- We're under attack.
- Pirates.
Follow me.
No, Freddy!
You, Sea Salt Sally, get him ready
to walk the plank.
Aye, aye, captain.
Tell me what you've done with my wife.
I demand to know where she...
Whoever that poor woman is,
she'll be thanking me for this.
- Now what?
- We can't just bob here like shark bait.
- Shark bait?
- Shark bait?
I can't believe I'm saying this...
...but I sure wish those
ghost pirates would come back.
You smell that, Scoob?
Yeah, coconuts.
- And bananas.
- Oh, no. They've lost it.
Actually, I think
they may have found it.
- Coconuts and bananas are found where?
- On my mom's head.
- No. Land.
- Like, all aboard the Scooby train.
Next stop: Land.
Good idea.
If we're gonna rescue my parents
and the others...
...we have to find a way off this island.
- We could build a raft.
We can't go back out on the ocean
without food and water.
Great idea. You guys start on the raft.
Scoob and I will go banana hunting.
We haven't eaten in so long,
I can't remember what food tastes like.
Me neither.
Look at you, Scoob.
You've gone bananas.
Look, Scoob. Bananas.
- Yummy.
- Yummy.
- Hey, guys.
- Like, how did you get here?
We took the stairs.
- What did you do, Scooby-Doo?
- Maybe save the day. Good job, Scooby.
Like, why couldn't you have
stumbled onto a five-star hotel?
- I can't see a thing.
- Shaggy, what are you doing?
Feeling for a light switch.
This cave is thousands of years old.
There's no light switch.
- I stand corrected.
- My ship.
I thought she was lost forever.
The ghost pirates must've brought
the Galaxy Gazer...
...back to this cave for some reason.
- It's gone.
- What?
- My antique painting.
Is it valuable?
Only to someone
who studies the stars.
It was a painting of the night sky over
the Bermuda Triangle 200 years ago.
What would ghost pirates want with
an old painting of stars?
Looks like we have some
uninvited guests to our secret lair.
Ye will wish ye had gone down
with your ship.
Prepare to suffer the wrath
of Captain Skunkbeard.
Like, can I get a rain check?
Seize them!
Make way for the captain.
- Pop!
- Oh, Freddy.
- Where's Mom?
- Stow it, ye scurvy pup.
My painting.
Your painting?
Methinks we have the wrong man.
At last, the man who will lead me
to that which I seek.
You're coming with me.
Mr. Jones, what does he want
with Rupert?
Beats me. But I know one thing: These
pirates have no idea where they're going.
They kept asking me for directions.
But, Pop, you get lost on the way
to the bathroom.
That's what I told them. That crazy
old pirate kept showing me a painting...
...and asking me to take them
to that spot in the ocean.
I said, "What do you think I am,
some kind of 'Afro-photographer'?"
- That's, astrocartographer.
- So that's why they want Rupert.
The stars in the painting
must be some kind of map.
- But a map to where?
- Hopefully away from this creepy fog.
Look, someone's coming to rescue us.
It can't be. Nobody flies planes
like that anymore.
Aye, the Phantoms of the Triangle
surface, trying to frighten us away.
We must be getting close.
The Cyclops?
That ship's been missing
more than 100 years.
So I guess they won't be saving us.
We must be going into
the heart of the Bermuda Triangle.
Be hearty, me mateys.
This is our moment of truth.
Yo, ho. Yo...
We've got to do something.
Never underestimate
the power of platinum.
- Voil.
- We have to find the other captives.
- Do you know where they are, Pop?
- Shucks...
...I haven't seen anyone
but the ghost pirates.
- They must be below deck.
- This way.
After tonight, we will achieve
what other men have only dreamed of:
- We will travel through time.
- What?
At the center we will find
The Heavens' Light...
...which fell to earth centuries ago.
Do you mean a meteor?
The Heavens' Light is the source
of the Triangle's amazing power.
After tonight, the power will be mine.
- But there is no pow...
- Silence! The captain speaks.
Once I have The Heavens' Light
in me hands...
...I will be able to leap through time.
The waves of years past...
...will once again
belong to Captain Skunkbeard.
- You people are insane.
- Belay the yapping, ye bilge-sucking cur.
And tell me, be this the exact spot
where the painting was made?
We're almost there.
There's Rigel, Betelgeuse and Polaris.
And it is exactly 22:22 hours.
The tide is at its lowest.
But there's nothing out here.
Just hundreds of miles of open sea.
Land ho!
But that's impossible.
Furl the mainsail.
Here's our chance.
Let's go find the others.
Hey, what's in here?
Why would Captain Skunkbeard
believe he can time-travel?
It doesn't make sense.
If you ask me, that guy is
a few doubloons short of a treasure.
I don't understand.
What is all this stuff?
It looks like
a Bermuda Triangle museum.
Who would want
a crazy collection like this?
They look like Captain Skunkbeard's
Phantoms of the Bermuda Triangle.
That's exactly what they are.
Remote-control models...
...designed to look full-size
from a distance...
...when projected as holograms
through this projector. Brilliant.
