Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World (2012)

Okay, what we're getting now is, yes,
they're saying it was, in
fact, a fire that erupted
inside the external tank of the ship
exactly 98 seconds after it
entered the asteroid field.
No one is sure what caused the fire
which Ied to the massive explosion
killing all 12 crew members and scientists
aboard the space shuttle Deliverance,
taking with them our last and only hope.
Once again, if you're just tuning in,
the CSA space shuttle Deliverance
has been destroyed.
The final mission to save
mankind has failed.
The 70-mile-wide asteroid known
commonly as "Matilda"
is set to collide with Earth in
exactly three weeks' time,
and we'll be bringing you
up-to-the-minute coverage
of our countdown to the end of days,
along with all your classic
rock favorites.
This is Q1 07.2.
I think we missed the exit.
...they say the damage to
the tower has rendered
all cellular telephones useless.
No word yet on how long
before water and power
will be shut off altogether.
But we'll be bringing you all
the information you need
just as long as we have a Iive feed.
And be sure to stay tuned at 9:00
p.m. Eastern Standard Time
for the End of the World
Awareness Concert.
The human migration continues...
Sorry, dude! It's okay.
What are you doing?
Hey, up yours, pal!
I'm sorry, sir,
that's not covered under
your current policy.
I'm afraid the Armageddon
package is extra, yes.
Well, that protects you and your family
against any sort of apocalyptic disaster.
Asteroids, obviously, plague,
famine, Iocusts...
Drawbacks? Um...
The premiums are high...
I'm sorry... Can you just hold
on for one moment? Thank you.
So feel free to wear
your casual Friday clothing pretty
much any day of the week.
And since Ted in Human Resources
is no Ionger with us,
I thought I'd Iet you all know of a
few positions in upper management
that have been made available.
So, if anyone wants to be Chief
Financial Officer...
CFO? Anyone?
Life has no meaning.
I really think I'm coming
down with something.
On your right!
On your right, buddy.
On your right!
You could have told me that yesterday!
Oh, hi, Elsa.
Hi, Mr. Dodge.
Okay, I finish. Okay.
Me estoy volviendo vieja, Mr.
Dodge. I getting older.
I didn't mean to rush you off or anything.
Do you have someplace to be?
I mean, if you want, you could...
I don't know, you could watch TV here,
or something, whatever you Iike.
Oh, my kids are waiting.
Oh, right. Of course. You have kids.
Listen, Elsa, you don't
have to come next week.
Or, you know, ever, if you
don't want to. It's okay.
You firing me?
No, no, no. No, I just...
Is this because I don't watch TV with you?
No. No. I, uh...
I just thought, considering...
There's just no need to...
Nothing. Forget it. It's fine.
You're out of Windose.
More Windose, got it.
See you next week, Mr. Dodge.
I regret my entire Iife.
Okay. Okay.
Bye! Bye, now.
Well, it's no longer just
the postal service.
Commercial airlines have discontinued
altogether today.
After much delay, the final flight,
piloted by Delta Airlines,
Ieft Chicago Midway at 3:45 Central Time,
touching down in Seattle at 6:15 Pacific.
Private charters have been
given military clearance
to use intercontinental airspace
at their own risk.
And now the traffic report. Amy?
We're fucked, Bob.
Thank you, Amy.
Oh, shit.
...they have yet to make a
statement regarding rumors
of a classified space launch for high-ranking
government officials,
religious figureheads, and
important contributors
to athletics and entertainment.
They have predicted the exact
location of impact,
but the government is refusing to release
this information to the public
to avoid creating an even
greater sense of panic.
Oh! You're early! Hi.
Aw. Warren told me about Linda.
Oh, yeah...
I am so surprised she didn't do it sooner.
She never really Iooked happy,
especially when she was with you.
That's new information.
Really? Mmm-hmm.
Why do you think she didn't
want to have kids?
Karen Amalfi is coming alone tonight.
Don't. Do not.
Do not what?
Please, Warren. Can we just have
a few sober moments tonight?
This is the Last Supper, Diane.
You think Jesus was sober
for his Iast supper?
You think he turned water into Iemonade?
Dodge, a Iittle help, please.
Uh-uh. No, no, no, no, no.
Dodge is my friend.
My friend. Look at this, my friend.
This is a Don Ramon cigar.
This is the hardest cigar in the world...
Can you chop those a Iittle
Iouder, please?
This is the hardest cigar
in the world to find.
And tonight, I'm going to share
one of my Iast 13 with you.
How's that sit?
Hi, Danny.
Hey, can I fix you a drink, son?
Quit ruining my Iife.
Good for you, sweetie. Express yourself.
Go fuck yourself!
I was thinking maybe we should set up
Dodge with Karen. Don't you think?
Oh, my God, will you stop it?
He doesn't want to get set up with
one of your gross friends.
He needs to meet somebody!
No, he doesn't!
Leave him alone. He is alone, Iook at him.
I'm fine. No, honey, you're not fine.
You're gonna die alone. Doesn't
that bother you?
He's not gonna die alone. Yes, he is.
He's not gonna die alone. He's
gonna die with everybody else!
There's just no need to
cling to who's closest.
This isn't the fucking Ark, Diane.
This is the Titanic!
And there is not a Iife raft in sight.
Welcome aboard.
Dodge, you remember Karen Amalfi.
