Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964)

What, what is it?
No no no, no.
Please, not now.
A message?
It's a young face.
He's waving.
Oh very peaceful.
Oh no no no, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh.
No my darling.
It's all right my precious, no.
No more, no more.
Naughty, raining like that.
Very naughty.
Turn on the light Billy.
Put the thing up.
We shall have to test it
from the outside tonight.
Of course it's not what it used to be.
Not his room any longer.
But Arthur understands.
We're doing it with his blessing.
That's just how he put it!
He said, "You have my blessing."
Comfy little bed this.
I remember when I slept in it.
Very comfy.
You never slept in that bed.
Yes I did dear, that time
you were ill, remember.
No I don't remember.
No well, it's not important dear.
What you say Billy, what
anybody says is important.
This was always Arthur's bed.
Till he went to school.
I've never allowed anybody
to sleep in it.
Yes of course dear.
Well she'll be nice
and comfy in this.
What does it look like?
Very neat.
No no, I mean what
does it all look like.
The overall effect.
If you'd never seen it before
and you suddenly woke up in that bed,
where would you think you were.
In a hospital.
Exactly in hospital.
Aren't we the clever ones!
It's going to work Billy.
The plan's going to work.
Did you put the extra strong bulb in?
The 150 watt.
Well you saw me put it in.
It's fine then.
I couldn't see anything.
Look at the dust in this
place, have you seen the dust.
I thought old Mother Jackson
was supposed to have done this out
before she went on holiday.
Well we can live with it.
I can't live with it.
I hate dust.
Oh it's lovely for her, she's
on abroad this year you know.
I said to her "Where are
you going for your holidays
"this year Mrs Jackson?"
I felt sorry for her, I thought
she'd be stuck at Margate
or somewhere, getting her
usual third degree burn.
Not a bit of it.
"We're going to France," she
said, "in my Cyril's new car."
You can imagine that can't you.
Five of them crammed in the Mini
with her Cyril at the wheel.
A nightmare.
Still it suits our purposes.
The further away the better
till it's all over, hmm.
You want that on do you?
It helps me to concentrate.
Of course it'd be a
marvellous opportunity
not to have her back.
I mean we're not giving up a
treasure or anything like that.
She only does it for the gossip.
And we can do without that.
According to the directions
it takes a couple of hours.
So we might as well make a start.
You think we ought to start now do you.
That's what I just said.
Put the scissors down will you.
You can finish that later.
Well we're not having any last
minute doubts are we Billy.
You know it's too late for that.
We have to go through with
it, exactly as planned.
Now's the only time, with
Mrs Jackson safely away.
Yes, I know.
For the wings of a dove
You want that car don't you Billy.
You know the one you saw.
You want things to be
different, not only for me
but for all of us.
I'm not doing it for the car.
The car isn't why I'm doing it.
Listen Billy.
Listen will you.
You know that I can never tell
when you're really listening to me.
And try to understand,
Billy what I am, what I am
can't just be thrown away can it.
And it's not wrong.
What we're going to do is not wrong.
We're doing it for his sake.
Arthur wants me to be
recognised for what I am.
I mean I can't tell you.
He convinced me.
I had to be convinced
myself before I told you.
I mean I know it's different for you.
I've know that all along
and I do try to make...
It's so quiet in here.
Suddenly so terribly quiet.
Did you turn that off?
No dear, you did it yourself.
I did, I turned, I wanted it on,
why would I turn it off.
Well then it must've been me.
Why did I ever marry you Billy?
I don't know dear, why did you.
Because you're weak
and because you need me.
Well those are two good reasons.
We've had so much sorrow Billy.
Too much sorrow.
But it's all going to be changed now.
Everything's going to be different.
You know what I sometimes wish?
I sometimes wish I were ordinary like you.
Dead ordinary.
Ordinary and dead like all the others.
Too much sorrow Billy.
And you can't buy your own happiness
at the expense of somebody
else's unhappiness.
Who was it that said that?
Do you know?
Arthur said it.
Oh yes.
Of course.
Fancy you remembering.
He didn't say it to you did he?
No dear.
You told me.
Oh yes.
Funny he's never been close to you.
Not that I blame you.
It's easier for me.
You don't have my gift.
It all might've been different
if Mummy hadn't left me this house.
She wanted me to have it.
They read it out.
The solicitor read it out
of the will.
He sat just there.
We've never really quarrelled have we,
except about this house.
Have you ever thought of that?
Yes I've thought about it dear.
Still I have made it up to
you in other ways, haven't I.
Yes lots of ways.
And you do need me, don't you.
Well say it then.
I don't have to say it.
