Scusa Ma Ti Voglio Sposare (2010)

The lighthouse, what a thrill
when Niki came
saying she wanted to be with me,
I'd have stayed forever.
Alex, we were there eight months!
But then real life called.
It did, but I wanted
to live it like on the island.
Where are you taking me?
- Who was that?
- No one. A step...
Here we are!
Don't move.
Our new house.
It's roomy, so you can stay
as long as you like.
The decoration is up to you.
There's books, materials,
everything you need.
Thanks, it's so cool!
I want to see the rest.
There are loads of terraces!
It's awesome!
Lots had changed
besides Alex's house.
Between his friend Pletro
and Susanna all hell broke loose.
What's this?
maybe it's better not to know
what he does when you're gone.
Doctor Faletti!
- What's the doctor doing here?
- It's not what you think.
Get out!
She was giving me a check-up.
Tell me this isn't happening!
In my house, in my bed!
What a bastard!
Tell me this isn't happening!
I don't feel well.
I'm all hazy.
- Get out or I'll kill you.
- Calm down!
- You hit me!
- I'll kill you!
We've separated, but it's not over
till it's over, right?
Only when you lose something you find
out how much you really wanted it.
Besides Im not
the only one who's a mess.
She ran off with my lawyer.
She left me with
a one-year-old daughter.
Ingrid, in honor of Ingrid Bergman,
he's a movie maniac.
He's whacko, speaks
only with this voice...
Look at the pretty colors.
We need wine.
Which wine do we buy for Uncle Alex?
Look! A Montefranca red.
What do you say?
Ive never known
a more neurotic father.
Responsible doesn't mean neurotic.
Neurosis is something else, like when
couples insist on sticking together.
Is this
too much lipstick?
They called about
the flat screen TV.
- Hello? Lipstick.
- They come at noon, you're here?
Things aren't so great
with my friends either.
Olly's only thought used to be sex,
now she has no time
to even look at men.
She's training in fashion and
is always on the phone... phones.
Niki, sorry, I'll call you back.
Erica's having a moment
of emotional confusion.
It's Antonio.
- Want to hang out?
- I have to study.
Okay, but don't disappear.
And to straighten her mind...
- Are you jealous?
- No.
- I brought some wine.
- Alex is in there.
Niki's in the kitchen.
This is Giampi.
I came empty-handed,
Im depressed.
it's a beautiful house!
There are lots of terraces.
I always get excited
about these dinners.
Isn't it a fantastic dome?
'Yeah, and you got a new hair cut,
you look great.
'You always notice everything.
Thank goodness
for Diletta and Filippo!
- Lovebirds, dinner's on.
- Im starving!
- Giovanni's nice.
- Giampi.
- 'You have someone new every day!
- Very funny!
Alex, the house is awesome.
Thanks to Niki.
'Yeah, it only took her two years.
Can't you go in late?
Silly, I have to go!
Getting dressed now is useless.
Well, hello!
I have to run.
There's toothpaste
on your lips, like always.
Niki, are you coming to my show
or staying home as usual?
Just kidding, let me know. Claudio.
Coming to NuClub tonight? Riki.
The 22nd is my birthday, coming?
Are you and that guy going steady?
Very steady!
- Bring your man along.
- Who are you?
- Will Alex freak out if you come?
- Will I freak out?
I want you to meet
a guy who's too cool. Erica.
Ive never been jealous.
She's always been free.
Okay, I might freak out...
just a bit.
Giulia, what's wrong?
- The aesthetics exam is so tough.
- What if you had Quantum mechanics!
Surfing and poetry... a coincidence?
The poetry is for my Lit exam,
but surfing is a passion.
Niki, this is Guido,
another desperado
who wants to join our study group.
- We share passions.
- Really?
But such opposite passions
can be very dangerous.
Who says I don't like danger?
Relax, he's not trying to score,
that's how he is.
Don't ruin my seduction strategies.
- 'You're not her type. Right?
- 'Yep, but neither are you.
Update, we're in home stretch
for the Telecom campaign.
And we scored the IM campaign too.
Aren't you glad?
Nowadays 500% of all affairs
are born on the Web.
- And cheating too.
- Exactly.
I read it in Cosmo.
Keep moving!
Jab, hook, upper cut.
What are you doing here?
- Im learning the hatchet kick.
- No!
This is an advanced course,
you should enroll in another course.
I'd like him here,
he'll be my sparring partner.
That's right, we're partners
and always will be.
Stop harassing me.
Im here for a warm-up,
throw a few punches,
a low kick, a ki-kick...
Careful, It rain with you in mind.
Honey, I came here for you.
I miss you and the kids,
I love you...
You have no idea
what it means to love.
I made a mistake,
but now let's lighten up.
Come on, lighten up!
- That hurt!
- I can do worse.
Great, beat him up.
Leave me alone.
- What's the matter?
- I got hit.
I do kick boxing... a low kick.
- A what?
- A punch.
Enrico's not coming.
- That sucks! Why not?
- Guess.
- I don't feel like it.
- I do.
Me too, but...
I'd rather stay with her
and I know you're good.
How old was the boy
you babysat for?
That's it. Im not going.
I just really want to stay home.
Okay, see you tomorrow.
Don't worry,
Daddy won't leave you alone.
It's a disease.
- What's the matter?
- Im just not sure.
'Yeah, the hamburgers here
are no good.
About Niki, I meant...
- Now you've got women problems too?
- Im dealing with a whole new world.
When I was married, there were
no new worlds, believe me!
Niki left IM open and I took a look.
'You score big time with IM.
Right, you should see the messages!
Little stars, faces, tiny hearts...
I imagined the worst case scenario.
What are you saying?
It's simple,
you're scared of losing her.
I understand, at her age
everything changes.
Hormones run free,
the kids... screw!
'You know the only product
unaffected by the recession?
Right now, where's Alex?
