Sekigahara (2017)

Sekigahara, September 14, 1600 (Lunar)
The eve of battle
Small though it be
this god may remember
the ancient rebellion
of Prince O-amano
Father, did the prince fight here
in Sekigahara?
The war began with a blockade
of this road
Yonder is Momokubari Hill
named for the peaches he gave out
Storm's abrewin' in my belly
I can smell it
Good God
Reinforcements are arriving daily
from Satsuma afar
Only 1,000 of them, but fierce
The army of the East is 100,000
We, the West, are 80,000
Yet half are in the hills,
watching from safety
This is a war of justice and injustice
We cannot lose
The author recalls visiting
the temple in Omi as a boy
Climbing stone steps
in the hot summer
I don't recall the sect
Hideyoshi was sitting right here
where I'm sitting
Wearing his falconer's outfit
How long ago, Mr. Kaiware?
Oh, about 350 years ago
It was a hot summer's day
A day like today when sweat
stings your eyes
As I struggled to write about
the Battle of Sekigahara...
this incredible human comedy,
or tragedy...
such scenes from my boyhood
wisped through my mind
like a dream in a nap
Henry Miller once said
something like this:
You are thinking of something
right now. Start writing from there
50, that? What I'll do
with this story
Around 1572, Hideyoshi was
the Lord of Omi
a vast territory granted to him
as one of Nobunaga's generals
Ishida Mitsunari was called Sakichi
when he was a boy
It is unclear if he was a student
or a servant at this temple
Hideyoshi was in the area
for falconry
He was so thirsty he entered
Historical texts say
the first cup of tea was:
brought in a great tea bowl
filled three quarters and warm
He drained the cup and smacked his lips
He ordered another cup
in good humor
This time it was hotter and
half the amount
Damn good. Gimme more
The third cup was mostly empty
and scalding hot
Kid. What's your name?
Sakichi, from lshida village
in your territory, sir
What if I grant you land
worth 100 barrels of rice?
I would rather receive the tax
charged for harvesting
the reeds on the banks of Lake Biwa-
How much?
Sakichi, don't bother his lordship-
Priest! I like this kid
I'm takin' him with me
16 years later
Osaka Castle, 1588
My lord
Once this triple moat is finished
I'll build a castle in Fushimi
Destroy and build
That's the work of power
Got it? Fushimi is next
And then?
What do you think?
We'll beat down Ming of course
Choson and its culture
block our way there
I'll conquer Choson
after I unify the 66 states
War will never end
Won't ever end until I rule them all
Seven years Ia ter
Where is the foyer?
Tokugawa Ieyasu's new mansion, Fushimi, 1595
Where is the foyer?
Please, Your Highness
Take off traveling gloves
Take that around back
Sir Masanobu
His Highness is wearing travel garbs
to meet the Imperial Regent
Your Highness!
Those are your travel garments
All the lords in the land are broke
from invading Choson
We can barely afford to get here
Formal wear is not required
They will mock you as a bumpkin
His Highness wants to show Mitsunari
what a trouble it is to get here
Shut it, Naomasa
I couldn't change anyway
They can't find my wardrobe trunk
Fushimi Castle
There is tension between the Supreme Taiko
and his nephew, the Regent
On July 3, despite the concern of war
The Regent offered the Emperor
3,000 coins of gold and silver
This is most grave
Formal wear is not required,
but this is too crude
Every house is bankrupt from invading Choson
Look at leyasu. Has he no shame?
He rushed from Edo. He means well
I doubt it
He's displaying the trouble it took
to get here the end the Regent quit his post
and became a monk in Mt. Koya
And still there are signs of rebellion
Thus, Lord Fukushima was ordered
to besiege Mt. Koya...
where the Regent took his own life
Now, for the treatment
of his women and children
They shall be beheaded tomorrow
as collective punishment
I rushed down from Edo upon
the news of the rebellion
I know not the details, but...
the outcome of Choson is still uncertain
after three years
To demonstrate the authority of the Taiko
and eliminate any challenge to his son
little Hideyori
I believe it is only natural to terminate
the bloodline of the rebel
Very good, Hideyori
May I plead with His Highness?
He shall hear you
Princess Koma of the Mogami house
will be executed tomorrow
Will she?
She traveled far to serve the Regent
but he was dead when she arrived
Could you spare her life as you did...
the sister of Lord Ikeda?
Sakichi, remember when we first met
you brought me tea in a huge cup?
You drank it up and asked for more
The second cup was half of the first
The third in a tiny cup...
and it was scalding hot
I couldn't make up my mind
Should I punish this little snot
or make him my servant
One's life turns on a whim
Forget about Koma
Her old man gave her to the Regent
Shamelessly trying to cozy up
Why shouldn't he be punished?
You're so good, Hideyori
Clear the way
Sanjo Riverbank, Kyoto
I plan to resign my post
as commissioner today
Because of your condition
or the unreasonable demands?
My left eye's mostly blind
The right is also clouding up
An incurable disease
Why must it be you?
I may resign,
but my heart is one with you
A cruel task. Leading to execution
the widow and children
whom he loved as his family
- His Highness' popularity has plummeted
- Mind your words, Gyobu
It's what you're thinking
Koma never even met the Regent
She's only 14
Why must she be punished?
If I survived, no words would I have
Surveying the cruel world
Nothing more sorrowful than parting
Here at the waters of the river
Mitsunari, you promised
Were you lying about saving Koma?
I promised to do my best-
Do you mock me?
Your rage will not serve you
Will Hideyoshi's commissioners
let such injustice stand?
Kill them!
MY lord!
Stay calm
Maintain your dignity
Koma's maids are fighting
Have you no mercy?
Fighting women and children?
You disgrace the name of Ishida
Ignore him
I think that was Shima Sakon
Hold, I say. Step back!
Stop! Step back!
Nobody touch her
Don't die on me
Sukeza, a robe
Please tend to the injured
Gyobu, take care of the rest
What do you want?
- I serve the Toyotomi house-
- What do you want?
I believe you are Sakon
formerly of the house of Tsutsui
I've searched high and low for you
the last several years
Thank you
I want your service
Do you know what I was doing?
Testing your blade?
My blood is aboil, so I pretended
these were Hideyoshi's men and
cut them down
And you want me to serve him?
I don't
I am enlisting your service
You want me to serve you?
The Supreme Taiko will grant me
the Sawayama Castle shortly
My fief will grow from 40,000 to 190,000
I'll give you half
Never heard of a samurai taking
half his lord's territory
It is an obvious price
for retaining the greatest...
most honorable samurai of our time
I have no interest
If you refuse to serve me
then, advise me as my brother
If not my brother, as a worthy friend
My lord
You haven't changed, Myozen
It must be all my prayers
Pray for me, too
I want that youth
Your companion?
His name is Mitsunari
A strange fellow
As in Lord Ishida Mitsunari?
Give me some gruel
I'm famished
I dislike the Taiko. I will not serve you
Why? Tell me
It won't be pretty
I'll listen
His lewd and disgraceful behavior
is unparalleled
He took his master Nobunaga's
daughters as his concubines
He even took Nobunaga's
own concubines
and the wife of his son
Coming from humble beginnings
His Highness admires noble ladies
He desires the ladies of
warriors in particular
He considers his master's clan
to be the apex of nobility
Still, Lady Nene is his wife
He cherishes her above all
saying she is a woman among women
Hideyoshi wants Hideyori, his son
with Lady Yodo to succeed him
Thus, the Regent, his nephew had to go
So snuffed him out as a rebel
Am I wrong?
