Secret People (1952)

- Always
something, always something.
Come in, who there?
- It's me, Penny.
I'm sorry, Mr. Anselmo,
there's someone to see you.
- Well, let them wait.
- It's urgent!
- Ah, always something, always.
- My dear Anselmo.
I write to you in great haste
and with some diffidence.
I could not post this letter to you
as all my mail is being censored.
The two bearers of this
letter are my daughters,
Maria, whom you will remember as a baby,
and my little Eleanora,
whom you have not seen.
You are the only one I can
trust to take care of them,
as I have been warned
that I shall be arrested
by the new government any day.
An English poet said, "we
must love one another or die,"
and in our hearts, we
know this to be true.
But the new government
is blackening our country
with a cloud of hate of fear.
Pray God I may see you
all again when that cloud
has been lifted from our land.
Forgive me for giving you this
burden without your knowledge
or consent, there is
nothing else for me to do.
Until we meet again, your
old friend, Pietro Brentano.
- "The two bearers."
The two bearers?
The two bearers!
Bearer, the bearer.
Where are you?
- Corning, Mr. Anselmo.
- Maria?
- Mm-hm.
- Eleanora?
- Yes.
Are you our father's friend, Anselmo?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- Hot, huh?
- A little, yes.
- Good afternoon.
- Nora!
- Nora!
Oh, my darling.
- I'll take her.
I'll take her.
Daly, Daly!
For Heaven's sake, come quick, Daly!
Come on!
- We have been
travelling a long time.
We didn't have so much money to buy food.
- She'll be alright in a day or two.
I'll give you both a sedative.
And then a good tonic and plenty of milk.
You need building up.
- Maria?
- Hm?
- Your boyfriend?
- Oh, yes, it's, it's Louis.
- But, but if you have Louis,
why did your father travel you alone?
Why doesn't Louis come with you?
- Oh, no, Father needs him.
- Oh, he's working with father, eh?
- Yes.
My father is too well-known.
He knew the police would get him,
so he sent Louis into
hiding to carry on the work.
When we left home, Father was waiting.
- There's Pietro for you.
Penny, Penny, are you there?
There's something burning!
- She gone on top above!
- Huh?
- She's on top to do the bed.
- Something burning!
- Oh.
I'll do it.
You go back there, I
can do it, I can cook.
- Cup of tea, Mr. Frack?
- Oh, why not?
You didn't tell me you had
a new waitress, Anselmo?
- Daughter of an old friend of mine.
- Foreign by the sound of her.
- Yeah.
She only come today, you
know, she does not work here.
- Not work here? I want to work.
- You'll have to go to the police first.
- Police, why the police?
- Yeah.
Yes, you must register
as an alien, otherwise,
you don't get labour permit.
Don't worry, nothing to worry about.
They won't eat you, not in this country.
They're our friends, huh?
- As long as you keep out of trouble.
- I want to make money for Nora and me.
- Maria, forget about making money.
First, you must get
permission to stay here.
- Alright, I'll get permission
until Father is free.
- They put her old man in quod?
- Ah, Maria, you think
governments come and go like,
like leaves on trees?
No, you are young and optimist,
but you must face facts.
Your father is not very popular
with the new government.
General Galbern--
- General Galbern?
He don't touch him.
He don't dare.
Too many people love my father,
he works only for peace.
- Goodness me, I forgot
all about my cakes!
- Oh, I--
- Oh, thanks!
- I hope you don't mind.
- Oh, no.
Oh, this come a few days
ago, it's for you.
- For me?
- My poor child.
You and Nora, you stay with me.
I know nobody can be like your
father, but, but I will try.
You cannot go back now, Maria, you can't.
- My father...
He hated violence and destruction and...
He used to say, "This is my sword."
They killed him.
Nora, she mustn't know yet.
- No, she must not, but
how can you, how do you--
- I will manage somehow, but
Louis, what happened to Louis?
- Don't worry, you'll soon
hear from Louis, don't worry.
Now, go upstairs to my room and lie down.
I'll take care of this.
Tomorrow we go and we
get the permission, huh?
- Mm, a girl like you can
get on without a permit.
Without work, for that matter.
- Now, Mr. Frack, if you talk
to her like this once more,
you no longer come to my cafe.
- "I, Maria Brent,
swear by Almighty God,
"that I will be faithful
and bear true allegiance
"to His Majesty, King George the Sixth,
"his heirs and successors
according to law."
- "I, Eleanora Brent,
swear by Almighty God,
"that I will be faithful
and bear true allegiance
"to His Majesty, King George the Sixth,
"his heirs and successors
according to law."
- Don't run away, Nora,
wait for Maria, huh?
Now you're British, huh, happy?
- I'll say, no more labour permits.
Maria, I'll rush round
and tell Mr. Burnett.
- Yes, darling.
- What does he care?
He's only an agent.
- Well, it will be easier to get her jobs.
- He thinks he might get me
some cabaret work in the autumn.
- Cab, but what for?
- Money!
More classes, more cabaret work!
- You don't have to
worry about him anymore.
Come, let's have a drink.
- No, I have my, I have my baking to do.
Here they are.
- Oh!
You've been working overtime!
- Hello, Bob.
- Hello.
- Oh, now, now, one at a time!
- My word, that kitchen's hot.
- Have an iced lemonade, come.
- Let me buy that for her.
- No, no, it's on the house.
- Smashing cook, you are, Miss
Brentano, if I may say so.
- No more Brentano, it's Brent now, Brent.
She's British like me.
- We can take it!
- Well, we've got her for keeps now, eh?
- Oh, isn't that nice?
- Congratulations, Maria!
- I wouldn't know what to do without her.
- Liver sausage!
- Liver sausage, thank you.
- Thick soup twice.
- Alright.
- There's something on your
mind, Maria, why not tell me?
- No, it's just everything's
behind hand today.
- Did that picture of Galbern upset you?
- Another sandwich.
- Yep, yes.
- Thank you.
- Ham sandwich.
- Make it specially for
you, one minute, make it.
- That's soups.
- Thank you.
- You know, I'm very unhappy,
you're working too much.
- I look after myself.
- No, you don't.
You look after Nora, you look after me,
you look after the business,
then you look after Nora again.
No time for yourself.
- Oh, Uncle, you've
done everything for us.
We owe you so much.
- That is not true.
I owe you.
Because you are working
and you are paying back.
Look at the business,
going up every day, huh?
But I feel very, very guilty,
you are working too much.
Now, come on, tell me,
what's on your mind?
Has that picture upset you?