Hello, good to see you.
It's everything I never wore.
Ta-da! Mmm!
It's very nice, very shiny.
You're funny.
We decided that we would use
this time to be with family.
First we're gonna go to West
Virginia, see my sister
and her husband and the two boys.
Even though we just saw them.
We just saw them.
And then Lacey wants to go to
her stepfather's in Aspen
so that she can tell him to fuck off.
And also ski!
And ski.
- Yeah.
Um... Hmm.
Okay, well, I think I'm finally
gonna take that pottery class.
And... Well, I'm gonna
eat whatever I want,
and totally not even care. Just...
Go, girl.
And maybe I'll, um,
be spending a Iittle time
with someone special.
Oh, me? Let's see...
What was the question?
Qu ser, ser!
We're gonna ski first, and
then she's gonna tell...
Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!
Fight through the burn, fight through
the burn! Fight through the burn!
Winner's wine!
Hey, Dodge! Hey, Roache.
Dodger! I'm gonna miss you,
man. Gonna miss you...
Oh, boy. It's the fucking
Wild West, you know?
Is it? Come on.
Single guys Iike us, I mean, we gotta
grab this thing, you know?
Because it is a different world now.
It's a different world.
Okay. We gotta... You know?
No, I don't. I don't...
I don't... You don't? Dude,
the sky is falling.
The sky is falling.
And it's raining pussy!
It's raining pussy
Dude, ever since Deliverance, man,
I've been with a different girl every day.
And they don't care about
getting pregnant.
They don't care about diseases,
or are you gonna call them back,
or can you provide for them,
or do you have a small dick,
or are you related. AII right?
And it's Iike the apocalypse...
The apocalypse has Ieveled the field, man.
Oh, my God. Do you want to
double-stuff that cookie?
Do you want to double-stuff
that cookie with me?
Two chefs in the kitchen
We're double-stuffing the
cookie Dodge and Roache
You guys, Iook! Sarah and
Dave brought heroin.
It's time. Bucket Iist! Bucket Iist!
Wait, where's Lacey? Let Lacey do
it, she's a dental assistant.
I'll do it. Yeah, you do it, Lace.
Here we go.
Oh, don't grab, Roache.
Let's watch her, Iet's everyone
watch her do it.
Put some Radiohead on.
I want to do heroin to Radiohead.
Yeah! Yeah!
This is dynamite! Everybody, run!
I'm kidding! It's not.
It can't hurt you unless you
get about this close to it.
Are you hiding?
You don't have to do heroin if
you don't want to, sweetie.
Look, I tried.
I just can't spend the Iast month of
my Iife getting to know someone.
It's ridiculous.
You don't Iike Karen?
I couldn't possibly give a shit.
I'm not gonna sit across from someone
and hear all their stories,
even if she was someone I
could be interested in,
because I just...
I'm not sure that the month
between my wife Ieaving me
and the end of the world sounds
Iike good timing. Do you?
What... Hey... What are you
doing? What are you doing?
What? What?
You're Warren's.
No, I'm not.
Nobody's anybody's anything anymore.
Why did Linda get to disappear?
Why does everybody else get
to do what they want?
I don't know what I want.
You can't run from this, Dodge.
You okay?
How could I be so stupid?
I don't know. I don't know you very well.
I'm never gonna see my family again.
I missed the planes, all of them.
I mean, God, it's the end of the world
and I'm still 15 minutes Iate.
I can hear my father say it
now. I can hear him say,
"Flaky and irresponsible," and he's right.
How could I do this? I put my
energy in the wrong places,
I give my time to the wrong people.
I mean, when I think of all the...
AII the holidays I didn't
spend with my mum and dad
to be with some guy I used to know.
Would you Iike to come in?
I won't steal anything
if you don't rape me.
My name's Penny.
I'm Dodge.
How Iong have you Iived here?
Three years. You?
I just broke up with someone.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, I mean...
You know, it was building to this.
He's just taking the night
to clear out his stuff.
I mean, it's always better to
sleep on the fire escape
than have pity sex, I always say.
What's that?
What? Oh, that is cough
syrup with codeine.
Splash of vodka. Can I have a sip?
Actually, I'm feeling a Iittle...
You want some weed?
Oh, no, thank you.
It's the only thing that sends me to sleep
and the only thing that wakes me up again.
I mean, seriously,
I've got a wicked case of hypersomnia.
I mean, I could sleep through
the apocalypse.
Who's the girl? Who?
Oh. That's Olivia.
Is she the one that got away?
Well, they all got away, but
she was the first, yeah.
Are you gonna go and get her back?
I'm sure she has enough on her plate.
And what is it about the end of the world
that brings them all out of the woodwork?
...there he's got it.
Yeah. He changed his mind, as he...
...doing a terrific job
of cutting him off.
Now coming from behind,
he's got him around the shoulders,
and down goes...
I'm ready to go downstairs now.
Wait here a tick.
He's gone. Took my Pet Sounds with
him. I should've seen that coming.
What are you doing with
the rest of your Iife?
Oh, um...
Little of this, Iittle of that.
Probably catching up on some "me" time.
Find God.
Maybe move around some chairs.
Well, maybe I'll run into
you at a support group
or an orgy or something.
Yeah, that sounds nice.
What's that?
That's your mail.
Why do you have it?
Oh, you know how the mailman
would sometimes put the mail
in the wrong box? Uh-huh.
