Seua khaap daap (The Tiger Blade) (2005)

I'm sorry I put you in danger,
Never mind, It's exciting,
You hid only one gun
in the bathroom, didn't you?
Why do you ask?
If that's the case, that's too bad,
'cause I took out all the bullets,
But don't worry,
I put them in your shirt pocket,
How did you know?
The scene was pretty realistic,
but I still noticed it,
Do you know where your boss is?
There's a fight downstairs,
Come and check it out!
Let me go!
Okay, Meet me at the car,
Don't be long,
Mod, come with me,
I'll go check downstairs,
The police might have come,
Hey! What the hell are you doing?
I'm hurt, Look!
You should hang it out in the sun, girl,
Hey! Stop it, please,
Stop! I'm hurt,
Stop it, please,
Hey! I'll help you,
Do you think I'm afraid of you?
Hah! Don't make me laugh!
I can go myself,
Don't push me! Damn!
If you come here again, I'll kill you,
Let's go, sir,
Hey! Stop!
(YAN) n, a talisman that can stop the bullet
Hey! Stop! I told you to stop,
Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!
He's got the black talisman,
Guns won't work,
Shit! The black talisman!
Yos, hit him!
Trust me, hit him!
Yos! Hit him,
Hit him! Don't piss me off,
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Stealing from the accused?
It's a souvenir,
Stolen things are now in fashion,
A souvenir?
I should start collecting too,
Hey! This is material evidence,
Come on, Let me have it,
I'll buy you lunch,
Please... please... please,
Hello! Inspector?
There is a suspect, sir,
Should be Suah Sak,
He's at...
Hey! Enough! Enough!
Here they come,
Let's go!
A long and bloody battle
has left a bar manager
and six of his men dead,
The bar manager was the one
accused of giving shelter
to Suah Sak,
who is now being prosecuted,
The boss told you
to change your mobile phone,
Don't be too trendy!
Take this ordinary model,
The battery never goes dead,
This will suit those
Thick-Skinned Bandits,
Give me one of those
so we'll look like partners,
You don't need one,
You've already got thick skin,
What a feisty woman!
I wonder what kind of man
could tame her?
Okay! Finished!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
It's too long,
Here! Here! Yeah!
Come in,
All right, It's okay now,
- Is that okay?
- Okay,
Do you think it's strange
that the police couldn't catch
those bandits for all those years,
but then they were arrested
so easily out of the blue?
Today, the "Five Bullet Bandit"
will be taken to the Pitsanulok Jail
where the Wieng Tai State leader
is imprisoned,
We're not sure if the bandits are targeting
the Kao Yod Commander or not,
So... I'm sending you to the jail
to keep an eye on them,
I always get these kinds of jobs,
I'd like to know if... well...
Will there be anyone to watch my back?
Like who?
You like to work alone, don't you?
You've never needed any help before,
Hey! What kind of boss are you?
You don't understand me,
I meant a person who will watch my back,
Oh, I forgot to mention...
I'll be sending
special officer Duang Dao
to go with you as a prison guard,
Ha! That's great, boss,
That's very kind of you,
You've failed, man,
Hey! Yos! Shit!
Hey! I only ordered seven girls,
Why eight?
Damn your father, Eight?
She's my sister,
Ha! All right,
How do you know
my father's name is Eight?
Hey! Come and talk with me,
How do you know?
Mayom, why have you come here?
You have exams don't you?
Why aren't you at home?
Mom asked me
to bring this food to you,
She's afraid you won't have
anything to eat,
But it looks like you have
too much food now,
If I'd known the party
was going to be like this,
I'd have come earlier,
Who invited you?
Go home now,
This doesn't concern you,
You're having a party, aren't you?
Good! I'll tell Mom,
Mayom! Mayom!
Don't tell her, I'll go home,
Let's go!
Hey, girls,
Yos will pick up the tab!
Let's go! Go! Go!
Hey, man!
It's on you, isn't it?
Hey, aren't you paying for it?
I'll only pay for the food,
Everything else, you pay!
What the hell?
What, you're leaving too?
Samorn! This isn't funny!
You better speak up fast
before you turn into a real ghost,
I'm so scared,
I must look like a ghost!
I've already got all the information
regarding the Kao Yod Commander,
Have a look at it before bed, please,
Don't stare, It attracts attention,
Hey! Stop!
