Secretariat (2010)

[Woman] More than
three thousand years ago,
a man named Job complained to God
about all his troubles.
And the Bible tells us
that God answered.
"Do you give the horse his strength?
Or clothe his neck with a flowing mane?
Do you make him leap like a locust,
striking terror with his proud snorting?
He paws fiercely,
rejoicing in his strength
and charges into the fray.
He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing.
He does not shy away from the sword.
The quiver rattles against his side,
along with the flashing spear and lance.
In frenzied excitement
he eats up the ground.
He cannot stand still
when the trumpet sounds."
[Birds chirping]
[Woman] Kate, Sarah,
you have to leave in ten minutes.
[Man] Penny, I have three shirts
to pick up at the cleaners,
and two more to go in the hamper,
if you wouldn't mind.
- I'll pick those up.
- Also go by the wine shop,
pick up some Riesling? I have a client
coming in. That's all he drinks.
[Penny] Sarah, orange juice, please.
- No nuclear devices on the table.
- [Boy] Come on, Dad.
[Girl] Daddy, I need
to pick up a gown.
Another gown?
When you earn your own money,
you can buy gowns for every party.
[Penny] I'm sure we can find something
reasonable. We can go look this weekend.
- Not Gewurztraminer, only Riesling.
- Mom, can we have pancakes?
- Working on it.
- [Girl] Che Guevara or Ho Chi Minh?
- What are you doing?
- Getting ready for a Christmas pageant.
- A Christmas pageant? When?
- Spring.
It's experimental. Has to do
with Christmas and lots of things.
Really? That's great! What's the role?
- The War Protester.
- I was thinking that we could...
- The what?
- The War Protester.
[Telephone ringing]
It's a really good role, Mom.
You'll love it. You, too, Dad.
- Tweedy residence. This is she.
- War protester in a Christmas pageant?
We'll leave this afternoon. Thank you.
[Man] What are you doing? I don't pay
you to dream, I pay you to work.
Now, let's get to it. Come on!
You do that on your own time.
- [Indistinct chatter]
- Thank you.
Oh, Hollis.
Mama's gone.
She's gone. Hi, Jack.
Hollis, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Your mother was always so kind to me.
- Miss Chenery, we're sorry.
- Thank you.
- Penny...
- [Penny sighs]
Penny, darling. Darling.
Girls, you remember Miss Ham?
Granddaddy's secretary?
- Hi, Miss Ham.
- Oh, my, you two have grown.
Thank you so much, Miss Ham.
For everything.
Hollis said you found her.
She had just fallen.
The doctor said she didn't suffer.
- She looked... peaceful.
- Hm.
How is Daddy?
He keeps asking, "Where is she?"
But I'm not sure if he's asking
for your mother or you.
Girls, I'm going to go in
and see your granddaddy now.
I'll bring you in later.
Come on, girls.
Let's get you something to eat.
[Man] Don't let them fool you, darling.
It's not whether they think we won.
It's whether we think we won.
You run your race, Penny.
We'll take 'em.
We just got ourselves
a couple new horses.
[Young Penny]
Are we going to race them?
[Man laughs] No.
They're going to be mommies
and daddies for new horses.
Daddy, it's Penny.
You got married.
But I'm here now.
Because Mama's gone.
Mama's pin?
Yours now.
[Man] The Lord shall preserve
thy going out, and thy coming in.
From this time forth...
...and even forever more.
And so we return to You
your faithful servant, Helen Chenery.
Loving mother, devoted wife...
...who lived each moment
to the fullest,
cherishing the life she had
with her beloved husband, Christopher.
And may the peace
that passeth all understanding
be in your hearts now and forever more.
- Amen.
- [All] Amen.
[Thunder rumbles]
Eddie? Eddie, I just wanted
to thank you so much for coming.
Miss Penny, your mama was a fine woman.
I just feel real bad for Mr. Chenery.
[Penny] He always thought
the world of you.
He said you could hear the horses'
thoughts through your hands.
Yeah, well, your father's a good man,
Miss Penny.
Thank you.
Mrs. Tweedy?
I'm Arthur Hancock.
- Your daddy called me...
- Bull!
Oh, yes, and everyone else did,
too, as I recall.
This is my son, Seth.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- Thank you for coming.
Your mother was a fine woman.
It was a privilege just knowing her.
Thank you.
I know you're going
to be making some changes,
and if you or your family have any
questions, Miss Ham's got my number.
Thank you, Bull.
Your daddy's eyes would always light up
when he talked about you.
How smart you are.
How much you loved the horses.
[Thunder rumbles]
[Hollis] Doctor says there
may be some brief moments
when he is aware ofthings,
but we shouldn't expect much.
Practical thing would be
to put him in a nursing home.
This is home to him.
And he knows he's here.
I think as long as he does, we should
hire nurses and let him stay at home.
[Laughs] The farm has to go.
And it won't bring much.
It's been losing money
hand over fist for years now.
We have to face facts.
To run a horse breeding operation,
you need a certain touch.
I'm a professor, and you're a housewife.
I moved up our flight to first thing
tomorrow. I've got to get back.
Jack, I need a few more days here.
I have to make sure Daddy's all right,
sort through Mother's things.
The kids could all do
with a little responsibility.
It will just be a few days.
We need to file right away
for his power of attorney?
Miss Ham says he tried to sell
four of his best horses last month
for half ofwhat they're worth. Mom had
to step in and stop him, and now...
I suppose someone will have to
clean up for the liquidation.
Hollis, if you need any help
on the tax issues you call me, anytime.
Thanks, Jack.
It will just be for a few days.
- [Horse whinnies]
- [Children laughing]
Sarah makes great pancakes.
- Oh, no!
- They're toxic. We won't survive.
That's right, you won't.
Make sure Hollis has
that power of attorney order.
- The estate's vulnerable.
- I will. I'll stay on him.
Mom, give Granddaddy a hug for us
when he wakes up.
- I will. I love you!
- [Children] Love you!
- [Children] Bye, Mom!
- Be good!
[Kate] We will!
- [Horse neighing]
- Miss Ham. Thank you.
Two sugars and cream?
How did you know?
- It's how your daddy likes it.
- Oh.
You doing all right, honey?
No. But I'll be all right.
These two are both pregnant
by Bold Ruler.
And great colts come from great sires.
Miss Ham?
My mother thought the world of you.
And my father's trust in you was...
is absolute.
I hope you'll stay.
Funny, I was about
to tell you the same thing.
[Man] Al! Who the hell told you
to bring this one out?
The sable, put it back.
Bring out the yearling in 18.
- [Al] Yes, sir, Mister Jansen.
- Who are you?
Penny Tweedy.
- Penny Chenery.
- Oh, you're the daughter.
- Better get back to work.
- Excuse me, Mr. Jansen?
Could I talk with you a moment?
In private?
- About what?
- I wanted to ask you about that sale
of those broodmares that
my mother stopped a few weeks ago.
I know you and your brother aren't
horse people and you suffered a loss,
but you don't need
to worry about this right now.
Apparently, I do
since they're my father's horses,
and the sale would've been bad business.
It's bad business to come to a barn,
interrupt a trainer's work.
- Not if you want to keep him.
- I understand.
- But about that sale?
- What about it?
They were worth twice
what we were going to sell them for.
I couldn't sleep last night,
so I checked the books
and I made some calls this morning
to be sure.
Like you say, I don't own the horses.
Your father has to sell them.
But as trainer,
you would know their worth
and that they were about to be sold.
I'm wondering why it had to be my mother
who stopped the sale and not you.
The old man, your father? Ask him.
I'm asking you! My father's been sick
for quite a long time now.
You've been paid
to look out for his interests.
And I do! Just because this place
is going downhill it ain't my fault.
The sale was going to be
to Oakworth Farms?
I learned this morning that the owners
of Oakworth were already talking
about selling our horses for twice
the price they were going to pay us.
- You train for them, too, don't you?
- I don't have an exclusive deal here.
