Serendipity (2001)

[Bells Jingling]
# From Coney Island|to the Sunset Strip #
# Somebody's gonna make|a happy trip tonight #
# While the moon is bright #
# He's gonna have|a bag of crazy toys #
# To give to|the girls and boys #
# So dig #
# Santa comes on big #
# He'll come a-callin'|when it snows the most #
# When all you cats|are sleepin' warm as toast #
# And you gonna flip|when old Saint Nick #
# Lays a lick|on the peppermint stick #
# He come a-flyin'|from a higher place #
# And fill the stocking|by the fireplace #
# So you'll #
# Have a yule that's cool #
- [ Baby Crying ]|- Merry Christmas.
# Yeah, from Coney Island|to the Sunset Strip #
# Somebody's gonna make|a happy trip tonight #
# While the moon is bright #
# He's gonna have|a bag of crazy toys #
# To give to|the girls and boys #
# So dig #
# Santa comes on big #
Excuse me.
# Come a-callin'|when it snows the most #
# Cats are sleepin'|warm as toast #
# And you gonna flip|when old Saint Nick #
# Lays a lick|on the peppermint stick #
- Wooh! Sorry.|- I'm sorry.
- [ Chuckles ]|- Do you want these?
- No. Please.|- You go ahead. It's the last one.
Uh, miss, do you have another pair|of these black cashmere gloves?
- Whatever's out is what we have.|- You don't have a stockroom?
- No. No. We don't have|an attic either.|- Or a basement?
Um, listen, you take 'em.|I don't need 'em.
- No, no, no.|You saw them first. I--|- Please. I insist.
- Take them. Wait a minute.|- Oh! Oh!
- Excuse me, sir. These are ours.|- Yeah?
Oh. Your gloves? How come?|They're just sort of hanging there,
sleeping with their|little price tag on.
- We were just discussing|them, all right?|- Well, I have news for you.
You can go on discussing them|long after I've paid for them.
- Calm down, all right?|- Calm down? It's five days|before Christmas.
I'm in the middle|of a New York department store.|He's asking me to calm down.
Well, these were meant to be|a very special gift for someone.
- Yeah, we put quite a lot|of thought into those.|- Isn't that right?
- Well, who were they for?|- My boyfriend.|- My girlfriend.
- Her boyfriend.|- His girlfriend.
One pair of gloves|for two people?
- This is hard to explain.|- Try.
All right.|Go ahead.
Oh. Uh, well, he is|at the present time my boyfriend.
But in 18 months--
After the operation--
- He will be--|- She will be--
My girlfriend.|Do you understand?
That didn't|really work out.
- No, but Merry Christmas anyway.|- Thank you very much.
Well, you earned these.|That was quick on your feet.
- Thanks. It was a team effort.|- Yeah, it was. It was.
- I don't know how to thank you.|- Well--
Ah, well.
# Have a yule that's cool ##
They're ready for you guys.
Thank you.
I don't know what you said|to that guy makes any sense.
- But I think we scared|the be jesus out of him.|- You were pretty fierce.
This will work, though.|This is quite a coffee.
But I'm serious about the check.|It's the least I can do.
Well, thank you, but, see,
now I have to go find|something else for my girlfriend.
- Oh, they were for your girlfriend.|- Yes, they were.
- Oh, I can't accept them then.|- Well, you have to.
Otherwise you|won't treat. Really.
Let me tell you something.|This is the ultimate blend to drink.
- Where did you find this place?|- I first came in|because of the name.
- Hmm.|- Serendipity. It's one|of my favorite words.
- It is? Why?|- Uh-huh.
'Cause it's such a nice sound for|what it means: a fortunate accident.
- Mm.|- Except I don't really|believe in accidents.
- I think fate's behind everything.|- Oh, you do?
- Yeah.|- Fate's behind everything?
- I think so.|- Everything's predestined?
- We don't have any choice at all?|- I thinkwe make our own decisions.
I just think that fate|sends us little signs,
and it's how we read the signs|that determines whether|we're happy or not.
- Little signals. Yeah.|- Yeah.
Fortunate accidents.|Lucky discoveries.|Columbus in America.
- Yeah, or Fleming|discovering penicillin.|- Penicillin.
- Fleming is his name?|- Yes.
Or "Jonathan|and the Gloves."
- I don't know that one.|- You don't know that story?
It's an old|folk tale classic.
Our hero, Jonathan, goes out|in search of black gloves.
And in a perfect act|of "serendipiocity"|or "serendipaciousness,"
he runs into a beautiful, attractive|English girl with a boyfriend.
You have a boyfriend, right?
- Yeah, I do.|- That's what I thought.
- And you have the glove lady.|- Yes, I do.
- Mm-hmm.|- It was a very nice time.
- Well, I hope you enjoy the|gloves you bought yourself.|- Oh, I'm sure I will.
I usually appreciate|my own thoughtfulness.|What do you want for Christmas?
- Golfclubs.|- Oh.
So you're gonna meet|your boyfriend now or what?
No, I think he's probably|out doing what you're doing.
Getting a crush on|someone else's girlfriend?
No, I'm sorry. I just meant to say|I had a really great time.
You know, maybe you should|give me your phone number,|you know, just in case.
- In case of what?|- You know, in case of life.
I just had a great time, and I'd|never be able to find you again.
Well, if we're meant to meet again,|then we'll meet again.
It's just not|the right time now.
Maybe we were supposed|to meet on British time|and we're five hours too early.
Come on.|I don't even know your name.|My name is Jonathan.
- Does that make you|wanna tell me something?|- Yeah, it does.
Merry Christmas, Jonathan.|And thanks.
That's it?
# I can feel my heart #
- Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry about that.|- # And it's about to burst #
# I try to clean it up #
# But I just get worse #
# Wish I could fall #
# On a night like this #
- # Into your loving arms #|- I think I left a scarf.
No. Nothing down here.|Why don't you go upstairs?
- Maybe it's still there.|- Thank you.
# I thought I saw your face #
# In the evening sky #
# On a lonesome cloud #
# That was drifting by #
# I wish I could fall #
# On a night like this #
# Into your loving arms ##
Let's go do something.
All right.|What you wanna do?
I don't care.
All right. Come on.
Now, promise me you're not|just visiting here for a week...
or marrying somebody|to get a green card or on parole.
None of the above. You?
No, no, no. Proud U.S. citizen.|No criminal record.
So you won't tell me|your name.
Well, tell me, uh, what do you|miss most about Mother England?
I miss my mom terribly.
If I were her,|I'd miss you too.
Okay. Favorite movie.
- The correct answer|is Cool Hand Luke.|- I've never seen it.
Oh, come on. You've never seen|Cool Hand Luke?
Paul Newman?|Oh, my God. Come on!
"Failure to communicate."|Sadistic cop in sunglasses|with no name.
Reminds me of you|in that way.
Um, favorite|New York moment.
This one's|climbing the charts.
I'm flattered.
Is there anything else|you need to know about me?
