Se, jie (Lust Caution) (2007)

Next round!
Now that we've moved to paradise, there's nothing to eat.
[This is a play on words, a phrase used in mahjong]
Speaking of moving, I forgot to congratulate you
on Mr. Liang's promotion.
Can you even call that a promotion? He only supervises the rations.
You can't even get rice from India now.
Those in charge of rice are more powerful than those who guard the treasury.
Mrs. Yee is right.
Me? I'm not a living Buddha.
But you should listen to me.
If he takes a consignment, he won't be home for 3 days.
You'll be free then.
I don't have the time.
His relatives are always coming around.
They pack the place, even the corridors.
I'll take that. [mahjong terminology]
I still have to settle their meals.
It's not even as though I'm getting paid for this.
Don't mislead Mrs. Mak
into thinking government officials
are the tiles we're playing with now.
Isn't that so?
The Japanese would never have thought that,
even the emperor gets henpecked.
Eat while it's hot.
I can't eat any more, I'm getting fat...
Everyone hoards up stuff now.
Since we can't do anything else, just hoard up fat then.
What else is good to stock up on, Mrs. Yee?
You know my husband is in the import business.
I'll take that! [mahjong terminology]
Even though Hong Kong has fallen,
the ships still need to call.
I'll eat that. [mahjong terminology]
Western medicine.
The last shipment sold out very quickly.
He should get more of them.
I heard you went to Shu Yu yesterday?
Yes, with some others. Mrs. Mak hasn't been there before.
It's embarrassing that I haven't.
There're two new branches in Hong Kong.
The Sichuan and Hong Kong chefs couldn't get along,
and besides Hong Kongers can't take spicy food.
Isn't it spicy?
Yes, it really was.
9 Wan [mahjong terminology]
2 Wan.
I'll take that.
Mrs. Mak didn't go yesterday?
She hasn't come for a few days.
I had things to take care at home.
Since you had enough players, I decided to take a break.
An excuse to hide eh?
Who was it who said she wasn't free a few days ago over the phone?
That day doesn't count, I went to fetch Mrs. Mak.
You can ask her if you don't believe me.
I specially chose to treat you to a meal that day, Mrs. Mak.
She did it deliberately.
I'll take that tile.
Do you still have more of those stockings?
Yes, but I gave them all away.
If you want I can bring more the next time.
Goods are running scarce in Shanghai.
There's even a black market for soap and toothpaste.
You should come more often.
There's a place for you to stay.
I think he's had enough.
The Kempeitai (Japanese Military Police) will demand for him.
They didn't specify whether he should be dead or alive.
Just give it to him.
How will you account to Miura?
They're investigating the arms the Americans supplied to Chongqing.
I'll meet him tonight.
His secretary called to say today's dinner was cancelled.
He wants you to report directly to headquarters tomorrow.
You're not returning to the office today?
I still have an appointment.
My relatives asked someone to get some from the Russians.
Rings, jewels from the aristocracy.
They're begging for cigarette butts on the streets.
Afraid of getting fakes.
You women started early today.
That's a good hand you have.
Mr. Yee is here to show his support. turn?
That's a good one you have.
How many carats is yours, three carats?
What do you think of this? I tire of it.
It's no longer fashionable, I was thinking of getting it changed.
Pin Fen has new stock.
There's a new five carat one.
It's large, but not as bright as yours.
Why didn't you call me then?
I only took a brief glance.
Pin Fen has some stuff that can't be gotten outside.
They wouldn't sell that fire gem to me. [Shanghainese term for a high-grade jewel]
How much is it worth now?
That fire gem of yours is ten carats.
It's not as though it's a pigeon's egg.
Gems are just stones.
If you wear such large jewellery, you can't even play mahjong.
Nagging at me even though you wouldn't buy it for me.
Ah, I won!
Combo win. [Mahjong terminology]
I was about to win myself. It's all Mr. Yee's fault,
for saying you can't play mahjong if you wear jewellery.
He did it on purpose.
Thank you Mr. Yee.
Mr. Yee should treat us to a meal.
Sure, where do you want to go?
Shu Yu. Western medicine?
Not Shu Yu, let's choose somewhere more expensive.
Oh dear, I forget.
I have an appointment at three.
And I forgot all about it.
That won't do, who'll play then?
You should have said so earlier!
I need to discuss something with someone.
And I forgot all about it...
Why don't you sit in for me, Mr. Yee?
I'll be right back.
And my luck had just turned for the better.
Not today, I have something on.
I'll play overnight with you ladies some other day.
Mrs. Mak is too inconsiderate.
My husband has some money owed to him, it's been a few years already,
the debtor finally agreed to to pay up a portion.
Let's ask Mrs. Liao then.
Shen-ma, could you call Mrs. Liao over?
You owe us a treat.
Mrs. Mak, Mrs.Yee says you can use the car.
The car is waiting for you.
I really couldn't.
Isn't't Mrs. Mak going...?
Ok, thank you.
I'll be right down.
There are less cars in Shanghai than in Hong Kong.
Gas is expensive. Even those who have cars don't drive any more.
Mrs. Mak, your Shanghainese is very good.
My Mum is from Shanghai.
When I was young some relatives of mine
moved over to Hong Kong when the war started.
These foreigners, they can only redeem this much a day.
They can only get hard bread to eat.
Do you need me to fetch you later?
No, I can call a cab.
