Sebbe (2010)

- Everything cool, or...?
- Yeah.
- What happened?
- I fell and hurt my leg.
- Playing indoor bandy?
- Yeah.
I hate playing bandy and all sports.
But they make me go.
Talk to the headmaster and
tell him you don't want sports.
Hi there, faggots!
The cocksuckers are here.
- Did we interrupt you kissing?
- They were sucking dick!
- Yeah, just look at his knees...
- Fucking homos!
- Ever see faggots going at it?
- I've always wanted to see that.
- You wanna see it?
- Yeah!
- What are you doing? Let go of me!
- Get him, Kenny!
- Come on, guys!
- Fucking idiots... Real grown up!
Let go! Stop it! Cut it out!
What the fuck are you doing?
Come on, show no mercy!
Come on, guys!
- Keep the homos down!
- Let go! Cut it out, you idiots!
Stop it, you idiots! Let go...
- Use your tongue! Use tongue!
- Let go!
You know lighting costs money...
- How do you switch them off?
- I've no idea.
You know how much electricity costs?
- No.
- Let me...
- Don't touch my things.
- Stop this. I don't get it.
Don't touch, or else it'll fall down.
- Get a life, Sebbe. Do something.
- You get a life, instead of drinking.
- Don't you talk to me like that.
- Yes, I will.
- You're such an ungrateful brat.
- Please, Mom, stop it.
An ungrateful little brat.
That's exactly what you are.
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
- Please, get out of my room.
- No, I won't. Stay here!
- Stay here when I'm talking to you.
- Let go!
- Sorry I'm late.
- Yes, you're late. Go and sit down.
- Did anyone read "Miss Julie"?
- What was it called?
You? Good. Anyone else?
You, too? Great!
- Great they haven't read it?
- I thought they said yes.
- I heard a "no".
- Well, I've had enough of you.
- Oh, yeah?
- It's always the same.
I think the others
have had enough, too.
Shit! Watch out. PMS-warning.
- I'm too old for that.
- Yeah...
Take it as a compliment.
Those who read... - If you read
"The Red Room" write about that.
The rest can write about Strindberg
and give your own reflections.
Sebastian, can you help me
fetch some books? OK?
Fuck her hard, Sebbe.
What's happening, Sebastian?
You're absent too often.
If this goes on,
I'll have to talk to your mom.
- You can't.
- Why not?
She works night and sleeps all day.
- Then I'll talk to your dad.
- You can't do that either.
Do you want to talk about it?
Do you want this?
It's ugly, right? Or...?
Let me see... Give it to me.
Why haven't you told me
that you had this?
Why didn't you tell me about it!
- Give it back!
- Why?
Let me have a look.
I can't even open it.
- What will you do with it?
- Throw it away.
- No, why?
- May I have a look at it first?
You mustn't throw it away.
- Let me see...
- You just looked at it.
- Let me see!
- You brat, can't you hear?
- Show it to me!
- Well, look at it!
- You're late.
- I know. I'm sorry.
- What happened?
- Nothing. I'm just late.
I have a responsibility here.
- Get it?
- I get it.
Now, go and work.
Can I have my papers back?
Yes, they're mine. I'm working and...
- I can have one, right?
- No.
- I've got to work and I'm tired.
- It's so cold.
Can I have my papers back?
This isn't funny. You should go home
and go to bed. I'm serious.
- You could give us...
- What are you doing?
Stop it!
Give me my papers!
What the hell...?
Stop it! Go home and sleep!
What do you mean "go home and sleep"?
What do you mean "go home and sleep"?
Hey! We're talking to you.
- Hey! I'm talking to you.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Why aren't you in school?
- I have a late morning.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
Sure about that?
- Did you just get home?
- Yes.
Happy birthday.
Hello, Sebbe.
Can you please leave, Leo?
Sure, but...
Well, fuck it.
What's up, gays?
Is it the fag couple?
They prefer "homosexuals".
Are you allowed to see normal people?
Adde, not too close!
You can catch that fucking disease.
- Got nothing to say?
- Gay!
- Nothing...
- Morning, boys. It's time.
- Sebbe, test time.
- Yeah, coming.
- Hello, Eva.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- I'm fine. And you?
- I'm fine. Is something wrong?
- No, no.
Well, I just thought...
- How are things going?
- OK.
- And Sebbe?
- He's fine. It's his birthday today.
I see. Fifteen?