No! It's she who should be
wondering: "Where's Alex?" not you!
'You should be mysterious,
like Copperfield with the dove.
Hey, you should know.
'You're the marketing guru!
See that gorgeous dove?
Im thinking about Niki
and you talk about doves?
'You refuse to understand
the insecurity therapy.
Even when you're not interested,
you make the effort.
Excuse me, I noticed
your interest in my friend.
He's problematic, he's in love,
but I'd invite you to reflect
on what a guy like me
could offer you,
appearances can be misleading,
you know.
- Confused?
- No, just bored.
And he's says he's got marriage
problems, imagine if he didn't!
- Deep down she likes me.
- I saw it.
Appear, disappear,
David Copperfield... bullshit.
If you're so paranoid, follow her.
Tail her.
I didn't do it at 1G,
why should I at 40?
I found this really cool guy
I wanted you to meet.
But Im over him by now,
and super into
my Anthropology Professor.
What is it?
I have to go, an inmate's been
waiting for me for 2 hours.
- C'mon, just another half hour.
- We've been here 3 hours!
I have to go too,
I think Ingrid's gone pottie.
She has.
She loves you, she's a saint!
Let's go.
- I had fun.
- Me too.
Just imagine
when you're tailing Ingrid!
He's right, where would I find
another one like her?
They're beautiful, great job.
'You're the best trainee here.
He fired another three today,
but you're still here.
We have to dress Gemma Ward,
not Liz Taylor.
Fewer curves on this corset.
This is identical to Balenciaga.
- What's your name?
- Olimpia.
Try less Marie Antoinette
and more Madonna mid 60's.
'You've got 300% of it down.
Do another 10,
we might put one into production.
- Fantastic!
- 300% isn't fantastic.
"I cannot exist without you,
Im forgetful of everything
but seeing you again".
I put English literature aside
for a while.
And I brought you
his most beautiful poetry.
They all say he was a bore,
but he was a genius.
'You'll like it.
If you say so, I'll believe it.
What are you doing here?
I have a surprise for you.
- Where are we going?
- It's a surprise.
- Where are we going?
- Lunch at the beach.
What's this sly face?
- Nothing, why?
- It seems strange.
The beach is that way,
this way is to the airport.
- Paris!
- Awesome!
- I don't even have a suitcase.
- Check back there.
Is the red one mine?
They're beautiful!
What a wonderful surprise!
Come over, the crepe's ready.
- Who was that?
- Some guy wanted directions.
- 'You don't even speak French!
- Who? "Moi"?
Sure, let's go!
What wonderful days
we've had here.
And now dinner on a boat!
'You're so sweet.
I had fun too.
We haven't had
any time alone recently.
Come with me.
Ive been wanting
to ask you something,
but could never find
the right way to do it.
Then I decided,
and chose the simplest way.
- Sorrv.
- Sorry?
Yes. Sorry...
...if I want to marry you.
- It's fabulous!
'You haven't answered.
Of course I want to marry you!
Here I am on the most beautiful day
of my life,
with the man I love
who's just asked me to marry him.
I mean, like in a dream.
Instead... Im scared!
I can't do it.
Think positive!
Some day
you'll have wonderful children
and you'll be happy and content.
I can't do it.
Im off to play tennis,
don't need anything, do you?
No, go on.
Go for it, then if you're unhappy
create a parallel reality, like me.
Lots of women do,
I'd say we're all cuckolds.
- It's accepting it that matters.
- I don't want to!
Don't you want to be like me?
Alone in the house, waiting for him
while he's cheating on you.
'You'll always have someone to share
your chicken soup with, watching TV.
That's the beauty of marriage.
The trick is telling yourself that
everything is just as you imagined.
'You did a good thing
by having kids right away.
Even if you break up,
you'll never need anyone again.
- Ease up, dear!
- Mom, Dad, it's a nightmare.
I was just two years older than you
when I got married.
As you see, it went beautifully.
The only difference is
I'm not 20 years older than Mom.
Now that she's 40, Im not GO.
But, who knows...
Sweetheart, you're great!
And it's not because you're my son,
you're a real champ.
My champion!
And what a backhand!
- Hi, Dad.
- What do you want?
I came to pick up Lorenzo,
besides, playing sports is formative.
- It's your first time here, Dad.
- Go shower.
I can't make this clearer:
stop harassing me
or I'll report you.
- 'You're a stalker!
- What an exaggeration!
Why don't you
find yourself a shrink?
If you find one
who can unravel the situation,
he'll win the Nobel Prize.
- I don't need one.
- 'You took my Schifano painting?
- It's mine!
What? It's mine,
I can't believe it!
'You didn't even know who he was.
'You saw the palm tree and said:
"What's this banana tree?"
Well, now I know who he is
and who you are as well.
- C'mon, let's think this through!
- If you knew how I already have.
The failure of the couple
isn't the failure of individuals.
The lack of courage
is extremely damaging.
Stop masking couple problems,
by buying huge TVs
and other things to fill the void
of the relationship.
What's the matter?
I was opening this vacuum cleaner,
I even paid a lot for it,
when suddenly I realized
what we're missing.
What? We're full of stuff!
Let's go see what we're missing.
Flat screen TV, DVD and rmP3 player,
projector, Dolby Surround.
And here, two ovens,
a microwave, kneading machine,
even this fucking electric knife!
- What's missing?
- 'You didn't let me finish.
It's not true we have everything,
we're missing the important things.
The desire to be together, to talk
about what's going on with us.
We're missing love.
Mom, Dad, Im getting married.
They'll have a heart attack,
try more intellectual.
And so Ive decided to get married.
Too cold! More conversational?
Many exams in Humanities are accepted
by the Philosophy Department.
Oh, Im marrying Alex.
Oh, Ive decided to get married.
No good.
Here they are, go, Niki!
- Hi, Mom.