Well, over time, say Iike... Well,
three years, I mean, it...
God, it really adds up, doesn't it?
Isn't it funny? I mean, how we've Iived
so close and we've never said hi.
Oh, but I did meet your
roommate a few times.
My roommate? You mean Linda?
Linda. Linda, right. And her boyfriend,
what was his name?
Oh, God, they seemed so happy
together. What was his name?
I haven't seen them in a while.
Are they all right?
What was his name again?
I forget.
Come on.
Give it to me! I'll hit it!
Fuck, yeah! Hit it!
What started as a few individuals
acting out
has quickly escalated into a massive riot
sweeping through the streets of downtown.
If we could show the live footage, Dory?
You see people using every
available weapon,
looting, smashing windows,
setting fires, and in some cases,
attacking one another.
With the Iack of police presence,
we are seeing people with
nothing left to lose.
They appear to be moving off Main Street
and heading towards Division Avenue,
where residences and businesses
are more at risk.
And perhaps it's only a matter of time
before the city is too
dangerous to inhabit.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Okay. Okay.
Oh, Sorry. Okay. Good, Sorry. Here we go.
Come on.
Penny! Penny?
Penny! Who the fuck are you?
Oh, shit! I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm Dodge, I Iive upstairs.
I've never seen you before.
We've run into each other a few
times, but that's not...
I'm pretty good with faces.
Anyway... Obviously, there's
a riot going on.
Maybe you heard the screaming,
smelled the burning.
If you could just wake up Penny,
I think we should get out of the
building as soon as possible.
You're fucking her, aren't you?
What? No... What? No, I'm...
No. I'm not.
Oh, I knew it!
I knew it.
Fuck! I knew it!
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Okay, all right.
Penny! Come on, here we go. Wake up.
There you go.
Hey! I decide when Penny wakes up!
This isn't what it Iooks Iike.
I broke my hand, baby.
I hope you're happy. It's my guitar hand.
Aren't they both your guitar hands?
Penny, there's a small riot brewing
and we need to go, right now!
She's not going anywhere with you...
Would you please just stop?
We all need to go! Come on! Here we
go! Here we go, guys! Come on!
My hand! My gift. Will you just
Iook at it? I broke it.
This is the guy?
I can't believe you want this
creep instead of me.
Hey! Hey! I'm not kidding! Let's do it!
Oh, he's old!
He's not even good-Iooking.
What, do you have a job?
Mister Job? Owen!
I told you there wasn't anybody
else. Oh, shit, my records.
So you broke up with me for nobody?
Do you not see how that's worse?
We don't have time for this.
Scott Walker, Wilco... John Cale!
Hey, that's my Cale.
We don't have time for any of this, guys!
Goodbye, friends!
Come on.
Give me that Cale.
Okay, here we go.
I'll drive.
AII right, all right.
- Hey!
Watch out for my hand.
Here we go.
I can't believe you're breaking
up with me now.
It's the worst timing for me, ever!
We didn't get back together.
What do you call Iast night?
Nothing happened!
Since when is snuggling nothing?
Shit. I thought it was right there.
You don't remember where you parked?
No, it was... It was on...
It was on 1st and 9th. Fuck,
maybe it was 10th and 2nd?
This way. It could have been 3rd...
It was definitely one of
those combinations.
I'm the asshole, right?
Everything's my fault?
Can we just concentrate
on finding the car?
No, Owen, it's not about that.
I'm just saying that we're not a match.
I mean, isn't it better we find
out now, rather than Iater?
What do you mean, not soul mates?
I Iove you. I want to take care of you.
Just get...
Penny, Iet's go, come on!
Owen? Come on!
You okay? Come on! Go for the car.
There it is!
Is this because you pay my rent?
Because I had to swallow a Iot
of pride to Iet you do that.
Get in the car, Owen.
I'm not Ieaving the city.
Well, it's my car.
Oh, that's right, I don't have a car.
Throw that in my face while you're at it.
They're right on top of us!
"They're right on top of us!"
Would you get out and help? I'll do it!
No, no, no. No, no, no. I'll do it.
Oh, God, there's a guy. There's
a guy right there!
Cut the wheel! Cut it!
What are you doing? Cut the wheel!
I'm... Cut the wheel!
Fire! Fire! There's fire!
You're not cutting at all!
Are you freaking blind?
God, here they come!
What is wrong with you?
Hey! Hey! I know a guy with a plane.
If you drive me to where I need to
go, I can get you to your family.
Hello? Cut the wheel!
That's it. Now come forward a Iittle bit.
Ah, he'll be fine!
So tell me about this plane.
You know, hybrid cars don't
need as much gas.
Yes. They still need a Iittle
gas, don't they?
No, I'm just saying, you don't
have to fill them up as much.
Does this mean we're not
going to the plane?
Look, maybe you should just
forget about the plane.
I Ieft Owen in the middle of a riot.
He used you as a human shield, Penny.
You don't even know him.
Look, you're the one who woke me
up in the middle of the night,
dragged me out of bed... You're right.
I don't know why I bothered saving
your Iife, after you ruined mine.
What is that supposed to mean?
What? What is that?
Well, you know how sometimes the mailman
would put the mail in the wrong box?
Well, sometimes, the girl
that you never got over
sends you a Ietter.
That's from the girl? My God.
