Secrets & Lies (1996)

That's it. Okay.
Oh, yeah. That's really great.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, now as I said before,
you're under no obligation to me.
You can, if you want to,
give me a tiny, little twinkle.
That is... lovely.
Right. A bit closer.
Now, don't you worry.
You'll be all right.
Hair's just a little bit...
That's it.
And you've got an eyelash
on your nose.
We don't want it. Supposed to be
on your eye, not on your snitch.
Ah. See? You have a lovely smile
when you smile, haven't you?
Right. Okay. Now you keep
that lovely, gorgeous smile.
That's lovely.
I think that'll do for the time being.
Well done, Sara.
That's the easy bit.
They make a noise,
don't they?
Least they can play
out around here.
Suppose so.
- What is it?
- Is that a suit?
It came as a combination.
They go together?
Well, if you think they do, they do,
and if you think they don't, they don't.
It's nice.
Oh, Jesus Christ Almighty!
Twenty-one in August.
- She is.
- I used to worry meself sick when she played out.
- She survived it, though, didn't she?
- All things considering.
- She's back on the streets now.
- I beg your pardon?
- Well, she is, isn't she?
- I don't half miss her.
I know.
How long is it
since we've seen her?
Two and a half years.
- We could always ask her over.
- I'd like to.
For her birthday?
It's only a couple of months away.
What now?
"Hey, Roxanne,
what you doing for your 21 st?"
"I'm going over to my auntie
and uncle's house for my birthday treat."
It was only a suggestion.
She's probably
doing her own thing.
I suppose we'd have to
invite Cynthia as well.
There's no show without Punch.
- I'm sure she'd like to see the place.
- Oh, I'm sure she would.
- She can't help it.
- Can't she?
It's about time
you showed it off.
- I mean, you've done a lovely job.
- I think so.
I really must get down
to see her.
- You speak to her on the phone, don't you?
- It's not the same though, is it?
She's your sister.
I'm really proud
of that portrait.
Bet that's the last time
she ever smiled.
I don't know
what's got into you lately.
- You complaining?
- No.
Well, shut up then.
Sit here on me own for years on end.
Can't get you to stop in at all.
- Now you never go out.
- Leave it out.
You've been sitting there for a month
with a face like a slapped horse.
Well, what's there
to smile about?
Thought he might have phoned
at the weekend.
- Who?
- Who do you think?
- Ain't heard from him for ages.
- He's busy, ain't he?
- We're all busy.
- He's got his weddings and that. It's the summer.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Well, if you're that bothered, why don't you
ring him yourself? He's your brother.
I'm not running up
me phone bill.
He knows where I am
if he wants me.
He'd have had us up there to see it by now,
I expect, if it weren't for her.
Toffy-nosed cow.
What's he want
with six bedrooms anyway?
What's all your mates
doing tonight then?
I don't know.
I ain't asked 'em.
You wanna get yourself a bloke.
That's what you wanna do.
I told you
I don't wanna get anything.
I'm quite happy here,
thank you very much.
When I was your age, I could've
had the pick of the crop.
Well, why didn't you?
Because I lost my poor mother,
that's why.
- Oh, here we go.
- I was stuck at home...
from the age of 10 looking after Maurice
and your granddad.
Yeah, we know.
Then I got saddled with you.
That was my downfall, darling.
- I didn't ask to be born.
- No, and I never asked to have you neither.
Well, you should have thought about that
before you dropped your knickers!
- With... or without?
- I think without.
- Without? Okay.
- Yeah.
What about this one?
Better with or without?
- I think this time it's with.
- With? All right.
We'll pop this one in then.
- I hear you're a really good runner.
- Yeah. Cross-country.
- Have you won anything?
- Not yet.
- I've only just started.
- Okay. Now look up again.
Now, this is gonna blur a bit, but just
tell me what you can read, okay?
"H, L, A...
- C, T."
- Right.
And I can't read anymore.
Okay. That's good.
Very good.
I'm gonna do your other eye now.
- Yeah, she was.
- Yeah, course she was.
I'd have been proud.
- You off then?
- Yeah.
- Got any plans for the weekend?
- I've got to go to my mum's house
and sort through her things.
- Oh, okay. Hope it goes all right.
- Yeah.
- Well, it's gotta be done.
- Yeah.
- Okay then.
- I'll see you on Monday.
- Yeah. Have a nice weekend.
- Cheers.
- Ooh. Enjoy the christening.
- I'll try.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.
- What are you talking about?
- I got 10 minutes.
Listen. We've got to
sort this out while we're here.
Face it, Leroy.
It's you one here in this massive house.
Thank you. We have got two children.
You understand?
- And we could have more. We wanna have more.
- What?
Listen, right? You can't stay here
on your own. It's not fair, is it?
I mean, we can sell the house, can't we?
Sell the house and split the money.
- You could split this whole house in two.
- We could sell the house.
We could split it into two flats
and it'd still be bigger than...
We could split it into two, possibly into three.
Well, there you are then.
Sort your tie out for you,
if I might.
- Looks just a little bit skewered there.
- Oh, skewered again.
There. That's lovely.
Can I have the paper?
- Yep. Okay.
- Oh, right.
You two ladies look gorgeous.
That's splendid.
Put your hands together.
There you are. Really nice.
Okay. Here we go.
Right down there.
Right. And here we go.
Okay and...
- Do we say, "Cheese," Maurice?
- Well, you can if you like.
But you can.
You can say, "Cheese".
You can say whatever you like,
but just give me a little bit... Perfect!
- Aaah!
- Ah, yeah. Very sweet.
Okay. That's lovely.
- So it took you 15 years, eh?
- Yes.
- Did they give you a prize?
- No.
Not even a stethoscope? Lovely.
Ooh. The baby.
- Yeah. That's really lovely.
- I'm so glad he's got his eyes open.
Yeah. That's it. Yeah. That's it.
And give him a look down. Lovely!
Are you gonna
see that flea collar?
- You gonna see that?
- Don't worry about that.
You come out then. Come out.
- Hang on. That's it.
- You just come out the way.
Uh, pop out now.
Come out. And here we go.
I think I got the comb in there
that time.
- Lovely. Very good.
- Ohhh.
- Does he look good?
- He does look good.
- Oh, good. Yeah, yeah.
- So do you. Thank you very much, Jane.
That's lovely.
- It's for my auntie.
- Oh, what, fond of you, is she?
- No. She's in India.
- Oh, right.
- Time I got married, isn't it?
- Oh, I see.
"Pick a bride" time,
is it?
I told you,
I don't want flashy.
And... lovely!
I never thought
I'd have any.
Fertility treatment.
It's a miracle.
Don't do that with your nose.
Now stop it. Put it there.
Hello. Look at that lovely cat.
Look over there.
- Look. It's lovely!
- Look at that cat.
- Oh, I see. Then scratch it first.
- No!
Go on. That's it.
That's it. Lovely!
I feel so silly.
Aha! Lovely! That's it!
Ah! Thank you very much.
- What do you think you're doing?
- Sorry.
Didn't you hear me?
- Well, hi.
- What? Mind, out of the way.
- Want a drink?
- What?
If I want a drink,
I'll get it myself, thank you.
Since when was Hoovering
a spectator sport?
- Can I have a glass too, please?
- Sorry. I thought you didn't want one.
I've changed my mind.
I'm having milk. Not in a wine glass.
Give me a highball.
You don't put milk in a wine glass.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- That'll do you good.
- Meaning?
Had a good day?
Suppose you'll be
starving as usual.
I'm a little bit peckish, yeah.
I just wanted to say that.
- Do you want me to do something?
- Like what?
- Anything you like.
- No, I bloody well wouldn't.
- Fair enough.
- Well, all right then.
There's the fridge.
There's the freezer.
There's the hop.
There's the recipe books.
Help yourself.
And don't make a mess.
Unless you fancy a take-away.
- You're not gonna smile, are you?
- No.
Okay. It's a free world.
Now, you're under no obligation,
but you can, if you want to...
Give me a lovely big smile.
Thank you.
Oh, go on! Come on!
You're under no obligation to me,
but you can smile if you like.
Yes.! Thank you.
- Did you smile, Mother?
- No.
That's it. To me.
Now look at each other.
That's lovely.
- Don't.
- Go on. Look up. Keep your face up.
- Wait, wait, wait. Wait, please.
- That's lovely.
- Yeah. You were closing your eyes.
- Wait a minute.
Don't forget to burp it properly.
Give it a drop of gripe water.
We used to pour it down Roxanne
by the gallon.
She farted like a trouper.
Runs in the family.
Would madame care to
test the temperature?
I'm sure it'll be fine.
- Been bad, has it?
- It eased off at lunchtime.
Managed a couple of crackers.
