Sel8nne (2013)

"My time will come"
"I'll play as long as it's fun"
Teemu wants to quit on top
Teemu Selanne:
"I take everything too lightly"
He is a tremendous hockey
player with a lot of class.
And he's only getting better.
We boo the other players
who have come back -
but Teemu... it will be one of
the biggest cheers ever. I guarantee it.
2012 June
Helsinki-Vantaa Airport
I'm not good at being alone.
I am happiest
when I get to do things -
and do them with others.
Therefore, it was obvious
that whatever I do -
I do it with other people.
When you meet Teemu -
there is immediately
a positive aura -
that is emotionally charged.
He symbolizes Anaheim.
When someone thinks of the Anaheim Ducks,
they think of Teemu Selanne.
There's always a bunch
of people around him.
There is always something happening.
Teemu's bad at making decisions.
It's frustrating.
Teemu want to arrive
and he wants to win.
I think Teemu's intelligence as
a hockey player is unsurpassed.
Teemu has always hated losing.
Every time we put on
skates -
we are taking a pretty big risk.
A hit or a skate blade
against your neck -
can end your life.
Hi, Bob. It's Teemu.
How're you doing?
I'm good.
Yeah, I have actually.
You can count me in. I'm
really excited about it.
I'm ready to come back
for one more year.
An average NHL career
is about four years.
These are the last moments
I can still play there.
It would be sad to end the career
just because there is a lockout.
It was the weekend before
I would start serving in the army.
I was celebrating my last
"free" weekend with my friends.
We slept at a friend's place.
For some reason I felt
very nauseous in the morning.
My friend's mom
woke us up and said,
"Teemu, you have been drafted to the NHL."
I asked where.
"To Winnipeg."
"First round."
I turned -
and went back to sleep.
When I woke up, I asked again
which team it was.
Here in Finland many people told me -
That I won't succeed in the NHL.
I was hungry
and wanted to show myself -
I can play there
and play well.
It was easy to go there
because they had other finns.
Teppo put me on cleaning duty.
Teppo had played there for four years.
It helped a lot.
Teemu trusted Teppo so
much that in the morning -
he never knew
when training began.
He always phoned Teppo.
This is Winnipeg Jets'
last training -
before the season's first game tonight.
Winnipeg's biggest newspaper
celebrates the new star.
"Selanne is one of
the best players in the world -
And maybe the Jets' most interesting
player in a long time. "
It was great pressure on me.
I had not played yet.
I knew how people found out
What kind of the new guy is.
Location was the Cow Palace,
San Jose.
We played power play -
and I shot from
my own position.
It went in under the glove.
It was like a snowball
going downhill.
My confidence grew.
He's such a phenomenal talent.
I just couldn't take my eyes off him,
when I watched Winnibeg play.
I scored and I knew
I'd get another one.
I was so hungry.
Three years from now will Winnipeg
be able to afford Teemu Selanne?
If the Jets are in the NHL
they'll have to.
Don treated me like a son.
He was much more
than an agent.
We trained in the morning.
I was in charge of the training sessions.
I was on the ice
when the team came out.
The door was open.
I wondered what was going on.
Teemu's not there.
He was a rookie,
our youngest players.
Everyone else was ready for training.
Suddenly he came on the ice.
He had a plastic bucket on his head.
On the bucket there
was the word "Domi."
Domi came from
New York Rangers.
Tie Domi got angry
and went after Teemu.
They skated around the rink -
but obviously he
can't catch Teemu.
Everyone laughed.
And I would train them...
Domi was an enforcer
and a good friend of mine.
Phil Housley had an important role
when Teemu broke the rookie record.
We had a unique chemistry
when we were out there.
Being able to read each other, find each other,
and we just knew where we were gonna be.
Selanne taking a pass from Phil Housley.
I think he got 20 breakaways
during the season.
Even though the teams knew we were gonna
do that play, we still executed it.
I went home after training
in the afternoon.
Head coach, John Paddock,
called me.
He was sick and could not come to the game.
I was the head coach.
It was the first game
he had a chance of -
beating a legendary record.
It was my first game
as head coach.
The game was suspended for half an hour.
People made speeches.
Teemu got a car.
The car came in
with Paavo behind the wheel.
Teemu went forward.
The audience stood up and applauded.
It is indescribable.
People didn't realise then -
that Teemu's record
will probably never be broken.
We were on a boat trip
from Helsinki to Rauma.
In Turku my wife began feeling
it was time.
We went to the University Hospital
for a radiograph.
We were told that we would have twins.
Teemu was born 20 minutes before me.
It was crowded,
so I kicked him out.
Paavo is conscientious,
warm-hearted and diligent.
A proper old-fashioned boy.
Teemu, on the other hand,
was very purposeful.
He is also warm-hearted
and helpful.
He is wise
and very social.
The boys started
skating in Lauttasaari -
when they were four.
We bought skates
and they got to skate in the park.
The stick was like a third leg.
It made it easier
to stand up.
I remember when we moved to Nykki.
Suddenly we had a villa.
We had a large garden.
We had no close neighbors,
which was fun.
We often had a dozen kids
who played and did everything possible -
in our garden.
Sometimes our kids were not even there.
We also made films.
Tidy up that old hag.
- Okay, sure.
The sports park in upper Kivenlahti
The boys came
always here during the winter.
The boys didn't have time for mischief
because they were always here.
Our parents were strict.
Strong-willed children need
strong-willed parents.
Discipline was needed,
especially with twins.
We did get to practice with Panu first.
With three guys you have to be determined.
The boys always
carried their own equipment -
and took care of it.
If they didn't hang
up the equipment to dry -
they had to play in damp gear.
Teemu has probably never
complained about the discipline.
He appreciates it now.
In Nykki we weren't allowed to shower -
If we hadn't run or trained.
We had bedtime at nine
until we were fifteen.
Dad thought that young people need rest.
I also believe -
that rest is important
for development.
We leave in half an hour.
Take a shower, I'll make breakfast.
Paavo's role was
trying to keep up with Teemu -
and ensure that he doesn't do anything stupid.
Teemu didn't like it
because Paavo was more sensible.
He wouldn't do some things Teemu would.
The rules in the rink -
were almost the only rules
he respected.
Paavo always saved and
hid his weekly allowance.
Panu and I wasted ours
and looked for Paavo's stash.
If we found his money,
we splurged it, too.
But when we got caught -
Paavo got our allowances
next week.
Change the vests. You must wear your own.
- Okay.
Panus buddies started drinking.
Then they started using drugs -
and hard drugs.
In the end, they got involved in crime.
My name is Panu Selanne,
Teemus and Paavo's big brother.
I am four years older.
I have no title at the moment.
Panu has been our
family's black sheep.
I was a good bad example.
Selanne streaking down the right side -
and Selanne scores!
I had never seen another player
with such passion to score.
It was our last game
of the season.
I had scored 1 goal more
than Alexander Mogilnyj -
before the last games.
