Seizoku (Sex Jack) (1970)

A '70 Wakamatsu Production Film
Written by
Izuru Deguchi
Camera: Hideo Ito
Lighting: Hajime Isogai
Editor: Genki Nakajima
Music: Music Mass Image Group
Assistant Directors:
Kohei Umezawa & Megumi Yoshizumi
Assistant Cameras:
Kenji Takama & Naotoshi Yokota
Assistant Lighting: Shiro Doi
Sound Recording:
Tamio Shirai & Okubo Studio
Assistant Director:
Kazuo Komizu
Masako: Tamaki Katori
Midori: Mizako Kaga
Etsuko Wakayama
Moschu Sasahara (Yako-kan)
Moppu Sudo (Yako-kan)
Mitsu Yamakawa (Yako-kan)
Landlady: Teruko Yano
Produced & Directed by
Koji Wakamatsu
Be quiet.
You are Mako Yoneda
of Shikko House.
"Calling all student workers.
Leave your arms".
"Occupy power bases. "
Low-lifes like you can't occupy...
You said lots of stupid things.
But I'm in charge of you.
It is easy to only talk
about stupid things with you.
- Do we catch them?
- No we don't need to.
We came here with you.
You take us to your hideout.
What floor?
What room number?
- Don't hate me.
- What room number?
It hurts!
Hey, you take us.
You hear me.
It's getting hard to infiltrate
the anti-war movement.
I am now shaping our
autumn demonstration plans
as the opportunistic
idealist has gone.
Our power is corresponding to
the realistic fluid situation.
I'm not saying wait.
I think it is time to confirm
the strength of the
decisive battle plan.
Someone's coming!
Open the door.
But, think about our ideology
of the current view...
Go inside!
One bigwig in the mix here.
Show me your arrest warrant.
I don't need one.
We can use any reason afterwards.
In our country
such meetings are controlled.
The "Omo" law.
I arrest you, Takeo Otsu,
leader of the anti-war group.
Try it. I will shoot you in turn.
Okay shoot me!
In return for what?
You are not suited for such a job.
Come on!
I'll shoot you.
Take it easy.
Everybody will be in trouble
if your leader is arrested.
If you do that you're looking at
a 2 or 3 year prison sentence.
Shut up!
I'm serious!
Look sharp. Escape.
I will contact you.
- What's wrong?
- The cops came!
- Where's everyone?
- Dispersed.
We have to go into hiding again.
- I will.
- Is there somewhere safe?
My apartment is nearby.
Yeah. Okay let's go there.
Let's go!
The police are following.
Who are you?
I am Suzuki.
Who are you?
I am...
I am a fugitive.
Don't you need it?
It was dropped.
That's all. Let's go.
I am a conqueror.
Don't play dumb.
Is he a spy?
No. I am a fugitive.
- I don't know anything.
- Talk!
If you don't I will kill you!
Okay. I will change.
You said you are Suzuki.
Talk honestly.
I am this.
Since childhood I liked to steal.
I thought I'd be a professional.
But, I was afraid of...
You were a sneak thief.
Suzuki, we don't believe your lies.
We have to be careful
as the police are pursuing us.
I believe you at the moment.
We are doubtful of everything
as group fighting is so strong.
We are,
so understand us.
It's alright.
Clear up any doubts.
So, excuse me.
What? Do you want to go home.
It's too dangerous to go out now.
You'll have to wait
until the morning
Slip in. Outstanding.
We are all consuming
and stronger fighters
if we were to rise up as a group.
Everybody knows
that we cannot display
our real ability
in a decisive battle
Where do we slip in?
Don't be stupid. Think about it.
Two days before
the anti-war demonstration,
with new weapons
and new group members,
we will be a proletariat army
as has never seen before in history.
What about keeping in contact?
I'll contact you periodically
and you let me know
if you decide on a hideout.
New group members will
solidify our footing
and help us increase in strength.
But, just a feeling of
togetherness is too weak.
Anyway, the course of action
has been decided.
The course of action
has been decided.
Including current matters
you are recognizing that
the situation is getting worse...
I'm kept waiting.
Ouch! Stop!
It's regiment.
We have to recognize
a general idea of our regiment.
We fall apart again.
This is the last regiment
with Midori.
Please gentle.
The rose colored regiment
is the blood regiment.
If we do our best.
I didn't say we have to do
our best many times.
We can do our best someday
by storing up our energy.
I will win.
I'm sure if I am with you.
We'll win.
We'll win.
We'll win.
Do you have a cigarette?
