Sengoku jieitai (G.I. Samurai) (1979)

Toho Ltd Presents
I know a girl who smells like a tree.
Everything reminds you of girls.
I want to pee.
How many times a night do you piss?
I'm nervous, for some reason.
Lieutenant Iba!
Anything wrong?
The position of Venus is different.
It was there last night.
It can't move so fast overnight.
It's impossible.
Don't lean on me.
Nemoto, come here.
Mr. Mimura, you are as cool as ever.
Cool, cool, cool.
Trouble again?
I see. You're going to quit,
My wife wants me to.
We have a kid now.
Agata. What's the time now?
My watch stopped at 5:18.
- Lieutenant...
- What is it?
My watch stopped as well.
At 5:18.
Oh, it feels good.
- Hey, Seki. Come on.
- Oh, wait...
Private Nishizawa, 63rd Regiment.
I'm Private Seki.
I'm Iba, 54th Regiment.
Did you get raided by pirates?
Only you here?
Yes, strangely.
Everyone from the Quartermaster
is supposed to be here.
- We'll escort them.
- Yes.
What time is it?
- Oh, it's stopped.
- At what time?
At 5:18.
It's Nishizawa.
What's wrong?
The engine.
I was told I could get supplies here.
OK. Fix it and go back
to your regiment.
Yano. Put it away.
What will you do, then?
We'll run away.
I'm meeting her tomorrow
at Imaburi Station.
You'll be a deserter.
Her friend lives in Hokkaido.
We'll go there.
Oh, I see.
What time is it?
My watch, as well...
Agata... Agata!
- Kimura.
- Yes.
- Shimada.
- Here.
- Nishizawa.
- Yes.
Check your men.
- We're all safe.
- Good.
What is going on?
I don't know.
I feel like I've been unconscious
a long time.
Me, too.
I remember it stopped at...
Sir, it's moving again.
What time is sunrise?
I don't know what date it is today.
But on the day of man oeuvres,
it was 5:18.
What is this?
Hey, I remember
there was a power plant.
Where has it gone?
- Where is it?
- Who knows?
- Where is it, Lieutenant?
- Sir...
Calm down, everyone.
I want to pee.
This is no time for jokes.
Our tank and trucks are still here.
This must be the fifth supply area,
where we're supposed to gather.
There should be other regiments
here by now.
What's going on?
Why are we alone?
- Kimura. Radio HQ.
- Yes, sir.
Calling 0101.
This is 1616, over.
Calling 0000. 0000.
This is 1616.
Can you hear me? Over.
There's no response.
The terrain looks the same,
but the landscape has changed.
I thought the ship sank.
Where is the commander?
I'm Ensign Ono,
- Seaman Takashima.
- Seaman Suga.
I'm Second Lieutenant Iba,
What's going on here?
We don't know either.
We were heading to Sector Four.
But before we realized,
the ship had turned this way.
We thought the sea had swallowed you.
We thought so as well.
The great shining wave swallowed us.
He's off to piss again.
Is there a festival on?
Technical Sergeant Shimizu,
Airman Onishi.
I'm Lieutenant Iba.
- Where have you been?
- We were heading to the base.
But suddenly we lost altitude.
Excuse me...
I felt as if we were being sucked
into the sea.
Get back!
Sir, it could be a time slip.
Time slip?
Yano! Yano!
Don't shoot.
- Bastards.
- Don't, Yano!
I won't forgive you
next time you disobey.
- It hurts.
- Mr. Yano.
How does it feel
to shoot at real human beings?
- Next time I'll kill them.
- Lieutenant. Look.
Don't shoot until I tell you to.
I'm from Kasugayama Castle.
Lord Koizumi is my master.
I'm Kagetora Nagao.
I'm Kagetora's manservant,
Magoichi Kuribayashi.
I'm Takehide Ishiba.
Yoritsuka Asaba.
Katsumasu Takekawa.
I'm Yoshiaki Iba,
the Self-Defense Force.
You're the same tribe.
They are our tribe, Magoichi.
Where are you from?
We belong to the regiment called
the Eastern Army.
Why... why are you here?
It's hard to explain.
We drifted here, in a way.
This metal horse is neighing.
As you've suddenly appeared
in my territory,
Kuroda, my enemy, is shocked.
And that...
What was that thing flying?
A helicopter.
Heli... cop...
And what was that, da-da-da...
What was that?
Is it a kind of gun?
That's a machine gun.
Hello, friends.
That machine...
How can I get on this horse?
Please... that...
Will you let me see that one
more closely?
All right.
Excuse me.
What did you call this?
M2 Caliber. A machine gun.
Would you like to have a go?
Hey! Magoichi, look at me!
Look at me!
And this thing is...
This is 400 years back...