I work for them sometimes. So what?
So if you arranged a deal
that gave them four horses
at half their market value
and they paid you back, plus an extra
share on everything they made,
that wouldn'tjust be disloyal.
That would be committing fraud.
Who the hell do you think you are?
Coming here, accusing me?
Someone who knows enough law
to know she's right.
And I'm not "missy" anything.
Get your things and get off my farm!
I have a contract, and I'll sue you.
If I ever even hear your name again,
I will see that you go to prison!
- [Car engine starts]
- [Tires squealing on gravel]
Where does Bull Hancock eat lunch?
At his club, every day.
But it's gentlemen only.
[Indistinct chatter]
[Woman] Uh, miss?
Uh... Miss, you can't...
I'm sorry, Mr. Hancock.
I told her this was a gentleman's club,
and she just...
It's all right, Brenda. It's all right.
Thank you, Seth.
I apologize for interrupting.
It's fine. I have friends here,
Miss Chenery.
Thank you.
Well, how's it going?
I fired Earl Jansen.
Do tell.
Does that mean you're selling the horses
or keeping them?
The farm's in bad shape, as is Daddy.
But I'm not willing to sell it
unless I get what it's worth.
Well, horse farm needs
a strong hand on the reins,
but the hand that threw Earl Jansen out
the door looks pretty strong to me.
Well, I've got a family back in Denver.
I need a good trainer
just to get things stabilized.
You need to talk to Lucien Laurin.
He's a French Canadian.
Dresses like SuperFly.
He's trying to retire.
What do you mean, "trying"?
[Faint indistinct chatter]
Mr. Laurin?
Excuse me. I'm Penny Chenery,
Chris Chenery's daughter.
And, um, I need a trainer. Bull Hancock
suggested that I find you...
Yeah, Bull called me, but I tell you,
I'm tired of babysitting half-ton
animals who are nearly as stubborn
and stupid as their owners are.
I've lost interest in racing.
Don't even follow it anymore.
Well, I'm in a bit of a tight spot.
I wonder if you mightjust try it
- for a few months and see how...
- I don't need to try anything,
and trainers don't go anywhere
to work for a few months.
- They go where there is a good horse.
- We have plenty of good horses.
No, you don't. You have one or two
that might be worth the time,
but you're a little short on people over
there who know what they're doing.
Well, that's why I've
come to see you, Mr. Laurin.
Miss, you're not hearing me. A trainer
makes his living off commissions.
Ten percent off sales,
ten percent offwinners.
To get a top trainer,
you need a top horse.
You're going to have to go back to Bull
and see if he has any other ideas.
Mr. Laurin, two of our mares
are pregnant by Bold Ruler
who is the finest stallion
of his generation.
- Fore!
- [Man] Hey!
- Fore!
- [Man] Watch where you're hitting!
Well, I yelled "fore," you idiot.
That's what "fore" means.
You see how I am, Miss Chenery,
when I put myself
in a position to do something poorly?
And I'm afraid at your stable,
I'd be yelling "fore" all day long.
Give my regards to your father.
- [Jack] When are you coming back?
- [Penny] Soon.
I need to talk to you
about this coin toss thing.
- [Jack] Coin toss?
- [Penny] Jack, listen.
Stallions cost more than mares.
No, they're more glamorous.
But Daddy knew that a great horse
comes just as much
from the mare as the stallion.
He invested in mares,
which is the first smart thing he did.
Second smart thing he did
was he made a deal with Ogden Phipps.
[Jack] Phipps? Richest man in America?
[Penny] Yes.
Instead of paying a stud fee,
Daddy made a deal to breed Phipps'
best stallion with our two best mares.
When the mares are close to term, they
toss a coin to see who gets which foal.
That coin toss is in two weeks!
What's the difference? I don't have
any idea which horse to choose.
I've been through the stud books, Jack.
Bold Ruler, that's the sire.
He was fast,
but he couldn't last over distances.
Now the two dams are
Hasty Matilda and Somethingroyal.
Hasty Matilda is eight years old.
She's still young.
Since broodmares tend to produce their
best offspring while they're young,
that makes herfoal the obvious choice,
since Somethingroyal's 17.
But her grandsire was Princequillo.
He had great stamina, Jack.
- Penny? Penny!
- Do you know what that means?
- What?
- [Jack] Sire and dam and Sam-l-Am?
What is this?
Come on. We need you here, Penny.
Come home.
Right after the coin toss.
[Line goes dead]
- You about ready?
- We're ready.
- Excuse me just a minute.
- Mmm-hmm
I'll be making the toss.
Are you waiting on anybody else?
- No, I came alone.
- We toss right on the hour.
- Good luck to you.
- Thank you.
Hi. Good to see you, Mr. Hancock.
How are you?
Hollis. What are you doing here?
I called Jack about our tax issues,
and he told me you fired our trainer.
How do you expect we can
fetch a good price on the farm
ifwe don't have
a training operation in place.
He was dishonest. He had to go.
You came down here because of a trainer?
This coin toss is big.
The foal could be worth a great deal.
I checked with some of Phipps' people.
They think he wants
Hasty Matilda's foal.
So that's who we'll choose.
No, Hollis, I think that's wrong.
Somethingroyal's colt could have an
unusual mix of speed and stamina.
Phipps has the best horse people in
the world. You know more than they do?
Come on.
Please don't take offense, Miss Chenery,
but your father almost never
won our coin tosses.
And I do hope you've inherited his luck.
All right. We're all here now.
Mr. Phipps has the call
as the owner of Bold Ruler.
The winner has the choice of the
offspring of Mr. Chenery's mares.
Hasty Matilda or Somethingroyal.
Are we all in agreement here?
All right. Here we go.
- Call.
- [Ogden] Heads.
Heads it is. I'll go with Hasty Matilda.
Miss Chenery.
Please give my best to your father.
Well, that's that.
But I got what I wanted.
You got what nobody else wanted.
Time to go home.
Can I give you a lift home?
No, thank you,
I have Daddy's truck here.
- All right.
- Bye, Bull.
So, who won the coin toss?
Phipps. He went with Hasty Matilda.
Of course he did.
Call me when
she's ready to drop her foal.
Pigs! Pigs. They're all such pigs!
We've been putting on
this Protest Pageant for a year.
Now the teacher says it's too political
and we can't put it on.
What do you mean you can't?
They have a rule that theater projects
can't be political.
When the teacher saw what we were
doing... Dad, can we, like, sue them?
If you didn't disclose until today, they
couldn't be held liable for a breach.
- What?
- [Telephone rings]
Honey, listen. If this is really
important to you, you won't...
- Tweedy residence.
- [Man] Is Miss Chenery there?
- Can we talk about this some more?
- Yeah. OK. Fine.
Penny. For Miss Chenery.
- This is Penny.
- This is Eddie.
Somethingroyal is about
to drop her foal.
- All right. Thank you.
- Bye, Miss Chenery.
Somethingroyal's foal is on its way.
Kick hard! Come on! Kick, Chris!
Come on. Good job!
Hey, John. How would you like to come
with me and see a horse being born?
- Really?
- Yeah!
- OK.
- [Laughs]
[Horse grunting]
How many times has she done this?
She did it 13 times.
You've done it four.
[Horse groans]
- [Colt whinnies]
- It's a boy. It's a boy.
[Penny sighs]
- Have you ever seen that?
- No. Not me.
- What?
- A colt stand up that fast.
[Speaks French]
[Colt whinnies]
Hey, Daddy. I brought you some company.
This is the Bold Ruler colt, Daddy.
We call him Big Red.
Let him run his race, darling.
[Man over PA] Flight 226 to Denver
is ready for boarding. Gate 33-D.
- [Penny] Almost done.
- [Jack] I know this is hard for you.
How long do you think you can
keep living two lives at once?
The yearlings are looking good,
especially the red one.
We've cut expenses.
We're breaking even.
I thought the point was to sell
the farm, not to break even.
