Scum (1979)

Out! Out! Out!
Come on, move!
Come on. On the double!
Double, double, double.
Come on. Move it!
Move it.
You black bastard.
Come on, coon. Move it.
Over there.
You! In.
Get up straight, boy.
- Name and number.
- 4737, Carlin, sir.
So this is the daddy, the hard case.
Carlin, is it?
- Is it?
- Yes, sir.
You don't look much to me, Carlin.
You're the little toerag
who thumped the officer at Rowley.
Fancy yourself, do you, Carlin?
- Thumping officers, eh?
- I retaliated.
Speak when I tell you, lad.
So they sent you down here
to be sorted out.
You have heard of us, Carlin, eh?
- Heard of us, have you?
- Yes, sir.
- And what did you hear?
- Nothing, sir.
Well, I'll tell you here and now, lad,
nothing was not the correct information.
Because we're having your stinking
hooligan guts for garters.
- Right?
- Yes, sir.
Pick it up.
I said pick it up.
Name and number.
4737, Carlin, sir.
- Get him out of here.
- Out, Carlin. Move it.
Go on, over there.
You. In.
Stand up straight, boy.
- Name and number?
- Bastards!
Bastards! Bastards!
Pick those feet up!
In line, Davis.
Right, up those stairs.
Right. I'm Mr. Sands.
This is Mr. Greaves.
I'm the senior officer,
and I run A Wing.
I run it.
- Right, Carlin?
- Yes, sir.
I come down heavy, very heavy,
on anyone who doesn't grasp that fact.
- Right?
- Yes, sir.
Now, Angel, you're in a single room.
Some of the lads here can be
what you might call prejudiced,
and you're well advised
to keep yourself to yourself.
It's your first borstal, isn't it, lad?
Yes, sir, apart from the Scrubs.
Well, forget the Scrubs,
the holiday's over.
Davis, you were fool enough
to run away from an open borstal,
and you'll very soon be
wishing you were back there.
You're in a single room. Now move!
Move it!
Carlin, you're in a dormitory.
Now move!
That's it. In there, on the left.
That's yours, Carlin.
You know the ropes,
and you know why you're here.
I'll jump on you from a great height
if you so much as breathe.
- Got that?
- Yes, sir.
There's a lad, a big lad
called Pongo in that bed.
He heard you were coming.
Now grab that bumper
and get to work on this floor.
I want to shave in it.
We don't leave our bed space
in that condition in here.
Make up your bed pack
and put your gear away.
On the double!
Next time you're on report.
Pick those feet up.
And keep quiet.
Look to your front, Banks.
- Carlin's been allocated to your wing.
- Oh, you hear that?
Shut it, Richards!
Three of them together. So you'll have
a bit more company, won't you?
Yes, sir.
- And one of them's a jungle bunny.
- Yes, sir.
I said, quiet, Richards! Another sound
from you, and you're on report.
Yes, sir.
You off your fucking nut?
Jesus Christ.
I'm a vegetarian, Carlin,
and I've read the rule book.
I refuse to wear leather on my feet.
I get extra potatoes
as substitute for meat,
and I am allowed fish
when on the menu.
Yeah? Bet they give you stick
for that, mate.
Yeah, they do. But it causes them
a lot of bother, don't it?
- How long you been here?
- A month. Transferred from Dover.
- A nuisance?
- No. Told 'em I was Christ.
Some cunning bastard had the typical
flash of genius, and they bang me in here.
A, the governor's a religious maniac.
B, they'll knock the shit out of me.
- How long you done altogether then?
- Sixteen months.
Jesus Christ!
You must love it!
They're not having me, the bastards.
I don't eat shit for anyone,
and I don't give a monkey's
if I do the full two years.
I'll walk out of here on crutches,
but they won't have me.
Davis, up!
Davis, you're nothing.
I'm the daddy here and I run this wing.
You pay your dues like the rest.
Payday you deliver a quarter
of your snout to the striper here.
- Every week. On the dot.
- I don't smoke.
Well, you fucking well do now, slag!
There's no dolly mixtures
in here, poofter!
I'm the daddy and
don't you ever forget it. Right?
- I said right?
- Right.
Pongo Banks, the daddy.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, Carlin.
Your reputation was here
well ahead of you,
and you're gonna have a little weeny
bit of bother with that young man.
Now when I came here from Dover,
that lot thought I was some kind
of nut... violent, psycho, you know.
So I give them this wild stare
about the eyeballs,
and they don't give me no bother.
Yes. I think that'll do it for today.
You don't do yourself no favors,
do you, mate?
Carlin, I just want to get through
my time in my own little way,
causing as much fucking trouble
to the screws as possible.
In my own little way.
Oi, you watch yourself with those pigs.
- Woods!
- What?
Get over here and keep my seat warm.
Stand up, coon.
Name and number.
Up to attention when I come in here!
I said up!
He said up, didn't he?
What's this then? Up on your feet, lad.
What do you think this is? Stand up!
Name and number.
- Angel, sir.
- Number!
- Can't remember, sir.
- Can't remember?
Your number, lad.
That's all you are, a number.
A number, four digits,
that's all you are. 4736.
- Name and number?
- 4736, Angel, sir.
- Who did this?
- What, sir?
- Don't give me lip, boy. Who did this?
- Nobody, sir.
- Fighting?
