Sensitive Couple (2008)

A star.
A key?
Geez! You scared me.
Can I sit here?
It's Munch. I love Munch.
I'm not really good at starting
a conversation like this.
I saw your work
in a sketch class.
My club's holding an exhibition of
Illustrated poems this spring.
I need to ask you a favor.
Do you have some time?
Sorry, I'm busy.
Smart ass!
The living organism is
that of trapped in.
The ESP Couple
- Excuse me.
- Excuse me...
It's on the second floor.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
- Where's the washroom?
- Washroom? It's on the second floor.
Thank you.
Scatter some garbage
on the bench.
Huh? Garbage?
So that people won't sit there.
What if someone hangs
around the contact spot?
OK. Roger that.
Pour the leftover
soda pop, too.
Act like a professional!
He's coming.
Get out of there.
He just put in the money bag.
Everybody, watch out!
We have to find her.
Don't worry.
We'll take care of it.
Our chief is an expert
in this field.
Chief, you've been off kidnapping
cases for a while, haven't you?
This is my first time.
Never done this before?
We usually don't take up
this kind of case.
There are other experienced detectives.
I don't know why they left it with us.
So who is the girl?
I have no idea. They said,
just shut up and find her.
Should we get him?
Don't you see?
He's just passing by.
Besides, it's covered in garbage.
How kind!
What is it?
- Some guy's cleaning it up.
- I can see it myself!
We spilled soda pop all over
the bench, so don't worry.
He'll just walk away.
What the hell! He's wiping
the bench. What a loser!
- Get them out of there.
- OK.
My name's Hyun-jin.
Hyun-jin Lee.
Well... I'm Su-min.
Su-min Kim.
Did you know that old lady?
The lady who was looking
for the security office.
Security office?
Not a washroom?
I'm sorry.
Sorry for what?
I didn't know you were conducting
an undercover operation.
I didn't say anything.
How did you know?
Well... I just know.
- You just know?
- He is suspicious, chief.
We're not idiots.
Isn't it obvious?
A homeless guy wearing
an earphone like that.
And brand-new Nike Air Jordans?
They're knockoffs.
Who are you?
We're in a mystery film club.
A mystery film club...
Chief, look over there.
Someone's coming.
Get them all!
They're pathetic.
It looks like a bait.
They can't lose the
police that way.
They're running in
the same direction.
I'm sure they'll get caught.
It's an attempt to distract the police.
I bet the money bag's still
in the garbage can.
They probably covered it
up with a newspaper
while standing around it.
Let's go find out.
I got it.
See? I was right.
Over there!
- Give it up!
- Back off!
Stop the bleeding and
get an ambulance.
Yes, sir!
What the hell were you thinking?
He took out a weapon...
I just followed the regulation.
What if he dies?
How would you find her?
By asking a psychic?
He's not gonna die.
Don't you trust me?
I'm afraid he'll be brain dead.
He's in a hepatic coma.
He has a liver disease
and it's critical.
We need to see how it develops,
but there's little hope.
What kind of a moron
does the kidnapping
when his liver's failing?
Did you find anything?
He's clean.
There was no clue at all.
What about the boys?
They knew nothing.
The suspect gave them
money to do that.
Damn it!
Why don't we interrogate him?
Good! You do it!
Open up his head and find out
where he's hiding her.
Who knows?
Telepathy might work.
You were born with this?
Is it okay his skull's
opened like that?
Well, I've never seen this before.
It's possible his
- What about my scar?
A soft spot on a newborn
baby's skull?
Yeah. Usually it closes up
around two years of age.
As his skull opens like this,
it creates a different
pressure on the brain.
There you go! You know a lot.
As the brain pressure goes down,
more blood pumps into the brain.
What about my scar?
IDoes it mean...
that his brain functions
better than those of others?
We need a CT scan
for more results.
Then do it.
- Excuse me. May I go?
- Sure.
- How's the guy?
- Oh, him?
He's not seriously injured.
No need to write a deposition.
So I told him to go after
seeing a doctor.
- Did you take care of it?
- Sure. Huh?
Take care of what?
The bill!
- I'll pay it back.
- When?
Can I just send you
the money tomorrow?
Just give me your
account number.
You expect me
to believe that?
It's really late... You don't need
to come to my place.
I don't mind. Besides, you
don't even have a cab fare.
I can walk.
Oh... Why didn't you tell me?
How far is it from here?
It's about a two-hour walk.
Here. You keep it.
- It's mine.
- So I gave it back.
How did you get this?
It slipped out when you fainted
in the park, and I picked it up.
So it was my money all along.
- Then why are you coming to my place?
- I got some business to take care of.
I'll tell you when we get in.
Aren't you grateful to me for
getting your wallet back?
You scared me!
How did you get in?
