Second Coming (2014)

Jacqueline Trent.
Jaqueline Trent!
That's all they gave me. Do you have
any other proof of identification?
I know you lost the shit.
I know you lost my...
To fill in the same thing again from
what's been filled in before... from time.
It was in the computer.
What we want isn't here.
What we need is...
it's all I've got.
It's not me
who lost your details.
Any of us could do your job.
Tap in some shit wrong.
Who processed you?
Easy. 'Nough.
'Nough of us can do that.
Can do wrong, easy.
Who processed you?
What? Who...
When'd you last come in?
I don't know.
Was some white dude
with bad hair.
Let's try someone else.
You wanna come, you don't wanna come.
Make me spend me money.
I wanna come.
Tell your face that then.
You getting your usual?
- Yeah.
- There you go.
There you go.
Uncle to the rescue.
- Make a wish, boy.
- - Close your eyes and make a wish.
What's up?
I don't wanna... Happy birthday.
What? Bring up all your...
You know when... chicken with
seasoned rice and slaw?
And this must be for you,
with the wings.
And are you ladies okay
with your drinks? Yeah.
And you know about our two...
So, how's this work?
How far gone?
Early. How early?
Early, early.
What's mark saying? How long
was you thinking about it?
Did you know from straight?
Like it was just meant to...
Ain't no big...
It's quick now, innit?
You're in, you're out.
Does it hurt? It was all right.
It ain't no little thing, Jax.
It ain't coming out wrong or nothing?
It's all right.
Far as they know.
Ain't gonna do you no damage?
Far as they know.
And you can carry it?
This time.
Far as they know.
I know, I know.
I don't fuckin'...
You wanna do it, least be sure.
Least... least be that.
Like you was?
What are you doin'?
Wanna do somethin'?
Gotta go home.
Straight home?
Straight home.
I ain't even goin' there,
so why are they
learning me that?
It ain't even a proper language.
It ain't even
a proper language, Jj...
Not no language
no one don't wanna know about.
Learn me somethin' where I
wanna go... 'bout German.
Trust me.
Got double geography tomorrow.
Geography's rubbish.
You think everything's
rubbish though.
High as a treetop
and down again
Putting my bag down
taking my shoes off
walk in the carpet
of green velvet
Where you been?
- You got homework?
- Huh?
You got... don't be washing your
hands all over the kitchen things.
I'm not. Take your
dirtiness somewhere else.
Don't bother tellin' me
you can't remember,
'cause I know
you learned somethin' today.
You ain't goin' school for no good reason.
I don't know.
German. What in German?
What in German?
What you learnin' in German?
I don't know. You don't know?
- Ich wei nicht.
- Ich what?
What? What's that mean?
You never do me nothin'.
What's it mean?
You never do me nothin'.
- From I don't know when you're back.
- I'm back. What's that?
You eating first or after?
Like I'm gonna sit down in my
dirty work things and eat.
Jj, go set your dad's bath.
Mum seen it?
Has she?
Yeah. Said it was good.
Said to show you.
- Where you goin'?
- Where you goin'?
Boop! Sleep good, yeah?
He all right?
You all right?
You sleepin'?
I'm asleep. Mm-hmm.
How asleep?
Proper sleepin'?
That asleep?
Come on.
I'm hot.
Nah, I can't.
I don't know, what you doin'?
- Yeah.
- You got your school stuff ready?
- Most likely, yeah.
- So what you...
- Nah, I would.
- You pack up your bag?
Yeah. Hold up.
- Takin' the car?
- Yeah. Make her come for you.
- Come for me.
- Yeah, I already done it.
Is your homework in it?
You all right, Bernadette?
You hear him?
Bernie says hi.
Eat your food. This one.
- You, big enough to know better.
- I'm eatin' it.
Eatin' don't mean playin'.
Pack up your school bag?
Yeah. Mark, I don't got time.
Jj, eat your breakfast.
What? Later.
All right then.
You're gonna get it up your nose.
Get it up your nose.
What are you doing?
Like that?
I'm gone.
From time.
Jj, don't be late.
First thing you'll notice about the public
is that they're thicker than you thought,
"racister" than you thought
and rougher than you thought.
- Jax, am I lying?
- Don't bring me into your drama, Alex.
- Ain't no drama. I'm training.
- They lettin' you train?
Anybody you get is everybody
what you attract, Alex.
That what it says in your "how
to live your life" books, is it?