[Penny] When I went off to college,
I felt like that colt.
Full of promise.
Full of adventure, like I could...
...make something work.
I gave up a career
to have our family, and...
...this colt is part of our family now.
I just want to see him run.
So after two years
ofjuggling all this... isn't ending,
it's just... beginning?
- [Lucien] How's he feel, Jimmy?
- Just a big kid having fun out there.
He'll figure it out. Huh, Red?
[Lucien] That's good. That's good.
Now, listen, don't try
to change his natural gait, OK?
Don't force him.
[Penny] Well, Mr. Laurin,
what do you think?
[Laurin] I think he's 1100 pounds
of baby fat.
He eats too much and too often.
The only reason he doesn't eat more
is because he's too busy sleeping.
He only does what he wants to do
exactly when he wants to do it.
He lays against the back
of that starting gate
like he's in a hammock in the Caribbean.
And when he finally does
get out of the gate,
it takes him forever to find his stride.
Any other questions?
I have one. How much
did you spend on that hat?
Right now this horse
is all sleep and eat.
But he's got fire inside him.
Ain't that right, Red?
That horse couldn't beat a fat man
encased in cement
being drugged backwards
by a freight train.
Well, you should know, Mr. Laurin.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Big Red snorts]
You thought that was funny. I did, too.
I wish we could just race him
under his name. Red.
The Jockey Club insists on unique names.
I keep sending them,
they keep rejecting them.
I've tried Something Special,
Royal Line, Deo Volente...
Deo Volente. "God willing."
God may have been willing,
but The Jockey Club wasn't.
Well, there is a race up in Aqueduct
in a couple weeks.
I think we should send him out.
It's time. Not that I'm expecting much.
Let's enter him, then.
Deo Volente.
- [Jack] Well, that was really good!
- [Boys] Can we be excused?
- Please bring in the dessert.
- OK, Mom.
It's good you're home.
Your daughters have something
they want to talk to you about.
Oh? What's that?
Kate and I were thinking of going
to Chile. Just for a couple of months.
Chile? What for?
Teach English and learn Spanish.
It's part of a cultural mission.
A mission to stir up trouble and act
cool, you mean? Chile is socialist now.
- Thank you.
- Go play.
It is not.
And that's not why we're going.
Although if an opportunity to
protest the war did present itself...
See? This is what you're missing.
Your teenage daughters
are growing up to become rebels.
No, more like hippies. Free spirits.
Hippies are running
from paying the price of freedom.
If there's a price,
how is it freedom, Dad?
I'll answer that question
when you become an adult.
[Penny] Would anyone like some pie?
- No, thanks.
- No, thank you.
[Penny] Well...
When do you have to give an answer by?
There's a meeting
for the parents on the fifth.
The day after my Protest Pageant.
Your play? You're doing your play?
Yeah. I present it as a civic arts
summer program, so...
Oh, Kate, after two years,
you're finally going to do it.
Both of you can make it, right?
The new colt runs
his first race on the fourth.
That's in New York.
I will be on the first plane home.
- OK.
- Oh, by the way, Miss Ham called.
Something about a name for the horse.
[Up-tempo band plays music]
[Male announcer] Rounding out
the field in the fourth race
is the son of Bold Ruler: Secretariat.
[Indistinct chatter]
Right up through there, that one's ours.
Let's take off this stupid... Paul.
Where's Paul? Paul!
- Here. Right here.
- Listen.
- Quit sneaking around. Got it? Listen.
- Yes.
Watch out for number six.
He's got the speed.
Also, watch out for number three,
who's going to hold back
with five and eight along with him.
And watch out for number one.
That's the best horse in the field.
Watch out for him.
- All right.
- Where do you want this?
Are there any horses he doesn't
need to be watching out for?
Did I say number four?
We're four.
- What?
- We're four.
Oh, yeah. Right. Well,
definitely watch out for number four.
- Hmm.
- [Announcer continues, indistinct]
[Speaks French]
- Ohh. Jockey's mighty young.
- He is mighty young.
He's good enough. He'll do.
- You don't like my hat? Why?
- [Indistinct chatter]
Do you like my hat?
- Your hat?
- Yeah.
I... Well... It's...
[laughs] I do. I like the hat.
[Laughing] Sorry. I do, I do,
I like the hat. Help me.
- [Mutters]
- Of course I do. I like it very much.
- Oh.
- What's wrong?
I just realized that's
the first time I've laughed,
I've really laughed, in a...
Since I don't remember when.
- [Penny laughs]
- [Bugle plays]
She scares me.
[Male announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the fourth race at Aqueduct,
maiden trip for two-year-olds,
among them, Secretariat by Bold Ruler.
Secretariat leaning
against the back ofthe gate.
- [Starting bell rings]
- And they're off.
[Lucien] It wasn't exactly
what I had in mind.
[Penny] You said he was ready to race.
He was ready to race. He just wasn't
ready to play bumper cars.
Fourth? And he runs like he's afraid?
I expect more than that.
So do I. What were you doing?
- He got hit coming out of the gate.
- We saw he got hit.
You got him mugged at the gate, mugged
in the pack, and mugged on the rail!
- You're off him.
- [Penny] We need to talk about this.
Don't start with me. You are off him!
Go on home. Just go on.
And you stay out of this.
It's none of your business.
- Excuse me? What are you saying?
- The horse should never have lost.
Are you sure that
it was Paul's fault, then?
[Shouts in French]
Say that in English.
No. It was my fault.
He doesn't have enough experience. This
horse needs a jock with more experience.
[Kicks wall]
Well, I know this.
If his jockey won't back off,
Red won't back off. From anything!
You want a jockey who won't back off,
then you want Ronnie Turcotte.
I want to meet with him.
When I'm back in two weeks.
One more thing. I'm new to this, and
you know a lot more about it than I do.
But don't ever say
this is none of my business.
Every bit of this is my business!
Do you understand?
Yes, ma'am.
I called to check on your flight.
- They cancelled it due to weather.
- Oh, no.
- I'm sorry.
- No. Kate's play.
- [Kate] Silent night
- [actors chant] War, war, war, war...
Holy night
- [telephone rings]
- All is calm
- Mom?
- Honey. Is she on, almost?
[Chris] Yeah, she's just starting.
Let me hear.
- Mother and child
- [chanting]... war, war, war...
Holy infant so
- Tender and mild
- [laughs]
- Can you hear?
- Yeah, I hear!
Dad says it's Commie crap.
It's art, honey.
It's art.
- Sleep in heavenly peace
- War, war, war, war...
Silent night
Holy night
- [sobbing]
- Shepherds quake
At the sight
[indistinct chatter]
Thank you.
- [Tires screech]
- [Horns honk]
[Man shouting] You got a problem?
- Hey!
- [Male driver] Get out of the street!
I'm trying to get across the street.
[Male driver] Move out of the way!
Use crutches on the sidewalk!
- [Horn blares]
- Idiot!
- Miss Chenery?
- Mr. Turcotte. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Well, Lucien and I were so hoping that
you'd be able to ride in our next race.
I'll be ready. Why wouldn't I be?
[Chuckles] I spoke with
some of the owners you ride for.
They say you're one of the best.
You got a great touch.
You're great with young horses.
They also say
that you can be over-aggressive.
Use bad judgment. Put a horse into
too much traffic where he can't run.
Then why did you come to me?
I hear you have the heart of a champion.
I know my horse does.
[Clears throat]
I read here that the last horse
you were on ran so hard his heart burst?
[Speaks French]
- I'm sorry?
- Lucien told the truth.
- What did Lucien say?
- That you're hard as nails.
Miss Chenery, I risk my life
every time I climb on a horse.
I'm not afraid. Neither are they.
I want to win, just like they do.
It's true. The last horse I rode
ran so hard his heart burst.
But it's who they are.
And it's who I am.
You want somebody else,
get somebody else.
I don't want somebody else.
I want you.
