Secreto Del Dr. Orloff, El (1964)

Yes, it's the truth.
I love him,
I love him!
How could you,
with my own brother?
The two people
I love most of all.
How could you betray me?
Both of you!
Dr. Orloff's Monster
Hello, Professor.
How are you feeling?
my friend.
I know I don't have
much time left.
Have you...
Have you succeeded?
It's been months
since I made any real progress.
Our creation survives,
yes, it's breathing.
Its magnetic circulation
is perfect.
But how to induce it to move
is beyond us.
Listen to me,
For years, you have been
my most devoted disciple,
and now that I'm dying,
there is no reason
to take my secret with me.
I know how
to make him move,
and how to make him
obey your commands.
I can promise you
that your robot will live!
I knew it!
It's why
I came to see you.
I swear to you that soon, I will
make your dream a reality.
Take it...
It belongs to you now.
As you know, there are sounds
that the human ear cannot detect
but which a dog, for example,
can detect over great distances.
These ultrasonics can activate
cellular impulse transistors,
and depending entirely on their
intensity, tone and frequency,
provoke different kinds
of cellular reactions.
So, by developing a pattern
of stimulus and response,
similar to that
of conditioned reflexes,
you can induce an inanimate
creature into movement, action,
and carry out precisely
the orders you wish.
Now, it's yours,
You hold the key to the greatest
scientific secret of our time!
Tomorrow night I'll be able
to get away for a while.
I'll see you tomorrow night
at Frita's at 8:.30.
You're going to leave me alone,
tonight of all nights?
Tomorrow, we can really
celebrate your birthday.
Of course, my darling,
I've been thinking about you.
Here, I hope
you like it.
Oh, it's gorgeous!
You must have spent a fortune!
It's one of a kind.
- It brings good luck.
- Then I'll keep it forever.
Taxi, miss?
No, thanks.
Are you sure
you wouldn't like a lift?
No, sir,
I'm taking the bus.
- Where are you headed?
- None of your business.
You're still angry
about last night.
Oh no no no,
on the contrary,
I love it when unscrupulous men,
like you, abuse me.
My only crime was trying
to kiss you once, innocently.
It was a starry night and
the music was playing softly,
and we were dancing
in the dark.
What could I do?
You were irresistible.
I'm a man, you know,
a real one.
You're so pretentious.
Of course, the trouble
with Spaniards is
you all think that
you're imitating Don Juan.
Wait a minute, that's where
you're mistaken.
We aren't imitations of Don
Juan... We are Don Juans!
Then I'm warning you,
Mr. Don Juan,
I'm asking the nearest policeman
to make you leave me alone.
I'll teach you
that Spain is civilized.
- Let me give you a ride.
- No!
Hey, wait!
Wait for me!
Just a minute, please!
Now, do you want a taxi,
yes or no?
Unfortunately for you,
it's more than 100 kilometers
from here to Holfen.
Bad luck, so I guess
I'll have to sacrifice myself.
Tell me
the truth, now.
Who are you meeting
in Holfen?
My uncle
and my aunt.
And tell me,
who is your uncle?
You wouldn't
know him.
How do you know?
Have you heard of
Professor Jekyll?
Well, he's my uncle.
. Adieu Lili Marlene...
- And do you live with him?
- No.
. Adieu Lili...
Then why the heck are you going
all the way to Holfen?
Look, do me a favor and
stop this car.
- Why do you want me to stop?
- So I can get out, of course.
Do you like
to listen to jazz?
- Do you?
- Oh yeah.
Me, I hate it.
Of course you hate it!
I forgot!
The only music you enjoy
are military marches,
country ballads and the powerful
music of Wagner.
I'm Austrian, and my country is
"the land of the waltz. "
Oh yeah, the birthplace of
waltzes, finesse and elegance.
A country where buses
won't wait even one second,
leaving a pretty girl
in tears.
- He was just doing his job.
- Sure.
But if you'd taken
a Spanish bus,
instead of
an Austrian tourist bus,
the driver would have waited
for you for at least an hour.
So that's why
they're always late, huh?
Wow, you're really
gonna stay here?
It's not my idea
of a holiday resort.
I like it.
You come here often,
don't you?
Why do you ask?
Because it explains
your rather gothic approach
to the pleasant things
in life.
For your information,
I've never been here before.
