Sentiments, Les (Feelings) (2003)

"You are the King of World" What's this?
How are you?
Nathalie Baye
Nathalie Baye
Isabelle Carr
Directed by
Nomie Lvovsky
Sentiments, Les
But i think
i'm sure
I would rather be married to the mayer.
Because if somebody will get married,
they wish a good ceremony
Attractive and splendid
Plain wedding is a pity.
It's almost a tragedy,
All of the law terms
are very mundane.
Actually, I feel
The wedding should be a show.
The expression of the divine love
The children come.
My house is there.
I saw them in the garden .
Did you see?
If you want us to remove all
of your fear.
You finally admitted that
I have no fear.
But i think you can cancel
all of this if you like.
I won't blame you.
You will not blame me, will you?
It's too late,
what are you thinking of?
No, we are free.
No matter what has changed or not
i will blame you forever.
Why? Because i love you.
Because i can't lose you.
So you hate me, don't you?
I'm not kidding
I hate you really.
We see you.
You see us ?
I see, you are waving.
You really saw us, right?
What about us?
Just like ants.
Have Francois and his wife come?
No, i only see the porters.
They leave all the tings there.
They are annoying
You have something, do you?
But I don't like you like this.
You take the other side
Welcome back!
Put those looked fragile at our house
See you.
It's too hot.
What are you doing is the
reason for the hot.
It's too hot in this house.
You should get cooled.
Stop. Francois. Open the door.
Neighbors are looking at me.
Can you see women neighbor?
Did you see her nude?
Will you be
my wife?
Do you want to be my husband?
I want you to be my wife.
I want you to be my husband
I put a suitcase in front of your door
Here you are.
I have kept this until today.
I put a suitcase in front of your door
I love you
I love you
If i love you.
you should be cautious.
Good morning
Good morning, sorry for bothering you
You haven't bothered me.
I'm Francois' wife
I'm not used to say " Mrs Walker"
My name is Edith.
Hi, I have taken you the cake.
to thank you and your husband
Francois is very glad to get that job.
the house and you took good
care of our things.
We all thank you very much.
You are welcome.
Come in.
You are so kind.
I go to open the curtain
I'm so busy that i left the
curtain closed when it's already noon.
Sit down. I am always like you.
Are you ?
Do I bothered you?
Not at All.
Want to have a drink?
Do you like wine?
Yes, thanks.
I wish you happy.
I like this.
This life is so interesting.
But in the past 40 years
Be called at 1 am to deliver a child
I can't tolerate that any more.
Do you like your position in the hospital?
I will remember that.
I should talk to you about Mrs Mere.
Mrs Mere?
Yes, she has two special aspects.
one: her heart is on the right side.
two: she never tell it to doctor.
Because she think it is funny.
There are two doctors listen to her heart.
and said " everything is fine".
They dare not to admit that
they heard nothing.
She called half of the people around here.
In front of them , cut the suit of one man.
Can you guess that?
Her son informed me
and i cured his child
He was absolutely annoyed
Good morning, Doctor
This is my doctor , Doctor Walker
Good morning madam.
How are you? Mr this is
my doctor.
Come next time.
I live nearby
I should buy something for the supper
I will not eat here.
If our husbands are going to talk,
we eat together.
Yes, i have mushrooms.
That's great.
This story about revival worried me.
It's about "i believe the revival of the body."
I don't believe that.
One day I ask the Father.
My grandmother passed away when she was 70
When young, she lost a 1 year old child.
If my mother passed away 35 years early
and if i will die later
When will I met her in the heaven?
Although the baby die early,
my mother knew her.
"When I go to heaven, I will be older
than my mother."
He thinks I'm crazy.
Someone told me the answer.
The answer is in heaven
people has become saint.
When I was a child
I was always afraid of being
taken by the devil
afraid that the things in the house
will be alive.
So I started to talk in this man's voice.
Actually in my heart I think just in the
I think I'm in the control of God.
The God loves me, and chose me
I still think that I will be always fine.
very strongly sometimes
I think myself totally unbeatable
I believed it absolutely
This is the first time I tell others.
I tried this to Francois
He looked at me like this
Do you think me crazy?