You're glowing, Scoob.
That's probably what made
the water glow.
Someone wants to make sure...
...the mystery of the
Bermuda Triangle looks real.
But why? Who are they trying to fool?
I don't know. But if we're gonna find
my mom and the others...
...we're gonna need a plan.
- That's my boy.
We have to change course.
We're gonna crash into those rocks.
Steady as she goes, Mr. Wally.
Are you crazy, man?
We'll all be killed?
Steady as she goes.
Finally, The Heavens' Light
shall be mine.
Release the claw.
Now, raise The Heavens' Light
from the briny deep.
Put your backs into it, boys...
...for the mighty Captain Skunkbeard.
- It won't be long now, Mr. Wally.
- Aye, captain.
I can't believe it.
The Heavens' Light.
What's happening?
It worked. Time itself
has become undone.
But it can't be. I didn't...
All my life I've waited
for this moment.
Arrogant humans.
You are too small and weak
for the power of The Heavens' Light.
Return it to the sea and release
your captives, or pay the consequences.
But The Heavens' Light is mine.
I command its powers.
You can't handle its powers.
Do not meddle with the fabric
of space and time.
No, I won't back down.
Like, keep an eye out
for the signal, Scoob.
Aye, aye.
Methinks there's something fishy
around here.
Don't change the subject, human.
If you don't release your prisoners
and return The Heavens' Light... the Bermuda Triangle,
really bad things...
...will come for...
To pass.
- Ye aliens favor some meddling kids.
- Yeah, we get that a lot.
Jinkies. We've been hit.
- Like, that could have gone better.
- You think?
So trying to spring a trap, are ye?
We come in peace?
Seize them.
Like, yo, ho, ho.
Ahoy, you mangy marauders.
Shaggy and Scooby-Doo
to the rescue.
That's one pirate ride
I won't be standing in line for.
Captain Skunkbeard, your jib is up.
Nice work, guys.
- Shiver me timbers and, like...
- Yo, ho, ho.
- But who was behind all this madness?
- I think I know.
Biff Wellington, of course.
- He was after the meteor all this time.
- But he needed Rupert to find it.
But why go to all that trouble
for a meteor?
All my life, I was fascinated
with pirates.
The meteor would give me the power
to control the Triangle and time travel.
Then I, Captain Skunkbeard,
could take my rightful place...
...among the great pirates of yore.
Like, that's nuts, man.
Mr. Wellington, where on earth
did you get such a crazy idea?
From me.
Mr. Mysterio?
It was the only way I could get him
to finance a search for the meteor.
I convinced him that he was
the reincarnation of a famous pirate.
You mean I'm not?
So you used remote-control vessels
that you projected as holograms... fool Mr. Wellington
into believing...
...that the legends
of the Triangle were true.
And I'll get away with it
in spite of you meddling swabbies.
But why do you want
the meteor so badly?
It wasn't called The Heavens' Light
for nothing.
It's solid gold. And it makes me
richer than you, Wellington.
Now I will be the true master
of the sea.
- Like, I'm getting seasick.
- Me too.
What's going on?
Raising the meteor has triggered
some sort of volcanic activity.
It's the Triangle, you fools.
She wants her meteor back.
As crazy as that sounds,
he's probably right.
We've gotta dump that rock.
Like, bad idea, man.
We've gotta get out of here.
Fred, do something.
That was close. Good driving, Fred.
A guy's gotta do
what a guy's gotta do.
- Looks like the island is lost forever.
- And the meteor too.
Now, let's find my parents.
Sunny St. Cloud?
And Captain Crothers.
My crew?
I can't believe that everyone on the ship
was involved in the conspiracy.
They weren't,
at least not consciously.
- Like, huh?
- But I don't understand.
Woodenleg Wally,
a.k.a. Mr. Mysterio...
...hypnotized everyone on the ship
to think they were pirates.
He used them to aid him
in his greedy plan.
And it was working
until you came along.
- But where are my parents?
- Jinkies. Look, Fred.
A dead man tells no tales.
It's time to send ye down
to Davy Jones's locker.
Oh, please, I really don't make
very good fish food.
- Avast, ye treacherous, lying scoundrel.
- Stop!
- Don't come any closer.
- Mrs. Pirate, ma'am, please.
- Release them from your spell.
- Why should I?
- Mom?
- Skip.
Come in from out there.
You could fall off.
Don't move.
We have to do something quick.
- Mom. Pop.
- Oh, thank you, hon.
I'm so proud.
Well, looks like we had
a mystery cruise after all.
According to my calculations,
if we keep this direction...
...we'll be back in Miami
in no time.
- And right on schedule.
- I've contacted the authorities in Miami.
They'll pick up those two pirates
when we arrive.
What a trip. Wait until
your next birthday, Freddy.
Like, how about some
nice, safe cake and ice cream?
Are you sure? Wouldn't you like
a nice ski trip to the Himalayas?
And risk a run-in with the
abominable snowman? Forget it.
Take us home, captain.
Yo, ho, ho, and Scooby-Dooby-Doo!