Semper Fi (2019)

- [indistinct chatter]
- [bowling pins clattering]
[man] Batter up, Cal.
[man 2] All right,
Callahan, come on.
[woman] Gutter ball.
Don't make out with it.
Bowl with it.
[indistinct chatter]
[all] Oh!
[Jaeger] Now, watch and learn.
[man] Jaeger,
don't get in your head.
Don't get in your head.
[man yells]
[Jaeger] Boom.
[man] Snowball.
[man 2] All right.
[man 3] Come on, Snowball.
[man 4] Come on, Snowball.
No pressure.
[man] Woo!
Moving at the speed of light.
- [screaming]
- [laughing]
[man] Come on. Nothing stupid.
[man 2] Yeah, dude.
Come on, let me see your moves.
[Callahan] Yeah. Here we go.
[man] Oyster. Yeah.
[bottles clatter]
[Jaeger] Oh, fuck, man.
Jesus Christ.
- [Oyster] Sorry.
- [man] Fucking idiot.
[Tony] Hey, hey, hey.
I thought I told you guys
to settle down?
[Oyster] We'll settle down
when you cut your hair.
That seems like
a fair deal to me.
Don't make me call the cops,
smart ass, all right?
Hey, when's the last time
you oiled these lanes, bud?
Yeah, homie.
They're gripping like crazy
so we can't shoot well.
[Oyster] Tony, will you
dance with me?
I think we got off
on a wrong foot
- and I'd love to...
- Get the fuck off me.
[man] Oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[Tony] Get the fuck off of me.
[man] Whoa.
Look, if you rednecks
don't like the way
I run this place,
you can get the fuck out.
Finally, I'm a redneck.
Fuck, yeah.
- Congrats.
- [laughing]
I'm calling the cops. Fuck off.
Hey. Hey. Come on.
Let's all calm down.
We're all right.
He is the cops, dude.
[man] Hey, hey, hey.
Come on.
Tony, look.
Give me... Give me that shit.
Sit down. Sit down.
My bad. My bad.
It's only my first week.
- Hey. Tony, is it?
- [Tony] Yeah.
How you doing? Chris Callahan.
- [Tony] Tony.
- Pleasure.
[Tony] I'm sorry.
It's my first week.
That's all right, man.
That's cool.
We come here every week.
We should get to know
each other.
It's all good.
I got an idea.
If my brother balls
three strikes in a row...
[Jaeger] Yeah.
[Callahan] buy us a round of drinks.
- If he can't, we'll leave.
- What?
[man] Wow.
That's a really good deal, Tony.
- [Callahan] Come on.
- You're on.
- All right.
- [man] That settles it then.
- You got this?
- I got this.
Okay. Go.
Let's go. Come on.
- [man] Number one.
- [man 2] We got this. Yeah.
One strike.
[makes robotic whirring sound]
[man] He's really good.
We forgot to tell you.
And number two for my
less handsome older brother.
- [man] Oh!
- [laughing]
Tony, what happened, man?
[Oyster] You know what?
For my third one, I'm gonna
need to be blindfolded.
- [man] No.
- [man 2] No fucking way.
[Jaeger] I can do it.
I promise you.
No. I'm serious.
[Tony] He does that,
I'll get you two drinks.
He's gonna get us two.
You'll get us two rounds?
- [Oyster] I promise you.
- Do it.
[man] I don't approve of this.
[Snowball] Now, be the ball,
baby. Be the ball.
You got two steps
then shoot.
- Throw the fucking rock.
- [man] Aim right. Aim right.
Be the ball.
[Jaeger] Why?
I'm sorry, Tony.
I got two.
Can we still stay?
- Tony.
- [man] Come on, Tony.
- [Jaeger] Let us stay.
- [man] Come on, Tony.
Let us stay, huh?
I'm not buying you
fucking drinks.
[foghorn blows]
[Callahan panting]
[can sprays]
[Jaeger] What do you think?
Be good.
See you guys Wednesday.
All right. I need to get
the bucket on the deck.
I gotta catch a crew boat.
[Oyster] Jalapenos
and a fried clam.
Dude, that's fucking disgusting.
Or genius, bro.
you run like my grandma.
[Callahan] Wanna go again?
[car honks]
[Jaeger] Finally.
You're 20 minutes late, man.
We were waiting for you.
[Milk] I'm putting
out fires, bro.
What are you doing?
[Jaeger] What am I doing?
I don't know.
Uh, I'm not making excuses. Hmm.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
Not so close...
[Callahan] Hey. Hi, Rachel.
[Jaeger] Look who it is!
God. She's beautiful.
Here comes the monster.
High five.
- Oh, so strong.
- Yeah.
- Snowball, what's up?
- What's up, my brother?
- You good?
- [Rachel] You animals.
[Callahan laughs]
All right. I stink.
I'ma shower up.
Five minutes.
Get your camis on.
Five minutes, McKowski.
- Hi.
- [giggles]
- Fucking sick.
- Fuck.
Are you wearing cologne?
Fuck yourself.
Can you smell it
all the way up there?
Yeah. Fuck yeah.
I can smell it.
I thought we were
fucking going by
a candle shop or some shit.
I'm right next to him.
I feel like I'm gonna pass out.
Fucking smells like glitter.
It's part of my fucking
morning ritual, okay?
What is your morning ritual?
Walk us through that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, I get up
in whose ever house I'm in,
get home, usually.
Crawl out a window.
- [Snowball] Crawl out a window.
- Crawl out a window.
Put on my crisp white strips.
- For about half an hour.
- Fuck you.
You got to let
those things set in, you know.
Then I do the hair.
That's a good... That's a good
15 minutes in itself.
[Milk] Yeah,
it's got a good coiff to it.
And then, uh... Yeah.
Just as I'm going out the door
maybe a little spray
and walk into it.
Walk out of the door, you know.
What, uh...
What's your cologne called?
What's it called?
It's called Transcendence.
- No!
- [laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[man] No, Cal.
Please don't make us
do a squat thrust, man.
[Callahan] Come on.
It's one weekend a month.
You can do this.
[Oyster] Fuck.
Has anybody seen my cover?
Oh, come on.
Fuck. Fuck.
No, I think I left it
back at the...
God damn it.
Where's your cover, marine?
Fuck me.
Hold on.
Staff Sergeant Callahan,
a word.
Staff Sergeant, what's up
with your Devil Dog?
- Sorry, sir.
- Aren't you two related?
When are you gonna
get your shit together?
No. When are you gonna stop
sleeping with men for money?
- Hey.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[Oyster] Hey,
you don't have a cover now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the fuck is going on?
He took my cover.
[Oyster] Well, he started it.
Ask him.
[Callahan] Come on.
[Oyster] Sorry.
[Callahan] Give me 20
on the obstacle course.
- All right, Staff Sergeant.
- [Callahan] Come here.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Man, he's just always
on my shit.
- He's jumping in my face.
- What the fuck?
You can't drill without a cover.
Yeah. I know. I had my
cover laid out for me...
- Go field day the head.
- ...and I just spaced... What?
No. Come on. Let me do
the obstacle course, Cal.
- Staff Sergeant.
- Staff Sergeant,
- let me do the obstacle course.
- Now.
[man] All right, gents.
We're going white light.
Real world.
We're in condition one.
Hammered pairs, single brain.
Single brain.
- Give me one.
- [all] Yeah!
Brace, brace front!
Close door right!
[man] Clear.
