Seinto Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary (2014)

Do it, Shura!
This will finish you!
Shura has defeated Aiolos.
But Saga was sacrificed.
Is Athena safe'?
I never thought
a man as great as Aiolos
would try to kill Athena.
Whatever possessed him?
Are you really going to be
all right alone, Sir Mitsumasa?
Enough, Tatsumi! Calm down!
That's easy for you to say...
I keep telling you,
this is the spirit of adventure!
I realize that,
but if anything were to happen to you...
You wait here for me.
Yes, sir.
Sir Mitsumasa!
Oh no, he really went.
What is this baby doing here?
Hey, just hold on!
Hey! Hey, Tatsumi!
Can you hear me? Tatsumi!
You are indeed an honest man.
The people think much of you, too.
I want you to show me this Athena of yours,
once and for all!
As of this moment,
I deem you a traitor to Sanctuary!
Pursue the traitor Aiolos!
I want you to protect her,
and somehow hide her from Sanctuary.
In sixteen years,
the boys who are to protect her
will become Saints.
Until then...
Stay away! Get back!
Please, don't come near me!
Watch out!
Are you all right?
You're bleeding.
Don't tell anyone.
Everyone says this power's scary.
My grandpa gets
really angry about it, too.
It's not scary!
Being able to heal wounds is amazing!
Miss Saori.
Are you listening?
Today is your sixteenth birthday,
and there is something I must tell you.
That power you possess is known as Cosmo.
Cosmo, or in other words,
"little universe".
The late Sir Mitsumasa would often tell me
to inform you of this
once you
reached age sixteen.
Long ago in ancient Greece,
there was a goddess named Athena.
Athena protected peace on Earth,
but she was also the goddess of war.
Athena personally disliked fighting, however,
and it's said that wars involving her
were always fought for her protection.
Those warriors who fought to defend her
were called Saints.
As Athena was against weapons,
the Saints were equipped only with
armor called Cloths.
They searched for a way to fight unarmed.
Eventually, after intense training,
they achieved a means
of turning their inner fighting spirit
into a weapon.
It's said that, clad in this fighting spirit,
their fists moved at the speed of sound
and rent the skies, and their kicks split the earth.
That inner fighting spirit is what Cosmo is.
Sir Mitsumasa did his own research
to locate boys worldwide
with Cosmo potential,
and sent them away for training.
They would obtain Cloths
based upon patron constellations,
become Saints,
and fulfill their duty to protect Athena.
Are you telling me to go train
to become a Saint too?
- Is that why we're going to the airport?
- Oh, no. Not at all.
In fact, you are Athena herself.
I received word today
that they're finally ba...
Miss. Miss!
Are you all right!?
Run, Miss! Run for your life!
What a surprise
to see you still alive, traitor.
What I?
Saori Kido.
The pope has ordered it,
so now you die!
I got here just in time.
You're Saori, right?
Who the hell are you?
Thirty seconds.
I'll wrap this up in thirty seconds.
Here I go, at full power!
You're a Saint!?
I'm Seiya, the Pegasus Saint.
A Saint!?
It's dangerous, so get back a bit.
You're a Saint too, aren't you?
Have you ever...
felt true Cosmo within your heart?
Pegasus Meteor Fist!
Damn, I'm good!
Thirty seconds exactly.
Too bad, there're more of us.
There're more of us, too!
Rozan Shoryuha!
Come on, this way.
Diamond Dust!
There's no need to be afraid.
Nebula Chain!
Hey, long time no see!
Come on, guys!
Come on! Give me a hug!
Group hug time! Bring it on!
Excuse me...
Who are you?
We've come to protect you.
Protect me?
Yeah, you bet we have.
What took you so long!?
Tatsumi, you're alive!
Thank goodness they got here in time!
If anything had
happened to you, Miss,
Sir Mitsumasa would never have forgiven me!
Hold on.
Do you know these people?
Of course I do!
They're Athena's Saints...
your protectors!
I apologize, your Holiness.
Four Bronzes interfered,
and we failed to get rid of Saori Kido.
I see...
The baby Aiolos had with him
survived after all.
To make matters worse,
she's calling herself "Athena",
and plotting against Sanctuary.
Don't you agree, Aiolia?
Yes, Holiness.
She probably has
the Sagittarius Cloth, too.
Your brother's crimes have cost us dearly.
Oh, what a mess.