We competed
for the NHL goal scoring title.
Buffalo's game at the East Coast
was over before ours began.
He scored twice.
He had 76 goals against my 75.
I had a chance.
I scored a goal
in the second period.
We had a 5-on-3 powerplay
at the end of the game.
The guys tried their best
to help me score -
but I couldn't.
Later Mogilnyj
and I became friends -
so it was fun to share the honor.
And The Calder Award goes to...
... Teemu Selanne.
I appreciate recieving this award.
Especially when this year
we had so many good rookies.
I don't want to forget to say
thanks to many people in Finland -
who have helped me so much
in making this night possible. Thank you.
When you come to a new team
and a new city -
teammates usually help you to
find a place to live, a car and so on.
Sirpa and I looked at many houses.
When I saw this house,
I said "Wow!"
We were here for over two hours.
I looked around, thinking.
On the way home I said to Sirpa -
that we can't
go back to our old house.
We must do it. We'll buy it.
So we bought it and now
we have lived here for over 12 years.
This is an incredible place.
We love it.
My life is perfect now
with the NHL lockout.
He helps me at home
and takes the boys to training.
I cook!
There are seven people
here all the time.
There are six in the family -
and now we have Tatu, 17,
living here.
He is my nephew.
Turn there.
Eemil scored a goal
and Tatu scored twice.
The boys take hockey seriously.
I don't have time for any own hobbies -
when I have two sons
at different ages.
He looked like a small crow
during the first practice.
His hair stood up...
he was so excited.
He wore swetpants
and sneakers.
Not fishing clothes, but almost.
We bought a trailer for the family.
We drove around Finland
to the children's tournaments.
I also kept on with athletics.
I played football,
hockey and bandy.
and I also trained skating.
I was quite small,
even when I was 13-14.
My football and hockey coaches said
that athletics might suit me better.
I was fast,
but still persistent.
I competed in 60 and 100
but even 1,000 meters.
Teemu Selnne's free kick.
A very hard shot.
At 15 years old Teemu trained
with the national junior team in football.
Then he had to choose
between football and hockey.
Hitherto Teemu played
in Espoon Jklubi -
which was a successful team
in boys born in 1970.
They were unofficial Finnish champion.
They had so many boys
they had two teams: A1 and A2.
Paavo was the goalie of A2
and Teemu stayed in A1.
Jorma lkonen,
Teemus coach at the time -
did a fine job
and taught him the basics.
He taught Teemu to skate.
It was clearly
that the family went for the one -
which had better resources.
My twin brother Paavo
didn't have the same motivation -
getting up
to the highest level.
One must have a great desire -
and fight his way up with his elbows
if necessary.
I was a bit annoyed when dad
didn't drive me to training -
As often as he drove Teemu.
I felt sorry for Paavo
who dragged his big bag along -
already as a little boy.
Paavo's also really funny.
Teemu and Paavo often joke -
and sometimes become a
bit angry with each other.
I think Paavo
is a little smarter than Teemu.
But don't tell Teemu
that I said this.
Paavo has supported Teemu
in an admirable way -
throughout Teemu's career.
He has been a big part
of Teemu's life.
He has encouraged and defended him.
One more game.
I transferred from Espoon Jklubi
to Jokerit when I turned fifteen.
At the same time Jokerit got
a new coach, Leo iks.
Teemu was not a child star
at the time.
He trained passionately.
I think his father was
part of Teemus exercising -
in a way I did not know.
I was a little scared and thought -
that the father might be
demanding too much of him.
I retired from the coaching
when Teemu got a professional trainer.
I was not bitter or sad -
but I missed it.
Leo became like a second father.
Teemu's appetite was incredible.
I have never seen anything like it.
One time we ate steak.
Teemu ate his in a flash.
He asked if I was still hungry
and if there were any leftovers.
I gave him my own steak.
He often takes food
from others' plates.
Everything went fine.
Anything could happen.
When we trained hard,
Teemu's knee problems began.
There were growing pains.
It was like a bullet in the knee.
He would have had to play,
but he could not.
He crawled back to the bench from the ice.
We tried to get on
alternative exercises.
We knew he must train.
Some painkillers
probably would have helped -
but we did not use any.
Daddy massaged Teemus
knees so he could sleep.
And he liked it -
because he always asked me to
massage the knees.
I had a lot of pain
for about a year.
If everyone would have liked
winning as much as Leo -
We would have been invincible.
As a coach, I aim to win -
and also to maintain the team's wellbeing -
and let the players
develop as individuals.
I demand punctuality
and good manners.
We also talked about the school.
Everything can not be about hockey.
Parental demands for Teemu's
schoolwork was not as severe.
It was an unspoken deal
that he can invest in sports.
The message I got from home
was clear:
"Do things you enjoy."
When we saw that Teemu was talented
and loved to play -
, it was clear that he can
study later in life if he wants to.
He didn't do much
homework in high school.
He copied mostly from me.
Or I did his homework.
It was a good idea
until there was a test.
When I barely passed
our parents told -
that it didn't look particularly good.
I had to
brush up on my school work a little.
Then I got mediocre grades.
It didn't require much.
After the elementary school, I thought
about what I wanted to do.
I went into
commercial school.
I trained
in the morning -
and went to school and ate lunch.
Sometimes I ate twice.
During the second year
I didn't even have my books with me.
I never graduated.
I knew I didn't need it.
I asked people
if there was any kindergarten -
that needed help.
In the beginning he got paid,
but when the contract ran out -
he worked in exchange for food.
It was a fun job.
I got to play and clown
with six-year-old pre-school children.
The working hours were perfect,
nine to one.
I got to think of something
other than hockey for a while.
And it forced me to
get out of bed.
One day I noticed
that he was unusually quiet.
I sensed that something had happened.
I remember it was
a sunny spring day.
Or maybe it was summer.
Our parents asked us to
get to the kitchen.
They told us what would happen.
We thought they were so independent -
that we could get divorced.
They waited until you were 15
before they divorced.
The children took it sensibly.
I rebelled a little.
The divorce was a surprise.
At least for Teemu and me.
Was it? - It was a shock.
At least for me.
We had never seen them argue.
They kept it all hidden -
to create a healthy home.
I wondered why we didn't travel together.
We were later told
who they traveled with.
It was hard to accept that
dad had a new woman in his life.
We probably didn't treat Kirsi
as well as she'd deserve.
Teemu did not accept that a new
woman took his mother's place.
He became engaged at age 16.
Teemu searched
security and stability in our relationship.
Anu was a good athlete.
She was a finswimmer.
Teemu has always been
charismatic and charming.
It was a surprise when Teemu,
normally smart -
came and asked for money.
300 Marks.
It was a large sum.
I asked why.
He said he would tell me later.
We got engaged
quickly and merrily.
I was told that he needed
money for a ring.
Teenage Love is tough.
Anu was an exchange student
in Seattle for a year.
I even sold my
motorbike -
so that I could fly there
and see Anu.
