See No Evil (2006)

Jesus, that is loud.
I'd call and complain, too.
Neighbors also said
there was screaming.
It's the police!
Hey, shouldn't we
wait for backup?
You wait.
Are you
checkin' this out?
- Police!
- Freeze!
You all right?
Is she alone in here?
Oh, my God.
What the f...
Officer down.
Move it back, people!
Please. Step back.
Move back.
Ready to go live
in three...
And one.
It's... it's
This... This horrific
crime scene
where a rookie officer
has been savagely
hacked to death at this
dilapidated residence. what
authorities have described
as a gruesome crime scene,
two officers entered
this abandoned building
earlier this afternoon.
What they found inside
is simply too grisly...
The young officer
who lost his life
in this attack
has not been identified
pending notification
of next of kin.
Williams risked his own life
to rescue the young woman
being held hostage
on the premises.
So far, the remains...
So far, seven human
remains have been unearthed,
all with the eyes
grotesquely removed
in what police are saying
is one of the most diabolical...
The only possible clue
to the horrendous acts
which occurred here today
lay in the hands
of two very shaken
14-year police veteran
Frank Williams
is the only surviving officer.
He's being taken from the scene
with severe injuries,
and at this point,
his condition
is listed as critical.
..for any clues
they can provide.
..female victim,
who was brutally blinded.
..will be consulted
as numerous unsolved mysteries
may be laid to rest
with these tragic...
are anxious to question
Sergeant Williams
and the female...
For now, both will be rushed
to Overland General
for psychiatric evaluation
and trauma care.
Stay tuned
to this developing story as...
- Hey, Russell.
- What, dude?
Check this out, bro.
I don't need to.
Help a white boy out.
Keep it down back there.
can we move it?
How many more miles?
Richie, please.
Shut up, man.
I found these condoms.
Why are you
looking at me? God.
We need to be able
to trust you guys.
This is the first coed
program of its kind.
So, again...
no fraternizing.
She's the last person
you've got to worry about.
You bitch.
Oh, my God.
The mute spoke.
Watch your ass, slut.
What, like the way
you watch Kira's?
They're here.
Bunch of losers.
Hope they had their shots.
Zo, pass me
my bag, please.
Dude, you better
back up off me.
I just about had
enough of your shit.
Oh, my God.
Move me, boy.
- What?
- Son of a bitch.
I got your boy.
I'm'a show...
Let's go, shithead.
- Hey!
- "Boy," huh?
You two knock it off.
I said knock it off!
You'd rather stay here?
Go back inside?
Now, get goin'.
Hey, Frank.
I thought my group
was animals.
Those two gonna make it?
We'll see.
Hello, ladies.
Don't sit next to me.
What are you lookin' at?
Hello, everyone.
I'm Hannah Anders.
This is Frank Williams.
You guys know that
your hard work this weekend
will pay off
in shorter sentences.
I hope you can prove to us
that we made the right decision
in choosing you
for this program.
What's up,
squeaky tweaker?
Fuck you, Mike.
Been there.
Done that.
I used to hit that shit.
Is that what you call it?
What, I say somethin'?
You talkin' to me, Rufus?
- Yeah.
- You know what?
You might want to move.
- Oh my God.
- Hey!
Break it up back there!
I said break it up.
What? I didn't do shit.
I don't care. Act up again,
we turn around.
That goes for all of you.
God, his hand.
What happened to him?
You mean the claw?
I heard Chihuahua attack.
Hey, you're, like, the dog
pound liberator, huh?
Dog pound liberator?
Yeah. They were
gonna gas 'em.
Nice move, though.
I respect that.
I'm gonna need drugs.
I heard that.
Where the fuck
are they taking us?
Yo, Tye.
- Tye.
- Come on, man.
Can't a brother
get some rest?
Look, I might had
a proposition for you.
For me.
I'm listenin'.
Okay, everyone, this is it.
What is this? Hotel Ghetto?
Like you'd know.
I thought my 'hood was bad.
Mr. Williams.
I'm so glad this worked out.
Me, too, Margaret.
Thanks for the opportunity.
How's our first group?
Not so good.
Some a little worse than others.
We left County for this?
'Scuse me.
