Search for Santa Paws, The (2010)

lt's tinker time
The deadline's Christmas Eve
We're working hard
to fill the sleigh
So Santa Claus can leave
Each year you see
You can depend on me
We'll make the perfect Christmas toy
for evey girl and boy!
Eveybody line up. Line up!
Santa's coming!
Hello, Eli.
Eveyone is welcome here
Santa's shop is full of cheer
Come on
There's lots more to be done
Christmas season starts today
Hury up and fill the sleigh
These toys are filled with so much joy
lt's tinker time
The deadline's Christmas Eve
We're working hard
to fill the sleigh
So Santa Claus can leave
Each year you see
You can depend on me
We'll make the perfect Christmas toy
For evey girl and boy
Happy Birthday, Santa dear
Sixteen hundred special years with you
How fast the seasons flew
Make a wish and blow them out
Celebrate a life about good cheer
Here's to another year
Thank you, eveyone!
What a cake!
Make a wish, Santa!
- May l have this dance?
- Why, yes.
Special delivey, Santa.
A gift for me?
Just arrived by North Pole Express.
lt's from the Big Apple.
''Dear Mr Claus:
l regret to inform you of
Mr Hucklebuckle's recent passing.
He explicitly asked me, as his
trusted attorney, to write to you
and thank you for your
Ioyal friendship throughout the years.''
Oh, dear.
''Mr Hucklebuckle enjoyed
passing on your message
to the children of New York.
You taught him the true meaning
of Christmas spirit...
...and the joy of a life of service.
l've sent you the birthday
present from Mr Hucklebuckle...
...that he had hoped
to give you himself.
Sincerely... Mr Stewart.''
Mr Hucklebuckle was a great
ambassador for the Santa Cause.
Look at this place.
- It's so nostalgic.
- Yeah, that's one word for it.
l used to spend Christmas here as a kid.
Nothing has changed.
What's this?
ls this a Santa chair?
Grandpa used to
dress up for the kids.
l'm sure the suit is
still around here somewhere.
He loved the whole Christmas season.
Mr Hucklebuckle, l presume.
- l'm Mr Stewart.
- Actually, it's Huckle.
l changed it years ago.
And this must be Mrs Huckle.
Please, call me Kate.
My condolences for your loss.
Your grandfather was more than a client,
he was a dear friend.
l remember him fondly.
So, as we were discussing
on the telephone,
your grandfather left you the key
to the store to do as you wish.
That's good. We're gonna put the
building on the market immediately.
There is, however, one stipulation.
You need to operate the store through
one Christmas season profitably
before the deed can be transferred.
We live in Los Angeles,
Mr Stewart, all right?
And l'm a CPA with
a full roster of clients.
And look at this place.
Here, look at these toys.
Kids don't want to play
with this stuff anymore. It's...
lt's old-fashioned.
Your grandfather used to say that
children's imaginations don't change.
They're timeless.
These toys even remind me
of my childhood.
Back when they didn't
make video games.
We'll keep the store open
through Christmas, Mr Stewart.
Kate, we can't just pick up and leave.
Your grandfather's apartment
on the upper level is open to you.
Plenty of room, and l'm sure
your children will love it here.
We haven't been blessed
with any children.
l'm sory.
l'll be back Christmas Day,
Mr Hucklebuckle.
- Again, it's Huckle.
- Yes, of course.
Happy Holidays.
Mery Christmas.
Don't wory, Quinn.
It'll be vey nice in there.
There'll be other kids
for you to play with.
Come on.
- Yes?
- Hi, Ms Stout?
l believe you're expecting us.
l'm Mrs Gibson from
Social Services and this... Quinn.
Oh, yes, the new one.
Come right in.
Oh, my. The place could use a little
Christmas cheer, don't you think?
lf l got more money from the state,
maybe l could afford
some Christmas decorations.
Oh, here you go...
for Quinn's monthly care.
Shall we introduce Quinn
to the other girls?
They're studying. l take their
home schooling vey seriously.
Quinn, l'll be back in a little bit.
To make sure you've settled in.
Ms Stout.
Sit there.
l'll have someone show you around,
and more importantly,
fill you in on all my rules.
- Have you seen Willamina?
- No.
Janie, where's Ms Stout?
Where have you been, missy?
l was just playing in the alley.
New kid, much cuter than you,
and younger, l'm sure she'll go fast.
l want you to show her around,
introduce her to the girls,
and make sure she
understands my rules.
Why do l always have
to show the new kids around?
Because you're the oldest and l
hold you accountable for her behaviour.
Willamina, this is Quinn.
You'll get used to it.
And it's Will, not Willamina.
Come on,
l'll show you around.
- This is the living room.
- But where's the Christmas tree?
Ms Stout can't stand Christmas,
so none of us are allowed to have it.
No merriness, no festivity.
She confiscates any toys.
And most of all, she hates
any kind of singing.
Eveyone, this is Quinn.
Quinn, that's Janie,
Meg, Taylor, and May.
What happened to your parents?
They didn't make it.
They had to go to heaven.
Mine neither. Janie's too, but she still
thinks they're gonna come for her.
They are gonna come for me.
You'll see.
And maybe even before Christmas.
Nobody's parents are coming for them.
That's why we're here, silly.
Your only chance is to get adopted.
- What's ''dopted?''
- Adopted.
That's when a new mom and dad
think you're cute and take you home.