Put down the guns and come down,
Prisoners kidnapping at...
Did all the prison guards come here?
Then who the hell's still there?
Oh, my God!
Over there! Go!
Leading a lot of people to die here
is against Thai criminal law no, 1-24,
You are sentenced to 15 years in prison
in the Kingdom of Thailand,
You okay?
You don't see them
over there either?
Police are still searching for clues
for how these two notorious prisoners escaped from jail,
At this stage, officers believe
both of them are still in the country,
The police aren't as dumb as you think,
They know you're still in the country,
I would like to thank you all
for getting the commander
here safely, without a scratch,
What do you want from me?
I appreciate your idealism,
but it's not possible
for your state to gain independence,
despite the fact you
and your troops are highly capable,
You know how to help us?
Of course!
But you must help me too,
I've arranged a good shelter
for all of you,
Plan, Plan, Plan,
Their plan, Their plan,
Their plan is...
There are three places
where Mahesak may be hiding,
I keep all information in this file,
Darling, I'll tell you,
the restaurant stays open late, but...
Hey! Shit! Wrong number,
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
I'm searching for it,
There are 64 suspected places,
but I'll pare down that list,
Yeah! I'm searching for it now,
Okay! I'll update you later, Bye!
Are you only working
for Suah Sak as a decoy?
I don't have any other bosses,
What do you know
about my organization?
You work as a front man
arresting all the bastards for the police,
You're not a policeman,
You're a special agent,
You work secretly and report
directly to the government,
Who told you?
Suah Sak,
G, I, Jenjira has given us a clue,
Hey, there!
She ran into Soi 6,
What the hell?
I don't understand you,
Don't talk with your mouth full,
Say again!
Oh, my God!
Hey! Stop!
Move away!
Police! Police!
Police come here!
Hey, that's my car!
Thief! Thief!
She's going to the main road,
Yosthana is chasing her,
Water, please,
She's going with that truck,
She's heading to Central,
Head around front,
Move away!
It's a long trip,
I'll take the rest of it,
Hey! What's up?
She survived,
Confident enough?
Is there any other test?
No, Just surviving is a passing grade,
During World War II,
there was a lawman
who used his holy sword
and nothing else
to fight the bandits,
This sword was called
the "Metal Talisman Sword,"
Can this metal talisman sword
really kill those bandits?
Sure, sir,
Even the strongest bandit
possessed of black magic
fell to this sword,
This is the wrong way,
We have to go back and turn right,
Samorn's map is unclear,
I beg you, please,
Don't force me to sin anymore,
I'll ask you one more time,
Where's the sword?
Sin! Sin!
To prevent a fight in this temple,
I'll tell you where
the metal talisman sword is,
The sword will choose its own master,
Fix your mind upon
the Buddha and make a wish,
It depends on your luck,
Is this the metal talisman sword?
It looks like a rusty old piece of shit,
Don't follow them, Dao,
They're just poor thieves...
who were hired to do it,
We'll never know who hired them,
It might have been someone
in our organization,
How else would he know
about the sword?
The chief is investigating,
I don't understand
what the monk said,
If this rusty sword touches
the blood of a virgin woman,
it will be as sharp as before,
It's impossible, No way!
Look! It can't even protect itself,
How can it protect someone else?
No way!
Hey! Can I use your blood
to test this sword?
I guess so,
Shit! Have they come yet?
I can't wait,
All right, sir,
I've arranged everything
as you requested,
So you don't have to go out
and be interrupted by the police,
They must have a number like this,
It turns me on,
Well, are you going to take them all?
Any left for me?
Sir! Don't you trust me?
I selected them myself,
Hey! They can be checked,
Mobile phones are not allowed!
Take her out,
Come here!
It's about 143 meters
from the west wall to the target,
This is bigger than from any other wall,
I think this is the best place, sir,
The best place might not be the safest, though,
Check the south again,
Have they contacted us yet?
Four more people have died,
The mistress and the children are safe,
Five soldiers are coming today to help us here,
can you trust them?
Why don't we do it ourselves?
Everyone has their role to play,
They need our help and we need theirs,
Really! Well, well, I...
I took it... yeah,
But I took only 150,
Not the 1,000 note,
Did you buy anything, honey?
