Seontaek (The Road Taken) (2003)

Produced by Young Film
co-produced by ShinCine
production sponsors
B+Pictures, noonfilm, KOFIC
I don't agree with your ideals
But if someone deters you
because of your ideals
I will stand by you regardless
- Voltaire -
executive producers
Park Kun-sub, Hong Ki-sun
Kim Shin-hee, Jung Sung-hoon
Lee Maeng-yoo
director of photography
Oh Jeong-ok
lighting director
Lee Min-boo
Lee Eun-soo
music by
Choi Yoon-sang
location sound
Noh Chun-kil
sound supervisor
Yang Dae-ho
I had a dream once
I'm not sure if
I can fulfill that dream
and it doesn't matter
Even if it doesn't come true
I'll keep dreaming that dream
If there's destiny in life
and I could avoid it
I might wish to do so
By joining the rebel army
and breaking the
National Security Law
On Aug. 15, 1952
we sentence Kim Sun-myung
to 15 years in prison
directed by
Hong Ki-seon
For spying for the North
and breaking the
National Security Law
on July 25, 1953
we sentence
Kim Sun-myung to death
February 27, 1954
After a retrial of the
accused Kim Sun-myung
we finally sentence him
to life imprisonment
From Seoul Prison
to Mapo Penitentiary
to Daegu, Daejeon, Mokpo
and back to Daejeon
I was transferred
to many different prisons
and I met many comrades
while trapped inside my cell
I was an ignorant laborer before
But one day I began to recite
Pushkin's "Song of Siberia"
and became a veteran inmate
And then in 1970
I faced a big test to my fate
as if it was waiting for me
And with people I'll never forget
Move it!
Hurry and go into your cells!
Comrade Ahn!
Comrade Kim!
Nice to see you again
Hello, it's a pleasure
to meet you
Comrade Kim
/'m Kim Sun-myung from Mokpo
Choi In-gyu from Gwangju
How was Mokpo Prison?
Gave me toasted rice
I envy you!
You're lucky
I haven't had toasted rice
for 18 years
What's the matter?
I was thinking of my mother
Time to eat!
Let's eat
I'm freezing, hurry up
I'm going in
Oh, it's cold
It looks like the needlework
of Master Lee Young-woon
Is Master Lee here?
He gave me one, too
Is he healthy?
What cell is he in?
I haven't seen him
since we left Daegu Prison
Guwol Mountain
Guwol Mountain
The home of partisans
the home of partisans
For my country
for my country
Raise it up high
Oh, it's cold
My nickname is Jindo Dog
And I'm still single
I'll get married after
the North and South marries
Now Jindo Dog will sing
the 'Arirang' song for you
Cell 15!
Quiet down!
to another cell
- Comrade Ahn
- Comrade Park
- Comrade Nam
- Comrade Park
- Comrade Kim
- Comrade Park
My nickname is Lark
I'd like more rice
from you for two days
They've starved me
for a few days, you see
This is good medicine
for back aches
Take it
Try it
I'm sorry
Hunger is one thing
I can't hold back
And erase
Let me try it
This is amazing
Comrade Kim
we should be careful with this
Comrade Kim
you're talented
'Black bean noodles'
All you think about is food
Reminds me of home
What's that?
Who made this?
- Do you all want to die?
- I made it
You again?
What's this for?
Tell me or come out!
- You see...
- What do you want?
You see
it's for drawing
What? Drawing?
For drawing, I see
Wait, what's after
this 'Re... '?
It's reunification
- Nixon made a statement
- About what?
- I heard they'll let us play sports
- It's not true
President Park
declared a state of emergency
A Korean Japanese student
was put in cell 5
One of those thugs snatched
holiday candies from us
Let's get them back
The North and South
are developing talks
July 4, 1972 at 10 A.M.