As far as I know, the Regent
had no rebellious intentions
You and Lady Yodo are both from Omi
Aren't you?
We were both born near Lake Biwa
There are rumors it was a plot by Mitsunari
Some say Yodo conceived the plan
and Hideyoshi bought it
Some even say worse
Such as?
That I am the father of Hideyori
When together, Hideyoshi and Lady Nene
would joke and argue loudly
like a couple from the lower class
They had a heavy country dialect
from Owari
Naturally, Lady Nene was feared
as the most powerful political force
of the Toyotomi house
On the eve of Sekigahara
if she had secretly ordered the lords
to kill leyasu
it may have altered Japanese history
But in fact, the opposite was true
Hideyoshi's chief concubine,
Lady Yodo whose parents...
were destroyed by Hideyoshi
was from Omi
As were Mitsunari and Gyobu
Get off your high horse, Omi
I'm a bumpkin from Owari
Damn me if I ever get friendly
with the oh-so-gifted Omi folk
Why did you save them?
They fought for justice
Was not the execution an injustice?
Why are you loyal to that tyrant?
The tyrant made me
- Shouldn't he go?
- I'd rather inherit...
the heart for justice he once had
Or else justice will be lost forever
When His Highness is dead...
there will be war to determine his successor
That is when the flag of justice
must be raised
In this age?
That is His Highness' ignominy
In crushing his enemies
or making peace with leyasu
he never cared for justice
He has reigned for 13 years
Order in the realm is built on self-interest
I will take up arms for justice
When all the world is self-interested
it is a worthy task...
to run alone against it
My life isn't even worth a poem
by Du Fu or Du Mu
But I'll take 15,000
20,000 for a worthy friend
Ride it and leave it
Leave Pa?
A riderless horse returns home on its own
The wisdom of an old horse
Mitsunari's mansion, Fushimi
- Am I to be your plaything?
- No
Why did you spare me?
Your courage struck me
Did the others survive?
Your friend was badly wounded
I left her with the doctor
She will live
Unless she kills herself out of despair
My sister nor I will commit suicide
I can arrange your return
- For what?
- Have you no family there?
I only have my sister
Just don't think about revenge
The world is unjust. Revenge is laughable
You are from?
An lga ninja
My father was born in lga
and served Lord Takeda
All the houses we served perished
After he died we had to survive
as street performers and pilgrims
You and your sister?
And my mother
She died at the riverbank
The three of you served Koma
- Taken in as dogs
- Dogs?
That's what my mother said
We can spy, agitate, watch, ensnare
spread rumors - anything"
Use us as your dogs"
Will you serve me?
Might be bad luck
I want to change the unjust world
under the flag of
Da/ lch/ Da/ Man Da/ K ich/
Dai Ichi Dai Man?
I retained a samurai
who has all the qualities I lack
So, I designed a new emblem
If one gives oneself for all
the world will prosper
You risked your lives for your bond
I covet your service
Then consider me a dog
Neither human nor woman
Let me roam free and
I will requite your trust
Home of Yamato Yagyu
What is the way of
a long and healthy life?
The way the Yagyu and Shima clans
grew up in Yamato
helping each other
The marriage of sword and medicine
The land may eventually split in two
Ieyasu and Mitsunari may go to war
How, then, to foster life?
He who survives from either house
must nurture the families of both
I have chosen Mitsunari
Then, I shall give my sons to leyasu
I have been retained
Hanano. We will be moving
to the Ishida House in Fushimi
And I thought you were
in Kyoto womanizing
A counselor worth 20,000
That's a da/myds pay
You can practice medicine there
Will we meet next on the battlefield?
We may cross swords
Three years later
Fushimi, 1598
You went on a site inspection
at a temple in Kyoto
You gave orders with this stick
You dropped the stick
Ieyasu picked it up and
gave it back to you
What did you do?
You turned away
frowned, and walked away
Ieyasu didn't say anything either
You're like a child
Where did you get the stick?
From leyasu's servant
Sakon. I am not so skillful as to smile
at a person I dislike
Others don't see your frown as harmless
It is seen as hubris of the most
powerful man under the Taiko
It's your loss
I can explain
Let's hear it
Even as the Taiko grows feeble
that villain has presented the emperor...
two swans and ten pieces of gold
He wants to take over
Cozying up to Lady Nene as well
I see
But I am talking about
a very simple thing
When someone picks up your stick
smile and acknowledge them
Even more so if it is Ieyasu
That's too much for me
That night Masanobu went
to Ieyasu's bedroom
and asked whether
the stick incident was true
Oddly enough, the two men
always conspired in the bedroom
The younger men are demanding
to kill Mitsunari
How did you stop them?
I told them the stage must be set
The killing must serve Tokugawa
But is the stick incident even true?
What would you think if it were?
- He must be killed
- When?
- After Hideyoshi dies
- When after?
When he rises up for
Lady Yodo and her son
Not enough
They must first be labeled rebels
Then we can kill
Oh, you win this time
Masanobu always let Ieyasu
win the last hand
The two were more conspiracy partners
than master and servant
Then they exchanged predictions
on who would side with Mitsunari
and who would side with Ieyasu
if something were to happen
Of those who've served Hideyoshi
since youth...
how many can we persuade?
That is the key
To split the Toyotomi house in two
Where do we start?
Lord Kobayakawa
His verdict will be announced tomorrow
We are moving the times
We will need people in various roles
A fool can be useful as a fool
and a madman can do a madman's job
The battle was being won, yet you charged
alone into the fleeing enemy
He was the commander general
We would have lost if he was captured
How strange. Our forces
were nearly destroyed in Ulsan
Lord Kobayakawa's valor is
The tide of battle changes quickly
It is not good, under any circumstance
for a Toyotomi to-
He charged into the enemy
and killed 13, all of them soldiers
It is worthy of respect
They were all fleeing
He killed the fleeing enemy from behind
A shameful act for a warrior
You, Hideaki!
You aren't worthy
to be a commander general
520,000 in Chikuzen is too much for you
Too damn much
You're only worth 150,000 in Echizen
What did Lady Nene say when
she heard of your bravery at Ulsan?
My aunt, she told me, well done"
His Highness was delighted, too
But someone advised him that
rewarding you would not be good...
for Lord Hideyori
Was it Lady Yodo?
Who cozies up to her?
You should accept your demotion
for now. It's for your best
But, do not move immediately
Nor should your council move
Send the unimportant ones to Echizen
one or two at a time
Return your fief little by little
Give yourself time
And leave the rest to me
Do you understand?
You have the blood of a buge/sha
One who lives
by the way of swordsmanship
This is Goro, son of the Yagyu chieftain
and Munenori, his younger brother
The Yagyu house has fallen over the years
The survival of the clan
depends on the arms of these two
Goro! Munenori! Well done
I would like the service of such men, too
You may pick one you like
It's like buying something
A buge/sha is to be bought
Goro, now serve Lord Kobayakawa
Give him your all!
Maeda Toshiie's mansion, Fushimi
Lord Asano. Lord Asano!