Once there is a lady.
She often come here with her husband
They are both 65 years old.
He had lithiasis in the lung.
one that will not fall
She never let him talk
I never heard the voice of that man.
They almost come to see me every week.
She complained about the disease
asked me if a operation is needed.
She took the poor husband back,
the doctor said there was no improvement
I was annoyed by her so I said he could
do the operation
If his trouble was too big.
She said: " this is the suggestion you gave to me."
Finally, I wrote a letter to the physician.
They made a appointment.
He didn't wake up
She come to me
said I should take the responsibility of
the death of her husband
Then she commited suicide in the lake.
She left me a letter saying I ruined
her life.
This is my wife
nice to meet you.
Me too.
Sorry, I "robbed" him.
You don't need to be sorry
I spent a very good night.
Good night.
Good night
He looks very good.
and she ,she are so lovely.
I may stay at their house for all day.
They are very good.
We are neighbors.
We will hate each other soon
if the day comes, it's the end of world
and it's all your fault.
I just tide this up.
I can't eat until tommorrow?
At least take one dish
How can you be hungry?
I was born to eat.
How do you think about Francois?
He is nice.
At his age, I'm not sure about my career.
In opposite
He has some kind of confidence.
It seems that his life is too informal
which annoys me a little
She is ,too.
They are like each other.
They don't notice that.
But she is so charming and generous
Make us want to favor her.
I want to drive the dark thing away
from you.
No, the sponge is dirty.
This house makes me sick.
Living in the rubbish makes me sick.
this is too disgusting.
for children of 3-6 kg
eat every day. 60mg
I will do a CDD for you before Oct.
I'm very glad.
What does your husband do ?
He is a doctor
Very good
Ok, see you next monday
I should wash my hand
What is his weight?
one spoon befor breakfast and supper
If he has fever, give him this.
Thanks doctor
You are a docile girl.
He is a boy.
I'm sorry.
I promise he is like this.
If somedoy talks to him, he will be anry
I'm not humourous.
People always hide their true self
for example
A man always laughing may find
life depressing
A man with pessimism often laughs.
You hardly laugh
But you are not a optimist
It bites me ..
for example
A people looked clever may do something crazy.
for example , Francois looks smart.
and I looks mad.
But in fact, it is just the opposite.
If you feel uncomfortable,
I will take you a cushion.
No. I feel very good.
Your garden is great.
yours is the same.
I help you!
No ,leave it there.
Are you fine?
What's the matter?
What does this mean?
I looks a little fat in the belly
But actually i'm very thin.
You are really thin.
and i'm very clumsy.
No , I thing you are very graceful.
In the shop I look at the photos first,
then i go to see the real people
They looked totally different.
what about taking a photo?
Yes, I will go to take the camera.
I go with you
There is a Chinese
There is a Chinese
I will not go down
We go throught the window
There is a Chinese in the house
I saw him upstars and
he saw me
Carole saw him.
She went down then he passed by.
He went downstairs and we daren't go
We come out through the window
He looked at me like this.
He treated me like this and
he said to you
Don't worry. I'm coming to get your head.
He said nothing
Carole, It's me
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
Why did you cry,Mum?
Nothing , she thought that the chinese
were back. but it's me.
It's me.
How are you ,Edith.
I'm Jacques
Did I bother you?
NO, Francois is out.
I apologize to you for the Chinese.
I played a joke which scared you.
I'm a idiot
No. how is your wound?
Do you have some injury?
I have some pain in the knee
also in the thigh
have you sterilized?
No blooding.
Because the knee is very fragile.
Still in pain?
A little
Can you bend it?
OK, that disburdens me.
Ok, i want to say goodbye.
What's going on?
How about me?
I can't reach it
I'm so tired.
You are defeated.
You are finished.
You are sawed off
It is a torture.
I will get there, I will
I'm not so old
Yes. My movement is graceful
My movement is graceful
Victory, Happy
What a shame when losing.
The stars also will miss the penalty.
Please don't drag.
I didn't drag.
Loose you hand.
I just like this
You see very clearly. Please wait.
Please don't move , my god
Wait for a moment
He even did'nt thank you
I thank you.
We are wringing
You growed up in the village?