It's unpredictable, isn't it?
No, it's not unpredictable.
- You've drawn the short straw, mate.
- You're telling me.
I wish it was unpredictable.
- What are you gonna have for your tea?
- Tonight I'm eating fancy.
- What?
- A steak.
- Don't worry about me.
- You'll be keeling over with a heart attack.
Don't we still have
something a bit lighter?
There's a chicken Kiev
in the freezer.
Be a bit cold, wouldn't it?
Anyway, I'm on a diet.
You're disgusting.
Okay. That's very good.
And we can see the ring perfectly.
All right now.
Sir, if you just bring your chin up...
Yeah. Just like that.
That's brilliant.
- All right. Great.
- Wait. Sorry. Listen.
- Um, take your glasses off.
- I don't want to take my glasses off.
Take them off!
- Doesn't matter... keep 'em on, take 'em off.
- No, it's all right.
- It looks better without them.
- It's not what I look like, okay?
- Come on. Just... here.
- Right. Okay. And to the...
Can you... One moment, please.
Can you take the cross out, please?
- Mm?
- Take the cross out. The gift. Take it out.
- I just think it looks awful.
- It doesn't look awful.
It looks awful 'cause it's not gold.
I told you to buy gold.
Okay. Right.
Okay. And to me again.
Right. That's lovely.
Now, if you want to look happy
or sad, I don't mind.
That's it!
Ah, look at me! And lovely!
Hello. My name's
Hortense Cumberbatch.
I got your letter. Hi.
All right. Tuesday.
- Hortense. Hello. Jenny Ford. Nice to meet you.
- Oh, hi.
- Come this way. How are you? All right?
- Fine. Thank you.
Good. I'm sorry
about this prison cell.
We've been going on about it
for years, but there you go.
Have a seat.
Make yourself at home.
Now, before we go any further, have you
got any I.D... passport, driving license?
- Oh, yeah.
- I have to get used to all this red tape.
- Would you like a Rollo?
- No, thank you.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
There you go.
Hmm. Have a shufty.
- That's great, Hortense, then.
- Thank you.
- You on your lunch break?
- Yeah, an extended one.
- Well, have you had any lunch?
- No, not yet.
No? Me neither.
So what do you do?
- I'm an optometrist.
- Oh, really?
Oh, God. That's one of those things you
keep putting off and putting off, isn't it?
When I got to the station,
over the Guardian crossword...
but I'm going like this,
so I think the time has come.
I'll have to pop in.
You can give me a test.
- Where do you live?
- Kilburn.
- Right, right. In a flat?
- Yes.
- You share?
- No, I live on my own.
All right.
I lived on my own...
For about six years.
Before I was married. It's all right.
Right, Hortense. Let's talk a little bit
about you, shall we?
Now, obviously, you've been
giving a great deal of thought to things...
and you've come to a decision,
which is good.
But for me,
the question is "why now?"
I just feel that it's
the right time, that's all.
- Right, right. You thinking
about getting married?
- No.
- Do you have children?
- No.
- You thinking about having children?
- No.
That's fair enough.
Are you sharing this with your parents?
Do they know that you're here today?
How do they feel about it?
They're both dead actually.
All right.
Uh, Mum died
two months ago now.
Oh, that is recent.
I'm... I'm sorry to hear that.
- Was it sudden?
- Yeah.
Perhaps that's what has
made you start on this.
I don't know.
It's possible.
Well, I'm not trying to
replace her.
She's irreplaceable.
They both are.
No. Of course, of course.
- And when you were growing up,
was it a happy environment?
- Yes, very.
Oh, good, good.
And did you, um...
Were you able to discuss
the fact that you'd been...
No. It was never
really an issue.
Right, right.
So you've only just found out?
Oh, no. They told me
when I was little.
Oh, good, good. And do you remember
how you felt about that?
Well, it's not exactly
something you forget, is it?
No. No.
I'm sure it isn't.
So how did you feel?
Well, we all just got on with it as
a family, do you know what I mean?
Yeah. Perhaps you
should have discussed it.
My parents loved me,
and that was all that matters.
Isn't it?
Yeah. Yeah.
So, now that we've got you here,
what are your expectations?
I just want to know.
Yeah, yeah.
Of course you do.
Let me share something
with you, Hortense.
Somewhere out there,
and we don't know where...
is your birth mother.
Now, she's probably married...
perhaps not.
She may have other children.
She might be dead.
She may even be in Australia
or somewhere. We just don't know.
But what we do know is that
at the time she gave you up for adoption...
she was under the impression that she
would probably never see you again.
Now, as I know
you're very well aware...
the law has changed since then
and you are now legally entitled
to seek your birth mother out.
But the snag is,
she may not want to see you.
So I don't want you to raise
your hopes too high at this stage.
- Sure.
- Okay.
Have a look at this.
What is it?
It's all about you.
I tell you what.
- I'll leave it with you
and I'll be back in a few minutes.
- Yeah.
- Can I get you anything?
- No. Uh, thank you.
How you doing?
All right?
Thank you.
"Cynthia Rose Purley".
That's her.
Cynthia Rose.
It's a nice name,
isn't it?
- That's her signature.
- Mm-hmm.
Does it feel strange?
That's my middle name.
They must've kept it.
Well, that would be
your birth name, you see?
"Elizabeth Purley".
Listen, is there any way
I could get a copy of these?
No. Those are the originals
and they're yours to keep.
That's your right
under the 1975 Act.
I've made copies upstairs.
Can I pop those in here for you?
what we need to do now is...
you go away and have a think.
And when the time's right,
and not before...
you know, it's very much
in your own time...
come back to me,
if that's what you want...
and we'll
get the ball rolling.
Now, it can be
a very long-winded process.
And there's no two ways
about it...
it's a very traumatic journey
we're embarking on.
And there may be other people's
feelings to consider too.
So I'll wait
to hear from you, okay?
Now, y-you could decide to trace your
birth mother by yourself if you want to...
but I... I wouldn't advise it.
We're a professional service and
we know how to handle these things.
So I think you should
take advantage of us.
- Hello.
- Oh, you're back. Hello.
- I think I found a mistake.
- I'm sorry, Hortense. I can't stop. I'm late now.
- Look. It says she's white.
- Sorry?
"Mother: White".
Well, it's perfectly feasible
that your mother was white, isn't it?
Look, I'm sorry, Hortense. Really,
I've got to go. I'm on an emergency case.
Yes, but could this
be a mistake?
I very much doubt it.
Look. Give me a ring in the morning
and we'll have a talk then.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Look at that.
- Legs like a teenager.
- Do you have to?
- You'd like a pair like that.
- What for?
I'm known for my legs.
If you've got it, flaunt it.
- You going out?
- Of course I ain't.
- Who's that?
- Well, I don't know.
If it's what's-her-name,
you could ask her to come in.
I don't even know
who it is yet.
What you doing here?
Just come to see ya.
Well, you can't come in.
My mum's here.
- Who is it?
- I'm going out.
- You all right, sweetheart?
- Would you get inside?
Nothing's changed much.
- No.
- Ain't your mum been around, looking after you?
She came around Sunday,
after mass.
Didn't take long
to mess it up again.
She laying off of me
a bit now though.
- Well, I should think so too, at your age.
- Yeah.
She should have a word
with my mum.
I bet she misses you though.
Fuckin'... better off
without it altogether, I'll tell ya.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
You and me, mate.
We're better off without 'em.
Look. I'm sorry about...
You know.
So you should be.
Don't get all serious
on me, Paul.
- No, no. I ain't.
- Yes, you are, you fool.
I just missed you.
How much?
- A lot.
- Just a lot?
No. Y-Yeah.
Well, I might have
missed you a bit.
Ya know, I've been
going out of me head.
So was I.
Just so's you know, I ain't staying
the night, not every time I come round.
And I want you to stop before.
I was just speaking my mind, all right?
- Yeah.
- Now give us a snog.
- Hello. Good afternoon.
What can I do for you today?
- Hello.
Right. That's fine.
Is that, uh, to post or collect?
- Collect, please.
- Collect. Thanks very much.
That's 6, please, madam.
- I saw her, you know.
- Did ya?
She's just, like,
"You got a boyfriend yet, Dionne?"
Nearly everyone
who went to the funeral...
reckoned they'd seen her and she'd
given them some kind of sign.
"Me see your mother
two years before she dead.
And she hold onto me arm
and look in me eye as if she did know."
I mean, if she knew,
I wish she'd told us.
You're gettin' better though.
It's a nice day.
I don't know...
why I can't contain it all.
It's too soon.
There's nothing rational
about grief.
Maybe you cry for yourself.
Been out much?
Nah. I can't.
Some days
I'm completely vulnerable.
I can feel everything.