- No, sir.
- Fell?
- No, sir.
Damaging government property,
are we, you black bastard?
No, sir.
Then what the hell are we doing,
you black Brixton slag?
- Nothing, sir.
- Fighting. You're booked for fighting.
- Governor's report. Right?
- I wasn't.
Hands by your sides! Attention!
Name and number.
4736, Angel, sir.
4736, Angel, sir.
Straight out of the banana trees, eh?
Well, you take it from me, nig-nog.
You go stealing white man's motorcars,
and you get white man's stick. Right?
- Yes, sir.
- Now get this cell scrubbed.
On the double!
I am older than
most of the trainees here.
- Yes?
- The books available in the library,
they're either trash westerns
or hack adventure stories.
Now, I can't read that muck.
See, I don't know whether I'm supposed
to be Roy Rogers or Nanook of the North.
My needs are different.
The library caters for all trainees
here, not single individuals.
Besides censoring our mail,
you also veto what books
are allowed to be sent in to us?
I do.
Then why haven't I been allowed the two
Dostoyevsky novels you received for me?
They're safely locked away.
You'll have them when you're released.
I shan't need them then.
Have you read them?
They are classics.
Archer, read them or not,
Crime and Punishment
and The Idiot
are hardly suitable reading matter
for a young boy in this establishment.
Your feet are disgusting, Archer.
You are impudent and foolish.
I know of vegetarians
who don't eat meat,
but that doesn't stop them
from wearing shoes.
Can't be very sincere people then,
can they, Matron?
Is that all?
Yeah. Well, I think it's all
going to be resolved soon anyway.
The feet, I mean.
And the diet.
Yeah, I'm thinking of becoming a Sikh.
The governor might have
something to say about that.
Matron, do you know
what I used to do with my girlfriend?
Are you being insolent, Archer?
Hold hands.
We used to hold hands.
Is that all you wish to discuss, Archer?
I have work to do.
Yes, I think so. Yes.
I keep getting
through the days somehow.
You know, Matron,
when I was last in the block,
seven days solitary down there, madam,
after much insistence, they gave me,
besides the belting, my right to a book.
- It was the Bible.
- Good, you'll come to no harm with that.
It was printed in Yugoslavian
and there didn't happen
to be an interpreter in the cell.
Well, that only goes to show, Archer,
that Christianity is universal.
Make the report, Matron.
Right, Carlin.
I run this fucking gaff,
and you're dead
if you come any of it in here.
Leave off, will you?
I don't give a fuck who the daddy is.
I don't want no trouble.
So just piss off,
and let me get on
with my time, all right?
We'll give you time, you bastard!
Here, look at this.
It's had a nightmare.
There's more where
that came from, Carlin.
You just keep
your fucking mouth closed!
You ain't no daddy here.
Yes, sir.
- What happened to your face, Carlin?
- I fell, sir.
Fell where?
Quiet! Speak when I tell you.
Somebody hit you, eh?
- Answer! Somebody hit you?
- No, sir.
We know about you, sonny.
Who was it?
I fell, sir. On the stairs.
Wasn't used to the concrete steps.
Me own fault.
I want none of your tricks here, laddie.
- Understand that?
- Yes, sir.
Any more of this
and you're in trouble, real trouble.
- Understand?
- Yes, sir.
Well, move yourself,
you light-fingered guttersnipe. Move!
You're on governor's report!
- 4568,Jackson, sir.
- Late, Jackson?
No. They were one surplus
in the kitchen. So they sent me to you.
Then get over there and get shoveling.
Oh, look at that!
All over my hair!
Quiet, Jackson! Or do we want
Mr. Teezy-Weezy in there with you?
I only washed it last night, sir.
Quiet, you little poof.
And keep shoveling.
- Sir?
- What is it, Angel?
- Can I go to the toilet, sir?
- No, you can't. Keep shoveling.
- But, sir, I'm bursting.
- Keep shoveling!
- Woods!
- Yes, sir?
- What are you supposed to be doing?
- What, sir?
- Oh, shoveling, sir.
- Then shovel it in the barrow! Savvy?
When we want it the other side of the
channel, we'll let you know, lad. Right?
Yes, sir.
Keep it moving.
It's not sand castles on Margate Beach.
Come on, Archer, no slacking from you,
you long streak of cabbage!
Sometimes, some days,
I somehow get the strangest notion
they're trying to break my spirit.
Yeah, well, you're asking for it,
ain't you, mate?
Get some bleeding boots on your feet.
- What do you want?
- Brought you my radio.
You can borrow it
till you get one sent in.
- No thanks. I don't need one.
- It's up to you, mate.
There's three of us
in our dorm's got one,
so we ain't gonna
miss this one, are we?
I'll leave it over here, right?
You can let us have it back later
if you don't want it.
"Anyway, your dad will decide
and find homes for them.
You'll still have Bessie
when you come home,
but we can't hang on
to the pups forever,
since we don't know
when you'll be coming home.
So, we hope this finds you
as it leaves us, Donald.
Let us know how you are getting on,
and be a good lad.
Have to dash to catch the post.
Love from Mum and Dad. "
They can't get rid of the pups,
can they, Ben?
I mean, they'll hang on till I get out,
then I can take care of them.
I'll get a job.
Then I can buy their grub for 'em.
