Semum (2008)

Mr. Volkan i can assure you that you can not
find a better villa in this neighbourhood.
And you don't even need
to spend any more money.
You can just come tomorrow
and move in. It is so good.
The owners live in Istanbul right?
Yes, yes...
Why don't they move in here?
I guess they bought the
place for investment.
You know real-estate prices
were very low last year.
When the prices increased this
year they decided to sell it.
Actually, their economic condition is
very good. So they didn't even rent it yet.
I am sure you can't find a better place
for this price. Don't miss the chance!
How about the neighbours?
Do you know anyone i can talk now?
Well, you know Mr. Volkan, people
usually prefer this neighbourhood... get rid of the crowds,
to lead a silent, peaceful life...
...and therefore they
don't care about each other.
Anyway I've never heard about any problems
so far. You can be comfortable about that.
For example that house over there...
...a couple without kids live
there, that's what i know.
I guess they are not at home now!
What do you say about the price?
I told you when we talked earlier.
I can go up to 550.
More is difficult for me to pay.
You decide first.
I will surely do something for you.
Well, Mr. Cengiz, i can't say
anything before my wife says OK.
But if we can agree for 550, then...
Mr. Volkan, here's the key, go inside
with your wife, see the house together...
...i will pass your
offer to the landlord now.
Hey brother!
What are you looking for?
We'll see the house. Why do you ask?
Do you have the key?
We were with Mr. Cengiz, didn't you see?
Cengiz, the realtor.
All right, go on then.
My name is Raci. I am the gardener here.
All right Mister Raci, thanks.
Go about your work!
Dumb ass! He thinks he owns the place.
I really hate this kind of men.
He didn't say anything. He is just
doing his work here. Why do you care?
Volkan don't ask me now! I can't say
anything before I see the whole house.
Volkan, this can be
the bedroom, don't you think?
In the saloon.
Honey, no need to discuss.
This house is perfect for me.
You mean the boss says OK.
A kiss is not enough!
Congratulations Mr. Volkan.
The landlord agreed your price offer.
You made a wonderful decision madame.
You won't regret it.
Thank you...
Congratulations honey.
Hope we'll enjoy it dear.
Volkan stop! Stop Volkan, don't!
Please don't Volkan.
Don't you like the new house
Damla? Let's go to the kitchen...
Are you hungry, huh?
Where is your food?
Canan the house is so beautiful! I hope
you'll move into a better one and...
I am really jealous now!
Very nice, congratulations.
Thanks dear. Hope you'll have one too.
And thank you for the present. The colors
match the room perfectly, thanks a lot.
You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.
This house needs protection from evil eyes!
You know how stubborn Volkan is.
He objected me all the while
as I insisted for a new house.
I gave up then all of a sudden
he happened to look for a house.
So what? It's not the best
way to push a man too much.
How is Volkan, is the business good?
Good... He's fine nowadays.
Anyway, forget Volkan,
tell me about that guy.
You mean Tolga?
The one with green eyes.
That you met at the gym the other day.
That's Tolga. Forget about him!
I smiled once and he
started sending sms's.
Typical guy who tries to get every
girl he sees. I always find this type.
You must be more flexible honey!
Otherwise you will remain a spinster.
What is the harm to be a spinster?
Did she scratch you?
No big deal, it's all right.
Just a little scratch.
She couldn't get used to the house!
She meowed all night long.
You must leave the garbage
bags out at 6 everyday.
All right.
I don't have any today, thanks.
All right.
I live in the house next door.
Why do you throw these stinking
pieces of flesh in the garden?
Pardon me.
These pieces of flesh, why do
you throw them in the garden?
Is the garbage dump there?
Canan: Sir, what does it have to do with us?
I have no idea about those in your hand.
Wait a minute, what are you doing?
It's stinking inside too.
So what. You'll discuss with
my husband when he comes home.
What you're doing is so rude!
Stupid! What a freak!
- Good evening Mr. Volkan!
- Good evening.
You knock on my door when I'm not home;
you stick your head inside my house.
Come on, explain this!
