Senda, La (The Path) (2012)

What do you think?
What for?
Nothing has changed
Changed won't work
I've changed
I quit, for you
You should be doing it for yourself
It's not only that
It's everything
Ana, I've done a lot of thinking
And I'm sorry for so many things
But I've also learn to
value the good things.
Honey, where are you?
Sit properly. Are we there yet?
Hi. Welcome.
How's it going? Great.
Merry Christmas.Thank
you, they're beautiful.
My pleasure. Carlos. isn't it?
Yes, and you must be...
It's a pleasure to meet you
Same here
Follow me
Careful, don't slip
So? Do you like your room?
Here's the fireplace. Can you light it?
Yes, I think so
It's easy if the wood is dry.
It gets cold up here
So you'll need it. Okay, Thanks.
In any case, if you have a problem
I'm normally around the town square
Hello, young man
Do you like the fire? Yes
Be careful with it. If it's going out
use the bellows
Can I put more wood on? Yes, you can.
Do you like it?
It's nice. Just a bit isolated
I thought you wanted to be alone
layout want, I have another
cabin nearer the village
This is fine. Right, honey?
Anyway, it's only for a few days.
Don't burn yourself
There's no signal. I know.
I'll go down to the village
I've made a list.
Don't forget the napkins.
There's no TV either. So what?
We didn't come here to watch TV
I don't want
It's not like that, my dear
Nothing is pure
You just go to a place
where everything you dream of comes true
The good and the bad
Hello. Hello
What brings you down here?
We were looking for you
is everything alright?
Yes, apart from being incommunicado
Without TV
Why didn't you warn us?
I didn't think it would matter,
as it's just for a few days.
Listen, my family is here
If anything were to happen...
Why should anything happen to them?
Come on, relax and don't
let that upset you.
You should be making the
most of this time together
you and your family should enjoy it
we're trying to.
But you didn't leave any firewood
Oh, darn! Of course
I sent a young neighbour of yours
Hasn't he been over yet?
Come on, quickly
Hi, honey
This is Samuel, the owner sent him
This is my husband, Raul
That's enough for a few days.
Oh, good. He did it in no time.
Great. I'll be off now.
layout need more, just let me know.
Thank you.
Do you want to play?
To us.
Giving up smoking is the
best thing I've ever done
Soon you won't even notice.
It's so peaceful.
You can almost forget the world outside.
Hi, love.
I only asked him for a
small tree, but look.
He's nust. I'll be off now.
No, no. While I have two men
here, let's get it inside.
I can't do it by myself. Sure.
Come on, guys!
What do we owe you?
Nothing, it's a present.
Really? Thank you, Samuel.
Have some coffee.
I bet you haven't had breakfast
I have to go. Don't argue.
The coffee-pot!! I turned it off.
Thanks. It's a good job you did.
Do you like Christmas?
Yes, a lot.
Of course, it's more fun with a family.
Don't you have family? No.
My parents died a couple years ago.
Oh, I'm sorry.
They took a curve too fast.
My old man, didn't react
Don't you have a partner? A partner? No.
The only women around here
are either old or married.
That is a problem.
I'll have to look in another town.
Milk in your coffee? Black, please.
Do you mind if I smoke?
I'm afraid my wife can't stand smoke.
I can make an exception for guests
I know, it's a bad habit,
but the first one of
the day is the best.
You don't smoke? No.
He's smoked all his
life, he's just quit.
That's why it bothers you so much.
Morning, sleepyhead. Look what we got.
Cool! Hi Champ, come here.
You want to play? Save you breath.
I've tried, but he hates it.
I'll show you.These pieces
fig ht against these ones.
One side against the other,
to see who will win.
Wouldn't you rather play me?
I don't know how.
Is it yours?
Sorry, I thought it was the boy's.
I have to go now.
Look, they've got blue tinsel.
Shall we buy some? Okay.
Look, Mum!
Go ahead!
Welcome, boys and girls, mums and dads,
to the most magical
puppet show in the world
Do you want to meet the puppets?
This pretty lady, dressed in white
is called Judy.
Give her a round of applause
And this gentleman in the
black hat is Harlequin.
Her lover.
And now, these two, look how they kiss,
are going to tell you a love story.
My heart is yours, Harlequin
but Punch is rich and you are poor.
What good is money without love?
I don't know, I don't know
Do you think I should marry?
Harlequin! Harlequin!
Yes, you're rig ht.
Now I must go tell my mother.
Oh, I am so happy, now that
Judy has accepted my love
Why are you shouting?
I don't understand.
What is it?
Oh, oh, what is this? I'm dizzy.
Oh, it must be love. Love...
That looks good, doesn't it? Yes.
What do you think? Do you like it?
Now the blue one. Blue.
What are you laughing at?
He's delighted
Look at this swing now.
I have to go. When will you come again?
Thanks, Samuel.
You're welcome. Bye, Champ.
Look, he fixed it.
Don't take this wrong way, but...
I want...We wanted to ask you
not to come around so often.
My wife and I came in search of privacy.
Do you want to play?
Come here.
You can be white. Okay?
White starts.
Very good, yes, the King's pawn.
Very good. Brave with the knights. Good.
Watch closely
Very good
Good, son. Very good.
It's not me, it's him.
And who is he? He doesn't want to say.
Put the puppet down and
concentrate on the game.
What are you laughing at?
At what's he's saying
And what is he saying?
Is he saying "Nico,
you're a very bad boy."?
No, he's saying you are a very bad boy.
Really? Is that what he said?
Make my hair stick up.
Okay, hold on.
It's going to get in your eyes.
Keep still.
Where did you put it?