Let's go.
Slave labor bullshit.
Oh my God.
What a dump.
Smelled better on the bus.
I wonder if there's cable.
Knock it off.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I'm Margaret Gaine.
I'm involved in the renovation
of historical landmarks.
This property
was donated to us
a few years ago.
We toyed with the idea
of reopening the hotel,
but honestly,
what this part of town
really needs is a shelter
for the homeless.
That's where
you guys come in.
What, homeless?
No, dear.
We didn't volunteer.
Can't you ever
fuckin' shut up?
Eat me.
Oh, yeah.
Good comeback.
Fuck you.
Uh, what museum...
did you say you
work for, granny?
Guys. You know the tradeoff
for three days' work
is a month off your sentence.
That's not a bad deal.
Let me tell you somethin'.
Hannah and I are
here on a weekend
because we believe
in second chances.
Don't prove us wrong.
For the next three days,
if Margaret asks you
to do somethin',
you better do it.
You got it?
Who wants a tour?
- Mr. Blackwell built the hotel
- I can't believe this.
As a playground for
himself and his friends.
Rumor has it that there
are hidden passageways
and two-way mirrors all over,
although I've never found them.
We've almost finished
renovating the suites
on the second floor.
That's where
you'll all be staying.
Penthouse floors, however,
on eight and nine
are off-limits.
It's too dangerous for guests.
Why? What happened?
There was a fire in '71.
It gutted them.
It killed Mr. Blackwell,
his wife,
and a few others.
And since the hotel was
more of a hobby
than a business,
it's never been repaired.
Besides, we don't
want your parents
suing us if you
get hurt, now, do we?
Oh. Before I forget.
During mealtimes,
you all can eat
in the atrium.
However, the doors must
remain locked at night.
So. Ladies...
grab a trash bag.
Gentlemen, brooms.
Michael, is it?
Yeah. You want me
to be shot caller?
No. No, we want you to mop.
The lavatory's over there.
Your heard her, Mike.
Get the mop.
Hey, I'm tryin'
to clean here!
Cut it out!
Oh, sh...
- Shh!
- You scared me!
Keep your voice down.
Did you open that?
Yeah. I'm gettin'
the fuck outta here.
This only leads out
to the atrium.
You'd still be
inside the hotel.
Nice try, though.
Come on, don't let
Michael get to your head.
You don't understand.
Where'd you get those?
She lifted 'em off Hannah.
Oh. Zoe.
Yeah. Zoe.
I just can't believe
the same asshole
that got me locked up
is gonna be sleepin'
down the hall.
You know?
I know.
Can I have one?
We were just...
Thanks, girls.
Try not to burn
the place down.
Yes, sir.
You think he whacks off
with that thing?
What's up?
All that, uh,
all that stuff
about the hidden rooms,
the passages,
the stairwells?
All true.
This is what I was
talkin' about on the bus.
So what?
Okay. This is
where you come in.
Can you crack a safe?
Please. Open 'em
like I open
your mama's legs.
Good, 'cause
there is a safe.
Blackwell's private stash.
Never been recovered.
Why not?
No one knows about it.
I mean, this place
is a goddamn maze, but...
I got the blueprints.
Look, man, I'm not tryin'
to get no more time.
You won't.
You won't. Look,
if we get caught wandering,
you know, we just say...
we got lost.
It's simple.
And this shit is current.
'Course it is. I mean,
why wouldn't it be?
You tellin' me
after 35 years
no one's found
this so-called safe?
Have you got anything else
better to do?
All right, Richie-Rich.
I'm down.
I'm working.
I didn't say anything.
I'm glad you were cleared
for this project, Christine.
Out of everyone here,
I think you've got
the most potential.
Do you, now?
I've seen everyone's file.
I know your story.
Why you attacked
your stepfather...
what happened
to your sister.
You got a shitty deal.
Actually, speaking
of shitty deals...
whose bright idea was it
to put Kira and Michael
on this project together?
What are you talkin' about?
What I'm talking about
is Kira used
to work for that prick
- out on the streets.
- What?
Yeah... when he wasn't
beating her ass.
She rolled over on him,
and now because of you guys,
he's here, and he's been
fuckin' stalking her
- the whole time.