[man 2] Moving!
- [gunshots]
- Brace, brace front.
Move! All clear!
- [gunshots]
- [both] Clear!
- [man] Room all clear.
- Callahan,
dig your fucking corners!
The lazy way is the dead way.
And Yoo-hoo, you're
finger fucking your safety.
Get the gun in the fight.
[indistinct chatter outside]
[Callahan] Mama and Papa
were laying in bed.
[all] Mama and Papa
were laying in bed.
[Callahan] Papa rolled over
and this is what he said.
[all] Papa rolled over
and this is what he said.
- [Callahan] I want some.
- [all] I want some.
- [Callahan] I need some.
- [all] I need some.
- [Callahan] Get some.
- [all] Get some.
- [Callahan] Get some.
- [all] Get some.
- [Callahan] Grease some.
- [all] Grease some.
[Callahan] I've heard
some grumbling,
not enough gear,
how they're calling up
a bunch of old reservists.
I know, uh, some of you
got full-time jobs
you don't wanna leave.
I think we got, what?
Two, is it, that are expecting?
But, uh, at some point,
we all signed on
the dotted line.
You took an oath
to serve your country
in its time of need,
and now's that time.
We clear?
[all] Yes.
Back in the fight.
[Callahan] What?
Just wish you'd look out
for me.
[Callahan] Really?
Didn't I just get you a job
at the diner?
Just feels like whenever
it's between me or someone else,
you side with the other guy.
[Callahan] What do you
expect, man?
You know, I petitioned
the Marine Corps
to forgive your felonies.
What do you do?
You get in a fight
the second we got out there.
[Oyster] I'm starving.
[Callahan] Yeah.
Well, there's lasagna.
[Oyster] That lasagna
is still in here.
[groans] I made this,
like, two weeks ago.
It's disgusting.
You know I got that job at the
diner 'cause I'm good, right?
I'm good at cooking.
And the Marines
need people right now.
It's not like some felony waiver
is a big favor to me, man.
You always got a smart-ass
response, don't you?
Brains is my burden, homie.
Yeah, well, you got
one more offense,
you're going back in.
You know that, right?
Soy comprehende.
You know, you're really
starting to piss me off.
[Oyster] Can I remind you
of what you were like at my age?
Oh, I got my shit
together though, didn't I?
At least I finished high school
in four years.
I actually read books.
You read, like, magazines
like Guns & Ammo.
- Don't worry. I'm moving out.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm serious.
I got a business plan
for a fleet of food trucks.
I'm gonna make a mil
by the time I'm 30.
- Oh, yeah?
- [Oyster] Yeah.
What do you know about
running a business?
There's this book called
The 7 Habits of Highly
Successful People,
and it teaches
all the secrets of success.
- [Callahan] Oh, yeah?
- [Oyster] Yeah.
What are they?
I haven't read the book yet
but when I get into...
You haven't read the book.
I just got the book.
How am I supposed to read it...
- I'm sorry.
- ...when I just bought it.
- I'm sorry. That wasn't cool.
- No. It's not funny.
- The fuck are you laughing at?
- Hey, come here.
I'm not gonna fucking tell you.
- Don't do that, all right?
- Fuck off.
I just wanna know about
the habits...
[Oyster] Get the fuck off me!
You're fucking deranged, man!
- [door slams]
- [sighs]
Hey. You all right?
[knocks on door]
What happened?
- You okay?
- Go away.
- Let me take a look.
- [Oyster] Go away.
[playing guitar]
I think the chicken's done.
[indistinct chatter]
So, uh, what...
How do you guys...
You guys know Jaeger?
You just, uh...
- Oh, he just came up to us.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. He does that.
- [chuckling]
- [woman] Thank you.
- Water, vodka, vodka.
[woman] Thank you, sir.
- So you really don't drink?
- Uh, I used to.
He'll have a drink
with a side of communion wafers.
- [laughing]
- What do you do for fun?
I mean,
I'm having fun right now.
[woman] Are you?
- Yeah.
- Obviously.
- [laughing]
- Oh!
- There he is.
- What up, Snowball?
- [Snowball] What's up, baby?
- And Milk.
- Hi.
- Bro.
- Can I get a beer, please?
- Yeah. Here's your beer. Bam.
CO, sidebar.
Clara's in the AO,
can I tag out?
All right.
Will you cover me while I move?
Ladies, have you seen his tats?
- Whoa.
- No. Let's see them.
- Check them out.
- Wow. That is sexy.
- Thanks.
- [woman] What does it mean?
I got them a while back.
Yo, yo, yo.
Come. Come with me. With me.
- It's your lucky day.
- Oh, really?
Show me. Show me.
[Jaeger] Ladies, look who
I just bumped into.
Everybody, this is Snowball.
- Hi, ladies.
- Uh, and this Oyster.
These guys happen to be related.
- No. Where are you going?
- [Jaeger] Uh, that's Val.
Hello, ma'am. I'm Oyster.
- [Jaeger] And this is Carrie.
- Hello.
[Jaeger] Carrie is
an English major.
I speak English.
That's great.
You're coming back, right?
Nice meeting you.
- [woman] Amazing.
- Yeah, I've been doing it wrong.
- Seven to 11.
- Oh, hi.
- Oh, hi. Good to see you.
- You too.
- How are you?
- Great. Great.
- Hey, Clara.
- Hi, Cal. How are you?
You gonna buy a round of those
for your two favorite
- Maybe next round.
- [Jaeger] Mm.
What you, uh, doing in town?
- My mother's 60th.
- Oh, nice.
When are you guys shipping out?
Uh, any day.
Wow. I can't believe they're
actually sending in reservists.
Yeah, you know,
if you were going off to war,
I would definitely...
I would do the patriotic thing.
You know, I'd buy you a drink.
I'd invite you back to my place.
Can my boyfriend come?
I mean, I guess
he could hold the camera.
Only you would use this bullshit
war as an excuse to get laid.
- Only you.
- [chuckles]
- Usually works. [chuckles]
- [Clara] Not tonight.
- Do you wanna get out of here?
- No.
You sure?
I don't how we ever broke up.
You're so charming.
Ah, well, there was a time
when it wasn't beneath you
to date a guy
who didn't have a masters.
Time to go.
Have fun tonight.
It went well.
Just got a text
from the ball and chain.
[Snowball] What's he say?
"Look, don't get so drunk
you can't fuck me later."
- Oh.
- [laughs]
You know, um,
in World War II
they invented wife swapping,
because, you know,
the life spans were so short.
So I'm here for you, bro.
Rachel would never fuck
a Mexican.
That's literally not what
every mariachi in town says.
- [laughing]
- [imitates mariachi band]
Yo, can I get ten bucks,
because I really wanna buy
these lovely ladies
a few alcoholic beverages,
and I have had a few more
than they have had.
[Milk] Go panhandle
somewhere else.
All right. I'm out of here.
I'm spent.
You, easy on the booze,
and don't make a fucking
- racket later, okay?
- Oh, will you get a wife?
Then you can boss
your wife around,
so you don't have to
boss me around.
You get your own another place,
do whatever the fuck you want.
All right, Staff Sergeant.
All right, Staff Sergeant.
- [Jaeger] All right. All right.
- Staff Sergeant.
- [Jaeger] Mailbox.
- We're racing.
- No, I'm gonna stick around.
- Are we running?
- [Milk] Oh, yeah.
- Stay gold, pony boy.
Last time we only went to Milk's
and I gave up.