- One spaghetti, meat sauce.
- Huh?
- No, it's...
Well, yes, it set me thinking.
- About your father?
- Yes.
- Got the spaghetti?
- You see, Uncle.
Father, he didn't mean me to
do this all my life, and...
- Yes?
- Uncle, Nora...
Nora will soon be earning her own living.
If I could find someone, I could
train her to take my place,
then, then I could do
what I really want, I,
I could teach, for instance.
Teach languages or work on
a paper or for a writer.
- Maria, you have been happy here?
- Oh, yes, of course, but,
but you see,
my mind is getting lazy,
I'm forgetting my father,
I'm forgetting all he worked for.
You're not offended, are you?
- No, I'm not offended.
I am proud of you, this is
Pietro's daughter speaking.
But you're not going to leave me.
You're not going away are you?
- No, of course not.
I will stay here with Nora.
- Ah, that's good.
You and Nora, you stay with
me and soon you'll find
a nice fella to settle down with, huh?
- Oh, nobody wants to settle down with me.
- Plenty of nice young fellows,
a fine young woman like you,
you ought to have a husband,
your own home, kids, huh?
- Please, Uncle, stop.
- Now, Maria.
For seven years, you've been keeping
your love for a photograph.
But the photograph does not write,
send no flowers, no kisses.
Nothing, there's no fun with a photograph.
You don't know what happened to Louis,
but you know what happened to your father.
Maria, listen, I've been
thinking, take your mind off.
Now, look.
- Yes?
- When we English want a real
holiday, you know what we do?
- What?
- We get the heck out of the country.
How would you like that, huh?
- Well, it would be nice,
but what about the cafe, huh?
- Oh, Penny can manage.
She get someone in, just
for the weekend, huh?
- Oh, really?
Oh, and where should we go then?
- Ha-ha!
- Gentleman from the French
Security Police to see you, sir,
and two other gents with him.
- Oh, thank you, Johnson.
- Hah!
- Now, please sit down, gentlemen.
Well, my dear Queval,
who's the distinguished visitor this time?
- General Galbern presents
his compliments, sir.
His Excellency is passing through Paris,
and wishes to visit the British Pavilion.
- Does he?
A great pleasure.
- His Excellency has 12 minutes
to spare, 10 minutes for
the exhibits and two
minutes for your greeting.
- That's hardly long enough for everything
I'd like to say to His Excellency.
- You will warn your staff.
- They're pretty spry.
They know all the ropes.
- No ropes, no public at all!
It is our rule to close
all buildings to the public
for His Excellency's visits.
- Your rule?
You seem to forget that you are in France.
- My dear fellow, you couldn't
possibly do that, it's
infringing the catering licence
and all that sort of thing.
There'd be the most awful row.
- It is our rule.
- There's no time to get in
touch with the Board of Trade.
I suppose you couldn't drive
the General round a bit
while we sort this out?
- You need not be afraid of
the public in this Pavilion.
I assure you.
- His Excellency is never afraid!
- Of course not, gentlemen.
The less fuss, the less, I
mean, just a private visit.
10 minutes?
A great honour.
- Quite private.
- His Excellency is travelling incognito.
- Is that the man who killed Father?
- How do you do, sir?
Welcome to the British Pavilion.
- Let me go!
- Maria.
- Louis!
- Maria.
- Oh, is it you, Louis?
- Your lovely hands.
My poor Maria.
- I'm a working woman, I've
got Nora to bring up, you know.
- But your eyes will never change, Maria.
- You, too, you didn't
change at all, Louis.
- I wonder
you could recognise me.
Seven years, a lifetime.
- Yes, but what is a lifetime,
if we are still the same?
- Maria, Maria!
- Uncle, Uncle!
Look who I've found.
- Why should they know me?
- The photograph, Louis,
Uncle, it's Louis!
- Photo, look, I'm Anselmo
Porri, uncle by adoption.
- How do you do? And you must be Nora.
I used to buy you ice cream, remember me?
- I remember the ice cream.
Oh, this is lovely!
- Oh, alright.
- This is Rodd Saunders.
He flies stuff over for the exhibition.
- How do you do?
- Nora, Mr. Porri.
- How do you do?
- Mr. Porri, Rodd Saunders.
- He changed our lives, Louis.
- Galbern is a murderer!
- Is this some of your work?
- Window dressing, we call it.
- What does it mean?
- To keep the public on their toes.
It tickles Galbern's vanity,
but that can't be helped.
- Is this your table?
- Yes.
- Ah, let's have something.
- Uncle, you'll explode.
- I'd like to borrow
Maria for a few hours.
- Yes, take her, take her,
but bring her back safe, huh?
Got to go back to London tomorrow.
- Rodd, you show Nora around.
- Yes.
- I want to make a parachute jump.
- Oh, you won't let her, huh?
- What, me?
I never could stand heights.
- That's good.
- I'll take my siesta and we
all meet here for dinner, huh?
Ah, that's perfect, now
I'll have a nice lunch!
- Oh, Louis, what about the Vieux Chapeau?
- What's that, dancing?
- Yes, we'll meet there about 10 o'clock.
- After dinner?
- After dinner.
- Have a nice time.
- Goodbye.
- Take care, Louis.
Mr. Rodd, did you have a friend with you?
- No.
- 'Cause I thought I saw someone with a--
- Oh, no, that chap, he just
had some business with Louis,
that's all, nobody important.
- White roses, like in the old time.
Oh, Louis.
Are you still carrying On
with Father's work, Louis?
- I do what I can.
Officially, for a
living, I'm a journalist.
- Isn't your life dangerous?
- I'm not allowed to take risks.
- But who gives you orders?
- Mm.
I'm a small cog on a big wheel, Maria.
I've trained myself how to
become, I think, an expert.
- And tell me, in all this long time,
did you think of me sometime?
- Always.
- You never wrote me.
- I was afraid to implicate
you, everything is watched.
We haven't been living
in public, you know.
- Do you have to go back?
- Some day.
Don't worry about it now.
Professional touch.
You never saw such a dish of prawns.
I could earn my living as a chef.
- I do earn my living as a chef.
- You cook for a living?
- I never stop.
I cook all the specialties
for Anselmo's Cafe.
- Oh Maria and here am I showing
off to you about my prawns.
- It was wonderful watching
you doing everything wrong,
and so pleased with yourself.
- But the effect.
- Oh, here is your telephone call, listen.
Tell him you're busy
all day long, will you?
- Gregor speaking.
I'm just back from it.
Yes, it came over very well.