- Okay.
Okay. We didn't know.
I'll deal with it.
Yeah. You deal with it.
You'd get with her?
What, you wouldn't?
Man, your standards
are too high.
What's up, bitch?
- I mean, uh... Rich.
- Come on.
You didn't stick your tongue
in this, did you?
Yes, as a matter of fact.
I specifically asked
for no meat.
The granola girl's
on a rampage.
Shoulda left her tofu-munching
ass back in County.
Hey, uh, you want
my potato salad?
Oh, that's sweet.
"That's sweet. Thanks."
Oh, the poor thing.
Here. Come here, puppy.
Want some food?
Here you go.
Fucking moron!
- He's starving!
- What?
It's a fucking stray dog.
Who gives as shit?
She wasn't that fat.
You got that shit?
Hey. How about
a peace offering?
You can pimp it up
in the penthouse.
Home-grown aspirin?
Hell, yeah.
How about it, granola girl?
It's organic.
Bring it on.
Do you think,
veggie girl...
you know...
likes tube steak?
You'll never know,
will you?
But I'll let you smell
my fingers later.
You two
aren't partying?
Rich pussies.
This better work,
You asshole.
How the fuck did
you get in here?
You should be
used to me comin'
through the back door.
Get out!
Get the fuck outta here!
Jesus Christ, bitch...
No! Get out now!
Hey! Let her go!
And what if I don't?
I said...
fucking let her go. Now.
You bitches.
Fucking asshole.
You okay?
Are you okay?
Did he hurt you?
I'm sorry.
This one.
Damn. It's locked.
Wow. All this for Russell?
He's interested in my views.
Is that why he keeps
lookin' at your ass?
My girl even shaved
her furry legs for this guy.
Yeah, well, I was
getting a little sick
of the natural look anyway.
If lookin' like a Hobbit is natural.
So, you guys coming?
Come on. Let's go.
Nice rock.
Thank you.
Why is it on your right hand?
I'm, test-driving it.
I haven't given him
an answer yet.
He's decent, right?
Got all his own teeth?
What are you waiting for?
Man! You... you smell that?
Bet no one's been up here
since the fire.
I think you're wrong, dawg.
Yeah. Yeah,
maybe I'm wrong.
Why would they leave
all this here?
Maybe they found
the safe,
got rich, and didn't
need this shit no more.
Check him out.
He's dead.
No shit.
Probably from the fire.
The fire was 30 years ago.
This guy's fresh.
He wasn't killed in the fuckin' fire.
Stop freakin' out
on me. All right?
Maybe he's got
some money on him.
You never know.
Where the fuck are his eyes?
Richie! Where
you goin'? Richie!
What the h...
Richie! Where
the hell are you?
Help me! Please!
There's someone
in the elevator.
They must've
left their rooms.
I'll get this one.
I guess I'm not
waiting on anything.
Come on.
Anybody here?
So, why didn't
Christina come?
I don't know. She probably
wanted to make out with Kira.
Why do homeless people
live here? It's disgusting.
What's that?
Opportunity knocking.
Or granny and her vibrator.
That was pathetic.
He's only gonna get worse.
I gotta get outta here.
The windows
in the kitchen
face out toward
the atrium.
Yeah, but don't they have...
No. No bars.
There's an opening
in the wall.
It's gotta lead
somewhere, right?
Dog got out.
Okay. I'll stay out here.
The hole's
on the far wall
in the atrium.
If you stay low,
you should make it.
I wish you'd
come with me.
Just go.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Be careful.
Okay, go.
The kitchen.
What happened?
I'm okay.
Just keep Williams out.
Why can't you
just leave me al...
- Damn it.
- Kira!
Where does this lead to?
It goes to every floor.
Who else is in the hotel?
Nobody. We cleared the homeless
out before you got here.
Go make sure everybody else
is still in their rooms.
Wait! Everyone else
went to the penthouses.
- That's off limits!
- Damn it!
Call 911. Anyone comes down,
get 'em out of the building fast.
I'm coming with you.
Forget it. You wait
here for Hannah.
What are you doin'?
I said I'm coming with you.
Come on, hurry up!
What happened to you?
Nothing. That...
that's not even my...
