Serious Man, A (2009)

All right.
Hold still now.
Mmm-hmm. Yes.
Oh, sorry.
No, thanks.
Well, you're
in good health.
So how's Judith
and the kids?
Good. Everyone's good,
you know.
Danny must be, what?
About to be bar mitzvahed?
Two weeks.
Well, mazel tov!
They grow up fast,
don't they?
Yeah, you put the...
That's right, you put the...
LARRY: You following this?
This part is exciting.
So, am I right?
So, okay So...
So, if that's that,
then we can do this.
And that's Schrdinger's Paradox, right?
Is the cat dead?
Or is the cat
not dead?
Professor Gopnik.
Thank you, Natalie.
Oh, Clive, come in.
So, what can I do for you?
Dr Gopnik, I believe the results
of the physics midterm
were unjust.
Uh-huh? How so?
I received
unsatisfactory grade.
In fact, F,
the failing grade.
Yes. You failed the midterm.
That's accurate.
Yes, but that is not just.
I was unaware to be
examined on the mathematics.
Well, you can't do physics without
mathematics, really, can you?
If I receive the failing
grade, I lose my scholarship,
and I feel shame.
I understand the physics.
I understand the dead cat.
But you can't really
understand the physics
without understanding
the math.
The math tells how it really
works That's the real thing.
The stories I give you in
class are just illustrative.
They're like fables, say,
to help give you a picture.
I mean...
Even I don't understand
the dead cat.
The math is how
it really works.
Very difficult.
Very difficult.
Well, I'm sorry, but I...
What do you propose?
- Passing grade.
- No, no.
Or perhaps I can
take the midterm again.
I know now it cover
the mathematics.
Well, the other students
wouldn't like that, would they?
If one student gets to retake the
test until he gets a grade he likes?
- Secret test
- No...
- Hush-hush.
- No.
That's just not workable.
I'm afraid we'll just have to bite
the bullet on this thing, Clive...
Very troubling.
Very troubling.
Sy Ableman.
Hello, Sy
Larry Gopnik.
Larry. How are you,
my friend?
Good How you been, Sy?
Fine Can
we talk, Larry?
What? You...
Hello? Larry?
Call back!
That was Sy Ableman.
He said he
got disconnected.
ARTHUR: Out in a minute.
I gotta wash my hair.
I'm going out tonight.
I'll be out in a minute.
Jesus Christ!
Why is Uncle Arthur
always in the bathroom?
He has to drain his
sebaceous cyst. You know that.
Will you set the table?
Why can't he do it in the
basement or out in the garage?
I had 20 bucks in it,
too. Inside the case.
Twenty bucks?
How come?
Bought a lid from Mike
Fagle a couple of weeks ago.
Still owed him 20.
He already
gave you the pot?
Yeah. But a couple of weeks
ago, my funding got cut off.
Fagle said he'd pound the crap
out of me if I didn't pay up.
What funding got cut off?
Where do you get your money?
What happened?
Rabbi Turchik took his
radio Had money in it.
That fucker!
Yeah. I think he said
he was confiscating it.
He's a fucker. Where
do you get your money?
Mike Fagle's
gonna kick his ass.
Last week he pounded the
crap out of Seth Seddlemeyer.
He's a fucker!
- Fagle or Seth Seddlemeyer?
- They're both fuckers!
ARTHUR: Out in a minute!
Are you still in there?
I'll be out in a minute!
- ARTHUR: Yeah?
- Dinner!
out in a minute!
We should wait.
Are you kidding?
Mr. Brandt keeps mowing
part of our lawn.
Does that matter?
JUDITH: Is it important?
It's just odd.
Mom, how long is Uncle
Arthur staying with us?
JUDITH: Ask your father.
Did you talk to Sy?
Sy Ableman That's
right, he called But I...
- You didn't talk to him?
- No.
You know the problems that
you and I have been having?
Well, Sy and I
have become very close.
In short, I think it's time that
we start talking about a divorce.
Sy Ableman?
This is not about Sy.
You mentioned Sy!
Don't twist my words,
A divorce? What have I done?
I haven't done anything.
Larry, don't be a child.
You haven't done anything.
I haven't done anything.
Yes! Yes, we haven't
done anything.
And I'm probably
about to get tenure.
Nevertheless, there have
been problems, as you know...
- Well...
- ...and things have changed.
And then, Sy Ableman.
Sy has come into
my life, and I...
Come into your... What does
that mean? You barely know him.
Oh, please We've known the
Ablemans for 15 years, Larry!
Yes, but you said
we hadn't done anything.
I haven't done anything.
This is not some
flashy fling, Larry.
This is not about
Sy Ableman?
- ARTHUR: I'll be out in a minute!
- SARAH: Oh, Jesus Christ!
Look, I didn't know any other
way of breaking it to you
except to just tell you
and treat you like an adult.
Is that so wrong?
Where do I sleep?
- What?
- Arthur's on the couch.
Look, Sy feels
that we should...
Esther is barely cold!
Esther died three years ago,
and it was a loveless marriage.
Sy wants a get.
- A what?
- A ritual divorce.
He says it's very important.
Without a gett,
I'm an aguna.
A what?
What are you
talking about?