Coffee, please.
May I use your phone?
Of course.
Strange, did I call the wrong number?
Second brother, it's me.
I'm at the Keseling cafe now.
Is everything alright at home?
I'm good, just too busy recently
to call back home.
I'm going to go shopping today.
I have a date, I'm going now.
Well, then, there's nothing else.
I know, it'll be ok.
I'm going, goodbye.
We're moving out now.
If you guys win we'll marry you!
I didn't say I'd be the one marrying them.
The men have all gone to war.
Who's going to marry this truckload of girls?
I'm not going to, you marry him then!
I heard from teacher that Guangzhou has been lost.
Will it be safe in Hong Kong?
I never thought that we'd have to rely on the Brits to protect us.
Isn't your Dad in Britain?
Why didn't he bring you with him?
He took my younger brother.
When my Mum died he said he'd take me.
But two years later, war broke out.
I'm not going back again.
War gave me the chance to go to Hong Kong.
I want to go overseas and see the world outside.
See you by the pond after class tonight.
Let's go back to our apartment together.
Hey, Lai Shu Jin!
I was just looking for you.
Kuang Yumin, you still remember me?
Yes, I saw you acting.
Lingnan University's Women's Drama Society.
We've set up a new drama society.
We're auditioning for members today.
But the women's drama society has never
collaborated with males.
Since we're borrowing Hong Kong University's premises for classes
and we have a lack of manpower, we should work together.
We can do Ibsen's "A Doll House"!
I know Nora's lines at the back of my hand.
At this kind of time who has the mood
to see this kind of bourgeoise show?
We're intending to stage a patriotic play
to raise funds for the war.
You should come for the audition tomorrow too.
But I'm only a freshman, I've never acted before.
It doesn't matter.
Everyone should play their part for the resistance movement.
While the soldiers are fighting on the frontlines,
the Hong Kongers are relaxing.
We need to awaken them from their complacency.
What a typical director, he doesn't listen to anyone.
But since it's the resistance,
we girls can't lose out to the guys.
I just can't stand the thought of following his beck and call.
He's quite passionate isn't he?
Not long after his brother graduated from the military academy,
he got killed in the war.
So his family wouldn't let him join the army.
So that's why he's so agitated.
I don't want him to get drafted either.
I return myself to the land which nurtured me.
And my soul...
More to the left, more.
Ok, that's fine.
Let's try it out.
What's up?
My Dad got married.
I'm writing a letter to congratulate him.
The pre-stage jitters will disappear once the curtains open.
Auntie Zhao!
They found this officer behind the hills.
Xiao Hong, has your brother come home?
Shh! Come in quickly.
My son! Quickly, go boil some water.
What happened to you?
He's an army officer, not your son.
My son is coming home tonight.
Coming home to eat dinner.
I should slaughter a chicken for him.
My son is coming back!
He's coming back today!
My son is coming back.
My son is coming back.
Ever since she knew my brother died on the warfront,
my Mum took ill.
I made this for my brother.
I just finished knitting it, but he'll never get to wear it.
Please have it!
I can't, you saved my life.
I don't have anything to repay you with.
Saving our country is payment enough!
Killing the enemy is taking revenge for my brother!
I hate myself for being a woman,
and I promised my brother
to take care of Mum.
I want to set his mind at rest...
Your brother...
He was the same age as you. Ever since my Dad died,
he'd been taking care of the family.
He'd work faster than everyone else.
Every year during the harvest,
he'd help others after harvesting our own crops.
He was also as rugged as you.
I'd always follow him wherever he went.
He'd always say Heaven would bless the honest and kind.
Our family had our hopes pinned on him.
I'll kowtow to you!
For this country, for my dead brother,
for the generations of people,
China cannot fall!!
China cannot fall!
China cannot fall!
China cannot fall!
China cannot fall!
This calls for a celebration!
That was really great, everyone was shouting out:
"China cannot fall!"
China cannot fall!
600! 600 people seated in the audience.
And those standing in the aisle too!
Don't underestimate these Hong Kongers eh?
When we performed at Lingnan,
we never had such an enthusiastic response.
What we staged is the reality.
The audience can emphasise, so naturally they're touched.
During the fund-raising I saw many people tearing.
Cheers to everyone, for raising this sum of money,
and doing our bit for the war.
We must drink to our heart's content tonight.
Let's worry about the nation tomorrow.
Cheers, bro!
I have an idea, listen to me.
We should sell tickets.
And write on the door: "While stocks last!"
If it's you, it's more like:
"It's hard to sell even one ticket"
Here, give me the drinks.
Cheers to our leading man and lady!
Our ticket sales depend on her!
To our leading man and lady!
I'm not, I'm not.
We're the peach blossoms [students] of today,
The pillars of society tomorrow,
We're singing together today,
Saving the people tomorrow on a giant wave,
A giant wave, continuously expanding,
Classmates, my dear students,
let your strength prop up the rise and fall of this world,
A giant wave, a giant wave,
To the top!
Have you lighted it?
It won't do if peformers don't smoke.
Try it, it'll come in useful during acting.
Wong Chia Chi took a blow, who wants...
Let me take a drag!
Thank you.
Wong Chia Chi.
Come up!
I met a fellow villager from my hometown
called Tsao De Xi.
He went to the same school as my brother, so we're familiar with each other.
