Sestre (2011)

Good morning.
I'm Katarina, a psychologist
from victim support.
We're from the police.
I'm Marko Filipovic, inspector.
This is my colleague,
Jelica Cvetan.
We're here to help you.
We're from the special branch
and know how to protect
girls like you.
The inspectors
need your details.
The doctors just told us
your state of health,
but not your surname.
I'll take you to an undercover
place with only women.
The safe house,
where we'll give you
psychological, legal
and health aid.
This is Maja and this is Olga.
You can ask her for
anything you need.
This is the sitting room.
These are Tanja and Nidia.
- Hi.
This will be your bedroom.
No one knows where you are,
not even the police. Relax.
I don't know what
you are talking about.
I'll be staying here tonight.
If you want to talk,
I'm here for you.
Little one!
Puss, puss, puss...
Where are you,
little one? Wait!
Marija, are you all right?
Come on, come here.
Come on, get up, slowly...
I finished a cosmetic course
after secondary school
and started working, and I
wanted to go to university.
Marija, how many of you were
there at that audition?
I don't know.
There were three girls
as well as us.
You can tell us, sweetie,
don't be frightened.
My sister was there. Please,
don't tell anyone, I beg you.
Don't worry,
we won't tell anyone.
You don't know
what it was like there.
- In Florence.
In Italy? You were in Italy?
When were you in Italy?
I was...
We really were in Italy.
Marija, how did you get to Italy?
- We really were in Italy.
The doctor says you'd have lost
more blood so far from Belgrade.
We really were in Italy.
- I think she's said enough.
What sort of discotheque
is it where they play
so girls can dance?
It's seasonal work, Grandpa.
We create an atmosphere.
You'll create an atmosphere?
I'll give you atmosphere!
Leave them alone. Surely
I have some say in this house.
If it was a serious agency,
you'd have some sort of contract
I haven't got one in my boutique.
- Then look for another job.
It's not like when you were young.
I can't just get any job I like.
But Grandpa, look,
we've got a contract!
Now they don't need visas,
let them travel.
Krusevac isn't the world.
What's this language here?
- Romanian.
Why? -There are no more
copies in Serbian.
Romania's in the European Union.
- We're going to Italy. Florence.
You don't say?
Romania in the EU?
Since when?
This is a guarantee for a boiler.
Please, Grandpa, let us go!
This is totally worthless.
- Grandpa, please!
Take it easy. Nothing
will come of it. I'm off.
That's enough. Give me
those passports. -Keep off!
Mummy. -What do you mean,
Mummy? -Please!
As soon as he starts snoring,
I'll take the passports.
Can I put this in your suitcase?
- It's old!
No, I can still wear it.
Don't be silly.
We'll buy something
with our first wages in Italy.
We're not going there to
throw our money away.
I'm only packing
what I really need.
Can I put this in your case?
- Don't take that, please.
Marija, don't laugh at me.
- Don't take that, please.
Mummy, what are we going
to do with Grandpa?
Bravo! -Thank you, Mummy!
- What did I tell you?
If Daddy was alive,
he'd be happy.
You have to stand
on your own feet.
You'll learn Italian, won't you?
You'll learn it well.
You're worth the number
of languages you can speak.
Mummy's little treasures,
Mummy's pretty little girls...
Can I help you?
- Thank you.
Good morning!
Quickly, Grandpa's going
to wake up. -Bye-bye!
You know how much
I'd care about that!
Mummy, please, tell him
we'll be back in a month.
All right. Give Mummy a kiss.
- Bye, Mummy.
Bye! Have a good trip!
"It wasn't the monotony
that got to me last night.
It was my heart being
broken into tiny pieces."
The filthy swine!
Facebook is really incredible!
Just for fun I've joined a group
Those of us who have
never traveled...
And then this job came up.
You weren't at the audition?
- Audition?
I met a cool guy. His mate
has a club where I'll dance.
What about you?
- I won't dance.
I'll look after some
kids in Paris.
At least you haven't got a kid.
- So you've got a kid?
I left him with my mother-in-law
in Banja Luka.
When I said I'd send them cash,
they gave me
a real good send-off.
What's your kid called?
- Lazar. -Laza...
