Second Chance Christmas (2014)

Mm uh, ooh, yeah
there's a place up above
uh, ooh, yeah there's a
place up above way up high
there's a place up above
way up high paradise
way up high paradise
above the clouds
paradise above the
clouds above the crowds
above the clouds above the crowds
they're waiting there for us
above the crowds they're waiting
there for us where we can shine
they're waiting there for us where
we can shine let love shine down
where we can shine let love shine
down let it shine, let it shine
let love shine down let it shine,
let it shine let love shine down
let it shine, let it shine let love
shine down oh, heat to everyone
let love shine down oh, heat to
everyone let love shine down
oh, heat to everyone let love
shine down ooh, let it shine
let love shine down ooh, let
it shine let love shine down
ooh, let it shine let love shine
down absolutely ridiculous.
Let love shine down absolutely
ridiculous. Got me hiding out in front of
absolutely ridiculous. Got me hiding out
in front of his girl's house like we still
got me hiding out in front of his girl's house
like we still in high school or something.
His girl's house like we still in
high school or something. Move.
In high school or something. Move.
All I'm saying is you should be
move. all I'm saying is you should
be able to go in your own woman's
all I'm saying is you should be able
to go in your own woman's house.
Able to go in your own woman's house.
It's been six months.
House. it's been six months.
Have you met the kids yet?
It's been six months. Have you met the
kids yet? Bet you ain't met the kids yet.
Have you met the kids yet? Bet you ain't met
the kids yet. I'll met them when she's
bet you ain't met the kids yet.
I'll met them when she's ready.
I'll met them when she's ready.
You need to be worried about
ready. you need to be
worried about you.
You need to be worried about you.
I am worried about me.
You. I am worried about me.
I'm worried about the fact that
I am worried about me. I'm worried about the
fact that i still have to drop these gifts
I'm worried about the fact that i
still have to drop these gifts off.
I still have to drop these gifts off.
It's not my fault you bought
off. it's not my fault you bought
Christmas gifts in the middle of
it's not my fault you bought Christmas
gifts in the middle of the night.
Christmas gifts in the middle of the night.
[ Chuckles ]
The night. [ Chuckles
] It is your fault.
[ Chuckles ] it is your fault.
You got me doing so many
it is your fault. You got me doing so
many endorsements that, everywhere I
you got me doing so many endorsements that,
everywhere i go, people recognize me.
Endorsements that, everywhere i go,
people recognize me. Thank you for that.
Go, people recognize me. Thank you for
that. Thereby making you money that
thank you for that. Thereby making
you money that you choose to waste on
thereby making you money that
you choose to waste on Christmas.
You choose to waste on Christmas.
It's ridiculous.
Christmas. it's ridiculous.
"Waste on Christmas"?
It's ridiculous. "Waste on Christmas"?
Oh, you're a mean one,
"waste on Christmas"? Oh,
you're a mean one, Mr. grinch.
Oh, you're a mean one, Mr. grinch.
It just doesn't make sense to
Mr. grinch. It just doesn't make
sense to spend money on stuff you don't
it just doesn't make sense to spend money on
stuff you don't need for people you hardly see.
Spend money on stuff you don't need for
people you hardly see. You going there?
Need for people you hardly see. You
going there? That's where you going?
You going there? That's where you going?
You going...
That's where you going? You going
first of all, listen, I see them
you going... first of all, listen, I
see them when I can, when I have time.
First of all, listen, I see them when I can,
when I have time. I know I got a lot of babies
when I can, when I have time. I know I got a
lot of babies and a lot of baby mamas, but I
I know I got a lot of babies and a lot of baby
mamas, but i pay my child support on time.
And a lot of baby mamas, but i pay my child
support on time. I feel like you coming for me.
Pay my child support on time. I feel like you
coming for me. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
I feel like you coming for me. Hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, bro, I'm sorry.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey,
bro, I'm sorry. I don't mean you.
Hey, bro, I'm sorry. I don't mean you.
I just mean people in general.
I don't mean you. I just mean people in
general. Look, no question, you're a far
I just mean people in general. Look, no question,
you're a far better father than I'd ever be.
Look, no question, you're a far better
father than I'd ever be. I'll take that.
Better father than I'd ever be.
I'll take that. Okay, we good?
I'll take that. Okay, we good?
We good.
[ Knocks on door ] hey.
Lights out.
Hey. lights out.
Ma, it's only 9:00.
Lights out. Ma, it's only 9:00.
Uh, it's Christmas Eve.
Ma, it's only 9:00. Uh, it's Christmas
Eve. You don't want to be awake when
uh, it's Christmas Eve. You don't want
to be awake when Santa comes, do you?
You don't want to be awake when
Santa comes, do you? Santa?
Santa comes, do you? Santa?
Santa's for little kids.
Santa? Santa's for little kids.
I'm about to be a teenager.
Santa's for little kids. I'm about to be
a teenager. Okay, that may be true.
I'm about to be a teenager. Okay, that
may be true. But, um... but even though
okay, that may be true. But, um... but
even though you're almost a grown man, you
but, um... but even though you're almost a
grown man, you still like presents, right?
You're almost a grown man, you still
like presents, right? Hmm, right?
Still like presents, right?
Hmm, right? Don't you?
Hmm, right? Don't you?
[ Laughing ] Come on.
Don't you? [ Laughing ] Come on.
Where's your Christmas spirit?
[ Laughing ] come on. Where's your
Christmas spirit? What's the matter?
Where's your Christmas spirit? What's the
matter? It's just that presents cost
what's the matter? It's just
that presents cost a lot, you know.
It's just that presents cost a lot,
you know. I know you can't really
a lot, you know. I know you
can't really afford...
I know you can't really afford...
Okay, you know what?
Afford... okay, you know what?
You let me worry about what we
okay, you know what? You let me worry
about what we can and can't afford, okay?
You let me worry about what we can and can't
afford, okay? I'm just saying, I don't need
can and can't afford, okay? I'm just saying,
I don't need a new game system to be happy.
I'm just saying, I don't need a new game system
to be happy. I just don't want you to go to
a new game system to be happy. I just
don't want you to go to work tomorrow.
I just don't want you to go to
work tomorrow. Are you kidding?
Work tomorrow. Are you kidding?
Nobody works on Christmas.
Are you kidding? Nobody
works on Christmas. All right?
Nobody works on Christmas. All right?
You, say your prayers, go to
all right? You, say your
prayers, go to sleep.
You, say your prayers, go to sleep.
I love you.
Sleep. i love you.
I love you, too.
I love you. I love you, too.
You sleep well.
Boy: thank you for my mom and everything
she does for me. Please watch over her
and everything she does for me. Please
watch over her and protect her.
Please watch over her
and protect her. Amen.
And protect her. Amen. Oh,
and about that off chance
amen. oh, and about that off chance
about that whole Santa thing?
Oh, and about that off chance about that
whole Santa thing? Please help my mom find
about that whole Santa thing? Please help
my mom find something that'll make her life
please help my mom find something that'll make
her life a little bit easier, because she
something that'll make her life a little bit easier,
because she deserves it more than anybody in
a little bit easier, because she deserves
it more than anybody in the world.
Deserves it more than
anybody in the world. Amen.
The world. Amen. Oh,
if you happen to have
amen. oh, if you happen to have
another ps4 laying around, you
oh, if you happen to have another ps4 laying
around, you could send that here, too.
Another ps4 laying around, you could send
that here, too. Okay, for real this time.
Could send that here, too. Okay,
for real this time. Amen.
Okay, for real this time. Amen.
Hi, yes, I'm calling about
amen. hi, yes, I'm
calling about the ps4.
Hi, yes, I'm calling about the ps4.
Yeah, I ordered it three weeks
the ps4. Yeah, I ordered it three
weeks ago, and I was assured it would
yeah, I ordered it three weeks ago, and I was
assured it would be here in time for the holiday,
ago, and I was assured it would be
here in time for the holiday, and...
Be here in time for the holiday,
and... no, yeah, I understand it's
and... no, yeah, I
understand it's a hot item.
No, yeah, I understand it's a hot item.
That's why I ordered it three
a hot item. That's why I
ordered it three weeks ago.
That's why I ordered it three weeks ago.
[ Scoffs ]
Weeks ago. [ Scoffs ] So
much for Christmas miracles.
[ Scoffs ] so much for Christmas miracles.
What happened?
So much for Christmas miracles. What
happened? [ Sighs ] Oh, you don't want
what happened? [ Sighs ]
Oh, you don't want to know.
[ Sighs ] oh, you
don't want to know. Ugh.
To know. Ugh. But I
am happy you made it
ugh. but I am happy
you made it though.
But I am happy you made it though.
How was your flight?
Though. how was your flight?
Whoo. Long.
How was your flight? Whoo.
Long. Yeah?
Whoo. long. Yeah? But
you know I had to be here
yeah? but you know I had to
be here for Christmas with my girl.
But you know I had to be here
for Christmas with my girl. Oh!
For Christmas with my girl.
Oh! Mm.
Oh! mm. [
Cell phone buzzes ]
Mm. [ cell phone
buzzes ] Oh.
[ Cell phone buzzes ] oh.
[ Chuckles ]
Oh. [ chuckles ] Ooh.
[ Chuckles ] ooh. [ Laughing ]
What? I know that smile.
Yes, you do.
I know that smile. Yes, you do.
Are you sure that Malcolm
yes, you do. Are you sure
that Malcolm doesn't have a brother
are you sure that Malcolm doesn't
have a brother or a friend?
Doesn't have a brother or a friend?
I don't know.
Or a friend? I don't know.
I... well, ooh.
I don't know. I... well, ooh.
You know what?
I... well, ooh. You know what?
If you settle down a little bit,
you know what? If you settle down a little
bit, you could find yourself a nice
if you settle down a little bit, you
could find yourself a nice guy, too.
You could find yourself a nice guy, too.
Girl, look.
Guy, too. Girl, look.
Girl, look. What?
You get your hustle on with
what? you get your hustle
on with your three jobs.
You get your hustle on with your three
jobs. I get my hustle on on the dance
your three jobs. I get my hustle
on on the dance floor, okay?
I get my hustle on on the dance
floor, okay? [ Chuckles ]
Floor, okay? [
Chuckles ] Okay.
[ Chuckles ] okay. And
besides, I eat nice guys
okay. and besides, I
eat nice guys for breakfast.
And besides, I eat nice guys
for breakfast. Yes, you do.
For breakfast. Yes, you do.
[ Laughing ] Yes, I have seen
yes, you do. [ Laughing
] Yes, I have seen that.
[ Laughing ] yes, I have seen that.
It's not pretty.
That. it's not pretty.
That's according to who?
It's not pretty. That's
according to who? You.
That's according to who? You.
Ask them, I bet you they say
you. ask them, I bet
you they say it's pretty.
Ask them, I bet you they say
it's pretty. Oh, okay, okay.
It's pretty. Oh, okay, okay.
Oh, okay, okay.
Mm. Know what?
Mm. know what? Ooh?
Know what? Ooh? Looks
like miracles do happen
ooh? looks like miracles
do happen on Christmas.
Looks like miracles do happen
on Christmas. [ Gasps ]
On Christmas. [ Gasps ]
Oh, where's my miracle?
Hi. Lawrence's room is right there.
Come on, isn't this like
Lawrence's room is right there.
Come on, isn't this like mistletoe?
Come on, isn't this like mistletoe?
[ Laughs ]
Mistletoe? [ laughs ]
Look, I brought my kid, too.
[ Laughs ] look, I brought
my kid, too. Look at him, see him?
Look, I brought my kid, too. Look
at him, see him? Hi, durron.
Look at him, see him? Hi, durron.
Hi, durron. Hey.
[ Sighs ] I'm sorry.
Hey. [ sighs ] I'm sorry.
I can't talk for long.
[ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I
can't talk for long. I, um...
I can't talk for long. I, um...
I have to go out and get
I, um... I have to go out and get
a last-minute backup Christmas
I have to go out and get a last-minute
backup Christmas present.
A last-minute backup Christmas present.
At 10:00 on Christmas Eve.
Present. at 10:00 on Christmas Eve.
I ordered this ps4 for Lawrence
at 10:00 on Christmas Eve. I ordered this ps4
for Lawrence weeks ago, and it just never
I ordered this ps4 for Lawrence
weeks ago, and it just never came.
Weeks ago, and it just never came.
I don't even know what I'm going
came. i don't even know
what I'm going to do.
I don't even know what I'm going to do.
I'm sorry.
To do. I'm sorry. Mm.
I'm sorry. Mm. Is
there anything I can do to
mm. is there
anything I can do to help?
Is there anything I can do to help?
[ Laughing ] Well, unless you
help? [ laughing ] Well,
unless you know Santa, no.
[ Laughing ] well, unless you know
Santa, no. Everything's going to be closed.
Know Santa, no. Everything's
going to be closed. It's...
Everything's going to be closed.
It's... [ Sighs ] But...
It's... [ sighs ] But...
Santa already brought your
[ sighs ] but... Santa already
brought your present.
Santa already brought your present.
Present. what? No,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
What? no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
What are you doing?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. What
are you doing? Not until tomorrow.
What are you doing? Not until tomorrow.
It's not Christmas yet.
Not until tomorrow. It's not Christmas yet.
Uh, but I thought that was
it's not Christmas yet. Uh, but I
thought that was the reason why we were
uh, but I thought that was the reason why
we were exchanging gifts tonight, 'cause
the reason why we were exchanging
gifts tonight, 'cause i thought...
Exchanging gifts tonight,
'cause i thought... Um...
I thought... Um...
Come back tomorrow.
Um... come back tomorrow.
I want you to celebrate
come back tomorrow. I want you
to celebrate Christmas with us.
I want you to celebrate Christmas with us.
You want me to meet your son?
Christmas with us. You want me to meet
your son? Yeah, I didn't... um...
You want me to meet your son? Yeah, I
didn't... um... I didn't want him to become
yeah, I didn't... um... I didn't want him
to become attached until we were serious.
I didn't want him to become attached until we
were serious. Or I thought we were serious.
Attached until we were serious. Or I thought we
were serious. Oh, we are serious, aren't we?
Or I thought we were serious. Oh, we are
serious, aren't we? I mean, I was going to do
oh, we are serious, aren't we? I
mean, I was going to do laundry.
I mean, I was going to do laundry.
I got an amazing design for
laundry. i got an amazing design
for a sand castle I want to get
I got an amazing design for a sand
castle I want to get started on.
A sand castle I want to get started on.
Stop it.
Started on. Stop it.
Of course, I'd love to.
Stop it. Of course, I'd love to.
Oh, hey.
Of course, I'd love to. Oh, hey.
Um, I'll be right...
Oh, hey. Um, I'll be right...
Give me that.
Um, I'll be right... Give me that.
She say something about me?
Give me that. She say something about
me? No, she didn't say nothing
she say something about me? No,
she didn't say nothing about you.
No, she didn't say nothing about you.
Hook me up.
About you. Hook me up.
Hook me up. Wow!
That's... that's nice.
Wow! that's... that's nice.
That's... that's nice. Big.
Uh, so don't...
Big. uh, so don't
thank you.
Uh, so don't... thank you.
I love you. [Chuckles]
Thank you. I love you.
[Chuckles] I love you, too.
I love you. [Chuckles] I love you, too.
Don't open it till tomorrow.
I love you, too. Don't open
it till tomorrow. Okay.
Don't open it till tomorrow.
Okay. Okay?
Okay. okay? All right.
Okay? all right. Mm.
I'll see you tomorrow.
All right. Mm. I'll see you tomorrow.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow. All right.
Merry Christmas.
All right. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Bye, durron.
Merry Christmas. Bye, durron.
Bye, boo-boo.
Bye, durron. Bye, boo-boo.
[ Laughing ] Boo-boo?
Bye, boo-boo. [ Laughing ] Boo-boo?
Man, will you stop with that?
[ Laughing ] boo-boo? Man, will you stop
with that? You better watch your friend.
Man, will you stop with that? You
better watch your friend. I know, right?