I heard he's an Assistant Officer, working for the guy
in charge of the "Peace Exercise".
His name is Yee.
He's Wang Jingwei's aide, in charge of espionage and spying.
He's now in Hong Kong.
Wang Jingwei's runs the "Peaceful Exercise", but
he's just a lackey of the Japanese.
He's a traitor who betrayed our country.
Wang is now accumulating troops.
Hong Kong is under Yee's purview.
This Tsao guy I met...
This is a chance.
What chance?
This isn't theatre.
No matter how much we trade on our audience's tears and shout our voices hoarse,
it's incomparable to killing a real traitor.
We can do it this holidays so the school won't find out.
We need to disguise ourselves
and think of a way to infiltrate the Yee household.
I'll get a favour from Old Tsao
and get him to introduce us.
And then we'll get guns,
But which of us knows how to kill a person?
We've only killed people on stage.
When you see a traitor in front of your eyes,
you'll know that killing isn't difficult at all.
It's only a matter of how many, how fast.
This is a matter of life and death, I want everyone to consider it carefully.
If you're in, then let's make this a big one.
Knives together, let's not waste our youth,
and slay one of Wang Jingwei's lackeys!
I'm in!
Count me in.
Then we'll too...
I don't want to force anyone.
I'm in too.
'lil un, I didn't expect you'd come find me.
We haven't met since we left our hometown.
Less talk. Cheers!
Drink up.
I should also thank Brother Tsao.
From now on you must take care of us.
Sure, sure sure.
Here's one to you!
Brother, can you see if you can help us?
Can you help us find work?
It's tough, but let me think of something.
Where's Liang Junsheng? He's still up there.
What's he doing?
We only have enough for Tsao.
Maybe he can get more information.
Just on those few glasses of cat's piss?
The caucasians have all gone on holiday.
We can use the second floor for two months.
Where'd you get the money from?
My Dad left me some money in Hong Kong
in case of emergencies.
I didn't ask you to get something so luxurious.
If you want Auyang to be Mr. Mak, a businessman
and Wong Chia Chi to be Mrs. Mak, a rich housewife,
this is the kind of place they should live in!
Let's decorate this place and get some furniture.
And get a maid.
Does Mr. Mak need a moustache?
Hold on.
Don't use my best tie to wipe your mouth with!
This isn't a rehearsal, there won't be a second chance.
Remember your own roles.
Don't say what you're not supposed to say.
You too...
They're here!
Mr. Mak, Mrs. Mak.
This is Mr. Mak's cousin, a friend from my hometown, Kuang Yumin.
This is Mr. Yee, and Mrs. Yee.
You accompany them, I'll take my leave first.
Sorry about making you drive all the way here to get me.
Old Tsao said you were familiar with Hong Kong.
If not we'd have used my husband's car.
It's no problem, it's along the way.
Mrs. Yee, do you want to visit Chung Wan?
Though we've been in Hong Kong for a few months already,
the only places we know are Chung Wan and Repulse Bay.
How about Tsim Sha Tsui then?
We can take a stroll there too.
To Tsim Sha Tsui, Queen's Harbour.
Can you drop us off before you return to the office?
It won't matter if we make a slight detour right?
I wouldn't want to inconvenience Mr. Mak's official business.
It's a family business, it's all right.
What line are you in, Mr. Mak?
Export trading.
We also do importing.
Mrs. Yee, where you live is pretty good.
When we were looking for a house, did we look here?
It's just a rental. Once war broke out on the mainland,
we moved here hastily.
Mrs. Mak, were you born here?
I married here, my Mum's hometown is in Guangzhou.
My Mum is from Shanghai.
Then your Shanghainese must be good.
I can speak, but not well.
I've forgotten it all.
[They are speaking in Shanghainese]
My hometown is Anhui.
My Shanghainese isn't too good either.
Thanks, sorry for bothering you,
and helping me carry my stuff.
No, I should.
You're welcome, since he's my husband's cousin.
He also just arrived in Hong Kong.
We brought him along to see the sights.
What do you do in Guangzhou?
I teach, in an elementary school in the village.
As expected, you have a scholarly air.
Either a college student or a teacher.
Mrs. Yee, you have a good eye.
Didn't you see those plainclothes bodyguards?
There's no way we can make a move on him at his own place.
Whenever he goes out there're at least a few bodyguards by his side in addition to the chaffeur.
Even if we get him out there're at least three people we'll have to deal with.
We need at least two guns.
But it's still better than attacking him at home.
Be more patient, we're already on track.
Mrs. Yee has a good impression of Wong Chia Chi.
She's already arranged a second meeting.
Sorry, I'm tired.
Can I come in?
Come in.
I pressed the tailor to hurry.
Thank you.
What does Yee look like?
I only got a glimpse, he wasn't what I expected.
Our cook, he just left like that.
He didn't take anything, but the man just disappeared.
So we moved to the Ban Dao hotel.
It's already five days, and we don't dare to go back...
My husband says it isn't safe, so we need to find somewhere else to stay.
You can't trust the people here.
These Cantonese, I can't catch a word of what they're saying.
Exactly, I'm quite irritated.
Where can I find a cook,
who can whip up some decent Shanghainese dishes now?
I know there's a place in Hong Kong,
which serves decent Shanghainese food.
They have good fried shallot carp and drunken chicken.
Then bring us there!