After that Teemu
became better known -
and people were more interested -
than when I got him
for myself.
I had no time
for a girlfriend anymore.
Not a steady one anyway.
We rode motorcycles together.
We went around Finland every summer.
We turned many cities
upside down.
It's fun to look back to the time
when I played in Jokerit.
There was a great atmosphere
around the whole team.
I became his secretary
when he started in Jokerit.
Sometimes, I received mail from
girls who sent nude pictures.
It felt incredible.
I opened and read all the letters.
If there were issues,
I asked Teemu's opinion.
He became a star that year.
He was the best
player in Finland -
when Jokerit won the Finnish championship.
We created his stardom
It was not hard.
He is a natural star.
He shoots!
He scores!
He became the "milk boy" then.
The advertisements were made in the USA.
It was really good advertising.
Teemu also has
narcissistic traits.
He wants to be the best -
and maybe not the hottest,
but whatever.
He doesn't drink only milk.
Product of the Month
is Teemu Selanne...
No other athlete
has been featured in more -
nonsense articles than Teemu.
Teemu sells papers.
Media has always treated
him with kid gloves.
It's because Teemu
can charm people.
Media has always treated me well.
I have also tried to live in a way -
that does not cause
any major scandals.
Once I'd buy
candy or something with the kids -
when I saw the headline.
I turned the children's heads
and suggested another store.
People like to talk
about negative things.
One hears rumors about Teemu
or even me.
People often point out that
hockey players, -
athletes and stars
often have women around him.
One must remember -
what acting stupidly
can cost.
We both are pretty jealous.
Many people find it hard to believe
Teemu is also is jealous.
No one can come between two people
if there is no room.
When I came back to Finland
there was much hubbub.
I had to learn to deal with it.
People I know asked me to come
to Corporate events.
I had a lot of sponsor stuff
I had promised to do.
Sometimes I came home
at ten o'clock in the evening.
I called Sirpa and told her to take my running shoes
and come to
the Kirkkonummi intersection -
so that I could train even a little.
I recall the journey
back to North America.
I sat on the plane -
and thought:
"Thank God, now I can rest."
And I can assure you of
that the NHL is not a resting place.
I learned a lesson
and grew as a person.
Sometimes you have to be selfish.
Our mothers met
before we were born.
I was head
in a retirement home in Ruskeasuo.
Sirpa's parents lived there.
When my oldest son, Panu, was born -
I went there on
prenatal counseling.
Sirpa's mom was there with
Sirpa's sister, Jaana.
My mother became pregnant with me -
and after a year Liisa became pregnant
with Teemu and Paavo.
Liisa borrowed
the maternity dress of my mother.
Our mothers had the same
maternity dress when we were on our way.
We moved to Lauttasaari,
but we kept in touch.
Our kids played together
and such.
Then we didn't see very often.
Our families had other things.
When Paavo graduated from high school -
Sirpa and her parents
came to the party.
I think it was actually
the next day after the graduation party.
I got home from training.
He had worn out
Adidas sweatpants.
He pulled down his pants
and showed us his underpants.
We thought he was pretty bold.
I thought immediately
that she was very pretty.
We talked all evening.
When Sirpa and her parents left
I thought there was
something special about her.
I was a bit shy and wondered
if I could call her.
Teemu asked me to
call Sirpa's mother -
And ask if
Sirpa had a boyfriend.
I called and asked -
if she wanted to come to a
Pink Floyd concert with me.
The mothers were very happy
because the families knew each other.
They thought it was nice
that the children were together.
Teemu was a very popular young man.
He had lots of girl fans.
We wondered if we could walk hand in hand -
or if fans would disagree.
I was conscious about it
in some interviews.
I wanted the girls to know
that Teemu had a girlfriend.
I got married first
of my buddies.
We had decided that whenever there's a stag party -
we design a tattoo
for the groom.
I was blindfolded.
I didn't know
where we were going.
I thought we were at the strip club.
I was hoping that, anyway.
Then I heard the sound
of a tattoo machine.
"Holy shit!"
The guys had drawn a picture -
of Finnish flag
with a lightning bolt through.
When the tattoo artist recognized
it was me in the chair -
he became so confused
that the flag's colors were reversed.
It looks like a "Swedish Flash."
When I played in Colorado
with Peter Forsberg -
he said: "I knew it."
"Deep inside, you always have
wanted to be Swedish."
Teemu had a friend
he had known for a long time.
That friend leaked photos
from Teemu's wedding -
to the magazine "7 piv."
The friendship ended right there.
It was an easy choice
I bought salty licorice candy
I bought every salty licorice candy
in the whole store
Then I was banned from the
store for the rest of my life
There was much talk
that you would play in SM-liiga.
But you stayed in Jokerit
and Division One.
Why this decision?
I thought the
league is too tough right now -
since I willl
start doing military service in June -
at the Defence Forces Sports School.
Jokerit played in division one
and the team was almost bankrupt.
HIFK also wanted us.
But Jokerit had a coach
named Leo iks.
I don't know what he was doing,
perhaps it had something to do with money -
But he got Teemu
to stay in Jokerit.
We were four 18 year-old players -
who decided to stay another year.
Keijo Silynoja, Waltteri lmmonen
and Mika Strmberg.
I should have known
that now I have to do a good bid.
But I did not.
A big mistake.
It was a tough year.
I played about 120 matches.
I played for Jokerit and also their junior team,
the national junior team -
and the army team.
The fifth games in Division One's
promotion series were played today.
Jokerit led 3 to 1
after the first period.
Match result was 5 to 2.
It was 19. October 1989.
It felt as if my whole life had just stopped.
Jokerit against JYP in overtime.
I remember the time.
It was 60:56.
A guy tried to hit me
and I tried to get away.
My foot got stuck
between his legs and he fell.
You could see from the leg
that this was something serious.
We thought his career was over.
I tried to get up -
but I realized that my foot was hanging like this.
Both bones had been broken.
It was only
tendons and skin that held it together.
I cried
and so did Teemu.
I woke up many times during the night
and wished that it was a nightmare.
I missed a whole year.
I had a long plaster
for three months.
I remember when
plaster was removed.
I didn't know if I should
laugh or cry.
The leg was just skin and bones.
I thought that everything is over.
I trained one month just to
learn to walk again.
Afterwards I told
that he needed it.
It was a good thing.
I no longer took for granted
that I was healthy -
and that my body worked.
Ever since I was little -
we've said evening prayers
before bedtime.
I believe in God
and a higher power.
Teemu took to prayer.
When he said his prayers -
he mentioned all the friends
that God should protect.
It was not enough that
he prayed for his cousins.
I remember what he said -
"Dear God, let Leonid Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter
become really good friends."
15000 euro for both organizations.
I want to thank you all.
Our family will come to Finland
in mid-June.
I have three things I must do:
Children's Hospitals' golf tournament -
my Finnish Flash Golf Tournament
and a hockey camp in Vuokatti.