- Them thick, racist ones be half his family.
- How they lettin' him train?
When you want proper trainin', yeah,
after all the shit he tells you,
- come, yeah?
- Letch.
I'm the standard. Shit standard.
Unless you wanna learn how to
lose the people them files.
- How many people they let you train?
- - She trained me.
- Exactly.
- Who's doin' the doors?
This is... Maddy.
Maddy? As in Madeline.
Who's doin' the doors?
Why is he shouting
when he always does them anyway?
Right here.
Given us till 3:00 to sort it.
- It's gonna take us longer than that.
- What?
I said it's gonna take us longer than that.
They tell me, I tell you.
They pressure me,
I pressure you.
That's what makes
the world go round.
Then you need to go back and tell them
it's gonna take us longer than that.
All right? Some fucker's ripped
the shit out of this one.
Get on with it!
You know what?
What? What?
What, are you blind? You're blind, innit?
What you been doin' all mornin'?
You can't see the workload
we've already got?
You pissed around all mornin' again.
What do you mean pissin' around?
Have you even had a look?
Sort it out.
You come on us like we're some
fuckin' slaves. There's no argument.
Get on with it. We're gonna get on with it.
We're not gonna finish by 3:00.
I'll tell you that now.
Do you wanna talk about it?
Do you want to talk about it?
- Where you been?
- Nowhere.
Where's nowhere?
Yeah, look at me big godson
tryin' to hide from me.
Hi, auntie Bernie. About.
You think you're too big for this?
You think you're too big man for this?
No, auntie.
You need to come by me.
Long time you don't come by me.
She feedin' you? Here we go.
- No, but he is lookin' Marga, Jax.
- Here we go.
You feed him...
From he's your god-pickney.
You need to do your duties
and save me some shekels.
How one youth can go through
so much bread, ask me.
- He's got growing to do.
- Yes, I have.
You don't need to join in
with her foolishness.
Go and wash
your dirty hands, son.
And not over the sink things.
Earlier is better, you know?
If you're gonna do it.
How's work?
Thought you'd be back earlier.
Don't have to do the overtime.
Gets me outta the house, innit?
Missin' you at the table though.
Didn't think you'd
be missin' much, Jax.
Claim we're loving
this hip-hop
Are we ready
to understand it
In its fullest
cultural sense?
Beyond this useless branding
beyond the stories that keep
feeding us, the common myth
People started rapping in
the '70s what a bunch of...
Done with the talk loving New
York for impact on my heart
But let's not pretend that there
was no foundation to this art
New York pumping 100 watts
before the watts prophets,
last poets and Gil Scott
Before there was jazz
before there was blues
there was cab Calloway
Before the whips and ships
and all the tragedy
You sleepin'?
You asleep?
I'm asleep.
Asleep, asleep?
What you sayin'?
You making me look at your back.
How does it feel?
It's been so long
since you last let me near.
Dad, where's the remote?
Don't know.
Mum, where's the remote?
Ask your dad.
Come and go with me
let's take a long walk
around the park after dark
find a spot for us to spark
Gonna get crumbs.
He's weakening.
I ain't you.
This is the good bit.
Missed the good bit, mark.
I've seen it.
I seen it.
Change the looping
of the breaks over
Though corporate, there's
nothing pretty about this make
Don't be crumbing up the bed.
I ain't you.
Here's the good bit.
Come here.
- All right, watch.
- Don't fight over the food.
- That's right.
- Get in, get in!
I'm not the one to sit back and just let
them run me round like that, no way.
- Don't keep adding hours.
- People take liberties all the time.
I told him,
"man, they can't do that."
You all right though?
His mouth's too big, dad.
You looking after you?
Gotta speak up.
Not as much as you do,
you don't.
You need to look out for you,
'cause them high-up people, them, they
lookin' after themself, same way.
He's hungry.
Not that hungry, mum. That's
just hoggish behaviors.
Finish your firsts, Jj.
So how come Jax
can't cook like this?
Why are you makin' trouble for?
- Mum taught me all I need to know, yeah?
- Mmm.
Look like she was holdin' something back.
Jj, back me up, son.
Lose-lose either way, boy.
Don't try it.
Hey, and I see that.
Tastes sweeter from your
dad's plate, innit?
- Yes, people.
- Did you lose your keys?
Hi, auntie Sandra.
You all right, Jerome?
Mum, sit down.
