Seeds (2018)

(water sloshing)
(atmospheric music)
(seagulls squawking)
(water sloshing)
(rain pattering)
(water sloshing)
(door creaking)
(rain pattering)
(thunder rumbling)
(water sloshing)
(birds squawking)
(leaves rustling)
(rain pattering)
(wind whistling)
(bird squawking)
(rain pattering)
(thunder rumbling)
(waves crashing)
(seagulls squawking)
(water sloshing)
(creature slithering)
- [Grace] Lily, Lily?
What's that?
(atmospheric music)
(radio static)
(ominous music)
(creepy music)
(knob creaking)
(water spraying)
(ominous music)
(radio static buzzing)
(water spraying)
- I need you.
There's been an accident.
(dial done beeping)
(car engine whirring)
(ominous music)
(pills rattling)
(jar scraping)
(wings fluttering)
- I can take care
of everything here.
(water spraying)
(dramatic music)
(engine revving)
(ominous music)
(stairs creaking)
(door creaking)
(Marcus sighing)
(latch clacking)
(radio static)
(creepy music)
(pills rattling)
(floor creaking)
(birds squawking)
(lock clacking)
(doors creaking)
(bottle clinking)
(wind whistling)
(Marcus groaning)
(woman laughing)
(wind whistling)
(cabinet clacking)
(rain pattering)
(seagull squawking)
(board scraping)
(bushes rustling)
(water sloshing)
- [Lily] Marcus!
(ominous music)
(seagull squawking)
(ominous music)
(bird squawking)
(wires clattering)
(door banging)
- So where ya been?
I haven't seen you
since the funeral.
(glasses clinking)
- Ah, it's been a while.
You know how it is.
It's been a busy year.
- Still building the
better mousetrap.
- It's old wiring, fickle.
- Well if you want, I could have
one of my guys
take a look at it.
- I think I can
handle it, thanks.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt
the family house Michael.
- You still plan on keeping
everything like it is?
Last summer we talked
about clearing out
some of this old stuff.
Maybe having an estate sale.
A few of these things are
actually worth something.
We could see a little money.
I know someone who
could set it up.
- No, I'm not in a hurry. Ma
liked the house the way it is.
It's very comforting to me.
- Where you planning
on stopping by?
- Of course.
- The kids would love to see ya.
- It's Lily's birthday Saturday.
- That's amazing,
you never forget.
Yeah, she's having
some friends over.
A party.
I just wanted to do a family
thing, but she's a teenager.
Grace said she
needs more friends.
- Does she have a boyfriend?
- I don't know.
God, I hope not.
It's not Lily I worry
about, it's Grace.
- Is she okay?
- Well the truth is,
we've been having some trouble.
Grace and I, it's not good.
- Well I'm sure
it's just a phase.
- I don't know.
- Well maybe she just needs
to get away for a bit.
A change of scenery.
- You know this town.
She hasn't lived here
for 100 years, so.
- Well she agreed
to move up here.
It was a joint decision, no?
- We all agreed.
I thought we were
doing the right thing.
And the kids are fine, but
she's just not that happy here.
(atmospheric music)
(engine whirring)
(crickets chirping)
(engine whirring)
- [Man On Phone] Sure, whatever.
Guess not.
- Really?
(man on phone speaking faintly)
- I don't care, they can
think what they want.
(man on phone speaking faintly)
It's not like that.
- Lily?
- Hold on Spencer.
- [Man On Phone] She's crazy.
- Lily, you said you're
gonna come help me.
- One minute (speaking
in foreign language).
- Come on.
- [Man On Phone] What?
- Okay.
Hey, I gotta go.
- Okay.
- I'll text you
before I go to bed.
- [Man On Phone] Okay.
- Okay.
(crickets chirping)
Sorry, Spencer.
Let me see it.
- There's someone outside.
- Huh?
- I saw somebody.
(footsteps pattering)
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure, there's
somebody outside.
I saw someone.
- [Lily] You're always
making things up.
