Seamstress, The (2009)

[woman gasping]
[children's voices]
- Mommy!
[children crying]
[cell phone ringing]
[static crackling]
[ominous piano music]

- Al? It's dad.
I know I said I'd never
leave you again,
but I had to come home
and take care of some old business.
It's time.
You know how much I love you, right?
You've always been there for me,
and I just wanted to say thanks.
[dry scraping]
I've got to go.
But I'll see you soon, okay?
I love you.
Oh, my god.
It is you, isn't it?
You're the real one.
No, oh, god, no.
Don't take my eyes.
No, no.
Don't take my eyes, please.
I have a daughter!
You know how much
I love you, right?
You've always been there for me,
and I just wanted to say thanks.
I've got to go.
But I'll see you soon, okay?
I love you.
[intense instrumental music]

- Allie, you sound tired.
- Yeah, Dina.
I've been up for days
trying to figure this out.
- What did you find in the locker?
- Three boxes of notes, mostly.
- It's all so scattered.
Most of the stuff doesn't make any sense.
There's these strange symbols everywhere.
I don't know.
It seems crazy,
but I think he was on to something.
I'm starting to see patterns, Dee,
mostly in my dreams, like before.
- Allie, tell me where you are.
You're not in Baltimore still, are you?
- Dina, listen to this.
"After the Holdens died,
"Logan built the symbol barrier
to contain her, to protect us.
"Logan had no power of his own.
"To create the barrier,
he had to cheat.
He changed the rules."
What does that mean?
- Curses and magic?
Allie, your dad wasn't really-
- And there's the same phrase
all over the place.
"All seven or the real one."
- Honey, please tell me where you are.
- There's a map, too, Dee,
with the same symbol on it
and seven names written on the back.
Virgil Logan:
his name's everywhere.
Collier Gatier and my dad.
He's on the list too.
My dad, you know,
he was just starting to get better,
and if someone hurt him,
I don't know what I'd do.
- Allie, you're going back home,
aren't you?
Okay, I'm getting Paul.
I'll call the others.
We're coming home.
- Dina, what if I told you I think I know
who hurt my father?
- Allie, wake up.
The rules have changed, Allie.
- Dad.
Dad, where are your glasses?
- Watch out, Allie.
- [gasping]
[bell chimes]
- You got trouble with your car?
- No.
No trouble.
- Maybe I've got the trouble, hey?
You caught me eating lunch
before breakfast.
- Are you Collier Gatier?
- Coll Gatier.
I'm Allison Plachtt;
I grew up in Sticks Creek.
Did you know my father, Donny?
- Plachtt?
Ah, newspaper guy, hey?
Yeah, he came
couple months ago, maybe.
- Well, did he say where he was going?
- He was looking for Virgil Logan.
He was pretty sure
Logan was the guy responsible
for the Seamstress killings.
Do you remember them?
- Yeah.
My dad reported on those murders.
- Yeah.
He wanted me to go with him
to Logan's place,
but I was too busy here in the shop.
- My dad knew Mr. Logan?
- It was Sheriff Logan then.
Lost his only son to the Seamstress.
Lost his job, wife left.
Bit of a hermit now.
Keeps to himself.
- What about these men?
Do you know them?
- Your dad make this list?
- Yeah, I read about them in his notes.
- Bobby and Griff Holden,
Cranky Hamilton, Trotter Skye.
He's got me here, too.
- I think he was trying
to solve those murders.
I think that's why he left.
- Lot of those guys are dead now.
- Well, did they have anything in common?
- Think he's dead?
Your dad?
Ever thought what you might do
if he's dead,
if someone killed him?
- Can I have Logan's address, please?
- See you soon, okay?
I love you.
- Logan?
- Margaret?
Who the hell are you?
- My father's Donny Plachtt.
He went missing.
He worked at the paper,
and I want you to tell me
where he went.
- Donny's little girl, huh?
- Three of those men are dead.
- Four.
Four are dead, not three.
- Who's number four?
- Trotter Skye.
He's dead too.
Everyone made their own mistakes.
I'm not the only one.
Your father, he used to come
and take photographs at every crime scene.
Any one of them could've been you.
