Searching (2018)

Oh. No, look over there.
- Look over there.
- Look.
All right.
Let's take a picture, one...
You say "cheese", okay, one...
- Say "cheese".
- Two...
- Cheese!
- Three.
The four and the one.
That's your two.
There you go.
Four, one, four, one...
four one, and then five.
When you're ready,
you can switch to five.
Look what I got.
What is that?
What, you don't know Pokmon?
Faster, faster.
I wanna try it as a video.
Just slide the thing.
Video log 3.7.
I have reason to believe
my wife's a robot.
Seems she could run for miles.
Wait up.
Everybody's grounded.
Yes! Margot!
Video log 6.7.
I think we can, I think we can,
I think we...
Hey, Dad!
Hey, sweetheart.
How's it going?
Um, good!
What's up with the FaceTime?
Oh, I'm glad you asked.
What is wrong with this picture?
I'm about to be in
trouble, aren't I?
Maybe we should keep the
trash in your room? Huh?
Maybe the smell will remind you.
I'm sorry, Dad.
It won't happen again.
Where are you, by the way?
Study group.
Ah. Whose house are you at?
Uh, one of my friends in bio,
you haven't met her yet.
Oh, Miss Popular. When
are you gonna be home?
I... think we're gonna go late.
Late, like-like, nine-ish or...?
Late, like, all night probably.
I thought we were gonna
eat dinner together?
We ate together on Monday.
Didn't know you were counting.
Right... I should get back.
Oh, one more thing,
I wanna know about
- Bye, Dad!
- the final you...
took today.
Uh, yo, what am I lookin' at?
I cannot remember the
name of this thing...
uh, it was like a kimchi,
okra, mussels stew?
Pam used to make it?
Oh, the kimchi gumbo.
- Gumbo. Gumbo, that's it.
- Yup.
Do you have the recipe?
'Cause I'm definitely
forgetting something.
Yeah, I might...
but I can definitely tell you
there's no pot in it.
Oh. This?
Healthy and organic jar of...
How much are you smokin'?
You doin' everyday or?
- You do it at work?
- Dude.
Can we not do this right now?
It's been a long day.
Ah, edamame.
I'm pretty sure there's
edamame in it.
Let me
find the actual thing.
What's uh...
What's Margot up to tonight?
She's at a
study group all night.
Wait, all night tonight?
Yeah, I just got off
the phone with her.
She's got a
bio final next week.
Oh, nothin'.
She's good, though?
Yeah. Why do you ask?
Making sure you guys are
both talking to each other.
Both happy, etcetera, etcetera.
Everything's fine, Peter.
Thanks for askin'.
Hey, look, Davey...
Do you think that maybe
you should just...
Dude, everything's fine.
Hey, uh, I gotta go
but send me that recipe, please?
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Love you.
- Byeee.
- Byeee.
- Make sure you get all the water out.
- Are these ready?
Yeah, they're ready...
Yeah, drain all the water.
Turn it off.
Let's stir it in.
We gotta mix those up first.
- You wanna try mixing it?
- Yeah.
Okay, here.
Good. Gently, do it slowly.
Do you see how
those are all done?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, you're reached
Margot's phone.
Leave me a message
or text me back.
Hi, sweetheart, sorry I missed
your call. I was asleep.
Um, just checkin' in 'cause
it looks like
you already left for
school this morning.
Um, also, what time
did you get in last night?
All right, give me text
when you get this.
No need to call.
We both know you usually...
David, you with us?
Yeah. Sorry.
I'm here.
Do you have the integration
report on the Bellington system?
Um, Engineering is
still running tests
but uh, I should be able
to integrate by Monday.
Put some pressure
on 'em, all right?
Yeah, pressure.
Okay, team, anything we forgot?
- I think that's it.
- All right.
- Have a good weekend.
- Thank you.
All right, see ya.
Hey, you've reached
Margot's phone.
Leave me a message
or text me back.
Hey, Margot, Dad again.
I'm not sure if you've been
checking your messages, but um,
I'm starting to get a little...
Why did you leave
your laptop at home?
Okay, uh, it is 3:30,
one hour after school ended
on Friday, May 12th...