Pyongyang and Seoul
made a joint statement
without foreign interference
by peaceful means
solidarity not by ideologies
They compromised
on these conditions
Comrades, the North and South
will both join the UN
Reunification is coming!
Am I dreaming?
I feel so ecstatic!
Comrade Kim, pinch me
Comrade Kim
now it's time for you to marry
The suffering is over
If the statement is true
I'll live a happy life with
my family in my hometown
It's been so long since
I slept with a woman
Comrade Kim
you have no woman, right?
I'll introduce you to one
You're 40 something, right?
But I still feel like a boy
But Comrade Kim
can you still perform?
What are you doing?
The North-South negotiating
committee has been established
And the North-South Red Cross
meeting will be held soon
They'll probably mention us
The North knows
about how we're suffering
so they'll talk about an
exchange of political prisoners
Comrade Choi
you must be happy
Now you can sleep well
after visiting hours
I've envied Comrade Kim for
having no one to come see him
Letters and visiting hours
hurt more than the tortures
I felt like dying then
It's too early for optimism
In reality
it's not that easy
I'll make you all sleep
with a sexy woman tonight
Comrade Nam, there's a way
to dream of a woman
This smells like
a woman's scent, right?
Come on
stand up and dance
Bed time!
Sweet dreams everyone
I'll send a woman
into your dreams tonight
Her soft pink skirt is
waving before my eyes
On the hill of my hometown
her face delights me
I'm running to her
in my dream
Here! It's a special meal!
Do you know what this is?
- Isn't it a boiled egg?
- What's gotten into them?
- It's been so long
- These are great times
Eggs, eggs, boiled eggs
It reminds me of my wife
- What are you doing?
- Don't you know?
I haven't been this touched
in the last 20 years in jail
Okay, okay
While we're at it
how about
I'll go ask the supervisor
so get off my back
Sure thing
If we sing louder
they won't
know where it's coming from
Eggs, eggs
boiled eggs
It reminds me of my wife
Hey! Hey!
Hooray! Hooray!
The flame of reunification
is flaring up
I'm not sure
They said we'll be reunified
so aren't you happy?
No one knows yet
You're not happy
about reunification?
I'm happy
If it happens
I'll have to look for another job
Like me
don't you think
you'll be out of a job, too?
What do you mean
by that?
Isn't your job to
achieve reunification?
Maybe so
But think I'll have
nothing to do later?
Instead I'll be able to do
what I wanted
First, I'll get married
I used to run a bicycle shop
before the war
So I want to open
a small bicycle factory
What about you?
No health problems, right?
It's the interview form
Fill it out
Frankly, I do want reunification
but not through the North
I don't understand you
And I don't have
the ability to change you
Whichever way
isn't reunification good?
Then do you want
the South to lead the way?
Why hasn't there
been any news?
Itll happen soon
Hopefully so
Comrade Kim, if you get freed
what will you do?
As for me...
We won't be totally free
but a sentence reduction
is possible like in the 60s
Emotions are our enemy
Comrade Kim
face up to reality
And you too
Comrade Lark
To give Comrade Nam
hope is good
but have you ever considered
how he'll feel if he's let down?
Don't you think
you're being too pessimistic?
You're rather romantic
than optimistic
You're always too careless
Let's analyze the situation
Hear that anti-North program?
Unification Revolutionary Party
Korean Japanese spies...
Think a sentence reduction
matters now?
But they say that
three years for us...
How was your wife?
And your daughter?
My fellow citizens
Respecting your earnest wish
for peace and prosperity
I'd like to announce
some pivotal decisions
First, from
October 17, 1972 at 7 P.M..
the National Assembly
will be dissolved
parties' political activities
will be halted
These are some of the clauses
that will become invalid
Nice to meet you
I'm Oh Tae-shik
your correctional officer
South Korea is the republic
of freedom and democracy
As part of our
New Village Movement
we've removed old homes
and widen the roads
to modernize our country
So having political prisoners
in such a great country
is totally unacceptable
So my squad will do its best
to re-educate you all
I hope you'll convert quickly
and embrace the freedom land
That is all
Stop staring you bastards
before I pull your eyes out!