We'll stop here for a break.
Let's have your passports.
Come on, wake up!
You two, wait in the van. You're
going with two others to Paris.
You stay here, another
van will take you to Italy.
Bye, girls. -Bye!
- Come on, girls!
Thanks, I could do with a rest.
I'm dying for a coffee.
- Me too.
- Yes.
Are we going to Florence?
- Yes, we're just taking a break.
Come on, Saska, come on!
Marija, come on,
let's go to supper.
I can't.
What's up? Are you all right?
- Out of my way.
- Out of my way! -Katarina!
Give me something, please!
I can't give you anything.
I'm a psychologist. -Get out!
Come on, let's go to the doctor.
- No, get out!
Sit here.
What's this?
Is it possible to get
a coffee in this Italy?
Well then, let's keep warm
while we're waiting.
And now...
You've no idea...
Are we really not going
to get a coffee here?
I'll see what's up.
Tanja, give the girls
some coffee.
Let's introduce ourselves.
I'm your guide for the trip.
I'm Ljubica.
- I'm Tadija.
Marija, pleased to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you.
Saska. -I'm Tadija.
Sit down. -Thank you.
Pleased to meet you, girls.
I'm glad you're well.
I'm going to find you
work in Italy. Seasonal work.
Paid for in cash,
except you enter as tourists.
All right?
You pay a higher percentage.
But if we legalize everything,
your stay,
before you cross the border,
you can do any work
you like in Italy.
You can get a permanent job
through the union.
The pay's brill.
The only thing you
can't do is to vote.
We're free to do any work at all?
- Yes, if we get seggiorno.
Is it legal? -A brill question.
Take it easy. Thank you, Tanja.
We have experienced people
in the embassies.
And good connections.
The contracts get you
work permits.
And then you give
us a little cash.
How much cash?
- Let's say three thousand euros.
Three thousand euros? How?
We haven't got that sort of...
Not yet, but you'll earn
it eventually, isn't that so?
What about the work permits?
Are they real ones? Permanent?
Of course. In ten years you'll be
citizens and be able to vote.
I mean, why not?
You'll have to stay here a bit
and wait for the work permits.
And work a little for us.
It's no small thing we're doing
for you, isn't that so?
You can see this is
a smart place, clean,
just right to find your form!
Shall we first phone Mummy?
Not now,
it would spoil everything,
and Grandpa would have a stroke.
Let's just call to say we're over
the border and everything's brill.
That's it.
Look, everything's brill here.
Your rooms are upstairs.
In the evening you'll dance
for the customers.
Do you have mobiles?
Yes, we have.
- Let's see.
What's this?
Nobody uses these any more.
They're out of date.
What century is this from?
I don't know how it works.
We'll change it.
You'll get Blackberries,
so we're all the same.
Saja, please, change
the girls telephones.
Can we send an SMS
to Mummy? -Saska, please!
Don't worry, from now on,
we're taking care of you.
Come on now, cheers!
Drinks on the house!
It's strong, gently.
Here's your mint tea.
Olga will give you your pills
in the morning and evening.
Thank you.
Were you on drugs earlier or
did they start you on them?
They gave us all sorts of things
so we could keep on working.
Will we be able to see Jelica
and Marko tomorrow?
First bring my sister to me.
You know where she is.
I want to help you. But how?
We should all have
a talk together.
Come on, girls...
Look at all these undies.
Choose what you fancy
and try it on. Come on!
This are horrible undies.
Let's not make problems already.
Strip off and see
how they suit you.
You take this black one.
It's special, lace.
Out of the question.
- My sister's only just 18.
She can take the pink one,
if she's 18.
What's the matter now?
Look, I've already invested
money in you. Money!
No fucking around.
The customers are nearly here.
Come on, we'll survive.
Well, can you
at least turn round?
Saja, we can at least turn round.
The girls are shy.
There, we've all turned round!
When someone comes in, you sit
by him. He talks, you just nod.
Laugh and talk. He should
drink as much as possible.
To leave as much money as
possible. Give the money to Saja.
He writes it in his notebook
so nobody can steal any of it.
It's your money,
and the club takes care of it.
The club takes a percentage
since I've paid for you.