Get them lined up
Sit down you all!
Lord Genyi. Lord Genyi!
What is going on?
Not yet with the courtesy meal
Serve it after the briefing
It's only a snack
Just a snack
What? They're gone!
Where are the oaths?
The oaths!
Sorry, that was me
This isn't enough. Go get some more
Do you understand? I repeat
You will not break any laws
set hitherto by the Supreme Taiko
Will not fight each other,
not privately organize,
not go home for personal reasons
and will serve Lord Hideyori
as you did his father
These are the five oaths
You laugh?
Not I
You laughed
Most certainly not
Go to the library with your oath
and sign with your seal
Address it to the Council
- Must we sign ourselves?
- Yes, of course!
You may mark an X
Well done
Well done
You have been collecting our oaths
But what about yours?
Mine goes to His Highness
But he is-
Correct. He may depart from us any day
Therefore, the oaths of Lord Maeda
and myself
will be submitted in his coffin
should the Supreme Taiko pass
Who will inspect those oaths?
Mitsunari, mind your words
lam mindful, sir
You are not!
Lord Tokugawa is being very patient
It's upsetting me and I'm a bystander
Enough. Leave us
Well done
A few days later
- Sister
- Hatsume
Where is the ninja swap meet tonight?
At the ruins of Jounji
Will you go?
No, I have work
I see
Ouch! Enough. lgive up
The swap meet is not for competition
Dumb ass
You're Hatsume of Nabari
- And you?
- Red Ear of Ueda
Never heard of you
My ears are special
I can hear from a mile away if I want
I could hear you on the roadside
from miles away
You're Ear Boy who worked with Father
Some called me that
I roamed the north countries of Date and
Uesugi, but the cold's too much
My ears are no use in the cold
Go blabber elsewhere
- Who's your master?
- Guess
There was mayhem in
the Fushimi Castle town
Ieyasu released two wild horses
The night was astir with men running...
to capture the horses,
and the echo of hooves
Lord Tohdo's men rushed to
leyasu's mansion to protect him
Ikeda, Hosokawa, and Fukushima
did the same and went to Ieyasu
Nice show of loyalty
The Taiko may already be dead
He's not dead yet
leyasu wanted to see
who would be his allies?
He didn't release the horses
Is that true, White Snake?
Ieyasu is wont to say
winning is ultimately about longevity
Hideyoshi was clearly inferior
but Ieyasu has been patient-
Listen! End the swap meets as of tonight
But this is the Iga way
leyasu is keen on ruling ninjas
He'll kill any who serve others
Very shortly
What's this?
Rations for war
The stems of taro plants are woven thus
and stewed in miso
We chop it up, mix in some water
and put it in soup
Just as you thought. There were over
5O lords at leyasu's last night
Here's a list
His lordship has already retired
I'll give it to him in the morning
Do you know there's a party underway
in the palace?
A Party?
Isn't that sword heavy for a woman?
Don't consider me a woman
A dog. huh?
Your short sword is not short
A masterpiece by a Yamato swordsmith
Who will you use it on?
Perhaps Ieyasu, but it depends
Everyone quiet please
His Highness wishes that...
Quiet please
...we all get along with each other
This is the reality of Toyotomi
I pray you behave yourselves
Damn priest, I'll show you something
Give me your head
You're out of your mind
I pray you stop
Please sit down
First, have a seat
Sir Sakon
Here comes Lord Tokugawa
How dare you all deceive me
You swore before me
not to fight each other
Have you forgotten?
What am I to tell
His Highness about this?
Very well
All of you are now my enemies
Attendants, shut the gates
Not one of you shall leave here alive
My lord, I was wrong
I repent. I beg you, forgive me
So long as you understand
I know very well how you feel...
Did you hear?
Who knew Ieyasu was so loyal
Now I know Hideyori will be safe
Isn't that right, Sakichi?
As long as I live, leyasu shall never
supplant Lord Hideyori
You may rest assured
August 18, 1598
Hideyoshi, the Supreme Taiko, dies
Listen, everyone
The death of the Supreme Taiko
must be kept an absolute secret
But the lords should be told
If our enemies find out
our troops in Choson led by Kato Kiyomasa
and Lord Konishi will suffer
Until all our troops return, it must
remain a secret closely guarded
in the heart of each man here
and nobody else
Not even to Lord Tokugawa?
We must obey the will
Lord Tokugawa will be
young Hideyori's deputy
It will be a problem
if he isn't told
You heard me, Lord Asano
The will is everything
What about the body?
As we agreed, we will secretly carry it to
Lady Nene's residence in Kyoto
Are we ready?
Yes, sir
You and Priest Kozan shall
carry the body
Very well
Now, the sutra for the departed
A miserable man, thought Mitsunari
Hideyoshi tamed the warring states
and unified Japan for the first time
Yet for Hideyori, the son he left behind,
the future was uncertain
The funeral was lonely, absurd
and heartrending
This is all because of leyasu
Although the funeral was in consideration
of the troops abroad
who could blame Mitsunari
for feeling thus?
At the end of that year
Kiyomasa returned from Choson
He visited Hideyoshi's mausoleum
in Kyoto
to meet Lady Nene
whom he considered a mother
As you know, leyasu
Kiyomasa was orphaned at the age of five
and we brought him up
He signed an official document
as Toyotomi Kiyomasa
out of his love of His Highness
who was like a father
His Highness and I
both understood that very well
But, Mitsunari-
The bastard!
Made a mountain out of a molehill
and disparaged you
On my return, when I got to Pusan
I decided to make it my priority
to find Mitsunari upon landing in Japan
and cut him down in one strike
but Nagamasa-
Oh, Nagamasa stopped you?
You would have become a traitor
if you caused trouble
in the midst of the mourning period
for His Highness
You abided well
Still he will not let go his grievance
Ieyasu, you must chide him well
A samurai, by nature,
bears deep grudges
Kato Kiyomasa is
the greatest samurai of Japan
If you cause trouble
out of personal grievance
never mind Mitsunari
I will deal with you directly
Kiyomasa, do you understand?
Nothing can stop me now
I am no man if I back down
because of a rebuke by Lord Ieyasu
Kiyomasa, Kiyomasa
Forget taking up arms
You must sue
Bring me a complaint
To impeach Mitsunari?
Yes, but your complaint
shall be against Lord Konishi
the spearhead commander in Choson
with whom you disagreed
That's brilliant, Ieyasu
Don't you think, Kiyomasa?
Leave it all to Lord Tokugawa
K a to K iyomasa 3 mansion, Fushi/ni
Nagamasa! A visitor
You haven't spoken to each other
since your fight in Choson
Masanori was ordered home first
If there's any grudge it's him
Let's trade helmets
Are you serious? Do you mean that?
I want to make up
You jest. That's a masterpiece
Take the damn thing
Good! Now the Team of Seven
is back together
Any problem with that, Nagamasa?
Thank you, Masanori
I've been briefed
What's the plan?
It's clear Lord Ieyasu likes us
So, rather than stir up the city
by attacking Mitsunari
we will write and submit
a joint complaint
- Etchu, you draft it
- Very well
We'll list the villainies
of him and his faction
You just turn it
into a formal complaint
Right, Kiyomasa?