Oh, my God! That's great, right?
Yeah, it's pretty good.
What would be great is if I could
call her from a regular phone,
or I could just hop on
a train to wherever,
or not die in the outer suburbs.
But instead, I am on the scenic route
to the guillotine with you, and you.
She could be at the fucking
pyramids by now.
She could have blown her head
off, and I wouldn't know,
because I didn't get this
three annoying months ago!
Now I feel bad.
Fuck. Look, guilt isn't a feeling
that I'm comfortable with.
Well, fortunately you won't
have Iong to Iive with it.
What are you doing?
Penny, this really doesn't involve you.
I said I was gonna get you there,
I'm gonna get you there, so...
Where was the Iast place you saw her?
Where was she 18 years ago?
Look, you don't need to spend the
Iast few days of your Iife
with a total stranger.
You're not a total stranger, and
these aren't my Iast days.
Oh, you're a survivalist.
No, I'm not a survivalist.
I'm an optimist.
Hello! You having some trouble?
Do you know where the nearest
gas station is?
Yeah, but diesel is all they
got Ieft. Where you headed?
Where we headed, Dodge?
Somerset. Wherever that is.
I think Huntsville might
be as far as I'm going.
Great! Thank you!
So, what's your pilgrimage?
Because everybody's headed somewhere.
Well, I'm going to see
my family, and he's...
He's Iooking for someone.
Who is it you're Iooking for?
His high school sweetheart.
Is that right?
Well, there's no greater search
than that of Iost Iove,
I'll give you that.
You married? No, darling,
I never did walk the plank.
There was a special Iady.
My Rita passed seven years back.
You know, it's all about
who you Iay down with
when the Iights go out.
Takes Ionger than it should
to figure that part.
Truth is, it's nice to have
some company for a change.
Even strangers.
Why don't you tell us your Iife story?
Then we won't be strangers anymore.
Well, sure. Let's see. I was born in...
Wait a minute. I should probably
tell Daddy's Iife story first,
so there's some context. Okay.
Uptime? Groovy!
Yeah. Daddy was born in Skokie, IIIinois.
And his dad was born in Okie.
Used to catch bass.
So they run a bunch of tests
and they all come back with
the same bad news.
Doctors give me six months to Iive.
Then I go home, turn on the TV,
and they say three weeks.
If you ask me, a man is not supposed
to know when his time is up,
it's not natural.
That's when you find yourself renting
a gun and buying a bullet.
But that ain't no way into heaven.
Isn't that right, Dodge?
No, I guess not.
I'm gonna go drain the snake.
You wanna join me?
No, thanks, I'm good.
Okay, what a fucking weirdo.
I think he's soulful.
Who drives around with shovels?
I don't trust him.
Glen? What? He told us his Iife story.
Yes, and thank you for that, by the way.
Do you know, if you actually Iistened,
you might Iearn something.
Sorry needs to go out.
I'll go. I will take him.
I'm gonna take him for a sniff.
Don't go anywhere.
I knew it as soon as I saw you.
That detached Iook in your eyes.
That vague way about you.
You almost had me fooled with that Iine
about your high school girlfriend.
I'm sorry, I don't...
Don't be sorry, son.
Just kill me quickly.
Well, I thought we could do
it in that nice field,
but if you're gonna shoot me in the
back, then Iet's get it over with.
Shoot you? I don't... Are we still
speaking metaphorically?
Well, what's it gonna be,
then? Knife? Piano wire?
Okay, you know what? She's
gonna be back any second.
Don't tell me they sent a
girl to do a man's job.
I specifically requested a male!
Unless you're some sort of team!
Is that how this works?
Okay, you know what? I don't think
I am who you think I am.
Well, that's a relief.
Because I was afraid I
could fight you off!
You know, Dodge, when a man...
Dodge? Glen?
Oh, my God.
Glen's dead.
Are you okay? Did you get the plates?
"When a man..."
"When a man..." What do you
think he was trying to say?
I don't know, Penny.
"When a man..."
Loves a woman?
"When a man..." Is a trucker?
The man...
The man committed suicide via homicide
two weeks before the apocalypse.
I'm not really concerned with
any Road Warriorwisdom
I may have missed out on. Okay?
AII right.
I'll drive. Do you have the keys?
You'd think a Iifetime of waiting
for the worst to happen
would have prepared me for this.
How could anyone prepare for this?
I always knew. I always knew
it'd be over too soon.
I never saw myself as an old man.
I thought I was gonna Iive forever.
Was totally gonna peak at 40.
Well, I hear 30 is the new 40.
Luckily, I'm getting my mid-Iife
crisis in just under the wire.
She must be really special, huh? Olivia?
To want to find her after so much time.
She was, yeah.
So why did you break up?
We were young. We were not
fully formed beings yet.
Life just took us in different directions.
She dumped you?
What about you?
What about me?
Who's the one that got away?
I am, thank God.
I don't mean I'm anything
special, I just...
I'm glad that part of my Iife's over
with, you know? Relationships.
I thought you weren't cynical.
I'm not cynical. I'm...
I'm clinical.
I am a recovering serial monogamist.
Sounds very serious.
Very serious.
I went to this therapist who told me
that I had problems being alone.
But then, I mean, she wanted
to see me five times a week,
so you tell me who had the real problem.
You know, if the end of the world
has taught me anything,
it's that I'm finally getting my...
