Serbuan maut (The Raid: Redemption) (2011)

What time is it, sweetheart?
-- It is early, you should sleep.
I told you to wake me.
You need to be resting, because of both of you.
I love you.
I love you too.
Wait until Dad comes home, okay?
I'll bring him home
OK, listen up.
Our target is Tama Riyadi.
I'm sure most of you know
who I'm talking about.
This man has become something
of a legend in the underworld.
Dealers, gangs, murderers, they
all respect him as like a God.
During the last 10 years his building
became a prohibited area for the police.
I don't care how big he is or who is
behind him. He must be stopped.
This entrepreneurial bastard rented
out rooms in the form of apartments,
to any rotten scumbag who's trying
to lay low for the government.
Our mission is simple ...
We enter, and take him out!
Yes sir!
-- Tama is not alone in this.
Intelligence reports of an in-house
narcotics lab.
Usually this means that there are
more than enough people
to protect his investment.
He also has a two trusted bodyguards.
First, a fucking mad dog.
A maniac using a fist and feet that
would tear down the walls for his master.
Second, Andi.
Brains of Tama's business
He keeps the mad dog under control.
But don't be fooled....
Give him an opportunity,
and he'll put bullets in you.
Watch this for me.
I'll be right back.
Now, where were we?
Focus at all times.
We'll take the place floor by floor.
Silence every spotter.
Secure every corner.
Why us? Why today?
Why the fuck not?
-- It's a valid question.
And this is a valid answer, boy.
Are you finished?
Can I continue?
This will not be the first time
this place is under attack.
For years, rival gangs are trying to
to take over his territory.
But each and everyone have failed.
Be careful. We're dealing with a
force ready and willing to fight.
Prepare your weapons.
I do not want to see any empty seat
in the truck when we'll wind up action.
Now purify this fucking city.
Sergeant Jaka
What's with the kid?
He's just a rookie
But don't worry, he's my responsibility
Do you know the risk of this operation?
But to cover this large building, we need more men
Inexperienced kids like him ruin the mission
This is not a fuckin' field training you know
Ok, I'll just put the kid at the back
Put him at the last, the very last!
Divide the men in teams
I will go to the B-3 zone
Your team will drill by the sides
How about the lieutenant?
He goes with me ok?
Take him out
B-3 secured
Ok let's move!
Come here and shut up!
What's the matter?
Get off me!
You're not going anywhere!
My wife is sick
She must have these medicine
Don't you get it? I must go...
If you try to move again
I'm gonna fuckin' waste you!
What the f...?
Calm down
Bowo, enough!
A hero was born
okay, then he's yours
What's your apartment number?
No. 726
You'll get there don't worry
However for safety measures
you need to stay close to us
But who will protect my wife?
I know how you feel but please be patient
No fuckin' way
Hey! Choose...
it's either my protection...
... or theirs
Huddle up!
It's time to enter
We will keep our eye on you!
Tie him up!
Do not move!
Don't do anything stupid.
Not even an inch !!
Now ...
What the fuckwas that?
-- Necessity.
Sarge! We have another spotter!
We have company.
They're here.
Discontinue all communications
and lock it down.
I'll call neighbors.
We have visitors. You know what to do.
I'll take the one on the left,
You'll take the one on the right.
Now ...
Stop! let him scream.
Exterior secured.
Last night was the worst fucking
game I've ever seen.
Youhaven't missed much.
I watched the whole thinghead.
I don't know what they were thinking.
Please help
I! They come to kill me!
Do not move!
-- You must help me, please!
Fifth floor secured.
Hold the position!
Find out what the fuck is
happening down there.
Lieutenant, stay with me.
Rama leave him. Return to your
Vehicle 1, Vehicle 1. This is Jaka.
Come in.
All units. This is Jaka.
Come in.
All of them are dead.
Good morning everyone!
You may have noticed we have some
guests trawling the halls today.
Surely I've not invited them, and
they are definitely not welcome.
So in the interest of public health,
should you help rid this building
of its recent "infestation",
then you can consider yourself
a permanent resident...... For free.