Will you write me
a letter back tonight, Ben?
We'll see.
Read it again for now, eh, Ben?
Just the once.
- Don't you go to classes?
- Yeah.
Well, haven't they
taught you to read yet?
No. I can't understand
what they mean.
You know,
and I don't like asking.
Just read it once more, Ben.
I'll give you some sweets on payday.
Go on, Ben. Please.
- "Dear Donald... "
- Ben.
You forget the address.
"3 Almeida Street,
Islington, London, N1."
All right?
"Dear Donald... "
On your feet, lad.
4738, Davis, sir.
- Whose radio is this, Davis?
- That's Eckersley's, sir.
- What's it doing in your room?
- He lent it to me, sir.
Come on, lad. Let's have the truth.
You've nicked it, haven't you?
- No, sir, honest.
- You nicked it, lad. Don't bullshit me.
Sir, you ask him.
He brought it in himself, sir.
Eckersley has reported his radio
missing, and here it is in your room.
You're on governor's report.
Nice one.
Look, just tell the governor he lent it
to you when you're weighed off.
You're going to get time in the block.
It's just a matter of how long.
So whatever you do,
don't antagonize the old bastard.
- It's not fucking fair, though, is it?
- Are you listening to this, Archer?
- Yeah, but I don't know what it means.
- Bleeding fair!
Did you do time in the block
at Butlin's Borstal?
No, I didn't.
Well, you're gonna
get it here, mate, and so am I.
You just keep your mouth shut
and sit through it.
If you cause trouble,
they'll belt the shit out of you.
You don't seem like the sort of bloke to
stand a lot of their bastard handouts.
You watch Tasty Reg down there.
He's a winner.
A fully-fledged humanitarian
with a B.A. In hatred.
- Morning, Mr. White.
- Good morning, sir.
- Morning, Mr. Whittle.
- Everything looks fine.
Thank you, sir.
- Fine, Mr. White.
- Thank you, sir.
- Good morning, Reg.
- Morning, sir.
- Name and number for the governor.
- 4321, Peltier, sir.
- Everything all right, Peltier? Good.
- In.
- Name and number for the governor.
- 3936, Kovias, sir.
- Everything all right, Kovias? Good.
- In.
- Name and number for the governor.
- 4511, Chambers, sir.
- Everything all right, Chambers? Good.
- In.
- Name and number for the governor.
- 4427, Smith, sir.
- Everything all right, Smith? Good.
- In.
- Name and number for the governor.
- 4396,James, sir.
- Everything all right, James? Good.
- In.
- Morning, sir.
- Good morning.
Apart from absconding, your record at
your previous borstal was clean, Davis.
And I have taken that
into consideration.
However, I will stress that
if I deal with you leniently here,
it will certainly not be so light
should you appear before me again.
C of E, are we?
- Answer the governor!
- Pardon, sir?
Denomination... Church of England?
- Yes, sir.
- Good.
Three days in the block.
Loss of privileges for one week.
About turn. Quick march.
Out. Out!
You, in!
Feet on the mat, legs apart,
and face the governor!
- Name and number for the governor.
- 4737, Carlin, sir.
Fighting, Carlin.
Oh, yes. Yes.
Now then, Carlin,
you were transferred to me,
because you assaulted an officer
at your previous borstal.
Though heaven knows
what they expect me to do with you.
However, I will have
no violence in this institution.
There is no violence here.
- Do you understand me?
- Yes, sir.
Yet no sooner
are you settled in than, well,
the marks are visible on your face.
I'm a generous man, Carlin,
but I will not have any
trainee take liberties.
If you are brought here again,
you will be in very serious trouble.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
Now, have you anything to say?
Well, not really, sir.
Except I wasn't fighting, I fell.
Wasn't used to the concrete steps.
However, I can understand the officer
thinking I had by the state of my face.
So, I've got no excuse really, sir.
I mean, what else could he think?
- C of E, are we?
- Oh, yes, sir.
My religion is a great comfort to me.
Good. Then it may even have
some guidance for your reform.
Three days solitary in the block.
Loss of earnings for two weeks.
- About turn! Out! Out!
- Come on, Carlin. Move it!
- Move! Pick your feet up.
- Move! On the double. I said double!
- Meakin!
- Sir?
None of the lads will wear it, Banks.
You know they won't.
What they going to do, then?
Walk about with pound notes?
Pound notes aren't allowed in here,
are they, Dougan?
Very stiff penalties
for anything but small change.
And there's very stiff penalties for
anyone that tries to undercut my rate.
You make sure certain parties
know that, Dougan.
Right. Come on, Dougan.
Now there, that's eight quid
altogether, right?
I get 70 pence
for a quid from the screw, right?
Your cut's five pence
and mine's 15.
That leaves 50 pence.
Fifty pence for a quid!
I've got fucking overheads, haven't I?
Haven't those bastards
heard of inflation?
You give them that 50 pence, and
if they don't like it, they can see me.
I'm granting your request
to marry, Betts,
and I hope this may
induce you to work hard,
cooperate and leave here
as soon as possible.
It all depends on you.
One month hence, you'll be released
for four hours, under escort
to marry.
- Right, Betts?
- Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
This causes no little
inconvenience, Betts.
It's at cost to the taxpayer,
and I cannot pretend to be pleased that
you're marrying in a registry office.
That's just for now, sir.
