Seng Ped (Boring Love) (2009)

The following story
is the true story
between me and my love friend.
That happened last year.
Ped, I'm sorry.
Truly, I don't want to separate form you.
But I want security in my life
Bo, he can take care of me
and I can talk to him about everything.
Ped, I want you to understand
please, don't be mad at me.
Hey! You guys, what are you doing, come here.
We have new staff.
Introduce yourself.
Hi, I'm Ped
It's my first day working here
Be kind to me.
He is so nice, anything he doesn't know
advise him, He's still new.
Hey! Ped.
Howdy, Are you busy today?
No, Oi bro
I want something from you...
Love from you,
It's the need of my heart.
It's because of you.
Sometimes we lost our heart
floating in the air without destination.
Want someone companion
together, add the power to the heart.
But, Would there be someone
that ready willingly.
Days and Nights passed through.
I'm still waiting for you here.
It was you that walking into
took lonely days and nights
turned into the truth "just us".
Happy in the way we could.
Improved our love of two people.
Extreme happiness fills in our heart.
Good days and nights
make me important.
It's because of you
you make the world bright.
It's because of you
lonely me turns to be happy.
Time still walks through
the heart still on road
the world turns pink.
It's because of you.
Since the day I began work in Airport Cargo
I tried to tell him that I'm not gay.
He still doesn't listen.
Ped, which one do you think will win tonight
don't know
I don't like football.
Now you are with me not Kai.
If in the next life you are born a girl
do you think if your boobs will be big?
Big or else I don't know.
But if I were a woman,
and you think of me like this
I will be a tom.
Although you are a tom
I will still love you.
Why don't you go chase a girl
I don't know
Truly I still love women too
with other men
I don't have any emotion.
It's weird that when I'm close to you
I feel spasms.
Hmm! Do you think it is possible
for a straight man to fall in love with another man?
Then, the man that loves a man
What is he?
I tried to ask him why does he love me.
He said that perhaps we used to be
a couple in a past life
because he didn't feel anything
with any other men before.
Hey! Ped, Boss commands us
to check stock together.
Ped, Ohh pretend not to hear me.
Good, today I will be your husband.
Fuck! What are you doing?
Don't feel embarrassed
a lot of people here
in the daylight.
Are you the man?
Why did you stand so close
get out
I will reduce your salaries.
It's you so slow.
Trouble thing between me and Oi
Still don't end up.
Another thing happens again.
Ped, I left Bo
Bo is psycho, likes doing harm to me.
Yesterday I returned home a little late.
He slapped me.
So, what will you do next?
If you don't mind,
can I stay in your house like before.
Just 3-4 months
please, Ped, I have nowhere to go
I don't think so.
You know that it's not possible.
Now, Kai moved to Ped's house already.
See, I already said that
Ped should be placable
I don't know if it is good to return to Ped.
Because of Bo's bad behaviour
It's best that you return to Ped.
Coz' I'm not sure that
he has forgiven me?
It seems you don't know OLD LOVER
I see you like drinking soy milk
so I bought you DAO HU
deep-fried dough sticks are extra
from me.
Do you know every time
I see deep-fried dough stick.
It reminds me of my ex-girlfriend
eh! Today no deep-fried dough sticks?
If eating it makes you feel hurt
better not to eat it
I fed a dog already.
Look, Oi is good,
buys things every morning
you have worked here for so long,
and didn't bring me anything
wanna try some
yes boss.
No, I don't give to you
you eat this before
too long you have worked here
and sat and watched me eat first
I ate this, I will give you another
wait to eat, fuck get it
thanks boss.
It's really delicious.
It's because you didn't buy it.
Ped, It's late
why don't you sleep.
Ped, I got a new job
as an insurance agent.
Then, do you want to buy one.
If you buy now
you will get extra benefits.
Health insurance, Car insurance
Travel insurance
don't want.
Hey! Go get dressed, Kai
before, I walk naked around the house
you didn't complain.
That's the past
Go now, It distracts me
by the way, do you want insurance.
What? Oi.
Hi! Do you know where I am?
How can I know? Why?
You lost in Nepal forest?
Like I said, you don't care for me.
Hello! What is it now?
Why don't you call to reconcile me.
Hey! Ped if you dislike me
Use that cutter - stab at my heart.
But I want to tell you something
The hurt one is not me, but you
Because you are in my heart.