[Fanfare plays]
- [Announcer speaking indistinctly]
- [Indistinct chatter]
- Here you go.
- [Miss Ham] Thank you.
So which of you ladies owns Secretary?
His name is Secretariat.
And he's going to make
your horse take dictation.
- [Laughter]
- You don't know which horses we own.
Doesn't matter. Mine's the big red one.
And he's going to beat them all.
Big red one.
- I see him.
- Yup.
[Male announcer] It's a
beautiful day at Saratoga Park.
- [Man] Close them up!
- We're ready for our six-furlong,
single-turn sprint for two-year-olds.
Conditions are perfect.
The track is rated very fast.
- [Starting bell]
- And they're off!
The field is spreading out.
Russ Miron out quickly.
Come on, Ronnie, make your move!
He's got nowhere to move. I thought
you said Turcotte was aggressive.
[Ronnie] OK, Red. Let's go get them!
Secretariat making a bold move.
Secretariat surging, knocking Blackthorn
and Fat Frank aside with brute force.
[Ronnie] That's it, Red. We got them.
He's overtaking the field,
passing Joe lz, Tropic Action,
now approaching Blackthorn.
A spectacular event. Secretariat
is catching up to Russ Miron.
- Fore!
- Russ Miron on the inside.
Secretariat on the outside,
now getting the lead by a head.
Secretariat pulling away!
It's Secretariat.
Secretariat and Russ Miron.
Secretariat taking the lead
as they come to the wire.
It's Secretariat with an impressive
victory by two lengths.
Thank you.
[Reporters clamoring]
- Looks like you finished last.
- I was there long enough.
Is itjust me, or is that horse posing?
You and I both know that horse...
Owner hates the attention,
but the horse loves it.
[Soul music plays]
[Crowd roars]
[Male announcer] Secretariat wins
by three lengths!
[Male announcer 2]
Secretariat by five lengths!
[Male announcer 3] Secretariat by eight!
[Male announcer 4] Secretariat wins!
- [Male announcer 5] Secretariat!
- [Male announcer 6] Secretariat!
[Male announcer 7] Secretariat!
Seven wins in four months.
There's talk he could be
Horse of the Year.
But most of the sons of Bold Ruler
couldn't handle the distances
And they've all failed
as Triple Crown contenders.
So what can you tell us
about Secretariat?
He loves to run. Loves it.
Likes to come from behind.
Nerve-racking for me,
but his fans love it.
And he's a ham.
He likes to show off, doesn't he?
You really think he knows
what he's doing?
Don't look at me. Beyer's the one
that said you can't run long distances.
You do acknowledge the issue, right?
That speed and endurance
don't necessarily go...
- Oh!
- [Man laughing]
No way.
Hey, Thelma! Bring more hamburger.
These little guys eat like elephants!
[Penny] You are doing
a greatjob with him, Lucien.
Let me ask you something.
Why did you choose me?
I know Bull recommended me.
But you had to know, you do your
homework, that there were other
more successful trainers
you could've gotten.
The truth? I was hungry.
And so were you.
I heard that you carried the clippings
from the big races that you lost.
[Groans] So that's why you didn't
try very hard to convince me.
I knew you couldn't stay retired,
after I saw your golf swing.
Hey! Secretariat! Horse of the Year!
[All cheer]
- Arnold Palmers for everyone!
- [Penny] Oh, big spender.
- Congratulations.
- Mmm!
- Great riding, Ronnie.
- Good job.
- Look at this.
- [Man] Hey, Ronnie.
- Good job, man.
- Thank you, man.
To the greatest horse I ever rode.
And to its owner, who took on
the old boys and won.
But now that you've
gotten their attention,
you're going to have to take them on
in earnest next year.
- The races are longer.
- Much longer.
- The horses are faster.
- Much faster.
And every owner, every trainer,
every jockey out there
is going to be trying to bring us down.
- I'll be ready.
- Salut.
[Penny] Horse of the Year!
We have to celebrate.
Is this the article that's going to be
running across the country?
Did you hear?
It's your daddy, honey.
He's had a stroke.
Let's just go.
I don't think there's much left unsaid
between us, Daddy.
I always knew where you stood.
And I'm grateful... so grateful,
for the way you showed me
what it was to stand up
in the world and... the way you believe.
The big red colt
won Horse of the Year, Daddy.
I think he can go all the way.
And if he does...
I hope...
I hope you could see it.
[Door opening]
Jack, what are you doing here?
How did you get here so fast?
I'm so sorry about your father.
I was already on my way.
Already? Are the children all right?
They're fine. I left Denver
before I heard the news.
Hollis had asked me
to study the tax issues
that would arise
upon your father's death.
Issues that now
find us totally unprepared.
So you've asked my husband
to become your ally in this?
It's family business.
And, last time I checked, Jack and your
children were still part of this family.
Hollis, you're my brother
and I love you,
but if you presume to judge
my fitness as a wife or mother
I will count you a stranger
for the rest of my life.
Penny, Hollis is only
trying to talk sense.
We need to regain some perspective.
- Regain?
- Penny, it's just...
Let's not talk about this right now.
No. No, no, no.
She needs to hear this.
She needs to hear what?
At the current value of his estate,
the inheritance tax will be
at least six million dollars.
And neither of us
has a fraction of that money.
So we sell the mares and the yearlings.
I had an appraisal done, and that won't
get us half ofwhat we need.
But there is another option.
I'm not selling him.
Due to his outstanding
two-year-old season,
if he were sold today, Secretariat would
bring a price of seven million dollars.
But if he were to lose
just one of the Triple Crown races
that value would drop to three million
with no way to recover it.
So we sell Secretariat.
- You try and sell him and...
- [Hollis] We're out of time.
Lfwe don't play this right,
it could amount to nothing.
Our father came from nothing.
And his legacy to me isn't money.
It's the will to win! If you can.
And live with it if you can't.
If I have to challenge you
in court on this, I will.
Miss Ham? Would you come in here
a moment, please?
[Penny] Thank you, Miss Ham.
Would you tell Jack and Hollis about
the document that Daddy left for you.
Five years ago Mr. Chenery had me
witness him signing a provision that,
while both of you are beneficiaries,
dispersal of the farm
would be left to Hollis.
Decisions regarding the horses
would be left to Penny.
We could argue he already had dementia.
He was of sound mind when he signed it.
I'd swear to it... in court.
Thank you, Miss Ham.
[Hollis] Great.
I teach economics at Harvard,
and I don't know a way
to conjure up six million dollars
before you race him again.
What makes you think you can?
I'll find a way.
And if I can't, I'll live with it.
Why? Why do you need to live with it?
Make me, the whole family,
live with it for a past that is gone!
Our father was a great man,
but we can't bring him back.
This isn't about going back.
This is about life being ahead of you
and you run at it.
Because you never know how far
you can go unless you run.
That's great.
But if you stumble and fall,
you don'tjust make us fools,
you make us beggars.
[Door opens]
When your horse people call the house,
they don't ask for Mrs. Tweedy,
they ask for Miss Chenery.
- Is that who you've become?
- Jack...
...Miss Chenery and Mrs. Tweedy
have always been the same person.
I'm wondering how it is that Mr. Tweedy
could take sides against me.
[Door closes]
Trying to muscle me into something.
Can't do that.
- Good evening, Eddie.
- Hi, ma'am.
How are you, Big Red?
- How's it going?
- [Eddie] Ma'am...
I reckon you heard about
Bull Hancock, ma'am?
After your daddy's funeral, they say
he went home and just fell dead.
[Sighs] Oh.
I don't know
about the ways of God, ma'am,
but... I know your daddy
and Mr. Bull lifted each other up.
The way you lift me up
and the way you lift up Red.
Everything living lives from its heart,
and I wish I can give you something
to lift yours up.
Well, thank you, Eddie. You just did.
What does he see?
When he looks at me,
I feel like he looks right into me.
He sees what matters to him, ma'am.
What's immediate.
The clouds and stuff,
they don't mean nothing to a horse.