I wouldn't be here would I,
if I didn't.
No, but I do think you had
second thoughts just now.
Not that I mind,
I mean I understand.
It's not easy for you.
But you did have second
thoughts didn't you Billy.
Well not second thoughts as such, no.
Well what then?
As you said, I don't have your gift.
You're right.
I do keep forgetting that.
You see when they first
found out, when I was little,
you remember I told you about my aunt.
She was the first one.
She knew.
She'd tumbled it.
She used to go on endlessly
to Mummy in this room.
I used to hear them.
I used to creep to the top
of the stairs to listen.
And then at Sunday tea all the family came
and I had to perform.
I had to get up and do my party piece.
And in the end I began to enjoy it.
To look forward to it.
It was nice being different.
I mean you didn't get told off,
you just had all the nice things, all the.
You see, it wasn't a trick.
It was there all those years
ago, here in this room.
And it was real.
It was happening to me.
I didn't have to make it up.
Don't you see.
That's why, that's why
it has to happen Billy.
Otherwise what's it all been for.
Just to take a collection
every Wednesday afternoon,
rain or fine.
I mean eight pounds ten in a biscuit tin.
No, no.
It has to be more than
that Billy, it has to be.
And Arthur's quite certain is he.
If you're ready.
Well then.
I mustn't disappoint him.
Must I?
Excuse me, are you Mr
Clayton's chauffeur?
The headmistress, Miss Bray,
she's got a letter for you
to give to Mr Clayton.
Oh thank you.
No no I haven't got it.
She wanted to give it to you in person.
Oh right.
See you in a tick Amanda.
Open the door, there's a good girl.
Come on be a good girl, open it up.
I won't hurt you, I promise.
It's only a game, I promise.
Cross my heart, it's only a game.
It must be out here somewhere.
I know.
Where is it?
Hey, here.
- Thanks Mister!
- Thanks Mister.
Well play further away next
time, you'll hit someone.
- All right!
- All right.
Don't be afraid dear.
Don't be afraid.
It's only a game.
I think it needs one more good rinse.
Can you manage?
Yes thank you.
I'll just go have another look at her.
I've had another look at her.
She's still all right.
Well don't fuss.
The worst thing you can do
with children is to fuss.
It confuses them.
Read this to me will you.
I want to hear how it sounds.
Use this in case we want
to make corrections.
You want me to read it out loud do you?
Well could we have that
a little quieter please?
Oh Billy, I do wish
you weren't such a bore
about good music.
Dear sir.
This is to notify you that your...
That's not a good start.
Too formal.
Cross it out.
We don't need an introduction.
This is to notify you
that your daughter is
in our possession.
She is quite safe and if
you follow instructions
she will remain safe.
By this time you will
have informed the police,
that was to be expected,
but do not tell them about this letter.
Oh full stop after letter.
Do not tell them about this letter.
Destroy it.
We are professionals and we mean business.
You will find enclosed
a lock of your daughter's hair as proof.
Wait, um, change that.
Lock means curl.
Make it piece, her hair's straight.
Or just some.
I enclose a piece of your
daughter's hair as proof.
Your instructions are
as follows, full stop.
You will put an advert
into the personal column
of tomorrow's Evening Standard
to the effect that you are
willing to oblige and sign,
willing to oblige and sign
it with your Christian name.
This advert you will
address to Longfellow.
Full stop.
You will get a blue BOAC overnight bag
and put into it 25,000.
You will be informed later by telephone
where and when you are
to deliver the money.
After delivery your daughter
will be returned unharmed
but if these instructions
are not followed perfectly
or if there is any attempt
to detain the man to whom.
That doesn't have an E does it.
You've got one.
If there's any attempt
to detain the man
to whom you will give the money,
you will never see your
daughter alive again.
Signed Longfellow.
Well I suppose we need
that last bit do we.
Yes we need it.
Even though we don't mean it.
Even though we don't mean it,
they have to believe we mean it.
Yes I suppose the truth of the matter is
I haven't taken it in yet.
What we've done.
Well what have we done?
We've borrowed a child,
that's what we've done.
They have another word for it.
We have borrowed a child Billy.
Borrowed, borrowed.
Just keep saying that.
Now get on with your letter.
I'll be back down shortly.
Very good Billy.
It won't be a joke anymore will it.
Once you've posted it.
It never was a joke Billy.
No but you know what I mean.
Once you post it
no one else is going
to use the word borrow.
Oh Billy.
How many times must I tell you.
What we're doing is a means to an end.
Now you agree with the end don't you.
Well then you must agree with the means.
You can't have one without the other.
Burn these after I leave.