And if a client wants a private
dance, take him upstairs.
I'll show you, and dance a
private dance for him. -Private?
Private! No sweat,
I'll look after you.
I want to go home!
- Where are you off to?
I've paid everything for you
and the money's gone.
What do you want?
To lose our documents?
And get arrested?
You don't want to get under
my skin. Please, sort this out.
Just calm down, Saska.
It's your turn.
I'm going home. -You'll go
where I tell you. Go up there!
Let's go upstairs, sweetie.
- Let's have a drink first.
She's busy. You can go upstairs
with me if you like.
Only no touching.
Please... Stop!
Stop that! Please!
Saska, where are you?
They raped me!
Where's my sister, you ape?
- Calm down.
Where's my sister? Saska!
Leave me alone!
Let me out!
Right, now you can phone Mummy
and tell her
everything's all right.
All right, when you've
calmed down a bit.
So that's it!
I get you work permits
for the best price in the EU.
And you fuck me up, is that it?
What were you thinking,
that everything in life is brill?
Look, you half-wit
I'm talking to you.
No more messing around or I'll
kill you. Do I make myself clear?
Come on!
Puki, you can lock
the door afterward.
And then...
The second night,
I had nine of them all over me.
The third night, eleven.
After that, I stopped counting.
They threatened to put
the videos on the Internet
and send them to our parents.
Every time they punished
us in a different way.
Usually they punished one girl
for another girl's mistakes.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed
be your name. Your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive
those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
We'll run away from here.
I'll think of something,
don't worry. Be sure of that.
Wait. Sit down
and let's chat a little first.
It's always interested me
how you can do all this.
I suppose it's the money,
but how can you do it
with all these types?
I don't know, for me it
would be really repulsive.
I don't quite understand you,
do you want to do it or not?
I can't, I'm sorry.
My mates forced me to.
We had our exams, and...
Can we wait here for a bit
and then I'll go downstairs?
Is that all right or have
I done something wrong?
No, everything's all right.
Did they force you to do this?
Listen, my father
isn't just anyone.
He's got lots
of good connections.
I can help you. You don't have
to be here if you don't want to.
And if you want, I'll help you.
I don't know. He wanted
to call some SOS number.
But his father called Tadija.
He didn't want it to get out that
his son had been with whores.
Yes, but why don't you
tell this to the police.
It would help them.
Get up! Get up when
I tell you, for fuck's sake!
Girls, I'm sorry
for waking you like this.
The situation is very urgent.
One of you tried to pull a
fast one on me last night.
We can't allow that, can we?
We'll have to punish that.
Come here!
Don't, don't!
Come here, I tell you!
Last night one of you talked
with people of your age.
Isn't that so?
No, it's...
Now clean up all this chaos here!
I understand you're scared,
but I shall have
to tell this to the police.
I'm going to tell the police.
- No!
Yes! It's a matter of murder!
- I shouldn't have told you!
I can't keep quiet about it.
- They'll kill Saska as well.
She didn't cross the Italian
border, that much we know.
At least not under
her own name.
I'm telling you, it's that
night club Florence...
Do you remember what
it was called before. Venice?
And before, Verona.
- Yes, let's talk about Tadija.
It seems to me that Marija
mentioned someone called Tadija.
There! Three times we busted
him and found nothing.
We really did the place over,
but there were no girls.
I really don't understand.
What don't you understand?
The local police
told us about him.
Let's not make
fools of ourselves.
Remember that chap from
Mladenovac a few years ago,
who on Wednesday's had
a day off for the police?
Let's stop squabbling, it wasn't
years ago, it was decades ago.
For years we've been
arresting them,
but the court lets them off,
or encourages them
with light sentences.
- I'm not the court.
The prosecutor's office
collects evidence with you.
There's someone called Ljubica.
They blackmail her with her child.
Somewhere in Bosnia.
- That's for Interpol.
Find the child. Hide him
in a safe place. -Of course.
Before you start anything serious.
What concrete
evidence do we have?
We've got precisely nothing.
No, we've got Florence".
And Marija...
We know her sister's there.
And we've got the girl
with the child.
And a girl from Moldavia.
And a murder.
Is Marija going to talk to us?
Not yet, she needs
a little more time.