What abou you?
Let's go?
Happiness is a balloon
The balloon in my head
Becomes bigger and bigger.
I'm afraid
Wish it will not explode.
There is a duck.
The duck was hooked by the stripe.
We saved it.
Duck to duck
We saved a duck.
What is this story about?
What are you doing.
When I found this camera,
I forget it.
Why does'nt it want to go home?
You should take photoes of the children.
They haven't been taken photoes for long time.
No photo left.
Good morning.
I will bring the photo to you.
I like taking photos very much.
Now I want to take some photos
I don't know why I'm so eager to take photos.
I will begin now
Ok ,wish you happy.
Thank you.
Thanks, bye.
I sleep like a baby.
I sleep.
I almost died
The bugs ate my feet.
But I woke up
That's good.
Ever I was a old boy.
But now I'm a young cat.
now I'm a young cat.
now I'm a young cat.
This is fine.
I am not afraid.
Persist in.
That's good
This is the recovery of my factory.
It will never be closed again.
It will never be closed again.
It will spout
It will surge.
It will boil
Have you asked Edith and Francois,
Can you put the things disorderly?
No answer?
They just put the potatoes.
Mum, Edith, All the people come to the garden
in 3 secs.
Not too early
We are listening
This the the life of Jacques.
First in theatre!
Have you prayed?
Yes , For you,mum and father in the heaven.
Yes ,Mum
You washed your neck?
Yes, mum.
My mother is like this.
Several years passed.
Jacques decide to be a doctor.
To cure these patients.
Don;t worry.
There will no pain.
Ok, the liver.
On the right side.
I don't know why I fucked up again.
Call the next.
Althrough he is thin.
Very poor.
Only eat the canned-food
He tempted the most fascinating Carole
in the college.
She likes thin and poor man.
so fell in love him immediately
They have got two cool baby who
make them vigorous.
The conclusion is:
They are like pigs.
The much bigger, the more stupid.
That's great
Thank you very much.
That's great.
Very good.
they are so funny.
Do you want cool baby?
You are not much better than me
about the barbecue
Shit! The charcoal went into my eyes.
I have water
Follow me.
You know I knwo a little medicine.
I ever wanted to be a doctor.
But I thought the study took too much time
Sit here.
Put your head back.
So i can wash your eye.
I saw it.
it isn't in.
Please don't move.
The color of your eyes is very beautiful
So black.
NO, with some sea-blue.
I saw few eyes so black.
Need more water.
It's much clear.
I think the dust has gone.
How much should I pay you?
Kiss here. It's my price.
I go downstairs.
I will come.
That's good.
My ring is missing.
You will find it.
I seached everywhere.
Maybe the Chinese took it.
I put it in the bathroom
I'm sure you will find it.
He must saw it and then put it in his pocket.
I will buy you another one.
That is a silver ring with ruby.
you should remember.
I'm sorry , it should be like this.
Eat a cup of coffee with me?
Drink a cup of coffe or tea.
I can't do that, I have to go to the shop
Don't you have time in noon?
No. I have a appointment in the hospital.
But I a deliveryman.
To me?
It is a piece of meteorolite
from the outer space.
It is found in Mexico.
I can't prove it's source.
You like gems, do you?
This is so good
A present from the Heaven
Can I put it in my pocket?
Will you accompany me to the exit?
If you want to , wipe all from my head.
There is a magic stone in my head.
If you regret, we go back.
Regret what? Wipe what?
I can't understand
No, I don't want to wipe anything.
I am still confused.
You do what you want to.
Put your hand on the table.
Like a animal
My lovely little animal.
It is so quient.
but this is
This little animal.
I think I love it.
Hold it in the arm.
Put it on my forehead.
Put it on my face.
In my neck.
You hand are on the table.
I want it.
Don't be afraid, beautiful hand.
I will love you so mcuh
I don't understand.
I'm confused.
This beginning is not well-marked.
The afternoon with Zavata.
you are not kidding?
No, it was his room
The bed is specially made for him.
Like the places he had been to.
I think he is 2 meters high?
Yes. It's a big bed.
I ever saw him, did i?
He even had kissed me, hadn't he?