Indeed. First up is Konishi, Mitsunari's boy
This is all because Mitsunari
went to the old man with a bunch of lies
That's right
His slander made us suffer
So, that's what's going on
A plan, my lord?
I'll sue them. Beat them to the punch
A meeting of the Council at this hour?
Has something happened?
We received a complaint
from Lord Konishi
Complaint? For what?
The blunders of Kiyomasa and Nagamasa
in Choson
Lord Konishi sued Kiyomasa?
That is correct
What shall be done about this?
You see, I also received a complaint
Kiyomasa has also sued Lord Konishi
The two commanders disagreed in Choson
It'll be ugly
Are you looking for the complaint?
Oh my. I went to visit Lord Maeda
on his sickbed to consult him
I left it somewhere
I will go check
I beg your patience the while
Let us first consider
Kiyomasa's complaint
Bring the complaint from
Lord Hosokawa's mansion now
You said it could wait till tomorrow
so those men are drunk in merriment
I don't care if it's blank
Just make them sign!
I'll do the rest
Mitsunari beat us to the punch
Mitsunari essentially won this fight
Ieyasu, surprised, kept silent
But Kiyomasa and the Team of Seven
were enraged
We'll show him!
We'll set fire to his house!
I'll impale that hammerhead!
Go follow them
Grab a spear
Rifle unit!
Kiyomasa is just blowing hot air
He'll never get to me
Sakon, can you believe-
My lord, my lord!
Battle is beginning
They are about to fight
You imbeciles
Lord Maeda does what is right
The Team of Seven cannot touch you
while he is healthy
ls leyasu still silent?
He's learning tea ceremony
I thought he disliked it
An Iga ninja is teaching him
He is inviting one lord after another
Do ninjas make tea?
I can teach you if you wish
Who came first?
Shimazu The Monk"
He will not side with Ieyasu
Ieyasu praised his valor in Choson
Did you sneak in and listen?
I bribed another ninja
who works there as a guard
If it wasn't for the Shimazus
we would have suffered
an unrecoverable defeat at Pusan
Tens of thousands of men would have died
Let me thank you
in place of His Highness
who is no longer with us
How is it?
Very fine
I will reward you for your service
Reward for service?
The will says rewards are only
to be granted
when Lord Hideyori becomes an adult
leyasu is acting as the Taiko
This is madness
What will you do?
I will beat him
The work of Shimazu in the withdrawal
from Choson was exceptional
Might you suggest
to the Council of Elders
that Shimazu be rewarded?
I was thinking that, too
There is Toyotomi land
amidst Satsuma territory
It must be a nuisance to Shimazu
That land could be granted as reward
You and Shimazu
have a history don't you?
10 years, since the Supreme Taiko
conquered Shimazu
When they surrendered
the Monk's niece was sent to Osaka
as a hostage
But you persuaded His Highness
to let her return to Satsuma
You go all the way for what you care
That is also your weakness
ls it wrong to care?
You assume the object of your affection
will reciprocate
You may be too pure to become
a general of generals
He is thinking that far ahead
The same thing you always tell me
You go all the way, too
I'm a rescued dog
I ask for no return
Ieyasu is asking for a return
from his visitors is he not?
Yes, he's now a visiting fiend
walking the da/myo ally at Fushimi
He clearly has a wolf's heart
A wolf's heart?
A wolf's heart and a dog's nature
A saying that the human heart...
can be infinitely cruel and base
Any ideas, Sakon?
Ignore leyasu and separate the lords
Lord Hideyori must move to Osaka within
5O days of the death of His Highness
The Council decided the date of death
shall be February 29 of next year
5O days from then is April
leyasu will have visited
all the lords by then
5O days have passed from
the actual date he died in August
Force the issue?
Why will a move to Osaka separate
Ieyasu from the lords?
The lords will move to Osaka
if Lord Hideyori moves
leyasu can't move because of the will
left by His Highness
leyasu shall oversee government
from Fushimi as deputy of Hideyori"
"Lord Maeda shall counsel Hideyori
at Osaka Castle"
January 1599
Hereafter his chief residence
shall be in Osaka
And when will he move?
On the tenth
Three days from now? To Osaka?
That's too soon. We won't be ready
So, if we were to go to war today
you would complain
that you won't be ready?
What's the matter, my lord?
For starters,
I now have Fushimi Castle
An impressive castle
But it will soon burn to ashes
You've grown heavier, my lord
White Snake
Who will join me in bed?
Not tonight, my lord
Your pulse is alarmingly irregular
You must be stressed from dealing
with the Toyotomis
That's why I want someone
A woman now will shorten your life
Are you sure the talks over tea
are not leaking?
We are extremely cautious
but we will increase security
You are scrupulous, whether
in running security or my harem
You know tea ceremony
I even want to hear your thoughts
on government
But White Snake" will not do
Then give me an appropriate name
What's a good name, Mitsu?
She reminds me sometimes of Lady Acha
She was pregnant with my child
Joined me at the battle of 1584
and died with the baby
Good. I'll call you Acha
Red Ear
What, White Snake?
Call me Lady Acha from now
Okay, Lady Acha
You leaked the tea conversations
to Hatsume
No, never
Sir Hyogo and you are always together
We will die together
brandishing our swords
Hatsume, what did leyasu do?
He didn't even come out to
send off the procession to Osaka
Report every detail to Gyobu
Yes, my lord
And check on his health
When will you return?
I will see you in five days in Osaka
Return safely
What's so amusing?
It sounded like you care
A dog does not deserve it
Is something the matter?
Stop calling yourself a dog
Your name is Hatsume
You are a priceless woman to me
I have a wife and five children
I cannot have a concubine
as that would betray their loyalty
But I love you more than any other
I have thought
much about the justice of love
It's a trait that hounds me,
but I cannot help it
Da I lchi Da I Man Da I K ichi
If one gives oneself for all?
The world will prosper
and hearts will be enriched
When that happens, I will abandon
my name and my house
I will travel to see other countries
and other people
Will you come with me?
I shall always serve you
You are my love
I'll be waiting in Osaka
The territory of Otani Gyobu
How many stayed despite the order?
Kiyomasa's Seven and 10 others
including Date Masamune...
remained in Fushimi to show
their allegiance to leyasu
A bit too many
leyasu is spreading word that
Osaka is preparing for war
He sent a messenger ordering
his troops to come down from Edo
Fushimi and Osaka are bracing
for imminent war
It's gamesmanship
War will not break out so easily
Lord Mitsunari wants you
to join him in Osaka presently
if your condition has not deteriorated
I still have some sight
but my legs are completely useless
You seem in pain
You can tell?
Iga women can sense others' pain
but are numbed to our own
Snow is falling
Shall I close the doors?
The cold eases my pain
Tell Mitsunari
I will depart Echizen promptly
He will be glad
Have you become his loved one?
No, sir, not at all
Let me help you
Move and you die
I'll die either way
You helped the women on the steps
That spelled your end
Clever distraction
White Snake set it up?
It's my head or yours
I'm sorry
March 3, 1599
Lord Maeda Toshiie dies
Rifle unit
Mitsunarfs mansion in Osaka
We have learned the Team of Seven
plans to attack at night in four days
So soon after Lord Maeda's death
Damn Kiyomasa!