Markus Ketterer, Waltteri lmmonen,
Keijo Silynoja and I -
started a hockey camp -
so we wouldn't need to
go to other people's camps.
We decided to
make it a charity thing.
This year is our 18th anniversary.
Our reward is
that we see young people having fun.
Our reward is
when we hear the nurses tell -
how patients cope
many days without painkillers.
The boys get so excited.
At home I hug
my kids a little extra.
I have been very lucky.
These passes are dangerous.
Teemu Selanne on a breakaway.
A perfect ending.
I remember when I had the broken leg....
I flew in America to see
three playoff games.
I remember how I watched those guys.
The hatred between the teams
was totally sick.
The teams played ugly and hard.
I remember when I got home.
I felt a surge of motivation.
I didn't know
if I could play in the NHL -
but I decided
to work hard.
I also practiced boxing.
Jokerit was near bankruptcy.
A friend and I bought the team.
Hjallis and I got Teemu
to stay in Finland for another year.
Teemu was riding in my car once.
I thought:
"Damn, I'm not letting him out -
until we have a contract."
Jokerit players throw
their sticks and gloves up.
We were far superior.
Jokerit are Finnish champions
of the 1991-92 season.
Jokerit's last championship was in 1973.
What did you do then?
- Shoveled shit in a sandbox.
But you won't in any case play
in Finland next season.
Probably not.
It was as inserting
money in the bank -
When he played in Jokerit
for another year.
When I think of
my time with Jokerit -
it makes me warm inside.
Deep inside he is a Jokeri.
If you ask me,
, he has always been -
one of the most important figures
in Jokerit.
In the NHL there is a rule
that if you don't have a contract -
within three years
after being drafted -
you'll become a free agent.
It happened to me.
Don and I flew to San Jose.
The team was very interested.
While we were there we got a
phone call from the Calgary Flames.
We decided to fly to Calgary.
In the end, we signed a
contract with Calgary.
Winnipeg matched their offer,
so I started my career there.
He has been a good investment -
Both on and off the ice.
We are like racehorses.
As long as we run good -
they take care of us.
When we can't manage to run anymore -
they make sausages out of us.
People thought it was a shame
when the team left town.
There is nothing more
than hockey in Winnipeg.
Three of us had the same salary:
Alexei Zjamnov,
Keith Tkachuk and me.
The team had
to sell one of us.
The PR manager gave me a phone -
and said that the owner
wanted to talk to me.
The owner called me and said, -
there's lots of rumors but that
I definitely was not for sale.
10 days later
we trained in our home rink -
when I was asked to leave to
answer a phone call.
The General manager
said that he had had a tough day -
and that he had sold me.
After a minute's silence
I asked where I'm going.
"To Anaheim."
Again there was a moment of silence
and after that I said "Thank you."
Sirpa was nearly nine months pregnant.
A few weeks earlier
Sirpa had asked me -
if I would take her to Disneyland.
I promised I
would do it one day.
Then I drove home.
Sirpa immediately noticed that
something was wrong.
She asked what had happened.
I said that now she can go
to Disneyland every day -
if she so desires.
I said we have been
sold to Anaheim.
I went there the
very next day.
I had conflicting emotions.
I knew it would be fun to play in Anaheim.
I knew I would
get to play with Paul Kariya.
I remember the first morning
in Anaheim after I was sold.
It was probably 26 degrees Celsius.
I walked out from the hotel
to get breakfast.
It was truly a paradise.
Two weeks later, I flew back
to Winnipeg for Eemil's birth.
We had decided
to trigger the birth.
Everything was arranged around
my schedule.
It was a bit funny
but I wanted to be there.
I was quite nervous.
Three o'clock Teemu phoned
and said they had a boy.
I remember the incredible feeling -
when I got to hold my own child.
I took out my buddies
to celebrate the birth.
We were out a little later
than we had planned.
I flew to Anaheim in the morning.
In the evening I had a game.
I was completely exhausted.
After warming up
I wanted almost skip the match.
But I had skipped a match
already, so I did not complain.
I started playing -
I do not know
where the energy came from -
but I had a great night.
After the game, I wasn't even tired.
I even had
a hat trick.
How ya doin'?
- Good!
Paul Kariya and I became
good friends.
I had met him
at the all-star game -
two weeks before I was sold.
He joked that
I should play in Anaheim.
Everything Teemu did,
shooting, passing -
he did it at top speed.
I also liked to do
everything at top speed.
If I had good chemistry with a player before -
maybe he was intelligent and a good passer,
but he couldn't do it at top speed -
or maybe he was just a good goal scorer.
Teemu did everything at top speed
and at the highest level.
We just knew where
each other was on the ice.
Paul needed somebody like Teemu
to bring him out of his shell.
He was very quiet.
He needed somebody upbeat and
positive and... noisy.
I got half of my pay for my playing
and the rest because I
taught Paul to be a human.
When we got to a hotel -
he ran to the hotel
to avoid signing autographs.
I learned from Paul his
dedication to hockey -
and to everything he did.
I have never seen anything like it.
Who's gonna pay the whole bill?
I took all the cards and I
held Paul's card like this.
I squeezed it so hard
he couldn't get it.
And Paul wondered: "how I always
lose the big ones?"
You never told me that.
2012-2013 SEASON
I have often laughed
with the other women -
that the NHL is like a kindergarten.
These adult males
can't say no to anything.
Pretty demanding of your schedule and your energy
to go out there every game and trying to perform your best.
You can't find the same things
anywhere else as from your team -
and life in the NHL.
Sometimes it's a roller-coaster.
One's emotions go up and down.
It is a love-hate relationship.
It's easy to live
according to certain procedures.
You don't have to think
on something else.
Off the ice
he offers leadership.
He's a leader by nature.
Then he brings an upbeat uproach.
He is a positive guy.
Doesn't matter if you won 5 to 1
lost 8 to 1.
He's happy and excited to
be a hockey player.
He brings positive energy to the team.
It's almost impossible to replace that.
Five games, seven days.
I get to play enough.
We have two kinds of days:
game day and between days.
They are quite alike.
A game day morning workout
is optional.
I often come to the arena
not knowing whether I will practice.
A couple of meetings -
and then I go home,
eat and take a nap.
Sirpa has made pasta
on game days for 20 years.
Always quite the same.
It has always been...
- Good? - Yes.
He has a professional attitude -
towards training
and preparation.
I followed him as a young boy
and tried to learn from him.
There is pressure to win
and a fear of losing.
I'm aware of it
but I do not think about it much.
A typical thing for top athletes
is their tolerance for stress.
Some don't even know what stress is.
They are very laid back.
The guy is always smiling,
but he still is a warrior.
Physically and mentally.
He wants to win and score goals.
He is a dangerous player
because he is so fast -
and can scores from bad positions.
He makes very ugly goals -
tip-ins and rebound goals.
I have always had a sidekick
and then a third link in the chain.
Right now I have none of them.
When he's on his game, I play him a lot,
'cause I know good things are gonna happen.