- Come in!
This pasta-party idea is so cool!
We should do it every week.
- Are you done?
- What's Niki have to tell us?
I don't know.
Look who's here!
What's Eleonora doing here?
She was curious and, besides,
she still has hopes.
It's a little late.
- Can you taste India?
- Good. 'You've been there.
Six months, I learned to do pasta
with vegetables, curry and saffron.
Dad, weren't you
with the guru's daughter?
'Yes, she had a beautiful soul
and a great body too.
Glad you're happy.
Will you still laugh now?
Let's see.
I have something to tell you.
Alex and I are getting married.
Look up.
Nothing to say?
Of course...
We're surprised
because you never told us anything
about your intentions,
but we're happy,
because we're fond of Alex.
Right? Say something.
Of course...
There's no water, I'll get some.
I'll help him.
- Im thrilled.
- It's wonderful.
What are you having?
Vodka, I'd say.
Me too, a double.
- Down here.
- Down there.
Good for you.
Let's hope she's the right one.
'You should take
a pre-marriage course.
Sure, but let go of my cheek.
So now we'll get to meet
this elusive Niki and her parents.
- We'll organize a dinner.
- A week-end at our country home?
Good idea.
Why not?
It went over so well
even my mother,
after all our discussions
about our age difference.
How did it go with you?
my father was the most enthuslastic.
Because they love each other.
Why get married?
She's young,
they should live together first,
to see what it's like.
Everyone gets separated today.
They're practically living together,
besides, lots of marriages work.
- Cristina and I broke up.
- So suddenly?
We needed a round-table discussion?
- We decided together.
- Let's think this over.
Now I want to enjoy life.
Ive had enough of cloisters.
Let's talk it over.
We'll have time to talk,
Im coming to stay with you.
- Sure.
- I can, right?
Like you always say,
when a friend needs a friend...
This is one of those moments.
- She's the one from the pub!
- The dove.
She sure can kiss,
her tongue's like a Fendi scarf.
- Im Flavio.
- Sara. Coffee?
My wife and Ive separated.
- Im sorry.
- Goodbye privacy!
Welcome to the first meeting
of the pre-marriage course.
So many pretty faces!
So much love flowing between you!
Marriage, before God,
is a sacrament
that binds us for eternity.
To unbind it means
committing a tremendous sin.
So, the first question:
are you sure?
If anyone has doubts
or feels he or she is doing this
simply for social convention,
or any other reason,
don't be afraid, leave.
The Lord will understand.
Praise His name forever.
- 'You're so elegant!
- Like my dress? - Very much.
- This is beautiful!
- Sit down.
I got you "American Gangster".
I made green pepper sauce filet
with baked potatoes
and these little hors d'oeuvres.
- I even bought the wine you like.
- That's so nice!
Im three weeks late.
Can I have some wine?
Silence, please.
Congratulations to Alex.
Soon, from being
the only bachelor of the group,
he'll be the only
non-separated married man.
- Terrible choice, man.
- Thanks for the encouragement.
'You finally got rid of your anxlety,
huh? "Until death do you part".
Just think when you have kids!
A nightmare.
Not true, the first din-din,
the first upchuck on your shoulder.
- Unique experiences!
- Disgusting.
- Think of when you choose the name.
- 'You'll fight all the time.
- Enrico, it's important.
- No, Pletro.
Im not married yet, and you talk
"din-din" and "upchuck" with me.
Now you're giving me anxlety.
I took an important first step,
I made a choice.
Exactly, you made a choice,
but remember, marriage
is the only war
in which you sleep with the enemy.
Look how he ended up.
'You're the most beautiful woman
Ive ever seen.
Look how he ended up
and look at me.
'You didn't make a conscious choice,
if not for me, you'd have cheated on
Susanna on your wedding day.
Minor details,
it's a party, have fun.
Kiss my lips.
Looks like a single line to me.
- It's double.
- 'You're sure?
We did six tests, all positive.
Don't panic, we have time to decide.
Don't tell anyone for now,
not even your girlfriends.
Just don't worry.
Im not worried, I feel fine.
Im going to throw up.
Here's our Latin lover.
'You can't imagine... Fantastic!
- We talked for hours.
- Hours?
She's intelligent, sensitive and
you've no idea how we made love.
A Fury.
No doubt, considering the price!
- Meaning?
- 200 euro an hour.
'You didn't know she was a...
'Yeah, I'd sort of guessed.
Sort of guessed? Consider this
your Christmas and birthday present.
See you later.
Look at this! Im beginning
to like Alex more and more.
'Your sudden shift scares me.
Guys, a few recommendations.
'You have strong personalities,
could you put them aside for once?
Squatters, punk bands, riot groups,
let's not talk about the past, ok?
Okay, we'll try.
But it means denying who we are.
- Right! Are you ashamed of us?
- No.
- Hot damn!
- No swearing.
- Not even the Agnellis.
- Pretty close.
Did you have a good trip?
'Yes, thank you.
- What a cozy one-bedroom, huh?
- It's our family home.
Dito will show you to your rooms,
then we'll meet for a drink.
- Everything will be fine.
- Let's hope so.
After the introductions,
there will be a dinner of roe deer
caught by Mr. Belli himself.
This room is
for Miss Niki and Master Matteo.
Excuse me...
- 'Your name's Dito?
- Yes.
- Filipino?
- No, from Italy's Argentario.
Can you imagine me
not sleeping with Alex?
Don't take it so hard,
you can read me "Top Girl",
like when we were kids.
These things never work. Hello?
Im leaving.
Why don't you stay?
I'd feel better if you're here.
So when Ingrid wakes up,
she'll see you
and recognize you
as a familiar face.
We can watch a nice film.
Maybe you don't know this one,
it's French.
- When a woman changes hairstyle...
- She's about to change her man.
- 'You know it?
- It's one of my favorites.