He wanted to come.
- Tell me you killed Donald Plachtt.
- [groans in disgust]
My whole life, I only killed once.
- He was here.
I know he was here.
Coll Gatier told me he sent him here.
Tell me you fucking killed my father!
- Donny came here first.
- No!
- It's a lie!
- No, he was here first.
He went to see Gates,
and Gates sent him to you,
you son of a bitch!
- Listen to me.
He came here raving,
raving about a curse.
He said I could stop it,
and then he accused me
of killing my own son.
- Did you kill him here in this house?
Was it here?
- I would sell my soul to find the man
that did this to my son.
- What is this?
- I saw what I saw.
- Where is this?
Is this where you took him?
- I heard what I heard.
I know what I know, okay?
I know what I did,
and I know what I didn't.
- I am not going away.
- Get out.
Go away.
- I'm not going away!
- Get out!
- No.
- Out.
- Go to hell.
[shouts in frustration]
- Gatier.
I let you in my house.
- So what were you thinking, Al,
like, all the way here?
Did you have a plan?
- What do you want to hear, Deeds?
- That it's occurred to you
that maybe your dad
went away on purpose.
- 57 hours in a car by myself.
Hmm, no, never occurred to me once.
- I think what Dina means is
he was always-
whatever happened wasn't in-
he's always been a very-
- No, he hasn't always been anything.
- Al, I love you, and we've been friends
since grade six,
and I've been inside your house,
like, five times.
- I know.
That's true, but-
- So before you make a choice like-
whatever, okay, you're mad,
but he was really sick
for years, chick.
- Okay, let's not make it sound like
he's watching TV in a straightjacket.
- No, she needs to hear this.
- This had a beginning, okay?
Something happened to him.
Then for, like, 15, I didn't.
Last year, dj vu.
I just start to get him back,
and he's gone again.
That hurts.
-Okay, Al, I think what Dina means-
- I'm saying, how much do you give?
- I'm sorry, this affects you how?
- Friday night we're at a prom.
Monday morning, you're leaving town.
Did it affect you?
- Look.
I know that was really hard to understand,
but being here was killing him.
I got a resume together.
I sent it out.
Ferryman Publishing called.
We took it.
It helped.
He was just starting to get better, so...
- And what set him off, Allie?
- This was him last year,
and this happened six months ago.
His boss said he read it Tuesday,
quit Wednesday.
- "Police investigating the discovery
of a 10-year-old's mummified body
"report that the boy
found in a shallow grave
"by day hikers had been
grotesquely mutilated.
The eyes and mouth were sewn shut."
- That's the same exact way
the Seamstress did it.
- That's probably a body that they just
didn't find until now.
- Uh, it says here that he died in '98.
- The ones around here ended in '87.
- So this was a copycat?
- Sanzu?
- It only came up in his notes once.
Could be a person.
- No, it's an island.
- Hey, Lizzie, is this Sanzu?
- There's tons of little islands
up and down the coast.
Half of them have got, like,
fringe folks living on them.
- My uncle has a boat.
[exuberant rock music]

- Whoo-hoo!
With all the stuff that Jason had
in his truck,
we'll be fine for one night.
- Yeah.
- He's a good guy, Allie.
- Hey, I'm somewhere else right now.
- I know he's still into you.
He totally told Paul the other day
that he thought you were the-
- Hey, you guys!
I just want to say
that I know you don't
have to be here,
and I really-
I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
- Any time.
- Cheers.
Hey, can you take that for a second?
- Chug it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How's it going?
- Good.
How are you?
- Think that's Sanzu?
- Right here.
- This Saudi thing, it's cuckoo.
- Exactly how rich are you
going to be when you grow up?
- How rich do you want me to be?
- Really rich.
- I've asked you, like,
[exaggerated kiss]
Look, I appreciate what you did
with the boat and everything,
and I don't want to seem ungrateful,
Jason, but-
- Good, 'cause that would kind of suck.
- Jase, the thing with you and l
is that it's just-
- You know how scared I was
to see you yesterday,
how freaked out I was to talk to you?
You'd think, like, after seven years that-
- What do you want, Jason?
- I don't know.
What do you want?
