Sep (2013)

Why did you let it happen?
Why did you let it happen?
Why did you let it happen?
I'm afraid getting an answer
won't be easy.
- Why did you let it happen?
- Alex, I thought we had a deal.
You can contact alien civilizations
till 9:30 and then its bedtime.
It's not them...
14 PUPILS DIED IN A BUS ACCIDEN Son, we've talked about it already.
It has nothing to do with anyone's will,
good or bad.
You've got two hours of sleep left;
Go to bed.
Why did you let it happen?
Asking the right question
is often more important
than getting an answer.
Can I ask something, too?
Scorpio Studio presents
edited by
music by
director of photography
produced by
written and directed by
What are you fussing about?
Check your watch, it's 7 a.m.
I'm not late,
your stomach's early.
Don't look at me like that.
We agreed you'd go on a diet.
Irena will drop in later.
Be nice to her
if you don't want to die of hunger.
If you get really bored,
you can work on this.
Do you really understand
any of this shit?
Every other word.
Calm down, calm down.
Excuse me, inspector.
I'm not surprised;
He comes on duty, and finds a circus!
Want to say good bye
to your favorite?
Sure. I dedicated
four years of my life to him.
- All clear?
- Clean as a whistle, sir.
He'll have a pretty good show...
His swan song.
Bearing in mind the importance,
the court is allowing
the defendant's name and
picture to be published
the accused, Radoslaw Raczek,
alias Diuna,
will also be transmitted by
the mass media.
Does the defendant wish to say
anything before I read the verdict?
Pretty good sauna in here.
I'm hot!
And when I look at you,
your honor...
I'm warning the defendant...
...and then Raczek carried out
another execution order...
The ballistics report shows
that the defendant
shot the victim twice
from a distance of 98 centimeters.
The first shot
smashed the victim's...
the victim's eyeball...
The court has also deemed as
credible the testimony
of the witness
with initials W.J.,
who has testified as follows:
"On June 5, 2008,
Radoslaw Raczek, alias Diuna,
and I accepted
a contract on Agata S.
And killed her."
And the defendant...
I'm warning the defendant...
...for the last time.
Lay him on the floor!
Call an ambulance!
- Don't croak on me!
- Order in the court!
- What'd you do to him?!
- An ambulance!
- This session of court is adjourned...
- What the fuck did you do to him?!
He should be alone now.
If everything's all right,
give us the sign and we'll go in.
So much fuss about it as if
he were fuckin' Bin Laden.
You finally got a decent uniform.
Fucking upstarts. Didn't build these
with paychecks alone.
Do you have to listen to that shit?
Who said I have to? I want to.
We're jailing one of our own, and
you're whistling a symphony...
Mine don't take bribes
for destroying murder evidence.
OK, skip the sermon...
Gas works, Mr. Berry!
- Remember who's in charge?
- Some jerk I bet.
You were to come yesterday.
What the hell are those masks for?
Is he contagious?
Half the hospital has laryngitis.
Out of the way!
Close it up.
How can I quit smoking?
- Boa 3 to Boa 1, more slowly.
- What's with him?
- Heart attack or what?
- Yeah, heart attack.
- How's your heart?
- Still beating.
- And yours?
- My heart's fine, but the liver's...
- How far?
- Two blocks.
I bring the kid out, and you go in.
- You won't blow up for now...
- Spit out that word!
- What a jerk.
- What model's that?
Inspector Berry could open
a gun museum he's got so many.
- Did you see the rabbit on the road?
- No.
And the hedgehog?
Come on, I'll show you.
Enough of this fucking pre-school!
My dad hunts.
Oh yeah? Rabbits too?
Let me go! Daddy!
Hedgehogs, bunnies...
Fuck this zoo...
Water sports are over, Mr. Berry.
It's time for berry to rot in prison.
Bandits! Jesus Christ!
I took care of everything,
you sons of bitches!
Run, Jasiu!
I'll show you!
We had a deal!
You rotten bastards!
Berry, you prick...!
- Sons of bitches...!
- Shooting at your own?!
My Own?!
Internal Affairs.
Put the gun down, nice and slowly.
Boa 2, where the fuck did you go?!
- Boa 2! Boa 2!
- Drive, Goddammit!
Alfa, Alfa to all units,
the ambulance has been hijacked...
Blow it!
- He sure is fucked!
- Shut up.
This idiot jumped on me so hard,
I thought you were them!
Cut the bullshit, Berry.
Robaczewski, why'd you start
the operation on your own?
You play Mother Teresa with with
little punk and I sweat to death,
fuck that!
The boss for you.
Go ahead and complain, Vulture!
Robaczewski likes swimming
in his clothes; He's bashful.
Chief Inspector Wolin...
MEAT PROCESSING PLAN The ambulance was stolen
in Wroclaw exactly a week ago;
From Traugutt Street;
There's the report from the hospital...
Go on
Yes, sir...
The motorcycle was stolen
this morning from...
- Go on
- Yes, sir...
We have likenesses of the kidnappers,
but they are masked in the photos.
- Weren't our aces suspicious?!
- Yes, sir, they were,
but they got a credible explanation.
- With a taser?
We've put out a nationwide alert...
We'll catch them quickly...
We've had scores of fuckers
we were to catch quickly, and what?
General, I wouldn't link these...
A pity!
It's a pity you don't "link these"!
Maybe then it wouldn't have come
to this, that from a courtroom,
from the hands of a SWAT unit...
while it was being broadcast...
they nabbed our man, Wiernkowski!!!
Criminals've disappeared from cells,
hospitals, fled just before
being arrested, and now from the most
secure courtroom in the whole country!
Scores of the worst sons of bitches
have disappeared without a trace
over the past six years!
But Inspector Wiermikowski
doesn't fucking link these events!
In light of investigations
I can state with certainty...
Listen to me.
Your assistant, Inspector Littlegod,
will now take over this whole mess.
And one of your guys from Internal,
Chief Inspector Wolin.
They will report directly lo me.
Money is no object.
