Scream of the Banshee (2011)

Santa Mira Archive Project
Number A2721.
Marble vase.
Ming Dynasty.
Condition, fair.
Normal wear and tear.
Restoration, complete.
Fall semester starts
in two weeks.
Think you'll be done in time,
Professor Whelan?
We're close.
We're very close.
Let me
give you a hand.
Oh, no. I'm fine.
I thought it'd be a lot
faster to box and store away
all that old stuff.
You know history.
It always needs
a lot of polishing.
Good night.
You have a good night.
Santa Mira Archive Project
Number B47305.
Indian Head coin circa 1915.
Condition, good.
I just found
Mesozoic era fossils
of an Apatosaurus
next to a series of
thesis papers on Methuselah
and we are one step
closer to completion.
Hey, guys.
And two major steps back.
Do they realize how far
behind we actually are?
I haven't told them yet.
Well, then let's
show the Dean this.
Fossilized rat circa 1954.
Very fine year for rats.
rusty gauntlet.
Gauntlet trumps rat.
Actually Irish.
You can tell from the design.
I'm thinking 12th century.
Yeah. Can I? Just...
Please. Thank you.
This came with it, too.
Great. Section three.
Section three?
Do we even have a section three?
Yeah. Remember it had
that musty old grandma smell.
Maybe we missed something.
Maybe we didn't.
Look, I told my parents
I'd come home
and visit next week.
Am I the only one
that hasn't made plans
once we're finished?
We finish
when we finish.
You're gonna wear that
thing all day, aren't you?
Just come on over here.
Jeez. How do you get used to being
down here in the dark all day?
How come you're late?
Hi, Ms. Whelan.
Hello, Kurtis.
You should probably go.
See you tonight.
I'll pick you up later, okay?
So, what's the damage?
You should go with Otto.
What's section three?
It's a lovely place.
Nice decor.
Wonderful aroma.
Right this way.
Always lift with
the knees.
Lift about 10
of these a day
and you will be
well on your way
to the physique
you see before you.
Find this.
Let's see.
A red square?
Could be anything.
Could be a fully solved Rubik's
Cube with the red side facing up.
Could be a single tile
from a checkerboard.
Could be a metaphor for communism
or it could symbolize guilt.
I'll keep an open mind.
The square
is another room.
Look out!
I'm okay.
Wet and a little icky,
but I'm good.
What the hell happened?
She found a false wall.
It's not like
I used a sledgehammer.
It was already
falling apart.
How am I gonna explain
this to the school?
There's something
back there.
I thought that's...
You're welcome.
That went well.
I need more light.
What? It's for protection.
Well, I think we've found
what we're looking for.
You know what this means?
We're dining in tonight.
Burgers or Chinese?
There's a similarity
in craftsmanship.
It's the emblem for
the Irish Templar Knights.
What do you think
is in it?
Another box?
There's some condensation.
It's vibrating.
I've never heard
anything like it.
Sounds like it's...
Sounds like it's breathing.
That's not funny.
Listen to it.
What the hell is that?
I'm not sure.
Could be bugs.
Let's put a moratorium
on the bug talk.
Done with bugs, rodents,
cardboard boxes
and any Chinese mystery meat
that attempts to impersonate
sweet and sour.
Santa Mira Archive Project
Number A2722.
fair. Needs
further restoration.
We're attempting to
open a metallic Irish box.
Twelfth century.
Possibly a relic
of the Templar Knights.
There's a strange vibration
coming from it.
We were led to it by a
package containing a gauntlet,
also from the same
time period.
Number A2723.
We are looking at
an unexplainable phenomenon.
It appears to be
a partially preserved,
severed head.
Maybe of a deformed person
or a wild animal.
Perhaps the metal box contained
some sort of preservative
presently unknown to us.
Damn it!
Perfect timing.
Hello, Dean Harris.
Funny that you should call.
Yeah. No, no, no.
I can handle that.
This is freaky.
What do you think?
I don't know.
There doesn't seem
to be any decomposition.
