Setup (Set-Up) (2011)

When I was younger
I wanted to be a priest.
I was going into battle
to save men's souls
from the evil of the world.
But as I got older,
I saw the world
for what it really was.
It wasn't so much
who I was going to save,
but who was gonna save
the world from me.
No friends, no jokes,
no money
Try to shove me
when I'm working my shit
I'll be bringing 'em out,
I'm cool
Can't take shit from me
in the street
When they come with that beef
you know what I'm about...
- How is he?
- He's holding up.
You got to know he appreciates
you coming to visit.
Yeah, I know, man.
It's just hard seeing your old man
sitting in a fucking cage.
Let's roll.
Standing out in the rain
I never thought
this is where I'd be...
Jesus, what is with
all these girlie magazines?
I mean really,
do you need all this?
- Yeah, I do.
- "10 ways--
- 10 better ways to be a better kisser."
- Shut up.
"10 things you don't
know about him."
Come on, hit me harder.
Hit me, come on.
You can't hurt the man of steel.
Come on, honey.
I need them.
- Okay.
Is the man of steel gonna finish taking
the boxes out of the garage or what?
- Okay.
- Ooh.
I love you.
I've got to go.
I love you.
I've got to go.
Come home soon.
Hey, Sonny.
How are you doing?
Hey Dave,
can you quarterback for us?
Can't, man.
I've got to go.
Yo, man, you just moved
in here a week ago.
How the fuck does everybody
know your name already?
- Why you always riding him?
- it's a gift.
I'm blessed with an outstandingly
magnetic personality.
Big fucking mouth
you mean.
Okay, Mr. Antisocial. Next time
you're standing next to some chick
trying to get laid, you're
gonna need my big mouth.
The day I need you
to help me get laid--
I see the way
your woman looks at me.
Are you
eye-fucking me, boy?
No, dog.
My man in the warden's office says
they gonna be putting your ass
back in general next week.
Then it's gonna be on, motherfucker.
Fuck you, nigger.
You's a real tough
motherfucker now, huh?
That's why they got your ass
over there in C-block.
That's where they keep all
the bitches and snitches.
Which one you be?
You got something
to say now, nigger?
Who's a bitch now,
you motherfucker?
You want to run
your mouth now, nigger?
Come on, I can't hear you.
Come on, motherfucker.
Run your mouth.
I'll fuck you anytime, man.
- Any fucking time.
- Shut up!
Keep your mouth shut.
Keep your mouth shut.
Hey, general population,
I'll see you there.
Hey, you gonna nurse that bottle
or are you gonna drink it?
What, you in a hurry, man?
Pass that shit.
I need to warm up.
I was just remembering
the first time
Dave ever met my pop.
Dude, I thought he was
gonna shit himself.
You remember that?
You were stuttering.
You were like, "N-n-n-nice
to meet you, s-sir."
Fuck you.
Whatever, man.
I don't blame you for being scared, man.
I've been scared of him too.
Could be a mean old
son of a bitch.
Nah, he was just all talk.
All talk? That's all you've been
doing is talking.
Start drinking.
- Man, it is cold up here.
- Fucking freezing.
Hey, man, hey.
You know why I love
being up here, man?
It's just like
being above it all, man.
Like no problems pressing
down on my shoulders.
Hey, like if you need counseling,
I've got you covered.
- But can I have the bottle?
- Yeah, right.
Man, fuck
the holidays, dude.
Lighten up, man.
Come on, bro, relax.
We love you, man.
Come on, hug it out.
Dude, get the fuck
off of me, man.
I knew he wasn't going for that.
Come on, let's bounce.
We've got work tomorrow.
I won't fade out,
I won't back down
I We're gonna raise up
from the underground
Now sing it with me now,
say it with me loud
I'm not going to fade...
We got to turn this shit off.
it's annoying.
Hey, man, what time is it?
Five minutes past the last
time you asked me, man.
Chill the fuck out.
He's late, man.
- Shit, there he is.
- Let's do this.
Get out. Stay on the ground
or I'll kill you.
Don't make me break
this fucking window.
Get down!
Come here, sweetheart.
Come here.
- Don't shoot. I'm just a courier.
- You shut the fuck up.
I'm just a courier.
Don't kill me.
- Take it, take it. Don't hurt me.
- Shut up!
- Don't shoot!
- Quit looking at me.
You, shut the fuck up!
Don't shoot!
I'm just a courier!
Let's go, let's go!