Kai, What are you doing?
Don't be stupid like this.
Why? We often bath together before.
But we were separated now.
Can lovers not bath together?
So why don't you come
to be my lover again.
Ped, Let's start again, Can we?
I'm sorry about everything in past
I Know I was wrong
Let's start again, please.
Ped, I'm sorry
Bo, He can take care of me
and I can talk to him about everything.
Excuse me, The broken glasses
can't be fixed like before.
We better be friends.
You're at home? Ped.
If you buy insurance now
you will receive high benefits
you can pay by installments
but receive insurance like a cash-payer.
I'm home, Kai.
Hey, How tired are you today
not much.
Hey! Oi
how can you be here.
Ped, don't shout at your friend like that
so cruel
you didn't tell me before
you stay with sister.
Get the fuck out of my house.
It hurts.
Softly, It hurts.
You don't have the right to be here
if I don't allow.
And I no way love you
I prefer girls.
Get out of my life.
If you won't stop being crazy
don't think I'm cruel
be warned!
For two days already
Oi wasn't in the office.
Do you know where he is?
I don't know boss.
Why don't you know
you are his boyfriend, aren't you?
Not here.
Better back.
Too slow.
See, my fingers turn red.
Coz' you don't tell me
who you are
I thought a collector had come to
demand payment of a debt.
Fuck, I thought you were sad
that I abused you that day
so you didn't go to work
the truth is slipping away
from debt collector.
I think you had better come inside.
C'mon I won't rape you, quick.
How can you stay at this place
How can I stay here?
It's cheap rent
but if you want me
stay at a better place
let me stay with you
fuck, always make advances.
Do you worry about me?
Yeah... worry
don't you know
the boss wants to fire you
because you exploit others
By the way,
do you really care for me?
No! Just kidding.
Ped, Can I borrow some money
to pay a debt.
How much?
It's alright.
Thanks a lot Ped.
Ped, Oi loves you, really?
wah, so handsome like that
why is he gay?
I think he still is not -
he is just a little confused
really? So, it means that
if he found some woman
he will quit being gay, won't he?
I don't know why do you ask me?
Just asking
by the way, Why did you tell him
that you are my sister?
Ooh, if I told the truth that
I was your ex-girlfriend.
He could have been jealous
I don't want trouble with anybody.
Just this I want to know
I'm back.
Today is the day that Oi will return
my money.
But he isn't at work.
Perhaps he won't return
and slip away
but.. well..
I will pretend being mad at him
and get him out of my life
fuck! I thought you were killed
by football debt collector already
to think all people here
pray for you
shut up I'm still alive, just.
What? Nearly die?
Don't pay any attention
tomorrow, you come
and get your money at my place
why don't you give it to me here
why do I have to go to your place.
If I was able to go
I would have already given it to you
show me a little sympathy
I think of you like you think of me
not more not less
Hey! Why are you like this?
I ask you as if you were my friend
I want to know that
what did you do?
Why? Are you worried about me?
Say it first, you're worried about me.
yeh? What's yeh?
Talk politely.
Yeh, Koo (I) worry you.
KOO? Now you use koo
how the gentleman says KOO
again, politely.
Yes sir,
I'm worried about you so much, sir
I don't know where to find
the money to return to you
I went to borrow from my father
and he knew that
I had gambling debts.
My condition was turned into
what you see now.
Why is your father so cruel?
Why didn't you talk with each other?
He beat me more than he spoke to me.
How about your ma?
My mother died when I was nine
I stayed with my father since then.
When he was drunk
he often beat me
when my councilors saw that
they brought me to the monk
I stayed at the Temple since then
till grown up.
If I didn't get away from there
My father would've killed me for sure.
This is my ma's pic
Isn't she beautiful?
She never beat me
I love her so much
I didn't want her to die
when my mother died
no-one was good to me anymore
when I was ill
no-one nursed me
don't leave me, Ped
if I don't have you
I don't know how I will live in the future.
Oi, is your father really
a boxing champ?
I don't believe you
your father is just drunk all day
My father really is a champ
then, bring us your father's champ cup
if you don't,
it means you are lying to us
alright, I will bring it to you
what are you doing?
What? How dare you?
Dear, stop!
Don't beat him, he did not intend to.
You 're on his side
You want to hurt instead of him?