What the hell happened?
Where's the head?
It just exploded.
Did you get it?
Ah, damn.
There doesn't seem
to be any decomposition.
I swear it opened its mouth.
There's no return address.
There's no way
the school sent this to us.
Well, there's gotta be
a plausible explanation.
Yeah, well, I think
we ruled out the plausible
the minute
we opened the box.
Maybe we should tell
someone at the school.
Tell them what happened.
Tell them what, exactly?
Yeah, they are gonna look
at the mess in this classroom
and listen to our
crazy story and say,
"We hired
a bunch of crack whores.
"Round up those crack
whores. Take them to prison. "
Because I'd believe that
a meth lab exploded in here
before I'd believe a story about
an 800-year-old screaming head
we found in a box.
We gotta keep this under
wraps until we figure it out.
Who was it?
I've felt, for some time,
from those I once loved.
My isolation, my silence,
my beliefs,
were routinely
written off as madness.
But my madness
is not my affliction.
Awareness is the curse
that I've been saddled with.
We didn't find a key
for the casket.
The apocalypse is coming.
The Mayans were right.
The harbinger of death is
coming and will show no mercy.
Are you listening?
Ah, crap.
You cheat, Idaho Commando.
No blades, only guns.
I will destroy you
next time.
You know,
I'm a little too old
to have a babysitter
waiting up for me.
No one's waiting up for you.
I just... I couldn't sleep.
You should go to bed.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
I'm sorry
about the wall today.
It's okay.
Why don't you go to bed?
I mean,
you've gotta get sleep.
You haven't even started
packing your room yet.
What was behind it anyway?
Why don't you
ever tell me anything?
I don't wanna fight.
Yes, you do.
All the time, actually.
I can see it in the way
you look at me.
Why am I such
a disappointment to you?
Shayla, please.
I don't wanna
do this right now.
You treat me like a child.
You hate my boyfriend.
You refuse to even have a
simple conversation with him.
And, you know, sometimes,
I think you hate me, too,
because I'm the only thing
you have left of Dad!
Shayla, I don't wanna
get into this tonight.
When are you going
to stop blaming me?
It's not my fault you
weren't around when Dad died.
Bad night?
You, too?
It's not surprising,
It was more than that.
I kept hearing voices
outside of my place all night.
And it wasn't the storm.
Something was trying
to get in.
It was taunting me.
I kept trying
to convince myself
that it was my imagination
getting the best of me.
Do you want to see what my
imagination did to me last night?
Then I guess it's a good
thing I didn't go outside.
Hey, guys.
What's going on?
Anything weird
happened to you
when you got home
last night?
Well, I was gutted to death
in my Commie Commando game
which is terribly strange, because
the only weapons available are guns.
My ear is still ringing and
feeling scabby after last night.
Oh, there was a dead
weasel on my front doorstep.
Otherwise, feeling dandy.
Oh, my God.
what is going on?
I looked up Broderick
Duncan's name last night.
He used to teach here.
Retired 10 years ago.
Then I found
all these creepy videos.
I know he's gotta have
something to do with this.
"I am not a god.
I am not a man.
"I am the bringer of darkness.
"The great wielder
of the truth.
"Mankind has long suffered
at the hands of mortals,
"but I am the vessel
for which mankind will bow
"for its forgiveness and
pay for its ultimate sin,
"complacency. "
On the one hand,
he's an esteemed professor
who retired with dignity,
and on the other hand, he's
an end-of-days prophet of doom.
Sounds like psycho whackjob is
a more appropriate description.
Wait. Did you see that?
Look familiar?
The Templar seal.
He's wearing my gauntlet.
That's our connection.
He has to have been the
one who sent us the gauntlet
and that led us
directly to the box.
What a prick.
We have to find
Broderick Duncan.
Janie, where are
the employee files kept?
Section three.
Not again!
I really hate the smell
down here.
I knew something
didn't sound right.
Assault charges.
Erratic behavior.
They offered him a deal.
Retire gracefully
and never come back.
Doesn't have
a current address.
