Screamers: The Hunting (2009)

Okay. It looks clear.
Are you sure that's the place?
Yeah, the old communication bunker
is on that far ridge.
- The transmitter's there?
- Well, yeah, it should be.
It'll only take us a couple of minutes
to get there.
And it's secure once we're inside.
- No, no. I don't like it.
- You're too paranoid.
Let's go.
Get to higher ground. I'll cover you!
- Keep going!
- Okay!
Transmitter enabled.
Distress signal launched.
Mommy, Mommy, what's wrong?
Reanimation is now complete.
Please proceed to the med lab.
You know, I'm not feeling so hot.
I think this might be your last chance.
You must stay very calm
while I check your signs.
Think of your wife.
Olof, you look really pale. Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm great. I'm great.
I love space travel.
As did my Viking ancestors.
They did it all the time.
- Vikings hibernated for two months.
- No, we traveled for two months.
And then without sleep,
we would fight a campaign
and move on to pillage other lands.
We were ruthless.
We were relentless. Like myself.
We lived better. We died better.
Did you know that...
- That Viking chieftains...
...Viking chieftains...
...were burned in their boats?
Yes, we know, Olof.
Well, it's a tradition.
And if we don't have tradition,
then we're nothing but savages.
You know, I could be a savage.
I can give you something for that.
- How did you sleep, Lieutenant?
- Cryo sleeps always give me bad dreams.
That's too bad. I sleep like a baby.
Take a little nap for two months.
Ready to start the mission.
Excuse me, Commander.
I have to get back to the med lab.
Bronte, there you are.
Just in time for your examination.
Romulo, how's the weapon system coming?
- It's looking good, Lieutenant.
- Great.
- Hey, morning, Sarge.
- Danielli.
Initiating data module.
Eighty-five years ago,
berynium was discovered on Sirius 6B.
It was thought that this was the answer
to Earth's energy shortage,
and a thriving industry quickly developed.
But in time, the mining company and their
worker-scientists became bitter enemies,
and there was a violent civil war.
The scientists finally got the upper hand
when they developed the screamer,
a robotic killing machine,
to search out and terminate all human life,
all except those who wore a TAB,
an armband device which neutralizes
the sensors of the screamers.
But in time,
the screamers became so numerous
that all human life
was extinguished on Sirius 6B.
It is believed that all screamers
then became inert.
The sole known survivor from Sirius 6B
was Colonel Joseph Hendrickson,
who committed suicide
by blowing up his ship
on re-entry to Earth's atmosphere.
This was 13 years ago,
and since then,
there's been no communication
between Sirius 6B and Earth.
But then, two months ago,
an emergency SOS
was received from the planet.
Your objective is to locate
and rescue any human survivors.
Data module complete.
All right, as you know, Alliance Central
has sent us as a rescue team
to try to locate whoever sent that SOS
and bring them back home to Earth.
Unfortunately, the timeline of our mission
has been shortened considerably.
In six days, the planet Sirius 6B will be hit
with the mother of all solar meteor strikes,
a class 10 Magellanic storm.
Within 24 hours of the strike,
all life forms will be killed.
And within 48 hours,
Sirius 6B will be nothing
but a galactic slag heap.
- So if we don't leave in a week...
- Then we're never leaving.
Why wasn't this mentioned
in any of the briefings?
- The data wasn't available two months ago.
- Come on. You must have had an idea.
I knew there might be
a narrow window of opportunity.
Narrow window?
Sounds like a suicide mission.
Not if we act quickly.
The data indicates the transmission
did originate in this sector.
Why can't we land directly
on the signal site?
Now, I wish we could, but there's
so much atmospheric interference here,
we can't pinpoint it.
One of these days, you're gonna have
to be honest with me, Bronte.
Excuse me?
About why this mission
is so important to you.
- It's just another job.
- Really?
You have turned down the opportunity
to be commander of your own ship
to volunteer for this assignment. Why?
I have my reasons.
Besides, I still have a lot
to learn from you, Commander.
You might be
a very good soldier, Lieutenant,
but you're a terrible liar.
Beginning air quality analysis.
Radiation levels on the surface
are within human survivability.
Until recently, this planet was a war zone.
We don't know who or what
is gunning for us,
but the best defense is a good offense.
Well said, Lieutenant. Romulo.