Don't, Dad don't hurt Ma
you wanna fight? Hah!
Dear! Stop stop
Are you hurt, son?
Where does it hurt, dear?
Don't cry son
Ma is here now, beside you
I promise
I won't let anyone hurt you again.
Ma, why don't dad love us.
He is still sad.
That cup is his dream
since he started to be a boxer
normally, He is good to you, isn't he?
You know,
don't you be mad at him.
Yes ma.
This, I have something for you.
You want it for long
thanks ma
I love you the most in this world.
Hey, Can I ask you something
Do you ever stop gambling on football?
If you want me to stop,
then what will I eat?
Let's see
If you were starving, would you quit?
Let me think a little
this thing is not easy to quit.
If you don't promise me
Then we stop meeting each other now.
Bad friend like this
I can cut off easily.
Hey! Why do you speak like this.
OK OK, for the one who I love
I can do everything
even my father ask
I didn't notice it
but for you I accept.
All this for me.
You know that I don't drink.
Hoo, Ped,
I just get out of your way
you can't do this for me?
another one.
good, good boy.
Fuck Oi, you're very bad
I didn't meet anyone bad like you before.
You want to be dog-mount
I don't care.
You want to gamble I don't care.
But fuck that you are gay
I can't accept it
dog Oi, buffalo Oi.
Hey! Ped.
Heh! Are you awake, dear
did you sleep well
huh! How?
Fuck you Ped
How are you so mad since morning
why did you slap at my head.
Fuck you
I thought you were my friend.
So I believe in you.
Koo (I) am a man
Mung (You) are a man too.
You a sex psycho
coz you're bad like this
why your father didn't accept you.
You vomited on yourself
so I took your shirt to wash.
Your vomit, I don't mind
But I mind that word in you mouth
I'm sorry
henceforth, don't speak
about me and father anymore
I hurt more than enough
Yes, I understand I apologize.
Let me see Are you hurt?
What a dip, It's hurt
I'm sorry
alright, same
at night, you even took off
your clothes in front of me
I wouldn't do anything.
Because I don't know how to.
I wanna ask you something
Last night, you took off my clothes
besides that, what did do you do to me
I just wiped your body, face
then washed your shirt.
Just that?
...then I stole a kiss on your cheek
Oi, Hello.
Ped, rabbits! So cute!
You think should I feed rabbits
I think not
You better feed yourself well
floating in the air without destination.
Want someone companion
together, add the power to the heart.
But, Would there be someone
that ready willingly.
Days and Nights passed through.
I'm still waiting for you here.
It was you that walking into.
Took lonely days and nights
turned into the truth "just us".
Happy in the way we could.
Improved our love of two people.
Extreme happiness fills in our heart.
Good days and nights
make me important.
It's because of you
you make the world bright.
It's because of you.
Lonely me turned to be happy.
Time still walks through
the heart still on road
goal, you see
the world turns pink.
Use brazil, anyone can win
It's because of you.
It's not.
It's because of you.
It's difficult,
are you able to do this?
This, I did it since morning
till now, it's still not finished yet.
You shouldn't keep company with Oi
If you want him just as a friend
I think you better off not being gay
gay people have so many types
why do you want to be gay?
Being a man is better.
Man just have only one type.
Good thing should keep well to use
today not use, another day you will
why should you want to be.
Look this guy
His thing is very bad
but used every day
now he used it back at me
I will give you more one opportunity
don't do like this again
Kai, Just a moment please.
No, go away.
Kai, I'm sorry,
I know I'm hotheaded
I promise I won't do it again
I really love you.
No, release me
I don't love you anymore
get away psycho.
Hey! Listen!
Speak well, can't you?
Release me!
How to do you want?
I do like this, why don't you want to go.
What are you doing?
She doesn't want to go with you
How dare you force her?
As a man to
use power to force a woman, is it right?
You want trouble with me?
Help! Help!
Are you alright?
Let me see.
- Are you hurt?
- Not hurt.
Hey! What happened?
Are you alright?
Umh! Not..
It's hurt, very hurt.
Let's see a doctor.
Yes! He is good looking, kind
and helps protect me from Bo.
So, he is your spec..
Why don't you make him your lover?
But.. he is gay.
You just said Oi is not 100% gay
why don't you use your charm
to turn him into a real man.
Does it hurt?
Here you are.