You better watch your friend. I
know, right? I'm too busy watching you.
I know, right? I'm too busy
watching you. Okay, go.
I'm too busy watching you. Okay, go.
Go, I got it.
Okay, go. Go, I got it.
This is my... you are my
go, I got it. This is my...
you are my eggnog right now.
This is my... you are my
eggnog right now. I got it.
Eggnog right now. I got it.
Just get it.
I got it. Just get it.
I got it.
Just get it. I got it.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I got it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
All right, just hurry up
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. All
right, just hurry up and walk.
All right, just hurry up and walk.
And walk. Okay.
This is the best part of
okay. this is the
best part of Christmas.
This is the best part of Christmas.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Christmas. go, go, go, go, go.
I'm gonna go.
Have you taken the time to count
your blessings? life's been good
to count your blessings? life's
been good oh, life's been good
life's been good oh, life's
been good have you noticed
oh, life's been good have
you noticed how many times
have you noticed how
many times [ Knock on door ]
How many times [ Knock on
door ] you've been rewarded?
[ Knock on door ] you've
been rewarded? oh
you've been rewarded?
oh life's been good
oh life's been
good oh, so good
life's been good
oh, so good wow.
Oh, so good wow.
These are all right.
Wow. these are all right.
look around
These are all right.
look around look around
look around look
around merry Christmas.
Look around merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Hey.
Mm! He's right there!
Hey. mm! He's right there!
Can he see through
mm! he's right there! Can
he see through the blinds?
Can he see through the blinds?
Maybe, maybe.
The blinds? Maybe, maybe.
All right, my bad.
Maybe, maybe. All right, my bad.
[ Chuckles ]
All right, my bad. [ Chuckles
] Look who Santa brought me.
[ Chuckles ] look who Santa brought me.
Hey, Malcolm!
Look who Santa brought me. Hey, Malcolm!
Merry Christmas.
Hey, Malcolm! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Tina.
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Tina.
Good to see you.
Merry Christmas, Tina. Good to see you.
So talk to me.
Good to see you. So talk to me.
What's going on with the hats
so talk to me. What's going on
with the hats and the scarves?
What's going on with the hats and the
scarves? Uh, we were just hoping for
and the scarves? Uh, we were just
hoping for a Christmas miracle.
Uh, we were just hoping for a Christmas
miracle. You know, a little snow,
a Christmas miracle. You know,
a little snow, Christmas.
You know, a little snow, Christmas.
Even in L.A., you can hope for
Christmas. even in L.A.,
you can hope for that.
Even in L.A., you can hope for that.
That. yeah? Yeah.
Um... hold on one second.
My men.
Malcolm... this is Lawrence.
Lawrence, Malcolm.
Okay, I'm going to give you guys a few minutes
to chat, and i will... I'll be right back.
A few minutes to chat, and i will
I'll be right back. Okay?
Will... I'll be right back. Okay?
What's going on, little man?
Okay? what's going on, little man?
Nice to finally meet you.
Ha ha! Okay. [
Chuckles nervously ]
Okay. [ chuckles nervously
] Well, who... who would like
[ chuckles nervously ] well, who... who
would like a nice, um... a nice, ice-cold
well, who... who would like a nice,
um... a nice, ice-cold float?
A nice, um... a nice, ice-cold float?
Me, me, me.
Float? me, me, me. Me.
Me, me, me. Me.
I'll take that.
Tina: mm. So, a toast.
Merry Christmas to my favorite
so, a toast. Merry Christmas to
my favorite people in the world.
Merry Christmas to my favorite people in
the world. I love you guys so much, and I
people in the world. I love you guys so
much, and i thank god every day for each
I love you guys so much, and i thank god
every day for each and every one of you.
Thank god every day for each and every
one of you. Mm, I love you, too.
And every one of you. Mm, I love
you, too. Love you, too, mom.
Mm, I love you, too. Love
you, too, mom. Malcolm: Love.
Love you, too, mom. Malcolm: Love.
Love you, too.
Malcolm: love.
Love you, too. Mm.
Love you, too. Mm. Oh,
this... hey, I've never
mm. oh, this... hey, I've
never had a float for Christmas,
oh, this... hey, I've never had a
float for Christmas, but I'll take it.
Had a float for Christmas, but
I'll take it. This is amazing.
But I'll take it. This is amazing.
It's actually a Christmas
this is amazing. It's actually a
Christmas tradition of mine, you know,
it's actually a Christmas tradition of
mine, you know, growing up in a group home.
Tradition of mine, you know, growing up in a
group home. It was like a special treat for
growing up in a group home. It was
like a special treat for us back then.
It was like a special treat for us
back then. You know, remind us to
us back then. You know, remind us
to appreciate the small things.
You know, remind us to appreciate the small
things. Right? And make happiness where
appreciate the small things. Right? And make
happiness where you can and leave the big stuff
right? and make happiness where you can
and leave the big stuff up to god.
You can and leave the big
stuff up to god. Yeah?
Up to god. Yeah?
That's happiness.
Yeah? that's happiness. Mm.
That's happiness. Mm. Can
you... can you open your
mm. can you... can you
open your present now?
Can you... can you open your present now?
We were going to eat first.
Present now? We were going to eat first.
Yeah, i-i know, but, uh...
We were going to eat first. Yeah,
i-i know, but, uh... I can't wait.
Oh, my god. Lawrence, oh,
my goodness. Oh, my... oh, no.
Lawrence, oh, my goodness. Oh, my...
oh, no. Look, babe, I'm not the kind
oh, my... oh, no. Look, babe, I'm
not the kind of guy that falls, but from
look, babe, I'm not the kind of guy
that falls, but from the moment...
Of guy that falls, but from the moment...
Oh, from the moment I met you,
the moment... Oh, from the
moment I met you, i fell hard.
Oh, from the moment I met you, i fell hard.
I never thought I could love
I fell hard. I never thought I could
love anyone or anything as much as I
I never thought I could love anyone
or anything as much as i love you.
Anyone or anything as much as i love you.
And if you do me the honor of
love you. And if you do me the honor
of being my wife, I swear to you, I
and if you do me the honor of being my wife, I
swear to you, i will live the rest of our lives
being my wife, I swear to you, i will live the
rest of our lives proving how much I love you.
Will live the rest of our lives proving
how much I love you. [ Laughs ]
Proving how much I love you. [
Laughs ] Maisie, will you marry me?
[ Laughs ] maisie,
will you marry me? Yes.
Maisie, will you marry me?
Yes. Yes!
Yes. yes! [ clapping ]
Yes! [ clapping ] Yes!
Yes! Yes!
[ Clapping ] yes! Yes! Yes!
[ Laughing ] Yes!
Yes! yes! Yes! [ Laughing ] Yes!
Tina: Open it!
[ Laughing ] yes! Tina: Open it!
[ Maisie laughs ]
Tina: open it! [ Maisie
laughs ] I will marry you, too.
[ Maisie laughs ] i will marry you, too.
I'm happy for you, mom.
I will marry you, too. I'm happy
for you, mom. Thank you, honey.
I'm happy for you, mom. Thank
you, honey. Uh, you know what?
Thank you, honey. Uh, you know what?
I thought I saw, like, a little
uh, you know what? I thought I
saw, like, a little something.
I thought I saw, like, a little something.
There was a little package
something. there was a little
package or something out there on
there was a little package or
something out there on the porch.
Or something out there on the porch.
You might want to check it out.
The porch. You might want to check it out.
Oh, my gosh, look at that.
You might want to check it out. Oh, my
gosh, look at that. What about mine?!
Oh, my gosh, look at that.
What about mine?! I need...
What about mine?! I need...
You like it?
I need... You like it?
Oh, I love it.
You like it? Oh, I love it.
And I love you.
Oh, I love it. And I love you.
I love it, I love you, too.
Oh, my god. You like it?
Do I like it?
You like it? Do I like it?
It says, "to Lawrence, from
do I like it? It says,
"to Lawrence, from Santa."
It says, "to Lawrence, from Santa."
Well, don't just stand there.
Santa." well, don't
just stand there. Open it.
Well, don't just stand there.
Open it. [ Gasps ]
Open it. [ Gasps ] Ma,
you got this for me?
[ Gasps ] ma, you got this for me?
Don't look at me.
Ma, you got this for me? Don't look
at me. I have no idea where that came
don't look at me. I have
no idea where that came from.
I have no idea where that came from.
Uh, not me.
From. uh, not me. That's
a car note right there.
Uh, not me. That's a car note right
there. Hey, don't look at me.
That's a car note right there. Hey, don't
look at me. It says, "from Santa," so...
Hey, don't look at me. It says, "from
Santa," so... Ma, can I go in my room
it says, "from Santa," so... Ma,
can I go in my room and hook this up?
Ma, can I go in my room and hook
this up? Yeah, I guess. Go, go.
And hook this up? Yeah, I guess.
Go, go. Cool! Thanks, ma!
Yeah, I guess. Go, go. Cool!
Thanks, ma! Love you!
Cool! thanks, ma! Love you!
I love you, too.
Love you! I love you, too.
Everybody got...
I love you, too. Everybody got...
Okay, you did not just lie to
everybody got... Okay, you
did not just lie to my son!
Okay, you did not just lie to my son!
I didn't get... I didn't.
My son! I didn't get... I didn't.
I didn't get it.
I didn't get... I didn't.
I didn't get it. Oh?
I didn't get it. Oh?
Durron got it.
Oh? durron got it. I
mean, I made durron get it,
durron got it. I mean, I made
durron get it, but you know.
I mean, I made durron get it, but you know.
Oh, my god!
But you know. Oh, my god!
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god! Oh, my god.
Okay, um...
Oh, my god. Okay, um...
Can we get a room?
Okay, um... Can we get a room?
[ Scoffs ] I guess that means I
can we get a room? [ Scoffs ] I guess that
means i need to go play video games with
[ scoffs ] I guess that means i need
to go play video games with Lawrence.
Need to go play video games with Lawrence.
Yes, maybe you do.
Lawrence. yes, maybe you do.
Should be two controllers,
yes, maybe you do. Should be
two controllers, so there you go.
Should be two controllers,
so there you go. Wow.
So there you go. Wow.
I can't believe it.
Wow. i can't believe it.
I'm going to be
I can't believe it. I'm going to be Mrs.
Malcolm Grant.
I'm going to be Mrs. Malcolm Grant.
You see, miracles do happen at
Mrs. Malcolm Grant. You see,
miracles do happen at Christmas.
You see, miracles do happen
at Christmas. Yeah.
Christmas. yeah.
Oh, god, I love you.
Yeah. oh, god, I love you.
I love you, I love you,
oh, god, I love you. I love you,
I love you, i love you, I love...
I love you, I love you, i love
you, I love... [ Laughing ]
I love you, I love... [ Laughing
] I went to the gym this
[ laughing ] I went
to the gym this morning.
I went to the gym this morning.
I see that.
Morning. I see that.
I don't want you to do no
I see that. I don't
want you to do no work today.
I don't want you to do no work today.
Appreciate it.
Work today. Appreciate it.
I'm bad in a good way though.
Appreciate it. I'm bad in a
good way though. I already know.
I'm bad in a good way though. I
already know. Who told you that?
I already know. Who told you that?
You did.
Who told you that? You did.
You remember that one night...
You did. You remember
that one night... Yeah.
You remember that one night...
Yeah. [ Clears throat ]
Yeah. [ clears
throat ] Hey, bud.
[ Clears throat ] hey, bud.
What's going on?
Hey, bud. What's going on?
Checking out the house?
What's going on? Checking out the house?
Hey, got to work those
checking out the house? Hey, got
to work those muscles out, man.
Hey, got to work those muscles out, man.
Oh, I can't find my ps4.
Muscles out, man. Oh, I can't
find my ps4. Have you seen it?
Oh, I can't find my ps4.
Have you seen it? Mm, no.
Have you seen it? Mm, no.
Maybe, uh, your bedroom?
Mm, no. Maybe, uh, your bedroom?
Check there?
Maybe, uh, your bedroom? Check there?
Go check there.
Check there? Go check there.
It's a good thing we hired
go check there. It's a good thing
we hired the movers to carry all
it's a good thing we hired the movers
to carry all the heavy stuff, huh?
The movers to carry all the heavy stuff,
huh? That way you ain't too wore out
the heavy stuff, huh? That way you ain't
too wore out to play video games.
That way you ain't too wore out
to play video games. Hey.
To play video games. Hey.
Come look at the view with us.
Hey. come look at the view with us.
Look at this.
Come look at the view with us. Look
at this. Nah, I'm gonna go play my
look at this. Nah, I'm
gonna go play my video game.
Nah, I'm gonna go play my video game.
Okay, later.
Video game. Okay, later.
Okay, later. Okay? Ah, god.
Okay? ah, god. This
is breathtaking.
Ah, god. This is breathtaking.
Malcolm: You're breathtaking.
This is breathtaking. Malcolm: You're
breathtaking. [ Maisie laughing ]
Good night, mom.
Night, baby. I love you.
Night, la... [ Door slams ]
Night, la... [ Door
slams ] [ Sighs ]
[ Door slams ] [ Sighs ]
You'd at least think I'd get
[ sighs ] you'd at least think
I'd get a fist bump by now.
You'd at least think I'd get a
fist bump by now. I know.
A fist bump by now. I know.
I know, babe.
I know. I know, babe. Just...
I know, babe. Just...
I'm sorry he's being so
just... I'm sorry he's
being so difficult.
I'm sorry he's being so difficult.
He's never had a man in his life
difficult. he's never had a man in his
life before, so he doesn't know what
he's never had a man in his life before, so
he doesn't know what to expect from a father.
Before, so he doesn't know what to expect
from a father. Whoa, whoa, whoa, maisie,
to expect from a father. Whoa, whoa,
whoa, maisie, look, we talked about this.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, maisie, look, we
talked about this. I know, I know.
Look, we talked about this. I
know, I know. I mean, he doesn't...
I know, I know. I mean, he doesn't...
He doesn't need you to be
I mean, he doesn't... He doesn't
need you to be cliff huxtable.
He doesn't need you to be cliff huxtable.
He just... he needs your
cliff huxtable. He just... he needs
your Patience and your presence.
He just... he needs your Patience and your
presence. Oh, for real? That's it?
Patience and your presence. Oh, for real?
That's it? I just got to buy him some
oh, for real? That's it? I
just got to buy him some stuff?
I just got to buy him some stuff?
I can do that.
Stuff? i can do that. I
can... what does he need?
I can do that. I can... what does he need?
No. [Laughs]
I can... what does he need? No.
[Laughs] Not "presents" with a "t."
No. [laughs] Not "presents"
with a "t." "Presence" with a "c."
Not "presents" with a "t." "Presence"
with a "c." Oh, with a... okay.
"Presence" with a "c." Oh, with
a... okay. Just be around, hmm?
Oh, with a... okay. Just be around,
hmm? Show him what it means to be
just be around, hmm? Show
him what it means to be a man.
Show him what it means to be a man.
Who knows, maybe one day you
a man. Who knows, maybe one day
you guys will become friends.
Who knows, maybe one day you guys will
become friends. Look, maisie, friends is
guys will become friends. Look, maisie,
friends is cool, but boys need a father.
Look, maisie, friends is cool, but boys need
a father. And to be completely honest with
cool, but boys need a father. And to
be completely honest with you, I...
And to be completely honest with you, I...
I don't even think I know how.
You, I... I don't even think I know how.
It's not like I had anyone to
I don't even think I know how. It's
not like I had anyone to show me.
It's not like I had anyone to show me.
I know, I know, babe.
Show me. I know, I know, babe.
But you know how to be a man.
I know, I know, babe. But you know how
to be a man. And if you can teach him that
but you know how to be a man. And if you can
teach him that just by being you, you'll be
and if you can teach him that just by being
you, you'll be doing a lot more than most of
just by being you, you'll be doing a lot
more than most of the fathers I know.
Doing a lot more than most of
the fathers I know. Okay.
The fathers I know. Okay.
And you right about one
okay. and you
right about one thing.