Lights, sounds, flashes... Intentions!
That's what a horse notices.
Especially one as smart as Big Red here.
And they can tell when the horse
next to them or behind them
wants to be first to the food.
Or the mare.
Or the finish line.
That's what matters to them.
Ain't that right?
It's never been done.
But that doesn't mean it won't work.
We offer 32 shareholders
exclusive breeding rights.
We call it "a select opportunity."
Father would've loved that phrase.
How much per?
A hundred and ninety?
That's more than anybody's ever paid
for a breeding share. Lot more.
That's what makes it exciting, Seth.
Horseracing's all about excitement.
He's been a great colt, but he's
completely untried as a three-year-old.
And the sons of Bold Ruler, they're long
on speed, but short on stamina.
Yeah, and his mother was old when she
had him and Ogden Phipps knew all that
when he could have chosen my colt.
But he didn't.
And now I've got Secretariat.
And he's got a horse
named Missed Opportunity.
Daddy used to always say
that rich people are rich
because they're smart with their money.
And they're going to insist
on a performance clause.
No son of Bold Ruler has ever won
a single Triple Crown race.
That's a mile-and-a-half distance
that Secretariat's never
come close to running.
You're going to lose the farm
and the horse, everything.
[Horse whinnies]
[Seth] This is a big deal. I have
never done anything like this before.
Nobody has.
- You mind if I ask why you called me?
- Well...
Your father, he really helped me and...
...and work is good for grief.
I'm in.
Howard Keck on line one,
Bunker Hunt on line two.
Ladies and gentlemen,
start your engines!
[Clears throat]
- Mr. Hunt? Penny Chenery.
- Mr. Keck, Seth Hancock.
I was calling about
a select opportunity on Secretariat.
[Laughs] No, sir, he's not for sale.
No, we are moving
to syndicate his breeding rights.
It's a select opportunity.
We have 32 shares...
Yes, sir. It's a great opportunity.
I will head that way. I'll see you
in a bit. All right, bye-bye.
[Mr. Keck] Look, Seth, I've been
a part of lots of these deals,
but I've never been asked to pay
Nobody has.
Tell Mr. Chenery's little girl
that she's priced this colt
like he's already won the Triple Crown.
I'm calling on behalf of Penny Chenery.
We will call him back later. Thank you.
[Growls] Dr. Todd, please.
It's Elizabeth Ham.
[Penny] No disrespect, sir,
but if he gets any better,
you're going to want to be in on this.
All due respect, but I got a pretty good
handle on where I want to be.
[Penny] You could have her give me
a call me later this afternoon.
[Seth] Yes, Mr. Cleaver, it's lots of
money. But my father used to tell me
you got to spend money to make it.
[Mr. Cleaver] I'll put some thought
into it, all righty.
[Seth] Thank you, sir.
Jock Whitney's a "no."
And Mr. Mellon's on line two.
Mr. Mellon, thank you
for getting back to me.
Of course, I understand, Mr. Mellon.
I'll hold a share for you
in case you reconsider. Thank you.
[Gospel music plays]
[Lucien] Have you ever seen that?
[Eddie] No, not me. That boy a whopper.
I don't care how many times they say no.
I don't care how many times they tell us
we can't do it. I am not giving up!
I will not live
the rest of my life in regret!
We are going to
see that horse run and win!
And we are going to live rejoicing!
Every day!
[Indistinct chatter]
- Ronnie! Going to have some lunch?
- Mrs. Tweedy.
Yes, ma'am. Just getting a bite to eat
before I go to the ring. What about you?
I'm meeting somebody.
Hello, Mr. Phipps,
- Thank you for coming.
- Miss Tweedy. My pleasure.
- You know Ronnie Turcotte, my rider?
- Ronnie.
So, they call you "Tiny"?
- What?
- [Laughs] Mr. Phipps...
- Thank you for coming.
- Sure.
Are we ready yet?
We're still thinking about it.
If I smell the air correctly,
Mrs. Tweedy,
you're about to ask me
to spend a small fortune
to buy a share in a horse
I could've owned for nothing.
That's true, I am.
Nobody's buying yet, are they?
That's right. They need
someone to lead them.
You know that horse I chose
the day we flipped the coin?
She's the prettiest,
best-tempered horse in my whole stable.
And she couldn't outrun my accountants.
So now you've got the Horse of the Year,
and I look foolish.
It's not foolish
to be unlucky, Mr. Phipps.
Most men, if they had chosen wrong
and lost this horse
wouldn't think of investing in him
again, but you're bigger than that.
And if you do invest in him
instead of being the man who lost
Secretariat in the past,
you'll be the one who had the vision
to lead investors in his future.
His future is uncertain. And I don't buy
shares in untested three-year-olds.
But my accountants,
they may be slow afoot,
but they are quick to calculate
and they tell me
that you're in a rough spot.
So I'll buy
that horse of yours right now.
Seven million dollars. All cash.
I can't do that.
If he does what I think he'll do,
his value will double, if not triple.
You do know what you're saying.
You're guaranteeing that this horse
is going to win the Triple Crown.
The Derby, the Preakness
and the Belmont.
Three races, three states
in just five weeks.
Hasn't been done in 25 years.
There are a lot of good horsemen
think it can't be done anymore.
Just understand,
this is what you're saying.
That is exactly what I'm saying.
Eight million.
You're that stubborn?
I'm that right.
Have we made up our mind yet?
Yes, I think we have.
All this talk about Secretariat.
He hasn't faced a horse as good as Sham.
My horse is faster and stronger. We're
not waiting for the Derby to prove it.
We're going to the Wood Memorial.
And when Secretariat has to run as far
as my horse did today
he's going to fade like the sunset.
- I guarantee it.
- [Miss Ham] He is ridiculous.
- [Penny groans]
- [Both chuckle]
Well, Seth, what do you make of that?
I think that fellow is going to make
Lucien say things in French
my mama would spank him for.
This guy will not shut his face!
"Lucien Laurin cannot
train a winning horse."
OK, so he's saying that I'm incompetent.
He never shuts up.
This guy, he couldn't
train a flea to jump.
He couldn't train a monkey
to pick at his own butt.
- Step out here with me.
- He could not train...
The guy couldn't train
his own bowel movements.
The Wood is in New York.
You're going to need a new dress.
They say, "Secretariat's owner
is striking and charismatic."
[Phone ringing]
- Penny Tweedy.
- [Jack] I saw the paper.
- Yes. Didn't Seth do a greatjob?
- I'd like to say congratulations,
but I am a lawyer, and I know
what performance guarantees mean.
[Sighs] Jack, I don't know how to
earn a reward without taking a risk.
Is it really true Ogden Phipps
offered you eight million dollars?
It's true. He wouldn't
have made that offer
unless he thought Secretariat
would be worth twice that.
The richest man in the world
can take a risk like that, Penny.
- But I can't.
- You?
I just mean, do what you want
with your money.
But I can't spend
my money on a risk like that.
Don't worry. I understand.
Not a cent of your money.
I didn't mean it like that.
I just meant...
I understood how you meant it, Jack.
Let's talk later.
There are words ofwisdom
that have sustained me
throughout my darkest times.
If you don't mind,
I'd like to share them with you.
I'm all ears, Miss Ham.
They are:
"Good evening, Kmart shoppers."
[Male announcer] Fifteen minutes
to post. Fifteen minutes.
- [Indistinct chatter]
- [Announcer continues indistinctly]
[Miss Ham] There he is.
[Lucien] Edward, it's big enough
for a Clydesdale!
It ain't big enough for Red. Maybe
he's still hiding fat from the winter.
Does he look fat to you? [speaks French]
What are you doing?
The same thing I've done
with every belt I ever owned.
[Fanfare plays]
[Eddie] Come on, Red.
[Man] Miss Penny, look this way, please.
You OK, Miss Ham?
I hate what she's having to go through,
and there's so little I can do to help.