Eat the pretzel sticks;
They're good...
You'll sleep your life away, Raczek.
Who are you?
Emergency Medical Service.
Who else should I thank
besides the medical service?
Fate, Diuna. Fate as always.
I warned you it'd get hot.
I was right; It's hell.
I know, but we really needed him.
We'll have to drop him off later
and perhaps well need to give
them someone else.
Too bad, but if security requires it.
These tough and emergency measures...
They keep showing that as
if nothing else was going on.
Want me to turn over the Dog Lover
case to someone else?
I'm close now...
They'll manage without you...
There are just a few guys
I trust here,
including you, Littlegod.
Thank you, sir.
Remember how we used to laugh
in homicide?
"He isn't Littlegod,
he's the real god of criminology."
- The good old days...
- Who's the other guy?
I'm giving you the best I've got.
Do you know Wolin?
From Internal?
- The guy with the weird nickname?
- Vulture.
Personally I like those birds.
After all, someone has to
clean up the carrion.
What do you think?
I thought an astrophysics major
would feel at home here.
Have you really never been
on this viewing terrace before?
It's just a few steps
to heaven from this place.
I didn't know you could get to heaven
in an elevator.
It'll be best if we drop
the formalities.
Here's the deal, Alex.
You can criticize every decision I make.
I'm interested in what you think.
You have the same responsibility
for the investigation as I.
Results are all that count.
Does that suit you?
With one stipulation,
you don't call me "Alex."
- What are we investigating?
- The General thinks that someone helps
to escape the worst bastards in Poland,
and that someone might be one of us.
No normal person
would believe it could work.
You'd have to be totally nuts
to pull off something like that.
Or a well-trained SWAT team.
Diuna's father just sold part
of his shares. For a million.
And that million has nothing to do
with your sons escape?
Money likes lo move,
and mine's moving legally.
We're buying two limousines.
- Is that illegal?
- Diuna's a good boy. He likes to fish.
We're checking all customers.
So far they're all random people.
Don't worry,
we'll teach the Raczeks a lesson.
- Sure we will.
- It's amazing how quickly
she recovered
after such a serious operation.
- It'll be nice to work out with her.
- With who?
I want somebody to keep an eye
on the Raczeks.
- Who?
- Robaczewski.
- Don't know the guy. Why him?
- We like one another.
It happens...
- You think these escapes are linked?
- Not the escapes, the escapees.
- How?
- With lots of spilled blood.
Have a nice read.
I've started smoking again.
They said the gum would help...
All old friends.
All right, stop!
Five minutes to get some air.
Then whoever wants can start
with the world champion.
CIA agent...
...Ms. Natasha McCormack.
And no fooling around, all right?
Why not?
The EU directives
have been carried out!
The martial arts coach at headquarters
is going to be a woman
and with those transplants
a disabled one at that.
Hey, maybe she's a lesbo too!
Then Brussels would be
100% satisfied, huh?
What a circus, huh?
I guess I'll disappoint Brussels.
Good evening, I'm Natasha McCormack.
- ...evening
- Robaczewski.
We'll have to drop
two more off to them...
- How are we to do that?
- I keep thinking.
Piotr Czerski, 24 years old.
Sentenced to 20 years
for double homicide,
escaped from the exercise yard.
Wanted for three years.
Jaroslaw Bielewicz, 51...
Suspected of murder
by extreme cruelty.
Disappeared under mysterious
circumstances. Wanted for 6 years.
Dymitr Krasko,
three murders by suffocation.
Wanted for 4 years.
Radoslaw Raczek,
accused of two contract killings,
Walerian Leman, rape and murder
of a minor, sexual assault - escaped.
Andrzej Kowalewski, murder...
25 years - disappeared.
Nagorski disappeared from
the hospital... by extreme cruelty...
Escaped... triple homicide...
disappeared... sentence...
...wanted... escaped, murder...
...disappeared... extreme cruelty...
...wanted for 15 years...
..disappeared... extreme cruelty...
..wanted, disappeared...
...disappeared... disappeared...
What could their families know?
And how do we get it out of them?
Got any suggestions?
I bet family members may contact
the fugitives from time to time.
Especially if there're babes
like that in the families.
So, we have to provoke the families
to want to contact them now.
Quite an idea using relatives.
- How many families do we pick?
- A dozen or so.
If it doesn't work with them,
we'll try the next.
Got any guarantee that relatives
will lead you to the wanted men?
No, sir, we don't.
Who's supposed to keep
the relatives under surveillance?
Nobody at headquarters
can find out it's just a bluff.
Internal Security.
You must be kidding.
We have information that your husband
will show up in two days.
For safety reasons we want
to arrest him at your place.
Your son will be arrested
in your apartment.
Our officer, dressed as a postman,
will ring your doorbell three times.
Please open the door and let him in.
He'll help us to arrest your brother.
Of course you can't tell anyone
about the planned arrest
of your lover, particular him...
...if you warn your brother
it'd be considered complicity
on your part...'d be considered complicity
on your part...'d be considered complicity
on your part...
Hello my friend, got a second?
I need approval for a wiretap.
How many people?
Half of Poland...
Think we'll get anywhere
with this bluff with the families?
If they're in contact, sure.
I'm on my way to heaven.
- Will they let you in at this hour?
- I have friends there.
Teodor, just no jealous scenes, ok?
If we frame those two
for Diuna's kidnapping,
they'll need a boss.
I'll think of someone.
Ransom - tomorrow.
And get Leman and Krasko ready to go.
- He must be nuts!
- But, it's too great a risk!
It's an order.
You remember that word, don't you?
How's it going, Leman?
Like shit.
Time to have some fun, isn't it?
- You're shittin' me.
- What'd you think?
You'd stare at girls forever
and always be ill?
I thought you'd written me off.
Holy fuck!
- It's time to party!
- Sure, Leman.
You do yours, and we're even.
I always feel weird when
I have to go into his room.
You're not the only one.
"I am Alpha and Omega.
Fear not.