We're going to have a proper
church do when I get out.
Let's hope you are released
before the child is born.
Yes, sir.
And see you don't
misplace my trust, Betts.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
- Right. Out you go.
- About turn. Quick march.
Move it, Betts!
- Registry office!
- Archer, in!
- Name and number for the governor.
- 4721, Archer, sir.
Ah, Archer.
Still a vegetarian, are we?
- Yes, sir.
- And still barefoot too?
Yes, sir.
Well, Archer, we have every respect
for another man's sincere beliefs here...
the individual is to be encouraged.
And at no little trouble and expense,
we have procured plastic boots for you.
- Do you appreciate that?
- Yes, sir.
- No objection to plastic, have we?
- No, sir.
Good. Then I hope the cooperation
will be reciprocated.
Have you read The Life of
Saint Francis of Assisi, Archer?
No, sir. Though I am sure it is
a most engrossing epistle, sir.
It is. The son of a wealthy man,
he converted to Christianity in 1208
and turned from his life of pleasure
to commit himself to poverty
and the life of the gospel.
- You should read it.
- As a matter of fact, sir,
I wanted to mention
access to literature to you.
Well, you see, I'm finding myself
strongly drawn to Mecca,
Very strongly indeed.
- Mecca, Archer?
- Yes, sir.
It's something stirring within me, sir.
I'm sure you understand
what I mean, sir.
Archer, you will see
the chaplain tomorrow.
I'm an atheist, sir. It's on my record.
Atheist and vegetarian.
You told them you were Christ at Dover.
You will see the chaplain tomorrow.
And there will be no more talk
of Mecca in this establishment!
- Get him issued with the boots!
- About turn! Quick march.
Move it, Archer.
Come on, move! Move!
Come on, you bastards, move!
Face the front, Angel.
Get in line, Davis.
Come on, move it!
Pick those feet up!
Enjoy our little holiday, did we?
Now, you rest assured, my beauties,
whenever you feel like a break,
it's always there.
Always at your disposal.
- Right, Carlin!
- Yes, sir.
Now get moving! Put your gear
in your rooms and straight to ablutions.
I want work out of you toerags,
and plenty of it.
Now move! Pick those feet up!
Double up!
Right. What shall we talk about?
Any problems?
Come along,
that's what I'm here for.
Why am I so far from home, Matron?
- 'Cause you murdered that kid.
- All right, Eckersley.
Formby, I am forever
explaining this to you.
- Do try to let it sink in.
- He's 14 years old, 14.
Quiet, Archer!
But I never get a visitor.
Well, that is unfortunate, Formby.
But you have to be detained
during Her Majesty's pleasure.
As there are no special places
for boys like yourself at the moment,
you have to remain here.
Now, here you have the opportunity
to learn and to improve.
If you behave and apply yourself to your
duties willingly and to the rules,
there may be every chance
that Her Majesty
or one of her representatives
may consider your release
and rehabilitation
much earlier than you imagine.
Much earlier than what, Matron?
Meanwhile, try to remember
that you are more fortunate
than boys similar to yourself
who are held
at Wormwood Scrubs for years,
until they are old enough
to transfer to prison.
All right?
My dog had three puppies.
Three! It's in my letter.
Yes. I read it, Woods.
That is good news, isn't it?
- Where are you going, Meakin?
- Out.
- Out, what?
- Out, Matron.
Will you sit down, please, Meakin?
- Everything all right with you, Toyne?
- Yeah, fine, Matron.
Good. Good.
Anything else?
Pardon, Archer?
I would like to suggest
a discussion on the nature of trust.
Are you sure that's not a matter for you
to take up with your housemaster?
You see, Matron, we are continually
bombarded with instructions to trust,
but at the same time
we are continuously informed
that we are completely untrustworthy.
So you see, Matron, perhaps it might be
of some benefit to all of us,
if we were to openly
discuss the nature of trust
and explore those areas where such
a valuable commodity may be nurtured,
and not stifled or eroded.
Does anyone want to continue
this discussion suggested by Archer?
- Matron.
- Yes, Meakin?
Look, is there any chance of you
calling us by our Christian names?
I mean, it's the only reminder
of our identities we have left.
Now, my own feelings
on that subject don't enter into it.
I'm bound by Home Office rules,
as you are.
So whatever I may personally feel,
well, that is the rule.
And we are all here to learn to obey.
So, thank you all for coming.
Next week, same time.
And if any of you have any problems,
do not hesitate to come to me.
And if I can't help,
I know that Mr. Goodyear will.
Carry on.
Leave it out, striper.
I weren't hurting you.
- Gonk! You're in my bleeding way.
- Oi!
It's all right, Ben.
What's up with you, weirdo?
You want striping, do you?
You might get left alone here,
but I'll cut you to bleeding ribbons
if I get any of your poxy lip.
Back, grass!
I said, get back, shithead!
Yeah, well, carry on.
Right, Banks,
you bastard.
I'm the daddy now.
Next time I'll fucking kill you!
Who was it, Richards? Who was it?
- Carlin? The coons?
- I slipped, sir.
I'll give you fucking slipped!
All right. On your feet!
- Who did this?
- What, sir?
- Come on, who did it?
- What, sir?
- Where's Banks?
- Haven't seen him, sir.
Dozy bastard, Banks!