Favorite sexual position?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!|Yeah, yeah. That's my favorite too.
- You all right?|- Yeah.
- Did you hurt yourself?|- No. Yes.
- You did?|Let's take a look at that.|- Ouch.
- Oh, Jesus.|That's a deep, deep gash.|- Gaping.
What? We'll|fix that right up.
There you go.
What? Oh, you're|looking at my freckles.
It's the curse|of the English, I'm afraid.|Fair skin and bad teeth.
No, you have great teeth.
Those aren't just freckles.
If you look closely,|you can see Cassiopeia.
- What?|- Right there.
Hold on a minute.
Okay. All right,|here's the story.
A long time ago in Ethiopia,
there was this queen|named Cassiopeia...
who thought she was the most|beautiful woman in the entire world,
and there wasn't anybody in|the kingdom who wasn't offended...
by this woman's|relentless vanity.
And then one day, she really|screwed up and offended the gods.
I don't remember what she did and|I don't remember who she offended.
But it was bad.|She crossed the line.
But anyway, Poseidon, the sea god,|punished Cassiopeia...
by placing her in the heavens|upside down on her throne,
stuck for eternity with her skirt|around her shoulders...
and all the blood|rushing to her head.
And now she's just|a constellation in the sky,
a bunch of English freckles|in the shape of a throne.
So she made|one tragic mistake.
And paid for eternity.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.|- Legible, legible.
- I can't believe I'm doing this.|- Now, please, please.
Let fate take|its proper course.
- That was an accident.|Write down that again, please.|- I can't.
That was a sign.
Fate's telling us|to back off.
If fate didn't want|us to be together, then why|did we meet tonight, huh?
- Gotcha.|- Well, I don't know.
- But it's not an exact science.|It's a feeling.|- Well, what if you're wrong?
Huh? What if it's all|in our hands and we just walk away?
No names, no phone numbers, nothing.|What do you think's gonna happen?
Do you think good old fate is|just gonna deliver my information...
- right to your doorstep?|- Do you know that's the best|idea you're had all night?
- What's the best--|- Here you go. Write|your name and number down.
- On a $5.00 bill?|- Mm. Just do it.
You are a strange|and interesting woman.
Now what?
Wait there.
What the hell was that?
When that $5.00 bill|makes it back into my hands,|I'll be able to call you.
And when you hear|my voice on the other end,
then you'll believe|in fate, won't you?
- Hey, what about me?|- What do you mean?
Well, we have to send|something out in the universe|with your name on it, don't we?
- Come on. Isn't that|the only fair thing?|- That is the only fair thing.
What have I got, even?|Ooh. No. I have a really good idea.
- What?|- Okay.
- That's a lot of tuba.|- Okay, see this book?
Okay, so when|I get home tonight,
I'm gonna write my name|and number inside this book.
And then first thing|tomorrow morning, I'll sell it|to a used book store.
Which one?
You're not gonna tell me.|You're not gonna tell me. Why not?
Well, now, every time|you go past an old book store,
you're gonna have to go inside|to see if it's there.
This is just wrong.|You don't just have the most|incredible night of your life...
with a perfect stranger and then|leave it all to chance, do ya?
- Do ya?|- Come with me a second.
What, we're gonna get a room?
I'm kidding.|But I wanna know you more.
- Come on. Where are we going?|- Okay.
- Now, you stay here.|- Okay.
- No, stay here. Stay there.|Don't make me come over there.|- Okay.
All right, if we both|randomly pick the same floor,|we're meant to be together now.
You're insane.
Come on.|Okay, get in.
Take a breath, and then|when the door closes, hit a button.
- I don't understand this.|- You don't have to understand.|You just have to have faith.
Faith in what?
It's Sara.|My name's Sara.
[ Elevator Dings ]
And here it is.|See? You were right.
- Uh--|- Let's go, buddy.
- We're going up here.|- Oh, that's okay.|Josh likes to ride either way.
- Don't you, Josh?|- [ Growling ]
Don't do that!|Don't touch those!
Hey, calm down.|He's just a kid.
[ Hisses ]
- Looks like we've stopped.|- [ Hisses ]
[ Snarling ]
[Yelling, Indistinct]
- We're going again.|- Thank you.
-[Josh]|Where is she? Is she here?|- No, no. I don't think so.
Come on, Josh.|Let's go, buddy.
[Jonathan]|Okay, stay alert.
- [Josh Crying ]|- Is she here?
- No, not here.|Back in the elevator.|- She's not here?
- Come on! Come on!|Move it! Come on, boy!|- [ Dog Barks ]
Hey, Sara. I'm sorry.
- Hey. I'm sorry.|- What?
I'm sorry.
[Man] I usually have to|beg to be a part of weddings.
And if I do get into the wedding,|of course they postponed it,
and it's overseas somewhere,|and they've canceled my passport,
and I can't be a part of it,|and it's ridiculous|and awkward and horrible.
So thank you.|I take this very seriously.
It's a gift|to be the best man.
They say that once in your lifetime,|someone comes along...
whom you're absolutely|meant to be with.
Everything feels great,|stars are aligned,
body and spirit|are in balance.
Formy friend|Jonathan Trager,
that person was me.
But as you know,|Jonny and I were simpatico.
We were brothers|from another mother.
We were friends|since freshman year.
I watched him go out|with woman after woman,|and he'd always come crawling--
he would come crawling|back to me.
- It was embarrassing.|- You loved it.
But then one night he came home|and things were different.
His adole scent dream of becoming|a documentary filmmaker|was a thing of the past.
- Thank God.|- He hardly even responded...
to my playful yet tormented|flicks of my finger...
against the soft part of his skull|as he studied for finals.
And that is because|he had found her.
The woman he was meant to be with.|And if anyone is qualified...
to know when he met his soul mate,|it would be me, his first wife.
She's smart, she's funny,|she's beautiful.
In short, she's the kind of woman|that any man would dream about.
And I think we all have.|So it is with sadness...
and fond, fond memories...
that I raise my glass...
to the new|Mrs. Jonathan Trager.
I'll tell you what.
I'll tell you something. My friends,|if I had to lose Jonny to anyone,
I can't imagine|a more perfect woman than Halley.
Cheers to both of you.
- How drunk is he|on a scale of one to ten?|- Twelve.
You think we'll ever out-romance|Dean and Courtney?
- I don't know. I don't think|I've ever seen them fight.|- Me neither.
Must be a bitch|on their sex life.
We have a pomegranate souffle|which is amazing, which is|different than the sorbet.
Listen, we'd love|to join you guys,
but Courtney has to wake up,|so I got to be good.
Halley, listen to me.|It's not too late to back out.
- Good night, Dean.|- And I'm at 166th and--
Good night, Courtney.
Mama, you don't want to see this.|I need-- I need to snuggle.
- I'm gonna go sleep it off.|Listen, you're wonderful.|- Good night.
- You know what? You need me.|- Take care. Come on, hon.