- I want to go to that island.
That's what I want.
- Okay.
- Okay.
[thud, cries of alarm]
You guys okay?
- Yeah.
[confused murmurs]
- What is that?
- Any luck?
- What the hell is that?
- It's rope.
Fouled the props fast enough
to seize both motors.
- Where's your radio?
- I don't have one.
- You don't have a radio?
- Okay, who's got a cell?
- I do.
Hold on.
With no reception.
Let's try for Sanzu.
[rhythmic beating]
- Hey!
I'm in Vancouver for business
all the time.
- Shh, you hear that?
- Uh, no.
- I don't know.
You got the beer?
- Uh, I think they got it.
- Does anybody know where we're going?
- There's a clearing right up here.
This way, you guys.
- Wow.
- It's so quiet.
- Where you guys going?
- A walk.
- Being shipwrecked is romantic.
- Nothing?
[branches rustling, giggling]
- [laughing]
- Where were you schmucks?
- [together]
Just walking, and speaking and-
- Talking.
- What's going on?
- We just- it-it was dark.
We got lost.
- Paul thought that he heard this-
- Whoa, no, no, no,
you said you heard it, too.
- Heard what?
- Nothing.
It was just something in the trees.
It's not a big-
- We tried a shortcut back to the camp.
We just got turned around a little.
- Yeah, so...
No, but, anyway,
and then we were
down by the water, and then-
- [gasps]
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
and it's exactly the one I wanted.
- Dina!
Dina, Dina, Dina!
- Congratulations!
- Thanks, babes.
- That's huge.
Congratulations, brother.
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Oh, Albert, cheers, come on.
- Well...
- Ching!
- Aw...
- You're engaged.
- I know.
- I wasn't going to do it today,
but, you know,
nature and everything-
- No one comes here.
[startled gasps]
This is my island.
Get off.
- Paul...
- My name's Paul, okay?
These are my friends.
What's your name?
- Ryan.
- Ryan.
- Two months ago-
- Maybe now's not the-
- A man, my dad-
let me ask him, please?
Let me ask him.
Two months ago, a man, my dad,
he came over
from the mainland.
His name's Donny Plachtt.
Did you see him here?
- Plachtt?
- Yeah, he-he came here.
I know he did.
Two men told me.
- Who?
- Coll Gatier, Sheriff Logan.
- We'll leave if you have a boat,
a radio, whatever-
- Do they know that you're here?
- No, no.
- Stay on the beach, Allie.
- Oh, my god;
what a freak.
Who does that?
- What did I tell you?
Fringe folks.
Probably some freaky weed farmer
trying to protect his stash.
- He knew my name.
Ryan called me Allie.
- Well, maybe Jason said it or something.
- Ugh, I can't wait to get off
this stupid island.
- You guys know
the history here, right?
- Please, can it not be
the Lizzie show tonight,
just, like, one time?
- '77 to '87, right?
scratched, stashed
here and there.
- So?
- So time they find number 11,
whole town's a bit
"Here's Johnny!"
You know?
Somebody finds something
that puts Sheriff Logan
onto an elementary teacher, a seer.
- [belches]
A what?
- She could tell things.
She helped find a few bodies.
You don't know about this?
- No.
Never had a Ouija board.
I was outside playing sports.
- Two heroes come to her house.
They drag her out of bed,
take her to meet five concerned citizens
on an isolated island-
- This is what happens, guys.
People have to know,
and so what they don't know,
they make up.
- So these guys do to her
what was done to their kids:
stitch up her eyes,
sew her mouth shut.
- Jesus.
- God, why are you listening to her?
- But before they do all that,
they show her what they did
while they were waiting,
the mutilated body of her husband.
- Her husband?
Hold on, what did he do?
- Well, your typical vigilante mob's
nothing if not thorough.
- So, what, some hippie
and her dope farmer husband
drop off the face of the Earth,
and that's a big conspiracy?
- And you think this is the island?
- I'd say your dad thought so.
- And it's haunted?
- Cursed, actually.
- [scoffs]
- Well, if you want to get
technical about it.
- Just before they light her up,
she tears her mouth open
and lets 'em have it.