You always act
so surprised.
I have begged you
to see the Rabbi.
Professor Gopnik.
Yes, thanks for coming,
Clive. Have a seat.
We had, I think, a
good talk the other day,
...but you left something...
- I didn't leave it.
Well, you don't even know
what I was going to say.
I didn't leave anything.
I'm not missing anything.
I know where everything is.
Well then, Clive...
Where did this come from?
This is here, isn't it?
Yes, sir.
That is there.
This is not nothing.
This is something.
Yes. That is something.
- What is it?
- You know what it is, I believe.
- And you know I can't keep it, Clive.
- Yes, sir.
I'll have to pass it on
to Professor Finkle,
along with my suspicions
about where it came from.
Actions have consequences.
Yes. Often.
No, always! Actions
always have consequences!
In this office, actions
have consequences.
- Yes, sir.
- Not just physics,
- Yes.
And we both know
about your actions.
No, sir.
I know about my actions.
I can interpret, Clive I know
what you meant me to understand.
Meer sir my sir.
"Meer sir my sir"?
Mere surmise, sir.
Very uncertain.
You little brat fucker!
You snuck 20 bucks
out of my drawer!
Studying Torah,
You little brat!
I'm telling Dad!
You gonna tell him you've been
sneaking it out of his wallet?
You know what I'm gonna do, you
little brat, if you don't give it back?
DANNY: Dad, you've
gotta fix the aerial.
Hello, Larry. Have you
thought about a lawyer?
- DANNY: Dad!
- Honey, please!
We're not getting
channel four at all.
Can we
discuss it later?
I can't get F Troop.
Larry, the
children know.
Do you think
this is some secret?
Do you think this is something
we're going to keep quiet?
Dad, Uncle Arthur is
in the bathroom again,
and I'm going
to the Hole at 8:00.
- ARTHUR: Out in a minute!
- Ow! Stop!
- She keeps doing that!
- What's going on?
What are you doing?
Working on the Mentaculus.
Any luck, um,
looking for an apartment?
- Sy.
- Good to see you, Larry.
I'll get Judith.
No, listen, actually, I'm
here to see you, if I might.
Such a thing
Such a thing.
Shall we go
in the kitchen?
You know, Larry, the way we
handle ourselves in this situation,
so important.
- Uh-huh?
- Absolutely.
Judith told me that she
broke the news to you,
and she said that
you were very adult.
- Did she?
- Absolutely.
The respect she has
for you...
- Yes?
- Do you drink wine?
Because this is
an incredible bottle.
This is not
Mogen David, Larry.
(CHUCKLING) This is a wine A Bordeaux.
- You know, Sy...
- Open it.
Let it breathe.
Ten minutes.
Letting it breathe,
so important.
Thanks, Sy,
but I'm not...
Listen, I insist, Larry.
There's no cause for discomfort.
I'd be uncomfortable
if you didn't take it.
Larry, listen.
These are signs.
Tokens, Larry.
I'm just...
I'm not ungrateful.
I just don't know
a lot about wine,
...and given our...
- It's okay.
- It's okay.
Larry, we're
going to be fine.
Want some of this,
Would you read this?
Tell me what you think?
Boy! You should have
worn a hat.
MR. BRANDT: Let's see
some hustle, Mitch.
ARLEN: Larry?
Hi, Arlen.
Larry, I feel that as head of the
tenure committee, I should tell you this.
Though it should be no cause for concern,
and you should not at all be worried.
But I feel
I should mention it,
even though it will carry
no weight in our decision
on whether or not
to grant you tenure.
So again,
no cause for concern.
Okay, Arlen
Give what any weight?
We've received
a number of letters
denigrating you
and urging us not to...
Not to grant you tenure.
From who?
Well, they're anonymous,
so we dismiss them completely.
Well, what do they say?
Well, they
make allegations...
Well, allegations...
And though we give them
no credence at all, Larry.
Well, I'm not really
at liberty
to discuss the specifics of
the committee's deliberations.
But I think you're saying these won't
play any part in your deliberations?
None whatsoever.
So what are they?
Moral turpitude,
you could say.
Uh-huh. Can I ask? Are they...
- Are they idiomatic?
- Hmm?
The reason I ask, I have a
Korean student. South Korean.
A disgruntled South Korean, and I
meant to talk to you about this...
Oh, no, no They're competently,
even eloquently written.
A native English speaker.
There's no question about that.
- Uh-huh.
- Let me reiterate.
No cause for concern.
I only speak because I
would feel odd concealing it.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
Best to Judith.
I gotta get
my radio back.
Maybe the fucker lodged
it up his fucking asshole.
I gotta get it back, or Mike Fagle's
gonna pound the crap out of me.
- Way up his asshole.
Good afternoon.
Go scrub up, Mitch.
Been hunting?
Is that a...
It's gonna be
a boat shed.
That's great.
- Mr. Brandt...
- I said scrub up, Mitch!
Isn't this a school day?
I took him out of school today
so he could hunt with his dad.
Uh, Mr Brandt,
that's just about at
the property line there.
I don't think
we're supposed to get
...within, what, 10 feet...
- Property line's the poplar.
- The...
- Poplar.