And you right about one thing.
What's that?
Thing. what's that?
I am a man.
What's that? I am a man.
Yes, you are.
I am a man. Yes, you are.
I am a man, I am a man.
Yes, you are. I am a man, I am a man.
Yes, you are, yes, you are.
I am a man, I am a man. Yes,
you are, yes, you are. Mm.
[ Video game sound effects ]
Hey, bud.
You got a second?
Listen... i know this all
happened fast with Malcolm.
I know this all happened fast with Malcolm.
Is he going to stick around?
With Malcolm. Is he going to stick
around? Lawrence, your father leaving
is he going to stick around? Lawrence,
your father leaving had nothing to do with you
Lawrence, your father leaving had
nothing to do with you or with me, okay?
Had nothing to do with you or with
me, okay? He had his own issues,
or with me, okay? He had his own
issues, but Malcolm is not like that,
he had his own issues, but Malcolm is not
like that, and Malcolm, he's a good man.
But Malcolm is not like that, and
Malcolm, he's a good man. I know.
And Malcolm, he's a good man. I know.
And god wouldn't send a bad one.
I know. And god wouldn't send a bad one.
What does that mean?
And god wouldn't send a bad one. What does
that mean? Well, I prayed for you to get
what does that mean? Well, I prayed
for you to get some help, and the next day,
well, I prayed for you to get some help, and
the next day, Malcolm asked you to marry him.
Some help, and the next day, Malcolm asked you
to marry him. He loves us, and he's going to
Malcolm asked you to marry him. He loves us,
and he's going to take good care of us,
he loves us, and he's going to take
good care of us, but that's it.
Take good care of us, but that's it.
That's all I need.
But that's it. That's all I need.
I don't need him to be my dad.
That's all I need. I don't need him to be
my dad. I just need... need him to just
I don't need him to be my dad. I just
need... need him to just coexist.
I just need... need him to just coexist.
Coexist. coexist?
Yeah, like Republicans
coexist? yeah, like
Republicans and democrats.
Yeah, like Republicans and democrats.
[ Laughs ]
And democrats. [ Laughs
] Maybe even better.
[ Laughs ] maybe even better.
Yes, let's hope.
Maybe even better. Yes, let's hope.
I just don't want him to take
yes, let's hope. I just don't want
him to take a lot of time from me and you.
I just don't want him to take a
lot of time from me and you. Oh.
A lot of time from me and you. Oh.
That's never going to happen,
oh. that's never
going to happen, okay?
That's never going to happen, okay?
Okay? okay. look, baby,
it's always going to
okay. look, baby, it's always
going to be you and me first.
Look, baby, it's always going to
be you and me first. I know.
Be you and me first. I know.
I know. Always.
I love you.
Always. i love you.
I love you, too.
I love you. I love you, too.
All right.
I love you, too. All right.
Let's paint.
Look at you. I have never
seen you working this hard.
I have never seen you working this hard.
Are you going to stop long
this hard. Are you going to
stop long enough to say hello?
Are you going to stop long enough to say
hello? Hello, bessie, how are you?
Enough to say hello? Hello, bessie, how
are you? I'll be doing a lot better
hello, bessie, how are you? I'll be doing
a lot better when that pretty, young wife of
I'll be doing a lot better when that pretty,
young wife of yours gets you to church, gets
when that pretty, young wife of yours gets
you to church, gets you right with god.
Yours gets you to church, gets you right
with god. You should be a comedian.
You right with god. You should be
a comedian. You know that, right?
You should be a comedian. You
know that, right? Like legit.
You know that, right? Like legit.
You should really think about
like legit. You should
really think about that.
You should really think about that.
You need to take your
that. you need to take your
salvation more seriously.
You need to take your salvation more
seriously. Heaven not promised, you know.
Salvation more seriously. Heaven not
promised, you know. I promise you this...
Heaven not promised, you know. I promise
you this... could have sworn I seen it last
I promise you this... could have
sworn I seen it last night with maisie.
Could have sworn I seen it last
night with maisie. Don't you...
Night with maisie. Don't you
Malcolm Grant, don't you
don't you... Malcolm Grant, don't
you blaspheme in front of me!
Malcolm Grant, don't you blaspheme in front
of me! Your mother, god rest her soul,
blaspheme in front of me! Your mother, god
rest her soul, raised you better than that.
Your mother, god rest her soul, raised you better
than that. Made me forget what I wanted to
raised you better than that. Made me
forget what I wanted to talk to you about.
Made me forget what I wanted to
talk to you about. Oh, yeah.
Talk to you about. Oh, yeah.
I want to talk to you about
oh, yeah. I want to talk
to you about Lawrence.
I want to talk to you about Lawrence.
How much time have you spent
Lawrence. how much time have
you spent with him one-on-one?
How much time have you spent with
him one-on-one? I don't know.
With him one-on-one?
I don't know. None?
I don't know. None? And
that's acceptable to you?
None? and that's acceptable to you?
Look, he does his thing, I do
and that's acceptable to you?
Look, he does his thing, I do mine.
Look, he does his thing, I do mine.
That was the agreement.
Mine. that was the agreement.
I don't try to be his dad, he
that was the agreement. I don't try to
be his dad, he doesn't try to be my son.
I don't try to be his dad, he doesn't
try to be my son. We just coexist.
Doesn't try to be my son. We just coexist.
We just coexist. Coexist?
Yeah, like Kobe and just
coexist? yeah, like Kobe and
just about anyone he plays with.
Yeah, like Kobe and just about anyone
he plays with. Well, hopefully better than
about anyone he plays with. Well,
hopefully better than that.
Well, hopefully better than that.
That. Malcolm! You keep
saying you're not ready
Malcolm! you keep saying you're not
ready to be a father, but like it or
you keep saying you're not ready to be a
father, but like it or not, you are one.
To be a father, but like it or not, you
are one. Now, you need to quit making
not, you are one. Now, you
need to quit making excuses.
Now, you need to quit making excuses.
Speaking of my beautiful
excuses. speaking of
my beautiful wife...
Speaking of my beautiful wife...
Do you mind?
Wife... do you mind? Hey,
baby, what's going on?
Do you mind? Hey, baby, what's going on?
You miss me already?
Hey, baby, what's going on? You miss
me already? Maisie: You know I do.
You miss me already? Maisie: You know
I do. But that's not why I'm calling.
Maisie: you know I do. But that's not why
I'm calling. Um, on your way home for lunch,
but that's not why I'm calling. Um, on your way
home for lunch, can you pick up a gallon of
um, on your way home for lunch, can you
pick up a gallon of cobalt blue paint?
Can you pick up a gallon of cobalt blue
paint? Lawrence and I are painting his
cobalt blue paint? Lawrence and I are
painting his room, and we ran out.
Lawrence and I are painting his room,
and we ran out. What, lunch?
Room, and we ran out. What, lunch?
Yeah, we talked about having
what, lunch? Yeah, we talked
about having lunch today, remember?
Yeah, we talked about having lunch today,
remember? Oh, babe, listen, I'm so
lunch today, remember? Oh,
babe, listen, I'm so sorry.
Oh, babe, listen, I'm so sorry.
I don't think I can do it today.
Sorry. i don't think I can do it today.
I've got to have lunch with
I don't think I can do it today. I've got to
have lunch with the ad agency to talk about
I've got to have lunch with the ad agency
to talk about durron's new commercial.
The ad agency to talk about durron's new
commercial. Oh, no, i-it's okay.
Durron's new commercial. Oh, no,
i-it's okay. I'll see you later on.
Oh, no, i-it's okay. I'll see you
later on. Okay, I'm... I'm sorry.
I'll see you later on. Okay, I'm... I'm
sorry. I love you, I'll see you soon.
Okay, I'm... I'm sorry. I love you,
I'll see you soon. I love you, too.
You need to find Jesus. yeah,
yeah, yeah hey, babe, I'm home.
Yeah, yeah, yeah hey, babe,
I'm home. Brought that paint you asked
hey, babe, I'm home. Brought
that paint you asked for.
Brought that paint you asked for.
yeah, yeah, yeah
For. yeah, yeah,
yeah and it talks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah and it talks.
all of the time
And it talks. all of the
time girl, you stay on my mind
all of the time girl, you stay
on my mind you're on my agenda
girl, you stay on my mind you're on
my agenda shorty, you's a temptress
you're on my agenda shorty, you's a
temptress when I'm about to see you
shorty, you's a temptress when I'm
about to see you damn, I think I need
when I'm about to see you damn,
I think I need a paramedic, girl
damn, I think I need a paramedic,
girl my heart beating so fast
A paramedic, girl my heart beating so
fast don't know where we're headed,
my heart beating so fast don't
know where we're headed, girl
don't know where we're headed,
girl or how long this may last
Girl or how long this may last
'cause you got me like oh
or how long this may last 'cause
you got me like oh oh, whoa
'cause you got me like oh
oh, whoa ay ay ay ay ay ay
oh, whoa ay ay
ay ay ay ay ah!
Ay ay ay ay ay ay ah!
Ah! okay. i like it.
Okay. i like it.
I like it a lot.
I like it. I like it a lot.
[ Chuckles ]
Hey, Lawrence, where's your mama?
She went to go get some more
mama? she went to go
get some more paint.
She went to go get some more paint.
How long ago was that?
Paint. how long ago was that?
A while ago.
How long ago was that? A while ago.
[ Cell phone buzzes ]
A while ago. [ Cell
phone buzzes ] Hello?
[ Cell phone buzzes ] hello?
This is Malcolm Grant.
Hello? this is Malcolm Grant.
Okay, okay, no, i-i-I'm coming
this is Malcolm Grant. Okay, okay,
no, i-i-I'm coming right now, okay.
Okay, okay, no, i-i-I'm coming right
now, okay. Lawrence, I need you to grab
right now, okay. Lawrence, I need
you to grab a jacket and come on.
Lawrence, I need you to grab a jacket and
come on. Your mom's in the hospital.
A jacket and come on. Your mom's in
the hospital. What? What happened?
Your mom's in the hospital. What? What
happened? I-i don't know, but you have
what? what happened? I-i don't
know, but you have to come on.
I-i don't know, but you
have to come on. Come on!
To come on. Come on! Come
on, come on, come on.
Come on! Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, Lawrence.
[ Siren wails ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Sobbing ]
How's my mom? Can I see her.
I... I want to go see her.
Can I see her. I... I want to go see her.
L-Lawrence, y-you can't.
I... I want to go see her. L-Lawrence,
y-you can't. I want to go see my mom.
L-Lawrence, y-you can't. I want to go
see my mom. You can't... you can't see
I want to go see my mom. You
can't... you can't see her, buddy.
You can't... you can't
see her, buddy. Why?
Her, buddy. Why?
Your mom... mom...
Why? your mom... mom...
She didn't make it.
Your mom... mom... She didn't make it.
No, no, no, no, she... she's
she didn't make it. No, no,
no, no, she... she's just hurt.
No, no, no, no, she... she's just hurt.
Sh... she'll be fine.
Just hurt. Sh... she'll be fine.
No, Lawrence, I wish that was
sh... she'll be fine. No, Lawrence, I
wish that was the case, but your mom, she
no, Lawrence, I wish that was the
case, but your mom, she didn't make it.
The case, but your mom, she didn't make it.
What do you mean, she didn't
didn't make it. What do you
mean, she didn't make it?
What do you mean, she didn't make it?
Make it? She's
your mom's...
she's... your mom's...
she's not going to leave me.
Your mom's... she's not going
to leave me. [ Sniffles ]
She's not going to leave me. [
Sniffles ] She's not going to leave me.
[ Sniffles ] she's not going to leave me.
[ Sobbing ] She's fine.
She's not going to leave me. [ Sobbing
] She's fine. [ Sobbing ] I wish it
[ sobbing ] she's fine. [ Sobbing
] I wish it different, but she...
[ Sobbing ] I wish it different, but
she... What are you talking about?
Different, but she... What are you talking
about? Your mom, she didn't make it.
What are you talking about? Your mom,
she didn't make it. She did, my mom...
Your mom, she didn't make it. She
did, my mom... She's not going to leave me.
She did, my mom... She's not
going to leave me. She made it.
She's not going to leave me. She made it.
She's not leav...
She made it. She's not leav...
she's not going to leave me.
She's not leav... she's not
going to leave me. [ Sobbing ]
She's not going to leave me.
[ Sobbing ] [ Sobbing ]
I want to see my mom, please! I
need to see my mom! [ Sniffles ]
Amazing grace how sweet
the sound that saved
how sweet the sound that
saved a wretch like me
that saved a wretch
like me I once was lost
a wretch like me I once was
lost but now I'm found
I once was lost but now
I'm found was blind
but now I'm found was
blind but now I see
was blind but
now I see mm
but now I see
mm mm
through many dangers, toils, and
snares I have already come
Toils, and snares I have already
come 'twas grace that brought me
I have already come 'twas grace
that brought me safe thus far
'twas grace that brought me safe thus
far and grace will lead me home
I bet you not hungry. I haven't seen
you eat anything since this morning.
I haven't seen you eat anything since
this morning. I'll wrap this up for you.
Since this morning. I'll wrap this
up for you. It'll be good later.
I'll wrap this up for you. It'll be
good later. Is this your first repast,
it'll be good later. Is this
your first repast, child?
Is this your first repast, child?
Do you know the history of
child? do you know the
history of the repast?
Do you know the history of the repast?
It began in ancient Egypt,
the repast? It began in ancient
Egypt, an African country ruled by
it began in ancient Egypt, an
African country ruled by africans.
An African country ruled by africans.
The practice and skill of
africans. the practice and skill
of preserving the dead was created
the practice and skill of preserving
the dead was created by our people.
Preserving the dead was created
by our people. Did you know that?
By our people. Did you know that?
But in the early days of
did you know that? But in the early days
of slavery, we weren't even allowed
but in the early days of slavery, we weren't
even allowed to mourn those who had
slavery, we weren't even allowed
to mourn those who had passed on.
To mourn those who had passed on.
They were buried in unmarked
passed on. They were buried in
unmarked graves, cast alone into
they were buried in unmarked graves,
cast alone into the darkness.
Graves, cast alone into the darkness.
But then we learned about
the darkness. But then we learned
about Jesus Christ, our lord
but then we learned about Jesus Christ,
our lord and savior, and we learned to
Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, and we
learned to celebrate the dead, celebrate
and savior, and we learned to celebrate the
dead, celebrate that glorious moment when our
celebrate the dead, celebrate that glorious
moment when our people left their earthly rags
that glorious moment when our people left their
earthly rags and went to live with the lord
people left their earthly rags and went to
live with the lord in a mansion in the sky.
You remember who she was. You rejoice in
your love for her, rejoice that she now sits
you rejoice in your love for her, rejoice that
she now sits before the lord, that she is
her, rejoice that she now sits before
the lord, that she is content.
Before the lord, that she is content.
We praise Jesus for that.
Bessie, [sniffles] What
are you doing? I...
What are you doing? I... Why
don't you come on over here
I... why don't you come on over
here and have something to eat with
why don't you come on over here and
have something to eat with us, Malcolm?
And have something to eat with us, Malcolm?
No, i-i-i don't want hear any
us, Malcolm? No, i-i-i don't want
hear any of the talk about god in here,
no, i-i-i don't want hear any of the
talk about god in here, you understand me?
Of the talk about god in here,
you understand me? Malcolm!
You understand me? Malcolm!
I know you're hurting, but...
Malcolm! i know you're
hurting, but... no.
I know you're hurting, but... no.
You want me to praise Jesus.
No. you want me to praise Jesus.
For what?
You want me to praise Jesus.
For what? For what?
For what? For what?
For taking my wife?
For what? For taking my wife?
You want me to praise him for
for taking my wife? You want
me to praise him for that?
You want me to praise him for that?
And what about Lawrence?
That? and what about Lawrence?
He supposed to praise him for
and what about Lawrence? He supposed
to praise him for that, too?
He supposed to praise him for that, too?
That, too? Malcolm...