Whoever here can't convert
then raise you hand
Good, now you got it
This is national business
It means I'll be patriotic
for the first time in my life
If anyone of you bastards
goes against me
I'll make you regret you
were born, got it assholes?
Who was it?
Sons of bitches, now I can
let out my sexual frustration
You fucking commies!
That's enough!
You sons of bitches!
Do you want to die?
Filthy bastard, kill me
Instead of selling my soul
to you beasts
I'd rather die
and send my soul up
Baekdu Mountain alone!
Fine, I'll kill you
I'll count to ten
If you change your mind
then tell me with respect
You're lucky today
You commies
you wanna die?
Fine, then I'll kill you
Who wants to die?
You? You?
Who wants to die?
Sorry to disturb your meal
Come out
Comrade Choi...
Go in
Boys, it's time for orientation
Show some respect!
Move back to the toilet!
You bastard
who told you to sit there?
You should first
bow down to the boss
Look away
you disrespectful bastard
Wanna die?
You look good
Does it tickle?
Don't screw with me!
Or you'll be dead meat
Who is it?
Be strong
It's Lee Young-woon
It's Kim Sun-myung
Take care of yourself!
You give me strength!
It's snowing
Father, I love you
but I can't understand you
It's so upsetting
that we have to be like this
Father, I want to run to you
and see you always
but the high wall you made
blocks us from coming in
Father, please let us in
Don't you know how much
your beliefs turn us away?
I'm going to convert
I feel like I could do more
outside than staying in here
I don't care
if you call me a sell-out
It's not because
of my dying mother
Or that my older brother
changed my mind
I'm not learned enough
to lead this fight
and I'm not a strong person
I won't convert
behind your backs
This is my life
and my choice
I dislike you all now
I hate when Comrade Kim
frowns when it rains
I hate listening to
Comrade Choi snoring
And the screams
drive me crazy
Every morning I wake up
worried I'll get beaten
I feel like
my head will explode
Comrade Nam!
I hate being born and having
to live in this divided country
I don't care about reunification
Have you lost your mind?
What's wrong with you?
Why? Am I wrong?
Why? Why?
Come on
Let's forget the politics
and talk honestly
like human beings
Be honest, comrades
Aren't you scared
of hearing their footsteps?
And scared of being beaten
or starved to death?
Comrade Nam
you're crazy!
Comrade! Comrade!
Comrade Kim
Will it come?
If it comes, I will bear it
and I will even die for it
What are you saying?
Comrade Kim
what should I do?
I'll do what you tell me
I'm sorry, comrades
Do you know whose
interview form this is?
I was wondering
who'd be so bold to do this
There's no answer
and even no name
Is it some protest?
Think us KCIA agents care
at all whether you live?
You could die for this
Born in 1925 in Yangpyeong
Gyeongki Province
A previous factory worker
longshoremen, ice cream seller
Captured at the 38th parallel
for a reconnaissance mission
I asked around and
I heard you're a docile guy
Drink the coffee
I don't like coffee
Suit yourself
I'd like to take you outside
for some fresh air
I'm already content
with my exercising session
I'd prefer you extend
the session instead
Okay, you can go
But I'll be watching you
I hope you don't
follow them so blindly
I don't give second chances
Got something to say?
- Go
- Although justice may seem to fail
from a historical perspective
it has always prevailed
Reunification is our ideal hope
and I'll never give up
Ideal hope?
Communism is mankind's
enemy now and forever!
Comrade Ahn!
Master Lee!
- Comrade Nam!
- Nice to see you again
- Comrade Choi!
- Master Lee!
- Comrade Kim!
- Master Lee!
How have you been?
It's been so long
How is your health?