- Well, even if it is, you're just
about over it. - Measure.
- I don't have to measure, you
can tell it's... - Line's the poplar.
What's going on?
- JUDITH: Larry?
- Yeah?
Did you go to
Sieglestein Schlutz?
LARRY: No, I...
Not yet.
Appointment Monday.
Where are you going?
I'm going to the Hole.
What? At 5:00?
We're stopping at Laurie Kipperstein's
house so I can wash my hair.
Hi, Mr Gopnik.
- You can't wash it here?
- Uncle Arthur's in the bathroom.
ARTHUR: I'll be out
in a minute!
- JUDITH: Are you ready?
- Huh?
- We're meeting Sy at Embers.
- I am?
Both of us.
I told you, Larry.
How are you?
Hello, Judith.
Hello, Sy.
Larry, I want to
thank you for coming.
It's so important that we be
able to discuss these things.
I'm happy to come
to Embers, Sy.
But I'm thinking, really,
maybe it's best to leave
these discussions
to the lawyers.
Of course Legal matters,
you let the lawyers discuss.
You don't mix
apples and oranges.
I have begged you
to see the lawyer.
I told you,
I'm going Monday.
Monday is timely.
This is not...
Please, Embers is not the forum
for legalities You're so right.
No, Judith and I wanted
merely to discuss, uh,
Living arrangements.
After all, this is an issue
where no one is at odds.
Living arrangements?
I think we all agree
that the children
not being contaminated
with the tension,
the most important.
We shouldn't put the kids
in the middle of this, Larry.
The kids aren't...
I'm saying "we."
I'm not pointing fingers.
No one is playing
the blame game, Larry.
I didn't say
anyone was.
Well, let's not play "He
Said, She Said," either.
- I wasn't! I...
- All right. Look, look, look.
Let's just take a step back and
we can diffuse the situation.
You know, Larry,
sometimes I find that
if I count to 10...
Or silently.
Really, to keep things
on an even keel
leading up to
Danny's bar mitzvah...
A child's
bar mitzvah, Larry.
Sy and I think it's best if
you move out of the house.
Move out?
- Well, it makes eminent sense.
- Things can't continue as they...
Move out?
Where would I go?
Well, for instance, the
Jolly Roger is quite livable.
It's not expensive.
The rooms are
eminently habitable.
This would allow you
to visit the kids.
There's convenience in its
favor They've got a pool.
Wouldn't it make more sense
for you to move in with Sy?
Larry, you...
You are jesting.
I think, really,
the Jolly Roger
is the appropriate
course of action.
- SARAH: Listen here,
you little fucker,
I want my money!
DANNY: Stop it!
I'm gonna get it!
- SARAH: Give it back!
You owe me 20 bucks,
you little shit!
- Don't worry about it!
- Give it, brat fucker!
- I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna get it!
- Brat! Fucker!
- What's going on?
- SARAH: Nothing.
- What was that?
- Nothing.
How's the Torah
portion coming?
Can you maybe
use the hi-fi?
- What?
- Can I borrow this?
I'm taking some stuff to,
you know, the Jolly Roger.
- SARAH: Dad!
- Sure, Dad.
SARAH: Dad! Chinese guy!
Culture clash.
Culture clash.
With all respect, Mr. Park,
I don't think it's that.
- Yes.
- No,
it would be a culture clash if
it were the custom in your land
to bribe people
for grades.
So, you're saying
it is the custom?
No, this is defamation.
Ground for lawsuit.
Let me get this straight.
You're threatening to sue
me for defaming your son?
- But it would...
- Is this man bothering you?
Is he bothering me? No.
I, uh...
See, look...
If it were defamation,
there would have to be
someone I was defaming him to, or I...
All right,
let's keep it simple.
I could pretend the money never
appeared That's not defaming anyone.
Yes. And passing grade.
- Passing grade?
- Yes.
Or you'll sue me?
For taking money.
So he did leave the money?
This is defamation!
It doesn't make sense. Either
he left the money or he didn't.
Accept the mystery.
RONNIE: Give me that, fucker.
LARRY: He's very
good with numbers.
I think his social skills
have held him back.
Such a sweet man, though.
Arthur has
a good heart.
And he never complains,
unlike me.
Sometimes I don't
give him enough credit.
He tried to tell me about this
thing he's working on, this...
The Mentaculus.
He says it's a probability
map of the universe.
Does he go out
socially at all?
He tries. He's been going to the
singles mixers at Hillel House.
I should talk.
I'm not doing any better.
How is Judith?
Fine. She's fine.
Sometimes these things
just aren't meant to be.
And it can take a while before
you feel what was always there.
- For better or worse.
- I never felt it!
It was a bolt
from the blue.
What does that mean?
Everything that I thought was
one way turns out to be another.
Then, it's an opportunity to
learn how things really are.
I don't mean to sound glib.
It's not always easy deciphering
what God is trying to tell you,
but it's not something you have
to figure out all by yourself.
We're Jews.
We've got that well of tradition
to draw on, to help us understand.
When we're puzzled,
we have all the stories
that have been handed down from
people who had the same problems.
Have you talked to
Rabbi Nachtner?
Why not see him?
What's the Rabbi
gonna tell me?