You're not even going to tell me?
God, you're so paranoid.
Lonely kids invent other people.
It's his imaginary friend.
Didn't you ever do that?
Who do you expect him to play with?
With you?
How dare you throw snowballs at me?
Guys, let me get a photo.
"One, two, three... "
Check the list, that's what it's for.
Okay, I will.
Take him with you.
Come on, honey, go with Daddy.
Forget it, he'll get over it.
Nico, take a look at what's in there.
Tell me something
Are the puppets handmade?
Yes. Samuel, the carpenter, makes them.
You must know him.
Yes, we do.
Do you want one? They're very cheap.
Okay, yes, I'll take one.
Which do you like?
The green one.
Is it a gift?
Yes. For the boy?
He seems like a nice guy. Samuel?
Yes, he's a good boy.
Although, he sometimes
gets into trouble.
Yes, women, you know..
He really likes women.
Don't we all?
What's up, Daddy?
I forgot to put bay leaves on the list.
Okay, I'll run into the village.
No, don't worry, I'll go.
I need some air.
Okay, but don't you want
me or Nico to go with you?
No, you don't need to
See you later.
Hi. Hi.
There weren't any bay leaves.
Oh, that's a shame.
There were no suckling pigs left,
They gave me an older one
We'll end up throwing half of it away.
Why don't we invite Samuel to supper?
I don' know.
It's really a family occasion.
Nico spends too much time with just us.
He's bored.
It will be more fun if he comes
That's true.
But I thought you didn't like him.
Nonsense. He's a nice guy.
He's done us lot's of favours.
Besides, who else do
we know around here?
I'll ask him. I know where he lives.
HEY. cool!.
What do you say, Nico? Thanks.
Don't thank me.
Santa delivered it to me by mistake,
but there was a note
saying it was for you.
What a great idea of Santa's.
Too bad we won't be able to keep him.
We don't have room.
Not at your apartment.
I can keep him when you're gone.
I hope the boy doesn't
grow too fond of him.
Well, we'll see.
I'm going to serve supper.
Look, Mum, he wants milk.
Would you like a drink?
A good red wine beats
any white wine, right?
I agree.
Do you like suckling pig?
I'm sure it's delicious.
It looks excellent.
Here, Nico.
My wife is a great cook.
He's kidding. I'm not, and I know it.
I say it again, you're a great cook.
Don't drink too much.
Why not? It's Christmas, let's enjoy it.
Have some more wine.
I love my work, but
there isn't much to do.
An odd chair that breaks,
doors that need refitting,
and with a bit of luck, a coffin
Nico, time for bed.
If Santa comes and you're awake,
he won't leave any presents.
And the doggy? He's staying here.
Say goodbye to Samuel. Bye Cahmp.
Give Daddy a kiss
Merry Christmas, son.
It's about time I was going.
Don't you want to say goodbye to Ana?
Stay and have one for the road.
Want some? No, thank you.
I know that you and my wife
have been seeing each other.
What for?
Don't you trust her?
What did you need to her alone for?
I can't tell you.
I promised to keep it secret.
Be patient.
I had a very pleasant evening.
Won't you stay a while
now that Nico is in bed?
No, I'm sorry.This is late for me.
Besides, a storm is brewing.
If I don't go now, I'll
have to sleep here.
Of course.
Hold on. Let me get a photo
to remember this moment.
Come on, over by the tree.
Right there. Good.
Closer together.
Okay, Nico, hurry up.
Let's get ready.
When? Soon.
I want to open my presents.
We have to wait for Daddy.
I want to open them now.
You're deathly pale.
Did you see a ghost?
I had a nightmare.
Okay, you can open this one.
Don't you like it?
It's got loads of stickers.
Now you've got the baddie.
I got Samuel to make them.
As a surprise.
Hence all the secrecy.
He has done an excellent job.
If only you knew what I had imagined.
I'm an idiot.
I'm still wearing the first one.
Ana, forget about the past.
We've just been reborn.
Honey, I fancy making a
sponge cake for you two.
Mmm, that sounds good.
I'm going to the village.
Nico's staying.
Nico, get in the house!
Lock the door.
Doggy, no! Stop! Come here!
Nico, stay back! Doggy, no! Stop!
Saty back! Careful!
Nice little doggy. Calm down.
This never happened, okay?
What will happen to doggy now?
Will he go to heaven?
Then what?
I don't know.
Hi. Hi.
What happened to you? An accident.
I was trying to cut some
wood, wasn't I, Nico?
You cut yourself?
It's okay, it's just a scratch.
You're so useless.You
should have called Samuel.
I know.
What are you doing out here?
I thought I saw someone.
Nico.. Nico..
I love you so much
What are you doing?
What's the matter with you?
Come here, Nico.
What are you doing?
He's afraid of you.
What about you?
Raul, please.
Hey you!
Where are you going?
Yes? Come on out, we have to talk
I'll be right out
Nico, you've finished, right?
I only had a couple.
Don't make excuses.
I knew you'd crack sooner or later.
I'm going through a hard time.
I know. Smoking is the least of it.
We're leaving.
We'll take the puppy with us.
It'd be cruel to leave him behind.
Yes, I guess you're rig ht.
You said if it didn't work out.
Don't worry.
It's better if you leave.
You're not coming with us?
No. It might do me good to be
alone here for a few days.
Can you take us to the
village to catch a bus?
Say goodbye to Samuel for us.
What a beautiful farewell.
Too bad it didn't happen that way.
Did you like the chess pieces?
Of course you did.
Your wife told me how you like them
You bitch!
Go outside!
Sir, I think you should see this
Honey, where are you?