No, d-don't "Malcolm" me.
Malcolm... no, d-don't "Malcolm" me.
Listen, I got the same mess when
no, d-don't "Malcolm" me. Listen, I got the
same mess when everyone told me god took my
listen, I got the same mess when
everyone told me god took my mother.
Everyone told me god took my mother.
He let her suffer her whole
mother. he let her suffer her
whole life, and then he took her.
He let her suffer her whole life, and then
he took her. Please stop talking like
life, and then he took her.
Please stop talking like that.
Please stop talking like that.
Bessie, bessie, look, with
that. bessie, bessie, look, with
all due respect, just answer me.
Bessie, bessie, look, with all due respect,
just answer me. Answer me! Answer me!
All due respect, just answer me. Answer me!
Answer me! God needed maisie that bad, huh?
Answer me! Answer me! God needed maisie
that bad, huh? He needed maisie that bad?
God needed maisie that bad, huh? He
needed maisie that bad? Because I...
He needed maisie that bad? Because
I... 'cause I need her, too.
Because I... 'cause I need her, too.
I know you do.
'Cause I need her, too. I know you do.
And so does Lawrence.
I know you do. And so does Lawrence.
Look, if that's... if that's
and so does Lawrence. Look, if that's
if that's god's plan, you can have it.
Look, if that's... if that's god's plan,
you can have it. I don't need it.
God's plan, you can have it. I don't
need it. I don't need need him, and I
I don't need it. I don't need need
him, and i don't need anyone.
I don't need need him, and i don't need
anyone. No, Malcolm, you don't need
don't need anyone. No, Malcolm, you
don't need to talk that way in front of
no, Malcolm, you don't need to
talk that way in front of Lawrence.
To talk that way in front of Lawrence.
He didn't mean it.
He didn't mean it.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
What's going on, bro? Look, man, I'm...
Sorry I couldn't make it, man.
Look, man, I'm... Sorry I couldn't
make it, man. I'm... I'm...
Sorry I couldn't make it, man. I'm
I'm... I should have just told
I'm... I'm... I should have just
told the coach I couldn't play that
I should have just told the coach
I couldn't play that game, man.
The coach I couldn't play that game, man.
It's a job.
Game, man. It's a job.
[ Sighs ]
It's a job. [ Sighs ] You
being here won't bring her
[ sighs ] you being here
won't bring her back.
Look, man, I'm here. So whatever you
need, anything, I'm just a phone call away.
So whatever you need, anything, I'm
just a phone call away. I know.
I'm just a phone call away. I know.
I appreciate that.
It's not about decorations, it's not about
wrapping paper, it's not about eggnog.
It's not about wrapping paper, it's not
about eggnog. It's about selling this...
It's not about eggnog. It's
about selling this... Dream...
It's about selling this... Dream...
That you can have it all.
Dream... that you can have it all.
So the message is you feel like
that you can have it all. So the message
is you feel like a millionaire.
So the message is you feel like a
millionaire. You'll feel like durron Richard.
A millionaire. You'll feel like
durron Richard. Except not really.
You'll feel like durron Richard. Except
not really. I mean, nobody can feel quite
except not really. I mean, nobody
can feel quite like durron Richard.
I mean, nobody can feel quite like
durron Richard. [ Woman laughs ]
Like durron Richard. [ Woman
laughs ] You feel me?
[ Woman laughs ] you feel me?
Deposit something in there.
You feel me? Deposit something in there.
Give me that, yeah, yeah.
Deposit something in there. Give me that,
yeah, yeah. That sounds great, we're in.
Give me that, yeah, yeah. That sounds great,
we're in. All right, now, it's really late
that sounds great, we're in. All right, now,
it's really late in September, we don't have
all right, now, it's really late in September,
we don't have a lot of time before Christmas,
in September, we don't have a lot of time
before Christmas, so let's talk about budget,
a lot of time before Christmas, so let's
talk about budget, production schedule.
So let's talk about budget, production
schedule. [ Cell phone buzzing ]
Production schedule. [ Cell phone
buzzing ] I am so sorry.
[ Cell phone buzzing ] I am so sorry.
Hey, bessie, look, I can't talk
I am so sorry. Hey, bessie,
look, I can't talk right now, I...
Hey, bessie, look, I can't talk right
now, I... no, I don't have time.
Right now, I... no, I don't have time.
I'm in the...
No, I don't have time. I'm in the
okay, fine, just tell her I'll
I'm in the... okay, fine, just
tell her I'll be right there.
Okay, fine, just tell her I'll be
right there. Uh, forgive me, there...
Be right there. Uh, forgive me, there
I'm afraid there's a problem
uh, forgive me, there... I'm afraid
there's a problem with my, uh...
Uh... we'll have to finish this
another time. I'm so sorry.
Another time. I'm so sorry.
It was a great meeting.
One of Lawrence's classmates said something
about his mother. Is that right?
Said something about his mother.
Is that right? Yeah, that's right,
is that right? Yeah, that's
right, and Lawrence hit the boy.
Yeah, that's right, and
Lawrence hit the boy. Mm.
And Lawrence hit the boy. Mm.
Listen, Mr. Grant, I have to
mm. listen, Mr. Grant, I have
to stress to you, the same as I
listen, Mr. Grant, I have to stress to you,
the same as i stressed to Lawrence, violence
stress to you, the same as i stressed to
Lawrence, violence at this school will not be
stressed to Lawrence, violence at this
school will not be tolerated under any
at this school will not be
tolerated under any circumstances.
Tolerated under any circumstances.
Circumstances. yeah. And
neither should bullying.
Yeah. and neither should bullying.
I guess that you'll bring that
and neither should bullying. I guess that
you'll bring that kid's parents in, but anyway,
I guess that you'll bring that kid's parents
in, but anyway, listen, I totally understand,
kid's parents in, but anyway, listen,
I totally understand, but come on.
Listen, I totally understand, but come on.
It's been two months since his
but come on. It's been two months
since his mom passed away.
It's been two months since his mom passed
away. In children, in adults, if
mom passed away. In children, in
adults, if grief is suppressed, it
in children, in adults, if grief is
suppressed, it manifests in other ways.
Grief is suppressed, it manifests
in other ways. Like rage.
Manifests in other ways. Like rage.
Has Lawrence grieved?
Like rage. Has Lawrence grieved?
Not really.
Has Lawrence grieved? Not really.
Have you grieved?
Not really. Have you grieved?
Every moment of every day.
Have you grieved? Every moment
of every day. Interesting...
Every moment of every day.
Interesting... That Lawrence hasn't.
Interesting... that Lawrence hasn't.
Is this normal for him to
that Lawrence hasn't. Is this normal for
him to internalize his emotions like
is this normal for him to
internalize his emotions like this?
Internalize his emotions like this?
I mean, is it normal to watch
this? I mean, is it normal
to watch a marathon of
I mean, is it normal to watch a marathon
of "oprah's master class" and come
a marathon of "oprah's master class"
and come in and give me a psychology
"oprah's master class" and come in
and give me a psychology lesson?
In and give me a psychology lesson?
Like, what is this?
Lesson? like, what is this?
First of all, i-i get that,
like, what is this? First of all, i-i
get that, and I understand the aggressive
first of all, i-i get that, and I understand
the aggressive sentiment, and I get that,
and I understand the aggressive
sentiment, and I get that, but...
Sentiment, and I get that, but
you asked me a question,
but... you asked me a question,
and to be honest, I don't really
you asked me a question, and to be
honest, I don't really know him that well.
And to be honest, I don't really know him
that well. We only had my wife, maisie,
know him that well. We only had
my wife, maisie, in common.
We only had my wife, maisie, in common.
He's got no other family, so now
in common. He's got no other family,
so now we're just... we're two guys
he's got no other family, so now we're just...
we're two guys living together with no idea
we're just... we're two guys living together
with no idea what we're going to do.
Living together with no idea what we're
going to do. I don't know what I'm going
what we're going to do. I don't
know what I'm going to do.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
[ Bell rings ]
So you want to talk about it? No.
Look, kid, I know you're
no. look, kid, I know
you're having a hard time.
Look, kid, I know you're having a
hard time. I am, too, but you can't go
having a hard time. I am, too, but
you can't go around punching people.
I am, too, but you can't go around punching
people. Look, I'm trying to help you.
Around punching people. Look, I'm
trying to help you. Well, stop.
Look, I'm trying to help you. Well,
stop. We both know that we don't like
well, stop. We both know
that we don't like each other.
We both know that we don't like each other.
We never had anything to do with
each other. We never had anything to
do with each other until now, so you
we never had anything to do with each other until
now, so you can't just all of a sudden start
each other until now, so you can't just
all of a sudden start trying to play dad.
Can't just all of a sudden start trying
to play dad. Look, Lawrence, I'm not
trying to play dad. Look, Lawrence,
I'm not trying to play dad, but guess
look, Lawrence, I'm not trying to play
dad, but guess what... I'm all you've got.
Trying to play dad, but guess what... I'm
all you've got. I don't need you.
What... I'm all you've got. I don't
need you. I don't need anybody.
I don't need you. I don't need anybody.
[ Sighs ]
I'm going to eat all the food,
[ Sighs ]
Food's getting cold.
All right, so I was thinking... i was, um... I
could swing by Walmart tomorrow and pick up
I was, um... I could swing by Walmart tomorrow
and pick up some brushes and supplies.
Walmart tomorrow and pick up some brushes
and supplies. We could finish painting your
some brushes and supplies. We could finish
painting your room, we can get you some
we could finish painting your room, we can
get you some curtains, shelves, whatever you
room, we can get you some curtains,
shelves, whatever you want.
Curtains, shelves, whatever you want.
Now, did you want to keep
want. now, did you want to keep
the same color, or did you want
now, did you want to keep the same color, or
did you want to paint your walls a different
the same color, or did you want to
paint your walls a different color?
To paint your walls a
different color? No.
Color? no. I want
to keep it just how
no. i want to keep
it just how it is.
I want to keep it just how it is.
It is. Okay. Well, um,
I'll put your food in
okay. well, um, I'll put
your food in the microwave.
Well, um, I'll put your food in the
microwave. You can heat it up when you're
the microwave. You can heat
it up when you're ready.
All right.
Okay, all right, anyway.
N-no. ohh. What happened to my TV?
I broke it.
What happened to my TV? I broke it.
And why would you do that?
I broke it. And why would you
do that? 'Cause I felt like it.
And why would you do that?
'Cause I felt like it. Oh, okay.
'Cause I felt like it. Oh, okay.
Well, maybe I feel like breaking
oh, okay. Well, maybe I feel
like breaking something, too.
Well, maybe I feel like breaking
something, too. Hey, give me that!
Something, too. Hey, give me that!
No! So it's okay for you to
hey, give me that! No! So it's okay
for you to break my stuff, but I can't
no! so it's okay for you to break
my stuff, but I can't break yours?
Break my stuff, but I can't break yours?
My mom bought that for me.
Break yours? My mom bought that for me.
Please, don't break it.
My mom bought that for me. Please,
don't break it. This is all your fault.
Please, don't break it. This is all your
fault. What are you talking about?
This is all your fault. What are
you talking about? My mom dying.
What are you talking about? My mom
dying. If you would have came home like
my mom dying. If you would have came
home like she asked you to, she wouldn't
if you would have came home like she asked you
to, she wouldn't have to go out and get paint,
she asked you to, she wouldn't have to go out
and get paint, but work was too important for
have to go out and get paint, but work
was too important for you, wasn't it?
But work was too important for
you, wasn't it? Lawrence, I...
You, wasn't it? Lawrence,
I... I don't care.
Lawrence, I... I don't care.
Get out of my room!
[ Sighs ]
So... you want to give
your son up for adoption?
You want to give your son up for adoption?
He's not my son.
Adoption? he's not my son.
He's my wife's son.
He's not my son. He's my wife's son.
She died, and I don't know how
he's my wife's son. She died, and I
don't know how to take care of him.
She died, and I don't know how to take care
of him. And you think a foster family
to take care of him. And you think a
foster family could do a better job?
And you think a foster family could do a
better job? Look, I know how this looks,
could do a better job? Look, I know how
this looks, but we weren't married long
look, I know how this looks, but
we weren't married long before she...
But we weren't married long before she...
The boy doesn't like me.
Before she... The boy doesn't like me.
Won't listen to me.
The boy doesn't like me. Won't listen
to me. He doesn't want to be with me.
Won't listen to me. He doesn't
want to be with me. [ Laughs ]
He doesn't want to be with me. [
Laughs ] You do realize you just
[ laughs ] you do realize you
just described every parent's
you do realize you just described every
parent's relationship with their
described every parent's relationship
with their children, right?
Relationship with their children, right?
Look, you know, I appreciate
children, right? Look, you know, I
appreciate your concern, but, look, my
look, you know, I appreciate your
concern, but, look, my mind's made up.
Your concern, but, look, my mind's made up.
This just wasn't what either one
mind's made up. This just wasn't
what either one of us signed up for.
This just wasn't what either one of us signed
up for. The boy will be better off with
of us signed up for. The boy will
be better off with someone else.
The boy will be better off with someone
else. I don't know how familiar you
someone else. I don't know how
familiar you are with the protective care
I don't know how familiar you are with the
protective care system, but that's just not
are with the protective care system,
but that's just not a certainty.
System, but that's just not a certainty.
Okay, look, my father...
A certainty. Okay, look, my father
my father left when I was young,
okay, look, my father... my father left
when I was young, younger than Lawrence,
my father left when I was young, younger
than Lawrence, and the only thing I learned
younger than Lawrence, and the only thing
I learned from him was how not to be
and the only thing I learned from
him was how not to be a man.
From him was how not to be a man.
Mr. Grant...
A man. Mr. Grant... then
my mother died when I was
Mr. Grant... then my mother
died when I was 14... 14.
Then my mother died when I was 14... 14.
So by the time I was old enough
14... 14. So by the time I was old
enough to know what parenting was all
so by the time I was old enough to know what
parenting was all about, I had no parents to learn
to know what parenting was all about,
I had no parents to learn from.
About, I had no parents to learn from.
So, listen, I have no illusions.
From. so, listen, I have no illusions.
I know, I'm not my father,
so, listen, I have no illusions. I know, I'm
not my father, but I'm also not cut out to be
I know, I'm not my father, but I'm
also not cut out to be a father.
But I'm also not cut out to be a father.
He will be better off with
a father. He will be better
off with someone else.
All right. [Sighs] How
old is the boy? 13.
How old is the boy? 13.
Did you adopt him?
13. did you adopt him?
What do you mean?
Did you adopt him? What do you mean?
I mean, even though you
what do you mean? I mean, even
though you married his mother, you still
I mean, even though you married his mother,
you still have to adopt him to make him
married his mother, you still have
to adopt him to make him your own.
Have to adopt him to make
him your own. No.
Your own. No. Well,
at least that'll make
no. well, at least that'll
make it a little easier.
Well, at least that'll make it a
little easier. Is there any other family?
I... no. i mean, he's...
No. i mean, he's... he's
got a father out there
I mean, he's... he's got a father out
there somewhere, but he's never met
he's got a father out there somewhere,
but he's never met him, and, um...
Somewhere, but he's never met him, and,
um... No, no other family that I...
Him, and, um... No, no other family
that I... that I know about.
No, no other family that I... that I
know about. Well, I'll get started.
That I know about. Well, I'll get
started. I can't say how quickly I'll
well, I'll get started. I can't say how
quickly I'll have him placed, and I strongly
I can't say how quickly I'll have him placed,
and I strongly suggest you allow him to stay
have him placed, and I strongly suggest you
allow him to stay with you until that happens.
Suggest you allow him to stay with you until
that happens. A group home should be a last
with you until that happens. A group
home should be a last resort.
A group home should be a last resort.
Resort. okay. As long
as it's not, um, too
okay. as long as
it's not, um, too long.
"Lawrence, we need to talk." Okay.
Well, I think we both need to
okay. well, I think we both need
to admit that this isn't working.
Well, I think we both need to admit that
this isn't working. What do you mean?