- What up, Dwyer?
- What's up, dude?
DJ, hey, can I get $10
because I got these
beautiful honeys back there,
and I wanna buy them
some drinks.
- I'm a little low on cash.
- Oh, yeah, man.
- Yeah.
- That's a good friend.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
But you better hurry up
before Daley
gets all of that shit, huh?
Always Ben fucking Daley.
I'm gonna kill this kid.
[Callahan] Really?
[Jaeger] I'm not letting you
win this time, Milk.
- Shit.
- Hey.
Thanks, Captain Planet.
All right.
I got to fucking beat you, man.
Get ready to be smoked.
- Mark.
- Set.
- You're going down, Milky.
- [laughing]
[girl chuckles]
Where are the prettiest girls
at the bar
doing with a couple of scoobs?
What... What's a scoob?
Just please leave.
Fuck off, Oyster.
- Yikes.
- What's a scoob?
I don't know.
Just kind of came to me.
[both chuckle]
[indistinct chatter]
Come on, man.
Get the fuck off me.
Get the fuck off me.
[man] Ben?
- Ben.
- Yo?
Get up.
[man] Ben?
[Callahan speaking Arabic]
[speaking Arabic]
[speaking Arabic]
Get down.
[speaking Arabic]
[phone rings]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[officer] Get back.
Thank you.
[Callahan] Tell me.
[officer] He slammed
Ben Daley's head into a urinal.
- Your brother's record...
- Yeah, I know.
- And fleeing the scene...
- I'll find him, all right?
Just let me find him first.
[indistinct radio chatter]
- Baker Six to headquarters.
- [officer] Go ahead, Baker Six.
Yeah, I got that Bronco
at 35 Riverside Drive.
[officer] Copy that.
Teddy, get out here.
Hear me out, all right?
- [Callahan] I'm listening. Yeah.
- All right.
- There were two of them.
- [Callahan] Uh-huh.
They fucking jumped him,
all right?
- That's great.
- It was self-defense, brother.
He can explain
at the fucking station.
[Snowball] You're gonna
fucking arresting him?
What do you think I gotta do?
I gotta fucking take him in.
You're not gonna fucking
take him to the station.
- Talk to him.
- He explain it
- at the fucking station.
- [Snowball] You think
- they're gonna believe him, Cal?
- What's that?
What the fuck is that?
What's he gonna do,
jump the border?
What are you... What the fuck
are you doing getting involved?
Why are you behaving
like a fucking cop?
- I am a fucking cop.
- He's your fucking brother.
Sit down, all right?
Just sit down
and stay out of it, please.
Teddy, get out here.
He's got your fucking passport,
bro, come out here.
- Sit the fuck.
- Yeah, I fucking heard you.
All right?
- What are you thinking?
- Give it to me.
[Snowball] All right.
Easy. Easy, guys.
- Don't fucking... No, no, no.
- What the fuck are you thinking?
- [Snowball] Hey. Hey.
- You can't run from this shit.
- Easy. Easy.
- All right?
What do you think's
gonna fucking happen?
- Look, Oyster!
- Fuck.
[sirens wailing]
[Callahan] Fuck.
[Oyster] Motherfucker.
Get the fuck off me!
No, no, no. Cal.
You stupid motherfucker!
I told you they're gonna
fucking take me to jail.
You fucking loser!
You fucking fuck!
- You stupid motherfucker!
- [officer] Hey.
[Oyster] You know they're gonna
put me in there!
- [Callahan] Take it easy.
- You fucking piece of shit.
All right?
[indistinct radio chatter]
Come on. Calm down.
Ben Daley just passed away.
[Oyster] No, no, no.
Oh, God. No. Fuck. No.
Hey. Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [Oyster] No, no, no.
- That's my brother.
No, no, no! No, no!
Get your hands off me!
Get your fucking hands off me!
No! No!
Look at me.
Look at me.
You stupid fucking animal!
[engine starts]
[siren wailing]
[helicopter whirring]
[indistinct radio chatter]
I just wanna point out
real quick
that we're pulling
fucking security
for porta potties, man.
Are you aware of that?
Get the fuck back up there.
[helicopter whirring]
[soldiers chanting indistinctly]
- [Snowball] Go, go, go.
- Up, up. More, more, more.
- More, more, more.
- Level with the window.
Snowball, put some
dick skin on it, bro.
[Snowball] Working on it.
[Jaeger] Fuck.
Fucking piece of shit.
Couldn't they give us
real fucking shovels?
I've had fucking hard-ons
bigger than this thing.
One more.
[Snowball] That's a fucking lie.
You know, Animal Company 17's
first sergeant
made 'em do 150,000 of these.
- Fuck.
- [Jaeger] Why, why?
Oh, they burned down
their guard shack smoking.
- [laughing]
- Shucked the shack.
Fuck off.
[indistinct chatter]
[soldier] One, two three.
Yo, Cal, who's that?
Is that Captain Vera?
[gates open]
[metal clanking]
Put your fucking foot down.
Turn around.
[door opens]
[buzzer sounds]
[indistinct chatter]
Pull up your fucking jumpsuit.
I want all this shit
off of this railing now!
You got five seconds
or it's mine!
Five, four, three, two, one.
Something funny, fellas?
Who wants to tell me a joke?
How about you?
You got some funny jokes
you wanna tell?
No, sir.
[Callahan] Bring it in.
School circle on the LT.
[lieutenant] Listen up, gents.
We are losing Marines to IEDs.
Now, this is an ECM.
The ECM is gonna jam any
wireless signal for 300 meters.
That means the Haji
should not be able to command
detonate any of their IEDs.
Sir, we still plan to keep
on the IPs in the dark
- until we step off?
- No.
Higher up wants us to treat
the Iraqi police
like a partner force.
So, that's what we're gonna do.
Are we good to go?
[soldiers groaning]
[lieutenant] Dismiss.
[metal clanking]
- [Snowball] Ready?
- Hit it.
- One, two, three.
- [radio static]
- [groaning]
- You fucking suck.
[Snowball] That sucks, man.
Oh, Jesus.
[Snowball] It's gonna fucking
annoy them to death.
All right. What? This is it?
Where are the rest of the IPs?
These are their team leaders.
[sighs] Fuck me.
Okay. All right.
All right, listen up.
Who here is more loyal
to the Mahdi militia
than to your own country, huh?
Raise your hand.
[translator speaking Arabic]
I don't care if you're Shia,
Sunni, Baathist, all right?
Your loyalty
is now to the Iraqi police.
Now, somehow, the militia,
they know our routes.
They know our departure times.
We can't have it, okay?
So, from this point on,
you're gonna go on missions
alongside us. You got it?
[translator speaking Arabic]
Good. All right.
[metal clanking]
What do you want me to see?
Is he putting fucking apples
into the pancakes?
Fucking sneaking snacks
to his friends.
Where the fuck
did he get an apple from?
Come on.
Am I in trouble?
You're not in trouble, kid.
Get over there.
- [Oyster] Over here?
- [guard] Yeah.
That's good enough.
Look, the boys and me,
we saw you making
those apple pancakes.
I'm sorry about that, sir.
I was just trying...
- Somebody was talking...
- Shut up.
They look good.
The inmates aren't gonna
help you in here.
The guards
are gonna help you.
So, if you wanna do
something special,
you take care of the guards.
And then we take care of you.
Which is why you're here.
All right?
I got two boys outside.
They got birthdays coming up.
