Seres Queridos (Only Human) (2004)

- What are you doing?
- Changing my shirt.
Did you forget the deodorant?
I don't think so.
I've never seen
such huge aureoles.
- Perhaps you have a fever.
- No, I don't.
I sweat when I'm being
questioned by a Nazi.
- He wasn't a Nazi.
- Yes, he was.
He worked for Iberia.
Nazi. Look how
he left my suitcase.
You shouldn't use the word
'Nazi' so lightly.
It wasn't your ass
that was examined.
- You would have liked that.
- You don't believe me?
- He was looking for explosives.
- Really?
Now you want details.
How do I look?
What's wrong?
We're too tense.
Let's make love.
I'll remove the explosives.
Remind me why we are together.
- It will sound corny.
- I don't care.
We love each other
and we don't care what people think.
My little sister.
Okay. Two.
Well, redhead.
Like a scarecrow.
Completely shapeless.
Like two fried eggs.
Why are you so interested?
You're a pig.
You're still a pig.
Find out yourself.
Because talking about my sister bores me.
Because she's frigid.
- Get out!
- You've been there for an hour.
I'm naked.
- It's four minutes away.
- Shove them up your ass.
- I'm not looking.
- Yeah, right.
My brother.
Getting ready to jerk off.
What are you doing?
You can't cut paper
when Sabbath begins.
He's religious now.
He's like The Fiddler on the Roof.
What does the rabbi think about
your touching your violin?
- That's my towel.
- Give me mine.
- Is acne contagious?
- Are louses contagious?
- Mom!
- Leave your brother alone.
I'll see you at 11.
- Where's my duck?
- In the toilet.
What if somebody flushes it?
- How are we supposed to bathe?
- Take it easy.
Don't be upset.
Everything's okay.
- He's going to get away.
- He can't fly.
- And jump?
- He can't jump either.
I need those 50 back.
You can't handle money during Sabbath.
- Somebody get that!
- You're mean.
- They are mean.
- They don't kill you.
- Tania!
- I'm waxing!
- Killing is wrong.
- Not always, sweetheart.
- David!
- You're not a human being.
Go on and open the door.
- Who are you?
- You know who I am.
- I'm your Aunt Leni.
- No.
- I'm not your Aunt Leni?
- No!
Will you give me a kiss?
- You're really fat.
- I'm going to have a baby.
A boy or a girl?
- This is Rafi.
- Hi.
This is for you.
Do you think we should have kids?
Yes, but not like her.
Maybe we'll be lousy parents.
- You definitely will.
- Leni!
Look who's talking.
- I'm in the kitchen.
- I know.
My girl!
Honey. I really missed you.
- Haven't you seen me on TV?
- It's not the same.
You must speak to your sister.
This is Rafi.
I'm sorry, I have to kiss her
as much as I can.
- Don't mind me.
- He speaks so well.
- Thanks. I came when I was 12.
- He's also modest.
It makes me very happy
to see her happy.
She's the only thing
I can be proud of.
No, please, she'll get sick.
That's so sweet.
You didn't have to.
I also brought you this.
Where are you going, David?
You can't turn the lights on
during Sabbath.
- Nice cap.
- Thanks.
What are you doing with that?
- What are you throwing away?
- It's not kosher.
It's not kosher to throw away food.
Say hello to them properly.
- How are the Catalonians?
- They're okay.
I didn't have time
to see your show.
I forgive you.
This is Rafi.
- What does it mean?
- You should teach him Hebrew.
Are you kosher?
Do you eat pork?
- No.
- That's a start.
- I can turn on the candles.
- Some other time.
I want to introduce him
to Dudu.
- What's up with him?
- The usual.
Another trend.
Perhaps he'll stick to this one.
It's better than taking drugs.
They like you.
I think they think I'm Jewish.
I forgot to tell you.
Did you tell them I was Jewish?
- Israeli.
- Israeli?
- You have an Israeli passport.
- Am I also circumcised?
I wanted them to judge you
without prejudice.
- You said they were liberals.
- They are.
Until they find out I'm Palestinian.
Nothing's going to change.
We'll tell them now.
What do I do in the meantime?
Light candles with
your brother the settler?
Tolerance. Remember?
- Dudu, it's me.
- Leni.
The voice of an angel.
It's been so long.
- I want you to meet someone.
- Okay.
- Male or female?
- Male.
- He's not laughing.
- He's mad at me.
- How old? 60?
- 32.
You need to work out.
What section of the army?
- Dudu...
- No, don't say a word.
Give me your hand.
Calluses on his hands,
glasses, languages... IDF.
- What's that?
- Didn't you tell her?