One crucial piece of survival gear,
this is your TAB.
It'll broadcast a signal to the screamers
telling them that you're dead.
If your TAB turns red
and the screamer isn't disabled,
you need to modulate the signal.
It'll save your ass, people.
I thought they were all decommissioned.
That was the assumption,
but we don't know for sure.
Now, screamers have been programmed
to kill any living thing,
- and they will do just that unless...
- They think you're dead.
No, the screamers are manufactured
with a built-in 24-month power supply.
Once that's done, they're scrap metal.
I don't see how it's possible.
Speculation is that
the later models may have evolved.
Evolved? How does a machine evolve?
Hope that you never have to find out.
You want to stay alive? Wear your TABs.
Check and activate TABs.
Everybody good?
Let us coordinate timers.
We have six days. That is a hard window.
If anybody gets separated from the others,
get your ass back here
before the sixth day
because this ship leaves with you
or without you.
On my mark, let's get in coordination.
Three, two, one. Mark.
Welcome to Sirius 6B.
It's freezing out here.
I don't know, Viking boy. Looks like
you got the better end of the deal.
I know.
Soderquist always stays with his ship.
Hell, it's tradition.
Just make sure
you run a diagnostic of the main thrusters.
We might have to get out of here in a hurry.
Hey. I'll see you in six days, okay?
Just be safe.
Six days or not, don't leave without us.
We don't have a clue, do we?
- About what?
- Any of this.
Where the transmission was sent from,
where they are.
Well, whoever sent it,
they're probably looking for us, too.
- What the hell are you doing?
- I saw something.
I don't see anything.
Keep it in your pants, cowboy.
It's a rescue mission.
Come on. Keep heading down the hill.
Try not to kill one of us.
Got a reading from over there.
It's an underground structure of some kind.
I'm gonna take a look.
Here, give me the scope.
It looks like some sort of bunker.
I'm gonna go down and check it out.
We're going down the hill
to check out a bunker.
What's that sound?
- My hand! It burns!
- Against the wall!
- What happened?
- It burns!
- What is it?
- It's RA6. Radioactive acid.
One of the by-products of mining here
and the reason the war started.
Acid? I have a neutralizing base.
Lieutenant, we got a vent up here!
- Okay.
- It could lead to the bunker.
Keep moving. Keep moving.
Sergeant, we're coming to you.
Open it.
This is promising.
It looks like it's part of a whole complex.
I'm getting a reading from over here.
This way.
This is where they made them.
- Made what?
- The screamers. This is the factory.
Actually, this is where
they made themselves.
Made themselves?
Screamer production was fully automated
ever since it began.
No humans have been down here
since production started.
Morphology is really striking.
Anybody know who designed these?
The early varieties are credited
to an engineer named Orsow or Barlow,
I can't remember.
The later models were supposed to
have been designed by other screamers.
These were made by other machines?
It's not possible.
These must be the original designer's work.
Unlikely. We think he was killed
by a prototype during the early tests.
They were supposed to be great scavengers.
Didn't just slice and dice,
but came back to pick up all the pieces.
- That's sick. Why would anyone do that?
- Not anyone, Schwartzy.
We're talking machines.
And the reason is simple.
There was a shortage of raw materials.
Pun intended.
Bones for parts?
But these are just machines.
Right, Bronte?
So, what, did their batteries just die out?
They have this failsafe design
that limits their running time.
Guys, let's go.
Quit playing around with that thing.
We have to make it back to the Medusa.
What is this?
You might want to take a look at this.
Can you believe this?
This place is massive.
There's so many of them.
I had no idea.
We're not gonna have enough time
to get back to the Medusa before nightfall.
- Okay, we bunk here tonight.
- Great. Home sweet home.
Some of the glove melted in there.
God, what a mess.
You know, if the screamers really butchered
their creators on Sirius 6B,
just imagine what they'd do back on Earth.
But those are just stories.
We don't really know what happened here,
do we?
We have Colonel Hendrickson's
final transmissions.
The delusional ravings
of a shell-shocked soldier.
You know, the cyber-technology alone
would be worth a small fortune.
"A small fortune"?
Try "enough to buy a planet."
It's not gonna happen.
Alliance Central has put a total ban
on importing any screamer technology
to Earth.
The Alliance thinks the screamers
are just a plague waiting to happen.
Charge target.