If I knew,
I'd be the Rabbi.
(EXCLAIMS) The air out
here is magnificent.
I'm telling you, if someone
could bottle this air,
they'd make
a million dollars.
Hello, Larry.
Good to see you.
Oh. Rabbi Scott.
I thought I was going
to see Rabbi Nachtner.
He was called away
on an etz monim.
Ruth Brynn's mother is in the
hospital and she isn't doing well.
Rabbi Nachtner asked me to
cover for him. Come on in.
And she wants a gett.
A what?
- She wants a...
- Oh, a gett.
Uh-huh. Sure.
I feel like the carpet's
been yanked out from under me.
know which end is up.
I'm not even sure
how to react.
I'm too confused.
What reasons did she
give for the rupture?
She didn't give reasons
Just that,
you know, things
haven't been going well.
And is that true?
I guess.
I don't know.
She's usually right
about these things.
I was hoping that
Rabbi Nachtner could...
That he would...
He would... Yes?
Well, with the benefit
of his life experience.
No offense.
(CHUCKLING) No, of course
not I am the junior rabbi.
And it's true, the point of
view of somebody who's older
and perhaps had similar
problems might be more valid.
And you should see the senior
rabbi as well, by all means.
Or even Marshak,
if you can get in.
He's quite busy,
but maybe...
Can I share
something with you?
Because I, too, have had
the feeling of losing track
of Hashem,
which is the problem here.
I, too, have forgotten
how to see him in the world,
and when that happens,
you think,
"Well, if I can't see him,
he isn't there. He's gone."
But that's not the case.
You just need to
remember how to see him.
Am I right? I mean...
The parking lot here.
Not much to see.
But if you imagine
yourself a visitor,
somebody who isn't familiar
with these autos and such,
somebody still with
the capacity for wonder.
Someone with
a fresh perspective.
That's what it is, Larry.
Because with
the right perspective,
you can see Hashem, you
know, reaching into the world.
He is in the world,
not just in shul.
It sounds to me like you're looking
at the world, looking at your wife,
through tired eyes.
It sounds like she's
become a sort of thing...
A problem.
A thing.
She is seeing Sy Ableman.
- Oh.
- They're planning...
That's why
they want the gett.
Oh I'm sorry.
It was his idea.
Well, they do need a gett
to remarry in the faith.
But... This is life.
You have to see these things
as expressions of God's will.
You don't have to
like it, of course.
The boss isn't always right,
but he's always the boss.
That's right!
Things aren't so bad.
Look at
the parking lot, Larry.
Just look at
that parking lot.
Are we eating already?
Sarah's going out.
Ow! Cut it out!
What's going on?
Isn't Dad eating?
JUDITH: He's at
the Jolly Roger.
Oh, yeah.
How are you, Larry?
Jesus, I am so sorry
- to be seeing you under these
circumstances. - Oh, well...
I always thought you
and Judy were rock solid.
This is so terrible, Larry.
This is devastating.
Well, you know,
the way I look at it,
it's an opportunity for me to
really sit down and figure things out
and look at the world afresh
instead of just, you know,
settling for the routine, tired
old way of looking at things.
I don't know,
maybe not.
Well, legally,
I have to warn you,
it's never easy
for the husband.
Unless, of course,
there's some question
of the wife having violated
the marriage contract?
Oh, no, no
Nothing like that.
Although she is planning to
marry Sy Ableman, but they...
Sy Ableman!
- Yes. But they...
- Esther is barely cold!
She passed
three years ago.
Well... Still, this changes
the complexion, Larry.
Sy Ableman.
Not in the sense that... here hasn't been hanky-panky.
To my knowledge.
- Oh? - No I'm fairly
certain this is not an issue.
And in fact,
Judith wants a gett.
A what?
A ritual divorce.
- Oh.
- So that they can remarry in the faith.
Yeah, sure, uh...
Well, not really
a legal issue.
Okay, um...
Good. Good.
(SIGHING) Well...
On the other thing, the
neighbor's property line,
I've asked Solomon
Schlutz to take a look.
There's very little to do with
real estate that'll get by Sol.
Okay Good
How do you...
I guess
I'm a little worried.
How do you...
I have money pressures...
Our fee structure?
We bill by the hour.
Dave Sieglestein and
Solomon Schlutz bill at 110.
The associates, me,
for instance, bill at...
Call for Mr Gopnik
Danny at home.
You can take it here.
- DANNY: Hey, Dad.
- Are you all right?
Are you all...
F Troop is fuzzy.
F Troop is still fuzzy.
- Dad?
- Is everything okay?
LARRY: Clive?
You little bastard! You
gonna send your mother next?
Little bastard!
I want to see you!
Hold on.
Professor Gopnik,
it's Dick Dutton again.
Dick Dutton.
Hello, Mr Gopnik?
This is Dick Dutton from
the Columbia Record Club.
I'm calling because
it's now four months,
and we have yet to
receive your first payment.
There's some mistake.
I'm not a member
of the Columbian Record Club.
Sir, you are Lawrence Gopnik
of 8419 Fern Hill Road?
No, I live
at the Jolly Roger.
Excuse me?
No, I...
Well, yes, okay.