Intelligence Service of the Israeli Army.
In '48 we didn't
need intelligence,
we needed balls.
Where did you fight?
- First Intifada.
- A children's war.
Feel this. 82 years old.
The war of independence,
the war in Suez.
My eardrums exploded,
two bullets in the chest,
two blind eyes,
and I'll show you something else.
Something else.
- I'm a dead man.
- He's harmless.
- I killed four Arabians.
- You shouldn't do that.
We had to do it in the dark.
Ready for the fifth.
Paula! Get out of there.
- That's it with the rifle!
- No, no.
I warned you
I would take it away.
You should respect
an old man.
Paula! Where?
If you don't give it to me,
I'll send you to a home.
I never say 'no' to a woman.
They're all waiting for you.
Here's your medicine,
and the powder for your feet.
Leni, take the girl.
Rafi, the clothes. God.
- What are you doing to my girl?
- What are you doing to her?
This is going to charity.
- I'm sorry. I didn't see her.
- It's not your fault. What?
- I want Band-Aids.
- Come on, I'll get you some.
I have a throbbing headache!
Here you go. Sit down.
Oh, God.
What's all this?
Hormones, for my cholesterol.
And anti-depressants.
Since when do you take
I don't remember.
The doctor prescribed them.
- Why?
- Because I asked him to.
- What kind of doctor is he?
- A very good one.
- Mom!
- What do you expect?
Your granddad depresses me,
your siblings depress me.
- Your father depresses me.
- Where is he, by the way?
Where he usually is.
At work until past midnight.
He has a lower position now.
They used to fire people,
now they lower their position.
I told him you were coming.
He'd rather work for a guy
he can't stand,
than come here
to meet his future son-in-law.
And your sister goes out
seven days a week
to get laid with total strangers.
Talk to her.
What shall I say to her?
That she's 28,
that she has a daughter.
- She has no job.
- What about her dancing?
It's not even enough
to live here for free.
She only thinks about getting laid.
She'll never meet a father
for her daughter.
- She needs some distraction.
- So do I.
But maternity and nymphomania
are not compatible.
What's so funny?
What if she catches AIDS?
She must take precautions.
She never took precautions in her life.
In the bedroom with the girl there.
What if she brings a rapist
or a murderer?
Why do you point at him?
You're right. God!
I'm sorry, Rafi.
You're going to be sick
of this crazy family.
- Of course not.
- Yes, you will.
What are you doing with that?
Let's talk about happy things.
- Where exactly are you from?
- Jerusalem.
Beautiful. Wonderful.
It's a shame I didn't go back there.
And your family?
My father is from Jerusalem
and my mother from Nablus.
I'm sure there aren't many
Jewish people there.
He's Palestinian.
- Who?
- Me.
Try on this dress.
It's yours.
- I don't want it anymore.
- It looks good on you.
- It's too small.
- Mom.
You're not reacting.
What do you want me to do?
Throw myself out the window?
- You're absolutely insane.
- Why?
Because the Palestinians
kill the Jewish,
and the Jewish
kill the Palestinians.
- We don't kill each other.
- Now.
But don't you see the hatred?
This won't work.
- It's already working.
- Because you just met.
Because we think the same way.
The Jewish and the Palestinians
don't think the same way.
- Some do, Mom.
- What if you have a child?
- He will bring peace.
- He'll be a mental case.
He would blow himself up
or blow you up.
I forgot to defrost the soup.
I'll do it.
- Yes.
- I'll go with you.
No. Stay and try the dress on.
- It's in the freezer.
- See you.
- We love each other.
- So did Romeo and Juliet.
- During the Middle Ages.
- We are in the Middle Ages.
- What are you laughing at?
- At him.
- Who are you?
- Leni's boyfriend.
- At least you're not her type.
- Give me a drink, please.
- Don't ever say 'please'.
- Why?
Because they'll think you're stupid.
I need the bracelet.
- It's too small for you.
- No, it's not.
Doctor, how much time do I have left?
Ten? Ten what?
Weeks? Months?
Ten, nine, eight, seven...
- You didn't get it.
- Yes, I did.
- You're not laughing.
- He's smiling.
Did you find a girlfriend?
I can't fornicate until I'm married.
No matter what the rabbi says,
there's no sex in the afterlife.
- I have to go.
- Where?
I forgot to put coins
in the parking meter.
People used to say,
'I have to buy cigarettes'.
You're obsessed.
I thought it made you happy
to see me happy.
How can you be happy
living in Gaza?
- In Barcelona.
- Raising Muslims?
Why not?
What will you do when
he brings his second wife?
Rafi believes in monogamy.