Let's fucking get out of here!
Come on, let's go.
Get the fuck in here!
We've gotta move! Come on!
Get in here!
Get the fuck in!
Dude, let's go.
Let's fucking get out of here!
We've got to fucking go, man!
Come on.
Fuck, come on.
What the fuck's
gotten into you, Vince?
Killing that guy
wasn't part of the plan.
Look at me when
I'm talking to you.
Nobody was
supposed to die, man.
He was fucking laying there.
I had the situation under control.
You think I want that guy
out there looking for us
trying to put
a bullet in my head?
Come on, man. The way I see it,
I was doing you a favor.
A favor? Well, try not to do me
any more fucking favors, all right?
Ladies, ladies.
Look, no kissing
on the first date, okay?
Dude, what does that--
Look, I just--
what's done is done, okay?
- We've just got to stick together.
- Yeah.
- Where's your guy?
- He'll be here.
You tell him we'd be down
here by the old truck depot?
Yeah, I told him.
- You say down by the river?
- The river, yeah.
Come on now, we've been waiting
for this day for a long time.
Let's not fucking fall apart.
Yo, come check it out.
- Five milly.
- Whoo!
Holy shit, that's a lot of ice, man.
Five million.
See, now you see why i did
what i did, man. I got y'alls back.
Here he comes.
Why don't y'all wait here?
$5 million, man.
I can take care of my girl.
That's all you think about.
Valerie this, Valerie that.
- What do you want?
- I'm waiting on that money.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
You sure?
Like I got a choice.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- I'm sorry, bro.
Let's go!
Let's go!
As I laid gasping for my next breath,
I knew God had given me
a second chance.
But I was too stupid
to take it.
I was going to get
what was mine.
Sonny, what the fuck?
- Fuck!
- He shot me.
- Who shot you?
- Vince, man.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Sit down.
- Where'd you get hit?
- Up top.
Lay down.
Lay down.
Oh fuck.
It's lodged
in your collarbone.
Get your fucking dirty hands
out of there. Let me have a look.
You got lucky. Looks like
it hit your cross. Let me get this off.
- My mom gave me that.
- Yeah, I know.
Hold on, you're gonna
need this. Here.
'Cause this is gonna
pucker your asshole.
Move this.
Oh shit.
It ain't even that deep.
It's fucking burning, man.
I heard something
was gonna go down.
I didn't think
it was you guys.
What did you hear, Joe?
Come on, let me finish
this shit, all right?
Ahh! Shit!
Fuck, it's in there.
Hold on.
I see the shit.
I feel it.
Oh Shit. Shit.
Hold on, hold on.
Oh fuck.
Nice, huh? I'll make
a nice tongue stud with that.
I can't believe he shot me, man.
What'd you hear, Joey?
Vince was running his mouth
to some connected guys downtown
that he's got a big score coming.
Why would he say that?
We never kick back to them.
I don't know. I think he was just
trying to buy some protection.
Hold that there. Hold that.
Where the fuck are you going?
You need to lay down.
- I got to find him.
- Oh, yeah, genius?
You gonna be walking around in
a bloody shirt with a bullet hole in it?
Cops won't be looking for that.
Take that shit off.
- Listen, you know John R, right?
- Yeah, made guy, runs the card clubs.
Yeah, down on Woodward.
Now I'll bet
if someone was to go
down there this Friday night,
he might run into Vince or someone
who knows where he is.
- Thanks, Joey.
- Hey, hold on.
Try not to get
your ass shot again, all right?
You need anything,
you come back here.
- All right?
- All right.
Do you want to talk about it?
Talk about what?
Whatever brought you here.
I'm here to pray for a friend.
Is he sick?
No. He's dead.
Forgive me for asking.
Were you close?
We were like brothers.
Then rest assured
he is in a better place now.
How do you know?
You ever been dead before?
There are many paths
to God, my son.
I pray that yours
will not be too difficult.
- There you are.
- Thank you, sir.
Hey, beautiful lines.
I guess $5 million will buy you
a lot of things like that, huh?
You see, my friend, I think we are
both looking for the same thing.
I'm not your friend
and I'm not looking for anything.
Okay, so let's cut
the bullshit, shall we?
You took something from us
and we want it back.
And I'm the guy
they picked to get it back.
However, if you help us,
we are willing to overlook
your part in it.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Hey, come on. It only took me
two days to find you.
And if I get those stones
without your help,
we are going to meet again.
Except this time you won't
even hear the hammer drop.