I am the First and the Last,
And alive, and was dead,
and behold
I am living forever and ever,
and have the keys
of death and of hell."
This is to fortify you, ok, Krasko?
So you live long and healthy.
"And shall wipe away all tears
From their eyes;
And there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow,
nor crying, neither shall there be
any more pain:
For the former things
are passed away."
- What's he waiting for?
- They're criminals, not idiots!
They know we're recording
every their fart.
We can park here till we fucking die;
They won't make a move!
This isn't worth a fuck!
- Got any pictures from last night?
- Yeah, porn films of cats.
It's hard to be bored
with Superintendent Robaczewski, huh?
Good morning, professor.
Did you help Natasha McCormack's
foundation already?
Several times. I have a rare blood type.
I'm a very sought-after product.
- What?
- No. Why?
The families are quiet so far.
Fuck me...
You'll be able to call family member.
Who do you want to call?
Fuck me...
I am totally out of shape.
I'll call my wife.
Or no, Lidka.
No, fuck it.
My wife.
We have regulations!
So what if he saw my face?
He'll never...
Walk in again without your balaclava
and you're fired!
Yes, sir!
Sorry I bothered you again, but you're
the only one with his blood type.
So we're rare specimens.
Why don't you drop by and see him?
Milosz has a birthday in a few days
if he lives that long.
- Hi, Nobel winner...
- Hi, champ...
Enough reading,
ifs time for a workout.
Block, guard.
Back! Good!
Hello headquarters trainer.
You were right, professor...
Nothing makes a woman feel better
than beating up a man,
more than sixty men actually.
They must've transplanted you
the heart of a sadistic monster.
Professor, you've created
Miss Frankenstein.
Hey, smart guy, thanks to her
we've got lots of new donors.
One of them is your genetic twin.
A real member of the Science Academy?
Unfortunately, just a cop.
Could I meet him?
No matter how many boys
win the physics and math Olympics,
each has at least once
dreamed of being a policeman.
You think I'm an exception?
He's loosing weight terribly.
Is there any chance for a transplant?
'Nth his blood type?
It's good we can do transfusions.
What would the foundation do
without you?
Is something wrong, professor?
I lost a patient
on the operating table.
What's it going to be, Diuna,
yes or no?
Is "no" also on the menu?
If you don't feel like "yes,"
you go back to jail,
do your time plus a few years
for escaping.
And if I rat?
Who'll believe you?
You might as well say
aliens kidnapped you.
Fuck, you worked this out well.
Like the sperm said to the rubber,
"freedom is priceless."
Hi, dad. Everything's cool here.
See you.
- Wholesale warehouse.
- Do it!
Play it again...
- Hello.
- "Hi, dad.
Everything's cool here.
See you."
350 thousand bucks is on the invoice
for the service.
- What game are you fucking playing?
- Cops and robbers.
Put the money in a strong small suitcase
and wait for the phone call."
Either we're an expense
or they don't give a shit.
Or both.
The customers got the prize.
I'm following him.
Unit 1. Understood...
All right, jump in.
- Hello?
- Well? Got the money?
- You want me to give you the money
while those sons of bitches watch?
- What the fuck do you care?!
It's my money to lose now.
- Are you going to knock off Radek?
- You're insulting a pro.
- Listen, you dumb prick!
- Dent yet! Tike that tucker,
the officer's speakers will go off.
Know what? Go fuck yourself!
- Shit, he hung up.
- You're going too far.
- Do we have the number?
- No.
Let the father answer it!
Are they high or what?
They say Raczek's got balls
made of marble.
Do it again and you'll be writing
an obituary for sonny-boy.
- Man, do you know what you're doing?
- Ok, scared daddy, see the man...
Attention, the pigs we are taking
you as witnesses.
If we screw it up,
daddy will see Diuna anyway...
Cool, old man?
Now you do as I tell you, or we'll
waste your Radek, and that?! be it.
Grab the suitcase
and go out in the street.
Keep the phone to your ear.
Move it!
We move in at the firs! Attempt
to transfer the suitcase.
Why don't we call in a helicopter?
- With a helicopter they won't
pick up the ransom. Let's risk it.
- Don't want to spend the money, huh?
What a daddy!
When you clear the gate
stop and turn right,
start walking and count your steps
nice and loud!
Remember the wise old proverb,
"Pigs dig, but people keep
doing their business
1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8...
What the fuck do you carrying in
the suitcase, nitro?
Number three, check him out.
It's too busy here today.
You'll end up getting hit by a car.
Back to the site, hurry!
And stop pm past the gate.
What the fuck is this?!
Step on it, Raczek.
You're wasting our time.
- Are you past the gate?
- Yes.
Three steps to the right! Move!
The manhole! Let's go!
Number four, find the entrance!
Number four, the truck!
Shit... nothing.
Do you also get the feeling
we're taking pan in "Gotcha?"
Mr. Raczek, you're a wise
and experienced criminal
on well-deserved retirement...
If only I'd been wise
when I was young.
...And you want us to believe
that after one phone conversation
with someone you'd never seen before,
you'd throw 350 thousand bucks
of your own money down a shithole?
When they kidnap your son
and ask for ransom
we'll see what you do.
- I don't wish that, of course.
- Nobody kidnapped him, Raczek.
You set up his escape
and this whole circus
is just to take the suspicion off you.
You tell a nice story, officer.
The boss wants to see you;
He's mad as hell.
Can I go on?
I'm not big enough
for that kind of a show.
- You demean yourself, Raczek.
- No, just being self-critical.
Ordinary criminals like me
don't pull off such stunts.
You need first class for that.
Can I smoke now?
Clinically clean. Nola sign of life.
They even washed the container.
The motor numbers destroyed,
fake registration tags...
Stinks like a smokehouse,
and of course not a single butt.
Let's go back and grill Raczek.
You were right;
We should've used a helicopter.
Bingo, gentlemen!
We were lucky finding this butt.
Now the guy will learn
that smoking really is unhealthy.
If we find him in our files, that is.