I must have them on my side.
Monkey. Do you have any ideas?
Let's send them some food.
They said they have enough.
After you've shot that 'Da-da-da-da'
and brought them food,
Kuroda will think
they are on our side.
You're clever as ever, Monkey.
It really was a time slip.
Time slip?
What's a 'time slip'?
We slipped through time
into a different age.
Time slip? No kidding.
It's impossible.
But it did happen.
By some mistake,
we slipped into this era.
Kagetora was a funny man.
"We are the same tribe. "
Get down, everyone!
A bad joke...
Don't shoot. Hold your fire.
Nobody should shoot!
Lieutenant Iba!
Don't get involved.
- We don't know what will happen...
- Drive!
- Lieutenant!
- Hurry!
Go, Agata.
- Go, quickly!
- I know.
- You did it again, Yano.
- Charge!
- Keep going.
- Can we?
It's all right. Go.
Enter Kagetora Nagao!
"The same tribe. "
Thank you for helping us!
I killed him!
I got the head of Nagaharu!
I did it!
It was so cool.
Kano. Is it cool to kill people?
We only did what
Lieutenant Iba did.
Two of us died.
It was the situation -
either them or us.
They had guns as well.
We have nothing to do in this era.
If we interfere with them,
history may be confused.
Then what will happen?
History may not forgive us.
Agata. What do you mean?
We'll never return to our time?
Are we going to die?
Time is mysterious.
We don't know anything about it
apart from that a day is 24 hours.
But nature has a power of recovery
beyond our imagination.
After earthquakes,
there are aftershocks
as the earth tries to right itself.
So if that strange phenomenon like
an earthquake happens again,
can we go back to our time?
I don't know.
But I think it's possible.
HQ must be going mad
looking for you.
You're the star of
the Self-Defence Force.
No other Japanese
can beat foreign runners
in the International Marathon.
I'm rather relieved.
I don't have to run anymore.
That thought relieves me.
One o'clock.
I'm going.
Going where?
To Imaburi Station.
I'm meeting Kazuko there.
Maybe this is the only place
the time slip happened.
She's waiting for me.
I can't sit still here.
Be patient a little longer.
For how long? How long should I wait?
We may not be able to return.
We might get killed,
like Seki and Hori.
Another earthquake
will take us back!
If he detonates that truck,
it will blow up all of us.
He's our buddy!
You wanted to be killed by that fool?
Why didn't you aim for his leg?
"Make sure you complete
your mission. "
You taught me that.
It's too dangerous to go alone.
I'll go with you.
Let's go.
Where have they gone
without telling us?
Did they return to our time?
Just the two of them?
That's impossible.
How can they do that on their own?
It's hard to cross the mountain
on foot. Kikuchi!
Be quiet!
Be quiet!
Lord Koizumi, my master,
wants you to come to his castle.
Your flying vessel...
Your running metal box...
Your gun which kills
a dozen at a shot.
He wants to see them
with his own eyes.
Thank you for the invitation.
But I refuse.
I can't take sides with anybody.
If we go to his castle,
it could be misinterpreted.
Are you saying that you refuse
my master's request?
I can't accept his invitation.
Go back and tell your master this.
The lord is a coward.
He wants a trophy without fighting.
Tell him Kagetora said so.
Yoshiaki, you helped me
to make up my mind.
I don't follow the master
who hides in his castle
and gets all the benefit.
I won't fight for him.
Loyalty is about
totally trusting the master.
Loyalty should be based
on true friendship.
Fighting requires luck.
We may die tomorrow.
That's why I want to live
the way I like,
to be true to myself.
Fight with me, Yoshiaki.
Let's conquer the country together.
Why with me?
I was born to fight.
I like to fight.
I don't know any other way to live.
Yoshiaki, I think you are
the same as I am.
Yoshiaki. You're suited to
this turbulent age.
My grandma gave it to me.
You look like my dead grandson.
My dad was killed.
By the fugitive samurai.
- I envy you.
- Why?
Is the girl so nice?
You've fallen in love, haven't you?
No, I haven't.
I never fall for women.
Well, everyone,
what do you think?
We must fight against history
to return to our time.
There's no history that
we've conquered the country.
If we do,
it would confuse history.
The shock would be great.
Then history, the god of time,
will send us back.
Lieutenant Iba.
History might kill us
to prevent the change.
But is there any other way?
Yano. Forget the incident.
You double-crossed me.
Did you really believe in
the coup dtat? I was...
It's not that!
It's not that.
I trusted you and followed you.
I was such a fool.
I can't forgive myself.
Corporal Yano!
HQ ordered Lieutenant Iba
to sneak in and find
the leader of the coup.
The double-cross wasn't up to him.
He'd made so much effort
to stop you, young officers,
being punished.