I wonder why
they put us all together
Never know when they'll
change their minds again
Even though they're
pretending to be nice
Oh, I should've asked
for some more of this
I heard you were in solitary
confinement for over 40 days
Are you really okay?
Recite that song
you sung in Daegu
I longed to hear it
A place where
the cuckoo sings...
Master Lee, I'm fine
I'm not cold
A dog's nose has to be warm
for it to sleep
but people need
their feet to be warm
But why did you wake up?
Because your singing
was off key
A place where
the cuckoo sings
It's my beautiful hometown
Where labor
brings happiness
Where labor makes
flowers bloom...
While I, Park Jae-yong
have served time for breaching
the National Security Law
I have realized South Korea's
progress, and was touched
Now, I regret my crime
and swear that I will never
do any communist acts again
And I will also be loyal
to the law and order
of South Korea
We have to make a decision
Don't you think
it's too excessive?
I also think we're too fatigued
to make that decision
Then do you
have an alternative?
Is starving to death or getting
beaten to death any different?
It would be better dying
on a full stomach though
Dying is not the issue
it's whether
it will help end things
Even if we starve to death
I don't think it'll
change them at all
So do you
have any other plan?
If you don't
then don't speak
Comrade Kim
Have you forgotten
the principles of our cause?
Leaving this only as
an individual fight right now
is an irresponsible thing to do
Comrade Kim
don't you think it's wrong
to excuse yourself by
- pretending to care for others?
- What did you say?
You're always dogmatic
and criticize others all the time
Comrade Kim
are you done?
What's wrong with you two?
A mountain has more
than one trail to climb
Both of you are right
Let's climb slowly
I agree with Comrade Ahn
Comrade Nam
Will it be okay with your
weak stomach and health?
I'll overcome it for our cause
The majority of us has agreed
so I'll pass the message
If that's the decision
I'll abide
Did you hear him
Master Lee?
If we go on a hunger strike
we'll have to fight many forces
It could be tough
You may be right
Their methods of coercion
are changing
and our physical conditions
are very different
Let's wait for the
right time to fight back
Come out
You've all done a great job!
Mr. Park, congratulations for
being second in conversions
Mr. Song, work harder so you
can move to a bigger place
Mr. Park, I heard
you're buying a house
Good for you!
Let's toast to working harder!
What are you doing?
Remember that your body
is not only yours
Struggle against the food
I'm sorry
I'll listen to you from now on
Master Lee
I won't eat
anything spicy or salty
and I'll chew 80 times
before swallowing
What's going on in here?
Who's making all the racket?
I was
Are you fucking crazy
old man?
- Hello
- Hello
You'll have to move
to another cell
Please come out
I'm being transferred
Comrade Nam
remember your promise
Master Lee
Don't worry
He'll be released soon
with Mrs. Yook's help
She's the President's wife
you know
She's close to his family
And since they've been
friends since childhood
she'll help him
Even if she does
he won't accept her help
- Please drink
- Thank you
Bring our guest a nice suit!
Let's go see the 31st Building
On the way, we'll see the
New Town Movement's works
and a newly developed Seoul
The New Town Movement?
It was already done long ago
by the Japanese
Is that right?
As I heard
you're very well-learned
You could become
a judge or a congressman
but why waste
your time here?
Can you pick a comfortable life
over your beliefs?
You should do more
for the people outside
Even if it's for the people
I cannot sell my conscience
You're also working
for the people, right?
So I bet you're also upset
seeing people die here
Your cousin from Seoul
is waiting for you
You bastards
I won't be forced!
If the correctional officer
let you go outside
you should be grateful
and sign it!
You bastards!
Let's see how much
you can take
Sign it!
Be humane, you bastards!
What the hell is the problem
with converting them?
We're doing our best
but they're so stubborn
So what?
So you're saying
we should treat them nice?
Wake up, you fools!
They're commies!
You could lose your jobs
Use your heads
Your heads aren't for barbers!