"Bring me the real killer,
or all seven of you die,
one by one."
- [screams in mock horror]
- Oh, my god.
Thanks, Lizzie.
I forgot how cool your
hyperactive imagination was.
- Deeds.
- That's what I heard.
[quiet footsteps]
- I let you in my house.
[distant shrieking]
- Allie?
[muffled groans]
- [whispering]
Shh, shh, Lizzie.
[muffled groans continue]
Shh! Shh!
- Stay on the beach, Allie.
Don't take my eyes.
- [gasping]
[panting wildly]
- Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Lizzie!
My dad!
My dad!
- Hey, it was a nightmare.
- Al, I'm here.
I'm good.
- You see what you did
with your stupid ghost story, Lizzie?
Do you see?
Look at this.
- Someone was outside my tent.
- Jason went for a pee.
You didn't see anyone, right?
- No, yeah.
Nobody was outside your tent.
It's okay.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Al, we're gonna go, okay?
Al, coming?
- Can I have your coat, bro?
- Yeah.
- Shh.
- You know what's a really
attractive quality, Jason?
- [grunting]
- Albert?
- [grunting]
- Are-are you masturbating?
- Oh, god.
Uh, just a second!
- Albert, I need to talk to you, so hurry.
- [grunting]
[gasps and sighs]
- There's not even a plane.
Is Allie back yet?
- No.
- Where'd they go?
- I don't know.
You hungry?
- No, but she is.
- Okay, it's GORE-TEX, all right?
Not soundproof.
Not even a little.
- Come on.
Let's go.
- To the beach?
- Get my jacket.
- So you hungry?
- I can wait for boats,
or I can do what I came here to do.
- Sure, and l-
I should explain.
That wasn't recreational.
- Paul and Dina are writing vows.
Lizzie's Lizzie.
I don't know.
I need you.
- Okay, but actually,
I might pair off with Lizzie.
- What?
What are you, sea birds?
- No, but if it happened,
I just wanted to know
I'd have the duration.
That's all.
- Oh, gross.
- What?
What the hell is this?
- Is it on the map?
- Uh...
Yeah, it's here, I think.
- I dreamed this last night.
- Great, weren't you scared
out of your mind last night?
This doesn't concern you in any way?
- What are you, five?
- That was easier than I thought.
I'm good.
- They've been gone a long time.
Whoa, dude!
- Shit!
- You can't do that, dumb ass.
Let's see.
Does it hurt?
- Yes.
- Okay, come here.
Yo, it's not even red.
- How come you never asked me out?
- I was with Allie.
- Dumb ass.
- This is good.
- It's kind of weird.
No, it's too close.
Paul, keep going.
Oh, my god.
- Is that Albert?
- Hey, beat it, Albert!
- He probably is.
- Ew, you are gross!
You're so disgusting.
- No, get off of me.
- He's dead.
My dad.
- You don't know that.
- I do though.
I-I know.
Sometimes, I just...
I know things,
Iike things I can't really know,
but I do.
And I don't want to,
but I can't help it.
Do you think I've changed?
Do you think I'm crazy?
- Yeah.
Yeah, you've changed, Allie.
It's a little crazy.
Do you know how?
You used to have this great laugh.
Allie, why did you bring a gun?
- Because I'm going to find out
who hurt my father,
and I'm going to kill them.
- [scoffs]
Did you just tell me that because you
wanted me to talk you out of it?
- No.
- Well, that's not something that you just
bring into conversation-
- That's not fair, Albert.
He was just starting to live again.
You remember what he was like.
- What do you think happened
to him in the first place?
- What?
- He had a disease.
It had a beginning.
What was it, '87, right?
- So?
- So?
So he knew Gatier, Logan,
the other four men in the notes!
- So what?
- Seven men did stuff to that teacher!
- That's a ghost story, Albert.
- I know.
I've heard it.
Margaret Cauli lived on an island,
water-taxied it every day to teach.
her and her husband, never found,
never explained.
Very mysterious.
- My father was a good man.
He would never kill anyone.
- I would have said
the same thing about you.
- Why are you doing this?
- Allie, you don't kill.
That stuff goes on your soul.
- Albert?
- Allie?