But he does have an
assistant. Dr. Frederick Page.
He was the one
who got him fired.
This guy was heavy
into environmental causes.
Left shortly after Duncan.
Maybe he knows
where he lives.
Let's go.
I'm right behind you.
All right.
Pete! Pete!
Otto! Otto!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What's going on?
You didn't see it?
We didn't see anything.
We just heard you screaming.
Are you all right?
Clearly not.
The police say
it was a heart attack.
What do you think it is?
I think something else
is going on.
We looked everywhere.
Nothing else was
down there with you.
What are you
not telling us?
In the '60s, the government
tested hallucinogenic weapons.
LSD was a by-product.
Maybe something like that was
released when the box was opened.
You're thinking we're experiencing
some sort of mass psychosis?
Sioux wasn't even in the room when
that thing evaporated into the air.
How do you explain
what happened to him?
Did you find anything out
on Page?
I got an address. He lives in
that new, downtown Eco-complex.
Okay. I think
I'll pay him a visit.
Can I borrow the phone,
the one with the recording?
Yeah. Here.
Just keep searching, okay?
You know, when she's finished
archiving this project,
we'll be moving.
She already has the next
gig lined up for next month.
How long have you
known about this?
Since we got into town.
And you're just
telling me now?
I know. I'm sorry.
You know...
I just didn't know
I'd like you this much.
Okay. Right.
I was thinking
about staying.
Just thinking?
She'd never let me.
I know her. She'd create
some drama to make me go.
Look, if you do leave,
maybe I'll go where you go.
Why should you have
to follow me around?
You know,
my dad used to walk me down
to skid row once a month.
You know, he wanted to show me what life
would be like if I didn't study hard.
And I still got the
lip ring anyway, chica.
Look, everybody's got their
own reasons for doing things.
And sometimes
they don't make any sense,
like your mom,
most of the time.
But if this is
how you feel,
then I'll support
whatever decision you make.
Good, because I've
already made up my mind.
Hopefully she'll listen
to me this time.
What is the only thing you can
break when you say its name?
I don't feel like
I owe anyone an apology.
I am not crazy.
I am not a lunatic.
I just see the world
for what it is.
Among our ruins is justice.
Judgment will be handed down.
Bean Si.
Bean Si?
Is that Spanish for "Yes,
I'd like some beans"?
Bean Si.
It's Gaelic for banshee.
Irish folklore.
A creature whose scream
warns of imminent death.
Banshees were associated
with five royal Irish families
up until about
the 12th century.
A banshee can
take on many forms.
The most common
is that of an old hag.
But there are also stories of people
encountering a banshee as a waif
or a seductress.
And of course,
if you heard
the banshee's scream,
it will haunt you
until you accepted death.
What? What's wrong?
So much for
the implausible.
That's pretty much what I saw,
but it had a body this time.
I didn't see anything.
maybe it didn't
want you to.
I mean, it was
toying with me, it was
messing with my mind, it
was trying to get me to...
I don't know,
it was tricking me into...
Haunting you?
That's it.
That's what you break
when you say it.
That's what Duncan asked
in his clip.
When I didn't scream,
that's what saved me.
It couldn't hurt me.
You're starting
to freak me out.
Can I help you?
Uh, yes. My name is
Professor Moira Whelan.
Ah, you're with the school.
What can I do for you?
I only need a moment of your
time. It's about Broderick Duncan.
A box...
They're still looking
for that thing?
No. We found it.
Well, if that's the case,
I'm sure you realized
it couldn't be opened.
It would be a good idea
if you wouldn't...
Well, you see,
that's the problem.
We did open it.
Come in.
Hey, guys.
Where's my mom?
She went out,
but she'll be back.
We'll wait. Is there
anything I can do until then?
You want to help?
As always, a little
too late to do that.
No, thank you.
Does this look
familiar to you?
I don't recall Duncan or I ever
finding anything quite like that.
Well, it was sent to us
and it turned out to be the
thing that opened the box.
Strange things have been happening
ever since that box was opened.
