Selena (1997)

You're not dressed!
She's getting ready.
I can't decide what to wear.
Tell her something.
You are always late, Selena.
Which one?
Here it is. Cool.
Dang, that'll look great.
Abraham, is it true that this is
the largest crowd in Astrodome history?
That's what they're telling me.
What about the English-speaking album
we've been hearing about?
Should be out by later this year.
You'll knock them dead.
Thanks, baby.
I found your eyelash.
It's a madhouse out there.
Is she ready?
Not yet.
Let's go. You look good.
Good luck.
I love you.
Go for it, honey.
I'll be watching you.
Good luck.
How you doing, Houston, Texas?
"First I was afraid
"I was petrified
"Kept thinking I could never live
"Without you by my side
"But then I spent so many nights
just thinking how you did me wrong
"And I grew strong
"And I learned how to get along
"Now you're back
"From outer space
"Don't turn around
"'Cause you're not welcome anymore"
Robert, EQ the snare.
Bring up the height.
I want to feel the bass drum.
Come on.
She looks beautiful.
"I will survive
"As long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive
"I've got all my life to live
"I've got all my love to give
"I will survive, I will survive"
"Last dance
"Last chance
"For love
"Yes, it's my last chance
for romance tonight"
Go girl!
"I need you by me
"Beside me, to guide me
"To hold me, to scold me
"'Cause when I'm bad
"I'm so, so bad
"So let's dance
"The last dance
"So let's dance the last dance
"So let's dance
"The last dance tonight"
"Someone found the letter
you wrote me on the radio
"It said exactly how you felt
"I never told a soul just how I'd been
"Feeling over you
"But they said it really loud
"They said it on the air
"On the radio"
"Blue moon
"Now I'm no longer alone
"Without a dream in my heart
"Without a love of my own"
Beautiful! Nice job.
- What do you think?
- We'll knock them dead.
What should we ask for? The money?
This is our first professional gig.
- Not too much.
- Let them make an offer.
After all, they want us to audition.
Who are you?
Why are you in my place?
Good morning, sir.
We're The Dinos!
The Dinos?
You want to wait right there
just a minute?
I don't care if the kids like them.
They're a bunch of Mexicans.
You didn't say they were Mexicans.
I thought they were Italian.
I can't have that in my club.
This club is whites only, you know that.
This is for you.
For all your trouble coming here.
But there's been a mistake and
we can't do the audition today.
We'll call you.
Let's go.
Nobody'll kick us out of this joint.
They're Tejanos or Mexicans, like us.
- That's right.
- Let's go to work.
That's gringo music!
We want to dance real music!
Play some Mexican music!
Get out of here!
Play some Mexican music or
this crowd'll tear the place down!
We don't know any M-M-Mexican music.
You'll get your money back!
We want to dance!
They're madder than hornets!
What you all do, anyway?
Sang, "We Belong Together."
We want to dance!
Honey, come inside.
Why'd you leave April in the shower?
She was sleeping.
I didn't want to wake her up.
There was "caca" everywhere.
You'll have to clean it up.
Okay. Mommy?
Can we have a farm
with chickens and goats and cows...
...and horses and pigs...
First take care of April.
Right now.
Go on!
Go, Selena!
Let her go!
We're playing a game!
She's a baby.
"For eternity"
Come in.
"You're mine
"And we belong together
"Yes, we belong together
"For eternity
"You're mine
"And we belong
"Yes, we belong together."
"Yes, we belong together
"For eternity
What're you doing?
What does it look like?
Starting a band.
Who's starting a band?
Me, the kids, you. Rock and roll!
How'd you pay for this?
Take it back!
Hold it, take a look at this stuff.
It's all secondhand.
Practically given to me. Bring it in.
Hey, George, how you doing?
We need to talk about this.
Abraham, you're not listening to me.
You said you got music
out of your system.
I did get it out of my system.
You were never home.
There was no money.
You weren't there when Suzette was born!
You're at a gig!
Help me with this cord.
That was the dumbest thing
I've ever done.
I've tried to make it up to you
ever since.
But this... different.
This is like a fun
spare-time thing, all right?
Like a hobby, okay?
That we can all do together
with the kids.
You know what happens
if we don't play with the kids.
They're going to end up
on street corners, getting into trouble.
This is something special
we can do together.
A hobby?
Just a hobby.
Something for them to do together?
Yup. Do together.
And they love rock and roll.
Oh, damn!
We'll play rock and roll.
No, I don't want to play.
- You like rock and roll.
- To listen to, not play.
Yeah, Dad, we like The Eagles!
We're not playing that.
I think Dad has gone crazy this time.
Press it.
Hit it.
She's not going to play,
she's going to sing.
Go ahead. Sing!
"You're mine
"And we belong together"
What am I supposed to play?
The drums.
The drums?! No way!
No way. Girls don't play the drums.
Yes, they do.
No way, Dad! No way!
Girls don't play the drums!
Let me show you real quick.
Try it.
Mi hijita, this is so good.
I don't want to play the drums!
Forget it!
Oh, shit!
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm all right.
"Blue Moon
"You saw me standing alone
"Without a dream in my heart"
Sick, sick, sick!
Have you ever seen a girl
playing the drums?
Listen! Have you ever seen a girl
playing the drums? No!
You see them playing the harp,
you see them playing everything...
Why is there no music?
We've been talking and
we'd rather go outside and play.
I mean, not this play
but play as in "run."
You can play outside in an hour.
Okay? Right now I want you
to play "Feelings."
- Play it!
- No way!
Why not?
It's the 50's!
- That song's way out of style!
- 50's are over!
We want to play stuff we like.
Stuff that's cool!
Stuff that happens.
Show me what's happening.
Shut up!
It's too cool for me.
Play "Blue Moon."
- Come on, Dad.
- Look at you guys.
Fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes of real playing.
Go ahead, count it off.
You know, I've been thinking.
Here in Lake Jackson...
...there are a lot of gringos.