Really! I swear, I'm not lying,
Why would I take it?
It's too much,
Yeah! 150 is enough,
Yeah! Yeah! See you at home,
Yeah! Bye!
Hey, man, Any clues?
I'm cool here,
Don't laugh at me,
I have to come here
and sit in a room full of shit,
It is bullshit disgusting,
But I have to do it!
I should lie in wait over there,
You're too distracted, understand?
I wish that bastard was near you so I'd be safe,
About 170 centimeters tall,
Another 500 for the weight,
And 700 for hair color,
Facial features are hard to describe,
What if I ask you with this?
Well, 50% discount,
Okay... it's free!
Come on, talk!
You've already said that,
Be more specific,
He has a beard and a black T-shirt,
And a tattoo on his chest,
Turn around and look yourself,
Whose blood did you use?
It didn't work,
- Mayom's blood,
- What?
My sister's blood,
Your bitch sister,
Krao Dang is worse off than Mahesak,
I know where to get virgin's blood,
Watch out!
Shit! I told you I took only 150, Damn!
You're thick-skinned, eh?
Try my grenade!
Well, I... I'm sorry, sir,
Don't shoot me, please,
My kid is still young,
Hey! You're surrounded,
Put down your gun,
Is this your new toy?
Come! I'll let you cut me once,
But if I survive,
I'm taking it back,
Seems I've always been taken advantage of,
The notorious criminal
recently invaded the prison
to free some inmates
and was killed by police
in the process,
Mahesak was so careless,
His hideout was found,
You must be careful too,
Some prostitutes
can't be bought by money,
Don't stick your nose in my business,
Shit! Damn!
I really want to know who it is,
Yosthana, the Tiger Blade,
"Tiger Blade,"
Good! Let him in,
Without Mahesak...
the plan has to be changed, right?
I can find a replacement,
But we have to postpone for a while,
I have an urgent matter to attend to,
I told you Samorn is a virgin,
If we don't get her blood today,
this sword will be useless,
That's why she walks like that,
She's never been screwed before,
Hey! Can I borrow his sword to cut someone's thick skin?
My wife is very difficult to kill,
She treats me like a slave,
Shit! Dancing alone,
Take a rest,
Hey! Call Yos,
Where is he now?
What did you say?
Speak louder!
Yeah! I'm nearly there now,
Wait for me,
What? What?
Well, she's not with me,
He's almost here,
but Dao isn't with him,
What kind of couple are they?
Why don't they come together?
What? Who said
she's Yosthana's girlfriend?
Duang Dao is my girlfriend,
Oh, hell!
You have a girlfriend?
I'm not trying to make fun of you,
but the clothes you wear,
they're all brand names,
There's a lot at Pratunam,
Sorry, I didn't want to say it,
What? Here! This is real!
I'm not like you,
Krao Dang! Ha!
You don't even have a beard,
Man! You'd shit yourself
if you saw my beard,
Are you the commander's man?
Where is he?
Behind you,
He's not answering the phone,
How could he pick up the phone?
They're making love, you know,
You potty mouth!
How can you talk
about my girlfriend like that?
Why? What's wrong?
I'll say whatever I want,
What are you going to do about it?
Yos gets Dao,
Yos gets Dao,
Dao gets Yos,
Got a problem?
A man like Tiger Blade
is never outsmarted by anyone,
I won't lose my chance
to see you alive,
Commander Kao Yod of Wieng Tai,
I want to know you more,
So you won't shoot me, right?
If I don't get a satisfactory answer,
Someone is spying on you,
Real funny,
Someone is betraying you,
I won't shoot you,
So please tell me the truth,
Listen, Commander,
Everybody in my unit
is trustworthy,
So there's no spy,
More importantly,
we've got an advantage over you,
Is there anything to tell you?
Where are Jenjira
and Mahesak hiding?
We'll work it out,
I guess not,
Just how did those thieves know
where to go looking for the sword?
Did they know through a source?
I want you to know
where those two are hiding
by whispering through the spy in your unit,
What for?
As a test, to prove something,
You lie, and you'll go to hell for it,
And even if it were true,
why would you tell me?
I want you to spare me,
I am a very important person
to my country,
There, even the children can't survive,
We live in holes to hide ourselves,
All right,
Enough! Enough!