You only just sat down.
You leave anythin' for me?
How's school, little man?
- Mark, you cool?
- Mmm, blessed still.
Life all right with you?
Can't complain.
Well, I could. You could.
Still got the habit.
Not as will-powered as you, sis.
Not by the food, Sandra.
How's reception?
- Great. How's welfare?
- I wouldn't know. I'm not on it.
- Neither am I.
- Anymore.
- What is it you doin' now?
- Jackie.
Don't you have no
receptionists where you work?
Or are you too high ups
to know what they do?
Ain't it depressin'
doin' what you do?
Deciding who gets
a little piece of what,
or you lovin'
playin' judge and jury,
deciding who gets a slice
a the state pie?
I prefer to pick up phones rather
than piss people's lives away.
Sandra. But I would.
The people all right though.
White people, innit?
Them young head ones.
She enjoyin' it.
It's only been a few weeks, mum.
That's long, for you.
Almost a career.
- They're all right. Drink up.
- Dangerous.
Who'd have 'em?
Why do you have me?
You see what you start now?
Do you see what you start?
How you gonna finish that?
Did you ask me, Jj?
Not at the table.
This conversation
is not at the table!
Everything's wrong about him.
He's all right. Mum.
Look how he's treated her.
I'm not having it.
Mum, it's got nothing
to do with you.
I'm not having a daughter
of mine... Vincent!
Being treated like that
by the likes of him.
Why don't you
put it down over here?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Look. Grandma's comin'.
Grandma's comin'.
You're still fallin'
for that old trick, man.
How can it be any worse?
Vincent! Vincent!
What? Mum!
You're breathing.
You look like shit, Jax.
Nice. Just tryin' to...
Yeah, don't, yeah?
'Cause your "nice" is rubbish.
You know you're like a sister to me.
Where you goin'?
Bernie, what you doin'?
Fuck bein' late. Fuck them.
Them work people's
too inna-inna anyway.
Oh. Prisoner.
You're makin' us late for work.
What's... Drive the car, b.
Nah, Jax, it's like...
It should be me vexed, Jackie.
What you tell me for, if you
don't wanna talk about it?
You should be vexed? Draggin'
up my shit for no good reason.
No good reason?
I was askin' you...
Do you even know what you wanna do?
I never drag up nothin'...
I was askin' you... even if
you know what you wanna do?
I wasn't draggin' up nothin'.
'Cause otherwise, I'd rather that
I never did know. Drive the car.
From when you did seem so sure.
You said I got time.
I still got time. Though now
it look like you're stallin'.
You should know about leavin' it
till the last minute and stallin'.
You should know all about that.
Don't wanna talk about it,
I'll back my shit off, but I
know how hard Jj was to come by.
Don't. And for you
that lost fuckin'...
Don't, yeah? Three...
Before him to get him,
I can't not say nothin'.
I done tryin' to be nice,
all tip-toeing around this shit.
It don't make no sense, what you're
thinkin' about this one. Start the car.
Look, I'm not tryin'...
Start the car.
And it's for you... i swear to god,
Bernie, I'll drive it my fuckin' self.
But if you wanna do what you
wanna do, I'm with you still.
That's for you and with mark and
that, but if you're not sure...
This make no fuckin' sense.
- Unless it's not mark's.
- Fuck you.
Then what's the problem?
Fuck you.
You never...
You fuckin' know me, yeah?
Then it no make
no fuckin' sense, Jax.
Then either he fucked you when you
were sleepin', or you goin' nuts.
Start the car.
Or you ain't pregnant.
Or you lyin'.
You don't know nothin'.
Then tell me.
You don't know nothin'.
- Well, then tell me.
- You don't know nothing.
Then tell me.
Fuck, girl, tell me somethin'.
Just copy them down,
everyone, okay?
And then
I'll explain afterwards.
Careful, Lauryn.
Hold on.
I gotta go home, Jj.
Jerome, what you got? Nothing.
It's sick. What's sick?
This some school thing?
Let me see.
- You'll scare it.
- Scare what?
- Don't scare it.
- Make me see it.
It's nothing.
Out of the house. Mum.
Nah, nah, nah. It's a outside creature,
so take it back where it belong.
I don't want no sick somethin' all
up in my house. You're scaring it.
What part of dirty bird
belong in here?
You'll be broken, boy,
if you don't get that...
Take it and the box it's dyin'
in outta... Lauryn broke it.