If you don't need ice packs
after the game -
you haven't played hard enough.
When I get up in the morning -
I take my first steps
gently -
to see where it hurts.
It's challenging to recover quickly
after a game.
I stretch
10-15 minutes every night.
We also have
cold and hot baths.
Two minutes in both -
maybe four times,
so I get lactic acid moving.
Careers are longer nowadays -
because medicine
and especially treating injuries -
have evolved greatly.
This year, I have noticed that if we have
games two days in a row -
I don't have full energy
in the second game.
I guess my age is starting to show.
We were away for 13 days -
and for some reason
I slept poorly all the time.
A few times I thought
that this probably is my last year.
But after a few days of rest
and a good game -
you change your mind.
I realized this is pretty fun.
He won't probably stop playing
hockey until a doctor forbids him.
When we played 26 games in 44 days -
there were nights when I wasn't recovered.
I am grateful that my old
body did not give up.
I like to listen to Finnish music.
I do not know if I'm homesick -
but especially abroad
and on game trips -
music has a special significance.
When I'm driving home late at night
listening to Arttu Wiskari
makes me feel good.
It was June 1986,
our Sierra was almost new
Dad filled up,
mom packed lunch / i
I was already sitting in the back seat,
I smiled broadly with the seat belt on
Dingo sang about the girl in the leather jacket
My brother Paavo called me.
My father had suffered a stroke.
Fortunately, a fairly mild.
He lost feeling in his hand
and his posture was crooked.
His eyelids drooped.
Such news make you stop and think
to stay up -
especially when you live
far from Finland -
and your loved ones.
We fly often in
really bad weather -
because we have a
game the next day.
It's idiotic.
It scares me the most.
What happened last year -
has always been my biggest nightmare.
When the plane crashed in Yaroslavl -
I felt that this is not
worth playing anymore.
I lost many old teammates.
Ruslan Salej
was a really good friend of mine.
I played with Igor
Korolev in Winnipeg.
And Karpovtsev...
They were unbelievable guys.
I sharpened Teemu's skates
until he turned 12.
Most players don't know a thing about
skate sharpening and curvatures.
We were lucky enough
to get to try different versions -
and find the best one.
We tried many different options.
Many said that I sharpened them wrong.
They said that the grooves were too deep.
That human ankles can't handle it.
I was the doorman at the pub
Kosmos for 30 years.
Near the end of the second period -
I got a phone call from Ismo
Syvhuoko, the Jokerit doctor.
He said Teemu's skates need
to be sharpened.
I called a taxi
and went to the arena.
I went to the grinding room
in my suit.
I sharpened his skates, -
jumped into a taxi
and went back to work.
He sharpened 10 blades for me
before every NHL season.
We followed what he had done in Finland
and just tried to emulate that.
We developed a padding -
which was between the glove
and the elbow pad -
to protect his arms.
The ice is better in Finland -
and I used to play
with this narrower blade.
The ice in the NHL is really bad.
It turns to slush
after five minutes of play.
It was annoying
to get a good pass -
that bounced over the blade.
This makes the stick a little heavier.
It bothers many players,
but I don't mind.
I can say with my hand on my heart -
that I haven't heard about
any player who has doped -
or even been offered any.
A hockey player can fill himself
with drugs -
but it takes so much more.
You have to have hockey sense,
skill and technique.
There are sports
that doping suit.
Ice hockey is not one of them.
All the Finnish top coaches
in individual sports -
like Kari-Pekka Kyro,
are convinced -
that most NHL players
use illegal drugs.
Ice hockey is the world's toughest sport.
They have skates and a stick -
A small puck and they play on ice.
If the alternative is -
earning $ 1,500 a month
in the East Coast Hockey League -
or a million a year in the NHL -
you'd do anything
to play in the NHL.
You can't be on drugs -
if you want to move fast
in a small area.
Since doping is forbidden,
if we want to get rid of the problem -
cheaters must be banned
for life right away.
1991 WORLD
Selanne shoots!
When I was a small boy
I wanted to play in SM-liiga.
My dream was
to be in the national team.
My fantasy, which felt distant
and even unrealistic -
was to get to the NHL.
I played in a 4 country tournament
in Seinjoki when I was 16.
When I got the national team jersey -
I shuddered because I had
dreamed about it for so long.
The national team has helped me
step into bigger boots.
Teemu scores!
The Nagano Olympics
were an incredible experience.
For the first time
the best players from the NHL -
played in their national teams.
Two against one.
Koivu, Selanne.
Selanne scores!
The quarter final was the first
"do or die" game.
Sweden had their dream team.
Nice pass from Saku Koivu
In the 1999 World Championships
the finals were a two game series.
We lost the first
against the Czechs with one goal -
won the second with three goals.
I celebrated for a while
before I remembered the rules.
The atmosphere was a bit flat
when we went into overtime.
We lost in overtime.
So it goes.
Nothing to do about it.
In the 2006 Olympics -
we were without a doubt the best team.
All the pieces fell into place.
Everyone found his role immediately.
Too bad we lost in the final.
Sweden win Olympic gold!
I would also have
wanted to win with the national team.
My brother Panu and I
are both social.
Panu needed money for drugs.
We saw him sink really low.
He was like a warning sign
for Paavo and me.
We'll never go that route.
I have often thought of -
how much it was my fault -
and what I could have
done differently.
When Panu sat inside
in Srninen Prison -
he called me and asked for 500 Marks.
"Come on Saturday
when it's visiting hours."
We rolled up the money.
Then we gave them to Panu
who hid them somewhere.
He is my dear brother.
You try to help any way you can.
Paavo has always
helped him a lot.
And Mom, Dad and everyone else.
I do know now
what I should have done.
I should have spent more
time with my family.
But it's good -
That Panu has been clean
for over ten years.
Paavo has been tougher
against Panu.
He has said that we shouldn't
help him now.
He has caused his own problems
and he must take the consequences.
In my budget, I have counted
a moped a year to Panu -
because he has absolutely
incredible stories.
Panu is going to
visit for a month now.
- Hey!
Leevi, how are you?
- My little darling.
Good to see you.
Teemu! How're you doing?
Come here.
- Okay.
Hey, what's your name?
- Daisy.
Wow, that's a beautiful name.
A friend gave me a book called -
"How to choose
the sex of your child."
Sirpa said that she wants a daughter.
She was begging for two months.
I said, "Absolutely not."
I begged for one month.
- It felt like two.
read the book and then I looked through it.
The book seemed logical.
I wrote down a list of things
I would not have to do -
and she signed it immediately.
We started working on the project.
If ovulation
was on a Wednesday -
you would start early
if you wanted a girl.
After 60 or 70 hours
all the boy sperms are gone.
More than 90 percent are girls.
We followed the instructions.
It was great to hear the
gynecologist say it was a girl.
The relationship between a father and a daughter
is special.
After Veera was born
Teemu has now and then said -
that maybe we could have
another girl.
I have put a stop to it.
He can beg all he wants -
but there will be no more kids.