You guys, listen, I hate to|tell you, but I gotta go home too.
I have to. I gotta get up|at 8:00 in the morning.|My day is crazy tomorrow.
- Come in for one drink.|- He doesn't want to come.|He doesn't have to come.
- I'll see you in about 20 hours.|- Bye-bye, dear.
- I love you, son.|- Night-night.
- George.|- Take care.
You okay?
- You better be up later.|- Yeah, why?
- Because I'm gonna come home|and get undressed...|- Uh-huh?
- and climb into bed,|- Uh-huh?
act like we just got|over a terrible fight.
See you later now.
Reading is good for you.|Knowledge.
- Hold on, hold on. Listen, listen.|- I read it a long time ago.
- I'll throw in the screenplay to|The Bridges of Madison County.|- I saw the movie. It was great.
Okay, and--
And nothing. I mean--|I mean, I did nothing.
I-- I just let her|walk out of the party|and I didn't say anything to her.
And now she's gone forever.
I mean,|she was my soul mate.
Kenny, I honestly|think it's dangerous|to use the term "soul mate."
It implies there's|some magical element|that we have no control over,
like fate or destiny.
I think holding on to beliefs like|that stops us doing the real work.
And the fact is,|if your therapy stays on track,
I think you'll find there|are many, many people out there|you could easily be happy with.
You truly believe|all that, Sara?
Yeah. I really do.
- There you go.|- Thanks.
# From the very first time|I rest my eyes on you, boy #
# My heart said|follow through #
# But I know now that|I'm way down on your line #
# But the waiting|feeling's fine #
# You see #
# I don't wanna wait|in vain for your love #
# I don't wanna wait|in vain for your love #
# I don't wanna wait|in vain for your love #
# 'Cause summer is here #
- # And I'm still waiting there #|- # Summer is here #
- # Winter is here #|- # Winter is here #
# I'm still waiting there #
# Like I said #
# It's been three years since|I'm knocking on your door #
# And I still can knock|some more #
# Ooh, boy Ooh, boy #
# Is it crazy|Look, I wanna know now #
# For I to knock|some more, you see #
# In life I know ##
[Man]|You got to say yes, first.
- Wait a second.|- Ow!
- Let me-- Ow! Ow! Ow!|- I got it. I got it.
- Ow, ow. Ow!|- I got it.
Okay, you're not gonna|read into this, right, Sara?
- I mean, it's just|an accident, nothing more.|- No.
God. We'll|get it refitted.
It's beautiful.|I love it.
You-You get changed.|I'm gonna call Ryan,|tell him you said yes.
- Why? Was he worried?|- Not about you. About the tour.
He's hoping to fit the honeymoon|into the schedule.
How does Bora Bora sound?
Very... sexy-sexy?
# I don't wanna wait|in vain for your love #
# I don't wanna wait|in vain for your love ##
[Man] Now, if you're a golfer|on a one-hour lunch break,
you'd use that time up|just getting to the nearest|course out of Manhattan.
All this was|a long overdue solution.
Formerly a dilapidated pier|and converted just five years ago,
the range offers the inhabitants|of this concrete jungle...
the chance to keep|their drives straight,|their short games accurate...
and most of all, brings the joys|and frustrations of golf...
back to city folk.
This is Nick Roberts,|ESPN News, New York City.
Superb, Nick.|We got it. Thank you.
- Artie, I gotta run, okay?|- What about the B-roll shot?
Paging Sara Lawson.|Paging Sara Lawson.
- Please come to the frontdesk.|- Could you come back and get|the B-roll on Friday?
- Yeah. Whatever you say, boss.|- Thank you, sir.
- I'm Sara Lawson. Hi.|Sorry I'm late.|- How are you?
You're down|at position number two.
[Sara] Oh, right. Bad golfers|all the way down there, right?
Dude, take off.|We got it.
Well, hello,|Mr. Marrying Man.
- Hi. Uh, where's Lauren?|- Oh, Lauren took the day off.
My name is Sara|and I'm gonna cut your hair today.
You know what?
I'm not thrilled with having|that "just cut hair" look|for my own wedding, so--
- I'll just take a little bit off.|- I gotta live with these pictures|the rest of my life.
- Just a little bit.|- Please, you know, uh--
# It's you #
# And me forever #
# Sara, smile #|Whoo!
# Won't you smile|a while for me #
Forget Charles Street.|Take me to the New York Times|building on 42nd, please.
- Mm-hmm.|- # Sara ##
- [ Horns Honking ]|- Whoo!
[Jonathan] I'm telling you,|I keep running into her.
I keep finding it.|It keeps happening.|She was at the golfrange.
She's a big girl now with big hips.|All right?
Then I gotta leave|'cause Sara's gonna cut my hair,
And the guy in the taxi,|he's serenading me, "Sara."
I'm telling you, the universe|keeps revealing her to me,
- screwing with my head.|- You're getting married|in three days.
- That's my point.|- It's entirely duplicitous.
Think about it. Why would you risk|your relationship with Halley...
- just to search|for some pipe dream?|- Just hear me out, man.
I'm sure that|I love Halley, all right?
And maybe every time|you fall in love with somebody,
it's a completely|different experience.
So it's a mistake to compare them.|I get it, but--
All right.
It's like Halley is|The Godfather, Partll.
She's what?
Godfather, Partll.|That was an incredible movie.
Might be better than the original.|All right?
But no matter how much you love|The Godfather, Partll,
you still have|to see the original...
to understand and appreciate|the sequel, don'tya?
Come on. Is it too much to ask from|my oldest friend to help me out?
- You've already got|the fairy-tale marriage.|- I'm the best man.
You work in the biggest|newspaper in the world.|Help me find her.
Let me tell you something.|Contrary to popular New York myth,
the Times|is not omniscient.
I need a last name.|I need a social security number.
- If we find the book--|- It-It-It's a dead end.|You know that.
- Unless we search every|book store in New York.|- You did that.
- Years ago. Do you remember?|- Maybe I missed a store.
- Maybe somebody bought it|and sold it back.|- You know what?
I don't want any part of this.|All right?
[Jonathan]|Maybe I am just getting cold feet.
I'm telling you right now,|British women do not age well.
You know, I mean, years ago,|yes, she was a luscious treat.
You know, she probably looked like,|you know, Baby Spice.
But now|she could look like--
Old Spice.
- It's a great haircut.|- Oh. Thanks.
- Tell me you love me.|- I love you.
- Tell me something romantic.|- Like what?
I don't know. Like...
how I'm the only girl in the|entire universe meant for you.
Oh, my God, the dinner!
By the way, I emptied your closet.|We gotta pack for the honeymoon.
-[Beeping Continues]|- God, I hate this building.
Shut up!
Don't hit it with the thing.
- [Beeping Continues]|- Jon!|- What?
I'm gonna go yell|at the super.
[Halley] I don't understand|why this is going off.
- You said last week|it would be fine.|- Hey, Jon.
This place looks like|a disaster area.