I saw you putting the password.
You should know better than using
the date of birth as a password.
- How did you know?
- I saw your ID card from the wallet.
Are you a stalker?
Like you're that cute!
I got your wallet back,
but you're so ungrateful.
You cheated.
Are you a runaway? How come you're
not going home at this late hour?
Your parents have
given up on you?
- My parents are not around.
- How come? They're away on a trip?
They passed away.
I'm sorry.
Why? Did you kill them?
No. It's not that.
They were murdered?
If you're curious, why
don't you read my mind?
I can't read your mind.
You can't read "my" mind?
It means you read
those of others?
Just a spoon of sugar for me.
Is it good?
You got a supernatural
power, right?
It's yours, isn't it?
It tells me that you're
not sociable,
pathologically clean
and defensive.
And you're a loner.
You don't have
a girlfriend, do you?
For a man living alone, your place
is clean and not smelly.
Would it smell better
if I lived with a woman?
Of course, because
she purifies the air.
So women are air purifiers?
Is it a joke?
- Aren't you supposed to be studying?
- Study?
For college? I'm done with it.
Excuse me, but what's your IQ?
About the kidnapping case...
Can't you give them some help?
Me? How could I?
You can read the kidnapper's
mind to find out
where he's hiding her.
He's in a coma.
Right... Does it mean
you could read his mind if
he came around?
No, it's not that. How could
I read someone's mind?
Is that so? All right...
I'm going to bed, so you go home
before you miss the last bus.
It's too late. Let me stay
here for the night.
Come on! Get up! Come on!
Get me some clothes
to change into.
I'm over 180.
It's one size fits all.
Hey, you're not that tall.
Not my height. I mean my IQ.
I need a soft pillow, too.
Pass it over to
the National Security Agency.
Why don't we negotiate
with them ourselves?
Our priority is to save her.
Su-min, wake up.
Breakfast is ready.
- Where did you get this?
- I made it myself.
- You made it yourself?
- Yes. Let me cut this for you.
You really made
this on your own?
Sure! Here. Say ahhh...
What a silly dream!
Too early for making a fuss.
- Did you use my toothbrush?
- Why?
- 'Cause it's wet.
- Your toilet was dirty, so...
- Hey!
- Got you!
- What?
- So it was true.
What was true?
That you can't read my mind.
When are you going to
stop following me?
I want to look
around the campus.
Study hard and go to
a college, OK?
Have fun!
Where are you going?
Somewhere you're
not allowed in.
Aggghhh! How did
you get in here?
By using my beauty and charm.
How did you manage
your researchers?
How could you let
this thing happened?
Security commander's
involved, too.
It was someone that you sent.
We'll find her by all means,
so don't worry.
- Aren't you hungry?
- Yes, I am.
Go home and get
something to eat.
Let me treat you to lunch.
To make up for
last night's trouble.
I think I owe you one.
You owe me to go home.
Just go.
One minute you messed with me, and
now you're seeing another girl?
Hey, what's wrong with you?
Are you out of your mind?
I'm buying you lunch.
- I don't like smelly sausages.
- What are you talking about?
- Have a good time.
- Thank you.
- Hey, are you rich?
- It's not a big deal.
Stop acting like a hick.
- Are you a regular here?
- No.
You know even an armless person
can feel his arms itch?
Where did that come from?
What you see and hear
may not even exist.
It's just a result of
your brain activities.
This may not actually exist.
Likewise, I may
not really exist.
Yeah, that's a relief.
You think your power's
limited to reading minds?
I said I can't.
Isn't it possible that you can
control what others think?
- What?
- I mean the kidnapper.
He suddenly went blank
and let go of me.
Maybe he felt you were gross.
- When are you expecting your company?
- Excuse me?
I'm expecting no one.
I'm sorry.
Your power is notjust about
observing others' consciousness.
You're also able to transfer
your thoughts to others.
I mean it's an interactive...
Sorry. I'm getting
too technical.
Anyway, I think it's
a two-way process.
It means you can change
their thoughts, too.
- Change their thoughts? Can I?
- Yes.
OK. Let's say I can.
What does it have
to do with you?
Well, I want to see
how you evolve.
Evolve? Am I a pocket monster
or something?
Anyway, give it a try.
Control the manager's mind
so that we can have
this for free.
Wake up, girl!
Pikachu! You can do it!
- Cut it out.
- You have no choice.
How come?
I have no money.
Excuse me.
One more please?
Would you like some more?
So what's the plan?
- You're driving me crazy.
- Be more active.
Read the waiters' mind to
figure out whom
you'll turn us into.
Don't you see I'm eating?
Does it have anything to
do with reading minds?
You wouldn't know.
Legally, being a freeloader
is a fraud.
"Sorry, we have no money.