Download all the files.
Everything in the hard drive.
Come on. Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Are you back?
Looks like one of the larger
berynium mines.
I'm getting a life-form reading from inside.
Let's go check it out.
- Get down!
- Take cover!
Defensive positions!
- Can you see anything up there?
- No, I can't see anything.
Bronte, I'm blind. I need you to be my eyes.
I need numbers and a location.
They've dug in deep, Commander.
Ten to 15 of them.
I can get them with this.
Just drop something in close.
Give them a taste of the fire power.
Let them know we mean business here.
I think you got their attention.
Hello! Can you hear me up there?
Commander, I see two scouts.
They're both positioned
on the ridge above you.
We're from Earth! Do you understand?
We've come to help you!
"We're from Earth! We've come to help you!"
Kiss my ass!
- I'll cover you.
- Okay.
You are not hit!
You see, Schwartz, you do care.
- How is he?
- He's fine.
If they sent the SOS,
they've got a strange way of asking for help.
Okay, this is a kill zone here.
We got to make it downhill.
Bronte, you cover!
- Let's move!
- Go, go, go, go, go!
Move, Danielli!
Go! Go! Go!
Bronte. Give me more cover fire.
- Romulo, take point, take point.
- Pull back. Hurry.
Move it people. Hustle, hustle!
Schwartz! Schwartz.
Bronte, look out!
- Hannah, let's get out of here!
- Screamers!
- Modulate your TABs!
- Everybody check your TABs!
Where's my TAB? I lost my TAB!
- Here. Take mine.
- No, man.
- Take it.
- What are you gonna...
Take it!
All right, people, we're moving out.
- Move! Move!
- I'll take forward point.
- Move! Everybody, move now!
- Move!
Bronte, look out!
- Go. Get them out of here.
- No.
All right, let's go! Move!
Eat this, you bastards!
This is Commander Sexton.
Come in, Medusa. Come in. Soderquist?
Do you hear me, Soderquist?
This is Commander Sexton.
Soderquist! Come in!
I'm not getting any reply.
We're going back to the Medusa now.
Sir, what about the mission?
I am not risking the lives of any more
of my crew members.
- We're leaving this planet now.
- One of those people sent the SOS.
Those people are homicidal savages.
We all knew the risks
before volunteering to do this.
I never signed up for this.
I just gave you a direct order, Lieutenant.
We are going to the Medusa now. So move.
Yes, sir.
- What the hell happened?
- Bronte, get us out of here.
Danielli, check the systems.
Make sure the ship is secure.
- Schwartz! Schwartz!
- Just give her a second.
I'm the commander here!
Get Soderquist down.
Commander! You better get in here.
- Our fuel cells have been drained.
- What are you talking about?
Drained. Empty.
We've got enough for basic functions.
- But we're never gonna make it home.
- I think I know why.
- Look at the security log.
- Screamer.
- Oh, my God.
- It's from yesterday.
The screamer is draining the fuel cells.
It looks just like the one at the factory.
I don't have time for your speculation.
We have a situation
that we need to deal with.
We need to find a fuel supply,
a military depot, a power source, something!
We have three days, Commander.
Face it, it's impossible.
Not necessarily. We're gonna get help.
- What are you talking about?
- Those people at the mines.
You're gonna trust those lunatics
to help us?
No, wait. Bronte is right.
They're our only shot.
We have to take the chance.
This is awful.
It's the best we could do.
He wanted to be cremated like his ancestors.
We move out at daybreak.
Lieutenant, make sure everyone has
their armor and the proper weaponry.
Let's go.
She's alone, and definitely the one
who attacked us yesterday.
- Can we outflank her?
- Yes.
- I'll go.
- No. I'll go.
Madden, grab these and cover her. Come on.
Don't move!
Stay where you are! Don't move.
Stay away from the weapon.
Look out!
You're gonna kill me now?
No. I'm here to reason with you.
I'm gonna lower my weapon.
Please do not try anything.
Why'd you come back?
Screamers attacked our ship.
- You really are from Earth.
- Yes.
And I need to speak to your people. Please.
I'll take you.
But then you're on your own.
Follow me.
And who are you?
Commander Sexton.
Alliance Central received an SOS
from this planet.
We were sent to investigate,
render assistance to any survivors.
Bring them back home to Earth.
- That's a good story.