How about you make
some apple pies for them?
You can do it,
a couple of apple pies?
You want me to... Yes, sir.
So, what do you need?
Uh, for apple pies, apples.
All right, grab some apples.
You know what, put them in those
sacks right there.
Yeah, sure.
Put three or four on one side,
put three or four
on the other side.
Here's one.
Happy birthday, boys.
And what else do you need
for the pie?
Not just apples, huh?
Yeah, I probably need
some, uh, cinnamon.
Is it your birthday?
Or one of your birthdays?
[guard] Yeah, both of them
got birthdays
- coming up, yeah.
- Cool.
So, we're going to need...
What did you say?
- I just...
- Cinnamon?
Cinnamon, yeah, sugar.
- Sugar, cinnamon, sugar.
- Butter, milk.
Boys, hold the bags open,
he's got a lot more
to put in there.
Sugar is right over here.
Yeah, how much you need?
Oh, fuck!
[indistinct radio chatter]
[radio static]
The IED jammer
is fucking with our comms.
I don't think hitting it's
gonna help.
Yeah, but it makes me
feel better.
Hey, guys.
Remember that time
when the recruiter
promised us cool missions,
like delivering shit paper
to a bunch of action movie guys?
- [laughs]
- [Milk] I heard that.
[Callahan] What would you
rather do, firewatch?
- [Jaeger] No.
- Yo,
where'd the Iraqi police go?
Yo, those motherfuckers
peeled off.
Nick 2, this is Nick 4.
Nick 2, this is Nick 4.
This way?
[man] Holy shit.
Contact front.
Standby for blood.
[indistinct shouting]
[Man] Go, go.
Twenty-five and five,
punch out.
Set up security.
[indistinct chatter]
Eyes on that gun!
Cover that dead space.
Run some security.
Cover that overhead.
I'm here. I'm here, brother.
I'm here. I got you.
- Jaeger... Hey, hey.
- [groans]
Focus on me.
Hey. Just breathe.
Find me a CCP.
We need these Marines
off the street.
- [grunting]
- Stay with me, okay?
That's it. Okay. I got you.
- Is my dick okay?
- Your dick is fine.
- Focus on me.
- [screams]
I'm gonna need a CASEVAC,
stand by for night line.
- [Callahan] Stay with me, okay?
- Shit.
[Callahan] Okay. I got you.
What? What?
I'll take it from here,
Sergeant Callahan.
On you.
Go, go, go, go.
[Jaeger] Wait, Cal.
Get that bird inbound.
Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
- [Milk] Get the fuck down here.
- All right, all right.
What the fuck are you doing here
in the middle of the night?
- [speaking Arabic]
- What's going on?
[man speaking Arabic]
[speaking Arabic]
Milk, where's his bed?
Fuck, he didn't...
He didn't fucking sleep here.
- [speaking Arabic]
- No fucking bed up here, bro.
- What's he saying?
- [speaks Arabic]
Hey. Hey.
Where is your bed?
- [speaking Arabic]
- Hey, if you're sleeping
show me your bed.
- Hey. Where is your bed?
- [speaking Arabic]
You trigger that?
- Did you trigger that shit?
- [speaking Arabic]
- Where is your fucking bed?
- [speaking Arabic]
You trigger that shit?
Where is your fucking bed?
[airplane soaring]
[jet engine roars]
- How is he?
- [Callahan] He's alive.
- It's the last house.
- I know.
Thank you.
Call me if you need anything.
My practice
is only an hour away.
[indistinct chatter]
[guard] You have a visitor.
Who came to visit me?
I don't fucking know.
Come read the fucking paper.
Fine by me.
It's been denied.
[keys jingling]
[crickets chirping]
[phone beeping]
[line ringing]
- [Snowball] Hello?
- Hey, Snowball.
You awake?
[Snowball] Yeah, what's up?
I need your help.
[Snowball] Yeah,
what do you need, man?
[door buzzes]
I know, I know, I know.
Hear me out.
Hear us out, right?
Listen, he just wants to talk.
All right?
And he wants to help.
Hear him out for me.
Let's talk.
Let's go.
- [Callahan] Is it okay?
- Sit down.
Look, I don't think it's right.
Fuck yeah.
Okay. I don't think you deserve
this sentence and, uh...
This an apology?
You mean I don't need
to serve 25 years
for fucking defending myself?
Look, Clara says there's, uh,
a second appeal
that we can go after.
It's, uh...
It's kind of a long shot, but...
No, the second appeal
is pre-denied.
Nichols says
it's pre-denied.
- It's pre-denied, bro?
- What do you mean? What?
- Why are we pre-denied?
- Why are we pre-denied?
What do you mean "we"?
Since when has it been "we"?
Like you and me?
Pre-denied? You're the one
that held me down
because you wanted to
teach me a lesson.
- Okay. That's not what happened.
- [Oyster] You're the one who's
resented me
since I was a little kid.
- And obviously that's why...
- [Callahan] Really? put me in there,
that's obviously...
- This is not what I came here.
- ...why you held me down,
because you can't
fucking deal with me.
[Callahan chuckles]
[Snowball] It's not what
we came here for, bro.
Right? Because I'm...
I'm just a fuck up to you.
- [Callahan] Bro...
- I'm a fuck up
and I'm a loser to you.
Bro, I did everything I could
to give you a shot.
And you're fucking blaming me?
- Everything you could...
- [Callahan] Everything I could.
- give me a shot.
- [Callahan] Yeah,
- I did everything I could...
- Yeah, holding me down...
...and you're still a fuck up.
...on the fucking ground,
you're holding me down,
that's everything you could...
Oh, you're gonna
blame me for that?
- Yeah, I'm gonna blame you.
- You're gonna blame me?
I'm gonna blame you.
You could've let me go!
- I worked my ass off...
- You could've let me go!
- be your legal guardian...
- Guys?
- ...and what do you fucking do?
- Guys!
- You throw shit at me!
- Guys.
- I didn't throw shit at you.
- You know, I worked my ass off
to be your legal guardian.
You understand that?
That ever occur to you,
you know?
Who the fuck fed you?
Who the fuck put
the fucking lights on?
Guys, let's not do this.
It was me, all right?
Why do you think I didn't go
active duty?
- You think that was for me?
- I don't wanna hear how much
you resent me anymore.
I don't feel like it!
- I don't resent you!
- Why are you coming here
- to make me feel like shit!
- I'm just saying I fucking
- sacrificed a lot...
- Guys, guys!
...and you're fucking
throwing shit...
- This is not an apology!
- [Snowball] Whoa, whoa!
I'm the one
who's stuck in here!
- [guard] Visitation is over.
- Good.
- It's over, happy?
- [Snowball] Sir...
[guard] Sir, I'm sorry.
I apologize, visitation is over.
It's over.
- [sighs]
- Get up.
Let's go.
Wait right here.
Keep your chin up
in there, okay?
Yo, why is your chest
all fucked up?
Hey, back way from the inmate.
Back off, sir.
- No contact with the inmates.
- There's bruises on his chest.
I'm sorry, sir, you cannot touch
the inmate, back up, please.
No contact with the inmates.
Let's go, I'm sorry.
who did that to you, bro?
- Jesus Christ.
- [knocking on door]
[door buzzes]
[door closes]
[Callahan] Hey.
- Who's the officer in charge?
- Sergeant Capros.
- Yeah, I want a word with him.
- Regarding?
- I wanna file a complaint.