Are we clear?
Look, if it was up to my friends
you'd be dead already.
But I'm a patient man.
You've got one week, huh?
It was very nice meeting you.
Oh, hey, ladies.
How's it going?
What you guys up to tonight?
Oh come on,
don't be like that.
Could you get that door
for me, big man?
Sure, no problem.
Why don't you stop playing
like such a fucking nit?
- I'm out.
- Shut your trap, you fuck stick.
In fact, take that.
Put your hands
where I can see 'em.
- Are you robbing us?
- Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Who the fuck do you think
you're talking to?
All right, now let's start over.
Okay, what can we do for you?
Now we're getting somewhere.
I'm looking for Vincent Long.
- Anybody seen him?
- No.
Of course
everyone's got amnesia.
But if you get
your memory back,
tell him an old friend is
looking for him, all right?
And now I'm robbing you.
- What the fuck are you looking at?
- Nothing.
- How's everything over here?
- Very good.
Okay? Good.
- All done?
- Yeah, I'm finished.
- I just need the check, please.
- Okay.
Here you go.
Slow night tonight, huh?
Yeah well, it pays the bills.
I'm really a singer. I'm not
gonna be here much longer.
And why is that?
Well, I pray every night
that God gets me
a record contract.
- Does He hear you?
- Of course He does.
I just have to wait my turn.
No no, that's for you.
Thank you.
Good things are coming
to you too.
- I promise.
Happy holidays.
You with me?
- You got a name?
- Sonny.
Like in "O what a sunny
fucking day we're having?"
Fuck you.
Who are you?
All right, Sonny.
Are you out
of your fucking mind?
Are you?
I'm looking for my so-called friend.
He shot me.
- I'm gonna find him.
- So you can shoot him?
Are you retarded?
Are you handicapped?
You think you're gonna
come into my town
and take down poker games,
shoot whoever you want
without my permission?
Are you done
with your speech?
Take it easy, Petey.
What's the name
of the kid that shot you?
Vincent. Vincent Long.
Vincent Long that runs
with John R's crew?
Yeah, he's been hanging around.
You managed to piss off
a very important group of people
that I make money with.
That means you owe me now.
- Is that right?
- Yeah, that's right.
Every fucking thing
I say is right.
But I'm a fair guy.
You help me out with my problem
and I can help you out
with your problem.
I'm listening.
I used to know a guy,
laundered money for the Russians.
But he had a funny way
of counting.
For every $3 he laundered
he kept $1 for himself.
Accumulated quite
a stack of dollars.
$2 million.
Only problem is the Russians
found out about it
and chopped both his legs
off with a axe.
But they never found the money.
His family buried it with him.
Well, I ain't digging up
no motherfucking dead body.
Shut the fuck up.
I don't want you to dig
anyone up.
The Russians found out
where the money is.
They're gonna take it
out of the ground tonight
and you're gonna take it
from them.
What's in it for me?
Very few men know the exact
value of their life.
Now you know
what yours is worth.
$2 million.
And just to make sure
you bring that money to me,
I'm gonna send Petey
along with you.
Get out of here.
Okay, there they are.
Kick back, relax.
We'll let them dig it up.
Hey, you got a plan?
A plan? Oh yeah,
the plan's real complicated.
You're gonna sneak
your ass down there
and shoot those motherfuckers
in the head and grab the money.
Then you're gonna run your ass
back up here like a crack nigger
at a police funeral.
You down with that, homie?
And where you gonna be at?
Oh, close enough to shoot you
in the head if you fuck up.
What's to stop you from shooting me
after I bring you the money?
That's what we call
a calculated risk.
All right, they got it.
- Let's go. Go get it.
- Shit.
Get down.
Got it.
I get your $2 million
and you're still gonna shoot me?
But I can't watch you
and drive this car at the same time.
I need that other gun.
Thanks, Sonny.
You're all right.
You've got some balls.
You don't have to worry
about your problem now.
Mr. Biggs is a man of his word.
I know you two got off
on the wrong foot.
Hey, you did the job,
we've got his cash.
Shit, let's celebrate.
Know anyplace
where we can get a bag?
I know a few people.
Let me make some phone calls.
Make it happen.
Hey, what's up? It's Sonny.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know.
Hey, I want to stop by there.
You know, got to get a little something.
All right. All right, cool.
You're just gonna leave
the money in the trunk?
Yeah, why not?
Who the fuck's gonna know
I got $2 million in my car?