Admit that this isn't working. What
do you mean? Like us living together.
What do you mean? Like us living
together. It was good when mom was here,
like us living together. It was good
when mom was here, but now it's just...
It was good when mom was here, but now
it's just... I just think it's better for
but now it's just... I just think it's
better for both of us if I go live with
I just think it's better for both of
us if I go live with somebody else.
Both of us if I go live with somebody else.
Did you have someone in mind?
Somebody else. Did you have someone
in mind? I was thinking maybe Tina,
did you have someone in mind? I was
thinking maybe Tina, but she can't even keep
I was thinking maybe Tina, but she
can't even keep a goldfish alive.
But she can't even keep a goldfish alive.
There's no way I'm living with
a goldfish alive. There's
no way I'm living with her.
There's no way I'm living with her.
And she travels too much.
Her. and she travels too much.
But I prayed to god.
And she travels too much. But I
prayed to god. He'll send somebody.
But I prayed to god. He'll send somebody.
Just like I prayed for mom to
he'll send somebody. Just like I prayed
for mom to get some help, and she married
just like I prayed for mom to get
some help, and she married you.
Get some help, and she married you.
You think god brought me
you. you think god brought
me and your mother together.
You think god brought me and your
mother together. I know he did.
And your mother together. I know he did.
And what about taking her
I know he did. And
what about taking her away?
And what about taking her away?
Did he do that, too.
Away? did he do that, too.
Well, mama always said, you
did he do that, too. Well, mama
always said, you never know god's plan.
Well, mama always said, you never know
god's plan. You just got to trust that he
never know god's plan. You just got to
trust that he knows better than we do.
You just got to trust that he knows better
than we do. We just got to find a way to
knows better than we do. We just got to find
a way to tolerate each other until then.
We just got to find a way to tolerate
each other until then. Coexist.
Tolerate each other until then.
Coexist. Yeah, coexist.
Coexist. yeah, coexist.
You want some breakfast? No, I'm good.
But, um... I, um...
No, I'm good. But, um...
I, um... What?
But, um... I, um... What?
What... What?
What? what... What?
What... what do you want to
what... what? what...
what do you want to ask me?
What... what do you want to ask me?
N-nah, it's n-nothing.
Ask me? N-nah, it's n-nothing.
O-okay, so...
N-nah, it's n-nothing. O-okay, so...
There's this... Girl in school...
O-okay, so... There's this... Girl in
school... Ah, man, this is awkward.
There's this... Girl in school...
Ah, man, this is awkward. Um...
Ah, man, this is awkward. Um...
[ Sighs ] Well, our whole
um... [ sighs ] Well, our
whole relationship is awkward.
[ Sighs ] well, our whole relationship
is awkward. Kind of like whoever taught you
relationship is awkward. Kind of like
whoever taught you how to tie that tie.
Kind of like whoever taught you
how to tie that tie. Hey, look...
How to tie that tie. Hey, look...
We've only got so much time
hey, look... We've only got so much
time together anyway, though, right?
We've only got so much time together anyway,
though, right? Might as well use me while
together anyway, though, right?
Might as well use me while you can.
Might as well use me while you can.
I'm listening.
You can. I'm listening.
Okay, s...
I'm listening. Okay, s...
so there's this hot girl in
okay, s... so there's this hot girl
in school, and I'm pretty sure she
so there's this hot girl in school, and I'm
pretty sure she doesn't even know I exist.
School, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't even
know I exist. But I figured you were pretty
doesn't even know I exist. But I figured
you were pretty good with girls, so...
But I figured you were pretty
good with girls, so... Ah.
Good with girls, so... Ah.
What makes you think she, uh...
ah. what makes you think she, uh
what makes you think she doesn't
what makes you think she, uh... what
makes you think she doesn't know you?
What makes you think she doesn't know you?
Well, she's really pretty,
know you? Well, she's really
pretty, and she dates this guy on
well, she's really pretty, and she
dates this guy on the basketball team.
And she dates this guy on the basketball
team. And I think she thinks my name
the basketball team. And I think
she thinks my name is Terrence.
And I think she thinks my name is Terrence.
Yeah, that's not good.
Is Terrence. Yeah, that's not good.
Um, got any other prospects?
Yeah, that's not good. Um, got any
other prospects? N-never mind.
Um, got any other prospects? N-never
mind. I don't think this was a good
n-never mind. I don't
think this was a good idea.
I don't think this was a good idea.
No, no, no, no, no.
Idea. no, no, no, no, no.
It's cool.
No, no, no, no, no. It's cool.
What I just mean is she may be
it's cool. What I just mean
is she may be a lot of work.
What I just mean is she may be a
lot of work. Is she worth it?
A lot of work. Is she worth it?
She's worth it all right.
Is she worth it? She's worth it
all right. Oh, okay, all right.
She's worth it all right. Oh, okay,
all right. Well, first thing you got to
oh, okay, all right. Well, first thing
you got to realize is girls are just
well, first thing you got to
realize is girls are just people.
Realize is girls are just people.
Not her.
People. not her.
She's amazing.
Not her. She's amazing.
I... okay.
She's amazing. I... okay.
I don't doubt that at all.
I... okay. I don't doubt that at all.
But all I'm... you got to get
I don't doubt that at all. But all I'm... you
got to get past the part where you think
but all I'm... you got to get past the part where
you think girls are some kind of different
past the part where you think girls
are some kind of different species.
Girls are some kind of different species.
They want and like the same
species. they want and like
the same things you or I do.
They want and like the same things you
or I do. So you think she likes to
things you or I do. So you think she
likes to read science fiction books
so you think she likes to read science
fiction books and watch zombie movies?
Read science fiction books and watch
zombie movies? I don't know.
And watch zombie movies? I don't know.
That's not what I mean, but what
I don't know. That's not what I mean,
but what I'm saying is that, you know,
that's not what I mean, but what I'm saying is
that, you know, you got to get past the feeling
I'm saying is that, you know, you got to get
past the feeling that girls are some kind of
you got to get past the feeling that girls are
some kind of distant, unattainable species
that girls are some kind of distant, unattainable
species that live on another planet,
distant, unattainable species that live
on another planet, you know what I mean?
That live on another planet, you know
what I mean? I-i don't know what that
you know what I mean? I-i
don't know what that means.
I-i don't know what that means.
Okay, look, with women, it's
means. okay, look, with women,
it's all about confidence.
Okay, look, with women, it's all about
confidence. There are three things you got
all about confidence. There are three things
you got to do to make a woman fall for
there are three things you got to
do to make a woman fall for you.
To do to make a woman fall for you.
Come here.
You. come here. This tie...
Come here. This tie... Uh,
okay, well, we'll just...
This tie... Uh, okay, well,
we'll just... all right.
Uh, okay, well, we'll just... all right.
Step number one, you got to get
all right. Step number one, you got
to get her to notice you, right?
Step number one, you got to get her to notice
you, right? You don't have to do anything
her to notice you, right? You don't have to
do anything silly or anything like that,
you don't have to do anything silly or anything
like that, but you got to do something to
silly or anything like that, but you got to do
something to let her know that you're there,
but you got to do something to let
her know that you're there, okay?
Let her know that you're there, okay?
Now, when she looks at you,
okay? now, when she looks at you,
every bone in your body's going
now, when she looks at you, every bone in your
body's going to want to turn away, but you
every bone in your body's going to want to turn
away, but you got to fight against that, you
to want to turn away, but you got to fight
against that, you got to fight against that.
Got to fight against that, you got to fight
against that. You got to look her right in
got to fight against that. You got
to look her right in the eye.
You got to look her right in the eye.
And when she does, when she
the eye. And when she does, when
she looks at you, just smile,
and when she does, when she looks at you,
just smile, just a little bit, to make her
looks at you, just smile, just a little bit,
to make her think you know something she
just a little bit, to make her think
you know something she doesn't.
Think you know something she doesn't.
Okay, so, what do I know?
Doesn't. okay, so, what do I know?
Oh, it doesn't matter.
Okay, so, what do I know? Oh, it
doesn't matter. You've just got to make her
oh, it doesn't matter. You've just got
to make her think you know something she
you've just got to make her think
you know something she doesn't.
Think you know something she doesn't.
Like look at this.
Doesn't. like look at this.
See what I did there?
Like look at this. See what I did there?
That's it.
See what I did there? That's it.
And then... Just walk away.
That's it. And then... Just walk away.
Walk away?
And then... Just walk away. Walk away?
Walk away.
Walk away? Walk away.
[ Bell rings ]
Yeah, I like that. That's
good, good job. Okay.
That's good, good job. Okay.
Hi, Ms. Mathis.
Okay. hi, Ms. Mathis.
Hi, penny.
Hi, Ms. Mathis. Hi, penny.
Okay, let's get started.
Hi, penny. Okay, let's get started.
We have a busy week this week,
okay, let's get started. We have a
busy week this week, everybody.
We have a busy week this week, everybody.
Lawrence, take your seat,
everybody. Lawrence,
take your seat, please.
Lawrence, take your seat, please.
Lawrence, are you okay?
Please. Lawrence, are you okay?
Lawrence, are you all right?
Lawrence, are you okay? Lawrence, are you
all right? Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to
Lawrence, are you all right? Yeah, yeah,
I just wanted to tell penny something.
Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to
tell penny something. [ Laughter ]
Tell penny something. [ Laughter
] Hey, hey, hey, hey,
[ laughter ] hey, hey,
hey, hey, knock it off.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, knock it off.
Okay, let's get started.
Knock it off. Okay, let's get started.
Open up your books to page 23,
okay, let's get started. Open up
your books to page 23, please.
You know how I told you that my mom's birthday's
coming up? Well, my dad got her, like, this
my mom's birthday's coming up? Well, my dad got
her, like, this huge diamond necklace, and I'm
well, my dad got her, like, this huge diamond
necklace, and I'm trying to top that.
Huge diamond necklace, and I'm
trying to top that. Hi, Lawrence.
What you think you're doing? You don't
need to be talking to her, got it?
You don't need to be talking to her, got
it? Technically, I wasn't talking
her, got it? Technically,
I wasn't talking to her.
Technically, I wasn't talking to her.
You're the kid whose mom
to her. You're the kid
whose mom died, right?
You're the kid whose mom died, right?
Don't talk about my mom.
Died, right? Don't talk about my mom.
You know, I bet your mom
don't talk about my mom. You
know, I bet your mom didn't even die.
You know, I bet your mom didn't even
die. I bet she ran away just to get
didn't even die. I bet she ran
away just to get away from you.
I bet she ran away just to get away from
you. Don't talk about my mom like
away from you. Don't talk
about my mom like that.
Don't talk about my mom like that.
What you gonna do?
That. what you gonna do?
What, are you going to cry, you
what you gonna do? What, are you
going to cry, you little crybaby?
What, are you going to cry, you little
crybaby? Don't talk about my mom like
little crybaby? Don't talk
about my mom like that, you punk!
Don't talk about my mom like that,
you punk! I'll talk about whatever I
that, you punk! I'll talk about
whatever i want to talk about!
I'll talk about whatever i want to
talk about! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Want to talk about! Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey! Back up! Stop it!
Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Back up! Stop it! Really?
Back up! Stop it! Really?
Lawrence, again?
Really? Lawrence, again?
I'm calling your father.
Lawrence, again? I'm calling your father.
I don't have one.
I'm calling your father. I don't have
one. All right, everyone back to
I don't have one. All right,
everyone back to class, please.
What were you thinking? Get caught
fighting again, they'll suspend you.
Get caught fighting again, they'll suspend
you. Look, I know you're having a
they'll suspend you. Look, I know you're
having a hard time, but you gotta man-up.
Look, I know you're having a hard time, but
you gotta man-up. What happened, anyway?
Hard time, but you gotta man-up. What
happened, anyway? Told you, nothing.
What happened, anyway? Told
you, nothing. Just come on.
Told you, nothing. Just come on.
What are we doing here,
just come on. What
are we doing here, anyway?
What are we doing here, anyway?
We aren't doing anything.
Anyway? we aren't doing anything.
I'm here to watch durron shoot
we aren't doing anything. I'm here to watch
durron shoot a commercial, you're here to
I'm here to watch durron shoot a commercial,
you're here to stay out of the way and keep
a commercial, you're here to stay out
of the way and keep your mouth shut.
Stay out of the way and keep your
mouth shut. [ Bell ringing ]
Your mouth shut. [ Bell ringing
] Shooting a commercial?
[ Bell ringing ] shooting a commercial?
Yeah, it's a local Christmas
shooting a commercial? Yeah, it's a
local Christmas commercial, but if we do it
yeah, it's a local Christmas commercial,
but if we do it right we'll be national.
Commercial, but if we do it right we'll
be national. What kind of Christmas
right we'll be national. What
kind of Christmas commercial?
What kind of Christmas commercial?
Okay, look, hey, they're
commercial? okay, look, hey, they're
already starting, just sit over
okay, look, hey, they're already starting,
just sit over here to the side and keep your
already starting, just sit over here
to the side and keep your mouth shut.
Here to the side and keep
your mouth shut. Come on.
Mouth shut. Come on.
Woman: And, action!
Come on. Woman: And, action!
You can't throw away money
woman: and, action! You can't throw
away money like I can, 'cause you're not
you can't throw away money like I can,
'cause you're not durron Richard... I am.
Like I can, 'cause you're not durron Richard
I am. You may not be a millionaire
durron Richard... I am. You may not be a
millionaire like me, but you'll feel like
you may not be a millionaire like me, but
you'll feel like one when you shop at
like me, but you'll feel like
one when you shop at altonmart.
One when you shop at altonmart.
Where your Christmas dollars
altonmart. where your Christmas
dollars will go further than me,
where your Christmas dollars will go further
than me, durron Richard, streaking up the
will go further than me, durron Richard,
streaking up the sideline for six.
Durron Richard, streaking up the
sideline for six. Touchdown, baby!
Sideline for six. Touchdown, baby!
[ Laughs ]
Touchdown, baby! [ Laughs ]
Oh, yeah, shop at altonmart
[ laughs ] oh, yeah, shop at
altonmart this Christmas, where your
oh, yeah, shop at altonmart this Christmas,
where your Christmas dollars go further.
This Christmas, where your Christmas
dollars go further. And, cut.
Christmas dollars go further. And, cut.
Nice job, durron.
And, cut. Nice job, durron.
Good job, let's go.
Nice job, durron. Good job, let's go.
[ Bell rings twice ]
Good job, let's go. [ Bell rings
twice ] Whatever, whatever.
[ Bell rings twice ]
whatever, whatever. Bro...
Whatever, whatever. Bro...
Be honest, what do you think?
Bro... be honest, what do you think?
I think it's tight,
be honest, what do you think?
I think it's tight, i love it.
I think it's tight, i love it.
You don't think I'm saying my
I love it. You don't think
I'm saying my name too much?
You don't think I'm saying my name too
much? That's a lot of "durron Richard"
name too much? That's a lot of
"durron Richard" even for me.
That's a lot of "durron Richard" even
for me. Listen, when was the last
even for me. Listen, when was the
last time you was concerned about
listen, when was the last time
you was concerned about that?
Time you was concerned about that?
Okay, look, come on, it's
that? okay, look, come on, it's
fantastic, I think it's funny,
okay, look, come on, it's fantastic, I think
it's funny, i love it, it's humorous.
Fantastic, I think it's funny, i love it,
it's humorous. Ladies love confidence.
I love it, it's humorous. Ladies love
confidence. You just sound very confident.
Ladies love confidence. You just
sound very confident. I love it.
You just sound very confident. I love it.
Are you guys insane?
I love it. Are you guys insane?
What kind of Christmas
are you guys insane? What kind
of Christmas commercial is this?
What kind of Christmas commercial is this?
Lawrence, I thought I told
commercial is this? Lawrence, I
thought I told you to be quiet...
Lawrence, I thought I told you to be
quiet... this is the worst Christmas
you to be quiet... this is the
worst Christmas commercial ever!
This is the worst Christmas commercial
ever! Um, wait a minute, who is
commercial ever! Um, wait
a minute, who is this kid?