- Yes, you are Lawrence Gopnik?
- Okay.
"Okay" means...
Okay, yes,
Lawrence Gopnik, yes.
Okay, well, you received
your 12 introductory albums,
and you've been receiving the monthly
main selection for four months now...
The monthly main selection?
Is that a record?
I didn't ask
for any records.
To receive the monthly main
selection, you do nothing. You...
That's right.
I haven't done anything.
Yes, that's why you received
the monthly main selection.
- The last one was Santana Abraxas. You...
I didn't ask
for Santana Abraxas.
You request
the main selection
at the retail price
by doing nothing.
It's automatically
mailed to you,
plus shipping
and handling.
- You're about to receive...
- I can't afford a new record every month!
I haven't asked...
You're about to get
Cosmo's Factory, sir.
The June
main selection.
Look, look,
something is very wrong!
I don't want
Santana Abraxas.
I've just been
in a terrible auto accident.
I'm sorry, sir.
Well, thank you.
But I...
Are you okay?
Yes, yes.
No one was hurt.
Okay. Good.
Well, you had 14 days to
listen to Santana Abraxas.
- Sir?
- Look...
(STAMMERING) I didn't ask
for Santana Abraxas,
I didn't listen
to Santana Abraxas,
I didn't do anything!
- Sir! Your son.
- Mr. Gopnik...
He says it's urgent.
We can't make you
listen to the record...
- Okay, okay, okay...
- We provide...
Okay, I have to
call you back.
- This is... I'm sorry.
- No, no, Mr. Gopnik, please...
- Danny?
- DANNY: Yeah. Listen, Dad...
Did you join
the Columbia Record Club?
- Danny?
- Um...
Danny, this is completely
unacceptable. I can't afford to...
Okay, Dad, but you
gotta come home.
Is it F Troop?
No, Mom's real upset.
Does this mean I can't
go to the Hole tonight?
Does what mean?
What happened?
Oh, Sy Ableman,
he died in a car crash.
DANNY: Hey, Dad.
So you're coming back home?
Can you fix
the aerial?
It's still,
you know...
She seems to be
asking an awful lot.
But then...
I don't know.
Somebody has to pay
for Sy's funeral.
His own estate
is in probate,
but why does it
have to be me?
Or is it wrong
to complain?
Judy says it is.
But I'm so strapped
for cash right now,
carrying the mortgage, and
paying for the Jolly Roger,
and I wrecked the car, and
Danny's bar mitzvah coming up, I...
Something like this,
there's never a good time.
I don't know
where it all leaves me.
Sy's death.
Obviously, it's not going
to go back like it was.
- Would you even want that, Larry?
- No, I...
Well, yeah.
I don't know.
I guess
the honest answer is,
I don't know.
What was my life before?
Not what I thought it was.
So what does it all mean?
What is Hashem
trying to tell me,
making me pay for
Sy Ableman's funeral?
- Mmm.
- And did I tell you
I had a car accident
the same time Sy had his?
- The same instant, for all I know.
- Mmm.
Is Hashem trying to tell
me that Sy Ableman is me?
Or that we are all one
or something?
How does God speak to us?
It's a good question.
You know Lee Sussman.
Dr Sussman?
I think I... Yeah.
Did he ever tell you
about the goy's teeth?
No Uh, what goy?
So, Lee is at work one day.
You know, he has the orthodontic
practice there at Great Bear.
He's making a plaster mold.
It's for corrective bridgework in
the mouth of one of his patents,
Russell Krauss.
The mold dries, and Lee
is examining it one day
before fabricating
an appliance.
He notices
something unusual.
There appears to be
something engraved
on the inside of the
patents lower incisors.
Hey vav shin yud ayin nun yud.
"Help me. Save me."
This, in a goy's mouth, Larry.
He calls the goy back
on the pretense of needling additional
measurements for the appliance.
"How are you?
"Noticed any other
problems with your teeth?"
There it is.
"Help me." '
Son of a gun.
Sussman goes home.
Can Sussman eat?
Sussman can't eat.
Can Sussman sleep?
Sussman can't sleep.
Sussman looks at the molds
of his other patents,
goy and Jew alike,
seeking other messages.
He finds none.
He looks In his own mouth.
He looks
in his wife's mouth.
But Sussman
is an educated man.
Not the world's
greatest sage, maybe.
No Rabbi Marshak.
But he knows a thing or two
about the Zohar and the Kabbalah.
He knows that every Hebrew
letter has its numeric equivalent.
Seven digits.
A phone number, maybe?
"Hello? Do you know a goy
named Krauss, Russell Krauss?"
"Where have I called?
"The Red Owl in Bloomington?
Thanks so much."
He goes.
It's a Red Owl
Groceries, what have you.
Sussman goes home
What does it mean?
He has to find out if he
is ever to sleep again.
He goes to see
the Rabbi Nachtner.
He comes In, he sits right
where you're sitting, right now.
"What does it mean, Rabbi?
- "Is it a sign from Hashem? 'Help me'.
"I, Sussman, should be doing
something to help this goy.
"Doing what?
The teeth don't say.
"Or maybe I'm supposed to help people
generally lead a more righteous life?
"Is the answer
in Kabbalah? In Torah?