Hey, Old Yee, Mrs. Mak just said
there's a good Shanghainese restaurant in Hong Kong.
Old Yee is a fussy eater.
He compalains no matter how good the resturant is.
Really? Which one?
It's the Zhu's, at Kowloon.
It's the main branch of the Shanghai Restaurant in Hong Kong.
I think I've heard of it.
I'll be back late tonight.
Don't remember we have guests tomorrow.
Good night.
We're not invited tomorrow?
He didn't tell me who the guest is.
It must be Wang Jingwei's wife, Chen Bijun.
They're forming a new government.
They sent for Old Hsiao already.
That means Mr. Yee is going to be promoted isn't he?
As she said... [the tile reads "hit (on the mark)"]
Why're you so late?
Was playing mahjong.
Sorry, I lost again.
What about Mr. Yee?
Barely saw him for a minute.
He left and didn't come back.
Hey, move aside, I'm bushed.
Hey, I killed a beer bottle.
It's already been a month.
What's so great about shooting one or two beer bottles?
You might as well shoot me!
To spare my Dad from doing the job.
The house, car, losing at mahjong.
Shopping for expensive stuff, buying a whore for you,
Are we here on holiday or to kill a traitor?
How many Dads do you think I have?
Wong Chia Chi needs expensive jewellery,
and you want to be a Resistance hero,
What about me? I'm a chauffeur in the day and a sentry at night.
My Dad has been asking around.
He thinks I've been fooling around in Hongkong.
He wants to break off all ties with me.
Why don't you guys think about that!
We have guns.
Why don't we kill some easy ones first?
If not school will be starting soon.
Everyone's here voluntarily.
We can't blame it all on Kuang Yumin.
I know we're in financial difficulties.
I should have planned for this.
I admit we don't have any experience.
But we committed ourselves to this.
We finally inflitrated the Yee household after so much effort.
We can't just give up now.
The guards are now familiar with me.
I'll find a chance to do it myself.
Don't worry, I'll take care of the consequences.
Don't be dumb, you think you can do it alone?
That's my problem.
My documents are in the study.
Mr. Yee.
Mrs. Mak.
The car broke down halfway. And it started raining.
Send Mrs. Mak in.
Hongkong's so humid. You can wring out water even in a handshake.
Yeah, even Shanghai isn't that bad.
I'm still not used to it even now.
Mrs. Hsiao.
I thought you wouldn't be coming because of the weather.
Why are you back?
Rain's too heavy, I changed my plans.
Mrs. Mak, Mrs. Zhu, you're here?
We're waiting for Mrs. Hsiao.
Just nice, we need one more player.
I still have something to do.
Why don't you just play for a while?
You haven't played for ages.
Mr. Yee, Mrs. Yee's getting angry.
Mr. Yee liked the material we chose that day.
He didn't like the last one.
Is there any tailor you're familiar with?
Yes, I know of one, he's quite good.
We make our suits and dresses there.
Want to try making one there?
I'll leave it to you.
But it's the peak season now.
They're busy with tourists' requests.
Will it take a few months?
No, not that long. We're old customers anyway.
I can hurry him.
When Mr. Yee is free,
Mrs. Yee can give me a call.
Mrs. Mak, I have your phone number.
We can probably get a discount
if we make one or two more.
Mr. Yee prefers UK imports
they don't give discounts for those.
I've won!
Your luck today is pretty good.
I didn't even realise I'd won.
The God of Fortune must have come.
Ah, Mr. Yee.
I recognised your voice.
It'll complement your face more if the collar is narrower.
Yes, a smaller collar looks better.
Shorten the sleeves a little more.
I said, you should shorten the sleeves.
It'll make you look more sprightly.
I'll leave it to you.
This is a more modern design.
The collar looks good.
Your dress is ready.
I'll try it on.
Go and eat first, don't wait for me.
Does Mrs. Mak often make her clothes here?
She's a frequent customer of ours.
It's too fitting, I can't breathe properly.
Mrs. Yee originally chose this one.
But she didn't want it so I took it.
I'll leave it as it is then. I'll take it off.
Wear it.
Is Mrs. Yee ok?
Old Cao will bring her to the doctor.
She said she had a headache when we were about to leave. Must be the mahjong.
My husband doesn't like me to play mahjong too.
I said, men have many ways to entertain themselves outside.
But for women, we can only shop and play mahjong.
Mahjong isn't that bad, at least we stay at home.
When I called today
did I disturb you?
My husband isn't home, he went to Singapore.
So his friends came over to accompany me
in case I was bored.
But in fact he's getting them to keep watch on me.
I had an excuse to escape because you called.
I don't mind going out alone when I'm free.
My husband isn't interested in the things I like.
What do you like?
Watching movies. He doesn't want to go so I go alone.
He's always talking business with those friends of his.
They're not interested in the movies at all.
I don't watch movies too.
Mr. Yee is a busy man. Only frivolous people watch movies.
No, that's not it. I'm afraid of the dark.
Will you drink some?
I'll drink a little with you.
We don't know many people in Hongkong, so we're always troubling you.
It's trivial stuff, you don't have to stand on airs.
If you're observant, nothing is trivial.
There don't seem to be many customers here.
It's because their food sucks.
Sorry. But it's convenient to talk here.
No one will disturb you.
Is Mr. Mak busy with his work?
I don't even know what he's busy about.
He went to Singapore in the past two days.