Um, wait a minute, who is this kid?
He's my wife's son.
This kid? He's my wife's son.
He's my wife's son. Oh.
Okay, and, while that clearly
oh. okay, and, while that clearly
qualifies you to critique a
okay, and, while that clearly qualifies you
to critique a professional commercial, how
qualifies you to critique a professional
commercial, how about you let us grown-ups
professional commercial, how about
you let us grown-ups handle that.
About you let us grown-ups handle that.
You're not "handling"
handle that. You're
not "handling" anything.
You're not "handling" anything.
It's all the bad stuff about
anything. it's all the bad stuff
about Christmas, none of the good
it's all the bad stuff about
Christmas, none of the good stuff.
Christmas, none of the good stuff.
All right, let's go.
Stuff. all right, let's go.
No, no, hold on, hold on,
all right, let's go. No, no,
hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
No, no, hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on. Everybody?
Hold on, hold on. Everybody?
Everybody? Malcolm...
It's not that bad.
Malcolm... it's not that bad.
Or is it?
It's not that bad. Or is it?
It's terrible.
Or is it? It's terrible.
It's all about spending money.
It's terrible. It's all about spending
money. Where's the Christmas spirit?
It's all about spending money. Where's the
Christmas spirit? Where's Santa, for crying out
where's the Christmas spirit?
Where's Santa, for crying out loud?
Where's Santa, for crying out loud?
You're turning Christmas into
loud? you're turning
Christmas into a joke.
You're turning Christmas into a joke.
Get him out of here.
A joke. Get him out of here.
Durron, let's... come, let's
get him out of here. Durron, let's...
come, let's talk some more about your
durron, let's... come, let's talk some
more about your compensation package.
Talk some more about your compensation
package. Look, what are you doing?
Compensation package. Look, what are
you doing? I told you to be quiet.
Look, what are you doing? I told you to
be quiet. But you're ruining Christmas!
I told you to be quiet. But you're
ruining Christmas! It's a commercial!
But you're ruining Christmas! It's a
commercial! It's supposed to be funny...
it's a commercial! It's supposed to
be funny... look, what is your deal with
it's supposed to be funny... look,
what is your deal with Christmas?
Look, what is your deal with Christmas?
It was my mom's favorite
Christmas? it was my
mom's favorite holiday.
It was my mom's favorite holiday.
You were there, you saw how
holiday. you were there,
you saw how happy she was.
You were there, you saw how happy she was.
No matter how poor we were, she
happy she was. No matter how poor we
were, she always found a way to give me
no matter how poor we were, she always
found a way to give me the best presents.
Always found a way to give me the best
presents. She used to say Santa got them
the best presents. She used to say Santa
got them for me, but, come on, now,
she used to say Santa got them for me, but,
come on, now, I'm not a little kid anymore.
For me, but, come on, now, I'm not a little
kid anymore. So, if you want to do something
I'm not a little kid anymore. So, if you
want to do something funny, don't do it with
so, if you want to do something
funny, don't do it with Christmas!
Funny, don't do it with Christmas!
Look, Lawrence...
Christmas! look, Lawrence...
last Christmas she bought me
look, Lawrence... last Christmas she
bought me that ps4... do you have any idea
last Christmas she bought me that ps4... do
you have any idea how much those things cost?
That ps4... do you have any idea how much those
things cost? Santa didn't get that for me,
how much those things cost? Santa
didn't get that for me, mom did.
Santa didn't get that for me, mom did.
Mom did everything for me.
Mom did. Mom did everything for me.
Christmas means too much.
Mom did everything for me.
Christmas means too much. Okay.
Christmas means too much.
Okay. Okay.
Okay. okay. we'll
figure something else out.
Okay. we'll figure something else out.
Come on, let's go home...
We'll figure something else out. Come
on, let's go home... hey, Malcolm.
Come on, let's go home... hey, Malcolm.
Next time, don't bring the kid
hey, Malcolm. Next time,
don't bring the kid to work.
Next time, don't bring the kid to work.
You're fired.
[ Sighs ]
[ Airplane drones in distance ]
[ Exhales ]
[ Door opens, closes ]
Malcolm... sorry about the commercial.
I didn't mean for you to lose
sorry about the commercial. I didn't
mean for you to lose your job.
I didn't mean for you to lose your job.
I didn't lose my job.
Your job. I didn't lose my job.
I'm durron's manager, it's just,
I didn't lose my job. I'm durron's
manager, it's just, uh, just a big contract.
I'm durron's manager, it's just, uh, just
a big contract. But, uh, you know what?
Uh, just a big contract. But, uh,
you know what? You were right.
But, uh, you know what? You were right.
The commercial was offensive and
you were right. The commercial was
offensive and we shouldn't be doing it,
the commercial was offensive and
we shouldn't be doing it, anyway.
We shouldn't be doing it, anyway.
Well, I wrote you a new one.
Anyway. well, I wrote you a new one.
You don't have to use it if you
well, I wrote you a new one. You don't
have to use it if you don't want to.
Thanks. how'd it go, uh...
How'd it go today?
How'd it go, uh... How'd it go today?
With the girl?
How'd it go today? With the girl?
Let's just say...
With the girl? Let's just say...
The fight was with her
let's just say... The fight
was with her boyfriend.
The fight was with her boyfriend.
Boyfriend. oh! Yeah,
I did everything you
oh! yeah, I did
everything you told me to.
Yeah, I did everything you told me to.
She waved and smiled at me.
Told me to. She waved and smiled at me.
I don't think he was too happy
she waved and smiled at me. I don't
think he was too happy about that.
I don't think he was too happy about that.
[ Malcolm laughs ]
About that. [ Malcolm
laughs ] I guess not!
[ Malcolm laughs ] I guess not!
Have to stop calling you
I guess not! Have to stop calling
you "little man" and start calling
have to stop calling you "little man" and
start calling you "lg"... "little gangster."
"Little man" and start calling you "lg"...
"little gangster." I like that... "lg."
You "lg"... "little gangster." I like that
"lg." So, you can you tell me about
I like that... "lg." So, you
can you tell me about step two?
So, you can you tell me about step two?
Of course!
Step two? Of course! Seems
like you did a great job
of course! Seems like you
did a great job with step one.
Seems like you did a great job with step
one. All right, look, remember what I
with step one. All right, look, remember
what i told you before... women are
all right, look, remember what i told you
before... women are more attracted to guys with
told you before... women are more attracted
to guys with confidence than good looks.
More attracted to guys with confidence than
good looks. Look, why do you think you see
confidence than good looks. Look, why do you
think you see so many rich little dorky dudes
look, why do you think you see so many rich
little dorky dudes with super-hot wives?
So many rich little dorky dudes with
super-hot wives? Because they're rich.
With super-hot wives? Because they're
rich. Okay, yeah, that def...
because they're rich. Okay, yeah,
that def... that's definitely something to
okay, yeah, that def... that's
definitely something to do with it...
That's definitely something to do with
it... But mostly it's because the
do with it... But mostly it's because
the money makes them confident in
but mostly it's because the money
makes them confident in themselves.
Money makes them confident in themselves.
Confidence is irresistible to
themselves. confidence is
irresistible to women.
Confidence is irresistible to women.
Well, coming from a little
women. well, coming from a
little dorky dude myself, can you
well, coming from a little dorky dude
myself, can you refrain from saying that?
Dorky dude myself, can you refrain from
saying that? Okay, you're not...
Refrain from saying that? Okay, you're
not... you are not a little dorky dude.
Okay, you're not... you are not a little
dorky dude. You are 100% "lg," you just got
you are not a little dorky dude. You are
100% "lg," you just got to believe it.
You are 100% "lg," you just got
to believe it. You are, you are!
To believe it. You are, you are!
Look, why do you think she's
you are, you are! Look, why do you think
she's dating a basketball player?
Look, why do you think she's dating a
basketball player? 'Cause he's confident?
Dating a basketball player?
'Cause he's confident? Exactly.
'Cause he's confident? Exactly.
Playing sports as a kid is the
exactly. playing sports as a kid
is the same thing as being rich as
playing sports as a kid is the same
thing as being rich as an adult.
Same thing as being rich as an adult.
Well, then, I'm screwed,
an adult. Well, then, I'm
screwed, 'cause I suck at sports.
Well, then, I'm screwed, 'cause I
suck at sports. No, okay, you're not
'cause I suck at sports. No, okay,
you're not listening, it's no more the
no, okay, you're not listening, it's
no more the sports than it is the money.
Listening, it's no more the sports than it
is the money. It's about the confidence that
sports than it is the money. It's about the
confidence that comes from being good at
it's about the confidence that comes
from being good at something.
Comes from being good at something.
Something. mm. All
right, what are you
mm. all right,
what are you good at?
All right, what are you good at?
School, but nobody cares
good at? School, but
nobody cares about that.
School, but nobody cares about that.
It doesn't matter, if you do.
About that. It doesn't matter,
if you do. Okay, what's her name?
It doesn't matter, if you do.
Okay, what's her name? Penny.
Okay, what's her name? Penny.
All right.
Penny. all right. Step
two, find a way to impress
all right. Step two, find
a way to impress penny.
Step two, find a way to impress penny.
Well, I do have pi memorized
penny. well, I do have pi
memorized up to 37 places.
Well, I do have pi memorized
up to 37 places. 3.1415...
Up to 37 places. 3.1415...
ooh, um, that's a good...
3.1415... ooh, um, that's
a good... that's something.
Ooh, um, that's a good... that's
something. Okay, what else you got?
That's something. Okay, what else you got?
Well, I can recite brutus's
okay, what else you got? Well, I can
recite brutus's speech from Shakespeare's
well, I can recite brutus's speech
from Shakespeare's "julius Caesar"...
Speech from Shakespeare's "julius Caesar"
"friends, romans, countrymen!"
"julius Caesar"... "friends, romans,
countrymen!" Okay, so, that's two solid
"friends, romans, countrymen!"
Okay, so, that's two solid things.
Okay, so, that's two solid things.
Uh, okay, let's just do this,
things. uh, okay, let's just
do this, let's keep it simple.
Uh, okay, let's just do this, let's keep
it simple. Keep it simple, keep it cool,
let's keep it simple. Keep it simple, keep
it cool, but, you know, most important,
keep it simple, keep it cool, but, you know,
most important, just show her the real you.
But, you know, most important, just show her
the real you. Okay, keep it... keep it
just show her the real you. Okay, keep it
keep it simple, keep it cool, and show
okay, keep it... keep it simple,
keep it cool, and show her the real me.
Simple, keep it cool, and show her
the real me. All right, got it.
Her the real me. All right, got it.
All right, got it. Cool.
All right.
Cool. all right.
All right, let's go.
I'm leaning towards...
Well, that looks bad. Yeah.
Well, that looks bad.
Yeah. [ Gasps ]
Yeah. [ gasps
] I'll get this!
Hey, so, don't forget to get your ticket
for the Christmas dance, it's coming up soon.
Your ticket for the Christmas dance,
it's coming up soon. Bring a date, okay.
Hey, penny. Hey.
Saw the problem you were
hey. saw the problem you
were trying to solve in class,
saw the problem you were trying to solve
in class, and you're forgetting to carry
trying to solve in class, and you're
forgetting to carry the three.
And you're forgetting to carry the three.
Oh, thanks.
The three. Oh, thanks. You
have no idea how long I've
oh, thanks. You have no idea how
long I've been working on that problem.
You have no idea how long I've been working
on that problem. Are you good at math?
Been working on that problem. Are you
good at math? Uh, yeah, yeah.
Are you good at math? Uh, yeah, yeah.
I actually am.
Uh, yeah, yeah. I actually am.
Can you help me with this?
I actually am. Can you help
me with this? Yeah, sure.
Can you help me with this? Yeah,
sure. I'm gonna call you back.
Yeah, sure. I'm gonna
call you back. [ Laughs ]
I'm gonna call you back.
[ Laughs ] Hey!
[ Laughs ] hey! Dude, I
was just about to call
hey! dude, I was just about to
call you... guess what happened
dude, I was just about to call you
guess what happened today.
You... guess what happened today.
It worked, Malcolm,
today. it worked,
Malcolm, it worked!
It worked, Malcolm, it worked!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down,
it worked! Whoa, whoa,
whoa, slow down, what worked?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, what
worked? Step two... I didn't...
What worked? Step two... I didn't
i didn't show her my alien
step two... I didn't... i didn't show
her my alien drawing, but I spent an hour
I didn't show her my alien drawing, but I
spent an hour with her doing her homework.
Drawing, but I spent an hour with her
doing her homework. Man, that's...
With her doing her homework.
Man, that's... wait, what?
Man, that's... wait, what?
Alien drawing?
Wait, what? Alien drawing?
What is...
Alien drawing? What is
nothing, nothing.
What is... nothing, nothing.
She likes me!
Nothing, nothing. She likes me!
She totally likes me.
She likes me! She totally likes me.
See, that's great.
She totally likes me. See, that's great.
I told you, you could do it.
See, that's great. I told you,
you could do it. Yeah, thanks.
I told you, you could do it. Yeah,
thanks. Now, hey, now I've got some
yeah, thanks. Now, hey, now I've
got some news for you... you got some
now, hey, now I've got some news for you...
you got some extra cash to drop up on penny.
News for you... you got some extra cash
to drop up on penny. Altonmart loves your
extra cash to drop up on penny. Altonmart
loves your commercial, they want to
altonmart loves your commercial,
they want to use it.
Commercial, they want to use it.
We're finalizing the deal with
use it. We're finalizing the
deal with durron this week.
We're finalizing the deal with
durron this week. You serious?!
Durron this week. You serious?!
You serious?! Nice!
I know, I know... look...
Nice! I know, I know...
look... what... hey, buddy!
I know, I know... look... what...
hey, buddy! Listen, I'm sorry, I'm, uh,
what... hey, buddy! Listen, I'm sorry,
I'm, uh, I'm doing my best, you told me
listen, I'm sorry, I'm, uh, I'm
doing my best, you told me not to.
I'm doing my best, you told me not to.
Anyway, um, yeah, but no, it's
not to. Anyway, um, yeah, but
no, it's gonna be great.
Anyway, um, yeah, but no, it's gonna be
great. I... what we'll do is when we
gonna be great. I... what we'll do is
when we get home we'll put on something
I... what we'll do is when we get home we'll
put on something fly and we'll go out and
get home we'll put on something fly and
we'll go out and celebrate just...
Fly and we'll go out and celebrate
just... [ Honk, crash ]
Celebrate just... [ Honk,
crash ] [ Car horn blaring ]
[ Honk, crash ] [ car horn
blaring ] Hello, Malcolm?
[ Car horn blaring ] hello, Malcolm?
Hello, Malcolm? Malcolm?
Malcolm? Malcolm? h-hello?
Malcolm Grant, please.
You okay? Yeah, I'm good.
When I heard you got into
yeah, I'm good. When I heard you
got into an accident, I was worried.
When I heard you got into an accident,
I was worried. Yeah, me too.
An accident, I was worried. Yeah,
me too. Yeah, you know, I just...
Yeah, me too. Yeah, you know,
I just... I don't know, I just...
yeah, you know, I just... I don't
know, I just... I know, I know, man.
I don't know, I just... I know, I
know, man. I was thinking, maybe we
I know, I know, man. I was
thinking, maybe we could coexist.
I was thinking, maybe we could coexist.
Like democrats and
could coexist. Like
democrats and Republicans?
Like democrats and Republicans?
[ Both chuckle ]
Republicans? [ both
chuckle ] Oh, hey!
[ Both chuckle ] oh, hey!
We still got to celebrate
oh, hey! We still got to
celebrate step two, okay?
We still got to celebrate step two, okay?
Oh, yeah... oh, and tomorrow,
step two, okay? Oh, yeah... oh, and
tomorrow, when you're feeling a little
oh, yeah... oh, and tomorrow, when you're
feeling a little better, you got to teach me
when you're feeling a little better,
you got to teach me about step three.