Other days I'm numb.
- If you wanna come out with me...
- No.
- I've got stuff to sort out.
- What?
- Look. If there's anything I can do...
- No. Thanks.
I'll be all right.
- Have you heard from Bernard?
- Nah.
Yes! He sent a sympathy card.
- Mm?
- Which I thought was a very nice thing to do.
I did something really bad.
Oh, no. I don't think
I can deal with no confession.
- Cleanse my soul.
- Mm-mmm!
- I did the do.
- Do it.
- Did the deed with a complete stranger.
- Did it.
- No! Who?
- I don't know who.
- Well, what did he look like?
- Don't know.
- He was in advertising.
- Oh, Lord.
- Did you use a condom?
- Yes.
- Did you use two?
- Yes.
- One on top of the other?
- One after the other.
Oh, God!
- Do you despair of me?
- No.
- Yes, you do.
- I don't.
- Did you have a good time?
- Yeah.
- That's all that matters then, isn't it?
- Yeah.
I liked my mum as a person,
but I didn't know her.
I wish I'd known her.
- She loved you.
- Yeah, I know, but that's not in debate, is it?
My mum,
she resents me.
She kept you.
She fed you.
She clothed you.
She didn't give you away.
- She could have.
- I wish she had.
No, you don't.
The thing is,
they're so secretive.
It's that back-home thing.
You know.
"Come out.
Big people are talking."
That sort of vibe.
So you don't pursue things,
because you're brought up not to.
Just let 'em
get on with it.
What I seem to do
is think about things...
I wish I could have
asked her.
Like what?
I don't know.
There's stuff
I wish I knew.
- There's stuff I wish I didn't know.
- No.
If you knew you had a limited amount
of time, you'd sort it out.
You'd ask
your mum questions...
regardless of whether
she got vexed.
Like, I don't know, what happened between
her and your dad, for example.
No. She didn't make
no effort for me...
so why should
I be interested in her?
And where's my dad anyway?
I don't wanna hear
her and Norbert havin' it off.
I don't want her to know
who I'm havin' it off with...
and I don't want her
to see me drunk.
Don't want her to know
nothing about me.
Maybe that's because you're frightened
that when you look at her...
you can see yourself
in 20 years time.
- Please.
- We choose our parents.
How do you mean?
We choose the parents in this life
that can teach us something...
so that when we go into
the next life, we get it right.
Well, sometimes
it don't work, does it?
I'm gonna pop out
for a couple of hours.
- What time will you be back?
- 4:30.
- Okay. Have fun.
- Thanks.
Sorry to interrupt. Do you think
you can fit these things in?
- Right.
- I'm a bit low.
- I'll give 'em a ring.
- Thanks.
- Hello.
- Bloody hell.
- What you doing here?
- Thought I'd come and see ya.
Where's Monica?
She's at home, I think.
Gonna let me in then?
Yeah, of course.
- Do you want a cup of tea?
- Yes, please.
- You all right then?
- Smashing.
Have you been working
down this way?
On the back of Tower Bridge.
If I'd known you was coming,
I'd have warmed up the seat.
It's warm enough
I should think.
Does Monica know
you've come round here?
No. I didn't know
I was coming meself.
- She's okay then?
- Yeah, she's fine.
She's busy
with the house.
What doing? I thought it was supposed
to be a new house, you said.
- Stenciling.
- What, drawing?
Stencils on the wall.
Decorating. You must've
seen it in magazines.
It's very effective.
Roxanne not in then?
She's got some bloke in tow.
- Has she?
- Shifty-looking bleeder.
- Walks like a crab.
- Hmm.
- Your tea's there.
- Ta.
- Do you want a sandwich?
- No, thanks.
- So she's all right?
- I only see her first thing in the morning.
She comes in, grunts,
then buggers off to work.
- You should be glad she's got a fella.
- I am glad, Maurice.
I want her to be happy.
But I'd like her to bring him 'round,
see who she's knocking about with.
- Just give her a bit of time.
- You used to bring your girlfriends home...
Front of the telly,
laugh, drink.
You didn't mind
me sittin' there, did you?
What's her name?
Never stopped talking.
- Tina.
- Tina.
And the other one,
wouldn't open her mouth.
- Maxine.
- That's it.
Dad liked her, didn't he?
Nice thighs.
So how's work then?
Still at the same place?
I gotta get her something for
her birthday. It's her 21st, Maurice.
- August the 7th.
- I don't know what she wants...
apart from me under a bus.
- That's silly talk.
- Me head in the oven.
- When you gonna come and see us then?
- Eh?
You know,
a bit of a get-together.
Come on Roxanne's birthday.
We'll have some champagne.
What about Monica?
- She'll be there.
- No. Won't she mind?
No. It was her idea actually.
- How do you fancy a barbecue?
- If you like.
Anyway, it's about time
you saw the house.
- Thought you was never gonna ask.
- I'm asking you now.
- Ya been there nearly a 12-month.
- Tell Roxanne.
She might not wanna come.
She'll say no
just to spite me.
Yeah. Well,
I demand her presence.
- Tell her.
- What if she wants to bring him?
- Has he gotta job, this bloke?
- Scaffolding, she says.
It's very well-paid.
- Is it?
- Yep.
I can't believe it, Maurice.
I was carryin' her
when I was 21, wasn't I?
You was good with nappies.
Those safety pins though.
Never stabbed her though,
did you, darlin'?
- Stabbed meself a couple of times.
- Seventeen, weren't you?
I was.
Place is still standin',
isn't it?
Not for much longer.
You should see Dad's room.
- What's up with it?
- It's like the Niagara Falls up there.
- What, it's got a leak?
- Yeah.
Only when it's rainin'.
I'll have a look.
Nice to have a man
about the place.
Wish I'd known
you was comin'.
It's dry at the moment.
The whole lot's
gonna come down.
Does look a bit dodgy,
I'll have to admit.
- You up-to-date on the rent?
- Course I am.
Give him a ring. Get him to do something
about it. It's his responsibility.
Don't be daft, Maurice.
He don't give a toss, does he?
I'll get someone to look at it.
I'll pay.
Look at all this junk.
What you gonna do with it?
Give us a cuddle, Maurice.
Please, sweetheart!
Why have you left it
so bloody long?
Well, you know,
it-it's work and all that.
There's nothing the matter
with your dialing finger.
- You can ring me.
- You're always too busy, ain't ya?
Look, um... See here.
Sit yourself down.
You're the only one
I've got, Maurice.
You love me, don't ya?
Hold me tight,
Maurice, please.
My little brother.
Look at you.
It's a good life for ya.
When are you
gonna shave, eh?
Slap your arse.
Why don't you
chuck it all out, eh?
I mean, look at it.
Some of it hasn't been touched
since Mum died.
Can you use anything, Maurice,
in your new house?
Fill a space?
No, thanks.
Thought I might
move in here.
Front view.
See the world go by.
Remember this?
Now it's no use
to you, is it?
I don't think so.
You ain't gonna make me
an auntie now, are ya?
Listen, Cynth...
I... b-bet...
better be going.
You'll let me know about the barbecue
then, will you, sweetheart?
Yeah, of course I will. Tell her if she
can't make it, I'll give her a clump.
- Not before I do.
- Hang on.
- Shall I say hello to Monica for you?
- If you like, sweetheart.
- There you go.
- Thanks, darlin'.
- See ya.
- Ta-ta.
What was your mum like
when your dad died?
- What do you mean?
- How did she cope?
I don't know.
Too young to remember.
She just got on with it, I suppose,
like everybody else.
Did you have to
look after Craig?
What, you mean like your big sister
looked after you?
No, I did not.
My dad never said a word
about my mum after she died.
- That's men for you.
- I hated him for it.
He must have been
in real pain.
Maybe just couldn't share it.
I didn't know what I felt.
I still don't.
Cynthia's antics
couldn't have helped him much.
- Do you miss Craig?
- Why would I miss Craig?
- He's your brother.
- He's in Saudi Arabia, isn't he?
Well, I don't
exactly miss him.
Do you miss Cynthia?
Do you think Roxanne's serious
about this scaffolder bloke?
Well, she's only known him
for five minutes.
Mind you, I was married
at her age, wasn't I?
- Yeah.
- I wonder if she knows.
What, about us?
- What's there to know about us?
- You know what I mean.
How would she know about that...
unless you've told her.
- I haven't told her.
- I hope Cynthia doesn't know either.
She doesn't.
That's all right then.
No, I meant if she knows about Cynthia...
You know, before she was born.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, she's got a half-brother
or a half-sister, knockin' about somewhere.
- She's got a right to know.
- That's up to Cynthia.
You'd never say anything,
would you?
- Of course not.
- Good.
Anyway, she must have
told her.