We wanted something better for the kids.
- Better than the barrio.
- Yeah, but...
There are no Mexican restaurants here.
And gringos love Mexican food.
Are you thinking of
opening a restaurant?
Yes, I am.
There's a lot of money to be made.
You've got a good job.
- I mean a good restaurant.
- A steady job.
We just bought this house!
What are you thinking of?
I'm not going to quit my job, okay?
But a good Mexican restaurant...
Oh, Abraham!
Never satisfied.
- There's enough room.
- Always dreaming.
- Put up a stage for some music.
- Music?
That's what this is about, isn't it?
No, no, this is about food.
Okay? And I'm hungry.
The kids could play. We'd be together.
The clients would love it.
You wouldn't quit your job.
No, I wouldn't quit my job.
Oh, God.
I must tell you, you got it centered.
It looks great.
- But I don't buy that "G."
- The "G" is perfect.
It looks like a "Y"!
- It looks great.
- It looks like "Papa Yoyos"!
- It's "Papa Gayo's." Perfect.
- Go back up there.
- Everybody's exhausted.
- Look at that "Y."
Papa Y?
- It's "G."
- It's "Papa Gayo."
- It says, "Papa Yoyo's."
- Come on.
- Come on, let's go home.
- Go ahead, go home.
- Look.
- Okay, stay.
- Stay!
- Get out of the way, I'll do it.
Let me do it. I want to do it.
If you don't let me do it...
Watch out!
"Somewhere over the rainbow
"Way up high"
How's it going?
You were right,
gringos like Mexican food.
They like it so much.
We'll run out pretty soon.
- I must talk to you.
- Hold on.
Where are my enchiladas?
I had to quit my job today.
I didn't want to.
They didn't want me to be here today.
They wanted me to work.
And I wanted to be here.
- Do you have to take this stuff out?
- Yes.
I'll take your order in a minute.
We'll bring your food in a minute.
Whose plate is this?
That girl is really cute.
That's my daughter.
She sings pretty, doesn't she?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'll bring somebody to pick this up.
I just dropped a plate over there.
Go pick it up!
These plates are too hot.
Move them from the fire! Now!
Everything will be fine.
They love the restaurant.
The people love our band.
They love the kids.
You heard that lady.
We'll make a lot of money here.
Abraham, I don't care about the money,
you know that.
As long as the kids are taken care of,
I don't care.
We had everything.
We bought our house so our kids
would grow up in a nice place.
That was my dream.
We had security.
You promised me.
I guess this is your dream.
I'm sure everything'll be fine.
"Birds fly over the rainbow
"Why then, oh, why can't I?"
What are you doing here?
I'm looking up at the moon.
And I'm dreaming.
Let's just say you wouldn't imagine
what my dreams are like.
When I saw those people applauding...
I mean, what did you feel?
What did you think?
It was so cool. I've never seen
so many people smile before.
- It was exciting.
- I know.
It was.
When I'm up on stage...
...I feel like... I can be anything I want to be.
Don't steal them all!
Don't hog all the candy!
Selena, come here. Come here, baby.
Come here. Look at this.
Come on, Dad. Please.
- I want to go outside and play.
- Come on, just a second.
Give me a minute, okay?
Here, look at this.
What's this?
It's a song in Spanish.
I don't know Spanish.
Say that word.
Put your tongue on the roof
of your mouth, then blow air out.
Did you feel it? Do it again.
Say that word, "reloj".
That means:
"Clock, don't mark the hours
because I'm going nuts."
I know, it sounds weird in English...
Dad, what's this about?
It's about learning to sing in Spanish.
I don't want to sing in Spanish.
I don't like Spanish music.
I like Donna Summer.
That's what I like.
You like performing?
Yeah, Dad, I love it. It's like
you can feel them when you sing.
It's a wonderful feeling.
But let me tell you something
I learned the hard way.
I don't want you to learn the hard way.
When I was singing
with Los Dinos...
...they started throwing
beer bottles at me.
It sounds funny, but it scared me.
But I did learn something.
You've got to be who you are.
You can't change it.
You're an American.
So am I.
You like Donna Summer. I like doo-wop.
But you're also Mexican, deep inside.
That's a wonderful thing.
You can't be anything if
you don't know who you are.
If you're a singer, you must sing
to people from deep inside here.
You know what's in there?
Your heart.
So you're saying I must
learn how to sing this stuff.
"Clock don't mark the hours
because I'm going nuts."
I don't understand. We were doing
so good the first nine months.
It's that Ronald Reagan.
A lot of small businesses
have gone broke.
Come on, Abraham.
Let's go home, huh?
I don't want to leave my home.
Me either. Do you know how many
cousins we have at Uncle Hector's?
Come on, let's go.
A.B., are my keys in there?
I don't think so.
Check the house.
Dad... Dad, your keys are in the car.
Your keys are here.
The keys are on the seat.
Get in the car.
I'm coming.
Put your seat belt on.
Do we have to go to Uncle Hector's?
Yeah, Abraham Quintanilla.
De Los Dinos.
Yeah, from the 60's.
It's good to talk to you.
I'm calling because
I started up a new group.
Selena y Los Dinos.
No, none of the old Dinos.
These are all new Dinos.
You're not going to believe this...
They're my kids.
Selena's my daughter.
Take care.
Be good today!
She's nine years old.
She's great. You must believe me.
She's got all the moves.
She's a natural performer.
Sings from the heart.
No, Freddie, listen, please.
I don't care about money.
I just want to get them some exposure.
They play everything.
Freddie, this is "familia".
You must do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands
together for Selena y Los Dinos!
Let's hear it, Harlingen.
In just a few minutes
we're gonna have a group called...
You guys did so good.
Come downstairs.
You did good, mi hijo.
- You did good.
- You must pick it up.
The rhythm wasn't fast enough.
We have bad material.
They weren't dancing because
you weren't playing it right.
Abraham, the kids did great.
The kids did great.
They did great.