Out me kitchen. You mad? Move.
Boy, done lost the last bit
of sense he got given.
He can stay out there all night,
far as I'm concerned.
You know what he's like.
That half-dead thing
ain't coming in here.
He's gonna stay out there all night.
He's stubborn.
He's ignorant. Mmm! He's
his mother's child.
Nah, he needs to eat somethin'.
He needs to eat somethin',
and he needs to come in.
Jax, man.
- Oi! Make sure you wash your hands good.
- Not over the kitchen things.
That's it. The boy... - leave it.
Leave him. Leave it.
I'm not havin' him comin'
in here... nah, Jax.
Mark. Come on. He'll come round.
He'll come in.
Hmm? I don't want him in.
Come on.
Just let him care for the thing.
Let him try.
We all did them sort of
thing when we was younger.
I never did deal with
no dead bird in no box.
It ain't dead.
- How you know?
- It ain't dead.
You been by it? Nah, Jax.
You been by it? Not everyone's
like you, you know.
He's just trying to care
for the thing, that's all.
I never did play no vet when
I was a youth neither. Mmm.
We know what
you was playing instead.
And it was you
I was playing it with.
That's right.
Now you wanna be nice.
I am nice.
Treat you like you treat me, innit?
Treat you good.
You think?
Treat you better.
Don't think so.
He won't.
He's cold.
No, no. He won't.
He's gonna come in.
Jax, man, where you been?
You all right?
On or off, dad?
Huh? Off. Keep it calmer.
Foxes would have got it.
Laws of nature, boy.
Clean up when you're done, yeah?
So what are you gonna do
if it don't get no better?
Ich wei nicht.
Dad... and you know it's your
job to clock in with it...
Every few hours, yeah? Dad...
Without waking up
the whole household,
'cause I ain't running up and down.
Hmm? Do you want it to
be a boy or a girl?
What, the bird?
The baby.
You're the type
who'd phone up and vote.
- I was just sayin'.
- You phone in?
I was just sayin' I thought the
girl in silver did all right.
Fuckin' foolishness.
You too busy watching documentaries
or some other bollocks, that's him.
Only you can think that watching shit
that ain't your shit is a problem.
And I never said I phoned in,
so all of you can kiss it,
spin on it and piss right off.
She leavin' you?
What, she dealing with a next man?
Fuck off p, man.
No, she's not.
She ain't a bad mother.
No, she's a great mother.
Well, you got nothin'
to worry about then.
Nothing worth worrying about.
They can be sometime-ish,
you know that.
Nah, wait. Wait.
- See that?
- Yeah.
All right?
You been...
You been through what you've been through.
We've been through this before.
Yeah, three times before.
I know. Four.
Four times.
Four times before.
You understand?
Which is why she might not wanna drag
your arse through it again, huh?
She 'fraid. She nervous.
And what? I ain't?
Settle down now, please.
Okay, class, come on.
Start to settle down.
I hope you've got
your science books open.
Pages 12 and 13.
"Studying animal cells."
What, sir? Come on, paying
attention now, please.
- Are there birds in them?
- No.
No birds.
Am I in them? No, not you.
- Is dad in them?
- No.
Are they always the same?
Are you scared in them?
You know, if you was scared,
you could come dream me
in them... and do what?
Put you in my dreams,
be a nightmare.
Lucky I ain't scared
in 'em, huh?
Wish I had dreams like yours.
Can't remember mine.
So this is where I
should look you, right?
You shruggin' me, boy?
You think you can sit there
and give me a shrug off?
How's German?
Didn't have it.
Geography's boring though.
Don't care how boring it is.
Trust me, you'd be bored.
Work's boring.
Not as boring as geography.
'Cause you know?
You're gettin'
good trainin', boy.
Sometimes I come here.
You got homework?
You got homework.
Soon come.
Where's Jj?
Jj's all right.
Ain't askin' if he's all right.
Asking where he is.
Think I wouldn't know
where he is?
He's by your mum's.
You leave somethin' for him?
He's eating there.
Leave him a little
somethin' though.
He won't need feeding.
You know he likes
a little leftovers.
He ain't comin' home hungry, Jax.
How you know?
So what,
tonight's all about him?
I don't know what tonight's
meant to be about, mark.
I really ain't into him bein' out without
askin'. Your mum's fine with it.
I told her that we just... you
been chattin' our business?
Your mum loves havin' him. You know that.