Well, I hope you have
a lot of fun here, anyway.
I did not come here
for fun.
I know, but I thought you'd go
for a gloomy castle
the way I go for
Sophia Loren.
I guess we both like
national monuments.
Merry Christmas.
wait just a minute.
I'd like
to be forgiven, too,
everybody wants to be forgiven
at Christmas time.
Everything I said to you
was absolute nonsense,
especially when I pretended
to be a man of the world.
It was a phony act,
and you saw right through it.
So, Merry Christmas.
Please forgive me as well.
I know I can be rather cold
but I admit it,
you're a very nice guy.
Oh, man!
Hey, hey,
come back here.
Say that
to me again.
That I'm a nice guy.
Well, to me
you are a nice guy.
Well, in that case, it's clear
you don't want me to leave.
Oh, I didn't say that.
Is there a good hotel
in the neighborhood?
Oh well, try
the Hotel Holfen.
Ooh, with a name like that,
sounds stupendous.
I'll check in and say that
I'm here for a week.
That way I can drive you back
to school, right?
Look, is there a telephone
in these ruins?
I suppose so.
Well, okay then,
I'll see you later.
Oh don't be scared,
it's only me.
Who are you?
I'm Ciceron,
and you're Miss Melissa,
and we're so pleased
you're finally here.
- Likewise.
- Of course.
Pretty house,
isn't it?
Yes, it is.
- But it's a shame it's so...
- So filthy, you mean.
Well, the more I let it go, the
less I feel like cleaning it up.
Ciceron, won't you
ever shut up?
Not until I'm dead.
That's your aunt, miss.
Come closer,
my girl.
You're Aunt Ingrid,
aren't you?
Yes, that's me.
Aren't you going
to give me a kiss?
You're scared of me, huh?
No, I...
Is it fear or disgust?
You weren't expecting this,
were you?
This is what pain and loneliness
will do to you.
Where's Uncle Conrad?
He only cares about his formulas
and his stupid experiments.
As for me, I've wasted
the best years of my life
locked up
in this hideous house.
I'm sorry,
forgive me.
You're not used to hearing
such things at your age.
No, Aunt Ingrid, I've haven't
had an easy life either.
My mother really worked hard
to provide for my education.
Yes, I know that.
And when I was much younger,
I also knew your mother:.
An exceptional person,
a magnificent woman...
Death always takes
the best ones.
All right, sweetie, let me
show you to your room.
Ciceron, take Miss Melissa's
things upstairs.
I'm sorry, my dear,
I've reached my limit.
I'm a very sick woman.
Ciceron, show Miss Melissa
to her room.
Yes, ma'am.
So this is my room?
I hope you like it.
It's the sunniest one
in the house.
Quietly now,
Andros, breathe.
Breathe, Andros.
Once more.
That's right.
What are you doing here?
Who gave you permission?
Uncle Conrad,
forgive me.
I'm sorry,
my dear,
but I've strictly forbidden
anyone to enter this laboratory.
You're Melissa,
aren't you?
No one told me you were already
here and I'm so busy.
When I'm working, I spend days
on end without seeing a soul.
But isn't Aunt Ingrid
with you?
No, not your aunt either.
No one ever
comes in here.
But I thought
I heard you speaking.
You're mistaken then.
And now,
please leave me alone.
I'll have the pleasure
of seeing you at dinner.
- What is it?
- It's a secret.
No appetite?
I'm afraid
it's underdone.
You're really very pretty,
as beautiful as your mother.
Everybody says
that I look like her.
She had the same purity,
but she was really unhappy.
It was thoughtless of me
to ask you to visit us.
But why?
What's the problem?
You're busy at work
and I wanted to come.
Besides, I happen to be
on vacation.
we'll see my lawyer.
It's time for you
to have full control
of the inheritance
from your father.
I'm so surprised that you're
not waiting until next year,
when I turn 21.
I prefer to surrender
the responsibilities now.
At my age,
there's always a chance
that something
could happen to me.
Don't say such things,
you're still young!
You think that youth has power
to make us immune to death?
I know that my days
in this world are numbered,
but that's why
I'm in a hurry.
I must act quickly.
You're really agitated
tonight, Conrad.
What's the matter now?
Are you scared?
Or are you suddenly bothered
by your conscience?
Shut your mouth!