This is so terrible!
What am I going to do?
What to do!?
Would you calm down, already?
This is all because
you guys went on such a rampage!
Now Miss Saori is frightened,
and she refuses to come out
of her room!
We couldn't help it!
We did what we had to do!
You could've gone about it differently!
She was attacked from out of nowhere.
Of course she's going to be shaken up.
Have you told her the whole story,
by the way?
Of course I!
Are we even sure she's Athena in the first?
Well, you see, I...
Anyway, we need to hurry.
We don't have time to sit around.
By the way,
how long are you doing to wear that?
You never know what's going to happen.
Well, aren't you awesome.
Shiryu, you're so stubborn.
You're as thick as your Cloth.
Is that a compliment?
Athena? Saints?
Looks like we scared you earlier.
Sorry about that.
We didn't exactly mean to scare you.
It's just that we have to protect you.
Uh, so...
You're Athena, and the fact that
Saints from Sanctuary tried to kill you
means the pope wants you dead
for some reason.
Right, what he said. That's why we...
In other words, the Athena who's there
is an imposter.
We don't know exactly what the pope is up to,
but finding out is one of the reasons why
you need to go to Sanctuary immediately.
That's right.
There's a temple
inside that Sanctuary place.
The imposter's probably there.
Where we are now isn't safe, either way.
Don't worry.
We've been training for situations
like the one earlier.
It's not that.
It's not that I'm scared.
I just don't understand.
Suddenly I'm told I'm "Athena",
and I don't know how to deal with that.
Are you okay?
Stay back.
They found us!
What's with his Cosmo!?
He's a Gold Saint!
Where's my brother's Cloth?
I came here for two reasons.
One is to take back
my brother's Sagittarius Cloth.
The other is to find
the rebel Saori Kido,
who calls herself Athena,
and eliminate her.
I see.
We're simply going to fulfill our duty.
Oh really?
You're Saints too, aren't you?
Too late!
You're Saori Kido?
Where is my brother's Cloth?
I have no idea.
Besides, they tell me I'm "Athena", but I...
Are you begging for your life?
Don't hate me for this.
Your very existence
spells disaster for Sanctuary.
By his Holiness's decree,
you are to die here and now!
What are you doing?
It's now or never. Run!
Hurry and go!
You're just Bronze Saints, in the end.
No matter how much you struggle,
you'll never even lay another finger
on a Gold Saint like me.
Touched you.
Get your hand off me.
Stop it!
Why'd you come back!?
I don't know! I couldn't help it!
I just had to!
Why should I run!?
That's ridiculous! It's all wrong!
There's no reason for me to die,
and that means there's no reason to flee!
That Cosmo!
What is all this?
Isn't this what you're after!?
I figured, you couldn't
go back empty-handed.
But if you're going
to hurt Miss Saori...
You'll regret it!
I'll take this and go, for today.
Maybe the pope has some idea in mind.
I'll go back,
and ask him what his true intentions are.
If you really are the Athena
my brother died to protect,
come to Sanctuary and prove it.
Miss! Miss!
Oh, there you are.
Does your wound hurt?
I'm sorry about earlier.
Wh-What about you? You okay?
You know, your hair...
Oh, this? Well...
Everything's falling apart.
Even my house is ruined.
It's all because of my power.
Maybe it's a disaster,
like that guy said.
Hey, will we learn anything
if we go to Sanctuary?
To be honest,
I'm not really sure either.
"You were all born to protect Athena!"
OI' Mitsumasa
always used to tell us that.
We were orphans who had nothing,
but he said we could be knights
who protect a princess.
Whoever you really are,
I'm on your side.
No matter what happens.
You might be really confused,
having been dragged into all this,
but here's something you can believe!
I'll always be there for you!
Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that!
It's like, um...
I get it, Seiya.
I've made up my mind.
I'll go to Sanctuary,
so I can figure it all out for myself.
After all,
you guys will protect me, right?
Yeah! That's more like it, Saori!
Her Cosmo earlier convinced me.
She's the real Athena, after all.
You still haven't heard from Ikki?
He's never liked working in groups.
Don't worry about it.
It's okay.
I'm sure my brother's nearby.
I hope so.
It's late, so let's head back for today.
You did it!
It's a present from his Holiness!
I'll go after him!
Hey, are you okay?
It hurts a little, but I'm fine.
I gave 'em the slip.