Oh, my God.
Is that a Friendsy's?
I would kill for a pint.
Hi, welcome to Friendsy's, where
everyone's your friend!
Hi! Hi!
Two for dinner? Yeah!
Look at this Iittle guy.
Is this okay?
Oh, yeah! Everyone's welcome, yeah.
Dude brought in a wolf
Iast week. It's crazy!
Come on in!
Yeah, three orders.
I can't believe you guys are still open.
Yeah, we thought about closing up shop,
but then we realized this is
really our family, you know?
In fact, the tragedy has brought
us closer. Some of us too close.
That's impossible.
And under new management, it's
a Iot Iess corporate.
Right, Steven?
Right. I hope a booth is okay.
Yeah, it's...
We burned all the chairs in a bonfire.
I'm gonna pass you off to Katie, okay?
You're in warm hands with
her. My skin feels great!
Thanks, Darcy. Isn't he incredible?
Hi, I'm Katie.
Can you slide over, please?
Can I touch your hair? Yeah.
Oh, it's so soft. Thank you.
Can I get you guys something
to wet your whistle?
Everything's awesome!
How are your mudslides? Fucking awesome!
Can we get two mudslides? Yes.
Thank you.
Do you guys wanna know the specials?
Because these guys are getting
really creative.
No, just the mudslides.
Okay! Gotcha. Guys, I'm rolling
pretty hard right now,
but if you two keep it super positive,
I will bring you those M-slides.
And maybe an order of spin-dip
for the table.
That is amazing! And you know what,
it's his birthday today.
Why didn't you tell me
that? Happy birthday!
Thank you.
I really hope you're having a good time.
Yeah, I am having fun.
I think that this place
is some sort of cult
and we probably shouldn't eat anything.
Oh, you're crazy. This is amazing.
Look, people are sitting down together,
everybody's happy. Hey!
There's a conga Iine. Just Iike...
This is a piece of American history.
It's a human Iandmark.
It's a shout-out to the man
upstairs to say... Oh!
I smell weed. Excuse me! I smell weed.
Yeah, it's right this way. Conga
your way to a great time!
Is it good?
This bun is a donut.
It's exactly what you think a burger
with a donut bun would taste Iike.
What did you do?
You know, before, Iike, as a Iiving.
I sold insurance.
Oh. Oh!
Oh, you're serious. Yes, I am.
Oh. Oh!
Okay. How does... How does somebody
get into that field?
You dare to dream, Penny.
I don't know, you...
I guess you start with all of
your childhood fantasies
of being a fireman
or an athlete or whatever.
And then eventually reality hits,
and you realize that, really, all you want
is to have a desk somewhere
with your name on it.
But why insurance?
I didn't Iike Iaw,
and the economy was headed
in one direction.
I'm the type of person, I just...
I feel more comfortable with a safety net.
Whoops. Mmm-hmm.
So, go on. How do you know
a man with a plane?
I don't know him. I said I knew him.
I know, I know. I'm not getting
my hopes up. I'm just...
I'm just really excited.
...with the Friendsy's family
It's your very last birthday
Happy birthday!
There'll never be another
So tell all your sisters and brothers
It's your very last birthday
Happy birthday! Ooh!
That's... AII right.
Hi, buddy. Hi, there.
Can I join in?
Look, I don't wanna be rude, but...
Oh, God!
Yeah, we should go. We should go.
Okay. Sorry.
Here's some money.
Oh! AII right. Come on, Iet's go.
AII right, see you soon!
Okay, have a good night.
Let's get these off.
They were...
Oh, God.
Dodge, I want you to be my Iast.
That's a Iot of pressure.
Listen, I...
Sorry, you go first.
I wasn't saying anything.
It's just...
I think I got a Iittle carried
away before with
the mudslides and the orgy,
and, you know, obviously, things
are very complicated right now.
What are you doing?
I just want you to know that I...
I wasn't trying to take advantage.
Obviously, you're very young.
What are you, Iike 30? 31?
Twenty-eight. Oh, God. Oh!
God, you try to be a good person...
Relax, Dodge. It was...
It was end-of-the-world sex.
It was creature comfort.
Well... If anything, it was my fault.
You didn't do anything.
I think I did some things.
It isn't gonna happen again, I promise.
You've got Olivia, I've got my family.
You know, we both have more
important places to be.
Just... A Iittle sex. It
was bound to happen,
Iet's not make a big deal out of it.
I dated someone from Camden.
Listen, Penny, it...
I don't understand.
What is he doing?
I guess he's... Is he trying
to pull us over?
Oh, come on. He can't be serious.
How fast are you going?
Who gives a shit?
Why aren't you slowing down?
I think we can take him.
Oh. Hey! Hey! Hey! Slow down!
What are you doing? What are you doing?
Slow down! Pull the car over. Come on.
Don't you think that he must
have better things to do?
Penny, pull the car over.
Jesus, what's he gonna do, shoot us?
There's a very real possibility
he could shoot us, yes!
AII right! AII right! Let's pull it over.
AII right! God, but...
But I should warn you,
my dad's ex-military
and he says I have a really serious
problem with authority.
Put that away, please.
Give that. Mmm, mmm.
No, it's all I've got Ieft
and I'm trying to ration it. Come on.
What do I do with it?
Oh, just... Just put it in your mouth.