Some very wild
and vivid hallucinations.
Almost like there was some
kind of chemical agent inside.
Perhaps placed there
by Duncan.
My dear Professor.
Broderick Duncan
is a very intelligent man
whose imagination
was his own worst enemy.
The Templar Box was just one in
a long line of his many crusades.
I'm not interested in
any crusade, but this one.
Where can I find Duncan?
I've left that part
of my life behind me.
I didn't like who I became
when I was around him.
But I need you to tell me
everything you know.
What's wrong?
I'm just worried
about you.
And that thing.
And Sioux is dead
and we both know
it wasn't a heart attack.
I just... I'm freaked out,
I'm pretty...
Pretty scared.
Maybe we should
stick together tonight.
Just in case.
Do you realize
how pathetic you sound?
Yeah. Very.
And somehow
it's the very reason
I find myself
attracted to you.
And, so you don't
want me to come in...
No, no, I'm okay.
Hey, but, maybe next
time, I'll walk you home.
All right.
Twenty years ago,
we went on an excavation,
in these wedge caves.
One in particular
was called Labbacalle
or Hag's Bed.
During our dig,
we found a cryptic map
that was left to us
by early settlers.
Using the map, we went
into some underground caverns.
That's where we discovered an
armory buried deep within the walls.
Artifacts brought to America
from Limerick City in Ireland.
Then Duncan
found that box.
So he brought it back
to the school?
He was obsessed
with opening it.
That was one of the things
that led to his dismissal.
Why didn't he take it with
him? Why bury it in the wall?
I don't know.
What did he think
he'd find inside the box?
He believed
it was a weapon.
And I'd like to know
what he meant by that.
Come on, please, pick up.
Pick up.
Hey, this is Otto. Sorry I missed
you. Leave a message. Thanks.
A head?
That's what was in this box
the entire time?
We need to find Duncan
and then I won't
bother you again.
Or you can tell me
why your handwriting
matches the handwriting
on this map.
When you asked me why Duncan
didn't take the box with him,
it was me, I was the one
that buried it in the walls.
To hide it from him!
Why did you
lead us to it?
Oh, no, no, no, dear.
I wasn't the one that sent
you the gauntlet or the map.
That was him.
I'm sure of that.
How did he know
where it was?
He always gets
what he wants from me.
I tell you, he lost touch
with reality long ago.
He's a very
dangerous man.
I'll take my chances.
The Templar Box is
Broderick Duncan's folly.
When you go
chasing windmills,
all you end up doing is
hurting the ones you love.
Good day.
No, no, this is your
mom's classroom... unexplainable
It appears to be...
Come on, Janie, pick up.
What is your mom
involved in?
I want to go home.
Janie. Janie.
Something got to her.
It tried to
get to me earlier.
It's the same thing
that tried to get to you.
Wasn't it?
I think...
I think it might be
a banshee.
Otto... You have any other theories?
What did Page say?
Not much.
Janie called.
What did she say?
I don't know.
Where... Where is it?
Come on.
Come on, pick up. Pick up.
It didn't kill her
until she screamed.
Why didn't you pick up?
You could've helped her!
I didn't hear it.
This is your fault.
Look, Otto... She's dead. Janie is dead.
I don't want to hear you trying
to rationalize this anymore.
How are we going to
stop this thing?
What are you doing here?
When you came by
to see me earlier,
part of me was excited
that the mystery of opening up the
box was finally going to be over.
Then I realized something.
I was going to have to
see him again.
Where is the box?
If this was used
to trap that thing before,
then we could use it
again somehow, correct?
Only Duncan knows
how all this works.
Against my better judgment, we're
going to have to pay him a visit.
He started it.
He's going to
help us stop it.
Shayla was here?
Can you hear that?
It's all yucky in there.
Are you okay?
Maybe you should
blow in it again.
You know, just to make sure.
Wanna check my ears now?
Shayla. Shayla!
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
Oh, my God.
It was horrible.
It was so real.
It was so real.
Because it was real.