It's settled,
you'll become Muslim.
- Who said that?
- You'll get married in a Moslem Temple.
Or in a synagogue or in both.
- Be realistic, Leni.
- I'm sick of being realistic.
- You look pretty.
- Liar. I saw you on TV.
- And?
- You're the best in the show.
I keep telling them it's not working.
Isn't it awful?
- She tried it with me.
- I didn't.
I'm going to show you
what I bought.
You should've kept it
instead of spending the money
- you don't have.
- It's for old ladies.
You would take it off anyway.
Why was she yelling?
Because I want to marry
a Palestinian.
- I thought he was Israeli.
- His passport is.
That's my sister.
- Don't encourage her.
- Why? I'm not a racist.
What are you saying?
Your mother isn't a racist.
I forgot that Jewish people
are never racist.
Let's drop this Palestinian
and Jewish thing.
All I ask is that
you judge him for what he is.
He went out to put coins
in the parking meter.
We came in a cab.
- Where is he?
- He ran away.
- Why?
- What do you think?
Why on earth did I come tonight?
I wanted him to meet my family
because family is everything.
But all we do
is hurt each other.
- Don't say that!
- What do you want me to say?
Thanks to you
I just lost the love of my life.
- Rafi?
- Leni. Something's happened.
I dropped the soup out the window
and it hurt someone.
- I think he's dead.
- Oh, my God.
We have to call an ambulance.
Hello, Rafi.
It's Gloria, Leni's mother.
I'm sorry for my awful behavior.
She says you love each other.
It's a night of joy.
I beg you, come up.
I apologize for everything I said.
Come up.
Don't move.
I'll be right there.
I'm sorry, honey.
I'd cut off my hands
before losing you.
I know.
What would you cut off
before losing me? Your nails?
I would cut off everything.
- I'm sorry.
- I thought you had left me.
- Where is he?
- Right here. Did you call?
Not yet. Not in front of everybody.
I'll call now.
From a pay phone.
So that they don't
identify the number.
- We can't hide this.
- Why? Somebody saw you?
It's not about that.
Do you want to go to jail?
- Leni, say something.
- Yes, Mom.
Are you going to
have dinner with us?
We'll be right up.
No one's going to jail.
It was an accident.
People have lawyers.
What if it appears on TV?
- This will destroy our lives.
- What about his life?
- He's dead.
- Perhaps not.
Then the ambulance
will save him.
What does he care
if we call anonymously?
- It's not right.
- It's not wrong either.
Didn't we have enough
for one evening?
I can't lie.
My ears get all red.
We just have to shut up.
Hurry. Go get the soup
and I'll make the call.
What did you do with the soup?
If you threw it away,
you can start praying for real.
Zip it up.
You can't ring a bell
during Sabbath.
Give it to me. Damn.
There's blood.
I have a tissue.
He was leaving with the soup.
I thought we were going
to get along now.
You're right. I'm sorry.
Thank you for coming back.
It doesn't zip up.
Rafi, my sister Tania.
We've already met.
What do you think?
- Very chic.
- Will you zip it up?
- I will.
- No, you can't.
- Where did you buy it?
- It's a gift.
- From whom?
- 'El Corte Ingls'.
- You're crazy.
- They really admire me.
Do it again.
- Do it again.
- Do what again?
- Do it again.
- That girl is exhausted.
Do it again, do it again,
do it again, do it again.
- She won't give it up.
- What does she want?
- I did a little trick.
- Do the trick and go to sleep.
The trick.
- I don't get it.
- No, out the window.
- I know a trick.
- No more tricks. Go to bed.
- Don't you want to go to bed?
- That's it. Ask her opinion.
- I need an echography.
- I'll show you something.
Why didn't you tell me
Paula was there?
I forgot.
- What kind of trick was it?
- I'm not good at this.
- It's true.
- I'm sweating again.
Put your jacket on.
This is going to get out of hand.
Nothing happened.
She makes things up all the time.
The ambulance
should have gotten here by now.
- How long ago?
- Are you sure you called?
- Of course.
- Promise.
- What?
- That you called the ambulance.
- Who do you think I am?
- I don't even know who I am.
An asshole who throws
frozen food out the window.
I would have thrown myself as well.
Let's not fight.
It's the worst thing we can do.
- Let's make love again.
- I won't be able to.
- We must relax.
- I just killed a man.
It was an accident.
If you hadn't done it,
somebody else would have.
- That makes no sense.
- That's true.
All I know is that we make sense.
Do you smell something?
There's a duck in the bidet.
Tomorrow you'll get pregnant again.
- I already am.
- You can't. You're a virgin.
- Teach the girl dirty words.