Someday I'd like to be able to do
for that horse
half ofwhat you do for its owner.
Lucien, those are the grandest words
anyone's ever said to me.
[Announcer speaks indistinctly]
- Lucien.
- Mr. Phipps. How are you?
- Good morning.
- Best to you.
- Good luck today.
- Thank you.
[Male announcer] The horses now being
loaded in for the big race ofthe day,
the match-up between
Secretariat and Sham.
You're going to eat dirt today, Ronnie.
The final test before the campaign
for the Triple Crown,
the first test ofwhether the big horse
from Virginia can cover the distance.
- Time to see who's got the real horse.
- [Crowd cheers, applauds]
The horses are in the gate.
Secretariat a bit uneasy, but that seems
characteristic for him.
[Starting bell]
- And they're off!
- Yeah, he goes right to the back.
Horses breaking nicely.
Angle Light moving from the outside.
Secretariat settling in
at the rear of the pack.
- OK. It's OK.
- Come on, Ronnie.
Heading toward the rail.
Step Nicely in second.
Sham in good position running in third.
Secretariat seems to be laboring.
- Go, Red!
- He always does this. It's OK.
Angle Light holds the lead
into the turn. Sham in perfect position.
Sham moves up.
Secretariat pressing forward.
- Come on, Red!
- Go! Go!
Come on, Red! Come on!
Pincay's waiting for Turcotte to move.
Now, Red, now!
- [Overlapping cheers]
- Whoo!
Come on.
Angle Light and Sham driving for home!
Secretariat starting to challenge!
- They straighten away in the stretch!
- [All shouting]
Angle Light holding on to the lead now.
Sham second, far outside is Secretariat!
Coming on the 16th pole,
Angle Light in front
by a length and a quarter.
Sham is second.
- God.
- What's he doing?
Angle Light in front.
Sham on the outside.
Sham and Angle Light driving
to the wire! Secretariat fading!
- No!
- Go! Go!
It's Angle Light and Sham!
Angle Light and Sham at the wire!
Secretariat a stunning
and distant third!
[Shouts] All right, Sham! Way to go!
[Exhales heavily]
You know I speak for everyone. One loss
can happen. Two is non-performance.
- I understand.
- I'm sure you do.
Another son of Bold Ruler,
all speed and no distance.
- [All clamoring]
- Magnificent! Magnificent!
Next time we'll bury him even worse!
You cost me ten grand, Turcotte!
Hey, loser!
Who are you calling a loser?
Think you can do any better?
- Eddie!
- [Lucien] Ronnie. Ronnie!
- What was that?
- He didn't fire. He didn't sound right.
- What do you mean?
- In his other races
- he sounded like a freight train.
- Come with me. Just go inside.
We just lost a race
that we could not afford to lose!
We finished third. Third!
In front of Ogden Phipps!
I've got a slew of other investors here.
What am I supposed to tell them?
Just tell them the truth.
The horse had a bad day.
The horse? We're blaming the horse now?
And you? How could you hold him back
that long? What were you thinking?
I didn't hold him back.
I rode him the same way I always do.
The only reason Sham didn't
beat us worse is because
his jockey couldn't believe what
was happening! He was waiting for you.
The only reason I don't fire you both
is we're leaving for Kentucky tomorrow.
Do what you think is right, ma'am.
It's not Ronnie's fault.
He had him where he should be.
Well, if it's not the horse
and it's not Ronnie
then you had better figure out
what happened today
and you had better fix it!
Because if that is the best he can do
at this distance, we are finished!
[Speaks French]
[Thunder rumbles]
- Has he eaten anything?
- Nothing.
And this a horse that's
never missed a meal in his life.
- How much oats you usually give him?
- Sixteen quarts.
- Twenty-five pounds of hay.
- A day?
That's more than a couple
of pregnant mares would put away.
Yeah, well...
OK, now. Easy.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I don't think he the one
going to get hurt, Doc.
- [Snorts]
- Settle down.
Lucien, you want to give me a hand here?
- No, thanks.
- You scared of him?
This horse has been waiting two years
for me to put a hand next to his mouth.
I'm not going to do that.
- [Snorts]
- Ooh.
I think I got your problem here, Lucien.
He's got an abscess.
- [Rock music playing]
- [Telephone rings]
I'm calling for Kate Tweedy, please?
It's her mother.
[Man] Kate! Your mother's on the phone.
Oh, I... I just wanted
to see how you're doing.
Uh... Hey, I'm kind of busy right now.
We're getting ready for a march.
Mom? Are you OK with that?
...our political beliefs can change,
but our need to do
what we believe is right...
... that doesn't.
I'm proud of you.
Thanks, Mom.
Hey, I got to go. Can we talk later?
- Are you all right?
- Sure. Yeah, we'll talk later.
OK. Bye.
Doc found a big abscess in Red's lip.
It probably hurt him
all the way around the track.
Ain't nobody seen it because Red won't
soften up his mouth for nobody but you.
- Oh... Lucien...
- Forget it.
Let's get him ready for the Derby.
[Penny] Ronnie!
I am so sorry.
I didn't know what happened before.
[indistinct chattering]
[Male announcer] In preparation for
the 99th running ofthe Kentucky Derby,
please welcome Secretariat!
- [Crowd cheering]
- [Woman] We love you, Big Red!
- Story's over here.
- Do you think Secretariat is ready?
We're very excited.
- Is Secretariat ready for this race?
- Yes, indeed.
Listen, we'll take care of the horse,
you take care of the reporters.
I don't know what to say.
You're as big a story as the horse, OK.
If you want him fit,
you take care of them.
- Welcome to the Derby.
- Thank you.
So that's Pancho
over there with Sham, right?
Sure is.
Can't wait till you win this Derby,
so we can go home.
I keep hearing rumors.
Secretariat's got bone chips,
bad ankles, bad knees.
Sham's burning up the track
and Secretariat has gone missing.
- So is his owner.
- She'll be at the press conference.
The only thing she hates worse than
talking about herself is backing down.
[Indistinct chatter]
[Man] I can't wait much longer.
All right, gentlemen,
I guess we're going to get started.
Let's open it up for questions.
[All clamoring]
Pancho, is it true you're predicting
Sham's victory?
Lucien, there are rumors
your horse is hurt. Any comment?
Pancho, how are you feeling
about Sham's readiness?
Fantastic! You've all seen his workouts.
He's never looked better.
[All murmuring]
Penny, Sham's turning in
awesome workouts.
- When will you work Secretariat?
- Soon.
Any concern Secretariat will run
the same way he did his last race?
- Yes.
- [Laughter]
Pancho, some people think Secretariat
didn't appear to be himself
- in Wood Memorial.
- "Didn't appear to be himself?"
Is thatjournalism-ese
for getting your butt whipped?
[Crowd laughs]
[Pancho] Horseracing is unforgiving
for trainers, horses and housewives.
- [Crowd groans]
- [Pancho] Let me tell you
what you're going to hear
from the Secretariat people.
Excuses, excuses, excuses!
[Pancho] Let me tell you what
you're going to hear from me.
We beat Big Red at the Wood, and
we're going to beat him here again.
Any comment, Miss Tweedy?
How much pressure are you feeling
from your investors right now?
Well, it's like every other
multimillion-dollar gamble
we housewives make every day.
[Crowd laughs]
Miss Tweedy didn't hear me,
so I'm going to make it very clear.
Secretariat is going down.
- I guarantee it!
- [Crowd murmuring]
Pancho's starting to brag like a boxer.
Maybe he plans on
taking up prizefighting
after he finishes horseracing.
Sham has about as much chance
of beating Secretariat
as Pancho has of beating Muhammad Ali.
[Crowd laughs]
[Eddie] I know it hurt,
but I got to do it, Red.
How's it look?
Same. Still ain't ate.
I'm going to have Ronnie
take him out in the morning.
See how it goes.
It's nothing like Sham's been running.
Nothing like Secretariat's been running.
Penny's not talking.
- Eddie?