You threw stinking pieces
of flesh in the garden.
The garbage dump is not
there, I just said that.
What kind of freak are you? Why would
we throw pieces of flesh in the garden?
Unbelievable! We just moved in.
I would expect a welcome first.
The same smell came
from inside the house.
Look at me mister, you are old enough.
I am trying to be calm but...
...if you disturb us like this once
again it will not be good at all!
I'm warning you now!
Brother! Don't mess with that guy!
Why is that?
Don't you know?
What don't we know?
His wife is missing.
Your neighbour Mr. Macit married
a 27 year old woman last year.
First they seemed to have no problems...
...but later I started to hear some
shouting and yelling from their house.
Then suddenly his wife disappeared.
Actually, he says that
she is gone missing.
What do you mean?
Police suspected him.
They followed him for
days, questioned him.
They thought he murdered his wife.
He was kept in jail for a
while, and then he was released.
His wife is still missing.
Since then, the man is a bit...
He's not really sane.
I should warn you brother.
Mister Raci.
Don't call me 'brother' again.
Why didn't you tell
this before we bought the house?
That is not my business madame.
You should have asked the realtor.
You should have.
For God's sake, what
should I have asked Canan?
Would we decide not to buy the house
just because the guy's wife is missing?
And I did ask... The realtor happened
to be scurvy, what can I do?
I don't know, I am feeling
depressed for the hell of it.
Now, this will keep my mind busy.
And what if the man
really killed his wife?
Honey wherever you go, you
may come across such things.
Why do we care about what a
man does to his wife? Forget it!
- But...
- Stop that.
If you are going to make this a
big deal, let's just sell the house.
I already have a million things at work.
I can not take more
stress because of this.
If you want we can sell
the place right away, OK?
Don't say that, we're not selling!
I don't have a problem with the house!
And I love it very much.
So what's the problem?
Hey why do you glare? Do you
understand what we are talking about?
You small witch.
She is always by mommy's side.
Isn't that true Damla?
Canan... What's it?
There's somebody there.
The attic.
Ooff... Ooff!
Don't ooff Volkan.
I saw somebody here.
And I don't know how Damla
happened to come here.
She was down there while
I was going upstairs.
Honey, there is nobody here.
You see.
Let's say there was somebody,
all the windows are locked inside.
How did he get out?
I said I saw it Volkan!
Now you say he's vaporized!
Look dear, I was in the kitchen.
Then I felt as if I hit something
while I was going to the saloon.
Then I heard a noise and I came here.
It came out of there.
A black long-haired thing.
You wake up in the middle of your sleep.
Maybe the cat moved
or it was her sound...
...and you saw that as something
else in the dark sweetheart.
There's nobody else in the
house. Please don't exaggerate.
Honey I have to go.
Wait a minute I'm coming.
I'm late. You go on with the shower.
I'll call you at the office, all right?
All right dear.
See you later.
See you.
So they don't have nine lives.
Mister Raci I have a request from you.
Can you bury the cat somewhere?
I don't want my wife to
hear about the accident.
And please clean up the blood too.
Canan will be very
upset if she learns this.
Ooff! How couldn't I see the cat?
Don't worry I'll take care of it.
Haluk, check these invoices once!
Volkan. What's up man?
What makes you look like
a villain movie star?
I don't know, I'm not feeling good.
What's it? Is it about the new house?
Well that and...
...I killed our cat by accident today.
I couldn't say it to Canan.
I'm thinking about that now.
What can I say? It's an
accident, it wasn't on purpose!
She will be upset for a few days
and she will forget. Don't worry.
Damla where are you?
What are you doing here?
My cat, I'm looking
for my cat, she's lost...
This is my place.
Maybe she fell into the water...
Hello, Banu, how are you?
Thanks dear. I'm at work.
How's it going with the new
house? I hope all is fine!
Well fine...
What's it? You sound strange...
Nothing important but I'm a little stressed.
We will go shopping on Saturday right?
Sure, sure we will.
I will call you later.
All right then we'll see on Saturday.
All right. Take care.
You too...
Don't you see what you did to me?