- [Spencer] I saw them.
I guess they're gone.
- I don't see anything.
- Lily, can you
come help me now?
- Yeah.
I'm coming.
(atmospheric music)
Okay, so.
(speaking faintly).
(pills rattling)
(Marcus sighing)
(pills rattling)
(wind whistling)
- I found this shell
and I wanted to show you.
(Marcus sighing)
(floor creaking)
(creature clattering)
(jarring music)
(ominous music)
(atmospheric music)
(bicycle rattling)
(seagulls squawking)
(blender whirring)
- Lily.
- Oh, don't, I'm sweaty.
I'm gross.
- Um,
have on of these.
(glasses clinking)
- You remembered.
- Of course.
- Did Dad tell you we
were having a party?
- Have I ever forgotten
your birthday?
- Once
when I was three,
you sent me a tea set.
It arrived a week late
and had these pink
flowers on it.
I think you were in London.
- You have a very good memory.
I remembered.
You look very more mature
than the last time I saw you.
- I was just a kid the
last time you saw me.
- Well you don't look
like a kid anymore.
(thunder rumbling)
- Mm,
- Mm, huh.
(seagulls squawking)
(Lily giggling)
How's our little scientist?
- Mm, you know, he's Spencer.
You saw him the other night.
At our house.
I saw you watching us.
- I didn't want to intrude.
(thunder rumbling)
- Well I should get going
before it starts to pour.
Don't be a stranger, okay?
(thunder rumbling)
(lightning booming)
(atmospheric music)
(water running)
(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)
(Marcus sighing)
(creepy music)
(radio static)
(ominous music)
(Marcus sighing)
(water sloshing)
(floor creaking)
(wires clattering)
(wire snapping)
(wire snapping)
(eerie music)
(wire snapping)
(ants pattering)
(car engine whirring)
- I wouldn't ask if it
wasn't an emergency.
- Michael, slow down.
- [Michael] Come on Spencer.
It won't be more
than a few days.
And Lily will take
care of Spencer,
you don't have to do anything.
- But I don't wanna stay here.
- [Marcus] It's
okay, buddy, come on.
- [Michael] Come on, Spence.
- Lily's gonna make
us root beer floats.
Come on.
- [Michael] Be good.
- Uh.
- I brought my net.
- Okay good, there's lot
to catch around here.
- [Lily] Oh, I got it.
- Oh, careful.
I got it.
- I'm not playing
a game with these.
- I know, let's go.
- She's leaving me, Marcus.
- No, I'm sure that--
- She went back to her
parents in the city,
so if I don't go now, it's over.
I'm sorry to do this to you.
- No, don't worry.
Just, um, do what
you have to do.
I'll be fine, go.
Why don't you use my place?
I'm gonna call ahead
with the doorman.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.
- Well, thank you, Marcus.
I appreciate it, I really do.
And I'll call you
when I'm settled.
- Okay, take as much
time as you need Michael.
All is gonna be fine here.
(engine whirring)
(ominous music)
Where is it?
- Uncle M.
- [Marcus] Whoa, what
sort of bug is this?
- That's not a bug,
that's a Trilobite.
They're extinct.
(footsteps tapping)
- Going somewhere?
- Some friends of mine
are gonna meet up.
- You just got here.
- I won't be long.
You and Spencer can
keep each other company.
I have my cell.
(Marcus sighing)
You don't have to worry.
- Do you have to go?
- You're still my
favorite uncle.
- I'm your only uncle.
(Lily chuckling)
Okay, please don't be too late.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Are you good?
- Yeah, sure.
(engine whirring)
- [Spencer] Boo, is
everything going to be okay
with Uncle Marcus?
Should I be afraid?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
I remember this guy.
Boo, right?
Hello, Boo.
I'm so glad that you're able
to visit for a few days.
Hey, how ya holdin' up?
- Fine.
- So Boo teaching these guys
right here a thing or two?
- They don't really
like to play together.
- Really?
That's okay.