I'm proud of you. You did really good!
If you'd like to write the songs,
be my guest.
Until then, just keep the rhythm up,
so they can dance.
We need to talk, okay?
Kids, why don't you go to the car?
Get settled.
Go on! It's okay.
We'll be there in a minute.
Come here.
What're we doing?
What are we doing to our kids?
The kids are good,
and they'll get better.
The kids are kids. They're children!
We should be taking care of them,
not hurting them.
Selena is just a little girl.
Even if she keeps going
and keeps singing...
Tejano music is all men. You know that.
Women are not successful.
Marcela, everything you're saying
I understand.
...she is special.
She's got it. I can feel it.
I know it.
She's going to make it.
Come on, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I know what you're thinking right now.
You're thinking that
after what happened...
...we should quit.
Let me tell you something quick.
You guys are going to make it.
You're going to record records.
You're going to play everywhere,
even Disneyworld.
You think we'll make it there?
I know you will.
I also know how hard it is
to make it in the music business.
But every star that's a star right now
had their Harlingen once.
And if we try hard
and if we really want it...
...we can do it.
Do you believe me?
Yeah, Daddy.
I believe you.
You hear that music?
That's a "cumbia".
A "cumbia"?
It's a dance Dad and I danced
when we were young.
We did. She used to do
the "washing machine."
Want me to show you?
- Come here.
- Watch that.
First we start...
...moving your hips... this.
There you go, mija.
Then bigger.
Add a little hop.
There you go.
- Do the "washing machine."
- Wait a minute!
There you go.
You get the "washing machine" going.
Your father likes it.
- That's it, the "washing machine."
- There you go!
You make a little circle.
And spin.
How's the bass?
It sounds good.
- What is it?
- What's she wearing?
She's practically got nothing on!
She's in her bra!
It's not just her bra. It's that thing
the girls are wearing.
She can't wear that.
There are men out there!
It's a bustier.
Bustier! That's a bra! Look at it!
I think she looks cute.
Hey, girl!
Say "hi" to the camera!
Hi, how are you?
You look pretty!
Tell us what it feels like
to be on the stage.
I'd like to thank all the little people
I stepped on to get here.
No more pictures, please!
This is not what we were talking about.
That's the way it is.
Those people came to see Selena tonight.
They love Selena!
What can I say?
She's just a woman.
You got my chin, dude.
When're we getting a road crew?
Dad's happy with the road crew he has.
- And I do mean you!
- 'Cause it's free.
Let's go, we've got
a whole stage out there.
Turn that thing off.
What's gotten in to you?
What're you doing
walking around wearing that?
Come on, Dad, she looked great.
Stay out of this.
It's just a bustier.
- It's a cool thing.
- It's a bra!
It's a bra with sprinkly things!
You cannot go out
wearing stuff like that.
It's indecent!
It's okay. She looked so good!
The crowd loved it!
Shut up! She's not your daughter!
You don't understand.
All the singers are doing it.
It's a style.
- They're wearing bras?
- Yes. Madonna, Janet Jackson.
Paula Abdul.
Mom, would you tell him.
You helped me make it.
You helped her make it?!
We did sew the jewels on together.
How come nobody can talk to me
about this kind of stuff?
You can't wear this kind of stuff!
Is that clear?
The rest of you guys,
get the equipment in here.
Come on!
- We'll talk to him later.
- Forget it.
Let's go get some more shit.
So much for my bustier.
You still mad?
I'm just trying to do what's
best for you. Sorry for exploding.
But, you know...'re my little girl.
I know that.
That's just it.
I'm not a little girl anymore.
You know what I mean.
I didn't wear anything bad.
Really, no one thought it was bad.
It's just the fashion right now.
On stage, you know.
It's entertainment.
We don't want to be old-fashioned.
No, we don't want to be old-fashioned.
Don't you think I look just as good
in those outfits as Paula Abdul?
You look better. But...
But what?
Keep your jackets on, okay?
Just leave them unbuttoned and...
...let the...
Thanks, Daddy.
Take Bertha and fuel it up.
Gas is miles down the road!
Diesel fuel. Don't make any mistakes.
I can't even switch the gears.
You can do it. You've been practicing.
I've seen you do it.
- Not by myself.
- You can do it.
- What's up?
- You can do it.
Go with him.
You're fueling.
I hate that.
You tanking up the bus?
Wait! We're going!
Just stay out!
Look at Wonder Woman and her sister.
Quiet! I must see you drive Big Bertha.
Let's go.
- I can do this.
- Last time it was disastrous.
There we go!
- This is good, A.B.
- Smooth!
I need Dramamine!
- Bertha and I are one!
- I'm getting dizzy!
We lost a bumper!
- That's all I can find.
- What's that going to do?
- It's the biggest one I could find!
- Bring more grass!
- Bring me something else!
- Look where we are!
You'll get dirty.
Get the bus out, or Dad'll kill me!
There's no more stuff.
Go get more stuff.
Consider yourselves dead,
because it's not working.
Hey, dude, stop! Come on! Come on!
You're scaring the cars away.
- What should I do?
- Stand back.
- You're crazy.
- Let the master work.
Show him.
Here comes one now!
They stopped!
Did you see that "ruca"?
She looks just like Salinas!
Rewind. Come on, let's go!
Can you help us out? We're stuck.
It is Salinas!
We've been stuck for a long time.
This ditch just snuck up on us.
Now we need to get pulled out.
I got a V-8 and 400 horses.
I can pull anything out of anywhere.
Mi hermanita won't believe this!
If you pull it forward there,
we'll hook it up.
Right here.
- A little bit more.
- Go for it, dude. Move it.
Go for it! Gun it!
I'm giving it all!
- Gun it!
- Go for it!
The bumper, man.
Look at this.
We'll buy you a new one.
- We're sorry.
- We'll buy one.
We'll replace it.
- We'll polish it, dude.
- What can we do?
- Do you need a new one?
- Are you kidding me?
This bumper's going to go
on the wall of my garage.