You let him do you over, you twat!
I slipped, sir.
Don't come that with me.
Who do you think you're talking to?
Carlin! I want you to name Carlin!
I slipped, sir.
Okay, Carlin.
You're really for it this time.
Banks and Richards have both named you.
You'll get three years for this, scum!
I don't know what
you're talking about, sir.
You fucking well will, toerag.
I run this wing.
I'm not having it disrupted by a dirty
little backstreet villain like you.
You'll sign a statement downstairs.
I've got nothing to say, sir.
I'd like to see the housemaster.
Oh, you will, Carlin. You will.
And the governor, sir.
I've got a witness.
Shit witness!
I'm having you, lad.
You banged that officer at Rowley.
You must be thinking you've walked
quietly away from that one.
But he's here. He's me.
He's every fucking screw
in this borstal, every one of us.
Now, come on. How do you fancy
taking a poke at me, eh?
- Come on, big man!
- I didn't bang no screw. I retaliated.
There was two of'em
kicking the shit out of me.
Well, retaliate here!
Come on!
I'll have you!
Where's Carlin?
- Carlin.
- What?
Baldy, the tinted daddy man
from B Wing.
- He wants to meet you.
- Well, I don't talk to shit.
He wants to meet, Carlin.
We know what for.
He's a right hard nut.
When's it going to be?
I'll find him.
You tell him, Dougan.
He's a black bastard. Right?
He knows.
- Rather warm old chap, don't you think?
- Yeah!
Won't be in this bleeding sweatbox for
much longer. All right for the coons,
keeps them warm in winter,
but it's no fucking good to me.
All this for nicking
thirty bob's worth of junk!
- You're joking!
- Thirty bob's worth of fucking scrap!
Well, my brother had a bit of form,
so they stuck it on me.
- My mother went bleeding potty.
- Jesus, that's one for the book!
- What did you do? A bank, or what?
- No, Carlin. No.
I was merely trying to further
a respectable career
in the employ of a timber merchant.
Yeah, my old lady was sick.
You know, all the time, fragile.
Then there was all this stick
about giving her a bad time.
Then her wanting to see a son who's
secure, respectable... all that shit!
So I was sticking it out in this office.
The only thing was,
I got too ambitious, didn't I?
Yeah. I wasn't satisfied with dipping my
fingers into the petty cash for stamps.
No. Started working on the cash sales.
Making 40, 50 quid
on the side most weeks.
Going to work in a cab.
Yeah, till some hard-faced mare
comes back for a swap when I'm out,
and, uh, here I am.
- What, was it your first offense?
- Well, you know my mouth.
Gave the judge a bit of lip.
Didn't know the ropes, did I?
She sat there fart-faced, under her wig
and packs me off to borstal.
Forty pence a quid, that's it.
I can't go with that, Carlin.
They'll cut my fucking throat!
Well, that's the way things are
from now on, mate.
Forty P, that or nothing.
If you're gonna come that, Carlin,
the whole bleeding nick'll be onto you.
- Right behind Baldy!
- Fuck 'em!
But don't you see?
If Banks paid 50,
I've got to give them less.
That's psychology.
If I want to keep hold of them,
I've got to be harder than him.
Or you'll have
some mug here paying 60.
- Do you see what I mean?
- Yeah. Forty's way under, Carlin.
It won't be worth the risk
getting money in.
Okay, 45.
They get 45.
But I want it made clear,
Dougan, it's a favor.
- You had to bleeding well beg me, right?
- Okay.
- You had to plead with me, right?
- Right.
- Carlin!
- Sir?
- Mr. Goodyear's office.
- Yes, sir.
- Dougan, association.
- Yes, sir.
I don't want you
hanging around in here.
It's one of the most
rewarding aspects of this job,
encouraging ability
and individuality.
And a consequence of this
is that natural leaders will emerge,
as they have throughout history.
But, Carlin,
as I am sure you are aware,
the gift of leadership
entails responsibilities,
like setting a good example
and keeping order.
Leadership means order.
- Do you understand that?
- Yes, sir.
Good. Now then,
you came here
with a bad reputation.
But I am prepared
to take you as I find you.
You'll have every chance to prove
yourself on this wing, Carlin,
and even to win back some
of the time you've lost
through your more
unfortunate escapades.
As housemaster, I run this wing.
I want that firmly understood.
Nobody rocks my boat.
Do we understand each other?
- Yes, sir.
- Very well, then.
Just one thing, sir.
I would like a single cell.
I think we can arrange that,
Mr. Greaves?
- Yes, sir.
- Anything else?
- No, sir.
- About turn!
In you go, Woods.
Name and number to the housemaster.
All right, Carlin.
But don't push it.
If there's any bother,
we'll have your bleeding guts.
I said, right?
Yes, sir.
On your way.
Three she had, three puppies.
Well, me mum says she doesn't know
whether they can afford them.
You know, sir,
feeding them and all that.
Well, I want to find
homes for them, sir.
And if they can't wait
for me to get out,
I was wondering if you'd like one, sir.
It wouldn't cost you anything.
- Woods.
- Yes, sir?
You were not brought here
to discuss your dog.
- No, sir, but you see...
- Quiet, Woods!
- Speak when you're spoken to.
- I've had you brought here
to inform you that
you aren't up to scratch, Woods.
Your room is dirty.