I'll take him down with my spear
- Only 200 men here
- We have allies
You must flee for now
If he leaves now Ieyasu will enter
Osaka Castle and take over
Ieyasu wants to rule
To do so, he must cause chaos and rebellion
Given power, he'll show his true colors
It's best you retreat to Sawayama
Our true enemy is not Kiyomasa
What's the matter?
Hatsume has not returned
Just another dead dog
Think twice about using that word
It's your prerogative to mourn a soldier
But you should not let it show
You are right. I'll leave
- Then
- Wait
I want to see someone first
A man who loathes leyasu
Hosokawa's troops have come from Fushimi
They set up camp north of Osaka
My lord, one more night may be too long
Mitsunari has fled
He won't reach Sawayama
I'll press on to Fushimi
Meet up with Asano's
troops and join me later
Don't hog all the glory, Kiyomasa
Come to A izu
if you Wan t to see a man
That was a popular song in Aizu
the castle city of Uesugi's fiefdom
Of what man did they sing?
The Uesugi Army created by
the late Kenshin?
Or the counselor, Sir Naoe?
In any case, the people considered it
an ugly sight
to see 200 lords prostrating to Ieyasu
They expected something different
from the Uesugis of Aizu
Especially given their tradition
This man, Sir Naoe,
knows the expectation
There's Osaka Castle and Fushimi
Lake Biwa and Sawayama Castle
So, this is...
Mt. Fuji
The dragon is Date
And this is my home, Aizu
Have you decided?
What will Kiyomasa do?
The Team of Seven will attack my mansion
at night on the 13th
You should leave for Sawayama
I agree
Do we also agree on a plan hereafter?
You were assigned to Aizu recently
Things still need to be organized
Use that as an excuse
for Lord Uesugi to go home
I will also invite
the powerful Lord Satake
Upon your return, build many castles
across Aizu
Recruit fighters and build up our army
When threatened from the east, leyasu
will ask Lord Hideyori to declare war
He'll go east with his allies
to fight Uesugi
I will then return to Osaka
Gather those loyal to Toyotomi
and we hit him from both sides
We agree
This vision of war may be the biggest
in the history of Japan
Nothing could be
more satisfying to a man
Get him!
There may be more
My lord! It's me, Red Ear
I served you, remember? It's Red Ear
I beg your mercy
Red Ear from Ueda
You've grown old
Ninjas age twice as fast
I beg you, mercy
I would never kill you
I'm sick of being a Tokugawa dog
Please let me serve you again
- I'll do anything
- Sir Naoe!
Are you unharmed?
This ninja was once my caretaker
I'll send him if something happens
We'll let loose the horses
in the castle to run wild
During that time, Tata...
You ninjas will take Lord Mitsunari
through this alley
Sakon, Hyogo, everyone, listen
Who will hate it most if I die now?
What do you think?
Very interesting, sir
So, you approve?
I am thoroughly impressed
Tokugawa 's mansion, Fushimi
My lord is asleep
That is why you must speak to me
Honda Masanobu is your name?
I've never met you before
How very polite, sir
But I know you very well...
as I accompanied His Highness
to the castle
Mind your words, Masanobu
My words?
Who do you mean by His Highness"?
The master of this house
Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu
Disorder in words lead to disorder
in the world so listen well
His Highness" has meant the ruler
of the realm since Lord Nobunaga
After the Supreme Taiko,
his son is His Highness"
Do simpletons from Mikawa not know?
His Highness" in Kanto
means Lord leyasu
Then is a fox a badger and
a badger a fox in Kanto?
The merchants in Osaka call leyasu
the Old Badger
But is he the Old Fox in Kanto?
- How dare you, sir!
- I beg your pardon
Lord Mitsunari
Allow me to hear you
I am pursued by Kiyomasa
and the seven fools
I have nowhere to flee
I am asking your house for shelter
I should beg for protection
but have unwisely offended
Kiyomasa will arrive soon
to ask for Mitsunari
I don't see the dilemma
Why not kill him now?
That will not make our lord
the ruler of the realm
Suppose Mitsunari goes free
More lords might come to his support
Naomasa, that's the gamble
Who can conquer all without a gamble?
Acha, what do you think?
A gamble is fine, so long as it is
a well-devised fix to win
That's a fix and not a gamble
A true gamble is a fix, Masanobu
This is a gamble of my life...
my position, territory,
people, everything
All is lost if I lose
I will cast the die only after
every measure is taken to ensure...
Iwill win
Against Mitsunari
Yes. I chose Mitsunari
I agitated him and endured him
to make him my worthy adversary
I created him
My blood still boils to recall
the incident of the stick
Guard and accompany him to Sawayama
tomorrow morning
You are hiding Mitsunari
As you all know, I wish for nothing
except to do what is best
for Lord Hideyori
in Osaka
I thought much about my answer to you
Is it best to hand over Mitsunari
or keep him from you?
I asked with my whole being
Have any of you thought of what's best?
Are you pursuing Mitsunari as a result
of thorough consideration?
I will be asking you to go south
shortly to Kyushu
I swear I will turn not only my land
but all of Kyushu...
into your colors, Lord Tokugawa
Mitsunari lost...
Was not what this man thought
When he learned that Ieyasu
dismissed the Seven
he thought the venom of the dragon
stopped the venom of the snake
He was very satisfied
I'm sleeping under
the same roof as that man
Bold is this night
Amusing, indeed
Hurry UP
North of Lake Biwa, Spring 1600
I'll make it cheap
if you buy all five weaklings
Gotta bring me better ones
if you wanna sell me a package
They're better than before
Don't need the kids
Three girls
Unbind 'em
All right already. Stingy hag
Hurry the hell up
South of Lake Biwa
Sawayama Castle
leyasu declared war
on Uesugi yesterday
He'll come east in a few days
You ninjas go east where he goes
Nip this in the bud. Attack him
when he passes through your territory
You must decide
I said I will take up arms
on a matter being just
When all the world is self-interested
you said it is worthy to run alone against it
Merely running alone against
the current is madness
A man's task is to run upstream to win
That will not make us just
Justice is shattered anyway if we lose
We shall divide the land in two
in a battle for dominion
July 12
Thank you for the welcome
The lords advancing together with Ieyasu
and those on the sidelines
will lose the will to fight
if their families are held in Osaka
Even leyasu will have trouble
if hit by Uesugi from the north
and us from the west
Our solidarity will determine the rest
Our success depends
on the Mori house joining us
The Elder Mori has no sway
over his house
His deputy Lord Kikkawa and
I, his advisor, determine our course
Leave the Mori house to me
But, the Elder Mori will not move for free
Please give me a seed for persuasion
If we win, make him
the chief council of thejuni/
Then Mori becomes Tokugawa
Do as he says!
We'll fight under Lord Mori
He shall become the pillar of Toyotomi
and you shall advise him
Sir Ekei
I entrust everything to you
My lord
Be seated
We will punish Ieyasu
We will secure the reign of Toyotomi
I pray you give me your lives
Now, there is only...
swift action
Hvogo, Mai
Start an uprise in Echigo
Very good, my lord
Send messengers to the houses
of Mori, Ukita and Oda
Those to Osaka
shall await orders from Sakon
Armed forces shall immediately
dispatch to Omi
Stop those in the West
from joining Ieyasu
Kiyomasa is stuck in Kyushu
The other six are already with Ieyasu
The rest don't want to use force
Persuade them to return to Osaka
Sakon, leave for Osaka tonight
and go encourage the commissioners
And the declaration of war?