- Who's a virgin?
- What's a virgin?
- Shall I tell her?
- Yes.
- No!
David knows.
It's the opposite of your mother.
- Mom!
- Leave your brother alone.
- Dudu, Dudu.
- What is it?
What's a virgin?
Your great-grandmother was a virgin.
- And was she pregnant?
- Three times.
I hate you. Liar.
Liar. I hate you, I hate you.
It's always the same.
Are you going to let her hit you?
Liar, liar.
Go to bed. Go to bed!
You're not pregnant.
It's a cushion.
Leave her alone! Leave her!
Don't yell at her.
Mom, let her go. Let her go.
You're hurting her.
Let's be peaceful.
- You're hurting her.
- I'm not killing anybody.
You're hurting her, Mom.
Don't yell at her!
It's a cushion. It's a cushion!
It's all right.
Are you happy?
You ruined her game.
It's a twisted game.
It's not healthy.
You should have continued
with your piano lessons.
Let's go, Paula.
Don't tell me
you're leaving again.
No, I was cold.
That was a really great summer.
- We got along so well.
- Your husband?
I wish. The husband
of my friend Perla Fishman.
Excuse me.
I'm telling you,
she's not well.
We're going to have to
send her away.
I'm not surprised
Dad is having an affair.
- He's having an affair?
- It's obvious.
How do you know?
He comes home very late
and not a single sale.
- Dad wouldn't cheat.
- What does he do all night?
Houses of cards.
I forgot all about that phase.
It was very wise of you
to leave this house.
Yes. But I miss you.
It's better than having
infantilism like David and I.
Why don't you leave?
Without a penny?
I'm too much of a coward.
I'm famous too.
- Dominical Restaurant.
- Great.
I ended up in a threesome
with the journalist
and the photographer.
I still have the hickeys.
Mom wants me to talk to you.
About what?
She says you sleep
with total strangers.
Who does she want me
to sleep with?
- With someone who loves you.
- I don't need that.
- We all need that.
- So you love each other?
It's obvious that
you want to create a fuss.
- Why do say that?
- First of all, he's ugly.
- Ugly.
- He's not handsome.
He is, but you don't see it.
Besides, handsome guys are a bore.
- Not in bed.
- Especially in bed.
See? He's not handsome,
so you're sleeping with the enemy.
I admit it. I cover myself
with Israel's flag,
and he stones me.
It's nice to have a man
in the kitchen.
- Do you like cooking?
- What?
Do you like cooking?
I wanted to ask you something...
- Blood.
- Where?
- Here.
- I must have cut myself.
If there's blood in the soup,
we'll have to throw it away.
It's impossible.
Maybe it went from your apron
to the saucepan.
- Flying?
- No. Through your hand.
- Good. My blood has iron.
- But it's not kosher.
Is your mother a pig?
You promised to make
something I could eat.
You can't even think
in this kitchen.
I must examine the fish now.
Then put it right there
in the dish.
You wanted to ask me something.
I was wondering if Leni
takes after you or her father.
Her father. So you have
nothing to worry about.
Is he bald?
Why? Is Leni's hair falling?
Are you afraid
it's going to fall?
No, no. I wouldn't mind.
I'd still love her.
My husband has been bald
since he was 27.
My son is the only one
that should be worried.
This piece is mine.
What are you doing?
I was hot.
I thought you were cold.
If you're hot,
take off your jacket.
Defend yourself, Einstein.
- What was that?
- 'Good night' in Hebrew.
You go.
David. Get out of there.
Can you keep a secret?
- Mom!
- Leave your brother alone.
I told you not to bother my kid
with your religious crap.
Don't touch me.
You could be menstruating.
Repeat after me,
'God doesn't exist'.
'I believe in him because
I haven't touched a tit'.
Atheism is the luxury
of the bourgeoisie.
What's up?
Come and help me
bring the soup.
You're asphyxiating him.
The Messiah will resuscitate
the martyrs.
- You're a chicken.
- You are.
Yeah? Kill me right now.
Don't tempt me. Let's eat!
- Where do we sit?
- Wherever you want to.
Leni, could you show me
what you showed me earlier?
- What did you show him?
- None of your business.
- You can't act like that...
- I think...
- Sorry, Dudu.
- What's wrong with you?
Then stop the nonsense.
The food is getting cold.
- Don't you like soup?
- He's not feeling well.
He might have a fever.
Feel his forehead.
It's hot.
It's just like mine.
It must be the food we ate
in the plane.
Have some.
It'll be good for you.
- He doesn't want to.
- Let him try some.
It won't kill him.
I spent all Sunday making it.
How is it? Good?