Well, he didn't like it.
He's left already?
Yes, tonight at 11, it's all arranged.
I understand, goodbye.
- Bring the salad, please.
Tell me, how long is it
since anyone called you Louis?
- Oh, not since the last
time we mixed a salad.
- Yes, I remember.
With Marco interfering all the time.
Dear Marco.
What a wonderful charming person he was.
Do you still see him?
- No, I don't.
- I wondered how he would
fit in with your hard life.
- He didn't fit in.
He's dead.
Don't let's talk about that life, Maria.
We've such a short time.
- I'm thinking, I might stay
in Paris a little longer, no?
- I have to leave Paris tomorrow.
That's what the telephone call was about.
- Oh.
Well, maybe sometime
you can come to London.
- I don't know.
Let's enjoy today.
We must have a wonderful day.
- Yes, we must.
- I've forgotten how to dance.
- I don't want another partner.
- Let's ask for a tango.
- A tango?
Of course, do you remember
our tangos, Louis?
- I remember.
- Now Louis is happy.
Hey, are you forgetting about me?
- I'm sorry, Maria, come,
I'll get you a drink.
- Oh, let's dance first.
- Will you forgive me, Maria?
I have to go out for 10, 15 minutes.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, I shan't be long.
- May I?
- Yes, thank you.
- Hello.
- He went by some minutes
ago, what is keeping him?
- Oh, Steenie doesn't waste time.
- General Galbern's compliments.
- They may find the body.
- What would you have done?
He was noisy drunk, he might've blabbed.
- That's enough, we've got what we needed.
- But he was our only
contact with the Embassy.
- Yes, I'm sorry.
You'll have to find somebody else.
Someone more reliable.
You'd better have this cash back.
You'll leave for London
tomorrow morning, via Newhaven.
- What'll I do when I get there?
- You'll be met at Victoria.
Will you warn the London Committee?
- Of course.
- So long, Steenie.
Don't talk in your sleep and
keep your hands in your pockets
till I tell you to use them.
Well, if this is true,
Galbern will be in London three days.
And no public functions, but,
there's a private party
on the third evening.
That's our chance.
Evening dress, dinner, and cabaret.
- But that will be very exclusive.
- Ah, we'll get in somehow, we must.
- You will have to get
out of France first.
- That's a simple matter, now.
- Maria, Maria, are you alright?
- Yes, I'm alright.
- Madame, let's dance, huh?
- So glad you're back, champagne?
- Oh, thank you.
- Will you please do me a favour?
Go to this table there and
take a photograph, huh?
But from the other side, so my
friend and I are also in it.
- Something wrong, Louis?
- No, not really.
Well, look at our Nora, she is good.
- Yes, she's wonderful.
They're right to say that she
would be very good in cabaret.
- Cabaret?
- Mm-hm.
- Is she a professional?
- Yes, of course.
It's her whole life, she's
always talking about her dancing,
her agent, her classes.
- She has an agent?
- Yes, it's a man called Sid
Burnett, he's very go-ahead.
- Smile, if you please.
- What's wrong, are you ill or something?
- No, I...
I couldn't sleep.
- We'd better get going.
Nora's going
to get a bit of a shock
when she sees us tonight.
- Listen, Rodd.
I don't want you to see Nora.
Or Anselmo.
Or Maria.
- Not see her?
But you nearly handed Nora
to me on a plate last night!
- Those are orders.
- And this is Louis.
- Oh, he's shy!
Has he changed much?
- Well, it's seven years, but
that's the only difference.
- Penny, it's for you.
- Oh, thank you!
Oh, it's lovely.
Oh, I'll go.
Oh, thanks for the presents.
- Oh, Uncle, it was a wonderful weekend.
You liked Louis, didn't you?
- What? Yes, yes.
Why not?
Young Rodd, he was a nice fellow.
- Oh, yes, of course, all
Louis' friends are nice.
- Well, the other one wasn't nice.
- Which one?
- The one that took the
match from our table.
- What has this man to do with Louis?
- I don't know, he was
on the terrace with Rodd.
Then he sneak away, but he was there.
He was also in the dancing place,
making signs with the eyes to Louis.
- Oh, nonsense.
- Yes, yes.
- Maria, look!
- Oh, white roses!
Oh, but this is Louis!
Just a second.
- He didn't waste much time, did he?
- No, he must have flown here.
- I bet old Anselmo's got
a tidy bit tucked away.
Do you know, the other
day, he was telling me...
- Oh, Louis.
Come with me.
- Look what they brought
me, a pirate's cap, Paris.
- Mm, are you
gonna wear that in bed?
- You'll never know.
- Where's the skull and crossbones?
- I'm keeping them for the stew.
- I couldn't wait.
- How long will you stay here?
- A few days.
- For me?
Oh, thank you, Mr. Burnett.
Yes, I can right away,
alright, I'll bring her.
We'll be there in no time.
- Now what's up, what's doing?
- Mr. Burnett rang, an audition.
- Audition? What audition?
- Can't tell you now!
- Huh?
- A solo, something terrific.
- Oh.
- But don't get run over,
take care of yourself, huh?
Best, best of luck!
- Oh, I must tell you this bit.
Now what's the excitement?
- Where's Maria?
- In there.
- Maria?
- Yes?
- Louis!
- Hello.
- Mr. Burnett's rung up, he
thinks he's got a job for me.
A cabaret turn at some terrific party.
I'm to do an audition for
a Mrs. Reginald Kellick,
or some such name.
- Oh, this is wonderful!
- It's all being got
up in a terrific hurry,
and they're having two
singers from Covent Garden,
and Cairoli the Clown
and me, if I'm available.
Oh gosh, it, it--
- It's terrific, Nora.
It's marvellous.
- Maria, Mr. Burnett wants you
to come with me and help me,
so we must go now this minute.
- I'm sorry, Louis.
- Of course you must go.
- Only for an hour.
Please hurry, darling.
- You meet afterwards, huh?
- 21 Smith Street, an hour from now.
- Good luck, Nora.
- I've made it specially.
- Thank you.
A London girl makes good
coffee, what a headline.
- Oh, Mr. Louis.
- Get us a taxi, Penny.
- Taxi, indeed!
You get yourself, m'girl, I'm not Maria.
Oh, alright then, just this once.
- Nora, am I going to be
allowed some of Maria's time?
- When I've done with her.
- Nora, did you get your music?
Oh, it's a miracle.
- Good luck, Nora.
- The taxi's here, best
of luck.
- Goodbye, ducks.