About time
you showed up, man.
Come on, man.
Who this?
G, Petey; Petey, G.
Is he a cop?
Come on, why you gonna
ask me some shit like that?
Shit, nigga, I had to ask.
Y'all come on in.
Hey man, the war is over.
Didn't you hear?
Depends on which war
you're talking about.
How much you need?
Oh yeah.
I can handle that.
So how you been, Sonny?
Hey, surviving.
What's up
with this motherfucker, man?
- That's business.
- Yeah, I can dig it.
I can smell that weed
from over here, man.
Ooh, this is that fire.
Now we call this
that snake weed.
Got a partner, man,
he runs an exotic pet store--
Hey, motherfucker.
What are you doing?
This ain't goddamn
"Duck Hunt."
Relax. I can handle
a fucking gun.
I'm quite sure
you can handle a gun.
But I just spent $2,000
getting them triggers dialed up.
He's your boy, huh?
Anyway, man, he puts the weed
inside of boa constrictors.
- And customs don't check it?
- There ain't nobody dumb enough
to put their hand down
no goddamn snake's throat.
They're too cheap for the X-rays.
So they just wave them
motherfuckers on through.
Holy shit!
- Oh shit.
- This is bad, man.
- Get a towel.
- What?
- Get a towel.
- Why, man?
This motherfucker's dead.
- The fucking guns is loaded?
- Man, do you keep a car in the garage
without no gas in it?
You heard me, right?
I told this motherfucker.
I said do not touch the guns.
But he wanted to be the goddamn
Lone Ranger and start fucking with shit.
I am not going down
for this shit.
Get me something
to wrap him up in.
I got two strikes.
This ain't gonna be my third.
- Get me something to wrap him up in.
- Shit, where are we gonna take him?
- I know a guy.
- Is he far?
Motherfucker, you got
something better to do?
No no no. You're right.
- Shit.
- Okay.
Okay. Man, you ought
to ashamed of yourself
bringing this crazy white man
to my motherfucking house.
- You know that?
- Help me turn him over.
- Oh shit.
- Oh shit.
- All right.
- Help me pick him up.
I ain't fucking with you
no more, Sonny.
I am not fucking with you no more.
One, two, three.
- Oh.
- Oh shit.
All right, all right.
Hold on. All right.
What the hell were you
feeding this man?
Right, where are the keys?
He's got the keys.
He got the keys?
Well, you get 'em.
I ain't touching him.
Getting my gun.
Don't shoot your dick off,
You know I got
some nosy-ass neighbors.
All right.
Hey, Sonny man.
Look, bro, you're my boy.
All right?
Love you, man. But don't come
around here no more, all right?
Bad for business, man.
Hey, you're early.
The suits are still here.
- Come around the side in a mo.
- Okay.
All right?
Grab his legs.
Help me get him undressed.
He's a big boy, isn't he?
What are we gonna
do with his clothes?
Oh, there's a furnace
in the back.
All right.
All right.
Yeah, bring the bin
a bit closer.
There we go.
Did you know there's 207 bones
in the human body?
And 27 of those are in the cranium.
Now the average cranial capacity
of modern man-- hit it, would you?
--is 1200cc.
And the average cranial capacity
of Neanderthal man
is 1800cc.
I was just thinking
how fascinating
that a creature that we think
is a primitive caveman
actually had 27% more brains
than anyone alive today.
As I listened
to the butcher rambling on
it hit me--
Vince set up the score.
So the driver must have
been in on it.
If I found her,
I'd be that much closer to him.
As for Petey, well...
let's just say there's a reason
I'll never eat a hamburger again.
Drive around the block.
Okay. Okay, please.
Please take it easy.
This is far enough.
Pull over.
Please don't hurt me.
Shut it off.
- Okay.
- What's your name?
You recognize me?
No, I'm sorry.
I don't. Should I?
An Iranian diamond broker got jacked
on the corner of 6th and Santa Fe.
Yeah, that's right.
I didn't get my share.
Where is he?
The blonde guy? I swear
I have not seen him since then.
L-- I met him
through some friends.
He offered me $5,000
to take this guy to a spot.
- Bullshit.
- No no no no.
I swear to God.
I'm telling you the truth.
You have to believe me.
I did not know that my client
was gonna get hurt.
He promised me that
that wasn't going to happen.
I swear to God I'm telling you
the truth. You have to believe me.
Please, believe me.
- Mia.
- Yes?
For your sake I hope
you're telling the truth.