- I cry every time I see it.
- Me too.
Here they are!
'You must be our Niki. Welcome.
Thanks for the compliment,
but Im her mother.
I see you forged ahead too,
and married a much older man also.
We're really about the same age.
We're Alex's sisters.
- Margherita.
- Roberto.
Here you are.
Have you already met?
They're my brothers-in-law.
It's the first time a car crash
brings happiness instead of damage.
That's Heather
practically Dad's fourt'h child.
She'll take us hunting tomorrow.
Wonderful, Im an expert hunter.
This is my father.
We finally meet.
- My mother.
- We were so curious.
- Ascanio.
- Claudia's husband.
- Look who's here!
- Eleonora, an old family friend.
'You must be Niki.
No, I am.
Come sit at our table.
Checking out my tattoo?
Nice, huh? It's Chinese.
- "Inviolable Dragon".
- Nice.
Im crazy about them, look at this.
- Roberto and Simona.
- Very romantic!
Why don't we have dinner.
He has another one too,
'cause even numbers bring bad luck.
- Show them.
- This one's lower.
No, thank you!
Im sure it's beautiful.
- What's wrong?
- Look how you made me dress.
- I feel silly.
- 'You're beautiful.
Have another drink,
take your mind off it.
I need more time, it's too soon.
I know what you need, I won't leave
you sitting at home depressed.
- Do you trust me?
- No, I have a headache and anxlety.
We'll have some laughs,
they're very nice guys.
Tobia's my kick boxing teacher,
Davide's his friend,
he's a real estate agent.
Nothing has to happen necessarily!
Don't you trust me?
Marriage is the only valid foundation
to create a family.
- It's not really the only one.
- I believe so.
Roberto, what do you think?
From experience,
I'd say anything's possible.
Simona and I got married
when Niki was already 3.
The family had been created
quite a while before.
Simona, it couldn't have been easy
for you, being so young,
a career, a daughter...
Niki's always been good-natured,
so I was able to finish my studies
and work.
She was always with us,
traveling and at our concerts.
Concerts? What music did you do?
Watch your hands!
Chamber music,
"The Melancholy Soloists".
That's how Niki got my passion
for the harpsichord.
Do I get a motorbike?
- Oh, so many harpsichord concerts
in our childhood! - 'Yup!
- Here they are.
- Already?
Look how cute they are.
Davide didn't believe
you were Cristina.
He says
he only meets hags through me.
What am I getting into?
Let's go.
- A good start.
- I don't want to imagine the end.
Did you see my great jab
last lesson?
So, you're in real estate.
They didn't tell me
your eyes were so beautiful.
He's so handsome!
Will I end up liking him?
Traditional values
have gone down the drain.
'Young people have no rules anymore.
- Rules, like?
- Curfews, roles...
Not everything's permissible, is it?
- Well...
- In what sense?
I don't totally agree.
When I met her
Simona's hair was bright pink
and she was a squatter
with some punks in London.
She had no rules,
but nine months later Niki was born
and she became an excellent mother.
So, it's not necessarily true.
A punk? And the harpsichord?
It came later, with maturity.
During the alternative phase.
Meaning she'd alternate
punk and harpsichord.
Now she's totally punk...
I mean harpsichord.
Dito, a drop of water.
All so serious,
ready to judge and label.
Who do they think they are?
That's what I say,
it's too soon to get married.
What's that have to do
with anything?
It doesn't, but the idea of Niki
getting married drives me nuts.
Good thing we only have to see them
once a year.
If we're lucky once a year.
We have to be patient.
Niki's very pretty.
'Yeah, maybe as one
of our daughter's classmates.
I like them.
- 'You like them?
- 'Yeah.
The harpsichord story made me laugh.
- Exhausting.
- A disaster.
It'll go better tomorrow.
It's ridiculous
that I have to sleep with my brother.
It's you two!
Alex, you're next door. I'll slip in
like I used to, if I have nightmares.
Good night.
- We were ten years old!
- I'll give her nightmares.
I wanted to ask you to sleep with me.
- Mommy won't get mad?
- I have her permission.
The one time you go out,
you bring the baby!
- Why not, it's not allowed?
- See those girls?
- Them?
- Smile.
Hi, you hunks!
Be positive.
Let's sit down?
Here we are.
- Wow, this place is fab!
- Rome's the greatest.
Seen that view?
'You can even see
the castle with the little angel.
Castel Sant'Angelo,
the one from Tosca.
This Tosca's filthy rich!
She's a friend of yours?
Nah, Tosca the singer! I had no idea
she sold so many records.
- Cute, can I?
- No, she's asleep.
- I won't break her.
- But you've broken my...
- Im leaving.
- What's with him?
Lousy temperament!
Excuse us... we'll order later.
Weirdos, what did we do?
They're subnormal,
I have nothing to say to them.
- Floriana was even on "Big Brother".
- Right, so what can I say to them?
If you don't want to pay,
these are the freebies. Optimism!
That jacket's unreal.
A pair of Ray-Band
and you're all Top Gun.
We're a couple of Top Guns,
watch out or we'll pop all of you.
you're more sophisticated than on TV.
Im much prettier.
There's no doubt at all.
'You're sure?
Can you point it out to me?
- Diletta's pregnant.
- What do we do now?
Don't worry and don't be afraid.
- 'You have time to think it over.
- How long?
Three weeks.
That's 21 days,
'Yes, we have a little time!
Roberto, I'll give you the best dog.
Her name's Heather
take good care of her.
The dog, on the left.
- Is the safety catch in place?
- Absolutely!
- She sure pulls, huh?
- Go on ahead!
Slow down!
I couldn't make it to the opening,
I was too stressed out
with piles of dirty dishes!
I told Guendalin:
no more Thursdays off.
Niki, when are you coming back?
I can't study.
I was just reading your book.
- Who was it?
- Friends...