Not everybody has to be
part of a large group,
some are just happy
to be by themselves.
- I like being by myself
most of the time too.
- So do I.
Talk to your mom or dad today?
- Yep.
- Look, Spence, everything
is gonna work out just fine.
They're both gonna
be home very soon.
- Okay.
- Nothing's gonna happen.
Why don't you get
some sleep, kiddo?
- I was gonna wait up for Lily,
but I guess I'm kinda tired.
- Goodnight, Spence.
- [Spencer] Goodnight.
(ominous music)
(wire snapping)
(creature slithering)
(creature snarling)
(water spraying)
(intense music)
I'm a monster.
(water spraying)
- You really got
me going tonight.
Hey, are you sure you don't
wanna leave with a
little something?
I'm hurtin' here.
- Maybe next time.
- [Drew] Whatever.
(engine whirring)
(atmospheric music)
(crickets chirping)
(creature snarling)
(ominous music)
(Marcus gasping)
(ominous music)
(engine whirring)
(atmospheric music)
- Do you still
think they'll hatch?
- [Spencer] I doubt it.
- Then why do you hold on to it?
- [Spencer] I don't know.
- That's the way I see you.
Always with hope.
(water sloshing)
(boat horn blaring)
(seagulls squawking)
- What the hell
are you doing here?
- I got these at the candy
shop around the corner.
Sour balls.
Would you like one?
- Okay,
I'd appreciate if you call
before you just show up.
- Of course.
I just wanted to see
how you were getting on.
But you know that business
has been tidied up.
- Lower your voice.
You should not be here.
I am very well known
here in this town.
- I apologize.
I'll come by your place later.
- Please, just first,
(pills rattling)
call next time, okay?
- Of course.
Are you sure you don't want one?
I love these things but
sometimes they make me sick.
Let me know if you
need anything else.
A pretty dress, anything at all.
(engine whirring)
- [Marcus] You've got
to ease the clutch up.
(engine whirring)
- My leg is too short.
- No, that was much better.
- No, it wasn't.
Why are you always
so nice to me?
- Because I feel
so sorry for you.
- Don't patronize me.
(engine whirring)
- Look, take a breath.
(Lily exhaling)
Let's do it again.
All right, let the clutch in.
- [Lily] It is.
- All the way in.
Now, slowly, let it out.
(atmospheric music)
(bushes rustling)
- [Spencer] I can't eat anymore.
I'm stuffed.
- I need a nap.
- But you said you
were going to help me.
- In a minute, okay babe?
I'm so full.
- You guys wanna go up and
take a look at the lighthouse?
- [Spencer] No.
- No.
Sorry Uncle M.
- [Spencer] I gonna go play.
(seagulls squawking)
- Don't go too far.
- Okay.
(wind whistling)
(seagulls squawking)
(waves crashing)
- If we met at different times,
I mean, if like we
didn't know each other,
do you think we'd
still meet somehow?
- Stop it.
- I'm serious.
Like if you saw me
across a crowded room,
would you come over
and talk to me?
- Yeah, in another life,
a lot of things
would be different.
- Like what?
- You can't think like that.
- Sure you can.
I mean, I just did.
It's like imagining you
see things in the clouds.
Okay, like, there.
I see a horse.
Are you gonna tell me
I don't see a horse?
- You're my niece.
I love you not matter what.
- Good.
That's what I thought.
(atmospheric music)
(water running)
(Lily humming)
(mirror squeaking)
(Lily singing in
foreign language)
(ice cubes clinking)
(Lily singing in
foreign language)
(water dripping)
(waves crashing)
(stapler clacking)
(lightning booming)
(stapler clacking)
What are you doing?
- There's a short
here somewhere.
Try the doorbell.
(rain pattering)
- Nothing.
- I've changed all the fuses.
- You know it's,
it's raining out.
We should just play
like we used to.
- Okay.
- [Lily And Spencer]
One, two, three, four,
- You're back at hiding.