She never told her
who her father was.
None of us knew
who he was.
I wonder
if she ever misses him.
- Who?
- Roxanne.
- You can't miss what you've never had.
- Can't you?
I was gonna kill him.
- Poor Cynthia.
- Saint Cynthia.
- She tried her best.
- Did she?
Yeah, she did.
She gave me a lot of love.
- What shall I tell him if he phones then?
- Who?
- Maurice.
- I don't know. Tell him what you want.
- Are you gonna bring your bloke or not?
- No, I ain't.
- Have you asked him?
- No!
- That will be him now.
- Hello?
- Let me talk to him.
- Shut it!
Well, there ain't
no one there.
- One of them perverts.
- Sweetheart?
Oh, will you stop going on
about this fucking barbecue?
You're going to see him now,
ain't you? You can ask him.
I don't even know
if I want him to go...
and it ain't
for ages anyway.
See you later.
- "I, Zoe,
- "I, Zoe...
- "take you, Darren,
- "take you, Darren...
- "to be my husband,
- "to be my husband...
- "to have and to hold...
- "to have and to hold...
- "from this day forward,
- "from this day forward...
- "for better or for worse,
- for better or for worse..."
For richer..."
Darren and Zoe have given
their consent...
and made their marriage vows
to each other.
They have declared their marriage
by joining of hands...
and by the giving
and receiving of rings.
I therefore proclaim...
that they are
husband and wife.
Ain't you seein' him
tonight then?
I'm havin' an early night.
- Keep me company?
- I've got a hangover.
You should stop in
more often.
You are lookin' after yourself with him,
ain't you, sweetheart?
- What you mean?
- You know, taking care.
I don't want to ask you
nothing personal, darling...
but are you taking the pill?
That is personal.
- Why don't you bring him 'round?
- Leave it out.
I'd like to meet him.
I wouldn't know him...
- if he stood up in me soup.
- Don't hold your breath.
You don't want to leave it up to him,
darling. Men are all the same.
- Mum!
- I hope he uses a what's-name...
- Condoms.
- Mind your own business.
They can leak.
You want to be careful.
You're jealous, ain't ya?
Where is he tonight anyway?
- I don't know.
- Most likely out giving somebody else one.
That's how I got caught with you...
runnin' out of the pill.
- You could have a coil fitted.
- Change the record!
Dr. Mulholland,
make an appointment.
- You'd suit the sponge.
- Keep your voice down!
I got a Dutch cap floatin' around
somewhere upstairs. You could have that.
Run it under the tap. A bit of
talcum powder. Where you goin'?
I don't have to listen to this!
Sweetheart, darlin',
I'm only trying to help you.
- Leave me alone.
- I'm your mother.
- Get out of my room!
- It don't matter if you have a little baby.
- I'll look after it.
- I ain't gettin' pregnant!
- I'll give up me job.
- It's nothing to do with you!
Yes, it bloody is! I'm not havin' you
droppin' it at my door!
- Jesus Christ!
- I'm sorry, darling! I didn't mean...
Shut up!
You make me sick, you stupid bitch!
- Hello?
- I'm sorry to trouble you...
but I'm trying to locate...
a Cynthia Purley.
Is that Cynthia Purley?
- Yes.
- Cynthia Rose Purley?
- Yes.
- Of 76 Quilter Street?
Yes. What is it
you want, darlin'?
Did you want Roxanne?
She's gone out.
- No.
- She ain't in any trouble, is she?
- No, it's about Elizabeth.
- Elizabeth? Elizabeth who?
Elizabeth Purley.
Oh, oh, she's dead.
- No, she isn't.
- She is, darlin'. I should know.
I should know.
Look, sweetheart, she's me mother.
She went in 1961.
No, I mean
baby Elizabeth Purley.
Baby Eliz...
Who is this?
She was born
on the 23rd of July, 1968.
At... Sorry about this.
At... Yeah.
At the Haven...
Wells Grange Avenue, Sutton, Surrey.
Look, I'm sorry. I know this
must be a shock to you.
L-Listen, darling,
what is it you want?
- I'm really sorry.
- You mustn't come 'round here, sweetheart.
- I didn't want to upset you.
- You mustn't do that.
And you mustn't
phone neither.
I just needed to know.
Yes, but you can't
come 'round here.
No one knows about you, see?
- Right.
- Promise me you won't
come 'round. Promise me.
Look, I've got your address. If I wanted
to come 'round, I'd have done it already.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I'm a little bit upset.
- Promise me you won't come 'round.
- All right, I promise.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Can I meet you somewhere?
No, I shouldn't
think so, darlin'.
See, I've got lots of, um... I've got
lots of questions I want to ask you.
Yeah, well, I gotta go now.
What's your name anyway, eh?
- Hortense.
- Hortense?
- Hortense what?
- Cumberbatch.
That's a funny name, isn't it?
Yeah, I suppose it is.
You own a phone?
Yeah. Uh, do you want
to take my number down?
Oh, I don't think
I've got a pencil.
I'll wait.
I got one.
Uh, it's 0171...
Sorry... 6194840.
Yeah, ta-ta.
Hello? Hello?
Do you want to
meet me or not then?
- Oh, hello.
- Yes or no. It's up to you.
Oh, yeah.
Of course I want to meet you.
Well, then...
Are you sure about this?
- I mean, if you're not sure...
- Where do you want to meet me?
Well, where would
you like to meet?
I don't know, anywhere.
- Not here though.
- No, of course not.
Uh, what about
outside Holborn tube station?
What are you doing
this Saturday coming?
Nothing. I'm never
bloody doing anything.
- Saturday then.
- What time?
- 7:30?
- Half past 7:00.
Now, listen, you mustn't phone me
here again. Do you understand me?
Otherwise I won't
come and meet ya.
Now, I'll see you on Saturday.
Don't even know
what you look like.
- Hello, sweetheart.
- What's for tea?
- Got you a bit of steak. Little treat for ya.
- What for?
- Ain't you havin' none?
- I'll just fry meself an egg.
- Do you want a beer?
- We ain't got none.
- I got you some.
- Oh, did you?
- You going out?
- No, I'm stayin' in.
I'm gonna have
a few early nights...
I've decided.
- Excuse me.
- What is it, sweetheart?
Are you Cynthia?
- Yeah. How'd you know?
- Hello. I'm Hortense.
What you talking about?
Hortense Cumberbatch.
I spoke to you on the telephone.
- Well, that was you?
- Yeah.
Oh, no.
No, sweetheart.
No, darlin'. You been ringin'
the wrong person.
- Cynthia Purley.
- Where'd you get my name from anyway?
It's on my birth certificate.
What you talkin' about,
your birth certificate?
- It can't be.
- It's got your name and your address on it.
No, that's all wrong, darlin'. They've made
a mistake down in the offices.
You want to get down there,
get that sorted.
- That's someone havin' a joke.
- I don't think so.
Let me have a look at that.
I'm ever so sorry, sweetheart.
That must be a bit
of a disappointment for you.
Look, I really think
you ought to see these documents.
Why, what is it?
Why don't we, uh, go somewhere
and have a sit-down?
No, I think
I better be going, darlin'.
Look, you've come
all this way. Please.
Let's... Let's go
and have a cup of tea or something.
There's places down there.
Come on.
I hope you find your mum,
You keep lookin'.
Go on.
No, thanks.
I don't smoke.
Nor should ya.
My daughter smokes
like a chimney.
- You got a daughter?
- Yeah.
I ain't never
been in here before.
They shouldn't go raisin'
your hopes like that. It ain't fair.
Is this your signature?
This is stupid.
I don't understand it.
I mean, I can't be
your mother, can I?
- Why not?
- Well, look at me.
- What?
- Listen, I don't mean nothing by it, darlin'...
but I ain't never
been with a black man in my life.
No disrespect nor nothing.
I'd have remembered,
wouldn't I?
Oh, bloody hell.
Oh, Jesus Christ Almighty!
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I'm so ashamed.
You shouldn't be ashamed.
I can't look at you.
I didn't know, sweetheart.
Honest, I didn't know.
- What didn't you know?
- I didn't know you was black.
See, I...
I thought they got
the dates all wrong.
All this time, I thought you was
born six... six weeks premature...
but you weren't.
You wasn't.
Who was he?
You don't want
to know that, darlin'.
I do.
Listen, I want to be
honest with you...
but I can't tell you that,
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Look at ya.
I expect that I'm a bit
of a disappointment to you, ain't I?
- You don't have to say that, darlin'.
- I know.
You've been better off without me.
I'll tell you that much.
I done you a good turn.
Your tea's getting cold.
What's your mum like then?
Does she mind you
looking for me?
- My mum died recently.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
What about your dad?
He's dead and all.
Are you married?