What the fuck is going on?
Anyone for some
interior redecorating?
Oh, shit!
You're gonna get us
caught, asshole!
By who? Captain Hook?
Who needs therapy?
How many people
died up here?
Stay close.
Damn. Damn.
Damn. Where in the hell
are stairs?
Oh... shit!
Come on, baby.
Open up.
Come on.
He took Richie.
Calm down.
He took Richie!
What'd this guy look like?
Man, he's huge, man.
He has a long, long chain,
and a damn hole
in his head.
No. It's not right.
It can't be him.
I shot him in the head.
Holy shit.
Wait a minute.
You shot that freak
that plucked all
those people's eyes out.
Whoa. Wait. What the hell
does he want with Kira?
I'm not sure.
The last time,
he killed all of his victims except one.
I think he was keepin' her
because she had tattoos.
Stuff like crosses...
religious markings.
Kira has religious tattoos
Ohhh... damn.
You think he killed
everybody else?
Didn't Margaret
call the police?
I don't know that she could.
We gotta move.
He let the other woman live.
Take this.
Take the stairs.
Whatever you guys gotta do,
just get the fuck outta here.
I'm goin' after Kira.
Wait a minute!
Wait! You can't
do this alone!
You guys gotta go!
Williams! Shit!
Oh, my God!
You think he got him?
Come on!
Christine, Come on!
We gotta go!
No! Come on!
Leave him alone!
Come on!
What the hell
are you doin'?
Come on!
Here. Take the Taser.
Far sweet.
Could you imagine
cleaning up in here?
This could've been
a classy joint
back in the day.
What do you know
about class?
Oh my God.
This place is disgusting.
At least we got
the sacred herb.
Spark that shit.
Let's go.
And one for me.
Try not to suck it all down.
So, you and Kira used
to be a thing, huh?
You know, you could do better.
Here you go.
I keep seeing things.
I told you
this shit is gold.
Let's find someplace private.
Oh, shit, you go girl!
Hey, wanna come?
Oh, my God.
Oh, God,
where are we going?
Seventh floor.
Lucky number?
The maid's quarters?
You know what they say.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Who's begging?
Richie? Richie?
What do you want?
What do you want?
Please... please.
Did you say something?
You know...
We're all alone up here.
You remember when I said
that you could do better than Kira?
Well, I didn't mean
this much better.
Oh, my God.
That's so pathetic.
My phone!
I'm having my sister up.
Where did you get a cell?
Duh, I took
it from Hannah.
Hey, bitch, what's up?
No, yeah, save
this number tonight.
This is the cell
that I'm using, okay?
Fuck this.
Oh my God, no, it's just this
total bonehead called Michael.
He thinks he's
such a badass.
Do you see the sin?
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes and
wash the sins out.
What ya got in here?
Russell, hold up.
You're kidding, right?
No, wait.
There's something weird
about that mirror.
Let me up.
Mirror... I'll check it out.
Damn. You know what?
This is a two-way mirror.
Get out! Go!
What the fuck was that?
No bars.
We can get down to
the atrium from here.
It's not tight enough.
It'll get tighter
when you hang on it.
I'll get stuck
on the glass roof.
Just kick it out.
You'll be fine.
Okay? You'll be fine.
Oh, God, I can't do this.
You have to.
Oh, God!
Russell, go slow.
It's all right.
Russell, stop.
Russell? Russell!
Russell, what was that?
Russell, where are you?
Russell. Why are you
pulling me up?
Russell, stop.
Stop! Let go!
Let go of me!
Stop! Let me go!
Let me go.
Let me down.
Please let me down!
Let me go.
Let me go!
Oh, God.
Tease? Michael,
do you even have a car?
You skank.
What the fuck?
It's stuck.
It's stuck.
No shit.
God damn it.
Yeah, hang on a sec,
will you, just give me a second.
So. Where's the
elevator, Columbus?
Get off the phone.
I'm not Kira, Mike.
Yeah, I don't know,
some really stupid hotel with a retard.
Oh, gross.
Where the hell are they coming from?
Oh, my God, shit.
Oh my God.
Shit. Fuck.
Oh my God!
Oh, please, no!