- [guard] A complaint?
- What's your complaint?
- I wanna file a complaint.
- Go get Sergeant Capros.
- He's not around, pal.
- Well, go find him, pal.
- [Snowball] All right.
Hey, you need to get
the fuck out my face...
- [Snowball] Come on, bro.
- ...pal.
[Snowball] Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
And don't never get in
my fucking face like that again.
We got it, we got it, thank you.
They need to know
what's going on, all right?
I think they're the ones
doing it, bro.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[Callahan] Nichols!
Hey, Cal.
What, you don't return my calls?
No, I'm sorry.
Listen, I filed the complaint
with the warden myself,
but I need you to
do the petition of transfer.
I know. I got it.
- I got the message.
- No, ASAP, all right, okay?
All right.
I got them, I got them.
- I'm on it. I'm on it.
- No, I can't have him in there
- a day longer.
- Right, I got... I got...
Why was the second appeal
pre-denied, huh?
The facts of the case
have been adjudicated already,
but they're not gonna hear
a second appeal
until there's new evidence.
Our hands are tied,
that's it.
What if, uh...
What if Dwyer recants
his testimony?
Why would he do that?
I don't...
I don't see it happening.
No, but what if he did?
[sighs] I'm sorry, Cal.
I'm really sorry.
I did everything I could.
I'm... I got to go, okay?
I... I'll file the request
for transfer
first thing in the morning.
I got them, okay?
[door opens]
[door buzzes]
[guard] Not you, you stay.
It would be a good idea
to deny any charges
that you made against us.
I didn't report anything,
I don't know
what you're talking about.
- You are going to deny...
- I didn't report any...
- ...any charges made against us.
- I didn't report anything.
I didn't report anything,
I don't know anything
about any charges, anybody
asked me anything, I won't...
- No, no, we didn't say you.
- ...say a word.
Your nutjob brother.
[guard] He's a little shit bag
like you, ain't he?
Don't you fucking talk
about my brother.
We're done.
[crickets chirping]
[handcuffs rattling]
[knocks on door]
Hey, what's up, Stacey,
how you doing?
- What's the problem?
- Oh, nothing.
Uh, Dwyer here?
- Why, what's he done?
- Just get him.
- D.J.!
- [D.J.] What?
Cal is here.
What the fuck did you do?
Man, chill out.
What's up, Dwyer, how you doing?
- Hey, what's up?
- Come out here.
Let's have a chat.
- What you want, man?
- Come and have a chat.
Why'd you testify
against Oyster, hmm?
[sighs] They had possession
charges on me,
threatening to go after me
if I didn't cooperate.
I understand.
I can help you out with that.
- Mm-hmm.
- All right?
I need you to do
something for me, all right?
You got to recant
your testimony...
- Stop.
- ...and say they pressured you.
No, dude, I can't do that,
I can't go back to jail, man.
- Shh. Shh. Shh.
- Look, they asked me if Oyster
threatened to kill Daley,
- he did say it, so...
- Just listen.
...I said yes, man.
What the fuck are you doing?
If you don't recant I will
fuck up your world, understand?
- [groans]
- I will fuck up the rest of...
Fuck. Get off me. Fuck.
Get the fuck off of him!
Fuck you, man!
Fuck, fuck!
Fuck off, you fucking psycho!
Get the fuck off my property!
Get the fuck off my property!
- [D.J.] Fuck you!
- [Stacey] Get the fuck off
of our property!
- [D.J.] You psycho!
- [Stacey screams]
[indistinct chatter]
[officer] Dwyer's wife
is pressing charges.
They want me to throw you
off the force.
The DA used his
rap sheet to make him testify.
And what am I supposed
to do is by...
- [officer] Bullshit.
- That's coercion.
It doesn't give you
the right to beat him up,
this isn't Iraq.
I can lean on Dwyer to drop
the charge against you.
But I need to give you
a two-week suspension
so you can screw your head
back on.
How is he?
He won't see me.
I'll give the warden a call.
Show up with your badge,
you'll get to see him.
You're not gonna take my badge?
Give me a break, Cal.
You know we all think
his sentence is unfair.
Thank you.
[door buzzes]
[door opens]
How you doing?
You all right?
We're, uh, working on a transfer
to La Belle.
It's, uh...
It's down in Pennsylvania
I figured me and the boys
will come visit.
Did you really wanna
be my guardian?
Because you could have been
my guardian when...
you turned 18
but you waited two more years.
I was a mess at 18, I was...
I was drunk for a year
after Mom died.
And I didn't wait. I was...
I was trying to make it
through the police academy.
[Oyster] And I told you that
he was doing shit to me.
I was really clear about
what was going on.
Yeah, I didn't know
who the fuck I was,
let alone how to be your dad.
I didn't need you to be my dad.
I just needed...
you to be my brother. I just...
I needed somebody
to joke around with or...
you know,
be my wingman at the bar.
Like telling me, you know,
some of the things
that I was feeling
and thinking weren't weird
or wrong, you know?
I just needed someone
to have my back.
[sighs] I'm sorry, Teddy, I am.
Do you remember what you said
when I totaled the Mazda?
You came to visit me
in the hospital,
and my arm was in a sling.
And I said to you,
"I'm really sorry, Cal."
And do you remember
what you said to me?
You said,
"I do not accept your apology."
Guard, I wanna go.
[door buzzes]
[door opens]
I don't.
Do not accept your apology.
[guard] Lets go.
[indistinct chatter]
Check out time, bitch!
- [Jaeger] Yeah! Motherfuckers!
- [Callahan] Yeah.
[Snowball] Yo, where's all
the female nurses, man?
[Jaeger] Hoo-hoo!
You need help, bro?
[Jaeger] Yeah, I do, man.
Thanks. Give me a hand.
Hey. Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!
- You are a fucking idiot!
- [laughing]
I should have known better.
My phone is soaked!
I got to redo my hair!
Look. Look at his fucking
hairdo, man.
So that's what you really
look like, huh, Milk?
- [laughs]
- [grunts]
Sorry, Sarge, you needed
new phone anyway, man.
I did you a fucking favor.
[Snowball] I've never seen two
mermaids making love like that.
That shit was beautiful. Wow.
Graceful. Graceful.
- Thank you.
- [Jaeger] Welcome, man. Anytime.
Really good to see you, man.
[Jaeger] Missed you, brother.
You too, bro.
Don't cry, you fucking dicks.
Milk had my weed in his pocket.
That shit's making me sad.
Oh, shit.
Well, now I am sorry.
- Yeah. What are we drinking?
- Yeah.
[Jaeger] Yeah. Let's get
the fuck out of here.
[Snowball] Yeah.
Where is this hangout?
[Jaeger] Yeah, I'll show you.
["I Believe In a Thing Called
Love" by The Darkness plays]
I'm doing drums. I got drums.
Stand up bass, bro.
Stand up bass.
I believe in a thing
called love
Just listen to the rhythm
of my heart
There's a chance
we could make it now
We'll be rocking
'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing
called love
[music continues]
The boys are kinda worried
about you.
They said you might be
going a little Lindsay Lohan.
I'm just having
trouble sleeping.
Yeah, that's it?
- That's it.
- That's it.
Check this out.
I still have all these
tiny pieces of shrapnel
on my back and my leg.
- Jesus Christ.
- It's from my fucking leg.
Holy fuck!
That's right, it takes years
to come out sometimes.
- It's...
- Oh, man.
I like to keep it around.