- No, ma'am. He's still off his feed.
Miss Tweedy? Miss Tweedy?
How's your horse doing?
He'll answer that question for himself
on race day.
- You're Bill... Nack, right?
- Yes, ma'am.
I've read you. You write like a poet.
Why do you do this?
For years they had me
covering politicians.
I wanted to write about
the other end of the horse.
Why do you do this, Miss Penny?
I'm his voice.
[Stopwatch ticking]
Penny, we think the abscess is gone,
but he still hasn't eaten
and Ronnie says
his breathing is still a little shallow.
I don't know.
I don't know ifwe should run him.
Can I have a moment with him?
All right, then.
I'll see you in the morning.
OK, Eddie.
Thank you.
[Eddie] Hey, Kentucky!
Big old Red done ate
his breakfast this morning!
And you about to see something
that you ain't never even seen before!
So get ready!
Get ready!
[Fanfare plays]
[Crowd sings Old Kentucky Home]
We will sing one song
For my old Kentucky home
[indistinct chatter]
Do you think he'll be OK?
He ate his food this morning.
It's your day, baby.
[Girl] Excuse me.
Hold it.
- He's posing again.
- This way.
- Good luck today, Miss Penny.
- Thank you.
[Crowd cheering]
- [Woman] Go, Secretariat!
- [Man] Yeah!
[Crowd cheers]
Easy, Red.
Safe trip, boys.
[Woman] Bring it home, Red!
- Big day, Mrs. Tweedy.
- Mmm-hmm.
There you go, boy.
- [Neighs]
- [Man] OK, get him in.
Get him in there.
- Hold it, hold it.
- [Indistinct chatter]
Come on now, Red, come on.
Don't get distracted. Focus. You got it.
[Man] Go ahead. Hold up, now.
[Man 2] Steady! All right!
[Man] Come on, Big Red!
[Man 2] All right, let's go.
[Male announcer] They're at the post.
Secretariat throws his head just a bit.
[Secretariat breathing heavily]
[Starting bell rings]
[Male announcer] And they're off in
the 99th running ofthe Kentucky Derby!
Shecky Greene sprinting to the front,
Royal and Regal just behind.
Gold Bag quickly moving into third.
And Secretariat breaks last
from the gate.
Sham moving up
to challenge for the lead.
Royal and Regal now being moved
to the inside, looking for room.
Gold Bag is up on the outside.
Run them down, run them down, Red!
Run them down. Come on! Come on!
Sham and a dozen others
moving into striking position.
Secretariat is at the back of the pack.
- [Indistinct chattering]
- I can't watch this.
You have to stay here
and take this with me.
Sham working into strong position.
Sham now third on the outside
by two lengths.
Fast first quarter in 23.2.
There you go! Come on!
As they're heading into
the back straight Sham moving up,
challenging for the lead.
Navajo, Forego, and Warbucks beginning
to move up, followed by My Gallant...
- Come on.
- Run them down, Red!
Sham moving up into third.
Gold Bag just in front of him
as they clear the half mile.
Secretariat still lagging offthe pace.
[Ronnie] I'm sick of this dirt.
Let's get rolling.
Sham closing to the rail.
Three quarter time: A speedy 1:11.4.
- Gotta move him, Ronnie.
- Let's go!
- Come on, Ronnie, move.
- Sham has taken the lead.
Secretariat well back of the leaders
and failing to mount a challenge.
Entering the final turn, Secretariat
surging past Angle Light!
- Come on, Red!
- Final quarter mile!
Come on, Red. Pace yourself.
This yours. This yours.
- Come on, Ronnie!
- Run!
They're at the head ofthe stretch
and Sham is the leader.
He leads it by a length.
Secretariat is in the center
ofthe racetrack and driving!
It's Sham and Secretariat,
neck and neck!
They're in the stretch. It's Secretariat
on the outside to take the lead.
Sham holding in second.
Run him, Ronnie!
It's Secretariat at the finish!
He wins it by two lengths.
- Holy!
- Whoo!
I knew he was going to do it.
I knew he was going to do it.
Whoo! All right!
We won! I knew you could do it, Mom!
[Lucien] Congratulations.
- I can't believe it!
- You did it!
Penny, it's been 25 years since
horseracing's had a Triple Crown winner.
Now, is this the horse that finally
breaks that streak?
We still have a lot ofwork to do.
But at least we've
given ourselves the chance.
Congratulations, Penny and Secretariat
on the fastest Derby ever!
Here's hoping we see the same thing
two weeks from now at the Preakness.
[Reporters clamoring]
[Jack] Girls!
The race is about to start!
[Man on TV] The excitement
over this super-horse has captured
the imaginations of Americans
and brought together people
across great divisions of culture,
politics and passion.
Uniting them in one great battle cry:
"Go, Secretariat, go!"
Of course he's the favorite in this race
as we look at him in his barn.
He's getting ready now to make the walk
across to the saddling area.
I'm Jack Whitaker, along with Heywood
Hale Broun, Chic Anderson
and Frank Wright. We welcome you
to the 98th running ofthe Preakness.
- Hey, there's Mom.
- I can't believe that's Mom!
- Wow. She looks awesome.
- [Boy 1] I can't believe she's on TV.
- [Boy 2] That's amazing.
- [Sarah] So cool.
With three horses in,
I'm going to give this to Chic Anderson
who will call the race for you.
[Chic] We're about ready to go
as Ecole Etage...
Secretariat bobs his head.
We're still looking... And they're off!
For the early lead, that's Deadly Dream.
On the outside, Ecole Etage.
Settling into second, Torsion. Sham
has good position, third on the rail,
and Secretariat is last, again,
as they move...
- Red's last.
- He's last. Why is he always last?
But here comes Secretariat! He's moving
fast! And he's going to the outside...
He's going for the lead,
and it is right now he's looking for it!
- See him right there?
- All right, Red.
- Come on.
- Yes.
[Indistinct chatter overlapping]
Secretariat is right alongside.
Sham now going to the outside in third.
We're moving down the backstretch.
They're incredible! Look at them!
Secretariat the leader by...
- Dad, you seeing this?
- I see him.
And it looks like Ecole Etage
has had it, dropping back in third.
Here's the race, folks.
Secretariat trying to hold it.
Look at this!
Head of the stretch,
Secretariat at two and a half.
- Sham under a strong left-handed whip.
- [All cheering]
Secretariat by two lengths!
Sham driving second!
It is Secretariat! He's coming to the
wire! He wins it by two and a half,
almost three!
I don't believe this!
And it was a powerhouse race again
by the big, strong Secretariat.
Here is Mrs. Tweedy, who has just won
the second of two
very important races to her.
Secretariat has now won the Kentucky
Derby and the Preakness Stakes,
and this time he did it the same way.
What is it, Lucien? What's wrong?
He just won Preakness,
like he won the Derby.
You keep staring into your coffee.
Are you worried about Red?
Since Citation did it in 1948,
seven horses have won the Derby
and then the Preakness.
Every single one of them has failed
to win the Triple Crown.
He just won the first two
in record time.
Yeah, and the Belmont
is the graveyard of speed horses.
It's the longest race they'll ever run.
What do you suggest?
Normally we rest him, right?
- Yeah. Sure.
- Let him recuperate.
Yeah. Mmm-hmm.
But you don't want to back off.
In all my years of training
I've never had a horse who loves to run
the way this one does.
You take that horse out one day,
he's going to run faster the next.
My instinct?
My instinct is to train him.
Hard. To stoke that fire.
But if I'm wrong, then they will say
that not only did we ruin the
horse's chances at the Triple Crown...
...they may say we ruined the horse.
Red is not afraid. And neither am I.
Just remember,
ifwe push him instead of rest him... could be dangerous.
Nobody knows how much he can take.
He does.
He knows.
[Reporters clamoring]
[Man] Mr. Martin! Secretariat has beaten
your horse twice.
What makes this race different?
