Secret of the Sword, The (1985)

Somewhere out there someone needs me
I don't know how or where but b'lieve me.
I walked the universe to find her
For better or for worse beside her.
For the Honor of Love
By the Power Above.
I have the Power
I have the Power.
A stranger walked into my world
And when he talked, I really heard.
He spoke of things like love and peace
the joy it brings will never cease.
For the Honor of Love
By the Power Above.
I have the Power
I have the Power.
The truth of love will always guide us
The stranght above will be inside us.
Forever more we'll be together
Our hearts will soar one to the other.
For the Honor of Love
By the Power Above.
We have the Power
We have the Power
So can you
You may have defeated us
But You'll never see this child again.
The Sword
Can it be?
after so long!...
aren't you done yet Adam?
a work of art like me famous spice bread takes time Cringer
I rather like spent my time eating than cooking
- Adam, Adam!
Adam, what's wrong?
shh, the sorceres is speaking to me by telepathy
You must come to Castle Grayskull immediately
it's very important
well, its a gate, where is it go to?
that I cannot say
this door has never opened before
and You want me to pass throught it
and find someone in the world that leads to?
I would go myself
but as You know, I have no powers outside this castle
but You cant tell me who this person is, eh?
hold out your hands
well, except for these jewel
this sword
looks exactly like mine's!
and like your's
it is meant for someone with a very special destiny
but how...
Adam please, ask no questions
until You find these one
I can say nothing
the very fate of the universe may depend on Your success
well, ready for an adventure Cring...?
and adventure? I haven't even had lunch yet!
enter the gate now prince Adam, and good look to You!
well, here we are Cring
nice place uh?
it'd be nicer if there where some food around
I'm starving!
hey, there's a village over there!
let's head for it
the laughing swann inn
sounds like a happy place
- smells like one too!
um, hello?
do You think he's a spy for the Horde, Cawl?
it seems quite unlikely Bow
the only time a Hordeman ever spies|is when he's doing something awful to someone
welcome to the laughing swam stranger
how may we serve You today?
- how about a little chow?
err, You animal... speaks?
well, doesn't everybody?
no, about that food...
make mine fish...and plenty
oh, fish.. fish it is!
boy!.. fish!
thank You!
darling, I'm gonna like eat here Adam
no Bow, let's not be rush|we don't want any trouble
I don't like that song
my harp!
You... You miserable rat!
what did You call me?
teach me music maker a lesson Mark
please... I..I admit respect
Do you know what I'm going to do with You music maker?
You could try apologizing
um, a man of courage
stupidity You mean...
You have a loose tongue citizen
ha, good thing|that move
You are under arrest!
You are not making slaver of anyone today horseman
so, another troublemaker let's get them both
I knew this would happen
do You mind if I join You?
Surrender citizen!
I'm not a citizen|I'm a rebel
my pleasure
now you are going to get it
I say it's time to eh... pull the rug up from under them
my name is Adam
mine's Bow
Good to meet You Adam
I don't mean to be an alarmist bell
but, when the horde finds out about this
they sure send a fore squad after us
you're rightm you better come with us Adam
they'll be after you too
where are we going?
Whispering Woods of course!
from now on my friend|you are part of the Great Rebelion
mighty Hordac, I bring you bad news from the kingdom of Brightmoon
Three of our troopers were humiliated
in the village of Faithmore|by two man who claimed to be rebels
concern Hordac...
what do You mean Shadow Weaver?
my dark magic|that a stranger from another world has come to Etheria
and it brings with him|the seed of a great trouble for the Horde
Where is this stranger?
he was in the kingdom of Brightmoon
but my spells can no longer find him
- Brightmoon!, Hordac|could be the responsable of the defeat of our troopers?
um, you maybe right Cathra
send force captain Adora to me at once
I have a plan which would bring this stranger into the open
and then we will teach him it's not nice to cause trouble for the evil Horde
we should be there at any minute
thank goodness|I'm pumped
halt, in the name of great rebelion!
where do you go?