No, no, um,
I ain't, uh...
I ain't married, sweetheart.
- Are you?
- No.
I'll bet you got
a boyfriend though, ain't ya?
- No, not at the moment.
- A nice-looking girl like you.
Have you got a boyfriend?
I give 'em all
a wide berth.
They got me into enough
trouble in the past, ain't they?
You got a job, have you?
That's good.
What doin'?
- I'm an optometrist.
- Eh?
I test eyes. Optician?
Are you?
There's a turn up.
- What do YOU do?
- I work in a factory.
D'you like it?
It pays the rent.
How about your daughter?
She works for the council.
Have you got any sisters?
No. Two brothers.
Oh, are they, um...
What do THEY do?
One's a computer salesman
and the other one's
got his own garage.
I bet your mum was
proud of you, wasn't she?
Yeah, she was.
Yeah, 'course she was.
I'D have been proud.
Why didn't you wanna see me?
Well, 'cause nobody
knows about you, sweetheart.
I don't wanna upset
my daughter, do I?
I mean when I was born.
Well, I couldn't.
I was too upset, see.
They wanted me to look at you.
They wanted me to hold you
but I couldn't. I just couldn't!
I didn't know if I was
comin' or goin'.
I was only a little
girl meself, 16.
I didn't have no choice.
If I had've seen you,
I would've wanted to keep you.
You do believe me,
don't you, sweetheart?
I don't blame you, darlin'.
You only just found out?
I've known since I was seven.
Your mum and dad told you,
did they?
Yeah, they did.
They sound like nice people.
My mum told me on the plane
on our way back from Barbados.
Little girl.
Was you upset?
I just looked out at the clouds.
Haven't you ever
thought about me?
Yeah, 'COURSE I have!
But it ain't no good pinin'
over what you ain't got, is it?
But didn't you think
I'd look for you?
No, I... I didn't, as it happens.
Wish you hadn't bothered
now, don't you?
I'm glad.
I don't want to disrupt
your family or anything.
I just had to see you.
I had to know who you were.
I wanna wish you
all the best, sweetheart,
whatever you do.
And I'll be thinkin' of you.
Bit quiet, ain't ya?
What's up?
You goin' out?
Yeah, in a bit.
You feelin' all right?
There's nothing
the matter with ME.
Nothing at all.
- D'you find anything today?
- Frozen chicken.
- What, in the road?
- No, in a bin.
It was still cold.
Some dirty magazines.
D'you bring 'em home?
Still, I suppose
there are worse jobs.
Gotta laugh, ain't you,
Else you'd cry.
[Phone rings]
Is that Hortense?
It's Cynthia.
'I didn't think you'd be in.'
I am.
Well, I just, um...
wanted to ring up and say...
how nice it was to meet you
yesterday. That's all.
Thank you.
Been thinkin' about you
all day.
I've been thinking about YOU.
Yeah, well, um...
I just wanted to say that.
Thank you.
Dunno what to say now.
Daft, ain't it?
Got home all right, did you?
Yeah. Thank you.
What have you been doin' today?
Oh, just out the back,
sunnin' meself.
'What YOU been doin'? '
Just chillin' out, really.
'Yeah, hot, ain't it? '
Well, that's all I wanted
to say, sweetheart.
Tada, then.
I'd really like
to see you again.
- Would you?
- Yeah.
That'd be nice.
D'you like Italian food?
Yeah, eat anything, me.
Chinese, kebabs, the lot!
'What? '
It's great.
[Maurice] And...
OK, other side, please.
Bring your face
this way, please.
Can you shut the door, please?
Yeah, sure.
So who did your
original photographs?
My dad, actually,
but my solicitor said
they weren't good enough.
D'you have a
police photographer?
I'm gonna come in a bit closer.
Hope you don't get
No, I don't, actually.
That's good.
OK. I'm just gonna move your...
Thank you.
That's great.
A little bit closer.
Now... I know
this isn't very nice.
But it's gotta be done,
hasn't it?
I want 'em to look
as bad as possible.
Of course.
I lost my job.
I was GOOD at my job.
What did you do?
I'm a beauty consultant.
OK. If you just
bring your chin up.
Lovely. And...
So what actually
happened to you?
My seatbelt was broken.
I went through the windscreen.
It wasn't my car. I wasn't
driving. It wasn't my fault.
- Yeah, you said.
- It wasn't!
You OK?
Did the driver
sustain any injuries?
No, unfortunately.
He's not in your good books.
I ain't seen him since.
I don't wanna see him.
Life isn't fair, is it?
Someone always draws
the short straw.
OK, that's very good.
One more.
- Here's your receipt.
- Thank you.
Ring us in the morning.
We'll see what we can do.
- Fine.
- Bye, then.
Mind how you go!
Oh, Maurice, that's terrible.
- How'd she do that, then?
- Car crash.
- Aw, she's so lovely.
- Not any more, she isn't.
[Jane] It's tragic.
[Maurice] She's getting
earhole from that dosser.
He's been lookin' at me.
Gives me the creeps.
I don't believe it.
[Jane] How much money
d'you think she'll get?
- What?
- Insurance.
Oh, if she's lucky
- 15, 20 grand.
I dunno what I'd do
if it happened to me.
Think I'd kill meself.
- Hello.
- Hiya.
Didn't expect to see YOU.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
Hello, Monica.
Hi, Jane.
Just been for a facial.
I'm dying for a cup of tea.
- Look over there.
- What?
- That bloke.
- What bloke?
See who it is?
- What, by the lamppost?
- Yeah.
It's Stuart Christian,
isn't it?
It IS.
- But he's in Sydney.
- Is he?
He's comin' over.
Doesn't look well, does he?
It's that man.
- It's OK. We know him.
- Do ya?
- What's he want?
- God knows.
- It's over to you, buster.
- Thanks very much(!).
[Door opens]
[Maurice] Hello, Stuart.
[Stuart] Maurice.
Long time, no see.
How's things?
Fine, thanks. Fine.
You're lookin' well.
You're still 'ere then.
I thought we'd lost you
to Australia.
How's the wife and kids?
Monica. Haven't got any kids.
- No?
- She's great, thanks.
Good on you, mate.
- You still in the game?
- Look at all this!
What are you doin'?
It's lost its style, Maurice.
Has it?
Looks like a dentist's
waiting room.
[Maurice chuckles]
I'd kill for a cup o' tea.
If you're 21...
or a millionaire...
it's great.
Or you've got nine kids...
you're fine.
Brilliant. Open arms.
But for guys like you and me,
doesn't matter
how good you are -
forget it.
But it was an experience...
and now I'm back.
That's too bad.
You were full of such big plans.
[Stuart] It's a big place.
- That's true.
- Too fuckin' big.
You're lookin' as gorgeous
as ever, Monica.
You thinkin' about
setting up again?
No, forget it.
Too much of a pain.
You know what
it's like, Maurice.
You sweat your balls off
for years
and try and make people happy.
And what d'you get back?
By the way, this is
Jane, my assistant.
I bought the business
from Mr Christian.
- Hello.
- Hello, Jane.
I hope he's treatin' you well.
He's all right.
You can work for me any time.
I'm all right
where I am, thank you.
Your wife must've been
sorry to come back.
Which wife?
Ah, that bitch.
She never came out there
in the first place.
- So where you living now?
- Down in Grays.
- Essex.
- Yeah.
- Me mum's place.
- Must be nice for her.
- Havin' her boy to fuss over.
- She's dead.
She died when I was in Bangkok.
- Sorry to hear that.
- That's a shame.
Didn't see much of her anyway.
It's my dad I miss.
You win some, you lose some.
[Teeth chatter against the mug]
You must've had some
lovely weather in Australia.
Too hot.
It's too hot over there,
it's too cold over here.
Hasn't changed much in here.
[Maurice] Just a lick of paint.
Still got the Bronika, then?
I should've thought
you'd be able to afford
a Hasselblad by now, Maurice.
I can.
Oh, well off, are you?
Survivin', mate, yeah.
Yeah. You've done well
out of my business, haven't you?
[Maurice] MY business.
[Stuart] It's MY business.
No. I bought it from you.
It's MY business.
- This was an antiques shop.
- That's right.
There was nothin' here.
- I know.
- I gave you my goodwill,
I gave you my clientele,
I gave you
my fucking reputation.
You gave me nothing, Stuart.
- Your client list was shit.
- It wasn't.
I followed it up.
I rang 'em, I didn't
get one bite.
If there's any success
in this shop,
- it's down to me.
- That's bollocks!
It's not bollocks,
it's the truth.
- How many weddings do you do?
- Enough.
- How many?
- About 40 a year.
- I used to do 140!
- What, personally?
No. Nobody does 'em personally.
- I do.
- Then you're a bloody fool.