I'll put a sign under it saying:
"This bumper was pulled off
by the bus of Salinas."
You like that?
Anything for Salinas.
Let's go.
Let's get you set in first.
Let's put it in.
Watch the seat.
It was cool of you to do this.
- No problem.
- You need a ride to a phone?
We passed a phone a couple miles back.
Yeah, there's no one nearby.
We must call Dad.
"I can't believe this, son.
What were you thinking?"
I can't believe this, son.
What were you thinking?
What happened?
Where are you?
Who's laughing? Selena?
Where are you?!
He didn't care about his bumper?
No, he was happy.
You should have seen these
two tough "cholos". Right?
They had tattoos.
They were cool.
He wants to hang it in his garage.
Like a shrine.
He was like, "Anything for Salinas!"
Not "Selena" but "Salinas"
with an "S"! It was weird.
He didn't even let me pay for it.
He was happy to have his bumper
taken off by our bus.
By Salinas' bus.
That's right.
Quit it.
You're it, girl.
I'm scared of you, girlfriend.
"Mi hermanita won't believe this!"
Anything for...
They were not saying that!
Salinas with an "S."
I'm studying!
Oh! "I'm studying!"
See? This is it. Isn't it cute?
We could make
cowhide pants for the guys.
Then a little bolero jacket for me.
Then all black underneath.
You come up with cute designs.
And rhinestones everywhere.
You should be a designer.
I always wanted to do that.
Y'all are never going to believe
what's downstairs.
Come here!
Wait for me!
What planet is he from?
Planet Dumptruck.
Excuse us for a second.
Go on.
I know he looks weird.
I told you that. But he's brilliant.
But doesn't play our music,
he plays heavy metal.
He's a Tejano musician!
He's versatile. He can play anything.
He just likes heavy metal.
He's been in some trouble.
He's wild.
He's not wild.
It's just musician stuff.
Come on, Dad. You should know.
I'll take care of him.
He's a cool guy. Really.
Look, come on.
The boy can play.
How about cutting your hair?
Stand still.
- You'll drown me.
- No, I won't.
The water's hot!
I'm telling you, it's hot!
Now it's too cold!
- I'm out of here!
- You're not going anywhere.
There's way too much hair on the floor.
That's too much!
Are you done yet?
Dude, you look so good.
Are you ready?
Come here!
I'll get her.
Looks good.
- You are with this guy.
- I'm with you.
Hey, Sel. How's it going?
Good. How about you?
You're doing okay?
The guys treating you all right?
The guys are cool. I like the group.
I like the bus!
This turned out good.
Suzy did a good job.
Yeah, I dig it.
I like it if you like it.
I like it. It looks good.
How did you get to be
such a great guitarist?
We have never had a guitarist
like you in the group before.
Did you start really young?
Serious, you know you're bad.
I was in junior high school.
It was the rebel thing.
My parents wanted me to...
...get real educated and
become a doctor or something.
So naturally I wanted
to be a rock-and-roller.
Dude, you like to practice?
My dad would've loved having you
in the family. He had to force us.
We never wanted to.
If I'd have been in your family,
then I'd be a doctor.
You want to get something to eat?
Okay. I want pizza.
You going to eat it all?
Watch me.
I can eat a whole medium pizza.
I love pizza.
I can see that.
It cracks me up when they ask me
my diet and exercise secrets. Like:
"How do you keep that trim figure?
Girls want to know."
"I eat medium pizzas by myself with
lots of pepperoni. That's important.
"And I drink Cokes and scarf Doritos
and never exercise."
You are too much.
What're you doing?
- Hot sauce.
- That is enough.
They can't make food hot enough for me.
You are going to be sorry.
Watch this.
That was good.
I need soda.
You are so tough.
You are so strong.
- What a macho man.
- Want some?
You sure?
A little bit.
You must have half of my pizza.
No, pepperoni is too hot.
Yeah, I like that.
The song is about the flower
that lasts forever.
Like the kind they sell at the concerts.
They're plastic and last forever.
I've got the new rule
for the new remodeled bus!
Any food that is in this beautiful,
well-stocked little cabinet... off-limits.
- That's the rule of the bus.
- We're brainstorming here.
It needs some work.
Something like, "it dies."
What are you doing?
Eating Suzy's chips.
What're you doing?
You're eating my chips.
That makes them better!
Check it out.
Pass them down!
Anybody want a chip? You want a chip?
- Chicken enchilada.
- Y'all, I'm not taking orders!
Hi, ma'am. May I help you?
Can I have...
"Como La Flor"
by Selena y Los Dinos...
...which jumped to the number one spot
on the Tejano music charts.
We're Number One!
They played the song on the radio.
- No way!
- You heard it?
- We're Number One!
- My God! Let's tell Dad!
Dad, you won't believe this!
We're Number One!
At the end of the day!
Number One! Can you believe it?!
After all these years,
all of a sudden, bang!
That's how it is, I tell you. You start
from here, then it's like a bullet.
A.B.'s really smart.
He really knows his cumbia rhythms.
He adds a little funk and disco.
Then you sing the heck out of it.
A little heavy metal
till the guitar breaks.
I can do that.
Dude, I was just thinking.
I've never seen you dance.
Do you dance?
Yeah, I dance.
I put on my white shoes and black jacket
and dance like Travolta.
Yeah, we can dance to this.
Let me see you dance.
I was just kidding.
Come on, let me see you dance.
Don't be shy.
I won't tell anyone
that you weren't being cool.
You started it!
I'll be making a pit stop
in about five more minutes.
- Follow me.
- Give me a little James Brown.
I got soul.
Do you?
- You banged me.
- I'm sorry.
Come on, this is a cumbia rhythm.
I've never seen you dance...
I don't think we should be doing this.
I'm not sure we should either.
I'm sorry.
Is he gone?
Do you think he'll tell?
I don't think so.
That sounds good, Dude.
Thanks, man.
Want a beer?