Long time ago
there was a famous monk
This man tried everything
to take the monk's clothes off
But the monk
never took them off
So do you know
how the man did it?
- Mr. Song!
- Yes, sir
Call the ones who converted
Nowadays clothes get fitted
So treat them each differently
You must be hungry
It's okay to eat
Honey, eat this
Why are you so nervous?
Go ahead and eat
Are you impotent?
Relax, it's all right
You son of a bitch!
Want to sign it with a full
stomach or after a beating?
I don't get why I have to
make you eat to convert
You son of a bitch!
Why make it
so hard on yourself?
Isn't it better to sign this
and get released
rather than die
like a dog in here?
Die like a dog?
Forget it
The President himself
ordered this
since the North keeps harping
about political prisoners
You were born in the South
and your whole family's here
So don't be stubborn
- Is it my fault?
- Who said it was your fault?
What matters is
the state you're in
I'd rather die
than sell my conscience
- So please stop trying
- What's the point in dying?
The longer I want to live
the more servile I am
Do you know
what I realized in here?
It's about choice
It's not choosing between two
it's about discarding one
On Independence Day
as I was repairing a bicycle
someone ran with a flag
and yelled, 'Korea is free!'
'Whether rich or poor
everyone can be happy!'
Know how much these words
touched a young man?
Mr. Song. You said
'die like a dog' right?
Did we steal anything
or kill someone?
All we did was
hope for reunification
Know what I'm
afraid of the most?
That I'll give in before I die
Whenever I feel like vomiting
I say to myself
'I'll convert, I'll convert'
'How hard will I get
beaten again tomorrow?'
Are you Sun-mi?
You look just
like your mother
Thank you
You were always
a child in my dreams
I'm sorry to you
and your brother
Please understand
I've come to ask you a favor
Please don't bother
my life any more
Go home now
You'll understand me someday
I can never understand you
Where were you when those
kids called me a commie
and pushed me off the bridge?
I was so scared then
You're like a
big burden on my back
To our family and to my life
I still dream of
falling off that bridge
I hate you
I'm very sorry
I'm getting married
You're such a weak
and cunning son of a bitch
Hey asshole, are you human?
Get inside
- Welcome, Comrade Choi
- Comrade Park
- Comrade Kim
- Comrade Choi
Please sit down
You must've been through a lot
They must've
beaten you a great deal
By the way
how are Comrades
Nam, Ahn, and Kim?
They're all fine
Heard everyone in cell 12
are being punished
They seem to have some way
of getting information
I heard they were
brutally questioned
Why did they call you?
Like always...
Like always?
You know
Anyway, has something
gone wrong?
What did they ask you?
This and that
and the usual threats
But Comrade Choi
you look totally fine
That's strange
Why did they
only talk to you?
I can't go back in there
Please, I'll do anything but that...
Son of a bitch
You lied and said
you were important
Lick it
While I, Choi Jong-man
have served time for breaching
the National Security Law
I have realized South Korea's
progress, and was touched
Now, I regret my crime
and swear that I will never
do any communist acts again
And I will also be loyal
to the law and order
of South Korea
Gifts from outside!
Exercise time!
Comrade Joh, throw it away
Try to hold on
even if you're hungry
Don't lose your self-esteem
Exercise is over!
It's gotten moldy
But it's still edible
It's the blood and sweat
of all laborers and farmers
It would be a waste
I should eat it
I should be thankful and eat it
Comrade Joh, throw it away
Don't lose your self-esteem
Comrade Kim
Comrade Kim
Have you heard about
Master Lee Ki-baek?
- He converted
- Master Lee Ki-baek?
No way
He's no master
He swore he'd never let them
coax him into converting
Greeting the guards is
like greeting the enemy?
He always acted like
he was the most principled
I despise him
Everyone thought he
was the most intellectual
- He must've had some reason
- Maybe
But we'll rot away here
without anyone knowing
Like a shout without an echo
What are you talking about?