Better, you got to teach
me about step three. Deal?
About step three. Deal? Deal.
Deal? deal. Deal.
What'd I tell you about yapping
on that phone and driving?!
Yapping on that phone and driving?!
Yes, ma'am, I know, I...
And driving?! Yes,
ma'am, I know, I... i...
yes, ma'am, I
know, I... i... ow!
I... ow! Oh...
Ow! oh... don't you diss me!
Oh... don't you diss me!
Boy, I promised your mama I'd
don't you diss me! Boy, I promised
your mama I'd take care of you!
Boy, I promised your mama I'd take care
of you! Now, how am I supposed to keep
take care of you! Now, how am I supposed
to keep my word if you don't stop being
now, how am I supposed to keep my word
if you don't stop being so hot headed?!
My word if you don't stop being so hot
headed?! Yes, ma'am, I know, I'm
so hot headed?! Yes, ma'am, I know,
I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
Yes, ma'am, I know, I'm sorry, it won't
happen again. Scare an old woman like that!
You ought to be ashamed of
I'm sorry, Bess, I didn't mean
to scare you. You guys are all...
Mean to scare you. You guys are all...
Yeah, you guys are all
you guys are all... Yeah, you
guys are all the family I got.
Yeah, you guys are all the family I got.
My mom was lucky to have
the family I got. My mom was
lucky to have a friend like you.
My mom was lucky to have a friend like you.
I was the lucky one!
A friend like you. I was the lucky one!
And I still am.
I was the lucky one! And I still am.
Now, we can talk about how
and I still am. Now, we can talk about
how you're going to make this up
now, we can talk about how you're
going to make this up to me.
You're going to make this up to me.
Name it.
To me. Name it.
Christmas party...
name it. Christmas
party... at your house.
Christmas party... at your house.
Nah, bessie, I can't...
At your house. Nah, bessie, I can't...
Excuse me?
Nah, bessie, I can't... Excuse me?
Christmas party, can't wait.
Mmm! smells really good.
Smells like something.
Smells really good. Smells
like something. [ Both laugh ]
Smells like something. [ Both laugh
] All right, cool, you know what?
[ Both laugh ] all right, cool, you know
what? Step four, teach you how to make
all right, cool, you know what? Step
four, teach you how to make spaghetti.
Step four, teach you how
to make spaghetti. Cool?
Spaghetti. cool? all right.
Cool? all right.
Step three, though...
all right. Step three,
though... super simple.
Step three, though... super simple.
You gotta ask her out.
Super simple. You gotta ask her out.
I can't do that!
You gotta ask her out. I can't do that!
Yes, you can!
I can't do that! Yes, you can!
She likes you, I can see that.
Yes, you can! She likes you, I can see
that. But you're getting real close to
she likes you, I can see that. But you're
getting real close to the friend zone.
But you're getting real close to
the friend zone. What's that?
The friend zone. What's that?
Here, look, it's this fine
what's that? Here, look, it's this
fine line between being the friend or
here, look, it's this fine line
between being the friend or being more.
Line between being the friend or being
more. And if you ever want to be seen
being more. And if you ever want to be
seen as more, you gotta make sure she
and if you ever want to be seen as more, you gotta
make sure she never sees you as just a friend,
as more, you gotta make sure she never sees you
as just a friend, you've got to ask her out.
Never sees you as just a friend, you've
got to ask her out. I can't do that.
You've got to ask her out. I
can't do that. Yes, you can!
I can't do that. Yes, you can!
Look, you got a dance coming up
yes, you can! Look, you got a dance
coming up in a couple weeks, right?
Look, you got a dance coming up in a couple
weeks, right? Yeah, right before Christmas
in a couple weeks, right? Yeah,
right before Christmas break.
Yeah, right before Christmas break.
Break. okay! Well, you
ask her out, you share
okay! well, you ask her out, you
share some ice cream, boom, you've got
well, you ask her out, you share some ice
cream, boom, you've got a girlfriend.
Some ice cream, boom, you've got
a girlfriend. I don't dance.
A girlfriend. I don't dance.
Neither do I... I got a
I don't dance. Neither do I...
I got a two-step I'm gonna show you.
Neither do I... I got a two-step
I'm gonna show you. Come here.
Two-step I'm gonna show you.
Come here. Super simple.
Come here. Super simple.
All right.
Super simple. All right. You
can do... this will be easy,
all right. You can do... this will be
easy, if I can do it you can do it.
You can do... this will be easy, if I can do it
you can do it. Okay, listen, simple, simple,
if I can do it you can do it. Okay, listen,
simple, simple, simple moves, less is more,
okay, listen, simple, simple,
simple moves, less is more, okay?
Simple moves, less is more, okay?
Just follow me.
Okay? just follow me. Like this.
Just follow me. Like this. Like
the old church ladies used
like this. Like the old church
ladies used to do, you know?
Like the old church ladies used to do,
you know? Like Bess... you see bessie
to do, you know? Like Bess... you see
bessie dancing at church on Sundays.
Like Bess... you see bessie dancing at church
on Sundays. Okay, now, the main thing is,
dancing at church on Sundays. Okay, now,
the main thing is, small moves, stay cool.
Okay, now, the main thing is,
small moves, stay cool. Oh, see!
Small moves, stay cool. Oh, see!
That's what I'm talking about!
Oh, see! That's what I'm talking about!
Yeah, small moves, stay cool.
That's what I'm talking about! Yeah, small
moves, stay cool. What about the nene?
Yeah, small moves, stay cool. What about
the nene? I don't even know who that
what about the nene? I don't
even know who that is, who is nene?
I don't even know who that is,
who is nene? No, it's a dance.
Is, who is nene? No, it's a dance.
Okay, do it.
No, it's a dance. Okay, do it.
Man, that is bessie's church
okay, do it. Man, that is
bessie's church fan... I've been...
Man, that is bessie's church
fan... I've been... Yeah!
Fan... I've been... Yeah!
You got it!
Yeah! you got it! Okay.
You got it! Okay.
Mr. Grant, it's
okay. Mr. Grant, it's
Deborah Frances from child
Mr. Grant, it's Deborah Frances
from child protective services.
Deborah Frances from child protective
services. Good news, we found a home for
protective services. Good news,
we found a home for Lawrence.
Good news, we found a home for Lawrence.
Even better, it's with his own
Lawrence. even better,
it's with his own family.
Even better, it's with his own family.
Call me in the morning and I'll
family. call me in the
morning and I'll explain.
I'm sorry to keep you folks waiting.
Thank you so much for coming by.
Waiting. thank you so much for coming by.
Now, I just need...
Thank you so much for coming by.
Now, I just need... miss Frances?
Now, I just need... miss Frances?
Excuse me.
Miss Frances? Excuse me. I
was wondering if I might be
excuse me. I was wondering if I might
be able to rescind my request to
I was wondering if I might be able to rescind
my request to have Lawrence placed in a foster
able to rescind my request to have
Lawrence placed in a foster home?
Have Lawrence placed in a foster home?
[Scoffs] Mr. Grant!
Home? [scoffs] Mr. Grant!
Listen, when I first came
[scoffs] Mr. Grant! Listen, when I
first came here, I was... I was still
listen, when I first came here,
I was... I was still grieving.
Here, I was... I was still grieving.
Lawrence was, too.
Grieving. Lawrence was, too.
We were in a lot of pain.
Lawrence was, too. We were in a lot
of pain. I appreciate everything
we were in a lot of pain. I appreciate
everything you're saying, Mr. Grant,
I appreciate everything you're saying,
Mr. Grant, and I'm sure the Johnsons do,
you're saying, Mr. Grant, and I'm sure the
Johnsons do, as well, but this isn't a matter
and I'm sure the Johnsons do, as well, but
this isn't a matter of you simply changing
as well, but this isn't a matter
of you simply changing your mind.
Of you simply changing your mind.
But... but, listen, we still
your mind. But... but, listen,
we still miss maisie every day, but
but... but, listen, we still
miss maisie every day, but we're...
Miss maisie every day, but we're...
We're learning to get along.
We're... we're learning to get along.
We eat dinner together every
we're learning to get along. We eat dinner
together every day, he's teaching me how to
we eat dinner together every day, he's teaching
me how to play video games, I'm teaching
day, he's teaching me how to play video games,
I'm teaching him how to be a ladies man.
Play video games, I'm teaching him how to be a
ladies man. And I... I'm teaching him how to
him how to be a ladies man. And I... I'm teaching
him how to boost his self esteem, you know,
and I... I'm teaching him how to boost his self
esteem, you know, to be proud of who he is, to
boost his self esteem, you know, to be proud
of who he is, to make people respect him.
To be proud of who he is, to make people
respect him. Look, my... my dad...
Make people respect him. Look, my... my
dad... My dad didn't teach me any of
look, my... my dad... My dad didn't teach
me any of that stuff, I had to learn all
my dad didn't teach me any of that stuff,
I had to learn all of that on my own.
That stuff, I had to learn all of that
on my own. Lawrence deserves better
of that on my own. Lawrence
deserves better than that.
Lawrence deserves better than that.
He needs a father.
Than that. He needs a father.
And I told you on the phone,
he needs a father. And I told you on the
phone, Lawrence's father passed away a
and I told you on the phone, Lawrence's
father passed away a few years ago.
Lawrence's father passed away a few years
ago. I know, and I'm very sorry
few years ago. I know, and
I'm very sorry for your loss.
I know, and I'm very sorry
for your loss. Thank you.
For your loss. Thank you.
And the Johnsons didn't even
thank you. And the Johnsons
didn't even know they had a grandson,
and the Johnsons didn't even know they had
a grandson, and now that they do, they want
know they had a grandson, and now that
they do, they want him to be with them.
And now that they do, they want him to be
with them. And I get that, but that
him to be with them. And I
get that, but that doesn't...
and I get that, but that doesn't
and Lawrence doesn't have any
doesn't... and Lawrence doesn't
have any other family, no other
and Lawrence doesn't have any other family,
no other biological family of record,
other family, no other biological family
of record, so they are next of kin,
biological family of record, so they are
next of kin, they have legal custody.
So they are next of kin, they have legal
custody. Wait, so... so, you're saying
they have legal custody. Wait, so... so,
you're saying there's nothing I can do?
Wait, so... so, you're saying there's
nothing I can do? Nothing whatsoever?
There's nothing I can do? Nothing
whatsoever? Are you serious?
Nothing whatsoever? Are you serious?
Mr. Grant, this is about
are you serious? Mr. Grant, this
is about Lawrence and what's best
Mr. Grant, this is about
Lawrence and what's best for him.
Lawrence and what's best for him.
This has nothing to do with you.
For him. This has nothing to do with you.
By your own admission, you were
this has nothing to do with you. By your own
admission, you were not ready to be Lawrence's
by your own admission, you were not
ready to be Lawrence's father.
Not ready to be Lawrence's father.
Now, if you love him like you
father. now, if you love
him like you say you do...
Now, if you love him like you say you do...
And I think you do...
Say you do... And I think you do...
Don't make this any more
and I think you do... Don't make this
any more difficult than it has to be.
[ Soft R&B in background ]
You're getting pretty good! Ha, yep!
I did it, Malcolm!
Ha, yep! I did it, Malcolm!
I did step three!
I did it, Malcolm! I did step three!
Hey, how'd you do it?
I did step three! Hey, how'd you do it?
I just walked up to her and
hey, how'd you do it? I just walked up
to her and asked her to the dance, and she
I just walked up to her and asked
her to the dance, and she said yes.
Asked her to the dance, and she said yes.
And she broke up with Chad.
Said yes. And she broke up with Chad.
And she broke up with Chad. Okay!
Best day ever.
Okay! best day ever.
[ Both laugh ]
Best day ever. [ Both laugh
] All right, all right,
[ both laugh ] all right,
all right, when's the dance?
All right, all right, when's the dance?
Um, tomorrow night.
When's the dance? Um, tomorrow night.
Okay, hey, let me...
um, tomorrow night. Okay, hey, let
me... let me talk to you for a second.
Okay, hey, let me... let me talk
to you for a second. Come here.
You been practicing your move, though?
Of course.
Though? of course.
[Chuckling] Okay.
Of course. [Chuckling] Okay.
[Chuckling] okay. Okay. Um,
let's just check it out...
Okay. um, let's just check it out
when I was your age, my dad,
um, let's just check it out... when I was your
age, my dad, he was a little bit of a jerk.
When I was your age, my dad, he was a little
bit of a jerk. My mom, she worked really hard
he was a little bit of a jerk. My mom, she worked
really hard to take really good care of me.
My mom, she worked really hard to take
really good care of me. Like my mom?
To take really good care of me.
Like my mom? Exactly.
Like my mom? Exactly.
Like your mom.
Exactly. like your mom.
But my mom, she had help.
Like your mom. But my mom, she had help.
Her parents...
But my mom, she had help. Her parents
my grandparents... they were
her parents... my grandparents...
they were always there when we needed
my grandparents... they were
always there when we needed them.
Always there when we needed them.
Their house was my favorite
them. their house was my
favorite place to visit.
Their house was my favorite place to visit.
They had homemade cookies
place to visit. They had homemade
cookies and games, it was...
They had homemade cookies and games,
it was... it was my little escape.
And games, it was... it was my little
escape. I never had grandparents.
It was my little escape. I never had
grandparents. My mom's folks died when she was
I never had grandparents. My mom's
folks died when she was little.
My mom's folks died when she was little.
How... how would you feel if
little. how... how would you
feel if you had grandparents?
How... how would you feel if you had
grandparents? Not to say that you do, but...
You had grandparents? Not to say that
you do, but... You know, what if?
Not to say that you do, but... You know,
what if? That would be awesome.
You know, what if? That would be
awesome. Family is very important,
that would be awesome. Family
is very important, you know?
Family is very important, you know?
But why are you asking me about
you know? But why are you asking
me about grandparents, anyway?
But why are you asking me about grandparents,
anyway? I was just curious.
Grandparents, anyway? I was just
curious. Say, what do you think...
I was just curious. Say, what do you
think... let's go get you some new
say, what do you think... let's go get
you some new clothes for the dance.
Let's go get you some new clothes
for the dance. All right.
Clothes for the dance. All right.
Get you some new...
all right. Get you some new
get you some new dancing pants.
Get you some new... get you some
new dancing pants. [ Both laugh ]
Get you some new dancing pants.
[ Both laugh ] [ Sighs ]
[ Both laugh ] [
Sighs ] You ready?
[ Sighs ] you ready? Yep.
You ready? Yep. Okay.
Yep. okay.
So, I heard, uh...
Okay. so, I heard, uh...
There's a chance of snow.
So, I heard, uh... There's a chance
of snow. Get snow on Christmas.
There's a chance of snow. Get snow
on Christmas. [ Lawrence laughs ]
Get snow on Christmas. [ Lawrence
laughs ] Better get your hat and scarf
[ Lawrence laughs ] better get your hat
and scarf ready, might have to get you
better get your hat and scarf ready, might
have to get you some dancing snow pants.
That's right, there you go.
All right, there you go.
Let me help you with this.
Here we go. Here, can you fix
fix the top just a bit?
All right. All right! So,
you're cool, but most
all right! So, you're cool, but
most important, you gotta be...
So, you're cool, but most important,
you gotta be... Confident.
Important, you gotta be... Confident.
And always?
Confident. and always?
Be yourself.
And always? Be yourself.
That's right.
Hey, everybody, gather round
it's a rockin' holiday
Gather round it's a rockin'
holiday we're all gonna sit
it's a rockin' holiday we're all
gonna sit by the Christmas tree
we're all gonna sit by the Christmas
tree I had a good time with you.
By the Christmas tree I had a good time
with you. Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
I had a good time with you. Yeah, it was
a lot of fun. Come on, come on, come on.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Come on, come on, come on. Go on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Go on. Yes!
Go on. Yes! Ah... Oh, man.
Hold up, hold up, hold up. Have a
good night. Have a good night.
Have a good night. Have a good night.
I did it!
Have a good night.
I did it! Ah!