- Goodbye, Penny.
- Set 'em alight.
- This is the rehearsal
room, Mrs. Kellick.
It's not very nice, but--
- Oh, my dear man, I love it.
I was practically born
in a rehearsal room.
Didn't you know I was in
the chorus before I married?
- Oh, really?
- Just imagine, Lady Welbury gives me
three days' notice for
a party on this scale.
You didn't lose much time
in producing your candidate.
- A little bird told me.
Now, if you care to take a seat, Mrs--
- Thank you, I'll have a high one.
- Ah.
- Oh, don't bother, a
little dust won't hurt me.
Who's the other girl?
- Oh, that's her sister, come
to give her moral support.
- Really?
I didn't get much of that when
I first went on the stage.
Well, I hope she can
dance, can't they start?
- Alright, Miss Brent, begin.
- She's enchanting, I
couldn't do it better myself.
- Well, I thought she was
good ever since I found her.
She's, uh, just back from Paris, actually.
- Oh, Paris, is she?
Doris Welbury loves it if she can discover
some little unknown dancer.
- You mean, if you can discover any--
- Oh, I only advise her, Mr. Burnett.
Tell the child to stop.
She can finish the dance at
Lady Welbury's, it's a deal.
- Okay, that'll do.
- Very pretty, thank you, my dear.
I hear you've just
finished a season in Paris.
Well, ring me up at about
nine o'clock tomorrow,
and we'll settle the
details, I must fly now.
I have an appointment with my masseur,
and he's so fierce with me if I'm late,
and after all, I am in
his hands, aren't I?
- I'm very grateful.
- Always glad to oblige
a gentleman of the press.
- And Maria goes too?
- Yeah, yeah, I can fix it.
- You won't mention my name?
- Alright, if that's the way you want it.
Okay, girls, it's in the bag!
- Goodbye, darling.
- I don't have to ask.
- Oh, she got the job.
I'm so thrilled, Louis.
- Very good, now what?
Shall we have a drink to celebrate?
- Oh, no, let's just have
a walk together, huh?
- Yes.
- Oh, it's so nice to have
you here with me, Louis.
Must you really go back
day after tomorrow?
- Looks like it.
- Oh.
Then this is our only evening
together because tomorrow--
- Why, you have something to do tomorrow?
- I have to go with Nora.
Mr. Burnett wants me to
look after her, you know,
there are so many things
to do and the music and--
- Yes, of course.
Don't worry, we have a
few hours tonight anyway.
Then I have someone to see.
- Tell me about yourself,
how are you working now?
- Has Anselmo said
anything to you about me?
- Well, yes, he did.
He's worried.
- I think he knows my
journalism is only a cover.
- Well, we saw a man outside
the British Pavilion and
Anselmo thought you knew him.
- Well, what if I did?
- Well, we
didn't like the look of him.
Anselmo swears he saw
him later in the cafe,
and then in the night club.
- We have to use all
sorts Of people, Maria.
- But there was no-one
like that in Father's time.
- We didn't need them then.
You say you hate Galbern, Maria.
You talk so much about your father's work,
but what do you do?
- Yes, it's true.
But I was so out of touch
with everything, of course,
we talk and argue, but I suppose
it doesn't add up to much.
- No, it doesn't add up at all.
Were you serious when you
said you'd like to help?
- Oh, yes, Louis, I would
like so much to work with you.
There must be something I
can do for you in London.
- Well, perhaps.
- Let me know.
Who lives here?
- A man I know, he's away on a news story.
- Oh, what a strange life you have, Louis.
Never in a home of your own.
How many times I've
worried over you, Louis.
Always afraid you were in danger.
- You wouldn't want me to give it up?
- Oh, no, of course not.
Do you remember the old days?
All of our dreams?
Do you still love me?
- Yes, Maria.
When I'm away from you, I think I,
I forget how much I love you.
- Oh, Louis.
- Yes, I remember.
- Oh, I'm so glad you
got the job.
Now sleep well.
- Uncle.
- Now, I'm in the middle
of a game of dominoes.
- Can you keep a secret?
- Yes, I can.
What is it, huh?
- I went round with Sid
Burnett to sign my contract and
when I thanked him, he said
something, it just slipped out,
and he asked not to tell
anybody, not even Maria.
Do you know what he said?
- Hm.
- "Always glad to oblige
a gentleman of the press."
- Louis, he mean Louis?
- Wasn't it sweet of him?
He must've got into touch with Sid Burnett
the minute he got to town.
- Yes.
- Just to please me and make Maria happy.
- Yes, just to make Maria happy.
- Promise not a word?
- No, no, I promise.
Not a word, goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- 11 o'clock.
Forgive me, Maria, I'd
forgotten everything.
- Oh, I can go home by myself.
- Tomorrow, I come to see
you off in your dress.
- Alright, Oh, Louis, before
we part, Father's pen.
I want you to have it now.
His sword, remember?
- A relic from another world.
Forgive me, Maria, I must
go, will you be alright?
- Of course, darling, goodnight.
- Tomorrow.
- Is that you, Gregor?
- Hello, Rodd.
- Well, come on, the
committee are waiting.
- Okay, I'm ready.
- You've not got cold feet, have you?
- I'm just reminding you.
Here in England, we haven't had
to go as far as this before.
We've always operated within the law,
and within the sanction of public opinion.
- Pretty near the edge.
- In other countries,
our members have had
to behave differently.
In some, they've been
driven underground already.
- By people like Galbern.
- What are you driving at, John?
- He's gone yellow.
- This one action, attacking Galbern,
whether it succeeds or fails--
- It won't fail!
- Alright, then, even if it succeeds,
it'll put public opinion
against us immediately.
We shall lose every scrap of real sympathy
we've built up for ourselves,
we shall have to cut down
our programme for a time, at least.
- Surely it's worth all
that to get rid of Galbern?
There'll be a rising
against his government,
it'll shake other governments.
- I agree, but--
- Plenty of people in
this country will thank us.
- They'll be glad when it's clone,
but they won't thank us for doing it.
- Only because
they're too darn sentimental.
- You're wasting our time.
- John has a perfect right
to state his point of view.
- This has all happened so suddenly.
I just don't want us to be stampeded
into an action we may regret afterwards.
If everyone thinks it's
worth it, well and good.
- The rest of us made up our
minds to that a long time ago.
Now, let's get on with it!
- Agreed?
- Agreed.
- Agreed.
- Agreed.
- Agreed.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting, Gregor.
- Must get agreement first.
- How can we help?
You're the expert.