Spreag You nili, it's us!
oh, Cawl, sorry|i thought you might be horseman
who is that?
that's Spread, he's a twigget
they live in the Whispering Woods
Spreag, run ahead and tell Glimmer|we're bringing in some new recruts
Yes sir!
sorry I scared you Pussy cat
pussy cat?
this is it Adam, the main camp of the Great Rebelion
- it doesn't look so great to me
most perceptive of you friend Cringer
it is in fact a very small rebelion.. at present
come on Adam, I want you to meet our lider.
Glimmer, I'm Back
Bow, where have you been I...oh
Glimmer, this is Adam
please to meet you
Adam help me teach some Horde troopers a lesson and far more
Madam is comming, Madam is comming!
Madam... come on!
over!!.. no... around!
oh, we must work on this landing
I agree!
Madam Rass, are you alright?
oh deary mine, yes,|but there was something important I have to tell you
now what was that again?
the village of Faithmore!|the Horde!
that's it!
the horde is placed inside the village of Faithmore and the
but why?
the array of their troopers were trap by two men they claim to be rebels
tach some horsemen a lesson, ah?
see what you've done?
otherwise, those in the all village to the mine's slaves.
they do it too
well, I can't ask you to sacrifice yourself Adam
but maybe though be happy with just me.
but hold on, there must to be a way to safe|the village without getting in
oh, the horde has a force captain and
oh, I'm affraid we are no match for them now
I have a friend who might be of some help
well, if we really gonna be the great rebelion
I guess we have to start somewhere
and we well do Glimmer!|we are gonna tray that Horde
alright then, let's save Faithmore!
it's a Horde slave transport
they are loading the villagers into it
this is just a waste of time
those rebels will never get inself at
You should destroy the village|at least then we have some fun
She never let us do it
who cares about her|she should leading us
what was that Leech?
nothing force captain!
you four better bourier be on your guard
these rebels seem than most
don't worry about us
we are ready for anything
everyone's ready Bow|time to give a signal
I hope the spell Madam put on this arrow works
ohh, what's that?
for BrightMoon|attack!
my spam beams will pops them me!
oh no!
ja! missed me
hang on Glimmer! I'm comming
let her go sucker face
not until I draining all energy
You will finish now rebel
By the power of Grayskull
I have the power!
well... that takes care of the rebels
You haven't one yet
I suggest you let my friends go
who's that?
another rebel no doubt
but my shuffle rifle will stop him
Cathra, Scorpia!
I'll stop You muscle man
that's not fairy lady like
of course, you're not much of a lady anyway
help me!
the beam is destroying my sense of balance|I can't stand
my balance distorce array has fix him
take these bug face
you take here the force captain big guy
I'll help my friends
that's a deal
stand where you are rebel
stay away from me
the fight is over young lady
why you...?
you are the one i can't find
is that so?
you are mine now stranger
you and this curious sword...
I hope madam spell can find He-man
- yeah, yeah, I hope she remembers he, right?|is very old magic
and Madam is a very old magician
show us where a friend will be
it's working!
oh deary mine, it's Beast Island!
Beast Island!
why would the horde take captors to that terrible place?
I heard rumors that they have a prision there.
if that where He-man is, let's go!
save your strenght stranger|that force field is program to resist even your power
I'm Adora, force captain Adora
and your name?
my name is He-man
that sword you carry intrigues me He-man
it feels as if it would made just for me
i thought it was
and now you don't?
it was to give that force to someone who serves the forces of good
but you... you serve the forces of evil
evil? you are the one who serve evil rebel
I serve the wrath for rule of the Etheria
You can't believe that
have had you seen how the horde trades people?
I spend most of my life training in the Fright Zone
It's been a little time to see the rest of Etheria
Then why don't you do it? Now
or are you afraid of learning the true about the horde
I'm afraid of nothing
then you'll go?
I'll think about it.
there it is! Beast Island
I'll tell Madam to get set for landing
oh, how lovely way to travel, don't you thing Proom?
Beast Island just ahead
You better... oh oh.. we've got trouble
it seems that is someone else's heading for Beast Island
it's comming right out there
we are going to crash, somebody DO something!
so much for them
now for our misterious stranger...
Glimmer!, are you alright?