No, I will not!
I'm sick and tired
of talking to no one.
I've lived
too many years alone.
I've lived too many years
shut up in this odious castle!
Come now,
control yourself.
I'm quite aware
of your nervous condition.
Forgive me.
I'd like you to meet
my brother, Albert.
He's younger than I am,
and smarter, too.
He's an artist
and he's going to go far.
Ingrid, allow me to introduce
you to my brother.
He's much more charming
than I am.
You still have time
to change your mind.
I wouldn't dream
of it, Conrad.
You're the only man
in the world for me, I swear.
There's no one else
but you.
What were you doing?
You were with him!
Tell the truth!
Let me go,
you're hurting me!
It wasn't his fault,
it was mine, all mine!
...the stars
give their light
Stealing the flowers'
color, color.
I'd be happy,
I'd be happy
If my dreams
were reality
Ask that the night
gives you its blue
Ask that the moon gives you
its silhouette, silhouette.
And give me your love
And give me
your love
making my dreams reality
. Make the moon
give way to the sun
Make the night
turn into light
. Smile at last
and live at last.
Making my dreams reality
Making my heart
Seen your little friend?
He just came in.
I saw him.
I don't know what's going on
with him and me.
Does he disgust you?
No, he scares me,
but at the same time...
he's a nice man,
but strange.
I get the feeling
he's hiding something.
Oh, you're reading too many
detective stories.
Anyway, go on.
Don't keep him waiting.
Would you like to come back
to my dressing room?
No, I simply dropped in
to have a drink with you,
and to bring you
this little gift.
Oh thank you!
It's fabulous, sweetheart!
So beautiful
and so original!
It's a marvelous necklace.
Yes, it's true...
I loved him...
Murderer... murderer...
You killed him...
Murderer... murderer...
You killed him.
You killed him!
Oh, it's you?
What are you doing here?
You were talking in your sleep,
Aunt Ingrid.
I came to see
if there was anything wrong.
Oh really?
I was talking out loud?
What did I say?
Tell me.
Come on, Melissa.
What did I say?
Something about a person
that you loved...
and that someone
had killed him-
Keep going, Melissa,
tell me everything.
You shouted "Murderer!"
To whom?
I don't know.
You didn't say.
Are you sure?
I didn't hear a name, Aunt.
A lot of nonsense.
I'm always having stupid
nightmares like this.
Aunt Ingrid, who's the young man
in this picture?
Funny, he seems
familiar to me.
His face reminds me
of someone.
You really
don't know who that is?
Your mother never showed you
your father's picture?
No, never.
So this is his picture?
That's a snapshot I took of him
shortly before he died.
it's the springtime...
"Ingrid, it's the springtime
that carries your name,
"just like that rose
we picked from the garden,
one which time
cannot destroy. "
My mother never told me
what he was like.
Whenever I asked her about him,
she would change the subject.
Poor little thing.
Her pain was so great,
she couldn't talk about it.
But why?
How... how did
my father die?
He died... died...
suddenly one night,
in his room.
In which room?
Down the hall,
next to the stairway
that leads to the tower.
No one has entered that room
since he died.
But what happened to him
that night?
Go away, go away,
Don't ask me
any more questions, Melissa.
Go, I beg you.
Ah, good morning,
Miss Melissa.
Did you sleep well?
Pretty well.
Oh you're lucky,
I didn't get any sleep at all.
Why not?
Weren't you feeling well?
Oh, I'm fine... I simply forgot
about going to bed.
Have you met Carlos?
He's my cousin.
He's always here
in the winter time.
And in the summer, he takes care
of the vegetable garden.
I have to say,
we get along very well.
He's a very good boy, wouldn't
hurt a fly or anything.
Tell me, Ciceron.
How can I get into the room
that belonged to my father?
By opening the door.
But the door
happens to be locked.
Yes, I know,
that's the trouble.
So first, I have
to get the key.
Or ask the person
who has it.
So, do you think
I could get it?
Absolutely not.
Why not?
Because I'm the one
who has the keys, that's why.
And if I let you
take my keys from me,
I'd be making
a fool of myself.
In that case,
may I borrow the key?
I'll let you have it right now,
if you like.
Juan Manuel!
Miss Melissa!
Don't take your fianc
inside the house.
He's not my fianc.