"Or is there even a question?
"Tell me, Rabbi,
what can such a sign
So? What did
you tell him?
Is it relevant?
Well, isn't that why
you're telling me?
Nachtner says, "Look.
"The teeth, we don't know
"A sign from Hashem?
Don't know.
"Helping others?
"Couldn't hurt."
No, no,
but who put it there?
Was it for him, Sussman? Or for whoever
found it? Or for just... For, for...
We can't know everything.
It sounds like you don't know anything!
Why even tell me the story?
(CHUCKLING) First I should
tell you, then I shouldn't.
What happened to Sussman?
What would happen?
Not much.
He went back to work.
For a while, he checked every
patents teeth for new messages.
He didnt find any.
In time, he found
he stopped checking.
He returned to life.
These questions that are
bothering you, Larry,
maybe they're
like a toothache.
Feel them for a while,
then they go away.
I don't want it to just
go away! I want an answer!
Sure We all
want the answer.
Hashem doesn't owe us
the answer, Larry.
Hashem doesn't
owe us anything.
The obligation
runs the other way.
Why does he make us
feel the questions
if he's not going to
give us any answers?
He hasn't told me.
And what happened
to the goy?
The goy?
Who cares?
NACHTNER: Sy Ableman
was a serious man.
Sy Ableman was a man
devoted to his community.
To Torah study To his
beloved wife, Esther,
until three years ago
she passed,
and to his duty,
as he saw it.
Where does such a man go?
A tzadik. Who knows,
maybe even a lamed vavnik.
A man beloved by all.
A man who despised
the frivolous.
Could such
a serious man simply
We speak of olam ha-ba,
the world to come.
- Not heaven.
Not what the gentiles
think of as afterlife.
"Olam ha-ba."
What is olam ha-ba?
Where is olam ha-ba?
Well, it is not a
geographic place, certainly.
Like Canada.
Nor is it the
Eretz zavat chalav udvash,
the land flowing
with milk and honey.
For we are not promised
a personal reward.
A gold star.
A first-class VIP lounge where we
get milk and cookies to eternity.
Olam ha-ba is
in the bosom of Abraham.
Arthur Gopnik?
Are you
Arthur Gopnik?
I'm Lawrence Gopnik.
Do you go by the name
Arthur Gopnik?
Is that Arthur Gopnik?
Can you tell me what's going
on? We're sitting shiva here.
You're what?
A religious observance.
We're bereaved.
Who died?
My wife's, uh...
It's a long story.
Look, you tell Gopnik, Arthur
Gopnik, he's breaking the law.
We're not arresting him
now, but next time we will.
Gambling's against the law in this
state That's just the way it is.
All right.
Go back to your thing.
Sorry, sir.
Dad, we get channel four
now, but not channel seven.
Arthur, how could you
do that to this family?
- On Sy's... - It's hardly a crime,
I mean, nobody got hurt.
That doesn't
make it right!
He won
a lot of money, Dad.
The Mentaculus
really works!
You knew about it?
- Well...
- They must have finked me out.
They knew I could
just go on winning,
so they blackballed me
and now...
What did you do with the money you won?
What's going on?
Well, I didn't want it, and
Danny said that he could use it...
That is so unfair!
- LARRY: What are you...
- I'll tell you what's unfair.
What's unfair is them not letting
me play in their card game.
Why give him the money? You
know what he spends it on?
I know about
the records.
Records? Do you think he
buys records from Mike Fagle?
At least I'm not saving
up for a nose job.
- What a brat!
- LARRY: What?
Nobody in this house is getting
a nose job! You got that?
- Danny! You're not excused!
We're still talking!
What was this
card game, Arthur?
Some goys put together
a private game.
I think that
they're Italian.
What's going on?
Danny? We're
sitting shiva here.
Well, she has retained Barney
Silver at Tuchman, Marsh.
This is a...
- This is an aggressive firm, Larry.
- Mmm-hmm.
These are not
pleasant people.
Judith is free to
retain whoever she...
I take it
you don't talk?
It's hard. I think she
emptied our bank account.
- I tried to ask her about it,
very civilly. She... - Yeah.
Yeah, you need to open a new
account in your name only.
Put your paychecks in
there from here on out.
- Can I?
- Oh, absolutely.
It's not dishonest?
Oh, absolutely.
- You...
- I hate to say this,
but I think she's also been
sneaking cash out of my wallet.
Oh, boy Oh, boy.
Yeah, well, this is
definitely adversarial.
Larry? Are you
all right? Larry!
Hey, come on now! Larry!
There's no need for that.
Larry, Larry, we...
We're going to
get through this.
Have you talked
to the Rabbi?
I talked to Nachtner.
Was he helpful
at all?
What, did he tell you
about the goy's teeth?
You should try to
talk to Marshak.
They told me he doesn't
do pastoral work anymore.
He just...
...congratulates the
bar mitzvah boy every week.
Well, that's too bad.
He's a very wise man,
Getting old.
Very old.
No, me.
- Uh, Dick Dutton. Columbia Record Club.
- Not now.
Does he ever
come to the phone?
If I came in, could...
Well, how about at Rabbi
Marshak's convenience?