Ever since he was a little boy,
, Teemu has woken up like a little bird.
He was never grumpy.
Veera is the same.
For many athletes
sport is their own thing -
and their families suffer.
But in this family, it is
a lifestyle for everyone.
He is my idol.
Naturally he's my dad too.
He has always been there for
me, when nobody else is.
How was the game?
- Okay.
My dad plays in the NHL
and doing something he loves.
But it isn't necessarily
a real job.
He always stops here.
If there is even one person here,
, he writes an autograph.
I never tell anybody
who my father is.
I do not want to be recognized
because I'm Teemu Selnnes son.
Top athletes are selfish.
They wouldn't be as good
if they were not.
They do what they want to
and when they want to do it.
Oh, they're swimming.
It doesn't matter which one is the
top athlete in a relationship -
the partner must understand what he or she needs.
Otherwise things won't work.
Teemu is the boss here.
I am his slave.
He can make a sandwich in the kitchen.
I am in the living room.
Then he asks me to come to the kitchen.
He might ask me to give him
a cheese slicer from the sink.
Do not believe her.
Sometimes it irritates me
that Teemu doesn't help me -
as much as other men
help -
with the children and household chores.
If Teemu needs to
do something unpleasant -
cancel an order or anything -
he always asked Paavo to do it.
He has always had difficulty
to do unpleasant things.
He has become accustomed to
someone else taking care of them.
Paavo or mother
and now it has been me.
Or some friend.
He has trusted buddies
who fix things for him.
Teemu would not
sit on a jetty alone -
and stare out to sea.
He lives by his friends.
Teemu has had so
many friends during his life.
He has known Pumu and Haba
since childhood.
He is still good friends with
Keijo and Waltteri -
and the other guys from Jokerit.
My and my brother's buddies
have always been welcome.
We offer food, drink and shelter.
Sometimes our home is
like a Gypsy camp.
Our friends are like
family members.
Teemu was a little boy
when we started working together.
If I have any problems,
I always call lmmu.
He always helps me.
Whatever it is.
Teemu said that you are his best friend.
It's true.
Teemu is my best friend.
He's probably
a dictator at home.
What he says goes.
He is trying to convince everyone else too:
"Don't listen to your wives.
Do as you please."
We call him Dr. Phil
because he's so eager -
to meddle with
other people's relationships.
He can be damn annoying -
because he is always late.
He's always the last one on the bus.
Teemu always came last
and he always ran to the bus.
Many times we just drove off
and let him run after the bus -
a few hundred meters.
I told him:
"If you miss the fucking helicopter
I won't wait for you."
"I've been waiting for you
so damn many times."
That time he was 10 minutes early.
You were on a game trip.
- Game trip?
I missed you.
Will you take a nap there?
You'll be sweating soon.
I am totally exhausted.
Every family has their problems, of course.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
They can talk about things.
The most important thing is that the
resolve their conflicts with love.
When you're in a car with me
I am responsible for you.
What if a drunk driver
runs right into us -
and you don't wear a seat belt.
Your parents would ask me
why you didn't have a seat belt on.
"He didn't wanna."
Yuou won't go to the party.
- Yes.
He needs a punishment.
- He must learn.
Leevi is like Teemu
when he was little.
He is mischievous
and not very obedient.
Show a picture of the girl.
Is she so hot -
you want to sacrifice
this much for her?
Teemu gets angry
when I want to be out late.
That's our biggest problem.
What kind of parent is Teemu?
Too soft.
So now you get to go to the party?
- Yes, this time.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
It is the main principle in our family.
Hey! Where's my coffee?
Where's my coffee?
- A Moment.
Bad service here.
After years of training...
Here is the gentleman's coffee
in a special cup.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Sirpa ! Delicious coffee.
Is it delicious?
- Yes.
It's been brewed
with love and passion.
- Hey...
It's gonna be white?
- Yes.
The bar is gonna be warm wood.
I just purchased a restaurant
from Laguna Beach -
with some buddies.
It will be a nice bonus.
We are currently renovating.
I want to be in
real estate business.
I would also like to be
in some kind of car business.
I also want to play through
America's top 100 golf courses.
It will probably take several years.
Ducks let me decide for myself
what I want to do.
I do not want a job
where I have to travel a lot.
That's why I won't become a coach.
I'll have many hobbies
and other things to do -
but I don't think I can find
the same passion for something else -
than I have for hockey.
Teemu is strapped in
and ready to go.
Ready? Now.
7.3 g! Great job!
My father has always had a lot of toys.
It came perhaps from there.
Cars have always been a
very important hobby for me.
My first car was a
big old American one.
He bought this '61 Lincoln
when he got a professional contract.
They've accumulated since then.
If I get a good offer,
I buy the car.
It was a fun meeting.
Jari Kurri, Teppo Numminen
and Teemu were there.
We went to eat hamburgers.
They ordered classic cars
before they ordered burgers.
It was easier to choose a car
than a burger.
Teemu drove here a lot.
He trained at drifting and stuff.
We drove around in the evenings.
It was great to drive in the evenings -
because you saw if someone came.
It was safer that way.
We have been cautious
not to do anything stupid.
I removed
driver's seat backrest -
so I could sit back
because I had plaster on my leg.
I used my crutch
for gas
and my right foot for the clutch.
We drove off to a
snow-filled ditch.
I couldn't push the car back to the road -
and neither could Sirpa.
We called our friend Jorkka
who fetched us.
I told him that
Sirpa had driven into the ditch.
It took him a year to get
that I had been driving.
If you watch him
for a day or two -
you will see that he is
completely insane.
The roads are better
and the rain ended.
Now I've got a race feeling.
One of my best friends,
Kaide Eklund, began rallying.
I sat in the car
a few times in training.
It was awesome.
Our contracts forbid
this kind of stuff.
There is athree page list of
forbidden things.
So I competed under a false name,
Teukka Salama.
My first car was a Ford Escort RS2000
Next year I rented an
Mitsubishi Galant for a race.
Then we bought a
Mitsubishi Lancer Group N -
and in Jyvskyl, we finished a
race for the first time.
Then Marcus Grnholm gave
us his Toyota Corolla WRC.
We could run it at 200 km / h
in Ouninpohja.
I drove up the hill
and only saw the sky behind it.
The co-driver said "slow down" -
which I did,
but we still flew high.
The front wheels hit the ground first
and the back end just bounced.
We drove on the front wheels
for 10 to15 meters.
Luckily, I had the wheels straight.
Otherwise we would have been in the ditch.
The public prosecutor may bring charges
against Teemu Selanne for his car accident.
Kalervo Kummola loves rally
and has often been a co-driver.
It is our common hobby.
Pekka Huolman called and told
that he would go and train -
on a closed road near lkaalinen.
Team Europe had
organized training days.
I asked if Raimo Helminen
and his son wanted to come.
There were five people in my car.
We were told to stop the
training after nine at night.
It was ten to nine.
I said we'll go now.