Can't complain
though, man, honestly.
I'm getting, like,
two grand a month.
I might be going to college
on this fucking IED.
You should.
How's Oyster?
[sighs] It's not good.
[indistinct chatter]
[guard] Hello.
Oh, look what we got here.
That's not mine.
That was not there before.
It's in your cell.
You got a little contraband.
A little weed, huh?
That's not mine.
That's obviously not mine.
- [guard] Well, who the fuck?
- I don't know whose that is
- but it's not mine!
- [guard] It's in your cell.
- It's in your toilet.
- It's not mine!
You know that's not mine.
You know that's not Jodie's.
You know somebody
must have planted that shit!
Give me an evidence bag, Sarge.
We found contraband.
Pick up your shit.
Oh, I am being polite,
I assure you.
I understand, but...
But when I tried to
see him today,
I was told to call this number.
Well, how can I find out
if he's in solitary?
Why the fuck
would he be put there?
[country music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah. I think so.
It's a specialty.
But I've never seen...
I've never seen pasta like this.
Oh, thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
[country music playing]
- How is it going here?
- Ah, it's just fucked up, bro.
[Jaeger] What's fucked up?
If I shot that guy here,
I'd be in jail too.
Go on, man.
Give it a rest, huh?
I almost forgot how
annoying you are when you drink.
Don't break anything, huh?
Do you want to take these home?
They're hot and fresh.
Is this the anti-war
welcoming section?
Am I... Am I in the right place?
- It's a shitty turnout, huh?
- Mm.
- [Clara] Hi.
- Hi.
I, uh, heard
about you and... Stewart.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Seriously, did you drag her
into this or...
How did you get her here?
She's been
helping out for months.
Mostly legal stuff,
but help where I can.
- What?
- Enjoy. Yeah.
Jane Fonda's giving jarheads
free legal advice?
- You serious?
- [Clara] Uh-huh.
- [Clara] It is. Yeah.
- What changed your mind?
I haven't changed my mind.
It's still a stupid war.
[Callahan] Do you like
my brother more than me?
- [sighs] Of course not.
- Do you?
- No.
- Hi, Cal.
'Cause I understand. I get it.
I've been thinking.
He's a fun guy.
[Jaeger sighs]
- I'm not fun.
- You are fun, bro.
- [Callahan] I love you.
- [Jaeger] I love you too.
- [kisses]
- Yeah.
He's my best friend.
He's my best friend.
[Clara] I see that.
He's in love with you. Shh.
- That's my night, so...
- Wow.
What? What did you say?
Everybody's trying
to have a good time.
- [Callahan] What?
- [man] You should take it easy.
What's up? What, bro?
- It's all good.
- That's what I thought.
That's what I thought.
[Jaeger] Now, what was that?
It's all right.
It's all right.
- [car horns honking]
- [Callahan] Fuck you. Fuck you.
What the hell are you doing?
[car horn honking]
[Milk] Fuck. Sit down.
- [Jaeger] Fuck.
- [Snowball] What the fuck?
You good? You all right?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
[Jaeger] Freaking leg
almost fell off.
- [Callahan laughs]
- It's not fucking funny.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Do not go
fucking dark on us, bro.
We all got fucking problems.
All these boys.
We need you.
All right?
Now, do you know how much
you mean to us, Cal?
Now, you got us home.
Yeah, he's right.
- You got us home, Cal.
- [cries]
- No, we love you.
- [cries]
No, we're right here.
We're not going anywhere.
The fuck are you looking at?
You're good. You're good.
- Wanna get up?
- [Callahan] Yeah.
- Come on.
- Come on.
Help me up.
[Snowball] Wanna sit on the
fucking Jamaican dirt all day?
- [Jaeger] Come on.
- [Milk] Come on.
- [Jaeger] Come on.
- [Milk] Wanna go dance?
- Yeah?
- [Jaeger] Yeah. Get some shots?
I'll move this dumpster.
- [Jaeger] What?
- [Callahan] Yeah.
[Milk] You wanna
move the dumpster?
- I'll move the dumpster.
- All right.
- You're moving the dumpster?
- All right.
[Callahan] Move the dumpster!
Just move it.
[Snowball] All right. Hold on.
Hold on.
[Jaeger] Wait. No. Wait.
That wasn't me.
[indistinct chatter]
[Callahan] Just roll with me,
like 10 to 15...
- Does this person have a record?
- No record.
Okay. Five to eight.
I'd say five to eight.
Aiding and abetting,
of course trespassing,
destruction of state property.
Consecutive sentences
can add up.
Okay. So say it's non-violent.
So what's that? A class C?
[Clara] I don't know.
It would depend on the perp
and the circumstances...
or juvenile rights practice.
I don't really have
a lot of experience
in adult criminal cases.
- Cal...
- Hmm.
Why did you drive
all the way down here?
I wanted to tell you something
that I thought
you might appreciate.
Uh, right after, uh,
Jaeger got blown up,
he was, uh...
He was about to get lifted out
and, uh, and right before
he passed out,
I'm with him and, uh...
he starts... I mean, he was...
He just started
saying your name.
A lot of times.
And, uh...
yeah, I just thought
you might like to know that.
- [bowling pins clattering]
- [indistinct chatter]
What's the fucking deal here?
Why are we called
like troops at 10:00 p.m.?
Bring the boys here at 2200,
you know?
[Milk] There he is.
Hey, baby boy.
[Callahan] All right.
What's with the suspense, man?
Pins and needles here, man.
[Jaeger] Getting married?
No. No. He's auditioning
for American Idol.
- [Milk] Motherfucker.
- [Jaeger] Cool.
I'm gonna break him out.
[Snowball chuckles]
Get the fuck out of here, man.
Cal, what are you
talking about, man?
His, uh...
His transfer's been approved.
I found out they're gonna
move him next week
to La Belle, so...
I'm gonna do it.
It's five inmates, two COs.
What the fuck?
What are you...
What the fuck are you saying?
[Snowball] Bro, you're
fucking tripping, man.
Yeah, I can pull it off.
Get him across the border
before an APB goes out.
Feds aren't gonna track him
to Canada.
Are you being
fucking serious right now?
You're gonna get fucking killed
is what you're gonna get.
- Fucking listen to yourself.
- Oh, yeah.
Who the fuck
do you think you are?
We're all fucking here for you,
and we all fucking miss him.
[Snowball] Yeah.
I miss him too, you know?
We all do.
[Milk] Let's get a fucking shot,
go to Gigi's,
- get you a fucking lap dance.
- [Snowball] Yeah.
You need to get
fucking laid, bro.
Yeah, man.
I'm not asking.
I don't need anything
from you guys.
I wanted to let you know.
Yeah, I just wanna let you know.
- [Snowball] This is bullshit.
- [Jaeger] Cal.
Go fucking talk to him.
[Snowball] Yeah,
he'll listen to you.
[man over radio] Snowball,
you taking a nap or what?
Dude, my bad. I'm on it.
[man] Got two new payloads.
Copy that. Rogo.
Moving arm to the left.
[Jaeger] I did some thinking
and, uh, I'm on board.
[Milk] What are you
fucking saying?
You were supposed
to talk him out of it.
- He needs us.
- [Milk] You were supposed
- to talk him out it.
- Couple years of jail
- is nothing to him.
- [Milk] Listen to me.
Now, this isn't how
we do things.
We love Cal.
He's our fucking brother,
but this is fucking wrong, bro.