I'm just sayin' that...
I know. You know?
I know.
Night, mum.
Nice time, huh?
Nana spoil you?
Dad gave me the leftovers too.
It's late.
Sweet dreams, yeah?
Can I say good night
to the baby?
See you soon.
It's small.
You were small. Look at you now.
Go brush your teeth.
I know you know.
I know you're shittin' yourself.
I'm shittin' myself too.
But better we be
brickin' it together.
You got a way with words.
Got a way with you.
Jj, which one?
I'll do it.
You still vex with me?
Are you?
You're too heavy-handed.
That's what my mum says.
You told your mum?
You told yours.
Your mum still sick?
She ain't sick.
She's just pregnant.
Told you.
She know you know yet?
You'll be a good
big brother, Jj.
My brother's an idiot,
but you'll be a good one.
Who's doing the doors?
You in 'em?
Doing what?
They all the same?
Nah. Yeah.
Sort of different, but...
Bad dream-sleeping.
They're worse.
"Than dreams," you said.
And I ain't asleep.
Told you.
You're meant to be
reassuring me.
Who's reassuring me?
It's a bit mad.
One minute you couldn't have more,
and two-twos you're tellin' me...
They thought it would be
difficult to have a next youth.
They said you
couldn't have no more.
I was there, remember?
Me and mark, both.
You never even
told me you was tryin'.
I weren't trying.
Glad you never done
what I did though.
I'm not.
What's mark saying? You know.
Excited. Nervous.
You know?
Making a mess.
Do I make it over?
Everyone's made a mess.
I think I'd want a boy,
you know.
You would be a hard act
to follow though, son.
Hard act.
I mean it.
Michael, don't.
Why are you defending that for?
You nervous?
Ain't you nervous?
If I was you, I'd be nervous.
I'd be shitting myself.
Fifth time lucky, innit?
Jj's where I got lucky.
Luck ain't got nothing
to do with this.
Mum and dad know, you know.
We all know.
Ain't saying nothing
till you announce.
Knowing what's happened before and all.
So we're waiting on you.
Got us all playing
your little game, innit?
"Ah, yes, hello. The French guy.
Why don't you sit up quietly?"
Now, I think that's...
Don't fuckin'... don't you
fuck... I'm gonna take this...
As your hormones goin' mental.
Take it how you like.
Or your lack of sleep messin'
with your mind. Whatever.
I'm not gonna stand here and watch you
smoke through your bomboclaat mistakes.
What is said in the bogs, stays
in the bogs. You understand?
I didn't... I don't...
I didn't hear what you was...
At least you made the effort to do shit
right when you lost the other ones.
Fuck you. Yeah, Bernie?
Hear what?
A piece of fuckin' cake ain't gonna
do it for you this time, Jacqueline.
Say it!
Say it. Come on. Come on.
To my face! Say it!
Fuckin' go on.
Hmm? Yeah?
See. Yeah. You ain't
even gonna fucking try.
You-you ain't gonna
try an', like...
You ain't gonna d-deny it!
You don't... what? You're not
gonna just try deny it!
'Cause that's you.
Go on. To my face,
just try and lie.
Lie, innit?
Go on! To my face!
I fuckin' dare you! Please.
My face. Lie.
You sit there
like you're somethin'. Hmm?
Sit there like you're somethin'
that someone would want.
Who someone would wanna fuckin' set up
with and lay down with for the last 20...
Sit there like
you're something like that!
Go on.
Because you ain't
worth shit, Jacqueline.
You ain't worth shit.
You ain't nothing. You ain't
nothing that nobody would want.
Who's gonna fucking want you?
Who? Who's gonna fucking...
You ain't fucking worth that.
Look at me.
Look at me.
You ain't worth this.
You're not worth this.
Look how long
we been together, yeah?
And what we fucking
went through.
This is what you do?
This is what you do to me?
Me and Jj... this is
what you fucking do?
She gotta go home.
Gotta go.
- You said you'd drop her.
- I know what I said.
Know what, son?
Hear what?
See if you can help me
out with this one. Mark.
See if you can gcse this one.
Mark, don't.
'Cause your dad
is struggling. Yeah.
So, see if you can...
Math it out for me.
How from, your mother didn't want me to
touch her, right? Jerome, go see your...
Don't go nowhere, Jerome. Leave
him out of this thing, mark.
Hey. Help your dad out. Yeah?
Mark. Huh?