Duh, okay. It's Friday.
I know where you are.
All right.
Ignore this message.
I love you. Bye.
Hi, uh, Mrs. Shahinian?
This is David Kim,
Margot's father.
Yes, I'm in the middle of a lesson.
May I call you back afterwards?
Right, no, this is just,
take a second...
Can you put my daughter on
the phone just for a second?
I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, I'm confused
what you're calling about.
M-My daughter, Margot Kim
is in a lesson with you right now?
Margot Kim canceled her
classes six months ago.
Is she looking
to restart lessons?
Hold on, that...
doesn't make any sense.
She loves piano.
Mr. Kim, is everything okay?
Yes, um...
everything's fine.
Thank you. Thank you,
Mrs. Shahinian.
Pick up, pick up, pick up...
Hi, um, I'm David Kim,
I'm Margot Kim's...
Pam's husband, oh,
of course I remember.
How are you doing?
I'm good, I'm good.
Listen, the reason
I'm calling is that um...
I haven't been able
to reach Margot
for a little bit and I'm
sure her phone is dead
but I was just wondering if I
could speak to Isaac and see...
Well, it's gotta be more of
a reception problem, right?
Uh, what do you mean?
You know, if they're
on the mountains...
Sorry, w-what mountains?
Camping. Isaac is
camping with his friends.
Margot was definitely invited.
She was?
I'm pretty positive
she's there, too.
Did she... not tell you?
Shh...she did. I'm uh...
Yeah, I'm looking
at her texts now.
She didn't mention
mountains, that's why, yeah.
Yeah, they've been
planning this for a while.
I can't imagine
she just couldn't...
Do you happen to know
when they left?
The reason I'm asking is that
school has her marked
as absent today.
Did they all ditch school?
I'll tell you something,
if that's what they did,
Isaac is in big trouble!
That's-that's definitely
what happened.
- Okay, this is...
- Tell you what,
They're planning on heading
back tomorrow morning, anyway.
Once they get reception,
I will let Isaac know
to have Margot
give you a call.
Perfect, that is perfect.
Thank you.
Is everything okay
with you two?
What do you mean?
Well, I just haven't
spoken to you since...
Pam's, uh...
Oh, oh, thank you.
Everything is great.
Margot and I are great.
Hey, Mr. Kim?
This is Isaac.
My mom told me to...
Isaac! Yes, hi.
Sorry to have you
call me so early.
It's okay.
Just wanna say I'm sorry
I couldn't be of more help.
Yeah, can you put my daughter
on the phone, please?
Did my mom not tell you?
What, what do you mean?
She never came.
What? What do you...?
Isaac, what do you mean?
I mean, she never came.
I even reached out to her
after school on Friday
when we were
all heading out
in my car so I'd
know she'll see.
What did she say?
She didn't respond.
911, what's your emergency?
Hi, I'm calling
about a possible... I...
I'm calling to report
a missing person.
Okay, who is this regarding?
Uh, my daughter.
I know I should've called
sooner. I just thought that...
- That's okay, sir.
- Yeah.
The first thing we need
to do is file a report.
After that, I'll put out a call
to a detective in the area
who will be in touch with you.
All right.
Now let's start with her name.
Uh, Margot Kim, Ma-
Kim, K-I-M.
Hi, is this David Kim?
Yes. Uh, this is David Kim.
I'm assuming this is...
Good morning, Mr. Kim.
My name is Rosemary Vick.
I'm the detective sergeant
assigned to your daughter's case.
Yeah, good morning.
I've been waiting for your call.
Of course. We're working
as fast as we can.
I'm currently 35 minutes
away from your house.
But while I have you,
do you feel comfortable
telling me what you know?
I just told every detail I know
to whoever I got off the
phone with an hour ago.
I don't know what
you guys are doing.
I promise you, Mr. Kim,
we are taking this
very seriously.
And as a parent myself,
I can only imagine
what you must be feeling.
But for me to help you,
I do need to know
how everything unfolded
from your eyes.
Okay, let's see
if I got this right.
One: after a group study session,
Margot, with her car, didn't
return home Thursday evening.
she called three times
at 11:00 p.m.
she didn't attend school on Friday.