Don't worry about nothing.
I won't say anything.
I know you're cool, man.
If it gets serious, there'll be trouble.
Abraham won't like Selena
getting serious with a guy now.
With a guy like you.
What do you mean a guy like me?
Dude, you're my bro', right?
We're cool? But we're musicians.
We both know what you're like.
And Selena, she's like...
...a sister to me.
I don't know.
It's different with her.
She makes me feel different.
I don't know what it is.
I can't explain it.
Mom, he is so cute.
I don't know what it is.
He just makes me feel...
Like, I get butterflies
when I think about him.
Girl, I could tell you like him.
And you know what?
I think he's cute, too.
Mom, he is so...
He hardly talks.
No, you have to get to know him.
I'm serious.
When we're together, we just
laugh and laugh at stupid things.
You can't tell Dad.
Don't worry.
I was a young girl too, remember?
You promise?
I won't tell.
Now get off the bed
you're messing up my pillow.
They want us to play in Mexico?
- A gig in Monterrey, Mexico!
- That would be so cool.
I'm not sure of that.
Come on, Dad.
You always said everything's a risk.
They don't accept us there.
They never have.
We're Mexican!
No, we're Mexican-American and
they don't like Mexican-Americans.
And they can be mean and
they can tear us apart there.
And Selena's Spanish is...
What about it?
I've been singing in Spanish
for ten years. It's perfect.
Singing, yes.
But you speak it a little funny.
There you must speak perfectly
or the press will eat you up alive.
I've seen them do it.
The music will speak for itself.
Being Mexican-American is tough.
Anglos jump all over you
if you don't speak English perfectly.
Mexicans jump all over you
if you don't speak Spanish perfectly.
We must be twice as perfect
as anybody else.
Why're you laughing?
- What's so funny?
- Nothing.
I'm serious.
Our family has been here for centuries.
Yet they treat us as if we just
swam across the Rio Grande.
We must know about
John Wayne and Pedro Infante.
We must know about
Frank Sinatra and Agustin Lara.
We must know about Oprah and Cristina.
Anglo food is too bland.
And yet, in Mexico we get the runs.
Now that, to me, is embarrassing.
Japanese-Americans, Italian-Americans,
...their homeland is across the ocean.
Ours... right next door.
Right over there.
We must prove to the Mexicans
how Mexican we are.
Prove to the Americans we're American.
We must be more Mexican than Mexicans,
more American than Americans...
...both at the same time!
It's exhausting.
Nobody knows how tough it is
to be Mexican-American.
It's a good thing we have "frijoles"
to keep our strength up for the job.
- Now you're making fun of me.
- No, I'm not! And "menudo".
Now you're making me hungry.
Come on, Dad.
I can do it. I know I can.
Trust us.
Let's finish touring California
and then will talk about it.
But being Mexican-American
is really hard.
What's going on in here?
We'll pay for everything,
and I do mean everything.
You think that'll make it right?
You do this everywhere you go?
He's fired. I never
want to see him again.
- You can't do that.
- We're not a disgusting rock group!
I know that, Dad! Look, trust me!
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
- I want him fired!
- You can't.
We're going to Mexico.
I don't want to see his face again.
There is no way we're going to find
a new guitarist before then.
It's impossible.
What was that all about?
What's with you, huh?
Why are you trying to spoil everything?
I'm no good for you.
It'll never work.
I wish everyone would stop telling me
what's good for me!
I must hear it from Dad, Mom, A.B.
And now you?!
Maybe you should listen to them.
Stop telling me what I should want!
You don't know who I really am!
You don't know anything about me!
And that's you up there?
Big hot-shot rock-and-roller,
got to trash hotel rooms?
I've been around musicians all my life.
I'm not impressed.
And I do know who you are.
I can see you.
You're just Chris.
I want it to work, okay?
But it just can't.
You know what your problem is?
You can't accept something great
even when it stares you in the face.
I may not be street-wise and all that.
But at least I know not to be that dumb!
Her Spanish.
If only she could just keep singing!
When we get out there,
let me do all the talking, okay?
Let me handle this. Okay?
I've got an idea.
Are they shouting for me?
They are shouting for you.
- You going to wear your jacket?
- No, no.
Have a good show.
There's over 100,000 people here.
- We expected 10,000.
- Order extra security people.
They're going on stage already.
The police are sending extra help.
We weren't prepared
for a crowd this big.
I've never seen anything like it.
That's enough! Stop! Get off!
Everybody, get off! This is crazy!
Are you okay?
The stage was collapsing!
They're pushing the stage!
This is too dangerous.
The stage will crash.
You can't stop the concert.
I won't let them play!
- It'll cause a riot!
- These are my children!
They're in danger!
We need you to settle this crowd down?
Can you do it?
Are you sure?
Yeah, I can do it.
Get out there. Quickly. Come on.
Let's do "Como La Flor."
But start it slow.
You got it.
Front page!
We're on so many covers!
We did it!
What's Dad doing?
Listen to this.
"Selena is the genuine artist
of the people."
You're an artist!
I've never seen so many people before.
I've never been scared of a crowd,
not even when I was nine.
But then you started to sing
and they all loved you.
Sometimes I think about...
...the things I never had.
I never had a normal childhood.
I finished high school by mail.
Spent more time in Big Bertha
than I have anywhere else.
But when I was on that stage... was nothing I ever felt before.
It's hard to describe.
I just had this feeling like... dreams...
...were the same as the dreams
of all those people in the audience.
Like all their hopes
were centered on me.
And I just felt lucky.
I felt really lucky.
I know why they love you.
Oh, yeah? Why?
Because I love you, too.
I mean it.
You're my best friend. I can talk
about anything and you understand.
I thought a lot about
what you said to me...
...that night in L.A. By the dumpsters.
I don't want to be that dumb.
I don't want to lose you.
I don't want to lose you either.
When I was five years old
and my parents split up...
...every day I've remembered
the feeling I had when I knew... father wasn't coming back.