I've used to much power...weak
we'll rest
I'm afraid we cant
The horde might send men here
that is read this area immediately
pull her on my back! I'll carry her.
Oh thank you Battle-cat
save your strenght, we'll need it to rescue He-man
I'm proud of you child, you have served the Horde well|by capturing these stranger.
He calls himself he man
I'm proud of you too Adora
Thank you might one
May I return to the Fright Zone right now?|there's something I have to do
off course, go
I sense some disturbance in her
I think she should be watched
She is loyal
my training and you spells of control guarantee that
I wonder....
Keep it ... everyone, this isn't called Beast Island for nothing
no need to panic Madam
so far we haven't seen a single...
what was that?
nothing I'd cad have tea with I'm sure
oh, deary mine
those binds won't hold at long
we need one of your spells Madam
hurry binds disapear
hurry monster disapears!, not hurry binds!
may I suggest we will run for our lives?
uff, that was too close!
thanks Battle Cat!
Bow, are you alright?
Why Cawl?, I do believe you were worried about me?
me worried? surely you chest
halt, say your business!
force captain Adora on a secret mission for Hordac
open the gate trooper
well Spirit, now we'll prove to ourselves|that He-man was lying
hello boys
that light!|I can't see!
have a nice
all clear, let's go!
moving on, slaves!
on your fit now
water, please!
I must have water!
You want water, do you?
I'll give you water
help me!
enjoying your water old man?
well, looks like that there's only one way to go...
come on!
let's see how those rebel force have this
look out!
excellent shot Bow
but we're still trapped in here
let's go!
Grizzor to Hordac|Grizzor to Hordac
what's going on?
Lars said the Horde taxes were too high
and the trooper over heard him
now they're going to destroy his home
not another door
I feel like we've open every door in this whole place
well, let's try on more
He-man has to be here in somewhere
look, is him!
look out!
Welcome to Beast Island, Rebels
You villian, what have you done to them?
they are paralized for a time
But is what I will do to them if you do not tell me|why you have come to Etheria!
Shall I have the rebel toughs taken to the sell mighty one?
yes, an uncomfortable one
as for you He-man...
we will give you some time to consider
what price will your friends pay for your silence
come, Shadow Weaver
bad idea is some resistence
can you get me loose?
certanly, if you give me a moment
let's see
that would do...perhaps this....
or maybe that...oh no...I think...
oh yes! this, this, this, this
you've done it!
now to find our friends
I have enough of this place
I find it rather unpleasant myself
some rescue!, all we did was capture outselves
time to go folks
the alarm! let's move
He-man and the rebels... they are free!
what?? recapture them at once!
all troopers at corridor nine
rebels escaping!
which way?
we have to get to a flyer
it's our only way to get out the island
I believe the Horde's landing path is to our right
right it is, oh
there they are!
better clear the way...
let's go!
you know? for the first time
I beginning to enjoy this!
this works like it
He-man, look!
I...don't...believe it
He-man...come on!
take off and wait for me outside
I have one more little job to do
don't be long
Grizzor has failed
this He-man is too powerful
but my magic will deal with him
no, it's better that we return to the Fright Zone for now
we'll have another change, I'm sure
as you wish
what he's trying to do?
I think he's about to cost the Horde...
one present
that's one present the Horde will have to do without
I've never seen anything like that
you're incredible
all of the day is work
now let's get back to the Whispering Woods
There's certain someone I have to find
this He-man... is to dangerous to us
we must find out why he is here
and how we can stop him
where have you been?
I've been seen for myself how we you rule Etheria!
what have you discovered?
You lied to me!, both of you!
the Horde is evil, cruel and just
the people hate us
and with good cause
some on the spell on her has weakened
and I sense that there's something to do|with that sword she holds
then you must strengthen the speel
I don't know why I've never seen this before
but now that I have...
let me help you child...
stay away
surely you will not hurt me Adora
I am not like a mother to you?