But as long as the men don't come home, everything else's fine.
Isn't it?
What kind of business does Mr. Mak do?
Import and export.
If you're so interested in Mr. Mak,
I'll bring him along the next time.
At least men have more conversation topics among themselves.
With women they can only talk about trivial matters.
To me, a chance to talk relaxedly like this
is hard to come by.
The people I associate with are those with high reputations.
They talk all the time about politics.
The fate of generations hang by their mouths.
It doesn't matter what their views are.
In all of their eyes I see the same thing:
What about you? You're different from the rest.
You're not afraid, are you?
What about you?
You're smart, but you're not very good at mahjong.
Yeah, I always lose.
I've only won you before.
Your suit is ready, do you want me to collect it for you?
I'll call you.
I have an appointment later.
I still have some time, so I'll send you home first.
Is it convenient?
They're here!
Turn off the lights, guard the outside.
Thanks. I'll send you to the door.
You don't have to.
Wait for me.
They're coming!
Turn off the lights!
They're about to come in.
Don't blame me if you miss your appointment.
Too bad you have an appointment...or, you can send the car away.
Come up for some tea.
Give me a stiff drink.
He's very careful, when we were at the tailor's
he sent away Old Hsiao and the bodyguard.
That means even Old Hsiao isn't someone he trusts.
No worries, just do the same thing the next time
and get him into the house, we'll get him with one bullet.
He's wary of "Mr. Mak", so he won't come in.
He meets at very obscure places.
Possibly Old Hsiao might not even know of them.
Is he interested...
Mr. Mak isn't pleased.
Not yet. But I know his intentions.
Otherwise he wouldn't have sent me to the door.
It's just that he's too afraid to come in.
He was dallying by the entrance.
He said he wanted to see me again.
I originally thought of meeting at the cinema.
Since it'll be easier to make an escape there.
But he's a really careful man.
He said he wouldn't go to dark places.
If he calls again it'll be serious.
I'll have to agree to be his mistress.
And then?
Have you guys thought, what next?
Do you know how to do it?
Between a man and a woman...?
You've all discussed this before already?
Only Liang Junsheng has experience.
With a whore?
Do you want to drink?
No need.
The lights.
You seem to be more responsive today.
I don't want to discuss this with you.
We cooked some porridge.
Hello? Mrs. Mak, how are you?
I called you two days ago.
But you weren't in.
I wanted to ask if you've tailored the clothes?
You're not having it done any more? Why?
Going back to Shanghai?
Well, congratulations then.
I'll go over right now.
You haven't called for the past few days.
So I thought I'd drop by.
I'll go to the airport tomorrow then.
I should really...
I should really see you off, right?
You're leaving just like that?
I see.
Give Mr. Yee my regards.
Bon voyage.
Moving house? Hope I'm not disturbing.
Huang, you're no longer driving? A mover now are you?
What are you doing here, Cao?
To pay Mr. and Mrs. Mak a visit.
And their cute friends.
What do you want?
Right from the start I knew something was wrong.
I kept quiet about it
so I could see what you were up to.
So Mr. Mak is from Lingnan University.
Cao, don't do anything reckless.
Mr. Yee didn't take me to Shanghai.
Why don't I repent my ways?
I know a lot more than you guys.
Your superiors must know
that I'm more valuable than you guys.
How much money do you want?
I'd say at least 10 gold taels.
And that doesn't include Mrs. Mak's price.
I'm thinking Mr. Yee would pay even more for her.
You're asking for it!
You really have it going, bro.
I didn't know you were a spy.
You should be the one helping me out.
Instead why are you making use of me?
Even though we're fellow villagers.
You helped a traitor!
You should have known what was coming for you!
He's not dead yet.
You're back?
You're back.
Aunt, I'm back.
Has your father written?
I'll check the mail later.
Aunt, I'm going to school.
You're still letting her study?
I sold off the house her father left for her.
In return I agreed to let her finish her studies.
I'm a person who keeps her word.
It is the time for victory!
In the past 500 years,
having endured the tyranny of Imperialism
the whole of Asia has now
broken free and achieved freedom.
Asia is now returning to Asians' hands!
For every day it is not,
we will fight unceasingly for freedom!
You'd never have expected
that our actions in Hongkong
were being observed secretly.
After you left that night,
they appeared and cleaned up the mess.
They smuggled us out of Hongkong.
Who's "they"?
They're from Chongqing, they're the ones
who assassinated the Shanghai mayor.
Now you know how childish we were.
It was really ridiculous.
Yes, especially me.
I was just dumb.
It was my fault.
We all paid a price.
How's everyone?
They're all still around.
A few places. It's not convenient to say.
I've been looking for you.
I didn't go back to school.
I later taught language lessons at a community centre.
It seems I have no memory of that period of time.
My father wrote me a letter,
saying he couldn't afford to send me to England.
He wanted me to resume my studies and stay with my aunt in Shanghai.
After the Pacific War broke out,
it became very difficult to leave Hongkong.
I only got my permit this April.
These few years...
I feel like I don't have much left anymore.
That's why I wanted to continue schooling.
Even though I'm forced to learn Japanese.
I'm glad you're back in school.
I'll never be able to again.
Why are you looking for me?
Just to apologise?
I have a task at hand.
That incident hasn't been concluded.
Yee is now in charge of Wang Jingwei's spy operations.
On the surface it's maintaning public peace.