- [Snowball] He's right.
- Oh, he's right?
- [Snowball] Yeah.
- The fuck are you talking about?
This is how we do things, Milk.
This is how we always...
Dude, what are you saying to me?
I'm in.
- You're fucking in?
- Yeah, I'm in.
- Fuck you.
- Yeah?
You piece of shit.
We fucking...
We... You fuckin' leave me
like this, you motherfucker.
- Whoa. Chill.
- I'm not leaving you anywhere.
Fuck you.
I'm just fucking standing up
for Oyster, bro.
He's gonna get fucking
killed in there.
- You're right.
- He's gonna get killed in there.
Somebody's gonna get
fucking killed.
[Snowball] Well, at least this
is a fucking fighting chance.
We owe him that much.
Now, I failed him
in that fucking bar.
I'm not gonna fail him again.
I'm not leaving him in there
25 years to fucking rot.
Fuck that.
You do whatever
the fuck you want, man,
but I'm in. I'm in.
You guys are out
of your fucking mind.
Yo, Milk. Yo?
[water running]
[water stops running]
[indistinct announcement
over PA]
[train horn blares]
[Snowball] Putting him
on a train won't work, Cal.
Even if the border patrol
let's them through
before the APB goes out,
his passport's gonna be
in the system, right?
So they're gonna know
he's Canada.
Check that out.
See that refinery
across the river?
That's Sorko.
That's my company's
sister refinery.
I've been to the other side
just to work for a day.
We take a crew boat
to Canada everyday
- without any border patrol.
- [Callahan] Hmm.
[Snowball] Listen,
don't get me wrong,
the security is tight,
but all we need to do
is get him on that boat
with a uniform and an ID card,
a legit one which I can get,
and then he can just walk out
on the other side.
- He just swipes through?
- He swipes through. That's it.
The company is just gonna think
he's another employee.
- No fucking way.
- [Jaeger] Well, well, well.
- [Snowball] Yo.
- How you doing, boys?
[Snowball] How the fuck
did you know we were here?
You spying on us?
- Jaeger.
- [Snowball] Oh, nice.
You in?
I'm in.
Are you sure?
[crickets chirping]
[Callahan] All right.
I want to run through this
one more time.
Eyes on, Jaeger.
[Jaeger clears his throat]
Okay. That's the overpass.
Now, this is the service road.
And this is river road
coming underneath.
That's fucking abandoned.
That becomes the highway.
And we got trees
in this ravine.
All right. Bus is gonna be
coming straight down here.
It's gonna turn onto US 90,
Now, Jaeger,
I want you posted up top.
I need you to shoot out
the front right tire.
- Yeah. All right.
- Okay? He's gonna feel
way more than a flat
in the back.
Once he hits the tire,
Milk, you jam the radio.
All right? Now, you're
tailing the bus since prison,
so don't get made,
but don't fall
too far behind either.
I figure, what, you can see it,
you can jam it?
- [Milk] You got it.
- Okay.
I figure the bus
will come to a stop
somewhere right around here.
Me, I'm gonna be posted up here
under the overpass.
I'll be tailing him
on the service road.
Snowball, you'll be over here
on this road with me.
Now, I'm gonna cut
through the trees,
drop a flare.
I'll board
and extract Oyster.
All right.
Now, once I get him to you,
you gotta haul ass out of there.
- Yeah.
- All right?
I'm gonna take him to the dock
and I'm gonna put him
on the 8:30 a.m.
Sorko ferry over to Canada.
Takes about 10, 15 minutes,
so he should be scanning in
on the Canadian side... [sighs]
...9:00 a.m. at the latest.
- [Callahan] Badges good to go?
- [Snowball] Yeah. Looks good.
[sighs] All right.
[crickets chirping]
[knocking at door]
[knocking at door]
[Jaeger] What the fuck?
Hey, what's up?
You okay?
Yeah. I'm sorry.
I need to talk in person.
All right. What's the matter?
I'm worried about Cal.
I think he's up to something.
What? Why do you think that?
He came to my office today
and gave me power of attorney,
that means that I can sign
things for him if he dies.
- Yeah. I know what it means.
- And the other night
he was asking me about sentences
for a prison break.
A prison break? [chuckles]
What are you talking about?
Did you know Oyster is getting
transferred tomorrow morning?
Look, whatever you're thinking,
I'm sure everything's fine.
Just... I can't do this
right now, okay?
I got to get up early.
I'm sorry.
No. You're right.
It's okay.
I, uh... I'm sorry I came over
without calling.
What time you have to get up?
Uh, 7:30.
I got the early shift
at the garage.
So you're alarm's set for 7:30?
- Yeah.
- [Clara] 7:15?
- Yeah.
- [Clara] Which is it?
Clara, what's going on?
Why are you cleaning your rifle?
What the fuck?
I'm going on a hunting trip.
So you hunt with a silencer.
Jesus. Enough. What is this?
This is insane.
You're going to get caught.
- What do you care?
- I care... I care about Cal.
Maybe I don't wanna
see him get hurt.
- Oh, you care about Cal?
- And I care about you.
Well, why don't go fucking go
to stupid old Cal's bedroom?
Maybe I don't wanna see you
doing something stupid.
- Ow. Fuck. Shit.
- Oh, my God. I'm sorry.
No. Nothing. It's fine.
I just, uh...
I got a little shrapnel.
- [Clara] I'm sorry.
- No, no, no. It's not you.
Will you get those, um...
Some tweezers
on the table there?
Just fucking sometimes
I step on it wrong.
[Jaeger winces]
[Clara] Do you need help?
- [Jaeger] No. I got it.
- [sighs]
- Let me help you.
- [Jaeger] No. It's fine.
- I can do it.
- I got it.
I have a better angle.
Pull your shorts up.
Yeah. [winces]
- Does it hurt?
- No. Feels great.
- [groans]
- I'm sorry.
[Jaeger winces]
[Jaeger] You got it.
[inhales deeply]
[Snowball exhales]
[Milk] There's four channels.
Now, you turn the knobs
to adjust for frequency...
then press enter.
[knocks on door]
The fuck are you
doing here, hmm?
- No. No.
- Take it easy.
- Take it easy.
- [Callahan] Jaeger?
- Calm down.
- Jaeger?
Calm down. Shh. Shh.
Keep your voice down.
- No. Fuck this. Fuck, Clara...
- Listen, I'll be his alibi.
If he needs one, God forbid...
I'm his alibi.
Now, listen...
you bring him back to me.
You hear me?
[door opens]
[guard] Let's go.
Where the fuck is Milk?
- He's out.
- [Callahan] What?
[Jaeger] What?
Yeah. He's out. He's out.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
He's out?
- Listen. Listen. Listen.
- [Jaeger] Rachel?
- No, no, no, no.
- Dude, he's got a family.
It doesn't matter right now,
all right?
I got the jammer.
I can operate it, all right?
- [sighs]
- I can do both, all right?
I'll scope it out.
I'll fucking jam it.
I'll be the getaway car.
- [Jaeger] Cal, he's right.
- We're good.
We're gonna make this work.
[Callahan] This is not
fucking good.
This is not fucking good.
All right?
Your vehicle can't get IDed.
This is a fucking disaster.
You're the overpass, right?
- Yeah.
- [Snowball] I can jam it
- from there.
- Yeah.
If I can see it,
I can jam it.
That's even fucking better, bro.
[Jaeger] And I'll go with you
when you take Oyster out.