What are we playing at, Leman?
There's going to be a party!
Fuck me...
The guys with the truck...
They really are good...
Good? Raczek said, "first class".
Exactly, so how could they've missed up
with that butt?
I could give you a hundred answers
and each one would be good.
My dad used to say,
"Asking the right question is
more important than getting an answer".
Mine used to say, "Move your ass
or they'll close the liquor store".
- Don't eat that...
- Hey!
- Who are you talking to?
- My cat...
X helped Diuna escape.
He got 350 thousand for it.
Lets assume X is a first class criminal
and helps them all.
Chmielewicz + X = escape.
Czerski + X = escape.
Nagorski + X = disappearance.
Plus X...
X must've been in the courtroom.
He feigned that well.
- The foam too?
- Soap...
He soaped his hands in the cell
then let the soap dry.
Li's hot in the courtroom.
Look, he wipes his face many times,
the soap gets into his mouth
plus the water he's drinking?
If he faked this, he'd be working
in movies, not killing people.
This is anaphylactic shock...
The prison doctor wrote in his file
that he's allergic to aspirin.
Radoslaw Raczek treated himself
lo a clinical allergic reaction.
But where'd he get the aspirin
in the booth?
- He swallowed it in the cell?
- The reaction's immediate.
There it is!
Score: One zero for you.
Don't joke, gentlemen!
It was impossible for the defendant
to carry a tablet into the booth.
And the dog? What? Caught a cold?
I want a list of everyone
from cleaning women to armed escorts
who was in the booth
the month prior to the trial.
There's a trace of chewing gum.
The aspirin could've been in the gum.
...left, right kick, left, right.
All right, gents, let's begin.
Stop! We use our legs as much
as we do our arms.
If I had legs like yours,
I'd use them more often, too.
Mr. Robaczewski, you'd benefit
much more from using your head.
Fine! Now in pairs.
Want to be my pair, honey?
It's tougher with true bad guys
than with police pals, huh?
Know why our last hunt trip
didn't work out?
Want some confidential information?
When one hunts one needs an eagle,
not a vulture.
- Mr. Robaczewski, you're distracted.
- Me?
- And you're not paying attention.
- Really?
- That isn't the blow.
- It isn't the blow.
Fine, I'll show you.
You've got a lot of talent,
but you don't train enough.
How about some private lessons?
I'd love that.
Give up, coach?
Welcome to my training session.
- "Specialite de la Maison."
- Shit, we really need that ransom...
Dinner for number six.
What the fu...?
- They've got it too easy.
- And what if hell does exist?
Work him over carefully.
Were returning him back to them.
I shall not wholly die...
If "X" does it for money, how much can
an unemployed child rapist pay?
Come on, let's go for a walk.
- Wollin here.
- Good evening, Reatorski speaking.
Sony to bother you, but I'd like to
remind you of the boy's birthday.
Not a bad book, huh?
What chapter are you on?
"The fourth cosmic velocity?
What department are you from?
The worst.
Happy birthday,
Nobel Prize winner!
I'll use a whole tank of oxygen
on these candles.
Where's "Happy Birthday?"
"Happy Birthday to you..."
I'd be glad to have at least one more.
Could my genetic twin help me?
Have you made a wish?
He's had an inoperable
heart defect since birth.
His father was a diplomat.
His family was poisoned to death by
some gas in terrorist attack in Africa.
Milosz survived,
but his heart was worn out.
An incredibly intelligent boy.
My "genetic twin."
- Thank you for finding the time.
- I'll visit him again someday for sure.
Don't wait too long
with that "someday?
Every day's an eternity for Milosz,
unless a miracle happens.
Excuse me.
Do you have free 60 minutes?
I've seen you torturing yourself
on the bridge a few times.
Warsaw's a small town.
- And I've tried to guess who you are.
- I wouldn't have that problem with you.
I almost guessed...
I was betting prosecutor
or contract killer.
I guess I need to buy myself
a new track suit.
And buy some new eyes
while you're at it.
Can I ask a police question?
I'd prefer a personal one,
but go ahead.
What is a champion kick boxer
named McCormack
doing at a horse stable
near Warsaw?
The champion met at the competition
an American from Denver, Colorado,
who fell in love both with Poland
and with her.
They got married
and bought this stable.
Unfortunately, the champion's heart
gave out soon after that,
the stable started to drown in debts,
and finally all that was left
of the American was his name.
But doctors installed a new motor
in the champion,
horses became very fashionable again,
and the ex has ended up like
a stunt man in Hong Kong.
When can I sign
the interrogation report?
I wanted to remind you
that the world is beautiful.
It's only a question of choice
as to where we direct our sight.
Someone must look at what I do,
so others can look where they want.
I have to get back to my cat
or he'll tear up my apartment.
We rarely see each other these days.
Well, at least there is something normal
in chief inspector Wolin's life.
- You should see Teodor.
- I'd like to.
All right,
I'll try to arrange it with him.
What's his name again?
I like him already.
Is something wrong?
This was received on Raczek's
cell phone at 2:43 am.
You think they're playing with us?
What I think at 4 o'clock in the morning
is fit only for the trash.
Oh, Jesus!
They kidnapped him for ransom.
They got it, so why this roast?
"So why the fuck this roast!?
That's what a real guy would say.
- Don't you ever swear?
- Yes, when I was six;
But my dad told me that
real men didn't do this.
"They fooled you, old man.
I burned with shame."
Yeah, it's Diuna.
Are we waiting for something?
I think you've made a mistake,
Mr. Raczek.
Do you know who did it?
About a month ago someone called me...
saying he could get Radek out
for 350 thousand bucks,
so I hung up.
A few clays later I got a letter with
a photo of Radek sleeping in a cell.
Then the guy called and asked me
if I liked the photo.
I sent Radek a message and
asked him what he thought.
He said he had nothing to lose,
and that I should risk it.
Later the guy called and told me
what to tell my son at the visit.
What was that?
"Eat a lot.
You must stay healthy.
Trial or not, you must eat.