- It's not a story.
You can come check out our ship
if you'd like.
What do you want?
Screamers got onboard our ship
when we were out looking
for the source of the SOS.
They drained our fuel cells.
We need help finding more.
- So you're stranded?
- Worse.
In two days, this planet is going to be hit
with a class 10 Magellanic storm.
It's gonna kill every living organism here.
If you help us find more fuel,
you can come with us, back to Earth.
- And if we don't?
- Then we all die.
It sounds like a trap.
Have you forgotten
that I saved Hannah's life?
- We saw what you did...
- And it means nothing.
Different varieties of screamers are fighting
and killing each other every day.
As far as we're concerned,
you could be the newest model.
Me? You think I'm a screamer?
- I'm as human as you are.
- Fine.
Give me your hand.
- Bronte.
- I'm not talking to you.
Give me your hand.
Back away now!
It's real.
It's the only way to tell.
You actually thought
I could be one of them?
Anyone can be.
You know, the screamers are machines.
We've seen what they look like.
They're made of circuits and servos.
No. Not the newer models.
So, how do we know you're not one?
Looks like this is your new home, for now.
Do you know of any military depots
where we could find fuel cells?
Never heard of any in these parts.
Don't worry. We'll find you what you need.
Do you know of some place specific?
One. But it's too dangerous now.
How do you survive down here?
What do you eat?
We forage. We scrounge a lot.
We live off what the land gives us.
Screamers never sleep.
We have to keep someone on guard
around the clock.
What happens if they get in?
We blow the tunnel with these explosives.
But they're not gonna get in.
Bronte, Madden, let's go.
There were about 400 survivors
in the beginning.
The screamers killed off most of us.
It must be hell living
in fear of the screamers all the time.
You call this living?
Help us. Please.
You can't get too close. It's electromagnetic.
Who's done this to you?
Why are you being kept here?
You don't want to know.
They do things.
They do horrible things to us.
I'm coming back for you.
- Please!
- Please!
How's your hand?
It'll heal.
That's good. I'm...
...sorry about that.
Where's my team?
Where in the hell have you been?
I was worried.
They're keeping kids in here prisoner.
Three of them.
It's horrible.
There's something really wrong.
Okay, there's some kind of dissection table.
Human bones are scattered everywhere.
- What? No, you don't mean...
- It's not possible.
No, you remember what that guy Bryce said.
"We forage. We scrounge.
We live off what the land gives us."
People don't do that.
They don't.
Well, cannibalism in times of famine,
it happens.
I wanna see those kids.
I'm coming with you.
Schwartz, you and Madden hang tight.
My God. What is this place?
Please. Let us go.
We got to get them out of here.
And then what?
We have to find our own fuel source.
Look at this place, Commander.
They were lying to us the entire time.
They're never gonna help us.
You saw how he licked her blood
off the knife.
Hurry up. Get them down. We have to move.
It's like a capacitor.
- Hurry it up.
- Just give us a second.
We have to cut the power source somehow.
Wait. Let's try this.
I have an idea.
The acid.
Don't be afraid. We're gonna get
you guys out of here. Okay?
You're coming with us. Do you understand?
We can come with you?
Wait. Wait.
Thank you.
It's okay. You're safe now.
- No!
- Danielli!
I don't have a clean shot.
I want you to clear out of the way!
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me, he loves me not.
Stop it.
I said stop it.
Stop what?
The noise you're making with your knife.
Dwight, look out!
Guy, look out!
Who let them out?
It was me. I'm sorry. I had no idea.
He's still alive!
Are they machines?
They were all screamers?
How can this be?
They're prototypes.
The newest variety.
Where's Danielli?
They killed him.
They've gotten in.
How do we get out of here?
Follow me.
Keep heading up. Main entrance, at the top.
Bronte, cover him and then meet up with us.
We're good. Go! Go!
We have to keep moving.
- Go!
- It's okay.
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
I'm sorry I didn't trust you before.
I've had so many people die
around me recently.
My brother went out on patrol
a couple of months ago.
He never came back.
I'm sorry.
We were so close, you know.
I've lived here my whole life.
You are the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen.
I found another mine
on the other side of the ridge.
We're gonna set up camp there.
It should give us good cover for the night.
Let's go. The storm is gonna be here
before we know it. We're moving out.
This is your planet.