- Five, six, seven,
- [Lily And Spencer]
eight, nine, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15,
(lightning cracking)
16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Ready or not, here we come.
- Okay, I'm gonna go this
way, you go that way.
- Why can't we go together?
- Oh, it'll just
be faster this way.
(lightning cracking)
(stairs creaking)
(ominous music)
(thunder rumbling)
(Marcus breathing heavily)
(lightning cracking)
He's going upstairs.
(thunder rumbling)
- [Marcus] There's
something on me.
- Where, there's nothing there.
He's gonna hear us.
(lightning cracking)
- There's something in
here, Lily, let me out.
- No, shh, okay, hold it.
(atmospheric music)
(floor creaking)
- Lily, there's
something on me, I think.
(lightning booming)
Something's in here, let me out!
No, no!
(intense music)
- There's nothing there Uncle M.
See, it's all right.
It's an old coat.
(ominous music)
(kettle whistling)
(dishes clacking)
I brought you tea.
- Oh, I'm fine,
but thanks for thinking of me.
- You're not feeling well?
- No, it's nothing.
Nothing the sea air won't cure.
- I wish you lived here.
- But I do.
- I mean like, all the time.
- Now that's just the
little girl in you talking.
If I lived here, you would get
bored with me very quickly.
- I wished we lived
here together.
Whatever happened
to Aunt Cassie?
- Oh, it was a long time ago.
- I used to be so
jealous of her.
Of how pretty and lucky she was.
- Really?
You should go to bed.
- Goodnight.
(crickets chirping)
Okay, just let me know
when you're coming back.
(Grace speaking faintly)
Mm, sure.
(Grace speaking faintly)
All right, Mom, I love you too.
(speaking in foreign language)
- I lost time.
It leaves, mm.
- Spencer, wake up.
Are you okay?
- What does it mean?
I don't understand.
Boys can't have babies, right?
- (chuckling) No.
(floor creaking)
- What were you talking about?
- Nothing, I was
just talking to Mom.
- What is it Boo?
What are these two talking
about so late at night?
Hmm, what secrets
are they keeping?
Come on, Boo.
You can tell me.
- He doesn't wanna go with you.
- Is that true Boo?
After all we've been through,
I just thought you and
I were best of friends.
- He says you're a monster.
- What did he say?
- He didn't say anything.
(speaking in foreign language)
- All right, that's enough.
Bed time, lights out.
Spencer, go to your room.
- But I wanna sleep in here.
- Yeah, no, it's okay.
- No more games, both of you.
(intense music)
(pill rattling)
(water flowing)
(water flowing)
(Marcus screaming)
(creepy music)
No, no, no, it's fine Michael.
They're, um, no trouble at all.
I'm serious.
No, they're great.
We're having fun.
Micheal, take as much
time as you need.
The important thing
is that the two of you
work things out.
As much time as you need.
All is good here.
(car engine whirring)
Ah, I gotta go.
There's a delivery
man at the front door.
I'll give you a call later.
(car door banging)
- Wait, I wanna see.
Oh, my god.
- Yeah, cool.
Thanks Uncle M.
- I know my company
can grow tiresome.
- You're such a
pushover, Uncle M.
- Careful now, there's
two of 'em in there.
Where is he?
- [Spencer] Right there.
- At the top.
- Don't let him out.
- Here you are.
With a little cherry
juice mixed in.
Just the way you like it.
- It's a little early, isn't it?
- You know if we have to
run into town for anything,
I could drive.
- Hmm.
Is Spencer all right?
- Sure, you mean in general?
- The talking to himself.
- It's just a phase.
Remember, I used to do that.
It's nothing.
It's just little kids
playing make-believe.
- I remember.
We couldn't get you to stop.
- Kids.
(atmospheric music)
- Aren't you going to
watch this with me?
Who are you texting?
- No one.
(crickets chirping)
(ominous music)
(intense music)
(creature snarling)
(Lily singing in
foreign language)
- Do you love me?
- What kind of question is that?
- You're a liar.
(Marcus sighing)
- Lily.