- All the more reason.
- But what's the big deal?
The professor forbids
any strangers inside the house.
He says the day he finds anyone
in here, even in the garden,
he'll kill them.
Well, how's the prettiest girl
in Austria?
Ready to go
for a ride.
I'll take you to the end
of the earth, let's go.
Well, I think
there's something wrong.
Don't play detective.
I mean it.
You look
like an angry cat,
you know, with its fur
standing on end.
All I have to do is say
"Meow, meow!"
And you'll jump up
and scratch my face.
Oh, that's nonsense.
Well, I guess your date last
night didn't do you any good.
My date?
Yeah, you went out
with someone else
and made comparisons,
of course.
What are you
talking about?
I called you, but they told me
that you'd gone out,
and you wouldn't be back
until really late.
- You must be joking.
- Not this time.
Who answered the phone?
I don't know... it was
a man's voice, in any case.
Why are you so surprised
about all this?
Oh, nothing... it's true.
I went out with my uncle
but we got home early.
You're getting harder and harder
to understand, Melissa.
I think you're hiding
some secret love,
and you're ashamed
to admit it to me.
No, I'm only ashamed
of your attitude towards me.
Well, come with me.
We'll have a drink
and get something to eat.
I'm as hungry
as a wolf.
Calm down.
Take it easy.
Calm down, Andros.
Easy now.
Calm down.
Conrad, Conrad,
what's happened?
go to my brother's room!
Melissa's there,
she's fainted.
Ciceron! Ciceron!
Hitch up the carriage,
we're going out.
- I'm gonna take a bath.
- Fine.
Drive on
to the cemetery.
.When Pepita was born,
so filled with...
. She was real round,
she had a...
.Her parents exclaimed
to see her so...
.Pepita, Pepita, Pepita,
what a horror!
.When Pepita grew up,
she went...
.She kept on real full,
real full of...
.The boys screamed
at her to see her so...
.Pepita, Pepita, Pepita,
what horror!
.Pepita fell in love
with everybody.
.She got prettier
with desires of...
.The poor boyfriend
said to see her so...
.Pepita, Pepita, Pepita,
what a horror!
.And Pepita got married
with less...
.She got fatter,
more full of...
. And her husband said
to see her so...
.Pepita, Pepita, Pepita,
what a horror!
.And Pepita died
so full of...
.They buried her
with all the...
.And all of the family
cried with pain.
.Pepita, Pepita,
Pepita, what a horror!
- Hi.
- Hey there.
Who's there?
What are you doing here?
What do you want
from me?
Hey you!
Wait a minute!
So you think that
at least one of your bullets
struck the killer?
It's not a question of whether
I think so:, I know I did.
Nevertheless, your bullets
had no affect on the target.
At first, I thought they had,
he hesitated for a moment,
but then he ran
and jumped out the window.
I swear I shot him again,
but the last time I saw him,
he was running so fast,
I couldn't keep up with him.
You accurately noted the hour
when he killed the girl?
-2 A.M., or thereabouts.
- Excuse me, when?
Did you say "thereabouts"?
Perfect, so it was 2 A.M.,
but we're not sure.
What time did you start
your shift?
Midnight, or thereabouts.
It's clear that if your
vocabulary lacked this word,
you wouldn't be able
to express yourself at all.
May I assume that your
refreshment had alcohol in it?
I drank a couple of whiskeys,
if that's what you're saying.
Two whiskeys with water.
Hasn't it occurred to you that
alcohol might have impaired
your ability to see
what really happened?
Out of the question,
because I know how to drink.
And I'm astonished
to hear it.
An officer of the law confirming
his drinking habits.
I don't see why that makes me
an alcoholic.
What harm is there in a couple
of drinks at Christmas time?
I can't see
what you're driving at.
In any case, you've got 200
witnesses to confirm my story.
Hmmm, more or less.
I'm just wondering if these 200
witnesses or "thereabouts"
are as trustworthy
as you are.
Sure they are.
Excuse me?
There's no doubt
that you can trust them.
I let everybody drink on credit,
and everybody paid his bill.
Nobody was talking to you.
I was just trying to help,
but if you're not interested...
I'll get around to you
But it's important
that we talk privately.
Alright, it's your turn now,
my friend.
Bless you.
Thank you.
But I'm not particularly
interested in being blessed now.