- Thanks, Gerald.|- Gerald, it's in here.
I gotta get going.|Coming!
Come on! I wanna see!|I wanna see!
I thought you wanted|a round-cut diamond.
- Why? When did I say that?|- I'm not exactly sure.
- But when we were younger, I think.|- Oh, God.
When I was younger, I was gonna|marry Boris Becker, wasn't I?
- Hey, guys. What did you think?|- Hey!
Well, I mean, was that last song|really inspired by my sister?
Every artist|needs his muse.
- Who wants to hear the good news?|- Hey, I pay you for the good news.
No. You pay me|to keep away the bad news.
- Bring it on.|- Lars' dates in Stockholm|sold out in eight hours.
That means we're gonna|have to add some more shows.|So we'll bump Paris--
Sorry. I don't wanna|spoil anyone's party,
but Lars and I have|already set the dates|for our honeymoon and our wedding,
and I've told my patients|when I'm going.
Well, baby, your patients can do|without you for a couple weeks.
He's right, Sara.|I mean, a couple of extra weeks|in Europe aren't gonna kill you.
Caroline's just pushing you|to stay longer...
'cause she wants us|to house-sit for you guys.
Yeah, thank you.|I was going to ask her|when she was drunk.
- Actually, that's a great idea.|- Yeah?|- Yes!
Come on, Kip.|Let's get out of here|before Sara changes Lars' mind.
- I said something wrong?|- No, it's--
I've just got|a very detailed schedule...
and my patients|are important too.
- I don't like changing|the dates at the last minute.|- Excuse me. I'm sorry.
But I really need you to approve|these T-shirt designs forAustralia.
- Oh, no problem.|- You don't mind, do you?
- Can we do this later?|- Yeah.
She don't mind.
That's chamomile|for you ladies.
- Nice and hot. Very good.|- Thanks.
Sara, it was a movie poster.|It's no big deal.
It's peculiar though, right?|Don't you think?
Look, I thought you were through|with all this New Age bullshit...
like horoscopes and feng shui|and all the crap.
Eve, for someone|who owns a New Age store,|you are alarmingly earthbound.
Oh, yeah? And for|a shrink-in-training,|you are a little bit crazy.
- I'll tell you that much.|-[Woman] Excuse me.
- Do you carry the Casanova candle?|- As a matter of fact, we do.
Check on the shelf across|from the Caligula incense.
And they're on sale,|so today's your lucky day.
Great. You see,|that is what happens...
when people get hooked|on the New Age life.
They end up sitting at home|burning candles for Mr. Right...
when Mr. Good Enough For Right Now|is waiting at the corner bar.
- [ Giggling ]|- Hi. Oh, yeah.|She's a pain in the ass.
- And I gotta find her.|- I've been here three years,|so this is--
Yeah, I understand.|But your computer system|has been here for a long time.
- I think-- I think you're|just wasting my time, sir.|- No, no.
- Here's the thing.|- There's nothing I can do.
- It's very crucial.|- You cannot be over here.|You cannot come over...
- to this side of the counter.|- All right.
- Please don't cross this line.|Thank you.|- All I really need...
is if you can enter this|account number in the computer...
- and just tell me her name.|- Oh, I see.
When you put it|that way, no.
- Would 20 bucks help?|- It might if I was|a health inspector.
- Listen, this is really important.|- Oh, boy, did it again.
Crossed the line. You have to remain|on the other side of the register.
I don't wanna say it again.|Remain on that side. Thank you.
Let's bottom-line this, huh?|What's it gonna take?|I have to have the name.
Well, I was a little short|on myweekly sales draw.
- Were you?|- I'm just mentioning.
Okay. Um, I'm going|to, uh-- [ Muttering ]
- Uh-uh.|- Look where my feet are.
- Lovely choice, sir.|- Thank you.
Account number|was 029351--
I thought you said you were gonna|help with my weekly draw.
The tie's worth $95.|We're still 700 short.
- $700? That's extortion.|- 700.
That's good|salesmanship, sir.
What do I need?
Ring it up.
- Well, we have a purple tie.|What would go with a purple tie?|- Mm-hmm.
I look like a magician.
All right,|you horrible little man.
I bought the entire spring line.|Okay, you happy?
- Now, look her up.|- I already did.
It was a dead account.|There's no information|in our computers.
- You give me that?|- Hey, chase me.
- Chase you? What? Are you insane?|- Don't cross the line!
- You crossed the line!|- Stop saying that|or I will cut you!
Now, you better find a way|to help me right now!
- I can suggest another option.|- Suggest it fast.
When our customers|apply for a credit card,
the hard copies go to our|storage facility in Queens.
All you need is the account number,|which you already have,
and you can find|her application.
However, you need|an employee to get you in.
You need an employee...
to get you in.
A natural.
- Yeah?|- Yeah. Really natural.
- No, no, no. Cut, cut, cut.|- What's the problem?
The problem is you can't fend|off an army of blood thirsty|Vikings with a shehnai.
- It's illogical.|- No, see-- No, no.
You're lulling them|into submission with the music.
That's the whole point|of the song, really.|"Mystic Surrender."
You don't think he looks|like he hates the music?
No. Hey.
Hey, baby.
- Now, this guy, he's-he's like|Alec Guinness. So good.|- Yeah.
Star Wars.|Obi-Wan.
All right, right here,|what are they doing?|What's their attitude?
- Whatare they thinking?|Whoare thesepeople?|- They're in awe and speechless.
And they're just grateful.|Underfed. Underpaid.
Why don't they ask me to stay|in the village and have a feast?
Yeah. Sara, hey.
- Can we talk for a sec?|- Sure.
Okay, yeah, I'm going|to split, guys.
Lars, I'll tell you what.|I'm gonna talk to the director...
and I'm gonna have him|tweak that whole section.
- It'll be fine. It'll be fine.|- Tell him about the feast.
- What's going on?|- I lost my keys yesterday.
- Oh, that's a drag.|- And I've just|found them in the freezer.
I don't get it.|Is that a joke?
No, Lars,|it's not a joke.
I feel like|I'm losing my mind.
It's the wedding plans|and the tour and my patients.
It's just a bit|too much to deal with.
Okay, Sara, look. We're leaving|for Toronto in the morning,
- so don't fall apart on me now.|- I know, I know, I know.
And that's why I think|I need a little break.
What do you mean,|a little break?
No, not that kind|of little break.
I just mean a weekend away|to recharge my batteries|and clear my head.
Hey, this has nothing|to do with the other night.
I just need this.|I need it for me.
But I won't go|unless you say it's okay.
- It's okay.|- Thank you.
Okay. Where are you going?|Where are you going?
Oh, I don't know.|New York, maybe.
- Happy birthday.|- Oh, my God.
Are you serious?|Get out of town.
Yeah, that's the idea.
- Thanks. Talk to you soon.|- Okay.
This is unbelievable.
Sara, really, this is|way too generous of you.