Your clothing disheveled.
The reports from your classes
are appalling!
The list grows.
And I am warning you
that unless there is
a marked improvement in your
overall bearing in the near future,
you will be in serious trouble.
- I do my best, sir.
- It's not good enough, Woods.
- I always seem to be behind, sir.
- Then do as you're told, lad.
You don't have to think
for yourself here. It's all laid on.
Forget all this juvenile puppy
business and get down to it.
I don't want to see you
on report again. Right?
Yes, sir.
No, no. Come on.
Come on.
This isn't racial. It's a game.
Right! A Wing, this end.
B Wing, that end.
No punching in the face.
No kicking in the goolies.
And no biting.
Kill that bloody little bastard!
Get out of my way,
you black bastard.
Hit him in the bollocks!
Come on, boys.
Move the fucking ball.
- Go on, kill the bastard!
- Kill him!
Kill him!
Fuck off!
Fucking black bastard!
Fucking jungle bunnies!
- Fuck off!
- Get back! Get back! Get back!
Black bastard!
Oh, hello, Toyne.
What is it?
Well, come on. What is it?
- This. It came today.
- Yes, I know that.
- Will you read it?
- But I have already.
Read it again.
"Dear Ronald, sorry we have not
wrote to you for so long,
but things have been busy.
Anyway, we thought
we had better let you know
that Candy died last week,
and we buried her.
She looked very pretty
and looked peaceful,
and since you have not seen her for some
time, we thought you should know this.
Well, have to dash. Things are busy.
Good luck. George and Beth. "
Well, Toyne? Somebody's pet?
Dog? Budgie?
My wife.
Candy was my nickname for my wife.
- No strings?
- Get it down you, sharpish.
Vegetarians? I've shit 'em.
That old Baldy says
the boiler house tomorrow.
There'll be a whole
crowd of us there shoveling shit.
He says just you and him.
All right?
Come on, Davis. Move it!
- Where's your tool?
- What fucking tool?
This fucking tool!
- Do you want some more?
- Leave it out, man.
Now, I'm going to
tell you once, just once!
- You listening to me, coon?
- Yeah!
- You run B Wing.
- Right.
All right? But for me.
I give the orders.
- Right?
- Yeah!
You'll get your perks,
but I'm the daddy. Right?
Now, you get some coal dust rubbed on
those marks, you fucking black bastard!
Oh, God!
Right. Come on! Get on with it.
We haven't got all day.
Right, lads.
Get the bride.
Get the bride.
How would you like it
if someone touched your wife up?
All right.
I now pronounce you man and wife.
You can shag the bride.
Look, I'm not marrying
a fucking coon anyway.
All right! All right!
Quiet! You've had your fun.
Let's have some order.
Get back into association.
Betts, up to your room.
Relieve yourself, and get changed.
Move it!
Come on, lad!
What a wedding night.
They can even fuck that up in here.
Come on, Toyne. You're allowed
some fun now and again.
No good standing there moping, lad.
- Archer.
- Sir?
Thanks, Mr. Duke.
- It won't happen again.
- It's lovely.
You might be a smart-ass, Archer,
but you're nothing
but a fool to yourself.
I get by.
You'll do the full stretch.
Do you know that?
they're not having me, Mr. Duke.
I've got to save myself,
despite whatever methods
you bastards devise to destroy me.
I'll get through.
Or I won't.
But it's my way.
Less lip, Archer.
I won't have insolence.
Talk's one thing,
but I will not tolerate insolence.
Right, lad?
Right, sir.
Look at you sitting there
with that daft smile on your face.
Why aren't you over there
with the rest of them?
I'm an atheist.
What do you think that lot are?
Every Sunday there's an officer
allocated to watch you.
Just because you're too bloody pigheaded
to sit in chapel for half an hour.
And every Sunday,
that's a little bit more you owe us.
You know what the boss is like.
You're committing
a mortal sin sitting here.
They're all atheists,
but they don't put it about.
I did hear you were thinking
of turning Indian.
I think about all sorts of things.
Haven't you seen
enough of them in here?
Why don't you keep
your nose clean and get out?
No. I never was much good at that.
Pass the time quietly.
You don't hear me moan,
do you, Mr. Duke, eh?
I mean, I smile.
I smile a lot.
You're loose in the head, lad.
Yeah. You know,
when I was in the Scrubs,
sweating it out in that filthy cell,
I had this matchbox.
And it said on this matchbox
that it takes 60 muscles to frown,
but only 13 to smile,
so why waste energy?
You see, I'm doing me time
on a matchbox.
Jesus Christ.
Do nothing in here,
do you, eh? Nothing.
You know, when I was out,
I always reminded myself
you can take something good
from every experience.
Well, the only thing
I'll take from borstal is evil.
Because you don't bloody toe the line.
No, it's not that, Mr. Duke. No.
I mean, now you take Mr. Goodyear.
He rattles out bullshit
about character building
morning, noon and night.
Well, it's impossible.
It's not on.
How can anyone build a character
inside a regime based on deprivation?
It's a one-way contamination.
Good, fine minds thrown in
with crazy, perverted people.
I mean, what am I doin' here?
Why aren't I on another wing
where there might at least be
somebody to talk to,
where I could be civilized?
I'm always looking over me shoulder.
See, if it's not a screw at me,
it's a con.