- I've decided to divide
the responsibility.
A carrier to take in the bomb,
and an agent to place it.
- But why?
- Because it's safer for
the agent, the only evidence
against him is during the time
that he's setting the bomb.
- Hm, Steenie's the agent,
have you found a carrier?
- I'm pretty sure I can
guarantee the carrier, but,
Steenie can't be the agent.
- Why not, it's
what he's here for?
- Steenie was seen with me in Paris,
after he had been a little careless.
- Look here, Gregor.
- It's too much of a risk.
These are my instructions,
to finish the job clean,
with no trouble for the organisation.
- Of course, we shall
have to find someone else.
- We'll have to borrow
a dress for you, Maria.
- Oh, thank you, Miss Nora.
I'm going to wear a dress of
my own, Louis is giving me one.
- Well!
When I was the woman in his
life, he only gave me ice cream.
- Oh, well, of course.
He's not so cold with me, my dear.
Nora, can you imagine?
He's arranging for a private
car to take us there.
- Oh, Maria, how sweet,
fancy thinking of that.
- Let's get to sleep now.
- Oh, I'm much too excited.
- Coming!
- The car is here!
- Yoo-hoo, they're just ready!
Oh, I hope.
The car's here!
- He's early, he'll have to wait!
- Oh.
- Where's Maria?
- Oh, she's nearly ready, just
you sit down for a minute.
- Please tell Maria.
- Alright, aren't you impatient?
Mr. Louis's here!
She looks ever so lovely in your dress.
- That's alright, Penny.
- Something wrong?
- Just a mild sedative.
- Bye bye, Penny.
- Bye, ducks.
Thanks ever so.
They're letting us have them cost-price.
- Good afternoon.
- Oh.
- Oh, Mr. Balan, I shouldn't wonder.
Very glad to meet ya.
- Yes.
- Run along, Gladys.
- Okay.
- Well, you've started
something, Mr. Balan.
I don't think Maria will
ever be the same again.
- Oh, blimey, this place is
like a fire station today.
- Come on, Penny, let's
go and have a nice cuppa.
- Maria.
I've never seen you look so lovely.
- You've never seen me
in such a lovely dress.
Oh, Louis.
If only you could come too.
- Oh, I'll be here when you come back.
- Oh, Louis, how beautiful!
- Wait, Maria, I've something to tell you.
- Yes, but, what is
this, a cigarette case?
Oh, it's very heavy.
- It's light for the job.
- The job?
- Maria.
Galbern will be there tonight.
- Galbern, to the party?
Is it a bomb?
- Yes.
It is.
Maria, we're counting on you.
No-one will suspect you of carrying it in.
That's all we ask you to do.
You'll give it to one of our men.
He'll use a password.
"Curious tracery."
Are you listening?
- Yes, I...
I heard you.
- It's quite safe until
the pin is removed.
Then it takes 60 seconds.
- Maria!
- Why did you have to ask
me at the last minute?
- It's our rule, you might have
talked, even in your sleep.
- Maria, it's time to go!
- But there is no time to think.
- She's nearly ready, Nora.
- Oh, "nearly ready!"
How can you treat me like this?
You of all people, Father
believed in you more than anyone.
- I've never let him down.
This is a fight, Maria.
Galbern killed your
father, he murdered him,
and so many others.
You can't understand
what I've been through
these seven years.
But you must trust me.
- I do want to trust you,
Louis, who else have I?
- Then help us, Maria, believe in me.
We've been waiting years
for a chance like tonight.
- Yes, but, but this is murder.
Father never would have allowed murder.
- There was no fight then.
We were all alive.
Maria, you've got a lot to learn.
You've been so sheltered all this time.
You told me you wanted to help.
- Yes, but, but do you think
it's right to assassinate?
- To free a whole people?
Yes, I do.
"Resistance to tyrants
is obedience to God."
I don't ask you to plant the bomb.
Only to carry it in.
Our man has the responsibility.
He'll make contact with you
by admiring your handbag.
- Who is he?
- It's better for you not to know.
You don't think I could
ask you to do this,
if I didn't know it was right.
- "Curious tracery."
- That's the password.
It is curious, you know.
Quite exquisite.
- How you have changed, Louis.
Why do you talk like this?
- To keep you calm.
You must behave as if you're
accustomed to these things.
- Look out, you two, I'm ready.
Hello, Louis.
- Hello.
- Doesn't she look lovely?
- You both look lovely.
- Don't tell me you needed a sedative.
- Poor old Daly and his sedatives.
Thank you, darling.
- Who, me, what for?
- For getting me my audition.
- How do you know?
- "Always glad to oblige
a gentleman of the press."
- Keep it to yourself.
- Of course I will.
- I don't want Maria to know.
- I won't let you down, Louis.
Not for anything in the world.
- Come on, what're
you all waiting for?
- Here we go.
- It's a wedding, ain't it, mister?
- It's not a wedding, I'm
telling you, go away, will you?
- Ah, here they are, come on.
- Oh, you look beautiful.
Are you alright?
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Best of luck, dear,
take care of yourself.
- Mind your hair on that car
when you get in, that's it.
- Goodbye, dear, good luck!
- Good luck.
- Goodbye!
- Bye!
- Now you know everything.
- Yes.
But why drag me into it,
why not leave me alone?
- You dragged yourself into it.
There are two kinds of
people we don't fear.
Those who know and those who don't know.
Being suspicious, you
put yourself halfway.
That was dangerous.
- Maria.
- Now we shall treat you as one of us.
You know what that means.
- You made Maria break
the law, a criminal.
You, what kind of a man are you, huh?
Hiding behind a woman, making
Maria doing your dirty work?
- Maria took the opportunity.
That's all.
Remember, you must help us to protect her.
- What's the matter?
Aren't you coming, Mr. Anselmo?
- Not for a minute.
- I'll help you clear away.
- Hello.
You're back early.
- Something horrible happened.
There was an explosion.
- An explosion?
- It was terrible!
- It worked.
- You don't think of everything, Louis.
- Tell me.
- We were not supposed
to mix with the guests,
and I was watching from the terrace.
But when Nora was dancing, I
went down for a closer look.
- Good evening.
- Hello, everybody, it's my
privilege to present a new tune.
One by, er...
- What a beautiful bag.
Curious tracery.
- Aren't you ready yet?
- Am I ready yet?
Am I ready yet?
- Alright, alright, take it
easy, forget about it, will ya?
I like you, Paul, I don't
want you to hurt me.
I want you to be a good boy.
- Quick, quick, quick, let me in!