I don't smoke.
You want a go.
Idiot. Rose colored regiment.
I can't.
Maybe she is experienced.
So please let me sleep.
Shit. Failed climax.
We'll win.
We'll win.
We'll win.
We'll win.
We'll win.
We must win.
We'll win.
Hey... Hey!
What time is it?
What shall we do from today?
It doesn't matter what we do.
Let him have sex.
Please stop.
I'm so exhausted.
I'm more exhausted than you.
He's not here.
Who are you?
Oh... it's you.
Let's eat... Newspaper.
You are a strange man.
So, let's eat.
Guerilla attack
on Shinjuku police station.
Firebombs Thrown.
Yesterday the police station
near us was attacked.
Five firebombs.
One man dead!
- You're joking.
- When?
Police detective shot to death.
"Before dawn this morning
he was shot to death
in Sakai street. "
We passed that street.
- Osu, I wonder if he did it?
- You're kidding.
Yes, he's right,
he didn't do it
because he kept
the pistol here.
- Where is the pistol?
- In that drawer.
See. Osu was arrested.
Osu arrested on other charges.
We're next. What shall we do?
Lt'll be alright. We are innocent.
We couldn't make even if
we wanted to.
We didn't do anything.
True enough.
I was with you and I know
you didn't do anything.
I'll testify for you.
You testify for us?
I'll testify for you,
if the police misunderstand.
Please. This is it.
- Here?
- So, please come in.
Around here.
Everybody called over the river.
We can hide here.
Anyway, please come in.
I like it. Classic.
It is typical low rent style house.
It is a real hiding place.
It's weird. It's dirty.
It's better than Sanya.
What is the view?
Here have a look.
End of the world.
Anyway, it's okay
if you want to stay here.
Do you want some tea?
We don't know
anything about you.
So we want to know.
We know you're not
a sneak thief.
You're joking.
I'm not!
I don't know about you either.
We are talking a lot
so you will understand us.
I don't understand
from just talking.
Shut up.
Answer me seriously.
I'm serious.
- What's this.
- Give it back!
I asked what is the key for?
- Give it back!
- Tell me.
Tell me the truth.
If you tell me
I'll give it back to you.
I will tell you only one thing.
In the factory's elevator
I masturbated.
The elevator went up and down.
Up to the fifth floor,
I could feel its movement.
Gradually I couldn't feel anything.
What did I do?
I hate everything.
Everybody in the company,
including the president,
the factory and my boss.
I hated it all.
I hated everything completely
and so I was filled with energy.
That energy I couldn't believe.
After that there were
two accidents in the factory.
Firstly, the night before salary day
the safe blew up.
Secondly, the factory caught fire.
It was destroyed.
I bought a suit
with my severance pay.
I kept it in a locker
at the station.
If I kept it in that room
it would go mouldy.
Please keep it.
There is money in the locker.
Oh, you are still having sex.
Where is Toga?
He went out.
Damn. It's unwise.
To begin with that decision
was strange.
Osu was arrested
so we can change
but our group is one third
of a larger one.
We will lose if we do anything.
I'm already prepared
if one person begins
everyone else will follow.
Let's act.
Togawa, don't despise them.
The most important thing for them
is to eat to live.
If the decisive battle
is not for food they will not act.
In that matter
we can trust them.
What's the matter
with the most trusted man?
What's wrong with people?
If no-one acts nothing changes.
Eat food, have sex and sleep.
Our view is the new spirit,
which challenges the sleepers.
Uniformly, everything.
We became pigs.
That's simple. It's not only...
- No more virtues.
- That's enough.
- Shit!
- Togawa, it is dangerous to go out.
It hasn't begun.
We can stay here.
If so what will happen
if you go now?
- Something will happen.
- Nothing.
The police will find us,
and we'll be arrested soon.
I'll tell the police
that you stay here.
You've gone mad.
You'll become a spy.
Yes I will.
You're out.
Shut up!
It's me. I found you.
It's regiment.
- Shit!
- Dammit!
You're all stupid!
It's only proof.
You're all small minded.
Shut up!
I didn't mean it.
It's okay.
I can understand, you're breaking
contact with the center,
but, it is better to keep
in contact with us.
No, Osu was arrested.
Maybe, Masako was arrested too.
Nakamura and Tachizawa as well.
Hey, do you have any money?
Money. What do you want?
Let's have a drink.
I have no money.
I'll pay for you.
I still have money.
No. It's tough.
It's okay. I pay for
you as I've joined you.