I did it! Ah! Hey, I
don't think I could have
ah! hey, I don't think I could
have done it better myself.
Hey, I don't think I could have done
it better myself. So, you have fun?
Done it better myself. So, you have fun?
It was cool.
So, you have fun? It was cool.
That's what's up.
It was cool. That's what's up.
What kind of music did they
that's what's up. What
kind of music did they play?
What kind of music did they play?
Played all types of stuff.
Play? played all types of stuff.
Did you do your move, though,
played all types of stuff. Did you do
your move, though, that's the big question!
Did you do your move, though,
that's the big question! Nah.
That's the big question! Nah.
No, you gotta save that!
Nah. no, you gotta save that!
No, you gotta save that! "Lg"!
You have fun, though?
"Lg"! you have fun, though?
Yeah, I had fun.
You have fun, though? Yeah, I had fun.
That's cool.
Yeah, I had fun. That's cool.
[ Sighs ]
That's cool. [ Sighs ] So,
there's something I have to
[ sighs ] so, there's something
I have to talk to you about.
So, there's something I have to talk to you
about. I don't know about step four
talk to you about. I don't know
about step four yet... I'm only 13!
I don't know about step four yet...
I'm only 13! No, not that, not that.
Yet... I'm only 13! No, not
that, not that. But, um...
No, not that, not that. But, um...
I've exciting news for you.
But, um... I've exciting news for you.
Remember how we used to talk
I've exciting news for you. Remember how we
used to talk about how cool it would be to
remember how we used to talk about how
cool it would be to have grandparents?
About how cool it would be to
have grandparents? Well...
Have grandparents?
Well... You do.
Well... you do. I know
you never met your dad,
you do. I know you never met your
dad, but his parents found out about
I know you never met your dad, but his parents
found out about you and they can't wait to
but his parents found out about you
and they can't wait to meet you.
You and they can't wait to meet you.
They want to meet me?
Meet you. They want to meet me?
They want to meet me? Actually...
They want you to live with them.
Actually... they want you to live
with them. They want us to move in
they want you to live with them.
They want us to move in with them?
They want us to move in with them?
Not us.
With them? Not us. You.
Not us. You.
This is all my fault.
You. this is all my fault.
It's not...
this is all my fault. It's not
it's not your fault, Lawrence.
It's not... it's not your
fault, Lawrence. Yes, it is.
It's not your fault, Lawrence. Yes,
it is. I prayed for a new family.
Yes, it is. I prayed for a new family.
No, this... this wasn't your
I prayed for a new family. No, this
this wasn't your fault, Lawrence.
No, this... this wasn't your
fault, Lawrence. Yes it was...
Fault, Lawrence. Yes it was...
I didn't know.
Yes it was... I didn't know.
Look, Lawrence, it's not your
I didn't know. Look, Lawrence,
it's not your fault, it's mine.
Look, Lawrence, it's not your fault,
it's mine. Look, you and me, we were...
Fault, it's mine. Look, you and me, we
were... We were going through a rough
look, you and me, we were... We
were going through a rough time.
We were going through a rough time.
And I'd... I thought, maybe...
Time. and I'd... I thought, maybe
i thought maybe you'd be better
and I'd... I thought, maybe... i
thought maybe you'd be better off...
I thought maybe you'd be better off...
With someone else than me.
Off... with someone else than me.
You don't... you don't
with someone else than me.
You don't... you don't want me?
You don't... you don't want me?
No, of co...
Want me? No, of
co... of course I do.
No, of co... of course I do.
Of course... don't...
Of course I do. Of course...
don't... don't ever think that.
Of course... don't... don't ever
think that. Of course I do.
Don't ever think that. Of course I do.
I want you to stay with me more
of course I do. I want you to
stay with me more than anything.
I want you to stay with me more than
anything. So, why can't I stay?
Than anything. So, why can't I stay?
They're your kin, so the
so, why can't I stay? They're your
kin, so the state says that if they want
they're your kin, so the state says
that if they want you, they can have you.
State says that if they want you, they
can have you. But, hey, look, I've...
You, they can have you. But, hey,
look, I've... I've talked to them.
But, hey, look, I've... I've talked to
them. And they seem like really nice
I've talked to them. And they
seem like really nice people.
And they seem like really nice people.
When are they going to
people. when are
they going to take me?
When are they going to take me?
Take me? Tonight. Right now.
Tonight. right now.
I don't want to go!
Right now. I don't want to go!
[ Sighs ]
I don't want to go!
[ Sighs ] Ah...
[ Sighs ] ah... I
don't want you to.
Ah... i don't want you to.
I wanted to tell you earlier,
I don't want you to. I wanted
to tell you earlier, but...
I wanted to tell you earlier, but...
I don't want to go!
But... I don't want to go!
And I don't...
I don't want to go! And I
don't... i don't want you to go.
And I don't... i don't want you to go.
But there's nothing I can do.
I don't want you to go. But there's
nothing I can do. They're your family.
But there's nothing I can do. They're
your family. No, you're my family!
I thought god had a plan! [ Sighs
] Well, maybe this is it.
Yeah... maybe this is it. Hey... hey!
You're right, how about
hey... hey! You're right, how about
Christmas after all, you know?
You're right, how about Christmas after
all, you know? It's a time for miracles.
Christmas after all, you know? It's a
time for miracles. I mean, you just...
It's a time for miracles. I mean, you
just... You just found out you have
I mean, you just... You just found out you
have grandparents... that's pretty...
You just found out you have grandparents
that's pretty... [ Sighs ]
Grandparents... that's pretty...
[ Sighs ] Uh...
[ Sighs ] uh... And
your mom was right.
Uh... and your mom was right.
Your mom was right about god's
and your mom was right. Your mom
was right about god's plan.
Your mom was right about god's plan.
Things happen sometimes that are
plan. things happen sometimes
that are beyond our control.
Things happen sometimes that are beyond
our control. But we gotta trust him.
Beyond our control. But we gotta trust him.
We got to trust he knows what
but we gotta trust him. We got to
trust he knows what he's doing.
Look, hey... All... [ Sighs ]
All... [ sighs ] All
that I want you to do...
[ Sighs ] all that I want you to do...
Is be the best Lawrence you
all that I want you to do... Is
be the best Lawrence you can be.
Is be the best Lawrence you can be.
[ Vehicle approaches,
can be. [ Vehicle
approaches, door opens ]
[ Vehicle approaches, door opens ]
and I know... hey... I know that
[ door opens ] and I know... hey...
I know that you're going to be...
And I know... hey... I know that you're
going to be... you're going to be great.
You're going to be... you're going
to be great. I love you, son.
You're going to be great. I love you, son.
I love you, too.
I love you, son. I love you, too.
[ Sobbing ]
Speak to me
whoa, I'm-a hurting, lord
oh, oh, oh,
let me hear your voice
yeah, yeah, yeah
speak to me
I gotta tell you, lord
I got somethin' to tell ya
can you hear me, god?
Whoa, yeah, whoa, yeah
[ Soft jazz rendition of
"oh Christmas tree" playing ]
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Malcolm sighs ]
why did you do this?
What happened, Malcolm? I lost him.
I was so... Angry, I...
I lost him. I was so... Angry, I...
I didn't know what to do.
I was so... Angry, I... I didn't know
what to do. I should have called Tina,
I didn't know what to do. I should have
called Tina, i should have called you, I...
I should have called Tina, i should
have called you, I... But I didn't.
I should have called you, I...
But I didn't. [ Sighs ]
But I didn't. [ Sighs
] And now he's gone.
[ Sighs ] and now he's gone.
And now you're angry at god,
and now he's gone. And now you're angry
at god, angry at him for your mother,
and now you're angry at god, angry at him
for your mother, angry at him for maisie,
angry at him for your mother, angry
at him for maisie, and now Lawrence.
Angry at him for maisie, and now Lawrence.
[ Inhales ]
And now Lawrence. [ Inhales ]
What you've never understood,
[ inhales ] what you've never understood,
Malcolm, is that these darkest
what you've never understood, Malcolm, is that
these darkest moments are when you must trust
Malcolm, is that these darkest moments are when
you must trust him when you don't understand,
moments are when you must trust him when you
don't understand, when you're afraid, when...
Him when you don't understand, when
you're afraid, when... You're in pain.
If you could find the strength inside...
To really give yourself over to
inside... to really give
yourself over to his will...
To really give yourself over to his will...
He will show you the way.
His will... He will show you the way.
You want to know what god's
he will show you the way. You
want to know what god's plan is?
You want to know what god's plan is?
[ Chuckles ]
Plan is? [ Chuckles ] You
are his plan... we all are.
[ Chuckles ] you are his plan... we all
are. He worked through you to change
you are his plan... we all are. He worked through
you to change Lawrence and maisie, for them to
he worked through you to change Lawrence
and maisie, for them to change you...
Lawrence and maisie, for them to
change you... now, that's a gift!
Change you... now, that's a gift!
And a blessing, sweetheart.
Now, that's a gift! And a blessing,
sweetheart. It's not a punishment.
And a blessing, sweetheart. It's not a
punishment. If you can believe, Malcolm,
it's not a punishment. If you can
believe, Malcolm, truly believe...
If you can believe, Malcolm, truly
believe... Then you'll really know peace.
Truly believe... Then you'll really know
peace. And god's love will fill your
then you'll really know peace. And
god's love will fill your heart.
And god's love will fill your heart.
Heart. oh... i love
you, Malcolm...
Oh... i love you, Malcolm
and so does he.
I'll go handle the guests.
[ Inhales, sighs ] you know, I'm not, uh...
I'm not too good at this.
You know, I'm not, uh... I'm
not too good at this. Um...
I'm not too good at this. Um...
I like to be in control.
Um... i like to be in control.
You know that.
I like to be in control.
You know that. Um...
You know that. Um... I like
to know what's going to
um... i like to know what's going
to happen before it happens,
I like to know what's going to
happen before it happens, i just...
But, okay...
I'll put it all in your hands. You, um...
You know what's best for me.
You, um... You know what's best for me.
I trust that, I trust that you
you know what's best for me. I trust that, I
trust that you know what's best for Lawrence,
I trust that, I trust that you know what's
best for Lawrence, what's best for...
Know what's best for Lawrence, what's
best for... Maisie, what's best for
what's best for... Maisie,
what's best for all of us.
Maisie, what's best for all of us.
All of us. So... I
just have one request,
so... i just have one
request, and that's, um...
I just have one request, and that's, um...
Tell maisie that I love her.
And, um, I don't know if this Santa claus
thing is real, but if you know him, uh...
Santa claus thing is real, but if you know
him, uh... Make sure he gives Lawrence
but if you know him, uh... Make sure
he gives Lawrence whatever he wants.
Make sure he gives Lawrence
whatever he wants. If, um...
Whatever he wants. If, um... If
anyone deserves it, it's him.
If, um... If anyone deserves it, it's him.
Just find a way to make it
if anyone deserves it, it's him.
Just find a way to make it happen.
[ Sighs ]
[ Knocking at door ]
[ Knocking ]
Malcolm! merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Lawrence?
What are you doing here?
Lawrence? what are you doing here?
Came here to get what I
what are you doing here? Came here
to get what i wanted for Christmas.
Came here to get what i wanted
for Christmas. Woman: Hello!
Wanted for Christmas. Woman: Hello!
Merry Christmas, Malcolm.
Woman: hello! Merry Christmas,
Malcolm. It was clear to us the night we
merry Christmas, Malcolm. It was clear to us
the night we picked him up that, uh, you two
it was clear to us the night we picked him
up that, uh, you two shared a special bond.
Picked him up that, uh, you two shared a
special bond. And as soon as we got
shared a special bond. And as soon
as we got Lawrence home, it became even
and as soon as we got Lawrence home, it
became even more clear... I'm gonna tell
Lawrence home, it became even more clear...
I'm gonna tell you, he missed you terribly.
More clear... I'm gonna tell you, he missed
you terribly. He told us how much you
you, he missed you terribly. He told us
how much you taught him, about being a man,
he told us how much you taught him, about
being a man, about stepping up to take
taught him, about being a man, about
stepping up to take responsibility.
About stepping up to take responsibility.
He says you're a great dad.
Responsibility. he says you're a great dad.
And we agree.
He says you're a great dad. And
we agree. Me, a great dad...
And we agree. Me,
a great dad... Oh...
Me, a great dad... Oh... So,
what... what does all this
oh... so, what... what
does all this mean?
So, what... what does all this mean?
It means we can be a family
mean? it means we can be a family
again, and I can live with you.
It means we can be a family again,
and I can live with you. If you want.
Again, and I can live with you.
If you want. I... are...
If you want. I
are... you...
I... are... you... [ Sighs ]
You... [ Sighs ]
Okay, only if you...
[ Sighs ] okay, only if you...
Only if you're ready for
okay, only if you... Only if
you're ready for the final step.
Only if you're ready for the final step.
And you know what?
The final step. And you know what?
You taught me the final step.
And you know what? You taught me
the final step. Final step...
You taught me the final step. Final step...
It's okay to love.
Final step... It's okay to love.
It's okay to love. It's...
It's okay to be loved...
It's... it's okay to be loved...
Even if it means that it hurts
it's okay to be loved... Even if
it means that it hurts sometimes.
Even if it means that it hurts sometimes.
It's all part of god's plan.
Sometimes. it's all part of god's plan.
It all works out in the end.
It's all part of god's plan. It all
works out in the end. Love you, dad.
I love you, too, son. Welcome home.
Oh, you got your grandfather
welcome home. Oh, you got
your grandfather crying.
Oh, you got your grandfather crying.
Make yourself at home,
crying. make yourself at
home, make yourself at home.
Make yourself at home, make yourself
at home. You have a beautiful home.
Make yourself at home. You
have a beautiful home. Thanks.
You have a beautiful home.
Thanks. Wow.
So, I guess Christmas wishes do come
true, huh? Yeah, you were right.
Do come true, huh? Yeah, you were right.
You like your present?
Yeah, you were right. You like
your present? Are you kidding?
You like your present?
Are you kidding? I love it!
Are you kidding? I love it!
You ready for your float, lg?
I love it! You ready for
your float, lg? Yeah.
You ready for your float, lg?
Yeah. Merry Christmas!
Yeah. merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas. Thank you.
You got everybody calling you
thank you. You got everybody
calling you "little gangster" now?
You got everybody calling you "little
gangster" now? No..."Lawrence Grant."
"Little gangster" now? No..."Lawrence
Grant." Ah, Lawrence Grant, I like
no... "Lawrence Grant." Ah,
Lawrence Grant, I like that.
Ah, Lawrence Grant, I like that.
[ Sighs ]
That. [ sighs ] All
right, so, I've got one
[ sighs ] all right, so, I've got
one more Christmas present for you.
All right, so, I've got one more
Christmas present for you. Oh!
More Christmas present for you.
Oh! Hello, my name is
oh! hello, my name is
durron Richard, and I would like
hello, my name is durron Richard, and I
would like for you to take this moment to
durron Richard, and I would like for you to take
this moment to remember what the holiday spirit
for you to take this moment to remember
what the holiday spirit is all about.
Remember what the holiday spirit is all
about. This holiday season, altonmart
is all about. This holiday season,
altonmart would like for you to remember,
this holiday season, altonmart would like for you
to remember, it's not the gift that matters,
would like for you to remember, it's not
the gift that matters, it's the giver.
It's not the gift that matters, it's
the giver. For every dollar spent this
it's the giver. For every dollar spent
this Christmas at altonmart, we will
for every dollar spent this Christmas at altonmart,
we will donate a dollar to maisie's fund
Christmas at altonmart, we will donate a
dollar to maisie's fund for single mothers.
Donate a dollar to maisie's fund for single
mothers. Because sometimes we all just
for single mothers. Because sometimes
we all just need a little help.
Because sometimes we all just need a
little help. Wow, that was wonderful!
Need a little help. Wow, that was
wonderful! I am so proud of you!
[ Laughing ]
Malcolm: all right...
To Lawrence and his amazingly
bright future.
Oh, merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.