I'm impressed you made it this far,
Sagitta Saint.
Who're you!?
Are you with that rebel Athena?
This is what his Holiness wishes.
Whether she goes to Sanctuary
or not, she's finished!
You're the one who's finished.
Athena is a rebel?
That's funny.
If we go to Sanctuary,
we might be in for loads of danger.
Are you sure about this?
Don't worry, then.
We'll make sure you get
to Athena's Temple.
I'm not worried.
I have faith in all of you.
It's time to go.
Come on, then.
Please, be safe...
Sixteen years ago,
the traitor Aiolos
fell to earth.
But just before his death,
he entrusted the infant
in his care to another.
Athena's Temple he entrusted the
infant in his care to another.
Athena's Temple
Athena's Temple
And now Saori Kido,
Athena's Temple
who was once that infant,
has assumed the name "Athena",
and is now headed here to Sanctuary
with a band of traitorous Bronzes in tow.
Athena is a divine incarnation.
No one must ever be allowed to
falsely claim that name.
This is blasphemy
against Sanctuary.
The reason the whole universe
can maintain its balance
is Sanctuary's harmony itself.
If anything disturbs that harmony,
even a mere mouse,
we must put a stop to it!
We have a responsibility to do everything
in our power to crush these rebels!
For the sake of universal harmony,
and tranquility!
So this is Sanctuary...
What're you doing? Let's go.
W-Wait a minute!
I'm... weak in the knees.
So I have to end up
carrying her!? Come on!
Calm down.
It's a good look for you, Seiya.
Are you blushing?
O-Of course I'm not!
Look, you can see it now.
That building is the House of Aries.
In order to get to the temple
where the fake Athena is,
we need to get past Aries,
then Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra,
We just have to get through
all twelve houses, right?
We'll figure it out as we go.
That's pretty blunt.
These are the twelve houses
of the Zodiac,
and each one is guarded
by its own Gold Saint.
Put simply, there will be many Saints
like Aiolia,
and we must be on our guard at all...
So this is... the House of Aries...
House of Aries
So this is... the House of Aries...
House of Aries
House of Aries Is the Aries
Gold Saint into bling?
Is the Aries Gold Saint
into bling?
Don't take him lightly,
or you'll get beaten up again.
Yeah, really.
Hey! Are you okay!?
Stay close. It's dangerous.
Okay... Sorry.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
See, I told you so.
Wait, Seiya!
Crystal Wall.
Hey! What's going on!?
Aiolia was right.
It looks like you aren't a rebel, after all.
Please forgive me
for my blindness over the years.
I never thought you'd be
the Aries Gold Saint!
You know him?
Hey, what the hell's going on!?
I'm an old friend of his master, Libra.
Libra, as in the House of Libra!?
I wasn't trying to hide it.
We have to hurry along.
Won't you let us through here?
I'm glad he was so much more
understanding than that guy the other day.
I wonder if we can talk
our way past all of them.
Hey, in that case...
Why don't we wrap this up a little faster?
Huh? What're you talking about?
Hey, Seiya?
- What are you?
- I'm talking about this!
The House of
Saori, you're heavier than I thought!
I can see her burning Cosmo!
Well, well.
I'm surprised Mu let you pass.
Hey, old man.
What a feast.
Let us in on your party.
Don't get cocky, Bronze.
I won't let you
do whatever you want in the House of Taurus,
no matter who you are.
There will be
many Gold Saints awaiting you.
No amount of struggling will help you win.
It might be a different story if you
awaken to the seventh sense, though.
Seventh sense?
You don't know?
It's exactly what it sounds like.
If the Cosmo we
Saints have is the sixth sense,
then it's a power far beyond that.
You could say, it's the power of the gods.
Well, what a detailed explanation.
What's an herbivore doing eating meat?
Don't blame me if you get a stomachache.
You brat!
So, which are you?
Our friend or our foe?
Are you a bunch of idiots?
I'm saying that I, Taurus Aldebaran,
am not going to let you through here.
You guys keep out of this.
In other words, if I can't beat you
by myself, we won't stand any chance?
You catch on quick, for an idiot.
Let's go.
This'll be full power, old man!
What's wrong, Bronze?
Am I too strong for you after all?
We don't know yet... do we!?
Pegasus Meteor Fist!
You may not know, but I do!
Great Horn!
The thought of you getting through
the twelve houses with your sorry Cosmo
makes me laugh.