How are you Canan? How is
it going? I hope all is fine.
I called to remind about our
plan for Saturday shopping.
Yes, yes, I know.
What happened? You sound strange.
Nothing important but
I'm a little stressed.
We'll talk when we meet.
All right then.
See you later, take care.
You too...
Honey try to be positive.
You know it better than me. Cats also
have some needs just like the human.
Damla has some needs too. And she
followed her instincts and left the house.
Shut up for God's sake! You talk
as if she's never coming back again.
She will come back unless
something happened to her.
I know my Damla.
Let's go out for dinner,
what do you say?
I have no appetite.
We can go to that place you love.
And we haven't been out
since we moved. Come on.
Come on. We'll change the mood.
And then...
Get out you jerk!
Come on...
Volkan don't! Volkan...
What? Don't you like the taste?
I can't get Damla out of my head.
Where's she, what's she doing?
Is she hungry, afraid?
Maybe she's trying to
find her way back.
Why did we come here?
Ok, all right. I'm not saying anything.
You eat your meal.
Look I have an idea!
Let's go to a pet shop tomorrow
and get a new cat, all right?
One of those Siamese cats for
example... With big whiskers.
I don't want it...
What do you want from me?
Voice... Did you hear the voice?
What voice Canan?
Said what do you want from me,
didn't you hear?
Water... Have some water!
Are you OK?
I have to go to the restroom.
All right dear.
What? Don't you like the meal?
I can't get Damla out of my head.
Where's she, what's she doing?
Is she hungry, afraid?
Maybe she's trying to
find her way back.
Why did we come here?
Ok, all right. I'm not saying anything.
You eat your meal.
Look I have an idea!
Let's go to a pet shop tomorrow
and get a new cat, all right?
One of those Siamese cats for
example... With big whiskers.
I don't want it...
What do you want from me?
Voice... Did you hear the voice?
What voice Canan?
Said what do you want from me,
didn't you hear?
Water... Have some water!
Are You OK?
Volkan please let's go back home!
Damla, my precious!
Are you back to mommy?
Come here!
Where did you go huh?
Do you know how you made
me upset? You little witch!
What happened?
What happened to you?
Volkan! Damla, Damla was here.
Volkan the cat was here.
I swear she was here.
I am not lying. It wasn't a
dream, I swear she was here.
I held her in my hands. Then...
...then I saw she was
dead and covered in blood.
Come here.
All right. It's OK now,
don't cry! All right.
What happened?
Were you dreaming?
You were laughing. Laughing continuously...
Is there anyone else in the room Canan?
I don't know... I don't remember.
Really? Come here then...
If you wake me up...
Are you going to meet Banu today?
Yes. She will come and pick me up.
What's Banu doing? Is she dating anyone?
Why do you ask that?
Well, I'm not saying it just because she's
your friend but Banu is a beautiful girl.
No I don't mean that, it is hard
to be smart and beautiful like her.
See, she couldn't find
herself a nice guy yet.
Volkan you're still talking.
OK, I shut up.
Banu, let's go have somewhere
for a drink before we go home, all right?
OK, good idea.
I'm sure there's something
strange in the house.
Sometimes I feel something
weird running in my blood.
I suddenly see strange visions.
As if someone is trying to get me.
Did this all start after you lost your cat?
No! It's there since the
first day we moved in.
I don't want to tell Volkan
not to make him upset but...
...I want to go away
from that house soon.
I think you should forget about
moving out. No need to exaggerate it.
I mean, this can happen to
everyone. It happens to me too.
Hearing about the missing
wife of the neighbour...
...the smell thing, the
cat going away and all...
Whoever goes through such things
will be affected psychologically.
Banu, if only you could hear
the sounds in my head...
Canan... Canan are you OK?
It happened again.
Why are you so angry now?
Honey, it's not that I'm angry!
You say something touched
you in the bath tub.
Don't expect me to take it natural!
I am trying to be cool about all
these but you are making a big deal.
Please take things logically.
You are a wise woman.
You're almost going to tell me that
there is a ghost in the house Canan.
Please put yourself together.