That's your own business,
But this is my country,
Your unit doesn't want to lose you,
Wieng Tai State
doesn't want to lose me,
Why don't we join together?
What's in it for me?
I'll expose anyone behind the scenes,
Commander, what is your real plan?
I'll tell you in good time,
But to prove my sincerity...
this is who you have to beware of,
Let's dance,
We've been with her a long time,
You just come and take her?
Duang Dao!
How did you get in here?
If I'd known you had a guest,
I wouldn't have waited for you,
Wait! Where are you going?
Help me, please,
She's very drunk,
Wait! Take it easy,
Bring me something
to help carry her on,
Watch the carpet,
Hey! Hey!
Good thinking,
My socks!
You brought her home like this,
so you must accept it,
Who said I brought her?
Don't go back, It's too late,
Stay with me, please,
Nothing can stop Mom from cooking,
I believe you,
The microwave is out of order,
but she uses it anyhow,
Who's here, Mom?
There's a lot of cars out front,
Hold that for me,
The Best Son
of the Year Award goes to...
Yosthana "Suah Kab Dab,"
who gave a microwave to his mom,
Put it down,
Oh, my God!
He hasn't contacted us yet, sir,
Aren't your men at his place yet?
They will be soon,
What did you tell them to do?
It's his idea,
It sounds personal,
But it's not bad, I think,
What should we do?
I can't get out!
What will you do?
I'm trying, Mom,
If I get out, you'll have
to deal with me for sure!
You shouldn't interfere,
Let me handle it...
or I'll cancel everything,
Your mom and Mayom are okay, right?
Pretty realistic, huh?
How much did they pay you?
Why did you put my family at risk?
What's up, man?
Boss, I want her
put under investigation,
It's you who should be investigated,
Hey! It's better
if we go and talk at the office,
Who sent you here?
Who sent you here?
You saw that me and my family
were nearly killed,
And don't you think
I was nearly killed as well?
I don't think the Five-Bullet Bandit will interfere,
What a shame,
It was so much fun for you, huh?
You bastard!
That's why your fucking country
deserves to be destroyed,
Why did you do that?
To prove a point,
Prove what?
Remember this...
next time, I won't let you go!
You never thought to spare me,
I know you wanted
to shoot me that night,
We both deceived
each other from the beginning,
So believing anything
the other says is pointless,
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you,
Me too,
How did you get this picture?
Someone sent it to the office,
It must be him,
What is he planning to do?
If you want them to come to me,
you should bring some bait here,
If not, it'll...
It depends on your decision,
Ask him,
Why the hell do you ask?
He's too scrupulous,
The plan is exactly the same,
You just have to add more decoys,
Is that going to fucking kill you?
Believe me,
Isn't my plan to get him out of jail?
Commander Kao Yod
said we've got a spy,
It's true,
But he doesn't know who it is,
What would he get out of it?
This was recorded at 1:00 a, m,
He called Chonburi,
I'm going there,
They'll check it in a second,
They should pay
for their carelessness,
So, what should I do?
I must report it,
otherwise they may suspect me,
How do you know
who should be intercepted?
Wait for my signal,
The boss should make the decision,
I don't know,
I'll intercept everyone,
There's a lot of money deposited
in his bank account over the last few days,
It's a secret bank account,
He used an alias and a fake passport,
But I can't tell now,
so I'll ask Samorn
to find more information,
I want you to cut Utane
out of the game,
They've taken Mayom,
To kill someone with one bullet...
is too easy,
To shoot the body part by part...
is more beautiful, and painful,
Shoot the right leg third,
Shoot the left leg fourth,
And fifth...
the head!
If there's a fool screwing with you,
please tell me,
I'll shoot him in the head
for you, free of charge,
This is their building, sir,
It's next to the go-cart track,
Look carefully, sir,
See the fence?
It's electrified, very high voltage,
There are seven levels altogether,
Some people have pissed on them
and were electrocuted to death,
Who owns this building?
The go-cart track owner?
No, Suchat,
It doesn't belong to him,
He rents it from the owner,
Hey! How did you get this picture?
The Internet,
The information indicates
that this man owns the building, sir,
The defensive equipment was built when
Khun Sa hid himself in Bangkok,
If only someone went inside
and cut the circuit,
we could attack swiftly,
You volunteering, Samorn?