Until I met you.
I don't feel like that anymore.
I love you.
I love you, too.
And this goes here.
I have a surprise for you.
- You do?
- Want to see it?
Hold on! Wait for me.
Okay. Everybody off the bus.
What's going on?
Get off the bus.
Get off!
You, stay in. You, stay in. Get off.
This is over right now.
What do you mean?
This. You and him. It's over.
- You can't tell us what to do.
- I can tell you anything I want.
I know who you are.
I come from the streets.
I know what a bum musician is.
Don't talk to him like that!
I can say anything I want to say to him!
I won't have this in my family.
Let's get this straight.
You're not to see each other
like this again.
I'm not agreeing to anything!
You can't tell me who I can
and can't...
You wait!
You'll ruin your career and you're life!
You're 20! Give yourself time!
I don't care what you say!
It doesn't matter! I love him!
What did you say?
I said...
...I love him.
And he loves me.
Of course he does!
You're young, you're beautiful
and you're rich!
You would say that!
It's not like that!
He cares about me.
The real me.
There is no way...
...l'll let you take that away.
We aren't going to stop
seeing each other.
You listen to me!
If you think I'll allow you
to mess up my family...
...ruin all we've worked for,
you're wrong!
I respect your family.
I don't want to ruin anything.
I love her and we want to get married.
That's right. We want to get married.
That's it!
You're fired!
Do you hear me?!
You can ride home,
but then you're fired!
I can make my own way.
You cannot do this, Dad!
I'm not going to let you do this!
Let me go!
Listen to me.
You all listen to me!
If you follow that man,
I will disband the group!
There will be no more
Selena y Los Dinos.
Do you understand me?
Do you all understand me?
It's over!
It's okay.
Mija, but your father is right.
You're too young to get married.
You and Dad were just as young
when you got married. Younger.
It was different back then, Selena.
What was so different?
I was the daughter of poor farm workers.
We didn't have any choices.
In those days there was no other way.
But you and Dad have been happy, right?
I love your father very much.
But I wanted something different
for my daughters.
A chance to see things.
To live, mija.
Look, mija,
just wait a few years, okay?
I know it seems like forever to you now.
But believe me, it's the right thing.
But I love him, Mom.
I love him.
It's okay.
I hate this.
Can't go to a burger joint...
...without worrying about someone
seeing us and it getting back to Dad.
Pass the hot sauce.
It's in the glove compartment.
Don't worry about it.
Just give it time.
Where are you going next?
I don't know.
El Paso tomorrow. Some big gig.
They keep me busy between gigs too.
Today I have to go
to the park with Sara.
I had to talk fast just
to go shopping alone.
And you're here with me.
He says he'll break up the band
if we keep seeing each other.
So what? I can do other things.
I can design clothes.
I've always wanted to do that.
You don't want to quit music.
Making it to the big time
is important to you.
I mean, being big in Mexico and doing
that whole English crossover thing.
You once felt like everyone's hopes
and dreams were centered on you.
It means a lot to you.
It does.
What if they're right?
About us getting married.
They feel like it's going
to hurt the act, not just Abraham.
A.B., Ricky, Pete, Joe, Suzy.
They all think that.
Let's do that velcro thing over there.
- Want to go on that?
- The spider web thing?
- That one there.
- Yeah! That's cool!
We can all do it together.
How about that?
Selena, you're so full of it.
You wouldn't do that. No way.
Dare me.
- I dare you.
- Don't dare her!
- Wait! I was just kidding!
- I'm going!
Sel, wait a second!
What're you doing?
Shouldn't have dared me.
Get off!
- Come on!
- Have you lost your mind?!
This isn't funny!
Come down!
What're you doing?!
See you later.
Nobody's laughing!
Get down here!
If you look down, you won't do it.
Step back.
Right hand on the side.
Left hand on the other side.
Come on. The hardest part
is letting go.
- What're you doing here?
- I've had it!
I've had it! I can't take it anymore!
El Paso is 12 hours away.
You should be getting on the bus.
I don't care! You mean more to me
than any gig in El Paso!
- Your father'll know that you're here.
- Let him know!
Let him! Okay?
I'm tired of hiding from him.
I'm tired too. But everything's
going to get messed up this way.
Can't you just hold me?
- I don't want it messed up.
- Do you want to be with me?
Of course I do.
Do you want to be with me forever?
Forever. You're it for me.
Let's do it. Let's get married now.
That's crazy.
You don't want to marry me?
Of course, I want to!
But the right way.
What's that?
With you wearing
a beautiful white dress and...
...your friends in those different...
...colored dresses.
Bridesmaids, Chris.
Yeah, bridesmaids and lots
of flowers and your family.
I don't care about all that!
It's not the important thing!
I know it's important to you to have
your family at your wedding.
And it's important to me, too.
Because I care for you.
You're right.
I would love that.
To have a big wedding.
And my Dad give me away.
That would mean more than anything.
But it's never going to happen.
I know him, Chris.
I know what he's like.
And he will never accept us!
All right? He's dug his heels in
and that's it.
The world and all of Corpus Christi
could tumble and he wouldn't budge!
The only way he will know
I am not going to give you up... if we go out and
get married right now.
Then he'll have to accept us.
But what if he doesn't?
I'll still have you.
And you'll have me.
And there's no gig in the world
more important than that.
I love you.
Let's get married.
How does it feel to be a married man?
Feels great.
I like it.
But it also feels like I don't know
what we got ourselves into.
Look, don't worry. Okay?
You don't know what it's like
to be a Quintanilla. We're tight.
Like this.
And I'll talk to my dad.
I'll find the right way to tell him.
Okay, Sel, but listen.
Just in case things are not okay,
I can take care of you.
I can make up to $400 a week doing
session work, and bands want me.
I can take care of you.
I love you.
See? That's my macho man talking!
- I love you, too!
- I love you!
Lt'll be okay.
Here's some late-breaking news
for you Selena fans.