Sit, Heather, they're coming.
- How's it going?
- Great!
If you don't free her,
she won't scavenge a boar.
I like to keep them leashed
to increase motivation.
What the hell am I saying?
I'll unleash you,
but stay right here.
A boar!
The safety catch!
Oh God, Heather!
- 'You shot the dog?
- The safety fired.
My dears!
Simone, did we send
Testino's photos?
'Yes, before we left.
- 'You're right!
- Relax, it's a party.
I'll get you something to drink.
Remember me?
I did the photographs
for the last fashion show.
'Yes! How are you?
- Want to dance?
- No, thank you.
'You're right, after all it's a party.
Thank you!
I changed my mind.
- What are you saying?
- Shut up!
'Your family was
a non-stop bitchy come back.
They'd have been happier
if your father hadn't shot the dog!
She survived though, right?
Maybe if Eleonora hadn't behaved
as if she was marrying you,
I'd have been happier.
She's an old family friend,
and has nothing to do with this.
She drools after you.
Are you writing to Claudio or Riki?
I should be worried, you have
a ton of friends I don't know.
- 'You opened my mail?
- No.
- Tell me!
- I said I didn't.
So, how do you know
about Riki and Claudio?
- I glanced at it.
- Don't you dare do that again.
If you don't want me to open it,
close it next time.
I understand!
The most important thing
is unity between you both.
I knew it deep down.
So be it.
Where are you going?
'You don't want a cup of coffee?
- I have to run.
- Eddy's got a hold of you, huh?
- Right.
- Did you leave me your number?
'Yes, you'll call?
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
- I didn't know that.
- Let's go, we're late.
'Your sweater's inside-out.
- Who are these Paris Hiltons?
- Alex's sisters.
When you get fed up, the invitation
for distraction still stands.
We have tons of cute ideas
for the wedding.
'You'll be so beautiful.
Tiffany for the wedding list.
It's not your taste yet
but you'll acquire it in time.
"The Bolognese" for catering.
We'll get flowers from Holland,
we have to discuss their placement.
This is the best, neo-classic, chic.
Im not sure.
- This then.
- Excuse me!
I like these, Olly designed them.
Cute, but maybe
for your first daughter's birthday.
- The Randinis here.
- Not near the Selvas!
I don't know any of them,
do as you wish.
Over here please
for the wedding favors.
The linen pouch
or the taffeta bow?
Taffeta forever!
- Sweetheart, so?
Im marrying you, not them.
It would be nice if you'd help
choose the wedding favors.
- I'll choose the favors myself.
- Fine.
We're late for the manicure.
Wedding lists don't wait either.
- Alessandro Belli?
- 'Yes, where are they?
They left, but that's
the favor that Niki chose.
It's beautiful, it's orange...
brings good luck.
Thanks for all your help!
'You're welcome.
Very nice.
Ele has an awesome
make-up studio.
Here's the first look.
Ready? Smile, happy bride.
Take your time, it's your wedding.
'You're trying wedding dresses on
and didn't even tell us?
- Im swamped with things.
- In fact, you vanished.
They're Alex's sisters.
So you're the ones
who've taken her hostage?
'You're not marrying in the 1600s!
May be I need something less formal.
Right. I'll take over.
Ghastly taste.
Can't she choose
her own wedding dress?
Sorry if we prefer a designer dress
to... what's her name?
She's a New 'York designer
who goes by the color red.
Exactly, Anonymous Bordeaux!
Don't be such snobs,
your taste is for the living dead.
- No hysterics.
- Im defending you from the harpies.
- Cute!
- Very polite.
Be respectful,
they're older than you.
Since you decided to get married,
you've been completely self-involved.
My life's shit, Ive been calling
for 3 weeks and you always hang up.
We're here for you.
- Try a shrink, honey.
- Why did we even come here?
I like this one more.
And this?
I can't take any more.
I'll just leave you two.
- What's the matter?
- I see your sisters more than you.
I argued with my girlfriends
and Im exhausted,
for the catering,
the goddamned invitations
and a wedding dress even
my grandmother wouldn't wear!
No one's forcing you.
They're forcing me and you're letting
your family control you.
'You're so hot when you're mad.
Well, I must be a bombshell then,
'cause Im fucking pissed off.
Now you're exaggerating,
you're acting like a spoiled child.
And you, the classic over-worked
husband, blind to everything.
Come here.
'You need a break. 'You know what?
We'll go to the beach tonight,
eat some fish, a bottle of champagne
and you'll be fine.
'You don't know how I feel.
I do, it's just that I have to work.
We're late with this campaign.
Im in a mess, we'll talk tonight.
I promise.
- So?
- We really like it.
We'd like the TV on this wall.
They say keeping it in the bedroom
destroys relationships.
It does in any case,
and it will destroy yours
in any case.
It's the truth.
Relationships are like sick people
waiting to become terminally ill.
- Is the bathroom okay?
- Yes...
Excuse me.
'You can't call this bag Dolce R
Babbana, it's a delicate issue.
Flavio, how's it going?
Im in the middle of a panic attack.
Where are you?
With clients.
rmy heart is pounding.
It's normal, you just separated.
'You're translating
my friend's problems?
- What do I do?
- I have the remedy.
What's so funny?
Never had love pains before?
Hey babe, I'll be right down.
Forgive me, but I can't this evening.
- Meaning?
I have to go to Milan.
But it's just for a day.
How did she take it?
Just great.
I don't believe it!
I even argued with my girlfriends
because of him.
'You managed to graduate!
I say, four girls
who go by "The Node"
should be flunked from the start.
What's "The Node"?
Is this kindergarten?
Forget it!
- 'You, what's your nickname?
- Casper. - Flunked, for life!
Excellent teacher.
What if our friendship
were to end someday?
Don't even say that!
Our friendship will never end,
swear that to me.
We swear!