See? Eat up.
- Not if you don't want to.
- Don't listen to her.
It's a little hot.
I'm going to see if...
What's a duck doing
in the bathroom?
He was dying in the park.
- He was run over by a car.
- How do you know?
I saw the tracks.
Leni says you're going to live
in Barcelona.
- Yes.
- Are you a regular professor?
- Yes, I am.
- Great.
Do you have an apartment?
You can't speak about work
or money during Sabbath.
It's a day of introspection.
- We'll say whatever we want.
- You can't be bourgeois.
Who's a bourgeois?
Look at our bank account.
You are in comparison
to third-world people.
Then go help the third world.
What can we talk about?
- No, please.
- I'm interested.
We talk about the weekly
chapter of the Torah.
What's it about this week?
Rebecca is pregnant
with twins,
and she can feel them
fighting inside of her.
Poor woman.
The Talmud asks if
the human being is good or bad.
- You're studying the Talmud?
- Yes.
He suspended the selectivity
for the third time, right?
The rabbis believe
that the concept is wrong.
Only an action
can be good or bad.
If more than 50 percent
of what you do is good,
then you are good and vice versa.
Do you find it interesting?
- Yes.
- You're lying.
If he says it's interesting,
it's interesting.
- What does the Koran say?
- Why the Koran?
There is no racism
in this house. Go on.
It says that the human being
was created impatient,
and basically restless.
When we're born we're
neither saints nor sinners,
but we have the potential
to be good.
I think we are good but
then our parents screw us up.
Don't look for excuses.
Mohammed is right.
- Children have to be educated.
- Too much education is bad.
Then they end up abandoning
ducks in the park.
- Maybe they had a reason.
- The reason is not important.
- Yes, it is.
- Excuse me.
The action matters.
They abandoned the duck.
No, they didn't.
- Do you need anything?
- No, thanks.
I'm changing my shoes.
They're too small.
Squirrels don't eat ducks,
they eat acorns.
They are guilty anyway.
- They're not guilty.
- Why do you get upset?
- I'm not upset.
- Yes, you are.
He's so dogmatic.
Life isn't black or white.
Only grey people say that.
There's a difference between
involuntary and premeditated.
- Don't go away.
- I want to see what's going on.
What can you see?
They are looking
through the bushes.
- Who?
- The police.
We haven't finished eating yet.
- Excuse me.
- You're leaving again?
I have to go to the bathroom.
Leni, you can't marry that man.
- Don't start.
- That's mine.
You asked me to judge him
as a person.
- I already have. He's weird.
- What's weird about him?
Everything. He doesn't speak,
he's like numb.
He's cold, then he's hot.
- He's nervous.
- He's autistic.
It's the first time
he's met you.
He doesn't act
like a normal person.
He changes his shoes,
he brings oranges.
He's absent-minded.
He's an intellectual.
Wait until you get to know him.
I don't have to wait.
You have to wait.
Why don't you go back
to Rubn?
- Oh, please.
- You couldn't stand him.
- At least they know each other.
- Rafi and I know each other.
You've been going out
for a month and a half.
When we met it was as if...
as if we had known each other forever.
We're soul mates.
Leni, he's not trustworthy.
He's hiding something.
Rezaricabre, bring me some water
Rezaricabre, so beautiful
I want to marry you
- What's he doing now?
- He's in the bathroom.
- How do you know?
- Because he said so.
- What if he's lying?
- He's really taking too long.
- Are you timing him?
- It must be the airplane food.
- I don't like it.
- Mom!
See? Ask him what he's doing
with your granddad.
- What do you think?
- I don't want to know.
Good night, Einstein.
Don't you see
how ridiculous you are?
Not so ridiculous.
Dudu spent too much time in the army.
I can't take it anymore.
We're leaving.
Listen to me, please.
There are mistakes for which
you pay your entire life.
This isn't a mistake.
No, it's a catastrophe.
Do you want to sing with me?
She married a German guy
and then they split up.
We'll send you
the wedding invitations.
You don't want
your marriage to fail.
Look who's talking
about failed marriages.
What are you saying?
My marriage with your dad
is not a failure.
If you don't consider the fact
that he's having an affair.
It's the last time
I tell you anything.
- What do you know?
- Nothing.
He comes home late
and doesn't sell a thing.
Is he making houses of cards?
It's not coming.
Let's go, Rafi.
I'm calling his office.
Leni, wait.
I think it's your father.
- Who?
- The dead guy.
- I think it's your father.
- You said it was someone.
- Because I don't know your father.
- Then how do you know?
I saw one of Paula's drawings.
He wears a grey gabardine
like the dead guy,
who's bald
like your father.