Oh, come on.|Can't a girl do something nice|for her friend on her birthday?
There's no ulterior motives?
Well, yeah.
I'm getting married in a week|and I'd just like to have|one last fling...
with my best friend|before I walk down the aisle.
- It's so sweet. But, you know,|you're really not my type.|- Oh, thanks.
- We're going to New York?|- Yeah. Yea!
# I want you|to get together #
# I want you|to get together #
#I want you|to get together#
# Put your hands together|one time #
# I want you|to get together #
# I want you|to get together ##
Hey! Excuse me.
- Why so tense?|- Because you're|freaking me out, all right?
- Is there another space|you can be in?|- Oh. Excusez-moi.
- Uh-huh.|- And what is it you do?
Why, my sales clerk friend,|I happen to write for|a little publication.
Maybe you've heard of it.|It's called the New York Times.
- Oh.|- Yeah.|-[Phone Ringing]
Hello. Who?
Dean? And who may|I say is calling?
Huh? Hang on.|Your editor.
Hi. No.
Didn't get a chance|to write that one. Uh--
Didn't write|that one either.
Uh, with all due respect, sir,|they'll all still be dead tomorrow.
Okay. Thank you.|Bye-bye.
- You write for the obituaries.|- Absolutely. Yeah.
- You must be very proud.|- Uh-huh. I'm the one|with the last word.
- Not tonight. I don't think so.|- Yes, I am. Absolutely.
- Fat chance. Last line.|- Still talking. Yeah, right here.
I don't know. I don't know.|My eyes are killing me.
- Tell me these numbers match.|- I'll tell you.
- Let me see.|- Don't do that.
- Ah-ah!|- Is it 0293?
- You got it?|- I think you found her.
Too bad the last name's|completely smudged out, though.
Well, it's his fault.|It was his thumb.
When he grabbed it, his thumb|went right across the name.
Completely. I'm kidding.|It was smudged in my hand.
- Would you stop it?|- It's just a little joke.|That's carbon paper for you.
I guess that's why|America rejected it.
- What's that address?|Is that her address?|- That's seven years ago, man.
So go to the building|leasing office...
and you'll find out|who lived there seven years ago.
It ain't rocket science.
Thank you.
- Hi.|- Hey.
- Where to?|- Yeah, where are we going?
- Uh, okay, take us...|anywhere in New York.|- Excuse me?
Anywhere. Wherever|you feel like going.
- That's not a destination, lady.|- Wait. You didn't make reservations?
- Um, okay, Eve, please|don't get mad at me.|- What?
Oh, no.|I cannot believe this.
I need|a borough here, ladies.
I was gonna tell you|when we got on the plane.
You know what?|That's really sneaky of you, Sara.
- I'm not a bloody psychic.|- Eve, wait!
- Eve. Eve!|- You tricked me.
I knew you wouldn't come|if I told you the truth.|I needed my best friend with me.
What are you doing, Sara?
Honestly, Sara, I don't|understand you anymore, okay?
Please, tell me something.
Tell me anything that makes|just a little bit of sense.
I've just spent|the entire flight...
staring into the sky,|thinking.
Not about my fiance,|but about this mystery guy...
I met a million|and a half hours ago.
A guy I don't even remember,|except for this...
vague picture I have|inside my head.
It was just a few seconds.|A fragment, really.
And it was like...
in that moment,
the whole universe existed|just to bring us together.
That's why I'm here.
That's why I'm gonna let fate|take me wherever it wants to go.
Because when all this is over,|at least I'm never gonna have|to think of him ever again.
Let's just pray|he's a bald fascist...
who picks his nose|and wipes it under the car seat.
- Hi.|- Hi.
Could you hold on?
Where are you going?
You better be buying me one|frigging big birthday cake,|that's all I gotta say.
Could I get your|destination, please?
- The Waldorf, I guess.|- Finally she gets it.
Okay, we are going...|that way.
And I'm gonna follow.
You can do it yourself. Just open up|the computer and look into it.
- I'm not even sure that I can|give you this information.|- If you can't, why can't you?
Because I'm just a temp, okay?|I don't know the rules.
Couple of months out of college,|you're acting like you're|part of the establishment.
No, no, no, no, no--|What about privacy law, huh?
Forget about privacy laws.|You know what privacy laws do?
- No.|- They protect millionaires.|Do you know who those are?
- Who?|- Tell him who they are.
- Tell him.|- Kids your age.
Pimple-faced college dropouts who|have made unhealthy sums of money...
forming Internet companies|that create no concrete products,
provide no viable services and still|manage to generate profits...
for all of its lazy, day-trading,|son-of-a-bitch shareholders.
Meanwhile, as a tortured member|of the disenfranchised proletariat,
you find some altruistic need|to protect these digital|plantation owners?
Wow. Come on.
Come on.
- You guys want the tenant|on record in 1994?|- December, to be exact.
- There's your tenant.|- Sebastian Mig-non?
No. Mignon.|It's French.
No, we're looking|for someone named Sara.|You got the right one?
- Maybe he was her boyfriend.|- Thanks.
- You did the right thing.|Really, you did.|- Goodwork, pal.
You got it.|M-I-G-N-O-N.
You got it?|There you go.
- Thank you so much, Sally.|You gotta love her.|- Where is he?
- Brooklyn.|- Okay, let's, uh--|let's grab a subway.
Wait a minute. Wait. Aren't you|forgetting about something?
- What?|- Wedding rehearsal.|Bachelor party.
- Plenty of time.|Plenty of time. Come on.|- You sure?
- Yes. Gotta go to Brooklyn.|Come on.|- [ Barks ]
[ Gasps ]|Prada!
Oh, my God!
Ooh! Prada!
Ooh, I love this stuff.
- That's $20.|- Twenty bucks?
Eve, that's|a horrific knockoff.
At least my fake says "Prada."|Yours says "Prado."
Yeah? Well,|I say for a dollar,
I can buy a little|Magic Marker and fix that.
I'll take it.|Twenty bucks?
Right back here.|Here you go.
Two buckets of balls for the price|of one at the Chelsea Piers today.
- So where are we going to now?|- I don't know.
- Lady, lady, you're a golfer?|- I feel like I feel something.
- Two for the price of one.|- Right where I'm standing.|Hey! Who are you?
Can you believe that?|Two bucket of-- Whoa!
- Will you help me up, ma'am?|Yeah, yeah, help me up.|- Oh, my God.
- Are you okay?|- Is the ball okay?
- Yeah, the back of the head.|Is that all right?|- Oh, my. Goodness gracious.
- I'm all right.|Can you get the flyers?|- Here you go.
- Taxi!|- Sara!
They should|make pills for this.
He's gotta be here.
He's got to be here.|I can feel it.
- Excuse me. Miss?|- Yeah?
- You're blocking my shot.|- Oh.
Oh. Sorry.
This is Nick Roberts,|ESPN News, New York City.
- Oh!|-[Eve] Do you know|who plays golf?.
Guys who are too fat|to play tennis.