And four:
she's been skipping
piano classes
for the last six months.
Was all of that correct?
Okay. Mr. Kim,
I am going to find out
what happened to your daughter.
But I'll need to know a
lot more about her, okay?
Yes, yes, uh...
What do you want me to do?
I-I-I'll go talk to neighbors,
We'll handle the ground
investigation, Mr. Kim.
That's our job.
But if there's something
a parent can do,
it's shedding light for us
on who your daughter is
and the people she talks to.
Is that something
you can help us with?
I can help with that.
It's already been 36 hours
since Margot's last call.
So we've gotta move
a little quickly.
We'll be taking a copy of
Margot's hard drive to forensics.
But in the meantime,
any information
you can give me about her
or the people around her
will help.
Wait, you can't find Margot?
No, uh, I can't.
Do you mind answering some
questions for me to help?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, when was the
last time you saw her?
Uh, Tuesday.
Her locker's near me.
All right, on Thursday evening,
she attended a study group
for her biology class.
Do you know anything
about that?
She's probably in AP Bio, right?
Yes, she is.
Yeah, no, I'm in regular.
Okay, what were you doing
Thursday night?
Thursday night, I was
at my dad's house.
Yeah, he picked me up
after finals that day.
All right, thank you, Jonah.
How does uh,
how does this look?
Hey, update me whenever
you learn something.
- Big or small.
- Okay.
Where are you going?
Find out what the rest of
her Thursday looked like.
Oh, oh, and share that
with me too.
And what about Thursday night?
Thursday night, I was finishing
up my final paper for English.
I dunno, Xbox, dinner,
some Netflix?
Oh, I just finished my
last final which means
I was at Carmen's house
playing pong.
What about study group?
Do you know who hosted that?
I took bio last year, so, no.
No idea.
She and I were on
different AP paths,
so it was kinda hard
to keep tabs.
But you guys were friends.
Kind of.
What are you talking about?
You invited her on
that camping trip.
Well, yeah, I mean,
you know my mom.
Yes, so?
She was really good friends
with Margot's mom.
Okay, so?
She felt bad
about everything that
happened to you guys.
But she h-has friends, right?
Define friends.
Do people invite her to things?
I think people occasionally
invited her to things.
She just never comes.
She keeps to herself
a lot.
She's quiet.
I did see her
eat lunch alone.
On Thursday?
Every day.
Davey, look,
I know you don't wanna hear
this from me right now.
But you've gotta take it easy.
I-I can help with everything
that you're looking through.
Are there any Facebook friends
you haven't talked to yet?
Yes. 94.
And apparently, since nobody
was actually her friend,
I don't know who to
talk to without calling
every name I read online.
What about offline?
Yeah, that was at my place.
That was your place?
You hosted the study group
on Thursday night for bio?
So you were with Margot for
the majority of the night?
Well, the study group
only went till 9:00.
No, no, she said
it was going all night.
No, she definitely left at 9:00.
Maybe even earlier.
Did she say
where she was going?
Not really.
How'd she look?
Was she worried?
Did she look scared?
Was she talking?
Honestly, I don't know.
We're not really that close.
Why did you invite
her to study group?!
I'm trying to get into
Berkeley next year.
Okay, you were...
You were in her class, though.
Did she
mention anything unusual
going on, maybe?
Was she acting strange?
You know, she did
go on Tumblr a lot.
What? What is a tumbler?
First, she fills up for gas.
Then exits off the 101.
And then turns onto
the 152 east.
10:02 p.m.
152 east?
That exits leads outta town.
She took it alone.
That doesn't make sense.
This does not sound
like my daughter.
She's acting like
a totally different person.
Okay, hold on, hold on.
You just gave me an idea.
In the meantime,
start expanding from only the
people she communicated with.
Look into her behavior also.
Oh, my God.
She's been depositing
her piano cash
into her checking
account every week.
The hell was she doing
with all that money?
Six days ago, she made
an outgoing transaction
of $2,500
to Venmo.
The payment service?
There it is. $2,500.
Six days ago.
Does it say what it was for?
Nothing but a peace sign.
Who did she send it to?
It doesn't say.