But we're not going to keep the money
and the child won't be hurt in any way.
Except if it goes wrong,
who's going to believe that.
I mean we can't expect anybody
to believe the real reason.
The trouble is Billy
you lack imagination.
You miss all the good things in life
just because you won't
reach that bit further
to touch the truth.
Say you love me.
I love you.
And you couldn't live
without me could you.
I mean you tried it once
and you had to come back
and I took you back, didn't I.
And you made me a promise, remember.
You promised me.
I promised you.
Go on, post your letter.
And come back safely.
Say come back safely.
And come back safely.
Oh God, oh Jesus, take
her before it's too late.
Girl missing.
Where, oh.
"The only daughter of Charles Clayton,
"wealthy chairman of
Clayton Industries Limited
"was last night stated
to be missing from home."
It doesn't say much does it.
They never do at first,
that doesn't worry me.
I want it to start slowly.
You get her breakfast, I'll change.
Good morning Amanda.
How are you feeling this
morning, a bit better?
Just going to take your temperature
and then you can have your breakfast.
Who are you?
Nice scrambled eggs,
and we don't want them to get cold do we.
Lie back and open your mouth.
I want to know who you are first.
I'm your nurse.
What nurse?
Nurse Johnson.
Under the tongue.
No talking now.
You're in hospital.
Ever been in hospital before?
Well then you'll know how to behave.
You didn't take that long enough.
Didn't I?
No, Doctor Loxton takes ages.
Why am I in hospital?
Caroline says you only
go to hospital to die.
Who's Caroline?
My best friend.
Well Caroline
is just being silly.
No she isn't, she's very clever.
She's a Christian Scientist.
Oh is she.
There we are.
What have I got?
German measles.
Had it.
Oh no, this is a very special kind.
Double German measles.
Very catchy.
Is it very special?
Mm, very.
That's why you've got a room to yourself.
I was at school, I wasn't ill.
Yes you were.
You were sent home from
school, don't you remember.
Now eat your breakfast.
Why have you got that on your face?
I have to wear it
in case I catch your measles.
You eat it up.
You didn't tell her she'd be going,
you didn't tell her
she'd be going home soon.
I think you ought to tell her that.
I thought you were gonna
tell her that right away.
Well I forgot.
You know with children
you have to tell them.
Set their little minds
at rest right away.
Billy what do you know
about children.
They're really quite adaptable,
They're like little animals.
You know how animals look in
the pet shop, in the windows.
When you see them they, you
take them home and you feed them
and they adapt
in a matter of hours.
Yes dear, you're right I'm sure.
Well you remember what
Arthur was like at her age.
I mean they're quite pleased
to be sick.
Makes them feel different
and important.
I wonder could you help me.
Do you know where a Mr
and Mrs Clayton live?
In what connection is it madam?
I want to see Mr Clayton.
Do you have an appointment?
No I don't.
Well this is the house
but I don't think
Mr Clayton can see you.
It's not official business is it.
But I really do think he would see me
if he knew what I'd come about.
What have you come about then?
Something that vitally
concerns him at this moment.
Well I'll ask up at the house.
Come with me.
Hey Miss!
I'd like to see Mr Clayton
for a minute please Miss.
We'll just have to cancel,
that's no problem surely.
Thank you Karla.
Yes officer, what is it now.
I'm sorry to trouble you again sir
but I believe this lady has
some information regarding...
This is my card Mr Clayton.
Who is it darling?
Look I don't know sweetie.
I'm just finding out.
All right officer, I'll deal with this.
Perhaps you better hang
on a moment will you.
Karla will you ask Mrs
Miles, oh it's all right.
Mrs Miles, will you get the constable
a cup of coffee please.
Would you like one darling?
Will you come this way Mrs Savage.
Oh I'm so sorry.
Darling this is Mrs Savage, my wife.
In here.
No I'm sorry,
that's all I have to say.
Who was that?
Nothing Mr Clayton,
just another newspaper.
Get me some cigarettes Sheila, will you.
Couple of packets,
box of 100, anything.
Oh I'm sorry, sit down.
Yes Mrs Savage, what
information do you have.
Well I'm afraid I don't
have anything definite,
that is definite to you.
But I read the papers this
morning and I felt I must come.
You see last night I had a dream.
A dream?
Mrs Savage.
I don't want to be rude but
we've been up all night.
I'm sure you came here
with the best of intentions
but we've had offers of help
from other people like yourself.
We had a man in here half
an hour ago
who offered to find our daughter
with the aid of a divining
rod, you do see don't you.
Yes of course, but
there is a difference.
You see I am a professional medium
and my dreams are not
without significance.
What sort of dream was it?