That was still Iit.
Hello, Officer, what seems
to be the problem?
Well, for starters,
you're driving about 15 miles
an hour over the speed Iimit.
Really? Huh.
I thought I was making
better time than that.
And you know, you got a tail Iight out.
No. Yeah.
Also, your plates expired
about a month ago.
Go on.
Um, that's it. That's everything.
Those three things.
Well, why don't you write us out
any number of expensive,
time-sensitive tickets,
and we'll be on our way?
I need some identification.
Of course. My name is Penny,
and this is Dodge.
Okay. License and registration.
Well, you see, that's where
we've got a problem,
because I didn't get a chance
to retrieve my identification
before fleeing my home
during a deadly riot.
However, we were fortunate enough
to hitch a ride with a very nice trucker,
who, turns out, had hired a hit
man to assist him in a suicide,
thus bestowing us with this...
This beautiful mode of transportation.
So, the answer is no, no Iicense
or registration here.
However, given the current
situation with the...
Couldn't you find it in your heart
to set aside the Iaw just this once
and Iet us on our way, so that
I can give my friend here
a fighting chance of being
with the one he Ioves
before we all reach our
untimely conclusion?
AII right.
Oh, excuse me, do we get a phone call?
No, phones are dead.
Have fun.
Oh! Hello? What are you in for?
Disturbing the peace.
Well, might as well get comfortable.
This is as good a place to die as any.
I ruined your Iife.
No, you didn't.
Oh, yes, I did.
I ruined my Iife, and I
took you down with me.
I was a terrible neighbor, and I'm a...
I'm an awful daughter.
Hey. Hey.
Look at him.
Sound asleep in his sandwich
board. You know why?
'Cause he always knew the end was near.
And he's currently not surprised.
You are Iooking at a vindicated man.
How come you're not with your family?
I don't really have any.
What do you mean?
My mother passed away,
and my father drove away a Iong time ago.
My wife recently ran away, as fast
as any human woman could.
It only took Armageddon to
give her the courage.
Which is ironic, because
being afraid of dying alone is why
I got married in the first place.
Your roommate was your wife.
My wife was my roommate.
Should have Iistened to my mother.
Even after she got sick, she
always made the most sense.
You would have Iiked her.
She would have Iiked you, too.
You think so?
She died alone.
Guess it doesn't matter now.
How Iong since you've seen your dad?
Twenty-five years?
Twenty-five years? Wow.
Well, don't you have anything
to say to him?
Nothing good.
Well, what about Olivia?
We were together on and off for ten years.
She wanted to get married.
I didn't pull the trigger.
Somebody else did.
And then I met Linda, and the
rest is almost history.
What did she say, Olivia, in her Ietter?
She said she and her husband
had gotten divorced,
and that she had a 6-year-old
son named Marcus,
and she asked about my parents,
and she said she missed me.
You know, garden-variety "end
of the world" mumbo jumbo.
I did ruin your Iife.
No, you didn't.
I had a really Iong head start.
Oh, man, I don't feel good.
Is that the weed kicking in?
What does it feel Iike?
Feels Iike I'm falling off a cliff
with a bomb strapped to my chest.
Well, that could be anything.
Damn it, Wally!
There you go. Look who's
here. Look who's here.
Hey, hey, hey. Come here.
There you go.
Well, sorry, folks,
but Wally's been taking the quota
pretty serious these days,
and I'm afraid that...
Well, your truck was impounded.
Is there some place I can drop you folks?
Uh, Delaware.
Yeah... No.
How far is it to Camden?
No matter where the impact occurs,
it will create a firestorm that
will wipe out all life.
Thank you!
So how Iong were you with this guy?
Nine months, plus six more.
How do you know he's going to be here?
He's always here.
There he is.
Hey, Speck.
Oh, my goodness.
I knew you'd come back.
No, I'm not back. I...
We were just in the neighborhood.
I haven't seen this girl in 12 months
and she's just in the neighborhood.
Lance Corporal James Speck.
Speck, this is Dodge...
Lieutenant Colonel Dodge Petersen.
Look, we're in a bit of a pickle,
and I was hoping that you
could help us out.
Helping you out of a pickle
should be my middle name.
Come on. Bring your Iittle amigo.
You have to Ieave the dog up top.
Mom just vacuumed the bomb shelter.
Come on, I'll show you the digs.
That's Entertainment.
Sports and Recreation.
And if nature calls...
As you can see, we have enough rations
to Iive down here comfortably
for a good six months.
These walls are 12 inches
of pure titanium.
Yeah, I was going to say 11.
Resurfacing won't be that easy.
The world will need a strong Ieader.
Is that a satellite phone?
It is. You want to call your folks?
Yeah, I was talking to your
dad the other day.
What time is it across the pond, 1600?
I don't know.
It's me.
Yeah, yeah, no, no, no.
I'm fine. We got out.
Uh, me and a friend.
Yeah, he is.
Hi, Dad.
I miss you Iike crazy.
Tell me everything. How's the
garden? Is everyone there?
Is that Benny? Yeah, yeah. Put him on.
Oh, you twat.
No. You're mental.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I hear the baby.
Is that my niece?
She sounds beautiful.
What did you name her?
You have a Iot of guns and
a Iot of potato chips.
Yeah, gotta be safe.
So how Iong you known our Penny?
About a week.
Give or take.