You will see things clear after some... sleep
first this He-man arrives
and now Adora turns against me!
well, remember who she really is
but have no fear
when she awakes, she will be under my spell once more
and I will make sure she never breaks it again
as for the sword
I will soon discover it's secrets
and knows of the He-man's as well
but Adam... mission or not mission
it's foolish for you to go to the Fright Zone
You'll be captured
stay with us in the safety of the Wispering Woods
now even the Whispering Woods are not safe of the Horde
I have to get going
Cringer, you stay here, you are too noticeable
that's ok Adam
you are a brave man Adam
I salute you
good fortune speed you on your mission thanks
goodbye everyone
at last is finished!
a thing of beauty
what is that?
ah...this Imp, is the most fiercing weapon in the Horde arsenal
behold... the magnabeam transporter
and what that it do?
see that battle wagon?
it was wrenched during the las battle with the rebelion
it is of no use to me, so...
where did it go?
look on the view screen...
You've sent it to the Valley of the Lost
excactly!, no one has ever returned from the Valley of Lost
and with this Magnabeam I shall at last rip myself
of thouse pest so called themselves
until now they have hidden from me on the Whispering Woods
but those woods shall protect'em no longer
once the Magnabeam is at full power
I will transpor the entire Whispering Woods
to the Valley of the Lost
and all the rebels with it
wonderful, shall we do it now?
not yet, the array must be at full charge
and that will take some time
here in the plunder room
is the energy source for the Magnaray
the ray uses the energy of will power
this rebel was caught trying to stop a Horde trooper
from arresting his brother
and I will do it again you evil tiran
the people of Etheria will not bound to rule by force
not now, not ever
as you can see
he has great strenght of will
foolishly misguided
he will do nicely
be aware Hordac
one day we shall drive you and your criminal crue
away from this planet
and Etheria will be free again
what is happening to me?
ah, he has less power than I hope
charging the Magnabeam will take a long time
with such weak material
we must catch up more rebels
doesn't look like a easy place to sneak into?
I don't look like much a member of the Horde...
but...maybe I can change that...
By the power of Grayskull
I have the power!
I have to catch up with their friends
before I get inside the Fright Zone
blast!, that was the last person were in the dungeons
we need more power!
guards, take him away and find me another rebel
I must have more prisioners!
the patrol shall be returning|in any moment Hordac
perhaps they've have capture more rebels for you
are they inside yet?
let me check...
yes, there they come now
but I see no prisioners
the incompetent fools
they failed to capture more rebels
and now they have lost one of their own men
no, here it comes now
he must have been
wait, that man is no trooper
it's that rebel warrior again!
well, he shall not escape this time
I'll stop him once and for all
let us not be so hasty
this boy is a source of great power
if we capture him
he will supply the Magnabeam|with all the energy at least
and with the Magnabeam charged...
I'll sent the rebels to a place|where they'll never bother me again
the rebel is inside the Fright Zone now Hordac
alert my personal guard|I will capture him myself
He will not escape me this time
hello Adora
how do you get in here?
you don't need that
please, listen to me for a moment
what do you want?
Adora, do you remember the last time we talked?
I asked you to go to the villagers and see for yourself|what the Horde is really like
yes... I remember...
Did you do it?
did you go out and learn for yourself that the Horde is evil?
so... now you know right?
yes... I know...
I know that you are a lying rebel spy
and that you are under arrest!
good word force captain
this particular rebel
has a habit of causing trouble to me
that's one habit I mean to keep Hordac
I don't think so rebel
force captain Adora|stop the rebel
excellent, force captain
take this rebel to the plunder room
and put him in the magnabeam charger
his energy should be all I need to charge the Magnabeam
to full capacity
the..the charger?
no please, can't
do you have an objection force captain?
no objections my
to the plunder room with the rebel
his power is incredible
I must be careful, not to drain his energy too fast
this could take all night
problems Weaver?
something... strange about these swords
they are not of this world
they have a strange power
that I cannot control
I will have to consult my books
there is no hurry
by morning I will have completely drain the rebel's energy
for my Magnabeam transpoter
let's go now Weaver
tomorrow, the dawning of a new day|shall carry the final end of the rebelion's
Something...strange is happening...
I don't know what it is...
but I'm going to find out!
well, everything seems to be in order here
strong's rebel grows weaker...
soon he will be just another slave
but it is for the good of the Horde
it must be done...
yet... why do I feel so unsure?