Hey, kids!
You can all attack me at once, if you like.
What's wrong? Too scared?
Now I see.
At least you refuse to give up.
Don't worry.
Please have faith in Seiya.
He gets stronger every time
he gets back up.
I guess you don't have the energy
for any more trash talk?
Shut up.
You've been running your mouth
this whole time, old man!
Y-You little...
I'm no "old man"!
It won't be that easy!
I'll break the rest of you, too.
That's enough.
He got the best of you.
You know now, don't you, Aldebaran?
I never thought he'd break Taurus's horn.
I lose.
What do you mean?
It means he is not your enemy.
I was testing you. Just for fun.
Even if my friend recommended you,
I'll only let you through here
if I decide you're worthy.
Sure, I permit you to pass through
the House of Taurus.
Old man!
Your name's Seiya?
That's a promising Cosmo you've got there.
It's still a long way from the
seventh sense, though.
Seventh sense...
It's Saori!
H-Hey! What's wrong!?
I feel kind of tired.
But I'll be okay.
Yeah, but!
Take a look.
What the?
That arrow.
I thought so.
Her Cosmo is flowing out through this mark.
Her Cosmo!?
Even Athena's Cosmo has its limit.
If she continues to lose Cosmo like this,
she will die within a few hours.
Then we've got to hurry to the temple!
But how will we bring Saori along?
Yeah, it's just too risky.
Then what do we do!?
You guys will clear her a path.
However, Gold Saints are very nearly
as powerful as gods.
That's why, since the age of myth,
no one has ever managed
to get past all twelve houses.
Even so,
you must open a path for Athena
by your own hand,
if you possess the resolve to do so.
Of course we do.
We're Saints of Athena.
Very well. Go, and be careful.
We will follow you with Athena.
Who are you]?
This child is the true
reincarnation of Athena.
I believe that I'm right!
Damn you, Aiolos!
House of
Say what?
These are the corpses of those
who set foot here in the House of Cancer!
Well? Fabulous, isn't it!?
You're Cancer... Deathmask!
You know me? How flattering.
Now, sing!
My name is...
The mighty Deathmask.
That's right.
I'm a Saint
who loves justice.
I may not look it,
but I believe
in fairness.
Bronze! Gold!
Makes no difference to me.
Oh, fantastic!
Aren't I?
But there's one thing you should know!
Oopsie. Bad luck, pal.
No Saint but me is worth
so much as scrap iron!
L going to...
add you guys
to my collection!
Looks like he's not just
going to let us pass.
Leave this to me.
You guys hurry on to the House of Leo.
Yeah, but!
Aren't we opening a path
for Athena?
Then only one of us needs to reach the end.
Is that what you'd call friendship!?
There's no time! Go!
Make sure you reach the end.
Let's get started.
Learn your place, scrap iron!
Now, away you go!
C-Can't move!
Good, good.
House of
House of Leo So, this is
Aiolia's House of Leo.
House of
I wonder if
Shiryu and the others are okay.
All we can do now
is have faith. Let's keep going!
I will let none pass
through this House of Leo, no matter who
they may be.
What's the big idea!?
Where am I?
Hi! Good kids shouldn't try this at home!
Not that I'm a good kid, of course.
Hot enough for you down here?
Don't get crabby on me, now!
Welcome to the entrance of Hades!
House of
What happened... me?
Deathmask was about to
send you down
to the land of the dead,
and I rescued you.
It's been a long time.
This is no place for you and your friends.
Leave here immediately.
You may be my master,
but I can't do that!
Why not?
Silence can serve as an answer.
Then I consider you a traitor too,
and I will punish you!
Don't flatter yourself
just for breaking Taurus's horn,
little mouse.
What the hell happened?
Didn't you accept that Saori
was Athena when you saw her before!?
What are you talking about?
That girl's a rebel who's
turned against Sanctuary. And...
The pope is absolute.
Without determination,
your attack won't work on me!
If you're a Saint too,
at least accept your death gracefully!
Shut up. We're going to live.
We'll survive, and protect Athena.
Shun, I'll distract him,
so you go on ahead.
It's okay, I can manage alone.
Just do it.
What are you up to'?
I said, what are you up to!?
You said attacks
won't work without determination,
didn't you!?
Lightning Plasma!
Pegasus Comet Fist!
Go, Shun!