Fate sometimes
has a life of its own.
I was sure you wouldn't even answer.
Cut the long face,
you're unbearable.
'You know what you should do
in these cases? Nothing.
Unplug your mind,
we won't talk about anything.
Pretend you have no reason
to be upset.
Pretend your name's not even Niki.
- What's my name?
- Liberty.
Trust me?
I like the name Liberty.
This is the Protestant cemetery.
In high school, I'd come here
when I ditched school.
I'll show you something.
I didn't think he was here.
"Here lies One
Whose Name was writ in Water".
"If thy name be 'writ in water',
each drop has fallen
from some mourner's cheek".
It's beautiful!
Shelley's tomb's here too.
Look, she's still here!
That woman went crazy
over a broken love
and lives in this cemetery.
Good thing you wanted
to cheer me up!
Im scared, let's go.
It seems she came here
to be near the Romantic poets,
the only ones
who can understand her suffering.
A beautiful legend of love,
who knows if it's true?
Maybe it is. Are you still scared?
A little.
- What's over there?
- Don't worry, he's tied.
Is Liberty enjoying herself?
Very much.
My father got married three times,
each time he downed two bottles
of whiskey before saying "I do".
But he always made it.
'Yes, but he keeps a stash
in the drawer.
'You know the feeling
when your beliefs collapse?
'You wake up one day and say:
"My God, that was me!"
Right, and who's the girl feeling
like she was hit by a train?
I think,
it's the same beautiful person.
Sorry, I have to go home.
He's clumsy, but he's trying.
If you can't calm him,
I'll hook you up with man boobs.
I wouldn't look bad with boobs.
We could be like them in just
a few months, it's so unreal.
'You're telling me!
Sorry, just joking!
Jacopo and James!
Mind if I go play soccer with them?
- Of course!
- 'You're sure?
He's off to play soccer
and we've only got two more weeks.
Doctor, you've opened my mind.
I can see clearly now.
I have to thank Pletro
for bringing me here.
Im sure my wife is just as
introspective, I know her.
I can't see her jumping into bed
with the first man she meets,
she's probably racking her brains
for the meaning of all this.
I know.
'You're wrong!
It's so wonderful to feel
desired again,
to let yourself go.
The campaign was a huge success.
Dear Alex, it's been months
since we decided to get married
and I don't feel the way I should,
just a huge emptiness.
A huge emptiness?
I think I got in over my head.
Maybe Im too romantic,
In these weeks,
I wished you'd come to save me,
like a Prince Charming,
arriving on a motorbike.
A motorbike?
Telling me: "From now on
I'll take care of you".
I hoped you'd take me away
from all these useless formalities.
Im sorry,
I want to be alone for a while.
I need some time
and I don't know how long.
It's you!
I thought it was Erica or Diletta.
- I have to talk.
- Im ready to hear your apologies.
- Im not getting married anymore.
- What?
She said: "Why don't you
take me for a motorcycle ride"?
Now that's just humiliating.
- Just like that? Out of nothing?
- Out of the blue.
- Well, same thing!
- That's the saying...
She says she's too romantic!
She's giving you
romanticism lessons?
After Paris, the bridge... Women, the
more you give, the more they want.
What can we do?
I don't know!
- Alex, what's up?
- She left him.
- She left you?
- She left me.
Because he didn't take her
for a motorcycle ride.
- Well you could have!
- That's what I said.
It's not just that,
I have a phobia for motorbikes,
I fell off one as a kid, ok?
It left a trauma, end of the matter.
- Was there THE letter?
- There was.
The letter is the symbol
for THE END!
The letter is the letter.
Niki, what courage!
It's hard when you have to choose.
Im sorry,
take your time, we're here for you.
Right, girls?
Sure, of course!
- Sorry if I neglected you.
- That's enough!
Let's show them
how The Node reacts!
'You're not getting married anymore,
so what?
I flirt with my Professor
while Im seeing two other guys!
It's incredible.
I have no words.
It's the first time Ive left Ingrid
with a baby-sitter.
I mean Alex!
- Right, poor guy.
- Is he sleeping?
Can I stay here for a while?
Sure, that's why we're here.
- We're glad, "mi casa, tu casa"!
- "Mi casa"!
Anyway, yes, we're glad.
But, do me a favor
in the future, take your women
by surprise to the altar.
It's the second time you've been
dumped a month from the wedding.
Just be smooth, then suddenly:
altar, ring, done.
Maybe the next time.
- He wants 10 designs by today.
- A cinch...
How did I know that if he didn't like
a design, I'd have to redo it!
'You just don't get it. I'll help you,
let's start with the details.
What's in cloth?
Pockets? Fringes?
- Come on!
- Corset lacings.
Color? Hey!
We still want to say "I do",
we'd like to get married.
Can we?
My children...
sure you can!
We'll try it.
It might go into production?
And then, maybe...
Darling, how are you?
'You're a genius! Thank you!
'You owe me dinner at least.
Of course Professor, Facebook is
just a marketing research strategy.
I like you,
you're a step ahead of the others.
- Really?
- I noticed you right off.
See, this is my world,
how would you feel here?
Just fine!
Im sure you'd be jealous.
I'd be jealous of Guido,
shouldn't I be?
- What are you thinking?
- Nothing.
It's impossible
to not think about anything.
Come with me.
Why don't you come with us
this summer to Ibiza?
- It would be nice.
- Are you acting stuck-up?
- Be the master of your time.
- Master of my time?
Close your eyes.
Imagine us there, no obligations,
no schedules, no commitments,
can you?
Just sea, surf and music.
Guido, cut it out!
Isn't that what you want,
to feel "liberty" in all ways?
No, I mean...
Of course I want liberty.
And I want that now.
Honey, come and see the moon.
'You know, your body
hasn't changed a bit in 20 years?
- Good thing you lie so well.
- 'You're special.