I ain't looking
to embarrass you. Yeah, boy?
You ain't embarrassed, is you?
'Cause i... I ain't embarrassed.
'Cause come on. We both
talked about them things.
'Cause see it... This one?
First she want it, the next time she don't
want it... mark, leave him out of this.
So, tell me how the maths don't work out
all now? Jj, Jj. Come out the kitchen.
Don't go nowhere, 'cause I know it
don't take no a levels to know that.
I ain't fucking stupid.
Like, I can't fucking count.
Hmm? What?
Best you don't say nothing.
Jerome, get upstairs.
Best you don't say shit.
Yeah? 'Cause you see your mum...
You know what? Hear what?
What do you think of your mum?
What do you...
What do think she is?
I ain't askin'
what we thought she is.
We know what we thought she is, who we
thought she is. I ain't askin' that.
Because that don't count
for shit, yeah?
Twenty years don't count
for nothin'.
Know that now.
Now, what I wanna know is...
Because, you know,
your mum thinks we're stupid.
Thinks we're dumb.
So, what I wanna know is,
what you think about her?
What do you think about her?
I know what I think about her.
I know what I think.
Jerome? Stop, mark.
Hmm? What do you think
about her, boy?
Mark, I ain't gonna
tell you again...
What ain't you gonna tell me again?
Leave him out.
What ain't you gonna tell me?
What else you got
that you ain't gonna tell me?
What ain't you gonna tell me?
Just tell me... Somethin'.
Tell me somethin'.
I beg.
Fuckin' tell me somethin'.
Leave him out of this
madness, mark. Huh?
What? I never
brought him into it.
I never... yeah, you
did, from you done it.
Come and clear the table up.
Clear the table away.
Your mum's done with her dinner.
Leave it, Jj.
Leave it, Jj.
Yeah, it's all right.
It's all right.
I'll do it later.
From we finish our food, Jj.
Clear the table.
Clear the table.
You finished, mum?
Lauryn's gotta go home.
- I'll take her.
- No, you won't.
Jerome, go tell her
to get her things.
Unforgivable. Yeah.
You are.
Tell me what turnin', Lauryn,
from I always miss it.
This one.
Get some sleep, yeah?
I love you bad.
Keys, Jerome!
Jerome, get the keys!
Jerome! Keys, Jj!
Keys, Jj!
Jerome, move!
Oh, fuck.
Sit with your mum. Sit with your mum.
Sit with her.
I need some help!
I need some help!
Hey! I need some help!
Jax, you're gonna be
all right, all right?
You're gonna be all right, yeah?
She gonna be all right?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, man. She's gonna be all right.
All right?
I done the bathroom.
What they sayin'?
They said anythin' since...
None don't change.
We just have to wait.
- How's the baby?
- Fuck the baby.
This is about Jax.
So, what did you do?
- What you do to her?
- No, Sandra.
Well, last time I see her
she was... no, Sandra.
Know you was thinking it too, dad.
We all wonderin' it.
Last time I see her
she was cool.
She was all right. Not here.
We all wonderin' it though.
Know you're thinkin' it, mum.
Only person who been with her,
between us, is you, mark.
- Jerome, you know?
- Don't.
Jerome, what did...
Don't talk to my boy.
"Your" boy? My nephew.
Jerome... i ain't gonna
tell you again, you know.
Or what? What?
You gonna do me
like you did her?
- I never done her nothin'.
- Sandra.
She do it 'cause she like that?
Don't think so. Because she felt like it?
Don't think so, mark.
This isn't the time. Not the Jax I
know, and I know her longer than you.
Somethin' must have
driven her to it.
Somethin' or someone... and from
it weren't us, that leaves you...
What? I'm just saying... j, go find
somewhere to put some clothes on.
I'm just sayin' what everyone
here is thinkin'...
Everyone who is family
is thinkin'.
Thank you for bringing the clothes,
Sandra, but you can go home now.
You can't tell me where to go. Jj, go
find somewhere to put on these clothes.
Go on. Just find somewhere down there.
What did you do to my sister?
If I say somethin' to
this one, right here...
you know what? What did you do...
"this one"?
It's gonna be somethin' we
both regret... leave it now.
I suggest you find another...
Go on.
Go on. What can you suggest?
Go on!
'Cause I ain't gonna sit here
and slit my wrists, am I?
You ain't able
to do me like that, mark.
You all right?