That's weird.
That's really weird.
You don't think she's involved
with anything serious, right?
I don't know. I gotta go.
Sir, I don't have to
tell you anything.
I just want to know
where you were
the night my daughter
went missing.
Like I said, I had a
prior engagement.
- What are you hiding?
- I was busy.
- What are you hiding?
- Nothing!
Then answer the damn question
before there's a cop
knocking on your door.
Where were you the night
my daughter went missing?!
Does the name
Rachel Jeun ring a bell?
No. Why?
It's Margot.
You mentioned earlier she was
acting like a different person.
So I had our forensics team look
through any deleted contacts
on the copy of her hard drive.
One of those contacts
was a local forger.
He said Margot picked up
an ID a few days ago.
Around the same time,
she withdrew all that money.
What? Withdrew what money?
David, I also spoke to
security at Venmo.
To find out more
about the account
Margot sent the $2,500 to.
Do they know
who it belonged to?
It belonged to Margot.
She sent the money to herself?
What was she doing? Running a-
a laundering scheme?
That's what it looks like.
I'd see this a lot in narcotics.
People who know their
money's being watched
just transfer their funds to
somewhere much less monitored.
Less monitored. Like where?
The Internet.
She gets a fake ID, she
sends money to herself.
What does this mean?
That it's time to start
considering the possibility
that Margot ran away.
Why would she do that?
That's what we don't know.
Why would she do that?
She called me three times
in the middle of the night.
Three times she called me, why?
We're going to figure out why.
So, what I want to
look for now...
No, no, no, no, no.
I know my daughter.
She did not run away.
Dude. This is a good angle.
Also, to all my fans,
I know this vlog
is a little late.
Favorite concert
in the last year?
Definitely Twenty One Pilots.
Well, thank you for
the compliment, Lucy.
Oh, this is a
Fearless core shirt,
cost me like 40 bucks.
H-How would I
be able to see you?
Okay, well, you know what?
You guys keep commenting,
but honestly, if it's kinda...
Hold on.
It's Uxie.
It can wipe out memories.
It's kinda cute.
How'd you know
I like Pokmon?
A lot of people, actually.
I mean, ever since
they started...
This one I took at a lake.
This one I took at a forest.
I'm Margot.
I'm 15. Almost 16.
San Jose.
What's that like?
Trust me, it's probably
better than this.
This is it.
Best place in the world
to do nothing.
You work 25 hours
on top of school?
My dad doesn't know
I stopped going to piano.
He wouldn't get it.
Don't you guys have...?
Today is this
megababe's birthday.
Happy birthday.
You know,
if she were still here today,
a hundred percent, she'd
be making us all her...
Come in!
Hey, sweetheart, um...
I... I...
forgot to say earlier...
It's uh...
Yeah, it's...
So, The Voice, um...
elimination round.
Yeah, of course.
We're still on?
Meghan's gonna get cut.
Yeah, she is. I'll see you...
I'm sorry, David,
it's another dead end.
You sure you looked
into every one of them?
Every one.
None of the YouCast users
Margot interacted with
have a connection to
her disappearance.
- Even f...
- Even fishnchips.
Using the information
on her account,
we traced her
to a Kerchick's Diner
10 miles outside Pittsburgh.
I spoke to her and her manager
who confirmed with CCTV
that she was on a shift.
Checks out.
I didn't know her.
I didn't know my daughter.
Couple of years ago,
an angry neighbor starts
banging on my door.
When I asked her what the
trouble was, she said,
she wanted the $25
that my son
had stolen from her.
Now, I didn't know
what she was talkin' about.
I know my son.
And that did not sound
like the Robert I raised.
But as it turned out,
it was true.
My son had
gone house to house
in the neighborhood
for two weeks telling people
that he was my son.
And that he was
raising money for a
police charity called
Moms and Dads in Blue.
Point is...
you don't always know your kid.
And that is never
your fault.
I have NCIC searching for
the vehicle in 16 states.
Let's both try and catch up
on some sleep tonight.
Talk in the a.m.
What'd you do after?
With your son,
once you found out?
Um, I told my neighbor that
I had, in fact,
founded the charity and I
thanked her for the money.