[Snowball] As soon as you
shoot out at that tire,
I'm fucking down there with you.
- Fuck!
- Hey!
[Snowball] Hey. Hey.
Focus. Focus, all right?
- Are we calling this?
- [Snowball] We're not...
- [Jaeger] No.
- We're not fucking calling it.
The plan stays the same.
You should get him off that bus,
all right?
We'll get him across.
All right.
Big Bird's wheels up at 0700.
See you there.
I'll see you. I'll see you.
[door clanking]
[guard] Turn around.
Face the wall.
[buzzer sounds]
[engine starts]
[buzzer sounds]
One man, one seat.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[radio static]
Kilo Actual, this is Kilo Two.
Radio check. Over.
Roger. I got you five by five.
Kilo Actual. Out.
Kilo Two, this is Kilo Three,
I copy all.
[bus engine revs]
All stations. All stations.
Big Bird is on the move.
Roger that, Kilo Three.
Roger. Standing by.
[car engine revs]
[rifle cocks]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[car engine revving]
- [indistinct radio chatter]
- [radio static]
[Snowball] Kilo Two, Big Bird
behind me, 1,000 yards.
Roger. Standing by.
[Snowball] One minute.
One minute to bus.
Roger that. One minute.
[Snowball] Three hundred yards
from my position.
One hundred yards.
Passing now.
Kilo Two, Big Bird
behind me, 500 yards.
[radio static]
All frequencies jammed.
All frequencies jammed.
Roger that, Kilo Three.
[Snowball] Kilo Two,
on my way to the overpass.
Son of a...
[bullet cartridge clatters]
[rifle cocks]
Come on. Come on. Come on.
What the fuck is going on?
- The fuck was that?
- [driver] I don't know.
What the fuck is happening?
Talk to me.
Big Bird bleeding.
Back tire. Back tire.
[car engine revs]
You blew a tire.
Keep going. Just slow down.
Fucking call it in.
North 212 to base.
It's not fucking stopping.
We're out of range, man.
We gotta go.
Come on. Let's go.
I'll get the car.
[Jaeger] Fuck!
North 212 to base.
I got nothing.
What the fuck you mean
we got nothing?
Guys, talk to me.
What the fuck happened?
[Snowball] We're on our way.
- [driver] North 212 to base.
- Slow down.
Whoa! Shit!
Whoa! Hey!
Hey, watch where you're going.
[tires screeching]
[Snowball] But where the fuck
is the service road?
- Where is it?
- There. There.
Left. Left.
Just stay in your fucking seats.
HQ, this is North 212.
[man] Go ahead, North 212.
[guard] We went off the road
into some trees.
My driver's unconscious.
I need those fucking radios
jammed now.
What the fuck is going on?
[radio static]
It's not fucking working, man.
[man] North 212,
please advise your 20.
River Road, about to turn
onto US 90.
Hold on.
I see a Bridgewater PD
patrol just pulled up.
[man] That's a good copy.
Hold steady.
[Callahan] You okay?
What happened?
We had a flat.
Anybody hurt?
Yeah. My driver's out.
All right. Take it easy.
I'm here to help.
[guard groans]
Let me take a look.
There. Let me off here.
Slow down. Slow down.
[radio static]
[indistinct radio chatter]
Now, put that down
and give me a hand.
Let's get him some air.
We gotta get him onto his feet.
- [Callahan] Okay. Easy, now.
- [guard] Got him. Got him.
God damn it!
[man] North 212,
did you get the name
of that Bridgewater
police officer?
- No.
- [guard] HQ, I got a 10-900.
Send all back up.
Do you read?
- Put your gun down.
- [guard] Don't move.
Get the fuck out of the way.
No, no, no, no, no.
Give me the gun or
I'm gonna break your arm.
Get on your fucking knees.
[Jaeger] Fuck!
[guard speaking indistinctly]
[Callahan] Give me your gun.
I'm gonna break your arm.
Stop walking towards me.
I need all available backup.
Do you read me?
[guard] Get on the
fucking ground
or I'm gonna blow
your head off.
- [bone snaps]
- [screaming]
[guard screaming]
[inmate] Yes!
- Oh, fuck!
- [guard groans]
Oyster, get up.
Yo, man, get these cuffs off.
Yo, sit the fuck down.
Now, stay in your chairs.
Stay down.
- Oyster, let's go.
- [inmate] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Callahan] Let's go. Let's go.
Sit the fuck down.
- [inmate] All right.
- Sit down.
- Yo, get down.
- Sit the fuck up.
[Callahan] Come on.
Come on. Come on.
- [inmate] Let us out.
- Go, go, go.
[inmate] Motherfucker.
- Sorry, brother.
- [inmate] Come on, man.
You're good. You're good.
What's going on?
All right, listen to me.
Listen to me.
- When I take this off...
- Yeah. gotta ditch
your jumpsuit, okay?
Okay. Okay.
Come here. Come here.
Jumpsuit off. Come on.
Come on. Jumpsuit, now.
- Let's go.
- Why isn't your face covered?
Don't worry about me, okay?
Listen, listen, the boys have
everything you need, okay?
- Jumpsuit, now. Come on.
- Okay, okay, okay.
[Callahan] Come on.
Hurry the fuck up.
Now, Snowball is parked
right through there.
You're gonna come with me,
I'm not coming.
Come on. Don't worry about me.
- You're not gonna come?
- I'm not coming.
I can't come with you, okay?
You need to go now.
You're endangering the boys.
Come on.
I love you so much.
I love you. Come here.
I know.
I love you, okay?
Come on.
Go, go, go, go, go!
[Snowball] In the back.
- [indistinct radio chatter]
- [engine starts]
Holy shit!
How you doing?
You okay?
Jesus Christ! You hurt?
Is he gonna be all right?
You good?
Is Cal gonna be all right?
Yeah. Cal's gonna be fine.
Don't worry about him.
[siren wailing]
It's a Nextel.
You're gonna use it as a walkie.
Once you pass security.
You're gonna turn it on.
Give it three long beeps
then ditch the fucker.
Once you get across to Canada,
you're gonna scan this.
Passcode's on the back.
It's a Sorko ferry
and these ferries go
back and forth all the time.
- You listening?
- [Snowball] You got this, boy.
Don't worry about Cal.
He's leading them
in the opposite direction.
[sirens wailing]
Cal. Cal, listen to me.
Please pull over.
If you pull over now,
I can still help you.
[car engine revving]
[sirens wailing]
[foghorn blows]
[Snowball] All right, brother.
Cargo's here.
Just get out of the car.
Get on the boat.
Start blending in.
[train horn blows]
[tires screeching]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[officer] All units be advised,
roadblock set up
on 3213 Northeast.
[officer 2] All units,
stay off the radio.
He's monitoring
our frequency.
[sirens blaring]
Pull the car over.
Pull the car over now.
[sirens blaring]
Pull the fucking car over, Cal.
[officer] Bravo One,
no clean shot on suspect.
[guard] Come here.
Something in your bag?
No, sir.
- Contraband?
- No, sir.
Step through.
Where the fuck are you?
Come on.
[sirens blaring]
Yes! Yes!
Fuck yeah, Cal.
[sirens blaring]
[tires screeching]
[shotgun cocks]
[officer] Step out of the car,
Oh, fuck!
[car door opens]
Hands where I can see them.
Turn around.
Put your hands behind your head.
Walk back pretty slow.
let me see your hands.
Step out of the car.