I saw a little girl sitting alone.
She was lost.
I was quite sure she was lost.
Of course that in itself
wouldn't mean much
but the symbolism was very strong.
The little girl was surrounded by clay.
Wet clay.
And when I read your name in the papers
I coupled it with the clay.
I see.
Darling you don't have
any cigarettes do you.
No, no I haven't.
And that means something
does it, Mrs Savage.
Oh yes.
Yes the connection between
the clay and your name
was too strong to ignore.
Was that all?
The child in my dream used some names.
She said Caroline first of all.
That's her best friend at school.
Yes well she kept saying that.
And then just before my
dream ended she said hedge.
Could that mean anything?
Yes Hedgey, that's her toy.
Well it's a sort
of funny old hedgehog
all falling to pieces.
She won't ever sleep without it.
Well it must be that,
mustn't it darling.
You see she had it with her when,
well she'd taken it to school with her.
It's something to go on isn't it.
Nothing else Mrs Savage.
No just those three things.
Mrs Savage.
You are a professional medium
are you?
Darling what do you
think we ought to do.
Now just a moment sweetie.
Mrs Savage.
Again I don't want to
appear rude or ungrateful.
But what you've just told us
you could've learned by accident
or by half a dozen
other different ways.
People gossip.
I have a staff, they gossip.
You could've read about it in a magazine.
They're always writing
things about my wife.
Anyway you could've
come by this information
in a dozen different ways.
Yes but the point is that I didn't.
I had a dream.
The point is Mrs Savage, and forgive me
I don't know why you came to
see me and not the police.
If your dream means so much,
and presumably you think it does,
I find it very odd that you
didn't go to the police first.
Now let me ask you
question Mrs Savage.
What do you want out of it?
- Darling.
- I'm sorry?
Well what's in it for you?
You must have some angle.
You think I'm after money?
Well it's possible isn't it.
People do do things for
money, it has been known.
I'm so sorry.
I'm obviously wasting your
time, but I do understand.
Goodbye Mrs Clayton and don't worry.
I know your little girl is safe.
You don't know anything of the kind
so don't give my wife any false hopes.
I'll tell you something
that wasn't in your dream Mrs Savage,
and I might just as well tell you
because it'll be
in the papers any moment.
Our little girl has been kidnapped,
she's being held for ransom.
I'm so sorry, I didn't know.
No no exactly, thank you for coming.
Yes, speaking.
I'm terribly sorry Mrs Savage.
It's just that
we're both so worried.
No I've got
- nothing to say!
- Although I do think the fact
that they've got in touch with us
means that she's safe, don't you.
I mean they usually
do this sort of thing
for the money, don't they.
Nothing else.
I'm quite sure she'll be all right
and I do understand your
husband not having time for me.
No nothing!
But I'm never wrong
about these things.
Thank you very much for coming.
Anything helps at the moment.
Oh Sheila, will you
show Mrs Savage out.
Thank you.
Look if I get one more call from you
I'll have the phone disconnected.
What about those bastards darling?
They wanna take a picture of
you and me in her bedroom.
What with them and that phoney
bitch and her stupid dreams,
I've just about had enough.
Well I don't care about
any of them really.
I don't care what pictures
they take or who finds her.
Just as long as we get her back.
Excuse me ma'am.
Excuse me.
I wonder if I could trouble
you for one of those cards.
I'm sorry?
Your name and address ma'am.
I'm supposed to make
a note of everybody
who comes and goes.
Oh yes, of course.
It's purely for the record.
Thank you.
Oh by the way, those blokes
hanging about the gate.
Take my tip and walk right past.
You don't wanna get mixed up with them.
Oh no, of course not.
Thank you for telling me.
I'll use the other gate.
She wants some cocoa
and some potato crisps.
We haven't got any have we.
We have cocoa.
What about crisps?
Turn out the light.
- Nothing.
- Try and knock then.
That's the garage door.
Is it locked?
What about the back door though,
supposing they go round the back?
Go and make sure.
Be careful.
Nurse I want you!
Nurse I want you!
It's all right.
It's all right.
Go and see what she wants.
And put your mask on.
I'll get her drink ready.
It slipped off.
Oh dear.
Well accidents will happen.
I thought perhaps
you'd fallen out of bed.
The nurse is
just making your drink.
Did you enjoy your dinner?
I don't like eating in bed.
You get all crumbs.
Yes I've found that.
Are you really a doctor?
Yes of course.
You don't smell like a doctor.
Don't I?
Well what do doctors smell like?
All pepperminty.
Well we'll have to
do something about that then
won't we.
Nurse'll be up in a tick.