But he's just a dog of the Japanese.
He kills judges and academics who are anti-Japanese.
Journalists, and our informants too.
Three years ago we missed a valuable chance.
Now it's even harder.
His security is tighter than before.
We don't have a chance to get him.
Boss, give me a little more won't you?
Don't mess it up.
You can call me Wu.
I believe Kuang Yumin has already talked to you about it.
Let's get to the point.
First, and also usually last,
Before you go on a mission sew this into your clothes.
If your identity is exposed...
It's only a precaution.
It won't be painful, but do it quickly.
Be sure to do it before they restrain your hands. Get it?
Is your memory good?
Remember every single word I say.
Repeat it in your mind.
Don't ask questions, and don't think.
Just remember you're Mrs. Mak.
You've always lived in Hongkong, and have no relatives in Shanghai.
This is very important, you must know
our enemies are very careful and cunning.
Once you arouse his suspicions you'll be dead.
I have to warn you first.
I can do it.
This is your file.
Four years ago you married Mr. Mak.
Your marriage certificate, and your wedding anniversary,
You live in Luobiancheng street in Hongkong,
and moved to Zhuangshidun street.
After Hongkong fell, Mr. Mak's business took a turn for the worse.
So you had to run errands to make ends meet.
Your telephone numbers.
For home, and Mr. Mak's office.
Which goods were in scarce supply in Hongkong last year,
and what you can't buy in Shanghai.
Your bank account number.
You need to commit all of these to memory.
You need to be able to answer unhesitatingly.
This is only the first step. You need to know that
once you start, you can't look back.
Silk stockings, western medicine.
You need to remember the prices of everything on the list.
My job ends here.
The rest is up to you. Any questions?
I wrote a letter to my father.
Could you mail it to him after you read it?
Once you complete your task, we'll send you to England.
You should go dress up.
I want to see Mrs. Mak.
What about your part?
The car's ready.
The hotel room's paid up for a week.
It's the Wang government's HQ.
Mrs. Yee often eats there.
We'll let them meet there.
Wait for me in the study. Yes sir.
She's been to Shanghai a few times already.
She stayed at East Asia Hotel but we never knew.
Sorry about that.
If Mr. Mak wasn't so busy,
I'd have contacted you earlier.
I said our house was just empty rooms,
staying in a hotel was just a waste of money.
I haven't been to Hongkong for ages.
You're back?
Do you remember Mrs. Mak?
Mr. Yee, how are you? You must have forgotten me.
I haven't.
How's Mr. Mak and his business?
Times are tough. Thanks for asking.
Mr. Yee seems to have lost weight.
When he got his posting I asked him to reconsider it.
It's nothing but hard work and offending people.
You women go ahead.
He's quite friendly isn't he?
It's just acting.
Are we still going to East Asia today? Aren't you sick of the food there?
It's safer with the Special Ops people there.
Bombs. It's chaotic out there.
Any suspicious characters are shot on the spot.
My siblings are in Singapore,
they told me it's going to the dogs there.
They told me not to come.
Is Hongkong better?
It's the same, prices have doubled.
Because of the war, the black market is flourishing.
Oh, you don't smoke.
I brought some ciggies for you.
It's in my luggage, I almost forgot.
Thanks! You can't even get it on the black market now.
Yes, Minister.
The room's a little cramped, but it's safer here.
I was afraid of inconveniencing you and Mrs. Yee.
It's her pleasure to have someone play mahjong with her. I'm also hardly at home.
Have you been busy? You've lost a lot of weight.
You've changed too.
It's been three years and the war isn't over.
It's no easy feat that we could still meet.
I brought some stuff for Mrs. Yee.
I didn't know what you like.
It's good enough that you're here.
The map of the Yees' residence. The front is blocked.
Everyone enters and leaves via the back.
There're two chaffeurs, Guo and Yao.
Guo drives Mrs. Yee.
Ah Ma and the servants are from Yee's hometown.
The chaffeur never leaves the car, not sure if he's Yee's eyes.
All belongings have to be searched before boarding the car.
What about Yee?
I met him once, he's rarely at home.
When he comes home he'll go to the study. I haven't found a chance yet.
He has a secretary, Zhang.
What's his full name?
I don't know yet.
You must be careful.
I need money.
Take this for the time being.
How come you haven't gotten any better even though you play mahjong every day?
I need to remember so many things, I can't concentrate.
What about the rest? How are they?
They're all concerned about you. You'll meet them eventually.
Fortunately you didn't come to the opera with me yesterday.
It made my head hurt.
What did they sing yesterday?
Wu Jia Po. It was terrible singing.
All the good singers have fled to Hongkong.
I told Mr. Yee that if the government of his,
can't even bring in a decent opera,
no matter how much good they do, the people won't acknowledge it.
Good morning, Mr. Yee.
The Chinese herbs you've been taking contains turtle shell and staghorn.
You shouldn't drink tea with it.
His feet get cold so he can't sleep well. He's taking it to improve his blood circulation.
He asks me to massage his feet in the night.
I'm having a meeting soon.
What're you doing today?
I'm going to Mrs. Liao's to play mahjong with her Mum.
You're not forcing our guest to go, are you?
Mrs. Yee is giving me a break today.
I'm going to the movies in the afternoon.
Mr. Yee asked me to fetch you because it's raining.
Are we going to the cinema?
The car will be waiting for you here.