Eat on the day they sentence you.
Eat everything your hands can reach.
Never skip the 11:00 meal."
I had to tell him that twice.
Did you ever meet the guy who called?
I paid them what they wanted.
They got the fucking money!
I fucking paid them!
How could they do that lo my son?
My little Radek!
Calm down!
All right, let's go.
We've got the guy from
the cigarette butt.
Piotr Mroczkowski, alias Nocka.
Convicted six times,
sentenced for heading a criminal gang.
The owner of a waste
recycling business.
Nice portrait, huh?
Recognize this?
I'm not sure, but I think
it's it's one of my trucks.
Where is it now?
How am I supposed to know?
Maybe at the plant, maybe rented.
I've got six. "Volvos"
though personally I prefer "Scanias."
What do you need Pavulon for?
We found it in your kitchen.
You'll have to ask my wife;
She manages the medicines at home.
- Do you smoke a lot?
- Unfortunately, I'm hooked.
- Have you driven your truck recently?
- I have blue-collars for this.
- Is this your phone?
- That piece of crap?
- Why was it in your BMW?
- You're asking me?
Do you know who sent this text message?
- May I ask the audience?
- Do you know Zdzislaw Raczek?
Sure, a longtime.
We shared our first cell together.
Great times.
- Do you call him often?
- No.
You cant drink vodka over the phone,
so I prefer meeting with him.
Does "20 kilometers past Otwock City"
mean anything to you?
Yeah, it means distance to go.
Has something of yours burned
with shame recently?
Burned with what?
Though I've spent a couple of years
in a trade school,
I feel like I need to learn more.
Could you repeat the question?
Nocka's always had stupid ideas
for making big money.
Is killing the son of a friend
one of them?
He's too well off to kill.
He hired some pros to nab the kid,
and they took it from there.
- Vulture doesn't believe it's Nocka?
- He's very suspicious.
- Is something wrong?
- With him something? Always wrong.
- You were right; The guy's good.
- He's very good.
Maybe we should forget
about Leman and Krasko.
We can't, it should convince Vulture.
We've got a guy who knows
who Dog Lover is.
He once sold him a dog and
knows his address. Want a lot of money.
In any case Dog Lover's a priority.
Haggle with guy.
So they planted everything, huh?
These 350 thousand bucks, too?
They framed me!
Sure they did.
Who? And why?
To take over my business.
Garbage is a gold mine now.
And that's why they killed Diuna?
Couldn't they have bumped you off?
Nocka, what's this bullshit?
Good, just like that.
One more tie...
"A mortal sin is expressed in
the internal depravation of the heart".
After you do the job,
you wait for our man.
When he shows, give him your gun,
walkout, and forget us.
There should be
a lot of cash in the place.
I know you don't need it, but it'd be
a shame to let it be wasted.
"The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green"...
You say they were pros. Then why'd
they let Nocka to keep the cash?
They wanted to give you Nocka
on a silver platter.
- What for?
- To get rid of the competition.
Radek is dead,
Nocka would rot in jail.
I'll do time as an accomplice too.
The city is theirs.
Warsaw's worth millions;
They'll earn it back.
It's the guys who rented my truck.
It's them!
Nocka, look over there.
Now at me.
Is there a court in this country
that would find you innocent?
- Couldn't they have killed Nocka, too?
- Why gel dirty?
I'll do it for them.
Excuse me, inspector, it's urgent!
The same cut out letters
were on the card on the burned body.
So we've got the first
Diuna's kidnapper, Leman.
Leman's family has been
on our watch list.
His wife will get this
in today's mail, is that right?
Yes. He sent it from Warsaw yesterday.
Is he the same Leman
who killed the 12-year-old girl?
He escaped from the prison hospital;
We've been looking for him for 2 years.
Wolin had a good idea, sir.
"Be at home at 8 p.m. on Thursday
August 12, your loving hubby".
Seems to me this time "loving hubby"
won't get any pussy.
We've never done nothing
like that before.
If anything goes wrong, we kill them.
- Ammo all checked?
- Yeah.
The worst will be the gas station.
It's empty there at 9 p.m.,
I've checked.
With that crazy fuck, you never know.
Turn in your gun and wait for us.
We'll bring the passport tomorrow.
"He brought them out of darkness
and the shadow of death,
and burst their bonds apart".
Let's unload it.
"Let me hear joy and gladness;
Let the bones that
you have broken rejoice."
The elevators blocked.
turn that damn thing down!
Mom, can you lower the volume?
The air-con's too fucking cold...
But it smells nice, like meal...
Talk to you wife about anything
except for two things:
Nothing about us or about the mission.
- I guess not.
Leave the car at the gas station.
Call from the phone booth there.
"Jawohl, Mein Fuhrer!"
When do you take off the hood?
We're in a forest, aren't we?
Full out fucking secrecy
just like in the movies!
There's a passport
with a visa to the States,
an account number where
we'll send the money, and a gun.
What, no fairy godmother?
The gun's ready to be fired.
Don't screw around with it.
Fuck me!
Stop where you are.
Unload further in' but more slowly.
There he is.
He took the pistol.
He's dialing a wrong number!
- 6... 3... 3... 24...
- To his lover...
- Hello?
- Is Lidka there?
- No. Who's calling?
- Tell her...
- All right, fuck, forget it.
- Then why are you calling?
Hello. "I just call to say I love you..."
- It's... you?
- No, Internal Revenue!
He's calling!
Surprised you, huh?
I'll give you the IRS, you idiot!
Why the hell haven't you called?
Have you forgotten you have
a wife and child?
Fuck me! Are you starting already?!
- Did they get him?
- Not yet.
Got the number?
As if there weren't phones in Germany!
You idiot, you can't even fie!
- Not yet.
- You were with that slut!
Don't fucking piss me off!
I couldn't call because
they would've traced the call.
And now they've forgiven you
and given you a medal, is that it?
You're damn right, you dumb cunt.
Got him!
Gas station on Pulawska Street.
Be careful, the guy's unpredictable.