Give us a break."
It doesn't work at this
kind of fancy restaurant.
We're going to get arrested.
What did you see?
- You don't want to know.
- Try me.
Number two.
You mean, shit?
You're so squeamish for a man.
Pull yourself together.
Have you got anything?
- The restaurant owner's son.
- The owner's son?
Yes. He often brings girls here
and doesn't pay the bills.
Everyone here thinks
he is an asshole.
We got it.
Let me help you with the check.
It's 200,000 won.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't count in your last order.
It's 300,000 won, sir.
Move faster!
There's no such thing
as a free lunch. OK?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
This is for your hard work.
Take it.
There's no gain without pain.
Always keep that in mind.
- Thank you.
- Now you can go.
It's weird.
Why didn't it work?
it seemed possible.
You're not trying hard enough
on purpose, are you?
Are you always taking
the perfect liberty?
The world doesn't
revolve around you.
Besides, I'm not the X-man.
Nothing comes easy
like you expect.
Still, we enjoyed
a fancy meal.
Fancy? From now on, a plate of lobster
would only remind me of chlorine.
Can't you change
the way you think?
Right. You can't scratch
your own back.
By the way, what's in that
envelop? A free coupon?
I don't know.
I'm so sorry...
Got you!
Life is not
easy anyway:
Are you mad at me?
Be a man!
Let's see what's
in the envelop.
Yes, sir. OK. I see.
I'll take care of it immediately.
By the way, your son dropped in
this afternoon as you instructed,
I made him clean up
the kitchen
and gave him some money.
He was so...
Pardon? He's in Europe now?
In a language school?
How much is this? Five?
That guy's really generous.
We should have
waxed the floor.
Now that we have some money,
why don't we go to a nice place?
A nice place? Like what?
The Children's Grand Park!
Hey, little girl, why don't you go home?
It's time for Sesame Street.
You're not coming with me?
Of course, not!
At this age? With you?
You're on your own.
What is it? What now?
Are you going to accuse me
of messing with you again?
This time, it's paid sex
with an underage girl.
No matter what you say,
I'm not going.
- It's your first time here, isn't it?
- Why?
Girls your age usually don't...
There's the zoo!
- It's so cruel.
- What do you mean?
I feel sorry for the animals.
We feed and shelter them.
It's better than going extinct.
Are you saying they're happy
in a cage like that?
It was you who wanted
to come here.
Excuse me. Could you
take a picture for us?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Do you envy them?
Not really...
It's better than being lonely.
They're cheating on each other
and they both have
dates tonight.
No wonder you
have no friends.
You read their minds.
Since you know what they're thinking,
you won't have any questions
and you don't need
to have a talk.
Cause you see
through deep inside,
you can't develop
sincere feelings.
How about you?
Got many friends?
- You should thank me.
- How's that?
Since you can't read my mind,
we're having a talk like this.
Given this special circumstance,
don't you have a dream like
finding your own soul mate and
hiding in some secret place?
Am I Frankenstein?
Poket Monster, X-man, Frankenstein...
Mature choices of vocabulary!
If you're done, let's go home.
So soon? I haven't
even started yet.
Started what?
You read the waiter's memory,
not his thoughts.
Is there any difference?
While thoughts are about the present,
memories are about the past.
So it wouldn't have been
easy to retrieve them,
but you did it.
Now let's have some
further study!
You pick someone around here
who has a specific
memory that I name.
You think that's possible?
It's called the cocktail effect.
Men have this power
to single out what to hear
from lots of noises.
Forget it!
I'm always ready to act
as a teenage prostitute
Listen. I'm doing you a favor here.
Don't you think this is too much?
I don't care whatever you do.
I'll just run away. It's going to
embarrass you, not me.
This is not the amount you promised
before going to a motel.
How could you expect a discount
just because you're a regular?
You're bad!
Tell me what to do.
Well, pick out a person who
has done rock climbing.
- Rock climbing?
- Yeah.
It's a unique experience. It would be
easy for you to find such a person.
- I can't. Sorry...
- You're fast.
- What do you mean?
- You're so fast in giving up.
Over there. The man in
a khaki leatherjacket.
He has a fear of height!
Does he?
You said you were in an airborne unit.
How could you have a fear of heights?
- I got that a few months ago.
- Is that so?
I'm serious.
You know I worked as a window
cleaner a while ago?
I had an accident there.
After that, I came to fear heights.
Is that true?
Of course!
Looks like you're not doing your best.
Are you trying to give up like that?
- No.
- Try harder.
Over there.
- That smoker?
- Yeah.
Wow, it's reaching pretty far.
Excuse me. Are you
a rock climber?
You did it on purpose,
didn't you?
Memories are not
made up of languages.
Anyway, is there a language
that you don't speak?