Oh God.
Whoa whoa whoa
whoa whoa.
There's no money
in the house.
Vincent Long, you know him?
No, I've never heard of him.
Okay, yeah, I know him.
Sit your ass down.
Let's start with who you are.
I'm Russell.
I work for
the diamond exchange.
Your friend came to me, asked me if
I could move $5 million in uncut stones.
He brought 'em, I paid him.
Done deal.
Everybody got their share.
Not everybody.
Well, obviously.
- What's the girl's angle?
- Mia?
She's my girlfriend.
We needed a driver
who wouldn't freak out.
So we planted her
at the car service.
Look, I can't help you.
I move diamonds.
That's all I do.
People don't get their share,
some guy gets clipped,
it's not my fucking problem.
Hey, whoa, hey!
- Dave Hall.
- What?
Say it, Dave Hall.
Say it, God damn it.
- Dave Hall.
- Dave Hall! Dave Hall.
That wasn't just
anybody who got clipped.
That was my long-time
friend Dave Hall.
Hey hey, I can help you
get Vince.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, it won't be easy.
He's got a place
he hangs out over on 3rd.
Couple of guys, tough--
real stone killers.
Now when you see him
you to give him a message.
Tell him his old friend from high school
is looking for him.
Oh, you're kidding me.
You're kidding me, right?
- Put your arms down. Come around here.
- Unbelievable.
So what are you gonna
do about this guy?
What, no hello?
That's fucking rude.
Oh, I'm sorry. Hello.
Now what the fuck are you
gonna do about this guy?
He came to my house
last night, Vince.
My house.
This is your fuck up.
This was your end of the deal.
- My end?
- Yes.
Now take care of it.
What did you tell him?
What do you mean?
I mean what
did you tell him?
Uh, how about not a goddamn thing?
What are you talking about?
Russell, I know how weak you are,
so just tell me what you told him.
I didn't-- I didn't say--
I didn't say anything.
You're still alive.
That means you
told him something.
Now I want to know
what the fuck it was.
Okay, you know what?
I told you
from the beginning
there could be
no loose ends, Vince.
You needed money.
I told you how to get it.
Somewhere along the line
you fucked up.
These were your friends.
You should have handled it.
Get that shit
out of here, Markus.
I-I can't believe
we're related.
I fucked this guy for months
to make this deal happen.
I never did like
the idea of you fucking him.
You know what
we had to do, Vince.
Now what about Sonny?
I'm gonna handle it.
How did he look?
How the fuck do you think he looked?
He looked pissed off.
I hope you know
what you're doing, Vince.
- Mr. B.
- Yeah, Tony?
You know, one of the greatest
pleasures of my life
is eating my breakfast
and reading the sports page.
I like reading the box scores.
I like seeing who wins,
who loses.
It relaxes me.
You know what I mean?
Now they say
that they're gonna stop
publishing newspapers
so people can read the stats
and the box scores
on their fucking cell phone.
Who wants to look at a cell phone
when you're eating food?
It's ridiculous.
I'll tell you what it is--
It's a different world.
Same world,
different toys.
What do you hear
about Petey and the kid?
Nothing yet.
But we grabbed one
of the Russians this morning.
Sal's softening him up
right now.
All right.
Go take a look.
I'll be down there
in a little bit, all right?
- Give me a call if something changes.
- All right.
Will do, boss.
What did Petey's mom say?
She hasn't heard anything.
And the sisters,
no one's seen him.
This way.
How's it going, Sal?
He tell you anything?
- Not much.
- Hey, Ivan.
Oh. Hey, buddy.
Hey. Hey.
How you doing in there?
Sal, this defeats the whole fucking
purpose of interrogating him.
How are you gonna get anything
out of him if he's dead?
You brought me all the way
down here for this?
Now you've got to go get
another Russian, all right?
I was hoping I'd see
you again, my son.
You can leave
the burden of life
at the door
of God's house.
You really believe
all this shit, Father?
I mean, if He made good
He also made bad, right?
Do you believe in free will?
The idea that you are free
to make your own choice
in this world.
Of course.
Then how could you make a choice
between right and wrong
if God did not offer
the two extremes?
The path to God is based
upon your ability
as a thinking, feeling being
to make the correct
If everything was perfect,
then you wouldn't be on earth.
You'd already be in heaven.
You don't live
in my world, Father.
God can forgive
almost anything, my son.
But you must open
your heart to Him.
Aw, Christ.