Maybe he converted
to find an echo
Let's stop talking
Comrade Kim, take this
- Comrade Park
- Hurry and take it
I got it from a convict
Eat it
and take care of yourself
'The dark night will vanish
and freedom will
sincerely welcome you'
'Within the dark deeps
hope will awaken courage...'
Who did you
give the medicine to?
You hid them, didn't you?
Tell me now!
You better hurry
and tell me, damn it!
Please dont joke
with the medicine!
I didn't give it to anyone
Shit, then why are
three pills missing?
Rotten bastards!
You know I can't live
a day without my medicine!
Then tell me
who you gave them to
Or otherwise convert
and I'll let you slide
You spit at me?
Come out!
How dare you lie down
during inspection?
Sit straight!
Is he sick?
Open the door!
Han Baek-yul, born in 1922
Seoul, died of osteomyelitis
Park Byung-il, died on
the March 9 prison uprising
Park Yoon-ki
Park Yoon-ki
Park Yoon-ki!
Block communication
I'll put the convicts
between the cells
Young-ja, my sister
Are you all right over there?
Your brother here...
Stop it!
Comrade Kim
how's your health?
Are you feeling better?
I'm being watched
isolated, and beaten...
They've gone too far
Rotten bastards
Since we were born human
we should live
and die as a human
What do you mean?
Since they blocked
the way we communicate
we can't even
know who's dead
If this continues
we'll all die
Someone must stand up
to end this oppression
What do you mean?
Master Lee
please be careful
Comrade Kim, take care
Master Lee Young-woon
is dead!
Bring him back to life!
Bring Master Lee back!
Bring Master Lee back!
Bring him back to life...
Bring him back to life!
Bastards, kill us all
Kill us all!
You brutal beasts!
What's wrong with you?
Kneel, damn it
You defy me?
You dodged me?
Do you want to die?
Sons of bitches!
I'll kill you!
I won't die alone
I'm gonna take
one of you with me!
You bastards!
Hurry and eat it
Yes, sir!
I understand
This is the Assistant Warden
To the prisoners in Building 4
on behalf of the warden
I apologize for what
has occurred recently
So with this opportunity
we will support and treat
your needs better
So we hope you'd end
your hunger strike of 15 days
We promise...
I'm sorry to hear
about 3248's death
You may think
your cause is right
But outside
you're already forgotten
I promise you one thing
You will leave here either
by death or by converting
I'll walk out of here
without converting
What use are your beliefs
and conscience after you die?
Even if you live
it'll be in a dark cell
Then why are you all worried
about these useless things?
- What?
- You're also imprisoned here
in a lost fight
They say no matter
how big the army is
you can win
if you capture their leader
But how ever weak a man is
you can't take his integrity
Nice way to put it
You killed Comrades
Park and Choi, didn't you?
Watch your mouth!
Be frank and tell me
why you're doing this
What is it?
It's me
I'm not sick
I'm just tired
Mom's in the hospital?
And the kids?
I didn't drink
I have to go
So you're saying that
growing old in your cell
is for your own good?
Do you all believe that
an equal society will come?
That's wishful thinking
It's foolish to think that
people can be controlled
That's not worth dying for
Am I right?
When did I ever say
I want to die?
It's you all
who want to kill me
Look, don't take the
conversion paper so serious
Consider it as a
membership form
If you don't want to join
then simply cancel it later
I don't trust
this society's promises
If you acknowledge
individual freedom...
We're in special situation!
In a divided South and North!
The South can never
accept communism!
So we have to ax bad trees
before they grow tall
An axed tree
will still be a tree
Think oppression
changes my thoughts?
- That's wishful thinking
- Shut up!
So you like communism and
respect Kim Il-sung, do you?
Whether it's the hero Kim Gu
or the traitor Lee Wan-yong
it's my freedom of choice
who to respect
Damn you!