- Describe his face.
- He was face down.
Was he tall, short, fat?
- Regular.
- It's not my father.
- Really.
- It can't be.
He's either working
or having an affair.
What if he changed his mind
and came to see you?
Oh, my God.
Where's the phone?
On the TV.
It's not here.
What did you do with the phone?
You can't make phone calls
during Sabbath.
It's an emergency.
- Is there a life in danger?
- Yes, yours.
Yes? Damn. He hung up.
I'll go first.
What is it?
Come here. Sit down.
- I'm pregnant.
- You're in shock.
- No. I know.
- But we haven't...
In the elevator.
You wouldn't vomit so soon.
My mother threw up
the exact moment
she conceived my sister.
You don't want to have him?
- Of course I do.
- I can have an abortion.
- I won't push you.
- Leni, of course I want to.
- It's exactly what I want.
- He won't know his granddad.
We don't know anything.
I'm sure it's not him.
He's either working
or having an affair.
There are many bald men.
If it was him,
somebody would have called.
They won't be able
to identify him.
- Why not?
- An old lady stole his wallet.
An old lady stole his wallet?
I saw it from the window.
Where are you going?
- To your father's office.
- Did you talk to him?
- The office is closed.
- We'll go with you.
- I don't remember.
- Aleph.
- I don't remember.
- Bet.
- Gimel.
- I'm tired.
We must study
now that your mother is gone.
Why do we have to study?
Because at your age
the brain is like a sponge.
It absorbs everything.
Let's go again.
I don't remember.
Hurry. Pretend you're sleeping.
- Are these yours?
- No.
- Is your name Abdal?
- No.
- It says Rafi Abdal.
- Abdal? That's Arabian.
- Aren't you Rafi?
- No, I'm David Dalinsky.
- And who's Leni Dal?
- She's my sister.
Didn't you say Dalinsky?
My parents changed it.
You must take the suitcases.
- Can you do it for me?
- Sorry?
I can't carry objects
from one place to another.
I mind my own business,
but this is a community.
And if you want to be here,
you must be more normal.
- Which floor is it?
- I don't know anything.
Perhaps he leads a double life.
He never worked here.
He has another wife and kids
and he'll kill us all.
We're looking for my father,
Ernesto Dal. In Sales.
- Fourth floor.
- I'll wait here.
You need my ID, right?
I found his desk.
- She's pretty, isn't she?
- Your mother?
No. His mother.
We're looking for my father,
Ernesto Dal.
- He left.
- How long ago?
A couple of hours ago.
You were right.
He's cheating on me.
- Perhaps something happened.
- No, he's with another woman.
Though it's hard to accept,
it's obvious that your father... a man.
We should call the police.
- It's not illegal.
- Rafi is right.
Hi. I'm calling because
my father is missing.
- Do you find me attractive?
- Huh?
I need to know.
Would you go to bed with me?
You're Leni's mother.
- Pretend I'm not.
- It's not easy.
Come on, I want the truth.
Yes, I would.
Thank you.
- What did they say?
- Nothing.
They won't accept the report
within 24 hours
because he might have
disappeared voluntarily.
Your dad is voluntary.
- What are you doing?
- I won't sit and wait.
- We have to tell her.
- What if he's with someone?
What if he's dead?
We won't say a word.
- He's your father.
- I know.
How can you be so rational?
Do you want my family to hate us
for the rest of our lives?
- Do you want me to hate you?
- That would be human.
I don't hate you. I love you
and I want us to stay together.
Even if you killed my father.
It's the only way
to be together.
Promise you won't say anything.
- How?
- Forgetting what happened.
I won't be able to.
Then I love you more
than you love me.
He's wasted.
I don't care,
I'll take anything tonight.
Can I have your shift?
I'm sorry. He'd cut my throat.
I don't understand why
you married that psycho.
- What's up with him?
- Another psycho.
You learned that word
and now you won't stop.
Hide in case he prefers you.
Come here, honey.
Who is she?
Are you going to spend
the night there? Come here.
What happened
to your head, sweetheart?
No. Mom was killed
by a mayonnaise.
- I don't know.
- How much did you drink?
I'm drunk.
I don't remember.
I haven't felt this lost
in twenty years.
You won't throw up
on me, will you?
Do we know each other?
I'll get something
to patch you up.
I don't see why anybody
would want to sleep with him.
Maybe it's Fishman.
She would do it
just to spite me.
Since when is he
interested in astrology?
And a comb for what?
Famous Taurus men:
Gary Cooper, Fred Astaire, Adolf Hitler.
Ginseng and something
for the hair.
Now I understand
why he wanted to buy
that bike to work out.