Don't scare me like that!
My hair!
Is it so difficult?
Do you like it this way?
Sit down.
Sit down.
Your coat.
What brings you here Yee?
I was with a guest in the next room.
Ah, Mr. Yee caught us shopping.
Sit down with us since you're here.
I'll accompany you women for a while.
Do you understand the Suzhou dialect?
A little, I liked listening to it when I was young.
But after we moved to Hongkong I didn't get to any more.
But you're back now, aren't you?
It's temporary. I'll be going back to Hongkong soon.
I'll be going in a few days. If there's anything you want,
I can bring some back for you.
Mrs. Mak, will you be having breakfast?
I'm not hungry, thank you.
Where are Mr. and Mrs. Yee?
Mrs. Yee isn't awake yet. Mr. Yee has already left for Nanjing for a meeting.
To Nanjing eh?
When will he be back?
I don't know.
Mrs. Liang took a fall, I'm going to see her.
Mrs. Mak has been having a headache for the past two days.
When she wakes up give her some medicine.
I'll be out the whole day. Take care of the house.
If Mrs. Mak feels like eating give her some porridge.
Got it.
Do you believe that I hate you?
I do.
It wasn't like this three years ago.
I hate you.
I said I believe you.
I haven't believed anyone for a long time.
Say it once more. I'll believe you.
Then you must be very lonely.
But I'm still alive.
You left for four days without a word.
Do you know I was hating you every minute?
Now that I'm back, do you still hate me?
Are you still going back to Hongkong?
I want to go back.
Give me an apartment.
Brother, you can't do something illegal like this!
I...I didn't. Why are you here?
I went to the teahouse to find you.
Our branch members have been taken into custody.
Some of our safe houses have been raided.
Fortunately Ouyang was alert enough to escape.
All our lines of communication have to be cut.
You can't go back to the old places.
Then when will we act?
We need to wait for orders from the top.
Can you hurry them?
After all this, can we all leave this place?
I can't say. I don't know.
I haven't seen him for the last few days.
Ah Ma says he went to Nanjing.
I don't know if that's true.
He might have another woman.
The previous day he brought me to No. 1237 Xia Fei Road...
I know, we had people there.
There was perfume in the apartment.
There was a smell of jasmine flowers nearby.
But it didn't seem like it was left there on that day.
There was dust on the pillows.
I don't know.
Wong Chia Chi...
I don't know...
Wong Chia Chi, Wong Chia Chi!
Look at me, look at me!
I won't let you be harmed, understand?
I won't let you get hurt.
She said "I'm old already but you're still flirting with me [lit. "eating tofu"]!"
I said "Old tofu is the best!"
Since it's Mr. Yee's birthday,
she toasted him for longetivity.
I haven't seen Mr. Yee for the past few days.
He's gone to Nanjing on official business.
Well, even though you say she's old she still looks good.
But Qianchu's is really bad.
Close the door.
I was waiting for you.
You must be tired then.
I'm very tired.
Mrs. Yee said you went to Nanjing.
Don't believe what you hear.
I've been very busy these few days.
We broke a resistance cell in Chongqing.
And arrested ten of them.
They'd gone through rigorous training.
So I had to personally interrogate them one by one
to get anything out of them.
Ah, I forgot
you're not interested in my work are you?
It's very boring.
You've been very careful all this while
not to ask me about it.
That's your business.
You never ask about me too.
The only thing I can do is to wait for you here every day.
Maybe you have another woman outside.
I can't sleep, if this continues
you'll be bored of me too.
You've been busy thinking of this these few days?
And I've been losing a lot at mahjong.
The hard-earned money I've made,
I've lost almost all of it.
I should go back to bed.
Get some rest.
I'll bring you to a better place tomorrow.
Don't come into this room again.
Make way!
Let's go back.
The Minister said to wait for him.
It's been two hours already.
Two people came in at the last minute.
It's very cold outside. You could have let me wait inside.
Wait inside?
You want to go into that place?
You really want to go into where I work?
I know, forget it.
Why are you looking at me like that?
You shouldn't be so beautiful.
I was thinking of you today. My secretary said I was distracted.
He was reporting to me,
but I only saw his mouth moving.
Not a word went into my head.
I can smell your fragrance.
I couldn't concentrate.
Those two people,
We arrested them at the bus stop.
They're key members from the Chongqing cell.
He killed some of our people.
When we were arresting them,
we bludgeoned one of them till his brains spilled out.
And we still had to drag him back for questioning.
I went down with secretary Zhang.
One of them had already died.
Half of his head was gone, and his eyeballs were a pulp.
I recognised the other one, he was a classmate from the party school.
I saw his hands chained to the posts.
I couldn't say anything.
What came to my mind
was he screwing you.
The bastard's blood sprayed onto my leather shoes.
Do you know I had to clean them before I came out?
He really agreed to give you an apartment?
I already told Mrs. Yee, I'm moving out next weekend.
He was there, I don't think he'll go back on his word.
That's great. That old pervert finally let his guard down.
Once we have a fixed location it'll be easier to make a move.
There's no hurry.
What are we waiting for?
We need information. He broke our source of information,
and took our advanced American arms.
We suffered a great loss.
The strange thing is, even the Japanese are looking for these arms.
Wong Chia Chi is very important to us.
We must make full use of her.
But she has never undergone proper training.
She can't take the long-term strain.