Get people in.
If the work's there,
grab it while you can.
I'm not getting some tosser in.
He could fuck up my reputation.
- I'm not a tosser!
- I didn't say you were.
- I'm not a fucking tosser.
- I didn't mean you.
- Don't call me a tosser.
- I didn't, Stuart.
[Stuart] I can still do it!
I've still got an eye.
They can't teach you that.
- I'm still a photographer!
- 'Course you are.
So if you want someone
to help you out,
no worries, mate.
I'll be all right.
Right, right.
I see what you're
saying, Stuart, yeah.
I'll bear it in mind.
You could lend me a camera?
Yeah, sure.
I had mine nicked.
Yeah, great.
[Monica] I thought we were
never gonna get rid of him.
There but for the grace of God.
Tea's on the table.
Ain't you havin' none?
Why not?
I'm goin' out.
Where you goin'?
[TV is on]
I'm off now then, sweetheart.
Ain't you gonna tell me where?
You never tell me
where YOU'RE goin'.
You never go nowhere.
I'm going somewhere
tonight. Tada.
- Have fun.
- Don't wait up.
She's been actin' right funny.
Where's she gone?
Fuck knows.
She wouldn't tell us.
He's all right, though, Maurice.
Always got plenty of wine in.
- We'll get well pissed.
- Nice one.
I'm a bit shy of you,
to tell you the truth.
Of me? Oh, you shouldn't be.
Look at you sittin' there.
You look like a model.
Oh, do I?
I'll bet you was
a pretty little girl.
Yeah, lovely.
Don't do that!
You'll stay like it.
Stop it!
Don't spoil it.
I used to drive my mum
mad pullin' faces.
Bet she was a laugh, wasn't she?
No, not really.
Thought you said she
was a midwife.
I'd like to have been
one of them. I love babies.
- I'm sorry, darlin'.
- It's all right.
Is that all right for you?
Yeah, it's lovely.
Wet, ain't it?
Where's this food, then?
I'm ravishin'!
I've got so many things
I wanna ask you
but I can't remember
what they are.
Nice to have someone
to talk to, innit?
Give us your hand, here.
Oh, you've got
beautiful skin.
Right, let's have
a look at you.
What, can you read palms?
I used to.
Ain't done it for years.
Nobody's interested no more.
Now, if I didn't know you,
I could see by lookin' here
what a nice girl you are.
Big heart.
You're gonna live
to a ripe old age an' all.
Let's have a look.
Couple of kids.
D'you want babies?
- I'm not sure, really.
- Oh, don't ya?
- Maybe. I dunno yet.
- Yeah, 'course you do.
Star sign?
Leo. I'm on
the cusp of Cancer.
When's your birthday?
Oh, 23rd of July.
You'd think I'd know that,
wouldn't ya?
- That was the other day.
- Yeah. Sunday.
Why didn't you say nothing
when I phoned ya?
It's no big deal.
Did you have a party?
- No.
- What d'you do, then?
Stayed in, read
me book, had a drink.
- What, on your own?
- Yeah.
Well, happy birthday
for Sunday, sweetheart.
Thank you.
You're out now, ain't you?
Yeah. In good company.
With your mum.
You thought about havin'
driving lessons?
What for?
I could get you some
for your birthday.
Don't be stupid.
Get yourself
a little motor, eh?
Ain't you goin' out tonight?
- No.
- Why? What's happened?
- YOU goin' out?
- Yeah, later.
- Where you goin'?
- Down the pub.
I hope you're taking
care of yourself.
Don't wanna get knocked up.
- Don't be so bloody cheeky.
- Not at your age.
- All right?
- Missed a bit, darlin'.
Who's this?
Oh, don't start all that again!
Come on, who is it?
- It ain't me, is it?
- No!
Well, who?
Sylvester Stallone.
I can't understand
a word he says.
You like lookin' at him, though.
No, he ain't my sort.
- What IS your type?
- What, film star?
- Yeah.
- Marlon.
I like a bloke with
a bit of meat on him.
What sort of bloke
do YOU go in for, then?
Intelligent... sensitive...
Don't you care
what they look like?
Yeah, but they've gotta have
something going on upstairs.
You only have black
boyfriends, do you?
How do YOU look
after yourself, then?
You know, if you don't
wanna have babies.
You just stop at that, do you?
Yeah. It's the best way.
- Can't be too careful.
- Gotta protect yourself.
It's my daughter's
birthday next week.
- How old is she?
- 21.
Nice age.
She's your sister now,
ain't she?
Yeah. Suppose she is.
Does she look like you?
Yeah, a bit.
You look more like me
than SHE does.
We're the same build.
What are her eyes like?
My brother's doin'
a party for her.
That's nice. It takes
the strain off you.
Yeah, well. There is that.
- Shame YOU ain't comin'.
- Ah.
Meet your new family.
- Oh, sweetheart!
- What?
I nearly forgot!
Happy birthday
for Sunday. It's...
Oh, you shouldn't have bothered.
It ain't nothing much.
Aw, thank you.
Don't start crying.
Perhaps I should ask him.
- What?
- If I can take someone.
I don't know.
It's a family thing.
You're family, ain't ya?
I'm proud of you.
Listen, Maurice, sweetheart -
I wanted to ask you a favour.
'Oh, yeah? What's that, then? [/]
You know the party Sunday?
'Barbecue. Yeah.'
Yeah. Can I bring a mate?
Is it a bloke?
'Course it ain't a bloke! '
Chance'd be a fine thing!
'Who is it, then? '
Just someone at work.
We've been out a few times.
I was meant to have seen her
Sunday only I forgot.
'Ls that all right? '
I suppose so.
What d'you mean, you suppose so?
No, it'll be fine.
I'll have to
check it out, though.
Who with?
Listen, if I don't phone back,
bring her, all right?
I don't wanna upset nobody.
'No, don't worry.'
Are you sure, then?
Yeah, yeah, no problem.
'OK, then, sweetheart.
'Lookin' forward to it.'
Say hello to Roxanne for me.
Tada, then.
Listen, I spoke
to my little brother today
and he says it's all right.
D'you wanna come?
Ooh, I dunno.
I told him you was me mate.
I'd still feel a bit awkward.
'Don't be daft.
You'll be with ME, won't ya? '
It wouldn't feel right.
I thought you wanted to come.
'Of course, if you've
changed your mind... '
- I was lookin' forward to it.
- Oh, I know.
- What d'you think, then?
- All right, I'll come.
You're comin'?
Listen, I'll give you
a ring later in the week
and give you the address.
OK, then.
'OK. Tada, then.'
You should've just said yes.
Makin' me look like a... Oh!
I can hardly say no now.
That's up to you.
We don't know anything
about this person.
Some new mate. They've
been out a few times.
Two hysterical nutters.
I'm glad she's got a friend.
I'm gonna have a great time(!)
Thought I'd ask Jane as well.
Anybody else you want to invite?
We've only got
four garden chairs!
Oh, give us two
of them painkillers.
There you go.
D'you fancy some fish and chips?
Don't be sarcastic.
I wasn't. Sorry.
Cheers, mate.
There's a bell here.
Don't. I've just done
the knocker.
All right.
Hello there.
Hello, sweetheart.
You got here in one piece?
Long time no see.
Yes. Thank you.
Hello, birthday girl.
All right, Monica?
- Look at you.
- This is Paul.
- Hello, Paul.
- How d'you do?
[Monica] Nice to meet you.
There's Maurice.
Now come away in.
- Hi, Jane.
- Hello, Monica.
This is Jane. Maurice just
picked her up from the station.
[Cynthia] Here he is!
Hello, sweetheart.
[Roxanne] All right, Maurice?
I got you that.
- You didn't have to do that.
- It's all right.
This is Paul. Maurice.
All right, mate.
Ain't you got one for me?
'Course I have. Hello, darlin'.
Don't kill him.
You've landed on your feet
here, ain't ya?
This is Jane,
my lovely assistant.
- I talked to you on the phone?
- Yeah.
- Can I take your coats?
- Yes.
Drink? Red, white,
rose, beer?
- I'll have white.
- Beer.
Thanks a lot.
- Cynth?
- White, please.
- Jane?
- Rose.
- Where's the friend?
- I've no idea.
You got an ashtray, darlin'?
There's one on the coffee table.
I didn't think
you'd have given up.
One of the few
pleasures in life.
- These are very bright.
- Don't you like 'em?
I'll just put them in a vase.
- What's that there for?
- We like it.
Oi, don't laugh.
It's stupid.
[Maurice] One of my early works.
Miserable little git.
[Roxanne] You was
fuckin' around.
Oi, mind your language.
- How's work, then?
- It's all right, yeah.
- Still enjoying it?
- Yeah.