Let's see his computer.
I think she wants
to get laid.
It's going to be sore,
but hang on.
She's married.
So am I. But to whom?
That's it. Better.
Take your coat off.
How can I be so lost?
These breasts seem
very familiar.
What are you looking at?
What do you think I'll do?
Come here, give me a hug.
It's her.
Her skin, her perfume.
I had forgotten my wife.
I'm sorry. I don't know
what came over me.
Don't worry.
You're with me now.
But you will have to give me money.
- How much do you need?
- One hundred euros.
You scared me.
Do you have them?
- You need them now?
- Sure.
- Why?
- Why do you think?
- I don't have my wallet.
- Are you kidding me?
I must have left it somewhere.
Then go and get it.
What's wrong?
Do we have financial problems?
Yes, we have financial problems.
How much is it worth?
A jerk off.
- Leni.
- What?
Did Bill Gates program this woman
or just the clouds?
No. It's her. The lover.
She's sleeping with him.
Dad put her on his computer!
Why are you so happy?
I'm sorry. I was so worried.
I'm going to check his mail.
She has too many teeth.
- You can see her roots.
- His hair's going to fall.
Fourth floor.
Where are they?
What are you doing?
I don't want you
to make a pass at me.
- You're my sister's boyfriend.
- What were you doing then?
Believe me, I'm not trying
to sleep with you.
What's wrong?
Did you have a fight?
- My mom is not easy.
- No, she's okay.
It's best if you think that.
Leni will be like her.
Or perhaps she'll be
like our father.
- How is he?
- Who?
Your father.
I don't know.
What did Leni tell you?
- She only spoke of her mother.
- Jewish people are like that.
The father is
very important for us.
That's why
we get along so well.
So you're getting married?
- Yes.
- You don't seem convinced.
It's just that I always
end up doing what she wants.
It's just that she convinces me.
She's so stubborn.
And so... convincing.
I can never win.
She always knew what she wanted.
I admire her for it.
So do I, but she overwhelms me.
You wouldn't be the first guy
she drives away.
- That Rubn guy?
- And others.
You said I wasn't her type.
What's her type?
Urologists that look
like Pierce Brosnan.
- All of them?
- All of them.
- Do you know him?
- A Mr. Diab.
- He needs to have fun.
- That's not fair.
I'm glad he's not dead,
but if he's betraying you
he's going to pay for it.
- It's my fault.
- It's his fault.
We haven't had sex
since we conceived your brother.
- Since David?
- Yeah, since David.
That happens when you've
been married for so long.
- It happens?
- It doesn't?
I hope not.
Maybe I'm frigid.
Or a lesbian.
We have it in the family.
Your great-grandmother
ran away with the rabbi's wife.
You're stressed out.
If you stop worrying
about all of us,
- you'll recover your libido.
- What will I do then?
I see your father naked
and it's like looking at a menu.
Sometimes I fantasize about being a widow.
Mom, please.
I know it sounds awful, but it's true.
Sometimes I think I would be happier
if I hadn't met him, if I hadn't had you.
- Don't take it badly.
- How should I take it?
You want Dad dead
and you wish we didn't exist.
Dad wants to be with her.
Nobody loves anybody
and the world sucks, right?
Why did I open my mouth?
It's not like that.
Your dad and I love each other
and we live in a great world.
We're back here.
- I have a gig for you.
- Let him finish.
This isn't a motel.
- Do you know him?
- Better than you.
- Don't be like that.
- What's up?
- Do we owe money to them?
- It's all taken care of.
Go milk the snake someplace else.
What snake?
I can't believe it.
I have some clients waiting for me.
Come back some other day. Go.
Why do you talk to me
like a whore?
- Because she's a whore.
- Take that back.
Leave him! He's going.
Don't worry.
I want a divorce.
You hear me, psycho?
You insulted my wife
and you're going to apologize!
- How does he screw?
- Badly.
- Are you jealous?
- We didn't do anything.
- Do you hate me?
- Don't flatter yourself.
- I would really like to know.
- Nothing happened.
He loves you, Mom loves you.
You're wonderful.
See? You're jealous.
I had to put up all my life
with your being the Messiah.
Just because Mom said so
and you were so happy.
I stand up for you.
It's not my fault that Mom
won't change her mind.
You had your period
and you cut your wrists
to prove that your life
was the only one that mattered.
I was depressed.
Fine. But since then
Mom has loved only you.
I thought you didn't need
anyone's love.
I do.
- Yes.
- Mom, I'm scared.
- Where's David?
- He's not here.
- I'll kill him.
- Dudu is dead.
- What?
- What's wrong?