Like that guy.
[Man #1]|Well, this is a special occasion.
After all, how many times in your|life is your son gonna get married?
[Man #2]|Well said.
- You wanna know|why I love this game?|- No. Why?
I'll tell ya.
You can take years off from playing|and still come back strong.
Well, me, I haven't played|in over five years.
You're kidding.
- Ow!|- Ooh!
- Are you all right?|- I'm okay.|- Sorry up there.
- Eve, look out!|- Go.
- Oh!|- Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.|I'm, so sorr-- Are you okay?
[ Sara ] Please say something.|Say something.
[ Eve ]|I think I swallowed a filling.
Thank you for letting us in.|Now, Mr. Mignon,
we have an odd and some what|personal question to ask you.
Mr. Mignon.
Mignon. Like the meat.
Mr. Mignon, a few years ago,|did you live with a girl,|first name Sara?
Attractive, dark hair,|kind of, like, mysterious,|you know, really amazing...
- girl.|- Oui.
- Do you know where we can|locate this individual?|- No, I do not.
- Do you remember her last name?|- No.
Oh, come on. You don't|even remember the last name|of your ex-girlfriend?
- I find that hard to believe.|- You don't understand anything.
She was not my girlfriend.|She was just, uh, a roommate.
She stayed with me|for a very short period of time.
- She was placed with me by--|- A roommate finder's service?
Oui. She stayed with me with|her boyfriend for a few months--
- I don't care about him.|- And then he moved out|very quickly.
And at the end of the year,|she moved out too.
Yeah, but did she|leave anything behind,
maybe with her last name on it,|like a receipt, a bill?
- Like a piece of luggage?|- No. No, no.
Anything would help,|really. Anything.
I remember she sat on me.
She-- She sat on you?
Yes. She sat on me|for a while.
I found her...
I guess that is why I started|painting her in the first place.
Oh. She sat for you.|I'm sorry.
That is what I said.
- That's what he said.|- That's what I said.
Do you happen|to have the painting?
Hey, now you're gonna see|what it's all about.|You know, you see her face.
Okay. Yeah.
This is her, yes?
Yeah, sure.|Around the eyes a little.
I mean, I'm definitely getting|the British thing, you know,|with the crown and the scepter.
- Do you have a name for|the roommate finder's service?|- They would have the information.
No, I do not.
But if it helps, I do remember|where the service was located.
- Absolutely!|- Yes! Where? Where?
- Manhattan.|- Where in Manhattan, Mr. Mignon?
On 60thStreet.
- East side or west side?|- It was just next to that--
on the left of that|splendid little patisserie,
Get-- Get ready.
Happy birthday.|It's on the house.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm a god-awful friend.
- No, you will be if you sing.|- [ Laughs ]
Eve, thanks so much|for coming with me.
You're welcome.
Sara, you know,|it's a wonderful thought.
The idea that all of life,|that every single event|is part of some master plan...
designed to lead us|to our universal soul mate.
But if that's really true,|then what's the point of living?
Or making decisions?|Hell, why should we even|get out of bed in the morning?
For the cake?
No. Not for cake.
So that you make mistakes.
Mistakes like this trip.
And if you're smart enough,|you learn from your mistakes.
You figure it out.|You-You think.
You realize that life|isn't some elaborate stage play|with directions for the actors.
Life's a mess, Sara.
It's-It's|chaos personified.
I have to give it|all up now, don't I?
Sara, you have a fiance who,
despite his weird|Eastern music,
which we hope is|just a phase, let's hope,
loves you|very, very, very much.
It's not giving up.|It's growing up.
[ Sighs ]
Let's get out of here.
- Here's one.|- Ooh, catch it.
- It's a bridal shop.|- Oh, my God. The irony.
- Wait right here.|I'll be right back. Stay here.|- Why?
- Time, please?|- Uh, about 7:30.
Right. Right.
They moved downtown. If we get lucky|with traffic, we can still hit it.
- What time is rehearsal?|- Can't do it.
- Taxi!|- It's over, man.
- What are you talking about?|- How can I ignore that?|"Bless the goddamn bride"?
- What?|- It can't get|any more clearer than this.
I'm not supposed to be doing this.|It's not in the cards.
Hey, it's another|one of your clues, man.|Let's talk about it in the cab...
- on the way over.|- It's not a clue. It's a sign.
- What's the difference?|- A clue is what a detective|uses to find a suspect.
The receipt, the warehouse,|that French guy-- those|are clues. This is a sign.
Me never finding the book,|that's a sign.
Sara never finding the $5.00 bill,|that's a sign.
How could something|not happening be a sign?
Maybe the absence|of signs is a sign.
Isn't it?
That's lucid.
Look, I don't know, man.|Maybe there is no fate.
And if there is,|it's not working for me.
You know, it's not actually supposed|to end this way, by the way.
We're supposed to pull the curtain|and see the wizard, all right?
- Get to the end of the river.|- This is the end of the river.|My wedding rehearsal...
starts in less|than an hour.
- My bride is waiting for me.|- Let me ask you something here.
If Sara were here right now,|poof, came down, what would|she tell you to do?
She would tell me to run,|not walk to the Waldorf...
because all the signs|point to me getting married.
Look. Wedding dress.|Lots of white.
- I hate to state the obvious--|- State it.
If you don't do this,|you may never find out who Sara is.
Maybe I was never|supposed to.
Maybe all this|is just a maze...
designed to lead me directly|back to where I started.
Which is getting married.
They should make pills|for this.
- Halley?|- Oh, my God. Eve!
What a crazy coincidence!|How are you?
- Good.|- Oh, my God.|Sara, can you believe...
that I was Halley's R.A.|in college?
Isn't that funny?|Oh, I'm sorry. This is Sara.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.|- Nice to meet you too.
Oh, my gosh. What's it been,|like eight or nine years?
Eve was, uh--|I went to B.U. with Eve.
- Well, isn't that wonderful?|- Yeah. How about that?
So what are you doing here?
- I'm getting married tomorrow.|- You are? Congratulations.
- Congratulations.|- Wow!
- Thanks.|- In this hotel?
Yeah, at noon.|We're going to rehearsal.|Why don't you come watch?
- Why don't you go?|- Okay, sure. I would love|to come and watch.
And you can bring your...|partner if you want.
- Oh!|- Oh! No, no.
I have to go upstairs|and call my fiance-- who's a man.
Oh! You must be|very proud.
- Okay, so have a good one.|I'll see you later.|- Okay, good.
Good-bye,|my sweet lesbian lady lover.
I'm just kidding.|It's just a joke between us.
What are you doing?
- How did you know where I was?|- Intuition.
No. I went through|the New York Hotel Guide.
Alphabetically, in reverse.|I started with "Z."
Sara, I missed you so much.
I'm sorry. I don't blame you|for running away.
I was so... focused|on the album, the video.
l, Jonathan, take you, Halley,|to be my wife,
and I promise to love|and sustain you...
in the bond of marriage|from this day forward.