There's a human skull
on the trail up ahead.
- Just a sec, just a sec.
Okay, go.
[music blares from headphones]
You don't like music?
- Look.
I'm still waiting.
All right?
- Waiting for what?
She doesn't care who you screw.
She doesn't care about you.
God, you're such a loser.
- And you're a troll, Lizzie.
- Hmm.
What do you think Allie'd say
if she thought you just screwed a troll?
- All right, look, I didn't-
- You know what?
Let's find out.
- [grunting]
I'm really cold.
Oh, my gosh, is that a rock?
It's right in my bum.
- This here?
- That doesn't even-
- Just move your thigh.
Move your thigh over.
- To where?
I don't have any-
- There, see?
- Can't you do, like,
half a push-up or something?
- Hold on.
Try this.
- Ow, no!
That's in the wrong place.
You're in the wrong place.
- Hold on, hold on.
- Jeez.
- There, there.
- Okay.
Does that feel good?
- Yeah.
- Oh, great.
Well, enjoy, then.
- Oh, hello.
- Are you coming?
What are you doing?
The beans.
- Beans what?
- I got to-
Hold on, hold on.
- What you you-
Paul, where are you going?
- I got to-
I'll be right back.
- Do you have any paper, or-
- Giddyap.
- I'm getting married.
- What's that?
- Oh, god.
It's bones.
- Uh, people bones?
- Ow, ow!
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Get it out!
Get it out! Get it out!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wow, how many kinds of gross is that?
- What is this?
- This just keeps getting better.
- This is a grave.
- Paul!
- Dina?
- Paul's gone!
- What? Where?
- I don't know.
We were in the forest
by the beach, and then-
- Maybe he's just down by the tents.
- He wouldn't just leave me, Albert!
- Okay, well, just calm down.
- There's blood on the ground.
Look, there's blood everywhere.
Oh, my god.
- Albert, give me your knife.
Okay, one, two, three.
Careful, careful.
Albert, get his head.
- I got it.
- Gently.
- Oh, my god, Paul!
Oh, my god.
- Open his mouth.
He can't breathe.
Dina, watch your hand.
Watch your hand!
- Oh, my god.
It's okay, Paul!
Spit it out, Paul!
- I don't know what to do!
- Oh, my god.
- Paul!
- Paul, Paul!
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!
[crying echoing]
- Allie.
- Dina?
No, no, no!
- Somebody did that,
and somebody's going
to pay for doing it.
- Come on, come on!
- Just give her the gun back, okay?
You don't know who or what did that.
- Who or what?
It's not the fuckin'
D&D club, Dilbert.
Ryan killed Paul.
So Ryan is going to die.
- It's not loaded, Dina.
The gun isn't even loaded.
- [screaming]
- Dina, Dina.
- It's okay.
- I want that man to die.
- We've got to find Jason and Lizzie, okay?
I need you to help me find
Jason and Lizzie.
We have to find Jason and Lizzie.
We have to find them.
- Jason?
- Can you help me find Jason and Lizzie?
- Jason.
- Yeah.
- Let's go find him.
- Okay.
- Let's go find Jason.
Let's go find him.
[thunder clapping]
[distant screams]
- Now you know what Donny knew, hey?
Now you know.
- You've been laughing at us for years.
You're not laughing anymore,
though, are you?
You're not laughing anymore.
Yeah, you're laughing.
- [screams]
No, you're not laughing!
You played with his things.
- How can I ever thank you?
- What do you think?
Which one?
Which one are we going to use?
No, no.
I got a better idea.
What about this?
- Do it.
Do it.
- No.
I got a better idea.
- Dina, Dina.
- It was over here somewhere.
- We've been here before.
We've been here.
I recognize this.
Albert, look.
- These are symbols.
- Okay, okay, but what's this?
What's this?
Right here?
- Something fun, I bet.
- Paul's gone.
He's gone.
- Lizzie!
Damn it, come on, Lizzie!
- This way, this way.
Did you guys hear that?
- [whispers] I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
- Hey!
- Jason!
Jason! Jason!
- What the hell?
- Paul's dead.
He was attacked, mutilated.
- What?
Where is he?
What happened?