You'll be all right.
What was it?
Oh she just dropped her tray.
She's really bright you
know, really quite bright.
What about the police,
will they be back?
Yes but not tonight.
Watch that will you,
it's about to boil.
Well they must suspect something.
Everyone's under suspicion
once they've made contact.
I knew they'd call.
They were just a little more
efficient than I'd imagined,
that's all.
I'm not ready for that.
I think we should take
her back now, tonight,
while there's still time.
Oh I need some sugar.
Did you hear what I said?
Sugar, sugar.
Look it's not going to work.
If we do something now we
might just get away with it.
What would we get away with Billy?
We'd just be taking all the risks
with none of the benefits.
We, I committed a criminal act.
I kidnapped her,
I didn't borrow her.
And they're onto us.
They made a call, that's all.
Part of a routine investigation.
If they'd had any strong suspicions
they never would've left
so easily, now would they.
But they'll be back,
you said so yourself.
Yes they'll be back,
but not tonight.
They won't be back tonight.
First thing tomorrow morning,
what difference does it make.
A great deal of difference Billy.
She won't be here tomorrow morning.
Billy what was our plan?
Our beautiful perfect plan.
How brave, how excited we were.
Don't you remember conceiving it?
Have you forgotten Billy?
We were going to do something
so perfect, so pure,
that would harm no one.
It would only do good.
And we've made a start, a wonderful start.
It's all going exactly as we said.
And when we've done the rest,
when we've got the ransom money
and it's all over the front pages,
that's when it can all
come true for us Billy.
I'll make it come true.
I'll tell them where she can be found
and where the money is hidden.
Well I have to do
this little lie Billy
so they can know the whole truth.
That's what you want, isn't it.
That's what you've always
wanted, ever since.
Well ever since I can remember.
You've wanted nice things
for me, haven't you.
That's true isn't it.
Yes that's true dear.
So you know what you have
to do tonight.
Just as we rehearsed it.
Yes, Barnet three.
Charles Clayton here.
This is Longfellow.
Keep him talking as long as you can.
Yes, yes I'm here.
Where's my little girl?
What have you done with my baby?
Please tell me she's all right.
Yes, well, listen carefully.
Yes yes, I'm listening.
Have you got the money ready?
- Yes.
- In the BOAC bag?
Then listen to me.
Go alone to Leicester Square
to the phone box nearest
to the taxi rank,
in the northwest corner.
Yes sir.
Keep him talking,
- they're tracing it.
- Hello, are you listening?
Yes yes, I'm listening, yes.
Go inside it and wait there.
Don't do anything.
Don't use the phone.
Just go inside and wait there.
Have you got all that?
Would you repeat that
last part again please?
Northwest corner, last booth.
- Northeast?
- West, west!
I've said it three times.
Have you got it now?
Well that's all then.
Don't hurt my baby.
About bleedin' time an' all.
Where to?
That could've been fatal
if I hadn't made you
turn your pockets out.
You know that, don't you.
Yes, I'm not a master criminal
you know.
Is it clear outside?
Yes absolutely,
shall I take her.
No I can manage,
you take care of those.
You sure she won't wake up.
She couldn't possibly.
I've been thinking.
What if the police haven't
been by the time I get back?
Yes that is something.
Well we'd better have a signal then.
I'll hang a shirt on the
line and leave it there
until the police have been and gone.
Yes, right.
If it's still there
keep driving round
and coming back to check.
- Right.
- Otherwise,
stick exactly to the plan.
I'm a police officer,
Detective Sergeant Beedle.
Could I have a word
with you Mrs Savage?
Well yes, of course.
Won't you come in.
Excuse me.
We called last night but
you were out I think.
Oh yes we were.
It's not about the radio licence
is it.
No it's nothing like that.
No it's nothing at all really.
It's just a check.
It's in connection
with that little girl
missing from Barnet.
After your visit yesterday
the police at Barnet asked us
to check, character and so on.
I was able to tell them
that you weren't known
officially to us, et cetera,
and that was all above board.
But they asked if we'd just
have a look round the house.
He doesn't work in this area,
does he.
Your husband.
He doesn't work at all I'm afraid.
He suffers from ill health.
Oh yes.
I remember my wife mentioning it.
Asthma isn't it.
Sometimes it's worse than others.
This isn't your room I take it.
No, my husband's.
He sometimes uses it
when he gets an attack.
It's fairly dust free.
This is where I hold my meetings.
Do you, yes.
Well I'm not taking sides
one way or the other.
I keep out of it where
my wife's concerned.
Still I suppose there's something
in it.
I think so.
Well you would of course, yeah.
What about Mr Savage?