Michael! Michael, please!
Help me!
Please, God!
Please help me!
It's annoying...the sin.
Do you see the sin?
Did you look at them?
Did you see the sin?
Do you see their sin?
Look into their eyes.
Oh my God!
The eyes are
the window of the soul.
Come on, shit!
It won't fuckin' open!
What the fuck, man?
It doesn't matter, we're
going after Kira anyway.
He's coming.
We're trapped!
We're gonna fucking die!
Shoot him!
Jesus Christ!
What's wrong with you idiots?
What the hell is this?
Looks like some
kind of trip wire.
He took Richie
into the elevator.
All right, motherfucker.
Christine, come on!
Let's go, we gotta
get out of here!
- Michael!
- Come on!
Damn, he broke it!
Oh, shit!
What the fuck
are we gonna do now?
We gotta go up.
Hurry up!
Help me up!
Pull me up, come on!
Quick, grab my hand.
Go, come on, go.
Come on, go, go.
Come on, let's go this way.
Shit, the other elevator.
Come on.
Help me.
She's in here.
Come on, Tye!
Holy shit.
Look at all this money.
I'll be damn, Richie Rich.
It really was a safe.
Look at all this damn money.
Oh my God.
Are these human eyes?
Help, please!
Tye, she's in here,
come on!
Come on, Tye.
Kira... are you in here?
Oh God, Christine,
get me out of here.
Move quick!
The keys.
They're over there
on the table.
He's coming, come on!
I gotta go.
I'm gonna come back, okay?
Don't leave me.
I wish you'd just kill me.
We gotta draw him out.
What do you mean
we gotta draw him out?
We gotta get his attention.
Make some noise or something.
Come on, Tye, this
is our only chance.
Oh, you pig!
You're sick.
You're fucking sick!
You filthy little pig.
You enjoy this, don't you?
Oh, I can tell you do.
I see that.
I see what you're doing.
Stop it.
Oh, no.
Okay, Kira.
Where are the keys?
He took them.
This'll work.
Come on.
Open the cage!
Oh, Margaret, Margaret.
Thank God.
What are you
doing in there?
There's this guy,
and he's just...
Oh, shit.
I'd like you to tell me.
Why is that whore still alive?
What? No.
Why is she still alive?
You know him?
Know him?
He's my son.
He's the hand of God.
You got us here
to help you.
Help me?
No. Williams was
the one I wanted.
Found him.
He hurt my boy.
You were a bonus.
Why here?
What better place
to do God's work?
The hotel caters deviants, sinners,
and the ones
that hear voices.
There's only one
voice to hear.
And that's the voice of God.
And He's told you what to do!
Are you fucking insane!
This is not what God wants!
Don't you see... the tattoos.
Don't you see the sin?
The tattoos are blasphemy.
Don't you see it?
She doesn't know God.
Don't you see it?
Don't you see the sin?
You understand, don't you?
That's why you killed the others.
Now it's her turn.
Judge her.
Judge her.
- No.
- Judge her.
Open your eyes.
Judge her.
And wash the sins out.
Judge her.
Once your soul's clean,
you'll be the hand of God.
- No.
- Judge her.
I'll do it for you.
Oh, shit!
Because I can see.
Oh, please, no!
Please, God, help!
And I...
will not fail God.
What are you doing?
Let me go!
Let go!
You ungrateful bastard!
You hear me?
Don't you see the sin?
I want my mama.
- Please!
- You brought this home?
Don't you see
what she is?
Look at her.
Look at her.
Look at her!
Damn you!
Let go!
You ungrateful bastard!
Haven't you learned anything?
Bastard, you hear me?
Don't you see the evil
in her eyes?
No, no!
You don't see it?
Maybe you just need to take
a closer look at them.
Look! Look at it.
See that?
Have a good look at it.
I see it.
Please, no!
You don't have to do this.
No! No!
He's out of it.
Can you move?
Come on, Christine.
Do it!
Shoot him!
Come on, let's go!
In here!
Michael. Michael.
Watch out!
You okay?
Fall, you prick!
Fuck you!
Let's go.
Michael, you didn't have
to come back for us.
I didn't want to walk
out of here alone
Subtitle By DeliXiosO