- Where's Lizzie?
- I don't know.
What the hell's going on?
- Jason, it had to be Ryan.
We have to get him.
- Okay, come here.
Come on.
- Jason, what are you doing?
- I'm getting you off this island.
- What about Lizzie?
- I don't know where she is.
She's probably
back down at the campsite.
I was following her here-
- Okay, Jason, stop.
Why did Lizzie take off?
What is that reek?
both: What?
- That smell, what is it?
- Oil?
- I don't know.
- What is this?
- Are those torches?
- I don't know if it's safe, guys.
It looks like
it's been sitting there forever.
- Albert, use your lighter.
- Hold this.
- Why is this here?
They burned her.
They burned Margaret Cauli.
You guys,
they burned Margaret Cauli.
[woman screams]
- Let's go.
- Lizzie!
- Lizzie!
- Lizzie!
all: Lizzie? Lizzie?
- Oh, god.
Oh, god.
Lizzie? Lizzie?
- Lizzie?
Oh, god!
Oh, god, Lizzie, Lizzie.
- I need more light!
Albert, give me your knife!
It's okay.
You're going to be okay.
Lizzie, listen to me!
[muffled screaming]
- Don't move!
Don't move!
- Get me down!
Cut me loose!
- Allie, something's above you!
[girls screaming]
- It's time.
You're mine.
- No! Lizzie, no!
I can help you!
- [screaming]
- Lizzie!
- Oh, my god!
- It's time.
It's time.
- What the fuck was that?
- That's what killed Paul.
- It's afraid of fire.
- Albert, I'm sorry, she stays.
Let's go.
- Come on, you guys.
Let's go, let's go.
- Come on, Albert, come on.
- How bad is it?
- I can't see.
- What?
What is it?
- Paul's in there.
He's in there.
- No, Dina, that is not Paul.
- Paul is in there.
- Dina, we're going this way.
Come on.
- Best man, my ass.
[eerie whispering]
- Allie, your torch.
- We are walking out together.
We stay together.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
Come on, come on!
- Jason!
- [whispering] Allie.
- Jason!
Jason, wait!
- Allie, Allie!
- Fuck you, you ugly bitch!
- Dina, no!
- Who's the ugly bitch now?
You can't run from me.
I'll find you.
- Allie.
The rules have changed.
Logan tried to keep her in,
but it changed the curse.
Allie, get up.
The rules have changed.
- Dad?
Can you please help?
Help me.
- [over phone] Al, it's Dad.
- [through static]
I've got to go.
But I'll see you soon, okay?
I love you.
[footsteps running]
- Allie, Allie?
You okay?
You okay?
You okay, sweetie?
[woman screaming]
No, Allie.
- No, I have to know.
- Allie.
Allie, we need to go.
- [gags]
- We should go.
We should go.
We should go.
- No.
- Say your life depended on it.
Would you be thinking
good thing or bad thing?
Allie, Allie, Allie.
Allie, good-
Allie, Allie, good-
good or bad?
- It's the symbols on the trees.
- Yeah, I know that.
[eerie growl]
[woman whispering]
- Run.
- Don't be afraid.
- Allie!
- Albert!
- Allie!
Allie, Allie!
- [growling]
Don't be afraid.
- Albert!
Albert, the symbols keep her in!
They keep her in!
Hold this up.
Hold this up.
There's a symbol on the map, okay?
Hold it up.
Hold it up, okay?
- Okay.
- Are you okay?
- I think I'm going to go
six kinds of septic,
but I think I can walk.
- Here.
Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Ow.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm okay.
It's just a little-
it'll loosen up in a bit.
It's just-
- No, I mean, are you-
Allie, are you okay?
- I found these
outside my tent that night,
and I found this in his grave, so...
- Okay.
So you found him.
It's over.
- Yeah.
It's over.
[motor roaring]
That's a boat.
- Allie!
- Jason.
- Shit, man.
You've got to help me.
I think my friends are dead.
- Not all.
- What?
Where's Allie?
- Jason!
- I'm starting to rethink
my concept of "weird night."
- Logan?
- Sheriff Logan?
- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
- This is what I'm doing here.
We're six and seven.
- You help me, hey?