- If you're so
in love with me,
then why don't you
do something about it?
- Okay, shh, you just need
to keep your voice down.
- Why don't you touch me?
- You need to get off me.
Get off.
- What's wrong with me?
- Lily, you're drunk.
- I am not.
- It's late.
You're not yourself.
- I'm not a fucking
child, all right?
We used to be best friends.
You and me.
- Yeah, I remember.
- You used to bring
me little gifts.
You taught me poems and songs.
You liked me.
Why don't you like me anymore?
- I adore you.
- Then why don't you show it?
- Something, something
is not right with me.
I'm, I'm very sick.
Can you even see that?
- Well, there's no
help for what you have.
- You know?
- Oh, I know, Uncle M.
Do you know what's inside you?
- Tell me.
- A monster.
A very hungry monster.
That wants to eat little girls.
- Stop, get it out of me
because I can't take it anymore.
- There is one way
out. (chuckling)
- Goddammit, Lily, stop it.
- (moaning) Just one way out.
And it's in here.
(ominous music)
(Marcus gasping)
(waves crashing)
- [Paul] You're
looking rundown Marcus.
- [Marcus] I apologize, I just,
I haven't been feeling myself.
- [Paul] I don't see any trouble
if the kids come to our place.
- Oh, no, no, no,
no, we're all good.
Michael and Grace are
gonna be home tomorrow
or the next day.
- Lily.
- She has a rough night.
- Are you sure?
We're here to help.
- They're happy here Paul.
This is their home too.
(atmospheric music)
- Spencer.
I thought I should bring you
a little bit of
something to munch on.
Is that a praying mantis?
- [Spencer] Yeah.
- [Paul] Oh, dear.
What are they doing now?
- She's eating him.
Just what they do sometimes.
- Well that's not very nice.
Where are you going?
(mantis flickering)
Is everything okay here?
- Yeah, I guess.
Our parents are in the city,
but they should be back soon.
- What about your sister?
(power circuit thudding)
(Paul sighing)
(atmospheric music)
- I'm sure it's
just the breaker.
This old house!
I'll be right back.
(ominous music)
What the?
Marcus, what the hell?
(lever clanking)
That looks okay.
(door clacking)
(breaker whirring)
(circuit clicking)
(intense music)
What's this?
(electricity zapping)
(Paul screaming)
- There's something
in the house.
- Yes, there is.
- What is it?
(atmospheric music)
- I don't know exactly.
- What does it want?
- For us to be together.
I can fell the pull too.
It's always been there.
- No, quit playing.
- It's not a game.
- Something's happening Lily.
It's just not okay.
- Yes it is.
It is okay.
It's the only way.
- It would do no good.
- It was meant to be.
- Stop it.
- We're meant to be together.
- No.
This is all in your head. It's
just a childish game, okay?
- No.
It's in your head,
under the bed,
It must come out.
You wanna be free of it.
Just listen to me.
Uncle M., fairytales aren't
just for little girls.
- No.
It's nonsense,
it's make-believe.
I understand now, I see it.
(intense music)
- Mr. Keversmith?
Are you down there?
(siren blaring)
(chattering on radio)
(somber music)
(Mrs. Keversmith crying)
(speaking faintly)
- We're fine, really.
They're having a ball.
We had a picnic down by
the water the other day.
Um, Michael, there's
nothing to worry about.
Well don't be.
They're fine.
Everything's fine.
I hope things are
working out for you.
Um, how's Grace?
Oh, oh, good, good, good,
good, that's good Michael.
Um, take as long as you need.
I mean it.
(ominous music)
(metallic clacking)
(wires clattering)
(breaker clanking)
(electricity buzzing)
(ominous music)
(crickets chirping)
Why are you here?
(candle snuffer scraping)
I don't need you.
(candle snuffer clinking)
I thought I made
myself very clear.
It's just this place,
I shouldn't have come.
I'm losing my mind here.
- You lost more than that.
- The caretaker?
That was an accident.