I spent all night writing it
Take this. Have the commissioners sign it
Then, deliver it posthaste to leyasu
The mansions of the lords in Osaka
are clumped around the castle
The families of the lords
are like hostages
The news of Mitsunari going to war
terrified those in the mansions
Mitsunari watched Hosokawa's mansion burn
from aboard a ship
M/tsunar/ and his men were
sailing down the Yoda River
to enter Osaka that night
Sakon, we'll to the council's chamber
Till later
Out of my way
Make haste
July 16
Find the commissioners!
They have both gone home
On this important night?
I will call them back
Kiyomasa's wife hid
in a row boat and escaped
Nagamasa's wife and mother
are also missing
It eases my conscience
to have them gone
You are hard on your allies
and easy on your enemies
A self-righteous judge
only creates enemies
Be wary of it
I know
Stay here
The counselors of Hosokawa
set their mansion on fire
Lady Gracia refused to commit suicide
So, they killed her
This is not the outcome I desire
I summoned you because you are
the enforcers of the law
We will increase patrol of the city
On the contrary
Forcefully taking hostages will
create another Lady Gracia and more
It will harden the resolve of the lords
fighting Uesugi
We must cease immediately
You were the one who urged us
to take hostages
I realized I was a fool
So I am correcting my error
That is why I am asking you
If you insist
The battle for dominion
has already started
August 20
Everyone is waiting to see what happens
Ieyasu is still in the east
If he comes, many lords will flip sides
Who cares? Where's the battlefield?
Mitsunari has taken over Ogaki Castle
He's in a stare-down there
with the frontline of the East
Which is Fukushima's castle
leyasu will attack Ogaki Castle
He's good on the field
Not at besieging castles
A siege requires
triple the men in the castle
How do you know that?
Wisdom of a ninja
Then, where is Ieyasu gonna fight?
Where two roads intersect
in Sekigahara
Lady Nene's Residence
Why the sour face?
I burned down Fushimi with Mitsunari
Forget about that
If you're surrounded by the West
You have to go with them
ls Lord leyasu unhappy with me?
He hasn't replied to my letters
Of course. He has to deceive Mitsunari
He won't even greet my messenger
Your counselors
Send their families as collateral
Who would listen?
Kuroda Nagamasa, of course!
Yep. I'll write him a letter
Nagamasa will then entreat Lord leyasu
Don't you worry
Just keep pretending
you're with the West
This is my adopted daughter
Greet the gentleman
My name is Tatsu
She's the youngest daughter of Mitsunari
Lady Nene will protect
the children of Mitsunari
It's better for the future
if Mitsunari lost
However, it's best
if his bloodline continues
Ogaki, September 7
20,000 from Young Mori and Kikkawa
marched up the bay route
1,800 from Sir Ekei,
6,600 from Chosokabe...
and another 1,500
A total of 30,000 troops arriving
Combined with the troops already here...
their total is 60,000
We are 40,000. Divided unit of
35,000 is stuck in the mountains
We lose if we fight now
Mitsunari is after Lord leyasu
He won't make a move
until His Highness arrives
And Osaka Castle?
Lady Yodo is frightened
and keeps Elder Mori there
Young Mori's troops are
climbing Mt. Nangu
Sir Kikkawa. Sir Kikkawa?
We will hold a war counsel at Ogaki
I pray you return
Sir Kikkawa
Out of my way
Sir Ekei, they're heading
toward Mt. Nangu!
The Silver Fox never listens to me
I pray you enter Ogaki Castle
He will climb if he wants
Let him go
But we have a war council tonight
Ask Elder Mori to come
We have sent messenger after messenger
to Osaka
Akasaka-Okayama and Ogaki
Both armies are at a standstill
Ieyasu does not come
There is no gun smoke
Rain showers several times a day
Ana' the nigh ts are especially cold
The East is waiting for leyasu's arrival
Mitsunari, too, was waiting
for the arrival of Lord Mori...
the Commander of the West
Naturally, Mitsunari sent for him
in Osaka many times
Some were killed en route
and some reached their destination
Elder Mari came close
to making a move at one point
But there were those who advised him
it was best to stay...
because someone connected to Ieyasu
may do something...
if he vacated Osaka Castle
So, he settled back down into stasis
I'm writing a plea to Osaka
Count them out
If the hearts of
all the generals are united
Elder Mori may be
Commander of the West
But is only thinking about his land
regardless of the outcome
The same goes for his son
and the Silver Fox
How foolish if that is true
Consider how little land
there is in Japan
leyasu will confiscate Mori's
vast territory if the West loses
There is no other land to give
as a reward to the lords of the East
This letter did not reach Osaka either
Hurry UP
Who are you?
You're battlefield thieves
Stop, please stop
September 14
The eve of battle
Ogaki Castle is that way
- That way?
- That way
- No, this way
- Which way?
- This way?
- Which is it?
Small reinforcements are arriving daily
from Satsuma afar
The East will be 100,000
We are 80,000
Yet half are high in the hills
watching from safety
This is a war of justice and injustice
We cannot lose
Gyobu, will you not enter Ogaki Castle?
Ieyasu will not attack the castle
He cannot easily leave Edo
If he does, Uesugi will attack Edo
It is natural to think
he's already left
That is illogical
You're ever the same
Here comes His Highness
His son won't make it
Don't despair
My lord, I believe the 30,000
we have now is sufficient
Well said
The generals
from the frontline are here
Let me out
Keep moving
Here's a fig, Father. Your favorite
Thanks to your father-in-law here
You are maturing well
Think of your older brother Hidetada
He's stuck in the mountain
fighting the Sanada army
35,000 men will miss my battle
What's the news on Mitsunari?
He has not yet detected your movement
How sloppy...
Mt. Matsuo, south of Sekigahara
Camp of the East's frontline
I never fell from a horse wearing
my own helmet
Raise the battle standard and the flags
Look at that!
Ogaki Castle right in front of me
Where's Ieyasu?
He has arrived at Akasaka-Okayama
Are you certain?
You said he would not leave Edo
from fear of Uesugi behind him
The war council is starting
I will restore morale
Nobukatsu, I need 500 men
Foot soldiers!
Bring your sickles and gather
We'll create a diversion
lshida rifle units!
Make haste
Kobayakawa set up camp at Mt. Matsuo
What do you think, Nagamasa?
I believe he's with you, my lord
His counselors gave...
their families as hostages
and we have exchanged covenants
I assigned our best swordsman
as their guard
Ordered to kill Lord Kobayakawa
if he turns to Mitsunari
There it is. Here we go
Battle has started at Kuise River
Bring my lunch here
Don't fall for that
Oh, no, no, no, no
They demolished us
After name tags, rouge on the lips
Sir Naoe's ninja has arrived from Uesugi
Red Ear?
Tell me on the turret
Did something happen to our ninjas?
During a war council in Kanto
every Iga ninja-
Their bodies on display
What of Hatsume?
No clue, sir
Sir Naoe said, "we were surrounded
and had to give up pursuing leyasu"
We will now head north
to fight Mogami"
You must follow leyasu...
overtake him
and report the situation"
Red Ear got these from the Eastern camps
leyasu is showing the letters
from the lords who betrayed us
Even your colleagues, my lord
Who would have guessed so many?