Stop it!
- I must find you grooms.
- Oh, brother!
The last one.
Run! Kikuchi! Go ahead!
Get away!
Your girl's waiting! Go!
What's the matter?
Oh, you're here.
What are you doing?
It's our duty to protect the ship.
The sea will get rough later.
Why are you taking these weapons?
Lieutenant Iba's order.
Iba's? What for?
We can't guess what he's thinking.
Let's carry them.
What are you doing?
Don't do it.
I'll obey you.
Do you want to die?
Or come with me?
I'll come with you.
Gun the engine! Quick!
Where are the sentries?
Yano! Kano!
Your turn.
- What's this?
- Grease.
It stinks.
I'm enjoying my life.
Let's take a castle.
Grab women.
We'll live like kings.
Are you asleep, Shimada?
Come on!
Corporal Yano!
Lieutenant Iba's calling.
Answer, Corporal Yano.
Lieutenant Iba wants to talk to you.
Answer the call.
Ignore them, Corporal Yano.
This is Yano. What do you want?
He's on.
Check the position of the ship.
This is Iba.
Come back, Yano.
You'd better surrender now.
You told me that before.
We're going to raid villages.
For women and food.
Try to stop us.
I'll tell you again. Come back.
Unlike you, I'm not a coward.
Not a double-crosser!
Come and fight us!
All right, if that's what you want.
Release the women first.
I found them. Two o'clock.
- They found us?
- We've let them find us.
- Quick!
- All right.
Go to the shore.
Let the women go.
Move! I'm telling you. Go!
Hurry up.
Swim, swim!
Bye, girls!
Women in the civil war era!
I'm getting off, by the way.
- I don't like in-fighting.
- Shimada!
I can't go on with you.
- Shimada!
- Yes?
You must learn to face your destiny.
They've even taken
the rocket-launcher.
Three machine guns, a rifle
and grenades, too.
They've got guts.
Hit them!
That's the 60mm trench mortar.
It can blast us.
It can't hit us from the ship.
- Mimura.
- Yes.
Remember the ship's position.
We'll get you down
behind that island.
They can't see you from the ship.
I'll be a decoy to protect
the helicopter from their attack.
You'll take that opportunity.
You're the best sniper
in the regiment.
No second chances. Don't miss.
- Maintain altitude.
- OK.
- They are back.
- What's that?
He's protecting the helicopter
from the rocket-launcher.
Hold it firmly.
If we can't hit the helicopter...
From now on, I live the way I want.
I'll conquer the nation
with Kagetora.
I'll join you.
I don't understand
complicated things,
but we've already
lost 10 men here.
I want to see what I can
before I die.
I'll come, too.
It's a war game, Agata.
I bet on the possibility of
returning to our time.
All right, I bet on it, too.
I'm going to piss.
Not again.
What good timing.
Lieutenant Iba.
We can drive the tank again.
I want to go home, anyway.
Hey! If you all go, I'll go, too.
I'll go.
Sorry, but...
I'm staying here.
Staying? On your own?
I promised him I'd be his brother.
What will you do, staying here alone?
If we go back to our time,
what will you do?
Reconsider, Nemoto.
There may be your ancestors here.
If you get involved with them...
Let him go.
I'm busy.
I'm too busy.
To Kasugayama Castle!
What's wrong?
- Is it your girl?
- No.
She's... gone.
Kazuko's waiting.
Treat him.
Hey, Kikuchi...
I retire now, Iba.
Meet me at Kasugayama Castle
I look forward to it.
I hear you called me names.
You called me a fool, didn't you?
Yes, I did.
You sent me to fight Kuroda,
but behind that,
you were linking up with the Irobes -
you're the double-crosser.
You're a big fool!
You came here...
.. to throw away your life,
I'm not here to die.
But to kill you.
Are you insane, Kagetora?
Be quiet!
I'm ashamed of myself
for having such a coward
as my master.
I'll rule the nation.
I'll be a ruler!
Follow me.
Or you'll die.
Get out of my way.
Oh, hey.
Don't touch it.
Go back to your post!
We'll take this road.
Our tank can go through here.
It leads to Kawanakajima.
Shingen will be there.
We'll kill Shingen.
You should go west to fight
the alliance of Asai and Asakura.
Can only your men beat Shingen?
He's strong.
Let's meet in Kyoto, Kagetora.
That's when the nation will be ours.
Keep that.
This is terrible.
Take her with you.
I'll bring her, then.
Any of you want to lay a woman?
I found one in the village.
- A whore?
- No. A widow.
If you want to make love, go.
Make love? Is it OK to do that?
A young widow needs young men.
It's a courtesy around here.
I'll go.
You're fast with these things.
- I'll go, too.
- Let's go.