- You don't think they'll
be an investigation?
- I don't know.
- What will they find?
Roses under your pillow?
(radio static)
(creepy music)
Panties hidden in
the cookie jar?
- It's not like that.
- Really?
She's very attractive.
I wouldn't begrudge you.
- Why are you here?
- Maybe a little birdie
whispered in my ear.
I have a sixth sense about
these kinds of situations.
Oh, thinking of taking
the easy way out?
- I'm not well, obviously.
(pills rattling)
(floor creaking)
(gun hammer clicking)
(footsteps tapping)
(ominous music)
(creature snarling)
It's so beautiful up here.
The air is so crisp.
It's so peaceful.
(radio static)
(creepy music)
You don't know
how lucky you are.
- Just leave, please.
(pills rattling)
(Marcus gasping)
(Marcus coughing and gagging)
- If I leave you're
never gonna see me again.
Doesn't that make you unhappy?
(crickets chirping)
(eerie music)
(gun hammer clicking)
- I'm not in any
trouble with you.
- No, you won't be.
- What do you want?
- Nothing.
That's what makes me
different from you.
- I'll pay you.
You name an amount,
and you just, you walk away.
- You're a filthy slug.
- Oh, my God.
- God's got nothing to
do with it, my friend.
We'e all just animals.
(creature snarling)
Fighting one other
for scraps.
Desperate to escape.
(creature roaring)
(Evan screaming)
(gun firing)
(Marcus yelping)
(dramatic music)
- Lily?
(Marcus gasping)
- [Lily] Uncle M.,
what are you doing?
- Lily, I need your help.
Where is it?
Where'd it go?
- Spencer, can you help me?
(intense music)
It'll be okay.
(Marcus groaning)
Remember, I couldn't find you,
but then you found me.
(atmospheric music)
(water bubbling)
(crickets chirping)
(water dripping)
(water running)
(doors creaking)
(bugs chirping)
(wire snapping)
(crickets chirping)
(water sloshing)
(birds chirping)
(bugs chirping)
(shell clinking)
(seagull squawking)
(mirror squeaking)
(water sloshing)
(water running)
(atmospheric music)
(phone ringing)
(ominous music)
(atmospheric music)
(speaking in foreign language)
- Hmm?
- I'm scared.
What if something happens to us?
- We'll be all right Spencer.
- Promise to me.
- Yeah, it's gonna be okay.
(atmospheric music)
(lock clacking)
(electricity zapping)
(fire crackling)
(singing in foreign language)
(radio static)
- The house is wired.
You see,
no one gets in,
and no one gets out.
Tame the monster.
(car engine whirring)
- Lily, Mom and Dad are here.
- [Marcus] Spencer, no!
(electricity zapping)
(body thudding on floor)
- (gasping) Spencer!
- Spencer?
- Spencer!
(somber music)
(Marcus panting)
(Grace crying)
Lily, Lily!
Oh, my God.
- You knew I'd come back!
How long have you been waiting?
How long have you
been waiting for me?
- Remember, I was looking
for you everywhere.
I was so excited to share
this important thing.
(Marcus gasping)
(dramatic music)
(seagulls squawking)
Marcus, wait.
(water sloshing)
Please come back.
- You were right Lily.
It's meant to be.
- Just come back to me.
- No.
You need to go home now Lily.
I understand now, I'm a monster.
It needs a place
to hide, to grow.
- You're not a monster.
I love you.
- We were meant to be together
in another life.
- Marcus, no!
(body thudding)
No, Marcus!
(dramatic music)
(Lily crying)
(water bubbling)
(atmospheric music)
(water bubbling)
(creature slithering)
(ominous music)
I heard a story
About this girl
She was lost in
Her own little world
And every morning
She walks to the sea
And waits for sunset
Just to keep her mind free
From all the voices
That makes the noises
In her head
They drove her mad
If there were choices
To live or end this
She'll end this now
Without a doubt
With all the voices
That makes her voiceless
In her head
They drove her mad
(melodic guitar)