No you don't!
I will deal with Aiolia.
You two, hurry and go.
And you are?
I am Virgo Shaka, of the House of Virgo,
up ahead.
Thanks, Shaka.
Shaka, what are you doing
assisting the rebels!?
Not everything you see is
necessarily the truth.
Open your eyes, Aiolia.
I've told you time and again.
There's something lacking in your fist.
Master, you've helped me understand.
If my fist feels weak to you,
it means my own feelings are weak.
If there's something my fist lacks,
it's resolve!
But even so, I found there's
something I can do!
You don't have what it takes... accomplish anything!
Yes, I do!
I believe
my fellow Saints will get this far,
and I can open a path for them
by clearing out this House of Aquarius!
Aurora Execution!
Thank you.
You were the best master ever.
You've grown strong.
Go now, to Athena...
Nice! What a wonderful expression!
The thing is, I'm busier than I look.
I've got to go gouge the eyes
out of Miss Blow-hard's head.
You mean Athena!?
What's this Cosmo!?
I don't care if I get hurt.
But I won't stand for
anyone insulting
someone I believe in!
Your fist is too weak to beat me!
My arm!
My arm!
It's the Cloth's will, Deathmask.
You killed too many innocent people.
The Gold Cloth never accepted you as its
master, and it was waiting for this chance.
Hey! W-Wait a minute!
All right. I'll clean up my act.
So let's not be hasty, okay?
You'd better be telling the truth.
Send me back to where we were, now.
Oh, I'll send you there.
Right away... to the world of the dead!
Have you lost your dignity as a Saint?
You scrap iron!
You're the scrap.
The Dragon never,
ever torments the weak.
Y-You're calling me weak!?
Now we're even!
Our convictions will now decide who wins!
Climb high into the heavens, Dragon!
Rozan Shoryuha!
I can't lose to scrap iron!
Number eight, the House of Scorpio!
House of Scorpio Number eight,
the House of Scorpio!
House of
It's not far now, Saori.
Hang in there!
Nebula Chain!
Are you trying to slip through my palace
without even saying hello?
Looks like today's Bronzes
don't even have any manners.
House of
So you're that gang of Bronze traitors?
Aiolos's House of Sagittarius
is going to be your tomb.
How ironic.
Put me down, please.
Okay!! -
You are in no condition for this.
Well, looks like that one's pretty good.
He'd make a better playmate than this one.
You've got some nerve,
looking away in the middle of battle.
Scarlet Needle.
I can't say I dislike men like that.
I'm... weak...
That's right.
If you know that, why get back up?
To protect Athena!
What a laugh.
What can you protect,
when you can't even protect yourself?
Go on and laugh if you want.
But I'm not running away anymore.
I've made up my mind!
Sorry, but this is where it ends.
What a weakling.
If you weren't my little brother,
I'd be killing you right now.
Are you on their side?
Who can say?
But you can bet I'm not on your side.
Soaring Phoenix Wings.
Now come on.
Come and get me, gold plate.
We're rebels, aren't we?
Milo, you stay out of this.
I'll handle him.
Damn it, Shura.
Hold it.
Is death the only way you'll learn?
Sorry, I don't catch on quick.
So I see.
This'll be the final blow!
Can't I... protect... Athena?
You caused me a lot of trouble.
Now you don't even have
the strength left to stand.
All that's left now is to kill Saori Kido.
Let's go, Milo.
What's this?
Did Aiolos write it?
That's correct.
He was not mistaken.
The pope is the true traitor.
Would you care to explain yourself?
I'll explain it.
She's the real Athena, you say?
Are you insane, Aiolia?
That powerful Cosmo of hers is proof.
Excuse me.
How dare you...
I believe my own eyes, and
in my brother's purpose.
I see.
Then, I have no choice.
I never thought
both brothers would defy me.
And that's when the pope...
Wait a minute!
Are you saying the pope was controlling you?
No, the pope has no such power.
The man claiming to be
the Pope is someone else altogether.
What I?
Someone with the power to easily control
a man as mighty as Aiolia.
It can't be!
Gemini Saga.
Sixteen years ago, he vied
with Aiolos to become the next pope,
and he lost.
But wait, I killed Saga
by my own hand then...
He was alive. They both were.
That's incredible.
Both the pope and Athena have been
imposters for sixteen whole years?
Then that time, Aiolos...
She was indeed the real Athena.