They like little kids.
Not older ones like me.
Come on, l'll show you where we sleep.
Jenny just left, so l guess
this is your bed now.
l'll let you settle in,
and l'll be back in a little bit.
All right, Eli.
What was so important?
Well, we all know you've been
feeling a little blue, sir,
and l think with the help
of a little Christmas magic,
we could cheer you up.
My goodness!
l guess he's going to need a name!
He is yours to name, dear.
l think l'm going to name you Paws.
You and l are going to be
best friends for all eternity.
- Eternity? How long is that?
- Why, forever, young pup!
Yes, wonderful.
Yes, vey nice.
Take the reins, Paws!
Easy! Here, let me help you there, Paws!
Honey, this store has barely
broken even for the past 30 years.
And what's curious is that Grandpa made
a profit of exactly one cent evey year.
Well, l have a feeling your grandfather
was not in this for the money.
Then why did he put
that stipulation in the will
that we have to make
a profit over Christmas?
l don't know.
Maybe Grandpa Hucklebuckle wanted
to make sure the store was run properly.
We need something to bring in customers.
What about a store Santa?
Kids love to go see Santa.
- Yes, a store Santa, of course.
- Yeah.
That's a great idea!
Where do you get a store Santa?
l don't know... the Internet?
Who will kiss my head
When l lie in bed
And who will hold my hand
Who will understand
Who will sing my song to me
Who will hold me tight
ln the dark of night
And who will brush my hair
Rock me in my chair
Who will sing my song to me
Who will sing my song to me
Now that you are gone
What are you doing out here?
You better get in here.
It's almost lights out!
What's that?
My mom's favourite Christmas decoration
from when she was a little girl.
We used to hang it on the tree together.
lt's nice. Don't let
Ms Stout see it, OK?
- Don't let Ms Stout see what?
- Nothing.
What are my rules about toys?
- Hey, that's mine!
- Not anymore!
- Please! You can't just...
- Watch me!
l've got some errands to run.
Will, you're in charge.
And the rest of you had better
be fast asleep by the time l get back.
lt's OK, Janie.
We'll get it back.
No, we won't.
We both know where it's going.
It's never coming back.
Where is it going?
OK, sir, l've prepped the reindeer
for landing in Central Park.
Ever since Mr Hucklebuckle's passing,
Christmas spirit has been
out of whack in New York.
You mo be careful down there
and stick together.
l'll watch out for Santa.
That's what best friends are for!
Don't you wory, my darling,
we'll be fine.
We'll visit some ambassadors
for the Santa Cause,
talk to the children and
be back in a Christmas minute.
- l packed you a bag.
- Thank you.
Your suit, hat, gloves,
and some of my sugarplum pie.
And you seem to have forgotten
your North Pole pin.
l love you.
- Goodbye, Santa!
- Bye, Santa!
Now Dasher, now Dancer,
now Prancer and Vixen,
on Comet, on Cupid,
on Donner and Blitzen!
Will? You awake?
lt's just the incinerator, Quinn.
Janie said Ms Stout
put her doll in there,
and if we didn't behave
Ms Stout would put us in there, too.
She's just saying that to scare us.
Ms Stout is not gonna put
Janie or anyone else in there.
Go back to bed, OK?
Oh, there she is, Paws,
the grand lady.
- The Statue of Libem.
- Wow! She's amazing.
Whoa! Comet, our landing spot
is Central Park.
- Put her down gently.
- All right, Santa.
Wow! UFO.
That's good.
OK, fellas, you get some rest.
We'll be here
waiting for you, Santa.
Yes, come on, Paws.
Nice bag.
l love the energy
of New York City.
There's nothing like it.
Wow, this is way huger
than the workshop.
Now, Paws, New York City
is a great big place
with a lot of people,
and only those who believe
in the magic of Christmas
can understand North Pole
animals like you.
So you need to be vey careful.
What the heck? Watch where
you're going, you old geezer!
l'm so sory, ma'am.
Here, let me help you with these.
Just arrived in the big city.
Stop your dog from yapping.
Shouldn't he be on a leash?
Not eveyone
has the Christmas spirit, Paws.
She's not vey jolly.
Why don't you mind
your own beeswax, buster.
Mery Christmas.
- Madam, your hat!
- Don't wory. l'll get it.
Paws! No!
Did you see that?
Santa! Are you OK?
- Oh, no! Santa's hurt!
- That guy just got hit.
Help, somebody help!
Oh, Mr Elf, Mr Elf!
l need your assistance.
Santa's really hurt!
Oh, no!
He just walked out.
- Anyone know first aid?
- l got this under control, sir.
l'm a... paramedical guy.
Mr Elf, wait up!
Look, there's no need for you to
stick around. You can get outta here.
All right, move along, eveybody!
Move along! There's nothing to see here!
Get away from me, you mutt!
l'm gonna have to report you to Eli,
Santa's head elf.
What have we here?
Nice, vey nice.
You all right there, bud?
Gus saw your whole mishap.
Could say l saved your life.
Where am l?
New York City.
Manhattan. Ring a bell?
All l hear is bells.
Jingle bells in fact.
Come on, let's get up.
Oh, no!
Which way was Santa?
- Thank you for your assistance.
- Yeah.
- Anyway you could direct me to...
- Yeah. No, no, l'm in...
l'm in a bit of a hury, bud.
See you around.
Excuse me?