But I will deny it
if you ever bring that up.
Look, I hope you know
how thankful I am
that you were assigned to us.
I just wish there wasn't a case
to be assigned to.
Alright, shutting down.
- Yeah.
- Talk soon.
This is it.
Best place in the world
to do nothing.
This is it.
You've reached Detective
Sergeant Rosemary Vick.
Leave a message.
I'll get back to you.
Vick! Wake up.
I know why she was at
that intersection.
She wasn't leaving town,
she was driving to the
spot she's been visiting
for the past five months.
It's 3:45 a.m.
I'm headed there now.
Where are you?
You told me
she ran away, Vick.
Are you at the lake?
You told me
she ran away.
Okay, I'm heading there
right now.
Robert, honey,
just go back to sleep, okay?
Okay. I need you
to stay calm, all right?
We're gonna
figure this out together.
What are you showing me?
This is her keychain.
Oh, my God.
Did you call the cops?
I'm heading, I'm-I'm
on my way.
You told me
she ran away, Vick!
Good morning, Bay Area.
I'm Natalie Boyd.
A terrifying development today
as a vehicle matching that of
a missing San Jose teenager
was discovered late last night
underneath a Santa Cruz lake.
An operation is
currently underway
to recover Margot Kim's
Toyota Camry.
But at this moment,
we still don't know
whether the
Evercreek High sophomore
is actually inside the vehicle.
Okay. It doesn't look like
there's anyone
at the front seat.
Oh, and uh,
now it looks like they're...
okay, they're checking the trunk.
Good morning.
Thank you for being here
on such short notice.
I am Detective Sergeant
Rosemary Vick,
lead investigator on this case.
I am joined by David Kim.
Margot's father.
We've provided you all
with a timeline of events,
starting with last Thursday,
May 11th,
when Margot first went missing.
That is yours to circulate.
But focusing on the
events of this morning,
The Silicon Valley Police
Department was able to recover
Ms. Kim's vehicle.
And to answer the most
pressing question,
Margot Kim was not inside.
our examination of the
vehicle did reveal
a small amount of blood
on the passenger side
Blood that points to
a physical altercation.
Meaning that
this case is now officially
being considered
an abduction.
Good afternoon.
A search through the
Santa Cruz forest
is now underway
for a local teen
whose car was found
dumped in a lake.
Authorities are asking
anyone with information
to please call the hotline
or 911 immediately.
Starting at 1:00 p.m.,
we'll be assigning every
volunteer to a search team
Each team is in charge
of a single section
of the critical
12-square-mile radius.
Because of the steep ravines
and otherwise unsafe topography
on the west side of the lake,
we have already cleared
the following zones.
But still, there's
a lot of ground to cover.
It's been four days since
Margot Kim was last seen.
And so far, nothing
to show for it
except for the torturous
mystery at its center.
$2,500 in cash was found
in a Manila envelope
on Margot's passenger seat.
Was it a runaway fund?
Like the lead detective
is suggesting,
or was it something more?
We covered about um...
half the search zone already.
And um, tomorrow is
a full day.
And the more people came,
the, the faster it went.
Um, could I...
So, if you have
some time tomorrow,
uh, we would...
love the help.
This is obviously not
the outcome we wanted.
But we will resume the search
the moment it is safe to walk
through the forest again.
In the meantime, however,
the investigation will not stop
until we find Margot.
I mean, listen,
I do not think it is my
place to say anything,
I just...
I feel that these problems
usually start in the household.
She was...
I'm sorry.
She was my best friend.
I'm just a big believer
in community service.
Looking at all the things
that happened to Margot,
I just thought to myself,
"I think they could use my help."
Don't lie to me.
You can't assist an
investigation anymore.
What does that-
what does that mean?
It means that we
can't have someone
this close to the case
helping investigate it.
It's my fault
for getting you involved
in the first place.
I did it because
we had already lost
so much time.
You're cutting me off?
Every professional who should
be working on this case
is working on this case.
All I'm trying to do is
to help you find my daughter!
I know, but you can't
see things clearly.
Who's the one who
brought you to the car?
Who's the one
who found the lake
and brought you to the car?