Dudu is dead.
Don't move.
What happened to your suitcase?
- Paula!
- In the closet.
He's still warm.
Are we going to bury him?
- What are you doing?
- I'm abandoning you.
You'll be happier without me.
Your sister and you
will love each other again.
Mom, I wasn't serious. Right?
I found Mr. Dal's wallet in the trash.
Do you want me to give it to you
for ten euros?
I'm a failure as a woman.
A burden for my children,
for my husband.
I can't even have an orgasm.
- You can't have an orgasm?
- No, I can't.
And don't say it's easy,
because it's not.
Maybe Dad is the problem.
There will be peace in Israel
before he gives me an orgasm.
- What did you try?
- What everybody tries.
There are things that
people don't consider.
Like what?
Are you kidding me?
It works for me even
when I'm not in the mood.
Leni... let me in.
Leni! Tell me
you're not hurting yourself.
Would you rather be
with my sister?
I can also move my pelvis.
- Leni, please.
- Please what?
You killed my father
and you screwed my sister.
You see?
You see? I knew it.
You say our love
is above it all,
but you will
never forgive me.
- Did you kill him or not?
- You wanted to hide it.
What does that mean?
If we had stayed,
we might have helped him.
So it's my fault.
I killed my father.
And I also drink
baby's blood.
Don't start with your
Jewish paranoia.
- And your Palestinian paranoia?
- We don't have one.
Everything you say is true,
and the responsible ones are the Mossad.
Are you saying the Mossad people
are not murderers?
Like Hamas,
like Islamic Jihad.
At least they're fighting
against an illegal occupation.
If you stopped blowing up buses,
there wouldn't be one.
No more settlers.
We want our refugees back.
Only a few of you
would give us a country.
And thousands of you
would like to blow us away.
With homemade bombs.
You have nuclear missiles.
To survive! We had to learn
to defend ourselves.
You forced 750,000 Palestinians
to expatriation.
- You left because you wanted.
- We were intimidated.
- With citizenship?
- We're fifth-class citizens.
Excluded while
you expropriated us.
You could have had
your own country.
You were offered that
with an international Jerusalem.
We accepted it.
You didn't because
the Arabian countries
offered you a war
to win our land.
- Our land.
- Since when?
- Who built Jerusalem?
- The Jebusites.
Israel existed
before Palestine.
And Canaan before Israel.
It's settled then.
We'll give it to the Canaanites.
They no longer exist.
- So?
- So what?
- Exactly.
- Exactly.
What was that
about killing Dad?
- Yes.
- No.
She didn't do anything.
I did it.
I dropped the soup
out the window,
which by the way
is cooked with cumin.
You have also stolen
our recipes,
but I'm going to give myself
in to the police now.
- Where is he?
- What?
- Where on earth were you?
- Looking for my duck.
- What did you do?
- I don't know what you mean.
What's going on?
Take Mom off me!
- Stay put!
- I can't see what's going on.
There's nothing to see.
- Don't point that at me.
- What are you doing, David?
I've seen his suitcase.
He's Palestinian.
- That's why he knew the Koran.
- We already know that, asshole.
- Don't point that at me.
- He's a terrorist.
He has Arabian texts
and a recorder
with encrypted instructions.
- He teaches Arabian literature!
- He had blood on his shoe.
He killed my duck
and hid the corpse.
- He killed Dad.
- What about my duck?
- David!
- Help!
- Mom!
- Leave your brother alone.
I'll shoot!
David, no.
It's Dad!
As president of the community,
I inform you that...
I warn you that this kind
of behavior is unacceptable.
- As president of...
- Stop right there!
Move. Cuky.
- What's up?
- We thought you were dead.
Maybe it's his spirit.
Where are his pants?
I found him like that
in the street.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
Did you go to the hospital?
Did you see a doctor?
Try to remember.
Where have you been?
- Do you know who we are?
- Yes, but I don't know him.
This is Leni's father, Ernesto.
This is Rafi.
He's going to marry your daughter.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Congratulations, sweetheart.
- No, Dad, Leni.
We should take him
to the hospital.
- How do you feel?
- Fine.
We're going to a hotel then.
- It's mine, mine.
- Mine!
Bye. Don't look for us.
Who has the keys?
How about all that confusion?
I'll stop by tomorrow
to get my stuff.
Where will you spend the night?
It doesn't matter.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Come on, Leni.
- Mom, Mom.
- What?
I love you.
Go back to your urologist.
He wouldn't let me
urinate peacefully.
- We'll never think the same way.
- We won't get bored.
Let's not fool each other.
If I'm Pal...
And you're Jew...
Nobody's perfect.