[Dialogue Fades Out]
And obviously, Jonathan,|you'll be looking at Halley.
- [Laughter]|- And that's when the actual|ceremony will conclude.
- Excuse me. I need|some help over here.|- What?
And then--|then you're married.
Hal, who's that girl|over there?
- Oh, that's my old friend Eve.|- Oh.
[Woman]|Okay, everyone, that's a wrap.
And now make sure to|be here tomorrow morning|at 9:00 sharp for pictures.
I hate to break up a good thing,|but we have some strippers|waiting for us. We're late.
- You mean "exotic dancers."|- No, no. I mean "strippers."
- The women who take off everything.|- I'll see you men at 9:00.
But remember, I promised Judy|I'd be home by 10:00.
Fantastic. It gives you|an hour to get crazy.
Let's get into it.
Before you take Jon and Dad off|to your male-bonding ritual,|I need to talk to him.
Okay. Beautiful bride.|I'll be in the cab.
- Hi.|- I want you to meet Jon.
- Hi. It's so nice to meet you.|- I would love|for you to come tomorrow.
- We'd feel terrible if you didn't.|- Really?
- Yeah.|- That's so sweet.|It's tomorrow at noon?
Yeah, and you can bring|your friend if you want.
- Okay. I'll be there.|- Be there.
Thank you.|That's so nice.
- See you tomorrow.|- Nice to meet you. Bye. See you.
- Halley, what is it?|What's wrong?|- It's you.
- What do you mean, it's me?|What did I do?|- Nothing, exactly.
It's just this feeling|I have, like--
like you've been somewhere else|for the past few days.
- That's not true.|- Don't lie to me, Jonathan.
I've dreamed about this|my entire life, and-and...
I've imagined the dress|and the flowers...
and even the music|the band was gonna play.
And everything is exactly the way|I want it, except for my fiance,
who's just decided to float off|to Never-Never Land.
Look, maybe I've been a little bit|out of it the past week,
but it's just normal,|you know, guy stuff.
- It's a little cold feet.|Doesn't mean I don't love you.|- Well, call me crazy,
but I'd like|my fiance's feet to be warm,
especially when we're hours|from going down the aisle.
I'm sorry, Hal.|Really, I am.
Whatever it is that|you're holding on to,
please just let it go.
I think it already|let go of me, okay?
- What's this?|- What do you think?
It's the traditional|groom's gift.
- I got yours,|and I forgot to bring it.|- I know. It's okay.
Open it.
It's a first edition.
It's just that every time|we go into a bookstore,|you're always flipping through it.
And I checked this week.|You don't even have a copy.
What's wrong?|Don't you like it?
It's perfect.
It's an excellent choice.
# When you know #
# That you know #
# Who you love #
# You can't deny it #
What's going on?|Are you all right?
Her name's Sara Thomas.
How did--
Halley gave it to me|as a wedding gift.
# Never let him go #
# 'Cause you know #
# And you know|that you know #
It's Dean from obits.|Hey.
I need an address for a Sara Thomas.|S-A-R-A T-H-O-M-A-S.
Uh, I got|an old phone number.
Yeah, we'll hold.
[Lars] Hang on.|Sir, can you pull this thing over?
I can't hear a thing.
Honey, just one second.|Okay, go. What?
We have to cancel|Dusseldorf. Why?
We have to cancel Stockholm?
# You can feel|love's around you #
# Like the sky|round the moon #
# This is how|love has found you #
# Now you know|what to do #
# When you know ##
Oh. Look at those stars.
They all have names,|you know.
I don't know|what that is.
It's Cassiopeia.
The... stars in the sky.
It's Cassiopeia.
You realize with the time delay,|if our return flight takes off|more than ten minutes late,
I miss my own wedding, okay?
- Does that bother you|in the slightest?|- You are a jackass.
- Well, thank you.|- You are. You--
Y-Y-You're my hero,|you know?
You're like my oracle|and shit, you know?
You're out there, man,|and you're making it happen.
Courtney moved out.
- What?|- Yeah. It's-- Look, man.
We'd been fighting|for a really long time.
Why didn't you tell me?
We didn't want to ruin|your wedding, man.
- Didn't want to rain|on your parade, man.|- What the hell happened?
We just--
We let it slip away,|you know?
That's the point. It--|You know, it died.
- We died.|- What was the cause of death?
Not enough of all of this,|of this, of this.
And not enough,|you know? Do you--
Do you remember|the philosopher Epictetus?|You remember what he said?
He said, "If you want to|improve, be content to be|thought foolish and stupid."
That's what you've done.
- I work hard at it.|- Now I want to be a jackass.
You know?|You're the shit!
That would be me, the shit.
[Dean]|Yeah. He's the shit. Okay.
## [Soft Rock]
You know what, old buddy?|On second thought,|maybe you should call first.
- What are you talking about?|- Give her a ring.|It's more polite that way.
Calling her gives her|a chance to clean up.
I don't care how clean|her house is!
- She might.|- What are you talking about?
- You told me to go!|You said I was your hero!|- I forbid you to look.
- You can't look!|- Why are you hanging on?
- I don't want you to get hurt.|Don't get hurt!|- You're hurting me!
I think that went very well.
Didn't-- Didn't she say that|everything happens for a reason?
- Yeah, she did.|- Well, maybe we're|laying here because--
Because why?
Because you don't want to|be standing somewhere else.
I see. Yeah.|We're crawling. We're crawling.
Ladies and gentlemen,|this is the captain speaking.
I'm sorry to report that we're gonna|be on the ground a little longer...
due to some bad weather|heading this way.
The air traffic controller|has put us on hold,
so in the mean time,|I've asked the cabin attendants|to start the movie.
- Hey, you getting ready?|- Yeah.
You know me.|I love a good wedding.
- So have you talked to Lars?|- Yeah.
We spoke this morning|before he left.
I think he's gonna be okay.|At least I hope so.
Of course he's gonna be okay,|and you're gonna be okay too.
Oh, you know what?|There's a lady glaring at me.
I don't think I'm supposed|to be on the phone.|Can I call you when I get home?
Have a safe flight, okay?
- Lots of love. Bye.|- Headsets?
- Yes, I will.|- $3.00, please.
What the hell is this?
Something the matter?
Yes. I think I've mixed up|my wallet with my friend's.
Yes, I have.|See? Prado.
Oh. Well, is there|any money in it?
I'll have a look.
Yes, there is.|Thank you.
Two ones... and a five.
- Thank you very much, sir.|- Thank you.
- Uh, sorry. Excuse me.|- That's this gentleman's change.
- Jonathan. Jonathan.|- Excuse me. I just--
Sorry. You know what?|I'm going to--
Thank you. Excuse me.|Sorry. Whoo! I'm sorry!
Hi. Yeah.|It's in New York City.
I need the address|of a Jonathan Trager.
Yeah. T-R-A-G-E-R.
Hi. I'm looking|for a Jonathan Trager.|Is this his building?