I'll do what I couldn't do
in our time.
That's right.
This era is not as
strictly restricted as in our time.
You can live
the way you like. Go!
I'm going!
He doesn't piss this time.
I feel guilty about my wife.
Don't worry about 400 years
in the future.
You are suddenly very rational.
That's the house.
What is it?
What is it?
Once you're naked,
you're the same human at any time.
That's right.
You came to make love?
Us, too.
Let's decide who goes first.
Do you know
paper, stone and scissors?
Paper, stone...?
I'm the third.
There are so many.
It could be all just flags.
My ancestors might be there.
Let's use the trench mortar.
- Morishita.
- Yes?
- Mimura.
- Yes.
At 42 degrees,
Prepare to fire.
Agata. Charge toward the horses.
Kikuchi. Watch out!
Will upsetting history work?
What's the matter?
More ammunition.
Need more supplies.
- Don't move the truck.
- Yes, sir.
What is it?
Move the truck.
Abandon it!
Get on the APC.
Fire, now!
- Nonaka. What's the matter?
- They're too close.
Fire! To go back to our time!
Move the tank, Maruoka! Go!
Hurry up, Maruoka!
What are you doing? Move, now!
Sanada gunners, fire!
Thank God.
I got it in!
Out of ammunition!
Get in the helicopter!
Don't shoot.
Go ahead! Up!
Look at that!
Radio him to let him know.
The radio doesn't work.
I'll go let them know.
- Morishita... Cover him!
- Yes.
Watch out!
An enemy is underneath you!
Drop him down!
Come down!
Bring the helicopter down!
How did you get in?
We're going down.
Onishi? Onishi?
- Hold the banners firmly!
- Hold tight, everyone!
Don't cry.
Find their headquarters.
Let's kill Shingen!
Give me a gun! Anyone!
- Where is it?
- Hurry!
Drive faster!
No more fuel!
You are... just a kid...
This is the era of civil wars...
Stop the horse!
It has bells on its back!
Are you Yoshiaki Iba?
Lord Shingen.
They say you're invincible.
Are you, Yoshiaki Iba?
I'm impressed with your strategy...
.. Lord Shingen.
Stop. I don't need any help.
I'll revenge my father!
I killed Lord Shingen! I won!
Well done, Yoshiaki.
We'll meet in Kyoto.
Kagetora is waiting for us.
We'll rule the country.
I've promised Yoshiaki Iba
we'd rule the nation together.
For such a promise,
are you throwing away the rulership,
It's your chance.
What's the news?
That Yoshiaki Iba...
After the battle with Shingen,
he's lost his flying iron box
and the running metal box.
He barely managed
to reach the old Myoren Temple.
The deserted temple is a nice place
for them to die.
Lord Fujitaka.
We don't need Kagetora anymore.
Send your men to the temple
and kill Iba.
Wait, Lord Hosokawa.
Please wait, Lord Hosokawa.
He came from nowhere.
We can't let him confuse
the flow of time.
If you take sides with him,
you will die.
Will another time slip happen?
- Can we go back?
- Are you sure?
The position of Venus is changing.
Are you sure?
I think we must return
to the seashore.
Another time slip is likely to
happen at the same place.
That's right.
Let's go there.
You think so because you're scared.
Venus is telling us
a time slip will happen.
When we rule the nation,
history will be completely changed.
Then we'll be able to go back.
- It's impossible to change history.
- Why?
It will attack us before
it's forced to change completely.
It will destroy us.
- Impossible!
- Lieutenant!
Fourteen of us have died.
Let's go back, Lieutenant.
Agata is right.
At this rate, we'll all die.
Let's go back, like Agata says.
You've become a coward
because of your girl.
We should go back there.
- We all think so.
- We do!
All of you...
Don't give me orders.
I'm the commander.
If you disobey,
I'll shoot you now.
You don't want to go back
to our time.
You want to stay here to fight.
That was your intention
from the beginning.
What's so good about
going back to our age?
What can we do in the easy time
of peace?
We had weapons,
but we couldn't fight.
Don't you want to fight here,
in this era?
Don't you want to live
the way you like?
You can do that here.
I don't want to do that at all.
No, sir!
You have no right to speak.
You tried to hide and escape
while we were fighting.
Yes, I did try to hide.
I was scared. I'm a coward.
What's a heroic death for?
Is dying as a hero so great?
I'd rather live
with my wife and child forever.
I love our own time.
I love the era of peace!
I won't let history beat me.
I'm telling you again.
You stay here. Understand?
The first attackers, charge!
Aim at this point and shoot.
OK? I'm counting on you.
I don't want to be killed
by strangers.
I want to be dead only by your hand.
Hold your fire!
This isn't your game.
I'll rule the nation.