This turns round
and this lights up,
then this goes up
and down again.
Are you all right? -Give me
something to wipe myself with.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Laza,
happy birthday to you!
Wish for something.
- She's already wished.
No she hasn't.
Come on!
- The cake, come on.
Come on, for Laza!
- Cheers, cheers!
I only smoke thin ones.
Meaning this big!
This is ours, a fat one.
- That's fine, it's fine.
Come on,
sing something, please.
Marija, how many did
you have last night?
You're not trying hard enough.
You're in permanent debt.
Twelve euros for sanitary towels,
five for the glass
you broke the other day.
There are other things I don't
count, they're on the house.
If you don't try enough,
I'll have to send you.
Do you know
what that means? What?
I don't know.
- You don't know?
You'll go to Kosovo, my girl,
and there's no future there.
You really must try harder.
You? What's the matter?
We're not jolly like we
were to start with?
Listen. Bosko called me
from Banja Luka yesterday.
He passed by your house.
He says your son's very sweet.
What? Not even a thank
you for telling you this?
What's up with you all? Liven up!
I can't look at you like this!
And you, you cow!
What are you looking at?
Nobody says hello to me,
or smiles at me
or says thank you, Tadija.
Have I deserved this?
He lost some money gambling
and they're coming to fleece him.
Gosh, I'm so sorry.
You silly girl...
Look what he's given me.
Saska, what are you talking
about? You're out of your mind.
You're a fool.
Tadija looks after us.
How would it be
with someone else?
Idiot, you tell him everything
we talk about here.
Don't talk to me like that.
You're a fool. -I told you
not to talk to me like that.
Hello, girls!
My lads don't get it.
They ask how Tadija
makes such a brill sauce.
And I tell them the trick's
in the mustard. Try it.
It's brill.
- Brill! You've no idea.
You asked me what it was like.
- I didn't ask you to answer me.
I know it's brill,
but you don't know
how to tell me why it's brill.
Because it's really
the tops. -Well, yes.
You'll learn.
Each one to his own.
And now have a few
words with your mother,
and when your sis calms down,
she can say a few words too.
Hello, Mummy.
It's great!
We've got a job
and we'll send you money.
Mummy, I don't know
when we'll... No...
Mummy, bye!
Hello, Mummy?
Yes, everything's super.
Saska's super, she's grown.
We'll call later so as not
to run up a bill.
I love you, Mummy.
Leave your sister
for a bit, come on.
What you noticed with Saska
was a fear for her very life.
It's known as
the Stockholm syndrome.
That's the reason.
Perhaps he's already sold her.
I think we can get
her out of there.
But he has strong connections
and knows everything.
All sorts of important
blokes come there,
from the local council.
That famous actor was there.
I can't remember his name.
I know. But on the other hand,
there are our police,
Interpol, IOM,
non-governmental organizations
that fight against this trading.
Why don't you want to talk?
Thanks, Olga.
What happened to Olga,
how did she get the scar
on her back?
They removed a kidney.
They'd probably
have removed the other
if she hadn't been found.
You don't have to give evidence.
But help us to rescue the girls.
We need to know where
they hide the girls
when they hear of a raid.
Marija, you ran away from there.
Help us to save Saska.
Let's play dice.
Ljubica, just go, will you!
Tadija's brill.
He's going to send Mummy
some money for a car.
And he showed me the money
he's keeping for us.
I feel sick.
And I think one
of my teeth is loose.
Marija, please, go to bed.
I've eaten too much.
Why are you such an old hen?
Go to bed.
You're not well.
No, Marija, I'm brill.
Look at all the things
he's brought us to eat.
Where have you been
until now, for Christ's sake?
What are you gawping at?
Can't you see
my sister's not well?
You shouldn't drink so much.
What are you saying? Who
are you to say such a thing?
Haven't you got
anything better to do?
Go and do some washing!
Why do you look at me like that?
Like some queen in her palace!
I'll go and do some washing.
- Go then! Off you go, you cow!
Come on, get dressed
and on deck. Come on!
Husa, what do you say?
Take it easy mate.
Good merchandize today?
Look at this one, and...
How much is this one?
- Two grand.
What do you say? -Too much.