I don't know why I came down here in anyway
I must been dreaming
there's nothing here for...
Adora the time is come for You for seek your destiny
You must through off the enchantments|that made you slave to the Horde's will
let your heart guide you trhough the path that you know to be right
and let this sword give you the strenght to follow that path
use that strenght to protect the weak
and to help rights to wrongs commited by the Horde
and here is Your first duty
be to this man about to be in slave by the Horde
a rebel warrior?
he is no ordinary rebel, Adora
he is He-man, hero and champion on the side of goodness
but to you Adora, he is also something more
Adora, the Horde stole you from your parents
when you were a tiny baby
so you never knew your mother
and you never knew your father
but you also had a
twin brother
this man, is your brother Adora
and Adora, he needs your help
for the honor of Grayskull, Adora
for the...honor...of Grayskull?
for the honor of Grayskull
no! my brother...
for the honor of Grayskull!
I am She-ra!
oh my brother...
what have they done?
can I do anything?
the guards will be here at any second
who are you?
a friend... who wants to help you
the sword...of power...
my sword
of course... the sword of power!
what is going on here?
for the...power...
hurry He-man this door won't last much longer!
... of Grayskull
there's no need to fight
we must just get out of here
wait, there's something you don't know
ah...the Magnabeam
it is fully charged
I don't know who you are
but your rescue is too late
take these rebels at your leasure
I shall go upstair to activate the Magnabeam
Magnabeam, what's a Magnabeam?
don't ask
we have to stop him
I'll care about that
you go on the rebelians
good luck!
go Spirit!
I am Swiftwind now, dear friend
You guys are going to have do better than that
it's taking too long
Hordac said he was going upstairs
mybe I can take a shorcut
pretty good rebel
but not good enough
I'm activating the Magnabeam
This will take care of Whispering Goods
oh no, Hordac is turning on the Magnabeam
I've got to do something
wait, that big rock just might do it
down, Swiftwind!
No!, my Magnabeam wasted on a rock!
well, I still have enough power for a second shot
hey, what happend? where are we?
I don't know what happend
but my energy is returning
and I know exactly where will I going
back to the rebelion men!
well rebel, you smash my Magnabeam and save your worthless friends
so I did, pretty good ah?
not good enough rebel
I still have you
I going to
and drop you into the Valley of the Lost myself
he is getting away!
poor Hordac
he's had a pretty fast draining day
thanks for the rescue
by the way, you were just in time
well, what the sisters are for anyway?
sister?, what do you mean?
He-man, I think we have a lot to talk about
I don't understand this
you said you're my sister
but... I never had a sister
I know how you feel
I never dreamed I had a brother
but the woman in the sword told me so
I just knew that was true
woman in the sword?, that must been the Sorceres
let me have your sword
can you hear me?
greetings He-man
and to you too She-ra
I see you have completed your task He-man
yes, but there's still so much we don't know
then listen
and I shall tell you all
many years ago twins were born to Randor
King of Eternia
and his Queen, Marlena
those babies were you Adam, and Adora
my parents... my real parents
to have two such fine children
but great joy to the King and Queen
but that joy was soon to turn to sorrow
and the cause of that sorrow
was the force from another dimension
a force known as the Horde
the Horde? on Eternia?
lead by a vicious tiran called Hordac
the Horde attempted to conquer Eternia
but they were not match for your father's brave soldiers
and the magic of Castle Grayskull
so Hordac have to
he knew you were both a destiny for something special
though he did not know exactly what
so he rept into the palace
determined to steal you both away
with his favorite pupil... Skeletor
so Skeletor was originally a member of the Horde
Hordac had just lifted a doll from the cradle
about to take adam too
when Man-at-arms enter the nurse room
Man-at-arms tried to stop him
but Hordac escaped with Adora
to save himself, Skeletor betrayed his teacher
and told us the way to the Horde's secret place
Man-at-arms and I were there hoping to rescue you Adora
but we were too late
You may have defeated us, but You'll never see this child again.
we've searched for you for many years Adora
but we could not find the dimension to which Hordac had escaped
to spear Adam the pain of your lost
I cast a spell that wipe all memory of you in the hold, from the people
only the King and Queen, Man-at-arms and I knew the secret
and now?