I thought a genius like you could speak
more than three languages.
English, Japanese, Chinese,
German, French and Spanish.
But he was speaking Russian!
That's six.
What about Korean?
Do it better, ok?
What's wrong?
That man...
- The one in a trench coat? All right.
- No!
What's the matter?
- The kidnapper...
- From yesterday?
Let's follow him.
- What?
- We have to save her.
Are you going to
just stay put?
Don't you feel sorry
for the girl?
Then why don't we
call the police?
Hello? We found
the kidnapper.
We read his memory.
Where is he? How on
earth could we know?
- Now let's call the police.
- No. We can't do that.
Then what's the point
being in here?
You've got to save her
with your power.
My power?
We can't get away with this just
by washing dishes again.
Honey, see where we are!
My mom's going to kill me
if I stay out overnight.
You think you can handle that?
Come on...
It takes two to tango.
Where are they hiding her?
I can feel her upstairs.
Maybe she's sleeping...
It's strange.
Detective! We're here!
He's with them.
What is he doing here?
We got him wandering around.
We know each other, right?
How did it go?
We're moving at dawn
as we planned
They wouldn't trust the police because
of what happened yesterday.
Everything's going great.
How did you know
about this place?
What do you mean?
You told us.
Otherwise, how could we know
you guys were here?
- What the hell is this about?
- Never mind.
This kid is playing tricks.
You promised to
give us 10%.
That's why we gave you a hand
in the park yesterday!
What did he ask you to do?
Wait for a guy in a cap
around the bench.
Then scream and let him
take us hostage.
You owe me an explanation.
Are you an idiot? It's just
a kid fooling around.
Two billion won will be in our
hands in a couple of hours.
Don't be stupid!
And you! Shut up
or I'll rip your mouth!
If I'd known gun's involved,
I wouldn't have done it...
You could have arrested him.
Why did you have to shoot him?
I said, enough!
Now I get it.
You doomed to fail...
You jeopardized the credibility of the police
by negotiating with them by yourself.
You have any idea whose lives are
in danger because of you?
That's not true.
I didn't shoot him.
Why would I shoot one of us?
Go ahead. Say something.
One bullet must be missing
cause he shot one yesterday.
Come on...
I'm not working with this idiot.
What about you
I don't care as long as
I get my share.
Then do me a favor.
Would you take care
of him for me?
No problem.
You sly bastard!
Where did you go this time?
I was on the street.
Did you hear anything?
There was no noise as usual.
But there was this weird guy.
Tell me about him.
He had a rainbow-colored
cross over his head.
A rainbow-colored cross
over his head.
He had a rainbow-colored
cross over his head.
All I have to do is get
her out of here.
The Children's Grand Park?
All right. I'll call you later.
I've seen you before...
I thought it was a dream...
What do you mean?
A "professional" was involved?
He made up a scene as if they killed each
other and commit suicide in the end.
The target's gone.
We need to check if other
agencies are involved.
Let's go.
- Are you hungry?
- Yes.
- Got anything in mind?
- How about lobster?
Come on! I'd like to try it.
Well... Then we're going to another
restaurant, not that one.
Why? The place
wasn't that bad.
I just don't feel like it.
Don't worry. Let's just go.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
This is good!
Is this your first
time trying it?
Yeah. I remember how it
tasted from your memory,
but it wasn't good.
Like it's not your fault.
You want to read my mind?
- What?
- What are you so curious about?
You want me to tune in
so that you can read?
If you have a trouble with it,
let me do it for you.
No, thank you.
If you need anything,
please let me know.
He doesn't remember you?
I guess so.
Well, well, well...
Excuse me.
It was you, wasn't it?
- What?
- Something that happened just now.
Huh? No.
How did you do that?
Did you turn me into
someone else?
I didn't. You know
I failed here last time.
Hey, you really don't know
my usual dishes?
How did you get hired?
Get out!
Is this really your father's?
Of course. And it's going
to be mine soon.
- You idiot!
- Ouch! Who the hell is it?
I just got here from the airport.
I was going to call you after
I grab something to eat.
- Airport?
- Yes!
- You mean you're back from Europe?
- Yes.
By the way, this is Ankela.
We met in Italy.
Hello, dad!
Italy? Like you've ever
been to Italy.
What's with you?
I know you were here by yourself and
ordered for three the other day.
And you even took money
for cleaning the kitchen.
- 500,000 won.
- What?
I thought you've changed,
but you even gambled
away all your money?
Come on, you loser!
I don't know what you're talking about.
This sucks!
That explains a lot.
Your next mission is...
Turn me into a super model
when you pay the bill.
- You? A super model?
- Yes!
- You seriously think it's possible?
- You can do that.
- No, I can't.
- Just give it a try.
I won't.
You've got no choice.