At that time ,we are pupils.
And he kissed me. It's great.
I don't think so.
No, he is great.
How did he kiss you?
He bended over, his face above my face.
His face was orange.
Don't you want to turn hime back?
People become anaesthetic.
That's the purpose of study.
For many things: love , children.
Friend , Nature.
Yes ,become anaesthetic
The goals of the manufacture is make sure
we are not short of medicine.
so we will not run away.
Do you think that, Jacques?
I don't know
I have to ask my new personality
New personality?
I am very satisfied with it.
We will get along with each other very well
People will think you don't love life.
But it is wrong.
No, I don't love life. It's true.
But it is my advantage, which makes me
more solid
Here I have exceptions.
exceptional house
exceptional work
exceptional wife.
Like a little pig.
What is a little pig?
What about the chicks?
What about the turkey?
Very good, something else?
Please no more!
The cow?
What about the cow ,Carole?
Good morning
Good morning
I am looking for a old ring.
siver with rubby.
Do you know the style and year?
I don't know.
It's about 30's, silver.
I want that but also want to see this.
This is a perfectly combination.
You want these two, right?
Sorry but I still do not buy the first one.
H'm I will buy it.
Do you have any brooches?
A gift
It's for me not for the cat.
You didn't come for a long time.
Did you change anything?
You are too beautiful to make us walk easily.
I want to have the car washed. ok.
hello, hello
Can you wash the car thoroughly from inside to outside
All right
I will accompany my wife to buy some thing during this time.
All right thanks
I am a transparent tape, double-stick tape
The life without me is over.
We stand to make love
I am old but I am as strong as a lion
I can't
My wife passes by me.
I can't
My wife passes by me.
I can't
Leave from the your hand
Let me have a look at you.
I am unlike nothing.
I can do no more.
I can do no more.
Slip from your finger tip
Do not move. Why?
Wait. It's nothing. I am frightened I am frightened
Do not move
I can do no more.
I can do no more.
I have to find a reason to wear it.
I will find.
It crushes my bones and mashes my brains.
I would rather die.
If I can't put my hands there
Good Morning.
How are you?
I wrote to you, and will call you in 5 minutes
I have a little stomach ache. I will go to find something
Do you want a cup of whisky
Sorry I have to make a telephone call
I to go find a saw machine
In a minute. You don't know where it is.
It's fine. I can cut it down
I have some stupid problems for the future
Sometimes I think to be old right away. Everything will be solved by nature law.
Life seems endless
I want to be with Francois all the time.
I think we should never be parted.
Everything is quiet and peaceful
We still have so many years
If I was in love with someone else. I still would
be in love with Francois in the end.
My am sure to myself, I will never leave him
Someone says that we can love two persons.
Do you believe the possibility of loving two persons at the same time?
I do not know
At your age I only think of having a baby.
Having a baby. I only think of this.
I am very sorry, for don't have a third one in my family.
Will you leave?
I give it to you. It's mine, very good
It would be more useful than your curio
I borrow it. It's yours, do not talk about it.
I understand. If I want to use, I will buy a new one.
The bicycle is more and more light. Hey did you fish?
My am utterly stupid but I am very glad to be so.
These are very nice fishing rods
I don't use it anymore.
But I like fishing.
If you want to cast the bait.
You should
Use this. It is the best fishing rod.
Oh no. Take it , take it.
Oh no
Wait. do you like water-skiing
I never did. YOu will ski for the first time.
This is almost indispensable.
I will not use it anymor. But it is still intact.
All right. Obviously you are...
I ordered the meal
Will you be free this afternoon
You will not take the children to see the dentist
Carole will take them. She has nothing else to do.
Oh I am not mean it.
Sometimes I have right to be neurotic. Do not do it before me.
This is disregarding, to make me uneasy
What I mean to say is
One day you will you also talke about me like that.
Dear, look out the bushes
He go crazy. Does he want to gathers the neighbors
Sorry sorry
I am late.
We have already ate the main dishes.