- Your name?
- Karl Steiner.
- And age?
- Your profession?
- Boxer.
- Still working?
- Yes and no.
I don't understand.
Do you still get in the ring
from time to time?
I mean, I don't get
many fights at all.
Why not?
Ever since I got K.O.'d by
the German middleweight champ,
nobody in Spain
will offer me a contract.
- How do you earn a living?
- I got lots of ways.
- For example?
- Well, almost anything.
I sell used cars,
import scotch whiskey...
Sounds like you do
lots of odd jobs.
You knew the victim,
is that right?
She was my fiance.
Yeah, I gotta tell you,
this kid is a lady killer.
We used to score all the time
in Hamburg, what a party!
Interesting... so what kind
of repeat offender are you?
I was just making a comment
to help out the investigation,
I guess we'll talk
about it later.
What did you do when he came
out of her dressing room?
I threw myself on him and
grabbed him by his jacket.
When he started to run,
I spun him around
to give him an upper cut,
but he beat me
to the punch.
He may look
like a cream puff,
but he sure packed
a wallop.
He punched me
like a human hammer.
This guy was supernatural,
the way he could hit.
I suppose you can describe this
individual's physical makeup?
Tall, light blue eyes,
pale complexion.
He was dressed in black
and wore gloves.
Just a moment,
excuse me.
Sir, we just found out
that the necklace
the victim wore tonight
exactly matches
the one worn by another woman
who was killed a few nights ago
in that night club, Frita's.
And what's more, the method
used to kill these two women
was exactly the same
in both cases.
If you'll permit a lack
of taste, my friend,
I fear
I must express my feelings
with a vulgar display
of swearing:
We're in it
up to our necks.
Well now,
it's your turn.
You have a lot to say to me,
is that right?
Oh no,
not a single word.
Nothing, nothing,
absolutely nothing.
What is it you want,
young man?
Good afternoon, sir,
I've come for Melissa.
Oh, you're the young man
who went out with her
the other day, aren't you?
Yes, sir.
I'm very pleased to see you and
I have a message from my niece.
She requests
that you leave her alone.
She doesn't wish
to see you ever again.
And she'd rather you didn't
telephone her anymore.
But I've come to take her back
to the university.
For the time being,
she will be staying here,
and not returning
to the university.
Goodbye, young man.
It's just like I said,
the poor boy wasn't
even invited to come in.
That uncle of yours
is a holy terror.
You look much rosier today,
not that it makes any difference
to me how pale you are.
I'm rather partial
to pale girls.
I always have been,
and do you know why?
Because they always
break my heart.
- Give us a moment, Ciceron.
- Certainly, sir.
You're doing fine.
Uncle, who was outside?
No one,
why do you ask?
I thought I heard
a car horn.
I was up in my laboratory,
I didn't hear a thing.
In your opinion,
what's the matter with me?
There's nothing the matter
with you, Melissa.
I'll see you later.
Your aunt was wrong to talk
to you about your father.
It was a natural curiosity,
most comprehensible at your age,
to see the room where he died.
It was a tragic sight, covered
with dust and cobwebs.
It must have caused a shock
to your nervous system.
But Uncle Conrad, I never
expected to see my father.
Such hallucinations occur
frequently in these cases.
But you shouldn't
let it bother you.
Tonight is Christmas Eve.
In the words of the old carol,
"sleep in heavenly peace. "
.Happy night.
. Christmas,
Merry Christmas.
.Happy Night.
.Christmas, Merry Christmas.
. Christmas,
Merry Christmas.
Are you going out?
Where to now?
I've got a headache,
I need a little fresh air.
I won't be long.
Go to bed,
it's late.
Enough Christmas festivities
for tonight.
And besides,
you're still weak, my dear.
Who are you?
Can't you talk?
Here's to a trip to the stars
that didn't get off the ground.
To all the ingrates!
Please, which way
is the Holfen Hotel?
Over there,
across the road, miss.
- Thanks and Merry Christmas.
- Same to you, kid.
Yeah, the Holfen
is a really great hotel...
Idiot, yeah.
- Merry Christmas!
- Hey!
Were you coming
to see me?
Oh, Juan Manuel.
Man, I am never going
to understand you.
Makes no difference.
What makes you say that?
What did my uncle tell you when
you came to call on me today?