The East has too few troops
Did Ieyasu dispatch separate troops
by the Mountain Route?
Hidetada, accompanied by
Chancellor Honda
And 35,000 men took the route
Lord Sanada guards the Castle up there
35,000 men are stuck
in Sanada territory
Sakon, that's good news
The impact on leyasu is great
Red Ear, hereafter become
the eyes and ears of our army
Yes, my lord
Why are we waiting?
The logical action is
to rush Ogaki Castle
and take the heads of
Mitsunari and Lord Ukita
I'm telling you a siege is reckless
Mondo, scout of Lord Kuroda
reporting back, sir
Enter, Mondo
Reporting, sir
Report, I say
Reporting, sir
The troops of the West
number about 18,000
Some reported 150,000!
Collect yourself
Mondo, have you seen the rush
among Lord Ukita's forces?
I have, sir
Your thoughts?
They're rearranging camp
Not preparing to attack?
The movement started
in the afternoon
Not enough time for battle in daylight
Perhaps a night raid?
The movement is too widespread
Well said, Mondo
The West are camped atop the mountain
They seem afraid even
to come down for water
They are not warriors, but puppets
Those subtracted,
the troops on the field
number 18,000
Very well said
Your work deserves a reward
Eat this
Thank you, my lord
Good. I have decided
We will leave here tomorrow
and advance west
Very well, my lord
We know the positions of the lords
Has any seen
the camp of leyasu's vassals?
They have just erected a fence
Any moats?
None, my lord
You maY 9
It's a temporary camp
They are undoubtedly advancing west
They will likely leave some troops
to keep Ogaki Castle in check
We should vacate the castle before
they position themselves
Let's head to Sekigahara
That's just Ieyasu tryin' to confuse us
What are you suggesting, Lord Monk?
A night raid on their main camp
My army will lead
A night raid is for yokels
It's below us
With many allies cowardly standin' by
It's the only strategy
No one can betray us if we attack first-
History will mock us
if we attack at night
We will go to Sekigahara
Are you abandoning this castle?
That's what Ieyasu wants
Quiet! Let's hear him!
But, we are prepared with catapults,
boiling oil-
Here's my plan
We will lead and set up on Mt. Sasao
Lord Monk goes behind us
followed by Lord Konishi
Lord Ukita, anchor with your large army
Set up camp at South Tenma
With our troops set in Sekigahara...
we can win without Mori
And leyasu?
He lives and dies by his Buddhist flag
He will camp on Momokubari Hill
as Prince O-amano did...
1,000 years ago
Tassets should be tied down
and lamps extinguished
Gag the horses to prevent their neighing
I'm too excited to sleep
A hora basket?
First one in 18 years
Do you know the history of the hora?
Why a samurai fights
with it on his back?
To showcase his manhood?
According to a book
hora is modeled after the placenta
which prevents a fetus...
from being poisoned in the womb
Hence, the characters for hora
mean mother's covering"
Life and death are determined
both in the womb and on the battlefield
What happened when you made one
18 years ago?
Lord Nobunaga was betrayed at Honno-ji
I was in Sakai with only a few of my men
I escaped into the mountains of Iga
and was preparing for hara-k/r/
Before I killed myself
I decided to make a hora
Otani Gyobu's camp, Yamanaka Village
Yes, I have not eaten since last night
- War/gayu porridge?
- You remember?
It was His Highness' favorite
How could I forget?
You saved me back then, too
His Highness was being unreasonable
Nobody takes a grindstone to hunt
Still, a mere page cannot argue
And you said we can chop up
three cups of rice easily
All the pages took
our swords out and-
Started chopping
We have begun moving
I'll move my camp
I will advance to Mt. Matsuo
Just in case Kobayakawa betrays us
It's too late for him to betray us
I'm sorry about Hatsume
Just a ninja who didn't return
Still... I'm sorry
She's alive
She can't die so easily
I won't allow it
Meet Lord Kobayakawa
Let him see who you are
You demand too much
I won't send you off. Forgive me
I will always remember
the taste of this porridge
The Shimazus are expert night raiders
Increase the night watch
I have finally come to where dominion
is within my reach
It's all because of...
the hora
Look, it's finished
My lord
Mitsunari's army has just departed
Ogaki Castle
Have they? Order all troops to advance
Position my own army of 30,000
on Momokubari Hill
The battle will be determined...
at Sekigahara
The foot of Momokubari Hill
Lord Fukushima Masanori's forces
Who are you that move ahead...
of the spearhead troops?
We belong to Lord Ukita
Enemy tFOOPS?
Let us move slowly
We'll move slowly
Mt. Matsuo
We will ask the Emperor
to appoint you Regent
and guardian of Lord Hideyori
You would buy me the regency?
A warrior fights for his position
That would be "farmer"
for the Toyotomis
The times allow the lowly
to climb to success
My parents were peasants
I was adopted by a beggar priest
That is why...
I understand His Highness' admiration
of Lady Yodo
I am Regent. And you?
I will give away everything and travel
To find my loved one
I do not understand you
I could not save 20 women
at the riverbank
But I retained the 30 samurai
who lost their master
They are all warriors fit
to serve a regent
They will support you
in every conceivable way
Confucius taught selflessness
Mencius taught justice
in a degenerate age
Justice alone can establish
a world without chaos
We need the justice of Mencius
to preserve order in our land
Injustice must not defeat justice
Red smoke will be the signal...
for you to attack
We'll to Momokubari Hill
The spear and rifle units are not ready
No matter
His Highness rides out
His Highness will establish headquarters
on Momokubari Hill
Collect yourselves
Stay calm
Mt. Sasao
Headquarters of Mitsunari
September 15, 1600
Lord Mitsunari is arrived
Don't lag behind
I'm not lagging
There's some tunnels in Sekigahara
We'll hide there till the battle ends
There are a lot of them
Dammit! You gotta be kidding me
We're right in the middle of
the two armies
Run away
Don't drop it!
This is the captive from Chosen?
Yes, my lord
He is fearless. He let himself become
captive to stay with his fo/angj/
Fo/angji? These brass cannons?
Yes, he is the best at handling them
We depend on you
Ukita's force of 17,000 arrived
We are in position now
And the enemy formation?
Here, my lord
Well done
Red Ear, how can you help us best?
What do you want to do?
I would like to go after
leyasu's head, my lord
Shimazu fireworks
Chuman, would you stop
throwing things in?
These are all useless
This goes over there
I said stop it!
All gather!
Here are your formations
Pay no heed to Mitsunari's orders
once battle begins
Shimazu will march to its own drum
What if the enemy attacks?
Don't shoot first
But shoot if they get too close
Yes, my lord
Take the wedge formation
Get in formation!
Moriatsu, get them sutras started
Right away
7 a.m., Momokubari Hill
Can't something be done about this fog?
The spearhead of this monumental battle
should be a Tokugawa vassal
Lord Fukushima cares only about
killing Mitsunari. He is not loyal to you
He will boast of
leading the charge forever!
Naomasa, this is the first battle of
Tadayoshi, your son-in-law
Wouldn't you like him to observe
the frontlines?
Yes, my lord
At last
They beat us to it
My helmet! Horse! Drums!
All men, charge!
Bang the drums!