Pardon me? Pardon me?
- We're in a rush.
- Excuse me?
Excuse me? l...
Excuse me?
l was hoping you could help me.
You see, l don't quite
remember where l live,
or anything else for that matter.
Though l do have a vague recollection
that l was supposed to be heading north.
Then just take the north line.
Why, thank you for your assistance.
You're a fine young man.
- Mery Christmas!
- Yeah, Mery Christmas to you, too.
Can anyone help me?
l'm looking for Santa Claus.
What do we got here?
This whole night has been a bust.
It's just...
- What is...?
- Mery Christmas.
Happy Holidays!
Hey, Mery Christmas.
Thank you vey much.
Thank you.
This is my turf, bud! Scram!
- l don't want any trouble, l just...
- Leave the bell!
- OK, OK, OK!
- Ho, ho, ho!
Ho. Ho, ho, ho!
Happy Christmas...
Happy Christmas to you.
Hucklebuckle Toys?
Well, the lady at the
Santa Claus agency laughed at me
when l asked if they had
any available store Santas.
l had no idea how
beautiful this store was. Look.
Kate, just don't get too attached
to this place, all right?
lt'll be up for sale
as soon as it's ours,
and then we're gonna go back to LA.
lt was kind of nice to have an extra
project to take my mind off it all.
l was kind of dreading the
Christmas season without a child.
l know, honey, come here.
Come on. Let's call it a night, OK?
- We had a big day.
- Yeah.
Good morning.
Thank you. Hello.
How are you? Morning.
Hey, the agency must have found one.
He's... perfect.
Look at him with his beard,
and the kind eyes, and that belly.
Yes. l guess l could
stand to lose a few pounds!
And the laugh is pretty good.
Vey convincing.
- Great job, honey!
- Well...
What a beautiful place this is.
Thank you. It's been
in our family for years.
- So, can you start today?
- Start?
You're looking for work, right?
More like a home, really.
You see, l'm new in town and...
a little disoriented.
l didn't get your name.
My name...
Bud. They call me Bud.
Vey pleased to meet you, Bud.
l'm Kate. This is my husband, James.
Hi, Bud.
Well, what kind of
work is it, exactly?
Oh, in-store Santa.
You know, you talk to the kids,
you ask them what they want
for Christmas, you listen.
Oh, that sounds
like something l could handle.
- Great!
- So, we have a deal.
Bud, if you'd like the job,
and you need a place to stay,
we do have a spare room
with a bed in it.
Yeah, here, let me show you.
l don't know if you have your own
or whatever, but if you don't mind,
we would love for you to wear
my grandfather's old Santa suit.
- Yeah, for good luck.
- Certainly, l don't mind!
Great. All right.
All right, the Santa suit
is in this closet.
l hope it fits.
Why, hello, Cindy Cramord!
Oh, l'm sory. Must have been
a case of mistaken identity.
Franklin, you animal!
- Are we still on for Friday night?
- l'll call you.
l've gotta go get my hair done.
Where are you going?
- Who says l'm going anywhere?
- Can l come?
OK, but we have to hury.
Come on.
All right, Ms Stout takes
mo hours to get her hair done.
l don't know why she bothers.
She looks like a hedgehog.
What's a hedgehog?
lt fits perfectly.
l hope your grandpa's suit fits Bud.
You know Grandpa Hucklebuckle used to
say that Santa himself gave it to him.
Do l look funny?
No. No. Bud, you look great.
lf l wasn't an adult, l'd believe
you were Santa himself.
l don't think you're
ever too old to believe.
Why don't you ty the chair out, Bud?
lsn't that the most beautiful bike
you've ever seen?
- Is this Santa's workshop?
- No, silly, it's just a toy store.
You have to have money to buy stuff.
Will, look!
It's Santa Claus!
He's not real. He's just here
to help sell toys.
lt's rather comfortable.
Ho, ho, ho, Mery Christmas!
You can come in.
l don't got any money
to buy toys.
That's OK, sweetie.
What's your name?
- Quinn.
- Quinn?
Are you here with your mom and dad?
They didn't make it.
Then who are you here with?
ls that your big sister?
Do you wanna talk to Santa? OK.
Come on.
And who do we have here?
This is Quinn.
That's a pretty name.
Would you like to tell Santa
what you want for Christmas?
Well, hop on up.
Sory. l had to see if you were real.
That's quite all right.
So what would you like Santa
to get you for Christmas, little one?
l'd like it if you could
give Will the bike in the window.
She's really nice, even if
she doesn't believe in Santa.
And the girls at the foster home
need something to cheer them up.
Like a puppy or something.
lsn't she adorable?
Come on, Quinn, we have to go!
We'll see what Santa can do
for your friend, Will, and the girls.
Thank you. Mery Christmas!
Mery Christmas, Quinn.
l told you. Santa is not real.
No, l pinched him. He's real.
You'll see.
Whatever you asked for won't happen.
My mom says Christmas wishes
come true if you believe.
- Well, your mom was fibbing.
- Take it back!
- What?
- Take back what you said about my mom.
No, l won't! Santa is made-up.
Bud? What did she ask you for?
She wanted me to get her friend, Will,
that red bike in the window.
And a puppy to cheer up
the girls in the foster home.
- She's an orphan?
- Yeah.
Aren't you a little fluffy poodle?
Hury up, laddies!
l'll take care of this lass.
You filthy little poochie.