This is because of my new personality
to me
I am faster, so I have to do more
And I calculated precisely for many times
You are pressing automobile trumpet
Man is silt, which referring to some person
I am made of flesh and blood
steel muscles and a very good heart
Two shoulders used to burden the charcoal
You carried 16 buckets. Which does this bring to you.
a nearer day to 4 boards
Swaollow your dust and power of silence
When you touch your own monthly salary
I am used to be a miner before
So this song make me excited
once I was a virus
virus flued in Spanish. I acted as a doctor for the sake of atoning.
for several generations, but
Because of my new personalities, I had to change.
I will leave the hospital
And then be a therapyist of animal magnetic force.
Animal magnetic force therapy association has a test.
It is called " the fillet test".
Put your hand on a piece of meat
Then see if you can cook it
Is there any meat in refrigerator? No but
Use the cream cheese. Try one. To eat the cheese
Will you take some wine
Do not bother, Carole. There is none in the kitchen.
I will fetch in the cellar
What do you want to drink next?
The same. It's wonderful.
If you have any more.
If you don't have, who will help I to choose another.
I am not an expert.
the lamp bulb should be changed six months ago
Do not stop like this
I beg you
Do not like this
Do not like this
Don't leave.
I will not go down, let me go.
See you in the evening
Excuse me.
Thanks, see you again, doctor. See you again, madam
What do you come to do?
You did not eat anything. I am not hungry.
Come. You should eat some thing.
Ill serve you right away.
I request you forgive.
I know I dont deserve your pardon.
The wrong matter that I do is not forgivable. But can you try?
Try to forgive me. Even it need time.
I am unqualified to let you forgive me. I break everything.
I know that this is unsavable, and you would never forget.
I understand this.
You are my only friend
I do not want to lose you. Do not abandon me.
Calm down, calm down.
Sit. I will carry meal for you.
Wheres the children? They are at your mama's house.
Sit down. The table is ready. You are tired.
Go to bed. I did the dog fish.
Excuse me there is no main course. Go to bed.
Do not bother me. I am not tired. Sit down, dammed.
I am sorry. All I want is to sit down and have a good meal together.
Excuse me, there is no main course.
Eat. I am not that hungry now.
You didnt drink enough.
Do not worry. It keeps me awake. You will see.
Damn. I forgot we had lemon in the refrigerator.
Do you want some?
I am exhausted for doing this.
You are really a mean bad egg
Enough now. Excuse me, I do not mean it.
Truly, you should calm down.
Calm down.
Sit still.
I always love you.
I also hate that knife of yours.
I want to use it to cut your mouse and your face.
I am going to find the stabilize.
Do not walk away. Just a minute.
Do I make you tired? No.
You are cheating me. I know the things is getting worse and worse.
I want you to value me. To value you.
I don't care. I want you to love me. Do I make you tired?
how may I change this?
Did you make it? Did you make it with her?
The offense that I endure is horrible.
You will never know this horror.
You should help me to stop it. Its unbearable.
We are all fordone. Go to bed
I no longer want to sleep with you.
Stop talk to me like to a patient.
You are a coward bad egg
Carole , Carole
Your are alone. Francois will come back.
He came back
This is an evil-foreboding dream
I miss you. I miss you.
I need you
Don't! Do not touch me.
leave me alone.
You should walk another way. Hm?
Do not cheat.
Oh. Really hard.
Ah, ok.
Quickly, come out.
I do not want you.
At last.
You know what will happen one day.
Look, this is your house.
And this, this is my house.
One day you will have no idea. You are scrubbing a disc.
You are flushing the glass cup.
You will not thing anything special but think of me a little.
And I, I will be at my house.
I will miss you.
I will think that I love you
Then my Thing starts to grow.
It goes through the floor to the cellar.
It drills the underground to arrive your house silently
It returns to the cellar of your house after digging a tunnel
And you stand before do dishes slot just flushing the glass cup.
It continues to inflate then break through the floor under your feet.
Suddenly you feel one hot thing.
Arrive into your legs. Do not be shocked. That is I.
You, you just keep still.
Spread you legs and let it make love to you.
One day that will happen.
I am the king of the world once
I can't be beaten.
I trample the world under my feet.
I almost can feel it.
I will fly, like Peter Pan.
I am so strong.
I am a giant.
I am fired and send forth the ray of light
I am the queen of the world once
The End.