If it wasn't for me,
not you,
you and I would be thinking
that my Margot ran away.
But because of me...
We don't know that
she didn't run away.
She had cash in her car.
But what we do know
is that a 17-year-old boy
is in the hospital...
- He's gonna be fine.
- You broke his jaw!
- Mom?
- Robert! What...?
Sweetheart, let me
take care of this, please.
If you have a suspicion
about someone, that's fine.
But then, it is the police's job
to look for proof.
Not yours
to act on flakes of evidence.
Okay, I shouldn't
have done that.
From now on,
just tell me what you need.
We need nothing from you.
I'm going back to the field.
Do not call me
until I call you.
- Vick, please... Vick?
- Get some sleep,
Mr. Kim.
Don't lie to me.
Don't walk away from me.
Oh, shit.
Guys, stop!
Hey! Hey, stop!
Get off!
Has anyone even considered
the possibility
that it was an
absolute stranger?
Some sick perv
in the middle of the woods,
sees a little girl...
Looking for somethin' to drink?
- Yeah.
- Coffee?
Yeah, coffee would
be awesome, thanks.
No. You know what?
You've been probably
straight chuggin'
caffeine the last three days.
I am going to make you
some tea.
Um, I-I gotta go to my
car for a minute.
I'll be right back, man.
How's the detective?
She working on any new leads?
She's not.
What was your relationship
like with Margot?
What do you mean?
You guys hung out, right?
You know, it was uh...
You know, we didn't
hang out a bunch but
You know, it's just...
When's the last time
you saw her, by the way?
Pfoo... Um...
You know, I'd have to think...
I think this needs some honey.
Who was that?
Oh, yeah, uh...
What have they been saying
to you this whole time?
Going back to the
previous question,
when's the last
time you saw her?
I can barely remember.
But you know what?
Let's get our minds off
this for a sec, huh?
I feel like...
we're just gonna drive each
other crazy talking about it.
Hey, is your tea okay?
Still want that coffee?
"Last night was fun."
What's that?
"I feel so weird doing this."
"Don't tell your father."
"He'd kill me."
"Seriously, he'd murder me."
And at seven different times...
"See you tonight."
What'd you do to my daughter?
What'd you do to my daughter?
I can explain, all right?
But you know what?
Let's calm down.
Let's grab a seat.
What'd you do to her?!
- Please!
- What'd you do to her?!
What'd you do to her?!
What were you doing with her?!
I was smoking her out.
When you guys all came
back from New Year's.
She found my piece.
She wanted to try it and...
It just kept happening.
You gave drugs to my daughter?
I promised her I wouldn't tell.
So she would come to you
in the middle of the night
and you would give her weed
and do God knows what else?!
That's it.
We'd get high and talk.
I swear!
I know how wrong
all this sounds.
I know I should've
told you sooner, but...
Look, I-I didn't think it had
anything to do with this.
What kind of a brother are you?
You're asking me?
You come in here,
and accuse me of something
and you're wondering
what kind of family I am?!
You wanna know why
she hated all those
piano lessons?
It's because every
time she would walk in,
she would see that thing
and she would think
about her mother.
She told you that.
She told you that
and not me. Why?
Because you never asked.
Ever since Pam,
you stopped talking to Margot
about the only thing
that's been on her mind
the last two years.
She needed you to talk to her.
Not the other way around.
I just thought
it would fix itself.
Oh, God...
This is Eyewitness News.
With live breaking news.
Good morning,
I'm Faustine Rhee.
A parent's worst nightmare
comes true this morning
for David Kim.
In a shocking and
thoroughly mind-boggling
conclusion to a story that's
captivated the Bay Area,
Margot Kim, missing
now for five days,
has just been tragically
declared dead.
A taped confession.
Randy Cartoff, released
just six years ago
for felony drug possession
and sexual assault
uploaded the confession online
before taking his own life.
We're going to show you
a segment of the
three-minute video now,
but please be warned,
the following contains
graphic descriptions
and disturbing content.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Dear girl in the green car,
I'm sorry for what I did to you.
I'm sorry for not listening to
you when you begged me to stop.
I'm sorry for beating you.
And crushing you.