Let's go.
Get out of here, you mongrels!
- Hey, those are my sausages!
- Maybe those dogs have seen Santa.
Get back here!
Hey, that wasn't vey nice of you guys.
Go sniff a hydrant, meddler!
Yeah, laddie, who
invited you to the pam?
Allow me to introduce myself.
l'm Paws, from the North Pole.
Yeah, mon,
and l be da tooth faiy.
Listen, laddie, just because we're
street dogs doesn't mean we're daft.
You're clearly another one of those
uptown dogs with that bonny collar.
State your business, buster,
before l bite ya like a chew toy.
l need help finding Santa Claus.
You expect us to believe
you know the man himself?
What's in it for us, pal?
Well, l'm sure Santa Claus
will appreciate your help
and may even take
you off the naughty list.
Naughty list.
- Help us, mon!
- Help!
And where have you mo been?
l was just showing Quinn
where to take out the garbage.
Well, l find that vey interesting
seeing as how we burn all the trash... the incinerator.
Your hair looks
really pretty, Ms Stout.
- You don't say?
- Yeah.
Yeah, like a hedgehog!
But that's what you said.
l think it's time we show Quinn
the consequences of breaking the rules.
Willamina knows that
when you break the rules,
you get to spend all night
down here in the basement.
You don't wanna be locked
down here all night, do you?
Well, good. l'm glad
we understand each other.
You're staying here,
and no dinner for you, either.
New kids always get me in trouble.
All right, doggies.
Let's get you in lockup.
Bursting bagpipes!
- Help!
- The situation is dire, mon!
Hang on, guys. l'll be right back.
You mutt!
Where did he go, mon?
Paws, you gotta bust us outta here!
Stand back, guys.
Come on, guys! Quick!
Let's run like da wind, mon!
Let's bust this joint!
- Get out of my way!
- Hey, watch it!
- What's a matter with you people?
- Get out of the road!
Dat was amazing! You really
are Santa Claus' dog, mon.
And that means we
really are on the naughty list!
Oh, yes, T-Money.
Multiple infractions.
You did us a solid, mon.
You be cool with us.
Now we're your peeps.
We'll keep an eye
out for Santa. Fo' real.
Thanks, guys.
l hate to interrupt, but we've got
to get away from the dogcatcher.
You go hide, Paws.
We got him covered.
There you are!
How am l ever
gonna find Santa?
One leaf from the Silver Linden
and the nature badge is all mine!
Hey, kid, do you believe
in Santa Claus?
- You can talk?
- We're from the North Pole.
We can communicate with all creatures,
as long as you believe in Santa Claus.
- l believe in Santa Claus.
- That's great!
Look, we need a big favour. Santa's been
gone longer than we expected.
We're worried about him.
Christmas is right around the corner.
But if you're Santa's reindeer,
why can't you just fly back
to the North Pole for help?
We can't fly without the
Christmas magic in Santa's cystal,
and we have no idea where he is.
We need you to find Santa Claus for us.
But there must be
a thousand Santas in New York!
But there's only one real Santa Claus.
You'll know him when you find him.
As a member of the 23rd Street
Junior Wilderness Adventurers,
- l will do my level best, Mr...
- l'm Comet.
- That's Dancer.
- Mr Comet, l'm Jimmy.
That's my leader.
l have to go!
l'm here! Here!
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy,
you gotta stay with the group.
Now, come on. Let's go to the
Junior Wilderness Adventurer cave!
Marching. Marching. One, mo, three,
one, mo, three...
Has anybody seen Santa?
Help! Santa? Where are you?
Can anybody hear me?
- Hey, have you seen Santa Claus?
- You're a dog!
l've never met
a dog that talks before.
- Where did you come from?
- l came from the North Pole.
- My name's Paws.
- l'm Quinn.
Does that mean
you know Santa Claus?
Yeah! He's my best friend.
But l can't find him and
l'm supposed to take care of him.
Wow! He sure is quick
at granting wishes.
l have to go. If l get caught out here,
l'll have to go to the basement.
Can l come with you? l'm really lost.
The lady here is mean, so we
have to hide you real good.
Come on! Come on, Paws!
We can sleep here tonight and l can
help you look for Santa tomorrow.
- Good night, Paws.
- Good night, Quinn.
- Thank you.
- Hello!
And what's your name, young man?
Braiden. Bratty Braiden.
lt's what my brother
and sister call me.
Well, l see a kind boy who
wants to bring joy to his family.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
Now what would you like to give your
brother and sister for Christmas?
- Honey.
- What?
Bud is so amazing. The kids
are just drawn to him.
Excuse me.
- Can you help me pick out a few toys?
- Sure.
My friend, Alice, told me
all about your store.
She was so impressed with your Santa.
Said he got them all right into
the Christmas spirit.
Thank you!
And what would you like
for Christmas, Tatiana?
- That on the left.
- Oh, yeah.
- And that on the right.
- Those mo train tracks.
Well, Santa will
see what he can do.
Mery Christmas!
- Excuse me?
- Yeah?
- Hi, are you the owner?
- Yes, sir. How can l be of assistance?
Just... your store Santa
was suggesting to my kid
that he buy presents
for kids in need.
Oh, l'm sory.
l'll have a word with him.
No, that's great.
l just wanted to say
that we love that your store gives
a free present to a needy child
- with evey purchase.
- Excuse me.