Do you have any ideas?
Somewhere we can find fuel cells?
There's a bombed-out power relay station.
Half a day's walk, maybe.
Might find something there.
We'll head out in the morning.
Is it my turn for watch?
No. Not for another hour.
- So, then, what are you doing?
- You're so stupid.
You don't know anything about him.
I don't know anything about you either.
You're so naive.
What's that supposed to mean?
Humans are irrational.
But he... He never does anything
without a reason.
Hey! Leave her alone.
Are you okay?
Why are you here?
- I volunteered for the mission.
- No.
Tell me the truth.
Maybe we should be
the ones standing watch.
Talk to me.
Bronte was my mother's name.
My father left before I was born.
I never met him.
His name was Joseph Hendrickson.
Colonel Joseph Hendrickson?
You got to know, he's a legend here.
I mean,
I heard stories about him, growing up.
They say he was fearless.
He never backed down from anyone.
So, then, how could he commit suicide?
He killed himself?
That's the official verdict.
His ship exploded on re-entry to Earth.
They say he triggered the explosion.
There must have been a reason.
That's what I keep telling myself.
Hey. Hey.
We are going to survive.
It's right there.
There's an entrance
at the base of the complex.
Bronte, I'll take point.
Cover me as we go down.
Okay. Come on.
At least there's power down here.
That's a good sign.
I saw you last night.
Have you ever noticed he doesn't sleep?
I've never... I've never seen him sleep.
Tell us why, Guy!
- When was the last time you slept?
- Give it a rest.
- You don't sleep 'cause you don't need to.
- Hannah!
- Let me go.
- Machines don't sleep.
Hannah, put the knife down.
He's not like us. But you don't believe me.
So I'm gonna have to show you.
No, Hannah, you don't need to do this.
- Please stop!
- This isn't about me! It's about him.
- Sexton, what do I do?
- Take the shot.
- No, no!
- No, please don't!
You... You've killed me?
What have you done? What have you done?
My God.
It's blood. It's real human blood.
She's dead!
You thought she was a screamer.
She had a knife to your throat.
Keep moving.
Schwartzy, we can't stay here.
You can't help her.
I just need a moment.
She's taking too long.
I'm going back.
Let's go.
Please, just make it fast.
- Now, move!
- Run!
Let's move! You got to both move!
- Run!
- Now!
Now, move!
- Hey! Come with me, now.
- Move!
- Get out of the way, man!
- Come!
- You wanna die like your friend back there?
- Hurry up!
Get out of the way!
Whatever you do, don't stop. Come on!
Move it!
Go! Go! Go!
- Where are you taking us?
- Some place safe.
- What is that thing on your wrist?
- My TAB.
It's a hell of a lot
better than yours, isn't it?
Welcome to the station. I'm Eugene Orsow.
I am sorry about your friend.
I've lost a lot of friends to the screamers.
Where are you all from?
- Earth.
- You came here from Earth?
We received an SOS transmission
from Sirius 6B.
Our mission was put together to come here
to rescue survivors.
Screamers got onto our ship.
Drained our fuel cells.
We have to find replacements.
Or we'll all be dead.
Within 24 hours, this planet is gonna get hit
with a class 10 Magellanic storm.
Which is why you're here.
'Cause you have no fuel to return to Earth.
Well, you've wasted your time,
because there are no fuel cells here,
or anywhere else in this rotten core.
I've seen you before.
You were with those people in the mines.
How are they doing?
Not so good.
Screamers got into our settlement.
Killed everyone.
Everyone but you.
I was lucky.
How many were there?
A lot.
Then they'll be following you.
They'll be coming here.
Son of a bitch! They're on their way.
The water tastes foul, but it won't kill you.
What's your power source?
It's an old backup power grid
that wasn't bombed during the war.
You don't have any portable fuel cells?
I already told you.
So do you think
we can make it through this?
I don't know.
There are a hell of a lot of them coming.
I hope these perimeter defenses hold.
Have you been attacked
by this many before?
I haven't seen this many in a very long time.
We came across one of the factories
a couple of days ago.
There were thousands of them in there.
I couldn't believe it.
Something must have happened
that activated the dormant screamers.
It's the most I've ever seen.
How soon till they get here?
Two, maybe three hours.
I see you've been busy.
These algorithms.
What are they worth back on Earth?
They're unique.