Thank you for helping Kai
coz' Kai is your sister
I must help her anyway.
You want to change shirts.
Let me help
Ped, Are you alright?
Hah! Ped became gay already?
No! I didn't mean that
I just wondered if I am gay or not?
Eh! Kai think that
do I look like gay?
Why do you think so?
Don't tell me that
You already love Oi.
No! It's.. yesterday
I saw Oi shirt-off, My heart felt weird, felt shy.
Normally, men don't feel like this
toward each other.
Ped, Look at this.
Hey! What are you doing, Kai?
Don't turn your face away
why you want to undress?
Put your clothes back on.
Well, how do you feel?
Do you Feel the same way when you saw Oi's.
Hey! Ped, you should quit work.
Really, if you still be here
you could be a gay like Oi for sure.
Quit work!
How can we live in the future?
Ped, Do you remember, Last year
you told me what you want to be.
Ped, why do you work here?
I like planes.
Last year I once registered
to be a steward.
But I didn't go to do exam
because of illness
I really have councils that
do airplane business.
Are they airport owners?
No, a Kite seller at Sanam Luang.
Yes, I dreamt of being a steward
I think it's the right time to
go away from Oi
then become a steward
like I dreamt of before.
Why didn't I think of it before?
Ped, are you free tomorrow?
Let's see a movie together.
No, I'm not.
Ped, the Airline sent mail back to you
about exam, Isn't it?
It says that you passed
to be a steward.
By the way, did Oi know
you will quit work?
Umh! I think I had better not tell him...
I will quit quietly.
But, Let's think again
Oi is very pity.
If he know
He would be sad badly
Ehh! Not at all
My hand touch it accidentally, sorry
What next?
Want to be my wife?
I will give you extremely,
fuck! I want to sleep.
Do you want to sleep
at my place
what? OK OK, I will
I'm out now.
Ped, why is your face in this pic
likes a monkey's?
Why didn't your father name you
Hey! Stop opening this opening that
in other house.
How greedy!
Open your heart wide.
OK, I'll go take a bath.
Ped, You 're taking a bath so long
want my help?
Ped, don't be quiet
so quiet like this, or else...
Ped I can help you.
Hey! Do it softly
I know! I won't hurt you
I promise.
Oh! It's great
You re so good
yes, when I was child
I often massaged my mother.
How much do you love your ma?
Weird question, Love!
I know love from two people.
My mother and you
while I don't have ma,
It's like hell on earth
I'm hopeless
don't know how to live my life
then, Now?
It's not like that at all
now I have you.
Ped, can I sleep hugging you.
Not answer
Not answer means allowing
get off, your leg
is touching my balls.
Oi, I have something to tell you
you know, I dream of being a steward
then last week, I signed for new work
as a steward
and I passed the exam
I think I can't be with you anymore.
Do you hear me?
Fuck, asleep without saying anything
I will help Oi lose interest in you.
How can you help me?
By.. I will be Oi's lover.
Why? Is it not good idea?
Let's think
If Oi becomes my boyfriend.
He will not pay attention to you, right?
Would it be alright?
Totally good, helping Oi stop being gay,
anything wrong with that?
Ped, this is your will, isn't it?
In the end, Kai do totally love Oi.
After that, she forces me to be
her matchmaker
I'm not sure that if it will make perfect result
but It's the best idea I can think of.
Oi bro!
Kai, where is Ped?
Today he has work to do
so he let me go shopping with you.
Then, I don't want to trouble you
I better get back.
Oh ho! It's brilliant
very delicious, 5 star class.
This is the formula when I still
stayed in temple.
Temple boy taught me personally.
If you like it
I will cook for you every day.
Ped bro! How about Saturday?
What about Saturday?
Saturday is my birthday,
did you forget?
Oh! Yes I forgot
umh! This Saturday is Kai's birthday?
Yes, Oi bro
will you come to my birthday party?
I booked restaurant at Soi Tong Lor
a lot of friends
I promise you will enjoy it
you should come, please.
Kai, what are you doing?
Is your birthday on December, right?
Hey! Are you ready to go?
Can you go to my bedroom,
I have something to show you.
What is it?
Nah! Just get up.
Today you look weird
nah! Just go
anything to surprise me?
I will wait for you here, go.
what does he want me to see?
Oi bro!
Kai, what are you doing?
I will make you stop loving man.