- How much do you have?
Three grand.
- Take her and take another two.
Come on, look at these.
Come on girls.
Let's have a smile.
Good merchandise?
Gently, little one...
What's the matter?
This one's aggressive.
- Look at this chick. Smile.
She's a bit grumpy.
- But she can dance, old boy.
Well, let's see.
- Come on then! -Off we go!
That's it, my pussycat, off we go!
Come here.
- That's it. That's lovely.
A tigress?
Come on.
She's worth every penny.
You want her?
- Yes.
Empty your wallet, old boy.
Open your mouth.
Off you go.
What have you done? -I installed
that ordinary insulation.
Fuck it. Good for the wife,
good for the kids.
Fuck that, my place is damp.
- Why build there when it's damp?
The view. -Fuck the view.
What good's the view?
It's big...
The smaller the man,
the bigger the problem.
Here you are.
- What do I need that for?
Perhaps it's yours.
- Throw it away.
Let's go for a drink.
She won't go anywhere now.
Let's go.
I'll kill myself if anything
happens to her.
Boss, they're calling
from Germany.
There's no merchandise
for Hamburg. Cancel it.
Lie down!
Hands in the air!
It's clean!
Let's go outside, girls.
Some on, slowly now.
It's clean!
Come on, get them up.
The Serbian Home Office
and Public Prosecutor
for organized crime
wish you good day.
Welcome. Would you like
something to drink?
We'll have a drink,
but without you.
Tadija Tasic,
you're under arrest.
You're being
especially witty today.
It's no joke.
Photograph these injuries here.
Come on, a bit more lively.
These two in the back.
Mind your head.
Katarina, let's have
the girls in the van.
No one needs urgent
medical attention. Let's go.
Are you the boss?
- Yes. -Are you arresting us?
You girls aren't under arrest.
- I want the boss!
Where are my personal things?
- We'll bring them.
I'll kill you, tear you apart.
Tadija will kill you.
Leave me alone.
Take it easy.
Come on, in the back.
What's the matter, Saska?
It's over! You're not there
any more! Understand?
I'm not going to sit
in this hen coop
and be dragged
round the courts!
Tadija's a monster!
- You're a monster!
Take it easy, Saska.
- Leave me alone!
The maniac photographed
every girl he bought and sold.
That makes our job
somewhat easier.
Shall I send the pictures
to everyone in Zone 2?
Yes. I think most of them
will have ended up
in the European Union.
Four victims are taken care of.
We've got plenty of evidence.
It would be best if they
agree to give evidence.
Look, a book with all their debts.
I'll kill him.
I've got a shotgun and I'll kill
him. He's going to be dead.
Mr. Rade, don't be like that.
Threats don't help.
Saska, my child, we all
know they forced you.
Nobody's angry with you.
Say what happened
and let the beast end up
where he deserves.
Everything will be all right.
- Everything's all right already.
What do you want me to say?
- Tell them how it all was.
How was it?
What's important is that
we're all together again.
You give your statements
on your own, individually.
Calmly, slowly, composed.
The whole truth.
If they ask for confrontation...
I hope this won't happen
because they can be really
rough and provocative.
They tell lies.
They say all sorts of stupid
and repulsive things.
But if this happens, do your
best to look straight at me.
They will place you so that you
can always see me or Katarina.
Don't be frightened of anything,
they can't harm you any more.
I suggest evidence is given
by the witnesses
confronting my defendant.
I oppose this because it would
mean secondary victimization
and additional stress
for the witnesses
who have already given
clear statements. Thank you.
But the accused would be deprived
of the right to defend himself.
The court decides that
the evidence will be given
through confrontation.
The injured party Marija Radic
will stand and approach the bench.
Stand there.
Please, call the accused,
Tadija Tasic.
The beast.
Face each other,
look each other in the eye
and say what you have to say.
Why did you lie that I beat you
and that you weren't
allowed to go out?
You did beat me.
I went out once,
when you took me to a client.
Ridiculous. How did you get away
if you weren't free to go out?
You sold me on.
That's how I left.
Sweetie, what have I done to
you that makes you lie like this?
It's you who have lied.
You're making all this up.
What sponges, what burning?
Come off it, it's all farcical.