Kate, did you hear what
Bud is telling the children?
Yes, and l think it
is such a good idea.
- No, we can't afford that!
- Honey, look around.
This place could use
some Christmas cheer.
How did you get this stuff here?
What are you doing in here?
Where did these Christmas
decorations come from?
Where did you find this puppy?
l didn't find him, he found me.
He came from the North Pole
on Santa's sleigh.
Paws, this is Will.
Quinn, that dog can't bark in here.
Do you have any idea how
much trouble we'll get in?
But he's not barking,
he's talking!
Quinn, dogs don't talk.
She can't understand me, Quinn.
She's just not a believer yet.
We need to help him, Will.
We need to show him the way to Santa.
We know where he is.
Quinn, l told you that
Santa in the store is not real.
Thank you, sir. It's going to a vey
needy cause. Thank you vey much!
Ho, ho, ho! Mery Christmas!
Ho, ho, ho!
Yes, sir, what can l do for you?
Santa, sir,
are you the one and only?
Sure, kid. You put money in that bag
and l'll pretend to be
anyone you want me to be.
Ho, ho, ho! Mery Christmas.
Hey, you're still
on my nice list!
And it's the little engine
that could here in New York City.
This small toy store has gathered
quite the crowd of people.
They've come here to experience
a little of what they're calling
the true spirit of Christmas.
l'm here with Mr and Mrs Hucklebuckle.
Actually, it's, uh, Huckle.
We shortened the name.
So, why is eveyone coming to
Hucklebuckle Toys to meet your Santa?
Well, of course, the real
Santa is busy in the North Pole,
but our Santa, Bud, he... he inspires
the true spirit of Christmas.
They also like our
Christmas Spirit Programme.
Purchase a hundred dollars in toys,
and we gift a toy to a child in need.
- Well, that's wonderful.
- Mery Christmas to you, too!
- Bud! Bud, come here!
- Let's talk to Santa himself.
- Yeah. Come here, Bud.
- Mery Christmas.
- Santa!
- Hello, and Mery Christmas!
Santa, the kids really seem to love you.
With hundreds of toy store Santas
all across New York City,
what makes you so special?
Nothing really, l'm just an
ambassador for the Santa Cause.
One of many spreading the Christmas
spirit to children around the world,
reminding them of what's important.
A little humble pie. How refreshing.
Well, actually my favourite
is sugarplum pie.
There you have it: sugarplum.
Here in New York City.
Bud, are you OK?
- You sent for us, Mrs Claus?
- Yes, Eli.
Santa and Paws should be home by now.
We were just thinking the same thing.
He did say it was
just gonna be a quick trip.
Well, let's check the map.
Ellis, bring up New York.
Santa Claus and Paws
aren't even together.
Something is definitely amiss.
Santa would never leave Paws alone.
He's just a pup.
Eddy, Eli, you need
to go to New York and find them.
Yes, Mrs Claus. We'll ready
the truck and head right down.
lt was another big day today, Bud.
Oh, you must have seen 200 children.
Yeah, Bud, you really seem like
you enjoy listening to the children.
l do.
Someone once told me that
the spirit of Christmas
is embodied in the hearts of children,
untouched as yet by the fears, doubts
and disappointments of the adult world.
That is so beautiful.
Who told you that?
l can almost picture her face.
l do know she's the most
beautiful woman in the world.
Bud, you seem really tired.
Are you all right?
Oh, yes, of course, quite all right.
l suppose l just need
some Yuletide rest.
- Well, good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Bud. All right.
- Yes, good night.
Honey, l'm really worried about Bud.
He doesn't seem vey good.
Do you think we're
pushing him too hard?
Well, he certainly earned a raise.
We're killing it.
James, l am seriously
concerned for his health.
Well, it's not long until Christmas,
and then he can take a nice vacation,
somewhere tropical.
OK, OK. Look, l will see what l can do.
Ms Stout is going out.
We've got mo hours.
This is the only way Bud
would take a break.
You saw the line out there.
Think of all that lost revenue.
Oh, no.
Ho, ho, ho!
All right.
Coming over here.
This is the place
Santa's selling toys.
OK, l'll be right back.
OK, you're done.
Thank you for coming.
That's not the real Santa.
Will was right?
l have modified the ELF compressor
to change the truck
into any type of New York City vehicle
that we would like it to be.
Let's melt snow.
Who knows what kind of trouble
Santa Claus and Paws are in?
- Bye, Eddy!
- Bye, Eli!
Here we go!
Don't you wory again.
l'm good to go for the rest
of the day after that generous break.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Piece of cake?
- Those kids are scay.
Hello, young man,
and how can l help you?
l hope you're
the real Santa Claus,
'cause you're the 63rd one l've seen,
and l'm getting really pooped.
You are a dedicated young man!
Comet asked me to find the real
Santa and give him a message.
Your reindeer are waiting
for you in Central Park!
Santa, sir, that's the message.
l hope you're the real deal.
l don't know if
l'm the real Santa Claus or not.
But here's a pin to thank you
for your persistence.
l believe someone vey special
gave it to me.
Thank you, Santa, sir,
and a Mery Christmas.
Mery Christmas to you, too, Jimmy.
Sory that wasn't the real Santa.
lt's OK, Quinn. We'll find him.
Quinn, you got a puppy?
Come on.
Come on.
- His name is Paws.