- When you goin' to college?
- Shut up.
- You're goin' to college.
- I ain't.
- You got a good brain.
- Don't wanna use it.
- Suit yourself.
- I will.
Paul's a scaffolder.
Yeah, your mum said.
Bet that's hard work.
It can be, mate.
- Especially in the winter.
- That's right.
I wanted to give it
a Mediterranean feel.
It's a lovely kitchen.
- And this is... Oops!
- A big lavatory.
The downstairs toilet.
Handy if you're in the garden.
It's really convenient.
I think the peach tones
make it quite tranquil.
So you know where it is
if you need it.
Now... Excuse me, Jane.
This is the garage.
I thought it was a cupboard!
- Is that a new car?
- Yes, that's my car.
What was wrong
with your other one?
I'll show you upstairs.
We'll start with this.
There's the tank.
Where I keep towels
and bedlinen.
Your airing cupboard.
Mm. Not very capacious.
This is Maurice's bathroom.
It's green. Matches your tank.
These all new carpets,
are they, sweetheart?
Oh, yes.
And this is the master bedroom.
It's more like the bridal suite!
It's beautiful!
I've always wanted
a four-poster.
I can see Maurice
thrashing about in there(!)
It is a king-size.
It's out of a fairy tale.
- Bet this cost a bob or two.
- It wasn't cheap.
And here's another lavatory.
That bathroom's mine.
The en-suite.
You've got one each?
Nice, ain't it, Jane?
It's like a hotel.
Don't want to
trip over each other.
Oh, you've got
everything, Monica.
- So where's this friend?
- He's here.
- No. Your mum's.
- What you talkin' about?
She asked if she could
bring a friend from work.
- First I've heard.
- Is it?
- She never mentioned it?
- No.
That must be who
she's been goin' out with.
She's a dark horse, ain't she?
- Hello.
- No, I'm sorry...
I'm a friend of Cynthia's.
Yes. Yes, of course.
Hello, sweetheart!
- Hello.
- I thought you were, uh...
Come on in.
That's me mate, Hortense.
That's me brother's wife.
Pleased to meet you.
- Monica.
- Hello, Monica.
Come on out the back,
meet me brother.
Can I take your coat...?
- Hortense.
- Hortense.
- Hortense.
- Thank you.
This is me little
brother, Maurice.
Pleased to meet you, Maurice.
Ain't that little.
That's Hortense.
- Hortense.
- Yeah, that's right.
And this is
me daughter, Roxanne.
Oh, happy birthday.
Oh, you didn't have to
do that, sweetheart.
It's OK.
- That's Paul, her intended.
- He ain't me intended.
And this is, um...
- Jane.
- Maurice's assistant.
- Hi.
- Very nice to meet you.
That's nice, innit?
- Drink? Red, white, rose?
- White, please.
Thanks. That's really nice.
You're welcome.
- We'll have it later.
- No, don't waste it.
I've got some to have
with the cake.
We thought you'd got lost.
I took a few wrong turns.
- In a minicab?
- She's got a car.
- Thanks.
- There you go.
Who wants a top up?
- I'll have one.
- Not for me.
Would you like
a crisp, Hortense?
No, I'm fine. Thanks.
I only met Paul for
the first time today, Hortense.
- He's a scaffolder.
- Are you?
Another one bites the dust.
That must be quite dangerous.
Well, it can be.
Come and lollop over here.
D'you go up really high?
Just you and
the elements, really.
Ever fallen off?
Would you like a crudite?
- Thank you, no.
- Oh, well.
- You work with my mum?
- Yeah.
- On the machines?
- No.
Comin' round
tomorrow night, Paul?
- Mum!
- Well...
- Eh?
- We're goin' out.
You'll come and have
a drink? It's her 21st.
It's no big deal.
- I ain't give you your present.
- Chicken drumsticks.
- D'you want some salad?
- Yes, please.
I'll get you some.
Doing something special
tomorrow night?
No. Down the pub, as usual.
- Can we use fingers?
- Use your feet if you want.
- You've a knife and fork, Jane.
- Bit late now.
What d'you do at the factory?
- This looks lovely.
- Hope it don't kill ya.
- You ain't her boss?
- No.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- Some salad, Paul?
- No, thanks.
- It's good for you.
- He don't want none.
What about Jane?
Does she want salad?
Ta very much.
What do you do, Roxanne?
I work for the council.
- Down the dole?
- No, I'm a road sweeper.
Who's for a potato?
- She's got my plate.
- Here you are.
- Hortense?
- Please.
- I'll have some of that.
- Please.
You DO get girl road sweepers.
- Burgers and bangers.
- Nice one.
That's your one, Roxanne.
With your name on it.
The burnt one.
- Potato for you, Paul?
- Please.
A nice big one.
- Here, darlin'.
- One for you, pet?
Shall I do YOU, Monica?
I'll see to myself. Sit down.
What about Maurice?
Who's lookin' after the worker?
Don't worry about me.
I'll eat in a minute.
Your potato's there, Cynthia.
I think I'LL have salad.
Can I have my tongs back?
- Got butter?
- Yes. Just a minute.
And mustard, Monica.
You like the American,
don't you, Roxanne?
Yeah. Ta.
I'll just get some salad.
- Some butter, Paul?
- All right, darlin'?
- Please.
- Waitin' for the butter.
- There, Cynth.
- Oh, Maurice!
That'll shut you up.
Having a steak,
are you, Cynthia?
Yes. Thank you, Monica.
That'll put hairs on your chest.
Like some mustard
or would you prefer French?
This looks lovely, Maurice.
There you go, mate.
Half a cow for you.
- Look at the size of it!
- Ridiculous.
There's enough there
for ALL of us.
Put colour in your cheeks.
No-one else wants a steak?
- Ain't you havin' one?
- No, Cynthia.
- Not allowed.
- Mustard, Paul?
- It's lovely.
- Can't get rid of it, can you?
Oh, it's a real
communal thing, eating.
This is a lovely house.
Well, WE like it.
I'll show you round
later, if you want.
Thanks. That'd be nice.
Yeah, it's brilliant.
You live in a flat, Hortense?
It's her own.
She's got a mortgage.
- Whereabouts are you?
- Kilburn.
That's a bit of a schlepp.
Old Kent Road
and back every day.
- She drives!
- I get on the tube.
I drive to the station.
You've got a bedsit,
ain't you, Paul?
- Yeah.
- That's a shame.
Wish I had
a place of me own.
D'you still live at home, then?
No chance!
You two work
on the same machine?
No. I'm the only one
on slits.
D'you choose your own
working hours, Roxanne?
Not bloody likely.
- She's going to college.
- I ain't goin'.
Hortense went to college.
Mm. What did you study?
- Optometry.
- What's that, then?
- It's to do with the eye.
- That's right.
- Given it all up now, have you?
- Not exactly.
Why are you working in
a cardboard box factory, then?
- I'm doing research.
- That's interestin'.
What sort of research?
- Medical.
- What, you lookin' at her head?
Take no notice.
There's nothing wrong
with HER head.
- Did you go to university?
- Yeah.
- Did you do a degree?
- Yes.
- She just looks at our eyes.
- Yes.
What for?
You can tell
a lot about people
- from lookin' at their eyes.
- True.
- Can you?
- Windows to your soul.
A nice way
of puttin' it, Jane.
- Who wants a top up?
- No, thanks, I'm driving.
Yes, please.
- Here you are.
- Oi, greedy guts!
Take a leaf out of
her book, Paul.
- Lost his licence.
- All right, Mum.
- Did you have an accident?
- Just had one too many.
The demon drink, eh?
Is that who you've
been goin' out with?
Yes. She thought
I'd been seein' a bloke.
Could've been, I suppose.
- I still turn heads.
- Turn stomachs!
Oh, Jane!
I was just playin' with it.
D'you want one, Hortense?
We might as well pop the lot.
- No! No!
- It's like a bonfire.
# Happy birthday to you
# Happy birthday to you
# Happy birthday, dear Stinker
Yeah, Maurice, very funny(!)
[Cynthia] Darlin', join in.
# Happy birthday to you #
Hip-hip, hooray!
Nice one - champagne.
- Did anybody bring my camera in?
- It's there.
- D'you have to, Monica?
- Of course.
[Roxanne] Watch where
you point that, Maurice.
And... [Quiet pop]
Come on, blow your
candles out, Roxanne.
Everybody else gather round.
- Come on, darlin'.
- Cynth, you tuck in there.
Hortense, in there.
Hurry. It's burnin'
me eyebrows off.
Make a wish. One big blow.
- And...
- Cheese!
I hope your wish
comes true, pet.
- Roxy.
- Ta.
Here you are, sweetheart.
Oh, that's nice. Mm.
And Paul.