Back five fucking minutes,
I got to deal with this asshole.
Hey, Johnny.
Welcome back.
How was Vegas?
- Hot.
- Yeah?
Yeah, what else
you want to know?
-I need to talk to you.
- I heard you got a problem with ghosts.
- Ghosts?
- Yeah.
People that should
be dead, but ain't.
What the fuck did I tell you?
If you're gonna whack someone,
you put two in the head. That way
they can't come back for you.
- Yeah, I know.
- You know, but you didn't do that,
did you?
Now you got problems.
Yeah, I was kind of hoping
you could help me out.
I already helped you out.
I took care of the cops.
Come on, man, you got a cut.
For protection. I ain't going
to war for you, kid.
- I'm not asking you to go to war for--
- You shut the fuck up.
Listen, that friend of yours,
somehow he got Biggs involved.
That changed everything.
This guy don't fuck around.
He's the most ruthless,
cold motherfucker you'll ever meet.
You know what happened
-to the last guy who fucked with him?
- No.
Let's just say he got
a closed-casket funeral.
I can't do anything on this.
You're on your own.
All right.
And I'll tell you something else.
If Biggs reaches out for me,
I'm gonna deliver you.
Just like that?
It's business.
- Hey.
- I'm sorry.
He always said that
he'd be okay as long
as you were there.
I'll make it better.
Long time.
Only 13 years.
I can't help you.
I didn't come here
to ask you for your help.
Well, then why
don't you get to it?
They only let me out of
my cage for about 15 minutes.
I came to ask
is there anything you
want me to tell your son
before I kill him?
You know, if this glass wasn't
between us I'd break your fucking neck
- for talking to me that way!
- The glass is there.
Hey. Hey!
- That's it, let's go.
- You hear that?
That's it, let's go.
Let's go.
- That's it.
- This crazy motherfucker.
All right, all right.
- Is he here?
- Yeah, but he's busy right--
What the fuck? Mia.
So you gonna be around
later on?
- Yo, Mia, what the fuck?
- Get rid of her.
- Hey.
- What?
Get your shit
and get going.
I guess just go.
You're a fucking asshole.
This is why we're in a world
of shit, Vincent.
Because you're off
fucking around
instead of taking care
of business.
Calm down.
I'm tying up the loose ends.
Loose ends? The only fucking
loose end is Sonny.
I am telling you, Vincent,
do not underestimate him.
I grew up with Sonny.
He's a hothead.
He'll always come through
the front door.
Great, so we'll just wait
for the doorbell to ring, right?
Mia, enough.
We need a backup
register open, please.
Backup register open, please.
This what you want?
All cashiers
please come to the front.
All cashiers to the front.
-- It's open, Vincent.
We're done with
the small talk, hmm?
Where are my diamonds?
I sold them.
Wrong answer.
Oh, come on.
So this is fun for you?
Want to go again?
You have a lot
of nice things here.
Is this all worth it?
Yeah, it is.
Ooh, scary-- blood.
Give me my diamonds
and we're done.
Fuck you!
Fuck, man.
I'm starving.
We'll get something
on the way back home.
What you in the mood for?
Shit, like a fucking salad.
What the hell?
What's wrong with you, man?
Yo, Mia.
Oh fuck.
We've got to get
the fuck out of here, Vince.
We've got to go.
- Let's go.
- Get off me!
I'm sorry, man.
We've got to get the fuck out of here.
Shut up.
I'm sorry, girl.
- Frankie, how's it going?
- Nothing, boss.
No one's seen
or heard anything.
They must have whacked
the both of them.
Listen, you stupid fucking
Russian son of a bitch,
if you're not gonna plan
on growing gills anytime soon,
I'd suggest you tell the man
what he wants to know.
Black man took the money.
That's all I see.
He took it.
for air he starts screaming about God.
- 20.
- Bet.
Bring him up.
Oh, mother of God!
Hey, Aqualung.
Let me tell you something.
God ain't here.
God has left Detroit.
I'm your only god today.
So you'd better tell me
what happened to my boy Petey,
what happened
to the black man,
and what happened
to my fucking money.
- You hear me?
- Man with gun, he took your money.
He took your money.
I tell the truth. I tell the truth!
You're a tough son of a bitch.
Back in the pool, Tony.
- You see that game last night?
- Yeah.
It was a ball. Way outside.
No fucking way
that was a strike.
Ump walked to the plate,
he couldn't see shit.
- They should use that computer box.