Does he go along?
He believes in what I believe.
What does your husband drive, a Mini?
No a, just an old motorbike.
It's William Savage, isn't it.
William Henry.
Oh yes.
My wife was trying to remember.
How is she?
She's all right I think,
none the worse.
A bit hot perhaps.
I kept looking
at her whenever I could.
You weren't followed were you?
No I doubled back a couple
of times just in case.
Hot you say.
Yes, nothing much.
No but you said hot.
You hid the money did you?
Yes but what do you mean hot?
What I said Billy, what I said.
A bit hotter than usual, that's all.
Yes but what does that mean!
It means, and do not shout at me,
that she has a bit of a
temperature I suppose.
It's nothing unusual in children.
How would you know?
We're mad you and me.
We're both mad.
Are you asleep?
Myra are you asleep?
What is it?
Come in here a minute.
What's wrong?
Well come and look at her.
With my uniform on?
It doesn't matter she,
look, just come and look.
You feel her forehead.
Now tell me that's normal.
Yes she is still very hot.
Well of course she's hot.
I took her temperature, it's way up.
Get another blanket there.
We'll have to get a doctor.
Billy don't be stupid.
What do you mean don't be stupid?
Where are you going?
What's stupid about it?
The child's ill and we've
got to have a doctor.
Look don't walk away
when I'm talking to you.
What are you doing, I'm telling
you what we've got to do.
We've got to get a doctor.
Look put that down and
listen to me for a minute.
What are you looking
in here for,
you won't find the answer
in a book.
I'm telling you what the answer is.
Are you Billy, are you?
You know the answer,
it's that simple is it.
We just call the doctor.
Now what should we say
to him do you think.
Should we say that
we've borrowed a,
oh you don't like that word do you.
We'll say we've kidnapped a child
and ask him to treat it in confidence.
Is that what we should do Billy?
And we don't really know
if there's anything wrong at all,
do we.
We'll get medicine for her
in the morning.
There's no harm that can come
to her in a warm bed is there.
I don't know.
I don't know anything any longer.
Except you do know I'm right, don't you.
That I'm right.
Now we have to take
turns to sit in with her.
You want to take the
first turn or shall I?
I'll take it.
What is it?
The mother's disappeared.
We can't hold your meeting this afternoon.
You must put it off.
I'm giving half the adult dose,
do you think that's all right.
Once every four hours, that means
one now
and one at 2:30.
Myra we must put it off.
The very worst thing we could do
is change the normal routine.
But the baby'll be in the next room.
That's right Billy,
and you'll sit with her
after you've got everyone in.
We're not going to put it off Billy.
It would just make people suspicious.
I'm not putting it off.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Will you go up please.
Excuse me.
Oh good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Is Mrs Savage
holding her usual meeting
this afternoon?
Oh yes, why
don't you come in please.
Thank you.
You haven't
been before, have you.
No, no I haven't.
May I have your name please.
Mrs Clayton.
The room's upstairs.
Oh, thank you.
Straight ahead.
Yes I've just seen her.
I thought she might come.
But you can't
with the child in here,
you just can't.
Oh yes Billy, yes.
Oh it's good that she's
come, don't you see.
It's good.
It strengthens my connection,
now I can help her.
I can help her Billy.
Now she can share my truth.
Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Shall we make our circle?
What, what is it?
He had a car.
A red car.
Going over a bridge.
Going home.
Oh they're all singing.
He sends his love.
That's my Fred, that's my darling.
Take good care of all at number 43.
I will, I will my darling.
We put flowers on your grave
last Sunday, me and the girls.
Somebody else.
Somebody on my left.
Your guardian angel has put
candles on both your knees.
One on each knee.
A white one on the left and
a blue one on the right.
He's telling you not to worry.
You are worried about a church.
About a child.
You're worried about a little girl.
Oh yes.
No need to worry.
No need.
She's quite safe.
She's being taken care of by three,
three people who are concerned
about her future happiness.
Oh she's playing, she's happy.
All the future is happiness.
- Mummy.
- Ssh, ssh.
When, when will I see her again?
What is it Arthur, what?
Well say it then, what.
When will I see her?
Not another, no!
What is it dear?
It's all right, she'll
be all right in a minute.
It's all right dear,
you're all right.
You fainted.
Silly me.
I fainted.
That's very silly of me.
Yes just sit quietly for a minute.
I think perhaps we'll
stop it here for today.
Yes yes, of course Mr Savage.
If someone could perhaps help
me I'll get her to her room.
Yes yes, of course.
Let me.
Mr Savage, who is going to die.
Yes you said the word
who was it for.
Was it to do with me?