Madzia, honey, don't piss me off;
I've got a job to do
and I can't get all pissed off.
Job, right!
Have a couple of beers
and screw that anorexic bitch!
- All you care about is fucking, huh?!
- Finish the call, goddamn it!
Listen, if you want to be with me,
then start teaming English!
'Auf Wiedersehen!"
- Are you there yet?
- Almost.
Police! Hit the ground!
Check out a car for me.
Volkswagen Golf, license number...
The car's stolen.
Unblock the elevator.
Quiet... Quiet...
"May the favor of the Lord rest on us;
Establish the work of our hands for us-
yes, establish the work of our hands."
- I think he's in Nocka's apartment.
- Nocka's?! Fuck! Wait for me!
Hands up, slowly.
I know you're the police
and not Archangel Gabriel.
...And so Nocka alias Mroczkowski,
hires several thugs
including Walerian Leman,
alias Soldier
and Dimitri Krasko,
alias Strangler,
who have been wanted for years.
These two decide to eliminate
the competition.
They kill Diuna,
and frame Raczek and Mroczkowski.
They break into his apartment
looking for the money from ransom.
They get into an argument and
psychopath Krasko chokes Leman to death.
During the arrest, Krasko aims
a pistol at inspector Wolin...
Lab tests show it's the same gun
used to shoot Diuna in the head.
And one more thing.
There was a check in Leman's wallet
for 35.000
for former prison manager Prosek,
who's doing his time in jail now.
Now we know who helped Leman escape
from the prison hospital two years ago.
So Mr. Prosek not only sold narcotics
to his prisoners, huh?
This is the best birthday present
I've ever received!
- All the best to you, sir!
- "Happy birthday to you..."
Thank you, sit down, gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
What's important is we have the three
escapees and no police connection.
There remains the unexplained issue
of the aspirin in the courtroom.
The investigation, save for
a few loose threads, is closed.
We will look into everything
in due course.
Anything else?
- No? Then thank you very much.
- Thank you.
Gentlemen, you two stay.
Join me for a birthday drink!
I swear to God, you were fast!
That's how to work, not like them
growing hemorrhoids behind desks.
Excuse me, sir...
Forget it, I would've done
exactly the same thing;
You acted in self-defense.
Want to see the police shrink?
No, that's not what I mean...
You're exhausted.
A week off with pay, ok?
Oh God, boys, it's 2.00 a.m.
Time to go to bed.
- Well done.
- I understand.
Everything's ok.
- Tired?
- Fuck no! It's my nerves...
Nothing bothers this guy...
- Gajewski!
- Yes sir!
- The operation's over.
- Yes, sir!
The investigations over, yet we know
less now than we did at the beginning.
The home's always half empty
for inspector Wolin,
but that's why I like you.
I just prefer to know what I'm drinking
and who poured it.
So who nabbed him if not you?
You're drowning
and dragging your family with you!
The rest of the kidnappers are free.
You've really pissed them off.
They might go after your family.
But we can protect them
if you turn state's evidence.
Maybe you want your son
to end up like Diuna, is that it?!
I'll give you a written statement.
Over the past few days, my boys
worked from morning till night.
Never mind... The main thing's
they did what they had to...
They are the best I have!
- I have to run, unfortunately...
- Bye, my friend, and thanks.
See you tomorrow.
All the best to you, Witus!
- Like a brother!
- Good bye, gentlemen.
Thanks for remembering, Wiktus.
We're like brothers... since school...
Even our names, Witus,
He studied medicine,
I chose law, then misfortune struck.
He went through a terrible tragedy.
He was in love with Agnieszka,
an artist, a goddess...
They'd set even their wedding date...
And then... She was grabbed
from a bus stop one night.
Those were the '60s.
It was dark, empty,
not a living soul on the street.
There were three of the bastards...
They gang-raped her for a week
in some rat-hole...
They did terrible things to her...
Then they strangled her
with her own nylon stocking.
Nylon stockings were
in fashion then...
- Did they catch them?
- Yeah.
They got 25,
then let them out after 13.
For good behavior.
Mroczkowski's committed suicide.
He wanted to give
a detailed statement...
"I admit to everything...
Please don't touch my family."
Sure enough, detailed as hell,
Think we'll ever find out
why he did it?
- We never know the whole truth.
- I don't want the whole truth.
I'd settle
for the sixth decimal place.
Aren't you surprised that he hired
two psychos to kidnap Diuna?
No normal person would've done it.
Besides, Hitler was a psycho,
and look how well
he killed 50 million.
Thank you for coming.
He's nearing the end.
What happened to the donor
you mentioned yesterday?
His family backed out...
How are things
with the fourth cosmic velocity?
I've reversed thrusters for now...
- Want to hold a pistol?
- A real one?
The toy ones aren't much good
for police work.
When you get out of here,
I'll take you to our shooting range.
Be careful with those promises;
They might yet find me a donor.
You hold a gun with a two-handed grip.
The right hand holds the gun,
and the left hand supports it?
We hold it with the middle finger,
lightly supported with the ring.
The thumb tight against the grip...
Why don't you have any kids?
- How do you know I don't?
- Natasha told me. You'd be a cool dad.
- We're in the home stretch.
- Thank God.
The board accepted
the expenses for Dog Lover.
The money in the usual place
day after tomorrow.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Go to the seaside, man.
- I just dropped by with this.
- The untiring Holmes and Watson!
We've got the autopsy results
of those guys you hunted down.
Somehow you keep getting
imperfect specimens.
Everything in life is imperfect,
only you are perfect and fragrant.
Right, Alexander?
- I'm off to enjoy my vacation.
- When are you going to ask me out?
"Comets. The Genesis",
"The Big Bang",
"Curvature of Space-Time?
Don't you read anything else?
- For example?
- Crime stories, for instance.
There are more riddles in these books
than in all the crime novels.
And of course the telescope is
not just decoration?
As a kid
I badgered my dad about infinity.
He bought me one and told me to look.
I sat and looked.
It was beautiful.