- Yeah.
- Way outside.
- Fuckin' ump is like Mr. fucking Magoo.
He can't see anything.
I think he's drowning, boss.
Pull him up.
--I think he's dead.
I think he was telling the truth.
Listen, come and get me
after you clean this up.
- I'm gonna go get a massage.
- Will do. Let's get him.
Yeah? Yeah, I'll be there.
I'm just running a few minutes late.
- I don't like to be kept waiting.
- Whatever.
- You're light.
- it's all there.
No it isn't.
You're light.
What the fuck are you
trying to say, Saunders?
The warden said
the price went up.
No no no.
We had a deal.
Yeah, you paid for a year's
worth of protection.
And now you're gonna
have to pay more.
You want the old man kept
in protective custody?
You pay $100,000 upfront.
This is bullshit.
How long do you think
that old man's
gonna stay in
the general population?
I give him two days before
the brothers cut him a new one.
You want that on your head?
I know you're about family,
so do the right thing, Vince.
Be the good son.
You'd better think this through
before you pull that trigger.
You fuck up with us
and your old man's
a stain on the floor.
Got it?
You got 24 hours.
Or we feed him to the animals.
Get out.
Mia's dead.
What do you want me to say?
Say fucking something.
There's nothing to say.
You don't even
want to know how?
It doesn't fucking matter.
You're out there making
mistake after mistake.
And you wonder why she's dead?
What am I doing wrong?
Well, Sonny for one.
How do you know
about Sonny?
He came to visit me.
He sat right where
you're sitting right now
on the other side of this glass
and he looked me in the eye.
Can you do the same?
I'm doing my best.
Well, it's not good enough.
What am I supposed to do?
You really are a little shit.
You know that?
I never thought
I'd have to say that.
Big men make
big moves, Vincent.
Are you a big man?
I knew Biggs
had to be hot on my trail.
You don't take $2 million
from a guy like that
and expect him
to forget about it.
No no, you've got
to explain it to me again.
The same guy that
shot you whacked Petey,
took my money, and you want me
to believe that?
I told you I was looking for him
when you first grabbed me, remember?
You think I'd be sitting here
if I had your money?
Shit, I ain't crazy.
- Where's my money?
- Vincent has your money.
Your friend Vincent?
I know where Vincent is
and I know where the money is.
There's just one problem.
He's got an army around him.
An army of juvenile
delinquents with pistols?
Give me some of your men and we'll go
get the money and bring it right back.
I have a different plan.
Come on.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm cool.
You sure?
All right.
You want a drink?
No thank you.
Might help you relax a little.
Why is it rich people
are always telling me to relax?
'Cause you're young.
You're a young man.
Young guys just want
to run through their life
as fast as they can.
Set it up, knock it down.
Set it up, knock it down.
It's short, real short.
You get to be my age
you see just how short it is.
The older you get, the closer
you get to your death,
you want to relax.
You want to take your time.
There's no rush, kid.
You sure you don't want
that drink?
Yeah, I'll take a drink.
- Bourbon or Scotch?
- Bourbon.
You should know I hate
this John R prick.
Just let me do the talking
when we get there, all right?
Hey, you go to church?
I used to.
It got to a point they didn't want
to see me there anymore.
I still help them out
with donations.
I could see those priests
up there sweating.
I made them nervous.
So you believe in God?
I don't know
if I believe in their God.
Yeah, I pray.
I pray every night.
I need a God that's got
a lot of forgiveness.
You're gonna be
all right though.
Don't worry about a thing.
What's the matter, Vince? You look
like you've seen a fucking ghost.
- You know why we're here, John?
- Yeah, I know.
That's the kid
you wanted to see.
Consider him delivered.
Where's my money?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Give him
his fucking money, Vince.
I don't know what this dude
told you, but it's bullshit.
Last chance.
With all due respect,
I know exactly who you are
and I would never
fucking steal--
Jesus Christ!
Take it easy.
Everybody just take it easy.
God damn it.
That's for Petey.
You got something
of this man's, you give it to him now.
Or we could all die, John.
Oh! Hey!
- Move!
Watch out.
Saunders, don't you
fucking move my dad.
I've got your money
and I'll be there in an hour.
Going somewhere?
Who the fuck are you?
That's not the topic.
All right,
what is the topic?
That's right.
Sit down.
Sit down!
You know, in some countries
they cut off the hand that steals.
And you stole from us.