Someone give me a hand,
come on, put it out!
- She was frightfully injured.
- That was a good idea.
- Idea?
- Using first aid, a perfect cover.
Don't worry about Galbern, Maria.
We'll get him.
Steenie will get him.
- Steenie, that man downstairs?
- Yes.
- Oh, no, Louis.
No more of it, no more of it.
- You've had a shock.
- That girl died in my arms, Louis.
She didn't want to die--
- It wasn't your fault.
- Yes, it was, mine and yours.
We murdered her, I've, I've
got her blood on me now, I--
- Maria.
- I don't blame you for
tricking me into this.
Yes, tricking me, that's your job!
But, but I am Pietro Brentano's daughter.
He died rather than have the
Steenies work for him, and,
and I, I've failed him, I've
killed all that he lived for.
- Keep your head, Maria.
- You will send your Steenie
back where he came from.
I don't want have any more murder!
- Maria!
- Take that dress away and burn it!
- What, your lovely dress?
- I'll look after that.
- Well, what's happened to it?
- There's blood on it.
- Well, it'll clean.
- Hello.
Yes, Anselmo Cafe here, who do you want?
Maria Brent, she not up
yet, I'll take a message.
Scotland Yard?
Yes, yes, she has, is she, oh.
She has a...
Oh, yes, yes, I'll, I'll tell her.
She'll be very pleased, thank, thank you.
Good what?
Oh, good morning, yes,
good morning, thank you.
- Uncle.
- Maria.
- Who was that?
- The police, Scotland Yard,
they want you to come down,
to thank you for what
you've done last night.
- What I have done?
- Yes.
They said you were very brave.
There was a man hurt,
a detective, and you,
you helped to save him.
They are very nice, you will see.
- Do me a favour, Uncle.
- Anything.
- Ring up Louis, I, I must see him.
- Louis?
Do you think Louis can help?
No more confidence in me, huh?
- Uncle.
Take care of Nora, will you?
Get her off to her class, she...
She's best out of the way.
- The committee only want to talk to you
before you go to Scotland Yard,
you needn't be frightened.
- I'm not frightened.
- But remember, they don't know you.
Don't give a wrong impression.
- Upstairs?
- Yes.
- What do you mean by "wrong impression?"
- That you're ratting.
- Here?
- Go in.
- Aren't you coming?
- I'll be there.
- Miss Brent?
- Yes.
- Will you come in?
Will you sit over there?
- Miss Brent.
I'm sorry, it'll be better for you
not to know us by sight just at present.
We want to welcome you.
You acted very efficiently last evening.
- Doesn't it matter who is killed?
- No one can blame
you for what happened.
- The whole plan.
When I saw that girl dying,
I knew how wicked it was.
- Do you mean unlawful?
- Yes.
- I must point out
that people like Galbern are
outside the law, they acknowledge
no limits on their powers.
General Galbern is an outlaw.
- General Galbern is evil,
but that little waitress--
- That was an accident.
- Oh, I should have known
other people might be killed.
- We all of us have to take risks
for the sake of the cause.
- Risk our lives, not innocent lives.
- Innocent people, women and children,
are being killed every
day all over the world.
- By governments,
by dictatorships,
by men like Galbern who
serve the dictators.
- Miss Brent, I
think I know how you feel.
We've all of us had feelings
like that, but in our service,
we agree to take a very
special risk, don't we?
We agree to devote even
more than our lives.
Our conscience as well.
- It's not a question
of our personal feelings,
Miss Brent, they must be set aside.
- But what have we to go
on but our own feelings?
- Let's get to
the point, Miss Brent.
I believe you uttered a certain threat.
- A threat, I?
- I have to report,
Maria, it's my duty.
- You said, "I
won't have any more murder."
- Yes.
- That's sheer sentimentality.
- You must understand
that we can't pass over
a thing like that, Miss Brent.
It would make the whole of
our operations impossible.
We must have discipline.
- I am nothing to do with you all.
- You undertook the
work of your own free will.
You can't back out of
your responsibilities.
- Gregor tells
us that a certain Marco
was a friend of yours.
- Marco, yes.
- We're going
to tell you the truth
about him now, Maria.
- As a warning.
- As a lesson.
- Do you know how he died?
- No, I don't.
- We killed him.
- You killed him?
- We knew he
was fond of good living.
He found our life difficult.
Then he went just too far.
He didn't get drunk, he
just loosened his tongue.
The police arrested one of us.
We didn't know who had
given him away, but,
there was a big job
coming up, several of us
were going to be working
together in the same place.
We couldn't take the risk
of leaving Marco free.
- Just a moment, Miss Brent.
Just a photograph for our records.
You may go now, Miss Brent.
- You'll get over it in time.
But when you go to Scotland
Yard, watch your tongue.
- Shall I have to go?
- They'd pull you in if you didn't.
Be careful, that's all.
I'm vouching for you to
the organisation, but,
you've not made it easy for me.
If the police show any sign
of acting on information,
I can't answer for your safety.
You understand that, don't you?
- Do you think she'll give us away?
- No.
- Come away, Gregor.
- Rodd is standing by, he'll fly you out.
- I'm staying with you.
- It's risky.
- But, Gregor, you were
ordered not to take risks.
You've gotta keep out of trouble.
- That's my job.
- Come in.
- Miss Brent, sir.
- Glad to see you, Miss Brent.
My name's Eliot, this is Miss Jackson.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Come and sit down.
We wanted to thank you for what you did
last night at Sandy House.
- Your first
aid saved a man's life.
One of our men.
- I'm glad.
- Your name was formerly Brentano, hm?
- Yes.
- You'd like a cup of tea, wouldn't you?
- Thank you.
- This is Sergeant Newcome.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- You saw the explosion quite plainly?
- Yes, I did.
- Help yourself to milk and sugar.
- You didn't
notice anything suspicious?
- No, I...
- We picked this
up, miss, it looks like
part of a vanity case.
- It was a
cigarette case, it was mine!
- You mean your case was
destroyed by the explosion?
- I want to explain.
- You think you
can tell us something
about the people who did it?
- Yes, I was one of them.
We went to kill General Galbern.
- Do you realise what
you are saying, Miss Brent?
- Yes, I do.
- Of course, Miss Brent, you
understand we have people
coming in here and confessing
to all sorts of crimes.
- You say you went to kill Galbern, why?
- He killed my father.
- Pietro Brentano?
- Yes.
You couldn't have placed the
bomb, you were nowhere near.
- No, I, I carried it in,
someone else placed it.