- Where'd he come from?
l'm Santa Claus' best friend
from the North Pole.
He just talked!
Don't tell me you guys
are imagining things, too.
Only kids that truly believe in
Christmas spirit can hear me talk.
- How can you not hear him?
- Are your ears working properly?
He's talking right to you.
You gotta believe, Will.
Just listen.
Whenever l hear a Christmas song
l wanna get up and sing
Wherever there's love l sing along
And find some bells to ring
Wherever there's angels up above
Wherever there's Christmas trees
There's gonna be peace
and hope and love
And wonderful memories
There'll be laughter
There'll be song
We'll go carolling all night long
Believing in Christmas
makes it magic
Can't you see?
Guys, if you don't quiet that puppy,
Ms Stout is going to hear him barking.
You don't hear Paws talking?
Don't you remember Ms Stout's
rules about singing?
lt's bemer to give than to receive
Lessons for you and me
Staying up late on Christmas Eve
Will there be presents for me?
No! You're not listening, Will!
There'll be laughter
There'll be song
We'll go carolling all night long
Believing in Christmas
makes it magic
Can't you see?
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family and good cheer
Throughout the year
Whenever there's hope in the air
Whenever we light the tree
Whenever there's love
in our prayers
That's Christmastime for me
Whenever l hear a Christmas song
l wanna get up and sing
Wherever there's love
l sing along
And find some bells to ring
There'll be laughter
There'll be song
We'll go carolling all night long
Believing in Christmas
makes it magic
Can't you see?
For you and me
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family and good cheer
Throughout the year
Throughout the year
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family and good cheer
And good cheer
We do believe in Christmas
Throughout the year
What is going on in here?
Willamina, who brought a puppy in here?
lt was me, Ms Stout.
l found Paws.
Nice ty, Quinn,
but l don't believe you.
Don't think l don't know who
the ringleader of this circus is.
Willamina, come with me!
Well, that's a pretty gem.
No, don't! Not my cystal!
And the rest of you,
clean up this mess
and take off those
ridiculous dresses, now!
Well, l hope you enjoy each other's
company here in the pitch-black.
Tomorrow, the mutt goes to the pound.
What is that, a Christmas decoration?
What are my rules about
Christmas decorations?
My mom gave that to me!
Please give it back!
No! Now, get upstairs before
you end up in the basement, too!
Why don't l believe
ln happiness and dreams?
And where do l belong?
Where did it go wrong?
Who will come and rescue me?
Don't give up, Will.
All you have to do is believe.
Evemhing's going to be OK.
l can understand you, Paws.
You do believe in Christmas, after all!
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
Ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family
And good cheer
Throughout the year
lt's just not like Bud to be so late.
Well, l don't think we can
hold them back much longer.
l'd better go check on him.
Bud, are you OK?
It's almost 9.15.
My apologies, Kate.
l'm feeling a tad under
the weather this morning.
Oh, no.
Oh, Bud! Thank goodness.
ABC wants to do a quick interview
with you on your break today.
- Well, l'll do my best, Mr Huckle.
- All right.
James! Call an ambulance!
Good morning, Paws.
Paws? Paws!
What's with all the dramatics?
What? You want me to take a
stuffed toy dog to the pound?
Can't do that.
Where did the puppy go?
Did you let him escape?
- No!
- You give me that dog!
- Give it! You give it!
- No! Let go of him! No, stop!
We're here at New York General
with a stoy that is spreading
throughout the globe. An unknown store
Santa Claus from Hucklebuckle Toys
who became a beacon
of light this holiday season
is now clinging to life
in a Manhattan hospital.
lf you know his identity,
please call James or Kate Huckle
at Hucklebuckle Toys in Manhattan.
l don't know what happened.
l woke up and all that
was there was that stuffed dog.
The map shows Santa's in the park.
He looks like Santa...
but he's definitely not Santa.
l'm Eli, Santa's head elf,
and this is Eddy.
Great, now l'm seeing elves.
What are you guys,
from the North Pole?
Yes, we are.
You just talked, didn't you?
Well, sure l did. l'm an elf dog.
Well, Gus.
You finally have lost it.
- That's Santa's cystal!
- That explains the beard.
The magic of Santa's cystal
has been changing you.
- Where did you get this?
- This old guy, he got hit by a taxi.
He gave me his suitcase
and this cystal.
l took both of them,
but l feel terrible about it.
...without Santa's magic cystal,
he could become mortal...
and eventually...
We've got to find him before it's
too late. Do you know where he is?
No. But look, look! l do know
where there's some reindeer.
Come on, l'll show you!
Over here, over here, right here. Ta-da!
Eli? Eddy, is that you?
lt most certainly is.
We're here to rescue you all!
Hallelujah! We've been so worried.
Santa's lost his cystal
and is in grave danger.
We need you all to stand by the sleigh,
ready to fly at a moment's notice.
l'm afraid we're all too weak.
We need something to eat.
We need to find eggnog, gingerbread
cookies, fruitcake, things like that.
l know a place! l'll take care of them!
Where are you going?
That's where Paws is.
He's our only hope now.
l'll go get the food!
Come on, Eddy!
Thank you.
Next stop: Staten Island!
Mery Christmas, girls.
l'm Eli, and this is Eddy.
We're Santa's elves from the North Pole.
Thank goodness you're here.
Paws was here, but l woke up and
all that was there was a stuffed toy.
- A stuffed toy? His cystal!