I am going to the shops.
Hey, do you think
we can trust him?
It doesn't matter if
we trust him or not.
I am worried
that he is too kind
about this room
and paying for things.
I am worried about it too.
Let's check now.
Nothing. I've checked it already.
What are the other groups doing?
Everyone's a laggard.
I'm amazed at the rise to action.
Don't talk like that if the
accident makes you uncomfortable.
- I'm watching you.
- What!
When was I comfortable?
You are.
You always say
when we have sex,
"we will win"
or "we must win".
You're perfect.
Dammit. You insult me.
Get off!
Watching from the window.
Dammit my stupid cock can't wait.
You're coming or going,
what shall you do?
Hurry lick my cock.
If you decide,
take off your shoes and come in.
I touch you, can you see
If you see.
I'm coming with you at last.
Are you sure you are Suzuki?
It's true.
Why don't you drink with us?
I can't drink.
You're a liar.
- No I'm not.
- Yes you are.
My point is proved by you
not having sex with her.
You're very strait-laced.
I'm not.
So do it.
Hey, everybody.
He wants sex with Midori.
Come on, baby.
Come on.
She's calling you. Go.
I knew sooner or later
we would have sex.
This is just an affectation.
Just like a greeting.
No. This is proletariat art
and the student blessed regiment.
- This is the regimental greeting.
- That's right!
- Please stop.
- Help it.
- This our ritual.
- I said stop it.
So, please stop.
Please stop!
Remove his pants.
After all.
I said stop.
Am I not worthy of you?
From the bottom of my heart
I send you.
Go for it.
Comrade co-operate...
Common fantasy.
- Insert, go for it.
- Please stop!
- Go!
- Please stop!
Now is good.
I want to be a rose.
What's wrong?
Go for it!
I'm coming.
The real revolution.
Comrade of the revolution.
We will win.
We must win.
Easy, easy.
It can't be helped
with your complaining.
I understand.
The woman who has sex
with more than three men
has a smelly pussy.
Rotten. I can't come seriously.
It's only play.
It's about women
and the revolution.
Don't think romantically.
- I'm coming!
- Leave me alone.
I can't. Like yesterday
you went out and did something.
Today I...
I'll go with you if you want.
I want to have a day off.
No. I can't trust you.
Sleep soundly.
Our suffering and effort
have resulted in
deploying the only one
in revolutionary history.
Can it be that the suffering
is for real?
Nobody knows... yet.
Our philosophical insight.
All suffering, except our suffering,
is not worthy of suffering.
That is all I know.
Hey, man in room 9.
You haven't paid for three days.
You allowed
strange people in
so you have to rent another room.
The person next door
can't use that room afterwards.
So very noisy.
Sorry. You asked for 400 yen
but I paid 600 yen.
You did?
They are not bad people.
Are they your friends?
Are you a student?
I will be careful from now on.
So please do.
- Be careful.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I took so long.
No. Thank you anyway.
Attempted blast on
communist party headquarters.
Some new movement.
Kanda Police station was attacked.
It's weird.
Every section isn't active.
Are you alright?
Everybody arrested?
I found it. This is big news.
Giants lost 10 straight games.
- O is in bad shape from dead ball.
- Give it here!
Don't joke.
What's wrong with
the working people you admire?
We are only at the beginning
of the alphabet.
A, e, i, o, u.
We are satisfied
to watch the baseball on tv.
Nothing happened in the world.
This is the a, e, i, o, u.
It is unwise if you go outside
as you will attract attention.
No, I don't care.
We are of no consequence,
so the plain clothes police
are not following us.
It's bad weather today.
Can only sneak thieves live?
Have you ever had a serious job?
I said before...
I worked in a print factory,
but the company collapsed
two years ago.
I was hardly able to live.
I'm going to become a sneak thief.
Give the pistol back.
Where did you hide it?
You know the truth.
- See.
- Eh, no.
I thought if a sneak thief
came to my house
I would give them a shock.
Don't quibble.
Something happened
when you went to work.
We don't know who was involved
in the incident.
Because you're not connected.
You did the headquarters
and police station?
You're joking.
So why do incidents happen
when you go out?
I bought the newspaper.
It's the only time
anyone goes out.
It is coincidence that
it falls on the same day.
That area of chimneys
was the factory where I worked.
Now it is gilt plate factory.
A long time ago the humans
on either side of the river
were so different
it was like heaven and hell.
Now you live in a very cheap
apartment for working people.
A long time ago there were
many eccentric people.
There were lots of
fighting and murders.