- You must be late.|- Late for what?
The wedding.|Waldorf-Astoria.
- He's getting married?|- Might be already.
- Wait! Hey, wait! Wait!|Excuse me!|- [ Tires Screech ]
Sorry. Can you take me|to the Waldorf-Astoria|as fast as you can go, please?
Can you see what it is?
Oh! Sorry. Sorry!
Oh. Oh, please, God, no.
- Stop!|- Stop?
Is it over?
- The wedding?|- Yeah.
Oh, yeah.|It's over, all right.
Butdon't worry.
You'll get|your present back.
- Excuse me?|- They always return thepresents.
You asked|if it was over.
The truth is,|it never even began.
- What?|- Yeah. He called the whole|thing off this morning.
He called it off?
That's terrible.
Were you a friend|of the bride?
Or the groom?
[Bell Tolling]
- What's up with this weather?|- What happened to spring?
- So, what kind of|pep talk do you want?|- What do you got?
Well, I've got the inspirational|"You can achieve anything|you dream about."
It's very popular,|but not appropriate for this.
Of course, there's the "Don't worry,|there's more fish in the sea" pap.
- No.|- Uh, we can always|fall back on the classic...
"When God shuts a door,|he opens a window."
How about telling me|I did the right thing?
I don't have to tell you.
I wrote it.
- What's this?|- It's your obituary.
- Nice.|- Turns out I had writer's block...
penning your best man speech,|and that's what ended up coming out.
Blame it on the day job.
- Twenty, right?|- Thanks.
- You going to see Courtney?|- Absolutely.
I needed this.
You know, the Greeks|didn't write obituaries.
They only asked one question|after a man died:
"Did he have passion?"
How do I look?
Like a jackass.
- Good luck, man.|- Thank you.
[Dean]|Jonathan Trager,
prominent televisionproducer|for ESPN,
died last night from|complications of losing|his soulmate and his fiance.
He was 35 years old|and soft-spoken and obsessive.
Trager never looked the part|of a hopeless romantic.
But in the final days|of his life,
he revealed|an unknown side of his psyche.
This hidden|quasi-Jungian persona...
surfaced during|the Agatha Christie-like pursuit|for his long-reputed soulmate,
a woman whom he only spent|a few precious hours with.
Sadly, the protracted search|ended late Saturday night...
in complete and utter failure.
Yet even in certain defeat,
the courageous Trager|secretly clung to the belief...
that life is not merely|a series of meaningless|accidents or coincidences.
Uh-uh. But rather|it's a tapestry of events...
that culminate in|an exquisite, sublime plan.
Asked about the loss|of his dear friend, Dean Kansky,
the Pulitzer Prize-winning|author and executive editor|of the New York Times,
described Jonathan as a changed man|in the last days of his life.
"Things were clearer for him, "|Kansky noted.
Ultimately, Jonathan concluded|that if weare to live life|in harmony with the universe,
we must all possess a powerful|faith in what the ancients|used to call "fatum,"
- what we currently|refer to as destiny.|- Destiny.
- So what are you gonna do?|- I don't know.
I guess I'm just gonna|try and find him or something.
I don't think you should do that.|I really don't.
- Well, what do you think|I should do?|- Just be here.
- I feel it.|I feel it in the air.|- Eve, what's happened to you?
You've become your own|worst nightmare right there.
And please put a jacket on.|It's freezing out here.
[Bell Tolling]
# I never felt magic|crazy as this #
# I never saw moons|knew the meaning of the sea #
# I never held emotion|in the palm of my hand #
# Or felt sweet breezes|in the top of a tree #
# But now you're here #
# Brighten my northern sky #
I'm Jon.
I'm Sara.
# I've been a long time|that I'm waiting #
# I've been a long time|that I'm blown #
# I've been a long time|that I've wandered #
# Through the people|I have known #
# Oh, if you would|and you could #
# Straighten my new mind's eye #
# Would you love me|for my money #
# Or would you love me|for my head ##
- Happy anniversary.|- When did you get to be|so unabashedly romantic?
I think it's good luck we return|each year to the scene of the crime.
- Cheers.|- Cheers.
Oh, I don't think so!|No beverages on the premises!
- I'm gonna have|to ask you to leave.|- Hey, how you doing?
- Don't you remember me?|This is the girl.|- Yes, I do.
- Miss Carbon Copy? I see.|- Yes.
- This is the guy who helped me--|- If you're not gonna|purchase anything,
please make room|for paying customers.
- We do. We want some gloves.|Black cashmere gloves.|-[Bell Ringing]
Oh, I'm sorry.|That'll be the closing bell.
Perhaps tomorrow.|Store hours 10:00 to 7:00,|except Sundays and holidays...
Perhaps tomorrow.|Store hours 10:00 to 7:00,|except Sundays and holidays...
- He warms up.|- at the discretion|of the management...
or the possible exception|of visiting dignitaries.
Oh, no, no, no! Please!|On the other side of the counter.
You cannot come back here. This is|for authorized personnel only.
Please remain on|the other side of the counter.
Thank you very much.
# Yeah, from Coney Island|to the Sunset Strip #
# Somebody's gonna make|a happy trip #
# Tonight #
# While the moon is bright #
# He's gonna have|a bag of crazy toys #
# To give to|the girls and boys #
# So dig #
# Santa comes on big #
# Come a-callin'|when it snows the most #
# Cats are sleepin'|warm as toast #
# And you're gonna flip|when old Saint Nick #
# Lays a lick|on the peppermint stick #
# He'll come a-flyin'|from a higher place #
# Fill the stockings|by the fireplace #
# So you'll #
# Have a yule that's cool #
# Have a yule that's cool ##
Yeah, a cool yule!|[Laughs]
# The sky has lost its color #
# The sun has turned to gray #
# At least that's how|it feels to me #
# Whenever you're away #
# I crawl up in a corner #
# To watch the minutes pass #
# I can't take the miles #
# I can't take the time|till I next see you smile #
# I can't take the distance #
# And I'm not ashamed #
# That with every breath|I take #
# I'm callin' your name #
# But I can't take|the distance #
# And I'm not ashamed #
# That with every breath|I take #
# I'm calling your name #
# I can't take the distance #
# As long as you're away #
# Gonna find solace #
# The distance #
# Gonna find solace #
# I can't take the distance|anymore ##
# This year|is gonna be incredible #
# This year|is gonna be the one #
# All the planets|are linin' up for me #
# This year|I'm gonna have fun #
# This year|I'll paint my masterpiece #
# This year|I'll be recognized #
# I can feel|I'll fallin love for real #
# This year, this year #
# January|I'll learn to fly #
# February|love's gonna find me #
# March, April, May #
# I'll get carried away #
# Oh, oh #
# This year|is gonna be incredible #
# This year|is gonna be the one #
# All the planets|are lining up for me #
# This year|I'm gonna have fun #
# I'm gonna have fun #
# Just watch me this year #
# This year #
# This year ##