- Did it come off?
Yes! Ms Stout took it off him and
we don't know where either of them are.
We have to find both fast
and put his cystal back on
- before his life force runs out.
- Hury! Go!
- OK, OK.
- Go! Hury!
Comet, l'm here
to report back to you.
l met 122 possible Santa Clauses
and all of them are clearly impostors.
- But l did find one who...
- Hey!
You guys!
l got evemhing l could find.
Hello, sir. l'm here on official
North Pole business.
Hey, me too! l'm Gus,
l'm a North Pole helper.
- Mr Gus. l'm Jimmy.
- How ya doin', Jimmy?
Hey, Jimmy, where did you
get that pin? That's Santa's!
That's what l was about to tell you!
He gave me this!
Wait a second, if you've seen Santa
Claus, we'd better get you to the elves.
Hey, you guys eat up!
Come on, Jimmy! We'll be right back.
Oh, my goodness!
Hang on, Paws! l'm coming!
l found the cystal,
but Paws wasn't there!
Come on!
- Quinn!
- l have to save Paws!
Turn the power off!
Come on, Quinn.
Get out.
There's still life force in him.
lt's really good to see you, Paws.
Eli! Eddy!
Thank goodness you're here!
We have to find Santa.
We have to get him his cystal back.
Come on, let's go!
- l'll knock.
- Come on, open up!
Eli, Eddy. This is Jimmy.
He thinks he's seen...
Santa Claus.
- He gave me this!
- Santa's pin!
- He's at Hucklebuckle Toys!
- We know where that is!
- Girls, get your coats!
- OK, come on, Quinn.
Check it out, guys.
That's Paws. We found him!
Get in the car.
In the car!
- l better get home.
- Mission accomplished, Jimmy.
- We'll take it from here.
- l better give you this pin back.
No, no, no. You keep it, Jimmy.
You're an official Santa's helper now.
Wow! l will wear it with pride.
Thank you, Mr Elf.
Well, we can't just
stand here lollygagging.
Let's follow them, laddies!
Not a single call from anyone
that knows of Bud's family or identity.
Poor Bud.
Should we go visit him
in the hospital again?
lt's those girls from the foster home,
and some interesting-looking friends.
Well, go let them in!
- We're here to save Santa Claus.
- You mean Bud?
Bud is Santa Claus.
She is correct.
Allow me to introduce myself.
l'm Eli, Santa's head elf.
This is Eddy the Elf Dog, and Paws,
Santa's best friend.
We're all from the North Pole.
Santa lost his magic cystal
and his health must have been
deteriorating ever since.
Honey, that dog is talking.
l see you believe
in the Christmas spirit.
You know, l didn't always.
You know, l hate to be the
bearer of bad news, but you're right.
He's in the hospital
in critical condition.
- Oh, no!
- We have to go there now.
They won't release him to us.
Only next of kin.
We have to find a way of
getting Santa out of the hospital
- and back to the North Pole.
- l have a plan.
lt's about time
you open up, you little...
To what do we owe
the honour of this visit?
l received a phone call from
a neighbour. Someone named Eli Elf.
He said that the children were
Ieft here all night alone,
and it appears mo of the girls,
Will and Quinn, are missing!
Yes. Right, we were looking for them.
You are no longer
permitted in this house,
by order of the State of New York.
And furthermore, if anything
has happened to those children,
you will be held accountable.
But l love those little brats!
You can't do this to me!
You guys go, go!
l just did.
All right, we're good.
Come on, let's go. Come on, hury.
Come on!
- Go, go.
- OK, OK...
- Honey...
- OK, all right.
Over here, over here.
- That's it. Get him in here.
- l got it.
- Hold on. All right.
- OK, ready?
One, mo, three!
- That's a lot of gingerbread!
- OK, come on. Let's go.
Let's go!
Come on. Get in!
ls he gonna be OK?
ls Santa going to die?
We don't know, sweetie.
He has to make it.
Take my cystal off
and place it next to Santa's.
Paws, if you do that,
we might not be able
to bring you back a second time.
And you may become
a stuffed toy forever.
We have no choice. All the children
around the world need him.
Can you imagine a world
without Santa Claus?
Can l have some time with Santa alone?
Come on, Santa. We're supposed
to be best friends for all eternity.
- Santa Claus!
- Look, it's Santa.
Come on, stand up.
Come on, come on.
We have to get back
to the North Pole at once.
Only the Great Christmas Icicle
can save Paws now.
Eli, do we have the reindeer?
They should be here any minute, sir.
Whoa! Right here.
Good, guys, great job.
We got a few odd looks in traffic,
but, hey, that's New York.
Thank goodness you're
all right, Santa.
We have to get Paws to the
Great Christmas Icicle right away.
We're ready to fly, SC!
Hang on, Paws. We'll be home soon.
All right, let's get back
to the North Pole and fast!
- Goodbye!
- Bye, Santa!
- Goodbye Santa.
- Get better, Paws!
Oh, goodness.
l was afraid of this.
With Christmas coming so soon,
the Icicle just doesn't
have enough magic to spare.
l never thought l'd have such a friend.
What's happening?
Paws? Paws, you're back!
But how?
lt was your love for each other
and Christmas magic!
Santa, what happened to me?
You're no longer a pup. From now
on your name will be Santa Paws!
Now we really can be best friends
for all eternity, Santa Claus.