You will find this fucking
cockroaches at the sixth floor.
Now go to work.
And please, enjoy yourselves.
Lieutenant, put a call in.
We need backup.
We can handle with this ...
-- With all due respect, sir,
They'll burn us along with the
truck if we stay here.
Now make the call. -- I can not ...
-- What do you mean you can't?
We are not, this is not ...
Who else knows we're here?
What the fuck have you gotten us into,
We're all alone.
Stay put.
Everyone fall back!
What the fuck have you done now?
-- Come here.
See for yourself.
Are you fucking crazy?
-- Watch what you say, boy.
Everything is under control. I got this.
Then tell me, genius ...
What will happen
when they send in reinforcements?
You don't kill cops, you buy them!
Yeah, it looks as if all the want
is a fucking cheque!
There won't be any reinforcements.
There won't be any repercussions.
This is no different from one of our
rivals getting torn to pieces.
After we finish, we will not
leave any evidence.
What makes you so sure?
-- Because I know who is behind this.
Those timid old motherfuckers.
I got him right where I want him.
Withdraw! Hangi, open the door.
-- Yes, sir!
-- Clear!
Keep the door shut.
No, wait!
We have to get out of here.
Alee, the ax!
Follow me.
They're coming!
Bowo, ax!
Get me the fuck out of here!
Alee, help!
Once I pop this, turn it around.
One, two, three.
What the fuck was that?
It seems that we just realized what
we are dealing with.
What's the damage?
Fairly limited, I estimate.
we have not lost more than 2 rooms.
That's not bad.
-- And about 30 residents who have
paid us rent, are now spread
across the fucking walls.
Check which rooms they stayed in.
Clean out their stashes.
They can cover the damage.
Both of you get down there. I want
this situation under control.
Yes, boss.
I'll take the stairs, you get the elevator.
We'll meet on the seventh floor.
Thomas Ang, go with him.
I'm fine alone.
Go with him.
Will go.
Where are we going?
-- Room 726, he lives here.
Don't ...
-- Believe me, I know what I'm doing.
Don't fucking leave me with that guy.
-- He is not one of them.
If that bastard cuts me, I swear
to God I'll fucking haunt him.
I can live with that.
Leave it.
Up. 2 floors.
Open the door!
Open the door! I have a wounded here.
If you don't open up we're dead.
Don't do it, don'tget involved.
Please they're close by.
I'm begging you, look at me.
Open the door.
Please do.
You can not turn your back on us
Please open the door to us.
Starting off from there.
Over here.
What the fuck is going on?
Shut the fuck up or I'll bleed you.
Check everything and every corner.
Don't leave anything to chance.
You're hiding anyone here, my friend?
-- No, I swear.
You wouldn't be lying to me now would you?
I have no time for liars.
Puts me in a bad mood.
When I'm in a bad mood,
I tend to lash out.
I promise, I tell you the truth.
-- We'll see.
What is this?
- No please don't.
-- Hey! Stop God damn it!
This is all I got, you fuckin' punks!
Fuck you ! Leave us alone!
I'm getting real tired of your shit.
Look around you, there's no one here!
Don't fucking question me my friend.
I told you the truth.
Leave us alone now.
You want me to slice that bitch up?
Will you? Then sit down!
OK, let's go.
Quick I need a knife or something sharp.
You're gonna be OK.
But you have to be calm.
I just gotta patch you up.
Hold on, focus.
I only have this.
Fuck you, look again.
I swear that this is all I have. What
about a spoon? Or some chopsticks?
Screw it, just do it.
What the fuck are you doing?
You must tell me everything I
need to know about this place.
Anything that can be used to help
me get him out of here.
I wish I could.
But the truth is that Tama has this
building under his complete control.
Even if you find a dead angle
away from his cameras,
you'll betrapped in the hallways.
There is no route for escape.
Neither the passage by which you will go.
If you make it, it will be the same route
you'll made in here
You need to force your way out.
You need to be careful.
You are not here to do good.
Do not be blind. I've seen that old
man here before.