What are you looking at?
Know why I hate commies?
Ask my dead father!
Is owning land such a crime?
Ask my father
who's buried in the ground!
Ask him why I limp!
If I were the law
you'd be dead, you asshole
Being punctual is the
beginning of self-discipline
Love each other's body
like your own
Always consider
the country and people
I want to go home!
Where am I?
I want to go home!
You sons of bitches!
You promised me parole
but you used me!
Then you blame me for it all!
Free me now or
I'll reveal everything!
That Park Yoon-ki and Choi
In-kyu's suicides were a lie!
That you beat them to death
and disguised it as a suicide!
I've done all
that you asked me!
But why am I treated
like a dog now?
You rotten bastards!
Winter has passed
and spring has come
The people
I cared for are gone
A line we can't cross
has come between us
But nothing has changed
The nightingale
comes back every year
and the sun rises like always
Mourning flag military police
Has President Park died?
Student demonstrations
Heard about Gwangju Massacre?
No, Do you know Jeon Du-hwan?
He's an ex-soldier
and might be president
Another military coup?
I swear that I will observe
and enforce the law...
Can you ask them to turn on
the furnace earlier this winter?
They won't listen to me
Of course, they'll listen to
political prisoners like you
I feel like my dick
will freeze off
It's the first snow of winter!
Mother, it's snowing!
Take care of yourself!
Young-ja, wait for me!
I'll be released when
the flowers bloom in spring!
If every person has a destiny
and even if it can't be chosen
I've grown to love mine
Because it's my destiny
you must've had it so hard
It's your favorite rice
Go ahead and eat
Let's go!
Sun-myung! Sun-myung!
Comrade Kim
happy 60th birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy 60th birthday!
Happy birthday!
Now it's time to get married!
Comrade Choi
Remember me?
It's Kim Sun-myung
we were in the same cell
I remember
I know you
It's so good to see you
I thought you were released
They made me finish my time
A special pardon would be nice
Although I'm free
to roam around here
- You'll be out soon
- 3596! Hurry up!
I have to go
I've missed you so much
If you see me next time
say hi
And you must visit me
after you're released
Take care
Take care
Comrade Kim
how have you been?
I've been in jail so long
I've forgotten how to speak
And I keep forgetting things
Writing would help, but...
I feel the same, Comrade Ahn
That's why I repeat things
and memorize them everyday
When I was young
people said I was smart
- I feel like I'll become a fool
- Don't think that way
But you're learning
new things, too
Have you forgotten
that life starts again at sixty?
Thank you
Did you get the money?
The money from
Cardinal Kim?
No, I got some from
Kim Dae-jung instead
Not that one
I heard it's from some
human rights group
I think it was
called Mingahyeop
Inspection by the new officer!
Get out of here!
How dare you come back?
Leave here!
Why did you come?
You rotten bastard!
I wanted to talk about
old times so I called you
It's all in the past now
I never hated
Park Yoon-gi and Choi In-gyu
and I didn't know
they died like that
- Lee Young-woon was...
- You didn't know?
It's no use now to say
who was wrong or right
I know everything
I know you're meeting me
to prevent the hunger strike
I don't want to
bring up the past, either
I just want
your sincere apology
Back then I
lacked understanding
By the way
what's it like outside?
I'm not sure myself
since it's always changing
You and me
we're all in the same boat
I've worked very hard
But I can't tell my son
who's in college, about my job
I thought I was a patriot
but I don't know anymore
I recall what you said
That I was also imprisoned
in a lost fight
Buy me a drink outside
after I'm out
Yeah, dreams are wonderful
But it hurts
when you wake up
A person should do at least
one valuable thing in his life
That's my dream
Just like me
you haven't changed at all
I've forgiven them
You should do the same
My father and sister
died in the hands of the police
I couldn't find their bodies
since I was a 'commie'
You're my sister-in-law?