- Who?
- I don't know.
There was a password, a...
- Do you want to make a
statement, Miss Brent?
- If your evidence can help
us, you might earn a pardon.
Though I suppose you realise that.
- Oh, I, I didn't come
here to sell my friends.
- Will you identify them to us?
- Identify them?
- You believe they're planning
another attempt on Galbern?
- No, I don't know!
I told them I won't have any more murder.
- Now, just you drink this.
- Well, I'm sorry, Miss Brent,
but I'm afraid we shall want
a little more than that.
- Don't you believe me?
- You just come in here
and answer a few questions.
Do you know each other?
- No.
Who is she anyway?
- Thank you, Miss Brent.
- He's just a child.
They'll use a child, I had
no idea he was in it, too.
- It's a very big organisation
spread all over the world.
They use all sorts of people.
- Oh, my god.
- Have you been in it long?
- I had nothing to do
with it till yesterday.
- Come in.
Now, Miss Brent, we'll take care of you.
You'll have our protection from now on.
- No, I don't want any
favours from the police.
- You won't notice it until you need it.
Miss Jackson.
- I hope they're not waiting
for her when she gets back.
- They wouldn't dare do
anything to her in the cafe.
They're much too clever, if
we see her leave with anybody,
we'll pull them in for questioning.
- She's our only link with
them, we mustn't let her
get herself arrested, or
she'll shut up like a clam.
- Don't worry, we'll
handle her with kid gloves.
- It's more than her friends will do.
This is it, pull in at the next corner.
I know this place.
I know the girl that
lives on the first floor.
- Will she play ball?
- Yeah, she's got plenty on her plate.
Just a minute!
Oh, what's it this time?
Scared to come alone?
- We've been wondering if you
would give us a bit of help.
- But I don't know anything
about anything, do I?
- Would you mind if we
used your front window
for a day or two?
- A day or two?
Want me to cook for you?
- Yes, you should be quite
good at cooking things.
- Just a minute, me husband's
just off to business.
- Bert won't give us away.
- Yes, sir?
- Can you give
me something for a headache?
- Certainly, sir, cinema type or hangover?
- A hangover.
- Good morning, Mr. Daly,
bottle of aspirins, please.
- Hangover, too?
- Oh, no such luck.
I had a rotten night,
though, so did Maria.
I gave her the last of mine this morning.
Oh, there she is now,
ninepence, thank you.
- Chatty little woman,
that'll be fourpence, sir.
- Oh, thank you.
- Perhaps that's why she
never quite got married.
- Hello.
Oh, hello, is that you, Louis?
- Hello.
- Oh, I--
- Come inside.
- Yes.
- How did it go?
- They've caught Rodd.
I've seen him.
- So that's where he is.
What else?
- I didn't tell them about anyone of you.
Except myself, they showed me
a piece of the cigarette case.
You must leave, Louis.
- Rodd was going to
fly us out, you and me.
It won't be so easy now.
- I'm not coming, Louis.
- What?
- No, I, I identified the
case, I told them I carried it.
- Are you mad?
- Mad?
- You're coming with us, Maria.
- No, I'm not.
- Old rags and lumber!
Old rags and lumber!
- What's he doing?
- Gone up to see Mr. Louis, I suppose.
- Is Louis upstairs?
- He went up to wait for Maria.
- Anything?
- Not so far.
He she got any news?
- I think they're on to us.
- Bill's got the car down
the street, is she coming?
- We'll be down.
- Anything to eat?
- A doughnut, please.
- Help yourself, will you?
- Morning, all.
- Good morning.
- How did Nora's little act go last night?
- Oh, I think they liked it.
- "Explosion at garden
party, waitress killed."
That wasn't the party they
went to, by any chance?
- Why ask me,
huh? You know I'm busy.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Coffee, sir?
- What about that tuppence, Mr. Frack?
- I have some coppers somewhere.
- You're lucky, they're never
around when we need them.
- Speaking of coppers.
- Thank you.
- Excuse me, what's upstairs, a clubroom?
- No, no, it's all private.
Always something, always something.
- There's a bloke downstairs
looks like a plain clothes man,
and some funny blokes in the street, too.
I shouldn't wonder if
they're all round us.
- As I passed I thought I saw
a police car round the corner.
- Go and have a look down the alley.
The best place is the back bedroom.
- Okay.
- Come, Maria.
- No, it's no use.
- I've got a job to finish,
you're coming with me.
- No.
- You wouldn't want anything
to happen to Nora, would you?
- Nora.
- Take it.
Make straight across
the cafe into the alley.
If people look, just behave naturally.
- What about the others?
- My orders are to save
myself, and I obey orders.
- Police are everywhere.
- Go on, hurry up.
Bring Maria!
- Stay where you are.
- Maria!
- Go back, it's a bomb!
- Maria.
- Who is Lena Collins?
- That's your name now.
- Well, I hear you're
really getting better now.
Look what I've brought you.
- Chrysanthemums.
Thank you.
But is it--
- It's October now, you've
been ill a long time.
- Have you been to see me before?
- Yes, lots of times.
- Oh.
Tell me, why they keep
calling me Lena Collins?
- I've explained it to you.
You always forget again.
- Nora is alright, really, huh?
- Yes, she's
fine, she's doing very well.
- Yes, the nurse just
tells me not to worry.
And my uncle?
- He wasn't injured, only a few scratches.
The cafe was a mess, but
they're rebuilding it now.
How much do you remember?
- I remember...
I remember that there
was a horrible explosion.
- "I saw four men go down into the cellar.
"First, Louis Balan.
"Next, Bill, the car driver.
"Then a man from the police
went down, Steenie followed.
"No-one else went down
before the bomb exploded."
That's right, isn't it?
- That's all I remember.
- Yes.
Well, if you'd just sign at the bottom.
That should satisfy the coroner.
I wonder if you can identify
any of these things.
They were found in the remains
of a jacket in the cellar.
- This is Louis' cigarette lighter.
This I don't know.
This is my father's
pen, I gave it to Louis.
- You recognise it?
- Oh, yes, you see?
Inspector Eliot, is Louis dead?
- He and Steenie are missing.
- That's what we call
it when we're not sure.
- Would you like to keep the pen?
I'm afraid it's rather battered.
- Oh, thank you, it's all
I have left of my father's.
- Well, I'll go now, we mustn't tyre you.
- Yes, but first, can
I see my sister soon?
- We'll think about that
tomorrow, when you're stronger.
- It won't be long now.
Settle down, rest.
- I wrote to Nora.