- Cynth again.
- Thank you, Maurice.
- Cor, this is livin', ain't it?
- Yeah.
[Maurice] OK. One for me.
On you go, then.
Oh, yeah.
I would like to propose a toast
for Roxanne
on her 21st birthday.
Now it's all legal
and twice as boring
for it.
Mind you, it's been legal
since you were 18 anyway.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
- Ta.
- Roxanne.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
- There you go.
- What's that?
- Book token.
- Don't be stupid!
Fuckin' hell, Maurice.
[Roxanne] Thanks!
- Your 21st, innit?
- Thanks, Monica.
Happy birthday, pet.
Don't spend it all
in the one shop.
Here, happy birthday.
Wish I'd brought
MY present with me.
Give it to her tomorrow.
That's her birthday.
Don't expect I shall
see her tomorrow.
Gonna sit down, darlin'?
Sit down, everybody.
Have some cake.
Hortense. Jane.
[Roxanne] Where am I goin'?
[Maurice] Anywhere you like.
- Come on the end, Paul.
- Hortense.
Where's the bathroom?
It's just through there,
[Maurice] The door straight
ahead, the light's on the left.
Thank you.
- She's a nice girl.
- Yes, she is, Maurice.
- Seems very pleasant.
- Yeah, she's all right.
- How you doin', Paul?
- All right.
- Has your shirt dried off?
- Yeah.
She takes after her mother.
[Maurice] Does she?
[Monica] You know her as well?
[Maurice] Work at
the factory, does she?
You're lookin' at her.
She's my daughter.
What's the matter with ya?
it's me daughter.
Don't be stupid.
She's had too much to drink.
She can't be the one that...
Hortense, sweetheart.
She's your sister!
That's her half-sister, Paul.
You... you eat your
cake, sweetheart.
- What's the matter?
- I'm all right.
[Cynthia] I told 'em.
[Cynthia sobs]
[Cynthia] Tell 'em
who you are, sweetheart.
It wasn't supposed
to happen like this.
Well, it has.
So you tell 'em, go on.
Is it true?
Yes, it is.
You never told her, then?
I'm sorry, darlin'.
Will someone tell me
what the fuck's goin' on?
She's your sister!
I always said
she had a right to know.
No, Roxanne.
Sweetheart, darlin'!
- Darlin', please!
- I'll smack you, you slag!
Ain't enough
you had one bastard,
- you had to have two!
- Stop it!
[Maurice] Roxanne? Roxy?
Sit down, darlin'.
Sit down, Paul.
Cynthia, I think I should go.
I don't want you to go.
You sit down.
Eat your cake, Jane.
You don't half choose
your moments, Cynthia.
When's the RIGH moment, Maurice?
You tell me that.
Paul, get my coat. We're goin'.
- Don't go.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I thought you knew.
- You used to tell me everythin'!
- I'm sorry.
- You've fuckin' let me down!
As for you,
you've ruined my party
and I hope you're happy!
Roxy... Roxanne!
She don't mean it, darlin'.
She's just a little bit upset.
- Where you goin'?
- I don't know.
It's all been a bit
of a shock, innit?
Did you know about her?
I always thought
she'd had a boy.
- She's a slag.
- No, she's not.
- She fuckin' is!
- She loves you. We all love you.
You comin' back?
- No. Why should I?
- You got to.
- You gotta face up to it.
- Face up to what?
[Monica] She's left her card.
Oh, well. I'll post it
on to her.
[Cynthia] I'll take it.
You'll be lucky if you
ever see her again.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Would I?
You've been workin' at it
for 18 years, ain't ya?
You turned my father against me,
you turned my Maurice against me
and you turned me daughter
against me.
You'll be havin' a go
at HER next.
Sorry about this, Hortense.
Finished, Jane?
Why don't you sit down?
- You got a short memory.
- What is it now?
You'd have none of this
if I hadn't given Maurice
the money to start with.
That was your father's
insurance money.
- It was for me and Roxanne.
- And Maurice.
He didn't want none
till he talked to you.
He was entitled to it!
I went out cleanin',
took her to school,
- then did a full day's work.
- Didn't we know it!
You've done nothing but spend
his money since you met him.
What else do you do with money?
At least we made
something of ourselves.
Haven't you just. You wanna try
bringin' up a kid on your own!
She can't help it.
She's never had enough love.
And you've never got on.
- That ain't my fault.
- I know.
But she needs you.
- Come on.
- I don't want to.
What do YOU think, Paul?
I think he's right, darlin'.
- Do ya?
- Yeah.
Well, I ain't sayin' nothin'.
You won't have to.
You just have to listen.
Come on.
[Cynthia] I'm sorry, Roxanne.
It just came out, darlin'.
I didn't mean to
spoil your party.
- Tell her, Maurice.
- Leave her, Cynth.
[Maurice] Just tell her
the truth.
I got pregnant when I was 15...
and your grandad sent me
away to this place.
Didn't he, Maurice?
I didn't know she was
gonna come lookin' for me.
But I gotta tell you
the truth, darlin',
I'm glad she did.
It ain't her fault,
She didn't wanna hurt you,
no more than I did.
You tell her, sweetheart.
It's true. She didn't
wanna upset you.
I'm sorry.
All right?
She said you weren't
never gonna come back.
[Maurice] Who did?
I never said any such thing.
She's twisted
everything as usual.
[Cynthia] Yes, you did.
Well, you was wrong,
'cause she has come back,
ain't you, sweetheart?
I always thought
you should've known.
[Maurice] You should've
told her.
[Cynthia] 'Course I should've.
But I didn't think
there'd be no need.
You seem to have told
all and sundry.
Meaning me, I suppose.
I am his wife, after all.
Then behave like his wife.
- Why ain't you give him no kids?
- Quiet, Cynthia.
That's between Maurice and me.
You might not have
wanted 'em but HE did.
- Shut up!
- You know nothing.
- Don't I?
- There are things...
- Maurice.
- Like what?
Tell her.
Tell me what?
Why can't you tell her?
She can't have kids.
Simple as that.
She's physically incapable...
of havin' children.
[Maurice] We've had every test
known to medical science.
She's been prodded,
poked, had operations.
We've had 15 years of it
and she can't have a baby.
I love you to bits...
but it's almost destroyed
our relationship.
You know it has.
I've said it.
So where's the bolt
of lightnin'?
Secrets and lies!
We're ALL in pain.
Why can't we SHARE our pain?
I've spent my entire life
tryin' to make people happy!
And the three people
I love the most in the world
hate each other's guts!
I'm in the middle -
I'm sorry, Hortense.
But you are a very brave person.
- A very stupid person.
- No, you're not.
You wanted to find the truth
and you were prepared
to suffer the consequences.
And I admire you for that.
I mean it.
You're so lucky, Cynthia.
Have you really been
working in the factory?
What d'you do, then?
I'm an optometrist.
Welcome to the family.
[Jane sobs]
I wish I'd had a dad like you.
You're lovely!
His name's... Bingham.
Your father.
[Cynthia] He's from America.
I met him on holiday.
He's a medical student.
One morning, I come down
and he weren't there no more.
But he was a nice man.
He was.
Was MY father a "nice man"?
Oh, don't break
my heart, darlin'!
I'm all right.
[Cynthia sobs loudly]
Oh, PLEASE, Roxanne, sweetheart!
I'm frightened.
You don't love me
any more.
Not like you used to.
You don't know
how MUCH I love you.
Do you?
We've got each other,
haven't we?
Bet you've never seen
so much shit, have you?
You wanna see my mum's house!
D'you miss her?
- Did you get on with her?
- She used to drive me mad!
That's what they're
there for, ain't it?
That's me old chair, there.
I always wanted
a little sister.
It's just my brothers
were much older than me
so I ended up
playing on my own.
Oh, I know what you mean.
[Hortense giggles]
What you laughin' at?
Do you feel like we're sisters?
I dunno.
Do you?
- It's a bit weird.
- Yeah.
I don't mind it, though.
No. Nor do I.
Don't even know you yet, do I?
D'you wanna go out one night?
You can take me
to one of your pubs.
Yeah, all right.
How would you introduce me?
As your half-sister?
No, man. Too much
explaining to do.
- It's what I'd say, though.
- Would ya?
Yeah. Best to tell
the truth, innit?
Yeah, it is.
That way, nobody gets hurt.
Here you are, sweetheart.
Tea's up!
Go on, darlin'.
- Want a biscuit?
- No, I'm all right.
Sit yourself down.
- You all right with that?
- Yeah.
That's it.
Who'd have thought it, eh?
Look at you two sittin' there -
like a couple of garden gnomes!
[Cynthia chuckles]
Oh, this is the life, eh?
[Roxanne and Hortense] Yeah.