I wanted to drive the course
both ways once more.
He wanted to run first
so he didn't have to eat dust.
He would wait for us
before he turned back.
I had a friend with me.
We drove to the other end in the normal rally style.
I turned and started
to wait Kalervo.
It was three or four to nine -
so I thought that he probably won't come.
I was going to run slowly.
My friend said how good the traction was.
I showed him -
how good the grip was
and how powerful the brakes were.
Teemu was so enthusiastic -
that he forgot our agreement.
I totally forgot
that Kalervo was coming.
There was a small crest.
Normally I would have run
at approximately 150 km / h
It was the only place
for three kilometers -
where you could not see
the oncoming traffic.
The car jumps about 20 meters high there.
There are three jumps on the route.
I was under the biggest one
when Teemu came flying.
When the car took off -
I saw Kalervo's car 30 meters away.
The only thing I remember -
was a windshield with the text
"Toyota Corolla".
When we landed
there was nothing I could do.
I think I saved us
by turning the car sideways.
My car flipped over twice
and ended up in the woods.
Kalervos car stopped quickly -
but the blast was a lot
harder for them.
The car caught fire.
I had time to think:
"Did I survive the crash
to burn to death?"
I jumped out to
check out Kalervo's car.
There were five people in it.
Everyone seemed relatively okay.
Everyone was in shock.
I lost my heel
and broke my arms.
Raimo Helminen
got internal injuries.
The recovery took all winter.
My brother-in-law broke his knee.
I realized what I had done
and collapsed on the ground.
I nearly fainted.
Teemu also contacted the Heavenly Father then.
We had a guardian angel
because nothing worse happened.
Given the circumstances,
we got off pretty lightly.
I was in a wheelchair for 3 1/2 months.
I had nightmares and woke
up sweating long afterwards.
Everything was my fault.
I drove, it was my responsibility.
After that, I didn't want
to go rallying again.
One day when I was a rookie
I went to our physiotherapist.
I said I was in little pain
and asked what we should do.
He was having a bad day.
He had already received a couple of guys -
complaining about their problems.
He was annoyed and took me
a little farther away. He said:
"Fucking rookie -
First thing you have to learn in this
league is playing with the pain!"
I was like this...
I once took a puck here
and it broke in three places.
I still have three metal plates.
Here I got a fracture.
It was hit by a slap shot.
I broke the tibia and fibula
Once I tore my Achilles tendon.
Here I had two fractures.
My left knee has been operated
on six or seven times.
The first thing I'll do
after quitting playing -
is having a knee surgery.
I'll get a prosthesis.
The tibia will be sort of cut off -
and this turned
ten degrees outside.
The bones will be aligned again.
Tennis and golf are so important to me-
that if I can't do them
I'll lose a part of me.
If I had had to quit after
the year in Colorado -
I would probably be a little bitter.
I was a free agent again.
I was considering
my options, staying in San Jose -
or moving to
a new address.
Paul Kariya phoned me.
His contract had also ended.
He had some quarrel
with Anaheim -
and he definitely wanted
to leave Ducks.
We ended up in Colorado.
Joe Sakic and Peter Forsberg
were there.
Rob Blake and the rest of the gang.
Expectations were sky-high.
People congratulated us for
getting the Cup in advance.
Paul and Teemu found themselves -
It will be a long year.
- Yes.
Two players came here together.
When the initiative did not come from the team -
some people didn't like the idea.
They had barely welcomed us
when they reminded us of
that we had not won anything yet.
Things started fine.
We played five games really well.
Then Paul got a wrist fracture.
He was gone for four months.
Then something happened with the coach.
Although we never quarreled -
I was placed on the third line.
I wondered what was going on.
Sometimes I played
on the fourth line.
Sometimes I played great
and was the 1st star of the night -
even though I was on the third line.
At the next training
I ended up on the fourth line.
Around Christmas Sakic said-
it was incredible and that
he would have left already.
Teemu called me
after an away game and said,
"My knee is in such shape
that if I were a race horse -
I would be sausages already."
That was my only
bad season.
Media had not had the chance
to write something negative -
about my career or my game before it.
A journalist wrote
I'm like cancer -
bad atmosphere in the team.
I wrote a
comment in the newspaper -
that after the NHL season -
first time
during Teemu's career -
it's not certain if he would be chosen
to the World Championships team.
I listed Colorado's problems.
I had a source on the inside.
Teemu denies everything even today.
If they're printing the truth
then it's okay.
You must live with it.
Joe Sakic and Peter Forsberg
sitting on a bus -
heading to the airport.
who had played eight minutes -
delayed the whole team.
Such trifles.
I have never understood
why people go so overboard.
He was pissed.
I did not know that such a
nice man could be so angry.
But he had the balls
enough to talk to me.
I told straight up what I thought.
We met at SM-liiga's gala,
in the toilet.
I had forgotten the whole thing,
but Teemu hadn't.
Later he apologized.
He said it was
one of his biggest mistakes.
I accepted his apology.
If you piss off a star -
you don't get
even the nice stories.
There is a song about
not wanting to replace a single day.
I wanted to replace
the whole year.
Will Mattias Norstrom get a penalty?
Or will it be Selanne?
Selanne, for interference.
The WC in Finland in 2003 was probably
the hardest tournament for Teemu.
I have never played in another game
that turned around so fast.
Niinimaa's pass in front
of the net!
I have never
experienced anything similar.
It felt like a...
... Earthquake,
the entire arena rocked.
We were leading 5 to 1.
Then something happened.
I don't know what.
Norstrom shoots.
Does it bounce in? Yes, it does!
It felt like you could hear
if someone whispered on the top row.
The fans panicked
when it was 5 to 4.
The crowd went silent.
Some players simply gave up.
Sweden were lucky as usual.
He sails completely freely around the goal.
It became 6 to 5.
Then we were goners.
It was horrible.
Sweden win
after an incredible game.
Finns on the bench look pale.
When the game was over -
I was out of the arena
in two minutes.
Selanne scored the 5th goal for Finland.
Is it never Teemu's time to win?
I met Don during Christmas
and at the beginning of the season -
and he seemed to be well.
He was positive as always.
He didn't want
the doctors to tell -
what kind of chances he had.
He would fight as long as he could.
He was a caring man.
He was never greedy.
He knew me fairly well
even before I played in the NHL.
When I started getting salary
he always said:
"Save the money. Don't buy the cars."
When I bought a car
I kept it a secret.
If he had asked
I would had confessed.
His positive attitude
and joy were unbelievable.
He was an example to us all.
The World Cup was played
before the lockout.
I didn't want to play there, because
I couldn't play at my own level.
But it was nice.
We got silver
and came close to winning.
After the World Cup I had a knee operation
and I decided -
that if the knee won't be as good
as it was at its best -
I won't play a single game.
Don Baizley said that
Teemu's career was at stake.
There was talk in the teams -
that he can't play
in the NHL anymore.
It was a challenge
as we so nicely say nowadays.