I am totally a person
from across the river now.
I don't care for the horrible smell
of the river now.
Could you kill a human?
No, but the people across the river
just bear grudges.
I'm asking in spite of myself.
I could kill someone
whenever the mood takes me.
It would be scary to kill somebody
face to face.
Yes, I can't kill if I'm not
in the mood.
In modern warfare
people don't kill face to face.
Like having sex in the dark.
A bomb drops and you go
blindly to your death.
You know the old language.
You're educated.
I neglected it.
I didn't read Marx.
So, do you know Tenchu?
- I don't know.
- You don't?
It is a good word.
When can we be free of here?
Maybe one week
until the heat is off.
We have to move soon.
But it's better to stay here
until we get further intelligence.
It will be summer soon outside.
We are hibernating.
"Arise, wretched of the earth.
Arise, convicts of hunger.
Reason thunders in its crater.
This is the eruption of the end.
Of the past let us wipe
the slate clean.
Enslaved masses,
arise, arise. "
You've been too long in the toilet.
Where is Togawa?
Where have you been?
There is a case of emergency.
Come in.
Miss Hachigi.
How did you find us?
You all look well.
Midori gave me your contact details,
and so I flew here.
Gave you contact.
She's got the news.
The center has changed policy.
The policy has changed?
Decisive battle is the day
after tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
The aim is to hijack the battle
and the creation
of a new revolution.
That's all.
- Who is it?
- It's me.
Oh Yasue.
I wanted to see you.
I want to fuck you.
We have no time now.
I can't wait.
Togawa, this is a message
from our North Korean comrade.
Stop, stop Yagi.
Maruyama. Midori.
- Togawa.
- It's regiment.
The rose colored regiment.
The rose colored regiment.
Hey Suzuki, she's not
smelly and not dirty.
She's still a virgin.
Togawa, don't be idiotic.
We are in conference now.
I'm not an idiot. I'm just carrying
out the center's policy.
Togawa, please forgive me.
No. You are a necessary
competent person
for the rose colored regiment.
Suzuki. Do it.
I'm okay.
She's not dirty.
No, I'm okay.
- I understand.
- So.
Who's desperate?
What is the rose colored regiment?
- I will.
- The rose colored regiment is...
for true revolution...
by winding democracy.
All citizens will understand
the situation,
as they develop history.
That hurts!
I'm coming.
It hurts.
By our own accord,
we consciously throw away
our nationality,
and to break through
to enforce the border.
It is the beginning.
First of all,
we disclaim every phase.
The branch is able to fight
for world revolution
and to set to work
constructing the headquarters.
Fighting on a global scale is
sweeping through North Korea.
We are going to magnify
and advance in Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, Korean peninsula,
and the Middle & Near East.
But, we are calling on
all our Japanese comrades.
We are calling all revolutionaries.
Hail the communists.
And hail the world
revolutionary war.
We are the winners of tomorrow,
we confirm it.
And for seven years
we advance
the construction
of our headquarters.
However, we understand
that we cannot magnify
the battle in only one step
under current conditions.
Calling all Japanese proletariat,
we have to try harder
in our struggles
and advance the cause in Japan.
We have to break-up completely,
even abandon our arms
in all phases
due to the situation in Japan.
Now is the time.
We will win.
We will win.
We will win.
We will win.
We will win.
We... will win.
We must win.
We will win.
We will win.
We must win.
will win.
Everybody Arrested.
Statement to Soviet Union.
Everybody Arrested.
Premier Assassinated.
Premier Assassinated.
Weapon Was A Policeman's Pistol.
Premier Assassinated.
I have to betray myself quickly
before strangers give me away.
I can't do any crime,
including murder.
The gathering of cold power
in the rose colored regiment
pushes me
to quickly kill myself
and my comrades before
we are betrayed.
In comparison with others
I must believe in my own power.
Be aware of the power
rather than betrayal,
and so we can die!
Go right, Togawa.
I'm sure he is a criminal.
He is!
I am sure he is the leader
of the group.
Okay, let's go.
By stealing he made a financial
contribution to the group,
so it could carry out the plan.
They were not so serious.
I am surprised that they stayed
in such a dirty place for a week.
I think he was scared of the police.
Okay, he has a gun.
Shoot him if he resists.
It's okay to shoot him.
Moron. Why did you shoot me?
I am sure you are.
At first, I thought
you followed me
because you learnt
I was a terrorist
that's why you informed the police.
I am saved.
I didn't want to live long.
Bye. Thank you.
The End.