Im going to my mother's
in New 'York for two weeks.
'You think about Ibiza.
I don't believe it!
What a jolt!
- How are things?
- Fine.
Sure, you're already with
someone else, tell it like it is.
Maybe there's another reason
you broke up.
- He's just a friend.
- Sure, I saw that.
Don't spy on me!
Nice tact. Congratulations.
We did the whole routine:
the week-end in the country,
hunting, boars, dinners,
the harpsichord,
I even shot the dog!
And now she's with another guy?
I want some clarity here.
'You'll go make a nice chamomile tea.
Open up, Im alone.
It's a game, take, give...
Tell Dad, if he talks to me
like that again...
I agree with you,
but maybe the problem isn't Dad.
Did you call things off
because of this guy?
I don't know.
'You don't fool
with people's feelings.
It's no game.
Were you scared
before you got married?
I was like a ghost!
Im so mixed up.
It's normal, it's called
pre-marriage panic".
The day before the wedding
I kissed another guy.
I don't believe it!
I ran away, your father went crazy
looking for me.
But now that I think about it,
Im happy with my choice.
Dad doesn't know
anything about this.
Go to sleep.
What did you talk about?
About the wonderful days
before our wedding.
But who is this guy?
I took a few things.
How are you?
Just fine.
Im fine too.
Fine then, bye.
React, we're all in the same boat.
- But on a sea of tears.
- 'You'll sink the boat like this!
- Im Anna.
- Just a second.
Did you call the agency again?
There must be a bonus
every ten escorts.
She's Ingrid's baby-sitter.
Here's the eviction notice,
rush action!
Camilla screwed me!
Thanks to her lawyer, if
I didn't leave the house in 24 hours,
I'd wind up in jail.
- Who is he, Perry Mason?
- No, the guy she ran off with.
For alimony
you'll be pawning a kidney!
I don't want to think about it!
'You're my best friends,
who else could I ask for a room?
Who else? Huh, Pletro?
- Who else?
- Guess?
Me, us.
By now we're a commune,
just don't ask me for alimony.
My friend, you're welcome here!
Thanks, Alex, I love you.
The house is mine...
Anna stays, right? Could we leave
the baby without her sitter?
She's here to be with Ingrid.
I'll give you the only room left.
Alex, I have the sketches
you asked me for.
The pictures get here tomorrow.
Stop, I can't take it anymore.
I have to talk to Niki
I'll call her... no!
I'll wait till she calls me.
One second, I have to do
a very important thing.
No, I'll call her.
What's with him?
- I thought you wouldn't come.
- 'You did?
I told you I'd come.
Actually you said many other things.
Want to walk a little?
I thought it was all going fine,
that we were ready
to face anything together.
We ran too fast.
Okay, but people talk about things,
we could have shared
this moment too,
your insecurities, your fears.
But you decided on your own,
leaving me a letter.
I tried to talk to you,
but you didn't even realize it.
What's that mean?
Is it over?
Im sorry.
No, please!
Please, no!
Here you are, Erica,
same old situation.
Remember how nice it was
to feel really in love?
Maybe you need to find
those old emotions again.
No men this summer.
Are we sure we can't care for
a baby at our age,
even if there's
a love as strong as ours?
It's the most important decision
of our lives.
There's so little time to decide.
I finished work at 9 again.
Im alone and I'll get drenched.
Im hungry as a horse.
I'd like someone to pick me up,
take me to dinner
and maybe even make me laugh.
'Yes, I really like Tobia.
The truth is Ive stopped
suffering for you, Pletro.
Don't think
our separation was easy,
but you'll never respect a woman,
that's how you are.
Im such a cliche,
Do I still love him?
Or am I just scared?
How can I miss
what I couldn't stand.
He's probably just fine!
I told her Im fine, but no way.
Where do these panic attacks
come from then?
Do I miss Cristina? I don't?
I don't understand a thing
about this relationship.
Im done!
She knows
"The Happy New 'Year Caper"!
How can watching "Bambi" and
cooking baby food, be a substitute
for entering in contact with
another brain, another body?
And what a body...
Look at them!
Full of hang-ups, problems.
Thinking and rehashing
till they get headaches.
I wonder how we'll end up.
Who cares about success
if it's without you?
It's pouring! But I caused
the biggest storm of all.
Alex, if you can, forgive
my immaturity, my confusion.
- What is it?
- Open it.
- It's beautiful!
- I ordered it from the States.
'You're sure?
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Also because
I can't send it back now.
What if you realize
you still want the life of a kid?
Play soccer with your friends,
go out.
Guess what? 'You can be a father
and play soccer too.
It's wonderful!
- Careful of our little boy.
- Or our little girl.
It's beautiful here.
- Like it?
- Lots.
- And do you like me?
- Moron!
Did you miss me?
- Was New 'York nice?
- I went to a cool place.
"The Back Room", they still serve
alcohol in tea cups like Prohibition.
We have to go there together.
Oh no, I have to
pick up my surfboard!
Come with me?
Well, it'll be more romantic
in Ibiza!
What are you doing?
Child proofing.
When you don't use it, tape it up,
so Ingrid will be safe.
'You'll be taping everything!
I'll evict you!
'You can order things
for the baby on this site...
- A nice little walk?
- No.
- Some ice cream?
- No.
- Coffee?
- Great, bring us two coffees.
What's that, an alarm?
Give her sedatives!
We already have.
Insomnia again?
- Want a cookie?
- No, thanks, Im not hungry.
We're almost ready!
They don't want the house anymore,
they broke up?
- Who's that?
- 'You don't know them.
- Where are you going?
- This co-habitation's a nightmare.
Perfect! Show me!
'You look like a little Dutch girl.
Give me a Montmartre face.
- Did you like this "Sacre Coeur"?
- Lots.
What is it?
- I don't believe it!
- I bought it this morning.