It grabbed my foot just like this.
I felt the touch just like you
feel my hand here right now!
Canan, I'm seriously thinking
about taking you to a psychiatrist.
Well, now you call me insane!
You're not insane but you look insane.
Canan... Will you stop it Canan?
Canan, stop it now!
Please don't leave me.
Honey, don't be silly.
Why would I leave you?
All I want is to make
you happy. You know it.
You know I bought this house for you.
I know we had some trouble
after we moved in but...
...if you can be strong,
everything will be fine.
Do you love me?
Well here's the question again.
Do you love me?
Of course I love you. Come here.
I love you... I love you...
I love you...
Where am I? Take me out.
Where am I?
Oh God is this a dream?
How did I come here?
Dear God how did I come here?
This is a dream. Yes, yes, this is
a dream. What if it is not a dream...
Take me out!
Take me out.
I can not breathe.
Oh God am I dead?
Help me. Help me.
I have to get out.
Help me!
Take me out.
Volkan... Volkan help me...
Please help me.
This creature you see, does
it tell you what it wants?
Who or what do you think
this creature can be?
Did you ever think it is
something related to your... neighbourhood?
I don't know...
...but that thing I see is so real.
It feels like...
...the thing is going into my flesh,
my body and locking me from inside.
I know, now you are going to call
this a delusion or hallucination.
No no... You can be sure that i
am not going to take it so simple.
Mrs. Canan, consider human as a mirror.
A mirror which reflects everything
and everyone in front of it.
Even if it is broken for some reason
it still continues to reflect things.
But it can not reflect
the correct images.
The images are distorted...
They appear differently.
The object is same...
...but the reflected image
can be disturbing then.
No need to worry, don't be afraid!
First I thought it could be
paranoid schizophrenia or epilepsy...
...but her conscious is in
good condition therefore...
...I can say it is a temporary
depression due to stress.
She will be fine soon if you continue
bringing her regularly for therapy.
Mr. Oguz, do you think I should tell her
about the cat accident now, will it help?
I don't think it will. I will tell you
when it's time to talk about it.
Coffee with sugar.
Thanks Banu.
Enjoy it.
Honey, I will come home early, all right?
All right.
Banu, we are bothering you,
thank you so much!
Not at all Volkan, no bothering!
She will be fine as long as
I am with her, don't you worry!
Now you go to work.
Thanks, see you.
Bye bye...
Suddenly his wife disappeared.
Canan what are you doing?
Volkan where are we?
Volkan what happened to me?
What made you so crazy?
What's going on with you?
I don't remember... I got up from
the bed and came here.
I only remember that I thought
the writing on the ceiling...
...represented number thirteen on
the car plate of the man next door.
As if someone was trying to tell
me that the man killed his wife.
I don't remember what happened later.
How I took the knife,
when I went there...
I don't remember at all.
Canan, now are you telling me...
...that our neighbour is a murderer...
...just by looking at a
simple stain on the ceiling?
Is there anything more
ridiculous and stupid?
What if the man complains?
What if he tells the police
that you tried to kill him?
Are you going to show that
stupid stain as your cause?
Volkan that man killed his wife
and buried her somewhere here.
If this case is not solved I
will get worse, do you want this?
Not enough.
Until I die like her...
...until my soul leaves my
body and goes to deepest hell...'s not enough!
Stop it!
I feel very bad.
It's coming from there.
It is coming here to take
me under the soil Volkan.
Who is coming Canan?
Canan please try to be calm.
Nobody is coming here.
Its face is hideous.
It has long hair, I'm scared Volkan.
I am here, don't be scared! OK?
There... There...
Canan there's nobody here!
It went out. It's waiting there.
Nobody out there Canan!
Canan's condition is
getting serious Ali.
I can not come to work today.
Anyway let me know if there
is anything important, OK?
All right, take care.
Is there anything I can do?
No Ali thanks.
The doctor will be coming
soon. See you later.
See you, bye.
Welcome Banu, come in...
Thanks Volkan how are you?
How is she, any better?
I don't know. She was bad yesterday.
She's asleep now.