So what's your pitch?
My pitch?
'Cause Iet me tell you something
about that girl.
She may be a romantic on the outside,
but on the inside she's all survivor.
And she knows her best chance of survival
is sitting right here, and
I'm talking about me.
Can we restart civilization without her?
But she deserves to be one of the top
quality females in contention.
There's no room for you, dude.
That's okay.
Got a pretty good Iead on a school desk.
There she is.
Uh, we should go.
I thought you were staying.
I promised I'd take him
somewhere. Can we...
Can we borrow one from the fleet?
Are you sure you don't want a
fallout tablet for the road?
That's okay, thanks.
The car's a Ioan, Penny.
I want to see it back here with you in it.
Thank you.
For everything.
I should have married you.
When you would've said yes.
Keep her out of trouble.
You okay?
They sounded good.
They sounded really good.
My dry cleaner.
Meatball subs at Zuzu's. Mmm.
Mmm... Mmm-hmm. Uh...
Ducks pond in the summertime.
Mmm, riding the subway.
Oh, you Iost me there. Nobody
misses the subway.
No, I did some of my best people-watching
on the subway.
How about things that we
are not going to miss?
Like going to the dentist.
Oh! Dr. Hoberman.
Oh, my God. Oh.
Dr. Hoberman.
That's it. Wow.
I cannot tell you how many
hours I spent out here
obsessing over that window.
Which window?
Right there.
That's a good window.
I don't think anybody's home.
Oh, come on, we have to try.
I'll be right here if you need me.
Nobody's home.
Try the knob.
You know what, she's definitely not here.
Well, we've driven all this way
and it has definitely not been in vain.
You know what? I think
there's a hide-a-key.
Okay, here we...
You are insane.
Come on.
Looks the same. Smells the same.
So what are we Iooking for?
Something with an address, I guess.
Oh, my God!
What? What?
We have exactly the same wallpaper
in our kitchen!
Don't do that, please.
Isn't that wild?
Oh! Wow. Okay.
Oh. Oh, I Iove this house.
Wow. And I can make something with this.
I'll go check the bedrooms.
Yeah, we used to break into people's
houses when we were kids,
me and my brothers.
I mean, we wouldn't steal anything.
We'd just eat their ice
cream and watch cable.
Then this one time, Benny,
who must've been about, Iike, seven,
he took off all his clothes
and he got onto this old
man's exercise bike...
Um, Penny?
Oh, wow. How Iong was I out?
Couple of hours. Think you needed it.
Well, I've Iost a third
of my Iife to sleep,
what's another couple of hours?
Can you grab the wine?
Okay, so explain this to me. Mmm-hmm.
You picked the tomatoes,
you made the sauce.
You went out and harvested the wheat.
Yes, I harvested the wheat.
That was actually good.
I don't know. It was the best I could do,
but just imagine a big juicy ham
instead of the canned beets.
Mmm. Perfect.
How could anyone abandon this face?
Look at that Iittle face.
Look, Iook, he's got bits
of gray in his beard.
What'd you do? Before.
I think you could say that I dabbled.
How did you Iearn to cook Iike this?
I watched everything my mum did
and did the exact opposite.
My dad had the real talent,
and my mum was sort of a cheerleader.
You've never seen two people more in Iove.
I think that's the reason
I can never settle
for anything Iess than amazing.
You know? They made it Iook so easy.
There's a reason that opposites
are supposed to attract.
I'm the result of two romantics
getting together.
I'm totally screwed.
Mmm. I Iove this song.
I can't believe I nearly
never heard it again.
You know, this was the first
record I ever got.
I stole it from my dad's collection.
Pretended that he didn't know,
and then I'd hear him whistling
it the whole time.
Just to torture me.
Is that how you got into records?
Yeah, he started it, but...
I don't know, I just... I Iove records.
I mean, they're not for
everyone, you know?
You really have to take care of vinyl.
It's very delicate, it can
get wrecked so easily.
You really have to Iove it.
Do you hear how full it sounds?
Now, what you want to buy is a thicker
record. They're more stable.
The grooves in them are sort
of deeper and wider.
You get more detail.
I mean, they're harder to carry
around 'cause they're heavier,
but they're worth it.
You know, my parents have this...
It's an amazing turntable. It's
vintage, cherry wood Victor 45.
Oh! Perfect tone. AII the original parts.
I can't wait to hear it again.
So, what else are you going
to do when you go home?
I'm going to...
I'm going to Iisten to my mum play piano.
I'm gonna sit in my dad's garden.
He grows the most ridiculous sunflowers.
They're Iike 10 feet tall.
I'm going to hang out with my brothers.
I'm gonna play with my
niece and my nephews.
I'm gonna do all the things I
missed out on for so Iong.
That sounds great.
It is.
I'm not gonna waste my time
on the wrong person.
I'm not gonna waste my parents' time
introducing them to some future stranger.
And no more days spent picking
out what you're gonna wear
for nights that don't mean anything.
No more wondering whether you're
with the right person,
or if this is the guy that you're
meant to have kids with.
AII those ridiculous questions.
It's Iiberating. That's what it is.
Maybe you just haven't met the right guy.
You're a really nice person.
You are an awful judge of character.
I'm gonna fix that.
What do you think Sorry would Iike to do?
I don't know. Lay in the sun somewhere.
We could Iook for a Frisbee.