I want to make our love
even more special.
Now we're together forever!
Is that a promise or a threat?
A threat!
A wonderful threat.
Together forever.
We'll have a ball
in Ibiza this summer.
It'll be fantastic!
I won't leave Amnesia
until Ive really lost my memory.
So you'll forget
that crap professor you sleep with.
Things are changing, Im looking for
a real love story now.
'You better not talk
with Guido the bloodsucker!
He was all over you the other night.
- 'You even went off by yourselves.
- No way, we were just talking.
'Yeah, yeah,
I really like talking too.
Girls, I have something to tell you:
'You're getting married too?
No, Im pregnant.
- Are you sure?
- Is it Filippo's?
Whose, if not?
I knew it, you don't eat, drink or
smoke and you're ass is out of hand.
Thanks a lot!
I was waiting for
the right moment to tell you.
We've decided to keep it!
Congratulations, you're so brave.
- What's going on?
- Organizing the party of the year!
Enough brooding, tonight
I'll bring back your teen acne.
I see what you mean.
'You'll break the baby's truck!
- The stereo?
- Ready!
- Get changed, you look like slobs.
- Why, and you?
- What's the matter?
- Can't you see the state you're in?
- What state are we in?
- We're wrecks!
'You say you want your wife back
but you screw any breathing thing.
And you're worse than him now.
'You get panic attacks
and don't even know where
your wife is, if she has another man.
'You're a slave to your neurosis
and hang on to your daughter,
too scared to make another try.
We're 40, damn it!
I can't stand living like this.
I understand you.
I could strangle my wife sometimes!
But other times I look at her
and Im happy
because I think we're building
something, right?
- Do you think Cristina has someone?
- No.
Where's he going?
I don't know.
- Where are they all going?
- Did I say something wrong?
- It's you!
- Sorry, I didn't want to scare you.
I have to ask you something,
please tell me the truth.
Don't you think life is nicer
with someone by your side?
A person in love with you,
who you can grow with.
Even if he's a little boring.
Sure it's better.
And if that boring person were me?
Would you like that?
Sure, I would.
- But we sell the flat screen TV.
- Okay.
Where did we leave the carriage?
Ingrid's fine,
I knew you'd come and check.
- Ive missed you.
- 'You just saw her this morning!
- This time I mean you.
- Me?
'You're here to see if your
son's backhand is getting better?
- I came to say Im sorry.
- What?
Im sorry,
I should have given you
what you needed, been close to you,
but that's how I am.
Now you might
even have someone else.
I might.
- 'You might?
- I might.
In fact, I do.
Remember when
we went to Barcelona?
We walked around with the kids
visiting museums.
- We were happy, weren't we?
- Pletro, it's over.
Anyway, the Schifano painting's mine
and Im keeping it.
Is Niki in?
So this is the state you're in, huh?
Come in.
Look who's here.
Again? It's like
"The Neverending Story".
- Want a drink, have a seat?
- No, thank you.
What is it?
Im sorry, Niki's left.
- Left?
- She went to Ibiza.
What a beautiful beach!
But why am I here?
Im all mixed up.
Guido's nice,
he loves poetry, but is it love?
Why can't I imagine
a love story with him?
I feel like Ive lost
the chance of my life.
Where have you been?
Who knows what Alex
is doing now.
Give me a smile!
And he was just a colleague
giving her a hand!
Excuse me.
Excuse me a second.
I have something important to say.
Please, listen.
The most important woman
of my life left me.
Who gives a shit!
It might sound pathetic,
but there's something else.
Just a second.
'You know how it feels
when a love story ends,
when you can't breathe,
your stomach's cramped
and you can't sleep?
How many of you have been left?
Then, you know how it feels.
Have you ever loved
everything about a person?
The fact she arrives late,
she's messy,
and when she brushes her teeth,
the toothpaste stays on her lips?
'You know what I mean?
When you love someone this way,
a bell rings in your head
that says: marry her!
Nice words!
I don't know if this girl is here,
all Ibiza is,
but I hope so.
Niki, if you're here, come up,
Ive come just for you.
Next time come for me!
All joking aside...
Niki, come to me,
I want to live our love
wherever you want: with other people
or in a place just for us.
From now on, I swear
I'll take care of you.
- Im sorry, I have to go.
- What happened to Liberty?
She's inside me, her name's Niki.
Im here!
- I want to be with your forever.
- We didn't hear that!
I said I want to be
with him forever!
- It's yours?
- 'Yup.
- Fears can be overcome, right?
- That's true.
- They finally made it to the altar!
- Im glad.
Even Heather is back
in perfect health.
She's in great shape.
Sorry about the accident.
Why the outdoors wedding?
Italy has such beautiful churches!
Right, it's too blue, too green,
too much lake, too beautiful.
Here we are.
Never be afraid in love,
or be ashamed,
but give it all you've got,
like on that stage,
never have remorse or regrets,
just her "I do",
I hope.
Here we are, it's the big day.
Im relaxed, happy,
thinking about this adventure
makes me laugh.
But I feel sure about my choice.
About him, about us,
about all the battles, the fears.
If Im here, Ive overcome them!
Dearest friends,
Let us lift our prayer
to Christ our Lord...
Do you,
Alessandro Belli,
take, as your wife,
Nicoletta Cavalli?
'Yes, I do.
Do you, Nicoletta Cavalli,
take, as your husband,
Alessandro Belli?
There are just two solutions:
you either say "I do"
or "I don't".
The last hurdle:
the answer to that question.
These are the moments
in which you decide your life.
I do.
What a beautiful place!
My head's so confused!
'Yes, it's beautiful.
What are you
doing later?
It's ringing,
do I answer?
The handle broke!
The rate of
betrayals has increased.
Plumbers can't
donate blood,
an endangered species.
We did the
whole routine...
and now she's with
another girl... guy!
Who just rammed
into me?