God, they grow up so quickly.
- Well, have a nice day then.
- You, too.
Can you come and give me a hand?
Yeah, sure.
- That's it.
- Perfect.
- Hello, Sebbe.
- Hello.
- How are things?
- Fine. And for you?
Just great. What are you doing?
You're black in the face.
- Just fixing a few things.
- I see.
Happy birthday!
- Is that for me?
- Yes.
Your mom said it's your birthday.
It's always fun to have a gift.
- Thanks a lot.
- It's just a little thing.
- Is mom at home?
- No, she's not at home.
Say hello from me when she gets home.
Have a nice day.
- Thanks a lot. Bye.
- Bye.
What the hell was that?
I got a present.
- You have to go and give it back.
- Why should I do that?
Because I have no money to buy
a present to her fucking brat.
- You don't need to do that.
- Of course I do.
Now, go and give it back.
I don't want to argue about this.
Give it back. You hear me?
- I won't give it back.
- Oh, yes, you will.
- You put me on the spot...
- What fucking spot?
It's Kenny's birthday in two weeks.
I have no money to buy him a gift.
Then you go and give it back.
- What are you doing?
- Hi.
- What's up?
- Is your mom at home?
- Why?
- I want to talk to her.
Mad about the fag thing in school?
No, get your mother. It's freezing.
- Why do you want to see her?
- Never mind, Kenny.
Hey, Mom!
- Hello.
- Hello.
Is something wrong?
No, but I can't accept this gift.
Why not? It's your birthday present.
But, Sebbe...?
I think you'd be better off
without me.
I'll get you a birthday present.
What do you want?
A moped, maybe? That'll be great.
Yeah, right.
Actually, I don't want anything, Mom.
Can you open the door, or...?
Come on, open it!
Are you still mad about school?
It was just a joke.
Open the door, please.
Look who's here! My boyfriend.
Hi, Sebbe. Got a cig?
Can I have a coke?
I bet I can get him to start smoking.
- That wimp?!
- Right, Sebbe? I can make you smoke.
Leave me alone... Shut up.
Don't mess with me. Beat it!
Guys, even better! I bet
I can shove a cig up his ass.
- The jerk will do it for free.
- Don't fuck with me.
- You don't think I will...?
- Show us!
- Sure!
- Don't touch me!
- Let go of me!
- Fucking asshole is like an eel.
- Let go! Shit, let go of me!
- Look at him! Look!
- He's fucking lost his mind.
- Hell, stay still!
- Let go of me!
- The bastard can't shut up...
- ... as if he's taking it up his ass!
- Hell, stop it!
Here you are.
- Aren't you going to open it?
- Yes.
Thanks, Mom.
Try it on.
- Does it fit well?
- Yes, it's perfect.
Let's see, do like this...
- Is it too big? No...
- No.
Shit, the porridge!
Can you believe you're 15?
Yes, it's great!
What's wrong?
I just wish your dad was here.
But never mind. Cheers!
- What?
- What is it?
- Aren't you going to bed?
- In a minute.
What did you say?
You're just like your dad.
You're as quiet as he was.
I sometimes dream about him.
The last time I saw him
he was wearing a red fleece sweater.
Do you remember it?
It's so strange.
Every time I dream about him
he talks a lot with me.
He's not quiet at all.
Come on! I finally made it work!
- Are you coming?
- No.
It wasn't a red fleece sweater.
It was a red jacket.
What are you talking about?
I hardly remember
what he looked like.
- Give me my jacket, faggot!
- What are you doing?
Give it to me. You took it from
our laundry-room. Give it to me!
- I didn't take your fucking jacket.
- Yes, you did! From our laundry-room.
- Bullshit! My mom gave it to me.
- No way.
- What's wrong, boys?
- He stole my jacket.
- No, I did not!
- Yes, you did!
- He stole my jacket.
- I didn't steal any jacket.
- How do you know it's yours?
- A reflector tag is in the pocket.
- In what pocket?
- In that inside pocket.
- I told you it's mine.
- Sebastian...
I didn't know it was there.
The jacket was...
- He stole it!
- It was a present.
- Who gave it to you?
- Mom.
- He stole it!
- No, I did not.
- Yes, you did. Give it to me.
- Let go!
Take your fucking jacket!
- May I come with you?
- Sure. Get in. On the other side.
- Runo...
- What?
- Runo is my name.
- Oh, sorry. I'm Sebbe.