Dad said, "See? That's infinity;
Time that never ends,
time that always exists."
Can I see it?
Be careful, it's habit forming.
So how did police work
come to fit in all of this?
Evil is like a black hole.
It sucks everything
into its gravity field.
I try to reduce the power
of its attraction.
Tums out I've ended
where I began, in the cosmos.
You were supposed to look at infinity.
I am...
Of course. Time.
This was received on Raczek's
cell phone at 2.43-.
I know it's late. I'll be in a moment...
I'm sorry, really.
- Back to your black holes?
- Exactly.
Here are the keys if you have to leave.
I'll call you tomorrow.
"Zdzislaw Raczek"
"From Unknown - 2.43
From Littlegod - 2.40"
How'd they suck you in?
X sends an SMS to Raczek at 2.43 a.m.
Littlegod calls me at 02.40 a.m.
And he already knows about the SMS.
Welcome to the black hole.
Everything I ordered?
Serious hunting trip?
No, practice...
Give me a few more days.
I'll call you for sure.
I must be nuts.
It's Wolin, sir. While I'm on leave
could Robaczewski handle my case load?
Thank you very much, sir.
Goodbye, sir.
Too many people involved.
Now there's Dog Lover.
- You can always back out.
- And die of boredom?
I didn't know you were
doing this for fun.
Oh, it's the ideology department here!
We all know why we're doing this.
- I'd like to see your lungs...
- All in good time...
I've got the money.
But don't give it to Hippie
until you see the customer.
Sure, I'll not.
Can you identify him?
Welcome to the vultures talons.
And these three.
I see you've seriously
taken up photography.
Yes, I'm documenting species
threatened with extinction.
- Where is that clown?
- "That" clown is politely waiting.
Shit your pants a bit, didn't you?
You know you're handling my cases?
Not everyone goes on leave;
Some of us have to work.
You just took over then.
We're working Littlegod.
What little god...?
- Want it in writing?
- Fuck yes, I want it in writing!
I'm to tail the assistant director
of the Central Investigation Bureau?
Has the general approved it?
Are our bosses in on it?
- Do they know anything about this?
- I answer yes to all your questions.
You're fucking lying.
You have nothing. No approval, huh?
You never asked that question.
Have you gone fucking nuts
with this corruption?
You don't like me.
Well, now you've got a chance
to shoot the vulture.
We're tailing Littlegod
for four days of my leave.
If we don't find solid proof
that Littlegod's involved,
you'll go to the boss and report me.
If I'm right, you'll be a hero.
Either way you win.
- What do you suspect him of?
- You'd never believe it.
Either I find out what the fuck
is going on with Littlegod,
or I end my collaboration
with the lawless inspector Wolin
and go see the General.
What do you say?
He's working with a gang that helps
very dangerous criminals to escape.
I thought he was selling
illegal building lots on the moon.
The DNA of those who could've left
the aspirin was checked. Nothing.
- But they didn't check Little-god.
- Not surprising. Anything else?
Littlegod knew where Diuna
would be hanged.
He knew the SMS
the kidnappers would send;
He called me three minutes before
they sent the SMS to Raczek's phone.
Maybe the clocks in your phones
weren't synchronized.
What do you say to this?
Are you saying Littlegod's sold out?
- I trust him more than myself!
- They might be blackmailing him.
Who's "they?"
Who are these fuckers?
Bronislaw Derkacz,
police major dismissed in 1989.
Col. Dariusz Gadek, army intelligence,
retired since 2006.
Czeslaw Gajewski, second lieutenant
who fought in Afghanistan.
Left the army after being
found innocent of killing of civilians.
Mariusz Rajski, commander
of a special-ops team.
Colonel retired since 2001.
Fuck me...
Here's comes your Dog Lover.
Someone ought to rip out his balls
for those little films of his.
Take it.
Forget that you ever sat here.
How can you forget something
that never happened?
We've stepped into some real shit.
Only cop could've taken
Diuna's picture in the cell.
Maybe we should go with this
to the general now, huh?
We don't know enough yet.
What are they planning to do
with that son of a bitch?
So you don't get bored.
But don't turn it off right away.
- Take the first vehicle that leaves.
- Got it.
Cool music.
He's not breathing!
You tased him for a whole minute!
Are you nuts?!
- Get off my back!
- He's fucking breathing...
Too bad...
I'd take the son of a bitch...
Cut it out right now!
Close it up and everyone relax, got it?
- They've kidnapped Dog Lover!
- Kidnapped?
Why'd they use a laser?
Why the fuck are they doing this?
I don't fucking know!
The green Seat... Check it out.
Drive, Goddammit!
Where are you going?!
Jacek, what's wrong?
No, it was just a coincidence...
- How did it go with Dog Lover?
- According to plan.
I thought we had a tail, but we don't.
Sorry, I fucked up...
Everything will be all right.
Even now it's not so bad...
You finally started lo talk like man...
"I don't fucking know!"
- You may turn out to be ok bloke yet.
- I'll go to the prosecutor tomorrow.
- They could hang us for this...
- I won't mention you.
I thought we were partners!
But if you want all the glory...
All right, we'll share the glory.
They'll patch you up,
don't worry.
Forget it, doc, the Vulture's
circling above me already.
Sorry, Wolin, stupid joke.
I was a shitty cop.
- I work with only the best.
- My bad luck...
But you might invest
in some driving lessons some day.
I think I've finished with
the driving for good.
Stop using the past tense
or I'll get all teary-eyed.
I always had trouble
with those fucking tenses in English.
How'd they go?
Past: "I was going",
present: "I'm going",
future: "I will..."
What do you do with them?
What do you need them for?
To what?
To help?
To punish?
What do they do with them?
Help them or punish them?
Kidnap? Yes.
Hide? Yes.
Torture? Yes.
Care for? Yes.
Take lives? Yes.
What was it she said?
"Somehow you keep getting
imperfect specimens."
Imperfect specimens?
Hey pal...
You'll sleep your life away, Stawinski.