An injury is the worst way
to end a sporting career.
Both menisci were torn.
The knees were very badly worn.
The patella was in wrong position.
We had to a complete renovation.
A year of rehabilitation.
Ismo, my surgeon,
gave my knee two years.
He said I could play
for two more years.
That was eight years ago.
The surgery gave me
in some ways a new career.
Has the knee been stiff?
- A little.
This will sting a bit.
Is Ismo the only one
giving you these shots?
Team doctors also do it.
It took 1 1/2 years before
the knee worked painlessly.
That happened one day.
It was incredible.
I did not hurt anywhere.
I knew that everything would be fine.
My agent phoned Brian Burke, who
was the general manager at the time -
and said Teemu
wants to come back to Anaheim.
He asked if it was possible.
Burke said the team can't afford me.
A few weeks later
Brian called up Don -
and said that they have some money now.
I signed on real cheap.
I said immediately that I will sign.
It was fun to get back
with the fans and everything.
I was also healthy.
I felt as good
as during my first year.
In the conference finals -
We played against Edmonton
and lost the series 4 to 1.
We got better all the time.
It showed how good a
team we could become.
After the last match -
I said to the guys:
"Next year, remember -
how disappointed we were."
We could go even further.
Brian Burke said to me:
"I know exactly what you're worth."
He promised me that if I took this salary -
he would use
the difference -
about three million dollars -
to acquire a player who could
help us win the Stanley Cup.
I remember it well.
It was my birthday.
I got a call.
They had acquired Chris Pronger.
Too bad no one filmed me.
My smile was quite wide.
I knew he was the missing link
we didn't have last year.
After the Stanley Cup Finals -
I was invited
to Anaheim's dressing room.
Older players, like
Scott Niedermayer, were on their way out -
in suits.
Teemu had all the equipment
and tied skates -
2 1/2 hours after the game.
It was the only year
we had started well.
We hadn't lost a game
after 17 or 18 games.
It was a good start.
Play offs are fun for us players.
Each shift,
each hit -
and each time you
throw yourself in front of the puck...
Everything affects everything.
Little things decide the outcome.
During the Finals -
we had 12 guys queuing
up for the doctor.
We got Toradol injections that remove
almost any pain whatsoever.
Without it, I think none of us
could have played.
An incredible feeling.
I've been waiting for
to win something big for 15 years.
Sometimes I thought
that this would never happen.
That's why this is so important.
I have been close to winning the Olympic gold,
the World Championships the World Cup -
but it hasn't happened.
Now I have won the biggest trophy
a hockey player can win.
I always wanted to quit on top.
Stanley Cup crowns my career.
I think I've earned this finale.
Is this for me?
- Yes.
And this also.
- Thanks!
Veeti wrote "Anaheim".
It's pretty big, isn't it?
How has your summer been?
- Pretty bad.
Yeah, the weather has also been bad.
Teemu sent this picture
after his rookie season in Winnipeg.
I have it on the wall at home.
If you look at this picture -
that was 2007 -
a lot has happened
between taking these.
I'll always treasure them.
These will hang on my wall
as long as I live.
When I won the Stanley Cup -
I was totally sure
that my career was over.
There is no better way to end
than a championship -
a Stanley Cup championship.
I didn't think
I'd find the motivation -
to work hard
and torture myself every Friday -
by running
in the forests of Hila.
I had achieved
what I had dreamed and fantasized about -
since I was a small boy.
I didn't think I could
find the motivation for a comeback.
I thought
I had done my share.
We returned to Anaheim
after the summer.
I was a normal family man
and drove the boys to training.
I played golf during the days.
Until the boys wanted to go and watch hockey.
We went to a couple of games.
I looked around and thought:
"That guy missed that chance."
"I would have scored."
Scott Niedermayer, who also
was about to end his career -
called and asked if I wanted to skate.
I didn't even know
where my equipment was.
I didn't know
where I had that stuff.
I said I could come.
I would see if it was still fun.
I went
and thought it was stupid.
"I quit."
A few weeks later
an old teammate called -
and asked if I would like
play for fun.
A beer league game.
We would play
and drink a few beers afterwards.
I said, "Sure!"
All of a sudden, it was great fun.
I thought about it for a while
and spoke with my family.
Then I decided
to play again.
I've been thinking about the
highlight of Teemu's career.
I want to have a broader perspective.
It's not the 76 goals.
Not his natural talent.
Not that he is such nice and happy guy.
We are speaking about
incredibly tough top-level sports.
I think the biggest
thing is that he -
after getting
all the money in the world -
and after all the prizes -
even after the Stanley Cup -
and all he got from the sport -
aged 36 or 37 -
decides to do
a new proper attempt to win.
One more time!
When you see the X-ray picture -
it's hard to believe he has played
with that knee in a long time.
When you have to train the same things
in a new way -
training will be diverse as it needs to.
If you can't run
you can cycle.
I want to play in the NHL.
I have to focus on
that I will, too.
When I train with Teemu
I notice -
how much it requires
to get to that level -
, and how he also trains
during summers.
My Friday workout
when I torture myself -
is the only workout
I don't like.
But sometimes you have to
stretch your limits.
It's amazing how good
a shape he's in.
And he doesn't get winded
and bend over on his stick.
At his age he's the best
athlete in the world.
He's playing at 42 20 minutes a night
against the best players in the world+.
A big lifestyle change
and new training methods.
He made an incredible comeback
straight to the top.
An older player must lose weight.
You have to get your weight down.
I've noticed he's slowly letting his weight get
lower so he can be as fast as he was.
Only now Teemu has
found his limits.
The most difficult thing in sports
is finding your maximum potential.
Teemu has done that now.
That's why I admire him
ten times more now than ever before.
The evolution stops when one is
satisfied. That thought has brought me here.
It's been a long time since I was
playing here last time.
This is something special.
This city and people here have been
supporting me all these 20 years.
That's why this is so special for me.
Too bad We are here for only one day.
Tonight we are saluting him
for his amazing career
and his unquivering passion for our city.
Teemu got to have an emotional farewell
15 years late.
I am only one of millions of dads -
who have taken their boys
to training and games.
Teemu wouldn't be
an elite hockey player -
without dad.
This necklace has everything
that is important in my life.
A hockey club, of course.
A golf club.
The heart symbolizes love of course.
A four-leaf clover -
and a cross I got when I
was confirmed as a 15-year-old.
I've weared the cross
ever since.
When previously asked about
what's most important in life -
he always answered being healthy.
But after he began visiting
Children's Hospital -
and saw how happy
little patients could be -
he has started to say that the
main thing is to be happy.
When the crew first asked -
if they could make a movie about me
I replied, "Absolutely not."
But later I changed my mind.
I wanted to make a film that can
inspire people to believe -
dreams can be fulfilled
through hard work.
Now I also want to thank all the people
who made my dream possible.
Teemu Selanne.
Written and directed by JP Siili
English subs: Based on Google translation
of the the Swedish ones.