So the way I see it,
you have three choices:
you can fuck around,
in which case I kill you;
you can go for that gun
on the desk
and I kill you;
or you can just
give me the diamonds
and I'll let you disappear.
Yeah right.
Look, my friend,
you're not half as tough
as your little girlfriend.
And at the end
she talked.
So what is it going to be?
She wasn't my girlfriend.
She was my family.
You got off easy,
isn't much fun dying,
huh, Vince?
Start digging.
Are you fucking
kidding me, man?
You want me to dig
my own goddamn grave?
Don't make me say it again.
I said start digging.
And make sure it's deep
so you're comfortable.
How much do you want?
Huh? How much is my life
worth to you?
A rat's skin is only worth
something to a rat, Vince.
Man, bullshit.
Come on.
Who are you to judge me?
You ever thought about where
the fuck you'd be without me?
Yeah, I thought about that
when I thought I was
taking my last breath.
Man, who was the one
out there making contacts,
setting up scores while you
and Dave was getting high?
Huh? Me.
Who was the one who
brought you in on shit,
put money in your pockets,
helped you support your moms?
- Me!
- That's what I don't understand, man.
That's what--
We were family, man.
We were brothers.
- You, me and Dave--
- Fuck Dave, dude.
Come on.
That stuttering little bitch.
This is about us, man.
How long before him and his big-ass
mouth would have got us all whacked?
He was loyal.
He was weak.
He was my friend.
Just like you, Vince.
Oh fuck.
Let me tell you something
as your friend, Sonny.
Everything you got in this world
is because of me.
Everything you fucking are
in this world
is because of me.
What could you have gotten into
that was so bad that you
couldn't tell me?
Tell me, I want to know.
I had your back
since we were kids, man.
And what do you do? You fucking
shoot me and leave me for dead.
I had no choice, man.
I was in over my head.
I couldn't--
I needed all the money.
They were gonna--
they were gonna kill my father.
- What?
- They were gonna kill my dad.
Sonny, you're right, man.
And I'm sorry.
I should have come to you.
But you-- you've gotta tell me,
what can I do right now?
How can I make this right, man?
Tell me what to do.
You should have thought
about that before.
You make peace with God,
not me.
Do it.
Fucking do it, Sonny.
Shoot my ass.
'Cause you know what? You ain't nothing
in this world without me, man.
You shoot me
and we're the same.
We'll both be gone.
We're not the same.
You're fucking pathetic, man.
Man, fuck you!
Fuck you, man!
I don't need you, Sonny.
I don't need you, man.
You need me.
You need me!
I'm gonna walk out of here.
You'll see, man.
You hear me?
You hear me?!
Fuck you!
I'll find your ass!
Fuck you, Sonny!
Yo, man, check it out. Check it out.
Yo, it was nice
knowing you, buddy.
Break it up! Make a hole!
- Get back! Get back!
- Back off!
- Back off!
-I need a medic in Red.
- Back up.
- Get back.
Get back on the wall.
Get back.
Let me see your hand.
Get your hand out of there.
- How are you doing?
- Hi.
I need you
to sign right here.
How do you want
to be remembered?
For your honor
Or your pride?
How do you want
to be remembered?
For you body
Or your mind?
A man once said an eye for an eye
leaves everyone blind.
As I was not
my brother's keeper,
neither was I his killer.
I could live with the fact
that Vincent was still alive.
The question was,
could he?
Time is on my side
And still the world
continues to turn
And as I think about
the things that I've learned
I see that money's
worth less
With every dollar
I earned
And in the end I'd rather
choose to fade than burn
Sometimes you pay
the price
For flying close
to the sun
But that's why youth
is wasted on the young
I think of all the things
that I've done
All the ghosts
in my past
Will my reputation live,
will it crumble and crash?
As I dream I see a vision
of an angel who asks
Why'd I die young and leave
a pretty face in the casket?
Ain't no fashion here,
we don't take plastic
We don't give a damn
how many chips you cashed in
With ashes I'm waiting
at the entrance to heaven
Without a legacy, why should
they show me acceptance?
Though she doesn't speak
I hear the words
of her lessons
And as she sings,
she haunts me
With the simplest
of questions, she says
How do you want
to be remembered?
For your anger
Or your love?
How do you want
to be remembered?
For your beauty
Or your blood?
How do you want
to be remembered?
For your actions
Or your words?
Too big a sacrifice
How do you want
to be remembered?
For your silence
Or your voice?
Leave a legacy.
ripped from blu-ray by gioni666