You made me carry a sponge
when I had my period.
A kitchen one, too.
We all had to do the same.
Saja burned my facial hair.
You blackmailed me with my child.
It's all true.
Child? You have a child?
It's the first time
I've heard of it.
Poor child with such a mother.
You're lying through your teeth.
You were a super dancer
and only went with clients
when you wanted.
Nobody forced you, did they?
Important people came to my place.
Such people that I would
go off with, isn't that so?
Not in my case.
If you hadn't forced me
every day for three years.
Why are you all lying? It was
you who planned the murder.
I fed you and now you want
to send me to prison?
You killed her.
I object to the defenses request
for confrontation in this case.
The psychologist testified
that the witness has
Stockholm syndrome.
She has already given evidence
that is sufficient.
If she could give evidence, she
can also confront the defendant.
Your honor, I request that
we complete the confrontation.
I ask the injured party
Aleksandra Radic
to approach the bench.
Please, tell each other
what you have to say.
Do you stand by your
earlier statements?
Yes, I do.
- And you?
I stand by them as well.
Look me in the eye.
Look me in the eye, Saska.
It's me you're addressing.
Do you stand by the nonsense
you were talking?
Is that the way to thank me?
I invest in you...
Tell the people
and we can part company.
I've said everything,
I've nothing to add.
What have you said?
Say here that everything
you've said is the truth.
It is the truth.
Tadija made that girl...
And all the girls...
I don't know.
- What don't you know?
Look at me,
it's me you're addressing.
Say you killed her,
you forced us to do all that,
you abused us,
you're a criminal, Tadija.
Go on, say it.
Please, I can't do all this.
Please, these are all lies and
we all know they are lies.
I don't know
why we're saying all this
when we made a lot of money.
I worked as PR for the club
and I'm not going to lie.
I was the club's PR.
I mean, the murder?
It's nonsense.
We all know it was an accident.
I'm not a whore.
I'm a PR and I beg you
to end this once and for all.
I'm sorry, Tadija.
For a witness to change
her evidence is not rare.
Victims of human trafficking
often lose their self-confidence,
their identity, and they become
dependent on the criminal.
I'm sorry that while observing
the law the court didn't recognize
what effects confrontation could
leave on the victim's future life.
But the court must
consider all the motives
for a change of evidence.
That the victims were tricked,
and sexually exploited by force.
They had no freedom of movement
and were witnesses to a murder.
In their statements
they don't deny
that they practiced prostitution.
But we must differentiate
between human trafficking
and prostitution.
We refer to one of the
most profitable forms
of organized crime.
All the cited material evidence
and statements of the victims
confirm that all the accused
committed this crime.
I consider that the court
should find them guilty
of the crime of human trafficking
according to Article 388
together with the crime of first
degree murder, Article 114,
and pass the maximum
sentence that the law allows.
Marija... Hello!
- Hi!
How's it going?
- So-so. And you?
Nothing much.
I've got a brother. -Yes?
He's 16, he hasn't...
Would you...
What about 1000 dinars?
Think about it. Say the price.
Hello, Katarina.
Happy New Year.
We're fine.
I'd like to come to Belgrade
to work with you.
Fine. I will.
Thanks, we'll be in touch.
What does she say?
She says, to collect all my
documents and come to Belgrade.
I can't stay here
with you any longer.
I can't manage without Saska.
Forgive me.
Forgive me, my dearest...
I'll never forgive myself
for taking her with me.
It's my fault.
I must find her.
We'll find her.
You mustn't fall back
into the chain.
What about when that beast
comes out of prison?
He only got 15 years.
- Don't think about that now.
Try to start your life again
from the beginning, now.
How much do you want
for this one? -Eight hundred.
Too much.
- Seven hundred fifty.
And what's this?
- A pretty girl.
Pretty? You can see
she's damaged goods.
What could I do with her?
Come on, how much?
- Five hundred. -Four.
Four hundred.
- Three hundred fifty.
You can have her for six.
- Five hundred.
Seven hundred.
- Six hundred twenty. -Fifty.
Wait a moment, I've got
something else for you.
And this is... -She came
of her own accord. -Really?
But as it's New Year,
she's on the house. -Great!