Any good horseman will tell you
that Secretariat is built for speed
and Sham is built for distance.
But, of course, uh,
Miss Tweedy believes that her horse
has somehow magically inherited both.
I believe that this race
is going to prove
that her woman's intuition
will only take her so far.
Penny! What about all the attention
Secretariat's getting?
- Covers of both Time and Newsweek.
- Well...
Let me tell you something about
all this talk about "super-horse."
Sham broke the Derby record, too.
He ran the second-fastest Derby. He ran
the second-fastest Preakness... ever.
We were right there with the red horse
every step of the way.
And now we're getting ready to run
the longest of the Triple Crown races.
When we're done,
you'll be calling Sham the super-horse!
Any comment, Penny?
Well, I'd have to say
I agree completely with Mr. Martin.
His horse did run
the second-fastest ever.
[Reporters laughing]
I'm out of here.
Where are you going? Come on!
That woman, she's so arrogant. [panting]
Lucien will do anything to prove he's
not a loser. That's where they're weak.
We rest our horse, they push theirs.
On race day, we push him even harder.
We push him until he comes apart!
Three-quarters of a mile:
Oh, that's good time.
Sure you want to send him
a mile next time out?
- I'm just asking.
- [Exhales]
They think we're training him too hard.
[Thunder crashes]
[Breathing heavily]
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Belmont Ball.
[Down-tempo music plays]
It's not bad.
[Miss Ham] Your daddy
would be so proud.
Where did you find her?
Told her I was taller
when I stood on my wallet.
Miss Chenery.
Mr. Laurin. You look exceptionally
handsome tonight.
Well, I wanted to go on record,
I left my hat at home, just for you.
- [Chuckles]
- [Both speak French]
I brought you a little something
from a mutual friend of ours.
I offered to give it back to Seth,
but he too thought you should have it.
The "tails" side is very nice.
Lucien, you know you are absolutely
the best trainer
that I could have ever...
You're the best owner I ever saw.
Turcotte and Edward say he's
the smartest horse they've ever seen.
Maybe. I've trained horses
my whole life.
I still don't have the slightest idea
what they know and what they don't know.
Three years ago I would've said that a
racehorse didn't care who his owner was.
But then he's not a racehorse.
He's Secretariat.
And I think tomorrow
he'll be wearing wings.
[Speaks French]
- Mom. I'm sorry I'm late.
- Kate!
You're not late.
You're perfectly on time.
Look at you! You're so beautiful.
And you're all grown up.
You look beautiful, too, Mom.
All grown up.
I'm so proud of you.
Thank you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- Mom!
- Come here!
Oh, Sarah.
Oh, look at you.
Missed you.
- You're amazing.
- Look at what I've got.
- Is that the coin?
- The coin?
- The coin.
- Oh.
Here. Go ahead. You can hold it.
You guys keep it safe.
Don't lose it tonight. It's important.
Come on, boys. Let's go.
They are growing up. All of them.
Kate is so beautiful in that gown.
And Sarah in hers.
Yeah. Wish I'd bought
those gowns earlier.
Something I need you to know.
I want you to win. And win or lose,
you've taught our children
what a real woman is.
What it is to believe in yourself, and I
never could have taught those things.
And you've taught me something, too.
Come here.
I realized something.
I've already won.
I made it here. I didn't quit.
I've run my race.
Now you run yours.
[Male announcer]
A record crowd is expected today
as Secretariat makes his bid
for horse racing immortality.
The race is scheduled
for 5:38 this afternoon.
Forecasters are predicting temperatures
in the mid-90s.
- Easy. Easy, easy.
- Hold him, Eddie. Hold him.
- [Eddie] Easy, Red. Easy.
- [Lucien] Watch yourself.
[Eddie] Calm yourself. Calm yourself.
Let him walk. Walk off his nerves.
Horse seems pretty fired up.
He knows what's going on.
[Indistinct chatter]
- [Girl] I saw Big Red!
- [Woman] Good girl, sweetheart.
[Indistinct chatter]
[Male announcer chattering indistinctly]
- Is that the one?
- Oh yeah, right.
I don't make a lot of guarantees,
but listen, this one you can bet on.
You're going to eat dirt today, Ronnie.
I don't think so.
Go hard for the lead. Draw him up close.
If he comes, he's ours. OK?
Lot of track today, Red. A lot of track.
OK, Ronnie, don't send him out,
all right? But don't choke him, either.
Remember, we have a mile and a half
to cover. And one last thing, don't...
What? Burst his heart?
Just bring him home, Ronnie.
[Both speak French]
[Crowd cheering]
[Lucien continues in French]
- [Crowd cheers]
- [Fanfare plays]
Come on, Big Red!
Go, Big Red!
[Male announcer]
Coming up: The eighth race,
the 105th running ofthe Belmont Stakes.
[Hoofs clattering]
- Here we go.
- Oh, here he comes.
- [Man] Big Red!
- [Man 2] Go, Big Red!
Oh, I think he's coming. Oh!
- [Woman] Big Red!
- [All cheering]
Very big day, Mrs. Tweedy.
[Excited indistinct chatter]
[Man] OK, Big Red!
[Woman] Come on, Sham!
Hey! Hey!
Ah, look at him.
You got a couple thousand I can borrow?
[Man] Come on, Red!
He looks fantastic.
Oh! I was afraid you wouldn't show up.
Well, uh... got a tip on a horse.
- Yeah!
- Where is Lucien?
- Good luck.
- [Exhales heavily]
[Male announcer] The remaining field,
now entering the gate.
[Man] Easy there, easy.
[Man] That's good.
[Inhales, exhales]
[Male announcer]
Only five horses in the field today,
many ofthe owners conceding that
this is a match race
between Secretariat and Sham.
[Male announcer] The field is at
the post. Chic Anderson with the call.
[Chic] Horses now loaded in.
- [Starting bell rings]
- And they're off!
Secretariat surging from the gate.
Secretariat away very well,
has good position on the rail.
Secretariat driving immediately
into the lead.
Secretariat and Sham
offto a surprisingly rapid pace.
He's going out too fast!
Sham, on the outside,
is also moving along strongly.
Now it's Sham.
Sham and Secretariat are...
- This is no good.
- [Announcer continues, indistinct]
- Why is he going to the lead?
- Because I don't know.
Go! Go!
Sham pushing Secretariat
into an even faster pace.
As they round the first turn...
... drawing away down to the backstretch.
Sham pressing Secretariat even faster.
Secretariat refusing to yield.
Driving forward.
This is unbelievable.
No horse can take this pace!
Sham pushes forward
to challenge for the rail.
Come on, Ronnie. Come on.
Three quarters, a blistering 1:09.4.
There you go! There you go!
Secretariat and Sham
locked in a deadly duel.
It's another eight lengths to Private
Smiles, who is trailing the field.
[Speaks French]
It's Secretariat and Sham!
- Oh, man. This is a catastrophe.
- It's too fast.
- Before the turn, it's Secretariat.
- [Man] Come on, Big Red.
Let him run, Ronnie! Let him run!
Sham and Secretariat pulling away
at blazing speed!
With a half mile still to run,
Secretariat sprinting away.
Four lengths.
Nine! Eleven!
Entering the final turn, Secretariat
is moving like a tremendous machine!
That's impossible.
[Sound of crowd silences]
[Penny] "He laughs at fear,
afraid of nothing.
He does not shy away from the sword.
He cannot stand still
when the trumpet sounds."
[Gospel music plays]
Oh! Glory!
[Male announcer]
The lead is now 24 lengths.
- Twenty-six lengths!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Twenty-eight and still surging!
- Ride him, Ronnie! Ride him!
- Go, Red!
- Go, Red!
- [Boy] Whoa.
- God.
[Lucien] Ronnie!
Ronnie, don't fall off!
There you go, Red!
Secretariat by 30!
- Secretariat wins!
- [Cheering]
Secretariat wins by 31 lengths!
You have a great horse.
[Laughing, cheering]
[Song ends]