They're light years better than
the best designs on Earth.
So they're a fortune?
The cross-application possibilities
are limitless.
Progress is very expensive, Lieutenant.
I was gonna cut you in.
Sorry, Commander.
But I'm not for sale.
How are you?
You designed this?
Yes, I did.
You look a lot like your father.
- You knew him?
- Yeah.
Joe Hendrickson
was one of my best friends.
He told me he wanted to go back to Earth
and see what his daughter Victoria
looked like.
How is Joe?
Blew up his own ship on re-entry to Earth.
They say it was suicide.
If Joe killed himself,
I promise you it wasn't suicide.
What was he like?
Well, he was
a very complicated human being.
We had a falling-out.
Over what?
Over what?
The screamers.
You designed these?
Invented them.
It's my best work.
There's only one reason
that Joe Hendrickson would blow up
his ship on re-entry.
There must have been screamers onboard.
Here we go.
That's a hell of a lot of toasters.
How long until they get here?
We're down to 30 minutes or less.
What the hell was that?
That grid gets a little finicky.
It couldn't happen at a worse time.
What a pleasant surprise.
You said you didn't have any fuel cells.
You don't want us to go back home.
No, I don't.
We'll see how well your TAB works,
old man.
What about your friends?
They're not my friends.
The screamers are a plague.
If you bring them to Earth,
they'll destroy everything.
Warning. Power drain detected.
What the hell is that?
Outer wall breach is imminent.
You hear that? They're coming.
I'm not gonna let you, not gonna let you.
Automatic self-destruct system
has been activated.
Security system failure. Inner wall breached.
Station will self-destruct
in T minus three minutes.
- Danielli?
- Hi, Lieutenant.
How are you here? You're dead.
Do I look dead?
Just hold it, buddy!
Tell him to put it down.
Get away from him, Madd. Step back!
Madd! Get away!
We got to go! We got to go! Now! Let's go!
Station will self-destruct
in T minus two minutes.
We got to go!
This isn't right.
I saw you get killed.
- Guy?
- What?
I got to go back.
I'm going back.
Station will self-destruct
in T minus one minute.
Bronte. Bronte.
Take it.
Take it.
Okay, let's go.
Let's go!
Station will self-destruct
in T minus 30 seconds.
Go! Go!
Danielli was different than the others.
Different how?
They found a way to integrate
biochemical devices into humans.
If they're using implants,
then the newest varieties are hybrids.
Half-man, half-machine.
The storm's coming. Let's go.
There it is.
It looks like we've got just enough time
to replace the fuel cells,
get the systems online. Let's go.
Hey, welcome aboard.
Don't move!
Now, now, there's no need for violence.
We all want the same thing.
Don't come any closer.
I said don't come any closer!
Now, is that any way to treat an old friend?
We are still friends, aren't we?
You want to know a little secret?
When this happens, not all of you dies.
There's still a part of me in here.
The rational part.
The rest is all useless crap anyway.
You know,
we could've killed you easily, Lieutenant.
We still can, for that matter.
But we're not going to. You know why?
Because killing is wasteful.
So join us, Lieutenant.
You want me to be like you?
It's evolution, baby.
Survival of the fittest.
And we are the fittest.
He's lying, Bronte.
You're only alive because they need you.
- You can't fly a ship without a pilot.
- That's a lie.
If they can't start the ship,
they can't get to Earth.
And that is all they want.
It's not about Earth. It's about evolution.
It's about starting a new race.
You know, we adapt pretty quickly.
You're gonna have to try
a little harder than that.
Adapt to this!
Make this happen.
Hey, here.
Got it.
What the hell is that?
It's the storm coming. We got to hurry.
We're good?
Good. Let's get the hell out of here!
Emergency takeoff initiated.
Let's go!
Okay. I'll see you in two months.
Reanimation is now complete.
I'm sorry.
I had a bad dream.
Looks like we're getting close.
Are you okay?
I feel nauseous.
Maybe it was the cryo sleep.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll pass.
We've been asleep two months.
And you,
you wake up nauseous?
You're pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
I just don't understand it.
It's only been two months
and it's growing way too fast.
Whatever's happening,
we'll deal with it together.
I just can't believe this is happening.
No, it's okay.
It's okay.
He's our first.
And there won't be anyone like him.
No! No! No! No! No!