- Help you?
We'll help you.
- Ryan!
- You tortured him?
- You're goddamn right I did.
He mutilated dozens of children,
including my son.
Did you find your father?
- Four of our friends died.
- Your friends met Margaret, hey?
Did you see her?
What did she do to your friends?
Is that where you got all the blood, hey?
- Margaret's the Seamstress?
- No, this is the Seamstress.
He's the real one.
- Allie?
- Come on!
- No.
- Get up, you shit!
Get up!
Come on.
Get up!
- Thinking about your dad, hey,
out here with us that night
doing dirty work, hey?
Huh, Donny with his writer's hands.
That's got to hurt.
Figure out what you'd do yet, hey?
- Shut up.
- Which one of you killed him?
- Which one of you killed him?
- Here.
- A tooth from every mouth
and some personal thing.
- Dad.
- No, don't take my eyes.
I have a daughter!
It was you.
It was you!
Get off of me!
Get off of me!
- Take him to Margaret!
We both get our revenge!
- Get off of me!
- Allie, something's wrong.
It doesn't make any sense.
Margaret was tortured.
They tortured her.
She cursed them.
They changed the curse.
They changed the rules.
Allie, don't!
Don't go.
Don't go.
- Allie!
- You're mine.
- Shut up!
- You going to like it?
- I said shut up!
Shut up!
- You should have asked him
how he liked his taste of revenge.
How old were you then, '87,
huh, five?
- Do you remember
how my young wife cried
when she saw
what you had done to me?
Do you?
- You were on the beach.
- I was.
And you were wrong.
These men came for you,
the final two,
six and seven.
- Did you kill Paul And Lizzie?
- No.
I don't kill.
I procure.
She commands, I obey.
That's my curse, you see.
- He's the real one.
- I remember how she screamed
when she touched your skin.
- And you will scream
until there is nothing left of you,
and my wife and l
will be free to pass on.
And you'll be next.
- Go, Allie, and don't look back.
- Please.
You could help me, hey?
I don't do it 'cause I like it.
I can't not do it.
- I told you to shut up.
- You know about that.
I got emotional problems, too, hey?
You know about that.
You lived with it.
- Shut up.
- I remember you, Allison Plachtt.
Allie, Donny's little girl.
He loved you so much.
I spared you.
- Hey.
- Allie.
- They changed the curse.
They changed the rules.
Allie, don't.
- It's time, Logan.
You're mine.
- I regret the things I've done,
but even god can't change the past.
- The real one.
- Tell me how it felt.
- It's time.
- His debt is paid.
Yours is not.
- We're free.
- I feel like shit.
- Me too.
- I hope that bastard suffered.
You know, I don't know
how she found his heart.
He hasn't got one.
- Well, she did.
- Yeah, that dog shit
was responsible for everything,
everything that happened.
- You did what you did.
That part's always you.
- What's that?
You hear that?
- Wait here.
- What is it?
- [weeping]
- What are you doing?
- You were right.
The rules have changed.
- I don't understand.
- The bodies are still there.
- Why?
- Because the curse isn't complete.
It's all seven and the real one.
- Allie.
Allie, you don't need to do this.
- It's going to be all right.
Allie, if my son was alive,
he'd be your friend's age.
Time to prepare
for the great surrender
Been so long
that you can't remember
How it feels to fill your
lungs with air
Unclench your fist
You're the last one standing
The armies that you've been commanding
Vanish as if they were never there
And just like that you forgot
what you were fighting for
You owe nothing anymore
The weight hanging round
your neck's been lifted
The winds beating down your door
have shifted
The heaviest sword you keep
has been laid to rest
The wounds you wore
that gave you purpose
Close as you swim
up towards the surface
And what will you do now
that you've passed the test?
'Cause who you are
is not who you were before
You owe nothing anymore
[peaceful humming]

Step back from the edge
Stop turning colder
You don't have to look
over your shoulder
The phantoms haunting you
are now your friends
And the truth that you hoped
would set you free
Is not what you thought
that it would be
But it's enough
to let you make amends
You debts are paid
There is no one keeping score
You owe nothing anymore
You owe nothing anymore
You owe nothing anymore