And tossing you
with your suitcases
so no one would ever find you.
I thought this would be easy
but it isn't.
When we arrived at his
Morgan Hill residence,
Mr. Cartoff was deceased.
Seemingly by a
self-inflicted gun wound.
Sometimes, these
confessions are hoaxes
but based on his story,
we were able to return
to the lake site where
we discovered trace DNA
matching that of Mr. Cartoff
in critical areas
of the search zone.
I've already spoken
to her father.
But at this point
in the investigation,
we are very confident
that Ms. Kim's life was taken
on her way out of town.
A private vigil will
be held for Ms. Kim
in downtown San Jose
this week...
Still doesn't make sense.
Where's the car that
he took her in?
Where's the... suitcases?
Did-Did he clean up the blood?
Vick, who is this guy?
I don't know.
I wish I had an answer.
All I know
and all you need to know
is that this had nothing
to do with you.
I guess it don't.
I am so sorry for everything
that happened to your daughter.
And I'm so sorry for everything
that happened to you.
And if there's anything
I can do for you,
please do not hesitate
to call.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Get all the water out.
- Are these ready?
Go wake up Daddy.
Wake up, Daddy! Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Margot, show Daddy what
you made in school.
That's my...
I'm Margot.
Hi, I'm wondering if I
could speak to Hannah?
Hi, I'm calling in regards
to my daughter, Margot Kim.
You spoke to her online
as 'mkmania'.
Oh, um, you must have
the wrong number.
I'm talent, not representation.
But I can connect you to
my agent, if you like.
So, you work as a waitress
part time then?
Because you told the detective you
were on a shift when she called.
Uh, what detective?
I don't understand.
Detective Vick, she
called you four days ago,
and you told her
you were on a shift...
Sir, I never got a
call from the police.
What are you talking about?
Maybe I'm not being clear.
On YouCast,
you've been chatting
with my daughter
for months.
Your user name
is 'fishnchips'.
Your mother was in the hospital.
What's youcast?
You've reached Detective
Sergeant Rosemary Vick.
Leave a message.
I'll get back to you.
This is David Kim.
Something doesn't add up.
Call me back as soon
as you get this, okay?
Hi, yes, this is an emergency.
I need to speak to
Detective Rosemary Vick.
Can you connect me, please?
- I'm sorry, sir, that's not possible.
- No.
- Uh, what is this regarding?
- Um...
This is David Kim, I need to speak
to Detective Rosemary Vick.
Oh, Mr. Kim.
I am so sorry
to hear about Margot.
We are all so torn up
about it here.
Yeah, thank you.
Especially Rosemary.
I have never seen someone
so invested in a case.
Yeah, I know.
From the moment she
volunteered to lead it,
- to the way she handled
- Wait.
the investigation.
And really dealt with the media.
Hey, w-w-wait, she did...
Did you say volunteered?
Y-Y-You said she volunteered.
Did, no, I-I was
led to believe that she...
she was assigned to the case, right?
She was assigned?
No. She definitely volunteered.
Unfortunately though, I,
I still can't patch
you through dispatch.
She's probably on her way
to Margot's vigil, though.
If you'd like, I can connect you
to her work voicemail instead.
Mr. Kim?
Mr. Kim?
Actually, can you...
connect me to the
deputy sheriff, please?
Ms. Vick, as your
counsel was informed,
by signing this document,
you hereby verify
the confession you provide today
pertaining to the crimes
you're accused of
after your arrest one week ago.
The DA's office
will then consider
leniency in any charges
related to the case.
Including first-degree murder.
Excuse us, we're taking you now
to San Jose, California,
where we're getting
word now that
a law enforcement officer
has just been taken into custody
at the vigil for a local teen
who's been missing
since last Thursday.
Let's start with
Thursday, May 11th,
when Margot Kim went missing.
What happened that night?
I got a phone call.
And who was calling?
My son.
I made a big mistake.
I think I, I need to call 911.
What did you do
after hearing the call?
I met him.
Near Barbosa Lake.
He was standing on the
edge of a ravine.
What did Robert tell you
when you got there?
He said, "There's a
girl down there."
"I accidentally pushed
a girl down there."