now you have gain the Sword of Protection
and become She-ra, as you were always mean to do
the rest, is up to you
you do wanna see our mother and father, don't you?
more than anything
but I can't just leave Etheria
the rebelion needs me
You need not decide right now
when you wish to return, simply contact me again through the Sword
farewell, the child of Eternia
my all life is changed because of this sword
I know
and you should give yourself some time to think things over
but there's something you can do right now
what's that?
give your brother a big hug
don't be a fool, Glimmer!
you are the fool, if you think you can stop me Bow
hey, what's going on here?
Adam, you're back!
and he's capture force captain Adora
good work Adam
with her on our hands we can make a deal with Hordac
sorry to disappoint you, but em...
cut out Cringer
I take it this is a friend of your brother
that's right, Adora is my sister
she was only serving the Horde|because one of Shadow Weaver's evil spell
but I broken it, and for now on I'm with the rebelion
oh, welcome to the right side deary, it could be a big help to us
I do anything I can
perhaps you can stop by convincing Glimmer
how foolish it would be to trying rescue Queen Angela
who's Queen Angela?
Glimmer's mother
she was the ruler of Brightmoon|the last kingdom to fall to the Horde
she disappeared during the battle
but one of our spies just learn that she's a slave
she is my mother!, I can't let her remain slave at the monster hunger
of course you can't, and we will rescue her
but I think you should let right brother?
oh thank you, thank you both
It seems that we have visitors
and how do they suposed|to save you?
dear Angela
it seems deserted
let's take a close look
down Swiftwind!
Hunger's throne room should be right behind that doors
then let's go and say hello
look, that must be queen Angela, come on!
Queen Angela?
we are here to free you
how nice of you!
her magic pack is quite a punch
well, let's show our kind of a punch sis
I have you now
shall we wipe that small of her face?
sounds like fun to me!
beautiful sight
I'll teach you don't to toy with Hunger the harpy
let's cross swords
alright harpy, where is the real Angela?
behind the throne
hold on your majesty, I'll have you free in a minute
thank you mighty warrior
the name's He-man
can you remove this collar from my neck, He-man?
that shouldn't be too hard
it was that collar which prevented me from using my magic
but now that it is gone
she is magnificent!
and now I think we should go
there's a certain young woman named Glimmer|who's very anxious to see you
Glimmer!, my daughter!
just follow us
what a wonderful date is this
I'm happy to
it's beautiful, isn't it?
a mother and daughter together
now, what's on your mind sis?
I was thinking
with queen Angela back, the rebelion would have|a much better change against the Horde
and it might be alright for you to take|a little trip back to Eternia with me
when would you like to live?
what immediately be to soon?
who is it?
a man and a woman on a horseback
here, take a look
hey, I now that woman, that's force captain Adora
Hordak is been looking for her, we better call this him
do you mean that mother and father don't know you are He-man?
no, and you mustn't tell them that you are She-ra,either
ok. Adam, if you say so
when do we reach the gate?
just over that rise, that's where we'll contact|the Sorceres and make our way home
so, Adora rides with the rebels now, don't she?
so much for your "great" spells
that was that cursed sword He-man gave her
if only I could have learned the secret before|that womand showed up and stoled it
I'd to get her too
but right now is Adora I want
Adam, do you think mother and father would like me?
Adora, they'll love you!
now must go
wait for me Adam
there she is
but what she's doing?
it's a tridimensional gate
she's leaving this world I won't let her escape me!
take the controls
welcome back to Eternia, princess
sure, you are the daughter of a King and Queen, remember?
well, it's gonna take me a while to get used to that
how blast!, I must learn to control my rocket form better
where could I be?
Castle Grayskull!
by Horde world!