Nobody's dead.
No not dead, die.
I distinctly heard you say it.
No, nobody's dead.
Look if you don't
mind Mrs Wintry, please.
I'll just see them out dear.
You sure you'll be all right?
Yes I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I do apologise.
Please accept my wife's apologies.
She's overtired I think.
Oh yes, yes of course.
What do I owe Mrs Savage?
Oh nothing, nothing please.
But I must.
Well I'll send her
something through the post.
Please, I assure you.
Oh no, I'd like to.
You see I am so worried and
she has given me some hope.
Whatever my wife told you
I'm sure will come true.
You will thank her for me won't you.
Yes of course.
Billy I've got something to tell you.
Something tremendous to tell you.
Come in here.
Oh there you are.
I was just going to call you again.
Isn't it a wonderful afternoon.
I'm always so surprised.
So bright after a seance.
Brightness just seems
to fall from the air.
Have you noticed?
You don't notice.
Yes I do.
What is it you want to tell me?
Arthur was very close this afternoon.
He was so close, he
kept talking about love,
that was the word he used.
He was chattering on, I
couldn't keep up with him.
He so wants her to be happy.
Yes, the child.
He's grown so fond of her since
she's been using his room.
That's what gave him the idea.
Idea, what idea.
Well it's very simple really
and as Arthur says, it's
the answer for all of us.
And for the plan.
He says she doesn't
really want to go back.
He says she'd be much happier with him.
Then they'd have to take
notice of me wouldn't they.
I mean they couldn't ignore
me if we do what he says.
It'd make the whole thing
that much more important.
And he kept saying how
much happier she'd be
if we sent her to him.
Arthur didn't say anything.
You said it, it was you, it's
what you've been thinking.
- Didn't say...
- It's you, it's all you.
Well of course he said it.
- Why wouldn't...
- Arthur doesn't exist!
He's never existed.
He was dead, he didn't live.
He was dead Myra, he was born dead.
You never saw him, I was
the only one who saw him.
They wouldn't let you see him.
It's you Myra, it's always been you.
Yes it has,
- it's what you want.
- No!
- No!
- Yes,
this last thing was you!
You thought of it.
- No no!
- You're the one
who wanted her to die.
You thought of it,
it's only in your mind.
That's not true,
you mustn't say that,
that is not true.
Arthur is dead!
You always wanted him
so much but he's dead.
All those clothes you've
got upstairs in the room,
that's in your mind too.
You don't have to say it.
Yes, yes I have to say it!
And you have to hear me.
This time you have to hear me!
- He's...
- Say it, Arthur is dead.
He was born dead.
- Billy please.
- Go on, say it!
Say it!
I know he's dead, I know
that, I do know that.
But I do talk to him.
And he does talk to me,
please don't make me say he
doesn't talk to me, please.
I do and I see him.
I am different and I do see him.
That's why I want her.
She makes me feel
so much closer to him.
That's why Billy.
Oh Myra.
Oh Myra, what to do now.
It's what I have to think
about, what to do now.
I have to think, I have to think.
Myra don't say anymore.
Just let me think.
Billy please.
Just do this for me
so I can keep her.
It wouldn't be fair to
take away from me now.
You go back to bed.
You'll catch cold.
What were they all shouting about?
Well it was just a game.
This isn't
really a hospital is it.
Hospitals are all white.
You stay in bed this
time like a good girl.
You'll be home soon, I promise.
I must've left her door unlocked.
Yes Billy.
Rushing in to see you.
Yes Billy.
She's seen you Billy.
She's seen your face.
Do it for me Billy.
Then we can both be safe forever.
You see how easy it was Billy.
She didn't suffer, she
didn't feel anything.
She just went to sleep.
Now she's safe with Arthur.
You don't want me to
say that anymore do you.
But I won't.
I promise you I won't.
Because of all the things
you've done for me.
Billy look at me.
I won't ever forget.
Just a few more hours
and I'll go and tell them
where they can find her.
And it'll all come true.
Just as Mummy said.
Are you cold?
You look cold.
It's always cold
in this room isn't it.
Even in the afternoons
when the sun comes in.
Never really warms it up.
Billy we won't stay here
once it's over.
Once it's over we'll go away.
You'd like that wouldn't you.
We'll never quarrel again.
I'll just do things to please you.
Say you love me.
You know I love you.
I want to read over exactly
what it is I want to say.
That's the evening papers,
would you get it Billy.
She was.
Oh for the wings, for
the wings of a dove
Far away, far away would I rove
Oh for the wings, for
the wings of a dove
Far away, far away, far
away, far away would I rove
This is Superintendent Walsh.