I asked him why.
What did he say?
You need to understand
that my son
is not like other kids.
He's different.
He can be hurt...
What did he say?
Six months ago, Robert
recognized Margot
on a live blogging website.
He'd liked her
since grade school.
Knew all about her life.
Her interests.
So, what did he do?
Made up a story.
A new identity.
This one, I took at a forest.
For six months,
they were friends.
You work 25 hours
on top of school?
It was just role-playing.
It was harmless.
Until the money.
She found his
user name on Venmo.
She sent $2,500 to cover
hospital expenses.
Expenses that didn't exist.
She was a good kid.
So he decided to
give her money back.
He had to come clean.
It was over.
Why didn't he just
give it to her in school?
Margot could have reacted
the wrong way in public.
Robert does not like
that kind of attention.
So he followed her.
He followed her.
And what was Margot doing
when your son
arrived at the lake?
Getting high in her car.
Then what happened?
He got in.
She screamed. She hit him.
Before he could even realize
that he was bleeding,
she was running,
calling for help.
But he ran after her.
It was pitch black.
He was not trying to hurt her.
He was trying to explain.
But she was punching him
and screaming, and he...
He just, he reacted.
He-He pushed back.
And she fell.
Just disappeared.
So, your son calls you.
Asked you to help
cover up a murder.
No. No.
It was my decision.
Baby, I don't want
you calling anyone.
Mommy's gonna
take care of everything.
It was my decision.
Not his.
So, now, you're looking
down a ravine.
- Did you go down?
- I tried.
But it was narrow, jagged,
impossible without SAR.
So, how did you figure that...
That she was dead?
It was narrow, jagged,
and at least 50 feet
to rock bottom.
And it was dead quiet.
So, you helped your son.
I dumped the car in the lake.
And took charge
of the investigation.
I convinced David
his daughter ran away.
Said forensics
had Margot's hard drive.
And told the
law enforcement team
we'd already cleared the zone
I knew her body was in.
But still, it was
only a matter of time
before they'd found the spot.
Which is why
I needed a confession.
It was the only thing
that would make it stop.
So you drugged up
an ex-con you knew,
fed him a script.
Was it really a suicide?
He's my son.
Do you know what prison would
do to someone like him?
He made a mistake.
For those of you just joining,
we are now following the police
SUV transporting Detective Vick
and the father of Ms. Kim...
So, after your arrest,
on your way to the station,
you didn't say
a word to anyone
until Mr. Kim asked you,
was his daughter actually dead.
What did you tell him?
I said even if Margot had
survived the fall she took,
it wouldn't have mattered.
She still would've had to live
five days without water.
And how did David respond?
The procession is
now approaching...
He told them
to turn the car around.
He said it had been two days.
And uh, hold on a second...
She'd only have to live
without water for two days.
And it looks as though
they're making a u-turn...
There was a storm on Monday.
We are currently
watching live footage
from our affiliates
in the Bay Area
of a recovery operation for
missing teen, Margot Kim
who authorities now believe
is at the bottom of this
Northern California ravine.
Presumed dead only hours ago,
the search for Margot Kim
is revitalized this evening.
After a suspect in custody
has provided authorities
with Ms. Kim's exact location.
The only question that remains:
Is Margot still alive?
Or is it already too late?
We are continuing to
monitor the ground
as it appears that everyone
is still just waiting
for any update on
the operation below.
But hold on, hold on...
We just getting word now
that rescue responders
are beginning an ascent.
Uh, again, for our viewers,
we do not know
what we're about to see
here as we get a peek around...
And there she is. We are
getting a closer look now
as two rescue responders are
pulling up what appears to be
Margot Kim in-in a body basket
to the top of this ravine here...
Again, we just want
to warn our viewers
that we do not know
what state she's in.
As we get a look at
Margot's father there...
But they are making their
way up to the top.
And it looks like responders
have gotten her up.
Again, no word yet
as to her status...
And there,
you can see her father
as it appears that
Search and Rescue
is now preparing to lift
Margot's body basket
onto a stretcher
they've just prepared.
Again, this is live footage here
as Margot Kim, who has been
missing for the last week
is now being lifted onto...