Why didn't they send me
to an open nick?
You're too old for this lot.
I'll give you that.
They should have given you
a prison sentence.
Right. You're right.
I was happier in prison.
Now I've got to finish my time
with a bunch of snotty,
young hooligans.
Two years of this lot before I retire.
- How long have you done?
- A long time.
That's an hefty sentence, Mr. Duke.
One way or another in prisons.
Public service, Archer.
Haven't you realized some of the lads
actually like being in here?
Yeah, it's called institutionalized.
- They're secure.
- Oh, that.
Well, in here you act,
you're punished and you're free.
But outside... out there...
you act, you're punished
by your own guilt complexes
and you're never free.
And what little book
did you get that from?
This one.
Certainly not from
what's on offer here.
Mr. Duke, I...
I don't wish to underestimate
your lifetime's work,
but... the punitive system
does not work.
I mean, my experience
of borstal convinces me
that more criminal acts
are imposed on prisoners
than by criminals on society.
Convinces you, eh?
Fancy half of that mob
charging up and down your street.
Fancy your mother tackling
that lot on the rampage.
No, you bloody well don't.
So, what do you do about it?
What do you do about it?
I'd talk about it first,
like we are.
Talk's bullshit.
You lock them up.
I'd also consider what happens
to their guardians.
Watch it, lad.
No, come on.
I'm serious, Mr. Duke.
Take yourself.
For a weekly wage,
you have been locking up men and boys
for most of your working life, right?
hanging down your leg
is a chain... your key chain.
And the length of that chain indicates
the time you have spent in the service.
You may not have been fortunate
in terms of promotion,
but the length of that chain
gives you rank over other officers
of similar rank only.
But at the same time,
it acts as a constant reminder
that although you have spent
your life in the prison service,
you are still only a basic officer.
Now, who gets the stick for that?
Who pays for that daily humiliation?
Stand up, Archer.
And wipe that fucking grin
off your face before I knock it off.
Name and number.
4721, Archer, sir.
I give you my fucking coffee
and you think you can sit there
and have the piss out of me?
No, sir. I didn't.
I never get the chance
to express myself.
Then it's as well you don't, lad.
I was only concerned with men
being stripped of their dignity...
cons and screws.
We aren't much different
in here, you know.
You're on report for insolence.
Yes, sir.
Stand up straight.
Right. In.
You've seen her, then?
Jesus. Beautiful.
I managed to touch her, you know.
These visits are gonna
drive me fucking crazy.
Come on, you lot!
Look at this floor.
Get it cleaned!
Move yourselves!
Come on. Move!
That includes you, Toyne.
Move your fucking self!
You black bastard.
- Archer!
- Sir?
Report to my office!
Yes, sir.
Though the reports may seem minor
taken individually,
they do mean that altogether you are not
pulling your weight, Woods.
Three days.
Lose one month.
About turn. Out.
Move it.
Archer, in.
Feet on the mat, legs apart
and face the governor.
- Name and number to the governor.
- 4721, Archer, sir.
Ah, Archer.
- Guilty?
- Misplaced trust, sir.
How's Mecca these days, Archer?
No further information
through as yet, sir.
Though I am meditating
whenever possible.
I see.
Have you read Alanbrooke's book
on Churchill, Archer?
I don't believe
I've had that literary pleasure, sir.
You should. You should.
Seven days in the block.
Lose one month.
For your meditation, Archer.
About turn. Out.
Move it, Archer. Move!
Come on, Archer!
Move it!
- Move, Archer!
- Come on, Archer.
Double! Double!
I said double.
And the whole of C Wing
thought the fish was bad, James?
Yes, sir.
- What about the others?
- Yes, sir.
I can answer this, sir.
I do remember day in question.
First of all, that fish was not bad.
But I do admit
it may have seemed strong.
Strong, yes. I admit that.
But it was not bad.
What do you mean "strong,"
Mr. White?
Probably some of this new Atlantic fish
they're bringing out, sir.
Its strange taste can seem strong.
Well, you know...
You should complain at the time
if you think something might be off.
I did, sir.
- And?
- Mr. White ate it.
Wasn't bad then, was it, lad?
Do you think I'd have poisoned myself?
That was my dinner.
Yes. Well, we'll keep an eye out
for Atlantic fish.
Anything else?
The batter's all soft, sir.
Well, it always is.
I mean, the whole wing moans about it.
Mr. White.
Of course the batter's soft.
It's impossible to make crispy batter.
In all my years catering
in all kind of institutions
I've never been able
to make crispy batter.
The only way to do that
is to buy powdered stuff,
and we don't have
the money for that.
Come in.
Tea, sir.
- Tea, Mr. Goodyear?
- Why not. Why not.
- Can we smoke, sir?
- One quick burn.
Permission, Mr. Goodyear.
Thank you.
What's that?
Nothing, sir.
Yes, sir.
Well, I think that's covered
both wings, Mr. White.
Unless there's anything else.
And Meakin is satisfied
with the batter explanation.
Answer Mr. Goodyear, lad.
Stand up.
Toyne's dead!
He's killed himself in the Scrubs!
He's dead!
Look, I saw the guy
cut his wrists on A Wing
and you sent him
to the Scrubs to kill hisself!
He's dead!
Up your fucking borstal.