Kai, If you do this
Ped will be mad at you.
Ped won't get up
because he wants us to be here together.
How did it go, Kai?
What? Oi..
Oi, I'm sorry
I'm really sorry.
Did you hear me?
I don't think you would do like that
I'm sorry.
Oi, I'm sorry I'm sorry...
Oi this time is different
from the one I first saw.
He lost everything,
He just want to forget about father and mother
so, he made crazy, made joke
to make himself happy.
He nearly succeeded.
But It's me
make his old memory rise up again.
What is this thing,
I've already seen it today
letter of resignation
Today, there is the other quit already.
If this happens,
My company is ruined
who's that?
It's Oi,
Does he have any trouble with you?
Why did he quit in same day as you.
How could the company go forward
if people quit the job everyday?
Why do you want to quit,
stay and help us.
If Oi want to quit forget him
think of someone used to be painful together
think of the day used to suffer
tired together
since then till leaving day
day of leaving
day of losing.
Love pictures, impressions of happiness.
You do not have to apologize to me.
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's my mistake
I will disappear quietly
because I don't want to see you
to say goodbye.
In this life, I want to say goodbye
to my mother only one.
Don't make me your hindrance.
Now my life is left with nothing but
yours is just about to start
go follow your road
you're going to have a good life
I'm not sorry that you go
don't worry about me
I will stay at the place I should
and ensure that
I will never forget you
good bye My most loved friend.
Time for my conclusion.
If you ask me 'do I love him?'
Care for him?
A little.
If I would be far from him
I think of him.
If he will cry again
I will cry with him.
If he wants to hug me
I will hug him back
I want to be his friend.
Take care of him ONLY
today My life is changed
a new world turns into light brow
close to him, think of you
bemoan to you
want you return to be by my side
like before.
How much expense?
Insurance pays it for you already.
Insurance? I don't have it.
Someone did it for you.
Kai, did you do insurance for me?
Kai did it, not because Kai want Ped
to return to Kai.
Kai just want Ped to know that
There is someone still worried about you
at this place.
Kai will move out
to my old hometown.
Ped, Kai advises you to go back to Oi.
No, everything is finished between us
Oi has gone already
and he won't be coming back
I have my own life
He has his own.
There is nothing concerned.
The important thing is...
I'm not gay.
But to see you this way
it's clear that you still think of him.
No! I've forgotten him
why so cold,
Mouth says "used to love".
But act like don't know each other.
But he doesn't want to meet me anymore.
No, I think that
He still hopes you return to him.
Ped, Kai think that
There is nothing abnormal.
If we want to love someone
with our pure heart
no matter what "friendly"
or more than that.
No one can understand better
than two people
find your true heart.
Kai have to go.
Excuse me, Do you know Oi's home?
That way.
Yes, I'm his father
he hasn't been back here for many months
why, did he get into trouble?
Not at all
if so, I'm leaving now.
Hey! Just a moment.
If you found him
tell him that he still has a father.
How are you Is it hurt?
It's alright
I'm used to it already.
I'm sorry, I'm just serious,
don't intend to hurt you
send this to Oi
why don't you give it to him yourself
don't tell him who bought it for him.
Hey Ped
Howdy, are you busy today?
No, Oi bro
I see you like drinking soy milk
so I bought it for you
deep fried dough sticks are extra.
If in the next life you are born a girl
Do you think your boobs will be big?
Big or else, I don't know
But if I were a woman,
and you think of me like this
I will be a tom
shut up
I'm not dead, just nearly
what of your, nearly dead.
Do you know every time
I see deep-fried dough stick.
It reminds me of my ex-girlfriend
do you worry about me?
I do worry about you.
Are you alright?
Not at all
say before that you worried about me
don't leave me!
If there is no you, I don't know
how to live my life
fuck you, Oi, where are you.
Hey, why do you abuse me.
Ai Oi.
How do you do?
Really, what do you want me to be?
I thought you returned to your home.
You think I will stay with my pa?
You know well, I don't have place to go.
If you wanna go, just go on your own
why should you steal my heart with you
what are you looking at?
Act like not used to see me before
wanna see,
go ahead, see clearly.
Ai Ped.
Now, I understand Oi more than before
the story make me understand
Love can happen
everyone have right to love
but not everyone can own it.
Thanks a lot from bottom of our hearts
from Ped and Oi