It's private, it won't be opened, huh?
- Is that because you
signed yourself Maria?
I've explained this to you before.
We call you Lena Collins
for your own safety.
- But not for always.
- Yes.
- But not for Nora, not for Anselmo?
May I come in?
- I can't make her understand this.
No-one must know that Maria
Brent is alive, no-one.
- But do they believe I'm dead?
- My dear, it had to be so.
You told me yourself you
could never be safe again.
- You see, we had a lot of trouble
with that Galbern business.
It created a very delicate situation.
We can't afford to give the
organisation another chance.
- You see, my
clear, it isn't just you.
It's really an international problem.
We can't afford to let them strike again.
- Well...
I suppose I, I deserve it.
So, what are you going to do with me now?
Are you going to keep me in prison?
- No.
There is an alternative.
- Alternative?
- Yes.
But this must be kept absolutely secret.
You can go free, under your new
identity, we can change your
appearance and give you a
fresh start in another country.
- You're young, you
have a strong character.
You mustn't stay cooped up all your life.
Not a real person like you,
you must become Lena Collins.
- You mean, pretend to be someone else
for the rest of my life?
- More than that.
Be another person.
- Well, but they would recognise me.
- We can take care of that,
you can dye your hair.
- You have a high forehead,
you're wearing a fringe.
We could take away the fringe.
- And that's all?
- No.
We should need to alter the
shape of your face slightly.
- It's done in beauty treatment every day.
- Plastic surgery.
- Oh, no, I couldn't.
- Lena, dear,
you've been very brave.
You've had some surgical
treatment already.
- No, you wouldn't do it against my will.
You wouldn't do it without telling me.
- No, of course not.
You could see Nora again.
- I could see Nora again.
- Not to talk to, but
you could see her dance.
- Look what I've brought you.
Nora's getting on very well.
You see her partner, do you know him?
He looks charming.
- Well, think it
over, you can take your time.
- The cafe's hardly changed.
- Dear Anselmo.
You live in a street for years
and it is nothing, just a street.
And now I've remembered
every single thing.
And Nora in and out to her
classes and all part of London.
- You'll be
seeing her dance tomorrow.
I'm anxious to see her myself.
- Hi, there.
Some service here.
- Well, what is it now?
- What's wrong with me?
- There's no prize in this
theatre for mind-reading, mister.
What'll it be?
- A large Irish, can't
you, before the bell goes?
- The curtain bell has five minutes yet.
If your death bell gives
you that much time,
you'll be luckier than you deserve.
- What's the matter, Lena?
- That, that voice.
- What the devil happened?
- I know, I'm sorry.
I got caught in an awful jam.
- What is it, Lena?
- Oh, nothing.
I've just seen someone I
recognise, just a moment.
They've gone to see Nora.
- Who?
Who's gone to see Nora?
- Those people.
I could never forget their voices.
- But who are they?
- The, the committee.
In the dark room, they
must have got hold of Nora.
- Come along, Lena, come along quickly.
- Soon as you can.
Security are getting
through to Inspector Eliot
on the direct line to London.
- We shall act without him, of course.
- Don't excite yourself, Miss Collins.
Nora Brent's only a messenger,
probably, a go-between,
but she might lead us to some bigger fish.
- She mustn't come to any harm.
Oh, if only I could do something, I--
- Would you ask Eliot to
let Miss Collins help us?
She might identify someone
and give us a signal.
Oh, is that you, Eliot?
You have?
Have they got a line on it?
Early next week, you say.
Yes, I should say so.
Just a minute, Miss Jackson is with me.
You know what?
That new Air Attache that's due next week.
He's the son of General Galbern.
- General Galbern?
- Oh, god!
- Collins, Miss
Collins, we're talking to you.
- I'm sorry.
Nora is dancing.
I'm ready.
- Now, you
remember what we told you?
- As soon as you recognise anyone,
drop your handkerchief
and clear out of the way.
If you have to speak, say
as little as possible.
- Yes, I, I understand.
- How's business, Gerry?
- Oh, business, is it, miss?
If you'd only go round the
front and see them streaming in.
It's worse than the Galway races.
- Oh, that's wonderful, I'm
sorry, I must go, goodbye.
- Hey, Nora.
My Guinness, it's on you tonight.
- Not tonight, Fedor, I'm
sorry, I'm meeting somebody.
- You know what Anselmo said.
- Strictly business.
- You haven't much time.
- Only 45 minutes, miss.
- Shan't be long, Gerry.
Buy you a Guinness tomorrow, huh?
- Okay, Nora, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- They're heading for that clump of trees.
You'll have to signal us with your torch.
We'll follow close behind you.
Sergeant, Miss Jackson and
I will follow Miss Collins.
Now, when the second car comes,
send it round to the other
side of that patch of ground.
- Beg your pardon, miss.
- I wouldn't let you down, Louis.
Thank you.
Do you want anything?
Are you looking for someone?
- I came to see you, Nora.
- You had the advantage
of me for a moment, Maria.
- Maria?
You're not Maria, Maria's dead.
- No, it's me, Nora.
I've been in hospital, they,
they had to change my face.
- Why didn't we know?
- Police orders.
The oldest trick of all.
- To save my life, Nora.
I thought you were dead too, Louis.
We are both ghosts in the same world.
- The betrayer and the betrayed.
- To save your life, what do you mean?
Louis talks of you as a
saint, you were together.
- Nora, darling, I came here
tonight to see you dance.
I, I wanted to see you
before I go away and--
- You're lying, you're
working for the police.
Nothing else could bring you here.
- Louis!
You loved each other.
You didn't give him away to the police!
- Don't expect the truth
from her, come, Nora.
- Nora, listen to me.
Nora, they don't think I'm a saint.
They lied to you to
make you work for them.
They lied to me, too.
They don't fight with clean
hands, they just kill.
And they don't mind who they kill.
Nora there is nothing but horror
for you with Louis' people.
Please don't throw yourself away.
- Just talk, Maria.
Nora's grown up, she's her own mistress.
- You never loved anyone, Louis.
- I trust Nora.
- Gregor!
- You mean you use her,
you only use people
because they let themselves
be used by men like you.
- So much the better if
they're useful fighters.
- Your fight's gone rotten, Louis.
You're no better than Steenie now.
Nora, you must believe me.
- Get going, Gregor.
- Nora...
- Come on!
- Nora.
- Nora!
- I'm not with you, Louis.
The blood!
It won't stop!
- "We must love
one another or die,"
and in our hearts, we
know this to be true.