Or I could set up a squirrel hunt.
Do you think he's horny?
Oh, yes, I think he is
definitely girl-crazy.
Maybe he wants to find his owner.
You know, abandonment issues?
You know what? Maybe we're enough for him.
I don't know, he seems comfortable.
What is it?
It has a return address.
Is it close?
Yeah, it's pretty close.
That's great.
So, uh...
We'll go first thing tomorrow.
Uh, should I, um...
Should I disappear?
No, stay here in the car.
What happened?
What's happening?
Was she home?
Yeah, I think so.
Did you knock? Why are we driving away?
I wrote her a Ietter. I put it on
her door. She should get it soon.
You wrote her a Ietter?
Well, what did it say?
It just... It doesn't matter.
I don't understand. Why don't you
want to see her? What's happened?
We really can't talk about this, Penny.
Why not?
Because I don't want it
to change anything.
Change what?
You have somewhere you need to be.
And what about you? What's changed?
You're not taking this very seriously.
No, it's very good.
Wait. Keep practicing.
Where are we?
Come on.
Who's there?
Hi, Frank.
Is it a bad time?
Why, no. No, of course not.
Come in. Please, come in.
Thank you.
I can't believe it. You're here,
you're really here. Who's your friend?
This is Penny.
Penny, this is Frank. Hi.
Hi. I'm his father.
Oh! Oh, it's Iovely to meet you.
You, too!
Welcome. Well, you must
be hungry or something.
Actually, I was hoping that I could
talk to you for a minute.
Sure. Uh, go right in there. Go ahead.
Is there a restroom?
Yeah, right at the top
of the stairs. Here.
There you are. Thank you.
Top of the steps on your
Ieft. There you go.
What's the dog's name? Sorry.
What? Sorry?
She your girlfriend?
I don't know.
She should be.
Did we get old or what?
So you're here to tell me all
the things I did wrong?
No, you know all the things you did wrong.
I came here to ask you something.
I know I could have handled
things differently.
I don't want to talk about it.
You know, your mother didn't
make it any easier...
Don't. Don't say another word about her.
We were so young when you were born...
And now you're not, and neither am I.
And we had our whole Iives
to figure it out.
I'm just trying to say I'm sorry.
Well, just say it, then.
I'm sorry.
Now what?
I don't know. You were the
one with the question.
I guess I just couldn't believe
you didn't wanna see your old man again.
Your mother wouldn't take my calls,
she ripped up all my cards
and Ietters to you,
but, you know, I figured
when you got older...
Not that it was on you, no, no.
No, I did that.
I know I Iost all my privileges
when I Ieft.
You know, when you were a baby,
she used to hold you so tight sometimes,
I thought you couldn't breathe.
Maybe that was just me.
I really am sorry.
It doesn't matter anymore.
We're in the same place now.
Well, I know I wasn't there
for you back then.
It's not too Iate.
May I propose a toast?
To the beginning of the world.
It's a good one, that.
Such a good cheap wine.
You are the Iove of my Iife.
Elsa, what are you doing here?
It is Thursday.
Are you shitting me, Elsa? Seriously?
Go home. Just be with your family,
or do anything else.
I'm serious. You... Leave. Please.
It's just that... You don't... It's not...
I'm sorry. I just... I'm not trying...
Never mind.
See you next week, Mr. Dodge?
Bye, Elsa.
More Windose!
More Windose.
Matilda will be arriving one
week ahead of schedule.
The point of contact is 16
hours, 26 minutes away,
so be sure to mark your calendars.
Also, a friendly reminder
to set your clocks ahead for
daylight savings time.
Spring forward. That's one hour ahead.
On a personal note, this
is my final broadcast.
Our final broadcast.
On behalf of myself, producer
Bruce Hammond,
and everyone here at the network,
we bid you all a fond farewell.
It has been my pleasure to bring you
the news for the past 27 years.
Tonight, I'll be sitting across the
dinner table from my wife, Helen,
and we'll be talking about
our sons, Henry and Paul.
And we'll be saying our prayers
for each and every one of you.
Good night, good Iuck, and God bless.
Hey, what is it?
How could you Iet me go?
I don't know. It was so stupid.
I woke up.
I made him turn around.
I don't want to fall asleep, okay?
Don't Iet me fall asleep. Promise.
I promise.
What about your parents?
They're romantics, they understand.
Besides, they've got each other.
I just want to be with you.
And I want to be with you.
I couldn't Iive without you.
No matter how Iong.
What do we do now?
I just want to Iay here with you.
Just want to talk to you.
What are we gonna talk about?
Where'd you grow up?
Well, I was born in Surrey.
I know.
My whole family are from there.
My mum was a journalist before
she married my dad.
They never fought. Or at Ieast
we never heard them fight.
Charlie's the oldest, then Benny, then me.
We had a sister, but she
died when she was born.
I still think about her.
Oh, God!
What was her name? What
was your sister's name?
Um... Patricia.
Patricia Hope Lockhart.
That's beautiful. That's a beautiful name.
I wish I'd met you a Iong time ago.
When we were kids.
It couldn't have happened any other
way. It had to happen now.
But it isn't enough time.
It never would have been.
I'm scared. I...
Am madly in Iove with you, Penny.
You're my favorite, favorite thing.
I thought that somehow
we'd save each other.
We did.
I'm really glad I got to know you.