- Going some special place?
- No.
I'm going to Denmark.
Do you want me to let you off
somewhere or...?
Where have you been?
- I was worried sick.
- Sorry, Mom.
- Where is yourjacket?
- At a friend's.
- I went to Kenny's to look for you.
- What did you do there?
- I looked for you everywhere in town.
- Why at Kenny's?
- You didn't answer the cell-phone.
- I'm sorry, Mom.
You turned it off.
You can't do that.
- May I come in?
- I've been worried sick.
You can'tjust leave like that.
Sebbe, you can'tjust leave
like that. Do you understand that?
- What's that?
- Where have you been?
Did you cook for me?
What happened to your hand?
- You don't have to eat that.
- It's good.
- It's cold.
- But I'm starved to death.
- May I come in?
- Where have you been?
Go to your seat.
We'll look at that later.
I'll explain it to you.
I'll come back to you later.
This won't do any more.
- Hi, Kenny.
- What do you want?
I was just thinking about...
- About thatjacket...
- I want money for it.
I don't have any money, so...
I don't give a fuck! I want money.
Can't you take my moped instead?
I don't want your crappy moped.
But I don't have any money.
I won't be able to pay back.
Well, then you must get money.
- What the hell?
- Ouch!
How did it go?
- I'll try to help you up.
- OK.
Can you help me? Can you take...?
- There's Sebbe.
- Hi there, Sebbe.
- Everything's great? You wanna a cig?
- Had a dick up your ass yet, faggot?
Come on, Sebbe... How is your mom?
I'd be angry too, if my mom
was a thief. That's for sure.
- You think you're a smart-ass?
- What do you mean?
You're just a bully and a wimp
with no real friends, Kenny.
- Who's a wimp, Sebbe?
- You're so pathetic, Kenny.
And you're a fucking nerd.
You're on your way home right now.
And it's not even nine o'clock.
Is mom waiting? Knitting a sweater?
Oh no, she only steals clothes.
Do us all a favor,
tell your mom to quit stealing.
- Do you wanna bet?
- What's that?
Like you use to say. Let's bet about
breaking most noses in 25 seconds.
Hey, Sebbe, don't get so angry.
Little guy...
Excuse me, what time is it?
You should look after your son
a bit better.
Or what do you think, Sebbe?
How can you sink so low
as to steal some else's jacket?
Where are you going?
I'll report it to the police.
Are you hungry?
You want me to make you
something to eat?
Let's forget what happened.
- Call me a thief, then.
- I won't. You're not a thief, Mom.
- I know you think I am.
- No one even cares.
I know you think so.
You know, I didn't even want you.
- You get it?
- I don't want to lose you.
Shut up!
I've sacrificed my life for you,
and I didn't even want you.
- I want you out of here.
- Please, stop it.
Shut up!
Don't you understand? Get out!
I don't want to see you! I hate you!
Please, Mom...
Get out! I don't want to see you!
I don't want you in my life!
- Mom!
- You're out of here!
Out! Don't you get it? Out!
- Please, Mom...
- Get out!
Leave! I never want to
see you again! Just go!
- Please...
- I said go!
Hi, Mom. It's me.
Sebbe, where have you been?
Where are you?
Forgive me for
not being of any help to you.
- For everything I've done to you.
- Sebastian, go to your seat.
Sebbe, come home. What are you dolng?
Forgive me for having made your life
a shitty life.
- Sebbe...
- Forgive me, Mom.
You'd be much better off
without me, Mom.
Sebastlan, you're not golng to
do anythlng stupld, are you?
Please, Sebastlan, come home.
Please, come home.
What are you dolng? Tell me...
You're not dolng anythlng stupld,
are you?
- Llsten...
- Forgive me, Mom.
Llsten to me,
don't do anythlng stupld. Come ho...
What are you up to?
Put that away.
We'll fix this somehow.
- Are you hungry?
- Yes, a little.
I've been thinking, Sebbe, that...
I need someone to help me
to take care of you.
What do you mean?
Maybe I have to...
I can't take care of you any more.
You'd be so much better off
with someone else.
I know that for sure, Sebastian.
Oh, yeah?
Why are you doing this?
- It'll be much better for you.
- No.
Oh, yes!
Hey, Sebastian...
Hey, let's go for a walk.
Let's get out of here.
I'll just pay.
I just have to fix something.
I'll be home after that.
See you soon.