He told me that you didn't want
to see me or take my calls.
- And so you left?
- Yeah.
You really thought I never
wanted to see you again?
Don't you want
to leave the castle?
No, I can't.
This thing is much more
important than my own safety.
It's my father,
you understand?
I've got
to solve this mystery.
I don't know if that man who
lives there, hidden someplace,
if that's really him...
I don't know how it happened...
There's definitely
a mystery there...
If my father is dead, I want
to know exactly how he died.
But I can't
let you do this all alone.
Listen closely,
you're going to take me back
to the castle now.
Park the car nearby where you
can keep an eye on my window.
We only have one day
to figure this out.
It's my last chance to find out
the truth about my father.
Tomorrow night,
the lawyer will be there,
bringing some papers
for us to sign.
I won't have an excuse to remain
at the castle, once that's done.
Well, how will I know
if you need me or not tonight?
Now, this is my plan.
If I'm all right, I will leave
the light on my room on.
If I'm not, I'll signal to you,
switching it on and off twice.
I think it would be smarter
to leave with me now.
Do you really?
How can I leave when I'm so
close to solving this mystery?
You're right.
Bless you.
Not one jeweler in the area
has ever seen such a necklace.
And one named Fraser told me
the workmanship is very poor.
It's clear we're dealing
with some amateur.
How are
these pitiful trinkets
connected with two crimes
of such brutality?
By the way, do you have
any word from Romberg?
He and his men are still
searching all the gyms in town,
questioning the promoters, the
boxer, their managers, the lot.
But I doubt they'll get a lead,
Good evening, gentlemen,
We just brought in that ex-boxer
you wanted, sir.
He was just visiting
a hooker.
Ah, show him in, Emilio,
and thank you.
Let's type up this one.
This way.
Well, what a pleasure
to see you again.
Tell me, where have you
been hiding?
I haven't
been "hiding" exactly.
I've been staying
with a lady I know, Inspector.
Mm-hmm, consoling yourself over
the death of your other friend.
Yes, yes,
something like that.
My congratulations.
You're not engaged again,
are you? What a collector!
Well, women like me,
that's all.
I know, I know.
And you don't mind at all
if they support you
when you're between "odd jobs,"
do you?
Another one
of your "businesses"?
Mr. Karl Steiner...
also known as the Peacock,
the Steel Fist and the Bird Dog.
I think I should warn you,
Mr. Steel Fist or Mr. Bird Dog,
your unofficial occupation could
cost you eight to ten...
Now look here, I never
did anything like that.
I would be most delighted
to hear what your excuses are.
I'm quite sure
they're most admirable,
But I'm afraid
I don't have time for that now,
How long did your late
girlfriend, the one called...
Ah, you have
a good memory, I see.
Well now, my friend,
how long had she had
this necklace when she died?
- Two days.
- You're sure, are you?
Oh yeah, certain.
This guy came to the club and
gave it to her, and I must say,
it seemed like he had stolen it
for her.
He gave it to her like it was
nothing, and gave her cash, too.
Oh then, he came
to see her often.
Five or six times.
And he asked nothing in return
for these presents?
No, never.
It's comforting to know
that there are still generous
souls in this world.
I agree with you, but older men
do funny things.
You know this guy?
I've seen him
from time to time.
But I don't know his name
or anything.
Can you describe him?
He's uncommon, that's for sure:
kinda big, a little past 50,
a beard, nice clothes,
if that's any help.
The sort you take one look at
and tell a girl,
"That's a cash customer,
go get him. "
But of course, I'd never say
such things.
Let's not digress, Steiner.
If you saw this man again,
would you recognize him?
Sure, he makes
an impression.
Comes off like he invented
penicillin or something.
A scientist?
A scientist, yeah,
but a really smart one.
Oh, so it's you.
What are you doing here?
Aunt, we must
have a talk.
Ever since I came here,
I've sensed something awful
happened in this house.
The life you share with your
husband is a living hell,
and yet
you're still young.
Why do you stay in your room
and drink by yourself?
I want to know why you live
like a recluse.
I'm begging you,
don't ask me so many questions.
I'd rather drown in my cups,
so I won't remember.
That's why I'm a lush...
I drink to forget.
Does it work?
No bottle could ever
erase the memories
I have of your father.
I know that's the problem,
and for a long time now...