Hey brother...
Do you know what is going on inside?
Doctor, please hurry. She is very bad.
Upstairs, over there!
Volkan, why don't you help me?
Volkan, please help me...
Help me!
I am in pain.
Please help me.
You are all betrayers.
You can not even be the
dirt in devil's hand.
You are filthy stinking pieces of flesh.
You are so weak to be
the food for the worms...
...under the soil that go inside
your eyes and wander in your brains.
Get out, get out, get out, get out...
Hold her tight, her neck...
Don't you have any diagnosis?
Can't we find any solutions other
than taking her to the clinic?
It's hard to speak before we run some tests.
I don't want my wife to be
treated like a mad person Mr. Oguz.
Look Mr. Volkan, medical literature...
...knows very little about the
traumatic attacks in the brain.
Your wife's recovery may take long
time; she may not even recover...
You should accept this idea.
All you have to do is trust me.
We'll try to use advantages
of early treatment...
...and take her under
control in the hospital.
I will do what is necessary for
the arrangements of the clinic.
And you get her ready before the
sedative loses effect, all right?
Expect to hear from me,
take care until then.
How can a strong woman like Canan
become like this in a few days time?
I don't get it Ali,
I really don't get it.
Oh, were you here?
I was looking for you.
What's it Banu? Are you leaving?
I have to go home.
Then I will come to the
hospital and we'll meet there.
Keep yourself up please.
She will be fine.
All right Banu, thanks. See you later.
See you.
What may have happened to Canan?
What do you think?
Well, we have a neighbour,
actually hard to call him so but...
His wife was suddenly lost.
And the gardener walks
around telling everybody...
...that he suspects the man
might have killed and buried her.
Canan made a big deal out of this...
Canan thinks that some evil
forces, whatever they are...
...about the woman's death,
are trying to possess her.
You know those stupid ghost
stories in Hollywood movies...
...just like that I guess.
Do you believe in ghosts
and such things Ali?
I don't believe in ghosts
but I believe in other things.
Other things? What are other things?
Do you mean aliens?
What then?
...poisonous creatures that lived
on earth before human was created.
Excuse me; I'm having
a nervous breakdown.
There comes the tactless gardener.
Mr. Volkan...
I have news about your
neighbour Mr. Macit.
What is the news?
His wife was found.
She's not dead...
We blamed the guy for nothing.
She just left with anger after a fight.
She was hiding.
When she heard that her husband
was suspected for her murder...
...she called the police.
The woman is weird.
I thought you should
know about it, brother.
Canan, Canan...
Neighbour's wife was
found, she's not dead, Canan.
Canan is in deep hell...
...she's being chewed between
the bloody teeth of afreets.
Her soul is being torn into pieces.
Volkan, Canan may
have been possessed by a Semum.
Ooff! Ali come on...
Volkan, look my friend.
I saw something just
like this, years ago.
Almost the same thing. I am sure.
Let's find somebody who can help
Canan before it's too late, huh?
Come on...
Ali don't be silly!
For God's sake Volkan!
Try it once, you won't lose anything.
Volkan, my friend.
I know someone who is an expert
in these matters, we can trust him.
A savant who lived in
Pakistan for a long time...
...he doesn't care about
the money at all! Really.
I am sure he can help us.
Come on my friend, don't be
so stubborn and let's do it!
Get out!
You get out!
Where's she?
Don't forget that death
counts for you too, Semum!
If you don't leave this innocent body you
occupy and go back to your own world...
...I will kill you.
Do you think Semum dies
as easy as human dies, you filthy mud!
I am warning you last time.
Get out you the fire of Semum!
Get out you the fire of Semum.
Get out you the fire of Semum!
Clinic is arranged. If Canan is ready
we can take her to the ambulance...
Mr. Oguz, Mr. Oguz, wait a minute...
Ali and I, upstairs...
How do I say this?
Ali say something man...
Mr. Volkan, who is this man?
We... Downstairs...
Thought maybe he could help us...
Doctor please, save me.
This man is going to kill me...
I can't believe it.
Your wife is suffering and
you leave her to a chartlatan?