He knows this building as well as I do.
Not every cop is swayed by money, sir.
If I believed that I would never
have opened the door.
He is stupid and stubborn.
But he's a good man.
Take care of him,
I'll be back as soon as I can.
ovee, it is too!
Here it is!
Take the leg!
Where did he come from?
Stop it! Calm down!
What the fuck are you doing here?
Keep on watching
They're gone.
We don't know that yet.
Think about it Jaka, one's a cripple
the other a rookie.
They had no chance.
I'm sorry, but we will not go up
only to find their bodies.
Listen to me, motherfucker.
When it comes to the lives of my men
it would be wise to shut the fuck up.
You wanna talk about risking lives?!
Well you already risked theirs.
And now I am in possession of yours.
Who ordered this?
-- What?
It is clear as day that it was not you.
No one leads the charge when it comes
to their own dirty work.
Careful, Jaka.
Remember yor rank.
-- Rank?
Rank 's worth jack shit now.
Once we make it out here..
You'll be mopping up puddles of piss
in a prison cell for the rest of your life.
We are not here to do good.
We're here to make someone rich.
I ask you for the last time,
Who ordered the raid?
Another time maybe, I'll take my
chances here first.
Suit yourself.
We're going back up there.
We're going to find them.
And then we leave.
Any objections?
Thought so.
Everyone ready.
Move out.
Protect him! Now!!
I've never really liked using these.
Takes away the rush.
Squeezing a trigger....
... is like ordering takeout.
Now this ...
This is the right thing.
This is the pulse.
This is the thing I do.
You should't be here.
Nor should you.
Who are they?
No one.
Don't they check for any links
before they send you of?
They got nothing on record about you,
just your first name.
Nobody knows anything about us.
I almost choked when they pinned
your photo on the board.
Six years without any contact,
and this is how I find you.
You have to leave this place.
-- I can't.
Not without my team.
-- What? -- You heard me.
I do not think you realize the
kind of situation you are in.
Oh, I understand fine. I'm not the
one who lives here.
Do not worry about me, I'll be fine.
Next time you want to talk, just call.
I spent the last 24 hours listening to
my best friends to talking about
killing you.
I'm the only one who can get you
out here safely.
And without a pair of fuckin' handcuffs
wrapped around your wrists.
Wait! What's that?
You're getting me out?
You're the one who needs saving.
Go to hell.
Last I checked, my guys were almost done for .
Fuck you. Just do what I say.
-- And where are we going? Home?
If I was such a dissapointment to him then...
Think how proud he's gonna be
now that I am who I am.
He just wants you home, we all do.
You don't get it!!
That ain't me any more. This is me.
Just because you see what I do is wrong,
does not mean I can not be good at it.
This is the only thing I know how to do.
I own this now.
No, Rama.
I will not go back into what I was.
You're going to be an uncle.
Yes, a boy, due in two months.
You tell me this now...
Are you expecting me to leave ....?
I told you, because you're my fucking brother.
-- Think about what you are doing!
If you stay here, you'll be fucking dead
before that boy is born.
Have you not thought about that?
-- I thought of it every day
since I was given this assignment.
And that fucking terrifies me.
This is fucking ridiculous.
You need to go, I do not have much time.
At least change your clothing before
you go back out there.
No, this suits me.
Hang back, til the area is clear.
Wait! Hold the lift.
Where are your men?
-- Still hunting. And yours?
The same.
Where are you taking him?
-- The Boss.
That's not the guy.
It is.
-- No, definitely isn't.
Plus this guy is already dead.
Yeah, well I'm taking him anyway
What do you have?
Rama. Get in.
Where is Bovo?
-- He is safe.
We lost the Sgt.
-- They got him, he is dead.
Motherfuckers dragged him
across the floor like an animal.
What happened? Why did you split up?
We have fallen in the ambush, outnumbered.
And he ran.
Sergeant ordered me to protect him.
Now we can only
try to survive this.
We need to start soon and quickly.
You are the cause of every drop of blood
spilled in this place.
But not now. Now you shall
be with us step for step.