Ukita's troops of the West
Kuroda's troops of the East
Spear units, forward
Flank the left!
Sakon and Game's units have penetrated
Kuroda's troops
Flank the right
Is that Shima Sakon?
Yes, my lord
Trample them
Prun to !
Firing angle confirmed!
F0g0 g
Momokubari Hill,
Ieyasu's headquarters
leyasu's own troops are watching the battle
from Momokubari Hill
Our time is now
We can win! Signal Ukita's troops
for a full attack
Shika, you go to Sakon and tell him
to take courage
What about the red smoke signal
for Lord Kobayakawa?
- We launched one
- Launch another
Advance the front line
Spear units, forward
We'll push forward
Make haste
Target Shima Sakon
Sir Sakon!
Warm up the intestines and slowly
put them back
Use barked willow for a brace
How is he?
He can fight, once he's stanched
Kuroda will fall
if Shimazu attacks the flanks
- Any movement from Shimazu?
- None, my lord
Go to Shimazu and demand they attack
No, I'll go
Bring my horse
Be not reckless, my lord
Why isn't there movement
from Mt. Matsuo?
Otani and Ukita can be destroyed
if Kobayakawa moves
ls there no report from Kuroda?
Is he doing nothing?
Send a messenger
I'll light a fire under Lord Kuroda
We will advance
- Do not shoot
- Hold fire
It's Mitsunari's men
- Don't shoot
- It's lshida's men
Hold your fire
What the hell? They said hold fire
I know!
Stay. I'll go alone
Why are you not attacking?
Kuroda will flee before us if you move
Victory is in reach
The West will lose
Behold the battlefield
Our only troops on the field are from
Otani, Ukita, Konishi and lshida
None of the large reinforcements
are making a move
And, yet, we are still
standing our ground
Our chance was in a night raid
Did you forget we opposed
fighting here?
We are in the midst of battle
Our Shimazu troops are only 1,000
We'll make no difference in the outcome
A great general is one who moves
the many troops who refuse to move
Does the Lord Monk
share your opinion?
So, we just gotta each do our best
in this battle today
You should take that to heart, too
Good luck
My lord. You must help Lord Tokugawa
MY lord!
Kuroda, where is Lord Kobayakawa?
You shall address me as Lord Kuroda
That is not an answer
Kobayakawa is none of my business
It's pointless coming to me
at this hour
I have no talent in negotiating
My gift is in fighting
I'll tell His Highness so
I'll think about it
after I dismantle Mitsunari
Any movement from Mt. Matsuo?
No, my lord
My lord, send me there
Where is Sakon?
Defending below the cliff
See him before you go
Presently! Make haste!
Get a horse for Nobukatsu!
Follow me
Hammer them!
Spread out
Spear unit, advance!
I am headed to Mt. Matsuo
There's so much
I should have done for you
No, sir, I could not have asked
for anything more
Cross in front of the Shimazus
and head to the back of Mt. Matsuo
Slow down for nothing
Shield unit forward
Spear unit forward
What did Kuroda say?
He has no skills in negotiation,
only in fighting
True indeed
Acha, have you seen this instrument?
Is that what they call a telescope?
A shipwrecked Dutch captain had it
Everything looks twice as big
Take a look
Don't drop it
Oh, my!
My lord
Don't hesitate! Stab the both of us!
Do it!
Stand your ground
I will kill any who retreats
Onward to leyasu's headquarters
Move ahead of the Otani troops
My lord, do not let
any more die unnecessarily
3 hours later
Mitsunari's camp, Mt. Sasao
Retreat, retreat!
Clear the way!
Kobayaka wa 's headquarters
My lord! You must decide
I must see Lord Kobayakawa himself
Where is Lord Kobayakawa?
Hold! Hold I say!
Out of my way!
If you will not attack Otani, we will
My lord, please stop
You shall not! I will not let you
My lord, I beg you, stop
I am Shima Nobukatsu
servant of Lord Ishida Mitsunari
I beg you, heed my lord's plea
Please, please
- I will help Mitsunari
- My lord!
I will help Mitsunari
- My lord!
- Put up your sword
We will attack leyasu
Kill leyasu
Gore, what have you done?
My lord, now you may freely
attack the West
Attack the West!
No, no, that's not what I want
Attack Otani!
Lady Nene is preserving
Mitsunari's blood
I shall preserve Mitsunari
I shall attack leyasu
Kobayakawa's troops
annihilated Otani's men
MY Lord!
Kobayakawa's men are coming
My time is up
Gosuke! Do not let the enemy
take my head
Take care of Sakon's wife, Hanano
Survive with her
My lord
I will die on this battlefield
Forgive me
This is a medical tent
Are you wounded? Shall I treat you?
Escape now with your son, I pray you
The kid did it
Shout out the battle cry
But that's for the start of battle
Now is indeed that time!
All troops attack!
1 p.m.
5 hours from the start of battle
Are you harmed, my lord?
I told your wife and son to flee
I thank you
And Gyobu?
His troops and Ukita's are destroyed
Why what?
Why the battle cry?
The only thing left for us is
to consider how we will go in defeat
Pointless to die now
Nobody can read a person's intentions
or the outcome of a battle
It is best you flee
What will you do?
I will blow up justice...
as a testament to my life
A mountain behind Shimazu's camp
This is it
Did they surrender?
Where is Mitsunari?
Their camp is surrounded
We sent word to urge surrender, but-
Trample them
Press them all the way
(My brothers in arms!)
Tomokatsu, go help him
Yes, mother
Are you Hanano?
Are you of Lord Mitsunari's house?
I once served him
Where's Lord Mitsunari?
He probably...
Let us flee together
Before the East hunts us down
We'll blast open the enemy camp in two
and run right through them
3 p.m.
The cowards on Mt. Nangu
escaped long ago
She must be from the village
I pity her
Mitsunari escaped to his former territory
An old farmer friend helped him
The farmer risked his life to hide Mitsunari
And Within a few days
Mitsunari was healthy again
When pursuers drew near,
the farmer urged Mitsunari to flee
Mitsunari was immovable
To flee would mean the death of the farmer
That is no way
to repay the man's justice
Go alert the authorities
You will save my name to do so
Mitsunari waited for his fate
All the while, he never considered
killing himself on his own blade
Otsu Castle
I cannot decide what to do with him
For now
Place a mat in front of the gate
Have him sit there awhile
Who have we here? Lord Mitsunari?
You started an ill-advised war
against Lord Tokugawa
who is the greatest
samurai lord of Japan
Look at you now
A halfwit like you will never understand
the heart of someone like me
Be gone. You ruin the view
Fate determines who wins or loses
Still, your shame must be unbearable
You are kind
Give us some time alone
I failed to requite your good faith
I became entangled by leyasu
over many years
I succumbed to injustice
Forgive me
Last night, leyasu's men asked me
why I refuse to kill myself
I told them my heart is only known
to him who started all of this
To tell you the truth
I want to stay alive a little longer...
to see that those I care for
are still living
You are one of them
Wipe away your tears and insult me
It will please Ieyasu
All of this was reported to Ieyasu
He finally nodded and said
I'II meet him. Treat him with respect
No words were exchanged
Dai Ichi Dai Man Dai Kichi
This is my justice
October 1, 1600
Ishida Mitsunari dies. He was 41