Doctor I'm very scared.
Please don't leave me with this man.
Don't you hear your wife Volkan?
Won't you send this charlatan away?
It's not Canan talking now.
Look at me you bigot.
If you don't leave this house now...
...and if something happens to her,
I'll hunt you.
Medicine can not help this girl now.
Get out of here.
Science is never a God to be worshipped!
And religion is not
for the cons to earn a living.
Look doctor, science is a necessity...
...but don't you ever forget this,
human can not live without faith.
Religion is as necessary as science.
Why do you discriminate?
Leave my arm!
I will prove you that it's not
Canan, but I need a moment now.
Then I will go if you want me to...
Who am I, who are you,
the fire of Semum!
Who am I, who are you,
the fire of Semum!
Get out!
I am the smokeless
flame of burning fire!
You are a piece of
mud baked in that fire!
Touch her!
Are you all right?
Sometimes you need
more than two eyes to see, doctor.
Can you get me a candle?
Who is Banu?
Canan this house is so beautiful!
I must admit I am very jealous!
Why do you throw these stinking
pieces of flesh in the garden?
Coffee with sugar.
Canan... Canan... Canan are you OK?
Is that all?
My soul is fed with pain!
What is your soul?
Are you blind?
It is my soul that
makes this body so weak!
Go away now Semum!
Or you will die!
Where is your
God that will kill me?
My God is everywhere...
Yours is in the deepest spot of hell...
That who ignored Semum after
creating human can not be my God.
I am not afraid of you or your God!
Then go to your God, to the damned devil...
Hell awaits for those like you!
And devil awaits for those like you!
Hell awaits for those like you!
You filthy human, you
only pray that trusted God...
...of yours only
when you are in trouble!
The world of mud is ruled by your God!
However the world of
fire is ruled by the devil!
Come and see!
Show me where is your great God!
Abandoned you?
Let's see if he can help you here now?
What you take shelter in is
weaker than you are, the fire of Semum!
Even some among
those purulent human bow...
...before whom I take shelter in.
Who is your God then?
Don't malign the one who
creates, takes and gives life.
You the helpless slave of devil!
I am not afraid of the one
who cursed us while blowing...
...his soul on you and made the
dreadful fire bow before the mud!
You will die Semum!
Being afraid of death
is only for the mud like you!
In the name of
Devil, the master of fire!
Semums, attack!
It's time for that God who abandoned
us and its helpless mud to perish!
I take shelter in you God
to hide from the evil of all fire!
Are we defeated again Devil?
Why did you abandon me?
This is called the penetration of Semum.
It is more dangerous and
horrible than any spell.
Even if we don't see them
we are surrounded by Semums.
Some people may use
them and send on to us.
You mean that Semum...
Like an infinite sharp needle
vibrating in the dark... can go through human flesh
to the bone and blood to the brain.
The evil enters through
your neck just like...
...the cool breeze of the burning hell
and removes the blind of your eyes...
...then you start to see it.
I still can't believe it.
Banu was Canan's best friend.
They never had even a
little problem for years.
Why and how could she do such a thing?
Semum lies in ambush to attack but
can't possess a human by its own will.
Somebody else has to go beyond
that border and open that door.
And as much as the
person is close to you...
...the effect will be stronger.
Banu somehow learned to do this.
So what are we going to do now?
Get me out of here...
What did I do that you wanted to kill me?
Why is this hate, this grudge for?
Everything I didn't have,
you always had them.
Is it so simple? Aren't we friends?
I never saw you as a friend
and I never liked you!
Such a shameless,
hateful, jealous woman...
...does not easily give up
with her hostility my friend.
Try to stay as far as possible.
Are we going to spend our life running
away from the evil of this woman?
Isn't there anything else to do?
We did what was necessary.
A Semum died because of her.
She is the one to pay for this.
What does this mean now?
Did we get rid of her already?
The ones who play with
the fire of hell...
...will burn in the
flames of Semum forever.
Those who use Semum, no matter
if they are succesful or not...
...their end will be the same.
It won't change.
It is the fire of hell!