We have found out
Selena got married today... the lead guitarist
of her group, The Dinos.
Selena and Chris Perez tied the knot.
Here's a great big congratulations
to the happy couple.
It's on the radio already.
Don't go to Corpus! Go the other way!
- Where are we going to go?
- Anywhere but Corpus!
We just have to give him a day.
I know my dad.
I'll talk to him tomorrow.
Wait here.
Good luck.
Dad, I know you're angry.
Come in.
Sit down and shut the door.
When I found out yesterday
what you had done...
...I went crazy.
I didn't know what to do.
I went for a walk on the beach to where
I took you when you were a little girl.
I remember.
I sat there for hours and I cried.
I cried like a baby.
Dad, I didn't mean to...
This might sound
a little strange but...
I'm glad you did it.
It was a great weight on my shoulders.
I forced you into it.
- No, you didn't.
- Listen.
I can be stubborn.
You did what you had to do.
But I wanted what was best for you.
I know that.
I think that's why I knew
it was going to be okay.
You know that day on the bus when...
...Chris said he loved you?
I know he meant it.
He did mean it.
We both love each other very much.
But it scared me.
I don't know how to let you go.
I just want you to be happy.
I love you, Dad.
We don't need the getaway car?
- Everything's cool?
- Everything's good.
Come here!
Welcome to the family!
Hey, brother-in-law!
You're stuck with us.
You take care of my sis.
- You know it.
- I know.
Y'all know we got a gig tonight
in San Antonio.
Get on the bus or we'll miss it.
And you all know
how I hate to cancel gigs.
Chris, you got your guitar?
Yes, I do.
Come here, son.
You're a good man.
Welcome to our family.
- Did it really happen? Are we here?
- We're here.
Married? And it's okay with everyone?
We did it.
I feel like I could do anything.
I want the whole world...
...dancing to my music
and wearing my clothes!
Then that's what'll happen.
Guaranteed. Pretty soon,
everybody'll look like Selena.
For the first time in my life,
I swear, I feel like I'm free.
Like I could fly if I wanted to.
Like I am flying.
She's taking off.
And now with this Grammy nomination,
she's like a rocket.
She's very happy.
The happiest she's ever been.
We're happy too.
Record sales have been phenomenal.
She's fantastic.
I think she's the next Gloria Estefan.
We want to make a major
English-language album.
English-language album?
A crossover album.
The best producers.
The best songwriters.
Everything first-class.
Is she ready?
There'll be major promotion.
She'll be on all the shows.
Leno, Letterman, everything.
She's ready.
We've been ready for a long time.
How do you feel, Selena?
I am so proud. We've been
working so hard for this day.
I want to introduce you to Martin.
He's the designer I work with.
And Yolanda Saldivar.
She's handling the business for me.
She's my fan-club president.
It's like a dream come true.
So... let's do it!
Come in and I'll give you a tour.
Do you have a sandblaster
to work on her feet?
Sign right here.
- What is that?
- Inventory stuff.
Sign this.
- It tickles.
- Stop wiggling.
It'll smear.
From now on your toes
will look good.
I don't deserve this.
No one cares about my toes!
I care about your toes!
Everybody who works for me
gets a pedicure every week.
That's the rule.
Your feet look like irons.
All we need is a shirt.
A wrinkled shirt.
What're you doing here?
Give me another one!
You like this color?
It's pretty. I like it.
Why are you here so early?
I came to tell you Pete can't make it
to L.A. For the Grammy's.
Hey, what's up?
He said he has a family thing,
I don't know.
Now we have a spare ticket.
- Is that the same thing?
- Yeah, it is!
What're you doing today?
About 5,000 things.
Forget them and do 5,001.
Come to L.A.
- Please go!
- And do what?
Movie stars, rock stars, free drinks.
- Free food.
- You're crazy.
- I can't, I must do inventory.
- Don't worry.
I can do it.
I know where the lists are.
I know what needs to be done.
You go with Selena. Go!
- Come on.
- I have nothing to wear.
Then we're just going to have
to go shopping! Come on!
You know Andy Garcia'll be there?
- He's so sexy!
- I'm bringing my camera!
We have to hurry. We don't have
that much more time.
How much time do we have left?
Three hours.
Are you nervous?
Little bit.
I think you're going to win.
- Get out!
- I do. I do.
Doesn't matter if I win or not.
Dude! But I hope I do!
There's a store with nice dresses.
- That's a pretty place, too.
- Let's check there.
Look at that one.
See that one in the middle?
We could find something in here.
Every bridesmaid's nightmare.
Looks like a suit of armor.
It's very Minnie Pearl.
Now, this is nice.
What do you think?
Where'll I get the boobs for that?
I'm kidding.
- You like this? This is nice.
- It's pretty. I like the color.
Excuse me, can we try this on?
You're won't be interested in that one.
Because that dress is $800.
Can you take if off the mannequin?
We'd like to try it on.
I want it to fit.
- Suck it in!
- I'm trying!
We'll get you a girdle.
- This dress is too tight!
- It is not!
Selena's here.
Selena's in the mall!
My God! There's Selena!
What's going on?
You doing good in school?
- What's going on?
- It's Selena!
Who's Selena?
She's here for the Grammy's.
The Grammy's?
What do you think?
Me either.
Excuse me, miss? Excuse me?
We don't need the dress.
The nominees for
Best Mexican-American album are:
...Vicente Fernandez...
Whether or not you get
on stage tonight, you're it.
Someone else gets the Grammy...
...we'll kick their butts.
And the Grammy goes to:
"Live," Selena!
First, I'd like to thank my family.
My dad, who's my manager.
Dad, I love you.
My mom.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
A.B., who's my brother
and produces all my music.
...thanks for always being there.
To my husband, Chris...
...I love you, baby.
And I'd especially like to thank...
...the fans.
Because without you...
...we'd be nothing.
Thank you.
The fashion show was such a success?
How does it feel?
I'm just so happy.
When'll your fashions hit the boutiques?