H-Hey, cut that out. You can't handle it.
If something were to happen to you,
Sanctuary would...
Something, like what!?
What would happen to Sanctuary!?
You should all stop and think for a minute
about the things you've done!
I'm not condemning you
for treating me like the bad guy.
But they all believed in me,
and brought me here.
Here they are in front of me, injured.
I won't let anyone complain about
me helping them!
Well said, Miss.
Take care of Seiya. We'll be fine.
We are all one, no matter what.
That's what we swore to each other
when we were children.
Yeah. If it wasn't for Seiya,
I'm sure we wouldn't be here.
"If we don't protect Athena,
who else will?"
He said that a long time ago.
We were young and had nothing.
It was a simple reason,
but it was more than good enough for us.
It took a fool like him to honestly believe
the old codger's crazy story.
You guys"-
Seiya hasn't changed at all since then.
He's forever our guiding light.
For real?
This is Athena's...
Young men who have reached this place,
to you I entrust Athena.
The conspirators are close at hand.
We must move Athena to safety.
It doesn't matter anymore.
What do you mean, your Holiness?
Because there's no Athena here.
Another Dimension!
Saori! Seiya is...
- Saori!?
- Miss!
The time... has come.
That monster's going to wreck Sanctuary
if we don't stop it!
We must keep it away from Athena!
This power is marvelous.
More so than I ever expected.
So you're the pope?
The pope?
Do I look like I am!?
I am Gemini Saga!
The man who, sixteen years ago,
failed to become pope,
and failed to kill you!
But thanks to that, Athena,
I was able to obtain your vast Cosmo!
As it turns out,
your power's going to
bring about the destruction of Sanctuary.
When you look at it that way,
perhaps my decisions weren't
entirely mistaken.
What are you saying!?
L, Saga, shall become the universe's
new lord of creation!
You no longer have the power of Athena,
and I no longer need you!
Become the cornerstone of my glory!
Is that Cosmo Athena's!?
You're merely a Bronze Saint.
Don't flatter yourself just because
you gained Athena's Cosmo!
Do you see?
Your Cloth can't fully support
that powerful Cosmo!
If you must blame something,
blame the path you chose as a Saint.
Blame your own patron constellation,
Blame? Why should I blame anything?
Right now...
I'm way too fired up for that!
If you're so fired up,
then burn to a crisp!
Galaxian Explosion!
Did you think I was fighting alone!?
This power!
He sure waited until the last minute,
to awaken to the seventh sense.
What I?
What is that!?
The time has finally come.
Now I've surpassed even the gods!
Perish, all of you!
This is ridiculous...
This power isn't meant
for destruction, or murder.
Is it?
Like I said, I'll always be there for you.
Can you fly higher, with those wings?
Sure, you bet.
Hold on as tight as you can!
Damn you, Aiolos!
You always get in my way!
Boost to the ultimate...
our Cosmo!
I came here seeking to
learn the significance
of the mysterious power I possess.
To be honest, I still do not understand
what this power called Cosmo is.
She must have seemed that way to you,
thanks to your jealousy of Aiolos.
The temptation of such great power
sometimes leads good people astray,
invites great evil into their hearts,
and propels them down the wrong path.
I was about to make a mistake
that could not be undone.
Thank them for me.
Yet I have such power, and the reason
I can stand before you today...
That's because there were some
who never stopped protecting me.
Their Cosmo is strong at times,
and gentle at other times.
They taught me such power
is never merely something to fear.
So I'm sure the same goes for my power.
If you say you need me to,
from now on I will use this power
to protect all of you!
Thank you... Saints.
Creative Executive Producer KOZO MORISHITA
Executive Producer HIROMI KITAZAKI
Executive CG Producers MUNEHISA HIGUCHI
Story Adapted by TOMOHIRO SUZUKI
Sound Supervisor YOSHIHIRO IKE
Theme song "Hero (Yoshiki Classical Version)" Performed by
YOSHIKI feat. Katie Fizgerrald from VIOLET UK Written by YOSHIKI
Production Manager KOYA IMAMURA
CG Supervisor El SATO
Directed by KEIICHI SATO
Huh? Birthday?
You can look now, Miss.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Why're you doing that here!?
It's a happy day,
so I wanted to sparkle.
That's about as sparkly as you can get!
Yeah, check it out!
- It's still overkill.
- Yeah, really.