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Well, could I give you
my number at the Jolly Roger?
LARRY: X squared,
so that delta X equals
the square root of
.077 A squared minus zero,
from which we derive the
square root of .077 A squared.
And also, the uncertainty
in P is equal to the square
root of bracket P squared
minus bracket P squared,
which also equals the square
root of H over A squared.
Which lets us
delta X, delta P
equals the square root
of.077 A squared,
H over A squared,
and 1.74 H bar.
The Uncertainty Principle.
It proves we can't
ever really know
what's going on.
But even though you can't
figure anything out,
you will be responsible
for it on the mid-term.
- Did you follow that?
- Of course.
Except that I know
what's going on.
How do you explain?
Well, it might be that in,
you know, in olam ha-ba...
Excuse me, not the point.
In this world, Larry.
Now I'll concede that
it's subtle, it's clever.
But at the end of the day,
is it convincing?
Well, yes,
it's convincing.
It's a proof.
It's mathematics.
No, excuse me. Mathematics
is the art of the possible.
I don't think so.
The art of the
possible, that's...
I can't remember.
Something else.
I'm a serious man, Larry.
- I know that So, if I've got it wrong,
what do I... - So simple.
See Marshak.
I know! I want to see
Marshak! I want to see Marshak!
I fucked your wife, Larry!
I seriously fucked her!
That's what's going on!
See Marshak!
Mr Gopnik.
Hello, Mrs Samsky.
I was going to knock, and then
I thought you weren't here.
I thought
I heard something.
Can I help you?
Do you want to come in?
- No, I...
- It's cooler.
Oh. Okay.
I've noticed that Mr Samsky
isn't around, and I, uh...
- He travels.
- Uh-huh. Yeah.
So I thought I should let you know,
since you're somewhat new here,
if you ever have, whatever,
chores that you'd, um...
Or just help with something I've decided
to help others, in a neighborly way.
- How thoughtful.
- Oh, it's nothing.
It's just good to know
your neighbors, and to help.
Help others.
Although I don't care much for my
neighbors on the other side, I must say.
- Goys, aren't they?
- Mmm. Very much so.
Although maybe it's not fair
to judge. I have to admit...
Won't you sit down?
Oh, um...
Okay. Thank you.
- Iced tea? I have some.
- Okay.
I don't see you
much around either.
Yes, actually I haven't been
home a lot recently. I, uh...
My wife and I are...
Well, she's got me staying at the Jolly
Roger, the little motel there on...
You're in the
doghouse, huh?
Yes. That's an understatement,
I guess. Thank you.
I guess I...
Do you take advantage
of the new freedoms?
What do you mean?
It's something I do.
For recreation.
- Mmm-hmm.
You'll find you'll
need the iced tea.
Is it...
Well, okay.
Maybe Rabbi Scott was right.
Who's Rabbi Scott?
The junior rabbi.
The junior rabbi.
What did he say?
LARRY: He spoke of
All my problems
are just...
Just a...
A mere...
Is that a siren?
Sometimes people
get paranoid...
- Holy cow, that is a siren.
Does this man live here?
- Sort of. He sleeps on the couch.
- This is crazy!
I didn't know what to tell them
They asked me for my address.
It's just mathematics. You can't
arrest a man for mathematics.
I didn't know whether to tell
them here, or at the Jolly Roger.
Do you know this man?
I just figured that this would
sound better. I don't know.
Dad, why is Uncle Arthur
in handcuffs?
It's all a mistake. I mean,
not a mistake, a miscarriage...
- Hello, Mrs Samsky.
- Hello, Arthur.
- Does this man live here?
- He sleeps on the couch.
Look. What did he do?
- Nothing! I didn't do anything!
- DANNY: Dad sleeps on a cot.
Sir, we picked this man
up at the North Dakota.
- But I didn't do anything! I didn't...
- The North Dakota?
Solicitation Sodomy Very serious.
But I didn't
do anything.
What's sodomy,
What does Arthur say?
He says he didn't
do anything.
He says he just
went in for a drink.
- Does Arthur drink?
- No.
The North Dakota.
You'll need
a criminal attorney.
- Okay Who's...
- Ron Meshbesher.
- Is he good?
- Ron is very good.
I don't understand.
- He goes to mixers at the Hillel House.
- Mmm.
- I would call Ron Meshbesher.
- Is he expensive?
Ron is not cheap.
Oh, Sol, come in, we
could use some good news.
DON: Sol's been going over
the property line issue
and he wouldn't go into
details, but he seems to think
there's a nifty way
out of this.
Says it was pure luck
that he caught something.
I guess that's why you're
full partner, eh, Sol?
- Danny's bar mitzvah is...
- This week.
DON: This Shabbas?
Great, great.
Professor Gopnik,
Dick Dutton.
Heart attack.
Call back.
As you know, the tenure
committee meets on... What?
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.
I'm sorry. I know
you've hit a rough patch.
Someone just...
But I'm fine.
Well, as you know, the tenure
committee meets on Wednesday make its final
determinations, so if... - Arlen,
I am not an evil man.
- No, no, Larry, no, of course not.
- I am not!
No, we don't make
moral judgments.
I went to the
Aster Art once.
I saw Swedish Reverie.