No, sir,
I'll tell you that his weakness is women,
Bastard! Are you that horny?
I told you to guard only,
Go! Get out of here!
Hi! Want to try me again?
Why the hell are you here?
Well... there's a pizza delivery, sir,
What pizza?
See for yourself, sir,
Yeah! Pizza is much better,
Take her to see me
at the swimming pool,
Shit! He's a real psycho,
Take your wet dress off,
You'll get pneumonia,
Can I go inside and get a towel?
I'm cold,
That way,
I'm looking for a bathroom,
I want a towel,
There's no towel in this room?
Can you wipe it for me please?
She's going into the room,
I can't see her,
She might find our target,
And, do you control this room alone?
Hey! Goddamn it!
He's walking away from the pool,
He might be going to take a piss,
A damn piss?
He can piss anywhere he wants!
Is the towel in this room?
I... I can't find the bathroom,
And he asked me to come here,
I never knew you had a room like this,
It has a really good atmosphere,
Can't you do anything to check?
There's no signal in that room,
I can't even get the sound,
Hey! Yos! Where are you going?
Calm down, Shit!
We're all going to die,
I'm trying, Wait!
Hey! Red head!
Go stop him now,
Yosthana will kill you for sure,
And don't forget about me either,
Go tell him yourself that he can't
even protect his own woman!
- Don't, Yos!
- Get off me!
- Don't! We're all going to be killed,
- Get off me! I'm going inside,
Hey, you bastard!
Muthsee! Muthsee! Muthsee!
Take care of her, please,
Yos! Your sword!
Hey! Get in the car!
We were tricked into coming here!
Jenjira is robbing the diamond bank,
There's a big fight there,
The police have barred entry
into the building,
No reporters can get in at this time,
Something's wrong,
Why would Suchat come and take it?
Yos! Hell!
Their real target is the treasury,
What a smooth operation!
The system of this model...
has a control room over it,
We must go inside...
and put bombs on the seven beams,
If there's anything wrong,
we must destroy the beams
and let the explosion
blow open the door,
Get away from the door,
I can manage it,
Who's that?
I heard you like women,
I want to test you out,
That's wrong!
But go ahead, test me,
Take the money on the plane now,
Why are you doing this?
Betraying me?
Who betrayed whom?
You think I don't know?
I intercepted your calls
with that special officer,
You want to deceive me?
Take all the money and run?
No matter how clever you are,
you won't ever be as clever as me,
Hey! Is everybody okay in there?
Put down the gun,
Want to get rich by robbing my country?
Forget it,
I need the money,
Otherwise, my country will die,
How many are dead?
The stolen money is on the plane, sir,
Hey! Watch out!
You! Are you just like
the rest of them?
I'm sorry,
Everybody needs the money,
Yeah! Everybody needs it,
Goodbye, Suah Kab Dab,
Friends are more important than money,
Okay! Okay!
There are only three of us now,
Let's divide it into thirds,
We can fly away together
to live our lives as we want to,
But I prefer my life like this,
Hey! Think it over,
You'll be a millionaire,
You can have anything you want,
Even an idealist
like Commander Kao Yod
wants the money to train his forces,
Why are you doing this? Why?
I don't want to retire
with just a pension,
I risked my life day in, day out,
and for what?
You're the same,
If you aren't killed before the end,
you'll be left old and useless
just like a dog waiting
for the scraps from the table,
Look at the bastards,
getting richer and richer,
Don't you see?
Believe me,
Take the money,
- I don't want that kind of money,
- Would you give me some?
You too?
Of course!
I don't want to be wearing
shitty clothes my whole life,
All of you!
I'm an idealist, anyway,
How did you know it was me?
Did you forget?
Samorn is capable
of finding any information,
The smallest clue is enough for her,
The body of Commander Kao Yod
isn't here, sir,
Hey! You're gonna get pregnant,
Look too long,
I'm not a fish,
Goddamn it!
We didn't get all the money!
One sack is missing,
I regret taking the money,
I needed it for Wieng Tai,
But I guarantee there won't be
a contempt of your country,
And if you want my help,
add some more nines to the number,
and you're welcome,
Unless it's absolutely necessary,
I hope we never
see each other again,
Yos, that's the tape recorder,
How come it's here?
Hi, Tiger Blade! Have a nice vacation,
And then maybe
we can start over once again,