Superintendent Walsh.
evening Mrs Savage.
Very sorry to call on you
like this without warning.
Oh well, that's quite all right.
You know Sergeant Beedle I believe.
Yes, good evening Mrs Savage.
Yes we had a long talk
a few days ago.
Yes, well, as a matter of fact
that's why I'm calling on you.
Once again this is not an
official visit as such.
We just thought perhaps you
might be able to help us
a little further, in your
professional capacity.
I'm sorry, I.
The little girl missing from Barnet.
You gave the parents some
information I believe.
Yes that's right, I...
Before I go any further Mrs Savage
I think I ought to say that off
duty I'm not a non-believer.
Matter of fact I'm president
of my local society
for psychical research.
Oh are you?
How very interesting.
Yes it is, very.
I'm a very keen president.
I've had one or two papers published.
Nothing much, just our own magazine,
and mostly concerned with
the Kroner experiments.
Oh yes.
Of course,
I know the Kroner experiments.
As I'm sure you know they
followed them up in Austria
with startling results.
I went into it when I was
there on holiday last year.
Rather a busman's holiday
I suppose but
I like to get to the end of things.
That's why I'm here.
I wondered if you would consider
holding a seance for me.
This evening?
Well if it's at all possible.
We seem to have drawn a
blank with orthodox methods
and since you did make contact before
you might be a great help again.
Of course it's only a request,
you're quite at liberty to refuse.
What help do you think
my wife could give you?
Well in a case like this Mr Savage
we are grateful for small mercies.
And since your wife does
appear to have powers
beyond the ordinary, I'd
like to make use of them.
You already enjoy
a very considerable
reputation Mrs Savage.
Do I?
Oh yes, indeed.
News in our particular circle,
if I may put it like that,
may not travel widely, but
it travels very surely.
You want me to give
you exact information
about the little girl, is that it.
Well it doesn't have
to be exact Mrs Savage.
Just a clue, that's all we're looking for.
And you want
to have the seance now?
If that's at all possible.
Speaking as a policeman now,
time isn't exactly on our side.
Well I usually have a circle.
Yes, well, I thought
we'd ask Beedle here
and Mr Savage.
Oh my husband isn't a regular sitter.
Well I don't think that matters.
I'd like him to be in on this one.
Will you excuse me a moment?
Do you suppose you can get the station
on the car radio from here?
Well I can't say for certain sir.
You don't know.
I'm not positive.
But do
you think it's possible?
Well yes.
I couldn't say for sure sir.
Right, you wait outside.
So sorry.
Right Mrs Savage, if
you'll show us where.
This way please.
Oh I haven't got a match.
Will a lighter do?
Yes please.
Would you turn out the light?
Superintendent there, Billy over there.
Mr Beedle.
Is there anything
special you want us to do?
It's a great help to me
if we all give ourselves up
completely and concentrate.
But nothing special.
I have no tricks.
I'm sure you don't
need them Mrs Savage.
Could we all join hands.
And now concentrate on one thing.
Empty your minds of
everything except the subject.
Oh it's tea time.
Take my hand precious, it's tea time.
We have to go downstairs.
Everybody's waiting.
You have to be a good girl today.
Good girl.
No no, no good saying
you're tired, it's Sunday.
Never tired on Sunday.
Mummy, you've got butter on your chin.
I'm standing at the top of the stairs.
Look at me.
Stop that shouting.
No I won't, I won't!
No don't.
Don't make me go downstairs again.
Don't make me go today, I
want to stay with Arthur.
He was born dead!
You can't see him, you can't see him.
They won't let me see him.
All that waiting.
All that time.
Nothing to hold.
Only Billy.
Arthur why are you waiting
under the tree alone?
In the dark.
Why are you waiting there?
Mummy why's he waiting under the tree?
It's all different.
I said die.
They said dead, he's not.
He is not dead, he is not!
Arthur why are you
waiting there all alone.
She should be there.
She should've come by now, where is she.
Oh she was here, she was
here in Arthur's room.
Oh she saw him.
She saw Billy.
She saw him.
She saw him.
I'm coming precious,
I'm coming, I'm coming.
Billy you've taken her.
You take her Billy, take her, kill her.
Arthur's waiting Billy.
Take her Billy.
Kill her Billy.
Take her.
Arthur's waiting, he's waiting Billy.
I'm coming.
Precious I'm coming, I am coming.
Wait, wait, wait, wait for me.
Wait for me.
It's all right, precious.
Where'd you hide the money Mr Savage?
In the coal bunker.
The garden.
She's all right is she.
I put her where the scouts would find her.
Did I do it right Billy?
Yes dear.