No, it's okay.
We don't need to know.
It wasn't even erotic.
Although it was,
in a way.
It's all right, really,
Larry. Believe me.
Yeah, okay.
Okay. Okay.
So, we decide
on Wednesday.
So, if there's anything
that you want to
submit in support of
your tenure application,
we would need it
by Wednesday.
Submit? What do you...
Well, anything.
Any published work.
Anything you've done
outside the institution.
Anything at all that
we should be aware of.
- I haven't done anything.
- Uh-huh.
- I haven't published.
- Uh-huh.
- You're still getting those...
- Uh-huh.
- Those anonymous...
- No, no, I know. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah.
- Okay. Okay. Wednesday?
- Uh-huh.
Um Okay Uh...
Don't worry.
Doing nothing is
not bad. Ipso facto.
Just relax.
Try to relax.
Oh, my God,
Mrs. Samsky!
So good.
Nailing it down.
So important.
LARRY: Please. I need help. I've already
talked to the other rabbis. Please.
It's not about
Danny's bar mitzvah.
My boy, Danny.
This coming Shabbas.
Very joyous event.
That's all fine.
It's more about myself. I've
had quite a bit of tsuris lately.
Marital problems,
professional, you name it.
This is not
a frivolous request.
This is a...
I'm a...
I've tried to be a
serious man, you know?
Tried to do right, be a member
of the community, raise the...
Danny, Sarah, they both
go to school, Hebrew school.
A good breakfast...
Well, Danny goes to Hebrew
school, Sarah doesn't have time.
She mostly
washes her hair.
Apparently there are
several steps involved,
but you don't have to tell Marshak
that, just tell him I need help.
Please. I need help.
The Rabbi is busy.
He didn't look busy.
He's thinking.
What's wrong?
It'll be okay.
Arthur, we'll...
Don't worry, we'll get Ron
Meshbesher It'll be okay...
Arthur! You've got to
pull yourself together!
It's all shit, Larry!
It's all shit!
don't use that word.
It's just fucking shit!
Look at all that
Hashem has given you!
What has he given me?
He hasn't given me shit!
Arthur. What do I have?
I live at the Jolly Roger.
You have a family!
You have a job!
Hashem hasn't given me shit
He hasn't given me bupkes!
It's not fair to blame
Hashem, Arthur. Please.
Please calm down.
Sometimes you
have to help yourself.
Hashem hasn't given me shit.
Now I can't even
play cards.
It's okay,
it's okay.
- It's okay, it's okay.
Is this it?
ARTHUR: Yeah, I think.
Yeah, there.
Look, this should help
you get back on your feet.
Oh, my God
Where did you get this?
- It doesn't matter.
- This is a lot of money.
- It should get you started.
- I know, but this is a lot of money.
- You sure you don't need it?
- Arthur, I'm fine.
Come on, get in
When you're settled,
let me know how
to get in touch.
You're sure?
It's fine.
Larry. I'm sorry.
What I said last night.
I know.
It's okay.
There's another Jew, son!
Were we out at
the pool last night?
I'm sorry.
It's Shabbas.
Give me that fucker.
I'm sorry that... That things
have been so hard for us.
It's okay.
Sy had so much respect for you, Larry.
He wrote letters to
the tenure committee.
Jesus Christ.
...taking your place
as a member of our tribe.
Now, you will go
and see Rabbi Marshak.
Afterwards, you will celebrate in a
reception downstairs in Schanfield Hall.
And then, you will be a member of
B'Nai Avraham and the Nation of Israel.
Danny Gopnik, the Sisterhood makes
a gift to you of this Kiddush cup,
so that you will remember this blessed
day on the next Shabbas and the next,
and on every Shabbas
of a long and fruitful life.
And until that wonderful day when you
stand under the chuppah, we say amen.
When the truth
is found
to be lies...
...and all the hope
within you dies...
Then what?
Grace Slick.
Marty Balin.
Paul Kantner.
These are the members
of the Airplane.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Uh-huh.
Be a good boy.
ARLEN: Danny was magnificent.
Thank you, Arlen.
Mazel tov.
It was wonderful.
Yes, it was. Thank you.
Such a time of nachas.
He's your youngest,
you have to savor it.
I do.
I will.
- Well, see you at the staff caf.
- Yes.
I, uh...
Just, um...
I shouldn't tell you this,
I'm not telling you officially.
The tenure candidates aren't
notified till Thursday.
You'll be very pleased.
- Thank you, Arlen.
- I didn't say anything Mazel tov.
There's a tornado warning
from the weather service.
Mr. Turchik has decided to move us
into the basement of the synagogue.
We will form two lines.
That fucking flag's gonna
rip right off the flagpole!
- MAN: Larry?
- Yes?
Hi, Len Shapiro.
Hello, Dr. Shapiro.
mazel tov on Danny.
Yes, thank you.
Listen, could you come by to
discuss these x-ray results?
Larry, could you come in to
discuss these x-ray results?
You remember the
x- rays we took?
We can't discuss them
over the phone?
I think we'd be more
comfortable in person.
Can you come in?
- When?
- Now.
Now is good. I've cleared some time now.
Hey, Fagle!
Fagle, I got your...