Please, come in!
l'm Mrs Gibson.
Thank goodness you girls are OK!
We're really good, actually.
l'll never forget you.
And we'll never forget you.
You know, they need a home.
- Honey? Yeah.
- Really?
l think that is the greatest Christmas
present l could ever imagine.
- You wanna go home with us?
- Yes!
Do you want a Christmas tree?
And lots of presents?
And you want lots of presents?
lt's that wonderful time of year
Hury! Christmas is just around
the corner, people! Come on!
Eveyone's working
Busy as bees
Eveyone's happy
As you can see
Christmas is coming
Children are laughing
lt's that wonderful time of year
We picked up all the mail that
was sent to Santa at the hospital.
Boughs of holly!
What are you guys doing here?
We thought you laddies might need a wee
bit of help getting ready for Christmas.
We want to get off Santa's
naughty list, mister.
We would be proud to have you
join us as official elves.
lt's that wonderful time of year...
Oh, this is a bonny outfit!
Now, that's what l'm talkin' about!
We be jammin' now!
Eveyone's working
Morning 'til dawn
Eveyone's singing a happy song
Christmas is coming
Children are laughing
lt's that wonderful time of year
This is for you.
Well, what is it?
- For us?
- Yeah.
Girls, this is Gus.
Let's show him some Christmas cheer!
This is most joyous.
There's Christmas magic to spread.
Let's do this together, Santa Paws.
Now, Dasher, now, Dancer,
now, Prancer and Vixen!
On Comet, on Cupid,
on Donner and Blitzen!
Santa is coming
Sleigh bells above
Bringing his message of peace and love
Christmas is coming
Children are laughing
lt's that wonderful time of year
New York, New York.
Let there be kindness
Peace among all
Santa loves eveyone,
Iarge and small
Christmas is music
Christmas is magic
lt's that wonderful time of year!
Paws! Is that you?
lt's me, kids. The Great Christmas
Icicle brought me back.
- l'm Santa Paws now.
- We were so worried.
- Bud! l mean... Santa!
- Hey!
- It's so good to see you.
- It's good to see you all together.
Thank you so much, Santa.
You've changed our lives, really.
And you mine.
lsn't it amazing what can happen
when we spread love and kindness?
After all, that's what
Christmas is all about.
- We have evemhing we ever wanted.
- Especially each other.
There is one other thing.
My mom's decoration! You found it!
Thank you, Santa Paws!
- Can we put it on the tree?
- Of course we can. Come here.
Right there. See?
- That looks perfect.
- Yes.
Well, l guess
we'll see you all next year.
Let's go, Santa Paws.
Mery Christmas to all of you.
Mery Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!
- Mery Christmas!
- Bye, Santa.
Love is home,
family and friends
Love will stay with us until the end
l can feel love in the air
l can see love flow eveywhere
When love is in your heart
Mr Stewart.
Come in, come in.
- Good day!
- Good day, Mrs Huckle.
l trust you mo have had
an eventful Christmas season.
Yeah, we certainly did, Mr Stewart.
So, how did we do with the stipulation?
Well, sir, we had
a few unexpected expenditures,
but as you can see,
Hucklebuckle Toys
made a profit of exactly one cent.
Well, then the store
is officially yours.
You're free to sell it,
return to Los Angeles
to your lucrative
accounting practice.
We've decided we're not
going to close down the store.
Mr Stewart, these are
the newest additions to our family.
That's Will and this is Quinn.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Nice to meet you girls.
We are all going to do our
vey best to keep the Hucklebuckle
family legacy alive
for generations to come.
Your grandfather would
have been vey proud.
Thank you for evemhing, Mr Stewart.
Mery Christmas, Mr and Mrs Huckle.
- Mery Christmas.
- Mery Christmas Mr Stewart.
Oh, and if you don't mind...
...the name's Hucklebuckle.
- We changed it back.
- Yes, of course.
Touched by love eveything grows
Love is the answer that we all know
l can see love in your eyes
l can hear music come alive
When love is in your heart
Mery Christmas. You got your wish.
Take my hand
Show me the way
Tell me that angels will hear us pray
Love is the best place to start
l know we'll never be apart
When love is in your heart
Whenever l hear a Christmas song
l wanna get up and sing
Wherever there's love l sing along
And find some bells to ring
Wherever there's angels up above
Wherever there's Christmas trees
There's gonna be peace
and hope and love
And wonderful memories
There'll be laughter
There'll be song
We'll go carolling all night long
Believing in Christmas
makes it magic
Can't you see?
lt's bemer to give than to receive
Lessons for you and me
Staying up late on Christmas Eve
Will there be presents for me?
There'll be laughter
There'll be song
We'll go carolling all night long
Believing in Christmas
makes it magic
Can't you see?
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family and good cheer
Throughout the year
Whenever there's hope in the air
Whenever we light the tree
Whenever there's love in our prayers
That's Christmastime for me
Whenever l hear a Christmas song
l wanna get up and sing
Wherever there's love l sing along
And find some bells to ring
There'll be laughter
There'll be song
We'll go carolling all night long
Believing in Christmas
makes it magic
Can't you see?
For you and me
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family and good cheer
Throughout the year
Throughout the year
l do believe in Christmas
l believe in love
As sure as there is Santa
ringing sleigh bells up above
We do believe in harmony
ln family and good cheer
Good cheer
We do believe in Christmas
Throughout the year