I'm back on Eternia!
well Adam, we've done as you've asked
now, where is this surprise of yours?
must we wait all day?
alright, you can open your eyes now
who's that?
by the ancients!
it's about ti...
my daughter
oh, my dear sweet daughter
daughter? I don't understand
well, she's Adora : Adam's twin sister
and she's back, after all this time
look at you, how lovely you are
oh mother, I'm so glad Adam brought me here
son, I want you to know that today
you made me the happiest man on all Eternia
the royal family of Eternia is hold once more
and by the ancients I swear that|nothing shall ever separate us again
it's changed since last I was here
could it be that my old pupil is still here?
ah, my old throne room!
my throne room now, old "friend"
Skeletor!, how good to see you again
what brings you to eternia after all this time?
I came after a traitor to the Horde
and it looks like I found one
You've improved since last we saw each other my pupil
more than after deal with you my old teacher
I've done it, I've sent him back to his dimension
I've done...
did you think to defeat your old mentor|so easily Skeletor?
when I through you...
wait, it's stupid for us to fight like this
you left me alone in the hands of our enemies
and you betrayed me to those same enemies
I say we are even
mmm, perhaps you're right
but Eternia is mine to conquer now
I won't let the Horde have it
the Horde has not interest in this world anymore
I'm only here to capture the traitor I told you about
this...traitor? who is it?
it isn't a's a She
it is the baby I took from Randor
Princess Adora
now, for the last time|help me capture Adora and return to the world I came from
and I leave you in peace, otherwise...
your threats don't scare me
but I'll help you if only
I thought you'd see it in my way
you know Skeletor?, your evil almost the match for my own
together we'll make the life miserable for those Eternians fools
I'll be just like the old days!
yes, yes... the old days!
hello suckers
nice work Cobra
my sleep gas will keep them unconsciousness for hours
move aside you plumb
now..for the little magic...
our little trap is set
let's bring it on them
and they Doncan and I let out your mother out of the ship
forgive me your magesty
but I thought that you must like the special desert for the special occasion
it's magnificent chef Alan
but... don't you think it's a bit much for four people?
oh, but this is a very special hyper cake your magesty|as you reveal to see
Greetings "princess"
help!, somebody help!
let's that cat arises the entire palace guard
I've got what I came for
let's get out of here
Triclops, we are ready to go
be my guest Skeletor
quickly, everyone aboard
too late Man-at-arms
but you can tell the King
he'll be hearing from me soon
that villan!, we'll never catch'em now
assemble my soldiers|we'll Snake Mountain
Sir, I know how you feel, but
a small group has a better chance of gettin|back Adora than a whole army
my father is right your magesty
who knows what Skeletor would do to Adora|if he sees all your soldiers comming
listen tot|he king Randor
I have a funny feeling in my
oh He-man, they've taken my little girl from me again
please, get her back
I will queen Marlena, that I promise You
there's a Windride of you and ready to go
then let's move
hey!, wait for me!
it's ready Hordac
are you sure this will send me back to Eteria?
I'm certain of it|of course, if you rather remain here...
never, I hate this place
you two, bring the girl here
well, what are you waiting for?
I'm affraid the plan has been changed old "friend"
I have better use for the princess of Eternia than you
now, get him!
Skeletor, you traitor!
that takes care him
and now princess|I must decide what to do with you
she is fainted
just like a woman
take her to the dungeons fur face
I'll contact Randor and tell him my demands
you're sure a pretty princess
stupid, we have to lock you|upon the dungeon
thanks for the compliments things
you can't do this to me
funny, I thought I just did it
bye now
where are we going?
to the labs, Skeletor want us to run some|tests on this sword the princess was carrying
what's for?
Hordak thinks that there was something special about it
that's was lucky
now to even the odd a little bit
for the honor of Grayskull!
I am She-ra!
Skeletor to king Random|Skeletor to king Random
come in you...royal boob
it's not nice to call people names
who are you woman?
the name's She-ra
and you can stop trying to call the king
I free the princess
what? get her!
may you boys a foward?
alright, one dance and that's it!
now you fellows are using your heads
I'll take care of her myself
ja, missed!
wait for it... bone brain
that's definitely an improvement to your look
she's the one who's hold the sword
I'll stop her
room it's just ahead of us
let's be care
He-man look out!
what happend to them?
I've got a pretty good idea
hello He-man, sorry you missed all the fun
who in the world is that?