I had already married
your Uncle Conrad.
One day, his brother showed up
at the house... your dad.
He was so different.
In two weeks, he had completely
transformed the house,
and had
transformed me as well.
I fell madly in love
with him.
I was pretty,
back in those days.
I knew he never
really loved me,
but we shared some happy times,
full of tenderness.
They were the only moments
of joy I've ever known.
My husband
was suspicious.
He watched and waited,
baiting his trap.
One day we were alone
and he caught us...
He murdered your father.
He did it
right in front of me...
...with a scalpel.
I was so afraid, and my husband
threatened to kill me too.
He adored his brother, but
jealousy destroyed his heart.
So, after the murder, he put
together the perfect alibi:
your father was gravely ill and
died during emergency surgery.
The day of the funeral,
your uncle wouldn't let anyone
go near the coffin.
That's a beautiful necklace,
Miss Amira.
- You like it?
- Yes, it's perfectly stunning.
Since you think it's so pretty,
you ought to have it.
"The mysterious murders
of these young pretty women
"continue to baffle
the authorities.
"Who is the invisible killer?
"Why were each of the three
murdered girls
"wearing identical necklaces?
"It seems that a tragic whim
forces the killer to give
"his intended victims this
bizarre and exotic jewelry.
"Shaped like a snake
from the Amazon, it entwines
the victim's throat
with a wicked rattler's tail... "
I know I don't talk very good,
I'm not an educated man,
but my head's on straight.
And I don't think this guy
was a man at all.
What was he then?
I don't know,
but the way he moved,
the way he never reacted
to anything around him,
not even to a sudden noise
or someone's presence,
and the funny way he walked...
well, he was just like a robot.
He was a robot...
May I go now?
good night, sir.
So long, and think
about what I've told you.
Show him out, please,
and bring in the woman
who runs that establishment.
So long, kid.
Well miss, I just want to ask
you a few questions, that's all.
You gave this necklace
to the victim, didn't you?
I did, sir.
Who gave it to you?
A client,
two hours earlier.
Who was this client?
I don't know.
He just said
his name was Martin.
- Inspector Klein?
- Speaking.
I advice you to test
those necklaces
to see if they're
ultrasonic transmitters.
If they are, you should
question Professor Jekyll.
Hello, hello?
But who is this?
Hello, hello!
Bring me everything we have
on a certain Professor Jekyll!
Who's there?
Who is it?
Who's there?
He appears completely honorable,
a great man of science.
He's even worked as an expert
witness with the police.
Nevertheless, there's
one black cloud on his career:
his younger brother's death.
Here's Lang,
from the technical department.
- Bless you, sir.
- Thank you.
What's the news?
Well, we've checked
all three necklaces,
and they have turned out
to be ultrasonic transmitters.
Do you think these necklaces
could be the connection
to some sort
of mechanical creature?
That's right.
I'm reminded of the work
of the great Dr. Orloff.
He's experimented with a robot
which responded to ultrasonics.
The mechanism
wasn't perfected,
but it could certainly create
an almost invincible enemy.
Don't you think such a robot
would have some vulnerability?
That's what concerned
Dr. Orloff.
The vital spot has to be
right between the eyebrows,
but of course, insertion of
a receiver there could be fatal.
Thanks so very much.
Call all cars.
We're leaving immediately.
Andros! Andros!
Pardon me, Uncle.
Juan Manuel!
Juan Manuel!
Andros! Andros!
You there!
Juan Manuel!
Oh, my love!
Good evening,
I'm Inspector Klein.
The killer's
loose in the city!
The killer!
He's in the city!
Melissa, I beg you,
in the name of heaven,
you've got
to understand.
You're the only one who can
prevent another murder.
Only you can free all these
people from their worries.
you can't say no.
We must destroy him,
or else he'll go on killing
and spreading terror.
So, what can I do?
They've seen him
in the village.
You know very well
he'll never harm you.
You'll have to do this alone.
Call him, find him,
lead him to us.
Get him to the place where
we're all waiting for him.
Outside the old city hall
would be a good place.
We'll be in the windows
with our rifles.
And then all we'll have to do
is hit him in the right spot.
We can do it,
I know we can.
Once it's over, the city
will be able to breathe again.
Will you do it, Melissa?
Yes, I will.
Drop to the ground,