Blow for blow. Until this nightmare is over.
What then?
-- We attack.
We get who we came here for and
and we use him to get out.
Finding him won't be easy.
-- 15 floor.
It's where he runs everything.
But reaching him is another thing entirely.
And assuming we do get him...
What then? What is your plan?
We'll convince him.
-- How?
All men change when a gun barrel
is pressed against their head.
We do not have a gun. -- Then a knife,
a chair leg, your bare hands, anything.
Do whatever needs to be done to
make him ours.
We still have time,
we can still get out.
Who the fuck is this?
-- I told him it was the wrong guy.
He wears a vest, he counts.
I'm not the one who came back empty--handed.
That's not true, is it Andi?
Excuse me!?
Surely you have something to show.
You of all people wouln't waste
my fucking time for nothing.
I'm sorry, I don't.
Show me your hands.
Give them here.
-- What? -- In here.
But I am sure that
you got something. Flip them.
Come on, turn them.
I was wrong.
You did waste my fucking time.
I have found dead bodies, there's a lot of them.
-- Yeah? What else?
If I had to guess, I'd say there are
two more cops out there.
What if I tell you there are 3 cops left,
would you agree?
As I said, there are plenty of floors,
you could give or take......
Give or take....
You little asshole ...
I'll admit it, I was impressed.
I really was.
But never underestimate the persistence
of paranoia
After seeing that, I'd have sat still
with shit in my pants.
It seems that these monitors are the only
truth that I have left.
They never lie, they tell me everything
I need to know.
But there's one thing
I wanted to ask.
Such a bold move ...
ain't from no clash of conscience.
No, there is something more to it.
But then I think, "It doesn't matter", cause
you're going to die soon anyway.
I dont't really give a shit
about "Why?"anymore.
No, what I want to know is ...
Who is that little cunt that's been tearing
my place up?
And what would it mean for you...
if you were to die in front of him?
Or better yet, for him to be cut open
in front of you!!
Fuck you.
Hurry up!
Don't move!
Drop the gun!
Are we gonna play this game now?
Get over here.
Did I do something wrong, officer?
Shut the fuck up! Raise your hands!
Dagu, bind him.
Now you're going to get me the fuck outta here.
What the hell are you doing? Dagu?
He didn't make it.
Fuck you, motherfucker! Why?
Save it, We're almost done here.
Just one last thing to clean up.
You'll never get out of here.
-- Shut up!
Did you really think that it would
be so easy to enter?
Did you think that we were so stupid?
I was waiting for you. We all were.
Ready to pick you off one by one.
It did not turn out too well, did it?
I don't know. You have at least 18 dead.
No transportation.
You're stuck here.
You got no-one left.
And if we're talking strength in numbers.
We're talking about a bullet,
and I only need one for your fucking head.
You don't get it, do you?
You're already dead.
You're dead since I got the call from Reza.
Now I have your attention.
It was the name, right?
Reza and the rest of the suits have
been happy with me since day one.
Because I know who to pay
and more importantly, how much.
But you?
All you are is a collector.
He never worked on my replacement.
They sent you here to die.
Fuck you!
-- No, fuck you, fucking asshole!
Listen to me, do you think they'll allow you
to join them at the top.
Never! you'll always be looking up.
You think when all this is over they'll
welcome you back and promote you.
Make you a hero?
Never! You fuck!
You'll be met by someone emptying a gun
into your head.
A fucking pillow over
your face while you sleep.
You're Done, you're out.
Be quiet.
All residents, please return to your rooms.
It's all over.
He always knew that someone would
one days try to fuck him over.
This was his insurance.
It's evidence of every dirty cop
he ever dealt with.
Not everyone you salute is rotten.
Find Bunawar.
He is a good man.
Open the gate!
Just continue to walk.
Follow me.
If there's one thing
I know for certain, is that in this world,
I can protect you.
But can you do the same
for me in your world?
They'll come here.
They'll tear this is the place to the ground.
We'll be long gone before they get here.
Then why do you stay?
For the same reason why
you stayed in that uniform.
It just fits.