Tee-la, Man-at-arms, this is my friend She-ra
nice to meet you
where is princess Adora?
oh, she is safe
right...right, safe
a female He-man
this is the worst day of my life!
return to Etheria?
you can't be serious Adora
please try to understand
I love you all
but Etheria is my world
I can't just leave it|in the hands of the Horde
oh mother, I know how hard|this is for you and father
but now that I know of you
I can come back when my world is free
and how long would that take?
how many more years will we be|without our daughter?
I don't know father?
But if it was Eternia under the of the Horde
could you leave the fight before is over?
I wish you could stay
but I understand
and I very...very proud of you
oh father...
I'm gonna miss you Adam
I'm gonna miss you...a lot
isn't anybody gonna miss me?
remember Adora, whenever you wish to return
just hold up the sword, and call my name
I will
come on Spirit
well...good bye
I guess we better head for Whispering Woods Spirit
can anyone give a prince a lift?
Adam!, how...what...?
I thought I may give you a hand and getting the rebelion
I hope you don't mind
what is it Spirit?
I've never seen so many flyers
something must be happening...something big
We better get to the Whispering Woods fast
I gotcha
by the power of Grayskull
for the honor of Grayskull
I am She-ra!
I have the power!
this looks like double trouble
let's move Cat!
Bow, you lead the attack on the west
I'll take the easy
and what bout us?
oh, thank goodness you are here
we are going to attack castle Brightmoon|and drive out the Horde
sounds good
now we are really ready for the Horde
stand fast, if this is a Horde trick...
no, wait!
what is it?
She-ra, be careful!
it's alright
they don't wanna harm us
thay want to help in the battle against the Horde
I guess we can use all the help we can get
but how do you know that?
I'm not sure...
it is if I could feel what they felt
um, I wish we've hasked the Sorceres|a little more about your powers
may I suggest we start on castle Brighmoon
before anything else happends?
good thinking Cawl!
rebels, are you ready to drive|the Horde out of Brightmoon?
then let's go
today we'll back our world!
horseman, heard me!
as queen of this kingdom
I demand you surrender castle Brighmoon to me!
you've always were a fool Angela
launch Batmechs
what are they?
Batmechs, robot plains
up, Swiftwind
destructor tanks, foward
here's something for us to play with, Cat
steady Swifty...
ready daughter?
ready mother!
let's get them!
batmechs and destructor tanks destroyed
rebels moving toward the castle
blast!, activate stunners!
oh dary mine
those stun cannons are knoking our people unconscious
we must stop them!
leave at to us Madam
come on, boys
we've got to help
down, Swiftwind
I've got the flying horse in my sight
now, to bring it down
look out!
are you alright?
yes, but Swiftwind...
Swiftwind is dying...
I can feel the pain...
if only there were something I could do...
your hands...
look!, they're glowing!
can it be..?
for the honor of Grayskull
let your wounds be healed
thank you, my friend
the pleasure is all mine
there's another ready for some sleep power is gone!
you ruin my stunner, were you?
the spicy bolts away
stunner inoperative
rebels forces have entered the castle
no!, it's not true!
the Horde|can picking like this?
that's where you are mistaken jar head
it's all over Hordac
Brightmoon is free
and soon, we'll free the other kingdoms as well
one battle doesn't win a war...She-ra...
Hordac, wait for me
they'll be back
and I'll be waiting
is a great day for Etherya my daughter
listen to them here
it's good to hear them so happy
what about you?
aren't you happy?
and no...
you are not returning to Eternia with me, are you?
I can't...
Hordac was right
one battle doesn't win a war
and it's a war Etheria is fighting
I'm needed here He-man
at least for now
tell mother and father I love them
I will
ready to go home Battle-Cat?
sure He-man!
say goodbye to all my friends here, would you?
and if you ever need my help...
I'll call
and if you ever...
I'll know just who to ask for
up, Swiftwind!
farewell She-ra, Princess of Power
farewell He-man!
dear brother
Somewhere out there someone needs me
I don't know how or where but b'lieve me.
I walked the universe to find her
For better or for worse beside her.
For the Honor of Love
By the Power Above.
I have the Power
I have the Power.
A stranger walked into my world
And when he talked, I really heard.
He spoke of things like love and peace