I realize there's a bad feeling about
what happened to our friend Toyne,
and we're all deeply sorry,
but these things happen,
Carlin, as you know.
Many boys arrive here
in disturbed conditions
and there simply isn't
the staff to cope with them.
Anyway, I don't want the boys
on this wing behaving erratically.
It'll do no one any good.
In fact, they'll only make things
damn difficult for themselves.
I want you to use your influence
to keep things
If you see what I mean.
It'll soon blow over.
All right, Carlin?
Yes, sir.
Good. Now off you go.
3318, Meakin, sir.
3610, Woods, sir.
4721, Archer, sir.
- In.
- Sir.
4736, Angel, sir.
- What is it, Archer?
- There was no exercise today, sir.
Request to see the governor, sir.
Archer, the rule book.
The rule book says exercise
is dependent on the weather.
- It looked like rain.
- But it didn't, sir.
Dirty cell, Archer.
Governor's report.
Imagine that in the back
of a Mercedes.
Yeah. Just like a bird
I used to knock off.
Great pair of bristols.
Do anything, she would.
- Anything you wanted.
- I've had plenty of birds like that.
Thin, though.
Mind you, thin birds
always go potty for me.
Christ, when I get out of here,
the big time, big stuff.
I've got some ideas.
That's one thing about the nick.
You never come out short on ideas.
And you know where you went wrong.
Or you get it from your mates.
Sort through their mistakes.
You can learn a lot in here
if you use your loaf.
Banks are best though.
You do one big job
and you're set up for life.
Planning, that's all it needs.
Planning. And plenty of bottle.
- In, bang, and out.
- There's no shortage of birds then.
Well, I never have been short of birds.
Always have plenty of crumpet after me.
- Listen to Burt Reynolds.
- Watch your mouth, Jackson.
The only crumpet you've had
is with your fist.
Yeah, and you'll be getting
my fist in a minute.
Leave off, will you?
We're sick of hearing you two.
Oh, hey, hey.
Hark at our bent friend.
You two fancy yourselves, eh?
Piss off.
You two couldn't organize
a piss-up in a brewery.
- I'll have you, Rhodes.
- Oh, cut it out, Richards.
"Cut it out, Richards. "
You've got some front, ain't ya?
We all saw how big you were
when Carlin sorted you out.
You and your mate Pongo.
If there's any more bother,
you'll get it again.
And Eckersley's due for it
if he steps out of line.
You know that, don't you, shithead?
Anyone comes near me
gets striped, all right?
No matter who they fuckin' are.
Just remember, shit-bag,
that people get moved around
and Carlin ain't gonna be here
changing your nappies forever.
The way he's ass-licking,
he'll be out in a month.
And I'm gonna carve
you two bastards up first chance I get.
Just remember that, the pair of ya.
Is it all right if we have
a quick burn, sir?
Okay, but don't take too long about it.
There's work to be done.
What do you want?
Turn him over.
Please, no!
Please, no!
Come on, you lot. Come on.
Let's have you.
Right. Let's have you.
Come on outside,
you lazy bastards.
Davis, what are you doing there?
What happened?
- Well, lad?
- Nothing, sir. Nothing.
I fell, sir.
Well, fall back onto your feet.
This isn't Kew Gardens, laddie.
On your feet.
I've got all this bloody work
here to do,
and they're pissing about
in there smoking.
I was in the laundry today.
All bleeding day.
I hate it in there.
Not bad tomorrow though.
On the gardening detail.
I like that.
Get some air.
Like a holiday.
Can almost imagine
you're not in this stinking hole.
You're on gardening tomorrow an' all.
Your name's on the list.
I'll see you then.
All right, Davis. What is it?
Speak up.
Why'd you ring that bell?
Don't you know it's an offense?
I feel lonely, sir.
Frightened, sir.
I daren't close my eyes.
I feel bad, depressed.
I don't know what to do.
Cut that out, Davis,
or I'll give you something to cry about,
you mardy-assed little toerag.
You touch that bell again
for no fucking reason,
I'll have you down the block
before your feet touch the ground.
Now get your subnormal head down.
Wakey, wakey!
It's 6:30.
Come on. Get up.
Rise and shine.
Let's have you.
Wakey, wakey.
Come on. Move yourselves.
Come on. Out you get.
Come on, you lot.
Come on, you lot.
Let's have you.
Come on. Move!
Up to attention!
Davis, you lazy twat. Out!
Right, Davis.
Governor's report.
Right, Mr. Duke, bang them up.
Put them in their rooms.
Move yourselves!
That includes you, Archer!
Come on.
Move yourselves! Move!
And you, Carlin.
Eat, or it goes in the bins.
Carlin, eat!
Dead. Dead. Dead.
Dead. Dead.
Eat, Carlin!
Fucking bastards!
Dead! Dead! Dead!
Come on, Archer.
First, the damage must be paid for.
Loss of earnings for all
until every damaged article is paid for.
And to encourage you to work hard
and make good this willful debt
with all expediency,
there are no privileges.
None. You have to earn them.
Now, with regard to our absent friend,
I would remind you all
that sad and unfortunate
accidents occur
in institutions like this
just as they do outside.
We are all accident-prone.
Even here.
It is most regrettable,
but I will tolerate no further outbursts
like the one recently witnessed.
I will not tolerate it.
There will now be
one minute's silent prayer
for our departed friend.