Nothin' don't happen,
Mummy's just sleepin'.
Close back your eyes.
Is he sleepin'? Yeah.
Come on, Simon! Come on!
Come on, Jj! Come on! Jj!
Come on now! Go on!
Jj, come on!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Get him! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Come on. Jj, come on!
Just fuck off, Lauryn.
I didn't think
they'd say nothin'.
I only told...
Do you know what they
talk about in there?
How she say more to some... one
of them... than she say to me?
How you doin'?
How's home?
This is some bullshit, you know.
It's somethin'.
You know who the baby father is?
I don't know what the fuck's
goin' on, mark.
- You drive?
- Cycle.
It's gonna get wet.
How long to go now?
How long have you...
How long does it say?
You tell me. You got the file.
I'm sure you know.
You're paid to know.
A week since the
last time you asked.
As you say, not long to go.
Or are you not going to talk
about that to me either today?
You don't have to tell me anything.
I know I don't.
You don't have to say anything.
I know that.
You know that, but you do have to be here.
I know that. I'm here.
Which we both know and, yes, you're here.
I'm here. I come.
You do come. Doin' as I'm told.
Doing as you're asked.
Doin' as I'm told.
How are your... Still sore.
Crap grip.
That'll come back.
You'll get some more
of that back.
Not as much as before
but more than you have now.
Some physio.
Have you been doing the
exercises they recommended?
I'll discuss that
with my doctor,
doctor. I'm not a doctor.
You know that.
I don't know
what the fuck you are.
Have you had any more
visions, Jacqueline?
Any further...
The last ones I have logged are
from our initial conversation,
but you were
getting them quite...
Weren't you?
How are you feeling
about the birth?
There is something
to talk about, Jackie.
I can still ask you
to come here.
I will ask you to come here.
Come here and talk
about nothing.
Come here and not talk.
Either way.
Stopped smoking.
That's great.
Really, it is great. I'm... I'm impressed.
That's nothing.
And do you still think you're
giving birth to the second coming?
I think...
I think that I ain't
been getting them...
Dreams no more.
Sleeping good.
No interruptions?
Straight through.
No night terrors? Nah.
Your full eight hours of the good stuff?
That's right.
Not still getting
the nosebleeds then?
We can do this...
Week in, week out, Jackie,
but I am still going to ask...
i know I probably got...
Some mental somethin' going on,
and that I'm probably a bit sick
in the head or somethin'...
And that it's just a temporary thing
and that I ain't unique, doctor.
I been told all that.
Can I go now?
You said...
My name's patch.
My name's fluffy.
Your "woof" is rubbish.
Not as good as my "meow."
Towns and villages
have to be evacuated.
- There are drills for this
occasion every three years.
- Mark?
All residents have to comply
and evacuate the city.
But everyone seems
to understand.
The land is rich and fertile.
You comin' in with me?
No worries.
Love you, yeah?
Sweet dreams.
Bam, bam, Dilla, bam, bam
'ey, what a bam, bam
say what? A bam, bam
This woman
- hey.
- never trouble no one
I'm a lady I'm not a man
Mc is my ambition look.
I come for you
nice up Jamaican
So bam, bam
what a bam, bam
bam, bam, Dilla, bam, bam
bam, bam, Dilla, bam, bam
'ey, a me say what
a bam, bam
You can really cook.
Me born and me grow
in a Princeton 6
I, Nancy, write me
crisis lyrics
When you hear them they sound
like christie's biscuits
Nobody be dancin'!
Bam, bam 'ey, say what?
A bam, bam
Bam, bam, Dilla, bam, bam
bam, bam, Dilla, bam, bam
'ey, say what? A bam, bam
Nice. Say what? A bam, bam
How you been sleepin'?
If you was by me, you'd know.
That an invite?
You don't need no invite, mark.
You know that.
Dad, do you wanna plate?
Do you wanna plate?
But I sleep all right.
Dad, do you want food?
Thanks for asking.
How you sleepin'?
Without you.
- You laugh.
- I ain't laughing.
Dad? Yeah, get me a plate, boy.
And make sure pops don't put
no half-cooked somethin' in it.
Me no do no half-cook nothin'.
I don't know what
you're doin' over there, chef.
You don't need to know! Hmm.
She move. She's quick.
You're lookin' good.
How's the... Yeah.
Yeah? Yeah.
- They all right then?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Is... they healed.
You ain't that, Jax.