"Leman Walerian... autopsy report:
Examination of internal organs...
missing left kidney... spleen...
Krasko Dymitr...
missing pancreas...
left lung... and spleen...
Raczek Radoslaw...
missing sections of skin
removed on August
Welcome to the MORS NON EXTA Foundation website.
"Death doesn't exist."
Another two or three days and
you would've had the police at home.
Then a trial and sentencing.
Then a few dozen years of being raped
and beaten by cellmates.
But we can make a deal, can't we?
"The foundation was established
in 1999 by
a Brazilian multi-millionaire,
Leo Trocher,
after the tragic shooting death
of his two sons.
Our goal is to provide help
with organ transplants.
The foundation supports
the activities of 280 hospitals
in 32 countries at no charge..."
Life equals life.
Mors non extat.
We'll give you a new identity, passport,
money, and get you out of the country.
What do... I have to do?
Someone has to suddenly feel bad
after, for example, having a drink.
- How... bad?
- Fatally bad.
- Who?
- Not important.
- How do I get to him?
- We'll help you.
- When do I do it?
- We don't know yet.
Maybe next week, maybe next month,
or maybe next year.
In the meantime you're our guest.
- Who are you?
- You don't want to know.
We don't exist.
Every respectable country
has people like us.
Who don't exist.
Share a life.
It doesn't cost a thing.
I'd given up hoping for a phone call, and
here I get a personal visit after 10 p.m.
Do you know Littlegod?
You have to ask! I know a few,
but you must mean that fat little one
who flies and shoots arrows into hearts?
Haven't seen him here lately.
Could you keep these till tomorrow?
Is something going on
that I shouldn't ask about?
- What's the story with this little god?
- It's not important.
"Prosecutor General"...
?Supreme Court"...
I really am starting to worry.
No need to, we'll see each other
tomorrow for sure.
Your "tomorrows" often never arrive.
This time I'll surprise you,
but if I don't make it,
send them by registered mail, ok?
To those who are alive thanks to us!
And to those who thanks to us are dead!
- The green Seat?
- What?
The car that was following you.
The Sear? A green one?
- Yes...
- In two hours. Everyone.
"Donors, August
13, 12...
9... 8... 7...
August 8...
Jury Swain... organs - August 8...
Cause of death... location...
Organs taken... epidermal sheets..."
They made a Russian out of Diuna.
Isn't it a bit late for visiting?
You had to get to your damned
sixth decimal place, didn't you?!
Right now I'm at the fifth.
Why do they let you
gut them like fish?
They wait to pay their debts
to society and they fall ill.
We treat them very humanely,
much too humanely for their kind.
It's a perfectly organized,
international machine.
Now what, am Ito be the next donor?
In spite of what you think,
there are no murderers here.
What are you waiting for?
Is he to bleed to death?
Stop blinding him!
Why this whole circus?
The last time I was so scared
of a doctor I was six;
He was the school dentist...
They cut you up badly,
but it's nothing serious.
One of the doctors will look
after me right away, right?
After all, you are doctors, not...
Go ahead and finish, Wolin.
"Monsters," "butchers," hyenas?"
You kill people!
We kill "people?"
Turn it on!
You call him a "human?" Him?!
What son of punishment
does this "human" deserve?
A life sentence, right?
You want him to spend
30 or 40 years doing crosswords,
do pushups, eat bread with jam,
watch television, is that it?
If that girl had survived,
would you tell her that's justice?
Look at her!
Look at her, goldsmith!
Would you tell her
that he got a just punishment?!
Would you!? Say it!
Is it painful? Is it?
- No!... Please!... No...
- Yes... yes... yes...
We have the courage to look
and to mete out justice.
We give these animals
a chance for redemption.
We help them give back to society
a bit of what they owe.
But according to you, we are monsters.
Do you know how many people
are alive thanks to murderers,
sadists, and child killers?
For example, Natasha McCormack.
If the heart of some murderer
could save that boy Milosz,
I wouldn't hesitate.
And You?
What would you do if you were me?
You'd hide behind the law, courts,
and humanism, isn't that right?
There is no greater humanism
than conquering death with life.
This is like a bad dream.
No, you've just woken up.
You are free to go, inspector.
You've got 12 hours.
Either you join us,
or you forget about us.
You haven't answered
my question, Wolin.
If it were up to you who lived,
a serial killer or Milosz,
who would you choose?
Would you sentence that boy to death?
Don't mess with the dog, all right?
- Oh God, what happened?
- I keep my word; It's tomorrow.
Does it hurt?
Let it...
I was afraid I'd never see
you again, really.
You needn't be,
the good guys have won,
the bad have been punished.
- Do you ever think of the donor who...?
- No...
As the professor says,
ifs enough that providence did.
How about a ride this evening?
I'd give you an Arabian.
I've used up my limit of bruises
for one day.
Know what Milosz calls my stable?
The house of horse trysts.
Smart-ass kid, isn't he?
Careful, you're talking
about my genetic twin.
I'd really like him to make it.
Too bad you don't have time.
I'd take your picture
and win every contest in the world.
Don't be gone for long, astronaut.
I'll never have a better morning.
- Good morning, professor!
- Reatorski here.
- It was a student. A car crash.
- What student? I don't understand.
Your donor.
I thought you'd want to know.
You don't have to do this.
...Free him from the bonds of death
and may he share in the joys
of paradise with your saints.
McCormack doesn't believe
it was suicide;
She's sure he was killed.
She keeps talking about
some yellow envelopes...
We're checking if it has anything to do
with Robaczewski's death.
I think I'll take early retirement.
This is too much for me.
I want to nominate you
as my successor. What do you say?
Do you think I have any choice?
I'll serve.
We bid farewell today to
a wonderful policeman,
our fine colleague,
inspector Jacek Robaczewski...
?My love, I couldn't do otherwise.
Actually I'm grateful to Milosz.
I feel as though I've ensured
that no one will ever be hurt again.
no one...
This production was partly financed by
a loan from the Polish Film Institute.