You underestimate her. Her strength
lies in her ability to play Mrs. Mak.
It's no mean feat that she got to this point.
The superiors value her greatly.
We had two trained female comrades who hooked him for a while,
But he found them out and killed them.
We even lost a namelist to them.
You don't understand how dangerous her situation is.
She agreed to seduce Yee, and she's done it.
Now is the time for action!
Don't tell me when to take action!
Listen up, Yee killed my wife
and my two kids, but I could still
sit at the same table and have a meal with him.
This is the life of a spy!
I would like better than no one else to kill him now.
As long as he has value to us alive, I will let him live.
Continue baiting him, and report back regularly.
Don't move without my orders.
A resistance agent only has one motivation:
Loyalty to the party, to the leaders, to the country. Understand?
Don't worry, I'll act accordingly.
You only need to continue luring him into the trap.
If there's a need,
What do you think this trap is?
My body? Who do you think he is?
He knows how to act better than you guys.
He not only wants to be inside my body,
but worms his way into my heart like a snake.
I'm like his slave, allowing him in.
I can only "loyally" wait, playing my role,
to get into his heart.
He'll make me bleed and cry in agony,
before he's satisfied.
That's the only way he can feel alive.
In the darkness, only he knows this is all real.
That's enough.
That's why
That's why I can let myself be tortured to breaking point,
and still continue, till I can't take it any further.
That's enough.
Every time after the final spasm,
I think, "will it be this time?"
Will our people rush in and blow his brains out?
And his blood and brains will spill all over me.
Stop it!
Was it Mr. Yee's plan to bring me to the Japanese district?
Good evening.
I'm looking for Mr. Yee.
This way please.
Pretty girl isn't she!
Come here.
Lieutenant Colonel Nakamura...
Even the girls are dumping you!
This is a customer, not one of our girls.
Keiko, go accompany Colonel Nakamura.
Get some more sake.
My apologies.
Sorry for that.
Your guest is here.
I'm punishing myself by waiting for you this time.
Why here?
Official business.
They sound like they're crying.
The Japs kill people indiscriminately, but actually they're more afraid than anyone else.
They know that eventually, once they start fighting with the Americans,
it'll be over. And all these actors
are still frivolously singing their opera.
Just listen.
I know why you asked me here.
You want me to be your whore.
I brought you here to see how good a geisha you'd make.
I'll sing a song for you. I sing better than them.
Tears stain my sleeve,
This girl has been thinking of him all the while till now.
Go back first, I still have work to do.
So late?
I have a favour to ask you.
Tomorrow, bring this letter to this address.
Look for a man called Hali Salahuddin.
Can you remember that?
Hali Salahuddin...
If he says something to you,
or gives your something, tell me.
Keep it a secret between the two of us.
It's a name card. Only Yee's name is on it.
Put it back. What do you think?
I'm afraid Wong Chia Chi is under suspicion.
If we send some men down to scout the area we might fall into his trap.
If Wong Chia Chi goes alone it'll be dangerous too.
It's best that we keep a lookout outside.
You should go quickly.
Wong Chia Chi, I'm really sorry.
You could have done it three years ago.
Why didn't you?
Good stuff!
Hello, second brother? It's me.
I'm at Keseling's cafe now. Is everything alright at home?
I'm good, just too busy recently
to call back home.
I'm going to go shopping today. I have a date, I'm going now.
Well, then, there's nothing else.
I know, it'll be ok.
I'm going, goodbye.
You're late.
To Fu Kai Shen Road.
Let's drop by the jewellery shop first.
It's just nearby. The ring should be ready.
Turn back.
Wait here for me.
What's wrong?
Do you like the one I chose?
I'm not interested in jewels.
I only want to see it on your finger.
Wear it.
I don't want to wear such a valuable thing on the streets.
You're with me.
Go, now.
Open the car door!
Miss, get on.
Where to?
Fu Kai Shen Road.
Going home?
They're blocking the road again.
Stop, stop.
It can't be helped.
We have to wait.
Let me through.
I need to go home to cook.
They'll let you through to see a doctor, not to cook!
Wong Chia Chi.
Come up.
A bunch of college students, six of them.
They were part of a patriotic drama troupe in Hongkong.
The woman is Wong Chia Chi, she was in the papers in Hongkong.
The leader is Kuang, we've been tracking him for some time already.
Too bad we didn't get Wu, he escaped.
The shooter could have escaped from the rear of the Peace Theatre.
When we checked they all had movie tickets to fit in.
These students,
You're very informed about it aren't you?
Why didn't you tell me before?
Because of your relationship with Miss Wong.
Of course, it's all clear now.
I left her in the interrogation room.
Do you want to interrogate her personally?
She's downstairs?
Luo and Ban are watching her.
The rest have been sentenced.
It was simple, their confessions matched.
Then there's nothing left for me to ask.
We've gotten all there is to know right?
How shall we settle them?
The northern quarry.
News blackout, get it done by 10.
Your ring.
It's not mine.
Kneel down!
It's either Hunan or Sichuan dishes. They're too spicy!
If you don't eat spicy food how are you going to win hot?
What happened?
Today evening secretary Zhang and two guys from your department
came and took away her things.
And some things from the study.
Keep a lid on it.
If anyone asks, say Mrs. Mak went back to Hongkong on urgent business.
What happened?
Go down first.
Continue playing.