Probably about another month.
She's been so great.
Everybody chipped in and we'll get her
a present. A ring, from all of us.
- Would you like to chip in too?
- That's great.
I was just thinking we should
do something like that.
I know a place where we can get her...
I know the perfect ring she would love.
Any men's fashions?
I think we better stick
to women's for a while.
Here, give me the money...
...l'll go shopping in a few days.
It'll be ready by the time
she comes back from Nashville.
Oh, that's wonderful, Yolanda.
Thank you.
Don't worry about anything.
I'm sure she'll love it.
How's married life treating you?
It's good.
He better say that!
Any plans for Selena's Boutique
in Mexico?
We've been thinking about it.
"I could lose my heart tonight
"If you don't turn and walk away
"'Cause the way I feel, I might
"Lose control and let you stay
"'Cause I could take you in my arms
"And never let go
"I could fall...
" love with you
"I could fall...
" love with you
"And I know it's not right
"And I guess I should try
"To do what I should do
"But I could fall in love
"Fall in love with you"
That's it. We got that one down.
That's a hit.
I always knew it.
We got gold, gentlemen.
They said you're a hit
and that we got gold.
I told you.
It's a hit!
You did it. Oh, man!
I bet everybody'll wonder
how I learned English so fast.
I'm starving! Hey, Dad!
So proud of you.
Watching you cut that record.
You broke the Tejano music scene
wide open.
No woman's ever been able to make it.
Now you're Number One.
You walk into Mexico and...
...they don't even accept
Mexican-Americans and they love you.
And now...
And now?
You remember.
All those barriers people
have been trying to get past... went right through them
as if they didn't exist.
Maybe for you they don't exist.
I love you.
And I'm very proud of you.
I'm tired.
How about this blue?
Blue, out!
- That's pretty.
- Isn't it?
I think you should go with that one.
You know, Selena,
I am so proud of you...
...for opening this store
and the new record.
You mean so much to me,
I bought you a little present.
You shouldn't have done that.
Oh, my gosh!
That is so beautiful.
A ring with an egg!
I love it.
You're such a good friend.
What'd you get?
Junk food.
How's the grass growing?
You know what? I want a farm.
A farm?
Not a big farm. A little farm.
About ten acres.
You want me getting up early
and riding a tractor?
Yeah, and see you feeding the pigs.
Feed the pigs. I don't think so.
I want lots of animals, too.
We'll put a fence in the front...
...and have all the cows and chickens
and horses and goats and pigs.
Wait, wait.
You have to keep different animals
apart or they'll eat each other.
Not my animals.
My animals will get along great.
Whatever you say.
I've been thinking...
...about, maybe,
having little animals of our own.
Why not?
Yeah, but what about
the singing and the touring?
I mean, you want to give it up?
No, of course not.
But we could take
the kids along with us.
It's a family act, right?
So, Sel, you're talking kids...
...the career...
...and a farm with animals.
Why not? Anything's possible.
Kids, huh?
Let's do it.
Let's get started!
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- You forgot the food!
Hey, Dad. What is so important
you had to drag me over here?
Selena, we got a problem and
I don't even know where to start.
It's Yolanda.
Fans sent money to the fan club and
complained they received nothing.
Not a picture. Nada.
Then we found out she had had
a problem with a previous employer.
What problem?
Because Yolanda wouldn't do that.
Money problems.
We didn't find out about it
because they settled out of court.
I went through the records of
the fan club and found these checks.
They're very suspicious.
And what's worse... a lot of the records are missing.
...l'm worried.
She's handling all the boutiques.
I know.
I don't know what to tell you.
It's true. I did have a problem
with a doctor I worked with.
But I would never take
anything from Selena.
I love Selena.
I don't remember these checks.
What about the missing records?
I don't know where they are.
But I'll find them.
I will. And I'll show you.
We need an accounting
of all the money.
How could you do this to me?
I never took anything from you.
I trusted you with everything I have.
How could you do this to my fans?
You know what they mean to me.
Please. Give me a chance
to prove it to you.
Scratch my head.
You know, after we're finished touring
for the crossover album...
...Chris and I were thinking
of having a baby.
A baby?
Come here, baby.
A baby.
I'll be a grandma?
Not tomorrow.
Come here.
I've been thinking about
the crossover tour a lot.
I've even had dreams about it.
It's just this whole
different world for us.
We've been working for this
ever since we were kids.
I guess I'm a little scared.
Are they going to love me?
Yes, mija.
They're going to love you.
Now go to sleep.
What are you doing here?
I'm looking up at the moon.
And I'm dreaming.
I've even had dreams about it.
"Late at night when
all the world is sleeping
"I stay up and think of you
"And I wish on a star
"That somewhere you are
"Thinking of me, too
"'Cause I'm dreaming
"Of you tonight
"Till tomorrow
"I'll be holding you tight
"And there's nowhere in the world
"I'd rather be
"Than here in my room,
dreaming about
"You and me"
How is she?
No vital or radial pulse.
Tejano superstar, Selena,
has been shot...
...allegedly by Yolanda Saldivar,
her fan-club president.
Selena was meeting Saldivar to recover
missing fan club financial records.
Selena was brutally gunned down
in Corpus Christi, Texas.
The main suspect in the shooting
is Yolanda Saldivar.
As reported earlier, Ms. Saldivar
is barricaded in her truck...
...and threatens to kill herself
with the same gun.
I can't put the gun down.
Why? Tell me why.
I'm ashamed of what I've done.
Selena was meeting Saldivar to recover
financial papers when she shot her.
I don't deserve to live.
Saldivar was meeting Selena
to hand over financial papers.
Look at what I've done
to my best friend.
I want to talk to my mother.
Selena, who grew up in Corpus Christi,
was just 23 years old.
It's a tremendous loss
for the music world.
In Texas cities tonight,
candlelight vigils are being planned... mourn the loss
of the popular singer.
"Late at night when
all the world is sleeping
"I stay up and think of you"