Oh, Shayla.
Mom, what the hell
is going on?
What are you looking for?
The Bean Si was
persecuted like myself.
It didn't have a choice.
Its voice was silenced.
Its cause, perverted.
Common to royalty,
hunted and pursued
in an animalistic
pursuit of power.
Its crime?
To ask royalty to bow,
to submit to its cry.
That's what I've been
trying to say.
The banshee screams because
it wants you to scream.
That's why you can't give in
to it, give it what it wants.
If you do that,
it owns you.
My tail is long,
my coat is brown.
I like the country,
I like the town.
I can live in a barn
or live in a shed.
And I come out to play
when you are in bed.
My tail is long,
my coat is brown.
I like the country,
I like the town.
Or live in a shed.
And I come out to play...
Mom, look out!
We gotta get out.
We gotta get out of the car.
Shayla, get out of the car!
Get her out.
Get her out!
Get her away!
You gotta stay back.
You can't do
anything for him.
Otto, get the cross!
Okay. Hold her.
I'm here. I'm here, Kurtis. I'm here.
Keep Shayla safe.
She's safe.
It's okay. I'm here.
Kurtis, I'm here, okay?
It's okay.
Kurtis. Kurtis!
Professor, we got to go.
We gotta get out. Go.
Go. Get the gun.
Get the gun.
Come on.
It's okay. It's okay.
Let's go.
It's okay. It's okay.
Where are we going?
We are so dead.
Mom, please.
We need to help him.
This is crazy!
Shut up!
Doesn't anyone care?
People are dying!
I realize we're
dealing with crazy.
But the only hope we have
of stopping this nightmare is
with that professor up there.
And if there's one chance of
saving my baby, I'm taking it.
I say we keep walking.
Are you sure
he's here?
Yeah, he's here.
Broderick, dear.
It's Frederick.
You know what this is about. Open up.
We know you're in there.
My name is
Professor Moira Whelan
and I've got
something of yours.
I'm sure you'd like
to know what was in it.
You're gonna need this.
What is this
place anyway?
His home.
But he likes to
call it Labbacalle.
Open up, Broderick.
Get down.
Give me the cross.
Give it to him!
He'll kill us.
Who's shooting?
Give me the cross!
Get in!
Oh, my God.
This guy is a lunatic!
He's going to kill us.
You really think that's going
to stop Old Man Crazy out there?
Now you've heard the
screams, you bastard.
Home run, princess.
Come on out.
I mean all of you.
I will splatter princess'
brains all over the place.
But I will negotiate.
You must believe I was right, otherwise
you wouldn't be here, would you?
I was right.
Tell me I was right.
We're running out of time. I
know you can stop this thing.
Say it. "You were right,
Duncan," and I'll consider it.
Say it!
You were right.
That's it?
And I'm sorry.
I can stop it.
But I will do it
my way.
Long ago,
a Templar Knight,
a prince
with royal Irish blood,
devised a way
to trap a banshee's scream
as a way to share it
with his enemies.
He martyred himself
to the curse.
My main intent
to lead you to my box,
not as revenge,
I was sending a message.
Your message has already
killed three people.
I hoped for more.
But there's still time.
What an exquisite design.
But will it
stop the banshee?
Let's see.
So tell us how we trap
something that isn't real?
Very carefully.
Over there. We found that
when we found the box.
Very good,
Freddie boy.
Very good.
That's what
makes it flesh.
Then let's go.
Wait. Shh.
Sounds like it's
coming from below.
The cave.
I told you.
I'll follow you
anywhere you go.
No! Get away.
This isn't happening.
This isn't real.
I know you want me
to feel weak.
You want me to feel old
and wretched like you.
You want to
drive me insane.
But I won't let you
take me.
And I won't let you get
anyone else either.
Shayla, don't move!
Finally we meet
face to face.
Farewell, my lovely.
That's enough
out of you.
You did it.
Yes, we did.
We did.
Where's the box?
What is it
that you can keep
after giving it
to someone else?
The answer is your word
and your word means shit.