Yes, I am
Mr. Kim, it's your
first visit, isn't it?
It's the first since my uncle
visited me in 1954 or 1955
So no visits
for more than thirty years?
You should buy me a drink
You look just
like my husband
You even smile like him
He resents you very much
Know how much
he suffered all that time?
It would've been better
if you were in the North
Your mother is still alive
I didn't mention you to her
If I did
she'll die of shock
She always talks about you
She believes you're still alive
She won't die
until she sees you
Your mother is still alive
Miss your mother, right?
My mother?
What's that?
An application for release
If I get you one
just write that you'll convert
If you agree, then I'll
get you a form in three days
I know you don't trust people
So if I get you a release form
just write down
that you'll convert
So you mean that
you still like communism?
Want to hear
what a person's duty is?
You can throw away
big things like ideologies
but not small things
like your conscience
Aren't they the same thing?
- The USSR, East Germany...
- I have nothing more to say
Stop, you have to go
to the prosecution
- The prosecution? Why?
- You'll see
A total of 127 years
The world's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
longest terms
What a record
Mr. Kim Sun-myung
still don't want to convert?
Is the prosecution
on our backs now?
If no conversion policy exists
then unconverted prisoners
won't exist either
You call this
a developed nation?
Then what developed nation
has a National Security Law?
Do they make their youth
rot in prison for decades?
Or do they even add years
to sentences for security sake?
You've imprisoned us almost
forty years by that brutal law
With an absurd law like that
is it right imprisoning people
for forty years after a war?
Why did you call us here?
In two days, you'll be specially
pardoned for Independence Day
Kim Sun-myung
Ahn Hak-seop, Han Jang-ho
Even with this pardon
you won't be completely free
so as you leave this place
Be careful of
any illicit political acts
Whenever you leave home
you must report to your officer
For a man
whose home was a cell
the day he has longed for
has finally come
It's frightening
not to know one's future
but good things
may come out of it
Not knowing what lies ahead
could bring a person happiness
If a person has a road to follow
and if I could choose mine
could I choose to
follow that road again?
I'm afraid
Take care, Comrade Lee
Good-bye, Comrade Kim
Comrade Kim
how do you feel?
I feel like
I'm being transferred
Comrade Kim
time to get married now
Comrade Choi
see you at Baekdu Mountain
Take care of yourself
Comrade Nam
I'm sorry
I have to leave you
Good-bye, 3596
Kim Sun-myung, why were
you imprisoned for 45 years?
People think freedom
is outside of prison
but the freedom I chose
was inside the prison
You may not understand
but true freedom was in there
It was my conscience
that made me free
Kim Sun-myung
(71 years old, arrested in 1951)
(imprisoned for 45 years)
Here's your son
(Hong Eun Sook, 94 years old)
- Is that you Sun-myung?
- Mother!
Is that you, Sun-myung?
Why didn't you
listen to your mother?
You should've
listened to grown-ups
I'm ninety four now
I won't die this year
Kim Sun-myung was
imprisoned in October 1951
and was released on special pardon
on August 15, 1995
During his sentence
he was in a cell for 39 years
of which 21 years
was in a confined cell
His mother died two months
after his release
And his brothers
still refused to meet him
June 15, 2000, the North-South
summit was held in Pyongyang
On Sep. 2 of the same year
working as a dental technician
he was sent to the North
with 62 other
long-term prisoners
Thanks to the unconverted
long-term prisoners
for their contributions to this film
Kim Joong-ki
as Kim Sun-myung
Ahn Suk-hwan
as Officer Oh Tae-shik
Goh Dong-eub
as Comrade Choi Jong-man
Choi Il-hwa
as Comrade Ahn Hak-sub
Kim Jong-chul
as Master Lee Young-woon
Kim Sae-young
as Comrade Nam Young-man
Yoo Hyung-kwan
as Comrade Park Yoon-ki
Im Il-chan
as Goh Sang-ku